Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 01, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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tt M$$$it
Vol. 44, Ko. C. Enured at Pittsburg l'ost
oBce, oTcmUerU, iss. as secona-ciass matter.
Business Office 07 and99 Fifth Avenue.
Netra Rooms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 70 Diamond Street.
Average circulation of the dally edition of
The Dispatch for six monthm ending Febrn
nry X, 1SS9, ,
Copies per Issue.
Averase circulation of tho Sunday edition
of The Dispatch for February, 1SS9,
Coplts per Issue.
Dailt UiSPATCn, One Year. f 800
JJAnvr insr-arcn. Per Quarter ipo
Daily Disfatch, One Month..., ,l
Daily DisrATcn, including b&nday, ona
year. 1000
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, per.
quarter IS)
Daily Diefatcu, Including bandar, ona
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Ecsday UisPATcn. oneycar. ISO
Weekly Dispatch, one year i-5
Tint Daily Dispatch la delivered by carriers at
15 cents perfect, orlnclualngtheSundayeduion,
at 10 cents per week.
Governor "Wilson, of West Virginia,
throws in the shade the saying of old
Fletcher, of Saltown, by his practical
declaration that he cares not who casts the
votes of the people, provided he can go be
hind the returns and give certificates to the
men who got the least nnmber of votes.
The "West Virginia fight has developed
quite a number of remarkable features; but
none of them are more stunning than this
declaration of the certifying officer of the
power to ignore the official returns, and by
casting out the vote ot entire counties giv
ing 1,500 Republican majority, grab two
seats in Congress. There have been allega
tions that the Governorship of "West Vir
ginia was to be grabbed without reference
to the popular vote, and this action cer
tainly appears to be entirely in harmony
with that idea.
When partisanship reaches such an
avowal of the readiness to disregard the
vote of the people, it is time to call a sharp
and positive halt.
A rather interesting item appeared in one
of our esteemed city cotemporaries yester
day detailing the observations of a visit to
the East liberty stockyards, the presence
there of a lump jaw steer, its slaughter, the
comparison of the meat with healthy meat,
with the declaration that they could not be
told apart. The inference is very plainly
intended to be that the only way to guard
against diseased meat is to hare home in
spection; but one or two other vital points
appear in connection therewith. The first
is that lump jaw cattle appear to be in
singularly convenient supply at the local
stockyards; and the second is that the pro
tection here, as elsewhere, depends entirely '
on the efficiency of the inspection. It hap
pens to be a part of the record that the last
agitation of this question was ushered in by
the discovery that a lump-jaw steer, which
had been condemned, disappeared and was
either surreptitiously converted into meat
or else shipped to another point. The
security indicated by such facts is not so
superior to that which could be established
by inspection at points outside the State,
where meat is slaughtered, as to justify the
prohibition to consumers of the advantages
of cheap and healthy dressed beet
The Legislature has before it a bill com
pelling the telegraph, telephone and elec
tric wires to go under ground in Philadel
phia not later than the first of next August.
Why the provision is limited to cities of
the first class is not clear. What is good in
Philadelphia in this matter would not go
amiss in Pittsburg. Hardly even the
smallest city or borough in the State is apt
to regard telegraph, telephone and electric
light poles as of such distinct art value to
the local landscape that they should be held
New York is ordering the wires under
ground in an even more imperativeway.
The overhead wire and ihe ship-masts on
the sidewalks will evidently have to follow
the swinging signs.
Now that the warlike propensities of Gen
eral Itucker and Senator Blackburn have
revealed themselves, it may occur to their
friends that it would have been well to have
let them spend their pugnacity on each
other. Through the well-meaning but in
judicious interference of their next friends
they were hindered from wading in each
other's gore, and the consequences have been
disastrous to outsiders with whom they have
been brought into contact General Itucker
was forced to vindicate his warlike reputa
tion by committing assault and battery on
a disputant in a Colorado saloon; while
Senator Chandler's ear bears testimony to
the dangers of damming up Senator Black
burn's bellicose disposition. It would be
better to let the fighters fight each other in
stead of satisfying their wrath on the pacific
element although the fighters themselves
may regard the latter course as altogether
the safer and more enjoyable policy.
In the face of civil liability and of the
utter hopelessness of its case, the TitXcs re
pents and makes a painful effort at apology
for the persistent slanders of Parnell; bnt
not so the Tory Government. That cheer
ful exponent of the policy of leaders of the
classes as against the masses, through its
organ the Standard, now takes up the bad
business where the Times left off and abuses
Parnell because lie did not long ago "dis
prove the charges and expose the forgeries.
There is a cool impudence about this view
that is more exasperating if possible than
even the stupidity and vindictiveness of the
collapsed "Thunderer."" Mr. Parnell in
and out of the House of Commons pro
nounced the letters forgeries, only to be
hooted and jeered by the followers of the
Government. It seems to be the regulation
Tory view that where the Irish are con
cerned they must be held gujlty until they
prove themselves innopent; and, in order
that they shall not have too much facility
in clearing themselves, it is quite the tning
to provide hired informers, paid spies,
forgers and gentlemen of -rich and
luxuriant imagination like the late Mr.
Pigott, to make escape as 'difficult
as possible. The Government makes its
game. It, or malevolent politicians and
officials, by its help, plan the maze, put the.
designated Irishmen in the middle ot it,
and tell them they can have their life, lib
erty or reputation if they succeed in finding
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their way out alive. It is altogether about
as cheerful and considerate a proceeding as
that of the Indians who were wont to give a
captive his freedom it he ran the gauntlet
successfully, but if be failed to burn him at
the stake. That for once this plan failed,
seems to have produced a feeling of mortifi
cation in the Times which has left it speech
less certainly at least not as distinctly ar
ticulate in its apologies as the occasion
would seem to demand while the Govern
ment organ, the Standard, is simply indig
nant at the wrong person.
The masses of the English people, beyond
a doubt, love fair play. It is only of -late,
particularly since Mr. Gladstone took up
the home rule cause, that their eyes have
"been opened to the ways and means of
repression and coercion. The Parnell com
mission proceedings have, however, resulted
in a most instructive illumination of the
whole subject.
A very nnique indication of the degree to
which political practices have displaced the
constitutional theories of our Government
is afforded by a dispatch sent out from
Washington concerning a call which some
New Yorkers made on General "Harrison.
It is stated that General Harrison told the
delegation that unless they could settle
their differences in twenty-four hours "he
would be governed by his own inclina
tions." The obvious inference from this assertion
is that it the New York politicians can agree
the President-elect is in-the selection of
that member of his Cabinet at least not to
be governed by his inclinations, but by the
orders of the New York delegation. The
Cabinet members, by the fundamental
theory of the Government, are the Presi
dent's personal advisers. They are the
agents by which his executive policy is car
ried out, and their official relations are
solely with and from the President. Yet
the practice of organizing politics" as a
method of distributing patronage has been
carried to such an extent that it is taken as
in accordance with custom that the Presi
dent should appoint Cabinet officers in ac
cordance with the instructions of Congres
sional delegations, and the most revolu
tionary and paralyzing-threat that the Pres
ident can make to quell contending factions
is that he will "be governed by his own in
clinations." It may be worth while to remember that
a President of the caliber of George Wash
ington was riot governed by anything else.
He appointed his official family as Presi
dent just as he constituted his military
family as commander of the Continental
army, selecting the men whom he knew to
be fitted for the positions and on whom he
could rely tocarry out his plans. At
tempts have been made by some of the re
cent Presidents to take the same course; but'
even Grant was not able to adhere to it
against the combined attacks of the politi
cians. Still, we think a President should be gov
erned by his inclinations in the selection of
his personal 'ad risers especially if his in
clinations are right. He will have to bear
the responsibility of the selection; and it is
no more than fair that he should hare the
game as well as the name.
The progress of the movement to make the'
puny corporations obey the Constitution and
laws, seems to be quite relentless. With re
gard to the Schuylkill East Side Railroad,
a dispatch to the Philadelphia Press quotes
Senator Grady to the effect that "he pro
poses to push the matter vigorously, and un
less the officers of the company can give
good and satisfactory reasons for having ap
parently evaded the law, the Attorney Gen
eral will be directed to begin qno warranto
proceedings against the company."
This is all very welhjbnt Senator Grady's
attention might prajftaajfc be directed to
more flagrant viola tifciafr'lhe law by cor
porations which woum bijfuch nobler game
for his artillery. Ttasugtnight be possible
if the Senatorshould seMRt beaters, to find a
very lion among Pennsylvania corporations
which is nullifying the constitutional pro
vision that it shall not "in any way con
trol" a parallel and competing line, and is
ignoring the injunction of the courts. He
might find a big telegraph corporation that
is overriding the Constitution and laws with
regard to the consolidation of telegraph'
lines. It is possible that he might discover
some respectably-sized corporations in the
anthracite coal business, that are overriding
the provisions of the fundamental instru
ment against railway corporations engaging
in mining and manufacturing enterprises;
and he could hardly fail of hitting several,
fully as important as the present object of
his campaign, which are driving nearly
their entire shore capital through the pro
visionagainst all fictitious issues of stock
or indebtedness.
Of course no man can be so harsh as to ac
cuse Senator Grady of attacking the little
sinners and turning a blind eye to the big
sinners. Now that his attention is called to
it, he will doubtless take it in hand to see
that the Attorney General proceeds against
all offenders against the constitutional
law, by quo warranto, as in the cose of the
petty corporate malefactor. When that is
done in nil respects withont fear or favor,
thete will be lively times among the cor
porations of this State.
We certainly wish Senator Grady success
in his attempt to make the corporations
subject to the law. But let him avoid
the appearance of partiality by tackling the
biggest and most powerful offenders first. -
The President of the United States is not
a pump. We say this dispassionately and
without partisan bias. Whoever may fill
the White House in the future it is safe to
say at least that he will not be a pump. Yet
Mr. Cleveland's right arm has been put to
the base use of a pump-handle, and unless
General Harrison declines to shake hands
with all the people who attend the receptions
at the White House, his right arm wilL
suffer the same painful and paralyzing'
The pump-handle question is not a new
one. Since Washington's day every Presi
dent has grappled with it, and in every case
has been worsted. It has been asserted that
Washington brought the matter before his
Cabinet, and his proposition to substitute a
bow for the hand-shake was favorably re
ceived; bnt history has not recorded
whether the Father of his Country succeeded
in saving hi: arm from pump-handle drill.
Several Presidents have been seriously In
jured by theirmultitudinous handshakings.
The grandfather of the President-elect
had to encase his arm in a wooden box
after meeting the pnblic at the inaugural
reception. Presidents Lincoln and Grant
also incurred physical injury in like man
ner. And it would be very surprising if it
could be shown that anyone was ever bene
fited in.'the slightest by mauling the dexter
,band of a President. It is as ridiculous
a piece of superstitious tomfoolery, this
handshaking, as the medieval custom of
touching for the king's evil. 'It could be
said for the latter-custom, too, that it did
nobody harm.
Therefore, we respectfully suggest to
General Harrison, who has shown already
that he lias courage and common sense, that
he celebrate" his inauguration by putting
his hands behind him when the mob of
loyal and curious citizens make- their first
dash at him. A bow is as good as a hand
shake to such people.
Postmasteb Gxstebax, Jambs' article
on the railway mail service, in the last
iScri&ner is one of the strongest practical
demonstrations of the need of civil service
reforms. It shows how the efficiency of that
service was damaged by the partisan
changes made under Cleveland, and how
the same deterioration- must take place if
similar changes are made.by General Har
rison's Postmaster General. Of course such
arguments will-have no effect on those who
think that public offices are designed for
the benefit of the politicians above the peo
ple; but they may have some effect on the
Noz being able to marry the Princess
Victoria, of Prussia, Prince Alexander, of
Battenberg, has contented himself with an
opera singer. The enterprising but de
throned Princeling has succeeded in ally
ing himself to the most arbitrary class of
"Peesident Cleveland is utilizing the
last days of his administration in vetoing
jobs and private pension bills which par
take of the nature of jobs," remarks the St.
Louis Post-Dispatch. It is'of course highly
commendable for the President to veto
small jobs; but it would have saved a good
deal of legislative time if there had been
reason to hope that the President would veto
what the esteemed Post-Dispatch itself has
characterized as the big Pacific Railway
The introduction of a bill in the Legisla
ture to prohibit overhead wires in cities con
taining over 300,000 inhabitants evokes the
question why second and third class cities
may not have a chance as well.
The news that the 'Russian Government
has sent an American citizen to the Siberian
prisons raises the question in what form
Mr. Bayard willSio nothing about it during
the brief remainder of his incumbency, and
also what Mr. Blaine trill do after he takes
hold of the diplomatic lever. Russia is
a tough nut for our diplomacy, but Ameri
can citizens have rights which ought to
be worthy of respect. fe
The verdict of not guilty in the case of
the Governor of Iowa relieves that official
of the embarrassing job of pardoning him
self, which would have devolved upon him
if he had been convicted.
Heuey Xabotjchere Vants-the word
"obey" left out of the marriage service. He
says it is an absurdity in these days of free
and independent girlhood. Just so. 'But
since the fact of obedience is no longer con
sidered by wives, what is the use of raising
a fuss about a little word of four syllables
in the contract.
The furnace employes of the Mahoning
Valley have arrived at the discreet conclu
sion that nine-tenths of a loaf is a long sljot
better than no bread at all.
Afteb all that is said pro and con, with
regard to the oleomargarine question, it sim
mers down to the point that when the busi
ness is purged ot false pretenses, it will be
very easy to get the law amended so as to.per
mit the sale of the staff for what it is. But
it is a long way off from that irrproachable
position as yet.
The report that 'another Bavarian
Princess has gone insane reveals the unsus
pected news that there were any of them left
in a condition of sanity.
The young man who put a bullet through
his heart in Allegheny, yesterday, was evi
dently crazed with grief because his love,
affair was not progressing smoothly. Men
of weak mind have no business to make love
at all, and yet some authorities hold that
love making is a sign of a weak mind.
Me. Cleveland's declaration that he
is "an intense Democrat" shows an intense
desire to steal Governor Hill's thunder.
Had not some one bet ter informMr.Russell
Harrison that this thing of announcing that:
"IFelike the Washington style," can be
readily made the subject of cruel jeers, if
not absolute misconstruction, as to the rela
tive importance of the members of the Har
rison family.
The President and President-elect will prob
ably exchange visits to-morrow, the latter mak
ing the first call.
Before leaving England Colonel North, the
"Nitrate King," presented to a waiter who had
served him well at one of the best London
hotels a check for no less a sum than 1,000.
GovEbhob Beaveb and family, Private
Secretary Pearson, wife and daughter, and two
or three others, left Harrisburg for Washing
ton yesterday afternoon, on a special train.
The Sultan has a fad for electric-driven
vehicles. Be has an electric carriage and an
electric tandem, and he Is now having an electric-driven
boat, with a swan's neck prow, built
at Richmond.
Emtn Pasha used-to be an Austrian doctor.
Gordon got hold of him 11 years ago, and
being a keen judge of men, he gavo him the
most difficult post under the Egyptian Govern
mentthe supervision of the Equatorial piov
lnce. Dn. Alvajt Talcott, of Guilford, Conn.,
who has given $25,000 to endow a professorship
ot Greek at Yale, Is one of the oldest alumni of
that university, having graduated in 1823. He
is past SO years old, still practices medicine and
reads Homer with far more earnestness than
ever in his undergraduate days.
Mes Cleveland gave a luncheon yesterday
afternoon In honor of Mrs. McElroy, sister of
the late ex-President Arthur. The guests
were as follows: Miss Bayard, Mrs. Kndicott,
Mrs. Whitney. Mrs. Dickinson, Mrs. Colman,
Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Carlisle, Mrs. Edmunds, Mrs.
Evarts, Mrs. .Hearst, Mrs. General Benet, Mrs.
Admiral Rogers, Mrs. Daniel S. Lamont, Mrs.
Sunderland, Mrs. Janin and Mrs. Folsom.
Mes. James Bhown Potter gave a quiet
little supper a few nights, ago in New York
at which Mrs. Langtry and Jane Hading were
her guests. The fanny part of it was that the
rivals in Shakespearean roles wanted to talk
French ont of compliment to the French
woman, while she, f rum the same delicacy of
feeling, constantly talked in English.
The late M. R. Salnt-Hilaire, one of tho last
survivors of the eminent Sorbonns professors
of Louis Philippe's reign, died last night at the
age of 83. He was bom in Paris, was a Lycce
-professor from 1523 to 1812, and then became
professor of history at the Sorbonne. He
wrote on Rienxi, Spanish history and other
subjects. Though not a Protestant by birth,
he was a zealous Protestant and took a great
interest in the McAU Mission, for whose an
nual reports ho generally wrote a preface. He
was a consin of M. Barthclemy Saint-Hilalre,
ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs.
It Will Make Trouble.
From the Chicago Wews.j n .
Hal io the chief who In triumph advances;
Thick on his shoulders the honors shall fall;
Bnt trouble will come if the General dances
The waltz at the giddy inaugural ball.
Empty h the Fnrso of the President-Elect
Plenty of Patriot! Tola Winder la a
A gentleman who returned here from
Washington bnt a few days ago informs me
that an intimate friend of the President-elect
told him a remarkable story about General
Harrison's financial condition.
My Informant says that ho was chatting with
a politician and a lawyer from New York State
abont the Cabinet and other matters when the
latter said: "Z guess Ben Harrison has been
more worried abont money matters than male,
ing up his official family since his election."
"Whyt" the Pittsburger asked.
"Well, I guess Harrison has never known be
fore and Is never likely to know again "what it
is to be strapped for money as he has been since
the Republican party made him their standard
bearcr Yon see he has little oeside his profes
sion as a source of income, and for more than
eight months he has been obliged to abandon
his practice as a lawyer. At the same time his
expenses have been quadrupled. His friends
have been aware of this all, along, and several
of those who stand closest to him have ven
tured to tender him assistance, only in every
case to receive a pollto reply that he couldn't
think of accepting it There never was a man
of greater independence than Harrison. Ha
has pulled through as best he could, hut I'll
warrant that he will not be sorry to' get the
first instalment of the 150,060 a year which tho
nation will pay him."
Psbbafs you remember that Abraham
Lincoln was in such straitened circumstances
when his first inauguration drew noar that he
had to borrow money to take him to Washing
ton and to defray his personal expenses Inci
dental to the occasion. Lincoln used to tell
how he had to make that loan. It was the
only time ln.hls life, he was wont to say, that
be had borrowed money.
SOMETrriNa of an Idea might be had of what
a number of patriots there are just now aching
to serve the Government, when It is stated
that for the postofflce of a borough Ini this
county, to which the magnificent salary of
$1,200 per annum is attached, there are already
24 candidates in the field, with a large reserve
of still-hunters to be discovered.
The mild winter has been disastrous to the
railroads, hotels and other institutions and In
dividuals who make a harvest out of those who
fly to warmer climates during the season now
petering ont. A Pittsburger who has just re
turned from. Southern California tells me that
tho natives down there are heartily disgusted
attths suiallness of the flock of visitors they
have had to entertain. The beautiful climate
of Southern California' has been enjoyed by but
few Northerners this winter, and it would seem
that Florida need not blame the yellow fevez
entirely for keeping Northerners away from her
winter resorts.
The winter has been a good deal of a failure
in every sense, and in every part of the coun
try. That's the chorus which Is rising from
every corner of the land.
Eswabd Everett Hale says that three
hours a day is as large an average day of desk
work as a man of letters should try for. Dr.
Hale also believes that the brain shonld not be
excited or even worked hard for six hours be
fore bedtime. This advice sounds mighty pleas
ant, bnt if It were followed by the men who
provide the greater part of the literature the
public reads to-day It is tb be feared that dally
newspapers would cease to exist.
Thrco Prominent Citizens Leave Their
Homes to Spread tho Doctrine.
St. Louts, February 28. For two years or
more three familiar figures have not been seen
on the streets of St. Louis, and now comes a
strange story about their mysterious disap
pearance. They are Colonel Selsus Price, his'
brother, Quinius Price, son of the famous Con
federate General, Pap Price, and Dr. Sylvester
Nidelet, at one time Coroner of the City of St,
Louis. There was a warm sympathy between
the trio, who devoted considerable time to
gether to psychical research and the explana
tion of the infinite. The three friends had, by
their long study of the mysteries of the uni
verse, reached a state of exaltation that was
absolute belief tn the power of the Divine. A
near and dear relative of Colonel Price, a lady
now living and well known in Missouri Mrs.
Willis was compelled to undergo a dangerous
surgical operation in New York.
The three friends on their knees at the bed
side registered a vow that if the lady he spared
they would -devote the remainder of their
lives to the propagation of the holy truths in
which they believed, would renounce the world
and work for the spiritual elevation of man
kind. The lady lived and the trio kept their
vows. They preached on tho streets, and were
last seen by a nephew of Colonel Price en
gaged in that calling in Buffalo. This is the
story told by relatives and friends, and the
prominence of the parties has attracted much
attention and comment upon the rare and
peculiar occurrence.
She Hants Lumber, Plows. Chops Wood,
and Doesn't Wish to Marry.
From the Meadvllle Tribune.
Talk about your rugged women of the West;
Crawford county has a young lady whom, if we
are not greatly mistaken, beats them all. The
lady referred to Is Miss Amelia Brunot, of Ran
dolph township, a good-looking, medium-sized
Miss of about 20 yeurs of age. Recently, whllo
tho thermometer was ranging from 4 to 8
below zero. Miss Brunot started with a load of
lumber to Tryonville, a distance of 13 miles.
On reaching the end of her journey, the lady
was Invited into a house to get warm, but ex
pressing her thanks for the kind Invitation, re
marked, "I am not cold and am in a hurry to
get started back." Unassisted she unloaded
er lumber and, after transacting a little busi
ness and properly caring for her team, drove
back home.
Miss Brunot can harness a team, plow, drag,
swing an ax or pull one end of a cross-cut saw
in as heavy a day's work as almost any man in
her neighborhood. She says she has no in
clination to get married: she can earn her own
living very comlortably, but has no ambition
to take the chances of having to support a hus
band also.
The Coming Extra Session of tho Senate
Expected to be Qnlte Brief.
Washington, February 23. There is much
.interest in the approaching extra session of the
Senate, called for next Monday, in respect par
ticularly of its length. Mr. Harry B. Smith, of
the Senate document room, has been looking np
this matter, and finds that the usual length is
about one week. A notable exception was the
special session called in 1SS1, which lasted sev
eral months, and toward the close of .which
Senators Coukling and Piatt resigned.'
It is not expected that any controversy will
arise leading to any extraordinary length of this
A Jolly Junketing Party.
Washington, February 28. The President
has appointed Allen F. Morrison, of Perry,
Iowa; George W. Bird, or Madison, Wis.; Or
lando O. Stealey, of Louisville, Ky.; Isaac M.
Weston, of Grand Rapids, Mich.; John P.
Irish, of Oakland, Cal., and Alexander Cunn,
of Cleveland, O., Commissioners to examine a
portion of the Southern Pacific Railway in
Qnlte nn Increase In tbe Debt. ,
Washington, February 23. It is estimated
at the Treasury Department that the pnblic
debt, less cash In tbe Treasnry, has increased
$7,000,000 since February L This is due tc the
unusually heavy disbursements during the
month for pensions, etc.
Needed By the Times.
From the New York Tribune.
Aholo with a self-operating pnlling-in at
tachment would be found serviceable in the.
office of the London Times just at present;
Mrs. Caroline Garrett.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
FINDLAT, February 28. Mrf. Caroline Garrett,
the oldest woman In this county, died at her reii
dence in tbU city this afternoon, seed 94 rears.
Hhe was born in Pennsylvania, bnt had been a res
ident of Ohio over CO years.
Colonel E. C. McLure.
Washington, February 28,-olonel x. 0.
McLure, of South Carolina, Appointment Cleric
of tho Postofflce Department, died suddenly of
heart disease this morning, at his residence in
this city. .
Archibald Brown.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
NSWAltK, February 28. Archibald W. Brown,'
a resident of this city for 63 years, died tcds v t
his borne. West Church street, at the age'of 81 1
years. He was father of JJrK. S. Brown. - I
Tho Largo Corps of Butler Street PL E.
Snnday School Go Visiting.
The teachers and officers of the Butler Street
M. E. Sunday schoof were entertained by Mr.
and Mrs. S. Hamilton, at their handsome resi
dence on Rebecca street, East End, last night.
Mr. Hamilton is superintendent of the school.
Tbe ladies all took baskets containing lunches
or fruit. After the contents were consumed,
the baskets were Sold. The proceeds of the en
tertainment are for the benefit of the school
library. Butler Street Chnrch is to have a
grand organ. It will be put in at a cost of
Many Plttsburgers Attend tbo Huff Reception-In
One of the most brilliant1 social events ever
held in Greensbnrg was the reception given by
Colonel and Mrs. George T. Huff at their resi
dence, "Cohasset," last night.
About 100 Invitations were issued. The mag
nificent home was tastefully decorated with
the choicest flowers. Lunch was served by a
Pittsburg caterer. Many well-known guests
from Pittsburg and other places were present,
and tbe evening was a most enjoyable one.
Their fourth Anniversary.
Turner Hall, on Forbes street, was ablaze
with lights and filled with pretty women and
well-dressed menlast evening. The occasion
was the fourth anniversary concert and recep
tion of the J. K. Moorbead Conclave No. 82,
Improved Order Heptasophs. The opening
number of tbe concert was an over
ture by Toerge's Orchestra. S. A.
Will, Esq., Grand Archon of the
Order, delivered an interesting address
on the growth of tbe organization. Solos were
rendered by Messrs. D. E. NuttalLJ. N. Be
bout, John Prichard and Misses Elizabeth
Corey and Edith Harris. S. U. Trent, Esq., a
national officer of the organization also made
an address on the order and its objects.
At tbe conclusion ot the concert the members
and their ladles danced until an early hour
this morning.
Mr. Homer H. Swaney, Esq., a promising
young attorney of this city, and MiS3 Hallie,
the accomplished daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G.
A. Linn, of Monongahela City, were married in
the First Presbyterian Chnrch, at that place,
last evening at 4 o'clock. They will go South
via Memphis and New Orleans, and will visit
the Mardi Gras while on the tour.
Miss Linn was an attendant of the School of
Design In this city, and was both a clover ar
tist and a favorite among her many school ac
quaintances. She was a member of tbe Tea
Cup Club, who, as is their custom, paid their
pretty forfeit for not being in Miss Linn's posi
tion and marrying either him orjsome other
handsome man.
An Enjoynble Froirrnmme.
Avdcal.and instrumental concert was given
last evening at the Fourth ward public school
under the auspices of the Eureka Beneficial
Association, of Allegheny. Tho programmo
consisted of selections by the Mandoline Quar
tet, recitations, and violin solos bv Miss Mamie
Sawyer: a mandoline solo byMr. Edward Hunt;
vocal solos by Miss Minnie Ilunt; a recitation
bv Miss Birdie Crawford, and solos by Robert
W. Jenkins and Master Albert Lutz.
Dunn Dolnn.
Mr. Thomas A. Dunn, Secretary of .the
Smlthfield Club, and Miss Bella Dolan,
daughter of Mr. John Dolan, of this city, were
married by Rev. Father Graham last evening.
After the wedding tho couple repaired to their
own new home, 94 Dlnwiddie street, The pres
ents were many, including a Stelnway piano,
the gift of the groom.
Borman- Goldstein.
Cards are out for the wedding of Miss Jennie
Berman, of Fifth avenue, to Mr. Samuel Gold
stein, of Tunnel street The marriage cere
mony will bo performed in the Jewish syna
gogue on Grant street, on the afternoon of
March 12. In the evening a reception will be
given by the bride's parents in New Turner
Dr. Holland an Japan.
Rev. W. J. Holland, D. D., gave an illustra
ted lecture on Japan last evening" at the Belle
field Presbyterian Church. He exhibited over
100 views ot the country and the people engaged
in the avocations of daily life. Mr. W. 8. Bell
assisted him in his exhibition. The proceeds
of the lecture are to be applied to charity.
A Bloomfleld Entertainment. '
Liberty Legion, No. 20; S. K. of A. O. U.tW.,
gavo a musical and literary entertainment at
Vaughan's Hall, Liberty avenue, Bloomfield,
last evening. Dr. J. C. Dunn. Benton Patter
son, William R. Ford, William Cnlbertson,
Charles V. Lewis, Samuel Kerr, and others,
took part in tbe 'programme.
Tho Children "Entertained.
Mrs. Donnelly, of Tifth avenue and Roup
street, entertained aboat 0 children at her
home yesterday afternoon by giving them a
reception. There was a very tempting collation
served, Mr. Hagan being the caterer, and all
the little ones enjoyed themselves amazingly.
Their First Reception.
Tbe General Custer Council No. 233, O. V. A.
M., gavo their first annual reception at Im
perii Hall last evening. Dancing was con
tinued from 8 to 2 o'clock. A. large number ot
guests were present. Mr. Jas. W7 Fatton was
general manager dt tho affair.
To-Nlght'a Concert.
The Philharraonfojgociety will give their sec
ond concert of the season of 1888-89, at Liberty
Hall, East End, this evening. A pleasant time
may be expected by those who attend.
A aildnleht TiOncfa.
Tho Oakland Parlor Social gave a select
party at Oakland Turner Hall last evening
About 33 couples were present. Luncheon was
served at midnight.
Several Representatives Too III to Witness
the Closing; Scenes of the Session.
Wa&iOngton, February 28. Representative
Burnett, of Massachusetts, who was threat
ened with a serious attack of pneumonia, is
now regarded as out of danger. There is a
sbght weakness in the action of tbe heart, but
no serious results are looked for from this
There ore two members, of the Tennessee
delegation too III to attend tho sessions of tbe
House. One of these, Mr. Whltthome, has not
been present this winter. He has been con
fined to his hotel ever since the opening of
Congress. The other, Mr. Neat, Is quite ill at
his hotel, and seems to have suffered a general
breakdown In health. It is said that it was for
this reason that he was not a candidate for
election to the next House.
Mr. Spinola, ot New York, is ill with pneu
monia, -but his case is not considered dan
They Will Lunch Together Monday, bat tbo
Former Won't Dance.
Washington, February 23. President
Cleveland and General Harnsoq have agreed
on this programme on inauguration day: Atter
the ceremonies at the Capitol tbe ex-president
will return to the Executive Mansion with the
President. Atter light refreshmentsAoccnpy
lng but a few minutes, to which not guests
will be invited, ex-President Cleveland will
take leave of President Harrison and drive to
tbe residence of Secretary Fairchlld, and Presi
dent Harrison will proceed to the reviewing
stand in front of the Whito House and Tevlew
the inaucural Drocession.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland will not be present at
the Inauguial ball. Tbey will go to New York
on Tuesday or Wednesday.
One of the Qualifications. '
From th8 New York World.!
According to the annual register of our naval
forces, just published at Annapolis, our ni,vy
is commanded by 1,514 officers. As they arc all
good dancers, however, none of them need be
considered superfluous.
A cross on lonely Snake mdun tain.
All blackened and bearine the stain
Of seasons of sleet and sunshine.
Vicissitudes, landslides, and rain
A cross -all rough-wrought and battered,
It wearily leaned to one side,
Seen only by chance., or a traveler
Wbo happened that rough trail to ride.
An inscription graven upon It
Told the story of wbo lay beneath.
There Wasn't a sign of a garland.
Ho verdure, much less a wreath.
That scroll was food for reflection '
i.KouRh-csryei),,but deep In the wood,
'it told the sad"leailj toj briefly,
But as nothing more copious could.
The crazy, Ill-spelled inscription
ToldNrhytbo deceased had gone higher;
It said, Without weakening comment,
"Recalled Sandy Johnson a liar." t' i
CMcago Xait,-
Catling Down Appropriations Regulating;
Convict Labor A Slow ot Spccolatlea
In Fntures Barylng Electric Wires
Severe Penalty for Non-Compliance.
Habbubvbg, T'ebrnary2& The Appropria
tions Committee this afternoon considered fa
vorably a bill reducing the amount to be paid
by counties for the care of tbe Indigent insane
from $2 to 11 75 a week. Thobill for the erec
tion of a 260,000 hospital at Sorristown was
negatived. The Harrlsburg Insane Asylum
gets $350,600, Instead of $531,600; the Hunting
don Reformatory $153,600, Instead of $205,600;
-the Danville Insane Asylum $70,000, instead of
S80.000. One hundred thousand dollars was ap
propriated for the compilation of insurance
laws. The appropriation for the Spencer Hos
pital of Meadvllls was $10,000 instead of 115,000.
andMeaaville City Hospital $10,000 Instead of
$15,000. Tbe 8tate Agricultural Society wanted
$50,000 to purchasa buildings, which was re
fused, as was also an appropriation of $15,000
for the Lycoming Normal School.
A Committee's Work.
The Judiciary General Committee ot the
House met this afternoon and decided on the
following bills,-which will bo reported when
tbe Legislature meets again next Wednesday
night; Tbe Brooks bill, providing that no more
than 5 per cent of the inmates of a penal insti
tution shall be employed at any one occupation,
and prescribing other restrictive provisions, ln
cludingthe prohibition of the use of motive
power. This was affirmatively recommended.
The,blli Introduced by Dr. McCulIough, of Ta
rentum, extending the corporation act to elec
tric light companies, was affirmatively re
ported. Tho bill creating the office of
recorder in cities of the third class
was affirmatively recommended, as was
the Senate bill for tbe employment of female
physicians in insane asylums, with an amend
ment making such employment discretionary
instead of obligatory. The bill Introduced by
Representative Stocking, of Washington, pro-,
vidlngjhat death sentences be executed at
penitentaries Instead of county jails was affirm
atively recommended. Tho committee makes
a negative recommendation on Senator New
myer's bill providing for a commission to pre
pare rules ot procecdnre for courts of or
iginal jurisdiction. The Senate bill defining
evidence of stock ownership In corporations
and for determining rights to vote thereon was
affirmatively recommended.
Appropriations Recommended.
Among the reports of committees to the
House were the following: Making appropria
tion to the Children's Aid Society of Western
Pennsylvania; to the Woman's Home, of Pitts
burg; to the Pittsbnrg Free Dispensary; to Al
legheny County Association for Prevention of
Cruelty to Children and Aged, Persons; to
Home for Colored Children in Allegheny; to the
Medical Department Western Pennsylvania
Against Speculation.
Mr. Talbot, of Chester, introduced a bill in
tho House to-day making it unlawful for any
erson to recover money paid or lost m dealing
i stock, bonds or other securities, where no
actual bona fide dealing takes place.
Dory tho Wires.
Senator Harlan, of Chester, introduced a bill
in tbe Senate to-day to prohibit, after the 1st
day of August, 1889, tho maintenance in cities
of tbe first class of any overhead telegraph,!
tolotirinna m filnnltn 1mH nrtmm ittiian n nAi
tbivjiuviiu vi ,ii,iiiu lihuv nicO uuuci t ljiju'
alty ot $500 for each day, and $5 upon each
operator engaged.
A Project on Foot to Pnrefaase Lower Cali
fornia From Mexico.
From the Youth's Companion.
Many people in the southern part of the
State of California are interested in a project
to add to this republic by friendly purchase
from Mexico the territory of Lower Calif onu-v.
Mr. Vandever, one of the representatives ot
California in Congress, has suggested, a plan
lor such an annexation. He is of the opinion
that, for tbe sum of say $20,000,000, Mexico
would be quite willing to part with Lower Cali
fornia, as it puts the region to very little use,
and has already granted a large portion of it
to an American commercial and colonizing
Lower California has not. Indeed, received
any development worth mention under tho rnlo
of either the Spaniards or tbe Mexicans. It
has always been regarded by them as almost
valueless. A great part of this great peninsula,
which extends for more than 700 miles along
the western coast of Mexico, is mountainous,
and other parts are arid and sterile. There is,
however, on the other hand, much land that
might be rendered productive under enterpris
ing development, and unquestionably a certain
wealth In minerals exists.
Tbe climate of tho greater part of Lower
California is said to bo qnlte as delightful and
salubrious as that of Southern California, and
the occupation of so much of the land In the
latter section by settlement has attracted at
tention to the great peninsula to the south
ward. But Americans do not like to settle In a
foreign land. They are excellent colonists, bnt
only under their own flag. It Is not at all
likely that citizens of the United States would
settle in any large numbers in Lower California
unless that territory were made a part of this
It appears strange, beyond a doubt, that so
vast a country as Lower California should have
remained for centuries undeveloped and al
most unsettled. If it is Indeed a region capable
of profitable development; but it Is to be re
membered that nearly all the territory we have
acquired from Mexico, Including California
Itself . was practically an undeveloped wilder
ness until it camo under the influence of
American enterprise.
It is not at all probable that Lower California
wonld evet be a second California or Texas. It
does not appear to possess more than a fraction
of the natural resources of either of those
great States. It might, possibly, make a prom
ising new Territory, if it could be acquired un
do advantageous circumstances, but tho pro
ject will be far more Interesting to the people
of California than to those of any other part of
the- country.
Search Being- Made for tho Last Renins
Place of Colonel Bland.
New YonK, February 28. The records of
Trinity Church are now being Investigated in
tbe hope of finding the grave of Colonel Theo
dorick Bland, who was a member, from Vir
ginia, of the first Congress under the Constitu
tion. Ke died during its second sesslon.in New
York,in 1790, and was burled in Trinity Church
yard. Colonel Bland was an active promoter ot tbe
Revolution and among the first to rouso the
country to resistance. He served in every
Legislative body of the times In his own State,
In the conventions in Richmond and in the
field, where he was tbe close and trusted friend
of General Washington. He was In New York
at the time of Washington's inauguration, and
was among the comrades wbo met and wel
comed the flist President. Ho belonged to a
family of patriots, was the nephew of Richard
Bland and uncle uf John Randolph, of Roa
noke. Lafayette, the Lees, Randolph, Patrick
Henry, Mason, Madison and Adams were
among his friends.
The search for tbe remains is being made at
the reauest of a descendent ot the Virginia
family of Bland, and If successful, a memorial
stone will be placed over bis bones.
A Man Suddenly Aroused From Sleep Now
Pozzies Doctors.
New -Yor, February 23. Jacob Fender,
superintendent of the Lndlum estate, was
awakened from a sound sleep on tho morning
of November 30 last by tho burning of Mrs.
Louisa Beck's house, near his own. He was
greatly terrified, thinking at first that his own
house was on fire. So great was tbe shock
to bis heart that a severs hemorrhage
followed. Since then his heart has not
acted properly, ahd as a result ono of his arms
and both legs are swollen and black asInk from
the settling of stagnant blood. An examina
tionof hi heart has revealed the fact that it
was displaced several Inches from Its proper
position by the sudden freight. The doctors
say he cannot live long.
Rnsscll Ilnrrlson's Venture.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
New Yoke, February 25. Mr. W. J. Arkell,
who has just purchased Frank Leslie's Weekly,
will have no less a person for partner than Mr.
Russell Harrison, son of the President. It is
not known whether this arrangement will
cause Mr. Harrison to glv,e up bis Montana
' A Reception on Highland Avenne.
bilrs. Alexander King gave a grand reception
last evening at her residence on Highland
avenue, Eaft End. There was a very large
number of guests In attendance and the enter-
.. . Lv
Lmeni was a social success.
The Question of the Hoar.
Fromtte New York Son.1 , - '
Does General Harrison, . twenty-third Presi
dent it the United States, chew tobaccot
! .
t-i i-i
Allonse That's Realljr Hanntcd.
New Yohk; February 2S.-FIfnen years ago
Dr. Connelly killed his two children and then
himself, in a room at No. 109 Weit Eleventh
tireeu ills wife saw tbe deed and became In
sane. A report has recently been circulated
that the house is haunted. The home is now
leased by George L Herrick, who occupies the
first floor and sublets the remainder. Mrs.
Nichols, who lives with her husband on the
second floor, asserts that she saw "an elderly,
transparent man" in her room a few evenings
ago. The ghostly figure seemed dragging
something after it, and made a great deal of
noise. She saw him once again as he, disap
peared through a solid wall. Mrs. Scott, on
the third floor, says she-saw tho samo spook.
It passed light through ber double-locked
doors, and scared her half to death. Only a
night or two ago tbe Scotts htd a card party,
the visitors including Miss Lee, an artist; Miss
Larland,a teacher in the Wooster street school;
Mlas aleckllng and Charley Lee. -The game
was broken np by the spook locking in through
the glass partition. It is believed, that some
body In the bouse Is playing a gruesome joke
on the rest of the occupants.
Murder Among the Blalattoes.
Jessie Locke, a white servant girl, at 178
Thompson street, is in the habit of smiling at
the good-looking mnlattoes in that locality.
One of them, named Dave Watson, claims to
be hey sweetheart. Dave is a bad man, who
has ''dona time." Dara saw another saddle
colored youth named Hughes chuck Jessie un
der the chin to-day. There was an instant
quarrel; angry words led to blows; the men
clinched and rolled on the floor, and Watson
drove a knife into his opponent's body,
Hughes is not expected to live through the
No Wonder Mr. Stebbens ia Mad.
Alfred C. Clark, Treasurerof tbe Singer Ma
chine Company, bought $20,000 worth of pict
ures at the Stebblns sale a few days ago. One
of tbe pictures, an alleged crayon drawing by
Rosa Bonbeur, was knocked down to Mr.
Clark at $725. To-day a photographer discov
ered and proved that the picture was merely a
photograph, cleverly re'tonched. Mr. Clark is
not in the least disturbed over the discovery,
bnt Mr. Stebbins, the expert collector. Is hop
ping mad. He bought the picture in Paris
some years ago, and paid a big price for It, the
representation being that it was a genuine.
Rosa Bonbeur. It is worth about $10.
SpnnkeAfor Attempting Suicide.
Frederica Mormon, a pretty young woman
who lived with her mother at 415 West Forty
sixth street, swallowed a dose of carbolic add
last night, and died to-day. Cause, disap
pointed love. Rebecca Doxy, aged 15, of Ros
lyn, over on Long Island, swallowed last nighc
abigdosoof laudanum. Cause, disappointed
love. Rebecca got an emetlo and a spanking,
and Is now all right.
As Frond as Jack the Ripper.
There was great excitement uptown to-day,
while two big SCO-pound policemen tried to kill
one little consumptive 2-pound fox terrier.
The police fired fonr shots from a distance,
but the dog just sat on his haunches and.
whined. "Why don't you go up closer" asked'
the dog's owner. "Because wa don't want to
be bit," said the police. "Bit, fiddlesticksT"
said the dog's owner; "the dog's been too sick
for a week to bite oatmeal." "Why, we
thought he was mad," said tho police. And
then they walkedboldly np to the shivering cur
and put seven bullets In his body, and walked
off as proudly as If they had captured Jack the
European Armies.
To the JSdltor of The Dispatch:
Please give me some Information about the
war strength of the European continental
powers and bow many men the various coun
tries could mobilize and send across their
frontiers, supposing a war to break out abso
lutely without notice? J. D. S.
PrrrsBUEO, February 28.
The following table, which has been pre
pared by a London paper, after reference to
tbo most recent official documents and declara
tions on the subject shows (1), in the column
headed "War Strength," the approximate num
ber of men disposable for offensive purposes in
the event of the outbreak of war in 1889; (2), in
the column headed "Second Reserves," the ap
proximate number of men who in the event of
the outbreak of war would join tbe colors, but
remain at home unless their services were very
urgently needed at the front; (3), inthecolumn
headed "Final Reserves," the number of men
who, in addition to all the above, would be
available for defensive purposes in case of their
country being invaded. All the men in the
first two columns are trained soldiers wbo have
served with the colors. Many, but not all, of
tbe men in the last column are also veterans.
AVar Second Final
Strength. Reserves. Reserve.
Germany 2, 52), WO 1,520,000 1,800, oco
France Z,44O,0CO 1,570,000 1.700.000
Knssla 2,430,000 1,930,000 ",3X1,000
Italy ,oio,coo i.33),eoo i.:co,oto
Austria 1,145,000 1,470,000 1,700,000
Turkey 63),C00 310,000 HO, CCO
Balkan States 250,000 155,000 135,000
10,430,000 8,01,000 3.19-iOCO
Germany LOuld. witii ber present organiza
tion, and in 72 hours from the declaration of
war, set 230.000 fully equipped troops upon
French territory. At the end of a week she
conldset 750,000 men there. Russia, it is esti
mated, -could throw no more than 25,000 men
Into Austria In thelr-t three days, and only
110,000 In the first week after, tbe declaration of
hostilities. Austria, on the other hand, could
hi the first three days-carry 60,000 troops into
Russia. Germany's preparations for war with
Austria or Russia are much less perfect than
ber preparations for war with France. Never
theless. In three davs she could put 120,000 men
into Russia or 100.000 into Austria. France is
about to strengthen her railway system on her
eastern borders. Already sho could. It is com
puted, bring 200,000 men to the frontier in three
days, and 700,000 in. a week; and npon the com
pletion" of the contemplated improvements it is
conjectured that the numbers thus to bo ren
dered available will be 200,000 and 800,000 re
spectively..) We Think Not.
To thn Editor of The Dlspatcn:
Please inform me if, in the State of Pennsyl
vania, tbe party must be told what case ho is
to appear on if summoned by the grand jury T
Cumberland, February 27.
Yes. He Can.
To the Editor or The Dispatch:
Pleaso inform me through your paper If a
single man "can take the benefit of the ex
emption laws In Pennsylvania. Reader,
Leechbtbg, February 27.
In 1733.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
In what year was George Washington bom t
East Liverpool. O.. February 25.
A Queer Bequest.
Kroro the New York World.1
A Connecticut man, recently deceased, left
his money, $50,000. to that one of his relatives
who "bad done the fewest days' work m his
life." Tbe influence of this bequest cannot be
beneficial so far as Is affects thoughtless people
expecting legacies, but it was fundamentally
just. It is the lazy man, not the hustler, who
needs a fortune.
Tbo Preface. and tho Postscript.
From the Philadelphia Times.
When four years from now President Harri
son shall contrast the accounts of his journey,
home to Indianapolis with yesterday's columns
touching his progress to Washington, ho will
realize the fact which has come sadly homo to
somany statesmen, that a preface "Is greater
than a postscript.
, t , ,
If I should idly ask: What lathis love
That self moves out of self Into a dream.
Wherein strange vision, like the passing gleam
Of some mysterlofts brightness from above, a
Upon the darkness breaks, and does not provTj,
Forsooth, that night Is day I would not deem.
That J, perchance, knew what lies npon the
stream r
Nor from what source the currents, swelling,
Bntwhen Ifccl the heavenly eabn thit fallj '
Upon theresllesjiiess of weary dys, ,
And hear a-volce, sweet whispering, X raise
The veil ormystery and heed, the calls .-
So low-toned, yet, as echoes la vast halls .
Distinct: Then fill my soul the tuneful tays
While heart to heart a willing heaifte pays.
Tberlove,Iknow,.Ihear, from e-heteg walto .
KrriAssracf, PA,, February 27, ,- K.
.& -1 -aw jir-i. .& i. . . - i. '-. .at.. ;kt -1..MW vfcns brahixu?-..- ? - nw--------rc-YVM . s
I. 'GJsnm' cQinisiwKiis.
The hereditary GraadTala!
i receive
BritsJa is the DsJw of St. A
a salary of $4,896 a year fori
the title,
has jost
A Dubuque (Iowa)
shipped L10O cats and 260 dog t
kota, where
tbe animals are wanum
The daughter of a wealthy 'XaiiJss-jiaa
before rolng to Europe rna4e up aJfeijy-ehio
code and gave it to her father. HjBeekodRla
his desk. LitJe he g. JB" y
her. It consisted of one word !" He
laughed and then got ont the eodWwtlcai read-.
-iugn oena ma jw.
vauiannc x. u jc.u-sw. '
watch. In the Interior was the hi
and tbe Roman enard. Br touchii
tbe stones moved away from the ted
fmard kneeled down, anirfils SVB9Caa
I ami tho
noiy woman stepped into tne wi-b a nx
the Easter song of tbe Russian stataVstj
Paper doors are said to be grsatlMsiM-re-.
ments oyer wooden ohes. Tbey are ufwat o
two thick paper boards, stamped ami saaWed
into panels and glazed together with? glsa'aad
potash and then rolled through heavy ralers.
After being covered with a waterproof cosmos
and one that is ftreproof, they ara pabsasd,
varnished ahd hung in their usual way. ffi-
Mrs. C. A. Byrd, or Brookj eomatjr,
Georgia, owns the skillet her creatgfasHt-
mother used. It is as good as now, notwik5
standing it Is something over 150) years etdX
Mrs. Byrd also has a small llghtwood knot h'
grandfather were around bis neck for palpita
tion of tho heart. Iris worn perfectly smooth,
and is said to greatly benefit tho ailmeatjse
"When Pundita Bamabai, the now wott'
known Hindoo woman, landed in Enjland sho
had jnst $3 60 in her purse. She stayed in Loa
don three years studying English ap-l teaching;
Sanscrit, In 1SS6 she came to taa United
States, owing $2,000 for her own and hor child'!
board. She lectured 113 times, and mads
$3,320, thus paying her debts. Shelsnowln
Japan lecturing: At Tokio. the largest ball in
the city has not been large enough to hold the)
crowds thatthronged to hear her. In Japan
she speaks through an interpreter.
A. wee baby, whose eyes hod just opened
on this big world, was left Saturday night' on
the doorstep of tbe Rabies' Home in Milwau
kee. The baby is supposed to have laid there
from midnight until daylight Sunday morning,
with tbe thermometer 12 degrees below zero.
Its cries attracted the attention of a letter
carrier, who called Matron Jones to the door.
Tbe babe was wrapped in a common cloth and
two old shawls. The tiny hands of tbe babo
appear to have ben frost-bitten, otherwise it
was all right.
A Mr. Muller, of Chicago, has recently
invented a new explosive compound "Which to
has christened "Grlsoulite," probably from the
French word grlsoll, meaning firedamp. Apart
from its great power the principal advantage)
possessed by "Grisoulita" is the absolute ab
sence of all danger iu its manipulation, and as
it omits no flame, this product will probably bo
fonnd of great use in mining operations. Sir.
Mailer's Idea Is based on tbe introduction of
water in a solid form into the explosion, wbich
he effects by mixing It with certain salts, gent
erally carbonate of soda or sulphate of mag
nesia, i
The entire population of Paraguay only
amounts to 239,771 persons of both sexes,of which
221,000 are Paraguayans, the remainder being
mostly composed of Argentines, Italians, Bra
zilians, and Germans. The census taken in 'iSSi
showed that the population then consisted of
upward of the 230,000 souls, so that more than
1,000,000 Inhabitants perished through tbe war
that was carried on by Topaz and Jourdao,.
The proportion between tbe male and female
population is now as 100 to 14a In the entire
country there are only 32,417 Paraguayans and
3,828 foreigners who can read and write, say
abont 20 per cent ot the natives and 69 per cent
of the foreign settlers. A
The North China Herald- tell the fbl
lowing story of a Canton .Christmas f estivalr
Durlng-a German theatrical performance there'
was some practice with what were apparently
heavy weights, and a tha conclusion tbe per
former swung one of them round and hurled it
to the audience. It should have opened and:
covered the spectators with flowers, but by
some accident it remained closed and struck
Mr. Alabaster on tbe month, breaking several
of his teeth and causing a serious wonnd io
tbe face, which bad to be sewn np. Glanclngr
off Mr. Alabaster, It struck tbe lady next hlmf
rather savagely on the shoulder, and then bite
tbo American Consul.
Tho Russian papers are publishing
various statements according to which tho
Russian branch of the English .family Lesley1
has recently inherited In England a legacyof
some 10,000,000 sterling. Tbe legateesare.
however, according to tho papers, rcanrifced to
become British subjects before the amount is
paid to them. One of them. General Lesley;
who only a short time ago was appointed chief
of a brigade at Verni, in Asia, has just arrived
at Kieff. Ho has told some friends that It
would not be convenient for him as a Russian
military officer to become a British subject, bnt
that there is a fair hope that about 27.000,008
rubles will oa paid without the obligation being
enforced t
A novel kind of duel, with a tragical
termination, has just taken place outside PaiW
between two rivals in the affections of thai
buxom barmaid of a wine tavern. The rivals'
wera brothers, and tbey resolved to drink copi-V
ous libations of fiery and undiluted rum nntill
one or both should bo overpowered. Tha
alcoholic article sold as "pure Jamaica" lai,
Parisian taverns is bad enough when well&
watered, but when taken neat and In large) jp
quantities it is worse than tbe poisonousK
absinthe with wbich too many Frenchmen plyfv
themselves. The brothers 'began their "rural?
duel" before the eves of their damsel, wbojS
supplied them with the deleterious concoctlonfl
as they called foj it. At last one of them fell
down by tha side of the. counter, and was carn
rled home carefully and restored. The others
went ont -into tho frosty air fall of llqaor,?
caught a chill, and died, thus. leaving the lew'
free to his rival. '
A great many girls say "no" at first; but,
like the photographer, they know how to retouch
their negatives. ,
Tou can no more tell a man's ability by
the size of his bat, than you can tell his strenjrth by
measuring bis overcoat shoulders. . -
Not Such a Paradox, AfleyAU. New
Tork Judge Tbe sentence of the Court Is, that you
be confined in the State Prison at hard labor tot
the term of your natural life. 4
Prisoner For goodness' sake. Judge, don't eon
demn me to a life of Idleness; electrify me at one-kl
He Parted His Diflerently. "I despise"
that man Brows, " said Smith, the other evening;
"he parts bis name in the middle W. Ferguson
Brown." 5j
"Andhowdoyou part your name?" inquired, -
"James P. Smith,'1 returned 31r.
proudly; "anything the matter with that?'
Too Much Theory. Customer (a:
Look here, Eafton; what do you mean 1
me this coal bill a second time? Why, man, I
paid that bill a month ago, and got a receipt for ltl
Baftoa (consulting the books) TJmt-Aht Tea, I
see. Well, don'tmlndtbaVmydescfellow. Toe
see, my son was Jost graduated from a business
college, and this Is some of bis double-entry book
keeping. '
Bankrupt. He was taking her home after
the tbeater and a little supper at Delmonlco's.jp
"Darling." said he, suddenly, as he gazed
dreamily at the silvery disk overhead, "why am t
like the moon?", . "
"It Isn't because you're fall, is It?" she asked,
as she edged away from him. ,, T-'
"So, "said he, sadly; "It's because I'm oa lay,
last quarter."
xrrk goat.' -(4ter
Down in the cellar, dark, remote,
Where alien cats your larder note
In solemn grandeur stands the goat;
-Withont he bears the whining storm.
And feels the draughts about him swarsa-J
He eats tbe coal to keep him warm. ' .c A
-R. JC JK?
A Promlsinjr Start Mrs. Angy Tuppaj
nee Golddust (after the elopement) Oh, please.
pajra, do forgive ns. I loved Anjry sostbsttjl
couldn't help it: bnt I loved yon, dear pasaTso
that I coulda't rest until I had come back to tell
you all! St
Papa-Well, well! I suppose I must inakeTtha
best ora bad job. Bnt Where's Angy '"Ksr -
Jlrs.Tnpper Outsldewlththecabmani Conldat i
yoa lend your own dear Caramella eaongo to Jayji
the brute? Poor MST on,Jr bad enough fortto"
mlulster. . ?rA
Too Exciting. Modern Nrrelit(to
stranger Just arrived In Boston fronCRays-aO)-vllle)
I like yonrplicid countenance, sir. 'Wail
Is your walk in life? J J&KP'
Stranger Me? 1 live 'bout ten miles froat -fcy-seedville,
an' I raise chlekens fer a Ujiaj-lth
lnenbators. . . W .
Modern JJovellst-Ab. Incubators 1 MctMsks I
scent a clew t a great Auierican"noVel,,t VuU
Do all the chickens hatch? 3 Wr--
Strangcr No; some or 'eondoa't hajSesV sn'
-oraeofemwhatdobatch dle-f . ?-
Modern Novcllst-Dlel Uorrcrlilftar.theUef-'
ary materials to be fonnd oa sh. Is -abator fan
would be tooexclttag for mo4-ntass.y ft.'
Att front nm.
a aat
n, .
. Smluv?L
- t . - ?r . a&BMft- i .aaoBE