Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 05, 1889, Page 11, Image 11

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v i
le gorgeous with flowerine shrubs, and
then, and not before, will all the possibili
ties for "prettiness" iu 'Washington be iully
apparent and appreciated.
"Within a few years the maisive features
the city will be much enhanced by the erec
tion ot other public buildings which are
now absolutely necessarv. An immense
building for the National Library is now
under way, opposite the east front of the
Capitol. At least half a dozen other large
public buildings are in contemplation.
The "flats" those former plague spots
which were the bugaboo of every Congress
man and visitor, are transformed. It is only
a question of time when they will take the
ehapeot oneot the loveliest parks of the
world, land dotted with little lakes, trees
and shrubbery and flowers on all sides, a
wilderness or loveliness on the banks of one
ot the loveliest rivers of the earth. And
not only that, but the banks of this -river
lor miles around the city will be confined
by sea wall of grauite. that the disintegra
tion of the soil may not waste the shore and
soil the waters.
In the near future the picturesque Talley
of Eock Creek will almost entirely be in
cluded in a grand national park of not less
than 2,000 acres. A bill for the purpose of
acquiring the land will almost undoubtedly
pass the next Congress.
Contrary to all expectations, a zoological
garden has been provided for the closing
luiurs of the sitting Congress, and, if the
President's veto does not interfere, steps will
be promptly taken to acquire 200 acres of
the Bock Creek Valley, a portion of the
future national park, construct lairs and
cages for animals and stock them with a
collection equal, if possible, to the now un
rivalled collections of Regent's Park and
the Thcirgarten in London and Berlin.
A grand boulevard from Arlington to
Mount Vernon is another consummation
certain to be enjoyed i cry soon. It will
pass through a country lovely in its view
and diversity of landscape, with the broad,
"winding Potomac in view nearly every steo
ot the distance. A drive alone: the upper
Potomac,oc the "conduit road," greatly im
proved and beautified, will be another of
the lovely suburban drives which will very
Shucking Oysters at Wharf.
soon become a feature of the city. Eight
miles from Georgetown is "Cabin John
Bridge," the greatest solid stone arch in the
world, spanning a deep, rocky ravine, and
carrying under its roadway the entire
water supply of the National Capital. Eight
miles farmer are the Great Falls of the Po
tomac, such a wild and fascinating place as
one would not think possible away from a
volcanic country. Down the river are in
numerable lovely spots, one of the most at
tractive being the old village of Occoco
quan, with its little river dashing down to
the Potomac among and over gigantic
Suburban hotel"; have already sprung up
at many of these places, but hairing scarcely
a suggestion of the splendid "road houses"
and river reports which will be erected as
the capital grows in population.
Of institutions which will have an im
measurable cflect upon the national intel
lectual and aesthetic development, a national
university, a national academy of fine arts,
and a national gallery of art, are certain to
come in the near future as a natural jesnlt
of a refinement of the popular mind and the
inclination of an ever increasing number of
citizens to cultivate something else than the
love of money. "When the first proposals
were made for the establishment of zoological
gardens, a tremendous row was kicked up
in Congress against the Government's going
into the "show business," but yesterday the
bill appropriating 5200,000 for "a collection
of monkeys" passed with scarcely a dis
sentme voice. This is encouraging.
Hitherto the members have been satisfied
with the stuffed animals aud birds of the
museum. Now they want the real live
animals. Most of the members are now'as
pleased with a chromo or a plaster cast as
with works of art in oil and marble. Alter
a litUe they will want the genuine article
in this as well as in monkeys, and -we shall
have a gallery of art winch shall be rich in
works of the gieatest modern artists, if it
be not possible to procure those ot other
days. E. W. L.
ratents Taken Oat by Ibe Bright Mindi in
This Sock of Wood.
"Washington, llarch 4. The following
is the last list of patents issued lrom the
United States Patent Office for the State of
Pennsylvania, furnished by Hilo D. Stevens
& Co., Solicitors of Patents and Claims,
Glover Building, Washington, D. C:
Kobcrtil. liccV, Chataberbburg, device for op
erating steam engine Indicators: James F JJlttle,
l.lttlcstown, folding chair; Alexander II. Bow
man, rackerton, and . P. Widdifield, Ux
brldge. Out., assignors to said AViddineld, and A.
T. Button. Lxbridpe. andfe. S. Fuller, btratford.
Canada, electric brake lor railway trains; Jacob
L. lirallier. assi-rnor to himself and"H . Campbell,
Jfliiludelplila. nectile fastener: "U illlain II. Buck
lev, Jr.. 1'MlailLlplila, carbare box or receiver;
Bi-ory F. Cox, Altoona, rail chair: Jtobert (irora
lucr, Philadelphia, combined Eplce caddy; Jobn
H. j aimer. a-iznor to J. H. Lo-an, 2c Brigh
ton. pa motor; (2) pluml-piston Ras motor: Stan
Kv t- C Currie, Philadelphia, assljoiorlo United
Uectrtc Improvement Company, (Gloucester City,
. J., electric circuit loupUr; Joha&. Dove. Jr.;
Philadelphia, typewriting machine; Abdiel W.
Elebelbcrcr, Iianocr, railway cattle Rnard;
J jhu Lu Envsan. Shlrlersburp, wire itrctcher;
diaries fe. Farrar, Duninore, automatic de
vice for dumping coal ears; Charles p. Eest,
alienor of oue-half to M U. 'loplls, Ucrman-
xovrn, air heating apparatus; Albert J.
bould. Pittsburg, t plash-board holder
lor bolts: Joseph J. HarreU, assignor to J. Il.l.o-
6111,11116. Brighton, gas motor; Slatthevr
!lrst,Phlladclphla, assignor to L. 1). Orecr, .New
"aorlc, hitching device: Itudolnh Hauler, Phila
delphia, current collecting device for electric
railways; Leslie D Jobes, trie, steam-fitting for
railway cars, Emanuel . Kitchen, Fariong.
tnthlng apparatus; Israel E. Eandls, Lancaster,
parementcurb: William O. Lentz,Uauch Chunk,
apparatus for clouting water: Illlain E. Lewis.
Corry. thermostat; David Alackle. Philadelphia,
machine for rubbing or dressing stone: fir
kin W. Alaxson, West Lenox. Vover-lasicner
for butter-tubs: William S. McM&HUs, Chester,
bail for tube-welding mandrels; Thomas Jtlldg
lav. assignor orone-half to J. E. Emerson, Iieaier
jails, wire belting, (2) manufacture of wire belt
ing, (i) hose or tubing. (4) hose or tubing, (o)
wire belting. (6) wire tubing. (7) wire belting, (8)
hose or tubing, (91 mauulacture or wire belting;
Simon B. Allnnlch, assignor to J. M. Greider,
Eandlsrille, broom-holder; Edward J. Moore,
Philadelphia, reed-water heater; James JO. A or
ris, WUkesbarre, car wheel: Owen Osborne, Phila
delphia, jnatlng stockings: Homer L. Phelps,
assignor of one-hilf to ,. 1). Miller, Athens, car
brake; Abram Beese, assignor to C. L.
itagee. K. Pltcalrn and C. M. "IteeT
Pittsburg, safety car stpTe; Henry. Roberts,
aselgnor pf one hair to (i. T.Oliver. Pittsburg,
protecting the interior of walls or mrnaces'; Cai
ln W. tdwiek, assignor of one-half to E. E.
Elliot. Callonsburr, scroll sawing machine: Oliver
U. sballenberger, Bochester.asslgnoc to Westing
house Electric Company, Pittsburg, alternate
current electric motor, (2) alternate-current
motor; Daniel H. fctreeper, Horristown, water
fllacharge regulsOorfor tcam radiators; Edmond
J.Snxden, Plttsborg, whiffle-tree or neck-yoke
lronr Eldrldge G. Van Pelt, Center Hall, seed
p'anter. (2) eedplanterand fertilizer-distributer;
1 rank hlte. Philadelphia, assignor to P. V.
Pratt, Boston. Mass., vacuum hook; George
"W hysalL Toledo. O., and J. A. Lambing, w 11
Unsbnrg, gas furnace for steam boilers.
A Silent Appeal for Help.
When your kidneys and bladder are Inactive
they are making a- silent appeal for help. Don't
disregard it, hut with Hostetter's auraiach.
Bitters safely Impel them to activity. They
are in Imminent dancer, aud it Ss f oolhardiness
to shut one's eyes to the fact. Be wise in
time, too, if you experience manifestations of
dyspepsia, malaria, rheumatism, constipation
or nerve trouble. The Bitters before a meal
adds zest to it.
Liter complaint cured free' at 1102 Car
lson st, Southside.
"' Colorado and California.
icugnuui climates within easy
'HOW. See Havmrinrl ivrnwreinn
advert ise-
' xtest in another column.
Of Presidenlal Inaugurations and
Some of the Historic Scenes.
In the
Days of Washington,
Jefferson and
Some Prcsidental inaugurations have
been more interesting than others, nor has
the method of procedure been in all cases
the same. The most notable of all was the
first inauguration of "Washington, at Uew
York on April 30, 1879, hut so much lias
been written about it of late in connection
with the coming centennial observance that
the occasion requires brief notice here, Con
gress had designated March 4 as the day,but
the inclement weather and state of the roads
prevented that body from assembling and
putting the new government iu action until
the date mentioned. "Washington left Mount
Vernon on the lGth of April, and after a tri
umphal procession through, the States
reached Sew York on the 24th and was in
augurated on the 30th in the Federal Hall
in the presence of a vast multitude of spec
tators. The second notable inauguration occurred
on March 4, 1797, in the hall of the House
of Kepresentatives at Philadelphia. John
Adams had been chosen President to suc
ceed Washington. The hall was crowded
to its utmost Capacity, and when Adams en
tered without ceremony, Washington, who
was seated in the center of the company,
arose and extended his hand in the midst of
an impressive silence. Adams in a letter
to his wife wrote thus: "A solemn scene it
was, indeed; and it was made more affecting
to me by the presence of the general, whose
countenance was as serene and unclouded
as the day. He seemed to enjoy a triumph
over me. Methought I heard' him say,
'Aye, I am fairly out, and you are fairly in.
See which otus will be the happiest' Chief
Justice Ellsworth administered the oath
with great energy. All agreed that, taken
altogether, it was the sublimest thing ever
exhibited in America." After the recep
tion, Washington entered his carriage and
set out for Mount Vernon, only too happy
to tie rid ol the cares of omcial liie.
The inauguration of Thomas Jefferson,
March 4, 1801, was a notable affair, since it
ushered in a new dyuasty and a new era
the Republican dynasty and the days of
Jcflersonian simplicity. Iu the election ot
1800 the federal party had been routed, and
the Republican pjrty had won. The city
was lull of strangers, we are told, drawn
thither to witness the famous tie-contest in
the House of Representatives between Jef
ferson and Burr, who had received equal
numbers of votes in the Electoral College.
John Adams, the defeated candidate, took
bis defeat hardly, and did not wait to induct
his antagonist into office.
All through the night, to use the words'of
Mr. Parton: "He had been preparing for
that precipitate flight from the capital
which gave the last humiliation to his
rnrty. He had not the couftesy to stay in
Washington for a few hours and give the
eclat of his presence to the inauguration of
his successor. Tradition repeats that he
ordered his carriage to be at the door of the
White House at midnight, and we know
that before dawn of March 4 he had left
Washington forever." There were other
Presidents who followed thirungracious ex
ample. "Of the ceremonies at Washington,"
says another writer, "the records, of the
time give us the most irre2gre accounts.
Boswell, the father df interviewers, had no
leprcscntatives in America then, and jour
nalism was content to print little more than
the inaugural address.
The accidental presence of an English
traveler affords us the only account of the
manner of Jefferson's approach to the Capi
tol that morning. He had no establishment
in Washington; Jack Epps, his son-in-law,
was completing somewhere in Virginia a
purchase for a coach and horses price 1,
600 with which the President-elect honed
to contend triumphantly with the yellow
mud in Washington. But as neither" coach
nor horse had arrived he went to the Capitol
in his usual way. "His dress," as our
traveler, John Davis, tells us, "was of
plain cloth and he rode on horseback to the
Capitol without a single cuard or even a
servant in his train, dismounted without as
sistance, and bitched the bridle of his horse
to the palisades." The historian Hildreth
gives still another account indeed, the de
scriptions of this third inauguration varv
so much as greatly to discredit the value of
cotemporary history.
Hildreth says: "Escorted by a body of
military and a procession of citizens he pro
ceeded to the Capitol, where the Senate had
met in special session in obedience to a call
issued by Adams some weeks before, Burr,
already sworn in as Vice President, gave up
the chair to Jefferson, taking a seat at his
right band. Un bis left band sat Chief
Justice Marshall, ready to administer the
oath of office. The chamber was well filled,
a large number of members of the late
House being present, to which body Jeffer
son just before it adjourned had sent a no
tice of his intended public inauguration.
But the absence of the late Speaker as well
as of the late President did not fail to ex
cite remark." Neither of these writers
seems to have consulted Baynor's "Life of
Jefferson" published in 1882,'under the au
thority of the family. In this book appears
an authoritative account of the affair by an
eye witness which flatly contradicts the ac-,
counts given above. Says this witness:
"The sun shone bright on that morning.
The Senate had convened. Those members
of the Republican party who remained at
the seat of government, the Judges of the
Supreme Court, some citizens and gentry
from the neighboring country, and about a
dozen ladies made up the assembly in the
Senate chamber who were collected to wit
ness the inauguration. Mr. Jefferson had
not yet arrived. He was seen walking from
his lodgings, which were not far distant, at
tended by five or six gentlemen who were
his fellow-lodgers. Soon afterward he en
tered, accompanied by a committee of the
Senate, and bowing to the Senate, who arose
to receive him, he approached a table on
which the Bible lay, and took the oath,
which was administered to him by the Chief
Justice. He was their conducted by the
President of the Senate to his chair,
which stood on a platform raised some steps
above the floor. After a pause of a moment
or two he arose and delivered that beautifdl
inaugural address which has since become
so popular and celebrated, with a clear dis
tinct voice, in a firm and modest manner.
On leaving the chair he was surrounded by
friends, who pressed forward with eager
congratulations, and some, though not
many, of the more magnanimous of his op-1
ponents, most of whom, however, silently
left .the chamber. The new President
walked home with two or three of the gen
tlemen who lodged in the same house. At
dinner he took his accustomed place at the
bottom of the table, his new station not
eliciting from his Democratic friends any
new attention or courtesy."
At Jefferson's second inauguration. March
4, 1805, was held the first inauguration ball
of which we have any account, although
the President does not seem to have at
tended. The inauguration of James Madison on
Saturday, March 4, 1809, departed widely
from the' simplicity of the two next pre
ceding occasions. .Madison had been Secre
tary of State under Jefferson, and. his late
associates of the Cabinet accompanied him
to the Capitol. At 1CK30 A.xa procession
of citizens headed by the volunteer troops
of the District, marched to thp President
elect's house, where it was joined by the l
latter anil ats friends; the whole body then,
at 1130, proceeded to the Capitol and en
tered the hall of the House of Representa
tives at noon. Jefferson was there awaiting"
them, and with him a brilliant concourse
members of both Houses, the Supreme
Court, the diplomatic corps and many other
spectators. In their presence Madison trjrtk
the oath of office and was then escorted
back to his residence, where, with Mrs.
Madison, he received the congratulations of
his lellow citizens. Mr. Osle Taylor, in his
"Reminiscences." savs that Parke Custis
us3 relate that in returning from the
ceremony at tne uapitoi on jiurscunuis. ue
met ex-President Jefferson mounted and en
tirely unattended, aud that they rode down
Pennsjlvania avenue together. There was
a grand ball in the evening, attended by the
President, the ex-President and 400 guests.
James Monroe also reached the White
House by way of the Cabinet, having served
as Secretary of State. At his inauguration,
Tuesday, March 4, 1817, the exercises were
slightly varied; no military display was
seen, but instead a cavalcade of citizens at
tended the carriage in which rode the Presi
dent and Vice President-elect. The party
reached the Capitol at noon, and at the same
time the outgoing President and his Cabi
net entered. A procession was formed at
once and moved to the east portico, where
Monroe delivered his inaugural address to
an audience of 10,000 people. He tbok the
oath amid salvos of artillery and the shouts
of the people, and was escorted back to his
awelling, where, with Mrs. Monroe, he held
a reception, Mr. and Mrs. Madison at the
same time receiving at the White House.
A grand ball in the evening at Davis's
Hotel closed the ceremonies.
John Quincy Adams also came to the
Presidency in the regular line of succession
as Secretary of State. He had been elected
by the House after an exciting struggle,
and the city was full of visitors, who had
been attracted by the contest Friday,
March 4, 1825, is remembered as the most
beautiful day of the season. On this occa
sion the Marshal of the District of Colum
bia first appeared as leading the procession,
which was composed of both military and
citizens. It met the President-elect at his
residence on F street, nearly opposite the
present Ebbitt House, and escorted him to
the Capitol, where he was introduced to the
assembled Congress by President Monroe,
and there read his inaugural and took the
oath. On the conclusion of the ceremonies
he was escorted back to his residence, the
usual reception following. Ex-President
Monroe also returned to the White House
and received, and in the evening there was
a ball at Carusi's Assembly Rooms.
The next inauguration was on March 4,
1829, that idol of the people and antipathy
of Henry Clay Andrew Jackson. Jackson
left the Hermitage, in Tennessee, about
January 15, sailed down the Cumberland by
steamer to the Ohio, and up that stream to
Piltsburg. He arrived in Washington on
February 1G, and was escorted to the In
dian Queen Hotel, the present:National,
where he remained until the day of his in
auguration, which came on Wednesday. It
was a warm, balmy day, and the city was
crowded with strangers, among whom the
common people predominated. A vast
company escorted the President-elect to the
capitol, where the usual ceremonies were
observed, marked, however, by the absence
of President Adams, who, like his father,
refused to attend. Jackson, breaking upon
established custom, went at once to the
White House and held a crowded reception.
The affair has been thus described: "A
profusion of refreshments had been pro
vided, orange punch by barrels full made,
but as the waiters opened the door to bring
it out a rush would be made, the glasses
broken, pails of liquor upset, and the most
painful confusion prevailed. To such a de
gree was this carried that wine and ice
cream could not be brought out to the ladies,
and tubs of punch were taken out of the
lower story window into the garden to head
off the crowd from the room. On such an
occasion it was extremely difficult to pre
serve order, but it was mortifying to see
men with boots heavy with mud standing
on the damask-covered chairs and tramping
around the room." Ex-President Adams
retired to a house on Meridian- Hill which
he had rented from Commodore Porter, and
in which he continued to reside for several
months. The second inauguration of Jack
son, Monday, March 4. 1833. was marked
"by far less ceremony. The President en
tered me nail at noon, renewed tne oath,
made a short address, and returned to the
White House.
Of the inauguration of Martin Van Buren,
K. P. Willis, who was present, has given
this account: "The procession, consisting of
the Presidents and their official families,
escorted by a small volunteer corps, arrived
soon after 12; the General and Mrs. Van
Buren were in the constitutional phaeton,
drawn by four grays, and as it entered the
gate they both rode uncovered. Descending
lrom the carriage at the foot of the steps, a
passage was made for them through the
dense crowd, and the tall, white head of the
old chieitain, still uncovered, went steadily
on through the agitated mass, marked by
its peculiarity from all around it The
crowd of diplomats and Senators in the rear
of the colonnade made way and the ex
President and Mr. Van Buren advanced
with uncovered heads. A murmur of feel
ing rose up from the moving mass below,
and the infirm old man, emerging from a
sick chamber, which his physicians thought
it impossible he could leave, bowed to the
people and, still uncovered in the cold air,
took his seat beneath the portal. Mr. Van
Buren then advanced, and, with a voice re
markably distinct and 'With great dignity,
read his address to the people. The air was
elastic and the day still, and it is sup'posed
that 20,000 people heard him from the ele
vated position distinctly." In the evening
there was a ball at Carusi's, attended by
both Presidents.
William Henry Harrison, Mr. Thurlow
Weed tells us in his "Reminiscences," was
a feeble, broken down man at the time ot
his election. "He was far advanced in
years, and the usual infirmities of age
were aggravated by the privations and suf
ferings of an arduous course of life during
his Ion? service in the field. The journey
from bis home onthe banks of the Ohio to
Washington, amid the rigors of a severe
winter, bore heavily upon him; and when
he reached the seat ot government, about
the middle of February, he had the appear
ance of a confirmed invalid. He reached
there in a driving snowstorm. A large num
ber of citizens met him at the depot, and he
walked in procession with his head uncov
ered, down the avenue to Gadsby's Hotel,
exposed to the falling snow, in the most im
prudent manner.
"The state ot his health was not improved
in the interval between the time of his ar
rival and his inauguration. The ceremonies
on that occasion (Thursday, March 4, 1841)
were uncommonly elaborate and fatiguing,
and he became s6 exhausted that on his ar
rival at the Capitol he was taken into the
Vice President's room, aud had his temples
bathed in brandy preparatory to taking the
oath of office. The weather was inclement
and boisterous, and a cold northeast wind
blowing with much force. He stood on the
eastern front of the Capitol in delivering
his inaugural address, and his infirm con
dition was the subject of sorrowful remark
of those who were near enough to observe
his weakness and prostration."
The President-elect on this occasion rode
to the Capitol on horseback, escorted by the
District .Militia and Philadelphia Grays.
Van Buren, whose party had been defeated
in the election of General Harrison, .fol
lowed ungracious precedents and took no
part in the ceremonies. After deliverinc
bis address, Harrison retired to the White L
xiouse anu neiu a reception. He also ap
peared at several balls in the evening
eiven by the triumphant Whies. A month
later President Harrison lay 'dead in the
White House. Congress was not sitting.
Vice President Tyler was at his eeat lii
Williamsburg, Va. Iu this emergency the
members of the Cabinet, headed by Daniel
Webster, then. Secretary of State, took
charge of the Government and sent an ex
press to President Tyler, who arrived on
the 6th, and the same day quietly took the
oath before Judge Cranch, of the District
The election of James K. Polk in 1844
marked the return of the Democracy to
power The Presidentelect arrived in this
eity February 13, 1845, and rode to the
National,Hotel, where he spent the time in
conference witlt party leaders and in giving
receptions to citizens until Tuesday, March
4. The weather on this day was wet and
lowering, nevertheless there was o grand
procession, headed by Marshal John M,
Calla, with President Tyler and Mr. Polk
together in an open carriage. After the
usual ceremouies at the Capitol the Presi
dent returned by a circuitous route to
the White House. Ex-President Tyler left
Washington on the 11th for his home in
Virginia. ,
JSZachary Taylor, the popular military
hero, was inaugurated on Monday, March 5,
1849. He reached this citv on the 23d of
February, aud was escorted by a large and
enthusiastic company to Willard's Hotel.
On the 27th he paid a formal visit of cour
tesy to President Polk, and was entertained
at dinner. On the 28th he was received by
the citizens of Georgetown, and attended a
reception given in his honor by Speaker
Winthrop, and on the 1st of March was
given a reception at the White House. The
5th dawned wet and unpromising, yet the
procession to the Capitol is described as one
of the most brilliant and imposing that had
ever been witnessed here. It was led by
Hon. Richard Wallace, later Mayor of the
city. '
The President-elect rode in the historic
phaeton, which was drawn by four handsome
grays, iu company with Speaker Winthrop
and the Mayor of Washington. The pro
cession halted at Irving's Hotel, and was
joined by President Polk, who had left the
White House on Sunday, March 4, lestjan
friendly critas should say he had held on to
his great office after the constitutional limit
had expired. The outgoing and incoming
Presidents entered the Senate chamber arm-in-arm,
and the latter proceeded to the east
portico, where the usual ceremonies were
observed. President Tavlor then returned
to the White JSouse. and ex-President Polk
to Irving's Hotel, and in the evening took
boat for Richmond.
Three balls were held that evening, the
principal one in a temporary building on
Judiciary Square, where, it is said, tallow
from the impromptu chandeliers feel on the
dress coats of the gentlemen and the un
adorned shoulders of the ladies, to the great
discomfiture of both. The President at
tended all three. Taylor died July 9, 1850,
and Vice President Fillmore quietly took
the oath of office before Judge Cranch, of
the District Court, attended by the members
of the late Cabinet and a committee of the
two Houses of Congress. "President Fill
more," says 3enton, in his '.Thirty Years'
View," "without delivering any inaugural
address, bowed and retired, and the cere
mony was at an end."
No social festivities attended the inaugu
ration of Franklin Pierce on Friday, March
4, 1853, as the President-elect had 'recently
lost a favorite child in a railway accident.
James Buchanan, who succeeded Pierce,
left Wheatlands, his country home, in Lan
caster, Pa., at 8 a. M. on February 25, and
reached this city at 5 p. m. the same day,
and was escorted to the National Hotel. His
inauguration on Wednesday, March 4, 1857,
was notable for the fine mifitary display un
der General Quitman, there being 24 mili
tary organizations in line, seven political
clubs and the. fire department of the Dis
Abraham Lincoln arrived here at 650 on
the morning of the 23d of February, 18G1,
and was met at the station by the Hon. E.
B. Washburne, of Illinois, and conveyed
in a close carriage to Willard's Hotel,
where Senator Seward was waiting to re
ceive him. His inauguration on the 4th of
March following was notable in several re
spects. It marked the triumph of.a new
party, and it was the first time in our his
tory that it was deemed necessary to employ
military to defend the person ot the Presi-dent-elect.
The carriage in which he rode with Presi
dent Buchanan was escorted by marshals
and mounted dragoons, detailed from the
regular army, in ranks so deep that a hos
tile shot could with difficulty have pene
trated the Column. Before the platform on
the portico where he was to stand in deliver
ing his inaugural, a high fence had been
erected, and an inclosed avenue ot boards
was built from the place where he would
alight to the portico. The occasion was also
marked by the largest and most imposing
procession which the city had yet seen.
Scarcely a month alter his second inaugura
tion Lincoln fell by the assassin's bullet,
and the next morning, April 15, 18G5, at 10
o'clock, amid the mourning of a nation,
Andrew Johnson, the Vice President, took
the oath of office before Chief Justice Chase
and in the presence of the members of the
late Cabinet.
The inauguration of Ulysses S. Grant, on
Thursday, March 4, 1869, was marked by
some peculiar features. He was General of
the army at the time, and at 10:50 a. m.
came out of array headquarters at the cor
ner of Seventeenth and F streets, accom
panied only by General Rawlings, entered
a private carriage, which was joined by an
other containing Vice President Colfax and
Admiral Bailey, and turned into Pennsyl
vania avenue.
There a grand and imposing military ar
ray, under General Alexander S. Webb,
was in waiting, and escorted him to the
Capitol.wherp the usual oeremoniei were ob
served. The President and Vice President
then returned to the White House, but
General Grant did not take up his residence
there until -March 18,t on which day ex
President Johnson retired to his home in
Greenville, Tenn. Geneial Grant's second
inauguration, on Monday, March 4, 1873,
was notable as occurring on the coldest day
of an exceptionally cold winter.
Rutherford B. .Hayes was inaugurated on
Mondav, March 5, 1877, with grand civic
and military display, but at the request of
the President no inaugural ball was held in
the eveuing.
No unusual ceremonies marked "the in
auguration of President Garfield on the 4th
of March, 1881, and on his untimely death
hi September of the same year Vice Presi
dent Arthur assumed the Chief Magistracy
as quietly as his predecessors, Johnson,
Fillmore and Tyler,bad done in like mourn
ful circumstances.
The inauguration of Grover Cleveland on
March 4, 1885,,signalized the return of the
Democracy to ' power, and was celebrated
with great spirit, the procession and mili
tary display being larger and more impos
ing' than any that had preceded it
Notes of Occurrences nt the TIppccanoo
Innngnralion of 1841.
Gexeral Hakeison was presented with a
fatted calf by Mr. Isaac Newton.
Genebai. WrtiiAM Henky Haekison ar
rived In Washington February 28.
No accident of any kind occurred during the
inauguration, although great crowds were
present '
Tse Inaugural parade was a grand affair.
President Harrison rode-in a magnificent white
carriage. '
The Senate Inaugural Committee consisted
of Senators 'WiHiam H. Preston, Richard H.
Bayard and A. 8. White.
The inaugural address of President Harrison
was carried to Baltimore in X hour and 15
minutes, and to Jfew. York in 10 hours and 28
minutes the shortest time on record.
William L. Beent was chief marshal of the
parade, with William B. Mapruder, John A.
Blake, Walter Lpnox. Noblo Young, Thomas
Brairden and William P. Elliott as marshals.
A Walking cane made from apart of the
coach of General Washington, richly mounted
and bearing an appropriate Inscription, was
presented to the President Dy Bishop Meade, of
In- tho name of the Whlcs of the Monumental
City, Mr. Lee, of Baltimore, presented a mag
nificent coach. It was built In Baltimore, and
was a splendid specimen of American work
manship, j
The Whig editors celebrated the inaugural
of their favorite by a grand dinner on March 6.
Many of, tho leading Whig editors of the coun
try were resent,and the affair was one of great
brilliancy. '
Peesident Habrisox's Cabinet was com
posed as follows: Daniel Webster, of Massa-
chusetts. Secretary of State; Thomas Ewinr;,of
Ohio, Secretary of the Treasury : John Boll, of
Tennessee, Secretary of War; George E. Bad
ger, of North Carolina, Secretary of the Navyj
John 3. Crittenden, of Kentucky, Attorney
General: Francis Granger, of New York, Post
master General.
Complete List of Pennsylvania Post
masters and Mistresses,
Of Office, and Are Liable, During the Next
Fonr Tears, to Be '
"WASHmaTOir, March 4. President Har
rison, having assumed the duties of his
office, he will have an opportunity of dis
pensing a large amount of patronage. In
cluded in this patronage are the coveted
positions of postmasters. In Pennsylvania
alone there are oyer 160 of these positions in
the gilt of the President. For the benefit of
Pennsylvanians who aspire to a postoflice,
is given the following list, compiled from
the books of the Postoffice Department,
showing the present incumbent of each
office, the date of the expiration of the com
mission, and the salary attached:
Allegheny John Swan, vice J, A. Mjler sus
pended under section 17CS of the Revised Stat
utes of the United States; term expired April
8, 1890;salary,S3,ltO.
Allentown G. T. Gross, vice Robert Ledell,
whose commission had expired; term expires
"January 20, 1890; salary. 52,700.
Altoona T. B. Patton, just reappointed: sal
ary, $2,600.
Ashland Wm. Schmier, vice W. H. Lieb,
reaienpd: term expires February 10, 1890; sal
ary. S1.G0O.
Athens B. O. Baird, reappointed; term ex
pires March 29. 1890; salary, $1,500.
Bangor R. 8. Watmcr; term expires Febru
ary 10, 1SS0: salary, $L200.
Barnhart's Mills P. A. Rattigan; term ex
pires August 10. 1892, salary. $1,600.
Beaver D. M. Donohoo, vice Mary Imbrie,
resigned; term expires December 20, 1891; sal
ary, $1,200. .
weaver raus vv. xi urun, nnss appoimeu;
salary, $Z200.
Bedrord G. A. Rusk; term expires February
26, 1891; saUry. $1,000.
Bellefonte J. H- Dobbins, vice J. J. John'on,
whose commission expired; term expires Feb
ruary 10, 1800; salary. $2,000.
Berwick R. S. Bowman, held over from the
last administration; salary, $1,400.
Bethlehem G. L. Harman, vice 0."W. Lich
enback, whose commission expired; term ex
pires February 10, 1890: salary. $Z300-
BlairsviUe Isabella Campbell, vice Eliza
beth Alter, whose commission had exnlred;
term expires April 2, 1890; salary, $1,-100.
Bloomsburc G. A. Clark, vice.D. A. Buck
ley, who was suspended under section l.TCS of
Revised Statutes of the'United Btates; term ex
pires February SJS91; salary, S1.800.
BIossburK E. H. Mosber, office having be
come Presidental: term expires February C,
1S91; salary, $1,100.
Braddock Daniel McCarthy, vice W. A. Mo
Cleary, whose commission had expired; term
expires JanuarylO, 1890; salary, $1,600.
Bradford U. B. Whitehead, vice W. F. De
Oaher, whose commission had expired; torm
expires May 8, 1890; salary. $2,600.
BristoIJaines Drury, vice A. D. Baker,
whose commission expired; term expires Feb
ruary 10, 1890; salary, $1,800
urookviiie u xi. niraice, vice u A. weaver,
who was suspended; term expires April 2S,
1890; salary, $1,600.
Brownsville J. H. Patton, vice J. N. Snow
den, whose commission had expired; term ex
pires May 18, 1890; salary, $UO0.
Brvn Mawr H. W. Barrett, office became
Presidental; term expires July 28, 1S90; salary,
Batter L. M. Eastman, vice Sallio A. Rob
inson, whose commission bad expired; term
expires May 10, 1892; salary. $1,900.
Cannonsburg George Perritte, vice Jane
Marlin, deceased; term expires December 21,
1891; salary, $1,200.
Canton Augusta Owens, vice, A. M. Ayres.
resigned: term expires February 10,1890; salary,
Carbondale Joseph Powderly, vice E. R.
Davis, whose commission had expired; term
expires March 9, 1890; salary, $1,800
Carlisle H.K. Piffer, vice J." W. Ogilby,
whose commission had expired; term expires
February 24, 1892; salary $2,200.
Catasauqua W. H. Bartbelomew, term ex
pires March 8, 1891; salary, $1,500:
Chambersburg James Sweuey, vice E. W.
Curridan, who was suspended under the pro
Vision of section 1078, Revised Statutes of the
United States; term expires Januarys, 1891;
salary, J2.S00.
Chester H. G. Ashmead. vice J. A Wallace,
suspended nnder section 1768 of Revised Stat
utes of the United States; term expires April
28. 1890; salary, $2,500.
Clarion M. M. Kaufman; term expires
March 3, 1891; salary, $1,600,
Clearfield A B. Weaver, vice S. J. Ross,
whose commission expired; term expires Janu
ary 6, 1891; salary, $1,700.
Coatesville 0. M. Williams; term expires
February 10, 1890: salary, $1,800.
Columbia C. F. Young, vice Henry Mullens,
whose commission had expired; term expires
May 18, 1S90; salary, $2,000.
Connellsville J. A McBeth.-vice H. Porter,
deceased; term expires March X, 1890; salary.
$1,700. "
Conshohockcn Henry O'Brien, vice C. H.
Brooks, removed; term expires December 21,
iwi; salary, ai.ow. . $
Corry Maxwell Cameron, vice L. H. Button,
removed; term expires August 22, 1892; salary,
Coudersport Edward H. Stebbln; term ex
pires February 28, 1891; salary, $1,200.
CurwensviUe Ii J. Thompson, vice Edmund
Goodwin, whose commission had: expired; term
expires February 28, 1891; salary, $1,200.
Danville Charles Chalfant, vice C. W. Eek--man,
resigned; term expires February 16. 1890:
salary, $2,300.
Downlngtown William McFarian,vice R. D.
Wells, whoso commission expired; term expires
Fehruary 10, 1890; salary, $1,300.
Doylestovm J. G. Randall, vtceT. P. Miller,
whose commission expired; term expires Jan
uary 20. 1S90: salary, $1,700.
Da Bois J.P.Taj lor, vice J. E. Dale, resigned:
term expires February 10, 1890; salary, $1,700,
Dunmore P. J. Daggan; term expires No
vember 19, 1892; salary, $1,100.
Easton J. W. Wilson, office became Presi
dental: term expires December 21. lS91t salary.
$2,600. .
Ebensburg James G. Hasson, vice Edmund
James, who was suspended under section 176S
ot Revised Statutes of the United States; term
expires April 28, 1690; salary, $1,200.
Edlnborough J. C. Wilson, office became
Presidental; term expires December 21,1891:
salary, $1,100.
Eldred C. Y. White, office became Presi
dental: term expires May 15, 1892, salary, $1,100.
Emlenton H. A. Hamilton, held over from
the last admmistntion; salary, $1,200.
Emporium J. M. Judd; term expires March
1,1890; salary, $1,200.
Ephrata Jeremiah Mohlen, 'office became
Presidental; term expires January 16, 1892;
salary, $1,100.
Ene H. C. Shannon, held over; term ex
pires March 27, 18S9: salary. W.00O.
.EiVereii aimon estates, vice w,. H. whlsel,
whose commission hid expired; term expires
April 27, 1892; salary, $1,100.
KrankliuI. E, Adams, vice D. D. Grant,
whose commission had expired; term expires
March 81, 1892; salary $2,200.
Freeland William F. Boyle; office became
Presidental; term expires May 15, 1892; salary
$1,000. . '
Freeport" William Furlong, vice J. H. Doug
lass, whose commission had expired; term ex
pires January 10..1S90: salary $l,ieO.
Gettysburg H. E. Bennett., vice J. W.
Krouth, whose commission expired; term ex
pires February 10, 1890; salary 51,700.
Greencastle John Goetz, vico H. E. Prather,
resigned; term expires December 21, 1891; salary
GreenBburg W. C. Low; term expiresMarch
1,1890; salary $2,000.
Greenville b.. K. Reiss; term expires March
8, 1891; salary $1,800.
Grove City D. M. Morrow;" office became
Presidental: term expires December 21, 1891:
salary $1,000. ..
Hanover William Heltzel; term expires
March L, 1890, salary $1,000. " " .
Harrisburg U. F. Mjers, vice M. W. Mc
Alarney, whose commission had expired; term
expires January 5, 1892: salary, $3,100.
Hawley P. J. Langan, vice George Ammer
man,.whose commission had expired; term ex
pires Aprina 1890; salary, $1,009, .
Hazleton J. B. Hutchison, vice James
James, whose commission expired; term ex
pires February 10, 1890; salary, $2,300.
Hollidaysburg O. A. Traugh,. vice John
Iingsfelt, whose commission bad expired; term
expires February 9, 1892: salary, $1,600.
Homestead-CtiarIes Schmitt, office having
become Presidental; term expires December 21.
1891 ; salary, $1,400. . "".
Hunesdafe-j-E. H.CUrk,vice W. H. Kranttre
sisrned; tend, expires March. SO, 1S92; salary,
Hontzdale G. W. Dickey, 'vice Theodore
Van Dusen, resigned; term expires December
31. 1891; salary, $1,600.
Hummelstown H. W. Baser, offlre having
become Presidental; term expires January 111
1892; salary, 81,200.
Huntingdon S. P. Fleming, vice Margaret
A. Lyhurst, whose commission expired; term
expires February 23, lb91: salary. $2,800.
Indiana Fannie W. Nixon, vieeA. T. Moor
head, whose Commission bad expired; term ex
pires December 21, 1891; salary, $1,600.
Irwin c. A, Ganr, vice S. D. Iutfe?, sus
pended under section 1763 of the Revised; Sta
tutes -of the United States; term. expires. Janu
arys, 1891: salary, $1,600. .
Jersey Shore-O. H. Pott, vice 3". E. Potter,
resigned; term expires December 21, 1891;
salary, $1,300.
Johnstown Hiram Baumer, vice G. T.
Swank, whose commission had expired; term
expires Jnly 28, 1S90: salarv. 82,500.
Kane O. G. Kelts, offlco having become
presidental; term expires February 3, 1891;
salary, $1,500.
Kennetc Square J. C. Walton, vice H. B.
Dolo. whose commission expired; term expires
October 1, 1890: salarv. $1,400.
Kingston Henry Vanscojv vice J. N. Pettl
bone, whose commission had expired; term ex
pires March 29, 1890; salary, $1,400.
Kittauning Alexander Groff, vico E. A.
Brodbead, suspended under section 1763 Ro
vised Statutes of the United States; term ex
pires January 5, 1891; alary, $700.
Lancaster H. E, Slaymaker, vice J. R. Mar
shall, suspended under section 1768 of Revised
Statutes of the United States: term expires
April 23, 1890; silary. 32,800,
Landsdalc H. E. Jenkins, office having be
come Presidental; term expires December 2L
1891; salary, $1,100. N
Latrobe J. A. Showalter, held over; term
expires April 2, 1889; salary, $1,600.
Lebanon William M. Breslin, vice C A. Car
mary, who was suspended under section 1763,
Revised Statutes of the United States; term
expires February 3, 1891; salary, 82,400.
Leechbiin; w. B. Jncn: term expires Au
gust 10, 1892: salary, $1,000.
Lehignton J. P. Smith, office having become
Presidental; term expires January 16, 1892;
salary. $1,200.
Lowisburg W. D. Hlmmelriech. vice A. L.
Shelter, whose commission, had expired; term
expires December 21, 1891; salary $1,800.
Lewistown L. M. Uttley, vice R. W. Patton,
whose commission had expired; term expires
April 10, 1892; salary, $1,709.
Lititz J. Ii. Bamberger, term expires April
10, 1892, salary, $1,100.
Lock Haven R. I. Flemming. vie Jesse
Merrill, whose commission expired; term ex
pires October 24, 1S92; salary, S2.200.
McKeesport J. B. Shole, vice S. E. Carotter.
whoso commission had expired; term expires
February 10, 1890; salarv, $2,300.
Mahoney City Maurice Litech, vice J. L.
Brlcker, whose commission expired; term, ex
pires February 10, 1890; salary, $1,800. t
Mansfield N. A Elliott, vice M. L. Clark,
whoso commission had expired; term expires
April 6. 1890; salary. SL400.
Marietta John Cruil, vice G. H. Elta. who
was suspended under section 1768 of the Re
vised Statutes of the United States; term ex
pires April 28, 1890: salary, $1,400.
Mauch Chunk G. D. Cartright; Jr. held
over from the last administration; salary.81,800.
Meadville-E. W. McArthur, vice W. H.
Reisinger. whose commission bad expired;
term expires April 6, 1S90; salary, $2,600.
Mechantcsburg Alexander Wentz, vice Miss
Catharine Singer, whose commission expired;
term expires February 10, 1890; salary, 81,700.
Media J. C. "Henderson, vice Mrs. M. Will
iamson, wbose commission expired; term ex
pires January o, ifcui: salary. lsuu.
Mercer J. S. McKean, vice A. B. Felson,
whose commission expired; term expires April
6, 1890; salary. $1,600.
Myersdale M. A. Rutter, held over from
the last administration; term expired Febru
ary 25, 18s9; salary $1,100.
Jliddletown E. R. Wiestling reappointed;
term expires February 11, 1893, salary $1,600.
Miffiinburg C. A.Eaton, office became
Presidental; term expires December 27, 1891;
salary $1,400.
Mifflintown C. B. Crawford, office became
Presidental; term expires May 15, 1892; salary
Millersbnrg D. W. Neagiey, vice Robert
Fuch, whose commission expired; term ex
pires January 5, 1891; salary $1,200.
Milton A S. Hottenstun, vice J. A Logan,
who-e commission expired; term expires July
26, lb90; salary $1,800.
Minersville Office became Presidental Janu
ary 1, 1889; no appointment: salary $1,090.
MoriOngahela City J. H. Moore, vice C. C.
A Hazzard resigned; term expires February
10, 1890: salary $1,400.
Montrose J. R, Raynsfortl, held over; term
expires April 2, 18S9: salary 81.600.
Mount Carmel J. W. Brozlev, vice Ann
Ayers resigned; term expires April 6. 1890; 1sal
ary$M00. Mount Joy J. W. Schrite, vice W.C. F. Reed
whose commission had expired; term expires
April 0, 1892: salary, $1,200.
Mount Pleasant John McAdams: term ex
pires December 21, 1891: salary, SL600.
Muncy P. M. Trumlower vice G. L. L Paint
er whose commission expired; term expires
October 8, 1892; salary, $1,400.
Nanticoke F. P. Crotzer, vice J. H. James
resigneu; term expires a eornary 10, 1890; salary,
New Brighton W. S. Bradon; term expires
March 1, 1890; salary, 81,700.
New Castle William Gordon; term expires
April L 1889; salary, $2,400.
Newport-J. a Lelby, vice J. P. Clark, whose
commission expired; term expires January 5.
1892; salary. SLS00.
Newtown F. H. Bryan, vice J. S. Bryan re
signed; term expires February 11, 1893; salary.
Newville J. M. Woodbum: office havrno-Tin.-
como Presidental; term expires March 18. 1892: J
salarv. S1.1PO. . 1
Norristown George Schall, vice Robert Ire
dell, whose commission expired; term expires
January 20. 1890; salary, $2,400.
North East Lucy M. Horton, vice A A Da
vis, resigned: term expires December 21.1890:
salary, $1,400.
Northumberland J. C. Forsyth: office be
came Presidental; term expires February 3.
1891: salary, $1,000. .
Oil City A. J. Greenfield, vice Lid Bishop,
whose commission expired; term expires Janu
ary 20, 1890: salary. $2,400.
Osceola Mills Jacob Ritzman; term expires
November 19, 1892; salary, $1,100.
Oxford F. G. Anderson, vice Miss M. R.
Thompson, whose commission expired; term
expires August 10, 1892; salary, 81.400.
Parker's Landing Patrick Bracken: office
having become Presidental; term expires Janu
ary 16, 1892: salary. 1,000. .
Philadelphia W. L. Harrity. vico H. S.
Hnidekoper. suspended; term expires May 25.
1S90; salary, $6,000.
Phillipsburg A. B. Herd, vice John Gow
land, whose commission expired; term ex
pires May 15, 1892: salary, $l,80a
PhoenixvilleJohu Haveland. vice J. R. Dob
son, whose commission expired; term expires
January 4U, aow. Baiury, i,wv.
Pittsburg J. B. Larkin, vice W. H. McCleary.
resumed; term expires January 20, 1890; salary.
PittstonS. B. Bennett, vice J. B. Shiffer.
whose commission expired: term expires Feb
ruary 26, 1891; salary. $2;300.
Plymouth AF.Hltchler, term expires April
20TlS91;salary. $1,800.
Port Allegany W. J. Davis, office became
presidental; term expires April 16, 1892; salary,
Pottstown M. S. Langahes, vice Alex Mals
berger, whose commission expired; term ex
pires January 20, 1890; salary, $2,300.
Pottsvllle J. H. Mardy, vice Elizabeth H.
SlUyman, wbose commission expired: term ex
pires Jnlv 26. 1890: salary. SZ500.
Punxsutawney H. B. Hasting: office having
become Presidental: term, expires 1S92; sat
ary $1 500. '
Reading Calvin Goodman, vice G. K. Whll
ser, whose commission expired; term expires
May 18, 1890; salary. $3,100.
Reuovo Frank Harvey, vice Newton Wells,
suspended; term expires April 28, 1890; salary,
Revnoldsville W. C. Schultzer, vice W. E.
Reynolds, resitned; term expires February 10.
Ridgewaj H. G. Messenger, vice J. H.
Hagerty, resigned; term expires October Mi.
1892; salary $1,600.
Rochester W. H Black, vice W. Graham,
whosoeommisslon had expired; term expires
February 23, 1892: salary $1,500.
Roger's Ford J. S. Morey, Jr.; term expires
March 19, 1892; salary, $L1(X5.
St. Mary's Ignatius Garner, vice Charles
McKeen. whoso commission had expired; term
expires r uuruury o, jo?i; onmi 9 $i,iuu.
' Saltsburg Francis Laird; term expires
March 19, 1892; salary $1,003.
Sandy Lake W. T. McBurney, office became
Presidental; term expires August 10, 1892; sal
ary, SL100.
Sayre Sidney Hayden, office having become
Presidental; term expires January 16, 1S92;
salary. $1,200. ' '
Scottdale J. P. Owens, vice E. C. Fuller,
whosj commission expired; term expires
August3, 1890; salary, $1,500.
Scranton D. W. Connolly, term expires
January 20, 1890; salarv, $3,100.
Selin's Grove G. R. Hendrich, holdover
from the last administration: salary. $1,100.
Sewlckley C. 1 Cooper, vice A. W. Woods,
who was suspended nnder the provision of sec
tion 1768 of Revised SUtutes of the United
States; term expires January 5, 1891; salary.
81,400. ""
Shamokin W. A Sterling, vice a. T. Gilger,
whose commission expired; term expires April
6, 1892; salary, $2,200. p
Sharon J. J. Stitt, vice Michael Carroll, re
signed; term expires March 20, 1892; salary,
i arm "
Sharpsburg Cornelius Casv; office became
Presidental; term expires July 28, 1890: salary,
SherlSndoah J. C. Seltzer, vice Amos
Wooley, wbose commission expired: term ex
pires Jan nary 21, 1891; salary, $2,200.
Sharpsville W. W Kitch; office having"be
come Presidental; term expires December 2L
1891; salary. S1.100.
. Shippensburs J. A C. McCune, vice John
Gisb, whose commission expired: term expires
May 18, 1890; salary, $1,500. V
Slatington David Luu, vice L. C. Smith,
wbose commission expired; term expires June
10. 1890; salary. $1,100.
Smithport Charles Wilson, vice M. A.
Sprague, resigned; term expires May 10, 1892;
salary, $1,100. ' ' '
Somerset J. K. Coffroth, vice A C. Davis,
resigned; term expires January 20, 1890; salary.
South Bethlehem J. P. Ryan, vide L. (X
Peysert, whose commission expired; term ex
pires January 18, 1891; salary, 8L800. '
South Oil City Josephine Doty; office be
came Presidental; term expires Februarys.
1891; salary, $1,200. v euruaryo,
Steelton Christian Hess, vice "W. H. H.
Liege, removed; term expires April 10, 1S92;
salary, $1,700.
Stroudsburg Darius Dieher, vice W. D.
Welton, whoso commission expired; term ex
pires March j, 1890: salary, $1,700. V ' '
Banbury J. E. Eichholtz, vice Jacob Rohr-
back, whose commission expired; term expires
February 10, 1890; Salary. $1,800. '
Susquehanna J. McKluney, vice J. W.
Jones, whose commission expired; term expires
February 10, 1890- salary. $1,600.'
Tamaqua J, A. Sebilbe, vice MaryB. Mc
Grigan, whose commission exnlred; term ex
pires October 24 1892; salary,' 81,500.
Tarentum J. P. Loach: office became Presi
dental; term expires February 3, 1891; salary,
Titusyllle W.N. Allen, vice J. O. Cogswell,
whose commission expired; term expires March
1, 1830; salary. S2.50O.
Towanda E. A. Parsons, vide J. P. Keeny,
suspended; term expires April 23. 1S90; salary,
Troy A. K. Llnderman; term expires March
1, 1S90: salary 81,40a
Tunkhannock F. H. Piatt, vice H. D. Bard
well, resigned; term expires February 10, 1820;
salary, $1,400.
Tyrone City P. A. Reed, vice F. M. Bell, re
signed; term expires January 20, 1890; salary,
SI 900.
Union City H. T. Church, vice W. o. Black,
whose commission expired; term expires April
10,1890; salary $1,500.
Unlontown M. D. Baker, vice A- J. Sturgis.
resigned; tend expires February 10, 1890; sal
arv 81.900.
Warren Isaac S. Alden. held over from last
administration; salary, S2,."W).
Washington James Brady, vice J. S. Stook
lng, suspended under the provisions of section
1768 of Revised Statutes of the United States;
term expires January 5. 1891; salary. $2,200.
Watsontown Mary V. bhay, held over from
the last administration; term expired February
9, 1SS9; salary, 31.300.
Waynesborough J. P. Lowell, vico George
Middouse, whose commission expired; term
expires March 12. 1890; salary, 51,800.
waynesburg J. S. Jennlng. vice Joseph
Crook, whosa commission expired; term expires
Aucust3, 1890; salary, 8L5GU,
Wellsborouch Lewis Donrnonx, vice Susan
B. Hart, whose commission expired, term
expires JuH 26, 1890: salary. $1,500.
Westchester X A. Pyle, vice Ezra Evans,
deceased: term expires February 3, 1891; sal
ary, 82,400.
West Grove J. H. Turner, vice Joseph Pyle,
If you have a house for sale, you can sell it much
quicker if you have us paper it. If you rent houses,
they will "bring you more and rent more easily .if
viXiXiiA3i tbeskle, sianageb.
Both Cheap and Fine Decoration.
Entire Stock Must be Closed Out by
April I, Regardless of Cost. -
Library, Hall, Vase, JPiano and Banquet Lamps. Iinner, Tea
Toilet Sets. Vases, Bric-a-Brac, Mich Cut and Pressed Glassware. 4
ID.T.A"S"iL,Q:R, &s CO.
Opposite Smitlifleld street. 947 LIBERTY STREET. .
.. ie26.70
All, the Novelties in Millinery,
flew Ciiantilly Laces and Flounces.
New Lace Curtains awl Bed Sets.
New Portieres, 20 Different Styles.
New Infants' CloaKs, Short and Long.
100 Styles Beaded Spring Wraps.
50 Styles Ladies' and Children's Jackets.
40 Styles Fine Stockinette Jackets.
New Jane Hading Veilings, 45 Cents up.
New Spring Lines of Handkerchiefs.
Newest Styles Dress Trimmings.
New Styles Neckwear and Ruchings.
New Upholstery Fringes and Art Materials.
High Novelties in Oxidized and Platqd Hairpins, Breastpins, Bon
bon Boxes, Vinaigrettes, Fobs, etc.
360 dozen fine quality full regular made Balbriggan Hose, 12 jc per '
pair, worm 20c. 240 dozen lull regular .Ladies rancy Hose, i2C'per "t
worth 20c.
50 dozen Genuine
worth 40c per pair.
50 dozen Ladies' Black Silk Hose, 50c, worth 75c per pair.
A grand assortment of NEW EMBROIDERIES, and full line of
WHITE GOODS, of our own importation, at money-saving prices.
300 dozen extra fine White Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 10c,
worth 20c.
510, 512. 514 MARKET
W, H, TH0MP50N & CO,
New Goods ! New Prices ! New Stock iM
We are now ready to supply every
as low as the lowest for cash or credit.
ments are
within the reach of alL
Furniture, Carpets, Curtains!
8ue8nsware,Woodenware Stoves, Lamps, &c.i
In fact we have anything you need
household. All we ask is for you
W. H. Thompson, formerly manaeer for W. H. Keech. also rrVar.r J
,ana manager.ot tne rlenry Auction
mxnseu, ana win De pieasea to meet.any ot nis old- mends.
resigned: term expires February 10, 1890; Ml
arr, L.axi. . at
White Haven Alvin Arnold, vice Richard.
Henback, wbose commission expired; terra ex.
pires February 2L 1891: salary, $1,100. i
Wtlkesbarre Mary E. P. Bogert, vice A. 8.
Orr. suspended: term expires December ,28,
1891: salary, $2,800.
Wilkinsbursr David Maxwell, office havlmt
become Presidental; term expires January 187
1892; salary. 51,200,
WJlllamsport W. F. Logan, vice I. J. Bor
rows, whose commission had expired; term ez-
tl York J. B. Small, vice James KeIl,whosVJ
commission uaa exrtrrea; term expires Aiarcap
xosi BUJ try. cjias.
Pnnnwintntlta XT.ni,. TTI now. U
Tldloute W. R. Dawson, vice J. C Long?
whose commission- expired; term expires Jan
uary 20, 1890; salary. $1,400.
A stubborn . fact Salyation Oil, the
great pain-annihilator, relieve's quickly.
23 cents.
B. &-B. .
It will pay to come to Allegheny to shop.
Visit our lace and heavy curtain depart
ment, cloak and suit departments and the
biegest dress goods department in either city.
All new spring goods. 1
Boas &EUITL, Allegheny.
401 SmllhOeld Street, cor. Fourth Arena.
Capital, 5100,000. Surplus, 533,000.
Deposits of $1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. tts
Traveling 'Wraps spring styles now
ready. ' Connemaras, fn plain cloths, black
and colors, as well as plaids, $8 50. $10, and
515. Bogcs & Buhl, Allgeheny.
517 "W"oodi
S"tn?eel3. fe6Vn9
." Y,,"
Onyx, warranted fast black, "Ladies' Hose,'25c,
want of your household at prices
Our terms of easy weekly Dav-S' -.
Come and see our stock of ti
JL "
and everything you want for the '
to call and inspect our stock and
Company, has branched out' for?' ,