Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 10, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 10, Image 10

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    & trigger the flint struck open the pan with a
shower of hrilliant sparks, but the weapon
f" did not fire; then he rcollected that he had
I forgotten to reload it after Lalie Garcin
5 nad used it. The keen click of the lock
f" frightened the beautiful bird, and so it es
i caped. - Slight as the incident was it served
' to cast his thoughts back upon the sccnein
the garden, and so he wandered on, idly
threading the ways of the sylvan solitude
and permitting his fancy to weave all sorts
of airy fabrics until suddenly he found him
Belf within sight of the bay whose blue
wavelets were twinkling and whitening un
der a fresh breeze.
He had walked further than he knew,
and it came into his mind that he might
Lave trouble in finding his wav back to
Garcin's. Certainly his route had been
without any special direction, nor had he
made the" slightest note of its bearings, so
absorbed had he been in the novelty and
picturcquesness of what he had seen, heard
and experienced. Confident, however, that
his sense of directions would guide him
aright, he stood awhile enjoying the wild
view of the day, then turned about and re
entered the woods.
After walking a short distance through
the thicket of yaupon trees, and across a
spur of quaking but not boggy marsh, he
came into a narrow but well-marked
path that wound away under old cedars
,and oaks whose buttressed roots were cush
ioned with moss, and whose boughs let fall
airy fastoons of gray parasitic plants that
trailed upon the ground. At one point this
swinging growth had iormed a curtain
which almost closed up the path. As Or
ton. stepping rapidly with long, vigorous
strides, was passing through this obstruc
tion he came near going plnmp against a
young woman coming from the opposite di
rection. They, recoiled, each from the other,
with that start of surprise inevitable under
such circumstances, and stood for a moment
gazing at each other. He lifted his hat
and bowed as he stepped aside respectfully,
gh ing her the path.
'i"our pardon, Mademoiselle," said he,
with a crave gentleness in his voice. She
hesitated in a half-frightened way. her form
palpitating, her lips apart; then she almost
ran as she passed him and soon disappeared
round a turnot the path. It was all so sud
den, so unexpected and so quickly over that
Orton was left with a sweet bewilderment
in his mind. Her form and face, every
.feature, every line, her clear, soft eyes, her
straight brows, and fine, delicately modeled
'nose, her rosy lips and softly rounded
cheeks and chin, every detail of her drapery
from head to foot a'nd the nameless but
powerful charm of her whole presence had
impressed him as if by some fairy magic.
It was like the passing of a goddess; the
air was filled w'ith the sense of sweetness
and freshness trailing after her.
Looking in the direction she had gone,
Orton saw through a shimmering rilt in the
(Waving ioliage, and not very distant, the
pray walls and pointed roof of the stately
ftochon mansion.
The young man's first impulse was to lol
low in Mile. Bochon's footsteps, and thus
gain a better view of the house, and, per
haps,another glimpse of the younglady her.
sell; but he resisted the temptation success
fully, promising himself a leisurely visit to
the place with sketchbook and pencil at an
early day.
It was now past noon; the Inncheon at
Garcin's would be readv at 2, so he struck
out to find his way back, bearing with him
a satisfying sense of the very charming ad
venture his first exploration had afforded
,xtim. He came to a cabin in a small clear
ing; it was occupied by a numerous negro
family, from whom he received directions
how to find Garcin's house. The distance,
his informant said, was about three miles.
By dint of rapid walking and turning aside
for nothing he reached the house just in
time to meet Garcin himself returning from
whatever work he had in hand.
"And you found no game, Mo'sieu Or
ton?" the latter inquired in his sprightly
wav, holding open the little gate for the
young man to pass through. "2fo lions,
tigers or panthers, eh?"
'"So game whatever," Orton answered
with a cordial smile, "but a very lovely
young man."
"Ah, Ma'm'zelle FelicieKochon!" cried
Lalie, who had ran out to greet her father.
"It was she, certainly, whom Mo'sieu went
to look for, not bird or beast."
"But she is by no means easy to capture, I
should say, Ma'm'zelle Garcin; the way she
broke past me was bewildering." Orton
lightly remarked as he followed the little
man and his daughter into the house. 'Ton
had not told me the half of her beauty, how
ever. It was like meeting Diana or Hebe."
Neither Lalie nor her parent knew enough
about mythology to understand this allusion
any further than to feel the fine compliment
it signified.
"5Tou called .at the mansion, I suppose,"
ventured Mme. Garcin, who met them at
the door, "and you saw Mo'sieu Bochon, did
yon not?"
"Oh. no indeed," said Ortoni "nothing of
the kind. I merely chanced to meet
Ma'm'zelle in a path near her home; I did
not see the old gentleman."
A silent expression of relief seemed to
pass over the Garcin group, as if a sharp
tension had been relaxed suddenly. From
one dark face to another leaped' a mere
twinkle of communication, as if to say:
"Oh, but he's a sly detective; he'll catch
the old chap at his tricks! He's not going
to be in an overhnrry, and so fail."
"And did Ma'm zelle Bochon speak to
you?" inquired Ualie.
, ".So, but 1 spoke to tier.
"Yon did! and she would not deign to re
p turn the compliment! "Well, she is not as
J highbred as she lets on to be, certainlv."
Protested the father and mother.
Orton laughed.
"But indeed," the girl went on with the
i energy of deep conviction, "I think it quite
rude and ugly for a young lady to refuse to
- notice a gentleman's politeness, don't von,
Mo'sieu Orton?"
"But I was far from polite," said Orton.
"I was rushing carelessly along the path
and came near running against her. She
appeared to be quite frightened."
"But she knew that you did not do it on
purpose. She saw it was nothing but an ao
., cident," argued Lalie. "I don't like a per
is ron who takes on such high airs for noth-
$ ""
I While the girl was speaking her father
was plucking her arm and making faces at
f. her. Finally he pinched her till she cried
j out.
V To Orton all this was as strange as it was
amusing. He saw by a side glance that
Mme. Garcin was making all manner of
faces at her daughter.
"You won't mind Lalie, Mo'sieu, she
speaks what she doesn't think sometimes,"
remarked the host, when he had pinched
the girl into silence. "The ways of Ma'm
'zelle Bochon are exquisite, certainlv. We
all admire her very much,don't we, Lalie?"
The bright eyes of Lalie shot a quick look
into Orton's face; but she did not speak.
"I admire her," said the young man,
smiling down into Babe's glowing dark
face. "She has quite captivated me."
The girl's cheeks flushed again and then
grew pale; she let her eyes fall for a mo
ment, then lifting them with a flash of
anger, she exclaimed:
"Well, 1 hate her hate her!"
The absolute dramatic force of her atti
tude, gesture and voice struck Orton with
singular effect. There was nothing of con
scious melodrama in it, no overwrought dis
play of. feeling, but a simple, direct ex
pression of suddenly aroused anger as dead
ly as the poison of a snake. It disclosed a
p'icturesque, almost startling reserve of bar
Baric force in the girl's character.
Chimed the chiding voice of her parents,
with the usual .understrain of approval.
Orton laughed with an effort at lightness
and shook off the subject by making in
quiry of Garcin touching the geography of
the region around about -them.
He learned that the population of the Bav
St. Louis country was scattered and weak
in numbers, the plantations being few and
far between, while the people who lived by
fishing, hunting and kindred pursuits,
dwelt in cabins along the coast or on eligi
'He hammocks beside the barons, whose
.meandering channels were their highways
5W labor, trade and traveL On a direct line
ill, was not more than CO miles to IS ew Or
leans, but the impassable marshes bordering
the Bigslets and the lakes Borgne, Fon
chartrain and Maurepas, lay between, to
say nothing of those awful cypress swamps
the haunts ot the alligator, the deadly moc
casin and the panther. Eastward, on the
other side of the bay, the wilderness was
broken by but few settlements until you
come to Mobile, while northward the coun
try was settled at intervals varying with
the character of the land and the facilities
for transportation produce to a proper mar
ket. Indeed, the more Orton fonnd out about
the region he was in, the more isolated, in
dividual and strange it seemed to, him. It
was a place tor hermits, misanthropes, fugi
tives, law haters and romance lovers. Surely
it was a good place for an artist!
For a few days subsequent' to that whose
events are ontlinedin the foregoing chapter,
Orton was busy with his sketch book and
pencils making water-color notes of what
ever pleased his fancy in the surrounding
landscapes, from mere bits of natural history
set in sepia, to broad, vivid views of marsh
and boyou made to glow with a tropic fervor
of color.
By most adroit management, through slow
degrees of persuasion, he had finally ob
tained Lalie's consent to sit for him. He
made one rapid sketch to show her how well
she would look in a picture. It was not a
little idealized. An inspiration, had, in
fact, flung into it that nameless charm so
often indicated in the half-accidental work
of over-imaginative artist;. She was
pleased, fascinated; not more by the beauty
of herself reflected therein than by some in
definite but infinitely sweet consciousness of
its higher significance, the relation it bore
in some way to the caltured and teeming
world whence the artist had come and of
which she had had her dreams.
"How do you like it?" he demanded,
holding it up before her in snch a way that
she had the best possible view of it "Does
it look like you, Ma'm'zelle?"
"Oh! oh!" she cried clasping her hands
before her and catching her underlip be
tween her pearly teeth. "Oh, but it is
beautiful, magnificent! Let me take it in
my hands."
For awhile he kept' it away from her,
knowing well the value of arousing her to
the highest pitch of feeling. It was
charming to watch the color come and go in
her expressive face, where the shadows were
so deep and where the sunshine was so
strong, a face typical of the hot, shady,
wind-swept, sea-cradled tropic islands of the
farther south. The pleading pf her half
gentle, half-savage voice, the eager, hungry
flash of admiration in her yeliow-brown
eyes, and the nearly audible palpitating of
her breast filled Orton with a new conscious
ness of her uncommon beauty.
Presently he handed the sketch to her and
"It is not half so beautiful as you are,
Ma'm'zelle Garcin, not half." He was not
dreaming of flattery; for the moment he was
carried away with the thought of what a
portrait he could make of her, and. he was
quite sincere in what he said. "If you will
permit me," he went on, "I will show you
how lovely you will look in a finished pic
ture. Will you?"
She was too thoroughly lost in .devouring
the sketch to give ear to what he was say
ing; but she did not fail-to hear his remark
about her beauty, for she was a woman.
The little picture itself was, by some ir
radating process, instilling into her heart a
delicious sense of her own charms, a some
thing never reflected from mirror or heard
in the indulgent flattery of father and
mother. It was as if a warm, exhilarating
waft from some far away Eden of perfume
and joy had flowed over her heart, stirring
it strangely and sweetly.
Orton watched her with growing admira
tion of her half-childish expression and also
with a fine inner acknowledgment of the
significant compliment she was uncon
sciously giving him.
Snddenly she started, held the sketch
before, her at arm's length, and looking
from it up into Orton's face, exclaimed in
wondering inquiry:
"Am I like that? Am I so very, very
beautiful, Mo'sieu Orton?"
"indeed you are, the young man an
swered with cordial promptness, speaking
as he would have done to a spoiled but fas
cinating child.
Tears of joy leaped into her eyes and be
dewed the black lashes, as for a moment
they drooped as if weighted with a thought.
"Then, Mo'sieu," she said, looking up
again with eager, vivid insistence in her
face, "then, Mo'sieu, I am as lovely as
Ma'a'zelle Bochon, am I not?"
"Certainly, you are," he responded, but
this time with a vague uneasiness. "But
now let me pose you for a better sketch,"
Lalie was trembling with delight. Any
thing that he wished now ?he would do.'
Her heart was swinging in her breast like a
merry bell and filling her whole being with
its fine, fairy chime.
Orton, with a decided reverence for the
barbaric in form and color, arranged a
background of palm-leaves against the wall
on the veranda, in front ot which he placed
Lalie's low chair draped in the folds of a
rich old brocade curtain of red and gold.
Here he seated her with her cat on her arm
and a mandolin beside her, while the short,
heavy gun she loved to shoot with layacross
her lap, its dark, richly carved .stock ap-
ircariu jusfc uciuw iuc ttru upon wnicn
lounged the tawny cat Her dress was'of
white stuff heavily flowered with purple
and vermilion; one toot, shod in a hich
heeled slipper of fine leather knotted with
ribbons, showed itself below the skirt. She
looked as one would imagine a savage prin
cess might, who had just returned from a
hunt in the jungle or from a journey over
the desert
For several days Orton worked before the
girl wholly lost in his art purpose, unaware
of the rapid progress of the spring or of the
almost delirium of happiness in which
Lalie Garcin was reveling. The creative
mood was upon him giving the power of ab
solute vision, and he was painting the girl
as this vision dictated, softening some of
her traits, intensifying others, blending,
dimming, glorifying, idolizing.
Sometimes Madame Garcin came nd
looked on in wrapt content; but Garcin
himself appeared for most of the time too
restless and anxious about something else
to give more thau a passing glance now and
then at the rapidly growing picture.
Orton noticed that certain dark-faced
men came quite often lately, and consulted
in a mysterious way with Garcin. These
visitors appeared at any hour of the day or
night, coming, as a rule, by way of the
bayou. Evidently there was urgent busi
ness of some sort on hand, hut the young
man did not trouble himself to find out
what it was. When the picture was fin
ished, however, and he had shaken off the
abstraction its making had induced, he
could not fail to discover that his host and
hostess were trying to hide a matter of
trouble. It was as if they were anticipating
calamity, but were unwilling to admit the
fact All this was rather shadowy than real
in appearance, and it scarcely disturbed the
young man's enjoyment of the rambles in
the woods which he resumed with fresh
The picture, covered with a light cloth,
sat in Lalie's room, and she for a time found
her chief pleasure in lifting the veil and sit
ting before the beautiful counterfeit of her
self and feasting upon its deceitful flattery.
This could not content her long, however,
for she grew restless when Orton was away,
wandering from room to room, straying list
lessly in the large garden, or sitting upon
the dock and gazing into the gray-green
water of the bayou. In some tray these few
days had flung into her life a sudden and
strange maturity for one so young. She
looked taller, she was more reserved and
quiet of manner and her face wore the ex
pression of one who pondered over sweet but
Meantime, some rather startling matters
were in progress in the Bay St Louis re
gion. Old Gaspard Bochon had determined
npon crushing Garcin and his free-booters
because he found them outwitting him in
collecting the valuable revenues afforded by
unlawful traffic 'with certain coast cruisers.
Indeed, Bochon had been king of the coast
for so long and with- such absolute sway,
that when he discovered a wide-spread and
well-matured plot to dethrone and discrown
him, he became like a maddened wild beast
"Quediable!" he roared, "I will kill
every nigger of them, from Garcin down to
Victor I I will sink their boats and burn
their houses and leave them nothing noth
ing, the accursed nigger bandits 1" This Is
translating his language very mildly; for he
cursed horribly and swore as onlya reckless
old outlaw can. Forthwith he "began prep
arations by calling together as secretly as
possible a large number of his most trusted
and desperate men. He armed and manned
several small vessels and organized a com
pany to operate on land. His movements
were not so swift, however, nor yet so secret
that Garcin and his coadjutors failed to get
wind of them in due time. So it came to
passtbat a battle was imminent in the
secluded little nook where Orton was find
ing so much to interest him so deeply and
to fill his imagination withaL
Quite undisturbed by the evidence of
Garcin's preparations because utterly igno
rant of their worst meaning; the young man
kept on with his sketching and his wander
ing in the woods; delighted when now and
again he was fortunate enough to have a
glimpse of Mile. Bochon, whose grace,
beauty and high bearing won upon him
rapidly, the more.perhaps on account of
the romantic and picturesque circumstances
surrounding her life. On out two occasions
did Orton see Bochon himself during that
and then only momentarily, riding through
the woods at a gallop, bis huge form and
grizzled hirsute face making him a note
worthy object.
The days rapidly slipped past until Orton
had been at the Garcin place lor nearly two
weeks, and never had he enjoyed a sojourn
more keenly. The weather was superb, the
balmy luxury of a semi-tropical spring was
in the air and was making the woods rich
with color and fragrance. On the wide
marshes the tall grass was green and
brilliant as emerald, while the lazy bayou
crept through like a thread of silver.
One evening after a pleasant dinner with
Lalie and her mother, for Garcin had been
absent all day, Orton coaxed the girl into
the room where the spinet was and she
played and sang for him; but he could not
help seeing that she was unusually reserved
and quiet between songs.
"What is the matter, Ma'm'zelle Garcin?"
he inquired presently, "you are not un
happy Ihope."
"I don't know what it is," she said, "but
I all the time feel that something evil is
going to happen soon."
"Oh, play something bright and cheerful,
sing a really gay song fend shake off your
dolefulness"" he lightly said, going to stand
beside her at the spinet Has your cat
been telling your.fortune again?"
She made no answer, but drummed idly
on the keys. In a moment she looked up
quickly and demanded with sharp direct
ness: "Were you at Bochon's place to-day?"
"I was near there," he responded.
"Did you see the Ma'm'zelle?"
"Yes, Ma'm'zelle."
"Do you see her everv day when yon are
"Hot every day; but why do you ask,
Ma'm'zelle Garcin?"
Her eyes fell, and she flushed with con
fusion fbr a moment; then she recovered
herself and said with a laugh, that in some
way was displeasing to Orton:
"Oh, I supposed that you had fallen in
love with Ma'm'zelle Bochon; she is so very
rich, grand and beautiful." .
'"So," said Orton, "I am not in love with
her. She has never so much as spoken to
me. I am in love with my art and my free
dom, Ma'm'zelle, and I have no room in my
heart for love of a woman."
"Then why do you go looking around
there every day?" she demanded. "Are
von really trying to spy upon the doings of
Mo'sieu Bochon?"
Orton laughed; and yet lie was by no
means pleased. Something in Lalie's man
ner rasped upon his temper, and 'he did not
like the look in her eyes. It was a relief
that Garcin arrived just then and came in
abruptly, evidently in a very nervous mood.
"Go tell your mother that she and you
must go at once. There's not a moment of
time to spare go!" I
Lalie's face blanched in n peculiarly ashen
way and she went out without a word.
"Mo'sieu Orton," added Garcin, quickly,
"there is going to be fighting here soon. "I
am sending the ladies away out of imme
diate danger." Here he paused and hesi
tated. "What is it? What is the trouble?" in
quired Orton, quite startled, but holding
himself calmly. "Explain to me."
"Certainly," replied Garcin, "you shall
know. . Old Bochon has called his men to
gether and is coming to attack me. My
men are not all here, but most of them are.
We will give the old devil a hot welcome,
Mo'sieu Orton."
"This is strange," exclaimed the young
man, looking intentlv into Garcin's face.
"1 don't understand' the meaning of such
work. What is the trouble the cause
He was interrupted by; the return of Lalie
accompanied, by her mother and two or
three negresses, the last much excited, their
eyes rolling white and their teeth chattering
"You've brought this upon yourself,"
cried Mme. Garcin, addressing her
husband with almost brutal fierceness, you
wouldn't be satisfied with letting well
enough alone, but must go and interfere
with old Bochon. I hope you are satis
fied." Garcin paid no apparent heed to this sharp
rebuke, but gave the woman at once to the
care of two dark men who had been waiting
at the door.
"Take them to the hummock," he said
with authority, "and Lazare, be back at
once; don't waits a moment"
Orton could never forget the look that
Lalie cast upon him as she went through
the door. It was full of an indiscribable
yearning blent with an almost savage
despair. Her eyes were tearless, bnt the ex
pression in them suggested more than tears
could possibly have done. Her lips trembled
strangely as she said: "Good bye Mo'sieu
Orton au revoir."
Evidently she tried to speak lightly, bnt
she did not succeed. She clasped her father
in her arms and kissed his parchment cheek
with passionate tenderness.
"Goodbye, Mo'sieu Orton," Ehe cried
again and was gone.
There was very little of mere sentimentali
ty in Orton's nature, but in some way he
was deeply touched, moved, indeed, as he
had never before been moved. Kb time was
permitted him, however, for giving himself
over in the least to such feeling. All around
the sounds of a body of armed men making
ready for fight broke the usual stillness of
the evening. This could not fail, to rouse
the chivalrous blood of the young advent
urer and thrill him to his finger-tips.
"But what shail you do, Mo'sieu Orton?"
demanded Garcin, nervously. "You had
better go to the hummock with "
"Stop Garcin," said the young man stern
ly and laying a heavy hand on the little
fellows shoulder. "Stop, sir. I am neither
an ingrate nor a coward. I will stand by
you to the last in in this matter; but you
must explain so that I can act with intelli
gence." Garcin grasped one of Orton's hands in
both of his own and almost kissed it
Just then the report of a musket came
from a little way down the bayou. Two
seconds later there was a scattering fusillade
in that direction and Garcin darted away,
but he returned in a short time, while
Orton was arranging himself with gun and
"Buckle this on you, Mo'sieu," he ex
claimed, handing the yonng man a belt
bearing a heavy rapier in a scabbard, "you
may need it soon."
Orton did as he was bidden and. then fol
lowed Garcin, who, now that the woman
had been safely removed, appeared to have
lost all his fussy nervousness. They passed
out through the garden and down to a little
slongh that led into the bayou. Here they
found 10 or 15 men in open line.
"Command these," said Garcin, "they
are all bravejnen." Then he passed along
the line telling them that Orton was to be
their captain.
Continued Kert Sunday.
Copyright, 18S9, by Maurice-Thompson.
Made a mash, why. how? Bought a
"Belle" Jane Hading veil by the yard at 75
cents. It's just too lovely. Bold "by all
drygoods houses. . -' sn
Why Elegant Yonng Men With Money
and Leisure Can't Have
Everybody Works There and Life ia Bather
Stupid for
nramra ron Tint dispatch..
FEW days ago I
chanced to be walk
ing down thesunny
side of Fifth ave
nue, when I dis
covered an ac
quaintance leaning
against the railing
of a corner house,
the picture of bore
dom and dejection.
His hat was on the
'back of his head,
his hands were in'his trousers' pockets and
he gazed moodily and mournfully at the
pavement. He is the son of one of the
famous rich men of New York, a man of 30
years, and is usually regarded as an amiable
and good-natured person. He nodded as I
came along, and asked me if there was any
thing going on.
"In what way?" I asked.
"In any way outof the humdrum of every
day existence."
"Not that I know of."
"Of course not," was the morose reply.
"New York is as stupid as a back country
village. I love it, and so do you,but I can
not help thinking what a howling outrage it
is just the same, that all the amusement and
fun is being crushed out ot the town. It is
not only that they are stopping the public
balls, cutting up the Polo Grounds, mov
ing the driving parks miles out of the city,
preventing all boxing, sparring and athletic
exhibitions by police force and shutting up
all the places of amusement wherein wine.
women and song effect a felicitous combina
tion, but it is the spirit of everlasting re
pression andcaddishness that governs the
A hundred years from this, New York
will be the greatest city in the world. We
will have a glorious climate, and the will of
the people will predominate, so that we will
have all the entertainments of the fun-loving
Germans and French, as well as the
sports of the English and Americans. I
don't know what to do to amuse myself. My
life is as monotonous as that of a confiden
tial clerk in a down-town drygoods house.
I rise at 10, breakfast at 11, and at 11:30 or
a little time thereafter, my barber comes
and shaves me. I can't go out until he
does me up, because if any one else shaves
me I look as thongh somebody had passed a
lawnmower over my face. This gets me up
to noon, and at 1 o'clock I am down at the
club for luncheon. After that I would like
to "know what on earth there is to do. There
are a thousand things going on every after
noon in the other great capitals of the
world, but no longer in New York. It is
all nonsense to say that we have no leisure
class here, for the town is filled with sight
seers and strangers at all times."
"Why don't you drive?"
"Oh, drive be blowedl The" park is filled
now with a lot of youngsters whom nobody
ever saw before and hopes never to see
again. No one ever thinks of going ont
there until 4:30, and then there is a contin
uous stream of English traps, driven by
rank outsiders, who have little clqthes, and
drive their little horses around the little
circle, and then return home, feeling that
they have done a great thing. I went in for
trotting stock for awhile, but up the road it
is simply a succession of drinks. Once in
awhile I get desperate in the long after
noons we do not dine until 8, you know--and
I drop in at a matinee. It did not last
very long. If there is anything on earth
more thoroughly disheartening than the
feeling which comes over a man after he has
come out of a matinee. I don't know what
it is. You feel exactly as though you had
been playing poker all night."
What the man complained of was really
the best feature of New York life. There
is absolutely nothing going on during the
day, and even rich men's sons are driven to
work. That is why the atmosphere of New
York is so much healthier for young men
than the atmosphere of the big towns of the
Old World. A man who does not toil in
New York is looked upon as more or less of
an anomaly; whereas, in London or Paris,
the man who works for a living is regarded
with a feeling of gentle but fathomless
curiosity by the greater number of his
friends." When our leisure class has reached
its full development there may be more Jun
in New York before the gas is lighted for
the night, but it will be a healthier atmos
phere tor young men.
The amusements of New York's younger
generation do not begin and end with what
may be called "show driving." The fact is.
there is very little real solidity in the pro- J
cession oi traps in centra. jrarK. xnere are
but two or three tandems in the city now,
and they are driven by men whom nobody
knows. T carts,dog carts and gigs of various
patterns are not as fashionable as they were.
They are still correct enough; but a queer
fad has caught the. Anglomaniacs here.
The most ultra English of all vehicles are
the little ash buckboards which were re
cently adopted in'Great Britain. The buck
board itself is .an American ' invention.
About ten years ago our carriage manufac
turers developed the vehicle, and it was
taken up by a lot of wealthy people at New
port and Lennox. Sideboard springs were
introduced, the dashboard and seat were
constructed of beautifully embossed leather
of a light brown shade, the wheels were al
most as light as those of a sulkv, and the
horses were harnessed well forward to a long
ash pole. Altogether it made a wonder
fully smart and taking little wagon for
rambling around the country roads. At all
events, it caught the fancy of the rich peo
ple of Great Britain, and the carriage manu
facturers here bad endless orders. Then the
British carriage builders took up the fad.
In the course of time, a Tew Anglo
maniacs discovered what a stupendously
swagger thing the buckboard was, and
brought back some English imitations from
London. That was enough. Now the
buckboards are decidedly in the van. As
is usually' the case, however, the Anglo
maniacs have made the- mistake of using
the vehicles for city use as well as for the
country. They drive them in the park '
during me anernoon to reams or well
matched cobs, and evidently fancy them
selves serenely at the top. Notwithstand
ing this, however, the buckboards are a welr
come relief to the eternal sameness of the
carts and gigs.
This same misconception of the time and
place for exhibiting a new fashion may also
be applied to the tailless dress coat or
shell jacket Everywhere one goes in pub
lic now there are to be touud troupes pf
young men in evening dress, but nearly all
of them wear the tailless coat At a theater
or opera, even when they accompany ladies,
the Anglomaniacs apparently feel au fait
in what is to them a new garment If a
man were to appear in such a dress in En
gland in public he would be the cause of
universal derision. The shell jacket is re
garded in England simply as a slight im
provement upon the dressing gown or smok
ing jacket. A man would no more think of
going to the opera there in a shell jacket
than he would think of wearing his dress
ing gown.
Originally the jackets were worn by offi
cers on service in India. The heat there is
verv great, and the officers devised a light
and" cool imitation ot the dress suit to wear
on state occasions. When they got baok
from service in England a great many of
them kept their fondness for these light and
comfortable little garments; but at no time
did they rise to the distinction and dignity
of the old-time clawhammer. Now that
they have started here, however, there will
be no stopping them tar the next five years.
It is a curious thing, by the way, that
there is no diminution of this Anglomaniac
croze. It is not quite true that the absurd
and silly imitators of the English are begin
ning to drive on the left-hand side of the
way, but 'they are certainly pushing the
craze for British manners, intonation and
clothes to an absurd point
For instance, a few days ago, I went to a
breakfast at Delmonico's where no less than
four out of seven men wore single glasses.
Two of the men are from Philadelphia, and
it transpired in the course of a talk that
they had none of them crossed the ocean. I
do not ever remember to have been in a
crowd of half a dozen men in London where
as many as three or four affected
the single glass. A great many
men who . are near sighted over
there, carry a thick glass in their waistcoat
pockets, and peer through it when they wish
to see at a distance; but they do not attach
a string to the monocle or wear it for any
other purpose than that of convenience.
The class over there is bv no means as com
mon as people usually suppose. Bad actors
and queer specimens of the genus swell in
America are the only ones who keep up the
absurd affectation. In England and France,
men often carry a glass when they wear
evening dress, merely as a means of decora
tion apparently.
The present stage of Anglomania in New
York is not particularly attractive. The
men have the surliness of the English with
out the solidity or goodnature, "it is too
much on the' surface. Englishmen are curt
and reserved in publio because they are
always afraid of the presumption of -a class
or gradelower than the one they chance to
be born in. They are always on guard in
public. From the keeper of a public house
to a prince of the blood there is always the
same stern and unrelenting endeavor to
keep the man below from climbing up
Hence the heavily fortified armor of snob
bery and austerhv. This manner the New
York Anglomaniac has succeeded in copy
ing, but the cardinal mistake he makes is in
not knowing when to throw it all off. That
is where there is such a difference between
the British snob and the New York imitator.
No matterhow austere an Englishman may
be in public, the instant that, one is alone
with him and be is fully satisfied that you
have a right to be in his house he is genial,
frank and hospitable. Not so the Anglo
maniac. He is a cad first, foremost and for
ever. Now that I think of it I doubt if he
is even worth writing about
Blakely Hail.
It Lasted Twelve Months and There Was No
Omaha World.:
"The open winter" of 1888-'89 will have a
companion when the history of the, century
is writers. The year 1816 enjoved an "open
winter" during the entire 12 months, being
frequently referred to by cotemporaneous
writers as "the year without a summer."
All through the settled portions of the
United States there was a frost in every
month, crops were ruined and farmers
called it the year, ot "Eighteen hundred and
starve to death." Snow fell in November
of 1815, but there was none in December or
January to speak of. Christmas and New
Year were "Warm, open and green," and
faithful to the old saw that "a green Christ
mas makes a fat churchyard." The old
people predicted all sorts o'f dire calamities,
and the results would justify it. January
was a very mild month, the sun shone every
day, and a little snow that fell hardly cov
ered the earth and' soon melted.
People prepared for great storms and ex
treme cold weather in .February, but were
disappointed, as it was even milder than
January. Toward the end of the month and
during the first days of March a terrible
storm raged and gave place to cold and
boisterous winds. The weather in January
was repeated in April, bnt grew colder as
the days passed, ending with snow and ice
and very low temperature. In May ice
formed an inch thick on the rivers and
streams, buds and flowers were frozen, and
the entire corn crop was killed. Frost, ice
and snow were common in June, and all
attempts fe raise vegetable -products failed.
The condition of the farmers is described as
being desperate, and they were compelled
to hoard their crops of the year preceeding
and necessitated a big increase in prices.
Almost everything was killed, and the fruit
was nearly all destroyed.
d uiy was accompanied with frost and ice.
The, 4th was cold and a blustering wind,
raw and uncomfortable, swept the entire
Atlantic coast. On the following day ice
was formed of the thickness of window glass
in New York City, all through New En-
fflftTld- ATlH in PpnnirlwanJo Tn A .
ice half an inch thick was frequently seen.
September and October presented the near
est approach of summer weather than any
other month in the year, but in November
extreme cold weather began, and a severe
winter continued up to April, when summer
began,and permitted the fanners to realize
bounteous crops.
The same condition of affairs existed in En
gland as in this country, onlv it was not so
severe. In central New York it is stated
corn was so .badly frozen in the summer
that it was cut down and dried for fodder.
The warm weather in January so encour
ageda "Vermont farmer that he planted corn,
andin fact some of it was in good condition
during March. Farmers were compelled
to pay ?4 or 5 a bushel for the corn of 1815
for feeding purposes.
A Little Insect That Kills Entire Coveys of
Elberton (6a.) Star.
Sportsmen throughout this and neighbor
ing counties report that partridges are get
ting very scarce and threaten soon to be
come exterminated. Some persons say this
decrease is due owing to so many wet
summers of late years, the young birds
being drowned and- the nests flooded and
eggs spoiled. We notice, however, that
several papers argue that' this disappear
ance of partridges is owing to the introduc
tion into Georgia of the Texan flea, brought
here by the Texan ponies. The insect at
tacks the birds and soon attacks them to
death. It is said that entire coveys are
soon killed out when the Texan flea gets
among thent There is no doubt "about one
thing partridges are getting scarcer every
Why the Hemp Party Was a Failure.
"No more hoss-stealing for him.. Now,
sonny, three minutes to say your prayers."
"Now, Boys, all together!"
He had traveled with Barnum as the
0 jSk c&2 As
Bob Burdette Offers Some Suggestions
to General Harrison.
A Communication Bristling With Wise and
Witty Points.
rrrarmsroE nri dispatch. 3
To .President Benjamin1 Harrison:
emboldened to write to
you by reason of a per
sonal letter which it has
been my fortune or shall
I say fate to receive
from our mutual friend,
Mr. John Wanamaker. of
the United States; or, to be
more explicit, of the
Earth. Referring briefly.
and with that reticence which is so character
istic of the man, to his own relations with the
administration, and exnressing his own view of
the situation which now confronts us with a
conditional theory which Is akin to a theoretical
condition: Mr. Wanamaker says, speaking of a
tariff for revenue:
"Your kind attention to your December ac
count, as per bill rendered, will be greatly ap
preciated by "Yours truly,
"Jonn Wan-amakee."
You will perceive, Mr. President, by the
familiar and noticeably persistent tone of
Mr. Wanamaker's frank and cordial note,
that this matter has been discussed by us
more than once or twice; and while I am
willing to admit that I am, perhaps, more
conservative in my action upon this meas
ure than our esteemed friend, yet I fully
agree with him concerning the more im
portant features of his bill for the accretion
of the surplus, and will cordially move
either to recommit it, or, if it would better
meet the views of the administration, to
Eress it, with an avoidance ot nndue haste
efitting the gravity ot the situation, to a
third, or even a fourth reading.
Having thus, I trust, established my
claim upon your consideration, not to say
deference, by the foregoing allusion to the
cordial and intimate relations already exist
ing between myself and one of the warmest
and most deserving friends of the adminis
tration, I will pass on to matters not more
important, perhaps, to myself and Mr.
Wanamaker, but more general in scope, and
somewhat more national in character.
It appears, from what I have learned
through trustworthy sources, that, alter all,
you formed your Cabinet without consulting
me. This was probably an oversight, rea
sonably caused by the overwhelming duty
of daily receiving large and constantly in
creasing throngs of old school-mates and
long-lost cousins, but as some 50.000,000 of
other influential people, citizens of the
United States, were overlooked in the same
way, I will let it pass. In fact, it has
passed already. I trust that everything
else you do for the next four or, permit me
to hope, thus getting my fine work in ahead
of the boys eight years, may pass as easily
with the Americambus Populorum, which,
by interpretation, is, American people. I
don't know how you keep up your Latin,
but unless you keep it up better than you
used to get it up when we were boys at
Hinman's, I had better construe as I go
along. I think I will, for my own sake.
Howbeit, I will not dwell, on these painful
You are now a servant of the people. In
this land of the free bear in mind and re
member, the master is servant to the hired
man, and no housewife has any right in her
own kitchen. Serve your masters, the peo
ple, as they are accustomed to serve their
masters, the children and servants, willing
ly if it please you, unwillingly if it dis
please you, but do as they bid you, just the
same. Do not waste too much time at that
preoious "desk" at the White House, of
which we have heard so much in bygone
years.. When this country wants a clerk,
it is rich enough to hire one, or even two.
When we elect a President, we spend suf
ficient time and money to hire enough
clerks to run the Government 25 vears.
Save enough out of your salary and sta
tionery allowance to bny a little desk for a
dollar and wear it on your watchchain; then
you can truly say that you are always at
your desk, and you won't waste any time
about it There is a heap of precious time
wasted at a desk. The .development of a
most excellent clerk maybe the spoiling of
a good President Fifty thousand dollars
a year is a great deal of money to pay a man
for holding down an office chair and play
ing solitaire on a lock-stitch typewriter.
Don't be a clerk; be President I think
you will; it rnns in our family.
. And don't devote too much; and a very
little is too much, time to writing composi
tions on the "Ethics of Popular Govern
ment," "The Conservation of the Conserva
tive in Conservatism," Civil Service Re
form as a National Discipline," or that sort
of thing. All this you should have at
tended to at school, when you were in the
line of doing or,jHssibly, occasionally of
not doing exercises. People enjoy good
compositions on practical and impractical
moral and otherwise subjects, but they
require them to be rather highly spiced
with humor to make them palatable, and
that is something. Well, any time you
want anything of that sort, any of the
"tunny business," you know, graited into
your messages and documents, if Biley isn't
around, send for Eugene Field, or oh,
well, any of the boys will be glad to help
you out any time. I'm stopping right here
in Bryn Mawr (pronounced Bryn Mawr)
myself; all the time. Reception hours after
lr.M. Been staying here through two ad
ministrationsliable to keep on staying,
unless however, we won't disenss that
now. But don't be a contributor to the
waste basket. Be President
But, again: don't spend much of the time
which belongs to the people to the produc
tion of "phrases." Phrase-making is a free
and unprotected industry, and yon were
elected on a distinctivelv protection plat
iorm. Anybody can make phrases who has
a mind to. Men have made phrases and
Ehrases and phrases; and then they have
eard . the . masters of the -feast
soy, "Give this man place, and get thee to
a law office where talk is the staple."
Remember how long was sung the chant,
"A public office is a public trust" No
body knew just what it meant, but it was
like an echo valve; it sounded well, in a
horn. Mr. President, in our younger days
and how pleasant it is to recall the good
old times when one of the good old-timers
has been called to a position where he has
it in his power to make times good for the
other old-timer do you not call to memory
the legend, the well-known euphonic crea
tion ot a phrase-making genius ot an older
day, illuminated by the portrait of the con
ventional setter dog, deceased, that hung on
the decorated walls of the grocery at Mar
tinsville, "Poor Trust is dead?" Ah! yes;
and the next line went on to fell what killed
him. Do not wear out your Thesaurus
hunting for strange, wild words of ques
tionable character, and don't stare a blis
ter on the ceiling trying to coin new ones of
uncertain pedigree. Don't be a phrase
maker; 'be President.
If you can do so without neglecting other
public business, issue a daily bulletin of
your personal life and domestic habits. This
would relieve the inventive faculties of the
Washington correspondents of a great
strain, and give to the people trustworthy
information Upon theie matters. I ob
served quite recently, most appropriately
published in the "patent insides," a two
column interview with the" Statesman, Im
ported, who expects to be cook or chef to
the President of the United States. As the
statesman told the reporter all that he knew
concerning the lives and habits of-the Pres
a vwb,. had ie honor to be
irei ,n, f0' btless, he will reveal
all that he learns or imagines about
fnf ,Cr n aatWpale him by tell
ing it yourself, and sayif yoa will permit
S,w."eSd-.to P to the colloquial
r a,Pnd iK, be n the ChVf, or
m ' I ft Sh2U!d U al1 yn knw about
? A. -uh?ngh, to be sure, it wouldn't do
J?r le PnrLesldent take liberties with the
Cook. There were Cooks lone before there
were Presidents. Think this over. If it
be true, as as has been reported in print,
that you have an inherited weakness for the
Demon Pie, you will have to make yonr
own, and eat'it secretly by night, in bed, if
you would keep your weakness from the
world. And even then the terrible secret
wouldleak out, in all its sickening details
and with accompanying diagrams forgive
me that the wicked thought of saying dia
phragm entered my teeming brain in the
Sunday papers.
Do not aim to treat all men alike. Why
should you, merely because von are Presi
dent? Do all men treat you alike? "Be
ware of entrance to a quarrel, but being in,"
shut your eyes and slosh around with both
fists until you have cleared a large circular
space around you as far as you can reach.
The advantage of closing your eyes before
you begin is.that you can't see who you
nit, and sometimes the man nearest to you
is the man whom you want to hit the hard
est, but being President, you eel that yon
can hardly do so, if yon know it. Cut this
out and past it In your hat; it may cost
Deal gently with the Mugwump. lost bird
that moulted ont of season and migrated on
mistaken wings; flying sonth in the very
morn of the balmiest June-breathed winter
that ever wreathed this continent in summer
smiles, and then suddenly turning to beat
the air northward, when the belated blasts
from the Arctic caves turned all the mists
of spring to frosty rime. The 3Iuzwump
know not what tbey waut. .Nor what they
minK. xor ao tney inuy believe
they believe what tbey believe. Be
kind to the Mugwump; we might
have been born that way ourselves. You
would not be impatient or harsh with an
Indian because his ideas on politics and one
thing and another are vague, and crude,
and amorphous? Then do not be hasty
with the Mugwump; he knows as much as
an Indian. Not so much as all Indians
nor even two Indians, bnt just one Indian;
and I'll let you pjck your Indian. Be just
to the Mugwump. Give him all his de
sire. Opposition is his native element;
provide him with plenty of it. He thrives,
when he thrives at all, on neglect; see that he
lacks it not, bnt surround him with glacial
acres of it. He pines for martyrdom; let
him have it, right on the neck.
as Jeffersoman simplicity died a natural
death some years ago, it will not be neces
sary for you to shake hands with each unit
in every procession that marches through
the White House. If you shake hands with
a man, it seems to me that courtesy de
mands that yon should say something to
him, and, as you won't Know his name once
in a million times, you will have to say
"Mister," which, although refreshingly
democratic, is not exquisitely elegant, and
when repeated several thousand times, is
apt to deteriorate, into similaritv if not
actual monotony, besides inducing incipient
labial paralysis of the larynx with raucous
tendencies. Moreover, if you begin this
handshaking business, you will be compelled
to make discriminations and thereby cive
offense, because there are some men whom
you cannot shake.
Don't talk very much about civil service
reform, bnt do a great deal of it One of
the best ways of securing an efficient civil
service is to carry a little pocket guillotine
around with you'and keep it oiled. "Work
off" some fellow "constitutionally" once in
a while, jnstrto keep the departments stirred
up to a general flutter of expectancy, activi
ty and strict attention to business. Do mn
know why the mountain stage drivers give
the mules the lash while swinging down the
dizzy grades at breakneck speed ? So that
they won't have time or oppprtunity to look
around tor something- to sby at, and thus
pitch coach and passengers over a precipice
as high as a window on inauguration day.
The mule's mind is kept on the whip;
he never knows where it may strike
next, so he keeps right ahead as
fast as he can pick up his feet,
and tends right to his knitting, hoping the
lash may have no need to fall on him. The
most respectful and industrious citizens in
America are the department employes since
election. Their respectful demeanor is
only equalled and their industry only ex
celled by those patriots who are not depart
ment employes, but are willing to throw
aside their foolish scruples and native diffi
dence, and become so. When a man be
comes indispensible to the Government, and
the administration couldn't hold together
40 minutes without him, and he-finds it ont,
it's time he was shot fired, I mean. If
he does not know how necessary he is, keep
him, for he is of great value; but so soon as
he learns what everybody else knows, his
usefulness begins to wane. However, this
does not often happen; as a rule, the man
finds it out lone before the rest of us. Some
times he finds it out when the rest of us
never do.
And, while dwelling upon this point, re
member, no matter what happens, or who
goes back on you, that you can always get a
ueuer man iuuii tne one you lose, xne best
man hasn't been invented yet There are
plenty of better men, but no best. Since
Sullivan was whipped by a smaller man,
everybody "sasses" him." Samson was
downed at last, and killed himself trying to
get even. Napoleon was conquered br a
soldier with not a tithe ot the great Corsi
can's fame; Rome was destroyed by barba
rians; and no matter how good a man mav
be, you will always, can always find a bet
ter in the poolroom, or at the Hoffman
House. There have been but two men
who excelled all others in their own
specialties. Adam was the first man
but see how long ago he had to start to ac
complish this. And how much he missed
by making such an early start Got all his
work done ages before the rest of the world
got out of bed. Mcthusalah was the oldest
man, but he had to live till his back-ached
to do it And, then, he isn't sure of it,
after all; we're not through; Hannibal
Hamlin or Mr. Bancroft may break the
record yet. Adam, after all or rather be
fore all is the only man who has a dead
sure thing on pre-eminence. And Science
says but no matter what Science says; she
will say just the contrary the next time she
says anything.
I was going to give you a few valuable
suggestions upon the surplus; I know
something about that, as I live under the
shadow of the Episcopal Church; but if, as
I have been informed, the, Congressional
Record is going to put on a new dress, en
large, issue a supplement and a Sundav
edition, it will not be necessary. I will
reserve that space lor a few remarks, in the
course of a week or two, upon the deficit.
In conducting the conference with that
mild-mannered and pliable apostle of peace,
Prince Bismarck, remember the Russian
proverb. "Make friends with a bear, but
keep hold of the ax,"
I do not wish to add one ounce to your
burdens, nor is it my Desire to Impose upon
your friendship; I have but one boon to ask
of the administration, and I have done. I
have learned that the United States Consul
at the Garrhabbaroot Islands was eaten on
a recent Sabbath evening, at the King's
birthday party, r wish to recommend a
man whom I know well, and whom I am
confident would fill the place to the King's
satisfaction Tor his Consulate. As I desire
to surprise the man, I request that the little
birthday episode be kept' secret until after
he sails. From what I know of the man I
think he would go right to the. spot .This
Government owes a dnty to these ontlying
islands, which are in a measure under our
protection, and if we send the right kind of
consuls, it will create an entente cordiale
between us and our neighbors, and, beside,
effect a great saving in missionaries.
This is all. I believe. It has taken a
long morning of valuable time to write this'
letter, Mr. President, but I would dbmofa .
than that Jor you. -a.nu, u a nave in any '
little measure "whitewashed the path" for
you; if I have made your duty clearer to
you; iflhaveshown'you a way out of the
many embarrassments and perplexitiw
which confront you on every hand; it I
have given you-patience for your trials, tact
for yonr emergencies, and inspirations for
your labors; if these few wandering and
nebulous thoughts have made you a wiser
and a better man, you are more easily in
spired than I thought you would, be, and I
am the most astonished and gratified citizen
in the great Republic of which you are, as
you deserve to be, the President. .
I have the honor to be, Mr. President,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Address communications for this department
to E. R. CHArjBOUKX.ieiPiiton, Maine, . m
Find in this picture: 1. The cause of
many railroad accidents. 2. Something
very inflammable. 3. Something used to"
fire powder. 4. A spirit 5. The stem of a
tree. 6. What physicians try to do. 7.
Affirmative and negative votes. 8. One
hundred and twenty pounds of glass, or a nar
row vein of coaL 9. The way that cattle feed.
10. A movement of soldiers. 11. A timid
quadruped. 12. What Boston is sometimes
Mus ratlus, immured, a pet, astir;
Its naaghty gnawings all come to naught.
Felts domesttca, pert, purling a purr;
Surfeited, somnolent, a fit fight fought.
A cat camivorons something surelv smells!
A bristling back, a caudal, cumnlns crest!
A spiteful spit, a furious f use foretells
Catnip, catsup, a rodent's rueful rest.
Puzzling problems muddle many heads,
Numerous nettlinjr knots in natnre dwell.
Canst thou, valiant tangler, truly tell
The analogy anent these quarrelsome quad
rupeds? H. R. W.
Whole is a power that sways the human heart,
And one that can delightful sweets impart;
Ortimes it has inspired poetic themes,
Of times presided o'er romantic dreams.
Producing thrills of sonl-entrancins Jor, -
And draughts of blfss nnmlngled with alloy.
Let stoic sages In their wisdom say
That it's supremacy lasts but a day.
Then,, like a transient meteor, flits away.
Let scoffers call it a deceitful thing.
A short-lived ecstacy that leaves a stlne.
And say 'tis only laughed at by the wise.
And that it's realm is a fool's paradise:
Snch croaklngs come from bitterness of soul;
All nature's voice proclaims the praise of
'TIs not a jiistt throne or EVit: no.
Though crusty bachelors may call it so.
51p a joueket around the -world.
In, a journey aronnd 'the world I saw and
heard many strange things. I saw a mountain
of Massachusetts followed by. a Iargeln$ect
run across two of the Southern States. I saw
two nations hurling an Ohio town at each,
other. I saw a lady take up a town ot Asia,
wrap if about her shoulders, and walk off. I
saw a bay of England hun; up to dry. I saw a
city of Germany crawling along tho ground. I
saw one of the British Isles, with a cape of
North America, sitting by a bay of Africa,
eating towns of yew Jersey and a cityor Asia.
I saw two capes of the Atlantic coast so badly
injured while playing with a river of .Norm
America that it was necessary to send for a
lake of the same region to attend them. I
heard the savage Shetland Island of the North
American rfver and the roar of an Austrian
town. Bnt when I returned to my British
American bay and told my friends of these
things,they said my story was a group of islands
off the coast of Great Britain. Can yon show
that it was not? ZoE.
I'm new or old. I'm hot or cold,
I travel o'er the land;
Fm up, or down low on the ground,
'Mid rocks, or mud or sand.
From sea to sea. where dwellings bo,
I surely may be found;
But of tener in the cities' din.
Where busy scenes abound.
Sad changes come In every home,
But change to me is mild;
Instead of steel I'm cloth yon feel,
An apron on a child.
In ancient days, the poet says,
I helped bedeck the fair;
The lovely bride, with queenly pride,
Then wore me on her hair.
But now we find I'm used to bind
With all my might and main;
Upon the rail I help to trail
The heavy loaded train,
v M. C. Woodford.
A two might one a whole if she
Had strength, and will, and energy;
Though ofonr modern ttcos but few
Such worK as that would care to do.
lo one a rope is what they'd dread
Store than the one-inp: of a thread.
To one a whole is such a turn
As ttcos need never try to learn,
1. Something hashed over. 2: To regard
with wonder or surprise. 3. A kind of mosaio
wood-work: 4. Called. 5. A species of sand
eel. 6. Eluded.
J'rtmals: To clatter. Finals: Furnished
with a head. Primals and finals: Giddy.
OnELL CrcxosE.
I am a dull old fellow.
Think the old the better way;
If curtailed, in autumn mellow,
I'm converted Into "hay."
Curtail, and "grass" is bamsh'd
"Chinese Bnddha" holds the charm;
Once again, the god has vanished;
bo have I without alarm.
J. E.M.
Made of a letter and a grain.
Each year I come and come again.
I'm in my cradle rocked on high.
Like you in earth at last I lie.
Like you my loss will be my gain; -f
Like yon 1 sleep to wako again. "
Humbly I fall I rise in onde. ' ?
A creature changed and glorified.
J. a. -si
497 Pam (the knave of clubs), map.
498 Alderman.
John's, 'Tom's Will's,'-
5S 1 g -
Fred's. Harry's, Dick's,
31 9-2 24 .?
Anna's, Mary's, Susv's,1
zi a i t J5.
600 Pandora's box, from which innumerv
TTa 111 faftnarf la, inl. inlv linna hahmn an.
501 Brawler,
'A JJ JJ j in vr
RUG - .s.'
503-Bufc ,-,.
ECU Free pass.
605 Adze, angur, awl, ax. bTe!,blt, stock.
brad, can, cat, chisel, file, gauge, hamraer.hone.
jointer, level, mallet. Best, pen, pencil, plane,
saw. shave, scriber. vise. '
Af DvtrlfHa la4 A t -l9k-lf aft. -..ft . m mm
IAW -uuuuic, vuuui .ituiuc, ISHBIXl-a, PffitlW,
T.nrtdi. middle, rnddla. ?. v. r t
a.. ' r . txIB MTVW (."Tn
jr""t - -