theF TiTisBTmaWmmGHJE8m. BHE'CHIEFS' ANSWER. That AnU-Amoskeag Equity Suit, 'f; With Stinging Charges, AYERRLNG COLLUSIYE INTERESTS lia Foundation for the Kon-Eesident At i tack on Home Engines. 'V SOME EEALLT READABLE EEPLIES Chiefs J. O. Brown, E. 31. Bigelow and E.iC. Elliot yesterday filed their answer in theequitv proceedings instituted by H.E. Safford against the Board of Awards to prevent them from giving the contract lor the two fire engines to the Manchester Lo comotive Works, the manufacturers of the Amoskeag engine. Mayor McCallin has al ready filed his separate answer, in which he virtually admitted the allegations of SaBbrd, and explained his reasons for voting against the award of the contract to the Amoskeag Company. The answer of Chiefs Brown, Bigelow and Elliot commences by denying the first paragraph ol Saflbrd's bill, and holding that he is not a bona fide taxpayer in the city of Pittsburfc, nor is he an owner of any real estate whereon taxes have been or will be levied and assessed against him in the city. Continuing, the answer in substance says: We aver that this bill has been filed by plain tiff, directly in the interest of the Clapp fc Jones and the .La France Engine Companies, in which he is pecuniarily interested, and that he is directly interested in a pecuniary man ner in procuring the vacation and annullmcnt of the award to the Manchester Locomotive Works, and procuring the award to the com panies, or one qt them, in which they believe him thus Interested. And that the averment that he is a taxpayer and owner of property in said city, is but a pretense and does not fully disclose the real interest of plaintiff. That the bill is not filed in good faith, but is collusive and a fraud upon the court. Second The aTcrments in the second, third, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh para graphs of the bill are admitted, except it is de nied th it the bids of the La France Company, or the Clapp & Jones Company, complied with the specifications. THE ACT ALKEADT DOJTE.. Third It is not true, as averred in the eighth paragraph, that the contract is as yet not fully executed, but must bo approved by the Coun cils of Pittsburg and must be signed by J. O. Brown, Chief of the Department of Public Safety, but it becomes binding. On the 23d of October, 18SS, the Department of Awards awarded the contract to the Manchester Loco motive Works and made report of the same to Councils. On the 12th of November. 1SSS. Se lect Council of said city approved said report, and on the 29th of October, 1SSS, Common Council did the same, and on the 4th of Febru ary, 1SS9, J. O. Brown, as Chief, signed the con tract as required under the law. Fourth The averment in the ninth para graph, that the bid of the Manchester Locomo tive Works was greater than that of the other two companies, is admitted; but It is denied that it was much greater, and it is further de nied that the bid of either the La France or the Clapp & Jones Companies complied with the specifications. Fifth The averments in the tenth paragraph are denied. Sixth The averments in the eleventh para graph are denied. Seventh For answer to the twelfth and thir teenth paragraphs of said bill, the defendants say that the bid of the Manchester Locomotive Works complied in all particulars with the specifications referred to in said paragraphs; that "fine boilers" and "tubular boilers" are practicallv the same thing, and they deny that a tubular boiler is superior to a flue boiler tor the purposes of a steam fire engine. Eichth For answer to the averments con tained in the fourteenth paragraph of said bill, the defendants say tliat tbe guarantee therein mentioned was superfluous and not called for by the specifications, and embraced nothing but that which wonld necessarily be included in the contract, even without any guarantee. Ninth The defendants deny the averments contained in the fifteenth and sixteenth para graphs, except as they are hereafter admitted. Tenth The averments contained in para graph 5Jf of the amended bill are denied. Eleventh The averment in paragraph 17 is denied. EIGHT DOW1T TO BEASOXS. Twelfth And, for the further answer in this behalf, the defendants say that the bill should not be sustained, for the reason thatthe defend ants are tbe Department of Awards of the city, which defendant completely exhausted all its acts, powers and duties in regard to the raid award a long time ago, and which defend ant has not since that time, nor will it ever have any further control or duty to perform in regard to said contract. Here follows a review as to test, proposals, etc That the Board of Awards, in determining' this matter, took into consideration tbo full facts, among others that the Amoskeag engines have the best reputation for force, ca pacity, durability and consequent saving in the way of repairs, of any engine in the United States. That the city has purchased encines other than the Amoskea? and the re sult, has invariably been to demonstrate the great superiority of the Amoskeasr. Thatthe engines manufactured by the LaFrance and Clapp & Jones Companies have never been used in this city. That in addition thereto the bid of the Manchester Locomotive Works in cluded the equipment of said Amoskeag en gines with the "Endicott springs" (not in cluded in the specifications) without extra charge to the city; that the said springs can be furnished only by the Manchester Loco motive Works and are an indispensable pait of a steam fire engine; that the engineers of the department are perfectly familiar with the Amoskeag engine, and with no other kind; that tbe demands of the fire department fre quently require that engineers be changed or shifted from one engine house to another; and it is therefore essential that the engines in use in the fire department should be such that each of tbe engineers can take charge of and run any of the fire engines of the city at a moment's notice. That it seemed to the board, from this view alone, it was more economical to pay $3,000 for an engine which all the engineers of the de partment can run, than $1575 for one which none of the engineers could operate without special training and at least some expense. the judgment of said Board of Awards, taking everything into consideration, the Amoskeag engine was a better engine than either the La France or the Clapp fc Jones en gines. Wherefore, these defendants pray that the said bill may be dismissed with their reasona ble costs sustained. J. O. Bro w", B. M Bigelow, R. C. Elliot. City Attorney 31 oreland and D. T. Wat aon, Esq., are the attorneys for the board, with the exception of Mayor McCallin. MEETXNGS. DISSOLUTION NOTICE THE PAN HANDLE Coal Company has this dav been dissolved by mutual consent. All parties having claims against said firm will present tbe same to John M. Andrews. All accounts due said firm will be collected by Duncan fc King's Collecting Agencv. JOHN M. ANDREWS. A- J. SCHULTE. la retiring from the Panhandle Coal Com pany 1 would recommend to friends atad patrons my late partner, Mr. John M. Andrews, who will continue tbe business at tbe old stand. Respectfully yours. A. J. SCHULTE. Having purchased the interest of my former partner, Mr. A J. Schulte, I would respectfully ask for a continuance of patronage extended to the Panhandle Coal Company. Very re- EP6C JOHNM. ANDREWS. 72 Sandusky St. AixiaHKST Crrr, February 25, 18S9. fe280-TuS LEGAL NOTICES. ETHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, for the Western district of nsylvama, Bovard, Rose 4 Company! Na 2 jj Term and others L jtgg Tbe steambo" Mayflower. (admiralty.) Notice is hereby gl? en that the undersigned has been appointed commissioner to report a schedule for the distribution of the fund realized from the sale of said steamboat, and that he will act under said appointment at the clerk's office of said court, at Pittsburg. Pa on THURSDAY, March 14. 1SS9. at 2 o'clock p. jc. 8. C. McCANDLKSB, Commissioner. fe27-100-D i E IJNKENHE1MER, ARCHITECT, 5 Smlthflelditreet, Pittsburg, Pfc Jrelhelu Freand Building, econd floor. Ie3tl-D X3Display advertitemenU one dollar per tgruare for one imertion. Clauifled advertUe menu on thU page ruch at Wanted, For Sale, To Let, efc, ten cent per line for each imer tion, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion net morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tins DIS PATCH. pittsbukg. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 35u9 Butler street. EMIT, O. STUCKEY, Mth street and Fenn ave. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., Wylie ave. and rulton St. N. STOKKLY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST rxD. J. W. WALLACE, 6111 l'cnn avenue. ' OAKLAND. MCALLISTER &SHEIBLErt,5fhav.Alwoodst. EOUTHSIDE. JACOB srOHN. Ko.S Carson street. CHAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. , -A. J. KAEItCHEK, S9 Federal street. II. J. McBItlDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FKEDH. rUGEUS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS A Sl Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHEN BY, Western and Irwin aves. G. "W. HUGHES. Bennsylvanlaand Beaver aves. i'EKRYM. GLEIM. Kebeccaand Allegheny aves. WANTED HELP. Mole Hcln. WANTED-A FARM HAND THAT CAN milk. Call after 2 o'clock at 313 TVOOO STKEET. mh5-62 "W- ANTED-GERMAN DRUG CLERK. AD- iiittss oiiAJiuJUL,! uispatcn oince. mh5-64 WANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS MEN. "WITH relcrence. Call before noon, BOOM 4, 49 Fifth avenne. ml)5-G3 WANTED STODENT-TO LEARN DENT ISTRY: must pay a fee. Inquire of DR. W. S. YATES, 8U3 Penn ave. mh5-7J -TTTANTED-A FIRST-CLASS WAITER. AP Y I'LY BITTSBURG CLUB, Fenn ave, from 8 to 9 A. M. and 12 to 2 T. M., right side door. mh5-100 WANTED A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT and reliable soap salesman to handle trade or branch house. Address SOAF, Dispatch office. mb5-15 WANTED-FIEST-CLASS COATMAKER TO ro to live town near Pittsburg. Call at ROOM NO. 3D, 10 federal street. Allegheny, after 9 A. M. mh5-I2 WANTED-A BOY. 18 OR 18 YEARS OLD, who is anxious to learu Jewelry repairing and watca work. Address E. H. il.. Dispatch office. mha-es TTfANTED BOOK CANVASSERS FOB OUR V great Prohibition book; a bonanza for this spring: write lor our extra Inducements. GATE L Y CO., 10 and 12 Sixth st. mh3-85 WANTED-BOY TO LEARN THE BARBER trade; ne who has had some experience preferred. Apply at once. 204 Wylle avenue, cor ner Townsend street. J, F1KKST. mh5-10 XVTANTED-S1XMENTO SELL AFATKNTED V article in stores and offices; quick sales, large profits. Apply to-dav alter 12 o'clock, B04DUtjUESNEVVAynear.tlghtb6t. mh5-67 1TTANTED-A RELIABLE FEKSON WHO V understands telegraphing, type-writing and shorthand: permanent position; state salary expected. Address BOX 237, Flttsburg. mhS-90 -TTT-A.NTED-A SOBER. RELIABLE SIN OLE V man for position in public Institution out side of city, salary S40O per year, with board and washing: reference required. Apply to 633 LIB ERTY bTKbET. mh5-60 -ITTANTED SALESMEN TO SELL OUK TT choice and hardy varieties of nursery stock; many new and valuable varieties. Address, with references, JUA-Y BROTHERS, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. mhS-C3 -TTJANTED-MEN TO SELL OUR NEW LINE It of household necessities, novelties and lux uries, on easypayments,ln Flttsburg and Alle gheny. Gooa references required. GATELY & CO., 10 and 12 Sixth st. mb3-S5 -TT7-ANTED AGENTS TO.SELL TEA. BAKING TT powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or millmen can makemoney in their spare time. YAMASH1BO TEA CO., Hi Jackson St., Allegheny, Fa. JaK-86-TTS -TTANTED-REL1ABLE LOCAL AND TRAV vY EL1NG salesmen; positions permanent; special inducements now: fast selling specialties: don't delay: salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. fc9-0-TTB -TT-ANTED-AGE1TS ON SALARY: J75 FEB I Y month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample And Uve at home.galary paid promptly and expenses In ad vance; foil particulars and sample esse free, we mean lust what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. fels-3-D WANTED GENERAL AND LOCAL agents to handle the new patent Ink-erasliiK pencil: greatest novelty ever produced: erases Ink in two seconds; no abrasion of paper; 200 to 500 per cent proat; sells at sight: territory absolutely free; salary to good men; sample 35 cents by mall. For terms and lull particulars address the manu facturers, J, W. SKINNER & Co., Onalaska, Wis. mhW3 -inrjANTED-COMPETENT BUSINESS MAN V could obtain prominent officer's position (salary 2,400) in large corporation (having scores of offices and stores doing extensive safe cash business); must take $5,000 dividend paying stock at cost (par) from present officer, who has pur chased extensive European railroad Interests re quiring his attention. Address APFLETON, Sta tion D. New York. mh3-lS3 Female IIclD. TT7-ANTED-A GOOD PROTESTANT GIRL TO' V do cooking In a family of two. Address SHERMAN, Dispatch office. mh5-13 -TTTANTED-e GOOD-LOOKING FIRST FART YY ladies: good salary given: for G to 8 and 10 weeks; write at once. A. IIAMMEBLY, London Theater, Steubenvllle, Ohio. mhs-2 WANTED-LADIES TO LEARN PORTRAIT painting on glass, can be learned in one hour; can make money at home; work light and easy and very profitable. ART STUDIO. 36 Fed eral St., Allegheny. mh5-99 Male and Female Help. -VTTANTED-AT ONCE-2 COLORED WAIT .V ERS. 6 farm bands, vegetable cook, store room girl, pantry and kitchen girL cooks, cham bermaids and house girls. MEKHAN'S. S4S Grant st. mh4-D -TTTANTED-LIVK MEN AND WOMEN TO YV engage in an easy, paying business at home: can work daytime or evening and make 50c to 2 per hour; sure thing: sample and complete instructions sent free. Address WORLD SUF FLY CO.. Rutland. Vt. fe25-l WANTED SITUATIONS. -TTANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN POSITION TV as bookkeeper or stenographer; can give references. Address BERLIN, Dispatch office, f mhS-44 -TTT-ANTED-POSITION BY A YOUNG LADY V (trained nurse) to take charge or an inva lid. Address P. S. F., 240 Meadow st. East End, city. mh3-26 -TTT-ANTED-SITUATION BT A YOUNG MAN V (German) with 5 years experience in the wholesale and retail grocery trade, can give city reference. Address GERMAN, Dispatch office. mb.5-45 VTTANTED SITUATION AS GARDENER BY V a married man: understands care of green house, fruits, vegetables; also care of cows: good reference. Address GARDENER, Dispatch office. mbS-4S -VTTANTED-POSITION BY A COMPETENT Y V drug clerk, aged 22 years, desires position Immediately; registered: our years' experience; honest, sober, reliable prescription and prepara tlon clerk. A. L. S.. Dispatch office. mh5-l WANTED PARTNERS. -TTT-ANTKD-A SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS PART YY NER, a first-class workman, to take half Interest In a blacksmith shop. Apply to-day at L-SAXTON'S. 196 and 198 First avenue. mh5-95 -rTANTKD-PA.BTNER -WITH 1300 CASH FOB Y half Interest In established business, clear ing SS0 per week: oustness light and easy; highly profitable and perfectly legitimate; will guaran tee partner S23 per week; trial given at the busi ness before Investing. Address OPPORTUNITY, Dispatch office. mhS-33 -T7"ANTED-FABTNER-ii,000 (HALF DE- YY FERBEl)and office services can secure hairintcrcstlnanewand splendid agency, pos- TION. Dispatch office. WANTED BOOMS. HOUSES. XITANTED-ONE OR TWO NICE ROOMS FOR YV gentleman and wire, with board. South RHand ave., Shadyslde, . K. E., or North ave., Allegheny, preterrcd. Answer at once to HARRY, Dispatch office. mh5-68 WANTED BOARDERS AND LODGERS. WANTED OCCUPANTS FOB PARLORS facing part, with or without board. Ap ply 24 MONTGOMERY AVE., Allegheny. mh5-48 WANTED FINANCIAL. -TTT-JiTED-TO LOAN $500,000. IN AMOUNTS YY of 13,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on H per cent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIBD, SS Fourth avenue. se21-d2S-D -TT7ANTKD-TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MORT- V GAGES: JlOO and upward at 6 per cent; fStt),00at 4M per cent on residences or business 1 per ceai on resiliences or ousmess iso In adjoining counties. S. H. property: also in aajoimnj FBENCH, 125 fourth avenue. OCdl-eM-D -XTANTED MOKTGAGES-S1.O0U. 000TO LOAN YY on city and suburban properties at i. Sand 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. FENNOCK & SON, 10S Fourth avenue. as7-fll WANTED-i-FrNAN MAT ANTED MORTGAGES MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4, s and 6 per cent. GBAEB1NG A LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-D -YTTANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. a28-a29-D WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over M. 000; 4), per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D "W: ANTED RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT LY: DTonertv manared with sattsfaetlnn. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. iai-8i -TTTANTED-HOUSES TO KENT, LARGE OB V small, in both 'ltles: great pains taken to secure good tenants. Established: 1S63. W. A. HERRON SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. mhl-40-TTS -rnrANTED HOUSES TO BENT, BENT'S TO V collect, monthly settlements: also mort gages on city or suburban nroperty at 4K, Sand 6 per cent. J. DERM1TT. 40TGrant street. mh2-19-TTS WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. -TT7ANTED-FUKNITDRE AND GENERAL merchandise for storage; lowest rates. PITTSBUKG AUCTION CO., 93 Third ave. mh3-132 -rT7-AN fED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND GEN V ERAL merchandise to sell at auction. PITTSBURG AUCTION CO., 93Thirdavc. mb3-132 -TTTANTED-WESTERN ENERGY PARTIES YY desirous of establishing manufactories or plants in Western cities or towns, will do well to communicate with AMERICA. Dispatch office, mhS-61 WANTED PARTIES DESIRING- TO DIS POSE of their furniture and household Soods either by auction or private sale, call or ad ress ROOM 58. Eisner building, cor. Fifth aVe., and Wood street. mh3-167 WANTED-PUBLIC TO KNOW THE ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market street, Pittsburg, will make cabinets for 1 00 per doz and show iroofg, until May 1; so come early; bring the lttle ones; use elevator. fe28-9 -TTT-ANTED-HUUSEKEEFERS TO KNOW YV that we are selling house furnishing goods cheaper than anv other house in the city; anctlon sale everr Tuesday and Friday at 10 a. M. : terms cash. PITTSBURG AUCTION CO, 93Thlrdave. mh3-13! -T)TTANTED BYFEARSON, LEADING FHO YV TOORAFHER, 98 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at ?1 60 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous nrocess. mbl3-k27 -TT7-ANTED HOUSEKEEPEES TO KNOW YY thatthe old reliable expressman and hand carpet beater Is still at the old btand, No:290 West ern ave., Allegheny; takes down, packs or moves and sets up the best or furniture and puts bouse in order on short notice at low rates; orders so licited. A. HIVELY. rah5-47 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CItv Residences. FOR SALE S2,500 TWO 2-STORY FRAME houses, with stable: Gangwlsch St.; easy terms. W. W. McNFJLL & BRO., 162 Fourth ave. mh2-I2 FOR SALE-82, 500-2-STORY BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms: Devilllers st. : all conveniences: easy terms. W.W. MCNEILL & BRO.,162 Fourth ave. mh2-22 FOR SALE-A BABE CHANCE TO SECURE ahome:2o0. balance like rent, buys good 5-room bouse on Grandvlew avenue. Thirty-fifth ward: call atonce: ?l,500. BALTENSPERGER & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth avenue. mh5-91 TTIOB SALE-2,I50 BUYS A NEAT 5-ROOM Jj house, having hall, vestibule, porch, natural gas, city water, etc, on the corner of Grandvlew avenue and Hallock street; a bargain. BALTEN SPERGER & WILLIAMS, 1M Fourthavcnue. mh5-4 FCR SALE-56.000 AND YOUB OWN TIME, for a 2-story frame dwelling on Mission St., Southslde; 9 rooms, finished attic ball, vestibule, bath, slate mantels, natural gas, cemented cellar, front and reur porch, cistern, etc.; lot 50x150; good view of surronndlng valley. BLACK & BAUtD, 95 Fourth ave mh4-15 Enst End Residences. FOK SALE-HOUP STREET DWELLING; very desirable; 4 rooms on a floor; late im provements: large lot: near steam and cable cars. W. A. HERROIT & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mh3-122-MTTS F IOR SALE-H.600-ZULEMA STREET, OAK LAND, new 5-room frame; pantry, natnral gas. etc.: payments same as rent. sAiji..E..H SFERGKB & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth avenue mhS-94 FOK SALE-CBAIG AND CENTER AVE. elegantTcsldence: 12 large rooms; very hand somely finished and replete with all modern con veniences; lot 100x142 feet. 1. M. FENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth ave. mh2-25-TTS T7OK SALE-NEGLEY AND FENN AVE. X handsome 2-story brick house; mansard fin ish: 12 rooms; bath, laundry: both kinds gas; modern in all respects: lot 45x100. I. M. PEN NOCK SON, 105 Fourth ave. mh2-25-TTS FORSALE-ON COLLEGE AVE., LOT 50X370 to 20-root alley, one-story frame cottage of 5 rooms; stone foundation under whole house: con venient to both steam and cable cars; (3.000. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave mh3-137-TTFSSU FOB SALE-S4.000 ATILL BUY A NICE HOME in the East End, and near the cable and rail road, 6 rooms, bath, natural gas arid, large lot; terms "reasonable; call at office and see photo. BLACK & BAUtD, 95 Fourth ave. fe26-58-TTS FOK PALE-S3.800-ON HAYS STREET, A seven-roomed residence with lot 86XX100: s porches, shite mantel andnewly papered through out; only one square from North inland avenue. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. mhl-69-rr FOR SALE-CHEAP IF SOLDATONCE-A desirable East End residence; 8 rooms, late Improvements; large lot: near steam and cable cars; location good; send for full information. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue mh2-13-2,5,8,ll FOR SALE- 2-STORY FRAME SLATE ROOF dwelling in East End. near station; city water and gas, bath and all conveniences; tile hearth in parlor: natural gas: S4.O00: payments to suit. In quire MORRIS A FLEMING, 106 Fourth avenue fe26-3S-TTS FOR SALE -AN ELEGANT BRICK HOUSE OF 9 rooms in first-class condition; both gases In this house lanndryand stationary wash tubs. w. c, etc: lot 36 feet front, 120 feet in depth to a. 20 foot alley; situated 320 South Hlland ave., E. E. Inquire on the PREMISES. fe21-54-TUF FOR SALE-EASTEND DWELLING; BRICK; late style: just finished: 9 rooms well fin ished; all latest Improvements: bath, range both kinds of gas, laundry, pantry, perfect sewerage street graded, near cable cars, three squares .of Koup station: only f7,000: terms easy. TV. A. HEBRON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue. mh3-122-MTT8 TTOB SALE A SMALL CASH FAYMENT AND X? your rents will buy a house on Broad street with 4 large rooms, cemented cellar, good sewer age with shrubbery planted lu lot; onlyjhalf suuarefrom Penn avenue cable line; room to build another house on same lot; price 82,700. and your own terms. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station street. East End. mh2-67-TuSu FOR SALE-ON PAVED STREET IN EAST END. within four minutes' walk of either line of cable cars or East Liberty station; lot 47x 120, to a 20-loot alley: new selected brick or 6 rooms, bath and 2 rooms in finished attic, good wide ball and vestibule electric bells, electric light, speaking tubes, etc: 83,200, or will sell house; lot 24x120 ror 86, 500. THOS.-LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth avenue mh3-lS3-TTFssu FOR SALE ON GOOD STREET IN EAST END, four minutes rrom Fifth avenue cable cars, and about six minutes from Roup Station, frame house; 8 rooms; bathroom: basement laun dry: lavatory under front stairs; slate mantels; natnral gas: elegant front and side porches: ele gant neighborhood; lot 42x130, very desirable in everv respect: only-7, 500. THOMAS LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth avenue. mh3-137-TTFSSu TTiOR SALE-ON GOOD STREET IN THE X? East End, three minutes' wnlk from Fifth avenue cable cars; elegant neighborhood; large corner lot 60x150; new brick house, reception ball, parlor, dining room, kltcben and pantry on first floor, 4 bedrooms and bathroom on second floor, 4 good rooms in attic natural gas, electric bells and all latest Improvements; only 813,000. THOS. LIGGETT, No, 114 Fourth avenue rah3-13S-TTFSSn FOR SALE ON SOUTH HIX.AND AVENUE, lot 37x140 to 20-foot alley: selected brick of8 rooms, batu room, basement laundry, good dry cellar, hot and cold water, natural gas all through the house, large front porch, elegant shade trees, tile hearths, sliding doors between parlor and dln lngroom; everything In perfect order; stable on rear of lot: elegant neighborhood: convenient to both steam and cable cars: reason for selling owner leaving, the city. THOS. LIGGETT, lli Fourth ave. mh3-137-TTFSSu FOK SALE A BABGAIN IF SOLD AT ONCE, beautiful corner lot on two prominent paved streets In East nd. 46x179; elegant new brick house; parlor, dining-room, reception hall, li brary, kitchen and large pantry-room on first floor; 5 bed-rooms, bath and Inside w.c on second floor; large finished attic with servant's room, cedar closet and trunk-room; sliding doors;' speaking tubes, electric bells, perfect in every re spect, and elegant neighborhood. THOMAS LIG UETf, No. 114 Fourth avenue mh3-137-rrrssu FOK SALE A HANDSOME SHADYS1DE residence: one of tbe finest avenues in the East End: convenient to railroad station: 12 spa clous rooms and replete throughout with all the more recent appliances; reception hall, cabinet mantels, natural gas, bath, lavatory, etc, etc; piazza In front, large lot, side entrance alley In rear; everything In prime order; almost new; Im mediate possession given, and price and terms much less than actual value to a prompt pur chaser. JAB. W. DBAFJ5 & CO.; 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg, mh2-33-D Allccheny Residences. FOR SALE-840.000-FINE RESIDENCE ON North avenue A. LEGGATK & SON, 31 Federal st., Allegheny. mh2-53 FOB HALE 8175-LOT 2-5x75, RIDGEWOOD avenue Second ward, Allegheny; a hillside lot, pretty steep. A. LEGGATE & SON, 31 Fed eral st. mh2-58 FOR SALE-GOOD INVESTMENT; ONLY K. 000 for two new S-room frame dwellings In Allegheny that rent for 8334 per vcar. bai.ten. SPERGEB & WILLIAMS, 151 Fourth' avenue. mh5-94 FOR SALE-CHEAP IF SOLD AT ONCE (Price very greatly reduced): on Franklin street, Allegheny: a very desirable residence; 9 rooms: lot 43x130 leet. Call on or address W. A. HERRON &3QNS, 80 Fourth avenne. mh2-12-TTB T710R SALE-ON EASY PAYMENT'S, FOUR A? new, 6-room houses, with bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas: lot 33x100, or larger. If desired: situated on line of Perrysvllle Ave. Elec tric road. Inquire of J. A. McKEE,' 708 Penn ave., Penn building, room 611. Ja31-72-TT8 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Allegheny Residences. FOBSALK-SECONDWABD, ALLEGHENY One elegant brick residence finished through out with complete modern conveniences on Fre mont street extension; also 9 new dwellings cheap and on easy payments; two houses on California avenue nicely finished; a three-story brick store and dwelling on Anderson street. LASHELL A KANKIN, 67 Fourth avenne. mh3-7-Tus Hnzelvrood Residences. FOR BALE-GLENWOOD, THE MOST CON VENIENT suburb or tbo city; only 12 min utes by the B. & O. : 21 trains a day each way; building lots for sale near the station at poo, (400, toOO, (600, 8700, 1300, f 1,000, according to location and size of lot : terms to suit purchasers. GEOBGE C BURG WIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave. fel-43-TTSSU Suburban Tlcsidences. FOR SALK-OR EXCHANGE-22 ACRES FINE bottom garden land: No.l bnildlngs.orcbard, etc. : natural gas; Is below Sewlckley; price $11,000. 8TEVEN SON'S AGENCY, 100 Fifth ave. mh5-37 -rjlOB SALE-mOOO-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE X of Mrs. Eliza A. Cooper, West End avenue New Brighton road: lot-90x260; brick double house, 12 rooms and attics. A. LEGGATE &. SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. fe23-l FOE S ALE-AT HOBOKEN, PA., S MINUTES' walk from station, almost new two-story frame with natural cas and water in tho house 8 good large rooms, facing public road; also street In tbe back: good site 40x160: will be sold cheap on easy terms; price 83,000. CaU on'or Address ,1. HETZELL. Hoboken, Pa. nVbJJ-ST-TuVf su FOR SALE-AT SHERIDAN STATION, P., C & St. L. R. B.. 12 acres -of land, suitable for fine residences sites; at .Shousetown station, P. & L. E. K. B.,4 small houses and lots: each lot 47K X20O feet: price ror all 83,300; also a frame house of 6 rooms: lot 80x90 feet; price 1,000. LASHELL RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. mli3-7-Tnsu FOR SALE-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE AND large grounds: brick house or 9 large, cheer ful rooms and finished attic bathroom, natural gas, heater, range, etc ; Hi acres of excellent land, fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, etc.: con venient to city and near R. K. station. ALEX ANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. mhS-W-TUS FOB SALE-(99)-ON LINE OF PBOPOSED electric road, Bellevue; handsome, modern dwelling. 8 large rooms, hall In center, heater, natural gas, laundry, porches, hardwood mantels, tiled fireplaces, splendid lawn, 161x80; choice lrultand shade trees; neighborhood first-class; 2J6 acres ground; can be sub-divided. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth avenue mh3-9 FOR SALE TWO ACRES OF LAND AT Howard Station, P. V. and C. railroad, with fine house containing seven rooms, water In kitchen, spring-house, grapery, lrult trees, etc. This beautiful place is located In what is common ly called ForesivUle and only about five miles lrom the city, and cost only ordinary carfare. This place will be sold at a great sacrifice If sold soon, orwUl rent the same reasonable. Apply soon to O. B.TOUDY, 1721 Carson street. South Side. fel9-61 F IOK -SALE-VERY DESIRABLE SUBURBAN & IIUU1C, I1..U O.AU.B UU K,V 4UC3 V, ,UUU, niceiy laia on in wsiks, nower Deas, snruDDsry, etc.; on line of electric road, Perrysvllle n Al legheny: house contains 11 rooms and 1 small room, fitted up with shelving suitable for storage and clothes room, also bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas and city water, thus combining the advantages of the country and all con veniences of the city. Inquire of J. A. MCKEE, 70S Penn ave., Fenn building, room 611. ia31-72-TTS FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places in Allegheny countv; the house Is large containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide erandas; it Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsome fowl house: the grounds arc very beautiful and wellsupplled with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a verv moderate price. KNOXVILLE XiAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 83 Knox avenue, Knoxvillo borough. jal9-9 FOR SALE-A HOME IN THE COUNTRY AT Bellevue Neville station, new frame house of 8 rooms and mansard; hall In center, upstairs and down: front building 40x19, back 40x20, front porch 3Gx7), side porch 40x54:hot andcold water, bath, fine sanitary w. c, stand, etc ; natural and illuminating gas; fine gas fixtures and newel It.; house Is grained throughout, slate mantels and stone hearths in every room: well supplied with pantries and closets: lot 220x280, with stable, feed house, chicken bouse and other rooms, all under one roof; large and small fruits ot all kinds lust In bearing. For terms and price Inquire at 32 WEST DIAMOND, next door to Allegheny Heating Co. fe27-!-TT8 FOR SALE LOTS. Knm End lot. FOR SALE-THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Slanton ave., near Hlland; situation unsurpassed: fine fruit and shade trees; price and terms reasonable. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6105 Penn ave.. East End.. laf9-12-TTS FOR SALE-SOMETHING CHEAP-3 LOTS ON Mellon street 24x110. one square from paved street In Nineteenth ward; price only EOO each: come at once as thev will seU ell soon. MELLON ui'.us., caw station St., ., mh3-6C-TTSu FOB SALE NOW IS, THE TIME TO SECURE a choice building site for a home; 60-foot streets; no city taxes; Bank of Commerce addition ?lan, Brushton station. Secure colored plan from OHN F. BAXTER, Agt., 612 Smlthfleld at. mh3-74-TTSSu OB SALE-CHOICE LOTS, AT DALLAS STA TION, P. B. R.", convenient to steam and street ears: cheap Sod en easy terms, situation unsurpassed: price ranging rrom 8400 to 8600. In qnlreof D. C. NKGLEYJ 06 Penn ave. East End. no28-y78-TT8 - . Allcchenv Lots. FOB SALE-CHEAP LOTS II CHEAP LOTS II Second ward, Allegheny, (350, 22x100 feet; easy terms. W. W. MCNEILL & BRO., 162 Fourth avenue. mh2-22 FOB SALE-IU800-BUILDING LOT, TAG CART St., adjoining incline plane 38 feet Iront. 18 feet rear, 125 feet deep; stores here would rent well. A. LEGGATE & SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. mh2-58 FOB SALE-(99)-PAKK RESIDENCE SITES; one or more lots 21x180 on North ave ; fine op portunity to acquire choice building sites without paying for valueless old buildings: terms to suit. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe26-63-TT8 FOB SALE-TENTn WABU, ALLEGHENY, 25 choice lots. Clifton ave and adjacent sts.; city water and both gases; two handsome and convenient houses and large lots on Clifton ave. on easy terms; these properties are close to new Incline and Federal Street Electric railway: a handsome 6-room brick on Chartlers St., near Favette at a bargain; four bricks 011 Voegtlyst. and Madison ave.: these are a first class Invest ment; also a number of two and three room houses In Second and Tenth wards, cheap and on monthly orquarterly payments; a very fine nine room and mansard brfek. modern and complete In all its appointments; choice location: near the parks: easy terms. JOHN It. McCBEEBl, 95 Fifth ave. mhl-23-ns Farms. FOB SALE-CHEAP-FARM 70 ACRES, GOOD 7-room bouse barn, orchard, etc., 4 miles from Rochester; price 83,000; also SO acres, house barn, fruit, etc.Ievel land, Smiles from Rochester, ror 82, COO; 120 acres level land, 6-room house barn, orchards, etc, adjoining Beaver; must sell; price tlOO per acre Send for big farm and exchange list. N. F. HURST, KealEstate Agent, Rochester, Pa. fe23-l-rts FOB SALE-FARM; ATABARGAIN-DAIEY and truck larm, 60 acres. Including fine two story dwelling, 8 rooms, stable and sprlngbouse; 8 acres In orchard, apples, pears, cherries, quinces, grapes, etc. ; well and spring water soft; one-balf tbe property is rich bottom land: the whole underlaid with 9-foot vein of coal; situated on Plum Creek Branch, A. V. R. R., one mile from Verona, Allegheny .county; convenient to Pitts burg; this is a splendid property, and will be sold cheap on easy terms. Inquire MOBBIS & FLEM IN G. 106 Fourth ave. fe2-38-TT8 DDscellnncons. FOR SALE-CITY AND SUBURBAN PROP ERTIES, manufacturing sites, farms, lumber and mineral lands. Send for new price list. 1. M. PEN NOCK & SON, No. 105 Fourth ave. mh2-25-TTS FOR SALE-HOUSES AND VACANT LOTS IN Flttsburg, Allegheny, Bellevue Emsworth. Ulenfleld. Osborne Sewlckley, East End, Brush ton, Wilkin sburg, Edgewoodand on the South Side, Mt. Washington. Crafton and CasUe Shan non. J. DEBMITT, 407 Grant street. mh2-19-TTS FOK SALE-A NUMBER OF NICE PROPER TIES at Bellevue on Ft. W. B. B.. about 15 minutes from city, ranging in price from 1 1,600 to 83,600; these are desirably located, and can be pur chased on yonr own terms. For further particu lars call on THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave mh3-139-TTSSU F IOR SALE 1,000, Third avenue dwelling. 9.000. Ben Venue new brick residence. 1,250. Oakland, fine-brick house 8 rooms. tl.euo, Brushton, new elegant 5-room frame. 110. 500, Shadysldp.abeanllrulresidence property. g.000, Forbes street, near Gist, finely finished, rick residence of9 rooms. AU on easy terms. W.W. MCNEILL & BRO., 162 Fourth ave. mh2-20 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-K0O-UNUSUAL BUSINESS OP PORTUNITY: right party with over Ku0 can make 82,000. to 85.000 annually managing branch office. DUNLXp ELECTRIC CO.. Knoxville, Iowa. , mhS-39-TTSU FOK SALE-DRYGOODS AND NOTION store: great bargain to good party who will buy immediately, or will take real estate in ex change; send for farm and exchange list, N. F. HUBST, Rochester, Pa. mh5-40-TTS FOR SALE-BAKERY AND CONFECTION ERY on good street near heart of city; good trade established; living rooms connected: satis, factory reasonsfor selling. BALTEN SPERGEB A 'WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth avenue mh5-94 FOB SALE A GOOD INVESTMENT FOB A live:, energetic man; 8. M. SHANER'S RES TAURANT, 42 Diamond Market House Pitts burg; doing good business; good reasons for sell ing. ' mh5-88 T7OK SALE-SHOE STOKE-BEST TOWN IN, JC Western Pennsylvania: established 10 years best location in the city; stock small; will sell cheap; present proprietor must retire owing to poor health; a good chance for a live man. Ad dress SHOE, Dispatch office. mh5-W FOB SALE-STOKES, STOKES. STORES; drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe tea, cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, boarding bouses, coal works, etc. ; 100 good city business chances lor men or women. BHEPAKD ft CO.. M Fifth aTC JaSO FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Chances. Fi R 8ALK-ANII HE NT-A BABBEB SHOP. 2001 CARSON ST., S. 8. mh5-98 Bnslucss Stands. ( T7OR SALE-(W) BUSINESS PROPERTY ON JD Penn ave., downtown, paying fair rate on price; enhancement certain: buy now for a bar gain. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., ,99 Fourth ave mh3-82 F)K SALE-WISHING TO KETXRE, I OFFER my old established business stand (with or withoutstock):dolngv20,OOOannnally; store, ware house dwelling and stable: 8 hours from Fltts burg, on C. &'. B. K.. general store, Kensington, Col. Co., O. C. E. RICHARDS. fel3-30-IOD FOR SALE-CHEAP A BBICKYABD WITH, machinery, necessary material, in good run ning order: or will exchange for city property: will be sold one-half cash and the balanco to be taken out in brick, or as buyer may desire: owner sick and cannot attend to. Inquire at 133 CHEST NUT ST., Allegheny. mh3-6-TTSU FOR SAIiE-MlSCELLANEOUS, Machinery and Metals. FORSALE-2HORIZONTAL"KNGINES, 18x22, 1 Ball engine 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and meat shoppers, rendering kettles, etc VELTE is MCDONALD, Penn ave, cor. Thirty-second st." Jel6-163-Tfs F OB SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery, pntrlnea frnm,4-horse nawernn. boilers, pmnps, etc: call or Write for prices. FAHEY .t RFAl.LFR. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. " ap24-v35X-TTS nones. Vehicles. Uve Steele, ifcc FOK S ALli-FINE SIDEBAR. TOP 8PKEDING bnggy. costt25nnew;wlll sellltandgood set of, single harness for 830. Address U. 11., Dispatch office. mho-55 FOB SALE FINE YOUNG KEGISTEBED Alderney cow, with heifer calf, at a bargain.' JOHN SKELLY. Thirty-third it, abovo P.R. R., Thirteenth ward, Pittsburg, mh5-38 ' Financial. FOK SALE-MORTGAGES I MORTGAGES from 8500, 81,000, 81,500 and upward, bearing 6 per cent interest, approved by attorney. These mortgagea,are nearly alt purchase money mort gages. An excellent Investment for anybody. Apply to O. B. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street, Uonth' Side. . feW-61 MIsceBaneoiia. FOE SAL&-AM GOING OCT OF BUSINESS, want to sell one national cash register cheap. Address REGISTER, Dispatch office. mh5-69 FOR SALE-CHEAP-PIANOIF BOLDEABLY this month: seven octave, Vose & Sons, Bos ton; rosewood case square four round corners, carved legs. Address P. U. BOX 27. Hulton. Pa. mh3-2 EOE SALE CHEAP-THE ENT1BE OFFICE furniture and fixtures of tbe German Fire nrance Company: 2 iron safes, counters, desks, chairs, bookcases, carpets, stoves and partitions; as the company intends moving dnring the month to their own building. No. 601 Wood street. GEB MAN FIKEINS. CO., cor. Slxthave.and Woodst. mh5-39 TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO LET-NO. 179 THIRD AVENUE. 10 BOOMS: late Improvements. W. A. HEBRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenne. " mh3-119 TO LET-TWO HOUSES ON FRANCES ST., between Wylle and Center aves., of 7 rooms and ball: fitted for natural gas: hot and cold water, inside w. c. and bath, front and back Jorch; rent 820 per month. Inquire or WM. M. OHNSTON. on premises. mh3-131-TSu TO LET-AT 17 50 PER MO.-OWNEB FUE NISHES nat. gas for fuel; brick house ore rooms, and late Improvements; No. 207 Plymouth St.: rent free until April I, 1889; (wUl rent with privilege to buy, and all money paid as rent cred ited toward the purchase money, which can be paid In monthly installments of 820. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue mhl-41-2,5,7,9,12 East End Residences. TO LET-EAST END DWELLINGS. L'ARGE and small. Call or send for printed list free. W. A. HEURON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mhl-43-TTS TO LET TWO 8-ROOM HOUSES LARGE lot, bath, w. c: near Roup station and cable KOOM 14, Schmidt & Friday buUding. Fifth ave., between 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. . mti5-ll TO LBI-BRICK HOUSE ON MEADOW ST., between Lincoln and Park aves.. East End, 10 rooms, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural gas, good cellar, stable on lot; rent 8500 per annum. Inquire NEXT DOOR, or of DAVID BLAIB, Liberty ave. and Edmund St., Twentieth ward. mh3-33 TO LET-TnE TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL ING honse mansard roof, corner Filth ave nue and Dlthrldge street, Bellelleld, dlrectlyop poslte "Lloyd's circle;" has ten rooms, bath room, water closet and wash room; supplied with natural gas; on cable road ; no better location In. East End. Inquire NEXT DOOR, or of WM. HOLMES, Wand 12 Wood St. mb5-57 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-SEVF.KAL SMALL HOUSES IN SEC OND and Tenth wards. JOHN H. Mc CREERY, 95 Fifth ave mhl-23-TTS TO LET-IN ALLEGHENY, JJEAB THE parks, a new modern brick house oro rooms: all latest Improvements: a first-class house in every respect. ALEXANDER & LEU, 313' Wood st. . mhl-97-Tus TO LET ON BIDWELL STREET, ALLE GHENY, large modern brick house or 12 rooms; all latest modern appliances: brick stable and carriage bouse. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. mh2-97-Tus TO LET ON K1RKPATRICK AVBNUE, Allegheny, two brick houses of 6 rooms each; finished attics, bath, both gases, w. c. etc., etc.; 1 sqr. from street cars, at 820 per month; no water rent. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood St. mb2-97-Tu8 Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT HAKMERVILLE, SIX-ROOMED house with large storeroom attached: good grocery stand. Address MRS. MARY MCCRUM, Box 13, Hoboken, Fa. mho-33 TO LET-AT EVERGREEN. TWO FRAME houses oflO and 12 rooms, with 3 and 4 acres or ground; Immediate possession. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood st. mh2-97-TuS TO LET-SUBUBBAN BESIDENCE AND large grounds, brick house 9 rooms and 2 finished attic rooms, natural gas, batb, range etc. : 7M acres land, fruit and shade trees, ALEX ANDER A LEE, 313 Wood St. mh2-97-Tus TO LET-FINE RESIDENCE, TWO-STORY brick mansion, seven rooms and finished attic cemented cellar, bathroom and all conven iences; 3 acres of ground, fruit trees, shrubbery, stables, etc. : will be rented low to good party; Shad v ave.. opposite Wllklns ave. Inquire or N. S. SNYDEK.St. Nicholas Hotel, orJ.B. HYND MAN, 6212 Penn ave, East End. mh5-3-TWSSu Apnrtmems. TO LET IN THEMOST CONVENIENTLOCA TION in tbe city, double parlors. No. 720 Penn avenue'eorner Eighth street; suitable for doctor or dentist offices: can be had for sleeping apartments, with board if desired. mhl-31 TO LET-TWO FRONT AND BACK CON NECTING rooms, first floor, unfurnished; with use of kitchen and laundry if desired; for light honsekceplng; all modern Improvements; on line of street cars, Allegheny. GEO. BOCHES TER, Allegheny P. O. mb5-34 Business Stands. TO LET-STOBE AND DWELLING, NO. 146 Wylle ave. L M. FENNOCK 4 SON. 105 Fourth ave. mh2-25-TTS TO LET-COB. OF LIBEBTY AND DIAMOND sts., first-class produce or grocery stand. Call on W. A. HEREON SONS, 80 Fourth ave nue. mh3-U9 TO LET-WAREHOUSE. WOOD ST.-LABGE 4-story warehouse cor. First ave. and Wood st. ; 30 -foot front; telephone 335. U. T. MORRIS, 106 Fourth ave. mh2-18-rrs rrw IOLET-A LONG AND WELL-ESTABLISHED erocerv stand on Fifth avenue Shadv- slde; large storeroom and dwelling. W. A. HER RON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. mh3-119 TO LET-ELEGANT STOREROOM WITH plate-glass front; fine opening for bakery and confectionery, China and glass orlcwelry busi ness: first-class retail location. Apply to J. H. AIKEN, 100 Fifth avenue. 1 mh5-35-D TO LET-OR FOR HALE-A NO. 1 BUTCHER establishment, two young horses, two new wagons, one new barouche upright engine and boiler, steam chopper, kettles, etc.: a fine large slaughter house and a Ho, 1 business, butcher shop and ronte: a good chance ror a live man: reason for selling, owner Is sick. Inquire or JNO. WESLEY, 7231 Tioga St., Homewood, E. E. mhS-43-TT Offices, Desk Room, &c TO LET-TWO UNFUENISUED PARLORS, suitable for office. Apply at 68 F1KST AVE.', city. mbS-59 TO LET-TWO UNFURNISHED PARLORS, suitable for office. Apply at 88 FIRST AVE., city. mb5-59 TO LET-LARGE FRONT OFFICE OR DESK room! best of light. PENN BUILDING. See Janitor. mh5-5S TO LET-OFF1CES-CHEAP-THE BEST ON Fourth avenue In the Dallmeyer block: ele vator, heat and Janitor service. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue mhJ-119 TO LET-FRONT OFFICES AT POOFEB YR., with elevator, heat and Janitor service, in the "Dallmeyer block." 96 Fourth avenue. W. A. HKRROM SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. mbl-39-2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 21, 23 TO LET IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfleld, Liberty and Seventh avenue well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. . Ja8-32-D TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In tbe Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave. and Wood street; also warehouse and basement No. 213 Wood St. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st, Jal8-5I T O LET-NEW OFFICESrSPLENDID LIGHT. The Germanla Savings Bank. 423 Wood st.. having changed the Interior or its building by adding 15 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties deslr-' log a fine location should apply at once at the bank. dea.75-D TO LET. Speclnl. TO LET-OUB "TO LET" LIST, AS HERETO FORE Issued from onr office i now pub lished every Wednesday and Saturday (without expense to landlords) In The Dispatch only. BAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave rc22-i4-imr PERSONAL. PERSONA L-BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 11,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly as tbe other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 PERSONAL YOU WILL BEA LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive o be up and make the best of It: see thafvour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, of 63 Fifth avenue, corner Wsod street, second floor, makes a specialty of flue cleaning and repairing; glvehlm a trlal.'l'elephonelaoS. las FOUND. FOUND -THE TRUTH f WE 8UFFEBED UN . TOLDagonlesI Dr. Grifflth'sTa-va-zon rem edies cured us when all other means had failed. Mrs. Eev. Lot Lake, Mrs. Wm. G. Cover, Youngs ,town, O. : Mrs. Hannah John, 663 Forbes St.: John .8. Fahey, Tallapoosa, Ga.; Thomas Brown, S. S.: Michael nines, 121 Wylie ave., and thousands or others. We Invite tho worst cases from whatever .cause. See testimonials at GRIFFITH'S FHAK MACY, Third and Grant, Pittsburg. Pa. mh5-4 LOST. LOSTOR STOLEN A BLACK AND- TAN setter dog. answer to name of "Bill:" feet, breast and over eyes tan; lost on Tuesday In Alle gheny t5 reward for Ida return to . MAGEE & CO.. 33 Park way, Allegheny City. Dog Is regis tered. " mb5-5l BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION NOTICE-THE FIRM OF Soraers, Brother & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Charles -Somers and E.D. Bchols retiring. J.-L. SOMERS. W. H. WILLIAMS, CHARLES SOMERS, '.E. D.ECHOLS. Having purchased the Interests therein of Charles Somers and 'Ei-D. Echols, we will con tinue tha wholesale produce, fruit and com missiqn business of Somen, Brother & Co., un der the same firm name, at No. 63!) Liberty street, Pittsbnrp;, where all debts due. to the old Arm are to be paid, and those due from the same discharged. The financial resources and general manage ment of. the old firm will remain undisturbed, and the policy which secured for and has re tained to it a leading position in tbe produce trade of this city will be closely adhered to. J.L.SOA1ERS, " W. H. WILLIAMS, W.H.B. BULGER. PrrTSBTTRG, Pa.. March 1, 1889. mh5-51-Tn BANK STATEMENTS. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE mechanics' national bank, at Pittsburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, February 26, 1889. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1,631,719 91 Overdrafts 6,246 06 IT. S. Bonds to secure circulation... 155,000 00 Due from approved reserve agents. 301,495 07. Due from other national banks 163,421 38 Due from State Danks and bankers. 10.5-53 10 Real estate, furniture and fixtures. 30,750 00 Current expenses and taxes paid... . 6,499 59 Checks and other cash items 1.750 65 Exchanges for Clearing House 120,61190 Bills of other banks 91,035 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and pennies 1,261 SO Specie 117,500 CO Legal tender notes 141,000 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (Spercentof circulation).... 6,950 00 $2,817,806 33 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 500,000 00 Surplus fund 300,000 00 Undivided profits 133,977 74 National bank notes outstanding... 111,900 00 Dividends unpaid 9,293 00 Individual deposits sub ject to check $1,352,243 15 Time certificates of de posit 12,23178 Cashier's checks out standing 69,373 41 Duo to other national banks 360,829 91 Dae to State banks and bankers 7,917 98 1,792,635 69 $2,847,806 33 State of Pennsylvania, county of Allegheny, ss. I, Saml. C. Applegate, Cashier of the Me chanics' National Bank of Pittsbnrg, Pa., do solemnly swear that tbe above is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. SAML. C. APPLEGATE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2d day of March, 1889. GEO. L WHITNEY, Notary Public Correct Attest: P. REYMER, JAS. S. ATTERBURY, HENRY HAYS. mhS-77 Directors. SEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE IRON CITY NATIONAL BANK,at Pitts g.'in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, February 26, 1889. jttESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1,654,939 48 Overdrafts 563 51 U. S. bonds to secure circulation. . . . 100,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages . 53,279 98 Due from approved reserve agents. 154.893 22 Due from other national banks-.... 124,462 75 Due from State banks and bankers. 3,637 21 Real estate, furniture and fixtures. 95,600 14 Current expenses and taxes paid. . . 9,008 30 Premiums paid 6,000 00 Checks and other cash items 14,345 17 Exchanges for Clearing House 69,478 39 Bills of other banks. 17,671 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and pennies., 6 23 Specie 163,200 00 Legal tender-notes 161,250 00 Redemption f nnd with U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation)... 4,600 00 $2,633,837 42 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In S 400,000 00 Surplus fund 250,000 00 Undivided profits 84,556 60 National bank notes outstanding. . . 88,620 00 Dividends unpaid 1,810 00 Individual deposits subject to check 1,347,730 41 Demand certiUcates of deposit 9,500 00 Cashier's checks outstanding 11,530 81 Due to other national banks 417,971 90 Due to State banks and bankers. ... 21,117 70 $2,635,837 42 State of Pennsylvanla,county of I, Oliver Lemon, cashier of the Iron City National Bank of Pittsburg, Pa., do solemnly swear that the abovo is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. OLIVER LEMON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2d day of March, 1889. GEO. I. WHITNEY, Correct Attest: Notary Public ALEX. M. BYERS. ) SAM'L LINDSEY, Jr., Directors. J. R. MCGINLEY, mhSl REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ALLGHENY NATIONAL BANK, at Pittsburg in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business Februry 26, 1SS9. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1,540,717 06 Overdrafts 6,874 91 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation... 60,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages, 67,733 00 Due from approved Re served Agents $ 387,936 89 Due from other National Banks 167,003 93 Due from State banks and bankers 28,959 27 623,900 09 Real estate, furniture and fixtures, 116,575 00 Current expenses and taxes paid. . . 3,585 51 Premiums paid ' 12,600 00 Checks and other cash Items 41,810 86 Exchanges for Clearing House 183,075 28 Bills of other banks 44,709 00 Fractional paper curren cy, nickels and pennies, 127 11 Specie 249,778 00 Legal tender notes 150.C00 00 DW.WUliJ Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer, (5 per cent of circulation).. 2,250 00 $2,993,235 82 LIABTLITLES. Capital stock paid in $ 500,000 00 Surplus fund 160,000 00 Undivided profits 40.063 31 National bank notes outstanding.. . 45.000 00 Dividends unpaid 2,013 00 Individual deposits sub ject to check J1,953,U9 89 Demand certificates of - deposit 87,033 30 Due to other national banks 177,459 31 . Due to State banks and bankers ,. 23,554 01 8 2,246.159 51 82,993,233 82 State ot Pennsylvania, County of Allegheny, ss. I, F. C. Hutchinson, Cashier of the Allegheny National Bank of Pittsbnrg, Fa., do solomnly swear that the above is true, to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. F. C. HUTCHINSON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn, to before me, this 2d day of March, 1889. W. F. ROBB. Notary Public Correct Attest: W.'MCOANDLESS, JOSHUA RHODES, JNO. OALDWELL, JB., xah&-79 Directors. BANK STATEMENTS. EEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK, at Pitts g, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, February 26, 1889. , RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Jl,739,585 28 Overdrafts 2,490 30 U. S. bonds to secure circulation. . . . 60,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. 53,571 04 Due from approved re serve agents $165,085 93 Due from other National . banks 49,52146 Dne from Stat banks and bankers 2,863 33 217,470 77 Real estate, furniture and fixtures". . 64,060 00 Current expenses and taxes paid... 6.36102 Premiums paid 9,625 00 Cbedks and other cash items S 19,811 08 Exchanges for Clearing House 225,402 07 Bills of other banks .13,659 00 Fractional paper curren cy, nickels and pennies. 2,363 55 Specie 242.241 00 Legal tender notes 66,500 00 569.976 70 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent ot circulation).... 2,250 00 $2,715,393 U LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. $ 600,000 00 Surplus fund 250,000 00 Undivided proflts 21,544 09 National bank notes outstanding. . . 45,000 00 Dividends nnpald 1,730 00 Individual deposits suoject to check 1,484.149 50 Demand certificates ot deposit 128,975 50 Cashier's checks outtanding. 43,006 55 Due to other national banks 144.807 27 Due to State banks and bankers.... 95,780 20 $2,715393 11 State of Pennsylvania, County of I, Wm. Steinmcyer, Cashier of the Third Na tional Bank of Pittsburg, Pa., do solemnly swear that tbe above Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief W. STEINMEYER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of March. 1SS9. JAMES R. STERRETT, Notary Public Correct Attest: W. E. SCHMERTZ, JOHN DAUB, HENRY DALLMEYER. mh5-75 Directors. EEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIFTHNATIDNALBANK, at Pittsburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, February 26, 1889. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $378,812 10 Overdrafts LC22 00 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. . . 5.750 00 Due from approved reserve agents... 28.826 49 Duefrom other National Banks 48,529 52 Dne from State Banks and Bankers.. 6,419 68 Real estate, furniture and fixtures... 6,969 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 1.14G 77 Premiums paid 2,400 00 Checks and other cash items 7,480 46 BUIs of other banks. 660 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and pennies 177 86 Specie 28,087 75 Lecal tender notes 41,236 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer, (5 per ct. of circulation) 1,125 00 $587,142 63 .$100,000 00 . 20,000 00 . 7.089 19 . 22.600 00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits National Bank notes outstanding.,... Individual deposits subject to check. Cashier's checks outstanding Due to other National Banks Due to State Banks and Bankers.... 184,347 63 430 00 156,297 81 96.463 00 $587,142 65 State of Pennsylvania,County of I. A. C. Knox, Cashier" of the Fifth National Bank, of Pittsburg, Pa., do solemnly.swearthat the above 13 true, to the best of mv knowledge and belief. A. C. KNOX, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2d day of March, 1889. GEO. L WHITNEY, Notary Public Correct Attest: ROBERT ARTHURS, ) F.L. STEPHENSON, V Directors. W. W.'PATRICK, i - mh5-78 NOTICES. Cotntt Commissioner's Office, Pittsburg, February 27. 1889. C fTTHE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL X bold appeals on the following named dis tricts, to-wit: ' , Thursday, March 7. Chartlers township. By order of County Commissioners. R. E. MERCER. GEORGE Y. McKEE, DANIEL McWLLLIAMa P. W. SD3BERT. Clerk. mh2-53 ELECTIONS. Office of the Westmoreland and 5 Cambria Natuh al Gas Company, 43 Sixth avenue. Pittsburg, February 28, 1889. mHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JL stocKnoiaers ana tne election 01 .Directors to serve for tbe ensuing year will beheld at tbe office of this company on TUESDAY, March 12. 1889, at 3 o'clock. M. ma2-23J-l R. MACKENZIE, Secretary. Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburg, ? Pittsburg, Pa., March 2. 1889. j ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING of the members of the Chamber of Com merce of Pittsburg, far the purpose of electing officers, viz.: President, seven Vice Presidents and 25 Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held in the rooms of the Chamber on TUESDAY. MARCH 5, 1889, at 11 o'clock A.M. Tho polls will be open from 11 o'clock A. M. until 1 o'clock P. M. mh3J S. L. McHENRY. Secretary. Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis i Railway Co.. Pittsburg. March 5,1889. ( ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING of tbe stockholders of the Pittsburg. Cin cinnati and St. Louis Railway Company will be held at tbe principal office of tbe company, in the city of Columbus. O., on TUESDAY. March 19, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. v.. for the pur pose of receiving the annual report for 1883. the election of 13 directors to serve for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The transfer books wiU be closed on Saturday. March 9, and reopened on Friday, March 22, 1889. 8. B. LIGGETT, Secretary. mho-53-D PROPOSALS. VTOTICE TO DRILLERS J.1 Bids will be received by the undersigned for the drilllne of a gas well in the borough of McKeesport. Pa., to a deptb of not less than twentv-nve hundred (2,500) feet to be cased -with six (6) inch casing, (all materials to be furnished by contractor except casing), until March 13, 1889. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. MCKEESPORT FUEL GAS CO. W. C. SOLES. JAMES E. PATTERSON, JOS. T. TREES, mb3-133 Committee. J)R0P0SAL3 8EALED PROPOSALS will be received by the Board of School irectors of Chartlers township, Allegheny connty. Fa., at the office of the architect until 3 o'clock p. M. Saturday, March 16, 1889. for the erection of a, two-story brick school building at Riverside, near Chartiers.P. &L. E. R.R. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of James N. Campbell, Architect, room 814 Penn building, Pittsburg, Pa., where all bids must be addressed. WM. SHERIDEN, Jr.. President WM. GRAHAM, Secretary. mh2-4-TuSSu. T)ROPOSALS FOR LOCK ON MUSKIN X GUM RIVER U. S. Engineer Office, .Zanesville. O., February 13, 1889. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, for furnishing material and constructing a new masonry lock in the Muskingum River at Taylorsville, Ohio, 10 miles below Zanesville, will be received at this office until 1 p. Jr., Central time, on Thursday, the 4th day 'of April, 1889. All information fur nished on application to Lieut. Lansinc H. Beach, Corps of Engineers, Zanes ville, Ohio. The attention of bid ders is invited to the Acts of Con gress approved February 26, 1S85. and February 23. 1887. WILLIAM E. MERRILL. Lieut. Col, of Engineers. mh3-101-4.5. 6,7.29,30 AMUSEMENTS. H ARRIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Afternoon and Nights, "49."- Thursday, Friday and Saturday, - "D&UtTES." mh4-18 pi RAND OPERA HOUSE JT Every Evening. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. MB. JOSEPH MURPHY. TO-NIGHT "THE KERRY GOW." Week March U Robson &. Crane in "The Henrietta." mh3-20 TIJOU THEATER TO-NIGHT THE FUGITIVE. Next Week "The Twelve Temptations." znh4-30 CASINO MUSEUM J Week of March 4. Kennedy & Mack Frank and John. Cupon ties Charles and Alice. The smallest living being now on earth. Admission 10 cents. Open from 10 A. M. to 10 p. m; mh3-42. JjARRY WniLIAMS" ACADEMY-TO-NIGHT. Matinees Tuesdty, Thursday and Saturday. LILLY CLAYS'S COLOSSAL BURLESQUE COMPANY. mb3-19 AUCTION SALES. Law- offices CHARLES F. McKENNA, 148 Fifth avenue. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE LETTlCRS of administration cum testamento annexe? on the estate of the late Thomas E. Pollard,, of the city ot Pittsburg; deceased, baying beea granted to the undersigned, all parties In debted will make Immediate payment and those having claims will present the same duly Erobated without delay, at office and ware ouse, corner of Penn avenue and Eleventh,' street. Pittsburg. MRS. M. E. POLLARD, f e5-96-Tn Administratrix C. T. A. UCTION SALE OF DRUG 8TORE TO Quit Business. TO DRUGGISTS! Thet nndersltmed will offer for sale at nnblic anctlon his Drug Store, situate No. 1707 Carson street, Konthside.on SATURDAY, March 13, at 2P. M. This is tbe best known and oldest drug store on the Southslde, and in famishment and com pleteness of detail will compare with any In the) city. Fixtures, counters, prescription case, drawers, eta, solid walnut. Six show cases, two finest prescription scales, one marbled connter scale, one Fairbanks counter scale, safe, etc, etc The stock Is com plete in every detail, and an inspection of tho premises is cordially extended to intending; purchasers. This is a rare chance and one that does not often present itself. Sale absolute to highest bidder. Terms cash. CHARLESI SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street, Pittsburg; 8.' S., Pa. L. BLATTNEB, Auctioneer. mh5-5-5,7,9.U,13,15 A T AUCTION TUESDAY. MARCH 5, 19 J. A. x. Fine fnrnisbments of an elegant borne removed to the auction rooms. No. 311 Market st for convenience of sale. Elegant solid walnut chamber suit, full Tennessee) marble tops and French plate mirror, single wardrobe to matcb, with glass door, Turkish; coucb. brussels and ingrain carpets, fancy rockers, very fine parlor suit upholstered la silk and plusb, easy charts, square piano in. good condition, fine pictures, bric-a-brac orna ments, bedsteads, bureaus, wasbstands. book cases, library chairs and table, very elegant dining room sideboard and extension table in walnut with leather chairs to match, silver, glass and delf-ware. lanndryand kitchen furn isbments. fine hall rack, hanging and parlor and piano lamps, clocks, toilet ware, etc, etc,' etc Goods now on exhibition at room. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIU., mb3-114 Auctioneers. RESORTS. Atlantic City. THE ROYAL- ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Always open. Appointments first-class steam heat, sun galleries, etc fe22-30 W. H. REYNOLDS. -TTIOTHKRGILLHOTJSE. ATLANTIC CITY, JD N. J. Located near beacb. Perfect san itation. Steam heat. ELIZABETH HART LEY, Prop. f e2542-TTSSu ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.-HOTELS, Boarding houses, cottages, lots and-bath houses to let or lor sale by I. G. ADAMS & CO., Real Estato Agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N. J. fel4-6-D THE ELDREDGE, NO. IS SOUTH CARO LIN A avenue, within three minutes' wall: to depot or beacb. Large cheerful rooms, ex, ceUent table. Terms moderate MRS. E, J. ELDREDGE, Proprietress. feU-3-D THE WINDSOR ATLANTIC CITY. Unobstructed ocean view. Cuisine and appointments of the best. Dinner 1:30 and 6:30. G. WATERS. , W. E. COCHRAN.Chlef Clerk, mbl-rrssu ON THE BEACH. Atlantic Crrr, N. J.. HADDON HALL- fel6-54 ED WIN LIPPINCOTT. THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in tbe house. Elevator. fel&6D E. ROBERTS 4 SONR HOT SPRINGS, N. O. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. Firsf-clsss in every particular. Steam heat. Open Fires, Porches inclosed in glass. Superb Location, ideal Climate fer the debilitated. Baths In Marble Pools. Finest In America; Waters unexcelled anywhere in curative power or luxury. G. K. LANSING, (Late of Astor House. N. Y.) Manager. fel6-50-D OLD POINT COMFORT, VIRGINIA. HYCEIA HOTEL. 100 yards from Fort Monroe: open all tbe year, accommodates LOCO guests; admirable location; delightful climate; thrilling historic surround ings: Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric and HOT SEA baths, the latter especially benefl cial in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous Artillery SchoolBand.Glass-IncIosed verandas. Average temnerature for winter 48. Absolutely free from malaria. AU things considered, the most comforatable and delightful resort at which to spend tbe winter months in the United States. Send for descriptive pamphlet. no27-y40-Tursn F. N. PIKE. Manager. "I'LL MOVE INTO MY OM HOME" IN KNOXYILLE. . r We have yet a few of those beautiful homes Ajt 4T Allows First A very beautiful 5-room house, with natural gas, water, etc, for J20O cash and J19 33 per month. Second A lovely 4-room cottage, $200 cash and tlU 33 per month. Third A beautiful 3-room cottage, $200 cash; $15 33 per month. 91 Fourth We have also a number of other handsome properties on equally reasonable terms. 43Take Southslde cars to Twelfth street, and Mt. Oliver Incline, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. MOmLEmJMPROMMTCO. OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, mh3-TTSSa KNOXVJXLE BOROUGH. hamiltdFbuildinb. ' FOR RENT A FEW CHOICE OFFICES,, WITH VAULTS. Some Offices asLow as INQUIRE OF S. HAMILTON, First Floor. mh&8 TO LET. AN ELEGANT ROOM for general business purposes, with or without power, is now for rent in tbe new Dispatch building on Diamond street, above Smlthfleld. It Is 85 feet in length by 20 feet wide in front and 30 feet at rear. SPLENDIDLY LIGHTED FROM ALL FOUR SIDES. Arranged admirably for offices and workroom. Rent with power, electric light, steam heating, passenger and freight elevator service, verymoderate. Situation most central in Pittsburg. Apply between 11a.m. and 4 p.m. at NEW DISPATCH BUILDING, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street: CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE HT stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using ths Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, 63 East Diamond street, je5-n57-TT3 ABegheny.Pa. WAITEnJ.OSBOKNK. RICHARD BAKB0W3. BARROWS t OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 80 Diamond street. -Telephone No. &TJ se2-k5S-TT38u p A.BALFB, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, u sevenui avenue, , Pittsburg. Pa. Telpaose-1344. 5-b8MM 9. d 1 & '?fei ijfeif-. &MA .Z..&2 KSaBa - - v e s-" ' L j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers