Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 06, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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4 '
Inaugural SnuvEnir
Presented to the Public with
TuEBday'e Dispatch
Failed to Supply the Demand.
Extra Edition.
Of this Handsome Historical and Pictorial
Souvenir has been printed, and will be
On Sale This Morning.
3AU those wishing copies of the INATJ
GUBAli SotJVenie can obtain the same at the
Counting Boom of The Dispatch or from
newsboys this morning. Out-of-town people
can secure Souvenirs through agents of The
VoL , So. 17. Entered at Pittsburg Post
office. November 14. 1&S7, as second-class matter.
'Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Average circulation of the dally edition of
The Dispatch for six months ending March
Copies per Issnc.
Average circulation of tbo Sunday edition
of The Dispatch for February, 1SS9,
Copies per issue.
JUILT DisrATCit, One Tear. J 800
Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter 200
Daily Dispatch, OneMonth Ju
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one
rear. 1000
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, per
quarter "SO
Daily dispatch, including Sunday, one
month ,
Bdsday Dispatch, oneyear. ISO
Weekly Dispatch, one year 125
The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at
15 cents per week, or lncludlnglheSunday edition,
at 20 cents per week.
The official announcement of the Cabinet
and its confirmation yesterday, put an end
to the three months' speculation a.nd wire
pulling concerning the composition of that
important body. The Cabinet confirmed is
that which was announced by The Dis
ipatch'S specials at the close of last week.
So far as the personal character of Presi
dent Harrison's official advisors is con
cerned, it is more largely an unknown
(quantity than any Cabinet that has been an
nounced within the memory of the present
generation. Except Blaine and "Windom,
there is not a man who has such a record in
national administration or legislation as to
'afford much indication of his course as a
public officer. Mr. Blaine's character as a
national leader is too well known to re
quire comment. Mr- Windom's previous
record in the position he now holds, though
short, is favorable. The other six members,
while known as able lawyers, successful
business men or popular State politicians,
have still to show what they can do with
national affairs.
Of course the jeer is heard that with
Blaine and "Windom in the lead and the
rest of the Cabinet filled with nonentities it
fixes the character of the new administra
tion as a Blaine administration. But
it is well enough known that such
men as Tracy, Noble and Wanamaker are
not nonentities, and experience has abund
antly proved that a Cabinet officer need not
be a failure because he has had no previous
commanding position. "Whitney, Manning
and Gresham are three men who went into
the Cabinet comparatively unknown in
national politics and yet three men who
have ranked higher as Cabinet officers could
hardly be named.
Beyond all this the fact is worth remem
bering that this is going to be a Harrison
administration. The author of Monday's
inaugural is certain to be the head of his
own administration.
The interview on the condition of the
river coal trade, published elsewhere, sets
forth specifically the need of that interest
for relief and predicts a shut-down if the
operaters have to continue paying higher
wages and greater tolls than their com
petitors in the Kanawha district. Of course,
if these burdens have deprived the operators
of all profit in the shipment of coal, they
will have no course open to them but a shut
down ; and in that case the miners will do
well to consider the policy of accepting a
reduced wage rate. But it is also worth
while to remember that if this is the case,
no concert of action is necessary among the
operators. "When men are doing a losing
business the one who shuts down first will
save the most money. In view of that point
and also of the claim of humane policy in
keeping the miners at work during the win
ter, the fact that early in the winter a con
certed shut-down was announced, becomes
somewhat pertinent. The miners may be
apt to argue that the humane policy was not
uppermost in that announcement, and that
it was not adhered to,- the inference may be
that enough margin was found, in the ship
ment of coal, to make it worth while to start
the mines once more.
The news, given elsewhere by a special
correspondent of The Dispatch, that the
Standard is not only buying the oil produc
ing territory in the Ohio field but is quietly
absorbing all of the Pennsylvania region it
can get into its grip, presents a possibility
at least, which would prove a very in
structive sequel to the recent movements in
that industry.
The spectacle of a monopoly in refining,
created first by transportation favors, thus
been enabled to impose burdens on the pro
ducers, and make their industry steadily
unprofitable and finally clinchingtits hold
by laying its clutches on the producing
territory itself, should be a very emphatic
warning as to the results of combination
and exclusive privileges in trade. The fact
that the wealth which would enable the
Standard to finally rivet its control of the
petroleum trade has been accumulated at
the cost of the independent industry, makes
the example all the more telling.
Perhaps if the 'producers are confronted
with the option of selling their property to the
Standard, it the Standard'.! valuation, or of
being frozen out, they will realize that their
true policy would have been, for the past
year or two, to have built up and encouraged
Ik Bippiaj.
competition to the "Standard, instead of
playing the Standard's game for it.
The announcement of the failure of the
Beading Iron Company yesterday, with
liabilities that make it a rather heavy
bankruptcy, cannot, of course, be pleasant
news either to the iron trade or to the cred
itors of the concern. While it may be
early to predicate the causes of the disaster,
we will venture the assertion that it will be
found to have been largely due to local
causes, such as are not applicable to the
iron trade at large, and least of all to Pitts
burg. There is a' suggestion of one of the
causes in the statements already made pub
lic concerning its liabilities. When an es
tablishment located in the anthracite re
gions, for the sake of using the fuel of that
district in its industry, turns out to have
been buying coke in Pittsburg and pig iron
in distant regions, there is an obvious in
ference that the combination which keeps
up the price of the anthracite fuel has
turned an originally advantageous location
into a disadvantageous one.
There is an' obvious moral to such a fail
ure as this. Whatever the combination of
causes that wrecks iron concerns in the an
thracite regions and keeps others closed,
there is no doubt that the iron interests of
Pittsburg are on a solid footing. Margins
may be narrow, but the volume of business
makes their total, satisfactory in the course
of a year. The advantages of our combina
tion of fuel supply and of our transporta
tion facilities render the iron and steel in
terests of Pittsburg impregnable. While
other sections are losing money and cutting
down wages, this city is paying the highest
wages, and on every side the situation is re
garded as satisfactory.
The lesson is, clearly, that the proper loca
tion of iron and steel manufactures is in
Pittsburg. It may be a little late to en
force this lesson on the owners of the bank
rupt Beading concern, but it will be salu
tary to others.
In borrowing the cynical audacity which
is the distinguishing characteristic of Mr.
Balfour, the London Times will still
further help to enlighten the civilized world
on the true inwardness of Toryism.
In place of an honest admission that it
had wronged Parnell, that it had without
foundation unjustly accused him of com
plicity in murder, the collapsed "Thunderer"
goes on with its cose before the Commission.
Yesterday there was a dribbling out of
weary old stories about what Patrick Ford's
paper contained in advocacy of dynamite,
of the terrible fact that the Land Leaguers
read Fold's paper; and of the treasonable
circumstance that occasionally the League
actually circulated it, Though ob
jection was made to this sort of
testimony as irrelevant and useless, the
Court allowed it. It merely requires
a parity of reasoning to make every
one who has read the Times in the past year
a sharer in the moral obliquity shown in its
defamation of Parnell, and if anybody sent
the Times to other people through the post
office it was crowning proof that they in
dorsed aud were committed to all the false
hoods it contained!
The weakness and desperation of the at
tacks on the Home Bulers were never more
clearly shown in the attempts made to in
criminate them. The party and the organ
of the aristocratic and snob classes in Great
Britain are reduced to the dire extremity of
having to catch at any sort of straws to save
themselves from drowning.
It is the common assertion of both inde
pendently Democratic and Bepublican pa
pers that Attorney General Garland's Pan
Electric affiliations constitute the black spot
of the retiring administration. How much
of this is inspired by the Bell telephone in
terest it is hard to say; but there is truth in
it, to the extent that a high official using his
powers to forward a corporation in which he
is interested, is a very uncommendable
Tet there is a good deal of instruction in
the remark recently made by an Eastern pa
per that Garland probably regrets that he
did not stay in the Senate. It is worth
while remembering that the retiring Attor
ney General formed his Pan-Electric connec
tions while in the Senate; and it is a re
markable indication of the incongruity of
our public morals, that if he had re
mained in that body and used his official in
fluence there in favor of his own inter
est, he would have been all right. It
is notorious that other Senators go., much
further in that direction than Garland ever
did. He only attacked a patent in the in
terest of the public as well as of his own com
pany: while within the past month the na
tion has witnessed the spectacle of Stanford
declaring that the Senate should not pass
the bill for the settlement of the Union
Pacific debt, unless his road was provided
for by a practical gift of its public obliga
tions, and Payne voting in the Standard
Oil interest on the amendment to the inter
State commerce act. These things and
many similar things done in Congress hard
ly raise a ripple of comment.
It is healthy to have members of the
Cabinet forbidden by public opinion to use
their offices for private gain; but .would it
not be healthier to have the rule extended
so as to take in the dignified members of
the United States Senate?
The complication of perjury, libel and as
sault and battery cases, which has grown out
of the Law and Order prosecutions, has
reached a degree which -exhibits personal
and vindictive prosecutions rather than an
impartial desire to punish wrong-doing.
This fact may have no bearing on the trial
as to whether the offenses charged have been
really committed; but in case they should
be found to be without foundation, the ques
tion of animus may become very important
in determining the further question of ma
licious prosecutions. In view of the feat
ures attending the arrest of the agents of the
Law and Ordsr Society yesterday, it is nec
essary to point out that while .they should
be held responsible for the transgression of
the rights of others, they have their legal
rights, among which we have the authority
of the courts for including that of giving
bail on an assault and battery charge. The
litigation in these cases has reached a stage
which is creditable to no one connected
with it.
"GekeeaIi B. P. Tbacy's professional
training for the duties of Secretary of the
Navy very much resembles that of Sir
Joseph Porter, K, C. B.,"-remarks the anti
administration Providence Journal. True
enough; but might not the esteemed Journal
remember that the- same can be said of
nearly all of General Tracy's predecessors,
including William CV Whitney, Uncle Dick
Thompson, George M. Bobeson and Gideon
Welles. With the precedents, that way,
cotemporaries of the independent stripe
should recognize as the satisfactory feature
of Tracy's appointment, that by it the New
York machine factions are served up for
the first course of the administration ban
quet. The law nassed bv the Arizona Lewisln,
ture making train robbery a capital offense
suggests the important opening ot Mrs.
Glass' famous receipt for cooking a hare.
"First catch your train robbers."
"In President Cleveland's veto of the
Direct Tax bill it is clearly shown that if
constitutional power to pass such a bill
could be lodged in Congress, then the judg
ment of the majority of the National Legis
lature would be the only safeguard of the
public funds," remarks the esteemed hut
somewhat partisan Philadelphia Record. In
view of the increase in appropriations by
Congress during the past four years, to the
tune of over $100,000,000, it would be inter
esting to have it explained what other safe
guard there is anyhow.
Can there be any more tragically
ludicrous example of the ruling passion
strong in death, than the report that
another letter has arrived in London from
Pigott, posted the day of his death?
The report from Washington that some
of the Pennsylvania militia refused to give
up the quarters in the Postoffice Depart
ment that has been afforded them, so that
the department could resume business is,
we hope, incorrect. Pour years ago, it was
necessary to impress upon our citizen
soldiery, that the fact of their going to
Washington to attend an inauguration as
soldiers does not release them from the
obligations of common decency or good
order,and it was hoped that the lesson could
be remembered for four years.
WhatITuto Lima oil into certificate oill
Does not a report of that sort bring up a
general inquiry from the Pennsylvania oil
fields, whether that is what they went into
the shut-down movement for.
The assertion that only four out of the
thirteen steel mills are running, is made by
the Philadelphia Record, but our esteemed
cotemporary fails to perceive that that fact
in conjunction with the other one of 28
steel rails, does not indicate that the ,steel
mill combination is any glittering success.
The boom in wheat has burst. Now
listen while the Northwestern millers
squeal over the decline of flour to a parity
with the reduced cost of the raw material.
The first thing that the public made the
President do, after getting into office, was a
job of wholesale hand shaking. This
shows that the few thousands who flock to
Washington have a different idea of the
Presidental duties than the millions who
stay away.
Well, some people thought, four years
ago, that the Cabinet which concluded .its
labors Monday was likely to be a Bayard
Cabinet,, too.
These is comfort in the reflection that it
will be four years before the majority of the
newspapers in the country will again inflict
upon their readers that antique and totally
inappropriate reflection about "the King is
dead; long live the King."
Will the administration continne its
harmony with the month of its inception by
going out like a lion?
The lawyer who brought the late Henry
Ward Beecher through his legal troubles
ought to be able to rule over the complica
tions of naval affairs easily. But that pre
cedent in the treatment of scandals is not
entirely reassuring.
Patti can converse in five tongues.
Dr. Mary Walxeb will apply for a Wash
ington clerkship.
The Duke of Newcastle built a new church
at Clumber at a cost of over $200,000, and his
grateful tenants have put a fine memorial win
dow in it as a wedding present to him.
Hamilton Disston, the Philadelphia saw
manufacturer, is looked on as a nabob by the
people of Florida, where he owns more land
than any other six men in the State. He is
now on his way home from a visit to his Flori
da possessions.
Sabah Bernhabdt had a remarkable run
of luck at the Monte Carlo roulette table last
week, where she won three times in succession,
each time with the chances 86 to 1 against her.
The crowd broke out into applause at her nn.
usual success.
Jefferson Davis, the aged leader of the
Southern Confederacy, is how past SO years
of age. Although his hair is white, and his
voice not so strong as it was in the prime of
life, Mr. Davis is intellectually as clear and
bright as ever. His step has lost its firmness
and elasticity some what, yet he stands as erect
and moves about as easily as a much younger
These seems to be an evil fatality in Belgian
royal matrimonial alliances with the Imperial
family of Austria. Twice in one generation a
Belgian Princess has been married to a Haps
burg, and in each case the husband has been
torn from the wife by a sudden and horrible
death. On the 19th Of June 1S67, the Belgian
Princess Charlotte lost her husband, the Em
peror Maximilian, who was executed by the
bullets of the Mexicans at Queretaro, and the
widow has ever since been hopelessly insane.
On the 30th of January, 1SS9, the Belgian
Princess Stephanie lost her husband by a fate
even more terrible.
To an accident is attributed Victorien Sar
dou's singularly superstitious mysticism, for he
is a great believer in portents and omens.
Along the narrow street there was passing a
wagon laden with cut stone, and to allow room
Sardou took refuge in a doorway, but he had
scarcely established himself there when a big
fat man was driven to the same shelter. It
was obvious to the dramatist there wasuo
room for two of them, so he crossed over the
street, and established himself in a doorway
opposite. The wagon passed, the swearing
driver all the time whipping his horses, and it
was probably owing to some jerk they had
given that a huge cubo of stone was detached,
and crushed in its fall the man to whom,
waiving his claim as first occupant, he had sur
rendered the place.' It was this that laid the
foundation of his superstition. To express it
he has borrowed a word from the Arabs, those
inveterate fatalists, bonkra, which means to
morrow. After those wild gusts of passion at
rehearsals, when he reduced to dumbness by
his own shouting, this is bis first word when
he is sufficiently recovered to utter it.
Kale Field's Fashlonab c Woman,
From the Buffalo Express.
Kate Field says that the woman who aims to
be fashionable might as well commit suicide at
the start. She must neglect home, husband
and children, put away comfort and conven
ience, be a first-class hypocrite and. a good
slanderer, and at the end of ten years break
down and become a phpsical wreck. Miss
Field has delivered herself of some very true
sayings lately. This is one ot them.
John Balrd.
WASnniGTOir, Pa., March 6. John Balrd, for
many years a prominent business man, died yes
terday, aged 73 years. He was stricken with
paralysis about 15 years ago, while attending a
funeral of a friend,, from -which he never fully re
covered, and which finally resulted lu his death.
Dllss Diary I Booth.
New Yobk, March 5. Miss Mary L. Booth,
editor of harper's Jiazar, died at her residence,
No. 101 East Fifty-niuth street; at S o'clock this
Rev. J. G. Barticlt.
Pabezbsbubo, March 5. Kev. J. G. Bartlett, a
Lutheran minister of Belpre, ,0., aged 71 years,',
aicu very vuuaeniy lasfc mgaii
Bits of Gossip From the Green Boom and
Other Places.
When the' great combination containing Joe
Jefferson," W. J. Florence, Mrs. Drew and John
Gilbert comes to this city next year, and Mr
Wilt assured mo yesterday that ha had con
tracted with them, we'are to be treated to an
auction of seats, 'and doubtless the bidding
will be extremely spirited. Probably the big
sums which such an auction will produce could
noj be realized at the regular prices, or even if
the scale were raised to the figures at which
Messrs. Booth and Barrett played. And yet it
has been tbe general experience of theatrical
managers In Pittsburg, I believe, that buying
seats at auction is not regarded with favor by
theater-goers here.
The fact that the Jefferson-Florence Com
pany will only play here three nights it was
their original Intention to give Pittsburg only
one night may Induce a great many to nay tbe
fancy prices which will be asked. The per
formances will be an extraordinary treat.
.Br the way, Mr. "Wilt doesn't think Pittsburg
is behind other cities of like size in getting the
new ana desirable attractions from the East.
He instanced several companies which he had
been Instrumental in bringing to this city, and
it may be admitted that Pittsburg is not
always slighted. But it certainly remains true
that Pittsburg does not get anything like her
fair share of the good things going in a theatri
cal way. This could easily bo proved by
enumerating the many first-class companies on
the road which have not been and will not be
here this season. It is large list, and by com
paring with it the list of what we havo seen
the injustice done to Pittsburg would bo ap
parent. V
A very valuable picture might be obtained
by the photographer who would catch with his
camera the entire gallery of the Bijou Theater
during the interval of almost total darkness
before the shipwreck scene in "The Fugitive."
Suoh a picture taken instantaneously by flash
light wonld show a wonderful variety of qnaint
faces, mostly twisted Into grimace. .
The gallery gods at the Bijou enjoy to the
utmost a chance to give unrestrained vent to
their feelings in whoops, whistlings, cat-calls
and personal salutations.
The patience of some railroad conductors is
simply marvelous.
On a midnight Cleveland & Pittsburg train
very recently, when the conductor reached a
slouchy, loose-jointed lout of a youth and
asked for his ticket, the latter produced a
monthly commutation ticket, which boro tbe
na,me of a station at which the train did not
stop. The conductor told the passenger that
thofare to the nearest station at which the
train wonld stop was 10 cents more than the
commutation ticket was good for.
1 haven't got 10 cents," coolly remarked the
"Don't you know anybody on the train who
can pay it for you?"
"No," said the youth without stirring an
"Then I shall have to put you off the train,"
said the conductor quietly, and reaching! or tbo
whistle cord, he began to signal the engineer to
stop. At the same moment tbe youth dipped
his fingers into his vest pocket, pulled out some
change and gave the conductor the 10 cents
without any remark.
"You had that dime all the time; you ought
to be put off the train anyhow," was all the con
A good many passengers wonld have enjoyed
kicking that incarnation of meanness and Im
pudence off the cars.
Foil Particulars of the Declaration of the
New Constitution,
SAN Feancisco, March 5. The steamship
City of New York, which arrived last night,
brings mail advices respecting the promulga
tion of the new Constitution of Japan on Feb
ruary 11. The Emperor, having sworn to the
solemn oath in the Imperial sanctuary, top
"maintain" and secure from decline tbe ancient
form of Government, and never at this time
nor in the future to fail to be an example to
his subjects in observation of laws 'hereby es
tablished, took his place on the throne, and in
the presence of all the highest functionaries of
,the empire, as well as of the chosen repre
sentatives oi tne people, nanaeaiotne Minister
President of State, the five laws forming the
new system. These laws are:
The constitution of the Empire of Japan;
the Imperial ordinance concerning the House
of Peers; the law of the House; the law of elec
tion of members of the House of Representa
tives; and the law of finance. They comprise,
in all, S32 articles. In the first place, the sacred
and inviolable nature of the Imperial title and
perpetuity of the throne are asserted with the
fullest emphasis. Tbe Emperor remains, as
before, the source of, all laws, but his legisla
tive functions henceforth to be exercised with
tbe sanction of the Diet. Only in the presence
of urgent necessity, to maintain the public
safety, or to avert a public calamity, can he
issue ordinances in lieu of laws, ana it is ex
pressly provided that such ordinances must be
laid before the Diet at its next session, when,
if not approved by that body, they become
invalid. The parliamentary system of the new
Government is vested in a House of Peers and
a House of Representatives, constituting the
Imperial Diet
The Upper House is partly elective, partly
hereditary and partly nominated. The heredi
tary portion comprises members of tbe Impe
rial family, Princes and Marquises. The elect
ive portion comprises both noblemen and
commoners. The noblemen are Counts, Vis
counts and Barons, elected by members of their
respective orders, in numbers not exceeding
one-fifth of the number of those orders. The
commoners are chosen by cities and prefect
ures, one by each, from among tbe highest tax
payers. The Lower House, or House of Rep
resentatives, consists of 300 members, elected
by ballot in districts fixed by a supplementary
law exclnsive of members of legations. Only
nine foreigners obtained permission to be pres
ent at tho declaration.
How to Enjoy a Cigarette.
From the London Globe.
Cheap hand-made cigarettes form a delicious
smoke, particularly if while you are enjoying
them yon let your mind dwell in a pleasant
reverie upon their origin. T&.one who knows,
this daily luxury of the cabman and waiter is
redolent of associations, for whence have been
gathered the materials? There is a three
volume novel in every cigarette. What a
splendid exercise in imagination it is to figure
in one's mind who the smokers wero who con
tributed each a cigar end, or the remains of a
cigarette, or the emptyings of a pipe for the
gamin to dry and f nzzle till it was readv to be
a cigarette again. Youth, beauty, fashion, old
age, vice and virtue may all havo smoked the
tobacco in its earlier form. It must be highly
pleasing to construct a group of shadowy
smokers for acquaintances. I
I like the Anglo-Saxon speech
With its direct reveallngs
It takes a hold and seems to reach
Way down Into your feelings;
That some folk deem it rude, 1 know,
And therefore they abuse it;
But 1 have never found It so
Before all else I choose it.
I don' t object that men should air
The Gallic they have paid for
With "au revolr," "adieu, machere"
For that's what France was made for,
But when a crony takes your hand
At parting to address you
'He drops all foreign lingo and
He says: "Good-by God bless yon!"
This seems to me a sacred phrase
With reverence Impassioned
A thing come down from righteous days,
Quaintly but nobly fashioned;
It well Incomes an honest face
A voice that's round and cheerful;
If stays the sturdy in bis place
And soothes the weak and fearful.
Into the porches of the ears.
It steals with subtle unction ,
Aud in your heart of hearts appears
To work Its gracious function;
And all daylong with pleasing song
It lingers to caress you
. I'm sure no human heart goes wrong
That's told ' 'Uood-by God bless you?'
I lo vo the words perhaps because,
"When I was leaving mother,
Standing at last In solemn pause
We looked at one another,
And I I saw In mother's eyes
The love she could not tell me
A love eternal as the skies
Whatever fata befell me;
She nut herarms about my neck
And soothed the pain of leaving.
And though her heart was like to break,
' She spoke no word of grieving;
She let no tear bedim her eye,
For fear that might distress me.
But, kissing me, she said good-by
And asked our God to bless me.
, Chicago Sens.
The Dingier-Wolf Wedding nnd Several
Other Events Worthy of Notice.
Doubtless Christ M. E. Church was never
the scene of a larger or more brilliant wedding
than that of hyjt evening, which joined In
marriage Miss Emma Bingler, tbe much-admired
and sweet soprano singer, and Mr. Wil
liam Wolf, a prominent young business man of
the city. One thousand one hundred tickets of
admittance were issued, but, before the cere
mony commenced, fully 1,200 people had
crowded in, filling the space near the, en
trances. The guests began to arrive about 8
o'clock, but the hand on the dial, had moved
around to 627 ere the white rope was stretched
to clear tbe aisle and the rustle of dresses at
the door told the waiting spectators that the
bride and groom were coming.
Soon tho nsheraMr. Frank Bingler, brother
of the bride, Mr. J. Sell Atterbury, Mr. Tom
Brown, Mr. Doanr Mr. Hibbard and Mr. W. A.
Mandelick, of New York, advanced up the
aisle, followed by the bridemaids, Misses
Miller and Moreland, the maid of honor, Miss
Ada Myers, the bride and groom and the best
man, Mr. C. Stephenson Gatchel, and Mr.
Harry Bingler, eldest brother of the bride,
who gave her away.
Advancing to the altar, Rev. Dr. Cowles,
pastor of the church, stepped forward, and
amid the strains of Lohengrin's March, pro
nounced tbe beautiful marriage ritual ot the
church. The music then changed to Men
delssohn's march, and the bride and
groom and the guests passed down
the aisle to the carriages; thence
to the residence of the bride's mother, in
Hazelwood, where a short reception was held,
and Mr. and Mrs. Wolf left at a o'clock for an
extended Southern trip. On their way back to
this city, their future home, a reception will
be tendered them in Philadelphia by Mr. and
Mrs. Walter B. Smith, brother-in-law and Sis?
ter of Mr. C. Stephenson Gatchel.
The bride wore an elaborate gown of white
corded silk, with court train ana veil, and car
ried a boquet of lilies of the valley. The maid
of honor also wore a white silk, and carried tbe
Eastern bridal bouquet of white violets. The
bridesmaids both wore light bluo silk, walking
length, and carried boquets of white roses.
The costumes or many of the guests were also
The groom presented the bridesmaids with
bracelets and the ushers with scarfpins. Be
fore the ceremony, members of the Mozart
Club rendered an appropriate selection, Mr.
Loyd presiding at the organ.
A Charming Wedding at the Macbeth Man-
slon In the East End.
One of the most brilliant and fitting climaxes
of -the wind-up before the Lenten season'' was
the celebration last evening of the nuptials of
Miss Sophia Duff, daughter of Mrs. J. George
Duff and sister of Mrs. George A. Macbeth,
and Hugh Charles Torrance, a prominent
young business man connected with the Car
negie Wire Company, of Beaver Falls.
Shortly before 7 o clock p. M. the residence
of Mr. Macbeth, on Amberson avenue. Shady
side, the scene of the ceremony, presented a
gay appearance. On the balustrades of the
windine stairs leading to the reception room
Florist Smith had entwined festoons of roses
and smllax, the alcove formed by the stairs
having a background of lilies and tropical
plants. Over the mantels were ferns, roses
and curious plants. In tho dining room, over
which Caterer Kennedy presided, a beautiful
pyramid of pink roses graced tho center of the
As the hour of 7 approached, Gernert &
Gnenther's Lohengrin Wedding March was
wafted down the stairway as the bride and
Soom, attended by their retinue, took places
the alcove and Bey. Edmund Balfour, of
the Grant Street Lutheran Church, pronounced
them bride and groom.
The bride wore a beautiful, imported white
corded silk, trimmed with duchess and point
lace with a veil. She carried lilies of tho val
ley. She was given away by her brother-in-law,
Mr. Henry Balken, and was attended by her
7-year-old niece, Miss Annie V. Macbeth, and
nephew, Mr. Edward Balken.
After the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Torrance
left on a tour of the East, prior to making
Beaver Falls their home.
Tho Nice Nuptials at Calvary Episcopal
Church Lnst Evening:.
Last night was also a gala one for Calvary
Episcopal Church, East End, It being the scene
of a large wedding the largest, according to
many, that has ever been held in the church.
In this instance the contracting parties wero
Miss Katharine Hailman Barker, daughter of
Mrs. George Barker, and Mr. Harris Buchan
an, both well-known society young people.
Mr. Robert J. Buchanan officiated as best
man, and the mother, Mrs; Mary Barker, gave
the bride away. There were no bridesmaids.
The" following acted as ushers: Messrs. C. B.
Nicholson, A. Macpherson, Roland Gerry, W.
B. Moore, E. G. Stucky and Howard Parker.
Bev. George Hodges, pastor of the church,
performed the ceremony, after which the
couple went direct to the depot and took tbe
8:50 train for the East. On their return they
will reside on Shady avenue.' The bride wore
a gobelin blue traveling dress, with hat to
Mr. James P. McGulro and Miss Tllllo Dia
mond the Parties.
Mr. Jas. P. McGuire and MissTillle Diamond
were married yesterday morning at high mass
in the Lawrenceville Cathedral. A reception
took place in tbe evening, and the newly-joined
counlo departed for the East this morning, to
return in a few weeks to take up their perman
ent abode in Lawrenceville.
Miss Findle's Reception.
Miss Findle, of 431 Penn avenue, gave a very
pleasant reception at her home last evening,
dancing being one of the attractions. The
hostess was assisted in receiving by Miss Met
calf, of Colorado Springs; Miss Jamison,
Misses Clora and Julia Morgan. Miss Bodgers,
Miss Hayes, Miss Bailey. Miss Metcalf and
Misses Elinor and Bessie Stevenson. The
rooms were nicely decorated with tropical
plants, and a luncheon was served by Kennedy.
A Turnvercln Supper; and Dnnce.
Last night tho Manchester Turners held a
pleasant supper and dance in their hall, on
Beaver avenne, Allegheny. Messrs. Joseph
Miller, Charles Geiger, Henry Selling. Charles
Mees and Dr. Both had complete charge of the
management. The Crescent Orchestra ren
dered the music, to which nearly 200 couples
passed away the merry hours.
Tbe Sleeping Queen.
The opera of the "Sleeping Queen" was pre
sented last evening at Library hall, Mt.
Washington, for the benefit of Grace Episcooal
Church choir. The Cast was as follows: Queen,
Mrs. M. Henkle; Agnes, Miss Edith Harris;
Phillips, Mr. J. Boyd Duff; Regent, Mr. E. H.
Dermitt. '
A Talk dn Alaska.
The members of the Junta Club held .their
regular semi-monthly meeting last night at the
residence of Mr. C. D. Scully, Coltart square.
Mr. George Wardman, who was a guest of the
clnb, read a very interesting paper on Alaska.
A Pleasant Cotillon.
The Auxiliary Circles of G. A. E. Post 88, of
Allegheny, gave a well-attended cotillon in
Union Bink, Allegheny, last night. The danc
ing lasted till 2, and the proceeds go to the
Soldiers' Monument Fund.
An Afternoon Reception.
Mrs. James Caldwell, of 326 Penn avenue, en
tertained a large number of ladies at a recep
tion yesterday afternoon. The parlors were
very profusely decorated with tulips, lilacs aud
Opinions of the Dominion Press on Hnrrl
sonjs InnugUlhl Address.
Toronto, March 5-Beferring to President
Harrison's inaugural address, the Empire,
Conservative, says: "President Harrison's in
augural address is not a startling document,
bat is apparently the utterance of an honest,
honorable man, who feels deeply the .responsi
bility of bis high position and is determined to
do his duty to the people over whom he has
been called to preside. The tone througnout
the'message is high and there seems to be jhe
riug of sincerity in the excellent advice he gives
on many important subjects."
The Mail, Independent, says: "General Har
rison's message is not a document which is
likely to become history as the straightforward
utterance of a man who holds his ideas honest
ly. Though some of them are peculiar, their
deliverance is entitled to certain respect. The
President voiced the opinion of sensible peo
ple as to keeping out of wars and jingoism; he
uttered some wise words as to the civil service;
but taken as a whole, the message is character
ized by placid commonplaceness, which. Is,
after all, far better than, mock heroics and in
flated buncombe." '
The Globe. Liberal, says: "President- Harri
son's rather bombastic address seems to"sIgnlfy
that ho means to enter upon, a policy of ex
penditure that would delight the heart of our
own Sir John. The President may ba congrat
ulated on having discovered a new name for a
policy that enhances tbe price of the people's
necessaries. He calls, it 'commercial emanci-
Remarkable Revelations of a Ollrror Used
, ia Tracking Barn Burners What tbo
Erdsplegel Is nnd How It Is Used
Cryptograms andCharmiAgalnst Witch
craft. That there is in this part of the country such
a thing as the Erdspiegel, or earttfgjass, was
but little known until last Monday, says a Han
over, Pa., correspondent of tbe Baltimore
American. On that day was published an ac
count of how the glass was used to track sus;
pected barn burners.' The Erdspiegel Is a
glass, which, it is claimed, will reveal unseen
things; if looked into by the right person. It
takes it name from the fact that it bas to be
buried in the earth one year before it becomes
possessed of great power. The Erdspiegel is
not a new thing; in fact, It is very old,and those
posted In German folk-lore are well acquainted
with the wonderful powers it Is claimed to pos
sess. The one in this part of the country is
owned by Mr. John Keagy, a well-known and
prosperous farmer who lives a -short distance
from McSherrystown. He prizes the glass
highly, and claims that it was through its
powe r last Saturday night that he was able to
discern, the approach of the men who intended
to burn his barn, and not only to scare them
away, bat to follow and recognize them.
Cabalistic Words.
By invitation of Mr. Joseph Keagy, tho.
brother of the owner of the glass, I went out to
the'farm to test the glass myself. At first, he
did not believe in tbe glass, bat he says he has
had snch wonderful experiences with it that
his faith in it now is as wonderful to an un
believer as the virtues of the glass. Mr. Cnrby
J. Smith, also of this city, made the third of,
the party. Mr. Keagy guards the glass with
great care, and keeps it in a silk handkerchief
and other wrappings, to prevent breaking it.
It is a piece of very heavy plate glass 6x8 inches
in size. Beneath it is a sheet of white paper
containiog words and symbols. On the glass is
cut a star, having the signs of the planets cut
in each point. Around the edges are more
signs and symbols. The glass with the paper
beneath is heavily framed in hard wood,be
' cause the white paper must be kept white and
free from 'air. Besides the stars and planet
signs, the following is on the glass:
God Father Son & Holy Ghost.
Judar lit.
Un the center Is the star, with
the signs of the planets
In tbe points.
Jesus of Nazares Is rex. .
ojsrfJ "in mi otuoj'
. c:
Tbe Cryptogram Interpreted.
Tho scratchings on the glass are half Ger
man, English and LatinT They are very thin.
Under this heavy plate is the white paper. The
writer of the signs and sentences was not a
good speller or writer, either, and part of the
inscription is not legible. I give a faithful
transcription, spelling and all:
: Gabriel, Gabriel, Azarlcl.
: Dlpart, Baton, it Is Bitten :
: Thou shalt'nod Temt -
: The Lord thl God. t t t :
: K. l N.
: I.
: Here Is a German sentence which cannot be:,
: I. :
: N. i. B. :
: Under nnd. :
: Dullx lx ux ur du Kanst :
: Nlcnt uber l'ontlo t :
: Pontlo 1st uber Pllado. :
: Jesus Nnzares Bexjudrum :
: Kafead Zacharlel. t t t :
Many of the signs on the papers are well
known safeguards against evil. For instance,
the crosses of letters generally have "Spiritns
Sanctns" between the two crosses, and it is a
superstition that if so written and always car
ried with one it will protect against all evil
powers and" all manner of witchcraft. It means
"All this be guarded here in time and there in
eternity, amen." "When you have the symbol
with you and deslro its aid, you must say,
"Bless me here in timo and there in eternity."
The sentences "Dulllx ix ux and Pontio ist
uberEilato f f f " is the sign to prevent
witched or malicions persons from doing you
harm, while If the sentence "Jesus Nazarenus
Bex Judseorum" is repeated before going to
court or investigation, it will preserve your
rights, according to the superstition.
History of the-EtdspIege!
Mr. Keagy secured' his Erdspiegel some 15
years ago. It was made by a lamous old man
In Lancaster, Pa. The glass and paper were
brought to this locality and buried, according
to the rule, one year in the earth under some
crossroads. It must also, to obtain its' virtues,
be burled on Christmas night, between II and
12 o'clock, and unearthed one year later, on the
same date and hour. This Erdspiegel was
burled at the crossroads near McSherrystown,
but unfortunately it was not put in a box, and
when dug up it was found that tbe paper had
faded and the writing was gone. So the old
man wrote another paper, and the glass and
paper were framed and buried once more. As
the glass alone must stay a year, it was un
earthed after three months after tbe second
burial and tested, and found to be all right.
A Marvelous Gift.
Only certain persons have the power to see
in the glass. Those born on Christmas Day, or
immediately after, it is claimed, see perfectly
in it, and to them the glass reveals its inmost
secrets. Those born on May I, also, it Is
claimed, have the wonderful sight. The reason
for this is that Christmas, and the 1st of May
always come on the same day of the week.
Those who' are fortunate enongh to see in the
glass say tnat It must be dark for perfect
effect. Those who have seen it say that the
glaS3 at first looks dark, then a grayish cloud
passes over it, which grows blue, and finally
breaks into a bright light, like the sun from
behind a cloud. The light is so intense that it
almost burns the eye, but you must keep on
looking, and then the thing wished for is seen.
Mr. John Keagy's sister-in-law is about tbe
only one of his immediate family who can see
in his glass. Mr. Joseph Keagy went to visit
some time ago an old lady who lived at Mari
etta, Pa., and whom he did not know, but as
soon as sho saw him she told him things he had
been doing, and described the finding of ore on
his place so correctly that he was mystified,
and when told by the lady that she learned it
by the aid of her Erdspiegel, the mystery was
Remarkable Revelations.
Young Mrs. Keagy does not see so well now,
she claims, as she did some time ago. Hereyes
aro sore, and besides, recently a Colored man
came to her house, and as soon as he saw her he
exclaimed: "You can read the glass!" He
then mado a few passes like a magician at her,
and said: "There, I have taken tho power from
you." And sure enough, Mrs. Keagy says she
has not been able to see as well as sto did before
the colored man hoodooed her. Sho says she
would give $1,000 if he had never come. To
show bow well she had read tbe glass, a test
was made ono night. She was given the glass,
and told to look and see what her own family
were doing. They were in Lancaster, Pa. She
looked, and described the position of every
member of the family, and Mr. Keagy says she
did it correctly. Only a few days before the
colored man called, Mr. Keagy said he wonld
go out and bury a coin, and she was to find it.
Ho did so. She looked in the glass, and imme
diately went to the place where he bid it.
Perhaps tbe best glass reader about here, or
tho one claimed to be tbo best, is Mr. Abraham
Connelly. He" Is a neighbor of Mr. Keagy, and
is bis chief reader. It was Mr. Connelly who
read tho glass last Saturday night and traced
the bain burners. To-day ho said: "I could
see the men perfectly all the time. It was
dark, and I could see my way. I noticed the
men and know them now. The Erdspeigel led
me on, and I could see them try to find a soft
track, and saw them until wereached town, but
they outran us."
Mr. Keagy remarked that he noticed the
Erdspeigel led Connelly over tho softest places
in the pursuit. While in the dark he and his
son often had a bad tumble.
The U. 8. Supreme Court Reverses the De
cision In Favor of Ibo Arms Fnmllj.
WASHINGTON, March C In the Supreme
Court of the United States, to-day, in the case
of Peter L. Klmberly, appellant, versus Charles
D. Arms, Hannah M. Arms and the Grand
Central Mining Company, coming up on appeal
from the Circuit Court of the United States for
the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Di
vision, the decision of the lower court was re
versed, and the case remanded, with directions
to confirm the report of the special master and
to take fnrther proceedings. , '
This .was a partnership case, involving the
ownership o." a majority of tbo stock of the
mining property named in the title. In tho de
cision which was delivered by Justice Field, the
Court holds that the findings of a master. in
chancery to whom a case has been referred by
consent of parties, cannot be set aside and dis
regarded at. the mere discretion of the Court,'
bnt like those of an independent tribunal, are
to be taken as presumably correct,
Roped In by Confidence Men.
NetvYoex, March 5.-Therr was an adver
tisement in a local paper, last Sunday, for
somebody with JL0O0 ready cash. Big returns
were promised for the loan ot that amount for
a few days. George H. Chappell responded.
Mr. Chappell received a prompt reply, on a
lithographed letter-head: "Office of John B.
Dean & Co., Bankers and Brokers iri Miscella
neous Securities and Real Estate, No. 60 Wall
street" He called on Mr. Dean, and Mr. Dean
explained that the SL.OOO.was needed to collect
a big clahn against a well-known bookmaker.
The story was plausible, and Mr. Chappell
readily agreed to an appointment to meet Mr.
Dean, at the tatter's alleged residence, 132
West Thirty-third street. Mr. Chappell called
at the appointed hour, and there was some
further talk about the bookmaker's case. In
cidentally there was some talk about cards, and
Mr. Dean and Mr. Chappell and two or three
friends of Mr. Dean, who chanced to drop in,
were soon engaged in a friendly game of poker.
Before the game ended Mr. Chappell had lost
$950. He complained to the police. Mr. Dean
and one of his friends were arrested and iden
tified as notorious confidence men. No. 132 is
a skin gambling house. The prisoners were
held in bonds.
Big Men In a Trust Company.
The New York Security and Trust Company
has rented offices on Wall street, "and to-day It
filed its certificate of organization at Albany.
The head of the organization is ex-Secretary
Fairchild. and his many associates In the enter
prise include Congressmen Boswell P. Flower
and William L. Scott. The capital stock Is
Ran Away From Three Wives.
Artist Samuel J. Cowley, from whose studio
$28,000 worth of diamonds were alleged to have
been stolen a few days ago, has skipped out for
parts unknown. The much advertising Mr.
Cowley received resulted in bringing three Mrs.
Cowleys to the front, each of whom claimed
the artist as her husband. One of the women,
the one whom he-was living with at the time
of the diamond sensation, procured a warrant
for his arrest for bigamy. Mr. Cowley got
wind of the trouble and ran away.
How the Sporting Trophies of the Crown
Prince Are Arranged.
The court authorities at Vienna, says the
London Times correspondent, are making an
inventory of the'late Crown Prince's personal
estate. This work, which began after the de
parture of the Princess Stephanie, will . take a
considerable time. Some of the Prince's most
intimate friends have already received souve
nirs. The sporting trophies which belonged to
His Imperial Highness form an interesting and
unique museum. A large number of animals
shot by the Prince are most attractively ar
ranged in several rooms of the Hofburg. Nat
ural trees and shrubs of various kinds reaching
to the ceiling are mingled with rocks and grot
toes, the whole being a fair representation of a
forest. On entering the first room the most
striking object is a powerful bear, emerging
from a rocky cave. The animal is standing
ready for attack, and a hunter is in the act of
firing. This bear is the first shot by the Crown
Prince at Munkacs, in Hungary, and the scene
is accurately imitated.
On the other side are eagles in trees, or in
their rocky eyries. From holes in the rocks
horned owls peep out. From another corner a
lynx is abont to make a spring. "Black," the
fine old hound of the Crown Prince, has also
found a place in this museum. In the center
of the room a glass case covers an oak. under
the branches of which lie the remains of a fall
en horse, partly devoured by vultures, whicb,
together with crows, magpies and ravens, are
fighting over the carcass. A number of mag
nificent eagles watch the scene in majestic
calm. In another room the chief group con
sists of a hyena defending its prey (a dead
sheep), seven Egyptian foxes and a small goat,
arranged upon a group of rocks, which are an
exact copy of the spot near the Castle Tantur,
between Jerusalem and Bethlehem, where the
Crown Prince some years ago took up his posi
tion when out shooting hyenas.
Testimony Based an a Conversation With
- a Rich Illan's Spirit.
From the Chicago Mall.1
"Did you ever talk with Loamml Hall after
he was buried?" was the startling question put
to Ellen Nelson, who was testifying in the Hall
contested will case before Judge Jamieson to
day. The lawyers objected, but the Court ad
mitted the "question, and the interpreter was
told to ask it, as Mrs. Nelson cannot speak
The query was made, and "Yes" came the
answer unfalteringly.
"Didn't he come to you after youJwere dead
and tell you he was not burled in the right
place?" .
Yes." '
"Didn't he say he had desired to be buried at
Park Ridge, but instead was buried at Grace
land?" "Yes."
"Did you not say, after Mr. Hail's death, that
he made a great noise in the house when he
came to you?"
"I told Harry Hall that, and it was true."
"Did you understand that it was because
there was a wrong done in the making of a will
that Mr. Hall came roaming around there at
"Yes, partly that and partly because he was
burled in the wrong place."
"Do you now and did you then believe that it
was Loamml Hall that made those noises and
came there?" ,
'I know it was."
The members of the jury moved uneasily In
their chairs while Mrs. Nelson's examination
was going on, and the judge grew pale, and the
tension was getting very hard to bear indeed,
when the attorney obligingly switched off on
another subject.
Loamml Hall died some time since and left
$75,000 divided among several relatives, and
Mrs. Minerva H. Purdy, his sister, is attacking
the will. '
New jackets in all stuffs will have Iongrevers
and inserted vests.
Dinner gowns for wear during lent have no
trains, the short skirt resting on the floor.
NEW India silks of mouso gray with figures
of deeper tone are elegant and fashionable.
Miniatube crotch sticks of gold, with
frosted handles, are, quite the thing for shawl
Many of the light spring woolens exhibit
blocks two inches square in strongly contrast
ing colors.
Dikectoibe and empire evening gowns are
now made in silk-warp Henrietta cloth in cream
and magnolia tints.
Shibeed corsages in thin summer stuffs will
be much worn this season. The trimming will
take a great variety of shapes.
BLACK, brown or green wool widely cross
barred with green or blue or red Is very much
used for house and school gowns for girls from
The newest black veil is of plain net, hemmed
at tbe bottom, with a faint pattern of gold
thread wrought on tbe hem and other lines of
gilt above it.
With empire gowns the length of the sleeve
puff depends on the height of thesasb, asitis
desirable that the puff should end just at the
top of the girdle.
New brocaded ribbons are shown in a variety
of patterns. One 'design has a row of green
lanrel leaves running along one side of a very
rich old rose ribbon.
Wooden stuffs for spring and summer gowns
are in plain colors, blocks, checks and stripes.
Tobaqco-brown and tan-colored woolens are
brightened by Scotch plaid sashes of silk surah
with fringe raveled out.
Black open work gimp is a stylish garniture
used on bengaline armure silk- gowns. It ap
pears as a girdle and plastron or vest on the
corsage and as a collar and wristbands with a
broad border trimming the f 6ot of the skirt;
An evening costume recently seen in a Lon
don ballroom is described almost magnificent;
It was made of royal pompadotuvbrocade, tha
sumptuous pattern showing a rare blending of
the various exquisite shades of mauve, lilac
and pink violet on a ground of tulle gold. The
petticoat was of violet velvet, with a foot
border of flowers shading from the palest silver
blue to the deepest violet, the dark blossoms
surrounded by leaves, of pointed gold. The
bodice is. cut In pompadour style, and below
this is a Russian half-vest of violet velvet,
which laces over ah Inner vest, of English"
point lace. ' v
Andrew Cowenloch. a telegraph opera-
"tor at Mflburn, 7N. X, is dying after a week's
suffering from hiccougns.
The combined Astor estate, real and
personal, pays $300,000 into the New York City
treasury every year for taxes.
In London the windows of private
houses are washed by a limited liability com
pany at the rate of 8 cents a day.
The Trinity Church property, New
York, bas an assessed valuation of $8,750,000.
This property Is exempt from taxes.
The Custer monument in Montana has
beeu so greatly defaced by Indians shooting at
It that It has been found necessary to recut the
names on it.
Frozen land turtles have been found in
different parts of South Jersey. They were
fooled by the open winter and did not burrow
deep enough.
One of the rules of the Koyal Library in
Berlin, made with a view to1 preserving quiet
and good order, calls for the exclusion-of all
members of the gentler sex.
An American flag, claimed to be tha
first one used, was carried in the Inaugural
procession at Washington. It is owned by
Mrs. Stafford, of Edgartown, Mass.
An empty freight car, which was earned'
oft" in the Mississippi cyclone of three years'
ago, has j ust been found In a swamp ten mile
from the spot where it was picked up.
Tip to the present time 80,000,000 rabbit
skins have been exported "from New Zealand
alone; and yet the number of rabbits in that
country has not perceptibly decreased.
A 2-year-old youngster in Cincinnati
got possession of some brandy, and before his
mother arrived on the scene drank nearly a -pint
of it. At last accounts the doctor feared
the Uttle fellow would die.
A remarkable piece of wood has been
sent to Portland, Ore., for exhibition. It is v
board of white cedar 20 feet long, 30 inches
wide and 3 inches thick, without the least sign
sign of a knot or twist of any kind.
Several Indians,. belonging to a tribe in
the Indian Territory, are searching at Moore's
Hill, six miles from Columbus, Ind., for treas
ure, whicb, according to the traditions and rec
ords of the triSe. bas been buried there.
One transatlantic line of steamships in
New York uses 20,000 tans af Ice, 2,000,000
pounds of meat, 1,000,000 eggs, 50,000 loaves of
bread. 22 tons of raislns.and currants, 460 tons
of flour and 15 tons of cheese every year.
A Genoa, Nev., blacksmith proposes
the following scheme for securing water for
irrigation: "Lay a pipe over the mountains to
Lake Tahoe, roof the lake with an air-tight
covering ana then pump air until the pressure
is great enough to force the water through the
A Coroner's jury in Cheshire, England,
returned a verdict of temporary insanity in the
case of a shoemaker who had hanged himself.
The poor man had married a widow -with 13
children, and. as the Coroner iustlv observed.
L they wanted no better proof that he bad lost
ms senses.
A strange accident has befallen a young
lady of Cherveux, France. She was playing
with a little chili! on hor lap, when she sud
denly threw back her head and remained mo
tionless. A hairpin had penetrated her skull.
She never recovered consciousness, and expired
a short time afterward.
It is said that an astonishing feature of
tbe legal practice in Camden connty, Georgia,
Is the number of hogs stolen and tbe excuses
given by those accused of the theft. When
one of the colored inhabitants wants to employ
a lawyer to defend him tbe conversation is
generally something like this: "Boss, kin I
speak wid vou privately a minute?" "Certain
ly! What can 1 do for you?" "Well, boss, dey
got me np in de big court." "Wbat is the na
ture of tbe charge against yon?" "Dey got me
'sensed of sumtin' 'bout a bog, but it's all
through prejudice."
Philip "Volkert, a silk "hat manufac
turer of Cincinnati, was working away quietly
one evening lately, when a customer entered t
and handed him his hat to be ironed. Some- .1
thine besides the evident antianitvof the tile 1
1 attracted Mr, Volkert's attention, and upon
i turning uown ine learner no recognizea nis
1 private mark, placed there when he made tha '
hat as a "jour' hatter, over 30 years ago. Tha
customer departed witn a new nat, ana Mr.
Volkert possesses the other as a precious relict
dfthe way they did things when he was a boy.
Besidents in the west and northwest
portlpns of Texas are calling the attention of
the Legislature to the wholesale destruction of
deer, which is now In progress in these sections.
Tha animals are killed simply for their hides,
and the slanghter is said to be 'somewhat un-
Srecedented. The killing is fair enough, as it
i all done with the rifle. It Is the constancy
with which it is done, and purpose of which is
objected to by those most affected. Ten years
ago an entire section of country, which Is now
under fence, literally swarmed with buffalo;
They were exterminated, however, in threa
years' time, and strictly by use of the rifle. The
deer bids fair to go In the same way.
A correspondent writing from Constanti
nople says it is stated that a cempany is being
formed with a capital of l.OOO.OOOf to work the
historical gold mine of Astyra, near Abydos,
and the concessionnaires expect to derive mora
wealth from the undertakinc? than was ever
dreamed of by old King Priam. It is also re
ported that a laborer recently discovered a
sarcophagus in the neighborhood of Pergamos,
which contained, besides human remains, beau
tiful specimens of ancient jewelry, some medal
lions, coins, vases, toys and lachrymatories, a
javelin and a trident. There is no doubt that
much valuable treasure lies' buried in different
parts of Turkey, and may eventually be brought
to light if the comparatively liberal policy of
the present Sultan continues to De carried, out.
One of the keenest things ever said on '
tbo bench is attributed to Judge Walton, of
Georgia. While holding a term ot the Su
preme Court at Augusta, he sentenced a man
to seven years In prison for a grave crime. Tha
prisoner's counsel asked for a mitigation of tha
sentence, on the ground that the prisoner's
health was very poor. "Your Honor,1' said he.
"I am satisfied that my client cannot lire out
half that term, and I beg of you to change tha
sentence." "Well, under those circum
stances," said the Judge, "I will change tbe
sentence. I will make it for life, instead of
seven years." The prisoner chose to abide by
the original sentence, which the judge per
mitted him to elect.
The maiden's lover is always a man after -her
own heart.
The prima donna's precious-tones bring
her many precious stones.
It doesn't have the effect of refining a -man
to bring him up by the elevator.
A man hasn't much of an opinion of him- ,.
self after a night's folly, and yet strange to say, -that's
the time when he has a case of "big bead."
Lie on the left side says a health journal. '
Iflthadbeenalaw Journal It would have said
"lie on both sides.
All from the Boston CoitrUr,
A beautiful girl in Dubuque
Fell In love with a pastry" cuque,
And she said with a smile
His heart I'll beguile
And wed him by huque or by cruqus.
Although we sometimes sigh and fret.
When In our business
1 We have In constant failures met
Instead of sweet success,
BeOeetfon consolation brings, .;
For then 'tis evident
That we wonld have been rleb If things , ,
Had turned out dlnerent.
My wife is fond of iurbelows ;c
And edgings rich and rare, ;
And ruffles on her plainest clothes , .
It pleases her to wear. '
Her very wrappers ruffled are, -
But even that won't do; , ,
She carries out the thing so.far , j "
"Her temper's ruffled, too. ij
A Lost Opportunity. Jiggers Dam, an
ignoramus anyhow.
Wliriers What's tbe matter now?
JIggers-I was calling on little Miss Pertly.lart
,night and she asked what the phrase "indulging
in oscutatory exercises" meauu oaio, saeiouna
it In a novel. ' -. .
Wlggers-WeU, did yon tell her?. - .. ' ;
Jiggers I didn't know what it meant.untai
looked through the dictionary this mjratngl
2 errs Haute Express. $ ,,
A Fatal Mistake. "What's rrda jteMtoj, '
Bluffers, yon look blue?" ' rVs .
Bluffers- "I'll never forgive myself. Ukleked a
calleroutofmyhouseUstnlght." "TP'
"Huh! I've kicked put many a- one young fel
low, 1 suppose?" - '-
No; pist middle age." "p
"Well, these old codgers have no bastaess to be
coming around sparking young 'girls, if kicked
out one of that sort last week." . j-,
."Yes; but I've found oat thlsntaawass.'tt court-lng-my
daughter. . He ws after my jrsoWier-la-
law." rnuaucipnm cwb.; , 1'sbv;"'