Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 07, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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2t9m rHSWiePv1" ' - ?sw? ( ' IjJt ? sK ' "T c &
." Some Styles of Building and loan
Associations Exposed.
Terr Poor Chance for the Many Members
Who Must Borrow;
Building and loan associationshave been
both a blessing and a curse, the former
when honestly conducted and on business
principles, and the latter 'when they were
mismanaged or designedly traps for the un
initiated. Premium associations bare some
times bled people to the extent of 40 to 50
percent of a loan extended. The mutual
companies, as a rule, have the best record,
and all that propose to give you something
for nothing are no more to be trusted than
is a dealer ill "green goods."
For a long time there was trouble to get
rid of money after lour or five years of the
life of an organization, and non-borrowers
being forced to borrow their own money
left the declining years of the bodv quite
feeble. Mr. George Booth tells of one of
these mutuals that declared 10 per cent
semi-annual dividends in its youth, but
which dwindled to nothing in its age.
Now, however, this is largely avoided by
starting a new series from time to time.
The mother hives swarm and new blood is
thus brought in and this may be continued
indefinitely until the country gets so rich
that no one will wish to borrow.
You can get opinions on both sides. Some
are very adverse, ana yei cuius greater uuu
Babylon have been built by the building
associations. Thomas H. Davis, Esq., who
has been solicitor for several, has a rather
and says it is the result of his experience of
them, while K. Q. Bieham, Esq., finds that
over 90 per cent of all the development of
Mt. "Washington for near two decades has
been assisted by these organizations. Those
on the Mount are mutual, and while they
do not pay very largely, they give about
double the return of a savings bank, and so
lar have not met with any losses of conse
quence. The third series of the Prospect is
now a Tear or two old, and in all its time it
has ouly been forced to make three sheriff's
sales, and two of these were only for the
purpose of making title.
"The only actual foreclosure was in the
case of a Braddock borrower, and during
the time this association has been running
its operations exceed hilf a million of dol
lars, so you see it's possible to run them not
only safely but profitably," said Mr. Big
bam, "but there isn't much in the working
of a successful one for the lawyer, as he
must examine titles, etc, at about half
price, -and the fat which comes out of fail
ures is missing, but a man must submit to
be used somewhat if he wants to go through
the world comfortably, and beside the solic
itorship is of benefit to a lawyer in other
ways than for what it yields him."
The prospect is regarded as a savines
bank by some investors, while the majority
go into it with intent to get loans. Borrowers
pay 6J per cent interest, and pay it weekly,
which makes It higher yet, but they share
in the profits and others get a rebate. Non
borrowers get 6 per cent compound interest.
There is no speculation in this, and the rate
is maintained by starting a fresh series from
time to time.
But while this is strictly business, W. J.
Brennan, Esq., tells of one on the South
side which gives back all the profits except
for the quarter previous to withdrawal and
the entrance fee of 3 or $10, or whatever
that may be. "While this may pay those
who hold on, Mr. Brennan thinks the man
who commutes the amounts dne each retiring
stockholder will nave anything else than a
Now all these mutual building and loan
associations are of immense use to the poor
when properly managed, but some schemes
which seem to grow out of them are regard
ed by a legal gentleman who has examined
them as not only ultra tires, but schemes to
make a vast profit off the masses bv a few,
and it is said a man is operating in this part
of the country with a copyrighted scheme,
which he sells.
As to the working of a somewhat similar
plan in Philadelphia, it is said:
The Idea is that a borrower shall reduce his
Indebtedness by monthly payments ot both
principal and imerest until the entire amount
shall be paid on; generally in 10 or U years. If
desired, however, the debt can be paid off at
any time. Six per cent interest is charged.
x- w lu&iaiiue, a man uorrows iiw on a mort
gage on his house. At the end of the first
month he pays an installment of $10 on the prin
cipal and pars fB in interest The principal is
thus reduced to $1,190, and the next interest
charge it only S3 95. By continuing this process
the principal at the end of the first year is re
duced to $1,090 and the monthly interest to
55 50. The close ot the second year finds the
debt only 970 and the interest Ji 90, and so it
goes on until the one Hundred and twentieth
payment wipes the mortgage off altogether.
Some people hereabouts who are thinking
of forming an association have taken the
precaution to get a legal opinion on the
Homestead Loan and Trust plan, and here
is the gist of the history and opinion:
First These companies are. incorporated as
real estate companies under the act of 1S74.
Second In their organization they form three
classes of shareholders. A, B and C. A is com
posed of shareholders who need not hold capi
tal stock, class B of stockholders and class O
those who contract to pay in money either in
lump or periodically, on condition to withdraw
it at a certain time and receive interest or
tranf er to class A at the option of the party,
the time of -withdrawal eaid to be usually
fixed at one year.
Third Subscriptions are called in at the rate
of 6 per cent a month from class B, conse
quently 20 months are required to pay up. The
companies also derive a revenue from con
tracts made with the shareholders of the other
classes, usually received in small monthly
payments. These compose their resources,
and so much as Has Deen received from class O
must be returned at the time limited. Capital
is usually limited to 15,000, that usually being
subscribed to classes A and C. They buy prop
erty and sell it to the shareholders ot class A
on small monthly payments at a certain crice,
with interest at 4 per cent, reqniring 16 vears
to pay it out, ana they compel the stockholders
in that class to take, whether they want it or
not, and the shareholders of class B, who are
the only ones who make the profits, will, at
the end of a year, have closed out
all the real estate (every member
of class A getting a house in that
time) and receive a dividend of 15 to 25 per
cent per annum. The officers are salaried the
first year and thereafter there is but little to
do, except receive deferred payments of sales,
from class A. The examiner states that he
finds from certain blank forms of contract for
real estate with shareholders of class A, that
the contract nominally is called a lease, but is
in fact a contract or agreement to convey, on
full payment of the purchase price, and that no
deed or mortgage is made nntil the property is
fully paid for. These companies also make
loans to pay off mortgages, build houses, eta,
to their members, presumably of class A.
From this review the examiner finds that
these corporations are all doing business
outside of their chartered powers, in that
they are making an issue of stock greatw
than authorized by law.
The common stockholders are in Class B and
Class C must be treated as preferred stock
holders, and there is a question as to whether
the members in Class A are not common stock
holders or general partners with the other two
classes, add, consequently, all liable individ
ually, the whole plan of organization being
anomalous and attended by the risk of indi
vidual liability.
Second The arrangement with Class O
might be construed to be a banking business
and outside the powers of the companies.
Third The lending of money on mortgages
or otherwise is also outside of their powers.
Fourth The plan of operation is not pur
suant to any system provided by law such as in
the case of building and loan associations and
must be liable to controversies to be determined
by several rules of law as applied to particular
facts in the case and as facts are liable to varia
tion, in carrying out the plan proposed by
these companies it would be productive of liti
gation and the result could not be forecast.
Fifth In a business point of view-the plan is
ppjectionaole for various reasons. The capital
Is too small and munt-entall top long a wait on
those who want homes, and when all paid up,
can furnish only a limited number with them.
Sixth The purchase of property will tax all
the resources of the companies, and ir class C
is drawn upon, it cannot be paid back as con
tractedsay in one year.
Seventh In this section an ordinary house
would cost 52,500, and not only would the re
sources of the company soon be exhausted, but
the member in class A getting snch home
would be overburdened, and after paying half
,a life time-would have paid 66J per cent more
than its original cost The length of time, X5yx
years, is too long, building and loan associations
finding 100 months too long.
"The plan," says the examiner, "can be
carried out only by the company giving its
mortgage in part payment of the property
it buys to sell again to class -A, for the
reason that it cannot have the capital to pay
for it, and when it agrees to sell to its mem
bers and put them into possession the
mortgage for a larger amount than what the
member is to pay is a lien on the land, and
the company collects the member's pay
ments and may never pay the liens, and he
may consequently lose the property.
This is the weakest feature in its' financial
Dolicy, and cquld be readily obviated. The
forcing of a member of Class A to take
property he may not want is unjust. Money
cannot be loaned for more than two or three
years after Organization, as the payment for
real estate .will absorb it. The common
stockholders, class B, make all the money
by the rise of a minimum of
their own investment and a max
imum of that of class C, and
of the buyers, Class A, and .on account of
the long time given Class A, sell at a large
advance and use the credit of the land they
sell to carry their indebtedness until Class
A has paid" sufficient to relieve them.
"The scheme is not a commendable one.
It is treacherous and liable to ruin the poor,
who are captivated by its specious promises.
The least that can be said of the contract
the company makes with Class A is that it
is ruinous. The scheme is cunningly de
vised, to suck all the blood of poor A after
using him as a tool without his knowledge,
and it he fails after having made his pay
ments for years, then to seize his home,
giving him nothing back, and then to make
a further profit.
In closing I emphatical! disapprove of these
companies and regret that they should have
found a foothold in this community.
It will be seen that this legal adviser is
not enamored of the project in any sense,
and he calls attention to some of the provi
sions of the Penn Homestead and Loan As
sociation of Allegheny City, as appended,
stripped of its legal verbiage:
But in case the said John Doe shall fail to
kVep the property in good repair, or fall to
make the payments aforesaid, or any of them
within four months after the same or any part
thereof become dne, punctually and upon the
strict terms and time and times above, limited,
or fail to keep the property insured, or
suffer taxes to become delinquent, or fall to
perform and complete any and all of tils agree
ments and stipulations aforesaid, strictly and
literally, the time and times of all payments
herein provided for being strictly the essence
of this contract, then the company shall have
the right to declare it null and void, and there
upon all right, etc, in the premises herebv
created or then existing in favor of the said
John Doe, his heirs, eta, or in any manner de
rived under this contract shall utterly cease,
and the party of the first part may immediately
enter on the premises and take complete pos
session of it and all improvements, without
any declaration of f orfeiture,or act of re-entry,
or withont any other act by said party
of the first part to be done or per
formed, and without any right of
the said John Doe, etc, for reclamation or com
pensation for moneys paid or advance pay
ments made or improvements (all payments
and improvements and advance payments
made to be taken and regarded and applied
only as for payment of rent for the time the
E remises should have been rightfully occupied
y the said John Doe, eta, to the date when such
default was made), and the party of the first
part shall be held to be the owner of said prem
ises as absolutely as though this contract had
never been made, eta
In conclusion it is stated in the compact,
that it is the intention of all parties inter
ested to avoid a foreclosure of the contract.
Organizations of this kind chartered, as
shown by the books in the County Re
corder's office, are: Allegheny County
Loan and Trust Company, East End Loan
and Trust Company, Penn Homestead Loan
and Trust Company, Lawrenceville. "Home
stead Loan and Trust Company, Enterprise
Loan and Trust Company, Southside Home
stead Loan and Trust Company, Braddock
Homestead Loan and Trust Company, and
Manchester Homestead Loan and Trust
Company. They are also organized in
Beaver Falls, New Castle and Meadville,
and doubtless in most towns of anv size. -
The capital stock seems to be generally
It is not to be expected that the companies
will plead guilty to the indictment pre
ferred against them, but some people look
upon the fact that there is a general desire
to go into associations calculated to relieve
the plethora of capital as pregnant with
great danger in the future if people allow
themselves to be carried away by specious
plans they cannot understand. Some peo
ple liken man v enterprises projected at pres
ent to those life insurance companies that
promise something for nothing, such as pay
ing a man a policy of $1,000 in ten years on
payment of a sum ot money that cannot pos
siblv be used so as to produce that amount
in the time stipulated. They hold that the
mutual bnilding and loan association which
only promises small but certain results as
the best under all circumstances. The cap
ital invested in these is enormous.
Paupers, Aged 79 and 83, Run Awav From
the Poorhouse to Get Married.
St. Pa-UL, March a Patrick Mulligan, aged
79, and Hannah Call, aged 83, inmates of the
Ramsey County Poorhouse, eloped yesterday
and came to St. PauL intending to get married.
"When their flight was known at the poorhouse
the police in St. Paul were notified, and Officer
Palmer arrested the aged couple as they
stepped from the suburban train on the Du
luth road. They were kept at the Margaret
street station over night, and will probably be
given their liberty and allowed to go ahead
-with the wedding, Mulligan having declared
his intention and ability to make a good living
for himself and bride by following the shoe
maker's trade, which he learned when a boy.
He has been an inmate of the poorhouse for
two months, but has been paving for his keep
ing and has a little money left to start house
keeping with. Miss Call has been at the poor
house for more than two years. She has
worked in the kitchen,and was peeling potatoes
when Mulligan first saw her and became enam
ored. Neither of the two has any near rela
tlvcs living.
Impure Blood
Is the cause of Boils, Carbuncles,
Pimples, Eczema, and cutaneous erup
tions of all kinds. There can be no per--oanent
cure for these complaints until
the poison is eliminated from the sys
tem. To do this thoroughly, the safest
and most effective medicine is Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Give it a trial.
"For the past twenty-five years I
have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In my
opinion, the best remedial agencies for
the cure of all diseases arising from im
purities of the blood are contained in
this medicine." G. C. Brock, Drug,
gist, Lowell, Mass.
"My wife was for a long time a suf
ferer from tumors on the neck. Noth
ing did her any good nntil she tried
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bottles of which
made a complete cure." W. S. Martin,
Burning Springs, W. Va.
"We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla
here for over thirty years and always
recommend it when asked to name the
best blood-purifier." W. T. McLean,
Druggist, Augusta, Ohio.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast.
Priet $1; six bottles, IS. "Worth f 5 a bottle.
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patann
131 Fifth avenue, above Hmtthfleld, next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 yean.
His FlrM Business is to Rescue a Child
Kidnaped and Taken to En
gland Appealed to by a
Widowed Mother.
Kansas Citt, March 6. Kansas City
has furnished Secretary Blaine with proba
bly his first official business with a foreign
country. The facts of an interesting occur
rence which led to a telegram being sent
from here by the .Humane Society to the
State Department, this afternoon, are as
A few days ago Mrs. Daisy Spellman, a
young widow, made complaint to the Hn
mane Society that George Henney and wife,
had left the city, taking with them her 1&-months-old
daughter Lucy. She thought
that their destination was Manchester, En
gland. Five months ago "Mrs. Spellman
had arranged' with the Henney family to
board and take care of her baby. The theo
ry is that Mr. and Mrs. Henney became so
attached to the child that when Mrs. Spell
man notified them a few days ago that she
would take charge of it herself, that they
took it awav with them secretly, being un
willing to p'art with it. The Henney fami
lv is highly respected. This afternoon Sec
retary Huckett, of the Humane Society.sent
the following telegram to Secretary Blaine:
To the Hon. James O. Blaine, Secretary or State,
"Washington, I). C ;
George Henney and wife, British subjects,
left Kansas City last Wednesday via Washing
ton for New York. Their destination is Man
chester, England. They took with them Lucy
Spellman. aged 18 months, child of American
parents, which they are carrying out of the
country secretly, unlawfully and against the
wish of the widowed mother. Please refer to
British Minister at once that .he may cause
register of outgoing steamers examined and
prompt action taken.
Signed,! w. O. Huckett,
Secretary Humane Society.
New .White Embroidered Lawn Ties 20
A bargain only 50 dozens of them, at
niching counter.
Penn Avenue Stores.
B. t B.
New and elegant 500 pieces India silks,
45c to $2; the bargains in 27 inch goods at
65c and 75c, and the handsome new styles
are commanding more than usual attention.
Boggs & Buhl.
French Clmltiea 135 Separate Patterns.
Very newest, light and dark grounds, 35
and 50 cents a yard.
. Jos. Horne & CO.'S
Penn Avenue Stores.
B. fc B. ,
Call and see the most important and
largest offering of imported dress goods and
suitings the ladies of these two cities have
ever seen. "We know this is a bold claim.
Yon will indorse it when yon see the dress
goods. Boggs & Buhl.
A Bargain 24-Inch Black Faille Silks,
$1 00 a Yard.
Decidedly the best value in black silk
ever offered at this price.
v m Penn Avenue Stores.
Marriage Licenses Granted Yenerdar,
Kunt. iteildence.
(Joseph Paul Allegheny
J Eva Enty Httsburg
5 John C. Black Pittsburg
.Mary C. McElSsh Pittsburg
Samuel R. Cunningham Leet townslilo
Annie May Erwln feewickley
JMcholas Ullrich Pittsburg
( Lizzie Schuchman Pittsburg
I Gottlieb Wenzelburger Allegheny
Christine Knecnt Allegheny
Albert Hosek Plum Creek
(Josephine Krozt Plum Creek
i Philip Levlne 1'ltuburg
I barah Adelm&nn Pittsburg
J Thomas Robert Enscpe. Banksvllle
( Annie Jamima Bridge Banksvllle
i V 4 t MAEBJED.
BUCHANAN-B AEKER On Tuesday even
ing, March 5.18S9, at Calvary Episcopal Church,
East End, by the Rev. George N. Hodges,
Katheeine Hatlman, second daughter of
the late George Barker.to Harris Buchanan.
ZEIGLER-VINES At the residence of the
bnde's mother, Lewistown, Pa., by Rev. J.
MaxLantz, E. E-Zeiolke, of Sharpsburg, Pa.,
to Mart Yeses, of Lewistown. Pa.
BAIRD Tuesday, March 5, John Baibd,
aged 72 years.
Funeral from his late residence, "Washington,
Pa,, Thursday at 2 p. m.
CALLAGHAN On "Wednesday, March 6,
8S9, at 10:30 P. M.. JOHN P. CALLAGHAN, In
the 42 d year of his age, at the residence of his
brother-in-law, James P. Quinn, 101 Clark
street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
CAMPBELL Suddenly, March 6, 18S9, Mai.
HenrtS. Campbell.
Funeral services at his late residence. Edge
wood, Pennsylvania railroad, Friday, March
8, at 1 o'clock, F. M. Train leaves Union sta
tion at 12-.30 p. ii. Interment private.
ELLIS On Wednesday, March 6, 1SS9. at 6.15
A. it., Bridget, wife of James Ellis, aged 63
Funeral from the residence of her husband,
4417 Penn avenue, bn Friday, March 8, at 8.30
A. M. Friends of the family are respectfully
Invited to attend.
McKEE On Wednesday morning, March 6,
at 420 o'clock, Mr. Hugh McKke, late of
Camden, N. Y., in the S9th year of his age.
Funeral services will be held at the residence
of Rev. Nevln Woodside, 25 Granville street?
on Thursday evening, at o'clock. Friends
of the deceased are respectfully Invited to at
tend. Interment private on Friday morning
at 10 o'clock. 2
MCLAUGHLIN At her late residence, 53
Federal street, Pittsburg, on Wednesday,
March 6, 1SS9, at 2 P. M., Mrs. Alice, relict of
Philip McLanghlin, in the 6Sth year of her
Notice of funeral hereafter.
8EGELR00K On Wednesday, March C,
1SS9, at the residence of her parents, Eliza
beth, danehter of Rose and John Segelrook,
aged 5 months 12 days.
Funeral will take place from her parents'
residence, Lincoln avenne, Millvale borough,
to-day. at 3 P. K. Friends ot the family are
respectfully invited to attend.
117, 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doors below
Smithfleld St., next door to Central Hotel.
Carriages for funerals,$3. Carriages for operas,
parties, ic, at the lowest rates. All new car
riages. Telephone communication. my3-dG0-TT3
John L. Trexler. Paul Bauer.
Undertakers and Embalmers, Livery and Sale
Stable. NO. 378 and SS0 Beaver ave. Branch
office, 679 Preble ave., Allegheny City.
Telephone SU6. au3-t62-icrhsu
ASSETS . t9JD7L69683.
Insurance Co. of North America.
Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L
JONES, U Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-r
Assets $418,50187
JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President
f e22-20-TTS WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary.
IVI INS. CO., 417 Wood Street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Capital S250.000 00
Assets January 1, 1889 363,745 80
Directors Chas. W. Batchelor, President;
John W. Chalfant, Vice President; A. E. W.
Painter, Robt. Lea, M. W. Watson, John Wil
son, Joseph Walton, Wm. GfPark, A.M.Byers,
Jas. J. Donnell, Geo. E. Fainter, John Thomp
son. Wm. 1. Adair, Secretary; Jas. Little, As
sistant Secretary; August Ammon, General
Agent Ja2246-TTS
For Church and Residences. Estimates and
Special Designs promptly.
fel6-89-TTSSu Pittsburg, Pa.
Hew Carpets, ..
Hew Furniture,
Hew Curtains.
The many months of preparation
for this event, in disposing of old
stock, and in a thorough canvassing
by experienced and skilled buyers,
seeking after 'the latest and best
productions of cabinet shop, loom
and designer, have culminated in
the display to rhich we inVite you,
as an interesting exposition of cor
rect and tasteful housefurnishing,
at' a moderate range of prices.
Is representative of the latest de
signs,, reputable workmanship, and
the best value we could get as
"cash purchasers. Our assortment
never was so complete and varied
The new colorings of Brocatelle,
Chenille, Turcoman and. Silk, were
selected to harmonize with the
latest colorings of Carpets and
Furniture Coverings. In Laces' the
department has received large ad
ditions in Nottinghams, Muslin
Renaissance, Colbert, Irish Point,
Egyptian, Brussels Point and other
&, CO.;
Infants Long and Short Skirts,
Slips and Dresses.
AVe are closing out this line of goods and
have marked the entire line away down.
We hare run off a good portion, but still
hare a good assortment. Special attention
is called to the
Infants First Short Dresses,
Ranging as low down as 65c and up to $5
apiece, in many cases the figures placed on
the gods being less than half the original
Embroidered Flannel Skirts from $1 SO
to $2 50.
Embroidered Shawls very cheap.
Embroidered and Plain Flannel Skirts.
Plain Flannel Bands.
A few Long Cloaks, a few Short Cloaks, a
few Fine Long Robes, marked very low.
A full line of Small Children's and
Masses' Muslin Drawers, Skirts and Night
Gowns, perfectly made and correct shapes.
Bargains in Bustles Several odd lots
closing out at 10 and 25c each, less than half
original prices. In
We have a large new lot of our own make,
to which we invite the inspection of the
ladies. Pronounced by all who have used
them as the best Seersucker Skirt ever sold.
Push and good Clothing
will make- their way: the peo
ple like both.
We have the best Clothing
in the city, and the bright
store, and the fairest ways of
serving you, and we're rej
solved that everybody shall
know about us. Bear in
mind, we make Clothing to
order, and have almost 1,000
patterns of materials to show
you: besides, ready-made.
Trousers at "$5, $6 50 and
$8 they are worth a good
deal more money. The tailor
ing shall be of an excellence
to merit our name on it.
Wanamaker '
& Brown,
Sixth street and Penn avenue.
HI I 1 HT I 11 il
Our Violet Opening, To-Day,
"Every spring mother nature
throws open her art treasures to all
her children. The doors are open
wide; no one guards the portal; all
may enter. Birds come from the
sunny south; the Tsobolinks, the
robins and song sparrows. They
have a tryst to keep with the vio
lets." Violets that lift their dainty heads
in uncertainty from their pillows
of snow to give spring its first wel
come. We were uncertain whether
to-day would be fair and pleasant
to greet
or whether winter snows .would
discourage us.
Yet like the violet we braved the
"uncertainty of March weather and
throw open wide our doors in wel
come, with the season's first greet
ings, to all our friends and custom
ers who. wish to enter.
We have prepared a grand dis
play of spring novelties:
Latest styles in Millinery and
New designs in Hosiery and Un
derwear. New Spring Laces and Embroi
deries. Dress Trimmings, Ornaments and
New Gloves and Handkerchiefs.
New Cloaks, Wraps xind Jerseys.
Complete Outfits for Infants.
Everything new. Latest designs
and colorings.
In compliment to the flower whose name our
opening bears, we shall present each lady pur
chaser with a small bunch of artlUoial violets
as a souvenir of the occasion.
Fleishman &Co.'s
504,506 and 508 Market si,
jt3Send for our illustrated Catalogue and
Price List of foreign and domestic Corsets.
Mailed free to any address. mh7-r
All Traveling Expenses Included.
A Party will leave Philadelphia, Thursday,
May 2, for a Tour of 58 Days through
With visits to all the leading cities, resorts
and places of picturesque interest, and a re
turn through Utah and over the Denver it Rio
Grande Railway the Great "Scenic Route."
On the same date Thursday, May 2 a party
will leave Philadelphia for a Tour of 72 Days
over the same routes through
Thence through the Picturesque Regions
ot the
And homeward over the entire length of the
Northern Pacific Railroad, with a week in the
Yellowtlona Nailonal Park.
Both these parties will travel in Special
Trains of Magnificent Vsstibuled Pullman
PalacoCari, with Pullman Palace Dining Cars
Included. Incidental trips to the Yoiamite
Valley and Big Tree Groves.
Last California Excursions in Winter Series,
March 7 and 11.
49Send for descriptive circulars, designat
ing the particular trip desired.
III South Ninih Street, under Continsnial Ho
tel, Philadelphia. mh5-S4-rrs
Urilf flDCCC PnnnC -
lllIB UI.JJ JJJW are ueinx auueu irom uaj 10 nay irom 00m American ana European 100ms. jjrop in anu see ma aauy arriYau. v e anoie a icto
specialties: 46-inch All-wool French Cashmeres, all new spring colorings, at SOc. 48-inch extra fine finish colored Cashmeres, almost every color and shade, at 660 and 75c Very.
superior quality at 90c. Silk
Stripes and Plaids, for combinations, SOc,
can ftlwi find spler.tpil lots noTir xrinter fltnp.k
were 37Jo to 45c, and at 31c, worth 50c; 62-inch Tricots at SOc, down from 75c, and Imported Fancy Plaids and Stripes at 30c, worth 85c and i; light weight Broadcloths at 90c,'f
tiu.a l Ot A let a ..antrima Viavrpn ina fn eta .il a nnd tannt? nraivaa TOf aV- iTlrtnTa annti act rii.hma.aa A IT-iimril anrl Qtl r- W a vn M anv.atta a Tl.an A' A Tm.. A tu.t.w.. nmA o" m a 1
nU.tVO- Mf. rfaU OUU.Uw UltA..-3 HIKlt.
Hair Serges, etc.
lif 1 CU PnnnC"-"1"'s Ptmentis replete with new American Dress Ginghams,Etoile du Nord, Scotch Zephyr Ginghams, best in the world,20c, 25c, and 40c. New.
styles, 5c, 0c, 8c, 10c and 12c up.
runnninmiPO New. Homburzs in sreat variety, irom 2e a -yard up
ClnDnUlUCnllZO Skirting
Oil V nCDI.DTMirNT--0nrspecial"nes
OILIt Ullr flll I III CU I
liril'P ninillftlllUPf
111 C II d r U 11 II Id N I H UO
i.vtfTo and IT.If TTa.. nf a..aw l.fm1 rJar
vuiu ftuu uuut Muoe V. tfJ uuu a.1.n ajfl.UJ. .ibMnimi UVH VMvll. 14U. A.wwo
Clearing out at very low prices, all our Winter Clolh Jackets. Baelans arid
Children, White and Colored Blankets and
Send for sarrfples. Orders will have our very best attention.
B. & B.
100 pieces nearly 5,000 yards. BO-inch
CLOTH TElCOTS'atSO cents dollarqual
ity at B0 cents a yard fine goods and choice
27:inch wide at 65 and 75 cents. New and
elegant stvles.
Empire" and Directoire Styles in India
Silks, 45c to SI 50.
Cashmere Printings in Indias, 75c, $1 25
and $1 50.
TERNS, the most elegant and exclusive
styles over 00 to select from and no two
alike prices 510 to $30 each. This impor
tation of Paris .Robes is entirely new and
distinctive, and a radical departure in style.
Rich floral and Arabesque designs, Persian
Cashmere effects, and Solid Silk Side Bor
ders, etc., and the most important to you is
the marvelously low prices lor such elegant
rich goods.
Imported Side Band Suitings, 50c, 65c,
75c, 51, 1 25.
Several cases Imported Stripes and Plaids,
all-wool goods, at 50c, 75c and $1 per yard,
that are the handsomest and most effective
combinations and the greatest bargains we
have ever shown. All our own direct im
portations. ALL-WOOL CASHMERES, 36-inch, at
35e; 40-inch, at 40c; 40-inch, at C3c, 75c, 90e,
51, ?1 25.
40-inch Silk "Warp Cashmeres at $125;
40-inch Ex. Ex. Pine Silk "Warp Cashmeres
at 51; finer and better than any ever sold at
such a low price.
Black and White Wool Dress Goods or
Suitings, 40c and 51 50 per vard, and over
100 designs. The most stylish, black and
white stripes or plaids, or the very neat and
superb quality, all are on sale here and at
prices that will pay you to consult.
Black and White Striped Armure Boy
ales, Surahs, also the most superb and effec
tive combinations in colors of the above, at
75c, 90c, 51 and 51 25.
Nottinghams at 75c, 85c, $1. $1 25 $1 CO
to 55 a pair; extra length, width and qual
ity at prices. Lace Curtains, Real Brus
sels effects, at 59 a pair down. Swiss la
boured Curtains at 55, 50, 57 50, 58, 510 to
525 a pair; Real Brnssels, 515 up. Irish
Pointe Renaissance Curtains, Portieres and
Heavy Curtains; two special numbers at
56 and 57 50 a pair, in all the colors and
shades, Old Gold, Old Red, Blue, Crim
son, Olive, Mahogany, Terra Cotta, 56 and
57 50 compare them with 58 and 510 Cur
tains, Drapery Silks, Persian Drapery,
Plain Scrims, 1'igured Scrims.Madras, Cream
and Colored, 25c to 85c per yard. Plain and
Figured'Chenilles for Curtains, 51 to 52 50
per yard. Titian Yelores, 50 inches wide,
in all the rich dark ana neutral colors,
double faced, no lining required. Satin
Derby Brocade effects, 50 inches wide, all
the new shades 52 50 per yard. Silk Broca
telles, Mohair Plushes, Crushed Plushes,
Silk Plushes', Barneys, Raw Silks, all these
in onr large Upholstery Department,
Fringes, Gimps, Cords, Tassels, Poles Rings
and all the necessary fixtures for interior
decorations and no fa'nev prices.
Spring stvles now ready. Newmarkets,
Baglans, Peasant and Connemara, in Cork
screws, Stripes and Plaids, 55 to 525; New
Jackets, 55 to 520; Plain Jackets, Vest Front
Jackets, Directoire and Empire styles.
More styles of Jackets than you'll see in
any two stores. Wraps, Shoulder Capes,
Embroidered Cashmere Fichus.
Bead Shoulder Wraps at 54. Solid Bead
Passementerie Shoulder Wraps 56 50 and
57 50, usually 58 50 and 510. Suits at 510
to 535; Braided Cloth Suits .at 510, 512 50,
515 and 520.
Misses' Garments Gretchens, Long Gar
ments and Jackets, newest and best quality;
best made and lowest prices for these.
115. 117. 119. '21
Federal Street, Allegheny.
N.B. Challies Special department, ex
clusively for Challies. Over 500 pieces of
the choicest on sale, 6c, 8c, 18c, 37$e, 50c,
Scotch Zephyrs and French Satines an of
fering in extent and elegant variety and
low prices unsurpassed and seldom it ever
equaled never before half its equal here as
now in these several French Wash Goods
Departments that occupy center of a per
fectly lighted Dress Goods Boom.
rear.8 PrePare to the largest lines
"Warp Cashmeres. . spring colorings, $1 a yard, usually sold
75c. 87J4c and 51. Entirely new designs in 40-inch Plaids, excellent fabrics, at
nf Snitintrs. snttahlfi for eflrlv anrihEr wear,
Ut. JaUVJ nVUIb. .1..MA. UVVU, QMt... .-
oaunes, iuc, -ijc anu. 10c. J! reucn o.uues,
Embroideries in various depths. AU Overs
of BlackrGros Grains are unrivaled values, 65c, 75c, 87c, 51 and $1 12; 24-inch, $1 25 op to $2 50. Surahs, IfcrjalesTl
Mervellleaux and Khadames at low prices. Plaid Surahs for combinations m grtat varieties. Velvets and Plushes, all colors, 60o upjjl
Thisisalarcedenartmentin onrhouse. Nothinir but the best makes kent.&nd nricea
45c, SOc and 62J4c, and the best TTnlaundried
Gn.tna V.il'lffan. nnn. n.ai ATlnrtt T7rthaa n
Bed Comforts, Pur Muffs, Boas, and Collars.
167 and "169 INDERAL
n $7
All PI0 V-i
(Wfc,'! hi
wsb A I
yK ha? 0Ji. I
B I' iT I
PI kj
r rf
Perfect fitting;
children along
to buy without
2, 1889.
and lowest prices in imported dress fabrics ever
Mil I Uff I "1 It
I I I 1 frt
II I 9 J a
till 1 if AJ a
' 41 .J k
It f 1 f " f
"IB wM
at abont half the original nrice. snch aa Tricot at 12tfe. worth 90r? fllnth Rnttlntr nt 23trJ
VUiaU.V1.4, UU-nVM ..UU W.J. I.tj UblUH.MH, Al.JI u Aiiuw, ajusuuh OiiU UMUw
zuc, ouo ami .c; exquisite qualities, uuaiues,
to widest. New Nainsooks and Swiss Edeinzs and Insertines. New riouncinn. New
and new Laces at low prices.
Shirt in the country at 75c,or three for $2.
n A I I nitnnaa. all .naTt.ta and nnalttlaa
huu wuuuithu, yi hcijjuh ouu iuatJ,A.lca.
Newmarkets. Seal-Plush'Jackets. Coats and
New goods in Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Trimmings, Braids, Buttons, Gloves aadj
what is more vou'Il look in vaiE
elsewhere 'for elegant garments at sucK
T nW T)tTr,T7C c .,11 KA Ir. Vr.?.. ri"2
,1 A -IVVrXwl U3 lUUll UUU AAA UUJ U4W
most popular store in the city.
never did show such Overcoats 'as
can be seen right now on our counters!
They carry their own letters of credit for
shapeliness, luxury, style, quality and
fine workmanship. They recommend
themselves to all by their remarkably low
prices. Every garment we offer bears
the stamp of perfection, yes, perfect
perfection and the make and fit will
compare favorably with the work of the?
most artistic of tailors, while the mate-
rials will please the most exacting of
purchasers. The finest products of for-
eign and domestic looms are represented
in our mammoth assortment and the key
note of our entire stock is unquestionj
able reliability. I
-job- .
We have now on view and ready for salal
thousands of the handsomest Overcoats for
Youths and Boys ever seen. Our ever,
busy and alert buyers were the earliest
in trip mnst rplinhV marlrptts nnrl 35 a v'
consequence they secured the cream
of the styles and qualities. Our
word for it: There'll be a big
demand for Overcoats for
boys the coming spring and
you surely would like to
have your boys dressed
tastefully, especially when .
it is to be done with very lit
tle money indeed. Nowhere
else in this wide world will be
found more elegant Overcoats for
Youths and Boys, for it is indeed very
doubtful whether any clothier in this
country has made the preparations for at
spring trade we have. t
. -roR-
artistically made; workmanship faults
and artistic designers can produce. Truly the love
liest, cutest and handsomest JSpring Overcoats for
children in the city. Lots of rich and elegant goods
so tasteful and unique that they're not to be seen,
elsewhere in Pittsburg. We would like every one
interested in the purchasing of Children's Clothing
to come and see the Overcoats we offer: brinr the
and try on the garments, if only toi
see how the boys would look in them. No necessity
you feel inclined. Come and see us.
300 to '400 Market street
brought to this market. Latest productiowtl
at $1 25. Very elegant styles!
37c a yard; and the most complete line or25
ujc up. w niie uoous, new ana Desuuim
low. TJnlanndried Shirts, svecial values, at1
Laundried Shirts, Colored Shirts, Collars andf
Mantles. Wool Underwear for Men. Ladles aadt
- ?.A.
'-;''. r- ' A .