Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 03, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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MARCH '8, "".1880:
Mrs. M. . "W. Sherwood has culled the
following questions concerning etiquette
from her mail-bag daring' the past 'week
and replies as follows:
K. E. &" asks:
Should the young lady call on the relatives et
her fiance, or should they call on hex?
They should call on her first, of course.
"A Gentleman" asks a perplexing question:
1 wish to marry a lady. She has consented,
hut will not allowme to ask her parents. Now,
will it he proper for me to ask them without
her consent?
We should say "yes" at first glance, but can
not, on second thoughts, decide so delicate a
Countryman" says: T wish to'know II it is
silly or improper, in speaking of my wife, to
call her 'Lady Hall,' or speaking of any
married woman as lady so and so?'
It is a joke, of course, to call any American
woman hy a title, hut a harmless one, as it de
ceives no one.
"K." asks: "Is it proper to shake hands
when introduced 7"
It is the hearty American custom, to do so,
and very cordial and charming, hut It is not
etiquette abroad. However, if the hand is
offered respect ullv, no one is offended. It is a
very disagreeable habit, however, if the hand
shaker is very strong, and crushes the bones of
fa. lady's hand.
A. H. W. The proper dress of a groom at a
4 o'clock wedding is always Prince Albert
frock coat, ad gray or pearl colored trousers,
colored necktie, or white Lord Stanley, and
light gloves.
"J. B. S." asks: "Which should be engraved
on the engagement ring, the gentleman's or
lady's initials?'
The initials of both, with the date, should be
He also goes on to ask: "Tho object of a
courtship is to furnish both parties an oppor
tunity ol finding out each other's ways, char
acteristics, conditions and so on before the
final word is spoken. If that be so, what harm
can there be iu a young man paying attention
to a young lady six months, or" a year even,
without proposing?"'
We never heaid this question asked before.
It is supposed that the gentleman goes on pay
ing attention for six months, or six years, if
the young lady can stand him, until they both
decide that they cannot live without each
other. Still, a dilly dally suitor must expect
some fine day to see the object of his heart's
desire stolen from him by a man who knows
his own mind better. Sean Swift said that a
man's attentions to a lady should "never be so
violent as to alarm, or so vague as to be mis
understood." It should be generously done on
the man's part, for he is the only one who can
make a choice. Women have to take what
comes, but men can pick and choose.
"V. Benne" asks: "If a young lady's parents
are living, is it proper for her to issue an invi
tation to an evening dance or card party with
out mentioning their names?"
Of course it is cot. All invitations should be
iu the name of the mother.
"Lilla Shephard" asks: "Is it proper for a
yonng lady to go to the door when a gentleman
calls lor to go to a dance? When they come
home should she ask him to call?
- She shonld not go to a dance with a young
gentleman without her mother or chaperon,
and they shonld take him.
"Jane" asks: "Is it proper to put crash on
carpets for a dance?"
The practice of putting crash over carpets
proved so unhealthy to the dancers, on account
of the fine fuzz which rises from it in dancing,
that it is now almost wholly abandoned, and
the parquet floors are so almost universal, and
dancing so much more agreeable on them, that
ladles have the rngs taken up and allow the
dancing on the floor.
She also asks: "Should I have a tea room
open at a hall 7"
in the majority of luxurious houses a tea
room is open from the beginning to tbo end of
a dance, where bouillon, tea and coffee are
served with a plate of sandwiches for those
who cannot eat heavy suppers. A large bowl
of iced lemonade shonld also be there, as this
is the most grateful refreshment to all dancers.
"Jack Spiders" asks: "What shall I do on en
tering a ballroom?"
First find your hostess and her daughters,
then find your host, if you can. a most difficult
undertaking. Young men are very much to be
censured, however, w ho do not hud their host
and pay him every respect. Pater famillas is
sometimes thought to hold a very low place in
liis own house, and indeed to be good for noth
ing but to draw checks. This would be indi
cative ot so low a social condition that we need
hardly to refer to it- No man should leave an
other man's house after accepting his hospital
ity without bowing to his host
"Camilla asks: "What is the difference be
tween a formal supper and an informal one?"
An informal supper may be placed on the ta
ble and left to the guests to partake of without
the servants being present alter the opera or
theater. It might consist of oysters on the
half shell, a pair of cold chickens, a salad of
chickens or lobsters, or of celery and lettuce.
The champagne, ready for opening, conlabeon
a side tabic with a change of plates, and the
gentlemen could serve the ladies. The sherry
and claret could be left on the table.
A formal supper has every characteristic of a
dinner, except the soup and fish.
The table should be laid as for a dinner, with
centerpiece of fruit or flowers. Three kinds
of wine should be put on the table sherry, Ma
deira, Burgundy or, if the host prefers, only
dare: and champagne need be offered. The
euests shonld find oystfrs on the half shell
with little forks before them.
Then cups of bouillon with little gold spoons,
or the more popular clam Juicc,nowsofashiona
ble.chicken croquettes or lobster farce may well
be the second course. Sherry should be served
with this. The third course may be filet do
boeuf.or canvasback ducks,mushrooms on toast,
broiled birds and tomato salad, pate de foie
gras or any jellied meats; after this the ices and
dessert. For tho gentlemen brandy cordials,
and for the ladies creme demeuthe.
The Germans would offer you wild hoar,
bead cheese, pickles, goose flesh, dried sau
sages, cheese and salads for supper everv even
ing. The French are light eaters and their
suppers are very 'light. But in Encland the
suppers are very heavy. The Princess of Wales
eats a hearty meal mutton chops, eggs on
toast and everything she likes for supper
every night. Americans have not such diges
"Maria" asks: "How should informal dinner
invitations be written?"
By the lady herself in the first person, as:
JIT Dear Mbs. Smith Will you and your
husband dine with us on Monday at 7 o'clock?
Only a small party. Yours cordially.
Henrietta Temple.
a caudle party.
Mrs. Toung Mother asks: "How shall 1 give
a caudle arty, whom shall I invite and what
shall I give them?"
The caudle party is given when young master
or miss is about six or eight weeks old. The
caudle should be made by an old and experi
enced hand, as it is delicious if well made.
It is oatmeal gruel boiled to a fine jelly, with
spices, Madeira or rum, spices, raisins, currants
and citron. It is a sort of elongated plum pud
ing, which one can drink. This beverage
should be supplemented by a splendid spread,
and the most intimate friends and the family
are invited.
If the baby and mamma are well he should be
taken to church to be baptized and brought
home for the caudle. The godfather and god
mother give preents, a silver cup or porringer,
a check tor 100,000 in the cradle, or any other
such little gift. The presents are often given
at the caudle party. Old-fashioned spinsters
used to give the baby some salt and an cge for
good luck, and are particular that he should be
carried upstairs before he is carried down.
The invitations are generally written to a
caudle party by the lady or some intimate
friends, although there is no law on this sub
ject. For a modern caudle party the invita
tions are like all other Invitations, in the third
Demon; but the invitations to be a godfather or
godmother are written in the first person. The
bxby is generally very handsomely attired in an
embroidered robe, and is carried by a nurse
carefully gotten up in cap and ribbons. It is apt
to be a trj ing day for "Mrs. Toung Mother"
and also master. The gay ornaments of tbo
Soman nurses are now denounced by the doo
tnrsasdancerons, and itlsauite true that the
young flowers of the human race should not be
too much excited, and to the fashionable
mammas it would be well to mention for them
selves that an ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure.
"Miss Mincing" asks: "Can you give me the
proper position of a dancer? 1 hear that I am
considered to poke my head out too far."
This can only be learned with the aid of a
teacher. Tho upper part of the body should
be quiet, the head held ma natural position,
neither turned to one side or the other. The
partner puts his arm firmly round the lady's
waist forin the sudden turns he must support
her and takes .her right hand In bis left one.
The ladv turns the palm of her band down
ward. Herrightarmsbouldbcnearrystraight,
bat not stiff. The step should be in unison.
If the gentleman bends his right elbow too
too much he draws the lady's left shoulder
againsthis right, awkwardly. If a gentleman
does not hold his partner properly he is not a
good dancer.
The young Americans are, however, the best
dancers in the world. In a foreign casino, if
two young American begin to waltz, they soon
become a center of respectful groups, who
look at them with admiration and wonder.
"'Miss Mincing" asks: "Is the 'German' still
fashionable, and what are the latest figures?"
It is very fashionable, and. the figures depend
on the fancy of the leader.
Social Events.
The "Ciceronian" held its regular election on
Friday night Jlr. Harry Levy will fill the
The Brilliant Social gare their first recep
tion to their friends Wednesday evening at
Grand Army Music Halh
The T. M. H. A. entertainment is announced
to take place on the 26th of the month, and a
great success is anticipated.
The alumni ot.Holy Ghost College held their
second cotillon Friday evening, March 1, at
new Turner Hall, Forbes street.
The Misses Kyeur, of Fayette street, Alle
gheny, gave a theater party Tuesday night at
the Bijou in honor of their guests. Miss FoUun
and Mrs. P. R. Bohn.
The Concordia Clubgaveanotherof its pleas
ant entertainments last Wednesday evening, in
the shape ot a reception, supper and dance.
Toerge furnished the music
The reception given by the General Custer
Council O. V. A, 3L, at Imperial Hall on Thurs
day evening; February 23. was a delightful af
fair and a grand success financially.
The Imperial Clnb will hold another Thurs
day night reception and dance next Thursday
eveninsr at Imperial Hail, Seventh avenue and
New Grant street;
One of the pleasant surprise parties of the
week whs held Monday evening, at the resi
dence of Mr. Loresz Lattner, No. 190 Marlon,
avenue, Allegheny, in honor of his wife's birth
day. A large number of their friends surprised
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dickson on Thursday even
ing at their residence on West Carson street.
All present had a delightful time. Ample re
freshments were served.
Mrs. Jacob Affelder, of Sheffield street, Alle
gheny, entertained her guests to the number of
about SO very nicely, at her "Kaffee-Klatsh"
on Friday atternoon last. The affair was in
honor of Mrs. J. Trauerman, who leaves here
shortly to reside in Chicago.
Mrs. William C. Brown, of West View, gave
a very pleasant afternoon tea, Saturday, to a
few of her friends. Those present were: Mrs.
Charles Duffy, Jr Mrs. John Hayser and
daughter, of Philadelphia; Miss Josephine
Keating; Miss Asia M. Kramer and others.
A very pleasant children's party was given by
Master Albert Megrave at his parents' resi
dence. Twenty-sixth street, on Thursday even
ing. Several hours were spent in playing some
of the popular games, and a fine musical pro
gramme was also enjoyed by those present.
Miss Cora B. Geneve entertained a euchre
party Friday at their home on Ellsworth ave
nue. East End. The prize wlnnersjwere: First
prize. Miss MaryPoIlman, Mr. E. J. Fraun
heim; second prize. Miss Stella Kelly, Mr.
John Mauler and Miss Amelia Jutte.andMr.
Ed Williams captured the booby prize.
A musicale and euchre was held on Tuesday
last at the residence of Miss Doiie O'Neill,
,120 Irwin avenue. Those present were: Misses
Weeden, Mollie McAlister, Maggie Shatteck,
Mary and Kate Maginn, Mary Deady. Mary
Byron. Estclla, Elbe and Annie 0'Neill;Messrs.
Kunkel, Hart, Murto, Magee, Kohen, Con
nolly and Master Leo O'Neill.
On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Anthony, of Anderson street, Allegheny,
gave a musicale to a number of their friends.
Among those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGon
nigle. Mr. and Mrs. J. Seifertb, Mrs. Lawrence
F. Miller, Mrs. C. A Anthony, Mr. James L.
Graham, Jr., Dr. Herman Raymer and others.
On Tuesday evening, at new Turner Hall on
Forbes street, there was a very large audience
present to witness the production by amateur
talent of the "Argonauts of 19," for the benefit
of Pittsburg lodge of Pattern Makers. The
performance was certainly one that was in
every way creditable to the performers and
ranked somewhat above the ordinary amateur
A surprise party was given Mr. Edward
Slatery last Tuesday evening at his residence
on South Sixteenth street. Dancing was fn
dnlged in till midnight, after which a grand
supper was servpd. Among those present were:
The Misses Lang, Mebcbill, King, Slatery,
Carroll, Keslin and Smith; Messrs. Keslin,
Ward, McNaily, Slatery, Cane, and many
A pleasant euchre party wis given by Miss
Minnie Todd, of Fulton street, Tuesday even
ing. Among those present were: Misses A.
Turner, M. Clark, T. Wetzel, M. and N. Grant.
G. Callaghan, L. Rboades; Messrs. F. Kroeer.
F. Hill. J. Clark, C. Callaghan, H. Herr, S. and
M. Cartan and G. Todd, The head prizes wero
received by Mr. Callaghan and Miss Todd and
the booby by Mr. Todd and Miss Rhoades.
A delightful musicale was given at the home
of Mrs. G. W. Rankin and daughters Monday
evening. Among those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Chan
tier, Mr. and Mrs. WiUis Cadwallader, Mr. and
Mrs. Cook; Misses Thomas, Stevenson, Cook,
Woolslalr, Smith, Aikm, Scott, Barrows, Grif
fith; Messrs. Harrison, Scott, Hal Shldle, Mc
Quaide, Richardson, Young, Stevenson, James
bhidle, Mackey and Rankin.
Mrs. Will Smith, of Chartiers, entertained
the Buffalo Social Thursday evening in honor
of Mrs. William Rollins, of Buffalo, N. Y.
Among the guests were: Airs. C.LMcKeo and
Mrs. Thos. Armstrong, ot Laurel; Mr, and Mrs.
Samuel Dunn, of Chartiers; Mrs. Dunn, Mrs.
Hunzeker. Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Stoerr, Mrs. Stoeb
ener and Mrs. Dutton; the Misses Annie Stoerr
and Minnie Hunzeker; Messrs. Ralph and
Matthew Smith, C. F. White and W. F. Dut
ton. MissGracie and John McClelland gave a
birthday party Monday at their residence. Fed
eral street, Allegheny. Among those present
were: The Misses Lyda and Mattie McGeary,
Laura and Ida Rice, Jennie and Hilda Kerr,
Stella Prescott, Nellie Bardolph, Helen Boles,
Bessie Williams; Masters Bert Boles, James
Draher, Scott Miller, Willie Burchfield, Char
lie,Frank and Raymond Prescott,Charlie Will
iams, Eddie Rice, John Duffy and Joe McClel
land. The Four Bachelors of the East End enter
tained quite a number of their friends at the
residence of one of their number. Sir. G. W.
Davis, Liberty avenue, Shadyslde. Thursday.
Among those present were: Misses Kitty
Fentz, Lotta Morten, Ella and Aggie Butler,
Annie Wall, Ella Wall, Brem, Davis, Goedell,
Dawson, Clemens, Gilbert, Hilma; Messrs.
Castor, Davis, Pentz, King, Gilbert, Greer,
Irvin, Harbaugh, Straub, Palmer, Moser and
The third literary contest for the Demorest
silver medal was held in the parlors of Miss
Milly Tutell, of Buena Vista street, on Monday
evening last As usual, it was creditable to
contestants and theifteacher. The winner of
the beautiful medal was Miss Mattie Christian.
Honorable mention was made of Ansel B.
Coneby. The guests were treated to zither,
piano, organ and vocal music, after which
some time was spent iu examining Miss Tut
ell's cabinet of curiosities.
A pleasant surprise was given Monday even
ing at the residence of Mrs. Dutton, of Reed
street, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Rol
lins, of Buffalo, N. Y. A lunch was served and
an enjoyable time was spent by all present.
Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Will Smith and Mrs. Samuel Dunn, of Char
tiers; Mrs. Wm. Hunzeker and daughter, Mrs.
J. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sherran. Mrs. Sam
uel Dunn, Mrs. R. Hunzeker; Messrs. C. F.
White, Chas. Hunzeker and W. F, Dutton.
A party was given at the residence of the
Mrs. Connell, West End, last Monday even
ing, in honor of Miss Downs and Miss Connell,
of Connellsville. Among the guests were Mr.
Charles Henderson, Mr. Jim Foran, Mr. Milton
Carroll. Mr. Fred Graham, Mr. Joe Hender
son, Mr. Gilbert Foran, Mr. Tom Foran and
Mr. William Price, and Miss Emma Hender
son, Miss Jdattie Bailey, Miss Blanche Foran,
Miss Aggie Foran, Misses Connell and Miss
Downs and several others. A very pleasant
evening was spent.
A pleasant surprise party was given to Miss
Mary and Maggie Girard, of the Eighteenth
ward, on Monday evening, by their many
friends. Among those present were Misses
Annie Hurst, Katie Summerly, Maggie and
Lizzie Wiesner, Uosie Raab, Essie Lemon,
Lizzie Winters, Katlo Daggett Sadie Gavih,
Annie Donovan, Sofie PhisUr, Cora Jefferson,
Minnie Kraegher, Annie Kiefer: Mrs. J. Dn
planty. Mrs. M. Hurst; Messrs. H. N. Winters,
J. Gallagher, H. Tyler, J. B. Schafer, W.
Haney. H. Uhta. O. Winters, A. W. Liebler,
H. Werries, C. KieseL O. Loy, J. Cavanaugh,
E. A. Dl-tz, E. Sehafer, H. Raab, J. J. Linsk,
J. Duplanty, M. Hurst.
Miss Lottie Acker, of Craig street, gave a tea
party last Thursday, at her parents' residence,
among those present were: Misses Lottie
Acker, Minnie Davidson, Jennie Brooks, Mamie
Haddock, Tudie Haddock, Bessie McDermott,
Mamie Coulter. Fannie Coulter-Bessle Belghel,
Minnie Ross, May Shaddack, Eva Shaddack,
Nannie Milligan, Diana MiUigan, Josie' McMil
lan, Annie McBriar, Stella Snee; Masters John
l'aylor, Charles Brooks, Evan Harris, Eddie
Brooks, Rollie Haddock; Gregg McMillan, Carl
Noll, Eddie Echinger.
The Silver Leaf Society, of Mount Washing
ton, held a social at the residence of Miss An
nie Jessop Monday. The evening was pleas
antly spent by music and dancing. Among those
present were: Misses Jennie, Carrie and Belle
Naysmith, Celia, Florence and Annie Jessop,
EmmaTurbett, Sadio Lynch, Mamie McCoy,
Florence MoCleary, Blanche Lowen. Georgie
Ashford, and Messrs. Frank and Robert Jes
sop, William Naysmith, George Annieer,
Thomas McCoy, Samuel Pear, James Barber,
William Tranter and Edward Turbett.
A very enjoyable affair took place Thursday
evening at Mr. and Mrs. William Bell's resi
dence, S3ii Penn avenue, the occasion being a
masquerade surprise party in honor of their
niece. Miss Effie Thompson, of Colorado.
Among those present were Misses Florence
Lowstedder, Lizzie White, Ettie Stowe, Bailie
Smith. Callie Willmot, Hanna Lowstedder,
Florence Pitts. Hattie Adams, Carrie Adams,
Jennie Cane, Mrs. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Hamil
ton; Messrs. E. Turbert, S. Parr. William
Nasmith, All McCain. Will Smith, John Battey,
William Hamilton and Will ChaUinor.
Mrs. Joseph Pauline gave a very pleasant
donkey and card party at her home. No. 24
Ackly street, on Thursday evening. The
donkey prizes were won by Mrs. H. Herd and
Miss Romayne McKown. An elegant supper
was served at 11 o'clock, after which dancing
was indulged till a late hour. Among those
present were Misses- Laura Stauffer, Agnes
Stauffer, Laura Pendleberry, Emma Cushlng,
Romayne McKown, Mr. and Mrs. Pendleberry,
Mr. and Mrs. Herd, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campney,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Gardner, Messrs. Wiseman,
Herd, Boggs, Cushing and many others.
Miss Clara Donehoo, of the West End, cele
brated her birthday last Friday evening hy
giving a party to her young friends. The fol
lowing were among her guests: Mrs. May and
Annie Wherli, Edith Bullock, Addie Smith"
Alfa Norris, Mary Ryan, Mary Emma Lock
hart, Ernie and Sheila Wettongel, Ivy and
Pearl Leach. Eldie and Ella Jones, Laura
Jack, Cora Walters, Ettie and Maggie Bradley,
Mary Herriott and Jennie Doneboo; Messrs.
Frank Andrews, Thomas Bradley, Ralph Gra
ham, Mark Stewart, Martin Roeser, Robert
Gray. John Ashland, James Evans, David
Harris, George Herriott, Eddie Beck and
Willie Donehoo.
One of the pleasant events of the past week
was a masquerade birthday party given in
honor of Mr. Charles F. Metz, at his mother's
residence, McClnre avenue, Allegheny. Among
the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Freenalt,
Mr. and Mrs. Vannossen, Misses Sadie Brown,
Kitty Campbell, Sadie Reno. Annie Deeder,
Maggie Comley, Annie Gass, Juddy, Lena
Withelm, Mattie Gass, Carrie Steinbrenner,
Jennie Beatty, Brawier, Maggie Freenalt, Liz
xle Teppler, Clara and Carrie Eisenbeis, Rosa
Bender, Birdie and Annie Handenschield, Ida
Gass, Tena Siper, Clara Gass. Annie Young,
Stella Metz, Lizzie Beatty, Emma Al
bright, Flora Richardson, Minnie Durring,
Emma Breitneissen Messrs. Laurence, Harry
Vanfosson, Edward Vanf osson, Walter Stein
brenner. James Bayan, Charles Rust, Benlsert,
Clum Patterson, Frank Fire, Ben Breitnnesser,
James Hutchison, Charles Gass, J. S. G. Gam
ble, Samuel Gass, Fred Freenalt, A. H. Heed,
Joe Speerer, Fletch Louman, Frank Hauton,
Harry Reno. A. Wehling, Charles Hutchison,
Fred Gars, James Hutchison and Charles F.
Weddlnsr Bells.'
The engagement of Miss Lena Israel, the
talented and accomplished daughter of Mr. A.
Israel, Sr of Allegheny, to Mr. Levi Katten,
of Portland, Ore., is announced. The wedding
will take place some time iu August.
Thenarriage of Miss Jennie Hay, of Alle
gheny, and Mr. William J. Langenheim, son of
the late Gustavo Lancenheim, took place on
Thursday evening at 7 o'clock at the residence
of the bride's parents, Uz. and Mrs. James
Hay, of Locust street, Allezheny. Rev. Dr.
Goettman, of Trinity Lutheran Church, per
formed the ceremony. Among those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hay, Mr. and Mrs.
John Young. Mr. and Mrs. Ammert, Mr. and
Mrs. Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Fleishman, Mr. and
Mrs. McChesney, Mr. and Mrs. McKnlgbt, Mrs.
Langenheim, Mr. and Mrs. G. Langenheim,
Mr. and Mrs. Schwerd, Mr. and Mrs. Leegate,
Mr. and Mrs. Rinebart, Mr. and Mrs. Adams,
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Mr, and Mrs". Steitz,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young, Mr. and Mrs.
Herd, Mr. and Mrs. Lappe, Mr. and Mrs. Kahn,
Mr. and Mrs. Smltley, Mr. and Mrs. Forbes,
Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall,
Mrs. Watson, Misses Langenheim, Patterson,
Ada Young. Agnes Young, Watson, Schreiner,
Steitz, Mackey, Wilson, Schwerd, Laird, Messrs.
Ed Patterson. A. F. Leggett, John Young. Jas.
Young, G. and A. Langenheim, O. Felix,
Hartje. Laird, Beatty, Gardner, Mackey,
Schreiner, Groetzinger, Hay, Hamilton and
Personal Gossip.
Mrs. M. Bonn, of Allegheny, arrives home to
day from an Eastern visit.
A. Z. Byres and A. H. Mercer left on Satur
day for Washington, D. C.
Mrs. William Rollins, of Buffalo, N. Y., left
for her homo last Wednesday.
Dr. andMrs-Terbergh left Thursday morn
ing for New York, to be gone two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Sandusky street,
Allegheny, arrived home Friday from NeW
Miss May Fallner, of Oil City, is a guest of
Miss Annie Reynor, of Fayette street, Alle
gheny. Mr. John Dixon, of Philadelphia, is visiting
his sister, Mrs. Henry Gaughan, of Market
street, Allegheny.
Mrs. P. Reynor Bohr left for Boston yester
day, after a month's visit with Mrs. J. S. Rey
nor, Fayette street.
Mrs. John A. Bower, of Bewiekley, who is at
Clifton Springs. N. Y., wilL probably be away
for several weeks more.
Miss Bailey, of Cliff street, who has been
spendine the last five weeks with friends in
Bradford and Oil City, returned home Tuesday.
Miss Mamie and Mr. Oscar Wertheimer. of
Allegheny, together with Miss Belle Floers
heim, lelt last night on an Eastern pleasure
Mr. J. W. Hchneider, of the Southside. has
one to attend the inauguration and visit his
rother, Daniel Bchneider, in Philadelphia on
his return.
Hon. Thomas L. James and Rev. D. Parker
Morgan, of New York City, were the guests of
Thomas C. Jenkins, Union avenue, Allegheny,
during their stay in our city.
Misses Rhoda and Maggie Gardnier, of Fair
view, O., after spending some months in the
East, returned home last week. They stopped
off for a few days in Pittsburg to call on friends.
Mr. J. Williams and Mr. Owen D. Thomas,
wife and daughter Dimina, were amonir tho
guests at the 8t. David's Benevolent Society's
banquet at the Monongahela House, Friday
evening last.
Scwickley Society,
Miss Alf reda Johnston, of Baltimore, is visit
ing friends in the valley,
Mr. Charles McVeyanddanghter. Miss Irene,
have gone to Annapolis for a few days.
Mr. R. W. Hutchison, of Sewickley, has gone
on an extended tour through the Eastern
Mrs. Frederick Burrows is home after a short
but very pleasant visit to friends In Washing.
ton, D. C.
Mrs. Gilmore and daughter have Issued cards
for a reception on next Tuesday atternoon
from 2 to 5.
"A Widow Hunt," a three-actcomedy east by
the "Sewickley "Valley Club" for the 5th of
March, has been postponed until af terLent.
Miss Josephine Coleman andMiss Bently. of
WiUIamsport, Pa., left yesterday for their
homes after spending a very pleasant two weeks
with Mrs. A. B. Starr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Craig gave one of their
delightful dinners last evening in honor of
their visitors, Miss Carrie Anderson, Miss Erie
Smith and Miss Maud Mitchell.
Miss Anderson, 'Miss Smith and Miss Mitch
ell, who have been visiting Mrs. Joseph Craig
for thejiast few weeks, leave to-morrow for
their homes in New York State.
.Axbeet E. Paesons, the ladies' tailor
and dressmaker, of Boston, will be at the
Monongahela Bouse, Harch & and 6, with
models and samples.
Cloak Department.
New spring jerseys, latest styles and all
sizes, $1 50 each upward; only a few re
maining of fleeced-lined Trench jerseys,
which je offer at less than half original
prices "to close. HuguS & Hacke.
Cask .paid for, old gold and silver at
Haucn's, fflo. 295 Fifth avenue. wrsu
w1I3B8S5toQS4 Jfi
"The Fugitive"
Babbis' Thzateb..
Grand Opera House..
Joseph Murphy
Lily Clay's Co.
curiosities, etc.
The above are the theatrical attractions for
this week.
Though Manager Harris has not yet an
nounced that he will build a new theater, it is
pretty clear to see that he will be building a
new place of amusement, or have made ar
rangements to obtain a house already built,
about this time next year. The Coleman heirs
have practically decided to erect a large build
ing on the site whereon Harris' Theater now
stands, and Manager Harris' lease runs to July,
As has been said Bmf ore in this column, Mr.
Harris has obtained too strong and profitable a
hold upon the people of Pittsburg to quietly
consent to alluw himself as a theatrical pro
vider in this city to be wiped out. He will
.build a new theater if he cannot succeed in get
ting the only theater which at present seems
likely to change hands.
About the same time that Manager Harris
opens his new theater which we may assume
will be new in any event the Bijou Theater
will be brought down to the ground floor level,
and will undoubtedly be one of the safest,
largest and handsomest theaters in the coun
try. The enlargement of tho Bijou will not be
confined to the auditorium, but the stage also
will be given the additional space it needs.
It is painfully apparent that up to this date
Miss Margaret Mather has not benefited- much
by the rupture of the alliance with Manager J.
M. HilL Miss Mather, remains happily the
same impressively charming actress as ever,
hut her company is not so good as that which
Mr. Hill provided, and It is a dreadful descent
from the scenery she has carried with her in
former years to the inappropriate and scanty
provision from the Opera House store. As
to Miss Mather's difficulty with Mr. Hill
there is no 'occasion to speak, but if
that difficulty is to permanently relegate Miss
Mather to the rank of those actresses, who
have yet their mark to make, and to the eco
nomical methods necessary in their case, the
public will deem? regret that it exists. The
disappointment of her friends iu regard to the
defects alluded to has been loudly heard dur
ing the week. Miss Mather is too great an
actress to be thus hampered and be-harle-qulned,
We are not to escape "Robert Elsmere" In
dramatic form after alL Though the accom
plished William H. Gillette and Manager Pal
mer have abandoned their plan to twist and
crush Mrs. Ward's novel into an actable article
of commerce, the dreadful deed is yet to be
done. Charles Frohman and Harry Hockwood
have fully determined to place a dramatiza
tion of "Robert Elsmere" on the road this sea
son. They have already engaged E. H. Vander
feltJohn T. Sullivan. W. H. Thompson, Doro
thy Dorr and Effie Shannon. Their route com
prises the chief cities and theaters of the coun
try. They open in March, playing for one week
in small cities botween Now York and Boston:
then at the Hollis Street Theater in Boston on
March 2a, for two weeks.
It Is satisfactory to hear that the Anti-Cru
elty Society benefit which will occur on Wed
nesday afternoon at the Grand Opera House
promises to bring needed financial help to a
very worthy object "The Donagh," with Jo
seph Murphy and his company in the cast, and
presenting also the panorama of the Lakes of
Killarney, is on the programme.
The Anti-Cruelty Society has been in exist
ence nearly two years, and dnring its first 12
months investigated and took action in over
1,000 cases of cruelty to children and aged per
sons. Its officers are all prominent citizens,
it does a great deal of good In the community,
and the man who treats himself to "The
Donagh" on Wednesday afternoon will he earn
ing a reputation for philanthropy very cheaply.
The management of the benefit is in tho capa
ble hands of Mr. Frank Connelly.
Robson and Crane will be seen together for
the last time here in "The Henrietta" at the
Grand Opera House the week of March U.
The assurance is given also that "The Henri
etta" will be staged and set with the wonderful
finish which characterized the production of
the best American comedy yet written in New
York. Robson and Crane will compensate us
for that which we have endured.
Among the noteworthy features of the en
gagement of Emma Abbott, which will fill the
week of March 18 at the Bijou Theater, will be
the' production for the first time in Pittsburg
of Gilbert & Sulllan's "Yeomen of the
Guard." When such tepid and tasteless gruel
as "Nadjy" is deemed worthy sending out a first
class comio opera company to torment the
dwellers in big cities it seems passing stranee
that Gilbert & Sullivan's latest work should
not have reached Pittsburg in somebody's
bands before this. Thanks to the industrious
and plucky Emma for this late relief.
Hkpbubn Johns.
This Week's Attractions.
A melodeama very well spoken of else
where is the card at the Bijou Theater this
week. It Is called "The Fugitive." As it has
not been seen here before we cannot do better
than refer our readers to the following criti
cism published in the Cincinnati Commercial
Gazette on Tuesday last: "There are a great
many dramatic surprises in The Fugitive,'
which was produced at Havlin's Theater
yesterday. "It Is a strong melodrama, there is
hardly any denying that In fact, it is one of
the best in that line of the drama. The story
is founded upon country life in England, but
varied with a dash of the sea winds that is as
refreshing as this part of the performance is
thrilling. There is all the material that enters
into the perrect makeup of an exciting play.
The mounting of the four acts is splendid.
Miss Lisle Leigh was Been in the role of
Satcr Malyon. Time seems only to ripen the
charms of this lady. She is taller, fairer and
handsomer than ever. She is one of the really
sympathetic actresses on the stage, and cer
tainly will not always remain a leading lady
She presented the character of Hester in the
most delightful manner. Macon Mitchell as
John LevelU the fugitive, is a very manly actor,
and the Squire Stollery of Will C. Cowper was
a perfect rendering. The dancing 6t Miss
Ella Love might be classed under the head of
wonderful wero not that word trite. As a lie
dancer she certainly has very few equal on the
stage. Tho other ladies, including Misses Long
and Nugent and the gentlemen Mr. Hagan as
Jasper Raleigh, J. C.Nesbitt as Mr. Malyon
and William Pulhngton as Crackles were Tall
suited xur lueir, parts. "
Haeeis' Tbeatee Is favored with the pres
ence of Miss Agnes Cody, supported by Charles
B. Palmor's company, in the drama '"19, this
week. As a great many people confound this
beautiful and successful play as a rough bor
der dram, a few words may not be amiss to
disabuse their minds of that wrong idea. '49
is a name given to an old miner, a man of
good education, who has exiled himself from
home in the States on account of domestic
troubles, and has lived and worked in the
mines for 25 years, keeping his name and his
tory a secret During one of tho worst snow
storms that ever occurred in the mountains, an
old Indian squaw with two little white chil
dren, about i years old, lost their way, and
when discovered, tho squaw was dead, but the
children (two little girls) were alive and taken
to camp, and brought up by "Mississippi," the
only woman there at the time. Poor little
Catrots. the light-rooted, merry-hearted little
waif is left to take care of herself; she becomes
the special favorite of the camp, and the sun
-shine of old '49's life. At one time wo find her
singing and dancing to please those-hoaest-hearteu
miners. Then we find her tending the
sick bed of a poor old man, ana attending to
the domestic cares of his primitive home, and
at last we find her in fit Louis, surrounded'
with all the elegance 'that wealth can procure.
There are a number of other strong characters
in the play, but we will not attempt to describe
themor the plot or story of the play, enouch
only that tho reader will understand that 19
is not a blood and thunder or border drama.
Joseph Muephy, who is too well-knownSto
need recommendation to Pittsburg, will be
seen this wek in his old line of Irish charac
ters. Hois still supported by clover Miss Belle
Melville and a good company. The reportoire
Is as follows: Monday and Tuesday nights,
"The Kerry Gow;' Wednesday matinee and
night and Thursday night, "The Donagh;" Fri
day night and Saturday matinee and night,
Ltllie Clat has considerable ground for
calling her troupe colossal, and the perform
ance they will give at Harry Williams' Acad
emy this week will exemplify the fact ft is a
strong company. in every sense, and the novelty
of "Robinson Crusoe,".the burlesque which Is
on the programme, and the comeliness of the
young women displayed in it will doubtless
draw crowded houses.
The Casino Museum holds up its head with a
new bouquet of curiosities and a newly grouped
gathering of variety players in its cozy theater.
Echoes of the Stoge.
Manages R. M. Gotjck and Mrs. Gullck
returned from their wedding trip yesterday.
Sam Fbiedlandeb will go to Minneapolis
next season to take charge of Manager P.
Harris' new theater, the Hennepin Avenue
Opera House.
Mes. Hodgson Buenett's play Is not yet
ready for production at the Lyceum Theater,
New York, although the author is hard at work
upon it The stock company is now rehearsing
an adaptation from the French that may have
an'early production.
Henet Ievtng has introduced a new idea
into tho management of the Lyceum Theater,
London, that could bs followed by managers
in this country with profit. Each week he ad
vertises a list of the articles of lost property
found by the attaches of the theater.
In answer to a correspondent it may be
stated that the McCaull Opera Company will
not play at either of the theaters this season.
Neither will "Little Lord Fauntferoy" reach
Pittsburg till next year. About two years
after the rest of the United States have seen
enough of a play Flttsburgers are privileged to
get a glimpse of It.
A eoute for Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., is
being rapidly arranged, and from present pros
pects will start out on the road equipped in
every way for a successful season. A con
tract, according to which Mrs. Blaine will ap
pear in January. 1890, at the Bijou Theater,
now lies in Manager Gullck's safe. The play
she Is to star in la being built by Belasco.
The extremely pretty theater on Wabash
avenue, Chicago, which has steadily run into
debt under the name of the Baker Theater,and
which was built and opened upon a foundation
of debt has passed into the hands of John H.
Havlin, the-Cincinnati manager. It is such a
gem of a theater in everv particular that it
ought to be made a successful one under capa
ble management
Daniel Sully, who usually rests during
Holy Week, has contracted to play that date
in Detroit. To make up for It, however, he
laid off week before last and visited his coun
try place in the Catsklll Mountains. His
neighbors arranged a bear bunt for his enter
tainment and Mr. Sully has the record of hav
ing killed at the first shot a bruin that tipped
the scales at 422 pounds.
Edward Haeeioan has approved of plans
for a new theater for himself, to be erected in
New York by a stock company, of which Aus
tin Corbln, the railroad magnate, will be the
principal shareholder. It will be built either
on the site of or near the present theater, and
will have a seating capacity of 1,600 or 1,700,
with all the modern improvements both be
fore and behind the curtain. It will be of red
brick, and the stage will be 40 feet deep and 29
wide. It is expected that the building will be
up by October i.
Maey Andebson opened in "The Winter's
Tale" at Macauley's Theater, in Louisville, on
last Monday night despite the efforts of Man
ager Bourller, of the Masonic Temple Theater,
to prevent her appearance at Macauley's.
Chancellor Edwards refused to grant an in
junction restraining Miss Anderson from ap
pearing at Macauley's, holding that the remedy
of the plaintiffs, if they bad any, lay in a suit
for damages. Mr. 'Abbey and Mr. Macauley
gave bond in $10,000 to secure any damages that
may be recovered in such a suit
A chabxing little actress of my acquaint
ance, says a writer in the Dramatic Minor,
visited Florida two or three years ago, and
after the manner of tourists, brought away
with her a baby alligator about 8 Inches long.
She has kept it alive ever since by dint of an
intelligent appreciation of its gastronomical
wants, satisfying its .epicurean requirements
with dainty hits of raw beef in winter and a
plentiful supply of the musca domestica in
summer. "How is. it you don't tire of the uglv
creature?" an inquisitive female friend asked
her the other day. "How stupid! I'm raising
him for a bag, of course." " Well, at his pres
ent rate of growth, by the time your hair is
gray he'll do for a pocketbook."
The New York Sun gives the followlngjex
planationof the phrase "the ghost walks:"
Colonel T. Alston Brown gives us this account
of the origin of the phrase: "Harry Watkins,
an old player, relates an anecdoto that is worth
recording. It appears plausible enough to be
the true origin, because it seems so natural. In
one of the itinerant companies of England, the
manager, himself an actor, was very fond of
playing The QJiost in 'Hamlet,' which was one
of the stock pieces of these unpaid nomads.
Salary day came and went, but as the manager
had no bank account,and the box office receipts
were too meager to warrant the alleged trea
surer in posting over the box office door those
letters so cheering to the actor's heart, 'S. P. Q.
R.,' the stomachs and wardrobes of the players
began to suffer. At last patience ceased to be
a virtue. The company grew clamorous for
their arrears. A strike- was organized, and at
one of the 'Hamlet' rehearsals, when Samlet,
speaking of The Qhost, exclaimed, 'Perchance
'twill walk again,' the leader of the revoltwho
happened then to be The Ghost, ignored
Shakespeare, and shouted emphatically, 'No!
I'm d-d it The Ghost walks any more until are
salaries are paid.' 'All actors especially those
who've been there before.many a time will
easily concede that an incident like this would
quickly become common sport, and soon fur
nish the material for a new bit of stage slang,"
B. P, O. E. Notes.
Cbbotheb White, of New Castle Lodge, was
in the city last week.
Brother Hagen, of New Castle Lodge, was
with us on last Monday.
The finance committee of the reunion met
on last Wednesday evening.
Brother Charles Young, of New York
Lodge, was in the city last week.
Members of No. 11 should not forget that
tho reunion takes placo here in June.
Brothers Murray and Murphy took the
"Irish Visitors" to Pottsville this morning.
Brother Ballard, a charter member of
Youngstown Lodge, was in the city last week.
Beothee Thos. McEltvaine, of Pittsburg
Lodge, got out on Friday afternoon fora few
Beothee Gus Williams will play during
the summer months in Tony Pastor's Theater,
New York.
Beothee Smith, of Erie Lodge, was in the
city all last week, and had a very pleasant time
with members of No. 11.
Brothers Galvin and Swartwooa are both
training hard to be in condition for the open
ing ot the baseball season.
Bbothen Perkins D. Fisheb, of the "Cold
Day" Company, opened in New Orleans last
Monday to over a S600 bouse.
Beothee Charles Bkeuntng, ot Pittsburg
Lodge, has been confined to his home with a
sprained knee the past week. .
Beothee McAllister returned home on
Wednesday, after a very pleasant trip through
Ohio and Western Pennsylvania.
THEbenefltwhichwastobe held by Cleve
land Lodge last Wednesday evening was post
poned for some unknown reason.
Alettes was received from Brother Fred
Carroll in which he states he is well and ex
pects to be home about the middle of April.
The benefit of Baltimore Lodge No. 7, while
successful from an artistic standpoint did not
net as large a sum as it did the previous year.
BEOTHEEMcALLlSTEK,of Pittsburg Lodge,
while in the woods last week, met Brother
.Stearns, of Erie Lodge No. 67, hunting young
Both Margaret Mather and the, "Irish Visi
tors," who played in the city last week, are un
der the management of Brother J. M. Hill, of
Chicago Lodge.
Dela7ABE.(0.1 Lodge gave an anniversary
banqect and reception at the Hotel Donavin,
Friday evening, February 22, An excellent
time was had.
Brother Smith, of St Louis Lodge, ono ot
the original Big Four, who are now with Rice
and Shepherd's Minstrels, spent a few hours
here Wednesday afternoon.- x
Beothee McKeever, of Chicago Lodge,
and Brother Moore, of New York Lodge, were
both seen in the shooting gallery on Smithfield
street on Thursday shooting for a pair of elk
horns which they have on exhibition.
Brothers A W. Buckmastee and W. H.
Lewis, of Chlllicotbe Lodee, are now located
at Evansvllle, and It is through their efforts
-that a new lodge of Elks will soon be instituted
in that city. It is proposed to start in with a
membership of at least 0 and with such mate
rial as will insure success In every respect
Zanestille Lodge No. 14 was "instituted
last Wednesday. The ceremonies took place
in Odd Fellows' Temple, one ot the most ele
gantly, furnished halls in the State, and com
menced at 1 o'clock p. st, C. C. Harrison, Past
Exalted Ruler of Columbus lodgc.has been
largely instrumental In forming the now so
ciety, and it starts off with 60 of the most prom
inent business men of the City. In the evening
a grand banquet was given.
Mansfield Lodge No. 66 has given many
social entertainments, but the one given on
last Thursday evening eclipsed all others, it
being exclusively an ElK affair to their lady
friends. Sixty couples were In attendance,
and the grand march began at 9 o'clock, In the
ball room of the elegant apartment of the Elks.
Dancing was continued until U o'clock, when
an elaborate banquet was served. Exalted
Ruler J. H. Janaan officiated as toast
master and toasts were responded to as
follows: Fraternal organization, A. J. Twitch
ell ;BOdal sessions. D. E. G. R. George A.
Clingston; the ladies. Esteemed Knight E. S.
Hiestond. In the absence of one of the regu
larly appointed speakers. Miss Lulu Jannan,
daughter of the Bxalted Ruler, recited "Dor-
kins' First Night" with fine effect After the
banquet dancingwas resumed and continued
nntil 8 o'clock a. m. Since) Christmas No. 56
has initiated 17 members from among the best
citizens of Mansfield.
Ex-Adjutant Genebal GUTHBiB.went
down with the Eighteenth last night
The staff of the Fourteenth will wear the
newlcggins lately received in the parade to
morrow. Ex-Colonex Glens, of the Fourteenth, ac
companied his old regiment last night as the
guest of the officers.
The election in Company H, Eighteenth,
has been postponed for ten days from last
Tuesday at tho request of Captain Simmons.
Sergeant Major Holmes, of the Eigh
teenth, was compelled to give up going to Wash
ington yesterday on account of sudden sickness.
Lieutenant H.W. HAEEisoNand Lieuten
ant Charles H. Harlow, both of the United
States Navy, accompanied the Eighteenth last
night as the guests of the officers.
Quartermasters Patterson, of the
Fourteenth, and Brown, of the Eighteenth,
left for Washington one day ahead of their
regiments in order to have everything in readi
ness for the arrival of the men.
The Washington Infantry looked well last
night as they marched up to their two special
cars at the Union depot They took with them
the Midget Band of this city, and will be
quartered at 438 Maine street, near the Capitol.
The largest drum corp in. the big parade to
morrow will probably be that oi the First Regi
ment It consists of 22 drums, 22 fifes and 20
buglers. The corps of thelFourteenth Regi
ment will consist of about 85 men, while the
Eighteenth took 52 men for musical purposes.
The marksmen's badges, won hy the various
contestants during the past season ot rifle
practice, arrived in the city last Friday from
the State arsenal at Harrisburg. The number
of qualified marksmen had increased so great-
ij lust year, mat me manufacturer ot tne
badges was delayed somewhat In sending them
out on this account
Probably ono of the most common errors
to be noticed in company drills, and almost
every drillm&sterln the State passes it by with
out notice, is in the dressingof men to the.
rightorlett Paragraph 33 of upston's Tactics
states that in this movement the eyes alone are
cast to the right or left as the case may be-and
the turning of the bead Is incorrect How
many of our city company commanders know
The City Troop of Philadelphia will not be in
the big parade to-morrow, but will view It as
spectators. The troop was organized as the
bodyguard of General Washington, and have
served in that capacity at every inauguration
since then without regard to the politics of the
President. As President Harrison has refused
to recognize them in that capacity this time,
hut selected bis old regiment for the place of
honor, they, for the first time in 100 years, will
not be m the inaugural parade.
A bill was introduced in the State Legisla
ture last Thursday providing for the establish
ment of a naval battalion in the National
Guard, also prohibiting dishonorably dla
charged members of the National Guard from
becoming commissioned or non-commissioned
officers. The naval militia is to consist of four
companies, under a lieutenant commander,
who shall rank as a Major of Infantry, and the
battalion Is to be raised as soon as the United
States is ready to furnish arms, equipments
and a vessel of war.
Many of the local officers took their evening
dress suits with them to wear at the inaugural
ball to-morrow evening. Why they did this Is
not known, as they should be 'proud enough of
the uniform of the State of Pennsylvania to
wear it to an assemblage in which there will be
hundreds of officers from other States and the
regular army wno wm appear in military garb.
True, it is only a fatigue uniform, but it repre
sents a commission in the National Guard of
Pennsylvania, and should be a sufficient guar
antee of the standing of the wearer.
Colonel A L, Hawetns, of Washington,
Pa., was chosen to command theTenth Regiment
last Wednesday night, by the line officers of the
battalion, for the third time. Colonel Norman
M. Smith, of this city, conducted the election
After the election a banquet was tenderod
Colonel Hawkins and the visiting officers pres
ent The headquarters of the Tenth are per
haps the best in this end of the State, consist
ing of six elegantly furnished rooms, but owing
to the manner in which tho different companies
are scattered, the officers have very little chance
to enjoy their pretty quarters.
The Eighteenth Regiment expects to have
quite a crack dress parade this evening in the
rear of the White House. A feature of this
regiment's appearance in the inaugural parade
to-morrow afternoon will be the pioneer corps
which was detailed by Colonel Smith some
time ago for that purpose. Pioneer corps are
something entirely new in this State, and the
Eighteenth takes the honor of being the first
regiment to make a move in this line. The
corps in this case consists of 18 men under the
charge of a sergeant and will march directly
in the rear of the drum corps. They will have
their blankets swung around the body, and will
carry axes, shovels, block and tackle and
lanterns. The corps is to be a permanent
feature of the regiment, and will take the
place of the details usually called for about
camp time.
Thebe were a good many disappointed young
men last night, as the troops were embarking
on the trains. The fact is that many of the
companies could easily have been recruited to
double their regular quota, had the captains so
desired. The armories for the past month have
been besieged by applicants to enlist, but only
a few of the better class were selected as mo3t
of the companies were full. The troubles of
fouryears ago, which received such an alrinc
,(lTllh ,h...M..,l.. . . . .
NMu"ii yt;o; ui ,ud cuuuir;, were aue IO
the fact that many captains had filled their
companies with substitutes for the trip, and as
a consequence had no control over their men.
This time none but those regularly enlisted
were taken, and one or the regimental com
manders has given instructions to his line offi
cers to waste no time with refractory men. but
place them immediately in the bands of the
Washington police. '
Perfect Fitting-Patterns Cat to Order.
All ladies are interested in anything per
taining to perfection in the fit of their
What is more annoying than an ill-fitting
basqne or sleeve ? Those in particular who
make their own clothes can overcome the
many difficulties by securing a pattern out
io measure.
We are now prepared to cut patterns
either on paper or lining, guaranteed to fit
in every particular, as we take 15 different
measurements, and make the darts and cur
vatures to suit the figure. "We cut any
ttyle sleeve desired; full instructions in
basting given with each pattern. Call and
secure a pattern at "Newton's" School of
Dress Cutting, White sewing machine
rooms, 12 Sixth st
No. 64 Fourth Avenue.
Third term of this academy will com
mence next week. Beginners classes on
Tuesday, "Wednesday and Thursday even
ings. There will be a full term of 10 weeks,
or 50 lessons, before the closing of the school.
Silk Department.
At 7Cc a yard, worth $ 1 25, an elegant
line of colored moire ITrancaise; all the
choice evening and street shades.
mwfsu Hogcs & Hacke.
Pebsons sending photographs of them
selves to the old countrv cannot be too care
ful in having them made by responsible and
careful photographers. Thousands of cheap
pictures that have been made tha last few
years have already faded, besides giving a
poor opinion of the American photo
graphers, Dabbs' reputation as a fine photographer
is national, and his business is steadily im
proving. There may be others as good but
certainly none better.
Dress Suits.
,ITor a good fittingdress suit or oVercoat
go to JPitcairn's, 434TWood street. wsu
x v 9Gfm jB fllv O h'r Jfl
Wm 7
The subject of inc. eased membership.
Without a doubt there are many ex-soldiers
who are eligible to membership in the
Grand Army of the Republic who have
never made application for 'admission. This
is evident from the fact that so many of the
departments show gains every year, some of
them very large gains. Since other depart
ments are crowding Pennsylvania so closely
ior the front position sbe has held for many
years, it has become a serious question how
to maintain the lead for the current year.
The plan suggested by the new Department
Commander, Thomas J. Stewart, as given be
low, will attract widespread interest His own
language Is as follows:
"This is a subject of deep concern to the
Grand Army of the Republic We cannot hope
to have every soldier in our ranks, yet no
good reason can be given by them for not en
joying membership. Many who are eligible to
membership are so engrossed in business or in
e very-day affairs of life that they seldom think
of the Grand Army, yet, if some comra'de would
call upon them and their attention be called to
it, their membership could be secured.
The officers of a post, even when anxious
tB do their full duty, cannot do all the work.
Every comrade should help, but how much
more Is the assistance of comrades necessary
whose post officers are careless? Many recom
mendations have been made on this subject
andlrennwone I made two years ago. Let
each Post Commander appoint a Recruiting
Committee, consisting of three comrades or
upward, according to the size of the post Have
every comrade of the post knowinc of any nel
son eligible to membership, and not a member,
hand the name to the Recruiting Committee.
Let the committee call upon the person in
question, or if any other comrade of
the post would be more likely to secure
his application, let that comrade be
given the name. Let the committee be com
posed of the best and at the same time the
active members of of the post comrades who
will attend every meeting. If the Grand
Army would continue its good work for the
soldier, its charities, and its help to the unfor
tunate, and continue to reflect honor on its mem,
bershlp, it must be active, influential and
strong. In a few years it will decline rapidly.
Whatever of benefit or of good is to come from
its effort must be the result of work done
Views of comrades on this matter, which now
is of vital importance to the Department of
Pennsylvania, may be sent to The Dispatch.
Suggestions of interest and freshness will be
Seventh Anniversary Post 1G2.
One of the most interesting and entertaining
events in Grand Army circles was the seventh
anniversary celebration of Colonel J. B. Clark
Post No. 162, which occured Tuesday evening
last February 26, in the Masonic Hall, corner
of Washington street and Madison avenue, Al
legheny, and which was complimentary to the
friends of the post The seating capacity of
the hall was tested to its utmost by an enthusi
astic and cultured audience. Colonel A. -P.
Burchfield. commander of the post, was in
charge, and to bis ability in directing much of
the success of the entertainment is attributa
ble. The following programme was carried out
and each participant well earned the meed of
praise bestowed.
Recollections of war, Post 162, Q.A.E. Band;
address. Brief History of the Post, Fast Com
mander J. W. Caldwell: guitar duet Messrs.
Miss Maggie Rodney ana Master Frankie Net
ting; piano "selection. Miss Ida Burgy; Star
Mandolin Club, Messrs. Fierce, Rese, Lang and
Leiser; recitation, Prof. Byron W. King; mnsl
cal artists. Messrs. Phillips and Voltz: finale.
Post 162, G. A. R., Band. v
Lanrela for Post 41.
The citizens of Lawrenceville' are enthusi
astic in their appreciation of the efforts of the
members of G, A. R. Post No. 41 to build up
their general and relief fnnds. The fair and
bazaar being held under the auspices of the
Post ended its third week of continuance last
night under the most favorable circumstances.
The new hall, on Fortieth street below Butler,
has been crowded every night since the in
ception of the entertainment the new features
added each night riving a freshness that was
very attractive. The Great Eastern Italian
Band furnishes the mnsic for the patrons of
the dancing pavilion. The stage performance
Thursday evening last was a deliebtful innova
tion, in which the tableaux, "Goddess of Lib
berty," was introduced with pleasing effectand
gave the celebrated firing squad of the Post
an opportunity to exhibit their acknowledged
proficiency. The fair will be continued the
current week.
Grand Army Whisperings.
Genebal J. D. Cox will deliver the oration
at the unveiling ot the Garfield monument at
Cleveland, O.
Thousands of veterans are going to their
graves, and the distance for many Is short
painfully short
Post 41, of Lawrenceville, is steadily grow
ing in membership with brilliant prospects
ahead for several months.
The next Issue of this column will be under
the administration of United States President
Comrade Benjamin Harrison.
Genebal Stewabt Jj. Woodfobd wfll, on
the invitation ot Post 9, Gettysburg. Pa., de
liver the Memorial Day oration at that place.
The eleventh annual Encampment of the
Department of Michigan will be held at Bay
City Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March
Coxbade Alonzo Williams, of Provi
dence, is the newlv-elected Commander of the
Department of Rhode Island, which now num
bers 2,728 members in good standing.
Recorder, will represent Abe Patterson Post
No. 88, of Allegheny, at the inaugural cere
monies of President Comrade Harrison.
. 'Companies E and H, Fourth Massachusetts
Cavalry, were the first United States troops to
enter Rlcemond, Aprils. 1865. Tho battalion
was commanded by Major Atherton H.
Stevens, Jr.
Mbs. Fbancis Shebman Mottlton, sister
to General W. T. Sherman and Senator John
Sherman, and widow of Colonel Charles W.
Moulton, died at the residence of her son,
Charles W. Moulton, Jr., in New York, Febru
ary 21; at the ago ot 60.
The Illinois Department of the Grand Army
of the Republic has adopted a resolution pledg
ing the department to support President Com
rade Harrison in a just and fearless adminis
tration of National law, equally alike In every
State in the Union, for which his splendid
abilities so well fitted him.
The Department of Pennsylvania needs all
the recruits it can get, te remain for another
year tho "Banner Department" of the G. A. R.
The Departments of Ohio and Kansas want
that honor, want it badly, and unless the com
rades of Fenuiylvania realize this fact and
"hustle" and secure recruits that are, floating
about, the banner will be lost
Comrade Samuel HillisIs a member of
the Kentucky Legislature, and at its last
session he did not forget his old comrades and
the G. A R. He succeeded in fighting bills
through, authorizing the loan of arm to the
G. A. R. Posts from the State Arsenal, and to
make Memorial Day a legal holiday. The
latter measure is certainly a victory for old
vets and, the G. A. R. in "Old Kaintnck!' at
James H. Wilson Circle, Ladles of the
G. A. B was instituted last Monday evening
at Springdale.'in the presence of a larze audi
ence. Mrs. Lydla Smith, ot Allegheny, assisted
by Department President Mrs. Carrie V. Shcr
riff, installed the following officers of the newly
born circle: President Mrs. Margaret Stoup;
Senior Vice, Mrs. Blakely; Junior Vice, Mrs.
Barnes: Secretary, Mrsi Hoak; Treasurer, Mrs.
Cleveland, O., is to have within a year or
two a handsome and expensive soldiers' monu
ment paid for by the general tax levy, in mem
ory of the soldiers of Cuyahoga county in the
late war. It will cost in the neighborhood ot
$100,000, which is said to be about M0.0OO more
than the cost f the beautiful National Soldiers'
Monument erected by the munificence nf the
United States Government la tho National
Cemetery at Gettysburg.
The Grand Army of the Department of Kan
sas undoubtedly Includes in its ranks.uiore
State officials than any other department The
following list is In evidence: Governor, , Mar"
tin, Auditor "McCarthy, Treasurer Hamilton,"
Attorney General Taylor, Assistant Adjutant:
General Irtihara. Judges. Simpson. Holt aad
Ologjton, Railroad Coasmisioaer;GreenI,rt
vate Secretary. Smith. Also Comrade Mc
Dowell in the Governor's office, ana Comrades
Omar and Fox in the Secretary's office.
David W. Llewellyn, manager M T.C.
Jenkins', was a. very much inrprised man the
otber day upon the receipt of a photograph ol
hlniself taken a quarter of a century ago, when
he was a corporal in Company-A,?1 the One
Hundred and Nlnetyieventh Ohio. It was
sent to him by the captain" of his company, U.
F. Silllman, now a resident of Baltimore, lid.
Captain Silliman says that Corporal Llewellyn
was the best drilled soldier in his regiment
The protograph vividly recalled many of the
stirring scenes of 1864, when it was taken.
Commander John M. RoBEBTSjof Posts,
haa received a communication fresi Jacob
Lohrer, 678 Forest street tHeveland. Ohio, ask
ing for the addresses ofany of the members of
ComnanyL, Fifth Pennsylvania Cavalry. Ha
recalls the following names: Fred. Wilbelm,
Henry Ford. Segwald EdehJohn Smith, Jphn
Wickline. Christ Yongsand George, Eacber.
Comrade Lohrer needs assistance la hi pension
matter, and a favor wouldbe conferred by send
ing him the name and residence of any member
ofhu company. Post Commanders are asked
to make mention of this Yequest at tK8 neat
muster of the respective posts. '
The Specter la Laid Oat by a PaOet
Farmer With a Load ofBackshot. f
Des Moines, March 2. A special tele
gram from Casey says: There is alittlepond
oi stagnant water dignified by the name of
Silver Lake, four miles west of Casey, oa
the Bock Island Railroad. It has a
history as a bathing place, and as a place
where three or four persons have bees
drowned. Near by is a schoolhouse,
which has been utilized evenings;
for spelling schools, debating societies,
etc., and in' passing by the water the at
tendants have seen ghostly apparitions.
These occurred so often and were seen by so
many that the neighborhood became ter
rorized. About a week ago it appeared and
frightened a farmer's team so that it ran
away, throwing out the farmer's wife and
nearly killing her. Her husband pro
cured a shotgun and loaded it with Duck
shot, and after four long patient
nights of watching and getting frost bitten,
he last night filled the ghost full of buck
shot It cried. "My God, don't shoot
any more,!' and fell prostrate. He was
carried home by the shooter and cared
for, No ope but the attending physician
has seen him, and he refused to give any
name. He is suspected to l)e a land-seeker
who wished to scare, the owners and buy
cheap. Nothing positive can be gotten, as
the shooter and doctor" are mum.
Important to Soldiers and Their Heirs.
Notify your friends that by request of a
number of our ex-soldiers, Soule & Co., the
"Washington pension attorneys, have con
sented to send Mr. J. B. Conover, their
agent, to the Central Hotel, Pittsbursr, Pa.,
from Monday, March 4, to Saturday, March
9, inclusive, where he will be prepared to
five free ndvice on the new pension and
ountv legislation. "Wives of soldiers
should urge upon their husbands the ne
cessity of providing for their families by
applying for a pension, which might be
continued to "the widow. This is Mr. Cono
ver's second visit to Pittsburg, and is for
the benefit of those who, owing to the rush,
were unable to see him a ter weeks since.
Gillespie' Art Gallery, 422 Wood Street.
Mr. Collins in returning thanks to the
citizens oi Pittsburg for their liberal pat
ronage, begs to announce that .he will con
tinue his exhibition and sale until "Wednes
day, the 6th inst. He has just placed on
view several new canvasses.
Fine 8700 Upright Plana.
A magnificent $700 cabinet grand upright
piano, with latest improvements, swinging
desk, excellent tone and splendidly carved
case. This instrument is good as new,and will
be sold.iully warranted, for 5225. Ar are bar
gain, at J, 31, Hoffman & Co.'b, 537
Smithfield street.
Also four square pianos of celebrated
makers at 8100, $150, $175 and $200. Tha
celebrated Sohmer & Co., Colby & Co. and
Jacob Bros, new pianos, at lowest prices.
I WTLii remove my place of business to
the corner ot Smithfield street and Seventh
avenue, Bissell block, on or about March 1.
Previous to removal I will close out my
present stock at reduced prices.
"Walter Andeeson',
Merchant Tailor,
Cor. "Wood street and Sixth avenue,
su Pittsburg. r
Catarrh Cared. :
A clergyman, after years of suffering irom.
that loathsome disease, catarrh, vainly tryingfe,
every known remedy, at last found a recipe -V
which completely cured and saved him from "5
death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease ;
sending self-addressed stamped envelops to
Prof. J. A Lawrence, 88 Warren st. New York I
City, will receive tho recipe free of charge.
Business Change.
Mr. "Walter Anderson, the popular me
chant tailor, has opened out with a new
and desirable line of fine woolen goods for
gentlemen's garments, spring styles, at his
new place, 700 Smithfield street, which, is
one of the very finest rooms in the country.
We bespeak for him a prosperous busi
ness af his new location, as his motto is still
The attention of amateur decorators i
solicited to call and examine our line of fine
white china for decorating, which is now
complete. It embraces a number of new
specialties which are to be had nowhera
else. Positively the handsomest line of ele
gant vases ever shown, geables Seizes
stein, 152 and 154 Federal st, Allegheny.
DIzest Your Food'
St you want to be healthy. How can you if
your teeth refuse to do their work? Get them
put in order by skilful dentists, and use Sozo
dont to keep them right Sozodont is the best
preparation for th8 teeth. wrsu
Cnrtnln Department.
A special assortment of lace curtains from
63c to $75 00 a pair; beautiful new designs
in famboures just opened.
srwrsu Hughs & hacks.
1289 Yards Ladies' Cloth,-29c.
Pure wool, any color a seller 38 inch.
45-inch Embroideries, 37c.
The bargains in these goods astonish all who
see them. They are not more than half prica
5,000yds. Lonsdale Musl.n,7c.;
Attend the Sheeting Sale. One piece or any!
lengu you wan at uns Musim .Bargain oaie.
T, H; UTiies,
TOK ' jLtaSt.
Dries quickly; Is not steekvg
nor greasy; makes rough skian
soft, smooth and velvety, aad k
does not smart the skin, s t-
makes face powderadhsre to
tho skin and renders it ia
visible. ,
gold by an draagats. - - .
PrleeaBceatt. .sl,
Reluee all aate&tates. ,;
Trade Mark,