Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 08, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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I4 ERmiSSS 'MRGHW8j! 1889."
'3 F3aWWwp--E;4.5?4-,' jr.
?.' ;
Leading Features of Week's Trade at
East Liberty Yards.
He&Vy Sheep Sluggish, Heavy Hogs in
. Improved Demand.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch,
Tuttesday, March", lbS9. J
Through receipts of -cattle vary little for a
number of weeks past, the total being from
4,000 to 5,000 head.
The demands of the local trade have been
close to 1,500 head for a month or two past
With returns all In, It appears that local re
ceipts hare been 120 larper this week than last,
and 190 less than the previous week.
The grade of cattle received this week has
been below tho average, and very much below
those of last week. Very few were above 1,400
Markets were most active for lightweights.
A few primes, weighing 1,000 to 1,700 pound,
showed up at Herr's Island yards, but none of
this high grade could be traced at Liberty.
Sealers report that their customers cannot
pay the price for the primes and compete with
Chicago dressed beef. Cattle weighing lrom
1,200 to 1,300 at prices under 4c seem to find
readiest sale. Only a few butchers, with a
trade among a class to whom cost is no item,
are willing to go above 4c for steers. A lead
ing liberty stockman said to-day that the best
he could get for his stockthis week was S3 90.
If there was anything sold above 4c in carload
lots it could not be hunted down.
Markets this week have raised very little
from last. Prices were maintained on the
grades that showed up. On higher grades we
cannot quote prices, as none of this class ap
peared. A leading stockman sentontto pat
rons this as the statement of the cattle situa
tion: "Markets about the same as last week.
"We think that sales were easier made at the
same pnees. The greatest drawback to the
market has been that the grade of cattle re
ceived this week has not been up to the stand
ard." Miccp and Lambi,
The same firm which sent oat tho above
statement of the cattle situation sent out the
following as the situation for sheep and lambs.
"Supply was light Monday and Tuesday, and
market was firm and stronc at last week's prices,
except on extra heavy sheep and lambs, for
winch we could not get as good prices as last
week owing to the unfavorable condition of
New York markets. To-day (Wednesday) with
light supply market is very dull with little or
nothing dome."
Several loads of sheep were shipped East in
first hands. The highest price paid for choice
wethers was So 35, and for lambs 8 30.
The drift of markets has been upward all the
week. The daily run at Chicago has been lit
tle more than half what it was last week. Prices
there have advanced 10c the past two days,
with S4 TO to $1 75 as the range there to-day.
with markets active. At Liberty an advance
of 10 to 15c is reported by dealers this morning,
with S4 90 to $4 95 as the range of prices.
A marked feature of the market is an im-
iroved demand for heavy hogs. Light ana
ieaw weichts are this week nearer together in
price than they have been any time the past
In this regard heavy hogs are asserting their
old-tnnc privileges and rights, having from
' time immemorial before this past winter com
manded the best prices. Lard has been so dull
and corn so plenty that this season has been an
exceptional one in the strong demand and high
prices for licht hogs. Following is the report
of the week's transactions at Central btock
yards: '
Thro'. Local, 1
Thnrsdrr... 1.M0 10 5,475 i,M0
Friday.." 1.43) M 4,1:3 1,540
featnrday. 740 SO 4.1ii 1,870
Nmdsv 350 730 5.773 4.1U0
Mondav an 1.030 410
TucNlaV UO 2,5S0 5,170
Wednesday 560 90 2,150 1,650
Total 4,140 1,460 :6,S0 17,390
Last week 4.700 1,340 a,S3 16.170
Thursday ...
Last week
I, Ml
7, S01
Condition of the Market at the Eaat Liberty
Stock Yards.
Cattle Receipts. 460 head: shipments, 380
bead: market slow and unchanged; no ship
ments to New York to-dav.
Hogs Receipts. 1,400 head: shipments. L700
head: market slow; medium Philadelphia,
J4 955 00: heavy hogs, S4 704 75: pigs and
Yorkers, $4 754 90; 8 cars shipped to New
York to-dav.
Sheep Receipts, 400 bead: shipments, L200
head; market dull at c lower than yester
day's prices.
By Telerraph.
New York Beeves Receints, 950 bead, all
for city slaughterers direct; no markets for
beeves: dull for dressed beef at 5GJc with
general sales at 56c. To-daj's Liverpool
cable advices quote American refrigerator
beef dnll at Sijc per pound. Sheep Re
ceipts. 4.000 bead and 2.000 bead were carried
over yesterday; market dull; sheep sold at S4 00
65 7a, with one carload extra wethers at $6 05.
Lambs ranged from $5 507 25. Dressed rant
ton slow at 7 508 50; dressed lambs, 910c
Hoes Receipts, 2.600 head, including 3 car
loads for the market alive; quoted quiet at
S4S05 20.
Kansas City Cattle Receipts.2.194 head:
shipments, 1,004 bead: dressed beef steers dull
and w eak to sell; good to choice cornfed, t3 S0
4 10: common to medium. $2 753 50: stockers
and feeding steers, (1 603 15; cows. ?2 50
2 75. Hogs Receipts, 5,300 head; shipments,
126 head; market excited and 410c higher;
good to choice. $4 25: common, $4 2001 55.
(Sheep Receipts. 1,522 head; shipments, ftil
head; market active and firmer; good to choice
muttons, $4 304 60: common to medium, $250
61 oa
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 9.500 head: ship
ments, 4,500 bead; market strong, quality
wor: choice, extia beeves, $4 254'40: steers,
S3 004 00; stockers and feeders, $2 253 40;
cows, bulls and mixed, $1 503 10. Hogs Re
ceipts. 15,500 bead; shipments, 5.500 head; mar
ket onened 5c higher; closed loner; mixed,
14 60 4 80; heavy. U 654 85: light. Si 604 85.
Sheep Receipts, 9.500 head; shipments, 1.200
head; market slow;- natives, 3 25. 00; West
ern cornfed, S4 354 75; lambs, 14 9000 2a
Bt. Louis Cattle Receipts. 700 head; ship
ment 300 bead: a shade higher,: choice heavy
native steers, S3 604 80; fair to good do, S2 00
3 90; stockers and feeders. S2 003 10: rangers,
cornfed. J275S3 40: grass-fed. $2 002 80. Hogs
Receipts. 5.200 head; shipments. 700 head:
higher and active; choice heavy. S4 7504 87:
TJacking.Sl C54 80: light grades. S4 55Q4 7u.
Sheep Receipts. 500 bead; shipments, none;
Steady; fair to choice, S3 005 10.
BUFFALO Cattle quiet and feeling steady;
receipts. 600 head, through: no sale. Sheep
and Iambs firm and active: receipts, no through:
2.200 head sale; good sheep. H fiOSS 00: good
Iambs, So 756 2a. Hogs active; 1020e higher;
receipts, 3.140 head through; 1,500 head sale;
mediums, 54 85; Yorkers, $4 90.
ClwcnfWATl Hogs firm: common and light.
J4 O0Q4 70; packing and butchers', 4 554 80.
Xlrysooda Ulnrket.
New York. March 7. A more active and
I. A . ..1a In A I I'ltftfta , .. ..,. J ,
Wide!, ,UUU),U dm., ..taei .MC, MIMIC laHCJ
fabrics made expressly for the season were
very active. Drives In ginghams continued, and
new Amoskeag AFC dress styles were success
fully placed upon the market at 10, less dis
counts. Business with agents was steady and
of fair average. The market at first hands is
generally in good position, and prices are
Metal market.
New York Pig Iron quiet. Copper excited;
gained 1540 points; nervous and unsettled:
frre sellers: take, March, 15 75. Lead dull;
domestic, $3 Tin quiet and steady; straits,
12140. '
'Wool Markets.
St. Louis Wool quiet and dull; offerings
"With some latitude Jcurine a cold with
Dr. BuH's.Coufih Syrup if called bullying a
Wmh Goods.
Etoile du Eord, Drap and Venice, En
glish percales, etc., in immense assortment,
the best washing and wearing fabrics in the
markjet HUGTJS & HACKS.
May nod July Wheat Active and Higher
Corn Btoni nn Advance, While Oata
Move Down Pork Stronger
and Lard Weaker.
Chicago A fair business was transacted in
wheat to-day, and tho market recovered some
what from the recent decline. May delivery
sold to a point 2c higher than yesterday's
closing and closed about lc higher. Most of
the trading centered in the May future, and
there was pretty good buying.which forced the
short interest in. One large trader bought
freely at the inside figures of the day,
ana was also credited with having been a largo
purchaser yestei day, but at the advance of to
day sold out a fair quantity. For July the mar
ket ruled rather quiet, and after selling to a
point lc above yesterday's closing declined Ic
and closed about iio higher than yesterday.
Corn ruled fairlv active with the feeling
stronger, in sympathy with wheat and provi
sions. Trading was more general than for
some days past, there being more doing on out
side account. The market opened firm at yes
terday s closing prices, ana graauauy aavaucea
kc, eased off 5ie.ru! ea steady and closed Jc
higher than yesterday.
Oats were active, but weak and lower. Prices
for May declined Jc rallied Jc, but re
ceded Jic. and the market closed easy at c
below yesterday's last sales.
A verv brisk trade was reported in mess
pork. Earlv in tho day the market was
stronger and sales w ere made at 1012Jc in
advance, and followed by a further apprecia
tion of 7f810c. Later the market weakened
with freo nffcring and a reduction of 37K40c
were submitted to. From this point prices
rallied 10l2Kc. but soon weakened again, and
a reduction of 3032c was reported. Toward
the close the market was steadier and prices
advanced 2K5c, and closed rather quiet, '
A week aud unsettled feeling prevailed in
lard during the greater portion of the day, and
a material reduction in prices was submitted
to. The close was tame. Short ribs were ac
tive and irregular; closing quiet and lower.
The leading futures rancea as follows
Wheat No. 2 March, 1 OOJS: May. Jl 026
104102V491 03W;June. 9$6!W$g97?i(rc;
July, !yOK6S9KS9Kc-
Corn No. 2 March. 3535Xc: May, 3636
1636ic; June.353035Sc
Oats No. 2 March, 25Kfi-.SVc: May. 27J4
27K2GK26c; June, 26-.tc
Mess Pork, per bbl. March, 11 70; May,
512 ZlimVi 4011 8511 90; June, IVi toll so
11 97.
Lard, per 100 Bs. March. S6 92K6 97K
6 8766 87K; May. S7 I07 10g6 92K6 02K;
June, 57 10& 107 007 00.
SiiortRibs, per 100 lbs. March. 6 15: May,
6 4066 456 22X6 25: June, 6 47H6 47
6 27a130.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour quiet
and unchanged: No. 2 spring wheat 1 00
S1 00 No. 3 spring wheat, 8491c; No.
2 red, 1 001 00. No. 2 corn. S5c;
No. 2oats,25c. No. 2 rye. 42c No. 2 barley,
nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, 1 43. Prime timbthy
seed. SI 401 43. Mess pork, per barrel,
12 0512 10. Lard, per 100 lbs. 6 906 92.
Short ribs sides (loose). 6J5ff6 25; dry salted
shoulders (boxed). 5 255 37; short clear
sides (boxed), 6 506 62. Sugars cut loaf,
unchanged. Receipts Flour, 11,000 barrels;
wheat. 64,000 bnshels: corn, 110,000 bushels;
oats. 136,000 bushels: rye. 3,000 bushels: barlqy,
53,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 7,000. bar
rels: wheat. 27.000 bnshels; com. 65,000 bnsh
els: oats, 59,000 bushels; rye, 2,000; barley,
40.000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs
New York Flour firm and moderately
active. Wheat Spotchig&er, active and
stronc; options KSJfp higher. Barley quiet;
ungraded Canada, 5S3c Barley malt dull.
Corn Spot Jic higher: options less active;
firmer on earlv, easv on late months. Oats
Spotiie higher and firm; options steady
and dull. Hav steady and quiet. Hops firm
with a moderate trade. Coffee Options opened
barely, steady, 5 points up to 10 points down,
and closed steady and unchanged to 5 points
up; better cables and fair business; sales, 67.750
lf.ooi&lj.ouc; uctouer. i.otf4'i.otn:; .iiuveuiuei,
17.S5C; December. 17.7517.90c; January, 17.90
18.00; February. 17.8518.00: spot Rio firm; fair
cargoes, 19c Sugar Raw firm; refined strong
and in good demand. Molasses Foreign
strong: New Orleans quiet. Rice quiet and
firm. Cottonseed oil strong. Tallow stronger;
sales of city at 4 9-1 6c Rosin steady. Tur
pentine steady and quiet at 50c Eggs in
moderate demand and easy; Western, 14Jc:
receipts, 2.390 packages. Pork active: old
mess, 12 50: new mess, 13 0013 25; extra
prime, 12 5a Cntraeats fairlv active; sales
pickled bellies. IS Its., 6Vc; 12 ft., 6c; 18 lbs..
6Kc; picKled shoulders, 6Jc; pickled hams, 9J
10c; middles firm. Lard lower: western
steam, S7 30: citv. S6 83: March. 7 28: April.
7 28:May.S7 297 30: June, S7 30: July, 7 31
(fj7 S3, closing at 57 31: Angust, 7 34; Septem
ber. 5735. Butter In good demand and firm:
Western dalrv, Mf21c; do-crcamerr, new, 18
2Se; Elgin, 2i)30c Cheese dull; Western,
St. Louis Flour steady, but demand and
business light. Wheat higher; an advance in
Chicago started the market in higher, though
the ucather was fine and cables dull; tbe close
was weak, with sales at advances of lc
for May and Jgc for July: No. 2 red, cash. 93
94cbfd; Mav, 95fiflG&c, closed at 969bc
asked; June, S393c closed at 93c; July, S3
83c, closed at 63583ic asked. Corn higher
and firm; No. 2 mixed, cash, 28c; May, 30-J
30JQ3131c closed at 31c hid. Oats lower;
No. 2 cash, at 25c: May closed at 27o bid.
Rye, No. 2, at 44c Barley No demand. Pro
visions stronger.
Cincinnati Flour steady. Wheat steady;
No. 2 red. 9597c; receipts, 800 bnshels: ship
ments 900 bushels. Corn stronger; No. 2
mixed. 35c Oats firmer;No. 2 mixed, 2625c
Rye easy; No. 2. 52c Pork firm at 12 25. Lard
in light demand and lower to sell at $8 S0
6 87. Bnlkmeats quiet and firm. Bacon
steady and unchanged. Butter in good de
mand! Sugar firm. Eggs firm. Cheese steady.
Milwaukee Flour dull; cash, 90c;
Mav, 92c; July. 88e. Corn steady; No. 3, 30
31c Oats dull; No. 2 white, 2727c Rye
fairly active; No. L 4344c Barley steady:
No. 2, 36c Provisions easier. Pork at $11 SO.
Lard at 6 90. Cheese firm but quiet; Cheddars
at lie
PrrrLADEi.PHlA Flour dull and weak.
Wheat dull, but options advanced c in sym
pathy with improvement in other grain cen
ters. Corn iic higher, with a fair inquiry from
shippers: speculation quiet. Oats steady but
quiet. Eggs steady; Pennsylvania firsts, 14
Balttmore Provisions firm. Butter steady;
western packed, 1621c; bst roll, 14lSc; cream
ery, 2728c Eggs steady at 1313c Coffee
strong; Rio, fair, lSX19c
Toledo Cloversced steady and dull; cash,
March and April, 4 80.
A Better Feeling and Improving Prospects
Prices Generally Steady.
There is a better feeling among manufact
urers, resulting from a larger number of in
quiries ana from the steadily improving pros
pect of a large demand with the opening of the
spring season. Prices are steady at the quota
tions. Pia Iron Neutral uray forge, 14 50.
No. 2 charcoal foundrv. S21 0021 50. cash
cold blast charcoal, 25 0028 00, cash; Bessemer
iron. 16 7517 00. cash.
Ferro-Manganese Eighty per cent, 55 00
56 00: speigel-eisen, 23 0O28 50 for 20 per cent
Manufactured Iron Bars, SI 751 80, 60
days, 2 per cent off: skelp, grooved, 1 SWjl 85;
sheared. 1 952 00,
Muck Bar 27 00 is the extreme.
Billets Bessemer steel, 428 00 cash; nail
slabs, S27 752S 00; domestic bloom and rail
ends 19 0019 50.
Nails Carlotsl2d to 40d, 190, 60 days; 2
per cent off for cash.
Wrought Iron Pipe Discounts on steam,
gas and water pipe; black. Ys to 1-inch, 55 per
cent, 1 to 12 inches, 65; galvanized, to
IK-inch. 47 per cent; 1 to 12 inches, 65 per
cent: oil well casing, CO per cent: 5 Inch cas
ing, 37 per net foot; 2-inch tubing, ISc: boiler
tubes, 02, and oil well casing, 60 per cent off
large lots.
Merchant Steel Tool, 8c; crucible
spring, 4c; crucible machinery, 5c; open
hearth machinery, 2c
Rail Fastenings Spikes, 2.20c per pound,
80 days; splice bars. I.80l 85c per pound; square
nut track bolts. 2.752.85c and hexagon nut,2.C0
2.95c. f. o. b. Pittsburg.
OLD Rails American tees, 24 0024 60;
steel do. 18 50 for short, 19 50 for long.
Steel Rails Heavy sections. S28Q29 cash,
at works.
Scrap Iron No.1 wrought, ?2121 25 pernet
ton; cast scrap, 15 5016: wrought turnings. 13
14. net: cast borings, 1213, gross: car axles,
525 0025 50, net; old car wheels, 19 0019 60,
gross; rail ends, 19 5020 00; bloom do, 19 50,
Skelp Iron Grooved sizes, 51 05, cash;
sheered, 1 9a r
88 00 Special Sale.
For two days only (Friday and Saturday)
we hold a special sale of 500 of our new
spring suits and overcoats at 58 00 each.
These suits and overcoats are manufactured
from the best of goods, well made, trimmed
with the finest of silk serge (same with
satin) and wonld readily retail at from $18
to $22. Your choice for the next two days,
$8 00. Children's department good dura
ble suits for school, $1 60 and $ 1 75, worth
S3 SO. Call at once and see these bargains
at the F. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond
sts., opp. the new Court House.
A Pittsbnrg Financier Tells "What
He Wonld Do if He Were
Schemes for Preserving and Strengthen
ing the National Banking System.
"What would you do if yon were in Sec
retary "Windom's place?" was the question
plumped at one of- our oldest bank cashiers
in the city yesterday.
After scratching his head a few minutes,
he looked up over his spectacles and re
plied: "That's a hard question to answer. It is
a big thing to direct the finances of a nation
like this, where there are so many conflict
ing interests. I think the first thing I
would do, wonld be to sit down and put on
my thinking cap, and inform myself as to
the condition of the country. Mr. Windom
is an able financier, but copditions have so
changed since he had the office be
fore that he will be compelled to
work on new lines. The Treasury
policy of eight or ten jears ago would not meet
the present requirements of tho country. Ho
regar led a national debt as a national evil, and
endeavored to wipe it out as fast as possible.
'Xhere was nothing wrong about that, but we
have reached a period when tho debt Is no
longer burdensome; in fact, it is more of a
convenience than otherwise, since tho out
standing bonds afford a safe investment for
certain descriptions of funds which would
otherwise be difficult to dispose of without con
siderable risk."
"What course would you pursue with tho
'l would stop calling them in and let them
expire by limitation of law. The longest of them
have only about 19 years to run; the others
will mature in 1892. Of course, the short
lived bonds are of no special benefit to in
vestors, but the others arc As they are a help
to business, I see no reason why the Govern
ment should rush into the market and pay a
large premium or the privilege of redeeming
them before maturity. This, it strikes me, is
an unnecessary waste of the public money, and
it is not demanded by the exigencies of busi
ness nor by the public It would cost less to
let them die a natural death. Some hold that
their redemption is rendered necessary by
scarcity of money in circulation and to reduce
the Treasury surplus. Neither of these argu
ments arc conclusive. There is no scarcity of
money, and the surplus could be cut down in
some other way that would benefit the people
instead of tbe bondholders In building up the
navy, for Instance."
"What wonld you substitute for the bonds
about o expire?"
"That is a very important question, and it
has been discussed by the ablest financiers in
the country. .Of course, if the basis upon which
the National banks do business be taken away
something else must be substituted or they will
be compelled to wind up. Sti.te banks might
do in an emergency, but as it Is possible for tho
States to repudiate their obligations as some
of them have done this form of security would
lack the element of safety that makes Govern
ment Issues so desirable Railroad bonds and
stocks are out of the question. There is too
much water in them to build a great banking
system upon. If I were Mr. Windom I would
recommend the issuing by Congress ot a spe
cial bond to meet the emergency. This would
be satisfactory to the bankers, and I think it
would be to the people It would preserve tho
best banking system the world has ever known,
very little change would be required to meet
the new conditions, and wildcatting would be
killed forever. We all know the inconvenience
and losses that grew out of the old system of
State aud individual banks which flourished
befoie the war. I don't think the country
wonld willingly undergo another such inflic
tion." "Do you know what Mr. Windom's views are
on this subjectT"
"Not particularly. Hehas always been known
as an advocate of the National banking system,
and I am of the opinion that he will formulate
a plan during his term of office by which it will
be preserved and strengthened."
Lively Trndlne In Stocks Tho Westing,
boose Shares Higher nnd Strong.
Tbe features of the stock market yesterday,
aside from its unwonted activity, were further
advances in Electric and Switch aud Signal
and firmness In Philadelphia Gas. Tho two
former are being boomed on steadily improv
ing business prospects. The latter owes its
strength to the general belief that there is
money In it at anything under par. The other
gassers were about steady, as were the trac
tions. La Noria was in the dumps, outsiders
not caring to take chances in it in the absence
of information as to the status and prospects
of the company. Bids and offers:
STOCKS. Bid. Aaked. Did. Asked.
Freehold Bank 56
Kld.TltIe& Trust Co... 115
Iron City National SI K
Masonic Bank 103
Mcchaanlrs'at.Bnk 6f
Third .National Bank 163
People's Insurance 43
1'enn'a. Gas Co 14M .... Wi ....
rmudelnhla Co S6i 37 B6J Z7X
Wheeling Gas Co 28S 2SM .... 233i
Central Traction 23? Ui "
Citizens1 Traction "lii 71 IVi 72
Flttsbure Traction 49 49
La oria M. Co 1H lJs
SUvertonM. Co 1
Weat'nouse Elec 43'j 44 42K ....
UnlonSwltch&Slxnal. 19 nji .... 1W
Brldfrewater Uas 30 44
Chartlers Valley Uas 55
At the morning call 125 shares Philadelphia
Gas sold at 87, 10 Switch and Signal at 19W. 24
s. o. b. at 19Jf, 25 Central Traction at 2. 6
Electrical 42, 40 af43, 60 at 43,15 at 43.
100 at iS. and 1!00 La Noria at 1.
In the afternoon 60 shares Iron City National
Bank sold at 9 60 Mechanics' Bank at 102. 60
Third National at 162K, 100 Citizens' Traction
at 71. 15 Westinghousc Electric at 44.
Between calls 15 Philadelphia Gas sold at 37.
Henry M. Long sold 60 shares People's Na
tional Bank at 144.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 177,418 shares, including Atchison,
4,200; Dclaware,Lackawannaand Western.9,660:
lake Shore, 3,388; Missouri Pacific, 4,157:
Oregon Transcontinental, 4.700; Reading, 24,945;
St. Paul, 27.545: Texas Pacific 1,835; Union
Pacific, 15,280; Western Union, 5,025.
A Better Demand for Money Reported nt
t EJome of the Banks.
There was some Improvement in tbe borrow
ing demand at a few of the banks yesterday,
but otherwise, there was no change in the finan
cial situation. Counter business was about up
to the average. Rates were steady -and un
changed. Tno Clearing House report indi
cated a fair business, as the exchanges
amounted to SL7S9.277 17, and the balances to
395,898 49. .
Monev on call at New York yesterday was
easv at 23per cent.lastloau 2K, closed offered
at 2K- Pnme mercantile paper 40. Sterling
exchange dull and fairly steady at $4 85J for 60
day bills and 84 8SJ for demand.
Government Bonds.
Closing quotations in Now York furnished
Tiie Dispatch by Robinson" Bros.. Wood
street. Local dealers charge a commission of
an eighth on small lots:
U.S.4HS. reg lonfl08J
U. S. 4S4S, coups 1075j103J
U. 8.4s, rce 1..., 128)iai29
U. 8. 4S, 1907, coups 129H130
Bid. '
Currency, Spercent. 1895 reg 120
Currency, 6 per cent, ispsreir. 122J(
Currency, 6 per cent, 1897 reg vx
Currency, epercent, isasreg 159
Currency, epercent. JS99rec 131
Twenty thousand dollars of the regular 4s sold at
New Yokk Clearings, 8119,296.817; balances,
Bostox Clearings, 813,330,094; balances,
81.402,023. Money 2 per cent.
Baltimobe Clearings, 81,657437; balances,
Philadelphia Clearings, 810,052,368; bal
ances, 81,428,610.
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, 810,518,000.
Joining Stocks.
New Yobk. March 7. Mining quotations
closed; Amador, 100: Caledonia. 295; Consoli
dated California and Virginia, 762; Common
wealth, 500; Deadwood, 460; Eureka200; Hale
and Norcross. 385i Homestake, L00O; Horn Sil
ver, 110: Mexican, 350; Mutual, 140: Ophir, 52o;
Savage, 290; Sierra Navada. 300; Sullivan, 15o;
Union Consoldated, 375.
The Outcome of the Oil Market a Greater
Pnzzle Than. Ever.
An effort was made yesterday to lift the oil
market out of the rut, but it was only partly
successful, for, while prices averaged higher
than those ot the day before, there was no vim
to the trading. Themarkot opened at 91c and
gradually worked up during the day to 91Jc,
with a few sales around that figure. In the last
hour the only distinguishing feature was weak
ness, the quotation falling to 91c, which was
the closing price Carrying rates were 15 to 20
cents, indicating plenty of oil. At the wind
up It was said the chances for an advance or a
decline were about oven. It was reported that
large blocks had been bought In New York and
withdrawn temporarily from the market If
this be true.lt injects an element of uncertainty
into the situation which makes it still more
puzzling and gives emphasis to the statement.
mas me mariteb 19 uaugiuK ua a uitoau iut
as liable to break as to hold.
A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts. 9O90Kci calls,
Itoe following tsDie, corrected by De "Witt Dll
irorth, broker In petroleum, etc. corner Klfth
avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc. :
Time. Bid. t Ask. Time. Bid. Ask.
Opened 91 S's 12:45 p. it.... 91,W W
10:15a. H.. si Slii 1:00 P. II... 81 9IK
10:30A. II.... SI HIS 1:15 P. M.... 9!,H 91
10:45 A. M.... 91K 91X 1-.J0F. M.... 91 91K
U.-00A. M.... 91 91H 1:45 P. M.... 91.-$ 91 H
11:15 a. M.... 91H 91M 2:00 P. !!.... 91M 9144
11: JO A. M.... 91 B1J J:I5P. M.... IH 9 Hi
11.-45A. M.... 91H 91 K 2:30 P. If.... tlH 91V
12:00 M 91 SIX 2:45 P. M.. SIM Wi
11:15 P. 11.... Sljj 91 Closed 91H ....
12:30 r. M.. 91 91
Opened. 31c; highest iViti lowest, SOftc;
closed, 01c
Dally runs 45.47
Average runs 43,157
Dally shipments . 63,557
Averago shipments 62.377
Dallv charters - 19,047
Average charters 50,792
Clearances .'. ,..,,.. .1. 1,144, KO
Hew York closed at 91c.
OH city closea at 9lic
Bradrora closea at Wi'
New Vork. rejined. I.15c
London, reaned. mi.
Antwerp, renneil. I7!r.
Field Notes.
Jennings No. 1, on the McCanley farm, Brush
creek, with one bit in the sand, was making 5
to 6 barrels anbour. It will likely be finished
to-day, with a prospect of improving the out
put. The Carson, Washington county, well is
doing 95 barrels per day. The Hodgtns well is
flowing moderately at intervals. The Noble
No. 4 well is flowing at intervals. The Auld
well, at Ninevah, is through the sand and is
dry. There is no change at tho Bnster well.
At Crafton, the Nichols farm well has made
three flows. The Guffy well, on the Clever
farm, was due yesterday.
Other OH Markets.
OIL CITY. March 7. National transit cer
tificates opened, 90c; highest, 915ic; lowest,
90c; closed. 91c
Bradford. March 7. National transit cer
tificates opened at 91c; closed at 91Kc; highest,
91c; lowest, 90Jc
TrrusvUiLE. March 7. National transit cer
tificates opened at 90c; highest, 91c; lowest,
SOJia closed, Sliic
New York. March 7. Petroleum opened
steady at 90c, and after the first sales became
strong and advanced to 91c The price then
sagged off slowly, and the market closed dull
at 91Kb Sales, 801,000 barrels.
Renters on the Homo Stretch nnd Rapidly
Gobbling Up Homes.
Renters, having spent several weeks in pros
pecting for bouses, got down to work yester
day and secured a large number. Progress
was reported in several large deals tbat have
been on tbe string for some time. There were
quite a number of applications for business
houses. Quite a demand has set in for South
side property.
Black & Baird.No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold
for George Ewing to Theodore Moke, Jr., a lot
situate on Penn avenue, between Fitch and
Gross streets. Nineteenth ward, city, 19x100
feet, for 8900 cash. They also placed a mortgage
of 510.000 on Sixth avenue property at i per
cent, for five years. .
W. A. Herron & Sons sold a house and lot on
Lacock street, Allegheny City, for 85,000. They
report a very active demand for small-sized
houses for rent.; f
Samuel W. Black & Co.. 99 Fourth avenue,
placed a mortgage for M.WXJ for 5 years at 6 per
cent, on a property on Fifth avenue, Eleventh
ward. T ,
E. D. Wlngenxoth, No. 100 Fourth avenue,
sold lot No. i4 in the Weinman plan, Wilkins
burg, 50x143 feet, on Spring street and the town
shrp road, to Henry McGuire for $250 cash. -
Ewing & Byers, No. 107 Federal street, Alle
gheny, sold for M. J. Aiken to William F.
Schuster. No. 287 Lacock street. Fourth ward,
Allegheny, brick boose of six rooms and hall
for $3,500.
Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
J. H. Hammer, for Hugh Crummy, a two-story
frame dwelling. No. 274 Bnena Vista street, Al
legheny City, with lot 25x145 feet, running
through to Perrysville avenue, for 82,000 cash.
They also placed a mortgage of 83,500 on a
property in the Twentieth ward, Pittsburg, for
one year with the privilege of three years.
Fx-Secrctnry Whitney- Shows Hli Hand In
Wall Street Active Stocks Close
Higher Railroad Bonds Ir
regulnr, With No Radi
cal Changes.
New York, March 7. The market was, on
the whole, very dull to-day, though a few of
the leading shares as usual maintained a fairly
active trading, and while prices were lower in
the forenoon a rally occurred and a majority of
the active shares closed higher than last even
ing. There was very llttlefnthe way of news
which had a positive effect upon values,
hut there was no lack of rumors
and stories which may. have had some
influence to deter sales pr purchases. The
tenor of these stories was much mixed, and
while Mr. Walker was said to have accepted
tbe Chairmanship of the Inter-State Associa
tion, and a representative of Drexel, Morgan
& Co. was to enter the directory of St Paul,
tbe protest of the Wabash against the new
fast trains, and threat to reduce rates unless
thoy were discontinued, and the renewal of
the uneasy feeling in Paris, were equally power
ful. Ex-Secretary Whitney and others were said
to have scenred control of the New York and
Northern in the ibtercst of the New England,
and a large amount of wheat taken for. export
helped along tbe good feeling late in the day.
There was no disposition to buy in the early
morning, and the bears forced prices off by at
tacking the coal stocks and those shares, es
pecially Reading and Lackawanna, were more
active than for many days, but the concessions
made were only fractional. St. Paul came in
for some attention, but a new bull pool was
said to be operating in that stock and its first
price was the lowest for the day. There was
considerable trading also in Union Pacific, hut
its fluctuations were unusually small and the
chief interest in the markets as centered in a
few of the specialties. Tbe efforts of the bears
brought most of the list down to something
below the opening prices, which were generally
from per cent lower than last evening's
figures by noon, when the rumor that Mr. Wal
ker bad sent in his acceptance started a rally
and the buying from that time out was butter
than tbe selling.
The conspicuous weak stocks were Clevoland,
Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis and
Short Line, and the former dropped to 70,
recovering only a small portion of the loss in
tbe afternoon rally, while tbe latter after open
ing up 1 per cent at 57 and advancing to 58
rapidly declined to 56. Chesapeake and Ohio
first preferred stock was again conspicuously
strong and active, scoring, a material gain
although tbe other stocks of that company
failed to respond. Tennessee Coal was the
most prominent strong stock, and both tbe
common and preferred made marked gams.
Perry Coal, however, was also very weak on
light transactions. The highest prices of the
day.were generally reached in the last hour,and
tbe market closed anil but firm.
Railroad bonds were irregular with no very
marked movement outside of the weakness in
tbe Denver and Rio Grande, Western assented
bonds, which lost 2 per cent at 86. The sales
of all issues were 81.506.000. Tbe advances in
clude Evansvllle and Indianapolis Consols 2
to 111, and Wabash first extended 2 to 114.
The following table snows tbe prices or active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dallj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney. fc Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth s venue:
'open- High- Low- Clos
ing. est. est. lng.
Am. Cotton Oil 53 53
A tell.. Top. ft 8. F.... 51 51 SI 61
Canadian Pacific SO'A
Canada Southern 53
Central or Mew Jersey. Wi
Chesapeake A Ohio ... I'M
C, Bur. A Qulncy,....100
C., Mil. SSt. l'aul... CI
C, Mil. 4 St. P.. pr..... 93 g
C, Kockl. 1 95
C. Bt. It. A Pitts 1
96 V
C st. u&Pitu. pr.. ....
C, St. P.. At. tO.... 22V 22V 32
C, St. PM. & O., pr. 92V K5j 92
C. &,.Northwestem..,.lO ... 107 JOCK
CI .Northwestern, pf. ....
O. C.C. 41.i 71
Col. Coal ft Iron 22
Col. ft Hocking Vl .. 28
!., L. ftW. 140
Del. ft Hudson ..1M!
E.T., Va. ftUa 9
E.T.,Va. 4Ua.. lstpr .. .
K.T., Va.AOa.2dpf. 23
llllnols.Central H0M
Lake Erie Western.. 17JA
Lake Erie ft West. pr.. S7
Lake Shore ft M. S 103V
Louisville ft Nashville. 6"
Michigan Central 834
Mobile Ohio , 11
ilo.,K. ftTexas Mil
Missouri Paclflc 'm
2ework Central.
i. r.. L. K. A W 29.
H, If., L. E. ft W.prel 69),
1., C. St. L
. x., C. 4 St. L. or.
.Y., C. 4 8t.li.Zdpf ....
N. YA.N. E 48
A. Y..O. ft W
Norfolk A Western
Horrolk ft Western, nf 50
Northern Pacific 2B
Northern Paclflc pref. 62
Ohio Mississippi. .
Oregon Improvement. 83
Oregon Transeon 23
PaciflcMall 38
Peo. Dec. 4 Evans
Phlladel. ft. Heading.. 46
Pullman Palace Car...l99
Richmond ft W. P. T.. 26
Klchmond ft W.P.T.pf 80
Bt. PaulftDulnth S6JJ
St. Paul A Uuluth pf.,. SS
St. P., Minn. AMan...l00X
St.L. A San Fran
St. L. 4 San Fran pf.. 614
St. L. 4 San P.lst pr.
Texas Pacific 20
UnlonPaclfic 65X
Wabash preferred
Western Union 86
Wheeling 4 L. E 64
71V 70 -
22 31
26 K
140 139
133 132
m 9
23 '"
110 110
17 17
57 56
103 103
61 60
83a 83
II 11
13 13
71 70
23 29
69 69
47 46
21i 20K
66X 65
A Downward Tend, With Copper Leading
In tbe Run.
Boston, March 7. Tho stock market had a
brilliant opening this morning, San Diego lead
ing and the copper stocks following. After tbe
first hour, however, the tide turned downward,
notably so for coppers. Atchison and Chicago,
Burlington and Quincy held firm at a slight ad
vance, which was well sustained. Bonds dull
but generally strong.
Atch. ATop..lst7s. 118
A.AT. LandUr't7s.l09
Atch. ATop. K. K... 51
llostonA Albany.. .216
Boston 4 Maine 168
C, IS. A (J. 101
Clnn. San. 4 Cleve. 25
Eastern B. K 82
Eastern B. It. 6s 123
Flint A PereM 28
Mexican Cen. com.. 14
M. C. IstMort. bds. 71
N. Y. ftewEng... 47
N. Y. A New En 78.127
Ojfd.AL. Cham, com. 7
Old Colony. 171
Wls.Ontral.com... 16
AUoueiM'gCo.(new) 1
Calumet 4 Hecla....250
Catalna 17
Franklin 13
Huron.... VA
Osceola .... 14
Pewablc (new) 5
Hell Telephone 225
Boston Land 7
Water Power 7M
Tamarack 143
San Diego 27M
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney 4 Stephenson, broken. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Memtjers New York Stock Ex
change. .Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad 55 55
Heading Kallroad 23 - 23 5-16
liuftalo, Pltubnrg and Western 12 12
Lehigh Valley 54 54
Lehigh Navigation 52 2
O. Co. 's New Jersey 227 ....
Northern Paclflc 26 27
Northern Pacific preferred 62 02
The Illinois Senate yesterday passed a bill
to regulate telephone charges unanimously.
The following bonds were offered yesterday
and were accepted by the Secretary of the
Treasury: 4V per cents, registered, $223,750
at 108.
The Young Men's Christian Association
building in Paterson, N. J., burned yesterday
morning. The loss is about (25,000; partly in
sured. Representative Laird, of Nebraska, who
was very ill during the whole of the last session
of Congress, has reached Washington much im
proved in health, although he has not entirely
The United States Government has made a
formal requisition to the Department of
3 ustice at Ottawa for the surrender of Aldricb,
the Pennsylvania robber, who has been in cus
tody at Windsor.
--The labor organizations which took sides
with the strikers in tbe recent tie-up of tbe
Atlantic Avenue Railroad, In Brooklyn, have
placed a boycott on that corporation. Their
members have been forbidden to ride on the
cars, undor penalty of heavy fines or expulsion.
David Treadl, proprietor of a sporting
place in Paterson, N. J., fell down stairs at his
residence Wednesday night and was smothered
to death in the carpet. In falling, his head
strnck a doorsill, which rendered him uncon
scious. He was a member of Farragut Post,
' A dispatch from Huntlngburg, Ind., says
that White Caps are again at work in that
county and are being encouragedby tbe greater
number of citizens. Tuesday nlght,at Ireland,
Joseph Serwersbeim was taken from his home
and given SO lashes for neglecting to obey a
warning to go to work or leave. Notices have
been left with others.
Commencing Sunday next, the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad Company will run trains
from Philadelphia for New York, leaving the
Baltimore and Ohio depot at Twenty-fourth
and Chestnut streets. The schedule on that
day provides for five trains each way, aud on
week days an additional train will be run.
The New York police are looking for Will
iam D. Sproul, the manager of Austin, Nichols
& Uo.'s wholesale grocery house, who mysteri
ously disappeared on Monday last. His ac
counts are all right. Mr. Sproul Is 40 years old.
about 5 feet 8 inches in height, wears a full
brown beard, and is dressed in a checked suit
and dark overcoat.
Mrs. Olive B. Friend, Mrs. Emily Howard,
William E. Howard, Ous Halstead and George
Halstead, all interested parties in the great
electric sugar refining frauds, arrived in New
York City yesterday morning from Detroit. The
party was under the escort of detectives, and
all were locked up in police headquarters.
They will be arraigned for preliminary exami
nation to-day.
The new Board of Directors of the Texas
and Pacific Railway Company elected yester
day the following officer: John C. Brown,
President: First Vice President, George J.
Gould; Second Vice President, S. H. H. Clark;
Secretary and Treasurer, C. E. Satterlee. Tbe
only change made was the election of S. H. H.
Clark to nil the ofllce of Second Vice Presi
dent, made vacant by the death of H. M.
The action of the Maine House of Repre
sentatives in passing the pharmacy bill, as
amended, creates surprise. The bill allows
municipal officers to license any number of
drugstores in any town or city to sell in
amounts not exceeding a quart, on a physician's
prescription, and any druggist who is a doctor
can sell on his own prescription. It Is practi
cally a free rum bill, and was passed by the
vote of 84 to 48.
Tbe telegram from the Humane Society of
Kansas City to the Secretary of State, request
ing him to have the British Minister interpose
to prevent a kidnaped child from being taken
out of the United States, was received at the
Department of State to-day. In answer the
society was informed that the British Minister
could not exercise such powers in this country,
and a suggestion was made that the case be
turned over to the police authorities.
The stockholders of the Pacific Guano
Company, at a meeting in Boston, yesterday,
listened to tbe report of a committee showing
3,500,000 liabilities and 909,000 quick assets.
These assets do not Include the four plants of
the company at Wood's Hall, Cfaarlestown,
Chlsbolm Island, and Swan Island. In tbe
liabilities are included 31,000,000 of acceptances
which Mr. Glldden claimed were not proper
liabilities ot the Pacific Guano Company. It
was voted that the report of the committee
and Glidden's statement be sent to the stock
holders. ''
Colonel John M. Wilson, of the "Engineer
Corps, has been placed in charge of tbe work
nn the Washington aqueduct extension, reliev
ing Major G. JTLydecker, who will be tried by
courtmartial on the 25tb inst. for neglect of
duty in connection with this improvement.
This assignment of Colonel Wilson is in ad
dition to his present duties In charge of the
Washington Monument, tbe Gettysburg Monu
ment and the public buildings and grounds in
the District of Columbia. In this latter
capacity he acts as master of ceremony at the
White House receptions. He is also a member
of tbe Lighthouse Board.
The situation in Oklahoma is growing criti
cal. Between 200 and 300 men have taken up
claims. Nearly allot the valuable land on the
river bottom, from the neighborhood of Fort
Reno on tbe west, to tbe Pottawottamie Res
ervation on the east, has been taken up and
is held by the usual squatter. Scores of men
are slipping In on all sides, 'and the influx of
boomers by the railroad has begun. Throngs
of anxious boomers who have been waiting at
Purcell for weeks can scarcely be held back,
and altogether the indications are tbat there
will be fully 2,000 men there inside of a week
unless the militia move from Fort Reno at once.
Preparations for a raid have been going on at
the fort for some time, and It is expected they
will move to-morrow or next day. The proba
bilities are, however, that a raid of tbe soldiers
will only result in a scattering of tne squatters
through tbe woods, as they are already within
the limits of Oklahoma in sufficient numbers
to come, back faster than they can be sent our.
It Is the universal prayer that tbe President
may issue his proclamation soon and declare
the country open to settlement at once, and not
set the date ahead, as it Is feared he will do.
Polly- want a cracker? No. but I do
want some "Belle" Jane Hading veiling
tbat is sold by tbe yard at 65 cents upward
by all drygoods stores. ,7
Nearby Eggs Higher Unadulterated
Butter in Ifemand.
A Bull Movement In Wheat, Oats Stiffening;,
Corn Steady.
Office of thepittsboug Dispatch, j
THtrBSDAY, March 7, 1889.
Country Produce Jobbing Prices,
Nearby eggs are in good demand and prices
for the same have advanced lc since the begin
ning of the week. Cold storage ben fruit finds
hard roads to travel. There Is no let-up to the
active movement in country butter and una
dulterated creamery. The recent active move
ment in butter is the result largely ot depres
sion in butterlne, caused by makers and execu
tors of tho State law. Dealers have found the
sale of oleomargarine too risky, when a $100
fine and imprisonment stares them in the face.
Produce commission merchants report this as
the quietest day ot the week. For the first
three days of the week business was more ac
tive than it bas been for some weeks past, and
a more hopeful feeling began to spring up.
The produce men who have made ends meet
the past winter are not in the majority. A
leading produce dealer reports a loss on tbe
winters trade ana expresses the belief that his
competitors are generally in the same boat.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 3132c; Ohio dor
2628c: fresh dairy packed, 2023c; country
rolls, 2023c; Chartlers Creamery Co. butter,
Beans Choice medium, $2 002 10: choice
peas. $2 052 15.
Beeswax 2325c $1 & for choice; low grade,
Uider Sand refined, 40 507'50: common,
S3 504 00; crab cider, fS 000350 $ barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212ct
New York, fall make. 1213c; Limburger,
llKc: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1112C
Dried Peas SI 451 50 bushel; split do,
IMetPio V .
Egos I516c $1 dozen for strictly fresh.
Fauns Apples. si 50$2 00 barrel; evap
orated raspoerries, 25c 1 ft: cranberries, & 00
barrel: 12 40S2 50 per bushel.
Fiamees Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 8035c $ ft
Homint 2 b52 75 1 barrel.
Honey New Crop, lb17c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes, S540c $ bushel; $2 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; 3 253 50 for Jer-
SfiV SWfifitS
PouiTBr Live chickens, 6575c fl pair;
dressed chickens, 1315c f) pound; turkeys, 13
15o dressed p pound; ducks, live. S085c p
pair; dressed, 1314c pound; geese, 10llo
per pound. -
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, 6 f
bushel; clover, large English, 62 tts, $6 25;
clover, Alsike, $860; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 lbs, $1 85; bine grass, extra clean,
14 fts, SI 00: blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, SI 20;
orchard grass, 14 fts, $2 00; red tap, 14 As, SI 00;
millet, 50 fts, SI 2J; German millet, 50 Bs. S2 00;
Hungarian grass, 43 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of line grasses, 25c per lb.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered,
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, S3 00
4 00 W box; common lemons, $2 75 ?
box; Messina oranges, S2 503 50 ? box;
Florida oranges, S3 0O3 50 W box; Jamaica
oranges, fancv. So 005 50 1 case; Malaga
grapes, S5 60&7 00 fl keg; bananas, $2 50
firsts: SI 502 00, good seconds, fl bunch;
cocoanuts, S4 004 60 fl hundred; new figs, 12
14c fl pound; dates, 5Cc ? pound.
Vegetables Celery. 4050o doz. bunches;
cabbages, S3004 00 W 100; onions, SOc fl bushel;
Spanish onions, 7590c ft crate; turnips, 30
40c per bushel.
Green coffee was advanced 30 points In New
York yesterday, which makes since the begin
ning of the week a total advance of 65 points.
Package coffee bas gone up another c, and
should go still higher in order to correspond
with the green article. Our quotations are ad
vanced c all along the line, and if present
firmness of markets continues, it cannot be
many days until we will have to raise prices an
other notch. Sugars are firm and a rise is
probable in the neat future.
Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 21022c;
choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c: fair Rio.
1819c: ojd. Government Java, 27c; Mara
calbo, 2223c; Mocha, 30K31c; Santos, 19
22c; Caracas coffee, 2022c; peaberry, Rio,
2022c; Laguayra,-2122c.
Roasted (lnpaoets) Standard brands, 24c;
high grades328c; old Government Java,bulk,
82K33K: Maracaibo. 27K2SKc: Santos, 23
24c; peaberry, 27c; peaberry Santos, 22
24c; choice Jtio, 25c; prime Rio, 23c; good
Rio, 22c; ordinary, 21c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c:
cassia. 89c: pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 70S0c
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test,7Jc:
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 9c; water white.
10Kc; globe, 12c; eiaine, 15c; carnadine, llc;
royalinc, 14c
Syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrup. 3338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 50c; choice, 48; me
dium, 45; mixed, 40 12c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3X4c; bl-carb in s,
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 660c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 10c; stearine,
per set, 8Kc; parafilne, ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77e; choice, (
7c: prime, 566Jc; Louisiana, 6&6KC
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 67c;
gloss starch, 57cv
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers.
S2 50: Muscatels. S2 25: California Mnscatels,
$2 35; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia,
7K7c; sultana. 8Kc; currants, new,45Jc;
Turkey prunes, new, 45c: French prunes,
813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-& packages, 8Ke,
cocoanuts, per 100,56 00: almonds, Lan per "ft;
2Sc; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
12kl5c; Sicily Alberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12
16c: new dates, 5K6c; Brazil nuts, 10c;
pecans, ll15c: citron, per ft. 2122c: lemon
peel, per lb. 1314c; (Trance peel, 12c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per lb. 6c;
apples, evaporated, 66Xc; apricots, Calif or
nia. evaporated, 15lKc; peaches, evaporated
pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpltted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated. 2424Kc; blackberries, 78c: huckle
berries. 1012c
Sugars Cubes, 7c; powdered, 7?c: granu
lated, 7c: confectioners' A, 6c; standard A,
6JJc; soft whites. 6ffic; yellow, choice, 6
6Kc; yellow, good, (6Kc; yellow, fair. 6jc;
yellow d&rka &3ic.
Pickt.es Medium, bbls U.200), $473; me
diums, halt bbls (600). $2 85.
Salt-No, 1 f) bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, bbl, SI 05;
dairy, fl bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ff bbl, St 20;
Hicgin's Eureka, 4 bu sack, S2 80; Higgin's Eu
reka, 15-14 lb pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, Sli&O
1 60; 2d s, SI 301 35: extra peaches, SI 85 1 ID;
pie peaches. 90c; finest corn, SI 301 50; Hfd.
Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cl 00; lima
beans, SI 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 75
85c; marrowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas,
7075c: pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do,
$2 7o; damson plnms, 95c; green gages, SI 25;
eggplnms, S2 00; California pears, $2 50;do green
gages. S2 00; do egg plnms, 82 00; extra white
cherries, S2 90; red cherries, 2&s, 90c: raspber
ries. SI 151 40: strawberries. SI 10; goose
berries, SI 20L30: tomatoes, 8592c; salmon,
1-ft, SI 7502 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash,
2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2fts, SI 251 50:
corn beef, 2-ft cans, SI 75: 14-ft cans, S1J 50;
baked beans. SI 401 45; lobster, 1 lb, SI 75
l fcu; macKerei, l-m cans, oroueo, 51 ou; sardines,
domestic W. $ & ou; sardines, domestic.
SS 258 50; sardines, imported, Ws, 111 50
I; sardines, imported, Ks, S18 CO: sardines,
Card, S4 CO; sardines, spiced, S4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel,
S36 f) bbl; extra No. 1 do, mess, S40;
extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No.
1 do, messed, S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24.
Codfish Whole pollock, 4c f) lb; do medium
George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c; boneless bake.
In strips, 6c: do George's cod in Mockr, 6K
7Kc Herring Round shore, S5 50 fl bbl; split
57: lake S3 25 fl 100-ft half bbl. White fish, S? 9
100-ft half bbl. Lake trout, $5 60 fl half bhL
Finnan hadders, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
flfi. ,
Buckwheat Flour 22Jc per pound.
OATJIEAL-S6 308 60 fl bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6860c
fl gallon. Lard oil. 75c
Grain, Floor nnd Fred. .
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 31 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft Wayne and
Chicago. 5 cars of flour, 2 of feed, 2 of hay, 1 of
barley, 3 of bran, 2 of oats, 1 of middlings'. By
Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 3 cars of
hay, 2 of oats, 1 of corn. By Pittsburg and
Lake Eric 3 cars of flour, 1 of corn, 1 of malt 1
of oats. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of s.
corn. ByPittsfiurg and Western, 2 cars of e.
corn. The only sale on call was 1 car extra No.
3 white oats. 3094c 10 days. Oats are firm
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
mhll-hSo-uWT 4SU t-
enough to go higher at an early day. Other
cereals are steady. BuKs are now eettlnjr. In
their work on wheat An advance of nearly 3s
on May wheat over Monday's prices was
touched to-day at Chicago. ..,
WHEAT-Iohbing prices No. 2 red, 81 0o
106;No.3red,98cg$104. ..,...
Cobn-No. 2 yellow. ear,40Kc: nJgb mixed
ear. 39Xac; No. 1 yellow, shelled. 3S39c;
No. 2 yellow, shelled, 37K3Sc; blgh mixed,
shelled. 3637c; mixed, shelled. 3536c:
mW: No. 3 white. S0630KC; No. 2 mixed, 28
Rye No. 1 Western. 6061c: No. 2. 6556c
Barley No.l Canada, 9593c:No. 2 Canada,
85g88c;No.3Canada.8082c: No. 2 Western.
7ES0c; No. 3 Western, 70072c; Lake Shore. 78
Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents SO 50,
6675; springpatents.SO 757 CO: fancy straight,
winter and spring. 756 00; clear winter,
S3 255 50. straight XXXX bakers'. So 005 2a
Eye flour, S4 00.
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, SIS 00
20 00 fl ton; brown middlings. S14 5015 00;
winter wheat "bran, Sli 75Q15 25; chop feed.
S15 00018 CO.
Hay Baled timothy, choice, S15 0015 25;
No. 1 do. $14 2514 50; No. 2 do, S12 00013 00;
loose from wagon, S18 0020 00: No. 1 upland
prairie, S9 7510 00; No. 2, S3 0008 50; packing
do, $8 5007 CO.
Straw Oats. S8 0008 25; wheat and rye
straw, $7 0007 25.
Sugar-cured hams, large, 10Vc; sugar-cured
bams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured hams, small,
lie; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shonlders, v8Jc: sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9cr sugar-cured California hams,
8)c: sugar-cured dried beef flats. 8c: sugar
cured dried Deef sets,9c: sugar-cured dried beef
rounds, lie: bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear
sides. SKc; bacon clear bellies, 8c: dry salt
shoulders. 6Jic; dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess
Eork. heavy, S14 00: mess pork, family, $14 50;
ard Refined In tierces, 7c: half barrels, TJc;
60-ft tubs, 7JgC:20-fi palls, 7c; 0-ft tin cans.
7c; 3-ft tin pails, 7c; 5-ft tin pails, 7c;
10-ft tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 5c:
large, 5c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, hall
barrels, S3 75; quarter barrels, SI 75.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 1 450 to 550 Ss,
5c: 650 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fis, 6c Sheep,
7c f) ft. Lambs, 8Kc fl ft. Hogs, 6c
A Few More Boats Leave for Cincinnati nnd
The bulk of tbe coal shipment on tbe
present rise was, taken out on Wednesday.
A few boats started yesterday, and, if tbe
stage continues until Saturday, the Browns
will send down the river two more tows, and
Joseph "Walton & Co. one.
The water had fallen to 11 feet at noon
yesterday, but it raised again 3 inches in
the afternoon. The John Penney, for the
Browns; the Mark Winnett, for Marinette
& Co.; the I. N. Bunton, for "Walton, and
one of John A. "Wood's boats started for
lower ports yesterday.
Dayton City Fntliers Trying to Control a
Natural Gna Compnny.
C. J. Gerdes, C. F. Beckler, John Hues
man, S. A. Ambrose and E. I Matthews,
of the Dayton City Councils, are in the city
to profit by the mistakes of Pittsburg before
they grant a franchise to the Dayton Nat
ural Gas Company, t
They olaim the right under the Ohio laws
to regulate the price and pressure. They
have already visited Toledo and Indian
Attached to the Appropriation Ordinance,
and All Is Well.
The appropriation ordinance for 1889 was
signed by Mayor McCallin yesterday after
noon, and the clerks are at work filling out
warrants for the payment of city employes
lor February.
The Department of Charities and several
minor classes of warrants will be cashed to
day. To-morrow the Departments of Pub
lic "Works and Public Safety will' be paid.
Inspector Steven Vindicated.
Hiss Katie Best, who brought a charge
against George Stevens, Inspector of tbe
Sonthside police district, before Alderman
Monasters last week, did not appear at the
hearing of the case yesterday afternoon, but
she sent notice that she wanted to withdraw
from further prosecution. The alderman
discharged the Inspector.
Bilious Headache,
Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, Constipation, Dizziness
Positively curod by
The People's Favorite Liver Pills.
They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and
their effect is lasting; the fact is they have no
equal. Small dose: nig results. Sugar coated
and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c,
at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared
by an old apothecary. Five bottles SL
The HOP PILL CO., New London, CL
Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped,
rough, red skin soft and clear: 25 and 50c
Dressed Beef, Mutton, Pork,
Hams, Breakfast Bacon,
Pork Bologna
And all other varieties of Sausage of the finest
?iuality, at very moderate prices, received dally
rom their immense cooling rooms at Chicago.
del&58-MWT t
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
No. 410 Smithfield St.
CAPITAL, - - - - 8200,000 00,
JAMES P. SPEEB, Vice Prest.
sel-k35-S JOHN F. STEEL, Cashier.
On mortgages on improved real estate in sums
of $1,000 and upward. Applv at
mhisU-T No. 121 Fourth avenue.
Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-2I-ssu
BUTTER, :: '
Chartiers Creamery Co.:
Warehouse and General Offices,
Telephone 1423. .Bissen Block
rrrrsBURG, pa.
Factories throughout Western
For "prices see market quotations -Wholesale
Will remove to No. 616 Liberty
street, on or about March 16.
mbJ-jrwr .
As old residents know and back flies of Pittfc
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
gjjnspersons NQ pr;r; Jjf
MCDnl IC and mental diseases, physical
IMtnVUUo decay, nervous debility, lack
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self-distrust,bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for businesisociety and mar
ria"e, permanently, safely and privately cured,
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1IDIMADV kidney and bladder derange
U nllinn T i ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment
nrompt relief and re.l cures.
Dr. whittier's life-long, extensive experienco
Insures scientific and reliable treatment ou,'
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It
here. Ofllce hours 9 a-it to 8 p.m. Hunday.
loXx. to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER, ftSi
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. felMJ-DSuW
iii-j i-i SOXSXVCXEI OS T,I h'JH
ASdentincandStandardPopular MedlcalTreatiseoa
the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline.Nervona
I and PhyalesI Debility, impurities oi ux uiooa,
Reanltmgtrom Folly, Vlce.Irooranee.Eicesses or
Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim,
for Work, Business, tho Marr5ed or Social Relation
Avoid unsktlihl pretenders. Possess this (rreaS
work. It contains 300 pages, roaI8vo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only tXJO by
mall, post-paid, concealed In plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Freo, if you apply now. The
distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, M. D.. re
from the National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
PHYSICALDEBILITY. Dr.Parkerandacorpa
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi
dentially, by mall or in person, at tho efflce of
No.4I5nlfincli St., Boston. Mass., tawhomaU
orders for books or letters for advice should be
directed as above.
ERGY and strength secured by using Am
oranda WafenL These wafers are the only rell
able safe remedy for the permanent cure of im
potency, no matter how long standlng.seperma
torrhoea, overwork' of the brain, sleepless,
harassing dreams, premature decay of vital
power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis
ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting
of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for Jl;
six boxes is the complete treatment, and with
every purchase of six boxes at one time we will
give a written guarantee to refund the money
if the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma
nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON
MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only by
JOSEPH FLEMING.. &i Market street, Pitts
burg. Pa., P. O. box 31 aplO-kofotWTSa
OrtftaaJL trMt, elj gravis tail
reliable pUI for tile. 'ercrriL
Afc for CkteltMter'a EnatiiM
uiam oaa jsr&na, a rca me
MUM box, Kmira iui Dine no
boa. At Drarrlsts. Accent
no other. AiT till In duu
board boxet, pink wrapper w daffT
om counterfeit. Send 4e (iumpt) for
partlenUri and Hellef for Ladle,"
letter, br return mail. 10.000 tl.
frosilAQ.gSvtionaTwtuedUieiii. Ham Paper.
t'MchMter Chemical CoMidlflonSq.,PMlnP
Oray'a Specific Medicine.
cure for
Seminal Weak
ness. Sperma
torrhea, Impo
tency and alt
d is ewes tbat
follow-as a se
quence of Self- 4
Abuse: as loss
ulUIiiail AhJ
BIFBRE TAIUB.uniTe30L& rftpb TAXIt
iitnae. nm in me Bacc, Dimness ot vision, rre
mature Old Age and many other dlseaes that lead
to Insanity or Consumption anil a Premature
aS"Fnll particulars In our pamphlet, 'whlcn wo
desire to send freo by mall to erery one. 43r"Ttia
Spec! Jc Medicine Is sold by all drnxKlsts at II per
eackape, or its packages for S3, or will be sent free
y mall on the receipt or the money, by addressing:
On account of counterfeits, we hare adopted the
"Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine.
Sold In Plttsbarjr by S. S. HOLLAND, corner
Smithfield and Liberty streets. mbU-kti ,
AH forms of Delicate and Com
plicated Diseases reAuirlnrr Cos.
FlDFrsTTAl.anrl BrnrxTrvrr, UrU
cation are treated at this Dispensary' with a suc
cess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake Is a member,
of the Koval College of Physicians and Surgeons,
and Is the oldest and most experienced Bra. Tr
Jst in the city. Special attention given to Net
ous Debility from excessive c jntal exertion, la.
discretions otyonth, Ac, causing physical and
mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc l
also Cancers, Old Sores, fits, Piles, Rheumatlsa .
and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Urin
ary Organs, &c Consultation free and strlcthr
confidential. Office hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.a.t'
Sundays 2 to 4 pan. only. Call at office or addxeei
KLAKE.M.D., M.R .C.P.S or EJ.LaketD."
nffermefram the f.
fecU ox youthful 'er
ram. earlr decar- lost. ,
znanbood , etc. I will aenlXa Talo&bfa treatlM (waled)
containing rail particulars for home cure, freo- oc
ehAnrn. Address, ....
PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Mocdttt, Contuf
1 -maBC1c nannl
It tp
-i. Jj.i y