Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 04, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Said to l)e Befining Tabooed
Lima Crude, Sub-Bosa,
J. A. Dubbs, a Pittsburg Expert, Back
From Ohio With a Story.
And Their Eecent Sales to the Standard
Pave the Way to More.
Mr. J. A. Dubbs, of Pennsylvania ave
nue, Allegheny, one or the oil refinery ex
perts of the Lima (O.) field, arrived home
Saturday evening from the district. He
was seen at his residence by a Dispatch
reporter, and interrogated in regard to the
field, and what he had been doing in it.
In reply to the reporter's queries Mr. Dubbs
"I understand that Messrs. Guffeyand
Vandergrift, of this city, are going back to
the Iiima field again to lease more property.
The latter recently sold a large track to the
Standard Oil Company; but it seems he
cannot keep away from the territory. The
Standard will ultimately, of course, own
everything in the region, as they are making
heavy purchases almost every week. They
now control about half the production of the
field, and there aro thousands of acres they
hold that have not been touched by a drill.
"I have figured up that the Standard Com
pany have about 12,000,000 barrels of oil tanked
on the ground, and they are making successful
efforts to prevent competition in the business
of refining the oil. They liave 314 tanks in the
whole field. Many of them have just been
"The largest of these tanks will hold about
40,000 barrels. The Standard Company has one
six-inch nipeline from the field to Chicago, a
U distance of 208 miles. Through this they pump
, about 4,000 barrels per day. to be used in Chi-
t capo as fuel. They have had a great amount of
r trouble refining; the crude article. Oil has been
W Ixrasrht in this city, and, when placed under a
chemical analysis, has been found to contain a
quantity of Lima oil. This shows that the
Standard Company are adulteratingtheir Penn
sylvania article with the despised and tabooed
Lima stuff. The trouble In the Lima
country has been to refine the oil.
"When burned as an illuminant it
makes a cloudy smoke that is distinctive from
the fumes of any other oil. It looks to me as
if the Standard Company were mixing the oil
and educating the people to the point where
they won't object to the smoke. They refine
the oil on the cround and ship it to Cleveland
or o'.:ct points east, where it is mixed with the
saleable article.
"Their method of refining is the old Can
adian process, which has been used in the
Dominion since 1862. It makes an imperfect oil,
though, and they cannot eliminate the smell of
sulphur from it. The Eagle Company use a
process by which they get rid of all sulphur,
and the oil, when burned for light, does not
cloud the chimney or emit any disagreeable
odor. The Eagle Comnany are refining about
L200 barrels per day of this presumably unre
finable article.
"The production of the Lima field now is
about from 30,000 to 32,000 barrels per day. A
treat part of the territory is yet unworked.
"The methods of the various companies is to
lease five or six farms and put a well down on
one of them to discover if there is any oil in
the tract. They pay a yearly rental on tho
other leased ground, and when they put down
wells and strike anything, they pay the owner
of the land a royalty of from one-tenth to a
quarter of what they cet. The price has ad-
jjf vanced this week from 15 to 17, and then to 20
jE cents.
. "No, there is very little danger now of a tank
y being struck by lightning. Formerly it was the
tg- custom to run the pipes along the ground for a
Pj considerable distance and then up over the
I. edge of the tank. In nearly every case in the
i;.-' Pennsylvania recion. where lichtning struck a
r- tank the electric fluid ran along the pipes and
' jumped off the end of the conductor, which
Jf1;" was always above the oil. The top of tho tank
to., being filled with gas. when the electric spark
H' jumped off the end of the pipe it set fire to the
Si', gas and caused an explosion. Now all the
g- pipes are run right into the oil Instead of the
ends being exposed in a vapor."
Is the Final Deal Seine Made by Westing,
house nnd Edison?
H. Morrison, an old-time Eastern news
paperman, butnowoneof the best-knownmen
in the electric light business, and David E.
Evans, of Baltimore, arrived in the city
last evening. They are here to confer with Mr.
George Westinghouse in regard to the electric
lichtinc business. It is well understood, elec
tric men say, that the negotiations for the com
bination of the Westingbouse and Edison com
panies' interests, which have already been
fully detailed in The Dispatch, are now
Hearing completion, and electric light men all
over the country are "hurrying to get in out of
the wet" before the consolidation takes place.
Mr. Morrison would not say last evening
when the final arrangements would be made,
but, from his manner, it was inferred that they
may be looked for any day.
Only a Handful of People Leave for Wash
ington Last KIgbt.
The early morning trains yesterday via
the Pennsylvania Railroad and Baltimore
and Ohio roads carried a large number of
people east to "Washington. Last night
there were few people at either station bound
for the capital. A great many of those who
had intended going last evening had their en
thusiasm dampened by the inclement weather
all over the country, and concluded at the last
moment to stay at home.
Among those who left last night were Profs.
George J. Luckey. City Superintendent of
Schools, and Samuel Andrews. Principal of
the Howard School: Dr. James E. "Wilson, of
Jit. Washington, anl C. L. Hannam, of this
There were a few who went down just to
Stay a day and come back to-morrow morning.
Thcj Tried a Wylie Avenue Grocery Store
This Time.
Two boys, named Gus. Hoover and Thom
ss Eichardson, or "Peaser" Bichardson, as
he is called on account of his diminutive
stature, were caught yesterday evening by
Officer Terry in McTeer's grocery store, at
the comer of Wylie and Webster streetshelp
ing themselves to the goods.
They were taken, per-patrol wagon, to the
Eleventh ward station bouse, and were not at
all disconcerted by their arrest. Richardson
has already seen the inside of the reform
school and jail, although only about 16. Thev
are suspected of membership in the "Owl
A boy named Massey was also arrested last
night, on a warrant, being charged with com
plicity in some late thieveries on the hilL
The Philadelphia Company Pay for Their
Part of the Damage.
Michael Murray, the man who was so se
riously hurt by the explosion of natural gas
in his house on Brownsville avenue, South
side, last Wednesday, is rapidly recovering
Tom his Injuries.
It was learned yesterday that the Philadel
phia Company has already satisfactorily set
tled for the amount of damage done by the
explosion to the building.
The Drunken Stnbblnjc Affray Probably Not
Fntal Jealousy the Cause The Cotter,
Connolly, Not Arrested.
The man Godfrey, who was thought to
have been fatally stabbed early yesterday
morning in a house on the Hill, under the
Seventeenth street incline, is now said to be
improving, and there are no doubts that he
will recover. The cuts were evidently
made with a penknife. There is a long gash at
the back of his neck, and a cut four inches
long over his groin, through which the -intestines
were protruding.
The story of the affair, as told hy'lnspector
McAleese, is that two men, Godfrey and Con
nolly, with two women, Anna King and Mollie
Staub, were in the house drinking heavily and
carousing. The two men were quite friendly,
but one is an Orangeman, and tho other is not,
and they drifted from ribald songs into a talk,
and finally a quarrel on religion' and politics.
A scuffle ensued, and Godfrey was cut. Somo
idea of the drunken condition of the party
may be given when it is known the wounded
man lay on the floor bleeding profusely for
half an hour before 'either he or his woman
companions knew he was cut.
Tho women were arrested and are in Central
station. No reliance is placed on their stories,
as they appear to have but a hazy idea of what
occurred. McAleese has men all over the city
watching for Connolly, and in all probability
he will be arrested before morning.
Atone time yesterday it was thought God
Trey would become delirious, and, if acute in
flammation set in, be would die. In order to
anticipate any such ovent, the Inspector had
his swom statement taken as follows:
I, James Godfrey, a resident of Pittsburg, at 49
Ilazcl street, do make this statement, being
serionslr injured and not knowing if I will re
cover: This moraine Marcb S. ISSSt Mike Con
nolly, two women and myself were drinking at
the house of Ann King. 131 Crescent alley, near
the Seventeenth street incline. We had some
word In the evening before this; he tore my shirt
at that time. At the tLne of the occurrence the
two women were sitting on the bed. He was fool
ing with Anna King, wben the other woman.
Jlary Staub, got up and came into the
other room where I was. She was mad at
Hike for fooling with Anna. Alike came
into the room after her. I don't remember what
I said bnt he struck me. I cannot say whether I
struck back or not, but be knocked me down and
commenced kicking me. I cannot say if It was
then lie cut me. 1 don't know at what time in the
struggle he-cufcine: it was dark in the room. As
soon as I told him he had cut me he ran out of tho
house. I followed him into the next house. This
occurred about 3 o'clock in the morning of March
3. I am an unmarried man. Early In the evening
when Connolly and I had the words he said he
would knock my brains out or kick my brains out.
I never ha J any quarrel with him before. Con
nolly came to the house by himself that evening.
A Man Falls on the Rnilrond and Breaks
His Neck on the Rail.
An inquest was held yesterday on the
the remains of "William Boesch, who fell
on the railroad track at Hazeltine station,
Pittsburgh, Chartiers and Xoughiogheny
Railroad, Saturday night, receiving injuries
from which he died a few hours later. Boesch
had gone to Mansfield Saturday night to get a
jug of whisky to use at hts sister's
wedding, which was to have taken
place yesterday. While at Mansfield
he took several drinks and then started home.
About 10:30 o'clock he knocked at the door of
the house of John Wilson, near Hazeltine.
Wilson opened the door just as Boesch fell to
the ground. He was bleeding profusely and
said be had fallen on the track and broken his
neck on the rail.
His parents were sent for, and before he died
Boesch told his father that he had been run
ning from parties who were chasing him. No
importance was attached to the latter state
ment, owing to his mental condition at the
time. The jury returned a verdict of acci
dental death.
Inspector Stevens Asked for a Release and
Denies tho Charge.
George Stevens, the Inspector of the
Southside Police Department, while speak
ing of the charge made against him by Miss
Best, said to a reporter for this paper last
"Chief Brown did not suspend me, but I
asked him to relieve me of my position while
the case is pending. Further than that I will
only say again that I deny the charge. It was
simply concocted against me Decause these
people thought that sooner than have my name
dragged into publicity in connection with a
scandal of that kind I would be willing to do
anything in order to save my position. But
they will find that they made a mistake."
Inspector Stevens laughed at the rumor that
other officers connected with the Third police
district were to be arrested for being impli
cated in the affair.
Almost Another Tragedy at That UslySoho
Street Wall.
The inhabitants of the Hill districts were
not particularly elated at the condition of
the streets out there yesterday, and the four
inch curbstones had to do plenty ot pavement
duty. It was an amusing sight to see perhaps
a dozen people at a time carefully picking their
way along the curbs, and occasionally stepping
into the surrounding mud as they lost their
No accident occurred, except at the Soho
street walL Here a young man, while walking
along the top, slipped and would have been
precipitated an ugly distance, but for the time
ly grasp of his companions.
This is an exceedingly dangerous spot, it
being only a few months ago when a boy was
killed here by falling over the wall, and the
residents complain at the lack of attention on
the cart of the city officials.
A Man Is Attacked and Badly Bitten by a
Dos In His Own Back Yard.
Mr. "William Wise, a well-known glass
blower of the Southside, had both his hands
badly bitten by a Newfoundland dog a few
days ago. The animal, a big brute, en
tered Wise's back yard, and when the man at
tempted to scare him off the dog jumped at
him and tore a piece out of his left hand. Wise
then ran into the house for a revolver and fifed
several shots at the Newfoundland, but with
out mnch effect.
Two men from the patrol wagon stable near
by, attracted by the noise, came to the man's
assistance and the ferocious canine was killed.
Nobody knew whose property the dog was.-
Mr. Wise immediately had the wounds cau
terized by Mr. Lowe, to avoid hydrophobia.
Branch 621 of the Irish National League
Meets and Discusses.
Branch 621 of the Irish National League
held its regular meeting in St. Andrew's
Hall yesterday and elected officers for the
ensuing year and transacted considerable busi
ness, inclnding the initiation of 20 new mem
bers. The members had a long discussion on the
Parnell trial, and the moreprominent of those
who spoke were Messrs. Parcell, Goode and
Lynch. They expressed heartfelt sympathy for
the Irish patriot and satisfactions at the de
feat ot the limes.
The Mechanics' Library Association's Straw
Vote on the Question.
The members of the Mechanics' Library
Association on the Sonthside have taken a
straw .vote on the prohibition amendment,
the result being that there are only three in the
organization was will vote for the measure.
The club is one of the oldest societies on the
Southside. it having been in existence for over
21 years. The membership is principally; com
posed of workingmen who work in the South
side mills and glass houses. There are now 84
members in the club.
Loses a Watch and Money, nnd the Man
user Is Accused as the Thief.
A young man from McKeesport, named
Stanley, complained to Inspector McAleese
last night and wanted to have a man named
Langdon, who had gone to Altoona, arrest
ed. He claimed that Langdon had organized
a theatrical company, representing that he
was conn ected with the Bijou Theater company,
of New York.
The company started ont last Thursday from
this city with eight persons in the troupe, and
gave a performance at Glenwood. Stanley
claims that Langon skipped with receipts, $10,
and a silver watch which Stanley's mother had
given to him and which Langdon borrowed.
Babbt'sTbicophebous eradicates scurf
and dandruff and prevents the hair from
falling offi M
An Immense Crowd Greets the First
Union Amendment Heeling.
Broadax Smith Makes the Greatest Effort
. of His Life in Song.
The first of a series of meetings in a most
unique campaign, that bids fair to rival any
previous movement in which women have
taken part, was held in the Grand Opera
House last night.
It was the first perfectly organized "union"
Constitutional amendment gathering, and
fully 3,000 people had come in spite of the
wet night to listen to the eloquent speeches
of well-known men and to laugh and ap
plaud a man no less well known, Broadax
Smith, who certainly made a decided hit.
Dr. Harry Bullen, as Chairman, an
nounced the opening hymn as "All Hail
the Power of Jesus' Name," and the im
mense audience rose as one man and woman,
and joined in the chorus with a hearty good
Mr. L. F. Cole, of Wisconsin, organizer
of the Independent Order of Good Templars,
arose and read a few appropriate passages
from the Scriptures, which he interpolated
with a few remarks of his own, calling atten
tion to some certain points in the verses. A.
M. Brown, President of tho Murphy Gospel
Temperance Union, made a pleasing and elo
quent prayer, and asked for heavenly aid In the
great combat about to be inaugurated.
At the conclusion of this prayer everybody
was horrified at a ripple of applause that ran
from gallery to gallery; but the imagined sac
rilege was notintended;the applause was for the
well-known and favorito temperance speaker,
young Ed. Murphy, who had just entered and
taken a seat on the stage.
Chairman Bullen then arose, and told the
audience the meeting and other meetings that
were to follow were all composed of a union of
many forces allied against oneintemperance.
He said he did not care to mako bis speech
just tnen; but ho had a daisy in reserve that he
had spent a whole week in preparing.
Another round of applause greeted Murphy,
wnotnanked the audience and said he could
say but little. Continuing, he said the meeting
and the platform were broad enough to cover
the whole family, and told a funny story to il
lustrate his point, ic which he created a laugh
by saying woman's curiosity could be only
equaled by man's inquisitlveness. He said:
"The earnest, patriotic spirit in the cause will
take in all, of any creed or political belief, and
by the blessing of God we cannot but succeed.
There are two great principles in this world,
formation and reformation. Reforms are the
life of the world, and they will continue just as
long as the world stands. We have seen it in
ancient history, and we shall see it in modern.
"The Inconsistency of the argument that the
minority is wrong, is plain to us all, judging
from events, and history is onr most perfect
criterion. The patriotism, the loyalty and the
justice of this great Commonwealth is aroused,
and, if we are in the minority, we have the
sweet thought that we are right. We, tho peo
ple, have a duty to perform, and we must per
form it honestly. We must weigh the question
carefully, and if it is best for honesty, morality,
and truth and freedom that the saloon should
stay, let it remain; but if it. is against religion,
against purity and virtue, against God and
man, then, for God's sake, let it become a
thing of the past!
"I am not hereto denounce the soloonkeeper,
for he is a creature of tho citizens.' If it is a
crime to sell whisky, it is a crime to buy it. I
will not speak nnkindlyto him; but if the
saloonkeeper only knew what
to his wife and family and self ifhewonldget
out of the business, I really do not think we
understand each other. Why, I once knew a
young man who was on the point of proposing
to his girl when he felt a lnmp in his throat.
Did you ever feel that way? A piping voice
from the gallery, 'Yes,' caused a laugh, as the
self-confessed lover couldn't have been over
10. Continuing he said:
"Now, I want to say that, so far as I am con
cerned, my best efforts shall be directed
toward furthering tho cause of this holy re
form. Then, again, I want to say a word about
a good, a brave and an unselfish man. 1 want to
say a word about my father. Some people say
he is opposed to this amendment. Now, that
is wrong. He is in favor of it in every way pos
sible. I cannot say that he will take the stump
in this cause, for his work lies in "individual
total abstinence, and there are no men here on
this platform or in the house who will not say
God speed." Applause.
Dr. Bullen then arose with his little speech
and there was a point in it. He said the Opera
House had been rented for three months, at 540
per week, and he wanted to raise $1,000 and
asked for some man to start an offer of $25.
There was no response and he asked for an of
fer of $10. Several hands were at once raised,
and the collectors were started out; but, by
that time, the hands were withdrawn and he
ran on down the list until SI was reached, and
the baskets were turned loose among the au
dience with great results, especially after it was
announced that Broker J. K. Johnson had sub
scribed $40 to pay for the house.
John Sobieski, lecturer forihe Grand Lodge
of L O. G. T., a large, foreign gentleman with
strong face and a strong, deep voice, was intro
duced. Ho laughed at the unique introduction
he received, and said he did not come from the
royal family of Poland, and the only thing he
ever did wrong was to be elected to the Legis
lature. He said he had been enlisted in the
cause of justice, and was bending his best ef
forts in this cause, and it was simply justice
that the crime of the liquor traffic be wiped
out, that women and childien might be safe on
the streets by day or night.
He came, be said, from that grand old con
servative State of Missouri, where one must go
SOO miles from his home before a licensed dram
shop was reached. He said he was imported
goods, but bad been in the late war. He then
melted away from the question entirely, and
delivered a most beautiful and poetic oration
upon freedom and America, and drew a strik
ing parallel between the two epochs in the his
tory of freedom.
Joseph R. Hunter said he was a part of the
union movement. He may have disagreed
with some people. He believed in individual
suasion, and that when Francis Murphy began
his work years ago, he began a work that had
culminated in the present movement. John D.
Bailey also said a few words of encouragement
and cheer, and Judge Shannon arose and said:
"I feel it not amiss that I should come for
ward to just merely intimate that, so far as one
individual is concerned, 1 am with this meeting
in its designs and its intentions. This move
ment is
of fanaticism, but has been growing broader,
wider and greater for half century in this
latyi; and then what a strange canvass we have
entered upon." He then referred to a deci
sion of the Supreme Court as to the police
power of the State, and ended with an elo
quent appeal to the good sense, and made a
plea for the support, of the young men.
Here loud calls arose for "Broadax!
Broadax!" and that inimitable character and
orator stepped forward 'and made the hit of
his life. He said:
"The liquor traffic is here, and I am going to
ask you, like Boss Tweed, who stole New York,
and went back after Harlem river: What are
you going to do about it?' We must physic (he
devil out of this country! A great man once
said a country could not be half enslaved and
half free; and I say we can't be half drunk and
half sober. I want to sing yon' a little song I
composed when my toes stuck out, and I wore
linen dusters in December."
The song was sung, and, as Broadax- has a
splendid bass voice, it "caught on" like wild
fire, and the most tremendous applause of the
evening rewarded him, while many strangers
on the stage were amazed at his wit and his
voice. The song was cleverlv worded, and to
the tune of "Just Before the Battle, Mother,"
the rattling chorus was:
"Farewell, whisky, you shall never
Bring inc to disgrace again!"
TMs practically broke up the meeting, and
everybody left ih a good humor and talking of
Broadax's great effort. About 860 was raised
during the evening. Captain J. K. Barbour
will preside next Sunday evening, and the well
known local temperance workers will be pres
ent, as usual, besides several foreign speakers.
St. Patrick' Day Fall on Sunday, So HI
bernlnns Stay Within.
At a meeting of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians last night, it was decided not to
hold the usaal parade on-St. Patrick's Day this,
year, as the day will fall on Sunday. Some sort
ot appropriate celebration will be held the .fol
lowing Monday, but the organization as a body
will not hold any demonstration.
The London TimesFiasco Senthlnaly Treated,
by Hev. Dr. Donelioor-Scrmon for Plot
ters and Sinner to Remember. ,
Rev. E. B. Donehoo, pastor of the Eighth
Presbyterian Church, preached yesterday
morning a sermon in which the London
Times fiasco was considered. Limited space
this morning necessitates only the briefest
condensation of the" entertaining report
thereof prepared for The Dispatch. Tie
text, from Psalm vii., 15-16, was: "He made
a pit, and digged it, and has fallen into the
ditch which he made. His mischief shall
return upon his own head, and his violent
dealing shall come down upon his own
pate." Dr. Donehoo, among other good
things, said:
There is a poetic justice in this method of
divine administration which commends itself
to our judgment as often as it is manifested.
The trouble with most of us is that we only call
this principle into effective operation when
considering the sms and follies of others. But
the retributive principle prevails all through
the Scriptures.
"ThouRh the mills of God grind slowly, yet they
grind exceeding small;
Though with patience He stands waiting, with
exactness grinds He all." ,
In every-day life there are abundant con-firma-Jons
of this law. Through avarice, wan
tonness, revenge, men prepare traps for others,
only in the end to fall into them themselves.
We have had a dramatic, yet no less literal 11
ustration of the workings of this principle in
the case of that insolently stolid newspaper,
which has long arrogated to itself
the title of "The Thunderer." I
refer to the London Timet and its
cruel and unjustifiable assaults upon one of
the bravest and truest advocates of human
rights against tyrannical usurpation of power
that has appeared in this Nineteenth Century,
Charles Stewart Parnell. Hehasbeenhounded
as a thief, denounced as a traitor, hunted as a
murderer, stigmatized as a- companion of cut
throats and vilest criminals. No report against
him has been regarded as too abominable for
credence, no weapon too mean to' be employed,
no device too contemptible for the purpose.
Every detailer and manufacturer of scandal
has been eagerly welcomed, forgery and lying
have been accounted becoming methods of
assault upon that silent, courageous friend of
a down-trodden people.
Out of all this deluge of abuse has devel
oped an investigation of Mr. Parnell, in which
his prosecution is conducted by that powerful
journal and backed up by all the authority and
influence of the Government now in power in
Great Britain. To-day that haughty dictator
of public opinion, that dishonored persecutor
of a pure-minded aud noble statesman, who
with that "Grand Old Man," Gladstone, is fight
ing as worthy a cause as ever was Baptized with
patriot blood, is crushed, defeated and exposed
to the derisive contempt of the whole world.
The words of Israel's royal bard never applied
with more appropriateness than they do
to-day to the conductor of tho silenced "Thun
derer:" "He made a pit and digged it. and is
fallen into the ditch which he made. His mis-,
chief has returned npon his own head, and his
violent dealings upon his own pate."
And the miserable wretch who served the
purpose of the Times, when his work was done,
and his SO pieces of silver safe in bis posses
sion, like his worthy predecessor, Judas
Iscariot, made confession of his villainy, and
then, with the sound of the pursuing Nemesis
close upon bis track, fled away to a strange
land and destroyed his worthless life, a terrible
illustration of the old truth that "vengeance
will overtake the transgressor."
A Case of Typhoid Fever Results in Insanity
for a Farmer.
A very inoffensive passenger on the Penn
sylvania Bailroad had the pleasure of being
kicked in the back by a crazy man last
night. About 8:10 o'clock there drove up
to the Union station a carnage containing four
men. The horses were covered with foam and
the wheels spattered with mud, as" if they had
come a great distance.
One of the men alighted, and then attempted
to lift another man ont. The latter objected.
The two other men then had to drag him, and,
with one on each side and one in the rear, they
pushed and dragged him along until they got
to the gate. An innocent passenger, attracted
by the noise and yells the man made for free
dom, got in the way, and. before he could get
out of the road, he was crazlly kicked in the
The' man who kicked made an. attempt to
run at everybody who got In front of him, and'
was only prevented from doing harm by his
captors. The latter dragged him along, and
had to fairly carry him into the coach.
It was then found that be was Gilbert Myers,
of Westmoreland county, and be was being
taken to the Warren Insane Asylum for treat
ment. He was a farmer living along the banks
of the Youghlogheny river, and, about a year
ago, had an attack of typhoid fever. It affected
his mind, and he has been growing worse since.
Last night he wanted to kill his two brothers
(who were with him), by running a red-hot
poker through their hearts. The party had
driven 23 miles in the carriage in the afternoon.
A Colored Octet Go Down Into thoAUc
fiheny Before Many Witnesses.
The banks of the Allegheny river, as well
as the boats and barges on both sides, were
lined with enrious crowds yesterday after
noon, to witness the baptism of eight colored
converts of an Allegheny colored congrega
tion. The snow-clad banks and drizzling of
snow and rain that had just commenced, gave
many of the curious spectators a sympathetic
shiver as tho colored preacher bravely waded
out from the Allegheny, with a pole to find his
way, until he was up to his arm-pits.
When be had found a suitable spot he beck
oned to four colored women on the banks, who
waded out to him with black dresses on, and
white caps (not the threatening kind). There
was an agitation of the waters followed by a
shiver and several other manifestations of dis
comfort from each, and the four waded backto
shore. ,
Four men then braved the rigors of the deep
as the spectators drew their overcoats involun
tarily around themselves. The preacher had
hard work bringing one of the male candi
dates up, and the baptized man gnrgled as
though ne was nearly drowned, but finally re
gained his feet and waded ashore amid the
singing of the vast congregation.
The Serious Condition of a Well-Known
Young '.Man From a Wound.
Edward Burns, a well-known young man
in baseball circles, is thought to be dying of
consumption, at his home in Lawrenceville,
from the effects of being hit with a baseball a
year aco last spring.
After playing here with local clubs, Mr.
Burns went to Utica, N. Y., to try his hand as a
professional. His. career was short. A ball
struck him on the side, crushing in one of his
ribs, and injuring one lung so seriously-thac
consumption resulted.
The case is particularly interesting, inasmuch
as it is' said to clash with the germ theory of
consumption, as demonstrated by advanced
Chose His Own Pall'Bearers.
Fireman Charles Clark, of Engine Company
No.. 9, after suffering intensely, and fasting for
nearly a week, life hanging but by a thread, at
last received a still alarm Saturday at 11:30 p.
si., and the last spark of life was extinguished.
He chose four ot his own pall bearers, and
asked the chief to choose the other two. Fun
eral Monuay at 2 o'clock p. H.
Incidents of n Day In Two Cities Condensed,
for Ready Reading.
These were no services at the jail yester-'
Mb. John R. McGinley, Secretary of the
Philadelphia Company, went to New York last
James Massey was arrested last night and
locked up in the Eleventh ward station house
on a charge of larceny.
The shoe store of .Evans & Bro., 016 Preble
avenue, Allegheny, was entered by a thief
yesterday afternoon who stole five pairs of
An amen-dmekt meeting was held in the
Moorhead building last nightunder the au
spices of Golden Circle Division, Sons of Tem
perance. The members of the Americas Club who
did not go to Washington will meet" to-morrow
evening to arrange for a reception of the ab
sent members on their return.
Fbank and James McDermltt were arrested
yes terday for drawing a revolver and throwing
stones through the window of "Tho Three
White Mice." a saloon on Penn avenue, be
cause they were refused beer.
Two brothers who attracted an immense
crowd of spectators by a fight, alleged to have
been waged for the love of onlv.one rirL In tho
I. vicinity of Forty-eighth street last night, kept
exhaustion. There were no arrests, "
As to the Antagonism Between. Pub
lic and Parochial Schools
At the Dedication of Lawrenceville's New
$43,000 Institution.
'' The parochial school connected with St.
Augustine's Catholic Church, in Lawrence
ville, was dedicated with appropriate ser
vices yesterday by Bishop Kane, of "Wheel
ing, assisted by Bishop Phelan, of this city,
and a large nnmber of the prominent clergy
of the diocese.
The ceremonies began at 10 o'clock in the
morning, when pontifical high mass was
celebrated in the church. Bishop Kane
was the celebrant, and Father Strab, of the
Holy Ghost College, assistant priest. The
assistant deacons were fathers Lcander, O.
S. P., and Anthony, O. M. Cap.; deacon of
the mass, Father Snhr, pastor of SS. Peter
and Paul's Church; sub-deacon, Father Goe
ble, of the West End; masters of ceremonies,
Fathers Chrystume and Gregory. Bishop
Phelan, dressed in his episcopal robes, assisted,
with Fathers Gregory, O. M. Cap., Fidelias
Father Francis, of St. Augustine's Church,
preached the sermon. He spoke of the neces
sity of parochial schools in this country, and
contrasted them with the public schools.
He said a. Catholic child could not be edu
cated properly in a public school, and an edu
cation without religious training was almost
valueless in the sight of God. He advised his
auditors to send their children to the new
school, where they would not only receive a
worldly education, but be taught their religion
as well.
Mrs. Edward Frauenheim, one of the most
zealous members of the parish, entertained the
priests at'dlnner in the schoolhousc, and, at 3
o'clock, pontifical vespers were said in the
church. As at the morning service, Bishop
Kane was the celebrant, and he was assisted
as follows: Assistant priest. Very Rev. Father
Wall, rector of St. Paul's Cathedral;' deacon,
Very Rev. Father Werner; assistant deasons.
Father Tobin, pastor'of St Mary's Church, and
Father Lambing, of Wilklnsburg, the historian
of the diocese; sub-deacon. Father Schwab, ot
the Holy Ghost order; masters of ceremonies,
FathersGreeoryandChrystume. After vespers
a solemn procession of the clergy marched to
the schoolhousc, where the blessing of the
building was pronounced by Bishop Phelan.
The sermon was delivered by Bishop Kane,
and among other things be said:
"It is quite fitting, my dear brethren, that I
should address you from the holy sanctuary of
the church on the objects "of the school build
ing about to be so solemnly blessed. I would
like to explain to you why this ceremony of re
ligion is performed on an occasion like the com
pletion of a building erected for educational
"For in this building, erected by your gener
osity, a monument to your liberality and your
devotion to the holy canse ot education for
years to come, you show your devotion to the
principles of the Holy Catholic Church. Your
devoted attachment should be handed down to
your children, and by them to their children, to
be loved and praised.
"Religion and science mnst go hand in hand.
The inculcation of religious ideas is as much a
necessity as are the principles of natural
sciences. Why does our Holy Church think
that this is rightT You learn it on the first
page of your Catechism. Your ancestors for
generations.have heard the first truths that we
were put in this world by God for one only
purpose, the sanctlfication and mortification of
our eternal souls. This is the grand and noble
destiny of every man in this world, and the
Christian cannotlose sight of it,
"There are other ideas different from those
held by our Holy Church. I do not say that
the principles of our church on education are
indorsed by the whole people. There are voices
outside our church that have raised their
'hands against it. They say the system of edu
cation is not right, and we have professors in
some ot onr most notea cnurcnes entering a
protest against the divorce of religion and edu
cation. "It is folly In this age to speak of morality,
unless morality is based on religion. There is
and has been, a morality that is nothing more
or less than a pagan morality. In the minds of
our children should be a morality that is
taught by our Lord Jesus Christ. So positive
is the Catholic Church, not only in this country,
but all over the world. In the matter of incul
cating into the minds of our children the teach
ings of Christ, that a great many of our non
Catholic people say that the Catholic Cnurch is
opposed to education, or opposed to a free
school or public school system.
"I will give you my opinion, the same as I
gave it to men of common sense and a knowl
edge of the world. I do not claim that it has
the i ndoreement of the church. It is that the
State ought Indeed to give its help and assist
ance toward the education of those children
whose parents or guardians have not the means
in their power to give it to them. The educa
tion of these children is absolutely necessary,
in order to mako good citizens, and, through
good citizens, make a good country. When
parents have the ability and means of their
own. it is compulsory upon them to educate
their children, just as much as It is to clothe
and feed them, and the State has no business
to interfere.
"If you have .in your immediate neighbor
hood a dozen hard-working men who make
their living for themselves and their wives,
and others depending upon them, the State
comes to them and says to one of them that
man mnst contribute toward the expense of
maintaining the public school system. While
he has no children going to the school, the tax
collector says he must pay for the education of
tbe-rich man's children, whose father is draw
ing thousands of dollars yearly, and who could
afford to educate them himself. In my humble
opinion, this is all. wrong. The poor man
has no more duty to nay for the edu
cation of this man's child than he has
to pay tor tne cnua's ;ooa and clotning.
We are living in a democratic form of gov- .
ernment, and the ma jority must rule. We must
acquiesce in a spirit of duty, and I think the
Catholics do so. The people who think that a
Catholic school is something modern have not
read history. At the general council of the
Church in Aix-la-Chapelle, In 719. they made it
obligatory on the pastors of souls to provide
schools, so that all the children might bo edu
cated, and the parochial school is an institu
tion for the education of the children of the
"Look at Ireland when it was free. It was
called the center of learning in Europe. People
sent their children from all parts of the world
to be taught by Irish professors, who in time
went out and occupied all the higher chairs of
educational universities. In our own country
there's not a town large-enough to support a
parish that hasn't got its parochial school.
Have not the Dlshops said time and again that
the school is more important than the Church
unless it grows up side by side with it T
"WeareoDiigea iu nave parocmai scnoois,
because the other free institutions hare not
given us an opportunity to send onr children to
them with sale consciences. Why, it is almost
criminal to agitate the public school system
and point out its defects."
' The speaker closed by saying that the church
must build its own schools and provide its own
teachers, who, by example and precept, would
inculcate in the minds and hearts of the chil
dren the holy spirit of religion. He gave
statistics furnished by Bishop Phelan, who
made a report of an investigation at the River
side Penitentiary. He found in two years not
one of the inmates had been, educated in a
parochial school. Some of them" had been edu
cated in private schools, and over 90 per cent of
the whole nnmber "had received their in
structions in the public schools.
The new St. Augustine school building stands
across the street from the side of the church,
just above Butler street. It was built almost
entirely of brick and stone, and is one the finest
school building in the State. The corner stone
was laid the first Sunday In July last, and the
cost of the structure has been nearly $43,000,
It is three stories in height and contains 12
rooms, four on each story. The rooms are 24x
30 feet and are fitted up with the best hard
wood furniture
The entrance is gained by ascending half
a dozen steps. The vestibule or hall
is 12 feet wide and two 6-foot stairways, one on
each side, lead to the second floor. Each
room has cloakrooms and washstands with a
separate retiring room for teachers. A double
fire escape crossing itself in the form of an
X connects with each room on both sides of the
building. In the basement will be a bowling
alley and other rooms for the use of the St.
Augustine societies. Tne building will be
heated entirely by steam from a double boiler
in the cellar.
The following-named gentlemen compose the
building committee 'and It is 'due to their
efforts that the magnificent structure, was
erected: A Frauenheim. L. Kreckler; P. Jioer
ner, A Senilis and W. A HeyL
Why Yonn- People Should be Educated In
the Pnbllc Schools.
-r. -r -.r -in-lt... ..rinr nt the First TJ.
-d m t. i Allpffhenv. tireacnea a vent
interesting sermon yesterday evening. It
was the second in we series m .u-...-"
.. . ..4 1i. .(wMnl nhaSA Ox hlS 8UO-
ject was: "Why all should be educated in our
public school s."
rr tjKni,A mt,tiil rhnnlft were sune-
rior to the private or parochial schools, which
had an un-American tenuencj. m mo yaiu
.i,t.i c,hnnio tin a.ild. "thev take from rather
than give to. I have no sympathy for a man
inai u " " "3.--J .C--, " w "V B.
A sectarian euuw"w. mvut., ,... ,.-.
education that unfits them for good citizenship
..... . Am... Ttnolr avutiim nt erinra-
euucation mat. uuuu wcw ...mvu....
and is un-American. Their system of educa
tion is not as good 'as- that of the public
schools." . ........
.He criticized tho methods employed in the
parochial schools and commended those in the
public schools.
The Little Serlo Comic Entitled, "Justice
Grlpp and the Sinners, or Can You Pay
YoarFInef Dislocated Verses. ,
"Because ye have transgressed the laws"
la. 2i-J solemnly announced the Court at
(he Sabbath morning hearings, and Bob
rolled his eyes toward the ceiling and mar
riured, "Yeth, becanth."
(William O'Donnell made his entry on
tie run. He has been running ever since
Saturday night, and it' happened this way:
There was an enjoyable social affair at the in
cline plane, and William tried to spoil the
hihrity of the occasion with a fight. He was
dragged outside, and dramatically challenged
the officer to a ten-round scrap, "Markis o'
Gooseberry" rules to govern, on the river
bank. The plucky copper accepted the invi
tation, and somo say little Willie cannot lire
SO dars or a big fine.
'DaiMcGlnley threw a Dottle atEdCarran.
It wat empty and Mc paid his fine and Cnrran
pleadtd guilty to having the bottle thrown at
him aid will pay his fine by U to-day, if pos
sible. Newton Palmer and Sam Dougherty were
trylngto find out who wasn't the best man
when aii officer called "Timer' They had both
been there before many a time, and the former
got SO, ind the latter 60 days.
Mike Uarr was rushing down Webster avenue
like a Whirlwind. His hat was- blown off,
and blood was pouring down his face. When
asked were he was strolling, he seemed hurt,
and saidr'nowhere!" The copper thought this
was a f ulny name for Central. He will be in
vestigauk, as his deposit of $3,000 was forfeited,
for somegood reason.
Elizabeth Antoinette Smith no home, no
friends, rk money, and a jag onl The girl with
the quecrjy name was retired from active serv
ice in that line for 30 days.
A man vith a club G. Sillier was prancing
around Water street, trying to smash in the
whole froit of a house. He told a story of the
sea, and jilned the minority committee.
"Sacrilere: 90 days to the workhouse!"
thundered Gripp when James Black peeped
apprehensively over the railing. Jimmy had
sneaked into the Cathedral, and sneaked out
again, taking with him all the handsome beads,
ornaments, etc., he could find. He tried to
make a bluff, bnt the Justice looked a hole
through him.
John Anderson, my Jo John, but you did have
.the gall!
You owned full half the world, John; but you
seemed to want It all;
And then yonr fearful language, John, the
Court It did amazci
Ton must make the oval barrel, John, for the
next 30 days.
Jack had gone into 107 Grant street, and
found a man sleeping in a chair. Jack asked
him what he was doing there, and ordered him
out. The man almost fainted at his nerve, but
had Jack arrested, and Jack has learned, alasl
ton late, that the man owned the bouse.
Jo Doyle tried to crawl on a train bound for
Washington. Ho said he had an engagement
with Baby McKee to open the inaugural balk
His voice was fall of loyalty.
Ills eyes were full or tears:
His )ockets full of nothingness;
His breath was lull of beers.
His Honor considered the object, not tho
resnlt: the Intention, not the man; and if Jo
can board a 'oilman, he may yet see the parade
on Pennsylvania avenue.
An Actor Knocks Down a Man and
,Ap losizei by Teleernph.
Mary At lerson, frith a special train of
two'baggag cars, oTie sleeper and one
coach, pass d throngh the "Union station
yesterday m rnlng, on her wiy to Washington
from Louisi lie, where she played Saturday
night. She had 44 people with her, and while
at the statin she did not alight from the
Her comp ny did alight, however, and, in
tho very few minutes they were there, one of
them managi d to put crape on the left eye of a
Pullman car conductor. The latter had had
some words with the theatrical man, and, as
per his custom with the Pullman employes, the
actor "tipped" the conductor. It was not the
usual 25-cent tip; but it counted just the same.
The conductor went over, and as the special
was pulling out tho actor boarded it He
afterward telegraphed an apology from East
A Butler Street Merchant Robbed Twice in
Three Months.
Mr. William Barton, the furnishing goods
merchant on Butler street, near Thirty
ninth, was yesterday so discouraged at his
lack of luck that .ho expressed himself as
tempted to quit business on account of the two
burglaries at his store, which have nearly
cleaned bis stock out.
Last Friday night the burglars pined an en
trance through the back door and took a large
number of handkerchiefs, caps, hats, eta. and
no trace of the perpetrators has been found.
The store was similarly robbed about three
months ago.
One Falls Off a Sigh Trestle, and Another
on the Ground, with Like Result.
Thomas Wilson, aged 35 years, a laborer
at the Edgar Thomson Steel -"Works, fell
off a trestle X5 feet high Saturday night,
breaking his right arm at the elbow and cut
ting a deep gash on his head. He was removed
to the Mercy i Hospital and his wounds were
dressed. I
Mrs. Jane Wilkinson, an old lady living on
Roberts street! near Webster avenue, slipped
on the pavement In front of her bouse yester
day morning, ftacturing her right leg and re
ceiving internal injuries. She was attended by
Dr. Irvin. '
Tangh on the Dog:.
A large Newfoundland dog which had been
locked up in Whitney & King's tlnstore, at the
corner of Wylie and Roberts streets, broke a
large and valuable showcase last night by
jumping on it.
Onr 5,000 Yards India Silk Sale To-Dnr,
27-inch, real China silk, black", white and
colors, ?1 00 and 91 25 goods, all go at 7C
cents a yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Curtain Department.
A special assortment of lace curtains from
Goc to $75 00 a pair; beautiful new designs
in tamboures just opened.
srwFSu Huous & Hacke.
Onr 5,000 Yards India Silk Sale To-Dny,
27-inch, real China silk, black, white and
colors, $1 and $1 25 goods, all go at 75 cents
a yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Auction sale ot business property and
dwelling. See other column.
hw Black & Baled, 95 Fourth ave.
Onr 5,000 Yards India Silk Sale To-Dny,
27-inch, -real China silk, black, white and
colors, $1 and 1 25 goods, all go at 75 cents
a yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue' Stores.
Dress Goods Department.
Special bargains in 38-inch Bnglish style
dress goods, spring colorings, at 25c; actual
value 60c per yard. Huous & Hacke.
Onr 5,000 Yard. India Silk Sale To-Dny,
27-inch, real China silk, black, white and
colors, ft 00 and $125. goods, all go at 75
cents a yard. . Jos. Hobne & Col's
Pena Avenue Stores.
A Lecture at St. Man's Church by Rev.
Father Wlrtembncb St. Vincent de Paul
and Bis Great Work. '
Bev. Father.Wirtembach delivered a'lec
tnre on "Saint Vincent de Paul and his
Great Works Throughout the World," last
night at St. Mary's Church, Lawrenceville.
The proceeds were for the benefit of Bt.
Mary's Conference of St Vincent de Paul.
The following is a brief synopsis of his lecture,
which was listened to by a large audience:
"In the small town of Pouy, in the province
of Gascony, France, John de Paul tilled his
land in the latter part of the sixteenth century.
He was blessed with six children, among them
Vincent, who watched the flocks in the shadow
of the Pyrenees. His father wished him to be
a priest, and. throngh the generosity of friends,
he graduated at Turin University.
"He became a priest, consecrated himself to
charitable work, and seeing the need of char
itable Institutions to help France'; condition,
in the little town of Chartres. near Paris, gath
ered together those in sympathy with his ideas
and there founded the Sisters of Charity, so
powerful to-day, and which has enlarged into
hospital work and all the benevolent works of
this kind in the church to-day.
"He went to the galleys of Marseilles, and
seeing the need of the condemned and other
prisoners to have some one to confide in, he
founded the church's present confessional.
"To Vincent de Paul is due the principal
part of work of the Reformation in France.
He gave the world the Sisters of Charity,
Priest's Retreat, and an idea of gathering the
children from the streets and educating them.
After over 200 years Vincent de Paul still lives
in his works, and will lire as long as lives the
Oar 5,000 Yards India Silk Sale To-Day,
27-inch, real China silk, black, wlyte and
colors, SI and $1 25 goods, all go at 75 cents
it yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
825 Worth for 85.
During this month a fall size crayon for
$5, worth $25, at Elite Gallery, 516 Market
St., Pittsburg.
Our 5,000 Yards India Silk Snle To-Day,
27-inch, real China silk, black, white and
colors. $1 and $1 25 goods, all go at 75 cents
a yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Massage Treatment.
Scientific and electric massage applied by
I. Mnnk, 806 Penn avenue. siwr
Our 5,000 Yards India Silk Sate To-Day,
27-inch, real China silk, black, white and
colors, $1 and $1 25 goods, all go at 75 cents
a yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenne Stores.
Scbofula cured free of charge at 1102
Carson si., Southside.
Oar 5,000 Yards India Silk Sale To-Day.
27-inch, real China silk, black, white
and colors, $1 and $1 25 goods, all go at 75
cents a yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn avenne Stores.
B. ifcB.
India silks to-day new ones choicest,
finest and best goods and the largest col
lection ever shown. Boggs & Buhl.
Onr 5,000 Yards India Silk Sale To-day,
27-inch, real China silk, black, white and
colors, ft and $1 25 goods, all go at 75 cents
a yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenne Stores.
Flannel Department.
All the latest styles in French, English
and American flannels, stripes, figures and
checks, from. 35c to ?1. 00 per yard. A new
line of embroidered flannels, all colors and
grades, from 65c to $6 00 per yard.
siwfsu Hugos & Hacks.
Onr 5,000 Yards India Silk Sale To-Day,
27-inch, real China silk, black, white and
colors, ?1 00 and $1 25 goods; all go at 75
cents a yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
.. B.&B.
Extraordinary offering of new India silks
to-day,- 45c .to 52 00 per yard the 27-inch
goods at 65c, 76c, SI 00 and SI 25 and
values and choice styles nnequaled.
Boggs & Bukl.
Wash Goods.
Etoile du Kord, Drap and Venice, En
glish percales, etc., in immense assortment,
the best washing and wearing fabrics in the
market. Huous & Hacke.
Onr 5,000 Yards India Silk Snlo To-day,
27-inch, real China silk, black, white and
colors, $1 and SI 25 goods, all go at 75 cents
a yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Price, 25 cents, at all druggists.
pbzpabed bt
Many a woman will feel unhappy,
cramped and very disagreeable, all on
account of a bad fitting Corset, besides
her shape will be clumsy and awkward.
Corsets we give special attention to. If
you will only try onr Corsets you will
not be disappointed. Your shape will
be elegant and the fit perfect If this
is not the case bring them back. Ws
have Corsets at all prices.
... T p ...
... Jl. -L ...
109 Federal Street,
Second, door below Park Way. .BhiocwX
Large importations just received,
-; 4k
making the finest showing to be f oundVU
especially in Dress Goods.
C-AVt? ' -
. OAIjD.
Over 5,000 yards a special purchae,real
China Shanghai Cloth, Printed India
Silks, 27 Inches wide, at 73 cents a yard.- '-'
White grounds with black, figures; "
black with white figures; also dark and 1
light colorings these are the best valuef
in this country to-day a large variety ""
of patterns, as there are one hundred-"
and fifty pieces In this lot this is a big
sale beyond question. A grand collec
tion, our regular stock of these popular '
Silks-at 45c, 55c, 63c, (27-inch) JL 11 25,
Jl CO, in all the newest and most ex
treme colorings and finest French
Another lot worthy of notice 35
pieces, printed Jersey Silks (not
foulards) at 75 cents; never sold less
than SI over any silk counter.
New striped Surah Silks, 75 cents.
New striped Brocade Satins, $125
New Armure Rcyale Silks, 81 a yard, J
spring shades. ,
New shades in plain Surah Silks.
New Shades in plain India Silks. .-':"..
Spring importations of Black Dress i '
Bilks.- . .;
New Pekin Striped Armure Royale -Silks.
New plain Crepe de Chine, single and
donbie width.
New Brocaded Crepe de Chine, latest
patterns, '
Special values in Black Surahs, Black
India Silks. Black Royales, Black Peaa ':-'(si
deSoie, Black Gros Grains (21-inch, at .
95 cents and at SI 25 a yard).
English Suitings, in individual pat
terns. French Embroidered- Robes, a - -
la Directolre. German and French
fancy combination styles, II 00 -to
finest. . "TS
.? -
50-inch, English effect, fine W ool Suit "' -
f t OS - A -:
4iJa, & J m.
The largest collection of Novelties ia
Imported Dress Fabrics ever shown In
this city at this season, including a
large variety of new effects In black and
white woolens.
French Challies, latest printings, be
qualities, at 35 cents and 50 cents a yard.
Fancy printed Mohairs; new designs
in English striped Mohairs, Plain -weaves,
new colorings. In, challies.
v -
serges, rayes. "
' " "
New Broadcloths, in spring weights. X
New English Serge Stdtlngs.
New French Cashmeres. 60 cents, 65c, '
(48-inch), 75c, SI and SI 25, special ultra,
shades, dyed to our own order.
46-inch all-wool Serges, choice colors.
at GO cents. y
. Stylish all-wool Plaids, 60 cents a
jard. -
Spring Suitings, 60 inches wide only .; '"
40 centsa yard. ; "
New goods arriving daily in the Cloak
Room. Advanced styles in Misses' and ;'.f
Children's Wraps.
New arrivals in our already enormous Jjr
Wash Dress Goods Departments. Scotch -!
Ginghams, in fancy lace- effects and em
broidered stripe and side border atjIesT,jj
American Dress Ginghams, 10c to 25c.1
Satlnes all the latest colorings (j
1 French, 25c to 35c American, 12c to 1
Certainly the largest stock" of Nejjrl
Spring Goods ever displayed; aadl
values, from Calicoes to Silks. - '
: jds. horne k mm
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