m- v- SHREWD Can reach the -best class of investors throueh THE DIS PATCH. Tho best MEN IN men in business can also be reached throuph THE DISPATCH. BUSINESS w POETY-rOTIRTH "YEAR II MILL. President Harrison Comes Out v of His Saturating Expert ence of Monday V. ' WITHOUT CATCHING COLD. He Devotes His First Day in Office to Handshaking "With Thonsands. 'THE CABINET CONFIRMED. It furnished Ko Surprises, Being Exactly as Foreshadowed the Past Week. HOW CLEVELAND PASSED THE DAT The Ix-President Heartily Enjoys the First Real Rest He Has Had for Four Tears, HIS OFFICIAL FAMILY DRIFT APAET. Colonel trod Mrs. Lamont Leave To-day With the Cleveland for New York City Lnst Reminders of the Inauguration ltlnstc "Permeates the Air nil Day New York's Crack Seventh Kecltnent the Finest, bnt Crowded Hard by the First Pennsylvania General Tracy Already a General Favorite The Pennsylvania Troops Again Behave Unlike Soldiers. Benjamin Harrison has been President of the United States a whole day. His first official work was that of announcing to. the Senate his Cabinet, which was the same as has been announced in The Dispatch for some time past, and it was confirmed during a ten-minute executive session of the Senate. The Clevelands leave "Washington to-day for New York, where ex-President Cleveland's shingle is already out Serious reports are coming in of the Pennsylvania troops again behaving in a very ungentle manly way. rrjioK Jl staff correspondent. Washington, March 5. In this great est of all show towns in this country, the visitors who throng to the place regard the chief duty of the Chief Magistrate toie that of shaking hands with the public. It would be as impossible to give a clear idea of how much of that President Harrison did to-day as it would' be to exaggerate it. He has been kept at it all day. His first en counter irith his fellow-citizens in the morn ing resulted in his shaking the hands of 6,000 of them. Then he went to bed for a couple of hours, and when he arose, slightly refreshed, he went at it again. The news in which the most people in the United States will take the greatest inter est is that President Harrison has come out of his saturating experience of yesterday without a cold or pneumonia, or anything worse than 'very great fatigue. The other great news is that General Harrison has made ud his Cabinet precisely as The Dis patch has announced it, time and again. The Cabinet Announced and Confirmed. The Senate met at noon and made the con fimation of the Cabinet its only business. The centlemen thus commissioned to com pose the staff" of the Executive for the next four years are the following: Secretary of State James G. Blaine, of Maine. Secretary of the Treasury WlLLlAsr Wisdom, of Minnesota. Secretary of TTar. Redmeld Pboctoe, of Vermont. Secretary of the JVary... Benjamin F. Tract, of New York. Secretary of the Interior John W. Noble, of Missouri. I'mimailer General... John Wanamaker, of Pennsylvania. Attorney General W. H. H. Miller, of Indiana. Secretary of Agriculture Jebe Rcsk, of Wisconsin. Commissions Signed and Delivered. Colonel Lee, of the State Department, called upon Colonel Lije Halford early in the afternoon, and found tbanew dignitary hard at work at the desk just vacated by Colonel Lamont Colonel Lee said that Mr. Bayard was waiting to affix his signature to the commission of the new Secretary of State. Colonel Halford said that all the commis sions were signed, and that he would be glad to give them to Colonel Lee. The gal lant Democrat replied that he would take them, but that Secretary Bayard would not sign any other than Mr. Blaine's. It was the custom, he said, for the outgoing Secre tary of State to sign only his successor's commission, and for hit successor to sign all the others. Colonel Halford said that all the members of the new Cabinet were in to wn except "Wan&maker and Ruik. What the Sheepskins Are Like. The commissions were soon brought to Colonel Halford's desk. They are sheets of parchment paper, very like what bank notes are printed on. There are only a few words written on each sheet, and surrounded by a great margin. The President's signature, in a large, slanting English hand, is affixed to each, and there is a blank for that of the Secretary of State. The printing of the blanks announces "That is hereby ap pointed ," and it is intended in the second blank space the name of the office j shall be written out, so that it shall read: r " is hereby appointed Secretary of State," or whatever, but old George Battle, ' -- who was appointed clerk of commissions and pardons in the State Department by Daniel "Webster in old Tippecanoe Harri son's time, knew better than the printer, .and always writes in the words "to be," so .- that the commifsion of James G. Blaine reads that he is appointed to be Secretary of State. Like Mr. "Windom, the new JBeeretarxcf BUte has two of these great j 1. sheets of white paper to "hand down to pos terity. Dividing the Sleeping Rooms. General Harrison was completely tired out when he went to bed last night,-and a quiet night's sleep did not by any means rest him. Before he went to bed he agreed to the distribution of the "White House rooms made by his family. The McKee children and nurses have had given to them the room known as the President's room, the second room from the last on the north end of the honse. The President has taken what is known as the Prince of "Wales room, next to the executive office. Mrs. Harrison has the next room beyond, and is to use the adjoining little room, further on, as her boudoir. Her bedroom is the one to which General Garfield was taken after he received the wound that resulted in his death. The room across the hall, which Mrs. Cleveland used for that purpose, is now the sleeping room of the General's daughter and her husband, Mr. McKee. Russell Harrison and his wife have the room opposite the executive office, with the small adjoining room for their famous baby. Necessity for Separate Apartments. Our married Presidents have always had sleeping apartments to themselves. A President of the United States is elected to sit up nights over bills and with deputa tions and Cabinets. As the wives of the Presidents have distinct and separate duties as exacting, if not as official, as those of their husbands, they are entitled to apart ments wholly their own, wherein they can rest, regardless of the exactions imposed upon their greater if not better halves. The newcomers into the "White House have parted in the best of terms with the outgoing household, and declare themselves especially pleased with the neat and precise disposition of all the rooms as they were left by the Clevelands and turned over by Colo nel John M. "Wilson, the army officer in charge, who is, after all, the official respon sible for such details. The President has been rained on all day again, but this time by letters and telegrams of congratulation. They have come from everybody, including the Shah of Persia. The One That Pleased Him Most. The one which doubtless pleased him the most was 'that which Colonel John C. New and his friends sent. It silences the silly tale that Mr. New and all the other politicians in Indiana are raising their I hands to high heaven and vowing revenge upon President Harrison for appointing an amateur like Partner Mllertohis Cabinet to represent Indiana. One of the President's first callers, this morning, was James G. Blaine. "When the President had tired himself out shaking hands with everybody, he went out on the porch and saw thousands of delegations and organizations from various States march by. In the afternoon he received men, women and children again, by thousands, in the East room. It was remarked that he looked white and pale, but his friends say he does look so, and there is no more color in his face than his new acquaintances have seen there to-day. Colonel Wilson flood by him while he shook the publio by the hand. Democrats will be interested in knowing that President Harrison stands in the center of the East room, and the people pass to ward him from the private hallway, instead of standing as President Cleveland always did, in the entrance to the hallway, while the people come to him through' the East room. General Tracy Already Popular. General Tracy is here, and has made the very best impression that has been created by a general acquaintance with all new members of the Cabinet. His modesty, fine appearance, perfect democracy and genial address, have caused his appointment to be commented upon with unanimous praise by all men, regardless of partisan or factional bearings. "When Secretary "Whitney took official leave of the officers and employes of the Navy Department, this afternoon, he at the same time took occasion to say a few pleasant words in regard to his successor. He said: "I am personally acquainted with Judge Tracy, and consequently can truth fully congratulate you upon his selection. He is a man of probity and ability, and will make an excellent Secretary of the Navy. It is a good appointment." Colonel Fred Grant is here, and so are General Sherman and General Alger, of Michigan. Murat Halsted, Joseph Howard, Jr., and George Alfred Townsend, "White law Beid, and hosts of others, mostly Brook lyn men, are still in town. A Close Call for the Seventh. The music that permeated the very atmos phere yesterday still ruled the air, but the strains were all of departing bands to-day. All admit that Signor Cappa's Seventh Regiment, New York, band was the very best that came to town to-day. The Seventh itself beat all the other organizations, and this was also unanimously admitted. The President paid the New York dandies the signal honor of going out to the front of the reviewing stand in the drenching rain on Monday to salute Colonel Clark's command, hut the regiment did not have as easy victory as usual. The First Pennsylvania Regiment moved like clockwork, and was highly praised. That made the Seventh's victory all the greater, for all say it carried off the banner. The Seventh's boys went out of town in great style this afternoon, breaking the hearts of the shopkeepers, who say they can spend more money and spend it more grace fully than any set of men that ever came to "Washington. The fad of the day is the carrying away of palmleafs from the ballroom in the Pension building. The lady who does not carry one of these ragged leaves on the street to-day is sure to be green with envy of all the others. GEO IN CLOYER. The Ex-Presldcnt Enjoying His First Best in Fonr Years ills Fatnro Pro- gramme and That of the Ex-Cabinet Officials. Mr. Cleveland passed the quietest day in four years. He has thought it necessary to work.on some of the Sunday evenings of his administration, but from the moment he entered ex-Secretary Fairchild's house, after the inaugural ceremonies yesterday, he has had as near absolute rest as an ex-President one day out of office could have. "With Mrs. Cleveland he was driven out to Oakview this morning, and this afternoon he received a number of the official friends of his ad ministration. Some of his Cabinet officers called and said good-bye. Among them were Mr. Garland, who will remain in "Washington and practice law, and Mr. Bay ard, who owns a house here and will divide his time between his home in Delaware and this city, where he can notice the policy of his successor. Mr. Endicott also saw his former chief. Mr. Endicott will return to Boston in a week or so, and immediately sail for Europe. The Cleveland Secretary of "War will spend -the summer in Europe. Where the litest Will Drift. Mr. Vilas and Mr. "Whitney alio called i W on Mr. Cleveland. Mr. "Whitney will re turn almost immediately to his home in New York, while Mr. Vilas will not resume his occupations in Madison, "Wis., before April. Mr. Dickinson will go straight to his home in Detroit and resume the law practice he laid down to become Postmaster General for two years. Mr. Fairchild will be in New York on Friday or Saturday,anid by next week will be ready to take his place as President of the Security and Trust Company, the institution promoted by the capital of the New York Life Insur ance Company. If the present arrangements are not chanced, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland will leave for New York to-morrow morning. Colonel and Mrs. Lamont will accompany them. They will put up at the Victoria Hotel and remain there, with "the exception of the summer months, until late in the fall. Mr. Cleveland will be at his desk in Stetson & Bangs' office either this week or possibly by next Monday morning. Hector Can't Get Used to the Change. Mrs. Cleveland's little French poodle, Hector, hardly knows how to take the change from the. "White House to Mr. Fair child's home. The rooms of the ex-Secretary's home are not as spacious as those in the White House, and besides, he does not have the free run of them as he did in the White House. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland and their hosts and visitors had a good many reminders that the Harrison inaugural jollification had not ended with yesterday's sleepy and mangled programme. They heard the bands of marching organizations who had beento the White House to greet the new President, and when driving out in the morning they saw thousands of stragglers who either couldn't crowd in the trains last night or haven't money to get out of town with. A BUSH FOR OFFICE. The Hotels Well Filled With Partisans Preparing Petitions The West Leads In the Scramble, Brooklyn Being a Good Second. The boarding houses have taken a great tumble in the schedule of their prices. They now notify the earth that they have got big rooms for $1 a day. Up to last night they were anywhere from $5 to $10. But the hotels or at least most of them are still well filled. The corridors of the Arlington and Ebbitt are particularly lively. The vast majority of those who have re mained in town want something from the administration. The professional type writers of the city have been crowded with their efforts to put the finishing touches to petitions favoring citizens for almost every place at the disposal of President Harrison and his Cabinet. It is asserted that Washington never saw such a colossal and hopeful army of petitioners. They come from nearly every State, and if they cannot afford to have their petitions neatly printed by the typewriters, they cluster around the writing desks in the hotels and have great times making out their claims on the new administration. No Grass Grows Under Their Feet. Many were not contented with the peti tions. They visited the departments and tried all sorts of subterfuges to see the new Cabinet members. Scarcely had the Sen ate confirmed President Harrison's advisers before the ante-rooms of the State Treasury, Postoffice, and the other departments began to fill up. Some even didn't wait until the Senate confirmed the appointments. These started for the departments immediately after breakfast. It is noticed that theWestern men are particularly effusive in the belief that big chunks of the Federal patronage are to be handed over to them. The Brooklyn men have kept pace with some of these West erners. This was developed when they serenaded General Tracy at his hotel this morning. The bands of the Mike Dady and John Y. McKane organizations led the boys up to the Arno, where the new Secre tary of the Navy is stopping temporarily, and General Tracy made a speech to them. In it he said thatnow that the Republicans were in power again, a good deal more than some would care to consider depended on the integrity and copper-fastened honesty of the administration. The General had no fears on the subject, but he thought it good to point this out from the start How the Tracys Will Entertain. An interesting bit was developed at this serenade. General Tracy is a rich man, but not as rich as Secretary Whitney. He will, therefore, entertain more modestly, and his receptions and dinners will not be of the lavish richness of theWhitneys; but the Tracys will endeavor to make their home one of the interesting spots in the new administration. The General is on the lookout for a 'home, and as soon as he se cures one to suit him he will leave his apartments in the Arno. Mrs. Tracy is somewhat of an invalid,and a good share of the work of her receptions will be taken from her by her daughters, Mary and Mrs. Wilmerding. Mrs. Wil merding will undoubtedly receive much of the attention. She is an accomplished younj widow, with a handsome fortune.. She is a sparkling conversationalist, and has traveled extensively. The Brooklyn Club will entertain Gener al Tracy next week, and later on the Ham ilton Club will do honor to the New York member of the Cabinet ELIJAH SWEARS HIS SWEAR. Only n Few of tho President's Personal Ap pointments Made. Mr. Elijah W. Halford took the'oath of office as the President's Private Secretary, last night It was administered by Mr. Crook, one of the Executive clerks. He formally accepted his duties this morning. There were several appointments made in the force at the Mansion to-day. Captain F. S. Dinsmore was appointed on the clerical force, and assigned todutvinchartre of the lower floor of the House. E. F. Tib bett and Miss Alice B. Sanger, of Indiana, were appointed clerks. There nave been no changes in the old force, all have been re tained so far. Hugo Zieman, of Chicago, has been ap pointed steward in the place of William T. Sinclair, President Cleveland's valet, who resigned. TOUCHING IN ITS SIGNIFICANCE. The Air That All Homcward-Bannd Bands Play Is Anld Lang Syne. All the afternoon and evening visiting or ganizations have been getting out of the town. It would appear that bands without perhaps special significance play "Anld Lang Syne." The strains of this comforting musical poem are played in front of the homes of the dispensers of patronage under the new administration, they are wafted through the streetsm the way to the depots, and they are last to be heard as the trains swing out bound north, cast, south and west A TALE FROM THE CAPITAL. It Is Claimed That the -Pennsylvania Troops Became Disorderly. IDT ASSOCIATED TRESS.: Washington, March 6. The Pennsyl vania troops became very disorderly to-day, and at one time it looked as if there might be serious trouble. A crowd of the Penn sylvania militiamen had congregated on E street, between Eighth and .Ninth, and com pletely blockaded the thoroughfare, daring Continued on Sixth -Ixgi. pastel wimtirij. PITTSBURG, WEDNESDAY,' TftAKCH 6, 1889. AWBECKATKEADfflG The City is Stunned by the Collapse of Its Leading Industry. TWO THOUSAND MEN OUT OP WORK. TheiReadlng Iron Company is Forced to Suspend Payment, FUTURE PROSPECTS OF THE CONCERN. Creditors Will be Asked to Take Bonis and Stock for Their Claims. The Reading Iron Works has been forced to the wall. This failure, while not en tirely unexpected in financial circles, was a surprise to the general public The fact of so many men being thrown out of employ ment is regarded as a heavy blow at Read ing. The concern has quite a history, in effort will be made to -effect some sort of an arrangement tSrECUL TXLXGBAH TO THE DtSFATCB.! Reading, March 5. Nothing that has happened since 1873 has had so saddening an effect as the announcement' this morning that the Reading Iron Works, the largest manufacturing concern in the city, has sus pended payment. Those posted in financial matters had, it appears, been, expecting something of the sort for some time, bnt to the general public the news came like a thunderbolt from, a clear sky, and nothing else was talked of to-day. The news of the suspension was followed by numerous rumors of the allure of other institutions intimately connected with this corporation, but thus far there have been no other suspensions, though several -other concerns are undoubtedly nit hard, but will probably be able to pull through. 'It appears that the Reading Iron Works' paper has for some time been looked upon as shaky by several of the banks here, which have refused to handle it except upon the very best indorsements. THE MOVING CAUSE. The reported immediate cause of the failure here is the protest of the company's notes in Philadelphia yesterday.- Tq-day judgments will be entered in the Court House here for $110,000 in favor oi the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, which has been for many years a heavy creditor of the company, and which for a while, some 10 or 12 years ago, carried the company along. The Reading Iron Works, as stated above, was the largest manufacturing concernIn Reading and the leading iron manufactur ing concern in the Schuylkill-valley. It operated the Reading Sheet Mill, two large pipe mills, two furnaces, the Scott works and the steam forge, and, when they were fn operation, the pipe milli consumed the out put of several rolling mills in Reading and . the immediate vicinity, besides being a large customer of the pig iron furnaces of the Schuylkill valley. The pipe mills alone consumed from 700 to 800 tons of coal per day and aU of the works together, when full of orders, em ployed from 1,500 to 2,000 hands. They manufactured wrought iron pipes, ice ma chines, cotton presses, sugar-making ma- chinery, steam engines, .hip forging., ordJi-iy'l10 naucer,ll or& of heavy caknYsandlfett machinery. MANUFACTURED CANNON. The "President," the largest pumping en gine in the world, was manufactured by this company, and during the war thousands of heavy cannon 'were made for the Govern ment Previously to 1873, when the name of the company -was Seyfert, McManus & Co., the stock was regarded as one of the best investments known. It had paid enor mous dividends, and was valued as high as $2,200 per share, the original par value hav ing been 5100. But shortly after the beginning of the panic the company became practically in solvent partly through Its indorsements of the Texas Pacific Construction Company, in which its President, the late John Mc Manus, was largely interested. After that it dragged along for several years until it was reorganized under the management of E. W. Coit, the present President. A million dollars was raised by mortgage at that time. Lately this mortgage fell due and JWO.OOO of it was paid off with the pro ceeds of the sinking fund created for that purpose and a new mortgage given for 5600,000. This, together with the fact that large ad ditions have been made to the plant within the last few years, led the public to think that the company was in good condition and heightened the surprise by announcement of the suspension. A number of reductions in the force in all the mills, with the ex ception of the pipe mills, have been made lately. With these exceptions the works continued in operation until to-day. The value of the property of the company in this city probably exceeds 51,200,000. FOTUBJE PROSPECTS. A director of the company said this after noon that, at the meeting to be held on Thursday, creditors will be asked to take stock or bonds in exchange for their claims. He added that unless this was done the company would be forced to liquidate, and the creditors would then get very little. The company has issued 5250,000 first mortgage and 5150,000 second mortgage bonds. In addition to this, there is $500, 000 of preferied stock and 5500,000 of common. The floating debt is said to be heavy. It was stated: this afternoon by a bank president that the company has sold a large amount of paper within the Jast six months, and that some of the Philadelphia banks are heavy creditors. A stockholder of the company said this afternoon: I think that the plant is worth $1,500,000. I do not know last what our liabilities are. On January 1, the company had $500,000 of mort gage bonds outstanding. A new mortgage for 00,000 was made and bonds were issued. Of these 500.000 were issued to retire the old bonds ana siw,wu to acquire additional prop erty. The company owns about 70 acres In Bead ing and valuable property in this city. We did a good condition. We pnt our money into the business as fast as we made it, A large busi ness was formerly done in piping natural gas wells, and this has fallen off considerably dur ing the past year. BETTER FIRE PROTECTION. That's the Question of the Day la Brad dock Boroagh. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO ITU DISPATCH. Braddock, March 5. The Volunteer fire company has sent a petition to the bor ough Council, asking that 12 electric fire alarm boxes be placed in the borough, and also that better hose quarters be provided. Action was deferred. The company will give an entertainment on a large scale in Lytle's Opera House. Saturday night Many Pittsburgers will take part The proceeds are to be used for the erection of a substantial brick engine house. 8T.000 Short and Snlchlcd. New York, March 6. Herbert Mulaney, 35 years old, a bookkeeper in the employ of Julius Bfen & Co., lithographers, atj 139 Duane street, committed suicide at noon to day by shooting himself through the -head with a revolver in the store. There U $7,000 to be accounted for. - - v ft JAGK, THE CHOKES. A 9UI4 Imitation of the London Fiend Torus .Up- at Denver-iTbe Women la a State or Terror A Lynching. Party Is In Prospect. tSPXCIAL TILEOEAU TO THE DISPATCH.! Dknveb, March 5. The authorities here are very much excited by the report of a mysterious individual whose conduct is any thing but proper. For some nights women and girls have been approached by a slightly built man, whose dark, swarthy complexion and peculiar dress indicate that he is a for eigner. He is described as possibly 40 years of age, with dark, piercing eyes. He seeks a dark recess in which to hide, and, without any warning whatever, springs upon unprotected females and throws a rope around their necks. This he twists in gar rote fashion, so that a scream is out of the question. After insensibility ensues the victim is laid upon the ground and the mys terious individual disappears. Among the victims of this person is MinnieTeney, who had scarcely alighted from a car when the villain sprang from the darkness of a neigh boring shed, threw a rope about her neck, and twisted it in the manner described, so that she could neither scream nor resist Lncky for her the 0 Deration was wit nessed by a couple of dogs who sprang upon the man and caused him to release the girl. Miss Teney was so prostrated by the shock that she is still lying dangerously ill. Miss Nellie Chamberlin is another victim of the man's atrocious conduct Another report comes from a half dozen school girls who were skating when a small dark individual sprang from a pile of rubbish on the prairie and. exclaimed: "I'm Jack the Choker." While running away one of the girls, Mary Eckart, slipped and fell, and as she was about to rise a rope was thrown about her neck. Bat for the prompt appearance of a pa trolman, she might have shared a similar late- Should the villain be caught by the mob who are waiting his appearance a lynching will be the result It is impossi ble to find a woman on the streets after drk without an escort. - DAIRYMEN FORM A TRUST. - Ken York and Pennsylvania Milk Dealers Organize for DIntual Protection. rlFICIAL 'TELEGRAM TO THX DISPATCir.l .Middletown, N. Y., March 5. A con vention of representative milk producers, held at Oxford a day or two ago since,set on foot a movement which Is designed to unite the whole body of producers in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, who are engaged in supplying the New York City market, in an organization for mutual pro tection and advantage. The producers com plain that the combination known as the New York Milk Exchange, composed of city wholesale dealers and creamery men and acting as middle men, juggle with prices and supply in such -manner as to fleece both producers and consumers. The movement now set on foot has in view two objects first to do away with" the ex tortions of middle men by substituting af system of direct dealings between the producers and the city retail dealers, and second, to secure for the dairymen better facilities for shipping milk to market -The convention at Oxford was composed of delegates from Orange, Sullivan, Dela ware, Broome, Madison, Chenango, Oneida and Otsego counties, together with repre sentatives of other localities in the great dairy district A permanent organization was effected under the name of "The Dairy men's Protective Union," with Clarence R. go Forks, Treasurer, and with an-Advisory Committee ot nine conspicuous dairymen selected from different localities In the milk producing region. THE MYSTIC CARNIVAL. New Orleans is Enjoying; Its Annual Mardl Gras Spectacle. New Obleans, March 5. The day was bright and balmy, and His Majesty, the Mighty Rex, treated his subjects to a de lightful day's pleasure. The display made was one of the most brilliant pageants ever witnessed. The subject illustrated was "Treasures of the Earth." The procession was led by the household troops mounted followed by the Minister of Boeuf Gras, who was attended by a mounted guard. The King's car was the first of the nineteen cars that were in line. It was resplendent with jewels and emblems of all nations. 1 The second car represented a cornucopia; the third, pearls; fourth, rubies; fifth, silver; sixth, opals; seventh, fruit; eighth, crystals; ninth, iron; tenth, marble; eleventh, copper; twelfth, diamonds; thirteenth, sapphires; fourteenth, ivory; fifteenth, gold; sixteenth, amethyst; seventeenth, emeralds; eighteenth, coral; nineteenth, shells. The eighth representation of the Krewe of Proteus this evening was a very handsome illustration of the Hindoo heavens, or Hin doo mythology. There were 18 groups or illustrations on cars. ROCHESTER BREWERS WON'T SELL. They Refase Offers Made for Their Plants by an English Syndicate. (SPECIAL TILEORAM TO THX DISPATCH.! Rochester, March 5. For some time it has been known tbat a syndicate of cap italists, known as the City of London Con tract Corporation, wished to purchase the three largest breweries in the city, the Bartholomay, Rochesterjand Genesee Com panies' plants. Despite denials of those interested, William Fowler and Alexander Furness, two English experts, arrived in this country last week, and have since been examining the plants of these companies. They cabled the resultof their examinations to London, and the English syndicate made an offer to-day. The offer was considered at a combined meeting of the three companies and re fused. The terms were kept secret The breweries may be sold singly. lOUNG SIGEL ON TRIAL. The General's Son Makes a Partial and Explanatory Confession. New Yobk, March 5. The trial of Rob ert Sigel, son of General Franz Sigel, for irregularities while a clerk in the pension office here, was begun this afternoon before a United States commissioner. The prisoner is charged with forgery in indorsing pen sion checks and receiving the money with out the knowledge of the owners. Young Sigel admitted that he might have signed the checks alleged to have been forged. Sometimes ladies asked him to do that when they had their gloves on. Sigel was taken back to Ludlow street jail. M'KEESPORT'S LANDSLIDE. One of the Damage Snlts Will Come Up In Conrt To-Day. McKeespobt, March 5. The damage suit of Magnus Pflaum, Esq., against this city will be called up in Common Pleas Court No. 2 to-morrow. About 50 wit nesses have been called. The suit is one. oi the Jenny Lind street cases, in which ac tion was brought in' consequence of the sliding of the hfllside. Lost Money and Drowned Himself. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. I HAbrisbubg, March 5. Matthew Engle, of Middletown, this county, . who worried greatly over money lost by indors ing,, last night drowned himself in the canaL He was. 65 years oldV KEAPEDHISEEWARD. A YoungTankee Newspaper .Reporter Well Repaid for a Piece of VERT CLEVER DETECTIVE WORK. His Sweetheart Refuses to Marry Until He Discovers for Her Him THE HISTORY OF HER EARLY LIFE. Lots Guides Him in His Difficult Task, and the Wed dine Comes Off, A reporter for a Connecticut newspaper has just reaped the reward of a clever pieee of detective work. He was betrothed to a young lady who wouldn't name the day till he learned for her who she was. She had been adopted from an orphan asylum and was anxious to discover her own iden tity and meet her relatives, if she had any. The reporter was successful, upon his sec ond search, and, yesterday the wedding took place. rsrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l New Haven, Conn, March 5. There was a quiet wedding in the little village of Terryville, Litchfield county, this afternoon that ends a pleasing love story and begins a new chapter in the romantic life of a Con necticut girl. Miss Jennie Hart, the adopted daughter of a wealthy manu facturer of Kensington, was the bride, and the man she married is Thomas E. Nune nan, a reporter for the New Haven Morn, ing Newt. Nunenan did not get his wife nntil he had put in some good work in the detective line in search of the young lady's parents. She refused to marry him until she knew the history of her early life. The only clew with which the ardent; lover be gan the search was the .knowledge that the girl had been adopted from some Boston orphan asylum and she had heard that her real name was Hayden. THE riBST CXEW OBTAINED. Nunenan hunted for a long time among the records of the many institutions in Bos ton without any success. Finally, at the Little Wanderers Home, on Baldwin place, the reporter learned that the girl whose his tory he was in search of had been taken in when 6 years old, at the request of her grandparents. Her father had died within a few years after she was born, and the widow was supported by the town. The mother ot the child would be only 38 years old if she were alive, but the super intendent reasoned that she must have been ill then, as the town of South Coventry, Conn., was obliged to support her, and as they had never heard from her, not even a letter of inquiry having been received, she was .undoubtedly dead. Mr. Hart had taken the pjrl immediately after she was received from South Coventry, in 1876. For weeks the young man hunted for some trace of his loved one's mother, but the fates seemed to be- against him. He re turned to bis work at the office of the JVetcj, and after awhile he again started out THE SECOND 8EABCH STJCCESSFCI This time he was successful. He found the mother living" In Rockvllle, married a second time ud with several children by her second husband. The sequel was as interesting as the or iginal search. The little girl had been torn from her mother 14 years ago by a grand father, who, in order to be relieved of the expense of caring for the little one, gave her to the Little Wanderers' Home. He refused to tell the mother where her child was and died without revealing the secret Soon after that she married Mr. Eldridge. Some time ago she saw a young lady in Putnam who- resembled the lost one and endeavored to find some trace of her daugh ter there. I She had a little photograph of the girl taken a short time before she went away, and in tears she showed it to Nunenan. He had a later photo in his pocket, with the exact features of the smaller one, but he kept it there. The time for disclosure had not come. A TEST NECESSABY. He suggested that 12 years having passed, it would be impossible to recognize the little girl in the person of the young lady, and beside, she had in all probability been given another name. But the mother be lieved that she would recognize her at sight, and gave proof that she could iden tify her. Nunenan's next interview was in execu tive session, and the public were not ad mitted. Two days later Miss Hart and her guardian, Mr. Woodruff, went to Rock ville. Mrs. Eldridge was busy sewiDg in the mill where she was employed, when her attention was attracted to a young lady who was being shown about the room. "I wonder who that young beauty is?" Mrs. Eldridge said to a companion. The young lady passed (trough with the attendant, and was for the time forgotten. A fexr minutes later Mrs. Eldridge was called to the office and greeted with the af fectionate name of "Mother." Soon the Eldridge children irere caressed by the sister whom they knew, but had never seen, and the sister found relatives of whose ex istence she had newly learned. To-day Miss Hart or Hayden rewarded the tlrelesj wooer at the altar. INCENDIARIES AT WORT. Altoona's Largo and Handsome Theater Burned to the Gronnd. JSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO Till DISPATCH. J Altoona, March 5. The Mountain City Theater was destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning. The flames were dis covered shortly after 3 o'clock, and in less than three hours the handsome structure was in ruins. The nre was undoubtedly of incendiary-origin, and was probably the work oi the firebugs who have been work ing so successfully in this city for the past two months. The building was a massive structure and the largest theater in central Pennsylvania. It was built about eighteen months ago, and has only been open a year. The origi nal cost was 580,000, and the insurance S21, 000. LEGITIME'S ACTS ILLEGITIMATE So Says a Haytian Agent, Who Protests Against Sending Him Arms. BPIClAL TELEGRAM TO THI DISPA TCH. New Yobk, March 5. Mr. T. Haustedt, as the agent for the Provisional Govern ment of Northern Hayti, filed to-day, with. Collector Magone, a formal protest against the shipment of arms, ammunition, or other munitions of war to Port-au-Prince or f other ports by any agent of Legitime's, de claring tnat legitime was acting in direct defiance of tbe law of Hayti. A special protest was made in the case of certain arms now being loaded in the steamer Prinz Manrifz, and destined or Port-au-Prince. The Clevelands Go to New York To-Day. New Yobk, March 5. Late this after noon. Proprietor Hoyt, of the Victoria Hotel, received a telegram stating tbat ex President Cleveland and Mrs. Cleveland would arrive at that hotel to-morrow even ing from Washington. !, Ste m&fe - HOUSES ONE STANDARD SCHEME. A Qnlet Bnt Determined lEflort to Bay Up tho Pennsylvania Oil Field Com k petition to be Crashed Afraid of the Mews papers. tSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Jamestown, N. Y., March 5. An im portant statement concerning the Standard Oil Company is made here, on the best of authority. Heretofore the Standard has only been known as a handler and refiner of petroleum, although members of the cor poration were stockholders in great com panies controlling the bulk of production In the Pennsylvania oil field. Now it will enter into active competition with the prod ucers, besides being the only buyer of their oil, and if any part of the industry has been out of their control it will be so no longer. The Standard has created a special de partment for buying oil property, and put Joseph Bushnellat the head. The active man in the field is William Fleming, in whose name all the transactions are carried out. The deals by which Fleming required the bulk ot the Lima and Findlay pro duction were but a prelude, however, to the Standard's grand coupe, which is being carried out in the Pennsylvania field as quietly as possible. The monopoly is es pecially desirous of avoiding any newspa per agitation ot the subject for fear of arousing the ill-feeling of the producers, with whom it has recently terminated a year of armed neutrality, but its officers have quietly given tips to producers of Standard proclivities that it stands ready to buy all their oil territory and that of their friends at fair prices. Negotiations are being carried on in Washington and Beaver counties for oil lands and it is understood that any desirable territory of the kind in the State and New York need not long seek a buyer if offered at reasonable figures. The Standard bids fair to become in time owner of the chief sources of where thebulk of the world's con sumption is obtained. This will require the expenditure of many millions, but as it will enable the Standard to compete more suc cessfully with the Russian oil industry, be sides saving it from annoying and expen sive fights with the producers, as it will itself be the only producer the money may be considered well spent CABINET MINISTERS SLIGHTED. Liberal Leaders Indignant at Not Being In vited to the State Ball. rSrECIAJ. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Ottawa, March 5. The manner in which the leaders of the Liberal party and ex-members of the Liberal Cabinet were treated at the state ball atRideau Hall last night is the sole topic to-day. It has al ways been the custom for the Vice-regal party to be accompanied at the opening ceremonies by the Cabinet and ex-Cabinet Ministers. For the first time this rule was deviated from last evening, the ex-Cabinet Ministers and Liberal leaders having been left off the programme. This was not all. While the wives and families of the Con servatives, Ministers and 'members of Par liament were the recipients of marked at tention from Lord Stanley, the Lib eral leaders and their families were ignored, the insult being so apparent as to cause them to telephone for their sleighs and drive home long before supper was called. Lord Stanley, as is well known, is a strong partisan and a rabid Tory, and has been very pronounced in deprecating the action of the Liberal leader in attempt ing to secure closer relations with ihe United States, which, it is believed, he has taken this means to resent. The affair has caused some excitement at the capital. WILSON STILL IN POWER. West Virginia's Three Governors Have Not Clashed as Yet. rSPECTAI. TELEGRAM TO THX DISPATCH! Chableston, W. Va., March 5. The interest and excitement growing out of the Gubernatorial situation is as great, or greater, to-day than yesterday, but there have been no steps taken to change the situa tion. It was supposed that General Goff wonld apply to-day for either a writ of mandamus or quo warranto in the hope of thus dispossessing Mr. Wilson, but the effort was not made, although both the Cir cuit and Supreme Courts were-in session. To-night, nowever, it is announced that the delay was caused by the papers not being in readiness, and that an application for quo warranto will be. made to tbe Su preme Court to-morrow. Meanwhile Wil son maintains his hold upon the Execntive ofikies, and is Governor to all outward ap pearances. Mr. Carr has made no move visible upon the surface. A SPURIOUS SECOND ADYENTIST. He Advertises a Date Ont of Gear With All Calculations. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 New Yobk, March 5. An advertisement published anonymously to-day, announced that Christ's second coming will occur on March 5, 1896, on which day 144,000 watch ful living saints will be translated to heaven without death. It suggested that to-day should be celebrated in anticipation. Thomas Glassey, who is a leader among the Second Adventists in the City of Churches, could not explain this announce ment He said that March 5 was the anni versary of no event, past or prospective, in his calendar, aid that there had been no date fixed for the Second Advent among his co-religionists since 1844. ALGER'S PICTURE TORN DOWN. Michigan Legislators Indignant Over His Opposition to' Palmer. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.!. Detroit, March 5. The action of Gen eral Alger in opposing Palmer's Cabinet aspirations has excited a great deal of comment in Michigan. In the Legislature last night a discussion arose over the mat ter, and finally became so warm that n. picture of the General hanging on the wall was taken down without objection from any one. Some politicians went so far as to say that Alger's action had killed him politically in the State. Ihe same comment was made concerning Senator Stockbridge, who favored Rusk for Secretary of Agriculture. STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS. Philanthropist Isaiah V. Williamson Lying In a Critical Condition. Philadelphia, March 5. The vener able Isaiah V. Williamson was stricken with paralysis this morning and now lies in a critical coddition. Few names have been made more familiar through the agency of charitable gifts, and when the sum total of his benefactions is civen it will be found to be from 513,000,000 "to 515,000,000, includ ing his recent contribution for the establish ment of a school for manual training. UNDER A DARK CLOUD. ' A Bellefonte Broker Arrested In Harrisbnrg; Charged With Embezzlement. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Habeisbubg, March 5. John C.Miller, who carried on the business of a broker in Bellefonte, was arrested in this city to-day on a charge of embezzlement preferred by Spangler & Hewe, of Bellefonte. Miller, who until eight months ago re sided here, is said to have claims against him aggregating over 58,060. . - . - Should peruse the third page of THE DISPATCH. All having' Houses tm WK UioRent can secure 'y--iants by adver- ATCH. THREE CENTS lote'stomgdkeam;?;- f Has an Abrupt End in the Case ei ,"; Virrrinin. TTrinv-.TH 1WViTifprYnH. Jm U3MM MW- . .WW-WW SHE WILL APPLY P0R A DIVORCE. Her Castlsles3 Italian Noble Husband on ft -TIsit to America. HE DECLARES HE NEYER WAS CRUEL, And Says Bis Wife lz Perfectly Happy, if She Htfal Apparently Any Money. The alleged Count Di Montercolf; who was married three times in one day some time since in Pittsburg to Miss Vir ginia Knox, has left his bride behind him, either in Berlin or Italy, and came on a mysterious visit to America. He savs he comes to see his mother-in-law. Others, who doubt ihe truth of anything he says, declare that Virginia wants a divorce, and will shortly apply for it A New York correspondent has had a fanny interview with the Italian. tSriCTAL TELEGRAM TO TUB DISPATCH.1 New Yobk, March 5. Among the recent arrivals at the Hotel Albemarle is the Count Di Montercoli. He is the Italian nobleman who found an American wife in Pittsburg about five months ago. Her name; before the numerous ceremonies to which she submitted, was Virginia Knox. Since the event which made her a countess many disturbing rumors have reached these shores concerning the relations between her and her titled husband. It is' said that he beat her because she would not turn over to him the money that he sup posed he would gain by marrying her. The chief event in their domestic infelicity is said to have occurred at the Hotel Bellevue, Paris, and the published reports of the oc currence the Count denies, alleging that a bell boy was bribed to tell the untruthful story. THE CASTLE IN THE AIB. Eventually they arrived at Fossaceca, where the Count ushered her into an ordi nary dwelling place. On the way they stayed a short time at tbe Hotel Victoria, Ancona, where the young wife was com pelled by her husband's abusive treatment to seek the protection of the American Consul. The Countess, however, remained faithful to her husband, and at Fossaceca her cause was taken np by an Italian, officer, Signor Ferrari, who has an Ameri can wife. The relations between the Count Di Mon- 4 tercoli and his wife had become common gossip in the neighborhood. The inter ference of Ferrari and his wife caused a sen sation, and the result of all was that th Countess appealed to the nearest American Consul and to such relatives as she had in Europe. Her cousin, who lived in Berlin, went to the nearest town, Laucicano, that had jurisdiction over Fossaceca, and after many legal delays rescued the unhappy bride from the Co'unt. A DITOBCE HAY BE ASKED. The relatives assert that she will soon ap ply for a legal separation. According to them, the suit will be brought in Pennsyl vania, but for a time they wish her to re main in Berlin, where she now is, until she is thoroughly restored to health. Count Di Montercoli, of course, denies that there is any trouble between himself and his wife. He said to a Dispatch re porter to-day that she was still in Fossaceca, in his castle. He says that is near Ajoccio. He denies that he thought that she was an heiress when he married her. It was a love match, he says, and he loves her still. His visit to this country, he says, is with the object of seeing his mother-in-law. He may remain two months or longer. Ac cording to him, Mrs. Knox is now in Phila delphia, and he thinks that his countess may join him some time next winter. A reporter caught the Count after break fast this morning. The distinguished gen tleman claimed that he could not speak En glish, so one of his fellow-noblemen, who acts as a waiter in the restaurant, while looking for his American heiress, was dragged into the conversation to act as an interpreter. Then the following ensued: DECIDEDLY PERSONAL. Reporter Please ask the Count where his wife is. Waiter He says she is at his castle, in Italy. Reporter Where is his castle? Walter He doesn't seem to know, exactly, but appears to think it's somewhere near Ajiccio. B Reporter Ask if it is really truo that his wifa is not an heiress, as report says. Waiter He says she doesn't seem to have a cent Reporter Is the object of his visit hither to secure a divorce? There is such a rumor. Walter He says certainly not Reporter Ask him If he was turned ont of tho Paris Hotel for beating his wife. Walter He. says that it is a lie he didn't beat her. Reporter How long does he intend to stay in this coufitryf Waiter He says perhaps ten days, perhaps two months. Reporter When will he visit hero again, and will his wife accompany bim? Walter He saspo3ibIy next winter, though he cannot tell. His wife may accompany him. Reporter What are bis Immediate plans? Waiter He intends to visit his mother-in-law shortly. Reporter At Pittsburg? "Walter He says she Is now in Virginia. Reporter Does he expect to stay long? . Waiter He says he cannot tell. Reporter Ask him if there is reaUy any dis agreement between him and his wife, and if he still loves her. Waiter He says they agree very well, and that, of course, he loves her. Walter (aside to reporter, and grinning from ear to ear) He says your questions are per fectly phenomenal. About this time the Count waxed de cidedly nervous, and edged toward the door. He said, by way of the waiter, that he must excuse himself, as he had an important en gagement He went SUMMARY JUSTICE. r Threo Members of a Bad Border Gang Lynched by Vigilantes. , Denver, Marcl. 5. News reached hero this evening from Springfield, a small town in the neutral strip, isolated from any tele graph line, that the settlers who, for a year, , had been suffering greatly at the hands of a band of 18 "bustlers," had a week ago warned the gang that unless they im mediately left that section they would be hanged. All but five left for other quarters. Tha five that remained were surrounded Friday night bv vigilantes and three captured and lynched. The other two escaped. Tha names of the dead men are-not known. THEIR LAST HOPE GONE. uu bicctnc ODiar niDmcn an Qianem 3 for New York. , Ann Abbor, Mich., March 5. The elec- i- trie sugar refining conspirators, Mrs. Friend and Howard, started for New York to-night in the custody of four detectives. They broke down completely when the news of Governor, Luce's adverse decision reached them, and claimed that tneir last nope of justice was gone when they had to leave Michigan. Thev threat-, en, to make disclosures that will implieatt ' vHHTiu uau otaera. '.; a 1 . -'. ; K- , 1. . &rf.:x t ;j Lr:fll' . &3I&A&