NEW MAI TO SAMOA Bismarck Orders One of His Most Trusted Agents to, the Scene of Action, to SETTLEALLOFTHETROUBLE The Government Expects to Get Along All Ristfit With Harrison. BAIARD CAUSED ALL TEE DIFFICULTY According to llie Editor of tbe Cologne Gazette A Number of Chance Are Im pending In the Government The subject of Religion in, the Schools Discussed at Length Prospects of a General Strike Among Worklngmcn Socialists Continue Agitating as flinch as Possible Moro Money Wanted for New Artillery. Herr Stcnbel, a man who stands high in the German Consular service, has left for Samoa, to take Jthe place of Knappe, re called. His mission is a special one for the purpose of restoring harmony with the American interests. The general tone of the German press is decidedly pacific Dis satisfied workingmen threaten a general 'strike. Memorial services in honor of Em peror William -will be held next Sunday. COPTEIGn-rED, 16S BY THIS KWTOSK ASSOCI ATED FKESS.l Beklin, March 2. The recall from Sa moa of Herr Knappe, the German Consul, has been promptly followed by the dispatch of Herr Steubel, formerly Consul General of Copenhagen, to replace him. Herr Steubel, alter an interview with Bismarck, left for Hamburg, under instructions to reach Sa moa bv the quickest route. Steubel's mission is a special one. His position in the consular service entitles him to a better post than Samoa, but if his pres ' ence there is followed by harmonized rela tions -with America he will obtain higher rank. It is expected in official circles that complete concord will be established as soon as President Harrison's Cabinet gets in thorough touch with the incidents causing the dispute. The Borsen Courier adversely criticises the increase in the German squadron in Samoan waters, asserting that the order for the dispatch of the warships was not given through Bismarck, but to the Admiralty by superior authority. BLAME IT ON BATABD. The Cologne Gazette lavs the blame for the misunderstanding on Secretary Bayard. Jt says it is hopeful that his successor will accept the friendly approaches of Germany in the cordial spirit in which they are tendered. The whole tone of thq semi official press, when any reference is made to the affairs, is marked by an advanced re gard for American feeling. The Emperor dined to-night with Gen eral Von Schellendorf, Minister of "War. The imperial presence is taken as a contra diction of the reports of the retirement of "Von Schellendorf, owing to continued con flicts with Count Waldersee It is certain that'as recent as the last plenarv sitting of the Reichstag, Von Schellendorf, before taking a short holliday, frankly told his friends that they might expect his resigna tion before the middle of March. His dissensions with Waldersee were making his post unbearable. The Em peror's 'determination to restore peace -within the administration appears to imply the temporary retention of Von Schellen dorf. GOVEBNJIENT CHANGES. The report that Waldersee was about to retire arose from the overtures of Bismarck toward his acceptance of a high diplomatic post, stated to be Vienna, in succession to Prince Henry of Eeuss, upon whose dis cretion the Chancellor cannot rely. Count Von Waldersee declined placing himself within the grip of Prince Bismarck and los ing whatever hold his daily contact with the Emperor gives him. Dr. Von Stoercker's speech during Thurs day's debate in the Landtag on Dr. Wind thorst's motion regarding religious teach ing in the primary schools was applauded by the members of all the Government groups. His main contention was that surveillance over the schools was already largely vested in the clergy, and is operated in supervision without infringing upon the control of the State. He ridiculed the idea that a layman could not be entrusted with religious teaching, and denounced Dr. Windthorst's proposals as a negation of the principles of healthy education and hostile to religious peace. The speech is assisting in his restoration to favor. In some qaarters thecenter party is disappointed over the reception of the proposals, which it was hoped would secure Progressist su.pport.on the ground that they tended to a separation of the church and State. BELIGION AND EDUCATION. Herr Virchow practically spoke to the same effect, declaring that religioue teach ing ought to be the exclusive function of the clergy, but he rejected the clerical scheme as placing the schools under the ex clusive influence of the church. Dr. Windthorst, recognizing the violation of the Center, predicted future acceptance of the proposals. Funeral services in memory of Emperor "William, which will be held'March 9, will be attended by the whole Imperial family. The Grand Duchess of Baden has already arrived. Empress Frederick, with her three daughters, are expected from Kiel on Thursday. Empress Augusta has expressed the desire that every one of the late Emper or's entourage, including his domestics, be present The function will be unusually imposing. Atchinoff s filibustering fiasco has helped to quicken the Government's perception of the danger involved in such expeditions. The Peters expedition has, therefore, been forbidden. The expedition may start, but not from any point in the German territory. AN ANGBT CZAB. Advices from St. Petersburg represent the Czar as incensed against Atchinoff. and as ordering his trial immediatelv on his arri val at Odessa. The Russian corvette Zab riaka awaits Atchinofl at Suez. Tbe Czar's anger extends to General Ignatieff, through whom the Slavonic Society supplied funds to Atchinoff. General Ignatieff asked an interview with the Czar in order to explain the objects of the expedition, but the Czai refused to re ceive him, and he was advised that he might have to answer charges involving a trial. General Balanoff, Governor of Novgorod, another noted Slav, is also involved and is threatened with suspension from office. The crisis in the relations between work men and employers threatens to produce a general -strike here. The severe breather, slack work and want of cohesion among the workmen have assisted the employers in re ducing'wages. SOCIALISTS AT "W0EK. The Yolliblatt, a Socialist organ, Jn a proclamation to German workers, an nounces a general strike in the course of this month. It assertsthat wages areinsnf cient to pay for daily bread, and that a inajorityof the men would be content with S marks. 10 pfennigs -per dav of nine nonrs. The police do not permit these meetings I q,-ifr- - T of workmen, buteveiy night small meet ings ate held throughout Berlin, at which views on the labor question are excitedlv exchanged. The North German Gazette says the Government willaot interfere in the strueele between lahnr and capital as long as the Socialists do not attempt to. assume the direction of tbe labor move ment. "The supplementary estimates about to be submitted to the Reichstag provide for an outla of 21,882,570 marks, alarge portion of which goes to strengthen the artillery. Of this total 9,390,2GC marks will be raised bymatricular assessments and 12,298,054 marks by an imperial loan. Each corps of field artillery will henceforth consist in time of peace of seven detachments, each with six fullv horsed guns, and a portion also equipped with ammunition wagons with teams. MONEY ASKED FOE. A central board to be, created for the navy is to have control of the vessels aud men, while the administration of the naval will be under the imperial chancellor. The other estimates include 24,000 marks for the Emperor's palace at Strasburg, 1,200,000 marks for the carrying out of measures against the slave trade, and 100,000 marks for the erection of a monument to the late Emperor William. The Government has resolved not to alter the system under which banks issue private notes, the banks throughout Germany re taining the right to issue such notes. Sev eral banks have united to increase -their capital in order to establish a better propor tion between their capital and note circula tion. The report that Prince Buprecht of Ba varia is mentally ill is untrue. FRANCE IN NEED OF A CROMWELL. A Sinn in Dcmnnd Who Will Stop Boulan ger's Nonsense. BY CABLE TO THE PISrATCH. IiONDON, March 2. The big event on the continent is the attack of the Govern ment in Paris, on Deroulede and his so called Patriotic League. It'is a pleasing thing for those who admire France and are glad when she shows commonsensc Derou lede is a ridiculously vain man, gifted with an imagination and a writer's ability, which he has devoted to the production of stirring war songs which have been learned by every French boy in school. Trading on the patriotic feelings with which 'his name is associated, he has been able to enroll the quarter of a million guileless French in a league. This league he calls patriotic, while he has been using it to hurt the Gov ernment and help on the dangerous adven turer, Boulanger. The Government, seeing an opportunity, have started in to suppress Deroulede and his Boulangist league, and President Carnot and M. Freyclnet are to be congratulated. It -will be a great pity if Deroulede and his unpatriotic followers are not sentenced to a term of reflection and confinement, though it is hardly to be hoped for. It is also permissible to hope that in his little game of turning over the Republican min istries, Boulanger may cause some man to rise to the top who will develop the ability to end his career. The man who ends Bou langer's nonsense, if necessary by means of shortening him by a head, will make a great hit. Frenchmen like that kind of thing. It impresses them, and thev would not make very much fuss for fear of hurting tbe exhibition. There is a fine opening for a small French edition of Cromwell. BE0KE UP THE CONTENTION. A Little Mouse Utterly Ruins a Woman's nights Mass Meeting. TBY CABLE TO TBE PISPATCU. London, March 2. Woman's rights in England have received, according to a tale from Southport, a blow from an unexpected quarter. A meeting held early this week at the residence of a lady in Southport was going on very well when a mouse came ont and sat down in the middle of the floor, That produced complete silence, during which the women were cautiously getting upon the chairs. Nobody had enough presence of mind to turn out the disturber. In the course of a whispered consultation about mice, one woman who had come there to enforce her rights observed that she had heard those animals bit dreadfully, when another woman who wanted to vote screamed out that a mouse much bigger than the first had run up a curtain. A demand for the reform of man's injustice was temporarily abandoned, and the meeting broke up in a rush for the door. TO ABOLISH LAWYERS. A Novel Organization for the Settlement of Difficulties Without Litigation. fSPKCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE PISFATCH.1 Ne-w Yobk, .March 2. "Under the name of Schllchtungverein, a society has been organized for the purpose of friendly set tlements of litigations or differences with out legal proceedings if possible. If it be true that the task of modern medi cine is to prevent sickness, it ought like wise be the purpose of the legal remedies to prevent the use of law suits. This can be done by interposition of a person who is able to esti mate the circumstances. To the poor, all assistance and advice is to be given free. Under the superintendency of Mrs. Emily Kempin, L.L. D., an office has been opened at 207 East Fourteenth street, and anyone can become a member by pav ing a yearly u subscription of 5. Applications for membership may be addressed to Mrs. Leonard Weber, President, 25 West Forty-sixth street; Mrs. Adolph Rusch, Vice President, 7 West Fifty-third street; Mr. T. Bertsch mann, Swiss Consul, Treasurer, 18 Ex change Place; Miss M. Volkmann, Secre tary, 140 Nassau street, or Mrs. Emily Kempin, L.L. D., Superintendent, 207 East Fourteenth street. Mr. John Townsend, 93 Nassau street, ap proving the objects of the society, has con sented to act as advisory counsel without fee. A "550,000 WRECK. Loss of Property in a Collision on the Bal timore and Ohio. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THI PISPATCH.1 Wheeling, March 2. Last nights col lision xm the Baltimore and Ohio, at the Moundsville Narrows, was one of the most disastrous wrecks occurring near this city. The loss to the company will not fall short of $50,000, and will likely considerably ex ceed that figure. The passenger train, No. 4, eastbonnd from this city, fortunately had few passengers, else the loss of life would have been, heavy. The half dozen people in, tbe cars were tossed violently from their seats, and three passenger coaches were splintered and broken. The westbound freight, seems, however, to have suffered much more severely. A dozen cars were totally wrecked, and two of them hurled oyer the steep bluff, almost per pendicular in its nature, down upon the track of the Ohio Elver road, 50 feet below. Both engines were totally wrecked, being reared up on end and firmly interlocked. The engineers and firemen only saved their lives by jumping. It is a miracle that the passenger coaches did not go over the bluff to the Ohio Eiver track. The road was riot clear until late to-day. FATALLY SHOT BY A PLATMATE. A Little Doy of 12 Kills a Companion Only n- Tear Older. rSrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THB DISPATCH. ! New Yokk, March 2. Michael Quinlin, 12 years old, of Jersey City, shot and mor tally wounded Frederick Conklin, 13 years old, to-day. They were plaving in Quin lin's housej 148 First street. Quinlin found a revolver in,a bureau drawer, and pointing it at Conklin, said in fun: "See how I can shoot yon." He pulled the trigger and a bullet entered Conklin's face, near his nose, passed through his head, and out the right ear. Quinlin dropped tbe revolver and ran away hare headed. He has not been seen since. - v t vf ? tj' t- v THE . -1.V f. u sember's -Basra; - TZ Peculiar .Details ot the Stranger Case of Mrs. Emma Althouse , THE FAMOUS ATTIOA "SLEEPER. Fighting Off Drowsiness for Fear That She Might Never Wake, ONE LONG UNBE0KM NAP OF 10 DAIS. Symptoms or Foisonln; Follow the Visit of Two Mys terious Men. The full details of the strange caseof Mrs. Emma Althouse, of Attica, N. "T., whose protracted slumbers for the last 18 months have been referred to from time to time in the columns of The 'Dispatch, are given below. The information is furnished by one who has had every opportunity for the full est investigation, and will be of interest to the medical profession, as well as to the general reader. i ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE PISPATCIM Attica, N. Y., March 2. One of the strangest cases of illness on record is that of a .young, woman residing in this city, whose naps have extended to an unprecedented length of time, ranging ftom 3 to 34 days. Incredulous persons have said that it was a hoax, physicians who have not seen her have disbelieved it, while many people have ventured to see for themselves, and have gone away convinced that the half was never told. The story is as follows, every statement of which is correct and readily proven: Mr. and Mrs. John Toms are Germans, and have resided in Attica ever since they came from the old country, over 30 years ago, They are in humble circumstances, having but little education. Mr. Toms is a mason. The family consists of the parents and six children. Mrs. Emma Althouse is the third child of these parents and is about 25 years of age. She was married in March, 1886, but for some reason does not live with her husband. In August, 1887, Mrs. Althouse became very ill. A dysentery of an obstinate and unyielding character attacked her, which took a very serious turn. A physician was sent for, a German who is pastor of the Ger man Lutheran Church and at the same time doctors among his people to a large extent. This Rev. Mr. Huber is a gentleman of the best repute. He is well educated and has a physician's diploma. Upon responding to the call, he was quite at a loss to account for the severity and character of the illness, but finally succeeded in subduing the disease. the disease- changes. Afterward it was ascertained that she was suffering .from abscesses in the colon, or large intestine. The physician did all that could be done to relieve her, but the ab scesses broke and discharged only to be fol lowed by others. During the formation of these abscesses Emma suffered greatly, but after they had discharged she would fall into a heavy sleep which usually lasted about three days, from which she would waken and remain awake for several days. She has remained'awake as long as ten days. These periods of sleep were not marked by quiet, for she showed even in that sleep, distress of body, and consequently distress of mind. She would wring her hands, interlocking her fingers with vise like strength, making it almost im possible to separate them, and until the ends of the fingers would be fairly purple. Her attendants were obliged to re sort to fastening towels .around -each1 one to prevent the distressing wringing and twist ing of those members. Sometimes in her sufferings she would twist and writhe in ail indescribable manner her whole body, so that she had to be "held upon her bed. Once she fell from the bed during the mo mentary inattention of her sister, injuring her arm and side, and causing a rupture of a blood vessel in the arm. FBAYING AND SINGING. Sometimes her delirium would be more quiet She would in a half whisper utter snatches of hymns, hastening from one to another as if it was a task which she must quickly finish. These hymns she would repeat often, with acceleration. Again her delirium would take the form of short, ejaculatory prayer, "O, my Lord, do not leave me," "I adore Thee," "Save me, save me," etc. Sometimes Emma would be perfectly qniet, with arms thrown above her head upon the pillow, without a motion for days, except a slight, regular motion of the hand, which was kept up without ceasing, during the spell. During one of her waking spells she ex claimed: "Oh, I am so tired. I must go back to sleep. She would predict the length of her sleep, never, in a single case, awaking until the time had passed which she had foretold. Upon one occasion, when she said she was going to sleep, her physician inquired when he should call her. "I don't know," was her answer. "Ten days?" "O, longer!" -'Fourteen?" "O, yes." "Perhaps twenty, Emma." '"It will be a long time, doctor." At this time, February, 1888, Bhe slept 17 days, awaking with a slight bleed ing of the nose. After active treatment she was restored partly to consciousness, but fainted, or swooned away several times. Before fully conscious she exclaimed: "O must I wake again; must I wake again?" COBEECT PEEDICTIONS. She remained awake several days, pre dicting that she should sleep again for about three days. When asked if she was then going into another long trance she nodded and said that she would "sleep per haps 30 days." At this time when asked if cfto folf nflltl rTio rpnliorl that .Tn AtA SK 4L. u.... . v J...-. h..w ..ji.ibu .uu DUG uiu, u but? seat of the abscesses and also spoke of headache. The family say that she has borne her sufferings uucomplaininglv. March 1, 1888, she fell asleep, awaking Saturday evening, March 3. The following Sunday evening, March 11, she began a long sleep, which ended Friday evening, April 13, mating 33 days of sleep. The condition of the sleeper during tnese 33 days was trance-like, all of the functions of the body being dormant. Her lips were closed naturally, her teeth firmly sei, her face at first a little flushed, her right hand moving softly, her lips uttering low, soft, delirious whisperings, less and less fre- ntiAnt As thf rtfiTrn tiooom) r1n' ).,... perfectly stUli. her limbs .andv arms .itWrniitllf nrVll f Ji H(1 a-1 J 1 1. . ww; mn ouu tuiu, uer puise very feeble. Skeptical people tried to waken her witi. no success. She awoke Eriday even- inr. Anril ID. And did nnf fotnt n- ..-..1 but immediately inquired for her sister, anu uegjjeu mat tney wonldnot let her go to sleep again, lest she never wake. She was very weak, unable to help herself. She remained awake for one week, when she fell asleep again and slept -three days. She then remained without sleep night or day for ten -days, when, on May 7, she sank into sleep strain, sleenintr tTioo r j four nights. VEBY MYSTEBIOUS. The village newspaper of June 22, 1888, says: The physician was sent for In great haste on Friday evenine, June 15. and found Emma In severe cramps, with an almost death-like ap pearance and vomiting a green mass, with every appearance of havinc taken poison. He ad- uiuiiausiGu cuiewta auu reiievea ner to some ertentwhen he ascertained the following story: About an hour previous two menappeared at the house and asked to see Mrs. Althouse. claiming that her physician had sent them. Upon this statement they were admitted, and alhved to see the sick woman. One of-them engaged her in conversation while the other sat near a small stand upon which stood several vials of medicine and a cup nearlv full of coffee and milk, from which" the patient had been drinking from tune to time. The sister remaining in the roomsaw the man handling the vials and can In an inno cent sort of way. Soon alter the men left, and J XiBiHia oeinR inirsty asiteo. tor a arms, .ner PlTTSBtJKG- J3ISPAT0B; Bister gave ber some ot the coffee and milk, of which she drank considerable. She Immedi ately complained of a burning sensation in her tbrpat, her eyes rolling in a wild manner, her face turned deadly white and she was seized with violent cramps. The physician examined the remainder of the milk and coffee and found a sediment showing clearly that it haa been tampered with. The doctor had suspected poison from the begin ning of her illness, but she had emphatically denied having taken any, as did allot the fam ily, but repeatedly begged the physician to let her know when she would die, as she had some thing to tell him of importance, but would not do so until she was about to die. A CASE OF POISONING. The physician was satisfied that he had a clear case of poisoning, as he had suspected all along, and he threatened to enter a com plaint before the proper officials, telling her she was liable to die at any time, or lose the power of speech, so that she would be unable to communicate with him or anyone else. She finally said she knew who the parties were; that they were only in the employ of someone else; that poison was admlnlsteied'to her on another occasion; and that the parties' came from near Syracuse, and that.thetr 00 3 ect was to.desf roy her, lp order,to get posses sion of a sum of money which shq had received as hush money some time before, fcjbe has a little son, which .she continually warned the hysiclantoloofcout for; lest they get rid,pf lim as they had her, in order to g&lirposses sion of her money. On inquiry bv physician became satisfied that the poison conldnot haye been administered by herself or anyone , of the family, The milk jiad coffee and vial of medicine -I were tasen possession oi by tne pnysiQian. Both have a'bright green appearance. On the Sunday 'following black spots appeared over the bodyof Mrs. Althouse, giving evi dence of blood poison. These spots gradrH. allv turned crreen. . prowins? lighter and lighter and finally, as .time passed, they dis-.. appearcu, mwgeiuer. t The summer and fall of 1888 pas'sed.bring ing no change, the sleeps continuing, and bnt little was heard of the case, as it had become an old story. In the meantime Dr. Huber gave up the case. Mrs. Althouse fell into one of her sleeps on December 23, and slept nine days. She awoke and re mained conscious three days, when at 5 A. M., January 3, 1889, she again fell asleep. The 28th'day of;her nap a galvanic battery was applied to the patient and other methods used to waken her with no result except to cause the eyes to slightly open. A 9.55 A. at, February 5, Mrs. Althouse awoke, having slept 34 days. For quite a while before awaking, her breathing became la bored and difficult, and when she finally re covered consciousness it was only to swpon away again and again, at the same time bleeding freely at the nose. Her respira tion was 54, but her temperature was but 98 and her pulse 84, but unsteady. A WAKING SPELL. She continued awake until Thursday morning, February 7, when she again fell asleep. This time she slept four day?, and awoke Sunday morning in a weak condi tion. Taking a spoonful of water would cause her to taint, and she would remain in her swoon even 15 minutes. Her only method of communicating now was by her eyes, as tbe friends asked her questions. In this way and at this time she made her at tendant to understand that she wished to see her pastor and have, the sacrament ad ministered. Wednesday night, February 13, she fell into a sleep, from which she wakened Monday morning, February 25, having slept 11 days. This last sleep, comatose, or trance condition, was more alarming than previous ones, as her teeth were tightly clinched, and it has been im possible to force any nourishment between them. " The patient lies in a chamber, upon a tidy looking bed. When sleeping she rests always upon her back, and usually has her face turned slightly to the left. Her injured left arm lies by her side, while her right hand lies across her breast. Her face and forehead feel slightly warm, but her hands are cold and colorless. She does not look thin, bnt is quite fair looking. Her hand as I lilted it seemed lifeless, limp, pliable and could be bent or laid in any position as you would lift a fold of cloth. During all this long sickness her only nourishment has been milk and weak coffee. When sleeping they have succeeded in, forcing a little bom time to time through her closed teeth, A GOOD-LOOKING INVALID. She is not an unpleasant looking subject. On the contrary, as she lies there she is fine looking, and her breathing is soft and peaceful and sometimes scarcely perceptible. When she wakes it is distressing to behold her extreme weakness. Her breathing is then very rapid, her eyes unnatural, her face as sumes a purple tint and she is the picture of suffering. Thus the abscesses still continue to form and discharge inwardly and pass away from which weakness she soon sinks back into the profound slumber described. Every day, when asleep, she is tenderly lifted from her bed and it is aired and newly made. She is perfectly limp and helpless and when lifted back she is placed in what ever position is desired. She is tenderly watched night and day by some member of the household. Strangers are not admitted to the-sick chamber, bnt someof the citizens j who are Known are permitted to look at the sleeper. A strange feature of the case is the fact of her having a fair pulse when asleep, and tbe good condition of her flesh, having no sores as the result of long illness. The difficulty being'entirely with the stomach, digestive organs and alimentary canal. The sleeper is at present under the care of Dr. Betel, of Buffalo, who has sent remedies when she was able to take them. Eighteen months have passed since Mrs. Althouse was taken ill and never has a day or night "passed without constant watching by members of the household, who are weary and dis couraged. MORE ROTTENNESS IN INDIANA. Ail of tbe Institutions There Seem to Be Managed Very Loosely. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUB DtSPATCH.l Indianapolis, March 2. -The Legisla tive Committee 'engaged in investigating the management of the Indiana Insane Hos pital to-day discovered three checks bearing the date of March 8, 1888, and all numbered 129, which show how 55,900 of the State's money was stolen. They are each made payable to W. G. Wasson, one for the sum of $2,500 and another for $3,400, mak ing $5,900, and another for $5,900. The checks bore the cancellation stamp ot the Merchants National Bank; The cashier of the bank, A. F. Kopp, declared the cancellation of the check for $5,900 was fraudulent. It was also shown by the books of the State Auditor and the bank that P. M. Gapen, the Treasurer of the Hospital Board, had drawn from tha State during the same month $10,000 more than he had deposited in bank. The discoveries were reported to the- Attorney General, and he was directed to at once prepare papers for the arrest of Gapen on the chargeof lorgery, but it is reported that a warrant will not be served on him before Monday. A few days ago Gapen admitted on the witness stand- that John E. Sullivan, the absconding County Clerk, had been loaned $15,000 of the hospital funds, and did not pay the money back. Gapen was employed by Sullivan as a confidential clerk. An Oyster Pirate Castaway. William Baymond, an Indian' had lodg ings at the Central station last night. He is on his way home to Indiana, after having, as he says, been cast ashore by an oyster pi rate in Chesapeake Bay, so that the captain could avoid paying him the stipulated $25 a month in wages due for work and priva tions on the dredge since last fall. Hose Gets' Some Provender. rBPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Uniontown, March 2. In the suit of George' A. Hogg, of Brownsville, for dam ages sustained from the SouthwesfRailroad running its line through his farm at New Haven, in 1872, the jury this morning awarded him a judgment of $6,974 CO. Honied by a Pigoit. From the New Vork World.! The Thnnderer" as e London Tunis was somewhat pompously dubbed, has been thrown irom its high place by'a squealer. ' SUOT&.Y, 1 " A NEAT LITTTjE YETO Is Applied by President Cleveland to the Direct Tax Bill TO EE1MBDKSE THE LOYAL STATES For the Financial Assistance Bendered the GoYernment. THE SENATE OVERRIDES THE VETO notwithstanding tbe Measure is Declared Unconstitu tional ana Unjust; President Cleveland has .vetoed the direct tax bill to reimburse ihe States for the ,money paid to the Government to assist in putting dawn the Rebellion. The President says the meftsure.ia.uncons.tilutional; that it disoriminrttes' unjustly, and that it is not necessary for the general Welfare of the He further intimates that the actual taxpayers did not complain at pay ing; the taxes and are cqnient 'with matters as they now stand. Tbe Senate passed it over thereto, but the-measure lias yet to go before the House. 'WASHiNQTON.'March 2. The President in his-message vetoing the direct tax bill, after describing the bill in detail and giving a full history ot the matter, says: The conceded effect of this bill Is to take from tbe money now In the treasury the snm of more than $17,000,000,or if the percentage allowed is not included, more than 515,000,000, and pay back to the respectivo States and Ter ritories the sums they or their citizens paid more than 23 years ago upon a direct tax levied by the Government of tbe United States for Its defense and safety. It is my belief that this appropriation of the public funds is not within the constitutional power of Congress. Under the, limited and delegated authority conferred by the Constitu tion upon the General Government, the state ment of the purposes for which money may be lawfully raised by taxation in any form de clares also the limit of tho object for which It may -be expended. A LAWFUL TAX. All must agree that the direct tax was law fully and constitutionally laid, and that it was rightfully and correctly collected. It cannot be cHlmed, therefore, nor is it pretended, that any debt aroe against the Government and in favor of any State or individual by the exaction of this tax. Barely, then, the appropriation directed by this bill cannot be justified as a payment of a debt of tne United States. The disbursement fof this money clearly has no relation to tbe common defense. On the contrary, it is the payment of money raised and long ago expended by the Government to provide for the common defense. The expenditure cannot properly be advo cated on the ground that the general welfare of the United States is thereby provided for "or promoted. The "general welfare of the United States," as used in the Constitution, can only justify appropriations for national objects and for purposes which have to do with the prosperity, the growth, tha honor or the peace and dignity of the nation. A sheer, bald gratuity bestowed either upon States or individuals, based upon no better reason than supports the gift proposed In this bill, has never been claimed to be a provision for the general welfare. But if tbe constitu tional question Involved in the consideration of this bill should be determined in Its favor, there are other objections remaining which prevent my assent to Its provisions. A DEFECTIVE BILL. The President here enumerates a number of defects in the bill, among them the fol lowing: The fact that the entire tax was not paid furnishes no reason that would not apply to nearly every case whero taxes are laid. There are always delinquents, and while the more thorough and comnlete collection of taxes is a .troublesome problem of government, the fail ure to solve tne problem has never been held t call for the return of taxes actually col lected. The deficiency in tbe collection of this tax is found almost entirely in the insurrectionary States, while the quotas apportioned to the other States were, as a general rule, fully paid; and three-fourths or four-fifths of the money which it is proposed in this bill to return would be paid into the treasury of the local States, lint no valid reason for spch payment is found in tbe fact taht the Government at first could not, and afterward, for reasons probably per fectly valid, did not enforce collection in tho other States. There were many Federal taxes which were not paid by the people in the rebellious States; and if the non-payment by them of this direct tax entitles the other States to a donation ot the share of said taxes paid by their citizens, why should not the income tax and many other internal taxes paid entirely by tbe citizens of loyal States be also paid into the treasuries of these States? TAXPAYEBS CONTENT. Considerations which recognize sectional divisions.or the loyalty of the different States at the time this tar was laid, should not enter into the discussion of the merits of this measure. The loyal States should not be paid the large snmsof money promised them by this bill be cause they were loyal and other States were not, nor should the States which rebelled against the Government be paid the smaller -sum promised them because they werelnre bellion and thus prevented the collection of their entire quotas, nor. because this concession to them is necessary to justify the proposed larger gifts to the other States. The people of the loyal States paid this direct tax as they bore other burdens in support of the Govern ment, and I believe the taxpayers themselves are content. In the light ot these considerations, I am op posed to the payment of money from the Fed eral Treasury to enrich the treasuries of the .States. The baneful effect of a surplus in the Treas ury of tbe General Government is seen and felt I do not think, however, that this surplus should be reduced, or its contagion spread throughout the States by methods such as are provided in this bill. - UNJUST ANP UNFAIR, Another objection to the bill, says the President, is its unfairness and unjust dis crimination in 'the operation of the plan of reimbursement, He continues: The existence of a surplus in the Treasury is no answer to these objections. It is still the People's money, and better use can be found or it than the distribution o t It upori the pi ea of the reimbursement of ancient taxation. A mote desirable plan to reduce and prevent the recur rence of a large surplus can easily be adopted one that, instead of creating injustice and inequality, promotes justice and equality by leaving in the hands of the people and for their use the money not needed by the Government "to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States." ThpTdlfflcultles in the way of making a just reimbursement of this direct tax, instead of excusing the imperfections of the bill under consideration, furnish reasons why the scheme it proposes should not be entered upon. I am constrained upon the considerations herein presented to withhold my consent from the bill herewith returned, because I believe it to be without constitutional warrant, because I am of the opinion that tbere exists no ade quate reasons either in right or equity for the return of the tax in said bill mentioned and be cause I believe its execution would cause actual injustice and unfairness. Grovejs Cleveland. The President's veto was presented 'to the Senate and read, and after a short debate the bill was passed over the President's veto. Yeas 45, nays 9. The negative votes were given Dy Senators Blair, Call,' Coke, Edmunds, Jones, of Arkansas, Pascoe, Beagan, Saulsbury and Vest. GAMESTERS DISTURBED. The Police Offlccrs Raided Two Poker Rooms Iast Night. Shortly before midnight last night, In spector MoAleese and Detectives Coulson and McKTelvy. raided the poker room of Jack Braguan, on JFJfth"avenue, and ar rested the proprietor. Two tables were in full blast when th,e officers entered. None of the players were arrested, but the tables and entire -outfit were gathered ,up and taken to Central station. In the same building another party was disturbed at a game, and one man was ar rested. There was no. play ersL outfit in this room. Eriends of both men came around, pnt up forfeits of $100 each for their" appearance at thft tnnrnlniy TiAarfttora li IK j The House Refuses to Grant Money tp the Widow of' Chief Justice Walte Utah's Chances for Statehood Quay for .Protection." Washington, Maick2. In the House to-day the Senate amendment appropriat ing a year's salary to the widow of the late Chief Justice Waite coming up, ilr. Gros venor, of Onio, moved that the House re cede from its disagreement He referred to the fact that the late Chief Justice had abandoned a practice worth twice his salary to accept his office and had left only a small house to his widow and daughter. Mr. Eandall and Mr. Can non opposed tho Senate amendment be cause it established a dangerous precedent, and would lead to like payments of un earned money to the widows of all of the justices and the judges. Mr. White, of New York, said that the American people was the most niggardly on the face of the globe. If Mr. Waite had presided in England he would have had a salary of 10,000. By refusing to retire when he could he had saved the nation $21,000. The committee mistook the good sense and good heart of the people. Mr. Butterworth also thought that the late Chief Justice, who died in harness, had been under paid. The precedent was not dangerous, because like circumstances might not arise for a century. Mr. Grosvenor pointed to the pitiful spec tacle of a widow of a Chief Justice being turned out of his home within a year after his death in order that she might use its rent to buy bread. Mr. Ryan, of Kansas, opposed the amend ment, saying that this class of legislation was alarming, and should be checked. The motion to recede and accept the amendment was lost, and the bill was sent to conference. CLEARING DP BUSINESS. Both Branches of Congress Are at Work on Sunday. ' Washington, March 3. At midnight the differences existing between the Senate and House on (he appropriation bills had been all accommodated in conference com mittee, except those- arising out of conflict ing opinions an the- Indian sundry civil and deficiency appropriation bills. There are but two obstacles to the agree ment on the sundry civil bilk-the Waite and the steam press amendments and though there is a strong conflicting feeling in both Houses upon these subjects, it will not be permitted to endanger the passage of the measure. It was soon after 1 .o'clock Sunday morn ing when the conference"report on the effi ciency bill was presented and agreed to, leaving three items (one of them being the appropriation for the .French spoliation awards) on which there had been no agree ment, and on these further conference was asked. At 1:16 the Senate proceeded to the consideration of executive business THE COMMISSION ATTACKED. Grosvenor, of Ohio, Relieves His Dlind on Inter-State Commerce. Washington, March 2. In the House to-day Mr. Grosvenor, of Ohio, said that the country had received no benefit from the inter-State commerce law. He made the broad charge that no step had been taken under the law which had resulted in break ing down of discrimination by the railroad corporations, and that there existed to-day a system of discrimination more flagrant, more glaring, more outrageous than any discrimination which had been made, or at tempted to be made by any corporation prior to the enactment of the law. He characterized the Commission as a ful minating machine, and'fe&id that its assump tion of authority had 'operated to exclude the jurisdiction of Stat"? Legislatures, and left the shippers absolutely at the mercy pf the common carriers, t He denounced as an outrageous betrayal .of the confidence of the people the rejection of the amendment regu lating the transportation of oil in barrels and in tank cars. QUAY TOTES FOR PROHIBITION. A Significant Straw on a Motion In the National Senate. .Washington, March 2. In the" Senate to-day Mr. Blair asked unanimous consent to take up the joint reso lution proposing a liquor prohibi tion amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Mr. Harris objected. Mr. Blair, said that the matter had been pending for 14 years and all that he asked now was to have a vote upon it without de bate. He moved to proceed to its considera tion. The motion was defeated yeas 13, nays 33. The affirmative votes were given by Sena tors Blair, Bowen, Dawes, Dolph, Prye, Hawley, Jones, of Nevada; Mitchell, Palmer, Piatt, Quay, Sawyer and Stock bridge. NO HOPE FOR UTAH. A Report In Favor of It Admission Is Not Even Read. Washington, March 2. To-day the re ports ot the majority and minority of the Committee on Territories upon the proposi tion to admit "Utah into the Union as a State, were presented to the House and ordered printed without reading. The majority of their report pre sented arguments favorable to the admis sion of the Territories, but do not in terms recommend it, remitting the question to the House for its action. ' The committee is divided upon political lines in making the reports, firming the right of admission. THE JAIL CALENDAR. ' The most Important Court Cases to be Tried In the March Term, The jail calendar for the March term of the Criminal Court was completed lost night. The list shows a greater number of cases than there has been for many years past. The total number of cases to be tried is 146. The murder cases number only two. The latter is a decrease. The most important cases besides murder are for felonious assault and battery, 2; aggravated assault and battery, 8; assault with intent to kill, 1; burglary, 9; robbery, 1; highway robbery, 2; horse stealing, 1; forgery, 1; perjury, 2. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Dnyin Two" Cities Condensed for Ready Reading. THE West End had its first call for the patrol wagon yesterday, and Jake Wildree, old, poor and drunk, was hauled In. Jacob Akmstkonq was held for court by Magistrate Hyndman yesterday, to answer the chargeof stealing two watches from Homer Allen. Geaffker & Bros., installment people, sue Marcus Wahl, alleging that he paid only a part of the price of a watch" and refuses to return the watch. There were 314,063 letters, 69,389 postal cards and 133,650 newspapers delivered in Allegheny last month. The money handled during the month was $16,055 40. Thieves entered Charles Fisher's hardware store. No. 88 Twelfth street, Southslde, on Friday evening, and stole about S30U worth of cutlery and silver plate and $3 in money. A meeting will be held to-morrow between the carpenters and joiners and the officers of the Exposition Society, in order to adjust tho subject of non-union sashes used at tbe works. The new transfer on the Pittsburg and Lake Erie road at Homestead was opened yesterday. This is the connection that was put down be tween tbe Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston and the Pemickey. In the cases of Robert Matthews and Alex ander1 Scott, election officers of the Eleventh ward, charged With assault and battery by G. H. Relimeyer, Matthews was held in 1803 ball anu ocoit was uiscflargea. a kp&phsshb Vttr. &$ IN FOE ADEETHtK Continued from First -Page. ney is to be consulted and a case to be made under the civil rights law, dn which, it is 'confidently expected, the Court will sustain their position should tha committee see fit to refuse them admission. Colonel Perry Carson, the leader of the Blaine wing of colpred Republicans, says that he doesn't intend to go to the ball, and thinks it will be no place for colored peo ple. But if they want to go acd have the requisite $5 there is no reason why they shouldn't. And probably there is no reason why they will not. NONE TO BE BAEEED OUT. There are assurances, though, that no at tempt will "be made to exclude any one from the big ball because of his or her color. Colored people will have ihe same. rights and conveniences at the ball that white ones do. Anyone properly dressed and sober, presenting a proper tickets will be admitted to the ballroom. Really, the com mittee has no right to discriminate. As there is but one supper room and one cloak room for men and another for women, the white and blacks will have to eat together and leave their hats and wraps in the same rooms. The city will be ablaze with illumina tions and fireworks on Monday night' All Pennsylvania avenue will be illuminated with electric suns, and there will be a com petitive drill for the flambeau clubs. CBOTVDING TO THE CAPITOL. The Capitol was the center of interest; both Houses of Congress were in session, ihe galleries were packed, the corridors jammed, and there was a tremendous living corkscrew of humanity reaching from the entrance to the dome.far up the winding way to the landing almost at the feet of the Goddess of Liberty. The vast audiences of the galleries were keenly disappointed that some forensic duel was not on hand be tween the giants of the House and the Sen ate, and seemed to ieel hurt that some special entertainment was not arranged for tneir benefit. Both branches were at work on conference reports and most of the proceedings were made up of parliamentary motions, rulings and roll calls, and therefore were anything but exciting. Not being interested the spectators made a deal of confusion, whis pering and coming and sojng, and at fre- quent intervals the presiding officers were compelled to request in plain terms that the galleries keep better order. In the House the confusion at times made it impossible to do business. A CONGRESS OF EX-MEMBEES. Most of the noise was caused by a re markable incursion of ex-members, which crowded the space back of the screens all the afternoon, especially on the Republican Side, where theywould stand and buzz and laugh and smoke as though they owned tbe place. Repeatedly the Sergeant-at-Arms, at the command of the Speaker, made a raid on the disturbers and drove them to the cloakroom; but In a few minutes they would all be out again and the uproar as bad as ever. The Congress of ex-members seemed to think it was their day. Among the crowd of this genius were ex-Governor Robeson, of New Jersey; ex-Governor Foster," of Ohio; "Richelieu" Robinson, of Brooklyn, the former tail-twister of the British lion in the House; Amos Townsend, of Cleveland, and no less distinguished a statesman than Mor gan R. Wise, formerly of Greene county, and now somewhat universal. Though a raw and penetrating rain is falling to-night, iust such a rain as usually, lasts lor several uays in osmngion at mis, season of the year, nothing seems to dampen, the ardor of the Republican crowd. They don't care for '"Cleveland weather." They are so glad their party is again in power. BEAYEE LED.' Pennsylrnnlans Are Honored Guests In Washington A Presentation Our Governor Make" a Speech - and Leads the Cam palsn YelL fTEOM A STAFF COBKESPOXMjrT.I Washington, March 2. A large num ber of Philadelphia and Eastern manu facturers are here and are making their headquarters at the Manufacturers' Club, on Thirteenth street, where an informal re ception is going on this evening. The Young Republican Club, of Philadelphia, is represented here by a large delegation. To-night they all gathered in parlor 10 of the Willard Hotel. Among the other Pennsylvanians present were Governor Beaver, Adjutant General Hastings, At torney General Kirkpatrick, Secretary Stone, General Hartranft, Auditor General McCamant, who arrived this evening, Cashier Livesy, Senate Librarian Delany and Senator Cooper. ' When the club and its guests had settled themselves in comfortable positions, some on cnairs ana some on their feet, a delega tion brought in the President of the club, who had been kept unadvised of this par ticular meeting. The gentleman is Edwin Stewart, and he is Marshal of the Pennsyl vania brigade in the civic division of the inaugural procession. In honor of this ap pointment the club presented hinf with an elegant gold-mounted baton. Lewis E. Beittler made the presentation speech in a particularly .happy vein, ex- pusiag biie uupuuirity u tne Diusning Stewart by telling the assemblage that that gentiemarrnaa ine unexampled honor in Philadelphia of unanimous nomination to Councils and is mentioned for the Mayor alty of the city. Mr. Stewart, who was taken by a surprise, made ajiappy reply, and when he pointed with pride to Quay, Beaver and Wanamaker. whom he greatly extolled, his remarks were heartily ap plauded. Calls for General Beaver produced a speech from the gallant Governor of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that set his hearers to putting in punctuation marks of applause at the proper places, and when he had finished paving compliments to the club and its President, he led in the club's campaign cry which is the "name ot the or ganization spelled letter by letter, winding up with a hearty "Fizz! Boom! Rah!" 'The Americus Club will be here in the morning. DISTINGUISHED PENNSTLYANIANS. State Senator Cooper Would Not Decline the Governorship. "" fTJiOH A STAFF COEKISPOUDZNT.l Washington, March 2. Governor Beaver, Adjutant General Hastings, Pri vate Secretary Pearson, Attorney General Kirkpatrick: and Secretary of the Common wealth Stone, Cashier Livesy of the Treas ury liepartment, and Chief Clerk Gearhart, of the State Department, are at tbe Riggs House, with their families. Senator and Mrs. Delamater are xthe guests of Colonel Quay at his home. Senator and Mrs. Rutan was also invited to spend the inauguration holiday with Sena tor Quay, but Mr. Rutan's health did not permit him to come. Various members of the Pennsylvania Legislature are scattered about Washington and are met in many unexpected places. Some of them will at tend church to-morrow. State Senator Cooper is here and admits that the Collectorship of the Port of Phila delphia is not to be sneezed at. He also de clined to say that he would refuse anoffier of the Republican nomination for Governor of Pennsylvania. PARADE PREPARATIONS. Chief Marshal Beaver and 'Chief of Staff Hasting Busy Aft Day. ' rrnOHA STAFF COBBX8FOXPIXT.J Washington, March 2. Chief Marshal Beaver and Chief of Staff Hastings were busy all day long, at their headquarters on F street, receiving callers and dispatching ( business. They received the Chief Marshal's staff atli A. U. and had a long conference with them concerning the duties of Monday. I , To-morrow there will be a military serv ice at the First Presbyterian Church on New York avenue, which Governor Beaver, tfto HahamI m itna rlfaf.lnH guished military people will attead Ih eo-: vnuy wiia many 01 tne ranit ami ate Chaplain MeCook, of the Second Brigade? tiua acuu auu CU14UUC6 me service- I THE SOLDIER BOYS Already Arriving at the Capital The Key stone Stats Nobly RenmeiitiI.Zj -il cations of the Regiments Battery B in an Ice House. max X staff coBExsrosnxxr.3 $ 3 Washington-, .March, z, -The western end of the Keystone State is arriving here jj sjowiy, uaruiy uiisseu, inougn in taes crowd that is deluging the National Capf ital. There are soma .Pittsburgers here," and these are.looking for more on tha trains- that arrive late to-night ana to-morrow. Where they will secure accommodations if thev have not already got them In advance) -is a question, for already people are paying the fanciest kind of high prices for the! privilege of sleeping with total strangers. When windows ou Pennsyl vania avenue rent for as much as $5 Jor, inauguration day, beds are luxuries that come somewhat lower, but the prices make" the foundations of the average " visitorv finances quake. - 5 i The people went about to-day under?! leaden skies, and this afternoon a drizzling rain wet down the 'bunting and dampened, tne entnusiasm of the populace ana tne regiments and clubs arriving. .Rasters regiments were coming in all day. The Fourteenth Regiment is expected at T ' A. Jl. to-morrow and the Eighteenth is ex- pectea at noon. J.he latter win be jocatea at 612 and 614 Seventh street. The Four teenth will be quartered at the PostofSce department, as win tne xentn ana Jtrn teenth Regiments. The latter will be hers at 7 A. ii. to-morrow, but the time of arrival 91 tne Tenth is net accurately known. The Fifth Regiment wiil be quar tered at the Interior Department. Battery B is expected at 9 A. m. to-morrow, ana will rendezvous at the quarters of the Inde pendent Ice Company at the Ninth street wharf. The Sixteenth Regiment from the oil country will be located at Grant's old headquarters on Seventeenth street. THRIFTY CONGRESSMEN Dispose af Their Tickets to tha Inaagura tloa Ceremonies at 825 Apiece. Washington, March 2. The demand for seats in the Senate chamber, and on the platform during the inauguration cert monies Monday,' has been, so great that Colonel Canaaay, the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, has been driven almost to distraction by the incessant im portunities for these desired pasteboards. There are but 1,507 issued, 'including the tickets for the press, and so great is the de mand that certain members of the House,' inclined to thrift, are disposing ot their tickets at tne rate of 523 each. One gentle man bought six at this figure from a House official to-night. , , GEO. WASHINGTON'S CHAIR One of the Relics That Will Be Pressed lata Service on Monday. ' Washington, March 2. In tha office of Sergeant-at-Arms Canaday to-day sioou an oiu-iasuionea leawer cusnionea jsj revolving arm-chair, which attracted no 9 attention until the visitor was told that it m was the chair in.which George Washington' hm itiauuKtcu iu Aig, auu tuatib wuiuij be used by General Harrison during the . ceremonies .Monday. E. B. Southwickj of New York, is its owner. In 1873 this chair was used at the inaugural ceremonies of General Grant, and in 1881 at tne inaugnral.ceremonies of Uen erai uarneid. v, 0RGAHS AND ELEGTEICITT.' Two lectures Out of the Anatomical Une- Vibrations of Tuning Forks, Cylinders. Ateeds tie Electricity and Cocaine. At the regular Saturday's lectures, giveai under the auspices of ihe College off Anatomy yesterday, Professor A. E. Frost, 3 df this city, delivered an interesting talk "Oa theOrgan," and Dr. Samuel Ayers spoked about electricity, and its uses to the medical profession. The audience was made up of students and others interested in the college, i and they listened attentively to the remarks of the lecturers. During the course of hiss lecture Professor Frost said: Before beginning on the subject proper I will try and get. at the foundation of whailg really makes an organ. I have here In my hand a glass cylinder about 18 Inches longjj and 2 inches In diameter. Here Isr an ordinary tuning fork the same 4 that is used by a music teacher. It has a a capacity of 256 full swinging vibrations per see-i ond. I will hold the fork over thej top ot the cylinder and see If wes can hear the sound caused by the vibra tions. Now take another tuning fork 3 which vibrates 2S8 times per second and pour some water in the cylinder- You can readily 4 see that the sound produced by one fori wits 2 tbe water is different from that produced, with-, out it. The sound made bv the fork over tho , cylinder is totally different from that made by holding the 6nd of tbe fork on a tin board or 4 bnx. There is a great difference between usine air for carrying sound and using- a portion of ' air alone with the carrying body. As tbe fork , vibrates over the cylinder the fork J and the air go up and down together. The organ 13 made up of vibrating Columns of air. These columns are pipes running from -the keyboard of the organ. If you get on the ' inideofthe case ot a large pipe organ, you , will find a perfect network and forest of pipes 1 of all kinds. They can be classified as fine 1 pipes and reed pipes. All of them are pipes ; through which the air is made to speak as It : passes from the bellows. ! When a column of air Issues through the, Eipe, ana seess an outlet tnrougn tne reea, 1. ' 1 thrown, out. and there is no definite variation of sound. The sounds are but; a mixture and a condition of things likened unto- the action of a dozen tunine forks. Take a dozen tuning forks and set them vibrat- i ing; Tbe air about them becomes confused. M torn, pushed and jostled about. Bnt out of M these most complex sounds could be involved, ; the sweetest elements of harmony. The reed pipe is a tube closed at the bottom Mf but open at the side. . Covering this opening at jJ elastic and vibrates backward and forward in J proportion to the pressure of air against it. IVf acablnetoreanthis read Is a piece of brasaW wmen vi orates oautwara ana iorwara tnrongai a piece 01 wooo. In his lecture Dr. Ayres, after referrisj? to tne many uses ot electricity tor ugnung,-! motive power, teiegrapns, etc., saia: .There are four principal varieties of else? trlcity- They are static, galvanic paranio and magnetic There can be no galvanic current without chemical action. ia then. ;P' a piece of zinc in the acid and cos.' tiected. a wire to tbe zinc: Carbon wu put in, to be the conductor of the current; and the zinc was connected with the carbon, tha forming one galvanic element Tho chemical action passes tnrougn tne carnon over ma wire,! Avirf n nnmnlato) rcfr-rilf la mvfA M Electricity; the speaker said, stimulates bothj muscles ana nerves-ana 11 is cauea tne "elec tro centrality." He then placed the bat tery on his assistant's arm and face,' to show its action bv the contractioa of the muscles and nrves. When a muscle, or nerve aoea not snow any enactor tne oattery we know that it Is diseased or inflamed. The uses of electricity are many: but it does not accom plish an that is claimed for it. By its aid cocaine can be injected into the body. Sosae physicians claim it will remove tumors; -bae mis 19 a matter. 01 discussion. Two Hundred Men Oat of Work. Heading, March 2. This afteracoa a committee of puddlers visited therfiaaas oftheBlandon Rolling Mill, at Blandoa,'- and informed them thev would not accent '-&' reduction in wages from S3 CO to 13 23 peri ton. Commencing' Monday next the firmt-i naye aeciaea to close the mm indefinitely;! Anus aw people are tnrown out ot work. An Old Steatnboatmu. Captain John Darrah. nnn at th nTifaai river captains In this city, is lying daniejl- ouilyllLat his home on HeswsiwS?, , j.mnawira. vapsain uarrac wCMt ., in 1811, aBdhaafbeea engaged, ia itherrivtr M.d.uw. iaw W, r2T,