Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 07, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Incidents and Ideas of the Lightweight
Clan Intermingled.
Cure that cold.
SUNSHtNE or shadow.
A fad. Lady athletes.
Tixe to think of Caster bonnets.
Dangebous Draughts ot all sorts.
Lovely climate for an anas boschas.
Evebvbodt'S pudding is nobody's pie.
Coming home from Wash isn't going to
Which shall it be umbrella, or overcoat,
or both?
W. T. Don, the Dawson banker, was in the
city yesterday.
Chief Eixiot, of the Department of
Charities, went East last night.
Tit E -man who does not seethe first robin is
offered a pretty new hatchet as a prize.
Natural gas tried to blow up the traction.
That is where it resembles some people.
'Work on the new foundry to be erected near
the 'Edgar' Thomson will soon be commenced.
People who insist upon-moving regularly
everv April 1 probably know why it is called
"All" Fool's Day."
The fact that a foolish young man says his
Ctrl is a little chic, does notmean he will some
day call her an old hen.
Fifth avenue and ridicuonsly narrow,
crooked. ugly"Market, are becoming brilliant
with newly-suited shoppers.
WlGGIXS says It will be warmer, and hints
that any umbrella will keep off the rain,
especially the other fellow's.
V. P. deArmitt, of the New York and
Cleveland Gas Coal Company, went to New
York last night on private business.
Messrs. E. Richardson- and Q. Hoover
will have an opportunity of proving in court
whether they did or did not burgle.
The decennial anniversary of the Grand
Council of the State Royal Arcanum will be
held in Old pity Hall, March 19 and 2U
The Duquesne rail mill closed down yester
day until next Jlondav. Even puddlers and
rollers love to "steel a while away'f occasionally.
Jakes Massey is charged with walking
awav with a wheelbarrow. It would be re
markable if the wheelbarrow walked away with
The simultaneous blossoming of the spring
lamb, the spring dude and his spring overcoat
may be but accidental, but it's mighty hard on
the" lamb.
Agest Deak, of the Anti-Cruelty Society,
yesterday made an informationagainst James
Patton, charging him with abusing and neglect
ing bis family.
They say an irate victim told an Alder
man to go to a warmer place yesterday. It
made him so mad be went right down to City
Hall and asked for instructions.
AN Italian, whose name is not known, and of
course unspeakable, was taken to the West
Penn Hospital last night. He bad his foot
crushed on the Panhandle Railroad.
"Why ain't they no more White Chaps to
murder?" asked a newsboy of a reporter yester
day. "It's them White Chaps and noggera
tions sells the papers now you betr
A little girl proudly told her 7-year-old
confidante the other day that her papa belonged
to the common scoundrel, that being her pro-
nunciation of the second branch of Councils.
Ik the spring the young man's fancy.
Lightly turns to thoughts of love;
But the man who sprang this stanza.
Has a higher job above.
He said it was original.
Negotiations for 20 acres of land in Mc
Keesport, where a large iron plant will be
erected, are about to be closed. It is likely the
Wheel Steel Company will locate in Christy
William Fanning, aged 11 years, residing
at Ingram station, came to the city yesterday,
saw a bewildering section of the city, and got
lost. He wasgn en a bed at the Central station
last night.
Southside Council No. 7 Sovereigns of
Industry, at a meeting held last night, made
partial arrangements for their annual enter
tainment and ball, which will be held in Odd
Fellows Hall shortly.
The annual meeting f the Pittsburg crick
eters at the Duquesne was a success. N ot one
member was "bowled out." and the famous
London 11 should look to their laurels, else it
will be "over" the fence and out.
Exposition enterprise enables each ener
getic exhibitor early estimates, expecting en
thusiastic encouragement, excluding every
thing except entertaining, electrifying, elegant
exhibits. End. Extraordinary eclat.
If a married man must elope and pay two
adult fares on the railroad, as is gently hinted
in another column, way should he not be will
ing to buy one of the tickets for his poor wife,
who has not known such a luxury for years?
The ghost of the deadly, it not dead, parallel
railway gobbler vanishes justrfor a day. The
Castle Shannon Railroad officials are glad the
State Line road is to be built. It will not parallel
their line, and will reach some of their lands.
Captain Wishaet and his Hark will have
a hearing Friday morning at 9 o'clock on those
alleged disorderly cases. Justice Gnpp will
conduct the ceremonies. It is said the gentle
men even object to riding a high horse any
What's in a name is most recently explained
by J. O. "Flower. He sajs he was not the
plaintiff in that bighwav suit against Leet
township, but it was G. K. Flower. So one of
them, it seems, is born to blush unseen. So
be it.
Three members of the Allegheny Tariff
Club were arrested early yesterday morning for
breaking windows in the building formerly oc-'
cupied by the club. Tney were each taxed tl
and costs as a protective tariff. The prisoners
all gave fictitious names.
Who now will say that "A rolling stone
gathers no moss?" Here's one that gathered a
freight train: A large 6 tone rolled down on the
B. 4 O. road at Port Royal last e ening and
struck a pawing freight train. Afcw cars were
derailed, uut no one was injured.
William Arbooast, President of the Alle
gheny Tariff Club, -was arrested on a charge of
false pretense. He is accused of becoming a
free trader by levying duties that be failed to
turn over to the only tariff people with whom
he bad to do. He will bave a hearing before
.Mayor Pearson to-day.
Has anybody noticed the air of conscious
superiority with which a man draws on a pair
of gloves? A lady is a lady always, but the
nun at that supreme moment seems to rise
above his common self, and shows himself to
be keenly aware of the fact that, for the nonce,
.he is doing a gentlemanly act.
Tiiece will be a Constitutional amendment
meeting to-night,March 7, at 7:30, in the Second
Presbyterian Church. Drs. Fulton, Locke, Lit
tell and other good speakers will make ad.
dresses. It begins to look more and more as if
whisky would either have to go. or else be
drunk with cold water on ton.
The boys of the Eighteenth say they bave
"been maligned. Tbey plead guilty to marching
for miles through the mud, tbey plead guilty to
sleeping in most miserable quarters, they
plead guilty of being patriotic, enthusiastic and
Republican, as far as Bennio is concerned, but
they deny the charge of drinking, or being at
all disorderly.
Thomas Prill, who lives on the hill at the
bead of South Thirtieth street, bad a dispute
with his wife last night, during which the bitter
alleges her busband abused her Severely. She
notified Officer Bredneck. who locked Prill up
ip the Twenty-eighth ward station bouse on a
charge of disorderly conduct. The next lady
be meets may be Dame Justice.
Catharine McCarthy made an informa
tion yesterday before Alderman Schaefer,
charging Mary McCnllougb, a 12-year-old girl,
wtth assault and battery, alleging that the de
fendant struck Nora, the 8-year-old daughter
of Mrs. McCarthy, while she wax on an errand
for her mother. A warrant was issued. Pu
gilism by girls in their teens! Rapid, isn t it?
Acme Council No. 219, Jr. O. U. A M., after
the adjournment of its regular meeting to
night, will attend the G. A R. fair in Salis
bury Hall, in a body. Post 238, which is hold-
ingtbe fair, donated to Acme Council a band
some banner for having turned out the largest
per cent ot its members in the recent parade,
and the council will take this mode of return
ing the compliment.
Alderman Porter fined Charles Wheeler
$16 and costs last night for cruelty to his child
ren. M. J. Dean, of the Anti-Cruelty Society,
entered the information. Wheeler was held
for Court on a charge ot surety of the peace,
preferred by his wife, who alleges that he
threatened to kill her. The parties live on the
Morningside road, and from the evidence ad
duced they are all ready to swear "There's no
place like home."
THE Eighteenth Regiment looked very
pretty last night, but what a time they did
have wheeling around that obnoxious cab at
the postoffice. Every officer looked back is
apprehension, but all rolled smoothly and
beautifully by with the exception of one
.. column. An old soldier gazed at its revolu
tions, confusion and scurry, and fell back into
,, ffthoannsof that obnoxious cabman murmur
' Jt ,n& ,,d Bnotuer bero, "Don't let that awk
JT jrard ouad firs over my irrave."
Is Alleged to Have Eloped
With the Head of a Family.
The Police of Allegheny Notified of
the Elopement, and the
A Mother and Children Penniless and Un
able to Fee the Police.
Allegheny City, the town of more or less
domestic infelicity, has furnished another
elopement. This time it is a married man
and a former sweetheart. The pair have
fled to New York or Philadelphia, The
man has leit a wife and three children.
One of the latter is almost dying, and the
wife is penniless.
The principals in the elopement, as al
leged by the man's own wife, are George
Shorts, the business manager of the S. S. D.
Thompson Band and Miss Mollie Sarver, a
resident of Adams street. The pair have
been partial to each other's company for
over four years. According to the story of
Mrs. Shorts, her husband has been taking
Miss Sarver to all the picnics, dances and
theaters he has attended, while Mrs. Shorts
remained at home. The latter reproved her
husband quite frequently for this conduct,
bnt did not think it would amount to any
thing. She and Miss Sarver are cousins.
Mrs. Shorts thought that by not saying any
thing to him he would tire of the other
woman's company, and stop running
around Things seemed to go irom bad to
worse, however, until both of them disap
peared last Monday. They were seen to
gether at the Union station in the evening,
and it is presumed that they are now in
New York, as they went East.
In addition to this little outing it is' al
leged that Shorts defrauded the hand out of
about 5350 or $100. He collected the money
they earned on "Washington's Birthday) and,
with the exception of 83 each to two of the
members, he did not, it is alleged, turn it
He also collected the money on other en
gagements. The last time Mrs. Shorts saw
him she reminded him that the rent was not
yet paid, and she had no money. Unless
some kind persons extend her aid she will
have to take her sick babies and seek shelter
Shorts is also the figure-caller of the Cres
cent Orchestra, of Manchester, and is well
known all over the two cities. He is a pro
fessional musician, and in the early part of
this winter played the trombone in
the Casino Orchestra. Miss Sarver is
a tall, black-eyed and rather good-looking
girl. As Shorts had the entree to all the
balls and dances given in the lower part of
Allegheny, they were out together several
times a week. Mrs. Shorts went to the
parents of the girl, she says, and told them
of their daughter getting the affections of
her husband. They turned a deaf 'ear to
what she said. Miss Sarver, for some time
past, has been living with a Mrs. Hessmg,
on Adams street. She left home on account
of some trouble with her parents. Por over
four years she worked in McKinney's hinge
factory, and has a brother who is a foreman
Mrs. Shorts, in telling her story, said:
I do not know what I am to do, as I have not
a cent of money, and my children are sick. My
baby, which is only a year old, has catarrh of
the Inngs and a bad attack of the measles. She
is very low, and will likely die. Another child,
only 3 years old, also has the measles.
When my husband went away, on Mondav.
he knew of the condition of the children; yet
he did not leavo me a cent. In addition to
that, he took bis heavy musical instrument
with him, and I have no means of raising any
A bkide's white tie.
The last time I saw him was Monday morn
ing, when he went out, apparently to. go to
work. I told him if be was going to pay the
rent to send home a load of coal also, as we
were out. He made some reply and went on.
Some time ago I talked quite frequently to
him about breaking away from my cousin. He
would always laugh, and one day I said:
"George, I will never reproach you again for
anything you do. If 3 ou think it is right to act
that way, why, all right; I will not be angry at
you for it."
He continued to keep company with the
woman, and I tried every plan to make him
thiuk more of his family. I wanted him to Join
a chnrch,as I thought this wonld influence him;
but be would .not do so. Instead of buying
things for the children and myself, be pur
chased them for the other woman; but I stood
it without protest. He spent a good deal of
money on himself, and had on a new pair of
cants and white necktie when he went out
Monday morning. I said something about the
pretty necKtie he had on, and he made reply
that it would be "a bride's necktie before a
month." I thought nothing of the answer at
the time, and the idea that bo would run off
with the other woman never entered my head.
wnen i nearo. mat mo two naa gone away
the police authorities. They said they baa no
legal right to bring him back; but maybe they
could get him for $100. I did not have the
money, or I would pay it to put him in jail for
his ill treatment; I stood it longer than any
other woman In the world would, and his last
act almost distracted me.
I only care for the children, and would not
live with the man again If he was lined with
gold. He will find out, however, that I will
make It warm for both of them. He shall go to
jail if it's years from now, and both of them
will suffer more than I bave suffered.
Mrs. Shorts is a pleasant-faced, modest
little woman, and her manner shows that
she could bear a great deal of anguish with
out complaint. She and her husband have
been occupying a house on Hamlin street,
near Chartiers, for some time.
Shorts has been, for the past lew months,
a collector for his brother-in-law, Charles
Lander, dealer in specialities, at No. 125
Beaver avenue. A tew weeks ago he re
ceived a letter from a friend who was play
ing in a museum in New York, to the effect
that he could get an engagement as trom
bone player at a salary of $2 SO per day. It
is supposed that he went to .New York to
take the offer. Uor several years he kept a
saloon on Beaver avenue, and was the chief
organizer of the Thompson Band. A num
ber of the members of the band want to
make up a purse and send detectives after
him. One of them offered $25 yesterday to
Mrs. Shorts to assist her in bringing the
truant husband back to Allegheny.
The police authorities, who say they are
working up the case, have as yet discovered
no clew to the allegedelopers.
Terr Badly Burned.
City Physician "Woodbnrn, of Allegheny,
was yesterday called to see a man at 189
Bobinson street, named John Burns. This
Is the man who was so badly burned at the
shanty-boat fire a few days ago and was
token to the Allegheny General Hospital.
Ho insisted on being removed and was
taken away at his own request The physi
cian claims that he is in bad shape and
should be taken back to the hospital or he
mnv lose his evesicht.
A Plttibnrger Extricates 'One of the Pretl
dentnl Horses How He Prevented a
Probable Accident.
The following story was told a. reporter
yesterday, the facts of which seem to have
been overlooked at the general bustle of the
inauguration festivities in 'Washington:
"When President-elect Harrison went to
the "Willard House to meet President Cleve
land previous to their joint departure for
the inauguration ceremonies, the horses in the
front of the carriage containing General
Harrison became frisky, and one of them
pranced and kicked to such an extent that
its legs became entangled in the harness.
The more the animal became entangled the
more it kicked, and the populace surround
ing the carriage stood almost breathless, ex
pecting an accident would happen the next
"John C. Stroup, a well-known Pittsburg
er, who keeps the "Bandbox" on Fourth ave
nue, and who was also in the crowd, at
once jumped forward and fearlessly crawled
under the horse and extricated the animal's
legs from the harness. It was a daring
feat, because the steed was very much, ex
cited, and kicked all the time Stroup was
under it. But Stroup, who is a very efficient
horseman, having been a professional
jockey at one timet succeeded at last and
quieted the animal.
"When Stroup had accomplished the ex
trication of the horse's legs, General Harri
son came ont of his carriage, and, taking
hold of Stronp by the hand, he shook it very
warmly and expressed his thanks and ap
preciation for his kindness.
"John Stroupfeelslikeabigman since the
President has shaken him by the hand, and
he was heard saying yesterday that he had
never been paid so well for a small service
as when he received a handshaking from
General Harrison."
Mr. McCalfflont, of Belfast, Talks He Ex
plains Why Many of Hia Class Oppose a
Free Government far Ireland.
William McCalmont, of Belfast, Ireland,
a felt manufacturer, is at the Dnquesne.
Mr. McCalmont is a Protestant Nationalist
and a member of the Irish Protestant Home
Bule Association. In this part of Ireland
is the stronghold of the anti-Home Kulers.
Mr. McCalmont, in a short chat last night,
There are a number of business men in Bel
fast who are Home Rulers at heart, but they
are in such a position that silence is their only
fortune. If they declared themselves in favor
of home rule, they would be boycotted at once,
and their business ruined. The people of Ul
ster are prosperous, and tbey see that their
neighbors in the South and West are poverty
stricken. Their principal reason for opposing
home rule is that they are afraid they will have
to pay the bulk of the taxes to support the
lam thoroughly convinced that home rule
will trinmph some day. The longer it is delayed
the more sweeping will be the change when it
comes. The Pigott forgeries would probably
bave the effect to overthrow the Ministry, if an
appeal was made to the country; but I don't
believe the exposure will affect the working
majority of the Government. The prospects
for Liberal success are growing brighter; but
the time is not yet at hand. The Irish in the
South and West stick tenaciously to their land.
They know full well the fate that awaits
them if they give it up. They can't make a
living in the towns, and tbey soon sink. I have
always advocated home rule, and feel that it
will come finally.
The people among whom I live hold Balfour
in high esteem. They like a man who enforces
the laws, and his cruel treatment of O'Brien
meets their approbation.
Ho la Charged by the Police With Ran
nine a Poker Room.
William Kuehne, the well-known and
popular third baseman of the Allegheny
Baseball Club, was arrested early yesterday
morning for operating a poker room in the
rear of the billiard parlor of Morris &
Kuehne on Federal street, Allegheny. Sev
eral players were also arrested. The players
were each fined 53 and costs by Mayor Pear
son, but bail in the snm of $500 wss de
manded far Kuehne, which was promptly
Mr. Kuehne says there was no violation
of the law, and no gambling was done in
his establishment, which can be easily
proven at the hearing. He says a few men
were in the room playing a friendly game of
cards. There was no "checkout, and Mr.
Kuehne says he never played a game of
cards in his life and knows nothing about
The 820,000,000 In Natural Gas Develop
ments the Cause.
Speaking of the topic that has been so
much discussed this winter easy money
Mr. George I. Whitney states that it is
caused by the 520,000,000 invested in natural
gas development, fully two-thirds of vhich
has been done by outside capital. Then the
large amount of money placed here at 4)
5 per cent by Eastern capitalists has re
lieved the old-time pressure on the banks,
leaving their entire capital free for mercan
tile, manufacturing aud speculative busi
ness to run on the C-per cent basis, and
tempting some of them to compete at lower
This. Mr. Whitney explains, is the reason
that, in all his experience as a business
man, he never before saw money so easy for
any considerable length ot time in this city.
Two Yonng Men Chareed With Assaulting:
. a Boy In Allegheny.
Charles Slockdale, a son of the late Cap
tain J. T. Stockdale, of Allegheny, and
Harvey Pearl were arrested yesterday on a
charge of felonious assanlt and battery, and
Constable Billings, of Alderman Tatem's
office, who made the arrest, said that the
young men were accused of beating a son of
William Griffiths, of Llthgow avenue, over
the head with a handy-billy. The boy was
badly injured. The cause of the alleged as
sault is not known.
Young Stockdale furnished $1,000 bail
for his appearance before the alderman on
Friday afternoon, but his companion was
unable to secure bail and is now in jail.
Jeffersonlnnlim Won't Flourish In a Club
Too Luxuriously Fixed,
Councilman Carr states that the County
Democracy, while fitting up its new quar
ters in good shape, will not allow any of
the Duquesne Club style of patrician ele
gance. Mr. Carr says it is not-democratic,
and is, or at least ought to be, an exotic on
Columbia's shores, and one that will never
propogate, unless under the cultaxe of the
Republican party. '
The Democracy, Mr. Carr says cannot be
otherwise than democratic, and luxurious
surroundings are not its trappings nor ever
George Grogn Arrested for Knocking
Down a Man on Old Avenue.
George Grogan, of this city, was arrested
last night on charges of highway robbery
and aggravated assault and battery upon
Charles Stewart The -plaintiff was knocked
down and robbed on Old avenue, February
19. He alleges that Grogan was his as
sailant A Sodden Death.
The Coroner'viewed the remains of Nich
olas Stlemmer, who died suddenly at his
residence, No. 1407 Bingham street, yester
day, and decided an inquest unnecessary,
death having resulted from paralysis of the
heart The deceased was 03 years of age,
and was well known.
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At the Officers of the Chartiers
"Valley 'Natural Gas Company.
A Large Tote at Yesterday's Meeting for the
Issuing of Bonds.
The stockholders of the Chartiers Natural
Gas Company held a meeting yesterday
afternoon for the purpose of discussing the
question of issuing bonds to the amount of
$1,000,000 in order to fund, the existing in
debtedness of the corpdration.
There were 75 stockholders present, Presi
dent Chambers being in the chair. After
the proposition was made tothestookholders
to issue the bonds, a motion was offered
to have the matter voted upon. This was
done, the result being that the proposition
for the issuing of the bonds was carried.
Every stockholder present who voted on the
question, voted for it, the rest of them not
saying anything either way.
There was a rumor current at the meeting
that the Court would probably step in aud
prohibit the holding of the meeting, but no
such thing occurred, and all passed off very
A matter which threatened to upset har
mony of action among- the stockholders' was
caused by a bill in equity which had been
filed in court by Michael Munhsll, one of
the stockholders, against the officers of the
In this bill Mr. Munhall states that, he
holds 875 shares of stock in the company,
for which he paid $89,000 at the time, but
which, he claims, is
He asked the Court that a permission be
given him to have access to the books of the
company, and to have them examined in or
der to obtain data necessary to complete the
facts wnich they have, tending to show that
certain property of the company has been
sold to persons without any adequate return
therefor, .
He also declared that $100,000 of extra
stock, which the company created last year,
was created illegally, and he requested it to
be declared void.
In conclusion, Mr. Munhall asked that
the Court impose an injunction upon the
company to prevent them from holding the
meeting set for yesterday afternoon, because,
he said, it was called to increase the indebt
edness of the corporation.
Judge Ewing, in handing down his opin
ion, refused to grant the injunction up6n
the meeting, because, he said, that the meet
ing was not called to vote upon an increase
of the company's indebtedness, but to fund
the existing debt of the corporation.
When one of the stockholders of the com
pany was asked for the cause of Mr Mar
shall's apparent wrath against the Char
tiers company he said:
The facts are very plains Mr. Mnnhall bought
some stock from one ot the stockholders of the
company, and, of course, this- gentlemen, who
wanted to get as good a price as be could,
paintea Chartiers stock in its most glowing
The consequence was that Mr. Munhall paid
a very high price, because he believed the
man. Now, then, if he feels himself injured
by having purchased stock at a high figure, he
has remedy against the party or parties from
whom he bought the stock. Bnt lam able to
aver that he bought none of the stock from
the company direct. It is, therefore, plaln,tbat
he cannot hold the officers responsible for his
supposed loss.
However, he has taken the bull by the horns,
and gone to law, and he will see what he will
get out of it.
Jndge Swing's opinion was a very just one,
because it is quite true, as be stated, that the
company does not desire i to Increase its in
debtedness but to find lt-
As for his charge against the officers and
Board of Directors of the company, the names
of everyone are too well known to suspect any
of them of having sold any property of the
company without getting adequate considera
tion for it.
members of the Lawrence Flambeau CInb
Indorse Prohibition.
Ex-Sheriff Carmean, A. B. Borteaux, A.
Henley, and others of the Lawrence Cyclone
Flambeau Club, stopped over in the city
yesterday on their return from Washington.
This club carried off the first prize for the
finest pyrotechnio display in the night
parade; the Sedalia Club, of Missouri, won
the second, and the Acheson Club secured
the third.
All the members seen in Pittsburg yes
terday were strong Prohibitionists, and
claimed that prohibition is a decided suc
cess in Kansas. 'Ex-Sheriff Carmean, who
helped to pass the law, said:
At the end of two years after prohibition be
came effective, there was not an open saloon in
the State. We had some trouble with the
druggists, but the law was. soon modified, so
that it became exceedingly dangeroas for them
to sell except within the requirements. Now
they must have a permit, and make a registry
of all the names to whom llauor is sold. This
register is open to inspection. In addition, the
buyer must sign a certificate and take an oath
that the whisky is needed for medicinal or
mechanical purposes.
The price of real estate has not decreased,
neither has business suffered in consequence
of prohibition. In Lawrence when I was
Sheriff they bad nine policemen; now they
bave three. In the police court there Is hardly
a case of drunkenness in a week, whereas
formerly there used to be at least 25 arrests for
this cause. Avery respectable class of immi
grants bave come into the State, and the prohi
bition sentiment has grown to such an extent
that no man with a character will sell whisky.
There is some sold by "bootleggers" and other
disreputable persons, but they are arrested as
soon as discovered.
A citizen from Acheson, a very sensible
fellow, who refused to give his name, said:
I believe in prohibition, and know it has im
proved the State, but there Is still plenty of
whisky sold and drank In the border towns. In
Acheson there are it number of clubs. Each
member buys a key, and along with it he re
ceives a card entitling him to so many drinks.
These clubhouses are carefully watched, and
none of the members are allowed to, get drunk.
Occasionally the authorities ask them for fines
and they pay promptly.
The Nineteenth Ward Owl Gong Broken Up
by the Arrests of 9Ie'mber.
Bobert Dawson, Jerry Delary, Bahiel
Bapp, Louis Bapp, Alexander Coyle, John
Slavin, William Thompson, John O'Bouck,
Hugh Drum and William Campbell were
held for court last night under 00 bail
each for the larceny of 100 boxes of cigars
from the stable of Mrs. Bichard Bay, on
Station street, Nineteenth ward.
Thomas Dugan, Harry Campbell, Early
Dunn and John Hardy were held under
$1,500 bail each for entering a house at No.
352 Sheridan avenue and stealing a collec
tion of coins, silverware, etc.
All the parties are boys, and are known
as the "Nineteenth Ward Owl Gang,"
The Redaction From the Valleys to Eastern
Points Sbort Lived.
The pig iron rates from the Mahoning
andhenango valleys have been advanced
to $3 30 to New York and $4 30 to Boston,
The new rates wi'lgo into effect on the 18th,
No reason is given for the change. About
a week ago the Youngstown committee re
duced the- rate to $3 20 and 4 20. The
same committee advanced them yesterday.
.He Passed a Forecd Cheek.
P. Boeder, a butcher, doing business on
Lacock street, Allegheny, complained to
the police authorities that a man had
passed a forged check at his place of. busi.
new. The check is for ST 40 and is signed
Peter Walter, Jr. Detective Murphy is"
luumug jur iuc ivrftcr.
EHtfRgDAY &AE(S?j'5
The Unconscionable Women aad Men "who
Sample Everything A Klch , Man's
Ticket Hole Filler on Trains.
How little does the general public know
of the petty ills and misfortunes that beset
grocers, butchers, market hucksters and
even railroad conductors. It is the small
things of life that make great things when
combined and united. The lady who
gouges a fine piece of meat with, her thumb
and then does not take it; the man who
wanders into a grocery store to buy a pound
of sugar for his wife, and in the
meantime eats enough cakes aud fruit
to pay for it; the woman
who, while haggling about the price of
oranges in the market when they are worth
3 cents apiece, manages to stow away in
ternally twd or three, and then take a
dozen; orthe wealthy pitizen who tries to
beat a railroad conductor by putting back
into its place the punched part of a ticket,
are the pests, verily the parasites, that suck
the profits'of legitimate trade. A sale is
supposed to be a fair exchange, but no rob
bery. . In the instances cited above, if the
people are, as they say, regular customers
in trade, the only one to object would be the
conductor, who is conscientiously opposed
to such regular sharp practice. '
- A reporter has taken the trouble to gather
information on this delicate subject, and it
has been discovered that rich and. poor alike
are guilty. In fact the scale inclines to the
wealthy as thegreatest and boldest offenders.
A clerk in a large grocery house, speaking
of how the proprietors are thoughtlessly
robbed of their profits, and yet are unable
to give a gentle hint without offense, said:
I bave seen rich men come into the store to
purchase groceries, to bo sent to their homes in
the East End, and, while buying, eat cakes,
dates, figs aud anything edible they could put
their bands on, without stopping to think that
they were consuming something which did not
belong to them. Such a man. in the course of
his perambulation from point to point through
the storeroom will often eat SO to 40 cents worth
of stuff. In all probability the profit to the
grocer on the groceries he buys will not be that
Another grocer; visited had a funny story
to relate of a woman that illustrates the
point clearly. He noticed a lady enter his
store one day who lived in the neigborhood,
but who had never been in before. . She in
quired for butter, and it was during the
season of the year when that precious article
sold for 40 to 60 cents per pound. He po
litely referred her to a" counter on which
there was an abundance. The woman
proved to be a butter fiend, and relished it
as much as an Esquimau likes train oil or
hog's lard. She seized a knife and made a
judicious round of the rolls. She cut large
chunks-, and devoured it with avidity. The
grocer was astonished at first; but settled
down to watching her antics with an amused
smile. When through with the inspection
and wiping the last remnants of the grease
stains from the corners of her mouth, she
"Well, I think I"will take a quarter of a
pound from this roll,'" pointing. to it.
"All right, madame, was the courteous
reply she received. When the change was
placed in her hand, she counted it carefully
over and over again.
"X think yon have made a mistake," she
"That can't be," replied the grocer.
"Count it again." She did, with the same
result. Finally the man behind the counter
remarked, since she was too blunt to take a
hint: "You forget that you ate a half
pound while making a test of the quality."
The lady was indignant, and slammed the
door with all her strength,
A gentleman tells a little story that came
under his observation while coming into the
city one day from East Liberty, that is
apropos on this subject. He says:
A wealthy citizen sat in the seat ahead of me.
When the conductor collected the tickets the
rich man handed to him a monthly ticket en
titling him to one more ride, the others having
been used. For some reason the conductor
scratched the ticket with his finger, and the
punch mark fell out. At once be demanded
-the fare, which the passenger paid willingly
and with profuse explanations. His face was
dyed in crimson.
It Vividly Recalled the Lots of Life on Dhi
mond Street Human Blood and Flesh
on the Debris.
For several days past laborers and team
sters have been removing from the Monon
gahela wharf, at the foot of Wood street,
the timbers, debris and twisted bits of iron
which were hauled there from the awful
wreck of the Diamond street buildings two
months ago. The stuff had all been piled up
in an immense heap.
Yesterday the men had gotten down
pretty well to the bottom of this heap. On
top the wood had become dry and white,
from continued wind or sunshine, but deep
underneath the rubbish was found damp and
clammy. Water dripping from above had
formed a slime which smelt something like
the wet walls of an underground vault that
had never seen daylight. The moisture of
the ground made every little piece of board
so moldy that it was disagreeable to the
A fragment of a heavy beam had just
been pulled out of the mass by- a laborer.
It was so slimy that it slipped from his
hands and rolled over on the cobble stones
of the wharf, A score of ugly bugs sped
off the surface of that side of the timber that
had pressed the earth so long, and the sinu
ous fold of a big, fat worm, wriggling out
of the fast-rotting edge of the wood, seemed
to send a shudder over the workman's
Stooping down he examined the beam
closely. Then he twisted it over and over. As
one side was turned up to the light the fel
low started violently.
He called the other men. They gathered
around the beam. Each stooped'down to
see, and each involuntarily started book,
A sort of nervous dread seemed plaving
with every laborer's fingers, and while
twitching about they kept away from the
There the group stood. Two three four
minutes passed away! Yet they dared not
touch the log, though their eyes remained
riveted upon it. The ugly bugs had now all
disappeared and the sickening worm had
left its serpentine wake in the mud. These
could not so awe the men into that
superstitious dread. What was it then?
It was blood a long oval-shaped spot
of crimson stain a tuft of human hair
and'eaught upon a jagged splinter, a tiny
bit of human flesh.
A Colored Damsel Refused to See
Swain and Was Shot At.
John Washington, of Millvale, was held
in $1,000 .bail by Alderman Bellly last
night, for trying to shoot Cornelia Saunders
last Monday night. Both are colored, and
the defendant called upon the ladv. Upon
the latter's refusing to see him, Washing
ton, it is alleged, fired two shots at ber.
Why the Receipts Are Less.
Mayor Pearson,' of Allegheny, explains"
the falling off in the receipts of the city by
saying that before the Brooks law went
Into effect, $30 was charged for holding
balls, bnt since that time only $5, was re
ceived for each ball, as no liquor was sold.
This made a difference of almost $2,000.
There was also a falling off in vehicle
license of almost $1,000. There were not as
many arrests during the year.
At an Aaioclate'a Funeral.
A number of the members of the Grain
and Flour Exchange met at their rooms on
Liberty street yesterday afternoon and at
tended the funeral of F. Van Horn, one of
their late members. The high esteem in
which Mr. Van Horn was held was dis
played by the large attendance at the
funeral of business men who are frequently
detained from such occasions by business
i - - 5?J i , "W y&-i w "lt r
The Eighteenth Regiment Stood it
- for FiTe Hours in Deep Mnd;
A-Part of the Washington Trip That
Wasn't Eellshed by the Boys,
The Eighteenth Eeglment got back from
Washington at 9 o'clock last night. They
were 29 hours on the road, and the boys
were loud in their complaints against the
Pennsylvania Eailroad. They have had
enough of free rides to last them for some
time. They met with no accidents, and,
with the exception of one man from Mc
Keesport who fell sick on the way, the
members still live and are as lively as ever.
When asked about the reports- sent from
Washington reflecting discredit on the
Western Pennsylvania troops for unbecom
ing behavior on Pennsylvania avenue, the
officers and men denied that there had been
any disturbance. The boys say they know
nothing about the reported occurrences,
and it was news to them when they heard
it The same old chestnut was cracked four
years ago, and the findings of a court mar
tial disproved the charges. The boys were
rather angry when they learned for the
first time that such severe complaints had
been made.
A gentleman on the limited express last
night said that some of the troops at Al
toona made a dive for the provision fakirs
at the depot and cleaned them out in
double-quick order. A small-sized riot oc
curred, and one man drew a revolver in the
confusion, but he was disarmed at once.
Despite their tough experience the mem
bers of the Eighteenth were in a good humor
last night. According to their 'accounts
they left Washington Tuesday evening at
5 o'clock, and marched six miles out in the
deep suburban mud of the city. Those who
attended the inauguration know just how
thick and plastic the mud in the country
was. They laid in a swamp at Benington
station, on the Pennsylvania road, from
730 in the evening to 1230. With the
Eighteenth were the Fifteenth, Sixteenth,
Fourteenth and First Begiments.
They soon got cold standing in the mire
and water, and they broke down a rail fence
and made fires to keep them warm. It was
done with an understanding -with the owner
that the troops would pay for it, and he was
satisfied. After a time some of the Pennsyl
vania officials came ont and agreed to pay
the damage done. They apologized for the
delay and bad management, and at 1230 the
boys were loaded up and started for Pitts
burg. The Fourteenth and the Washing
ton Infantry got here in the afternoon. The
Tenth Regiment and part of the Fifth and
Fifteenth Begiments passed through the
city about noon.
Leaving out the cold deal the troops re
ceived at the hands of the benevolent Penn
sylvania road, the militia was well pleased
with the trip to Washington, and wished
inaugurations occurred oftener; but thev all
want it distinctly understood that "they
draw the line on the rain and Benington
The Americus Club arrived yesterday
morning over the Baltimore and Ohio road.
The majority of them wished that they had
their money back that they paid for insur
ance. They were well pleased with the
trip, and were loud in their praise of the
Baltimore and Ohio management. Schedule
time was made going and coming. While
in Washington the clnb called on President
Harrison, Senator Quay and Governor
Battery B arrived tfooilt i -o'clock in the
afternoon. The Ohio Legislature reached
the city about the same time. A number of
the members of the Cowboy clubs stopped
over to see Pittsburg. The Lawrence
Cyclone Flambeau Club was also repre
sented by a small party.
Governor Foraker and party were sched
uled to pass through Pittsburg last night
over the Baltimore and Ohio.
So the Fifth Avenue Line Decides An AH
Klgbt Car Petition.
The Fifth Avenue Traction Company,
after considering the subject, has decided
not to use double-deckers, as reported some
time since, the sharp curves in the road not
making it safe to run them. An extra con
ductor would also have to be put on with so
much more expense.
As a conductor stated last night anotber
thing against them is the class of passengers
that always congregrates on top of such cars,
spitting down and raising more or less con
fusion. The winding stairway also obstructs
getting on and off quickly the main factor
in obtaining speed.
A large number of the residents of Oak
land express their intention of getting up a
formal petition, asking the company to put
on all-night cars, similar to those on the
Citizens' road, horses being used while the
cable is being examined. As it is at pres
ent, a large number of those employed until
after the regular cars have stopped, or are
belated from some canse, have no alterna
tive but to walk, no matter whatethe
The Allegheny Death Rate Last Month
Greater Than a Tear Ago.
The Allegheny Health Committee met
last night and Mr. Bradley, the Health
Officer, denied the charges made against the
board. He stated that all the nuisances re
ported had been promptly attended to, and
explained why he had allowed people re
siding in Pittsburg to burn their garbage in
Allegheny furnaces. He said that before
the Allegheny furnace was built, they had
used the Pittsburg furnaces, and they were
now merely; returning the favor.
A proposition from a Detroit company to
dispose of all the garbage in the city was
ordered on file, and an ordinance author
izing the committee to maintain dumpboats
met wun a UKe late.
is an increase over February. 1888. when
there were 124 deaths, or 14.88 per 1,000 in
The Orators for the Washington. Inaugural
The Washington Inaugural Centennial
Committee has secured two orators for the
local celebration oif April 30, General
Adam E. King, of Baltimore, and C. K.
Adams, President of the Cornell University
of Ithaca, N. Y will be present and make
addresses. The latter has written a letter
to George E. Kepple, Chairman of the In
vitation Committee, that he will surely be
on band.
Dynamite Cortrlgea That Were Shipped n
so Illach Powder.
The freight inspector at Torrence station
yesterday discovered a number of dynamite
cartriges billed as powder cartriges. They
came from Mansfield, Pa, and Newbnrg, O.
Not only is there a big difference in the
rate, but the one requires very careful hand
ling. It will probably take a few explo
sions and. some big law suits for damages
before this nefarions cheating can be stopped
.. . .. 1 . Ncmnnir mihitet ht. iisaa'
" Auua can at U.IM varauu St. uiu ue I ,. , , . 4 3fc9Jb I - aaSHMiHiSKI
Tho Musicians' Mutual Protective Union
Hm Another Victory.
The Musicians' Mutual Protective Union,
has scored anothervictory in having an al
leged, non-union orchestra employed, at the
G. A. E, fair, on the Southside replaced "by
a pmon bond. When the band was hired
it was upon the supposition that the mem
bers belonged to the union. It was after
ward found that the union was the Alle
gheny County Musical Union. The Musi
cians Mutual Protective Union objected to
their playing, and they were replaced by
the Mozart Orchestra.
' A Biff Order for Springs.
Anderson DuPuy & Co., of this city,
have several large orders for spiral springs,
and the works are beine operated to their
fullest capacity. The company is complet
ing an order for 300 tons of springs for the
2,000 cars which the Pennsylvania Com
pany are building. This is probably the
largest order ever given for springs to any
one firm.
They Changed the Name.
The Cannonsburg Iron Company has
changed the name of the concern to the
Cannonsburg Iron and Steel Companies.
Three of the members of the company-have
refused to sign an agreement closingnp the
affairs of the concern, and a committee of
three stockholders was appointed to ascer
tain measures for effecting that end.
To Strengthen the Order.
A big Knights of Labor mass meeting
will be held 'at McKeesport next Monday
evening, lhe officers of D. A! 3 are deter
mined to build up the organization in -that
section of the district. Among the speakers
who will be present and deliver addresses
are Master Workman Boss, George Dovey
and John D. .Hughes.
A Glass Firm Fails.
President Campbell, of the Window
Glass Workers' Association, yesterday re
ceived information that the Bellefonte
Window Glass Company had failed. He at
once went to the place for the purpose of
securing the men to go to Chambers & Mc
Kee's new glass works at Jeanneatte, where
they can find employment.
Pittabnrgers Get a Contract.
The Pennsylvania Construction Company,
of this city, has, -received the contract for
the ironwork for the new Government
building at Denver, Col. The contract
amounts to $29,700.
He Died of Heart Disease.
Nicholas Stiemer, who has been an agent
of Lntz & Son, brewers, for a number of
years, died yesterday morning at his home,
1407 Bingham street, of heart disease.
A Freight Agent'a Illness.
W. George Gibson, freight agent 6f the
Pennsylvania Company at Allegheny, is
lying at his home, at Shields Station,
seriously ill.
Underground Wires.
From the New York World.!
The telephone companies alleged that the
great electrical objection to underground wires
will be induction. This is apparent. Nothing
seems to be able to induce the companies to
put their wires under ground.
The 'officers and Board of Managers of
Allegheny Day Nursery desire to return
thanks to those who so generously contribu
ted to the entertainment given in Old City
Hall, February 22. It being impossible to
thank each contributor by name through
the daily press this general expression is in
serted. The attention of amateur decorators Is
solicited to call and examine our line of fine
white china for decorating, which is now
complete. It embraces a nnmber of new
specialties which are to be had' nowhere
else. Positively the handsomest line of ele
gant vases ever shown. Charles Beizen
stein, 1S2 and 154 Federal St., Allegheny.
Our Direct Importation New Dress Trim
mings. You may perhaps find as handsome goods,
but not at these prices.
Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
India Silks To-Dny.
Such an offering as is not usually shown
27-inch goods, 65 and 75 cts then the choice
bargains at 45c, 50c, $1, 51 25, 51 50 and
52 oo. Boogs & Buhl.
The Black Silk Stock Never So Large as
Choice, fresh, carefully selected goods
nowin our spring importations, plain and
fancy weaves.
Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
B. (SfcB.
See our India silk offering to-day, over
500 pieces, our own direct importations and
exclusive styles, and see if yon will not say
these are the choicest India silks. Low
prices and fine goods does the business.
Boggs & Buhl.
Another Big Day la the India Silk Stock.
These India silks at 75 cents. Sell at
sight. Come now for them.
Penn avenue Stores.
French Novelty Robes. Very stylish, com
plete without other trimming. Take an early
choice, S10, S12 50, SIS. SIS. t20 and S25 a pattern.
Spring Wool Fabrics. Special attention in
vited to onr 60c range of wide all-wool goods.
Diversity of styles in rays, stripes, checks,
blocks and solid colors.
Spring Cashmeres in all the late shades.
Quality 1, 38-Inch, 37$c. Quality 2, 38-inch,
60c Quality 3, SS-Inch. 63c. '
Silk stock complete with the best attainable
values. March prices will save you money.
Never such qualities In Cashmere finish Oros
Grain Bilks as are now offering.
Gros Grain at SI, Jl 23, SI 60 and $2,
Armure Silks at JL Jl 25. $1 SO and $2.
' SatjnXuxors, SI 25, SI 50, (1 75 and S3.
Double Twill Surahs, 75c, 90c and JL
Drap do Sole, Brocade and other fancy
weaves on the same close scale ot prices.
Cotton Dress Goods will meet your wants in
a large line of novelty and staple materials in
Ginghams, Satlnes and Etolle du Nords,
Chambrugs and Cretonnes.
Now open In Suit Room. "
& 1
A Complete List of the Tarloaa Araonnta
Needed-Cost ,ol tho DWereat Depart,
menu Thl Tear.
The appropriation ordinance for Alle
gheny is completed and will bo published
for the use of Councils to-day. It shows an
increase in the millage over last, year of i
of a mill, which Is In the tax for High
school building purposes. The tax will bo
as follows: ,
City taxes, 6 7-10 mills; sinking fund, i mUl
poor tax. 1 mill; Interest on sewer bonds,
mill; business tax, I mill; High School builamg.
Jmm. The water rent will remain the amo
as last year.
The appropriations for the various de
partments and purposes 'are given in full
Salaries J 68.S0O 00
Interest . 89,000 00
lre department..."...""".!""."""."... 9LOS-00
jmlng 700 00
Streets and sewers 70,00 00 ,
Wharves and landings.... I.. 20 00
faroy department.. 3.000 0O
Police department 81,000 00
Contingent land...,;.. ,. 17,W7 75
Rpad department. .,... 12.000 00
Water department 90,000 00
Outstandlne warrants L00O U)
Gas aepartment 4 35,000 00
General hospital fund ......7.. sloOU 00
Sinking fund, renewal wharf bonds. 2,520 OO
City property ,. n,ooo CO
Sanitary department ..... 5.500 00
Markets... ' " LOOttOO
Park department......... nfitxrfQ
BinkingFund,6percent, Goldwater
bonds . 15,000 00
Sinking Fund. 6 per cent, city prop
ertybonds.. 5,000 00
!ri?H!r2F? nn,J: ".! wer bonds- 8-' m
High School building tax . 10,000 00
Sinking Fund 5 per cent water bonds 4,000 00
Sinking Fund i per cent municipal
bonds , 1 170 00
Sinking Fund 4 per cent park bonds. . 1,350 00
Sinkinc Fund 4 per cent water bonds 37.576 25
Siakinu Fund 4per cent sewer bonds 3,687 60
Interest-on McClnre avenue bonds... 2,145 00
Interest on Charles streetbonds...... 2.050 00
Interest on sewer bonds 10.020 00
Special sinking fund 10,125 00
Poor Fund No. 1... 42.300 00 .
Total 5701,227 50
The appropriations last year amounted to
5694,771 25. This year the increase will
amount to almost 57,000.
Angostura. Bitters make health, and
health makes bright, rosy cheeks and hap
piness. .
'1 rk
- ;
; y&$
AXVWXA iJAIvAlll Wr 91
100 dozens absolutely fadeless Black
Cotton Stockings at 25c a pair deci
dedly the best to be found at this price.
100 dozens Men's fancy striped Cotton
Half Hose at 15c a pair.
43-inch all-wool Serges, colon and
black, only 50c a yard.
40-inch fine quality French Wool
Cashmeres, new spring shades, at 50c ft
60-inch Spring Suiting Cloths, only
40c a yard.
Plain color Tonqnin Silks at 35c
yard. "
5,000 yards 27-lnch printed India Silks
only 75c a yard. s
India Silks at 45c, 65c (27-inch), 75c,
tLtt 25 anf up. We show the largest
stock in these goods. ;
One lot striped Surah Silki at 60s,
One hundred dozens Ladies' all-linen
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 3 for 25c,
Jl a dozen.
New Table Linens, Napkins aad
Towels, Irish, Scotch and German
makes. See our Napkins at Jl 25 to S3
a dozen, bleached, also the Damasks at
60c, 65c, 75c, 85c, Jl. Jl 25 and Jl
Our 25c extra size, heavy weight, purs
Linen Towels are a great big bargain.
The new Embroideries a large lot
new ones Just in special good bargain
at 10c to 25c.
The largest assortment of Satlnrt
and Ginghams.
"'t n&fl&erS!
t-r- """"""Z-&3NHBMH&
1 "'Wf
1 -.
iIJte.V . ' I ... J 1A i f 1 - r-I.---i"" I vi ' -- fkWMKIk&A. . T 4 .-KaiiwOV