IL9UW 'vr ffe a THE GRAND OLD MAI Scores the English Government for Its Cruelty to Ireland and Irishmen. HOME RULE NEAR AT HAND. Parnell Follows Gladstone in a For cible and Eloquent Speech. HE IS GREETED WITH ENrHUSIASM. A Warm Time In the Hoase of Commons Pertinent Inquiries Made and Evaded The Government Warned That Its Room is Sealed Liberal Unionists Flnycd Balfour's Treatment of Politi cal Prisoners Denounced Prisons Be coming Temples of Horror Creatine a Laugh nt Slnjor Snnnderson's Expense A Conciliatory Pica for Home Kulc. Mr. Gladstone made one of his best speeches in the English Commons yester day. He discussed the Irish question, and was pitiless in his denunciation of the Gov ernment for its lack of humanity, common sense and political foresight He was fol lowed by Mr. Parnell, who delivered a very temperate speech, in whtcn he showed that the mass of the voters were becoming favor ably inclined to the doctrine preached by Mr. Gladstone, and would, by their ballots, confer home rule on Ireland. Loxpox, March 1. In the House of Commons this afternoon Home Secretary Matthews, in reply to a question, said that Constable Preston had twice visited a pris oner named Tracy at the instance of Mr. Soames, the Solicitor for the 7tmes. Sir "William "Vernon-Harcourt asked whetr er it was in accordance with the prison rules that Mr. Soames should send an agent to a prisoner? Mr. Matthews replied that Tracv was en titled to receive a visit once a week. Sir "William "Vernon-Harcourt Are friends visits construed to mean visits from an Irish constable acting under orders from the Times? Opposition cheers. Mr. Matthews An Irish constable has the right to visit any prisoner. Mr. Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, said he failed to see in the constable's visit to Tracy the gross impropriety that Sir "William Harconrt seemed to see. Sir William Harcourt asked whether the constable's visit was made at Tracy's re quest Mr. Matthews replied that he did not know. A DRIVE AT SMITH. Mr. W. H. Smith denied that the Govern ment had placed Irish constables at the dis posal of the Times. Mr. H. P. Cobb (Badical) asked if Mr. Smith was not aware that the courtyard in front of Mr. Soames' offices was crowded with Irish constables lolling about and smoking. Mr. Smith replied that he was not aware that such was the case. Mr. J. T. Brunner (Liberal) asked Mr. Smith whether the libelous publication en titled 'Parnellism and Crime" was not still exposed for sale on his (Mr. Smith's) book stalls. This question was followed by a great uproar. When order had been restored Mr. Smith laid: "I appeal to you, Mr. Speaker, I ap ieal to the House, I appeal to the members, whatever be their differences of opinion, whether such questions ought to be ad dressed to me." Cheers. Jthe geand old max. Mr. Gladstone then resumed the debatcon the address in reply to the Queen's speech. He held that there were three main issues raised in the amendment under disscussion. The House was called upon entirely to dis claim the present administration of the Irish Government; it was asserted that to this system was due the aversion of the peo ple to Great Britain; and, f illy, theHouse was asked to adopt measures of conciliation. They owed an apology to the people of Ire land for allowing the great question of the domestic government of their country to re main unintroduced in the present Parlia ment Still the Liberals were tolerably well satisfied with the progress of the ques tion in favor of the country. Cheers. Mr. Chamberlain told them that the meas ure of local government for Ireland must not be indefinitely postponed. That meant that in some future Parliament, possibly, gentleman calling themselves Liberal Unionists, might incline to look up to an Irish Government OF SO IMPOETAXCE. At present the votes of that portion of the House were of importance as the main stav of the Government policy. Opposition cheers. Regarding their votes in the next Parliament he wonld not refer to anyone in particular laughter, least of all to Mr. Chamberlain, but speaking simply of the 70 members now converting the Tory minority into a majority he regarded their votes in the coming Parliament as of small import- swee. nueer5.j It was said that the present Government of Ireland would have been remarkably suc cessful but for the difficulties placed in the way in connection with the land qnestion. "Who placed them there? Why, Mr. Cham berlain and Mr. Hartington and their iriends. Cries of "Oh, oh!" and Opposi tion cheer. They created the land difficulty, and when the effects of the prevailing distress became patent they obstinately refused to deal with them. The refusal was lollowed by the plan. of campaign. It was the direct and necessary offspring of their policy. He had never vindicated breaches of law in any shape, but he must say that there were many cases in which the law makers were more responsible than the law breakers, and this was one of them. Cheers. GROWS SARCASTIC. The Government continued to declare their anxiety to settle the land question; yet, with a large majority behind them. Mr. Chamberlain appealed to him to pro pound a. kcherae for the settlement of the question. He then was a person so happy as to possess the confidence of his op ponent Laughter and cheers. The re sponsibility for the delay in coming a settlement must rest upon the majority In power. Cries of "Hear, hear." The re fusal to produce a measure wonld tend still further to expose the hollo wness of the Conservative assurances in regard to Ire land and the real determination of the ma jority to do nothing to ameliorate the con dition of the Irish people. Cheers. Mr. Gladstone proceeded to show irom the results of the Bye elections that the opinion of- the country was tnrning to home rule. Se next contested the assertion that the im proving condition of Ireland was dne to the admlmsiration of the Government, express ing surprise that the increase in agricultural values was put to the credit of the Govern ment j. TREATMENT Or POLITICAL PRISONERS. j Preferring to the Parnellite prisoners, he denounced the degrading .Hardships and personal indignities they suffered. He de nied that the treatmentof political prisoners under the Liberal Government was similar. No formei Government, Liberal or .Con servative, had given imprisoned political men such usage. Cheers. Mr. Balfour's plea that the treatment of prisoners could not be altered without an alteration of the rules beyond his power was ludicrous. The plain truth was, the present treatment of prisoners was part of a system of extreme repression. "Why ought not the Conserva tives to realize, like the Liberals, that the anti-National system in Ireland constituted an imminent danger to the union. Cheers. He proceeded to give a glowing account ot the progress of Ireland under Drummond, irom 1835 to 1840, contrasting it with the regime of Ballour. He declared that the breach between the people and the Govern ment was now widening, and that theconn dence of the people in the law and mthe administration of the law was impaired and almost gone. Cheers. THE HANDWRITING ON THE "WALL. Ireland wss now governed in conflict with five-sixths ot her representatives in Parlia ment one-fourth of whom it had been nec essarv to send to prisons, which, through the action of the Government, became tem ples of honor. Cheers. In conclusion Mr. Gladstone said: "To continue the state of things under which so many representatives ot this House are placed under a ban of proscription, is im possible. You may deprive of its grace and Jreedom the act you are asked to do; but avert it you cannot Prolonged cheers. To prevent the consummation of it is utterly bejond your power. It seems to approach at an accelerated rate; but come slower or quicker, it is surely coming, and many of yon who have opposed it must already see in the handwriting on the wall signs of the coming doom." Cheers. Mr. Goschen, Chancellor of the Ex chequer, denied that the Government de sired to delay the extension of local govern ment in Ireland. What right, he asked, had Mr. Gladstone to presume that it would not deal with the present Parliament? When the time was opportune the Govern ment would be ready to grapple with the difficulties. He was hopeful of better suc cess than that which attended Mr. Glad stone's proposals. parnell's reception. Mr. Parnell, upon arising to speak, was greeted with enthusiastic cheers, all the members of the opposition, including Mr. Gladstone, rising in their places and wav ing their hats. Mr. Parnell said he desired to offer a few words of sympathy to those of his colleagues and friends who had suffered by the princi ples adopted by the Chief Secretary lor Ire land. He (Parnell) believed they would be richly rewarded in the near future by at taining the object they had at heart. Mr. Ballour tried to degrade them, but they were not degraded, either in their own opinion or in the opinion of their country men. Circumstances had been favorable to Mr. Balfour in the rise of agricultural prices and, but for an exceptional law, Ire land would, he believed, nave been tran quil. The Government were responsible for, and must stand or fall by the results of that law. THE TIMES CONSPIRACY. He would not stop to discuss the con spiracy which had assisted the ministers on the very night of the second reading to steal away the liberties of Ireland. Loud cheers. He thought less ot the suffering of O'Brien, Carew and Redmond than of the suffering of the humbler meu in their ranks, because the authorities did not dare to kill O'Brien or torture Carew. But men like Mande ville might be done to death in carrying out their system. Renewed cheers. If Major Saunderson had got his 0,000 men in the field thev would not remain there. Laugh ter. There was no example in history of a large section of people rebelling unless stirred up to it bv suflering and injustice. How could Saunderson hope to excite Ulster men to rebel not against the rest of Ire land, but against England and Scotland when no oppression or injnstice was in flicted upon them? A TLEA FOR HOKE RULE. Expressing confidence that Englishmen would soon recognize ,the-possibility of home rule lor Ireland, he said he only asked that they should deal with the question as an open one and consider how far they could concede nome rule witn sajety to their own greater interests. It was right that the smaller country should conciliate the larger and agree to all safeguards necessarv for the severity of the latter's interests. "Ireland was willing to do so, and he was convinced that Irishmen, knowing that the people of England and Scotland and Wales had for the first time turned the ear of reason to the solution of the question, would steadily re sist any incitement to disorder and hold fast to the true way pointed out to them in 1885 by Mr. Gladstone. Prolonged cheers. Mr. Matthews said that unfortunately the advice of Mr. Parnell had not been followed by that gentleman's friends daring the de bate. Cheers. The speaker maintained that the offenses for which the Parnellites had been imprisoned were not as a rnle of a political nature, and that they justified the policy of the Government LIKE ANOTHER ISAIAH. A Tribute to Mr. Gladstone's Masterly Effort In the Commons. London, March 2. The Telegraph says the speech of Mr. Gladstone is historical: He was seen on the warpath at his best His attack on the Liberal Unionists was made with tremendous force of invective and the sarcasm of a great master. During the speech Mr. Joseph Chamberlain smiled ner vously, and glanced curiously at Mr. Glad stone, and the House frequently burst into roars of laughter. The peroration was spoken in the charac ter of a prophet telling or wrath to come with a resonant voice and flashing eyes and the aged states man seemed like another Isaiah crying "Woe to the high places of Jerusa lem." His last words were "Signs of the coming doom." He finished his speech midst a tempest of cheers. GUILTY, BUT INSANE. That Is the Verdict Reached In the Case of the Trunk Bobber A Bokcn Nose t Caused All at His Trouble. Chicago, March 1. Thomas E. Vines, the clerk who had himself shipped in a trunk to St. Louis with $4,062 stolen from his employers, Adams, "Westlake & Co., was to-day tried for the act The defense was insanity. Dr. Eenger testified that less than a year agoYines' nose was injured in a sparring match. The organ was properlv dressed, but the patient seemed extremely n ervous, ana expressed great fear that his beauty would be forever spoiled "He called on me again," said the wit ness, "and insisted upon myperforming an other operation. He was' morbidly sensi tive, and it was in vain that I told him that no operation was necessary. I finally had to dress the nose in order to quiet him. A short time later he again called on me and wanted me to attend to the matter at once. He was almost insane then, and thought of nothing else but his injured nose. I tried td convince him that no further operation was necessary, but it was no use, and to save his mina I had tooperate on it again." ui. vjevinger au insanity expert, testi fied that he had visitedVines frequentlyinthe jail, and the young man's actions showed in sanity. His conduct after his injury alone tended to show this. The jury was out but a few minutes, and returned a verdict to the effect that Vines was guiltv as charged, bnt,was insane at the time, and" had not yet recovered. The Court ordered that he be sent to Kankukee asylum, and there be kept until cured. PARIS EXPOSITION, fortably and I'conomically, and where to go and what to s -e when you gel there, is told in detail byenry Haynle, whose flrtt letter from Paris, on the subject appear in to-morrow' Dispatch. r jgygJFgp PI60TT IS A MP IAN. Egan Makes More Bevelations Con cerning the Cunning Rascal. HE JUST SKIPPED OUT IN TIME. The Disclosures to Come Would Have Over whelmed the Forger. STARTLING SURPRISES TET IN SIGHT. The Effect on English Politics Will Sorely be Faror able to Borne Bale. Patrick Egan verifies the account of the manner in which the Pigott forgeries were detected, and gives some hitherto unpub lished correspondence. He shows that the Timet' tool, included begging letter writ ing among his other pursuits. Mr. Egan intimated that further surprising disclos ures may yet be made. He prophesies a speedy victory for Gladstone. Chicago, March 1. Mr. Patrick Egan arrived in this city from Lincoln this morn ing. He is en route to Washington to wit ness the inauguration of President Harrison. Shortly before his departure this afternoon a reporter met him in the office of Mr. Alex ander Sullivan. Mr.'Egan's attention was called to the published statement of Dr. McCahey, of Philadelphia, impeaching the accuracy of the London cablegram on the dav of the exposure. The statement of Dr. McCahey was to the effect that Messrs. Egan and Sullivan did not make the exposure, and that Eather Dorney did not carry the papers to London, but that they were taken over by Mr. Bob ertson. Mr. Egan declared that Dr. Mc Cahey's statement was altogether wrong, and was promulgated from hearsay. The story as given was correct with lew minor and altogether unimportant exceptions. He said: DOBNEY THE MAN. In fact the documents were arranged in order, and the accompanying brief prepared in the very room in which we are now sitting) that is, in my friend Alexander Sullivan's of -flee. Mr. Sullivan, at my request selected the messenger, Rev. Father Dorney. I placed the package in Father Dorney's hands in New York, and be delivered it to M. Laboucbere in London, and helped to make the statement clear to Messrs. Labonchere, Parnell, Lewis and Russell. Mr. Egan here produced the original of a letter written to him by Pigott in 1883. which, he said, had never been published. By way of prefatory explanation he said that in October, 1881, Mr. Parnell and him self bought the Irishman, a newspaper, from Pigott After the transaction Pigott fought in every way to retain a place on the paper, saying that he would take any position at any salary; bnt he was refused any connection with the paper, because they knew that Pigott's object was to use his position in an illegitimate way. Egan was certain of this from his knowl edge of the man, as having had occasion to publicly expose him for his attempt at blackmail in threatening to publish in the Irishman fictitious accounts of receipts and disbursements of the funds of the Land League, contributed m this country and elsewhere. PIGOTT'S PLEA. It is to these matters tht Pigott refers in the appended letter. The Dr. Sigerson .re ferred to was at the time a leading writer on the Irishman. The letter is as follows: 17 Vesey Place. Kingston, January SO, 1883. Deak Sir Dr. Sigerson, it appears from to-day's papers, having received a Government appointment, is, I presume, no longer eligible as editor for the Irishman. If this is so, I have the temerity to solicit appointment to tbe vacant position. After what has happened you will not consider this request as high) v presumptuous. I have, however, acquainted .Mr. Parnell with facts which I tbibk will ab solve me from responsibility for certain things which have been falsely laid to my charge, and I can only say that if jou will favor me with an interview I hope to also make you sensible of tbe fact that I have, on tbe whole, been "mnrfl Kinnpri -iTisr than sinnlno. ' Faithfully yours, Richard Pigott. Referring to Pigott's method of raising money when he was "hard up," Mr. Egan gave some interesting gossip which puts a new side light on the character of the polit ical forger. This is what mav be termed the anonymous letter "racket" Mr. Egan said: He was in the habit of assuming a crabbed, uncultivated handwriting, such as an unedu cated person, or one unaccustomed to writing, might show. He tried it on Archbishop "Walsh. He wrote the Archbishop anonymously that he knew of a family in very straightened cir cumstances; that they were in urgent need of help; that they were all good Catholics, but that they were surrounded by influence which were tending to lead them away, and that un less they were looked after promptly, there Has danger that they wonld be lost to the mother church. BEGGING LETTERS. Well, I suppose the Archbishop Is in the way of receiving many such appeals, so he paid no attention to it "Dick" followed it up with a letter in his own name, detailing the same story, and he probably got something out of the Archbishop. And he tried the same game with me, too. I first received a letter telling me to beware of Dick Pigott; that Dick was in great need of money; that he wanted to be nonest and do the right thing, but that he was sorely tempted; that he was offered a lot of money to publish a set of fictitious accounts of the Land League; that his necessities might drive him to do ir, and that he had better see to it that he Lept out of snch straits. As that did not suffice, he wrote me a long blackmailing letter setting forth that he bad been offered money to help him out of his dif ficulties if be wonld publish a false Land Leagnc statement That was a trick of Dick's on the stand, when one of my genuine letters was placed before him his saying that it had probably been forged since tbe publication in the Times, for the purpose of being palmed off as genuine. Fortunately, however, it would not have amounted to anything, even If "Dick" had stood by his story and faced it out to the end, for the falsity of it could and would have been shown. Wnen the terms of the sale ot the Irishman had been agreed upon, I wrote to Parnell. telling him to pnt the matter into the hands of an attorney and have the trade closed in due xorm. EASILY PBOTED. In that I inclosed Pigott's last letter and my reply to it, written as usual on the fly leal Parnell sent the whole correspondence to tbe attorney, and, after the letters came out in the limes, I remembered the circumstance and wrote to the attorney, who found it among his old flies. Furthermore, it chanced that the very letter which Pigott charged as forged by me at the necessity of the case was published In the Freeman's Journal years before. So we had our case intact and, if Pigott had persisted In his story, we would have bad the testimony of that attorney to the fact that the letter had been in his possession for years, and the files of the Freeman's Journal would have shown the publication of tbe disputed letter long before the Times began its fight. "Do you believe that Pigott originated tbe scheme, or that he was hired to do it?" asked the reporter. I believe that Dick coijcocted the whole plot alone: but I also believe that he sold the Times people tbe goods which they wanted to buy. The Times did not expect to get into tbe sort of hearing which is now on. The supposition was that Parnell would brine a libel suit in the ordinary way in court Then he would have had to go on tbe stand and merely swear that I he never wrote tbe letters published. Then the Times would have' been enabled to put expert; after expert on tbe stand up to a. hundred ff it had wanted to, to swear that the writing was that of Parnell. ,Inthe face of this, an Englisp Jury would never have taken Parnell's word, and would have given a verdict against him. They had no idea that he could demonstrate their falsity. COMING EVENTS. t "What will be the probable course of .the trial, now?" ' "I don't know," said Mr. Egan. "I, do know that if the Times chooses to continue the fight, we haye two or three more sur prises in store. Of their character, I am not at liberty to speak." "What will be the effect of the collapse of .English pouticsr" Tremendous. If an appeal were takes to the TafSBuKsT DISTCsSTRDlLW'GpPSSlFr. country now, or within the next six months, Gladstone would go in overwhelmingly. Party influence there is a very different thing from party influence in this country. Here, a man, even though he has no desire for office, is more closely identified with his party than there. He has friends who are in office, or who want office, and so be feels that the defeat of his party is a defeat for himself. In England a change of Government Implies no widespread change in official life. The fall of a Govern ment means that only 12 men in England and 6 in Ireland go out. Then the average English man is pretty fair in his intentions. Ignorance of the fact with tbe accompanying prejudice, may make him slow to move; but, as I say; he is fair minded, and once convinced that any course is right he goes in to do it I don't know whether an attempt will bemade to force an appeal to the country or not but X under stand that Mr. Gladstone favors waiting, as he believed that tbe cause Is steadily gaining. PIGOTT LIED, Sots Labonchere and Other Prominent DIen Who Testified Before tbe Parnell Commission The Despairing Times Conspirators. rBV CABLE TO THE DISPATCH, j LoiTDON.March 1. Copyright. At the meeting of the Parnell Commission to-day defeat, humiliation and despair were again plainly written upon the countenances of the Times conspirators. There was no fight left in them. Attorney General 4Webster was nervous and had lost all his bluster. Sir Henry James still looked ill and wretched, and neither he nor his colleague attempted any thing but a few of the mildest questions in cross-examination. v O'Kelly, Campbell, McCarthy and Davitt all denied formally the Pigott fabrications. Mr. Labonchere gave the lie direct to PigoU's references to himself, and then poor Soames, bilious and shaking, related the incidents of his dealings with Pigott. showing that he had made no inquiries and had acted about as idiotically as the mana ger of the Times himself. George Lewis, the leading criminal lawyer, was on the very best of terms with himself as he told how Pigott had come to him and admitted the forgeries. It was with a smile of pride that he told the Judges he always knew that Pigott was a forger. Pigott was far away basking, we were given to understand, in a sunnier clime, but it was necessary to give further formal proof of his tremendous turpitude, and so rep utable citizens and mild-mannered gentle men, Michael Davitt and Justin McCarthy among them, had to go into the witness box and solemnly swear that they were not inciters to outrages and accessories to murder. This done, Solicitor Lewis, the famous Labouchere and the celebrated Sala, one after another, repeated the now well-known story of their meetings and talkings with Pigott Then followed -a weak attempt on the part of the Times to prove that they traded with Pigott in good faith, and with every confidence in his probity, and a very brief cross-examination of Solicitor Soames showed that he and his associates had neg lected the most elementary precautions against being deceived. The whole of the afternoon was spsnt in an argument as to the admissibility of the files ot the Irish World as evidence, the Times arguing in effect that as the Land League leaders accepted money subscribed through Patrick Ford's organ, and helped to circulate it in Ireland, they and the Na tional League must be held to have in dorsed its language, however violent and stupid. The con'rt took time to consider the matter, but judging from the tone of some of President Hannen's remarks, the decision will go against the Irish members. A DEFAULTER'S HAUL. The Seed Company President Gets Away With 8100,000, Including Borrowed money Charges of Collusion With the Agricultural Department. rSPXCIAL TILEOBAM TO TBE M3FATCR.1 New Tobk, March 1. From the best in formation obtainable to-day, the amount of money which should have gone to the A. B. Cleveland Company, and which Presi dent A. B. Cleveland appropriated to his own nse before he disappeared" is in the neighborhood of 38,000. A story was curient to-day that legal action had been begun against Mr. Cleveland for con spiracy, and that he had agreed to meet the plaintiffs in January, but had not done so. Mr. Haid said regarding this: 1 did hear last June that certain parties who were competitors in the seed trade had begun some such action. It was against Mr. Cleveland personally, and others, bnt not against the company. I believe it was founded on a charge of 'mixing seeds.' " "What does 'mixing seeds' mean?" "T couldn't explain it adequately in half an hour, but briefly it means putting seeds in envelopes which did not state their actual contents on the outside. I think the whole affair amounted to nothing. I have not heard of it since summer." It was intimated by rival houses that Sec retary Norman J. Colmau, of the Depart ment of Agriculture, was a great friend of Mr. Cleveland, and that ever since the pres ent administration has been in power in Washington the A. B. Cleveland Company had been the sole source of supply to the Department of Agriculture. "There have been many charges to this effect printed in the trade papers for four years back," said a seedsman, "and the company has replied that many other firms participated in Govergment patronage, but it is generally known that other houses which sent seeds to Washington were them selves supplied by Cleveland." The story that a large quantity of turnip seeds sold to the Government at 30 cents were purchased at 6 cents by Mr. Cleveland, because they were old and worthless, is cur rent among seedsmen. The officers of the company declare the story false. Among those from whom Mr. Cleveland borrowed money is Treasurer Stearns. ' It is said that Mr. Cleveland borrowed from him at various times) which aggregates between 58,000 and $10,000, a large part of which was lent just previous Jo his flight. Arfother gentleman is said to have lent MrC Cleveland $40,000. Mr. Cleveland's father is quoted as saying that he would disinherit him. The old gentle man is said to be worth $150,000, and he has no other children. HUNTING FOR THEIE FUNDS. A Midnight Search for the Boodle of Ives ' and Stayner. rsrrciAL txxxgbam to tub pisfatcb-.i New "obk, March 1. "We don't indict Ives andf Stayner every day," said Mr. Prank E. Lawrence, the general counsel for the (Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad to-day, "and to-day was one of the off days." One reason for this perhaps, was the fact that thfi Tfu'v. ruary Grand Jury was dismissed, and the March Grand Jury does not assemble until Monday. The March Grand Jury will' undoubtedly have a further grist of the doings of the pair to get through with. The appropriation of $1,250,000 of the.' Dayton and Chicago bonds has not been disposed of. JJust now, it is said, that Mr. Lawrence and Inspector Byrnes are on a hunt for the swag. At any rate, Mr. Lawrence has ljeen staying up of nights, and says he believes Ives and Stayner have got the money stowed away somewhere, and night before last Inspector Byrnes, Woodruff, tne ex-Treasurer of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton, and two unknown men left police headquarters at a late hour and did not return until 3 A. m. Woodruff's statement to Assistant District Attorney Parker is said to have been com pleted to-day. Inspector Byrnes refused to disclose the object of the midnight expedi tions or their, directions. Asked if Albert Netter's relations with Ives a.nd Stayner were being looked into, Mr. Lawrence said to-day: "We may have something to say toNetter." - 6 ' CHINESE BANKS 2$&2eM ods of the Celestials, their system of credo, bookkeeping, exchanges and clearing houses, exhaustively described in to-morrow' Dis PATca by Frank O. Carpenter, I0TAL TO THE LAST. President Cleveland Sustained by His Party Friends in the House IN THAT BODY'S DUNG THROES. They Refuse to Override Hi3 Teto of the Des Moines River land BilL A HANDSOME MAJORITY IN HIS FATOR. Deacon White Enlojizes Uhe KxecntiTe, bnt Stiff LolbTint is Charged, The House tackled the President's veto of the Des Moines river land bill, yesterday, and after a lively debate, in which charges of lobbying by ex-members and even more serious insinuations, the President's veto was not only untouched, but it was sus tained, by a vote of 147 to 103. One of the peculiar features of the debate was a vigor ous defense of the President by "Deacon" White, of New York, a Bepublican mem ber. Washington, March 1. The House to day, by a vote of 136 to 114, considered the President's veto of the Des Moines river land bill. Mr. Holmes, of Iowa, urged the passage of the bill, the President's veto to the contrary notwithstanding. The bill sought only to allow the settlers to go into court and inquire whether the Des Moines Navigation Company had complied with the terms of the grant. Mr. White, of New York, said that the argument that the bill was intended only to quiet titles was specious. The measure was a legislative decree, defying the decisions of the United States Supreme Court for the past 20 years. The Supreme Court had de cided that the title to the lands had passed entirely from the United States, and yet the first phrase of the bill was one declaring the lands to be public lands. The question was whether the House would pass the bill over the dignified, carefully-prepared, logical veto of the President of the United States. It would have been easier for Cleveland to have fallen in accord with the popular voice and have signed the bill; but the man had shown he had a conscience about this business. All honor to tbe man who dared to refuse to do a popular act because he knew that was wrong! Grover Cleveland had not yet gone, applause on Demo cratic side, and as long as he dared to do an unpopular thing out of the conviction of his sense of duty, he would remain with the country. He (Mr. White) honored Cleve land through and through because he had done this thing. SUSTAINED BY THE 8UPBEME COTJBT. Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama, also opposed the bill, and cited decisions of the Supreme Court to show that the United States .had no title to the lands. Mr. Parker, of New York, opposed the bill as being wrong and contrary to decided and settled law. It put the United States in the position of the robber who, having sold his property, sought to gather it back to himself. ' Mr. Gear, of Iowa, said that the settlers had gone on the lands in good faith. They had gone on in their young manhood, and to-day, in their old age, they were liable to be evicted under the decision of a court gained, in his judgment, by a clear case of collusion. He did not criticise the Presi dent for having vetoed the bill, bnt from his investigation of the ' message, he had concluded that the grounds stated by the President did not warrant him in interpos ing his will as part of the legislative branch of the Government. Mr. Payson, of Illinois, sent to the Clerk's desk and had read a telegram which has been published in the papers stating that 700 evictions are threatened in three coun ties of Iowa. He spoke, he said, in be half of men whose property was being taken from them by LEGISLATIVE BOBBEBY. Who spoke for the millionaires, for the men holding the Navigation Company's title? The paid attorneys and lobbyists of the Navigation Company had been heard around this hall ever since the pendency of this legislation. The gentleman from Ala bama (Mr. Wheeler), had said that so far as he knew he had never seen a lobbyist against the bill. The gentleman knew and he (Mr. Payson), knew that ex-members of Congress, with the money of the Navigation Company in their pockets, in violation of their privileges as ex-members, came on the floor to stifle legislation and had conferred with the gentleman at this session, to his (Mr. Payson's) knowledge. If the gentle man wanted him to name the men who had been violating their privileges it would af ford him pleasure to name them, here and now. Applause. " Mr- Parker Does the gentleman include me in anything he has said? Mr. Payson I said ex-members of Con gress. I use words advisedly. Neither directly nor indirectly do I refer to the gen tleman from New York. I refer to ex-members who come here as attorneys for the Navigation Company; and the very bill which the gentleman from Alabama says should have passed was drafted by an ex member of Congress and presented to him as I know, and as he knows that I know. Mr. W heeler You say an attorney gave me that bill? THE ATTOENET NAMED. Mr. Payion Egbert Viele wrote that hill and gave- jt to you. He told me and yon told me. Do you deny that you know Viele? You have shown me telegram after telegram you have received from Viele, formerly a" member of the House, and now an attorney for the Navigation Company. The House refused to pass the bill over the President's veto yeas, 147; nays, 103 not the required two-thirds in the affirma tive. Mr. Bandall was immediately on his feet with a motion to dispense with private business, so as to pave the way partiallv to ' a consideration of the Cowles bill; and Mr. "ftf ! T 1 m 11 j w4n rvAnlhm 4 a AlnA m j ma iuiiia, lu uio aubdguujQui tu tuab measure, called up, as a question of privilege, a President's veto on a private bill. Both these gentlemen were sidetracked, however, by Mr. Enloe, of Tennessee, with a confer ence report on the bill to punish dealers or pretended dealers in counterfeit money for using the United States mails. Pending a vote on the report, the House took a recess, the evening session to be for the considera tion of private pension bills. SHOE! SHEIFT IN THE SENATE. In the Senate to-day all the pension bills on the calendar (52) were passed. Among them was one giving a pension of $50 per month, instead of $100, as in the bill intro duced by Mr. Hawley, to tbe widow of the late General Hunt. Mr. Blair moved, to take up his joint reso lution proposing a liquor prohibition amendment to tbe Constitution. Pending action on that motion Mr. Biddleberger moved to proceed to executive business. The motion was agreed to yeas 24, nays 20. Senators Hoar and Biddleberger voted with the Democrats for the motion. DR. TANNER ARRESTED. Another Irish Member Falls a Victim to the British Government. London, March 1. On leaving the House of Commons to-day Dr. Tanner was surrounded by a crowd of Badicals and Na tionals and escorted to the Palace Hotel. The party was followed, by a crowd of re porters and others. No attempt was made to arrest Tanner. At the hotel Tanner made a speech, in which he eulogized Glad stone. He was cnthusiatically cheered. Dr. Tanner was subsequently arrested in the smoking' room of his hotel and was taken to Scotland Yard. CHUBCH'S COOK Was Not Threatened by Father Els How the Girl's Confession Was Se cured The Sensation Will End To Day tSFXCIAI. TEXXGRAX TO THE DISPATCH.l Columbus, March L The feature of the Church divorce case to-day was Bev. Father Eis, pastor of Sacred Heart, who was called as a witness. It was thought that he would deny the testimony ot the cook, Teresa Schirzinger, who, it is alleged, made a con fession and statement of guilt with Colonel Church to him. His evidence, however, corroborated hers on all substantial features, and there is great indignation over the man ner in which her name has been used in court Father Eis gave a long sketch of his a own life, and then proceeded with the testimony on the important points at issue. He said: I saw Mr. John Joyce at my room onTnors day afternoon, December 20. On Friday after noon I sent my nephew to tbe residence of Mr. Church to call Teresa to my house. I told blm to tell her it was important and a matter for her own good, and if she did not come by Sun day evening 1 would send for her mother. Teresa came to my house Friday afternoon. She was admitted by a lady. No one else saw hen I was dressed ike a priest in my cassock. I told her that she was guilty.. She denied it straight out, but in snch a warT could see she was guilty. She said she was not guilty. I took her into the library, where we would not be disturbed. I bejrin to argue tbe case with her. 1 said to her I had a hundred reasons to send for a person before I sit in judgment over them. I told her I knew a great deal more about the matter. I told her if Bbe was guilty that was all that was necessary. She did not then deny it I told her that if sbe signed a statement ber good name should be shielded. I then wrote tbe statement already published and she signed it and I told her to go home and pack her trunks immediately, and go to her own home. I told her if Mr. Church asked her what was the matter, to tell him that I bad treated with ber on private affairs of her fam ily and herself. I told her to tell her mother that Mr. and Mrs. Church bad a disagreement ana broke up housekeeping, and sbe had gone home, and that the fionse was no more a decent dace for a girl to remain. I told her not to tell Mr. Church, or anybody else, sbe bad signed the paper, for then her good name would be surely mined. I made no threat against her mother; on the contrary I said that her father and mother were decent people, and I liked tbem welt The cross-examination was pretty severe and was somewhat favorable to the girl Teresa. Several other witnesses were ex amined, bnt nothing new developed. The case will close to-morrow noon. THUBSTONIS CHOSEN. The Nebraska Lnwyer is President of the Kepnbllcnn League of Clubs The Next Meeting Will be at Nash ville Vigorous Resolutions. Baltimobe, March 1. The Convention of the National League of Bepublican" Clubs reconvened this morning at 11 o'clock. The Committee on Besolutions, made a lengthy report, which was unanimously adopted. Among other things, it says: By many conservative members of our party our work ot organization a year ago was re garded as a doubtful experiment but tbe re salts attained prove tbe success of the experi ment, and have not only disarmed our critics, but have challenged their admiration of our methods. Recognizing tbe importance of the agency which, bnt a year old, has accomplished so much, we earnestly urge all clubs composing the State leagues not only to continue as per manent educational factors, but to strengtbeD therr opportunities for active work so thatwhat has been accomplished shall be but the earnest of what may be anticipated for the future. We recognize in the Congressional provision for the immediate admission to the Union of the four new States of South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Washington, tbe first glorious fruits of the recent national Republi can victory, and we welcome them into tbe sisterhood of Republican States, whose mis sion is to seenre and maintain American lib erty and prosperity. And as it has been the policy of the Republican party to recognize the just claim of any Territory to admission, we confidently anticipate a continuance of that policy in tbe future. The convention then proceeded to the election of the President of the league. President James P. Foster, of" New York, put in nomination Judge John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, who speedily was declared the unanimous choice of the league. The rules were suspended to allow the unanimous re election of Andrew J3. Humnhrev. of New York, as Secretary and Phineas C. Lownes bury, of Connecticut, as Treasurer. The Executive Committee was instructed to revise the constitution in such respects as it may deem necessary, and present the re vision at the next annual convention,which, it was decided, will be held in Nashville at such time as the Executive Committee may select The convention then adjourned. NOT QUITE READI TET. A Commercial Union Debate In the Canadian Parliament. Ottawa, Ont., March 1. In the House of Commons to-day discussion was resumed upon Mr. Laurier's resolution in favor of direct negotiation by Canada with the United States looking to the settle ment of the fisheries question on the basis of extended trade relations. Mr. MacDonald, of Huron, supported tbe reso lution in a vigorous speech. Hon. A. C. Jones followed in the same view. He claimed that the recent elec tions won by the Liberals had been carried on the programme in favor of closer trade relations with the United States. He dwelt on the immense market that would be open to the Canadian fisheries un der reciprocity. The United States, he said, ii Canada's best customer. Hon. Peter Mitchell attacked the fishery policy and, the commercial policy of the Government. He was no Commercial Un ionist, although he had pledged himself in favor of closer trade relations with the United States. After arraigning the Salisbury government for its interference in North American af ffdirs, Mr. Mitchell went on to show that the policy of protection is preventing Canada from enjoying prosperity. In conclusion, he advised moderation toward the United States, particularly in regard to tne fishery question. Sir Richard Cartwright replied. The resolution was defeated by 43 majority, the vote standing, yeas 65, nays 108. THREE YEARS IN THE PEN. Ho Was Respected and Popnlar, Bnt Lived Beyond His Means. PHlLADELEHlA.March 1. John Buhl to day pleaded guilty to six bills of indictment charging him with larceny and embezzlement of sums ranging from $600 to $7,000, and was sentepced to three years' imprisonment He was a member of City Councils for several years, and always en joyed the confidence of the resi dents of the northeastern section of the city, where he resided. In his busi ness as conveyancer and real estate agent he handled large amounts in cash, mort gages, etc., belonging to clients. He spent money liberally among his friends, and through living beyond his means, became indebted to a number of persons, who, unable to get their money, entered suits against him. Bnhl then disappeared from tbe city, bat after remaining away for some time, re turned, and making restitution to his credi tors as far as he was able, he threw himself npor. the mercy of the Court, with the re sult to-day as stated, of a sentence to three years' imprisonment. Decorated by the Emperor of Japan. WAsHiNGTON.Marchl. General George B. Williams, of Indiana, has been deco rated by the Emperor of Japan with the Order of the Blstng Sun. General Will iams was atone time United States Minister to Japan, and later organized a financial system for that country. Gladstone' Son Dying. London, March 2. Mr. W. H. Glad stone, eldest son of the Hon. William E. Gladstone, is dying at Hawarden. He was insensible yesterday. A DABKHOHSE. Continued from First Page. fulfill an engagement, made four months before election, with Colonel John Hay, of Ohio, who had that long ago invited tbe General and Mrs. Harrison, to dine with him here when they came on to attend the inauguration. Some comment was caused by the fact that General Harrison went to dine with Colonel Hay, after uniformly refusing all the invitations that have been showered upon him by other well-known persons here. The fact that Colonel Hay's invitation had been given and accepted long ago is not gen erally known. THE PEETTY LADY. Sirs. Russell Harrison to Bear That Title for the Now Administration Sirs. Ben Needs a Good City Dressmaker. The Dispatch omitted from its yester day's account of the true characters of the new inmates of the White House all refer ence to the sweetest and prettiest of the lady members. She is Mrs. Bussell Harrison. She was a Miss Saunders, daughter of the then Senator from Nebraska. She is taller than most women, and must measure 4 inches above 5 feet. She has loveliness in both her face and her figure. She is a blonde of the purely golden type, with that rich complexion that golden blondes so often possess. She is vivacious and amiable, and is likely to be the mo'st talked of of all the new State family. She and Bussell Har rison" have been away, while the McKees have always lived with the General, so that this prettiest of them all has not had award ed to her the place in the public mind that she is certain to soon occupy. The ladies who read The Dispatch this morning, paused when thev came to the as sertion that Mrs. Benjamin Harrison has not got the most finishd taste in dress. They say that this is not a killing matter, after all. Nobody knows better than the people of Washington how easily this miss ing nualitv can be snnnlied. Conntrv folks who know nothing at all about style, are continually coming to Washington dressed in the most outlandish cuts and colors, but they soon learn to put themselves in the hands of dressmakers and appear in society as presentable as the rest. A no less nota ble Washingtonian than Mrs. Frances Hodgson Bnrnett was, at one time, charged with being unhappy in her choice of cos tumes, but to-day she employs a skillful Washington dressmaker, and is now adver tised a3 getting all her beautiful gowns from Worth. CALLERS ON THE BABIES. Pretty Little Maidens Come to See the Pets of the New Administration. The babies have been receiving anew sort of visitor to-day. Several times little chil dren who have read abont them have asked to see tbem, and they have been allowed to do so. Two particularly pretty little maid ens, the elder not over 6 or 7 years of age, shook hands bashfully with Mrs. McKee this afternoon, andwhen she smiled pleas antly at them they'shyly asked: "Are your the one that has the babies?" Mrs. McKee, acknowledging her motherhood withanother smile, the two little callers were encouraged to ask: "Please may we see them?" They were told to go right upstairs and knock at the first door to the left, and they trotted off, hand in hand, and very happy. Many questions have been asked 'about the name of Bussell Harrison's child, and very few have been able to understand it when told. Marthena is the name, and it is historical, beside. Benjamin Harrison McKee cannot hold a candle to his little cousin when it comes to ancientness of name. Tbe name of Marthena is a sort of heirloom in the family of Mrs. Bussell Harrison's mother, and it came to this country originally, Bussell says,, in the time of Christopher Columbus. It is a Spanish name, and is borne last before the present little girl by Mrs. Saunders, the baby's grandmother. BATHER A REMARKABLE FAMILY. Fonr Generations of the President's Rela tions Seen In a Group. When the Bev. Dr. John W. Scott called upon his son-in-law, Benjamin Harrison, the other day, there were four generations of this remarkable family togetner grand father, father, children and grandchildren. The old ex-dominie is 89 years old. He was at the head of Miami University when Ben jamin Harrison went away from that school of learning with a diploma and the profes sor's daughter. That was about all Benjamin had in the world. He came to be a Senator and get his old father-in-law a place in the Pension Office, where nobody paid any at tention to him until after the late election, when the clerks got together and gave him an elegant walking stick. MRS. HARRISON TO TAKE A REST. She'll Not be at Home to Callers at the Hotel To-Day. Mrs. Harrison has found herself unable to carry out her intention of having a prac tically public reception every afternoon un til inauguration, and to-morrow it is an nounced the ladies of the family will be at home only to intimate friends. Mrs. Harri son has been warned that it is necessary that she take some rest before the fatiguing cere monies Monday, and to-morrow and Sunday she will keep to herself as much as possible. She says she will, at least, but those who know her predict that her good nature will overcome her regard for health, and that she will find it hard to refuse to see anyone who can claim even the slightest acquaint ance with her. LINING FOR WASTEBASKETS. Seir-Satlsfted Offlcesrekers Send Photos That Never Reach tbe General. A great many odd things are noticed about the Private Secretary's quarters by those who call there often. One of them is the fact that photos seem to form a regnlar proportion of the contents of the waste baskets. The explanation of this is that many applicants for office seek to help their cause by inclosing with their letter a photograph of themselves. These pictures are invariably thrown di rectly into the waste basket,and are scarcely glanced at by the persons who open the correspondence, let alone ever getting to the sight of the President-elect Pictures of children and of wives are sometimes sent in the same way and to meet the same fate. MOYEMESTS OF THE MORTONS. The Ladies of the Ties President-Elect's Family Have Their Hands Fall. Mrs. Morton and her daughters have spent some time with the Harrisons this morning, and just before dinner Mrs. Mc Kee and Mrs. Bnssell Harrison called upon Mrs. Morton. These ladies also spent a short time during the afternoon assisting Mrs. Henry C Bowen at the reception she gave in her rooms at the Arlington from 3 to 6 o'clock. 0NLI FLOWERS RECEIVED. All Other Presents -et Aside to Look at After Awhile. Numerous gifts of fresh flowers have kept the parlor and dining room in the Harrison apartments such bowers of bloom that the atmosphere is often oppressive with tbe perfume. These are about the only gifts received now which are ever looked at, ail other packages being set aside to be opened after the family is settled ta the White House. THE MDIES BUSY?! Curious and Inquisitive People Conftsue t Gaze at Them Another Bar, . Bowing, Handshaking. SHe and Handsome Dresses. The ladies of the Harrison faaily.h even a busier daythan yesterdaXi alAoBghj i consiaeraoie enort was made to spare Mrs. Harrison from the fatiguing that the ex . perienced the day betore. The ladies ..werrf t not at home except to personal friends all the morning, but others who called 'were informed that there wonldTbe a general re- fk ception betweeazso and i o.clocjc is iai, afternoon. ' Mrs. McKee spent most of the morning with her children, after they came,bacs from a little excursion, in charge of thV' nurses, anoui tne pane near tne notei. Alter noon she went out to lunch with MiM Gonvernenr. an old friend of the famil v. All the rest of the family were at lnnch i and tne meal was scarcely over: when the time set for the beginning of the pnblic re ception arrived. The public were on hand long before the time, and for the first hour or so the parlor was continually crowded' -,? huu uie suurways at times uiocxauea oj ua stream of callers, mostly ladies. Toward. the end the number lessened, and the ladies . had leisure to chat with personal friends ' who remained after the merely curious folks had left There were many who called, however, even after 4 o'clock, and thev were received by the yonngerladies. Mrs. Harrison refused herself to everybody alter that hour, pleading that she had t prepare for a drive. . t The receiving party during the afternoon jj ..nnaiet..! tf H.fw TT...1.A lr.M T7n...ll TTflrncrm TV TWnTToo f T'rA 9-nAfm 'j r , .. ...,.,., .o. .,. uu.. Saunders. Mrs. Harrison wore the same- brown cloth costume that she wore'yestet'J aay, duc juts. .Kusscll Harrison had on a-? beautiful costnme of salmon cashmere, Jy trimmed with silk of the same color sbo " -' with apple green ribbon sash. It became " her statuesqne figure well, and she was one' of the brightest objects in the room. 'Mrs.- ' McKee, also, had donned a new gown for the occasion. It was of very dark velvety with a vest of Valenciennes lace, and waa-Jt'1 as rich as the costume of Mrs. Bnssell Har- w rison was striking. The callers included beside several hundred ' ladies, a large number of well-known men, K among them Justices Harlan and Millers Hannibal Hamlin and Colonel Fred-Grant ; Mrs. Grant accompanied the latter. . , Mrs. Harrison's ride was with Mrs. Joun,t Sherman and another lady, and was a Xoai one. Her sister, Mrs. Lord, also accom" panied her. It was nearly 6 o'clock- when she returned to the hotel. .J GREAT CHANGES IN TWO TEARS". General" Harrison Used to ho a Caller o President Cleveland- Even in Washington many persons think of Mr. Harrison as a man who was Senator here in the dim past, yet his term expired and he left here only two years ago. He was acquainted with President Cleveland, and called on him more than once. Cleve land's administration concerned him, for it kept his father-in-law in thePensionBnreaa four years, and his son Bussell in the publie . service in Helena, Mont, for more than one ., year. It performed a like service for the. incoming Vice President, also keeping Mr. Morton's brother-in-law, Mr. Grinnell. in the Bristol consulate, in England, at 3,008 a year np to date. But it is only two years since Benjamin Harrison . lived here, passing his present quarters every day in a 5 cent Herdic phaeton on the way to and from his modest quarters in the Woodmont flat, a middle.class apart ment house where all the tenants ate at & common table. There the ladies met and chatted about shopping, and dresses, and teething babies, and all the rest every day. ' Mrs. Harrison, had many friends there, and she has received them all within tbe last dav or two. and nskful nil flhmit. tfm nr babies that have come and the other things 4 !.... hmJ ... !... . 1 S At.. U J - A that used to interest her in the old davs. President-elect Harrison always liked the Arlington, where he is now stopping, anp., once in those old days that seem to him like) yesterday, he dropped in and got the prices; of rooms from Mr.Boesselle, bnttheyseemed to him too costly, and he never rented any. , To close these reminiscences in the most dramatic way, it is only a vear aeo that the same great man, in a speech at Detroit, used tne sentence, 1 am a dead statesman. ALL SAFELI PDT TO BED. Genernl Harrison, 'J.lg-e and Son-In-LaW Tucked In for the NIshr. General and Mrs. Harrison returned frcm?1 Colonel Hays' at 10:30 o'clock. Gene Tracy was waiting in the parlor and GeB-! eral Harrison at once went into conference . with him. They were closeted for' halt an hour, and then General Tracy went away loosing weigntea down with responsi bility, and General Harrison sent down word that he would see no one else and was going to bed. Secretary Halford, who with Bnssell Ha rison and Mr. McKee, had kept open house in the office down stairs all the evening, stayed about a little later to chat with Mnrat Halstead, W. J. Arkell. and other newepaper men who dropped in, but soon as possible after-! : ward he also shut up shop, pulled out the humble bed-lounge in the bacfc room, which is his couch during these ex citing times, and sought the kind o ' repose that a private secretary might be ex pected to get two nights before inauguration, 1 witn tne uaoinet still unsettled. '" As soon as Mr. Halford's light went out.' Doorkeeper JUinsmore ana nis assistant J! closed and locked the door separating thavE Johnson annex from the rest of the house, K and also went on to get some rest TinaalJ & PlawAtuHilla ". A VasaKSlB IdV President Cleveland held his last public reception this alternooh. Over 2,009 persons called, most of wh,om were- ladies, 4s2 ana tne reception lastea more man an nour. WHERE NOBLE WILL BE PLACED. He Tntimates the War Department Will bet ! Abont His Size. isrxcur. tzlxobah to tbx dispatch.'i' St. Louis, March 1. General John.JT. Noble, the man who is put down as certaiaj for a place in Harrison's Cabinet, left fori Washington to-night "Well, Generals what are yon going to do in Washington?"'! asked one of his friends, as a small party was bidding him goodby. ' i "The administration will find somethinir forme to do," said he, "but I'll tell you no that the papers are an wrong." , . "Is it true. General, that yon are to Jbi secretary oi war; vi "You are a good guesser, was the ni sponse. 1 ,1 This is the first connection'of General i Noble's name with the War Department, arA nnmh.M t h,a f n..4 t I? ..a fl..4 Ji AUU UUU.W.9 VI Uia UWU UCIIGIQ MM H J the office he will filL A GOOD DEMOCRAT. He Befase s to Hold a Fat OSes Under i Republican Administration. Kome, March 1. The Popolo Romano a nounces that Mr. J. B. Stallo, the Aiaeri can Minister here, will resign on the groai4J that a Democrat cannot serve under a-Be-lj publican Government ?- - t Active Temperance Work. .; Last night Moorhead Union No. VWi'Clj T. u. held a temperance meetsse we Glass Workers' Assembly No. 36. 'oatfcal Sonthside. The attendance was large. ad" President James Campbell, with Mastiri Workman Boss, made short speeches. The-l meeting was conuuetea Dy jHn. JS.-J uones. I1T.1VE HM2i eMMeWWJwa the Sunday issue oThs Dhh akhb. Jrem-I trilmtion pleasantly deaU isttt Me ftnusfcisu. tion now Uikiiig place at tto XaHe&vJHiA i . T fA , mamaA ,-&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers