'-' Mye stock reyiew. Fall Eeturns of Week's Transactions at Central Yards. 'CATTLE MEN WITHHOLDING STOCK. fBheep and Lambs Activelarge Kun of Hogs itom cmcago A'D PEICES DMFTING DOWKWABD Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, J THURSDAY, February 2S, 1SS9. J With returns for the week all in it ap pears tha local receipts of cattle this week hare been 310 head less than last, and less than any time for months past. By refer ence to reports for January it is ascertained that local receipts reached 2,230 headpr about 0,000 above supplies of this week. Through the month of November the receipts averaged above S.000 head weekly. The lowest number on record for the oast year vs the week be tween Christmas and New York, when game and poultry had the field. Receipts for local trade that week were 1,260. Supplies this week are smallest, with that exception, probably, for years. The light run has -had the effect of advanc ing prices on some grades of botcher cattle. An advance of 15c is reported by dealers, but the advance has been wholly on local account, because of light run. It appears that Western cattle feeders are withholding stock from mar kets on account of low prices. Stock raisersjehoose that their cattle shall go to grass a little longer in preference to belling at rates which have been ruling for some weeks past. The only parties ho can flndany crumbs of comfort in the cattle situation for the winter which closes its career to-day are butchers. What stock raisers have lost butch ers have gamed, for, so far as can be acr talned, consumers of meat pay the same prices for roasts and tenderloin now, when the best 1 700-pound steers bring but $4 65, as last fall when the the price was well up to $7 per 100 weight. i The loss to the cattle feeder who held his stock through the winter was no less than S34 on every LT0 0-pound steer, not to say any thing of trouble and feed. Hogs. The run being nearly 4,000 head less than last week, pnees held up well at a slight advance. Markets being more favorable tobujers at Chicago, dealers at Liberty ordered stock from the West, and as supplies begin to come in freely to-day, markets are oil 1nd very slow, borne of our leading, pork packers report that prices at Liberty have ruled higher all season than at Chicago, and for this reason they have obtained their supplies for the most part from the latter place. They express a preference for the home market, but say they have only on rare occasions been able to do as well at home the present season as at Chicago. &heep and Lnmbs. Markets show abetter tone and greater ac tivity this week than for a mon'Ji or two past. The supply has not been equal to demand. Choice lambs are in supply much below wants of trade. Both sheep and lambs have been gathered in as fast as they came to the front at strong He over last week's prices. To-day a number of fresh loads were held firmly at yes terday's prices. For the first time this year markets or sheep and lambs have been in favor of the bolder. Following are the full returns of the week's transactions at the Central Stock Yards: CATTLE BOGS SHEEP Thro'. I Local. Thursday 760, .... 1,175 110 Fridav 10 80 4,43 1,650 Saturday 1,150 300 i,5o0 1,630 fcunday 10 900 4.175 4,180 Monday 6S0 ZXoO too Tuesday 40 LB 2,703 S,2 Wednesday 860 .. 4,650 2,42) Total 4700 1.S40 S3,E5 16,170 Last week 4,27o 1,650 27,500 17,270 Thursday 30 2,000 Fridav 871 . . .. Saturday 15 1, 901 Monday 1,0c) 3.M9 4,171 Tuesday ISO 1,303 3,713 Wednesday 5 1,663 4:4 Total 1,299 11.3S5 9,244 last wetk. . 1,609 ims 10,115 B Telesraob. Hew York Beeves No fresh offerings: no market for beeves: dull for dressed beef at 5 7c per pound for poor to prime sides: exports to-day 2,440 quarters of beef : to-day's Liverpool cable quotes American refrigerator beef lo er at scant 9c per pound. Sheep Receipts, ! 100 head: trade fair, but prices were a trifle easier before the finish; common to very choice sheep sold at S4 506 15 per 1C0 pounds, and common to choice lambs at So 507 65; dressed mutton firm at 7K9c per pound; dressed lambs quiet at6lojc. Hogs Receipts. 2.900 head, all for slauguterers direct, except a single deck load, which sold alive at So 60 per 100 pounds; quoted steady at So 355 C5. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 400 head; ship ments, 400 head: market strong; choice lieavy steers, J3 S04 20; fair to good do, $3 00 63 To; stockers and feeders, fair to good, 2 00300: rangers, corn-fed. $2 753 40: grass fed. $1 802 91 Hogs Receipts. 4,400 head; shipments. 1,600 bead; market strong; choice heavy and butchers' selections, S4 4004 55; packing, medium to prime. (4 354 55; light grades, ordinary to best, 54 504 65. Sheen Receipts, 600 head; shipments, none; market firm; fair to choice, S3 0065 SO. Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 2,320 head: shipments, L3S5 head; dressed beef and ship ping steers steady to strong; cows strong, act ive and 10c higher; stockers and feeding steers steady; good to choice comfed, $3 904 15: common to medium. S2 S03 70: stockers and feeding steers. Jl 603 20 Hogs Receipts, 7,932 head: shipments, 1,507 head; strong to act ive and 510c higher; good to choice, $4 30 4 45; common to medium, $4 154 30. Sheep Receipts, 721 bead; no shipment"; steady; good to choice muttons, SI 254 50; common to medium, S2 503 9a Chicago Cattle Receipts, 1LO0O head; ship ments, 3.500 head; market steadv; beeves S3 00E4 55: stockers and feeders, S2 153 15; cows, bulls and mixed. $1 753 10; bulk. S2 10 25a Hogs Receipts. 29.(100 head; shipments, 10.000 head; market steady; early closing 5c lower on mixed and heavy: mixed. SI 40g4 05: heavy. SI 404 60; light, $4 454 75; pibs, S4 50 4 65. Sheep Receipts, 8,000 head; shipments, 3.000 bead: market steadv to rong; natives. S3 005 25; western, $4 404 85; lambs, Jl 75 50. BCTFAXO Cattle Receipts, 700 head through, 40 head for sale; steady; sales of 20 head at S3 50. Sheep and lambs Steady; re ceipts, 400 head through: 3,400 head for sale; good sheep. S4 75(25 25: good lambs, S5 85 6 5a Hogs Receipts, 3,000 head through: 4,500 head for sale; w eak. 10015c lower; mediums. SI B0Q4 90; Yorkers. SS O0S5 05. Baltimore Beef cattle more active and firm; best beeves. 4i4 2-5c; generally rated first Qualit. ifii,c; medium to good, fair quality. Sg33iC; ordinary thin steers, oxen and cows, 2Q3c; most of the sales were from 3K4Jr: receipts, S72 head; sales. 553 head, foheep Receipts, 1,78b head; sheep, 3Gc;lambs, 4 0C. Cescinsati Hogs in good demand and steady: common and light. S3 754 75; pack ing and butchers. S4 504 75. Receipts, 2,880 head; shipments, 1,500 head. The French Iron Trade, The Paris correspondent of an English ex change says that the French iron trade has in creased considerably of late, especially toward South America, and that the works in the North of France have received some heavy orders for rolled iron from the Argentine Re public It has even been proposed to appoint an agent in tuat country lor the purpose ot representing a French iron syndicate. Never theless, the price of iron in Pans has fallen lo lgt for merchant bars, and 14f per 100 kilojs for girders. The French works entrusted with the construction of the iron sluice gates for the Panama Canal have bad to suspend their de liveries owing to the liquidation of the ill starred company, and it is doubtful bow the portions already shipped can ever be utilized. Tlio Wool Trade of Australia. During the year 1867 the exportation of wool from Victoria and South Australia amounted to 331,998 bales, the principal outlets being: London, 187.495 bales; Antwerp, 16,363 bales; Marseilles, 4,434 bales; Bremen and Hamburg, 8,708 bales; Boston, 20.000 bales. Parr of the wool shipped to London was in transit, and only a portion of whafamved at Antwerp was sold in that market, wmle the remainder was des tined for the manufactories in the north ot France. It is stated that there are at present about 10,273,000 sheep in Victoria, the un washed merino fleeces yielding an an average 7J pounds, and those of the pure Lincoln breed about 13 pounds. Wool Market. Bt. Locts Wool quiet and steady. TJn- ISiPkbriEbt medium. 19g26KC coarse braid, , 1422c;low sandy, ll18c; fine light, 1723c; igh heavy. ISQISe; tub washed, choice, S7c in- v.--,, vyuuw VM&iSft -; -- - iiifsalisSilWsTi1iCTrffffsi1l iiiiH 'n i iLJMIMir ' " ifmew-W 1IABKETS BY WIKE. Wheat Boomed on Report of Decreased Stock in Country Elevators Corn Hither Onti In a Rot Hoc Products Dnll and Lower. Chicago Trading in wheat was of a rather limited, character to-day and the market ruled quiet and attimes very dull. Outside news was scarce, and there was but little on which to base operations. The market opened from the same to Jc over the closing figures of yester day, then declined c under fair offerings and a possible attempt to boar the market. But the offerings were taken without a break in prices, and this started the shorts to covering, some of the buying being done by parties who sold early, and prices, with several fluctuations, advanced Uc, declined 3c and closed Jc higher than yesterday. Foreign advices were less favorable. Advices from the Northwest report stocks in country elevators as having decreased 1.500,000 to 2,000,000 bushels since February 1, and that stocks are now down to about 5,000,000 bushels. There was rather more interest manifested in com, trading being quite active and a higher range of pnees was established. The advance was attributed mainly to covering by the shorts and brought out a good many orders,and the market was quite active at times. Opening sales were at abont the closing prices of yester day, after which the market advanced $Kc became quiet and steady, eased off Borne and closed i&c higher. Oats w ere quiet and rather in a rut. Fluctua tions were confined to'a Jc range. The continued liberal receipts of hogs en couraged rather free offerings of products early in the day, and the market ruled weak during the greater portion of the session. Local buy ers were a little backward about taking hold and outside orders were somewhat limited. Prices ruled lower on all the leading articles with trading centered in contracts for May, June and July deliveries. The leading futures ranged as follows: wheat jno. & Aiarcn, tiiutsi vr&eti vy ui;l: inay. si viyi. ixmcui vomi um;juuc, RXA'jc OATS-No.2 March, 25Kc; May, 2727J27 27fc: June, 2fr26c. Mess Pork, per W-March, $11 15U 10; Mav. $11 30811 32KU 20U 27X: June, Sll 30ll 3511 3011 35. Lard, per 100 Iks March. S6 72K66 70; Mav. Sb836b5&677XGS0; June, SB 82f 6 82X. blloBT RIBS, per 100 lis March. $5 87 5 85: May, 16 06 056 006 02; June, $6 10 6 10Q6 7Jffi6 la Caslf quotations were as follows: Flour firm and unchanged: No. 2 snrinc wheat. SI 04M; No. 3 spring wheat. 96c; No. 2 red. SI 0 No. 2 corn. 34Kc bid. No. 2 oats, 256. No. 2 rye. 43J.JC. No. 2 barley, nom inal. -No. 1 flaxseed. SI 4S. Prime timothy seed. SI 42l 44. Mess pork, per barrel, 511 12K11 25i Lard, per 100 lbs. So 70. Short ribs sides (loose). S6 8506 95: dry salted shoulders (boxed). S5 255 37J4; short clear sides (boxed). S6 12K66 25. Sugars, cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 16,000 barrels; wheat. 33,000 bushels; corn. 183,000 bushels; oats. 91,000 bushels; rye. 6,000 bushels: barley, 43,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 9,000, bar rels; wheat. 28.000 bushels; com, 124,000 bush els: oats. 97.000 bushels; rye, 3,000 bushels; barley, 44.000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the bntter market was easy: fancy creamery, 2o26c; choice to fine, 2021c: dairies, 2021c: good to choice. lSgKM. Eggs steady at lglSc. New York Flour steady and moderately active. Wheat Spot dull and unchanged; options Mc higher. Barley dull. Com Spot 3 ulet and firmer; options VMz higher and rm. Oats Spot dnll and unchanged: options firm and quiet. Hay steady and quiet. Hops quiet and steady. Coffee Options opened steady and unchanged to 5 points down, closed quiet, 6 points down, lower cables, dnll; sales, 33,750 haes, including March. April and May, 16.356US.40c; June, 16.45lO50c; July, 16.5548 16.60c; August, 16.6516.70c; September, 16.75 16.80c: October, 16.75iab5c; December, 16.80 iaS5c; January, 16.85c; spot Rio firm; fair cargoes at ISKc Sugar Raw strong; fair re fining, 4Jc: centrifrugals, 96" test, 5 9-16c; re fined steadv and quiet. Molasses Foreign Suiet; New Orleans dull. Rire quiet and firm. ottoneed oil strong. Tallow weak. Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine steady and quiet at49Ji4'JKc Ecgs quiet; Western, 14K ll'ic; receipts. 5,421 packages. Pork quiet: old mess, S12: new mess. S12 5012 75: extra prime 512 0U12 25. Cutmeats quiet; pickled shout? ders, 55?c; pickled hams, 9K10c: do bellies. $c Middles quiet; short clear. S6 4a. Lard weak: slow sales: western steam, S7 12K; citv, S6 75: March, 57 127 15, closing at $7 13; April, $7 13: May, S7 13716. closing at S7 14 bid: June. 57 15; July, S7 17; Angnst, S7 19 7 2L closing at S7 19 bid; September, S7 22. Butter in moderate demand and rather easy; western dairy, 1320c: do creamerv, 16ffi2Kc; Elgin, SOgSOKcCbeesc slow; western, 10K11J4C St. Lours Flrur Quiet, easy and un changed. Wheat higher in sympathy with im nrovements elsewhere, prices advanced 0iiic though closing off a little lrom ton: No. 2 red cash 96Kc; May. 98je98MSPSe, rfosing at 9SJ9Sc: Jnne, 95J95-i July, 8585M closing at 85c bid. Corn stronger: No. 2 mixed, cash, 2c; March. 2SK2SC closing at 2Sc asked; April, 29J2958C, closing at 29c; May, 3031Kc, closing at 30Jc; June, 3liic;Julv. 32K32jc closing at32$c asked; August. S3Vc closing at 33c bid. Oats quiet but firm: No. 2 cash, 25c; Mav. 27Jc. Rye Quiet; No. 2, 45a Barley entirely neglected. Flaxseed, SI oO. Provisions quiet and easier. Ci cinnati Flour in moderate demand. Wheat quiet: No. 2 red, 96c; receipts, 2,500 bushels: shipments 2,000 bushels. Com dull: No. 2 mixed. 32K33c Oats dull: No. 2 mixed, 262G5fc Rye dull; No. 2, 52c Pork quiet at Sll SO. Lard heavy: drooping at S6 65. Bulk meats and bacon firm and unchanged. Butter quiet. Sugar firm. Eggs in moderate demand at llllc Cheese steady. Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat easy; cash, 94c: May, 96Jge; July, 93c Corn firm: No. 3, 31c. Oats firm: No. 2 whitev27 2Sc Rye dull; No. 1. 45c Barlevfirm; No.2, 59J4C Provisions easier. Pork, Sll 12k. Lard, S6 to. Cheese steady; Cheddars, 10Xllc. Baltimore Provisions quiet and un changed. Butter firm; western packed, 160 20c: best roll. 1318c; creamery, 202Sc Eggs easier at 1414Kc Coffee strong; rio, falr,18 lSc Pim,ADEl.PlilA Flour quiet but firm. Wheat quiet but firm. Corn lower; futures a shade stronger. Oats quiet. Eggs quiet and veak; Pennsylvania firsts, 1415c Toledo Cloverseed active and steady; cash and March, $4 75 Receipts, 9 bags; shipments, 424 bags. PITTSBURG IRON. Prices Firmer nnd Mannfacturer More Hopeful of a Change. The only change in the situation from last week is greater firmness in prices and increased hopefulness of a change for the better. Pig Ieon Neutral Gray forge, Sll 50, cash; write and mottled, S14 00U 50, cash; all ore mllL $15 7516 00, cash; No. 1 foundry, $17 2517 50, cash; No. 2 foundry, $16 00, cash; No. 2 charcoal roundrv. $21 0021 50, cash: cold blast charcoal, $25 0028 00, cash; Bessemer Iron, $16 75gl7 00. cash. Febbo-Makganese Eighty per cent, $55 00 56 00: speigel-eisen, $28 0028 50 f or20per cent cash. Makufactcbed Iron Bars, $1 751 sa 60 days, 2 per ceut off; skelp, grooved, $1 80&1 85; sheared. $1 952 0a Muck Bab S27 00 is the extreme. Billets Bessemer steel, S28 50 cash: nail slabs, $27 752S OO; domestic bloom and rail ends, $19 O019 50. Nails Carlots 12d to 40d, SI 90, 60 days; 2 ppr cent off for cash. Wrought Iron Pipe Discounts on steam, gas and water pipe: black. to 1-inch, 65 per cent, IK to 12 inches, 65; galvanized, y. to lji-mch, 47K per cent; IK to 12 inches, 55 per cent; oil well casing, 60 per cent; 5 inch cas ing, S7K per net foot; 2-inch tubing, 13c: boiler tubes, Ci and oil well casing, 60 per cent off large lots. Merchaxt Steel Tool, &Cc, crucible spring, 4ic: crucible machinery, 6c; open hearth machinery. 2c Rail Kastektngs Spikes, L20c per pound, 30 days: splice bars. 1 801.85c per pouud; square nut track bolts. 2.752.S5c and hexagon nut, 1.90 2.95c, t. o. b. Pittsburg. Old Rails American tees, S24 0024 50; steel do, $18 50 for short, $19 50 for long. Steel Rails Heavy sections. S2829 cash, at works. Scrap Iron No.1 wrought, S2121 25 pernet ton; cast scrap, S15 5016: wrought turnings, $13 14. net: cast borings. $1213, gross: car axles, $25 00025 50, net; old car wheels, S19 00019 50, gross; rail ends, $19 5020 00; bloom do, $19 60, cash. Skelp Iros Grooved sizes, $1 65, cash; sheered, $1 90. Pbllndclphln Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney i, Stephenson, brokers. No 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. DM. AikM. Pennsylvania Kallroadi SSW ssu Reading Kallroad S3 13-16 Bafialo, Pittsburg and Western 12 13 Lehigh Valley UK H Philadelphia and rlr A. 29 Allegheny Valley bonds 113 .... Korthern Pacific X z6 Northern I'aetnc preferred M. ti (BK When baby was side, we gave her Castorta When she was a Child, she cried for Castorta, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorta, When she had Children, she gave them Castorta. mhll-fcSo-MWTASB SI 0PM1 W. OlJJgl 0K5; Jniv. ya4esHc. COBN-No. 2 March. 3434?34H;34Vc; Mav. 335ie3035Ve35Jirc; June. 335Ji36? I J . " . w IN THEIR OWN LIGHT. Short-sighted Policy of Some of Pittsburg's Honey Kings. HOW THET DO IN OTHER CITIES. A New Rival for the Old-Fashioned Build ing and Loan Associations. AMENDMENT OP THE BUILDING LAWS "I think our capitalists are standing in their own light in refusing or neglecting to build tenement houses," said a real estate dealer yesterday. He continued: "Xhere is more money in it trrhn in anything else that I know of. A wealthy man came to me fire or six years ago and told me to buy for him enough ground for 50 houses. Before I could make a deal he countermanded the order. If he had adhered to his original purpose he would have made at least a quarter of a million dollars by the invest ment This lack of public spirit among our wealthy citizens is one cause of the comparatively slow growth of the city. There would be large ad ditions to our population if people could secure comfortable houses to lire in. The demand in this direction always has been, is, and, unless a radical change takes place, always will be larger than the supply. It is different in other cities. In Philadelphia, for instance, one man, John Lougbran, has built more than a thousand houses in the past few years. He is now constructing 119 two-story houses in various parts of the city. Some of these he will-sell on the installment plan; others he will rent at from $15 to $20 a month, according to location. It is the same in Chi cago, where blocks of hundreds of houses are erected aud rented or sold at moderate prices. If this spirit prevailed in Pittsburg we would soon double our population. There is big money in this business, and I am surprised that our capitalists fail to realize It." f Quite a demand for Diamond alley property has sprung up within the past few months, and the indications are that in a short time it will become one of the busiest as well as best streets in the city. A real estate dealer said yesterday that he knew of two important sales on this thorough fare within ten days, and one or two more deals wpre on the string. He would not give prices, but said they were reasonable considering the advantages of the location from a business standpoint. The building and loan associations of Phila delphia, which hare done so much to make it a city of homes, have a new rival in the compa nies which issue installment mortgages, a form of mortgage of recent invention, concerning which the Record says: "Too idea is that a borrower shall reduce bis Indebtedness by monthly payments of both principal and inter est until the entire amount shall be paid off, generally in 10 or 11 years. If desired, how ever, the debt can be paid off at any time. Six per cent interest is charged. For instance, a man borrows $1,200 on a mortgage on his house. At the end of the first month he pays an in stallment of $10 on the principal and pays $6 in interest. The principal is thus reduced to 1,190, and the next interest charge is only $5 95. By continuing this process the principal, at the end of the nrstyear, is reduced to $1,090 and the monthly interest to $5 50. The close of the second year finds the debt only $970 and the in terest $4 90, and so it goes on until the one hun dred and twentieth payment wipes the mort gage off altogether.", The leading event in the real estate market yesterday was the sale by Samuel W. Black A Co., 99 Fourth avenue, for the estate of David M. Smith, of the residence property No. 146 North avenue, Allegheny City, lot 59x170, for $55,000. The house, an elegant three story brick of 12 rooms and modern conveniences, nicely finished and decorated, was built by Mr. McCandless, of the Edgar Thomson Steel Works, and occupied by him for several years. The price at which this property was sold is considerable of a bargain. Messrs. Black & Co., report a good demand for Allegheny park property. a The proposition to amend the buldinglaws of the State meets the approval of Pittsburg builders so far as they have been seen. One of them said yesterday: The lars are very de fective in regulating the thickness of brick walls. This has resulted in many collapses, at tended in some cases by loss of life. The walls of three to four-story buildings should not be less than 12 inches thick, and from four to six stories not less than 18 inches. Good founda tions and good walls are necessary to security. I am in favor of letting people build as high as they please, provided the walls be of the neces sary thickness to insure safety. Ground is be coming so dear that it is cheaper to build up In the air than on terra firms." On this subject the Philadelphia Ledger remarks: "The proposed amendments will be in the direction of giving greater security from the destruction of houses by fire. The cost of con struction may be increased by the larger lots required and thicker walls, but the end to be attained justifies the change in the law. Nine inch walls do not insure protection from the spread of fire from building to building, nor are flues inclosed by only four inches of brick entirely safe. The slightest carelessness of carpenters with such construction may cause a fire." , The big vault for the Fidelity Title and Trust Company, a description of which was given in this department a few days ago, commenced to arrive from Detroit yesterday. All of it will be here in a day or two. It requires 45 cars to transport it. It is coming over the Michigan Central, Wheeling and Lake Erie and Pitts burg and Western Railroad. Mr. Hough, one of the inventors, arrived from Detroit on Wednesday, and will proceed to set up this mammoth burglar, fire and more defier as soon as it is all here. It will take about three weeks' time to put it together. It is understood that the plant for the manufacture of these vaults will be located in this city. STILL BEARISH. Kecal Stocks Badly In Need of a Helping Hand. Philadelphia Gas and Tractions were the most active stocks on the list yesterday, 800 shares of the latter changing hands and 265 of the former both going at a slight decline from the day before. Electric was weaker, while Switch and La Nona held their ground. The bears predict still lower prices for gas stocks. Indication? favor an improvement in Electric MOESISG. AFTERNOON. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. STOCKS. COO 575 Allegheny at- Hank. tinkotPlttsburg..... Com. .Nat. Bank r Citizens' Nat. Bjnk... Miaraond Mat. Bank., xchange Nat. Bank.. First r,at.Bank l'ltts'g Fourth Nat. Bank..... Freehold Bank....... . Kld.TitleJi Trust Co Iron City National 62 74 83 62 155 Si 170 IS2 'iio tl 130 68 & 210 125 55 ' Iron ft mass ioi. dy 135 60 61 . I. P.nV .Mcr.iilsn! Nat Bnk. Metropolitan Nat. link Odd Fellows' havings. PltU.N. B'k Com.. ... Pitts. Bank forrJavlngs Allemannia insurance .... Boatman's Ins Citizens1 Insnrance ,ernian American In. 82 Humboldt Insurance.. 40 Man. iiler. Ins 49 Penn. Ins. Co. Peoples' Insurance Western Insurance Chanters Valley Gas Fennsvlvanla Gas Co.. .... PMladelohla Co MV Wnecllnc Uas Co 28H Citizens' Traction 69 Pittsburg Traction 48)4, Central Traction 24 LaNorUM. Co West'honseElec 42)4 !lnlnnMw1tr.llA-3hrnal. 18 M 40 43 GO ?0 43 6(1 66 " 7T "& 42S 14 MX 71 49 23 42jj 19 IX tl JWf an The early sales were 200 shares of Pbiladel- ShiaGasat3615 at 36 and 6 Switch and ignal at 1 lit the afternoon 60 Philadelphia Gas sold at 36. 165 at 87,600 Pittsburg Traction at 49.3(10 aniens' Traction at 70 and 17Electric at 42jj The total sales of stocks atJNew York yester day were 185,581 shares, including: Atchison, 4,211: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 6,339; Lake Shore, 3,226; Missouri Pa cific. 6,000; northwestern? ,6,191; Northern Pacific preferred, 3,675; Oregon Trasscontl- PITTSBUEGDISPATOa' nental, 6,400; Reading, 9,950; Richmond and West Point, 10,685; Su PauLZlUO; Union Pa ciflc; 17,02a J STEADI BDT QUIET. Loanable Funds Abundant and Borrowers Scarce Clearing Honse Figures. The money market yesterday was steady, hut quiet. Funds were abundatit, and the applica tions for loans were few and far between. The rates were unchanged at 5Q6 per cent. Toe ex changes were $2,013,370.09, and the balances $455.87&97. For the month Exchanges, $47. 155,582 23; balances, $3,620.115 58. Exchanges for February, 18S8, $44,676,983 88; balances for February, 1838, $7,688,311 88. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 2 to 3 per cent, last loan 2; closed offered atl) Prime mercantile paper, 46. Sterling exchange dull.but steady at Si 86 for 60 day bills and $4 88 for demand. Government Bonds. Closing quotations in New York furnished The Dispatch by Robinson Bros.. Wood street. Local dealers charge a commission of an eighth on small lots: D.S.4s. reg lOTKjaiMH V. B. 4Hs. coups 109 109J U.H.43, rcir 1J7HS1S U. 8. 4S, 1907, coups 128)123 Bid. Currency, 6 per cent. 1895 reg IN Currency, 6 per cent. ISXteg. 122 Currency, s per cent, 1837 reg 125 Currency, 6 per cent, 1898 reg. 123 Currency, 8 per cent, 1899 reg 131 The registered 4s are now quoted ex-April 1 interest. New Yoek Clearings, $103,528,989; balances, $5,303,735. Boston Clearings, $15,369,661; balances, $2, 265,669. Money 3 per cent. St. Louis Clearings, $2,689,8S0; balances, $541,829. For this month-Clearings, $72,600,989; balances, $12,845,584. Baltimore Clearings, $1,751,734; balance, $149,522. Philadelphia Clearings, ances, $1,795,977. $11,081,310; bal- Chicago Money $9,606,000. v unchanged. Clearings, THE OIL PUZZLE. A Weak Feeling at the Openlne Snceeededj by a Firmer Tone. When the oil market opened 'yesterday the feeling was a little shaky. The initial quota-' tion was 91 and with hardly a sale it broke to 90, and then to 90. From this it slowly re covered to 91, and later sold up to 91K- An other wave of depression then rolled in and the price receded to 91. Toward the close the mar ket rallied and sold at 91 the highest point of, the day, closing at 91K bid. It was the opinion of many that the market had touched bottom, temporarily at least, and would likely sell up a trifle to-day. Trading in puts and calls favored this view. The business during the day was fair but not heavy, Foster, of Oil City, leading in the selling, and Fisher, Orvis, Pinkerton and Gross doing most of the buying. A. B. McQrew qnotes puts, 90; calls, 92 to 92. Ihe following taDic, corrected ny Be TVltt DI1 worth, broker In petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc i Time. Bid. I Ask. 12:45 p. It... 1:00 p. x... 1:15 r. X... ISO p. x... 1:45 P. X... 2.-00 P. M.. 2:15 P. X... 2.30 P. X... 2:45 P. X... SIX ilH 91 H DIM n tlS 91M 91H 91H Closed.'..... Opened. 91Jc; aigheut, lc; lowest. SOHes closed, BIHc Barrels. lis lly runs , , 49.902 Average runs 40.651 Dally shloments - 74,910 Average shipments.... 79.103 Dallv charters - 60,313 Average charters . 37,371 Clearances .,.,(m.,i2,670,000 New York closed at 9lKc Oil City closed at 91 He Bradrora dosed at 91 !4- New York. reHnad. 1.10c London, reaned. 6.1. Antwerp, refined. 17t The Tnylontown Field. Taylobstown, February 28. Henderson oil well No. 1 is two blts,ln the sand and showing npfor a 60-barrel well. Ja es Hodgens,Jr., No. 3, will get the sand on Saturday. The Washington Oil Company have 20 wells in operation, nine more wells are ready to start. This company brought in fire nice producers during the month of February. The Shamrock Oil Company will bring Jn their No. 3 well to morrow. Sixteen wells are now in operation on the White Bros.' lease. Other OH Markets. Oa Cmr. February 2& National transit cer tificates opened. Die; highest, 91c; lowest, 90$c; closed, 91c Bradford. February 3. National transit certificates opened at 914; closed at 91c; high est, 91c: lowest. 90c TrrusvrLi.E, February 28. National transit certificates opened at 91c: highest, 91c: low est, 90c: closed, 91Jc. New York. February 28. Petroleum opened at SIVic, and declined to 90 It then turned on western buying and advanced to 91c, closing firm at 91c. Sales, 1,617,000 barrels. STILL ACT1YE. The Demand for Small Properties Greater Than the Supply. , The real estate market yesterday was active, the demand being principally for small houses and unimproved lots, the supply of which is growing day by day. Benters are now on the home stretch, as they have bnt a short time be tween now and flitting day to secure new quar ters. Beed B. Coyle fc Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold for the Freehold Bank, to John S. Boyd, five lots, in the B. M. Kennedy plan of lots, at Homewood Station, Pennsylvania Railroad, size of each 25x135, to a 24-foot alley, for a price approximating $2,500. They also sold for Will iam Mooney's Sons, to Ji W. Miller, a frame cottage of six rooms on Center avenue, Bonp Station, with lot 28x165. for $4,000. D. P. Thomas & Co., 408 Grant street, sold for E. P. Jones, to James Tetley, a frame house and lot 19x100, on Penn avenue, near Pearl street, for a price approximating $1,900. They also placed a mortgage of $2,000 on suburban property. W.A.Herron&Sonssold lot No. 68, in the Buch plan. Eleventh ward, being 25x144, front ing on Devllliers street, for $450; also a lot on Clavbonrne street. Twentieth ward, Shadyslde, 0x150 feet, for $50. Ewing iByers sold a mortgage of $1,350 on West Bellevne property,Pittsburg,Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. C. Berlnger & Son, No. 103 Fourth avenue, sold to Leonard Boston lots Nog. 84, 85. 86, 87 and 88, in John A. Eckert's plan. Eleventh ward. Allegheny, for $1,475; also ten acres of land In Killbuck township, near Emswortb, for Joseph Marvin, to Alex. Billlngley, for $1,650. Baltensperger & WilltamsJUH Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage for $1,200 on Thirty-fifth ward property for five years at 6 per cent. Black Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to Miss Jane Magee for the Henry Llovd estate, lot No. 14 in the Lloyd plan of lots at Bellefield, fronting 60 feet on the west side of Dithridge street by 175 in depth, for $3,750 cash. STOCKS STBOGEB. A Drive nt Atchison Weakens the List, Which Recovers and Closes at Top Prices Gains nnd Losses Bonds Steady. New Yoke, February 2S.-The stock market, although somewhat less active as measured by the number of shares sold, Was even less so as regarding the general list, for four stocks con- 'trlbuted over half of tho entire business done. The market, however, was strong throughout and the day closed with almost everything on the list fractionally higher, while a few marked advances were scored. The bears early made a drive at Atchison, and heavy selling was done for Boston account, while the short interest in the stock was ma terially increased on the way down, although the loss was only a point. The story of an in crease in the capital stocks was again madoto do duty as a depression agent, but the offer ings were easily absorbed and the recovery was rapid and complete. The only other marked weak spot was Denver, Texas and Ft Worth certificates, which dropped 1 per cent, but afterward recovered, as did Atchison. First prices were steady, and the weakness of last evening had entirely disappeared, the market moving up slowly from the first sales, though the Improving tendency was checked by the weakness .of Atchison and Ft. Worth and Denver certificates, but the downward course of those stocks was quickly checked, and as tbey recovered the general list resumed Its upward march. Progress Was verv slow, however, and dullness again became the most prominent feature of the dealings. Union Pa cific and Pullman came to the front before noon, bnt after I P. Mthere was more anima tion, and Atchison and Chicago Oat, which bad been weak, took the load, and the advance be came more marked toward 2 o'clock. The highest prices were generally reached in the last hour, and the market finally closed dull but firm andgsnerally at about j the. best prices ot the day. Ihe declines established Tune. Bid. Ask. Opened 91K S-i'-u 10:15 a. x.... 0 si 10.30 A. M.... 91 91X I0:45A. M.. 91 SIU UlCOA. X.... 91 91M 11:15A. k.. P1K 91 11:30A. M.... SIK 1!4 I1:45A. M.. S1U 9IX 12:00 H 91)2 81 H 12:25 F. M.. 91X 9114 12:30 P. M.... 91X 111 3 PHIDS.Y; fMSK( were few in number and entirely unimportant, while Oregon Improvement rose 2 Pullman 2 per cent and others fractional amounts, though Big Four fell off 1. There was more demand, for railroad bonds, but the offerings kept pace with the purchases, and the market, while showing greater anima tion, was steady for most issues, and final changes show considerable Irregularity. The sales of all issues reached $1,907,000, with no marked activity in any one issue. The ad vances include: Iowa Central firsts, 2KU 86; Louisville, New Albanyand Chicago consols, 2, to 102K; Ft- Wayne seconds, 5, to 145; Milwau kee, Lake Shore and Western incomes, 3, to 103. The losses of importance were Jersey Central firsts 2K. at 10 and Syracuse, Binghamton and New York firsts, 2. at 135. The following table snows the prices of active stocks on the New -York Stock Exchange. Corrected dailj for,THB Dispatch by Whit ney. 4 Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: Open- High- ow- Clos ing, est. est. In ir. Am. Cotton Oil HH &8H Atch.. Top. 4 8. F.... KUi !( 60 60S Canada Southern 65 65) 65 H Ocntnl of New Jersey. 84K KH W 5!4 CentralPaclflc ."... 35 86M 85 36 Chesapeake & Ohio MM C. Bur.&Qulncy.....l01 101)4 101 101k C, Mil. & St. Paul..., 81 62W nil 61K C, Jill 4 St. P.. pf.. V1H KH Bin VIH C., ltocfc L. A F 96 96g S5K S)4 C, St. L. & Pitts 18$ 1SU 134 IBS? 0., St. L. k Pitts, pf.. 40 40fJ 40 4034 U, St. 1'., M. fcO ,. X!M C., 8t.PM.0., pr. 92 C. & Northwestern. ...106I4 106X 106 1CCW C.& Northwestern, pf. 14IK C. CC.4I .'..7314 731f 3gX 72H Col. Coal ft Iron 33J 24 S3 3ZM Col. A Hocktnr Val 25 K Bel., L. iW 2...!0J Del. & Hudson 135 Denver&KloQ Denver ft Bio U pr... ..1. E.T., Va.Oa t E.T.,Va. ftGa., lstpf .. . K. T.t Va. ft Ga. 2d pf. 22), Illinois Central 109 Lake Erie ft Western.. 1SW Lake Erie ft West. pr.. Sl'i Lake Shore ft M. S 104H Louisville ft Nashville. taH Michigan Central S9H Mobile Ohio lltf Mo., K. ftTexas Mlssonrl Pacific 71 Newiork Central 108H N. Y li. E. ft W 29 N. ., L. E. ft W.pref .... N. Y.. C. ft St. L 140-lf 135 914 22H 109 18X 57'4 104 B4 f N. I., C. ft St. L. of. x.., c. st.L.M pr .... N.YftN. E 45M N. v., o.ft W Norfolk ft Western Norfolk ft Western, pf 611 Northern Pacific Sft Northern Pacific pref. 62 4TX 46K siii si" 2SU 26K 621 62)4 56f 55 31 33fT is" 28" 47 46SJ uregon improvement. o Oregon Transcon 33 Pacific Mall Peo. Dec. ft Evans 28 Pblladel. ft Ueadlnj.. 47 rullman Palace Car ..197$ Richmond ft W. P. T.. 27 Richmond ft W.P.T.pf Sl'i St. P., Minn. 4 Man St. L. ft San Fran !4 St. L. ft San Fran pf.. 63H St. L. ft San F.lst pf. Texas Pacific, Z Union Pacific..! 65 Wabash 13H Wabash preferred Western Union 85H Wheeling ft L. E. 65X 'Ex-dlvldend. ZIU 7! 27 11)J 81 25K 63M '25Ji 63K 21 21 H 66S 65W 18j 13' M 65M BOSTON ST0CK6. A Weak Opening, Followed by a Chantje for the Better. Boston, February 28. The opening was quiet with a weak tone fir most of the active stocks, followed by a change for the better, notably for the high priced stocks, such as Bell Telephone, Pullman and Boston and Albany. Union Pacific was also steady, with bondslower. Atchison has continued active at further slight concessions. Atch. ft Too.. 1st 7s. 119 A.ftT. Land Gr1 t7s.H0 Atch. & Top. K. K... 51 Boston ft Albany.. .214 Boston ft Maine.. ...169 C. B. 40. 101 Clnn. San. ft Cleve. 25J4 Eastern B. B .. tOH Kiln t ft Pereal 29 Flint ft Pen M. nrd. 97 Mexican Cen. com.. 14 M. C lstMort. bds. 70' h. r. ftXewEn;... 47 Old Colony. 169 Calumet ft Hecla....2S0 Cataloa 17 Kranxiln 14 Osceola li',i Pewable (new) 5 Quincr 67 Kelt telephone 23H Boston Land 7 Water Power 7H Tamarack 143 San Blego ..., 22 Business Notes. The report of the arbitrators in the case of tho appeal from the condemnation of the Balti more and Ohio building, corner of Fifth avenue and Wood street, will be ready to-day, but it will not be made public until examined by the parties directly interested. Philadelphia firm offers for subscrip tion $4,000,000 Pennsylvania and New York Canal and Railroad 7s, price 115 payable 10 per cent on subscription and the remainder ApriU. or earlier at the subscriber's option, less 2 per cent per annum discount. i Local securities sold recently in Philadel phia: $2,000 City of Pittsburg Water Loan 7s. 1896, 125 and 10 shares Cambria Iron Com- Eany, 105; $5,000 Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. louis first mortgage 7s, 120120K: $2,000 Penn sylvania Railroad general mortgage 6s, coupons, 130; $500 West Penn Railroad first mortgage 6s, 106; SI, 000 Allegheny 4s, due 1001, 104; $1,800 City of Pittsburg 4s, due 1915, 107. At Baltimore: $2,000 Pittsburg and Connells ville 7s, 117. ; LATJ5 NEWS IN BRIEF. William IC Vanderbilt's steam yacht Alva arrived at Nice yesterday from Baltimore. The Secretary of the Treasury yesterday afternoon accepted the following bonds: 4 per cents, registered, $424,800 at 10 Four new indictments have been ordered against Ives and Stayner, two for grand lar ceny and two for fraudulent issue of stock. Father Clarke has been arreste'd at Avoca, County Wicklow, for making speeches tending to excite the peoplo to commit unlawful acts. A building at Martinsville, Ont, was destroyed by fire Wednesday night, and the only occupant, an old lady named Callivan, perished in the flames. Senator Paddock states that Representa tive Laird, of Nebraska, had so far recovered that he would bo able to reach Washington in time to participate in the Inaugural cere monies. Smallpox has broken out in Southwold township, dear St Thomas, Ont Four deaths have already occurred and 12 persons are down with the disease. Every precantlon has been taken to prevent it from spreading. The registry office, at Alexandria, Egypt, been destroyed by fire, and the registers of as sessment and taxation of the city and other Important records are in ashes. It is expected there will be much confusion in finances in consequence. The 30 prisoners atthe House of Correction, South Boston, who continue belligerent are fast being brought into subjection on a diet of bread and water. Captain Berry expects that by to-night all of them will have yielded, and the workshops will be running as usual to morrow. A parcels post convention has recently been concluded between the United States and the Hawaiian Kingdom which is similar in its provisions to the convention concluded with Jamaica. It goes into effect to-day, and will continue in force until terminated by mutual I agreement The Crown Prince Rudolfs debts amount to $2,000,000, altnougb he had an Income of $750, 000 a year and the palaces and country places jcost him nothing. Where the money went to nobody knows, w bile a great deal of the Princo's jewelry, of which he had a very large and valu able collection, has disappeared. Father Kennedy. Arho was imprisoned for attending meetings ot suppressed branches of the National League, has been released. On being liberated be addressed a crowd which had gathered to greet him. In the course of his speech he said that when the laws enslaved the people they were not .obliged to submit to them. The venerable Hannibal Hamlin yesterday was on the floor of the Senate, over which body he presided during the troublous times of 1861-05. He is the sole surviving Vice Presi dent, and as such comes to take part In the in augural ceremonies next Monday. He is bale 'and hearty.-and seems to greatly enjoy the con gratulations of Senators, which are freely ex tended. , The Norwegian bark Carta, Captain Ton persen, from Pensacola, January 4, for London, was nearlv severed in a collision last night in the English channel with the British steamer Pascal, from London Jor Rosario. A passing vessel rescued the crew of the Carta and landed them at Folkestone, The Pascal returned to London with her bows badly damaged. A num ber of boats and a tug are endeavoring to get the Carta into port. As a Grand Trunk freight train was cross ing the Canadian Pacific track, near Brampton, Ont, yesterday, a freight train on- tho latter road dashed into it, cutting its way through aud never stopping. Not a wheel ot the Cana dian Pacific train'lef t the track. The engineer and fireman jumped and escaped uninjured. The brakeman ran forward, setting the brakes, and on reaching the engine brought the train to a stand. The train had then run two and a half miles past the scene of the accident No one was hurt, but 'considerable damage to property was done. The l0warailroads are in a quandary as to what tbey should do to equalize through or Inter-State, rates from points In Iowa. There cent reduction in local rates has npset the ex isting arrangements fur making through rates. Freight can be shipped from Iowa points, di rectly across the State of Iowa and Illinois, by adding local rates in Iowa and Illinois, at from S cents to S cents per 100 pounds less than to or via Chicago. In consequence east-bound busi ness from Iowa points goes via Burlington, Beardstown. Peoria and other junction points west of Chicago,, , j 1889.' DOMESTIC MARKETS. Movement in 'Apples and Potatoes Improving, Eggs Steady. GOOD COtmTKI BUTTEB IN DEMAND Tone of Cereal Markets a Shade Better, Wheat Situation IN FAV0E OP BDLL8 AT THE LATEST OFFICE OF THE FrrT8BtTBG DISPATCH, Thtjbsday, February 28, 18SJ. Country Produce Jobbing- Prices. Commission men report a more active move ment in fruit and vegetables the past few days. Choice apples grow scarce as the season ap proaches its finale. Onions are very slow, and large quantities bid f ajr to spoil before the new crop begins to come in. A year ago at this time onions were very active at $8 50 per bar rel, while they are very slow now at $1 50. Eggs are steady but not firm, tbemilder temperature having had a weakening effect Genuine coun try bntter is in improved demand. Liberty street commission men express themselves as firm in the faith that tho oleomargarine, law now in force will stand. Letters from Harris burg statesmen have very much encouraged dealers in pure and straight butter within the past few days. .A leading produce merchant said: "The law will not only stand but will be enforced, hurt who it may." Butteb Creamery, Elgin, 3132c; Ohio do, 2627c: fresh dairy packed, 20J3c; country rolls lS22c; Cbartlers Creamery Co. butter, 8234c. Beans Choice medium, $2 002 10: choice peas. $2 052 15. Beeswax 2325c ) & for choice; low grade, 1618c Cideb Sand refined, 6 507 50: common, $3 504 00; crab cider, $3 008 50 )) barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c $ gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make. 1213c; Ltm burger. llk12Kc: domestic Sweitzer cheese. 1313Wc Dried Peas $1 451 50 bushel; split do, 2?l354c M ft. Eggs 15016c ft dozen for strictly fresh. v Fbtjits Apples. $1 00$1 503 barrel; evap orated raspoerries. 25c 13 ft: cranberries, $8 00 ban-el: S2 400 S2 50 ner bushel. FeAthees Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, 8OJJ3&0 to m. HoJinrr $2 652 7o ijf! barrel. Honey New Crop, l(S17c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes. 3540c fl bushel; $2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; $3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. Poultbt Live chickens, 6575c fl pair; dressed chickens, 1315c 9! pound; turkeys, 13 15c dressed ft pound; ducks, live. 8085c f) pair; dressed, ligllc $1 pound; geese, 10Uc per pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lis to bushel, $6 fl bushel; clover, large English, 62 Its, $S 2o; clover, Alsike, $860; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice. 45 Us. $1 85: blue crass, extra clean. 14 Ess, SI 00: blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 20; orchard grass. 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, $1 00; millet, 50 fts, $1 2 j; German millet 50 fts, $2 00; Hungarian grass, 48 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft. Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered. 55Kc Tbopical Fbtjits Lemons, fancy, $3 00 4 00 V box; common lemons, $2 75 fl box; Messina oranges, IK &u3 ou w oox; Florida oranzes. $3 003 50 box: Jamaica oranges, fancy, to 005 60 $ case; Malaea grapes, $5 6007 00 $1 keg; bananas, $2 50 firsts: $1 502 00, good seconds, p bunch; cocoanuts, $4 004 50 $t hundred; new figs, 12 in; w, uuuuui udica. VTniMvyin in uvuuu. VEGETABLES-Celery. 40o0c doz. bunches; cabbages, $300400 jp 100: onions, 60c $ bushel; Snanish onions. 7&H00c V crate: turnips. 3Q 40c per busheL Groceries. Green coffee was advanced yesterday another Jc and Is firmly held at the advance. As pack age coffee bas been low all along as compared with the green article, another advance in the former is likely to come in a few days. Teals firmly held, with a drift toward higher prices. Gbxen Coffee Fancy Rio, 20Xa21Kc: choice Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio, 1818c: old Government Java, 26Kc; Mara calbo, 21H22Kc; Mocha, 3031c; Santos. 18 22c; Caracas coffee, 2021c; peaberry, Rio, 2021c; Laguayra, 2021c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 23c; high grades, 2527c; old Government Java, bulk, 31K632$; Maracalbo. 26HS27UC: Santos. 2223c; peaberry, 28c; peaberry Santos, 21 23c; choice Rio,. 24c: prime Rio, 22c; good Rio. 21Xc; ordinary, 20$c Spices (wholej Cloves, 2125c: allspice, flc: cassia. 89c:'pepper, 19c; nntmeg. 7080c Petboletim tjobbers' prices) 110 test7Kc: Ohio, 120,. 8Kc; headlight 150, 9c; water white. lOc; globe, 12c:' elaine, 15c; carnadlne, ll)c; royaline, 14c Sybups Corn syrups, 232oc; choice sugar syrup. 333Sc; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strictly prime, 3335c N. O. Molasses Fancy, 60c; choice, 48; me dium, 45; mixed, 4042c Soda Bl-carb in Kegs, 34c; bl-carb in Ks &c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 10c; stearine, per set 8Kc; paraffin e, HU12c. Rice Head, Carolina, 77c; choice, 6 7c: prime, 56Vc; Louisiana, 66Kc Srabch Pearl, 2Jc; cornstarch, 67c: gloss starch, 57c. Foreign Fauns Layer raisins, $2 65: Lon don layers, 3 10; California London layers, $2 60: Muscatels. $2 25: California Mnscatels. $2 35: Valencia, new, 6X7c: Ondara Valencia Tii&Ilici sultana. 7Vc; currants, new, 49f5c; 77Kc; Turkey pi uritey prunes, new, -u-iCic: r rencu prunes. 813c; Salonica prunes. In 2-ft packages, 8e, cocoanuts, per iuuw w; aimonas, Lan., per b; 29c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts,;nark, 12K15c; Sicily Alberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12& gioc: new aates. oaoc: .Brazil nuts, iuc; pecans, ll15c: citron, per ft. 2122c: lemon peel, per ft. 1314c; orango peel, 12c Dbied Fkuits Apples, sliced, per ft. 8c; apples, evaporated, 6K6Kc; apricots, Calif or nla. evaporated, 15lnc; peaches, evaporated pared, 2!23c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted. 2122c; cherries, un pitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424KC; blackberries, 7Sc: huckle berries. 10&12C Suoabs Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, 7-&c; granu lated,7c:conf ectionersAl 6c; standard A,6Jic; soft whites. 66Jc; yellow, choice. 664c; yellow, good, bKS6&c; yellow, fair, 6jjc; yel low, dark, Bic t Pickt.es Medium: bbls (1.200), $475; me diums, halt bbls (600), $2 85. Salt-No. 1 $ bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, bbl, $1 05; dairy. bbl. $1 20f coarse crystal, , bbl, $1 20; Higgles Eureka, 4 bu sack, $2 80; Hlggin's Eu reka, 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, $1'50 1 60; 2ds, $1 301 35: extra peaches, $1 351 tu; pie peaches. 90c; finest corn, $1 3001 60; Hid. Co. corn, 70000c: red cherries, 90cl 00r lima beans. $1 lOr soaked do, 85c: string do do, 75 85c; marrowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c: pineapples, $1 401 60; Bahama do, $2 7a; damson plums, 95c; green gages, $1 25; eggplnms.$2 00; California pears, $250;do'green gages. $2 00; do egg plums, $2 00; extra white cherries, $2 90; red cherries, 2fts, 90c: raspber ries, $1 151 40: strawberries $1 10; goose berries, $1 201 30f tomatoes, 8592c; salmon. 1 ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked. 90c; do green, 2&s, $1 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans, $1 75; 14-ft cans, Sid 50; baked beans, $1 401 45: lobster, 1 ft, $1 7o 1 80: mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 50: sardines, domestic 14. $4 254 50: sardines, domestic. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. $36 f) bbl; extra No. 1 'do, mess, $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. Ido, messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4Kc IR ft; do medium George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips, 6c: do George's cod in blocks, 6K TKc Herring Round shore. So 50 r bbl; split $7: lake $3 25 '$ 100-ft half bbl. White flsb, $7 ? 100-fi half bul. Lake trout So 50 half bbl. Finnan haddersj 10c ft. Iceland halibut 13o flft. Buckwheat Flour VOSfflis per pound. OAT3JEAL-S0 308 60 CbL' Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5860c fl gallon. Lard oil. 75c Grnln, Floor and Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change. 28 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago. 3 cars of wheat 3 of hay, 2 ot straw, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 6 cars of bay, 3 of oats, 4 of corn, 2 of wheat 1 of meal, 1 of flour. By Baltimore and Ohio. 2 cars ot oats. Sales on call: One car sample screenings, $8, spot B. & O.; lcar sample brown middlings, $14 50, B. & O.; 1 car No. 2 y. e. corn, 41c 5 days: 1 car choice timothy hay, $15, 10 days, regular. Cereal markets show a slight shade of improvement in tone. Small favors are thankfully received these times. Tho few mercy drops are viewed as harbingers of a com ing shower of good things. In the tussle be tween bulls and bears over wheat bears ap pear to have the best grip to-day. But there is no telling what a day may bring forth. WHEAT-Jobbing prices No. 3red, $1 08 Ki9;No.8red,98cg$l(M. Cobn No. 2 yellow. ear,40K41c;hlgh mixed ear, 3UK10c; No. 1 yellow, shelled, 3S38c; No2 yellow, shelled, 37K38c: high mixed, shelled, 36S7c; mixed, shelled, 3536e: OATS--No.2wbitet31$31Kc; extra Now.3,30 JgSOKc; No. 3 white, 2930c; No. 2 mixed, 23 Rtb-No. 1 Western, 60e61c; No. 2, 53660c J Barley No.l Canada, 90lMc:No.2CBxaa, 8885sNo.3Canada,78e0c: No, 2 Western. 757!;c: No. 3 Western. 6570c Lake Shore, 75 r EW...W. T.khl...Ju. lnta.M(m(i A Kfl riAJUtt-IUUUUIg UJIKC "" k---- "- - 675; spring patents. 56 757 00: fancy straight winter and spring. 756 OOr clear winter. $5 255 50. straight XXXX bakers', $5 00g5 2o. Rye flour, $4 00. .-. MlLLFEED-Mlddllngs, fine white, M8 W 20 00 $ ton; brown middlings, $14 5015 00; winter wbeat bran, $14 7515 25; chop feed. $15 00018 00. , HAT-Baled timothy, choice, $15 0015 2o; No. 1 do. $14 25911 50; No. 2 do, $12 0013 00: loose from wagon, $18 00020 00: No. 1 upland nralrie. $9 75S1Q 00: No. A $8 008 50; packing ido, $6 607 00. BTBAW oats, ta WJltt'a x; wneai anu ija straw, $7 007 25. Provisions. Sugar-cured bams, large, I0Vc; sugar-cured hams, medium, lOJic; sugar-cured hams, small, He: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders. SJc: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 93c; sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 8ct sugar cured dried Deef sets,9c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. He: bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear sides. 8c; nacon clear bellies, 8c: dry salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides, 7?c Mess pork, heavy. $14 00: mess pork, family, $14 50; Lard Refined in tierces. 7c; half barrels, 7c; 60-ft tubs,7Kc;20-ft palls, 7c; 60-ft tin cans, 7Hc; 3-ft tin pails, TJic; & tin pails, 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 7KC Smoked sausage, long. 5c: large. 5c Fresh pork links. 9c Pigs feet, half barrels, $3 75; quarter barrels, $1 73. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fts, 65Hc; 600 to 650 fts, 6Kc; 700 to 750 fts, & 7c Sheep, 7c tl ft- Lambs, 8c ft- The French Silk Trade. During the last three years the importation of silk and silk waste into France has amount ed to nearly 800,000,000 francs, the heaviest year being 1886, which figured for upward of 292.000, 0u0 francs. The exportation has also decreased from about 147,250,000 francs in 1886 to less than 125,250.000 francs in 1888-. the total for the three years being about 414,000,000 francs. The dif ference in favor of the importation only amounted last year to'a little more than 820, 000,000 francs, whereas in 1886 it exceeded 113, 000,000 francs. These fignres tend to show that France re-exports to other countries a portion of silk it imports, or it must ship a considera ble part of its own production. Drysoods market. New Yoke, February28. The jobbing trade in drygoods continues active, with low grade ginghams a special feature of price attractions. Demand covers most all descriptions of staple and fancy goods, which move at fairly steady prices. Business at first hands continue steady as to patterned fabrics and movement of staples, hut demand for the latter is no tup to expectations, though improving. The market is unchanged and the tone steady. Mining Stocks. NEW Yobk, February 28. Mining quota tions closed: Amador. loO: Caledonia B.H., 275; Consolidated California and Virginia. 82o; Commonwealth, oOO.Gonld and Curry, 65: Hale and Norcross, 410; Homestake, 1200: Iron Silver, 3?5; Plymouth. 1000; Ontirio. Si; N-viin. 140; Mutual. 110; Sierra Nevada, 330: Sullivan, 150; Union Consolidated, 385; Yellow Jacket 450. Metal Marker. New Yobk Pig iron steady. Copper dnll; lake, March, $16 50. Lead quiet; domestic, $3 70. Tin steady; straits. $21 70. WHOLESALE H0USL JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., 'Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, andOHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r83-D ARMOUR & CO., PITTSBURG. Dressed Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Pork Bologna And all other varieties of Sausage ot the finest ?iuality, at very moderate prices, received dally rom their immense cooling rooms at Chicago. WHOLESALE ONLY. del8-5S-xwr THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAL. . . - . $200,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWABD HOUSE, Prest JAMES V. SPEER, Vice Prest sel-k35-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. -VI ONEY TO LOAN On mortgages on improved real estate in sums of $1,000 and upward. Applvat DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, fe4-22-D No. 124 Fourth avenue. BROKERS FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL WOR TH, BROKER IN PETEOLETJM Oil bought and sold on margin. de.!7-21-Dju WHITNEY, STEPHEiS(Mf, 67 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THBouan MESSRS. DREXEIi. MORGAN & CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. an28-x78 STEAaiBOS AND EXCURSIONS. H Ail BURG-AMEKICAN PACKET CO.-EX-PBES3 service between New York, South ampton and Hamburg by the new twin-screw steamers of 10,000 tons -and 12,50b horse power. Fast time to London nnd the Continent, steam ers unexcelled for safety, - speed and comfort. Regular service: Every Thursday from Mew "York to Plymouth (London), Cherbourg (Paris) and Hamburg. '1 (trough ttlkets to London and Paris. Excellent fare. Kates extremely low. Ap ply to uenerai omcc no. eroauway, new tore. it. j, uukiis, juanager; o. is. luuiuKusuu., Uenerai Passenger Aeents, 61 Broadway. J4ew York: MAX SUUAJlBEKli. SZ7 Bmlthtleld St., Plttsturg. feZ7-27-wrsu NORD DEUTSCHER LLOYD FAST route to London and the Continent. Express Steamer service twice a week from New York to Southampton (London, Havre), Bremen. Ss.Saale.Feb.27,3P.u. I Ss.Fnlda.Mch. 9,11 A.3C Ss.Ems.Mch.2. 6 A.M. Ss.Lahn. Men. 13. 2 P.M. Ss.Trave.Mch,6,9A.H. Ss.Elbe.Mch.18.5J0A.lt. First Cabin, Winter rates, from $75 upward. MAXSCHAMBERG & CO., Agents Pitts burg, Pa. OELIUCHS & CO., 2 Bowling Green. New York City. Ja29-71-D ALLAN LIKE HOYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, THE ONLY DIRECT LINE From GLASGOW, LONDONDERRY, and GALWAY To PHILADELPHIA Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled. , Prepaid Intermediate, $3a Steeraee, $19.. Passengers bv tbis route are saved the ex pense and inconvenience attending transfer to Liverpool or from New York. J. J. MCCORMICK, or A. D. SCORER & SON, Pittsburg. felS-4-xwr ANCHOR LINE. United State Mnll Steamers. SAIL EVERT SATTJED AY FR03I NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Calling at Movllle (Londonderry). Cabin passage to Glasgow, Liverpool or London derry, fts and S53. Excursion. SSO and $100. Second-class, $30. Steerage. fB. Mediterranean Service. Steamships at resular Intervals from NSW YORK TO NAPLES DIRECT. Cabin Passage, 80 and flOO. Third-class. SO. Drafts on U rest Britain. Ireland or Italy, and letters of credit at favorable rates. Apply to HENDEKSON BKOTHEKS, New York, or J. J. McCOltiUCK. Fourth aad Salth neld; A. D. 8COKEB SON, fiS Smlthaeld st Pittsburg; WILLIAM. SEMPLB, Jr., 1 federal t.,AlleaheaT. no6-M6-xwr 21XW ABTHRTHSaOrSTW BUTTER, A v butter! EVERY POUND WARRANTED PUKS -"S , Cbtiers Creamery Co Warehouse and General- OfSoe 708 SMITHFIELD STREET "1 1. 11 aeicpnooo I4i. xwaoeu xiocs. nTTSBTJRG, PA., pa.? Factories througliout Wester' Pennsylvania. r - '0 ' . 1 For prices see market quotationa, , Wholesale exclusively. au5-s5S-xwr OLEDICAL. -, DOCTOR WHITTIER 930 PENN AVKXTJE. PITTMBCKU. PA, - As old residents know and back Hies ot Pitts burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From glgpra. NQ pE UNJJL NlCDDllQ and mental diseases, physloal. IMtnVUUo decay, nervous debfllrr, laclc of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-dlstrust,bashfnlnes9; dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, ira poverlshed blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for businesa,society and mar rlage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN fe5Wf blotches, falling hair, bona pains, glandulae swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throar. . ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood ' poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. -II DIM A DV kidney and bladder derange : U HI IN AH 1 1 ments, weak back, gravel, Sa-, tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and othes painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and reul cures. Dr. whittier's life-long, extensive experlenca Insures scientific and reliable treatment oa , common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It here. Office hours 9 a. K. to 8 p. it. Sunday. r " 10A.X.W1P.M. only. DR. VBrJTIEK, JH . ' Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. te8iaaW a SCJ1 n JTrf 1 !! " II A Sdentlflc and Standard Popnlar MetfcaJ Trtic ueirrorsoz ioauficxxfcuroj-'iiujo'vcxvvu and fbyaicai jJeDluty, imponues 01 c iaooax Resultmglrom Folly, Vice, Ignorance. Excesses or Orertazatlon, Enervating and unfitting the victiia forWork, Business, the Marr'ed or Social Relation. Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this greaS work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8 vo. Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price-, only $1.0 by mail, post-paid, concealed In plain wrapper. Illus trative Prospectus Free, if you apply no r. Tho distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, U.S., re. ceived the COLO AND JEWELLED MEDAL from the National Medical Association : for tho PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Sr. Parker aud a corps of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, conn dentiaily, by jaall or in person, at the office of THE PEABOD1T MEDICAL INSTITUTE. No.4BulflnchSt.,Boston.iaass., io whom all orders for books or letters for advice should to directed as above. t jalo-Tursuwk A CUBE GUARANTEED HEALTH.ES EROY and strength secured by using Am' oranda Wafers. These wafers arenihe only rel L able safe remedy for the permanent cure of lm potency, no matter how long standlng.seperma torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless, harassing dreams, premature decay of vital power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis--ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for Wt six boxes is the complete treatment, and with every purchase of six boxes at one time we will gve'a written guarantee to refund the money the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON" MEDICAL INSTITUTE. For sale only br J08EPH FLEMING.. M Market street, Pitta.' burg; Pa.. P. O. box 37 apl0-k6-jrwrsu DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, 90S PENN AVI. PITTSBURGH, PA All forms of Delicate aad Com. plicated Diseases reanlrine Cos TrDEXTTAT. ftnd RCTEKTTVin &f Mfl Cation are treated at this Dlsnensarr with a sua. cess rarely attained. Dr. 8. K. Lake is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and Is the oldest and most experienced Sfkc-L-JST In tho city. Special attention given to N& ous Debility from excessive r nital exertion, a, discretions ot youth, c, cunsing physical ami mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc. ; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Rheumatism " and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Urin ary Organs, 4c Consultation free andstrietr -. confidential. Office hours 9 to 4 and Tto 8 jjb.i Eundays3to4p.m.only. Callatofflceoraddieasl K.LAKE.M.D..M.B .C.P.S or E.J.Lake.iLD. sel-i3HC!nrwk CHICHESTETR'ta tuGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS BID C2.33 IU2KID EilJ. Orlctmal, ht, ntj fvmbn uuS ttllulo plH fbrnls. flrer 70. A Diamond Brand. In wdn- t&Uls boxes, nlcdwltll WmiIb- bea. At BraniU Aept tba ntliir. AiT Bllla la Bsuta board boxes, plait wTmpptri, sts a Jjpygr ovteovntcrfelt. Sl4. (umplbr BirUcul-ars salMKiHefFljiHu''0 Utter, far MitnTn msiL 10.006 Umti it LjaujXiB niivipiii ss fcu7us i 1 i Utichester Chemical CoJUeieaSlPU-Ps de2S-21-'WTSu,wk Grau's Specific Medicine. TRADE MARK Tnx Obxat TRADC MA?. foz.Anuniau lug cure, for Seminal weak ness. Sperma torrhea, lmpo tency. and all diseases that follow as a se quence of Self-4 Abuse: as loss BEFORE TAEIII.nniAlr7 rrQ T&IHM ' j sltude. Pain In the Back, Dimness of Vision. Pre mature Old Age and many other diseaes that lead to xnsanuy or consumption ana - jrre&sjian urave. 4, urinai particulars in out psmpniet, w uesifr; hj scan irre uy mail .0 everyone. Specific Medicine la sold brail draztauaiftj Dackare. or tlx nackaflrea for L or wllL h unt u by mall on the receipt of themoservt bvadrmMlTaB IPUPilDi V UfliHnVE-fV sJttTi. tu -K j Un account of counterfeits, we hare adoMed SB, AUIUiMia lUillLlLllUljU.. DUBKIO. m T - -T Sold in Plfteburg by S. 3. HOLLAND. Smlthoeld and Liberty streets. mais-i ilS?3S wmim ferta rFiaAf3 !.". rtf??fl contalsiafir foil partioalArs tor hose cam ' RHUW B PROF. F. O. FOWLCK, Maeiriw. 1-aefrgkseawk. KMQWTHYSELFsjnP1 I iCsSSlTsWV vW e- -A Jm xconiSaft-oi HP SK4 jJ . tfs Wa ,JW - n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers