Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, March 01, 1889, Image 1

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All the World Feels One Day
Nearer to the Inauguration
5 of Gen. Harrison.
rasMngton Plump Pull of
: People at the Mercy of
the Squeezers.
One Continuous Cabinet TYrestle for
, "' "the President-Elect and
His Gracious Wife "
k.10uiTD OP SOCIAL pleasuees.
'Babiesa Whole Show in Themselves,
-iiijra Sort of Sovelty in White
n' . House' Circles.
snson Annex Still a Center of Interest
.11 now tbe Ladles Passed the Day
.Ue tbe General w as Bnsy In tbe Cabinet
pair Shop Mrs. Harrison Breaklnc
own nnd Anxlons for Rest Tbe Presi
dentelect Worried and Willing to
Chance Places With Sir. Morton Sir.
Hnlfcrd Receives a Mascot.
Yesterday was a distinctively busy day
the "Harrisons. The President-elect
' to bring order out of his . Cabinet
and tailed. The ladies were more
.sful. Their reception lasted nearly
7; and they were as gracious to ' their
nests as to those they greeted early in
ASHINGTON, February 28. All the
J is one day.nearer to the-inauguration,
a it begins to be felt in the air. The
rather is -what Is called the typical inangu-
iien kind. It is too mean even for the in-
irnalregions. There is so much slop and
tsh and. dampness in the city that even
ligiao"nument is soaking tret to the "top,
loes not rain, and yet it is just as wet as
t did., Thccity is plumb full of people,
id they are the oddest, funniest .looking
ple that ever gathered anywhere. They
e rural Republicans. Halt the men wear
lg beards, and the -women ate as homely
0 many Mormons. There is a witty
ored barber on Ninth,street whose jokes
.iwaysgo in "Washington, and he declares
the women are old maids who helped elect
Harrison because they wanted protection.
bwever that may be, the streets are al-
dy jammed -with holidayerpwds, "and
iry trainxbrings in hundrfdV-taoreat-a
le. ' 1
Everybody Will be Squeezed.
Outside the hotels, which are crowded,
000 persons are provided for in boarding
uses and lodgings, and there are accom-
tations at the disposal of the Inaugura-
n Committee for 20,000 more." These un-
ated accommodations are listed at the
ices of the'eommittee and at each ot the
iroad depots, and a corps of messengers
employed to take new comers to the
ms. They are going to be unmercifully
eezed, for the people of "Washington are
it on extortion. There is no need to sym-
aizewith the crowds, for they don't
ft' sympathy. No philosopher can go
General Sarrihn't Bedroom.
m place -to place where great events oc-
uuUthe crowds gather, always to be
J. without concluding that it is done
telyt and they have all the fun they
ifty. thousand and one hundred dollars
been.iSubscribed by the citizens for the
aguraKarrangements. There will be 150
reorganizations in line in thebigjam-
ee parade, and these will include 20,000
. New York City will send 41 clubs,
.uding 4,000 men. Jn the line will be
military organizations aggregating 17 -
men. Five of these organizations come
i New York, and the pet Seventh leads
.list, .with 850 men.
J Hurrah That Will be Heard.
. Jt will be the biggest kind of a hurrah,
.cnlated to reach the tympanum of every
"DfmocAt, even as far away as .the San
pTrancisco Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and the
Democracy is kindly requested to look on
v 1 see what they missed.
y way of postscript there will be 6,000
. aJB. men in line, to say nothing of a
"onpe.lof. 2,000 Colorado men, dressed as
boyi, and headed by .a genuine .cowboy
athe; streets are apparently all the
tinHmen of the little towns all over the
d States. They are noisy, wear their
ooe.ear, drink nothing but chain.
pfindl spend money in. a wayibat
'.the.colored population of Washing-
eitseyes and hang out its tongue.
nght with
i nhe best hotels,
ireate a sen-
Ji'e way.they stare
the men,
.ipagne and smok
cigarettes ic
. - oms. -
I Fnds of the Ffiklrs.
The especialfad of the occasion is -a esne
which retails for 25 cents and has a little
national flag concealed innder its handle, on
a diminutive pole. THe peddlers insist that
the.iashiopable thing to do iito wear the
canes over one's shoulc err with tlje; flag fly
ing". Another feature (6f the street" scenes is
the number of men sjblling what appear to
be photojraphs of Cteneral and Mrs. Harri-'
son. ' They are not photographs, but imita
tions madeby lithographic process.
The merciless quality of fate and fashion
is' seen in the dftpj'ay of photos in tbe store
windows. .General Harrison's and "Mrs.
Harrison's pictures are everywhere, but
President Cleveland's lace has disappeared.
Nothing, not even fate, can affect his lovely
wife. Her portraits are side by side with
Mrs. Harrison's in all the windows.
There is'always a joke as well as -a fad for
every great-occasion. The joke jusfnowis
perpetrated by a patent medicine man, who
is cau&ing.great yellow cards to be distrib
uted announcing:
Grand stand is what' most folks will get
It is a question whether the soldier laddies
who spend the day tramping over the town
will consider themselves much better off,
for theyare to be stowed away in cots.in the
big, bare hallways of the F6stoffice, Interior
and jirmy and Navy -buildings.
Mrs. Harrison Holds Her First Reception
A Crowd o'f Visitors How tbfcLndlcs
Were Dressed The New First
Lady Pays Mrs. Cleveland'
a High Compliment.
Mrs. Harrison cave her first public recep--tion
this afternoon. It was not meant to be
such, but by 2 O'clock there was such a con
stant stream of visitors applying for admis
sion that Mrs. Harrison gave tip the at
tempt to have her own way and instructed
Doorkeeper Dinsmore that during the after
noon and on each subsequent afternoon this
weekshe would be at home to all who called.
"With the bars thus let down, figuratively
speaking, "Washington social sheep thronged
into the field to worship the ,new shepherd
of the flock. They came so steadily and so
numerously that, although few stayed
longer than two or three minutes, there were
always at least 50 persons in the parlor, un
til the reception had to be ended abruptly
on account of the lateness of the hour.
Three-quarters of thoie who called were la
dies. The gentlemen were chiefly members
of Congress, who came generally by delega
tions from the different States.
Mrs. Harrison was assisted by Mrs. Eussell
Harrison, Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Lord, her. sis
ter, and Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Lord's daughter,
and by Mrs. Saunders, the mother of Mrs.
Bussell Harrison. Mr. McKee and Mr.
Bussell Harrison were also in the room
much of the time, assisting the ladies.
The PrcsIdent-JBIect Not Present.
General Harrison was not present. It
was announced to all inquirers after him
that he was keeping an important engage
ment, and could not be seen.
There was no approach to "party dress,"
either "on the part pf the ladies receiving or
of the callers. Mrs. Harrison wore a be
coming costume of brown cloth, with a
Y-shaped insertion of white in front ot the
basque. Mrs. Bussell Hairison was dressed
in a tailor-made gown of heavy blue cloth,
with trimming of black embroidery. Mrs.
McKee wore a dress of dark cloth, made
very plain. Mrs. Lord had on black silk
and Mrs. Parker blue cloth. t'
There was little formality about the re
ception. An attempt was made to have the
name of each comer announced to Mrs.
Harrison by a doorkeeper, but they came
so fast and Mrs. Harrison was so busy at
tending to those already in that she could
call by name very few of those with whom
she was not already acquainted. Mrs. Mc
Elroy, who- was the lady of the White
House during President Arthur's adminis
tration, was a caller who was welcomed with
particular warmth by Mrs. Harrison.
Compliments for Them AIL
Pointing Mrs. McElroy out to another
friend, Mrs. Hairison remarked: "She is a
beautiful woman. I knew her well when -she
was at the "White House, and she was
one ot the pleasantest women I ever met
Then, when have the "White House ladies
been anything jelse but nice?" she added '
with a laugh, and an arch look that turned
tbe anticipated compliment that promptly
followed. More seriously she remarked:
"3hera is Mrs. Cleveland; could there pos
sibly be a pleasanter woman than she? and
so beautiful, besides. Do you -know, last
night I sat and looked at her and thought
what a lovely creature she was. I couldn't
help it. "Why simply the poise of her head
is enough to stampherasaqueenly woman."
Asked about the dinner at the "White
House, to which she bad referred, Mrs.
Harrison said: "We had a very pleasant
time indeed. Mrs. Cleveland was most
charming, and the President was the soul of
courtesy and attention.- I could not have
asked to spend a pleasanter evening, than
they made for us."
Beside Mrs. McElroy, Mrs, Stephen B.
Elkins,wasoneof the best known ladies
present Her intimacy with Mrs. Harrison
and Mrs. McKecplaced her almost on a
family footing, and she remained for' some;
time, assisting me taaies to entertain tne
j these -uimtjhave D!
A Successful Fcatnro of tbe WowTWeime
Which Was IJtcUina; In the Cleveland
Family Slarthena and I4tUe
Ben Already Fast .
Frlenek IJttlo
The babies,whd have become such a suc
cessful featureof the incoming administra
tion, were kept pretiy closelyin the nursery
dnring the "afternoon, on - account of tba
crowd below stairs, bat once or .twice,, for
particular friends, they were "brought down
into one" of tbe side rooms and exhibited.'
Martbena, Eussell, Harrison's little girl,
who, although about the age of the, famous
Benjamin, has been less heard of, from not
having lived with General Harrison in
Indianapolis, was particularly admired.
She, like the other two children, .is a
blonae, but she has more of a golden tinge
in her hair than the little McKees. She is
a stanch friend of "Benjamin, now that they
are living together, and is' apt to make a fuss
when separated from him.
Mrs. McKee is alarmed at a tendency de
veloping at too early an age in little Mary
to make love to a gentleman. She will
leave her nurse any time to go to the arms
of a strange man, and cries when taken"
back by the nurse. , .
Benjamin made his debut in oflicial
political society this morning, when he was
taken downstairs and spent; -some time in
the office room with Private Secretary Hal
ford and the stenographers. He owned the
place while he was there, and signalized his
dominion by singing his new song,"Xankee
Doodle," for the callers.
Except for a few hours 8a the nrst night
after their arrival, when Mary -was threat
ened with an attack of the croup, all the
children have been in exceUent health ever
since they came.
Mrs. McKee and her husband, parents of
two'of the babies, "took their first outing to
day. They both declared that they could
not stay in the- house any longer, and
started out by themselves for a stroll. They
walked down to Pennsylvania avenue ana
along in front of -the stores, chatting and
laughing, stopping to look in the shop win1
dows or to see the latest photographs of the
Presidentelect and his wife, entirely un-
The Arlington Annex
recognized by the crowd. They might have
been taken for a bride and groom passing a
sensible little honeymoon in seeing the
sights of tbe capital. They went out abo'ut
noon and returned in time for lunch.
Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. McKee Bnndle Tjp
tho Bnbles and Take Their First
Real Airing In Wnshlnaton
The New First Lady
Breaking; Down.
After the reception was shut off. this after
noon Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. McKee slipped
on short sealskin jackets over the gowns in
which they' had been receivine, and .order
ing a carriage had the babies, Benjamin and
Marthena, bundled up for a drive. They
Went out of-the house with the babies and
one nurse, unrecognized, while a throng of
people anxiouSjto see them was still passing
in. They drove for an hour about the city,
and came back with rosy cheeks and spark
ling eyes in spite of the dismal weather. It
was tbe first real airing they had had since
&eir arrival here. Meantime, Mrs. Bussell
,Harrison and ex-Senator Saunders also took
a short walk.
It was nearly dinner time when the fam
ily caine together again. After that meal
the ladies returned to the parlor and re
ceived callers all tbe evening. All who
called rere admitted, as during the after
noon, but the callers were mostly persbnaT
friends of the family, and there was no such
rush as there had been in the afternoon.
Mrs. Harrison ras asked if she was not worn"
out by .the labor of continuously reoeiving
persons for so many hoars, but she replied
cheerfully: "Oh, no; not at all. After
eight months . of a campaign this is" not
As a matter of fact, however, the rest of
the family are anxious abont Mrs. Harri
son, "They fear that she will overtax herself
and break down before she is fairly installed
id the' White House. They think they ' de
tect in her manner an unaccustomed nerv
ousness, which to their mind indicates that
her endurance is being unduly strained.
She herself Jo.oks forward to her entry to the
"White House as an opportunity for relief
and rest. She thinks she can .keep people
away, there, except upon borne stated occa
sion, and have the rest of her time to herself
for the first time since she became the wife
Of a candidate for the Presidency.
President and Presidcnt-Elcct to Exefcang
tho Usanl Calls TorMorpow. "
President Cleveland arranged withGen
eral Harrison at the dinner in the TOhlte
House, yefterday, for the perfan'fctfry
formalities.of calling and re torsi eg the call
- Continued on fftoth Aft, '
""" "-t i r -
TrStfVT 'TrTSa p ? IT t" WM 3 , y .- Clump Cottage,!? wteh Jjfc
"PZtfTS&tMGr IPKCDAT,:; MAEQH. 1, 1889.
fa'v&Ytaj&jim0vb Guessers
Size tp Harrison's Cabinet.
Blaine is at WorkBut He Is Hot Having
" . TbingsHisQwnWay.'
Ana Baca JTard Work as to Draw Tears From
Ejmpathetlc Eyes.
General Harrison is said to be Jn -a bad
scrape. The Cabinet is'theroekon which
he and his advisers have split. Some who
profess to know say that Blaine'is the only
certainty. Others fill all the places, how
ever, and the public- can only wait for the
official announcement A bosom .friend of
Benjamin's shed tears . -yesterday over the
"Washington, February 281 Never in
their lives, no matter how old . the oldest
one is, did the "Bepublican politicians, now
in "Washington spend such a day of -trial,,
suspense and. confusion .as this has-been.
They all confess it They say that General
Harrison does not know any better than
they do who is to go in his Cabinet They
have all offered to help him, but few of them
feel that they have been of much service.
Said one famous. Bepublican: "I never
spent such a day in my life. Ifiavebeeri
on the rack since morning, Z am no use
here, and ought not to take any more inter
est iu it, but it is so fascinating that I can't
let go,"
Tbe verdict of the. day is that the Cabinet
is to consist of James G: Blaine and seven
ciphers. Tha issue of the day is that Thomas
C. Piatt is finally and unqualifiedly
dumped. Nobody will contradict that it is
written like the.warning to Nebuchadnezr
zar. Mr. Harrison wrote it on thewaU
himself. He was asked whether he would
appoint Thomas C. Piatt to the Cabinet,
and he replied that he did not think he
ought to take any part in any factional dif
ferences within the party, and therefore, he
would not appoint Mr. Piatt.
Then the General was asked by one who
bad .the authority to speak, whether he
would appoint Mr, Piatt if Mr. Miller
should request him to 'do so, and he said no,
he would not Asked why again, he -re
plied that the position' would not be altered
in any such event, because Mr. Miller's
'.friends might not approve of such an action
on his (Miller s) part:
Thus ends as brave and manly and honor
able an effort' of a great wing of the Bepub
licans tocure merited recognition as ever
was put forth by any set of men in the politi
cal history of the country
The amateur, politicians who began yes
terday to figure so conspicuously at the
Arlington, where General Harrison is
stopping, were increased in number by
many otherUnion League Club men to-day,
with increased importance and ability. Ten
of th'em spent half an hour with General
Harrison in the morning in' reading their
It is declared to-night by, knowing ones
t&'atthe Cabinet is at last'; filled, but even
the knowing ones say that- to-day 'i. possi-,
bilities may not jibe with to-morrow's
realities. The slate which they kindly fix
upfej Mr: Harrison is as follows:
&retary of State '. ... Blaine
Secretary Treatury Windom
J'ostofflce , :..Wanamakee
uVay .'. Buss
Interior Noble
Agriculture Palsieb, or Michigan
Attorney General W.H.H.MILLEB
They put three possible men in the "War
Department Proctor, the marble million
aire of Vermont, who says he is sure of
something; Busk, who seems to be regarded
as knocked out. and James H. "Wilson, of
Delaware, for whom a very strong and
likely efiort is being niaoe.
The hand of James'G. Blaine is very ap
parent all through the situation. "Windom
is said to be his man, and "Windom, by the
way, tells people to-night .that he is sure for
the Cabinet. It may not be generally
known, bnt it is a fact that in 1887, when
Mr. Cleveland was fixing tip the inter-State
Commission, Henry G. Davis, of West Vir
ginia, who is Steve Elkins' iather-in-law
and Mr. Blaine's partner asked Mr. Cleve
land, on behalf of Blaine and Elkins, to
put Windom in the commission.
Plenty of Republicans think that Mr.
Blaine has knocked out Thomas C. Piatt,
who would not be a cipher in the Cabinet
But Mr. Blaine's friends nre betraying the
two facts that Mr. Blaine is not having
everything his own way, and that Mr. Har
rison is about the stnbbornest man that
anyone in "Washington ever saw.
A Day of Cabinet Conferences TearaDrawn
From a Sympathetic Man's Eyes A
Review of the Troubles of
the President-EIoct.
Washington, Eebrnary 28. E,jal busi
ness, business that counted for something
beside speculation as to whether this man .or
the other may hot be good for some office
some time, has been pressing upon General
Harrison to-day, from early morning until
late to-night, as relentlessly as the seconds
ticked off by the big clock in his private
room crowd upon him the hour when he
must be done with doubt' and hesitation and
act The net result of it all is that General
Harrison is sick of his job anU ready to wish
the Presidency had never been invented.
The day has been one long conference;
but it has borne no fruit but an increase of
the perplexities that harrass the. President
elect, whichever way he tries to turn. One
of his. longest conversations to-day was with
a man whose nearness to General Harrison
for many years makes the relations of the
two as much personal as political. Tears
came in this man's eyes this evening as be
-told a friend of the plight in which General
Harrison had been placed by the contentions
of the factions. General Harrison, himself,
he said, did notknow what, he' was to. do to
complete hit Cabinet
"He feels." said the friend of the Pri-dent-elet,
"that he is upon the verge ot a
stupendous political blunder. It is a mis
take t suppose that he is acting ignorantly
or blindly. He knows better than any one
cantell him the opposition that will be
arojpsed by the Cabinet as he now has it. He
sew clearly Doth its innate weakness, and
tVe strife which it will arouse in the party
t the very outset of his administration, and
et he believes that' he'is compelled to eo
ahead and run his administration upon tne
rocks in spite of all that he can do.. He. feels
very bitterly toward the leaders of both fac
tions' in New Tork for'the position in which
be is placed toward that State. He" asserts
that be has been abused "and misled by both,
sides until,now, there is no path open to him
that leads elsewhere than toward disaster. I
talked 'with hiai .'for, an hour, and he lm
preeed.me as hoaiirtly belkyiag that Awe
was no way in .which to seape the fight
Which he realises i impending. I have
seen, General Harrison i'n'many hard places
politically but I never haye seen him in
such a hopeless condition as now.'
"When General Harrison and the family
breakfasted this morning-he seemed'in good
spiritsbutbeforo.he was through the meal,
atf) o'clock, the. men of political business
began to send up, their 'cards, and from that
time Until lateto-night there were but brief
intervals when he was not listening to ad
vice, petitions and demands from repre
sentatives of one" faction or the,other.
The first callers' included many who came
merely to pay their respects. Among them
were William" "Walter Phelps, Senators
Stockbridge. PLitt and Farwell and Justice
Harlan. Abont the first of the business
callers was Stephen B. Elkins, who walked
M.far as the hotel with Mr. Blaine, and
theajlropping his arm, went into the house,
while tbe next Secretary of State continued
ai stroll. -Mr. Elkins was with General
Harrison for a long time, and he and Mrs.
Elkins, after the conference was over,
stayed to luncheon with the family.
Before that however, General Harrison
had seen John F. Flnmmer and several
others of the Miller delegation from New
York, and had been seen very hard by a
delegation of friends of Mr. Piatt from the
same State, including "Clint" McDougall
ana John M. Knapp. Abont the same time
Mr"j Morton and Franklin Woodruff, of
Kings county, also called and were with
General Harrison for some time. 3Ir. Mor
ton" looked worried as he came downstairs
after the. conference, and the perpetual
smile had neariy faded from the expansive
countenance of Mr. "Woodruff.
At a few minutes alter 1 o'clock General
Harrison skipped out of the house alone
and almost unnoticed, and strode briskly off
np Vermont avenue toward the Iowa circle. i
The fresh air seemed to revive his spirits, '
ana he stepped out firmly and almost cheer
ily; in spite of the disagreeable weather,
which was a depressing influence to -persons
with less weighty affairs on their minds
than the construction of a Cabinet to please
a -lot of people who are bound not to be
pleased. He passed around the circle and
came back down Thirteenth street, reaching
the hotel in time for lunch at 2 o'clock. He
was recognized by comparatively few per
sons whom he met while upon the street
His personality seems, Jess known here in
Washington than it would be almost any
where else in the country.
While the General "was out a number of
well-known men, including ex-Secretary
Boatelle and ex-Secretary McCullough,
called. The fact that they did not see him
gave rise to the stories that he had refused
ih'eui an audience. The fact was that they
declined to wait for his return, buc came
again later in the day and had a long chat
with General Harrison.-
Afteriunch Mr. Elkins went away, but
Mr Plummer, J. Sloat Fassett and other
New Yorkers were in and out frequently,
and he was constantly receiving calls from
the men with whom he had to talk with
reference to the Cabinet To merely social
caUers he almost invariably sent out word
that he was engaged, except when delega
tions of Congressmen or close personal
friends asked to see him.
A$ 5 o'clock Partner Miller, who had
caUejd several times during the day, was in
conference with the General, and they ex
tended the talk oyer a long walk which
theySook together, and which carried them
a E09)d distance from the hotel. General
Ear-f-json came back fust In time for dinner,
looking weary and depressed. There were
no gtjests at dinner, and Bussell was ab
sentalning with "W. J. .Arkell and a party
in t regular .dining room of the hotel.
T'wring.the' afternoon engagements were
made with several--party leaders, which
took up all the time of the President-eleit
from dinner until 11 o'clock at. night. The
principal conference" of the evening was
with Senator Matt Quay, and the gossips
were all agog with a story that
and that there was a cloud upon the horizon
of .Wanamaker. This gained strength from
a remark made by George W. Childs, who
arrived.at tbe hotel early in the day, and
when asked whether Mr. Wanamaker was
coming to"" Washington had replied that Mr.
Wanamaker would not be here until Satur
day unless he was telegraphed for.
The conference with Quay, gossips al
leged, was a preliminary to a telegram for
Mr. Wanamaker to come right away and
look after his fences. If any such matter
was talked of by the President-elect and the
President elector, anxiety over it- did not
mark any fresh wrinkles on the face of the
Pennsylvania Senator, for he came away
looking very pleased and happy.
Governor Wilson, of West Vlrslnin, Issues
Certificates or Election tp Two More
Democrats Bis Reasons
Partly a .Mystery.
Charleston, VT.a., February .28.
Governor Wilson to-day issued certificates
of. election to John D. Alderson and J. M.
Jackson, as Congressmen from the Third
and Fourth districts. Both men are Demo
crats. The Governor's action has raised a
storm of adverse criticism among the Re
publicans, as neither had a majority upon
the face of the.returns. The vote of Kan
awha county' giving over 1,500 Bepnblican
majority, was ignored by the Governor, al
though it had been certified to him, owing
tq proceedings in the courts as to the legali
ty of the action of the County Commis
sioners in certifying to the returns.
The Governor has prepared a rather
lengthy document, giving his reason for his
action. In the Fourth districtmatter he
states that Jackson alleges that at two poll
ing places in Putnam county the election
was held at places other than those pre
scribed by law. He says further that two
seta of returns have been received from
Bitchie county, one of which was signed
by only two of the Commissioners, while
the other, with a difference of three votes in
favor of Jackson, was (signed by all three of
the Commissioners. He quotes the opinion
of Jackson, that under .the statutes it is in
the power of the Governor to go Debind the
returns and inquire into tbe proceedings of
the County Commissioners, which view he
evidently takes himself.
It was Generally understood that there
would be-no contest made in the Fourth dis
trict matter, Smith's election being gener
ally conceded by Democrats and Republi
cans alike, and the Governor's action is a
surprise .to all except his most confidential
A Traveling Salesman Kill Both His Wife
Boston, February 28. Edward Col
burn, a traveling salesman, 23 years of age,
shot and killed his wife, Lizzie, to-night
at their home iu Boxbnry. He then made
an attempt, which will probably prove suc
cessful, to take his own life. It was at first
thought the murdered woman had com
mitted suicide, although no weapon conld
be found on the premises with which the
deed could haVo been committed.-
While her death was being investigated
by the police, word was. reserved that a
man had attempted suicide- by shooting at
the Madison Park Hotel, anil it was soon
ascertained that the. would-bfr suicide was.
Colburn. The "latter shot hlmsW twice in
the faee, and ." can live but a, few hours at
most ' "
Being "Waged jB'etween thji Parriell
ites and the Government.
A Lack of Confidence in Attorney General
Tbe Tory Leaders Try. to Explain Matters, Bnt Get
Into a Bad Box.
The Parnellites are taking advantage, of
their victory over the Times and are badger,
ing the Government leaders in Parliament.
The latter deny and explain, and finally ask
for formal specifications. The HomeBnlers
are endeavorine to get a partial report from
the Commission to Parliament, when an or
ganized attack will be made upon the Gov
ernment forces.
London, Fehrnary 28. Mr. Sexton gave
notice in the House of Commons this after
noon that he wonld make a motion to com
pel Major Sa'underson (Conservative) to
disclose the names of the officers pledging
to associate themselves with Major Saun
derson and violate their oaths of obedience
to the Crown in the event of a home rule
Parliament being granted Ireland.
It reply to questions Et. Hon. "W. H.
Smith, the Government leader, declared
that nobody on behalf of the Government
had intimated-that the Times, would be re
couped by a Parliamentary grant for its ex
penses in connection, with the Parnell Commission-
Mr. Healy asked whether attention had
been called to the fact that as far back as
Nove'mber Attorney General "Webster, had
received a statement from Pigott- to the ef
fect that he could not bear n cross-examination
before the Commission. Parnell cheers.
Having regard for this, he asked,, did the
Government retain confidence in Attorney
General "Webster. '
Mr. Smith asked that due notice of
the question be given if Mr. Healy's refer
ence was. to Sir Bichard "Webster's discharge
of his duties as Attorney General.
Mr. Healy gave notice of a motion that in
the opinion of the House the Attorney Gen
eral had forfeited confidence. Laughter and
Mr. Shaw Lefevre, resuming the debate
on. the address in reply to the speech from
the throne, charged the Irish Executive
with increasing tha rigors of repression in
Ireland during the recess. They were afraid
to face discussion in Parliament. Imme
diately after. Parliament was prorogued the
first step of the Executive was to prosecute
11 Irish members. In resisting the efforts
to class them as ordinary prisoners the
Parnellites had the opinion of the world on
on their side.
Mr. Chamberlain held that the speakers
of the opposition had made the debate
sterile by avoiding the main issue. The
.House was asked tocensure the Government
Surely so important it step demanded some
insight into the "policy of- the Government
seeking to'succfedlbe existing Government.
Why did not the 'opposition give the coun
try reasons for revising the present policy?
Let the oppositional it possesses a policy,
produce a serieg.oi resolutions expressing it
Possibly a large- section of Parliament
might agree with it. At least the House
and the country would be enabled to grap
ple with something definite.
Begarding the Bound Table conference
he charged that Sir William Vernon Har
court was inaccurate in the statement he
made yesterday evening. He would remind
Sir William how he wrote proposing a pre
liminary statement' upon the basis of cer
tain facts upon which, each side might com
ment, and how Sir William declined
cheers because he prefeired to rely upon
an ex parte statement "Hear, hear".
Bnt resort to mutual repoaches over tbe
failure of the Bound Table conference was
fntile. He appealed to the opposition to
place the discussion on a broad and sound
basis by informing the House fully what
was its scheme.to content Ireland and bring
about a union of hearts with interests.
In the course of the debate Mr. T. W.
Bussell, a Liberal Unionist, apparently ac
cused Mr. Dillon of payingTor the defense
of murderers.
"It is a foul lie," exclaimed Mr. Dillon,
springing excitedly to his feet
The Chairman requested that the remark
be withdrawn, and Mr. Dillon complied,
Mr. Bussell also disclaiming any personal
reference to MrDillon.
A Jjttle later a squabble between Mr.
Thomas O'Hanlon, a Nationalist, and Sir
Henry Havelock-Allen, Liberal Unionist,
compelled the Speaker to appeal to both
sides of the House to set their faces against
unseemly interruptions, which, he said,
were unworthy the dignity of Parliament
Subsequently Mr. Healy, dealing with
the'impnsonment of William O'Brien, ac
cused Mr. Balfour of misstating the reasons
for his delaying action until three months
after the delivery of the speech for which
O'Brien Was imprisoned.
-Mr. Balfour protested, and at the
Speaker's request, MrHealy withdrew his
accusation. '
In the event of the Times' counsel asking
to be allowed to proceed with the inquiry
Sir Charles Bussell will press the' Judges
to adjourn until an interim report on the
letters has been presented to Parliament
In thedobby of the Honse of Commons it is
taken for granted that such a report will be
represented, which will enable the oppo
sition to attack the Government on the sub
ject Mr. Campbell telegraphs from Antwerp
that he has found no trace of Pigott
A Badical project to give a banqujt to
Mr. Parnell has heen taken up with en
thusiasm. Mr. Parnell has intimated his
acceptance of the honor. Lord Granville
or Lord Boseberv will be asked to pre'side.
Two,prisoners named Hanlon and McAf
fery, who are undergoing life sentences in
the Downpatrick prison for connection with
the Phcenix Park murders, have started for
London under police escort to testify before
the Parnell Commission.
J. C. Close, a Washington. GInsiblower,
Takes Roneb on Rots.
Columbus, February 281-J. C. Close,
of Washington, Pa., -suicided at the St
Clair Hotel,, in this city. The body was
found in bed. in his room this evening and
he had been dead several hours. He had
taken half a box qf "Bough on Bats." Tbe
Coroner took charge oT tbe remains.
The" deceased was a glassblowerj aged
abottt 30. He came to the hotel "Wednesday
evening and went.direct to bed. He got up
at 10 P. M-, when he got the poison. He
went from Washington' to1 Pittsburg, where,
be visited an aunt Close was married at
Washington four months ago, and a letter
found ,on his person" indicates thathe aad
his wife were very poor, and their household
goods had beea. takes from thess.
Jf:&frZ & jpSEB CENTSg
I V I JI - . Ais upisHsBt
His Kornl Highness of Wales Hit on Cheek.
and Face by Baquets Fired With tbe .
Tine Aim of Ball Players
Healy Knows Now-Ireland
Will be Free,
Nice, February 128. Copyright The.
carnival season opened to-day by the
famous bataille des fleurs. The baseball
party, excepfSpauldlng, who went to Paris
this morning, went out this afternoon on tha
Promenade des Anglais to see. the line of
carriages forming the masqueraders proces
sion along the beautiful drive' on the shora
of the Mediterranean from which rise the
coast-range Alps.
Hundreds of carriages were in line, each
filled with ladies and eentlemen armed with
bouquets which they fired at each other
and the multitude that lined the ways. The
boys went out in a body, secured a good
point of view opposite the Hotel des An
glais, armed themselves with an abundance
of flowers purchased of gamins on the
promenade, and fired a salute at every
passing carriage, treating with special
liberality the vehicler containing pretty
girls, of whom the number was legion.
One carriage especially attracted the
notice of the boys. It was a handsoue,
drag, drawn by four jet black horses. On
the rear seat was a little fat man, with a
pointed red beard who entered merrily into
the spirit of tbe occasion, flnng his bouquets
with a lavish hand, and laughed merrily
when an expert masker hit him in the
face. The little fellow was the Prince of
Wales, who came over .from Cannes to par
ticipate in the battle Of flowers. In the
group of baseball players were two pitchers,
Baldwin and' Healy, each of whom became
animated with a fervid desire to put in a
curved ball which should hit his Boyal
Highness on the nose and remind him of
the presence of the exponents of the Ameri
can game. Each accordingly selected
bouquets more for weight and efficacy as
projectiles than for beauty, and when the
PriDce drove by for the Second time, let fly,
Baldwin's shot went straight at the mark
and caught His Boyal Highness fairly on
the cheek. The Prince turned to acknowl
edge the accuracy of the shot, and was
caught this time on the nose by Healy's
bnqnet. Healy, whose special mission on
the trip is the freedom of Ireland, uttered
an exultant cry at his success. The Prince
frowned at this; bnt speedily recovered his
equanimity, lifted his hat and fired a bunch
of violets in return.- .The aim was faulty,
but the boys secured the violets. Healy
still has his, as a token that Ireland will yet
be free. ,
"We will leave for Paris on Friday morn
ing, will stop a few hours at Lyons, and
wili arrive at Paris on Saturday night
Governor Fitzhnah Lea Looks at It In tbe
North and Concludes the South Is
the Negro's Best Friond
Why He Thinks So.
Richmond, Va., February 28. Govern
nor Fitzhugh Lee returned home last-night
from New York. Talking over it to-day he
The more I sae or the-North the more I am
convinced that tbe. Sonthern 'people are the
best friends the negroes have. 1 heard" and saw
enough tbe other day to convince -anyone that
the Northern people care little for the negro
race. The very people who are disposed to
grow sentimental about the blacks, and who
are really fanatical on the subject, bave
nothing whatever to do with them. The car
riage drivers and footmen are white,' tha hotel
waiters are white, and the servants generally
are white. I saw very few negroes fn New
York. Tbe people there do not want them.
Now the papers that distort my utterances on
the race question make It appear that I am
hostile to tbe negro race, whereas I am par
ticularly friendly, and, the negroes themselves
admit that I have done more for them In my
official capacity than any other Governor ever
did. But for some wise purpose Ood made the
races distinct the negro race Inferior to the
white race, and thS races must ever remain
dlktinct The white race ought to and will
ever dominate.
While in Newport I met prominent Republi
cans as well as Democrats, and I heard a Re
publican say that it wonld never do to pat the
nccroes in office, no matter how much I may
differ with you in politics. He said: "We can
agree on this point; this must always be a
white man's government." I heard a member
of Congress say that he was in favor of the
Government appropriating enongh money to
fcolooizo the negroes, so as to keep them dis
tinct from the whites. I beard many schemes
suggested. One was to send them back to
Africa, another was for the Government to
bay, all tbe lands In three or four Southern
States and colonize the negroes there. Another
was for the Government to buy Cuba and send
all the negroes there. 1 tell you tbe Northern
people are very much interested in this matter,
and discuss it quite boldly.
A Strnngo Case of Hemorrhage In a New
England Town.
South Hadlet, Mass., February 28.
George Carpenter, about "22 years of age,
while employed last Monday in removing
some ice pinched one of his toes so hard as
to raise a blood blister. Ax he had often
had serious trouble from losses of blood in
cases of trivial scratches he was especially
careful in this instance not to break the
blister. On Thursday, however, with all
his care and watchfulness it broke, and the
blood flowed from the wound so freely aaio
cause himself and his parents such alarm
that a doctor was called.
After some difficulty, tbe bleeding was
stopped, only, however, to begin flowing
from the nose. For hours the doctor worked
unceasingly to stop the hemorrhage, and
finally succeeded, bnt despair seized upon
all present when it was' seen a few moments
later that from the mouth gushed forth the
crimson torrent which was hurrying the
sufferer nearer' to his grave. Despite all
efforts the young man slowly bled to death.
No Getting Oat of Attending to Those I.lltlo
Washington, February 28. Judge
James, of the District Court, to-day refused
to quash the subpoena to compel Colonel "W.
W. Dudley to appear and give testimony
for the defense in his libel suit against the
New Xork Evening Post. The hearing of
the ' case was begun before Examiner
Under" the advice of -his counsel, Colonel
Dudley declined to answer all the questions,
that were put to him with reference to the
"blocks-of.five" letter.
The Governor of Arknnsar.WHl Receive
His Vindication. '
Little Bock, February 23. The Senate
to-day passed over Governor Eagle's veto,
tbe resolution, allowing C. M, Norwood to
withdraw his contest for' Gubernatorial
office. Eagle vetoed thereft&I-aMoa beeaase
he either wanted the matter investigated or
the charges of fraad withdraws. ,
ft FIifJ0UIIP0H2m
Made by Our J1 Comrnis? -11
sioner of His ..ivass of 'a
the State on the v H
A Gigantic Task Accomplished fa,
Forty. Days by Eapid Traveling. .
Will the Amendment Carry? Both Side
Preparing for the Battle The SentU
stent as It Appears on the flarfaee
Wide-Spread Agitation on the Issae -Drummers
Oppose Prohibition Temper
nncc Literature Scattered Broadcast
Liquor Men's Millions ac Stake Tbe lot
portance of tbe Issue Appreciated.
Joint resolution proposing an amendment ';
to the Constitution of this" Commonwealth:
Section 1 Be It resolved by the Senate and .
Honse of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, In General Assembly
met that the following amendment Is proposed
to the Constitution of the Commonwealth at,
Pennsylvania' in accordance with the Eigh
teenth Article thereoi:
There shall be an additional article to said.
Constitution to be designated as Article XIX,
as follows:
The nanufadure, sale or keeping for sale of
intoxicating liquor to be used as a beverage is
hereby proMtrtled, and any violation of this
prohibition' shall be a misdemeanor punish
able as shall le provided by lar.
The manufacture, sale or keeping for sale of
intoxicating liquor for other purposes than ok
a beverage may be allowed in. such manner
only as may be prescribed by taw; The General '
Assembly shall, at the first session tucceedihg
the adoption of this article of the Constitution,
enact laws with adequate penalties for its en
forcement. It is yet more than three months until iha
special election onthe above amendment'
In that length of time both liquor men and1
Prohibitionists will dolsome hard fighting.
As the campaign advances important quest
Cons will be developed, new bombs ex
ploded, ana weak spots attacked with such
energy or adroitness that lines of battle
now laid out may be considerably changed.'.
The shrewdest movements and the most
powerful shots on each side will be held ,
back nntil the last Best cards will then be
played. In all probability the decisiva
work of the conflict will be accomplished
along in the ides of-June. Between now'
and then people have ample time to decide
how to yote. And there are veiT many who
are yet undecided. '
The Dispatches canvass of the State on
theissne has just been completed. IV was15
made in the earliest part of the campaign,
and faithfully records public sentiment as
it now exists in the various counties. What
alterations in these counties may be effected
in the next quarter by the uncertainties 'of
the campaign no man or journal can pre
tend to predict.
Prophecies on this election are especially
difficult, as there is practioally no criterion
to go by. Of cqurse, straws show which
way the wind blows. And in this canvass
our Special Commissioner has given more
than mere straws for the information of tha
readers of The Dispatch. He has striven
to bring out the peculiarities of the differ
ent counties, the characteristics of the pec?
pie of each county, besides giving valuable
statistics about the way they have voted for
or enforced all temperance legislation in
the past A summary of his letters a re
sume of the situation as it at present exist -
the expression of the public's first
thoughts in every county in the Common
wealth, condensed into a single word, is a
I ?
s &
Counties, g. & 3 '
g ! -o'' t
o o & ,. i
a :fc
Adams In favor of 7.243 Defeated t,
Allegheny Against 70,950 Defeate4H
Armstrong.... In favorof 8.988 AdoptedWH
Beaver. In favor of 9,531 Adopted??
Bedford. In favor of 8,191 AdoptedvJ,
Berks Against 28.992 Defeaef
Blair In favor of 12,838 Adopted
Bradford ...... In favor ot I3.9CS Adopted
Backs Against 17,479 Defeated
Batler ItLfavorof 9,917 Adopted
Cambria Againsf 11,702 Defeated
Cameron In favor ot 1,345 Adopted
Carbon Donbtfnl 7,177 Defeated
Center In favor of 9,471 Adopted
Chester InfavoroC 19,755 Adopted
Clarion Fairly sure 6,945 Adopted
Clearfield In favor of 1L9GO Adopted'
Clinton Close 8,073 Adopted'
Columbia Veryd'btful 7,118 Defeated
Crawford Infavorof 13,003 Adopted;
Cumberland... Close 10.265 Adopted
Danphin Close 18.823 Defeated
Delaware Infavorof 14,170 Adopted
Elk. Agaipst 3.197 Defeated
Erie Veryd'btful 17.231 Adopted
Fayette Veryd'btful 4463 Adopted
Forest Infavorof 1,601 Defeated
Franklin Infavorof 11.044 Adopted
Fulton Against 215 Defeated
Greene. Infavorof 6,630 Adopted
Huntingdon... Infavorof 7,201 Adopted
Indiana,..... Infavorof 7,609 Adopted
Jefferson. Infavorof 7,525 Adopted
Juniata.. ...... Infavorof 3,699 Adopted
Lackawinna... Against 21.195 No vote
Lancaster. Against 32.987 Defeated
Lawrence Infavorof 0,911 Adopted
Lebanon Against 9,8.15 Defeated
Lehigh Against 18,094 Defeated
Luzerne Veryd'btful 3t55S Adopted
Lycoming. Against 14,536 Adopted
McKean....... Infavorof 7,713 Adopted
Mercer. .Hn favor of 11,921 Adopted
Mifflin-. Infavorof 4,510 Adopted
Monroe Against 4.437 Defeated
Montgomery.. Against 28,417 Defeated
Montour. Infavorof 3,195 Adopted
Northampton.. Against 17,103 Defeated
Northumberl'd Fairly sura 12,778 Defeated
Perry.... Infavorof 5,973 Adopted
Philadelphia .. Against 201,520 No vote
Pike Against StOlO Defeated.
Potter Infavorof 4,434 No vote
Schuylkill. Against 25.960 Defeated
Snyder. Against -3,910 Defeated"
Somerset Infavorof 7.SS2 Adopted
Snlliran.. Against 2310 Defeated'
Susquehanna.. Infavorof 9,078 Adopted a 1
Tioga., In favor ot 11,279 Adopted
Union Infavorof 4,090 Adopted
Venango Infavorof SL567 Adopted?
Warren Infavorof 7,64? Adopted. .
Washington... Infavorof H22S- Adopted.
Wayne. Doubtful 6,4CO Defeated"
Westmoreland. Close 19,958 Adapted
Wyoming Infavorof 3,986 Attested I
York....... Infavorof 21,707; Befeated. '
Actrresata of votes for TT-iiTlnnnTliiiriilsiii
and Flsk. ' - 'jgi
The Dispatch was the oaly paper U
the country that was enterprising eaough is'
undertake a canvass of the eatire State. lk
order to make a strictly noa.partiMa,
Continued on SiwtK Aftf.
4 H F
BBBSra&v - - . 4-.'it.;iL'- .. jCt. ' . H