Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 05, 1889, Image 1
SIS'?. - tsm& f ; SIXTBM""MGESr - , ,ri- -' s-. '-. , k fc- W '! &Jt !?.!. NsVi-WMst J ftSfrfeSR.i-: - r- -T. fundi -i;-m r , ; lJz&b.' -,.a-.,t rORTYrPOinRTH YEAR 1 . 'v ""'ft 5ft . , ... i..-..i. !' t XrltlHih .. UJNX'a . . r- mrm1 lvsuiih - m -fr&4 .: - - v i; iMraiu '? n ; - -... . ' 1 U U U t Ll u 111 Li lilAv it- - M .K tJBVIpc J?jB'Br'Jafk4 Usss-- tlB4, " fe- '' -;v m-- w i at -i?i. . . i T - .r... , -: r - . i L, U , - ' . . uta n " - sPF MM -ISi The Will of the People Consum mated -by-His Induction ' Into the Office . . HIGHEST IN THEIR -..GIFT. Only the Ceaseless Bain Inter feres "With the Na tional Show. THE"SOLEMN OATH TAKEN fta- the Presence of as Large a Crowd asTfter Witnessed a Similar Scene. THE AIR FILLED; WITH MUSIC And the Cheers of theThousanis Who'faad Waited Long in-the Rain for That-sight. GRAPHIC ACCOUKT OF A GREAT DAY :va :. M taie Continued Wet Went her Send Cp Ilic 1'rice of Covered Scats A Quarter mil lion People Line the Streets to See All Tber Cnn Comicalities of the Occasion Prcsident-Elect Colls nt the While IIocsc and From There l Accompanied to the CifpUol'br tiicJ'OJiJsping Presi dent The Solemn Ceremonies Attending the Transfer of the" Reins of Govern ment. Benjamin Harrison, oft Indian shortly after noon yesterday, was sworn in as Presi dent, and Iicvi P. ilorton, of Xew York, as Vice President of theCuited States. The usual ceremonies 'were observed. Snch crowds nerer before witnessed na iuangura tion. The rain, which fell almost without cessation, was the only thing that occurred 'to prevent a perfect .success of the affair. v jfc..tTBOJIJL SriTT COJUtrSrOJTDEXTj ":- VVASHIKGTOS,----X3rch'''4f--Gtenerji Greely is an army man, and his politics are not generally known,.bnt there is a feel ing that he must be a "Democrat, and that he has been perpetrating a great joke in constantly assuring the public of fair weather to-day. He is known to be a great friend of Cleveland, and if he has any in fluence with the weather it will be charged to that account. At C o'clock in the morning it was drizzling, just as it has been doing ever tince.last Wednesday. It rained in a leisurely, complacent way, as though with out any effort The first act of everybody was to go to the windows and look out. All felt a common sensation of surprise. It had rained so long that everyone took it for granted that it must be clear to-day, but there was no mistaking what was before the people's eyes a leaden sky, with heavy clouds chasing overhead, a leaden shait piercing the leaden clouds where the snow-white shaft to Washington's memory used to X Arrival at the White Souse. stand, and in ths distance a curving leaden band'where used to roll the white Potomac Over-Vllfell a slanting sheet of chilling rain. r The Air Filled With Music It was certain to be a cold, nasty day for Harrison as well as for Cleveland. The very air of "Washington , was so fall of music that it may be said tbat,the people breathed melody with the air as men breathe sulphur at the .boiling springs. It was an interesting meteorologi cal study to see how such a vast thing as the atmosphere became charged with notes andldemi-notes and quavers. First the air was assailed with the shrill, quick notes and blows of a fife and drum corps, and then the music of a quartet of cornets widened the breach and helped form a foundation for that tidal wave oi harmony that began with .the strong flood of Cappa's, and'followed and swelled by the tumultuous clashing and vociferation of a dozen march ing brass orchestras from Philadelphia and Baltimore By 7 o'clock in the mornine the Capital of the United States was liter ally saturated with music as for four days it had been drenched with rain. M&L. Mnsic Dominates Everywhere. Music ascended to the heavens from every corner of the town. It invaded the alleyways, it searched the public buildings, it permeated the Tiotels, it dominated the. atmosphere: It took on' every form except nun. possibly iheininstf el and Salvation' army farm of tambQurines and triangles.' The rer bifsfbandsih'the United Staes verelU allocs. The very worst bands that man eyer heard Tree accomplices. - , - At that early b.ouc.in the morning -there were men and women idle enough to Kid time to study fheliftle traits of the enor. mous massing orpeople which distinguished the occasion, for it wis an enormous assem blage. .The fact, that the grand programme fizzled out completely docs not conflict-nih the other tact thatlhere irever "was such a crowd in -Washington as it compassed to dayv . ' . ' To be more explicit, no city, compara tively speaking, ever entertained in this country a body of men and. women likejhii who doubled.the population of the capUaU Washingtbu's residents number 21tfW( yet to-day sheltered 400j000 souls. STo'stof these strangers, who were in the. hotels and! "boarding houses, were awakened "by Ihe music in the air. Nine-tenths ot thenywuld not resist rolling out of jaed andf look ing out of the window. Itiwas interesting to observe the different manner in which the two sexes performed-thirhoraage to their curiosity. The platoons ot men marching by spied them on every handaijd. guyed them with mocking cheers and appropriate sallies of wit. Although the women' are supposed' to have more curiosity than the men, it was noticed thaVeaclfone of'them caught "the edges of the lace wind'ow curtains close to gether, and then passed her head out be tween the two curtains. They made very, pretty pictures, all along the street, partly, because so many of them were pretty, audi more because they werereadfully anxious not to beTsecn theniselvcs, and yet' wanted to be witnesses of everything that was going on. ' , A Little BUt in iho Clouds. At about 7:30 o'clock there began a most welcome lull n 'the long five days' stretch of bad weather. It actually stopped' rain injj. There were thin spots in" the sky, through, which the sun appeared to be, struggling. The wind- freshened up .from the northeast, to be sure,- but' with -.only-strength- -enough to lift the dripping, sodden flags and pennants, so that they took on a semblance of gafety, and snapped and waved and seem to be drying themselves; For iwo hours this phase of the .weatiier, was kept up and the house-ridden people swarmed in the streets. So hopeful is humanity-that it may be safely wagcredTthat nine-tenths of all the' strangers' felt their faith in General Greely revived, and actually believed that -the new President was, going to break- the Harrison raniily rccora and get into the Whitc.Rouse wjtEa dry skin. In that two Hour! the people had a taste of what theV Imight .have enjoyed had this lull in the storm continued the restt of the day. While music weighted the air the surface oi the earth itself became as gay with cdlors'jis the bunting-laden house front. t . A. Wunderfal Stndy In Color. Fot'once-it seamed-as Ihough men"md- wun tne women in aispiayingvariea coiors. in' tnelr raiment. jBoldiersln blue, recl'ano I white, in blue, remand gold "and black, and' wth. waving plumes ana.gleaming. .epau lettes and swords, treaded $heir,way along the streets past. the open-eyecblaughinfr women. with their man v colored dresses, and. ,m it":- M yhrcirlhnia .s.- j,s,--- . . this city, where they brave a custom, even in midwinter, of adorning their already brilliant persons with radiant big bouquets. Then there werered-shirted firemen, and red-coated bands, sweeping through the streets like fires upon a prairie; political clubs with red, white and blue umbrellas, and clubs all in white overcoats and tan colored gloves and white tiles, with flags at shoulder arms. A Lovely Bnckcronnd. Up among the flag-decorated balconies rented out to sightseers, the pretty girls and well-dressed matrons of each of the 42 States looked down upon these pictures un conscious of their own picturesqueness. They saw much more than we have de scribed, much more than there is room to tell of. They saw cavalrymen and artil lerymen with their yellow and red plumes, clattering over the asphalt pavement upon fiery war horses. They saw lumbering trains of cannon and ammunition wagons thundering through the streets. Had cow boys dashed round the corners at the immi nent peril of pedestrians, and all the gor geous military bands of the country. STEEET SCENES. The Ceaseless Drizzle Sends the Prices of Seats Up n- Notch or Two A Quarter Million People la Great Discomfort. There were about 40,000 souls in various military and political organizations, includ ing the Grand Army, and had it' not "been for the Harrison hoodoo thevjrould have formed and the rest would have enjoyed a wonderful procession, one to be forever famous in the annals of our country. But it was a false hope that lured so many per sons here and that sent so many out ot doors in this lull in the storm. The hoodoo that pursued the formation of the Cabinet and made the new President's life a burden had entered into the weather with malicious purpose; and was not to be exorcised. At 9)60 o'clock it began to rain again. It did not rain in its former leisurely way. It rained spitefully. It came driving and pelting down, slanted by the raw wind. It was the kind of rain that force its way into everytBne it touches the kind that you feel in your bones. Washington's Wretchedness. My, how wretched Washington became jn half an hour. The great sprawling stands that had been erected along Pennsyl vania avenue-had seeming inviting vantage points, but now they became mere troughs to catch the rain. Some of them were filled b; the people who had bought their high priced seats, and some remained almos't Standing Jtoom for Sale. ; -. V.' v n ff'-M" 1 -AV 1 i 1. ' ; .- ; S.-. '..1 ,1. t Wtt-JW 11 f-t unriP.f.M w'; -h? UA W' ,JI l..fc il it empty, but .whether full or empty they were depressing as.seen in the rain. The storekeepers' who had been offering seats in their wtritibws at 60 cent-; and 51 sawjthe opportunifyfforde'd by the storm, ahd'raisea their priceS i& 56 a seat. There; were two 'or three of, the largest stands that were roood--bver. These' -were packed ass sheep arenoaded-into freight cars. Although' more than two hours' were to pass before "" rweiAiori'ia "fon&oici Kp-rg -nrere all in tneir tilaees brau O'clOfiK." They stood three or'fou'rlines.deep on either" side of the avenue; and' filled the stands and windows andiemporary scaffolding, waiting patiently in the soaking rain rather than' lose their places Jjyxoming'latc. How the Time Was Pat In. Thus more than 'a quarter of a million of men, women and children spent more than half the daylight'hours of to-day. The ma jority kept stillj. either standing up along the curbs or sitting down in the seats they had hired. The minority elbowed and fought their way -from point to point, and kept moving. Thousands of them seemed simply to walk from one liquor store to an other, counteracting their outside drenching with, liquid sustenance, and growing more and more tipsy and noisy as the hours went bv. Altogether, sober or drunk," ncn or women, they formed the most miserable, unhappy, sorry-looking multitude that any one has seen perhaps in our time. The im mense army of peddlers that -had been straggling into town for several days was out in full force. They did their best to amuse the dripping masses. The greatest number sold medals and badges, and it was the. fashion for them to cover the front of their coats with their own wares until they seemed to silver-plate themselves. Some Other Cntchpcnnles. Others peddled flags, flag canes, Harrison .canes, pictures of the new White House -heroes, sandwiches, toy log cabins and spinning wheelB, patriotio handkerchiefs, fruit, and half a dozen sorts of what were called official programmes. One' peddler seemed to afford vast amusement by simply repeating the simple phrase, "Everything goes, such a day as this." Among the 10,000,000 curious Incidents of the sidewalk was thist There was & band of Johnny' O'Brien's heelers cheering for Harrison; in the roadway, on a corner, stood a tremendous iellow-as tall as any one In town, and with ' a" front 'like ahull.- He t f.- . - n ! II w iHBPts JTTJ 1Ht iff ni i vj s fwflWBi r in CM msiP -llmy. m' -- WlT $s&-fti- jfhXmmmm if f p-iAi7tt ?fyy, .iHBr; y)'m:rr.iit( . .. Jm ..... . i ' a-e" '- - ? .at j , .v .,.' i . .7'i': dSS ' H!.bZ, ;tV-'8 ," 'i Inanguratlonf Stsena inj bawled out withthe voice of a ""fog horn, "Three ,cheersfqr Grqver. CJev.4a.nd, by thunderl" Ono. of the- shivering and saturated men; near by .saidt; '"Y?u had, better look out; .you will get your head brokeirif you "dotbat sort of thing."- Tbe Democratio'enthnsfastttfrned'and looked at hls-iudvisdri-andl'&en'.roared'ont his ch&rs for Cleveland" eiceV again. Then-he turned to the man 'W$"ad'warned him' and said; '"Maybe 'Iwill J&atfis' won-tbe anybody built lilre-y6ft."'Hfii"'wAicfj'ind fierc3 looking thh't ijfis'iaoib'UnilTCthe any pife would -have" mtk ilSli' -tip CUUCUimU, -r., rf4i1r). ... .. MAKING HIST0BY. - , 4 . i.iinv Kil .J ' tt .,, Yf - vt.iirt . kit . President-Elect tlnrrlson Gocs'to tiioTTTalto Houso to DleettieKctiflnc President The CleTcl'anuijlld'Good-1 u or u. Their. Bervnnts. ., k , x' .i-jiln iri' j-' While Oij crowiaLs(-(Iwe?a,,J5t.anding; Iik.e. drown.ng rjits .all'awaghe.ayonue of;mag3 nificent distiicp.jtjTO-reat'rQenlupon.whoau. the mecital attentfaHK of. -the civilized worl was fastened- WeW erea'ting ft- 'nSiy paVd of history. Qrovert,CIeveiahdH;6nld,v-'h'ave Had no doubt that he.wastULPresident, for he' Tfas kept tlj hjadesk UBtiL nearly .4 oJcIqcI "k-BwrniogatSe'h'ilia, thwCoS gress" 'had kept, pouring into, the White House. He wenl- to-be"d just before, day light. He got up and .dressed at 9 ia the morning. Hp is. prouahly.the.onlyjcorptt lent man of his time whose system does not demand .a great, deal of sleep. His never did. In Albany he used to do just what he did last night, and then turn up" as fresh as a daisy, just as he did this morning. He. breakfasted with his, wife and Mrs. Folsom, and laid out his plans, for the rest ot the morning, basing them on the suppo sition that his successor would'come to start with him for the inauguration ceremony at 11 A. jr., as both had agreed. Mr. Harrison In- a Hm-rr. Whether Mr. Harrison was in an uncom mon hurry to be made President or not, he breakfasted at an earlier hour than his custom and starte'd for Willard's as soon as J'resldent Harrison Taking: the Oath in possible. His carriage, which contained himself, Vice Presidentelect Morton, Mrs. McKee and a baby or two, was the leading one of a procession of 12 coupes. ills the custom for the outgoing and in coming Presldentsto meet in rooms 12 and 13 in the Willard House, thence to go to gether and be ushered in And out of the Presidency. The impatient Presidentelect waited in these two rooms full ot his very numerous relatives, and then started for the White House with Mr. "Morton, to see what was the matter "with President Cleveland. Even after all this he got to the White House half an'hour before he was expected, and the White.Honse family, not knowing what to do with him, took him into the Bine Boom and left- him there with Mr. Morton. Cleveland's Goodby to the White House. Mr. Cleveland busied himself saying goodby to all the attaches and servants of the White House. There is no need to say that this was" an impressive 'ceremony, for he is a "good-natured, kindly man, and bad lived withthese people four years. When he found it, was 11 o'clock'he started for ihe Capitol with "his. guests. Mrs. Cleveland J -jJi ; tffEmsm rrir.hmMaH -I' i 'ill Jint'i r rT tFtttt m t - ?? s r if fM r . mt J - 1 : t- Ftm I 1 1 m MHIlawsl ' -j . nliitlTlflff m rmivSWK m, P-'' ' '-' - MIFWs-, aefSm."- : ift T- r IVHIltlltl'UF.irt-FJHSBSHBBSJ . ti mini iiuriwia' H'lESKHMM D ' 'rrio I ias.ii i ii mi m i i IHHaT ls .-&.$: r $-& 5 "Vij Prpatrof tb.6 -.Capitol; xiw her-husbandoff from one of the upper windows tn Alii White House, 'waving her hands tj.him as he looked.up at hr befoie he stepped' Into the' carriage: sSe"wore a directoiro eoTrn ofbrown. silk. Her .face 1 was radiant wiiti imilcs, w u uiie ner nusuana ana nis successor were VJ th?ir way through the rain-drenched streets, Mrk.Clev4.and todkher turn mak n.her fareweHs with the household Teti tjle: 'The servants assembled together down bS'the prigSte entrance at the east end of Hie'mansjoii, .Many of them were so affect ea by 'the "" pathetic, ceremony- that tears "Welled from their eyes', Mrs. Polsom joined -$& faitfur.altendants. , . Adding-fnol to a Ite'd-E(ot Fire. .resident Harrison'B nervonspess, caused by the insistence of tho people in comparing bJ)pjti';ith,Jiis ill-fated;;grandather, must ULve.been- (edai a fire s with fuel-bytibe. (act t&atVSjis 4th of. ilarch,,.was 'proving so, extraordinarily like the most monteutousih otMarohin hisgrandfather'i Grover Leavea the White House. lifetime. He must have .thought, as so many thousands of others have done to-day,' of the misfortune that has come upon the couniry because of the obstinacy of those hair-splitting constitutional lawyers in the Presence of a Mighty Multitude. Congress who have retarded the plan for shifting inauguration day lo April SO. It was on April 30 that George Wash ington, took the first oath ever administered in that highest office known to men. The plan has been to make that the day here after, but it. has been killed in this session for the time being. The latter days of April are. tho loveliest in this city of all its lovely springtime, when that particular period is almost as fair as June time in New" York. 1 A. MOMENTOUS H0UB. Both Presidents Under the Shelter of the Capitol Golnc Back on Father Time Some of the Scenes In the Senate Chamber. President Cleveland went, straight to the; President's room, where he examined and signed three appropriation bills. Mr. Ben jamin Harrison became th6 guest of Levi P. Morton, in the Vice President's room, and while there, 'foirtified hlmselffor the trying ordeal he was to pass through by draining a stiff-glass of whisky.. Thus, the 'two great men, were occupied. v. r-rr . - ' I t The reigning ill-luck which -is called Harrison's hoodoo seemed to extend itself to everything even remotely con nected with the inauguration cere monies. The people who had passed to the -Capitol were everywhere -met with tired, wet'and petulant understrappers who buffeted them about and sent them trotting front one entrance to another until tne'very populace grew cross and pugna cious. The House of Bepresenlatives, got itself into a tantrum over what it thought' was the slight offered by the Senate in not keep ing the passage ways between the two Houses free from crowds. Discontent la the Senate Chamber. The; Scnate,.in whose chamber the pre liminary ceremonies were performed, man aged to pass the day amiably, but there was the very dickens to pay in its calleries. In the press gallery, for instance, rich and sel fish pleasnreseekers were allowed to crowd out working- journalists; in the diplomatio gallery the retainers of the new administra tion filled nearly all the seats in short, the grave and reverend seigneurs, were' sur rounded by overcrowded and discontented spectators whoso enjoyment of the day was ruined almost as soon as it Began. Tfoe Senatrwa-i11 cssion rith nllthe members on "one side of the chamber packed two' behind1, each desk. "Among thenf were distinguished guests aud'frienclj like John A. J. Cresswcll, Prof, idngley, of the Smithsonian, "William Windom,'"of the new Cabinet, and old Hannibal Hamlin, the only living ex-Vice Presidents President Ingalls was in the chair Tho Personification of Neatness and of a self-satisfaction that made.it im possible for him" to comprehend how greatly he had mismanaged the unfortunate affair of the unfortunate Senator from Virginia the night before. Though he sat there at one end of the aisle, and old Doorkeeper Bassett,,whom. .Daniel Webster appointed as a page, stood at the other end, nothing formal was done between 10 o'clock and the very near neighborhood of noon.- Slowly the galleries filled with interesting people, and men of distinction loitered in upon the main floor, nodded at their friends, and sat down. William Pitt Kellogg was one of these, and General Scofield, in all the glory of a blazing yellow sash, came to represent the army of which he is the practical head, and to show distinguished politeness to the spare, erect, almost eagle faced old gentleman by his side, in whom the multitude recognized the familiar form and features of Tecumseh Sherman. 'Turning Back the Hands oflbe Clock. 'While everybody was disenssing -the toilets and. appearance of the White-House party, old -Doorkeeper-Bassett, looking for all the world like" Father Time, with his long white beard and his white silken hair, reached up with a long pole like a magnified broomstick, and turned back the hands of the clock, as he .has done every four years for more than a generation of time. It was 11:55, and he put the' clock back to 11:45. Still the members of the House kept stragglfng, among them Eeed, of Maine, who sat with his great bald head against a blazing panel of gold, so that the combina tion looked like a sunbursf. Samuel J.. Kandall was another notable. His illness has left -its 'traces in his face, once rotund and full of color, now sharpand sallow',,pnt this very resolt'is not deplorable, as it brings to the eye more clearly than ever, the mag nificent shape of his head, i Some one spoke truly who said of the great Democrat that if he should die and be buried near Borne those who dug him up would say he-must have been a Consul. r Some Other .Striking Figures. Another striking figure that would Tt need to wait, till he died was- Peter Paul Mabouy. He carried his: overcoat' on one arm, precisely like a toga. General Charlie Grosvenor, known as a rattling stump speaker in Ohio, furnished amusement by breaking down his chair, and, disappearing between the Senate desks. Springer, of Illinois, whom the ladies of Washington declare to'be the nicest man in the House, L wore a white rose boutonnier. It was pre cisely the size of the only tuft of hair he has left an the top of his brow. It and the tuft of hair were each precisely of the size of a -dollar. Then came in tho. Apollo Belvedere, Gibson, of Maryland,- and Mr. Breckinridge, af Kentucky, bravely bear ing thp dignity of an ancient lineage, and Father Time turned back the hands of the clock once more. , 0LDTIMEES0NHAND. Hannibal Hamlin and Other Aged States 'men Warmly' Greeted Sherman -Doesn't Speak to BlalneInter- estlng Scenes In tho senate. Mr. Hamlin was the first man, of the day to win applause, from the galleries. He en joys the distinction of being better known than any other old-timer in Washington. A handsome, curly-haired old gentleman on one of the back seats, who was 'entire ly unnoticed by the galleries, entered the Senate at the same time with Mr. Ham lin in 1848. He was General George W. Jones, of Iowa. Bland and beaming Sub sidy Pomeroy, of Kansas, sat beside him, and hack of 'him, on a settee, was the handsome, silver-haired Commissioner Webb, who failed of con firmation in spite of Biddleberger's un fortunate efforts, and went out of office with the President who appointed him. An Extremely Odd Gronp. New Hampshire was more numerously and oddly represented than any other State. By the side of William E. Chandier sat Mr. Cheney, a- slender gentleman ,in goggles and close-cut whiskers, who was once Senator for three months.' On his left sat the venerable Governor Mars ton,, whojlooks like Hannibal Hamlin; and is to succeed Mr. Chandler, also for' a three months'' -term; beginning to-day. Philan thropist' Blair had Mr. Marston under his wing. The four sat in a row; and attracted much attention. The.most distinguished guest the Senate could have had ' in this country' was he who sauntered in and ' received a , sot" very demonstrative ''patter of applause., ""tie, moment" ''his fcce was seen h'ei'was2j7ai,es G. Blaine. He carried' a shiny "beaver, hat fh his hand, and wore a. blue beaver,, oyercoat buttoned, to his chin. i . AsTonng osa-Spring Chicken. He walked with- the'' elastic steD of a .young man, and could not Help .calling fo BindthebpastghlstendSijithanaa was never in better condition. Yet it must be said that his .face -did not bear (his out. He did'not Iook.like''a -well man. His complexion was not that of a man in prime condition. There were great' pouches under his eyes, and deep lines marked his face. He sat down close to the east wall of ihe'ehamber, but not for a longer time than it took -Eugene Hale to, go to him and escort him to a seat among the desks between his own and Senator Stewart's, -Mr. Blaine passed in front of Senator Edmunds and Senator Sherman. They did not seem to see him, however. Even when William NVindom, the successor of John Sherman in the Treasury Department, who was talking to that great man, inter rupted himself to greet Mr. Blaine, John Sherman still seemed oblivious of Blaine's presence. Almost at the same time a slender young man, with wavy black hair and a black mustache, hobbled into the diplomatic gal lery on crutches. It was Walker Blaine, the next First Assistant Secretary of State. The present occupant of that, post, Mr. George L. Bives, sat on the first bench in the same gallery. He is a handsome young blonde, a New York lawyer and a cousin of Amelie Bives. Nobody In the Koyal Box. In the next compartment of the gal lery, which is called the bor of ' royal family, a long pew was left untenanted for Grover Cleve land's family. It was doomed to remain empty. With great sagacity the committee left three other pews, each capable of hold ing a dozen persons, to be used by 36 of the members of the new President's family. Across the aisle from' these was the Ingalls pew, made interesting by the presence of the pretty little daughters of the retiring presiding officer. Down below Senator Spooner, who is to be the new President's personal rep resentative, attracted a great deal of attention when he was pointed out to strangers. So did old Eli Saulsbury, who shares with John Sherman the distinction of being the most intellectually, ripe-looking man in that powerful body. 1 A little stroke of business now. performed helped pass along the time. The Chief Clerk of the House entered the Senate and read a message. When the messen ger from the House had retired a messenger from the President came in. He was Major Pruden. He had one of the perfunctory formalities of the occasion to perform but made a mistake in performing it. He said that he was in structed to deliver and then corrected himself and said he was instructed to announce that the President returned three bills. He was so used to bringing in vetoes that he fell into the error of using the phrase by which vetoes are announced, al though this time he brought three bills that the President had approved. THE TWO MEN ENTEE. Hearty Cheers Ascend for the Victor and the Defeated In the Xate Excit ing Race for the Highest Office la the World. The two Presidents entered together, while the closely-packed assemblage was electri fied by .a lightning-like whisper that the Presidents were coming. The form of Grover Cleveland appeared beneath the clock at the main entrance Mr. Cockrell, of Missouri, bent his arm' at the moment, and the President put his arm within it. So they strode along the main aisle Mr, Cleveland. never looked better.. There was nothing of fatigue in his face or in- his gait: As usual, he was without -an -.res ment, in.plaia. black broadcloth. He ,-waa escoited .to the chair immediately under the clerk's desk, and there. he was: left for ifivf -minutesjacing that, enormous- assemblage. AH eyes were riveted upon him with? a searching, gaze. In return, he swept- Ms own glance idjy over the.galjeries. Tg was .followed into the chamber ,by the member of hh.Cabinet, walking twa and wo m this order:aFairchiId and BayardEndicot&ani Whitney, Gatjand and Coleman Vilas an4 'Dickinson. They occnpied.eizbtof pia.tea. high-backed chairs corresponding to those' jn, which, ther Judges of the Supreme CourM were seated. In .the remaining .two chairi sat. Generals. Schofield. and Sherman. v A NIce Looking -Lot efSIen-. "j The retiring. Cabinet Ministers- were-, all freshly barbered and sprucely: dressed, and 0. mighty handsome lot ot men, they were The eldest of them, Mr. Bayard,-4id.not ob struct the thought that leaped, into man; minds, and it credited these eight men. with being distinctively vigorous ,alert men of the present day.. t . Five minutes passed, and then down tha aisle came Benjamin Harrison on the anx of George Frisbie Hoar. There cannot have been, a Democrat present who did not' admit to himself that the man about to step into Grover Cleveland's place wjuld- well adorn that office, so far as. personal appearance is concerned. His low stature was. not spr parent. He held himself splendidly, with his head thrown back and.- -. hi breast thrust forward, and he had a- tjor fident manner and tread. The beautiful shape and smallness. of his, feet attracted at tention. The breadth and height of hi ' brow distinguished him. Applause for Both Gentlemen. How much the occasion and the sur roundings lent to General Harrison of dig nity and importance, timer alone- will telh Without "looking like a great man, he looked like a. man of great dignity. There had been much applause when Cleveland entered: there was "no more and no less for Harrison. Senator Hoar led him' to a chair beside the one in. which Cleveland sat,anJx Cleveland leaned over and whispered a word in his successor's ear- It must have been something humorous, for both laughed. UeneraLHarrison's posture suggested that he was at ease, for he crossed his legs, but he was not at ease, for he mopped his brow with his handkerchief, and both'w'ere'wet It was noticed, .as the two men sat side" by 'side, that Harrison's head was almost as high as Cleveland's, a fact that recalled Senator Vest's-' remark, "Harrison is thd largest man of his size, sitting down, that 'I -ever saw. 'Xhe President's longest meaurec ment is from the waist up. Vice President-Elect Morton Appears. ' - Senators Hoar.Cullom and Cockrelf,. of the Committee ot Arrangements, sat down by the two great men but in amoment Senator Cnllom went out and returned with the-Horl-( orable Levi P. Morton. As. usual, Mr. Morton's manner was courtly and polished. He bowed to-Messrs. Cleveland and Harris son, and to President-'Ingalls, -ami-was then escorted to the President's throne'. Every one in the chamber arose and remained stand ing while Senator Ingalls admi istered to Mr; Morton 'the solemn oath of his office; rolling out in that great voice that seems so ana-prising a coming. from Mr. Ingalls, the solemn, caution, tnat-new Vice -President was t-pledg big worJ, . without mental -xcservauon,, and was to . wel and faithfully,' .guard the office TfEuIoh. ho was. about to ejJ tcr. The Vice President, took. his seat upot.' the platform, and the retiring 'President pro tem turned to the' Senate and hade it' farewell. Ingalls Steps Down and Oat. It was exactly noon by the falsifying clock of the chamber when-Presidentlnralls, finished his speech, and, handing the gaveli "; to Mr. Morton, walked np the aisle, looked nervously for a vacant seat in. which, to drop himself. There was none, and. he stood in the aisle a more prominent object than he cared .to be. Three pages' rushed from as many directions with camp chairs so that Mr. Ingalls was soon seated, and leaning his arms upon an umbrella that a fourth page brought to hint. The sight of that umbrella recalled to the. minds of the assemblage tlii. mrfnt min that irsa still llpfttini vennm-1 ously against the windows. Chaplain But-; ', ler invoked the Divine presence, and Vice President Morion delivered his. graceful in augural. The first official actof the new Vice President was to call for the reading-; of President Cleveland's proclamation call ing a special session of the Senate. This 4 was done by Secretary McCook, in a clear, ringing voifce, that was heard in every part of the galleries. The New Senators Sworn In. The new Senators were then sworn in. Their names were read by the Secretary,- ' and they came forward from different parts, of the chamber. "As a rule each newly elected Senator was escorted by his col' league from the same State, but there' were some exceptions. There were only four new men in the lot. These were Hig. gins, of Delaware, the Bepublican successor of UncleEli Saulsbury; Barbour, of Vir ginia, who takes the place of the unhappy Biddlcberger, and Wolcott, of Colorado, the successor of Tom Bowen, and Wash- burne, of Minnesota, who steps into Mr. Sabin's shoes. Mr. Wolcott is the voungest and handsomest of the croup. He is a tall, broad-shouldered blonde, and parts j his hair in the-mtddle. In the East he is known to fame as xa "plunger," and at home as "the silver-tongued orator of the Bockies," whom fplks go 100 miles to hear talk, even in dry equity cases. The old Senators who begin on new terms are Chace, of Bhode Island; Colquitt, ' of Georgia; Butler, of South Carolina; i lioKee, ot xexas; .Berry, ot -aricansas; ran som, of North Carolina; Gibson, of Iiouisi ana;McPherson, of New Jersey, and Kenna) of West Virginia. . A PAEADE IN TOMP. - The Procession to the East Front of t&e -a Capitol A Scramble Detracts From the Dignity The Kala Never Stops. The Vice President announced that then Senate, having completed its organization! ; it wouldTproceed to the east front of thst Capitol, where the President of the United States would be sworn in.' ' The procession was then formed in ' the following order: The Marshal of the District of Columbia, A. A.' Wil son, and the Marshal of the Sal preme Court, J. M. Wright; Hon! Hannibal Hamlin, ex-Vice President of the United States; Chief Justice Fuller.'. and the Associate Justices of the Supreme j Court; Colonel Canaday, the Sergeant at.j Arms of the Senate, the Committee! of Arrangements, Senators Hoar,- Cal-jj iom ana uocerell, President CleveiB tana ana tneresiaent-eieetVice President! Morton and General Aasoa McCook, the'l iii'S