tyKgcjaj .: Z-ttKrH. m jW : '.Kl m '. . r'-n m L.uwsr IHOSEAWJOL OATHS Kr, ITaharneke's Part Officially !l -Alluded, to byJ.B. Scott IWA LETTER TO THE STATE BOAED. HM"ir fm..i. Br.A IvnAnrr PrlcABBrc o "line .oionev i.-ai iasacu i"6 """" W' Matter of Ko Moment .ILECTEICITI PAINFUL, BUTHABMLESS. fHYesterday, Mr. James B. Scott, one of the local members of the State Board of Chari ties, made a report to that body on the re cent investigation at the "Weilern Peniten tiary. The board met at Harrisburg, when 4he following paper was submitted : PirrSBUKQ, February 22, 1S89.. Totbe Board of Public Charities: GentJ-eitej; Your members, resident in Alleg heny City, Pa, were recently apprised by the Board of Inspectors of the Riverside Prison of certain'charges preferred by Prisoner James McPhillamy against the hospital steward of the prison, B. B. Maharneke, and were specially requested to be present at the investigation to be made into the correctness of said charges. The investigation was held and continued on the .afternoons and evenings of Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, the 5th. 7th and 8th in stant. The charges made against the steward were contained in a previous affidavit of the prosecutor, and were found to consist of three in number. First Alleged collusion of Maharneke with prisoners to assist in effecting escape. Second Cruelty to patients in hospital. Third Accepting money as bribes from pris oners and general corruption. In the process of the investigation the widest latitude was permitted both sides, and a very large proportion of the evidence offered was entirely irrelevant; but it was thought better to allow much that was not related to the case to enter, rather than to enable anyone to. insist that anything pertinent to the case had been refused. From the peculiarity of the circumstances andpersons, it is no easy task to winnow the grains of truth from the enormous quantity of 'chaff, or to make the proper allowance for the manifest animus characterizing a large propor tion of the evidence offered. Regarding the first charge, there is not the slightest evidence supporting the statement in the affidavit of the prosecutor. His own com rade in the attempted escape testified that he had never spoken to Maharneke, nor had been addressed by Maharneke on the subject of the escape, nor had McPhillamy at any time inti mated to him that Maharneke was associated in any way with the adventure. JUST A LITTLE FAIXFCL. Regarding the second charge, viz., cruelty. It Is proper here to state that, in the hospital there were the usual appliances of straight jackets for use upon incorrigible cases, many of them of moral taint, and these ap pear to be the only appliances of any kind in use. The physician in charge had a No. 3 Mc intosh Faradic battery, used in connection with medical treatment, and frequently in the way of te'st of cases considered as "shamminc." Its value in connection with medical treatment is without dispute. As to Maharneke personally, it is evident that he was a person of impulsive and excita ble temperament, aud given to occasional out bursts of temper, accompanied with profanity. He does not seem to have been a "cruel" man nor given at any time to "acts of cruelty" toward patients or others under him. The only cases of cruelty testified to were those perpetuated by the very witness testifying thereto. The state ment, as made, seemed incredible, even if the actions reported were the result of instructions of Maharneke. as insisted upon by the witness. In the case where the witness describes that "the fleshwas taken off the man" by the use of a broom while in the bath room, he after ward alludes to the notice by the Inspector "that the man's face was scratched at one time," butno complaint of any further injury was made by the patient himself or notice given by any other person, the inspector giving warning that such acts as the scratching might not recur, (n the treatment of incorrigible patients it ... ied apparent that Maharneke had used the "batsry referred toss a means of, subjecting "themlothe discipline,' -which tbet resented, and. in cases, we susitect that Maharneke. when irritated and angry with mutinous re-J Eisiance on tne part oi sucn persons, nas ap plied it with severity productive of much pain, although without dinger to the patient There is no evidence whatever of anything approaching systematic cruelty on the part of Maharneke; but we do not justify the harsh cess or severity which Maharneke, no doubt, visited upon some of the patients when exas perated by their continual resistance to orders. MONEY O. K., BUT OATHS AtTFITL. Regarding the third' charge: The principal testimony was given by Prisoner Hall, whose statement is to the effect that on several occa sions small amounts of money were given to Maharneke by him, sometimes for the pur pose of securing articles .for the prisoner, and in almost every case either the money or the goods were returned to the witness. The oc casions were widely separate as-to date, and the amounts were Small, and he thought possibly there might have been "a few dollars that he did not get." The nrosecntor's statement as to the payment of large amounts of money to Maharneke at various times was to have been corroborated by the witness Robinson: but his testimony was only to the effect that McPhillamy was possessed of certain sums of money, and that he had heard McPhillamy say that he had riven Maharneke money; but he personally knew of no such transaction. Robinson further testifies that McPhillamy told him that he could have most of the amount in case of a certain political result a virtual bet on the election; but bow the cash conld be given to Maharneke and also retained as a bet was not stated. It is but fair to the defendant to state that he unequivocally denied the statements of the witnesses for the prosecution in every particu lar where they imputed to him any acts of in- tentional cruelty orjof money transactions in which he was interested. He stated, that while a prisoner himself, money may have passed be tween his comrades and himself, but since his release and engagement as hospital steward that be had been absolutely free from entan glements of any kind. On general principles it is apparent that it was a mistake for the management to select an ex-convict for a position of even seeming au thority ever those who had been his comrades, as his insistence upon the proper rules and reg ulations of the prison would naturally be re sented by men in their position and by his former associates; but it is recognized that this action was in the line of encouragement and assistance to prisoners, which is one of the principal elements in the argument of those giving special attention to the science of pen ology. The foregoing was written after close of in vestigation and prior to final consideration and decision by the Board of Inspectors of the prison. This decision was made on the even ing of February 2L and orders the discharge of 'Maharneke from his position as hospltaPstew ard. .Respectfully submitted. " - James B. Scott, Member of Board. V ' 'A Trust That Is No Monopoly. The (rust reposed by the dyspeptic and bil ious In Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is not a monopoly. It is shared not only by them, but by residents of malarious localities, quondam rheumatic sufferers whom it has relieved, and the nervous, debilitated and infirm whom it has built up. If troubled with inaction of the kidneys you should use it. Give this medicine . the systematic trial it merits. ', . REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIBL, , 401 Smlthfield Street, cor. Fourth Avenne. r Capital, 5100,000. Surplus, 538,000. Deposits of 51 and upward received and I interest allowed at 4 per cent its j '- Only a Few More. u1 "We have about 90 more of those fine 'tailor-made men's suits at 56 00. They Income in stripes, plaids and broken checks ' and'wonld easily sell for $15. Six dollars r3is our price lor tbem to-day. Extra 1,000 pair ot men's'nglish worsted pants at 51 25, 3worth 53 00. P. C. C. C, .Cor. Grant and Diamond streets, opp. the ' new Court House. Try Thera Now. r-;Don't fail to fry Mrs. Harrison's Inaugu jration cookies, Marvin's newest production, ;Tandone of the daintiest, most delicious j cakes in existence. ITS J- t Wall Pnper. C Prices tne very lowest. d .John b. Roberts, 414 "Wood st Beyi' Shirt Walrt Opening This week. All the newest things ready at , Horn Award's. 41 Fifth are, XI lv -- NOT A WHISKY PARTI. Democrat Will Tote for Prohibition to Re buke Republicans So Says J. Ross Thompson, of Eric. "I think prohibition will carry in Penn sylvania with a majority of 40,000 Totes," said J. Boss Thompson, of Erie, at the Monongahela House yesterday. Mr. Thomp son is a well known politician of Erie county, and was once the Democratic candi date for Supreme Judge of the State.. Continuing, he said: "Erie county will vote for prohibition. I have a friend, an anti-Prohibitionist, who has been traveling through the anthracite coal districts of the State. He is thoroughly convinced the whisky men will be beaten'in the fight. He was surprised at the strong temperance sen timents of the miners. "A number of Democrats will vote for prohibition to clear their skirts. The Dem ocrats have alwavs been accused of being the whisky family, and they are going to show the people tbat this imputation is not correct. The Republicans have catered to the moral element, and posed before the peo ple as the moral party for a purpose. "When they agreed to submit the question to the people they felt certain that it would be voted down. They fixed the election at a time when the farmers will be busy in their fields hoeing corn, with the expectation that the heavy vote in the cities will coun terbalance the light vote in the rural dis tricts. "But they have reckoned without their host. The Democrats will make up for losses in the country, because the farmers were too busy to go to the polls. "Lawyers have questioned, if prohibi tion carriesfwhether it could be enforced, without legislative enactments defining the punishments, but it is now settled that no snch laws are necessary. Illegal liquor sell ing is punished by the courts. If prohibi tion is a success, all licenses are revoked at once, and retailers will sell at their peril. There are no laws at present prohibiting the manufacture of liquor, and the makers could not be reached until the proper laws were passed by the Legislature, but woe betide the retailer who sells whisky alter the people have declared against it" SAFEE FOE THE PUBLIC. Report of the Company Managing the Bljon Building nnd Library. At a meeting of the Mercantile Library Hall Company at 90 Fourth aven ue, yester day afternoon, the regular reports of the past'year were read and approved, and the new Board of Managers for the year was formed as follows: Charles J. Clarke, Presi dent; Hon. Felix R. Brunot, "Vice Presi dent; William E. Thompson, Secretary, and L. H. "Williams, Treasurer. The managers elected were: William Shaw, John W. Chalfant, Frank Semple, Charles W. Batch elor and John W. Batchelor, the latter taking the place of Captain Gray, deceased. A report was read relative to the two large fire escapes pnt up at the Bijou, the one located on Barker's alley, next to the Hamilton House, and the other on the river side of the building. The escape in Barker's alley was pump especially for the possible needs of the actors and stage people. The windows have also been provided with iron shutters, in order to obviate the danger oi fire from the outside. For this reason also the Sixth street entrance has been provided with iron sliding doors that are very neatly concealed, but can be shut at a moment's notice. As these fire escapes -and precautions have been heartily approved by the Fire Commissioners, the pretty Bijou may now be considered one of the best protected buildings in the city. The Treasurer's report showed the com pany to be in a good financial condition. Objections were rather raised at the assess ment of 5266,400 instead of .$153,800, as last year. This will make their city and county taxes somewhere about 55,000, and. as the library has sot paid rent for four years, and the fourth story, now used for Masonic meetings, will soon be vacant, the outlook in a financial way is not so rosy as it might be. Wattles & Sbeafer in Their Elegant New Store, No. 37 Fifth Avenne. m Last week this old-established and widely known jewelry firm moved from their old store, where they have been for the past 13 years, into their new location .at Ko. 37 Fifth avenue The move was made neces sarv by the great growth of their business .and the imperative demand for more room and better facilities in which to store and display their goods. Though, the new store (which is at least three times larger than the old one) is not yet fitted up in the ele gant manner designed for it, the firm are ready for business, and are in a position to display their stock to good advantage. Their new cases, cabinets, etc., are in the highest style of art, and when the decora tions are completed, their store -xill be one of the largest jewelry houses in the country. The well-known and progressive enter prise of this firm will be exemplified in the fullest degree in their beautifnl new store, where they will welcome the public with all the old-time courtesy and attention. D. & F. S. WELTY. Carpets nnd Wall Pnper, Wholesale and Re tail The Only Jobbing House in the City. To supply our jobbing trade, we bny our carpets, wall paper, oilcloths, mattings, window shades, lace curtains, etc, from first hands in large quantities, and at lowest prices. This enables us to offer every in ducement in our retail department. Our prices are always as low, if not lower, than any other house in the city. A full stock for spring trade at 120 Federal street and 65 and 67Pafk way, Allegheny, Pa. D. & F. S. Welty. Established 1869. Ths Every Day and Sunday Too. There will be a Pullman parlor car run from Pittsburg to Washington, D. C, by the Pennsylvania Railroad to and including March 3, on train leaving Pittsburg at 8 a. m., thus affording persons desiring to avail themselves of the low rate of fare to Wash ington and return on account of the inaugu ration of President-elect Harrison. You can go to Washington any day irom now until March 4 and return at half fare, 59, for the round trip, good to return until March 7. Ample provisions have been made by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany for through sleeping cars on their night trains and coaches and parlor cars on day trains.- Tickets are now on sale at 110 Fifth avenue and TJnign station. Nothing Succeeds Like Success. Yesterday we dropped into Dr. Charles S. Sott's dental offices, at 624 Penn avenue, opposite Home's, and, as usual, found them crowded with sufferers seeking relief. While we were there (only a few minutes) the doctor extracted 16 teeth for one. lady and 14 for another, and each lady assured us that she did not suffer the slightest pain, bnt on the contrary had a delightful dream. Seeing is believing, and we can assure those who are suffering from toothaceorwish their unsightly and decayed teeth removed, that Dr. Charles Scott can extract them without the slightest pain, and that his anaesthetic is absolutely safe. The China Store, We should be indeed ungrateful if we allowed to pass unnoticed the many ex pressions of goodwill showered on uc by our neighbors, expressions often of a tangible character, and if we thus publicly thank them for their kind wishes and the warm welcome they have given us, we beg they will think that our thanks are none the less sincere than if conveyed to each individu ally. Fkench, Kendbick & Co., Opposite City Hall. Only a Few More. We have about 90 more of those fine tailor-made men's suits at 56 00. They come in stripes, plaids and broken checks and would easily sell for'$15. Six dollars is our price for them to-day. Extra 1,000 pair of men's English worsted pants at$l 25, worth $3 00. f P. O. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond streets, opp. the new Court House. BIG NAIL CHANGES. A Company Formed in This City to Make Mis by a Kew Process, CLAIMING TO SAVE 25 PEE CEHT. Another Combination. of Pittsburg and Eastern Capitalists WILL STAET A LEAD COATED 5A1L CO. Two practical wire drawers named Raw son and Wilkinson,- living in Allegheny, claim to have patents and machinery that solve the problem of cheap wire .nail making. . These gentlemen have placed the manage ment of their patents in the hands of Mr. White, of White & McClure, Penn build ing, and a company is being formed for the building of a wire nail plant somewhere in the vicinity of this city. It is claimed'by the owner of the process that their way ot making wire" nails makes a savins of 25 per cent over the old method. They say the wire can be reduced from a' No. 5 rod to a No. 12 in one continuous process. This is the secret of their claim. They- say theirs is the only continuous process of drawing the wire and the nails at the same tune and place. The old method has been to draw the wire at distant mills, and ship to nail mills with a consequent heavy expense, in labor and charges. By their plant, it is claimed, one wire drawer can tend to the plates of 27 ma chines, while by the old process this num ber of machines requires the constant at tention of 15 men. Patents have been granted for all parts of the continuous pro cess machinery, and a big company will soon be formed, as local wire men are great ly interested in the plant, which they have seen in operation, and pronounced perfect Nails of any sort can.be made, it all de pending on the dies, though, of course, the great saving of labor will not interfere with the regular fence wire drawers, though they claim one man'can now do the work of 15 in the continuons nail process. Another venture in the nail business is given below, although no such radical change in the making of nails is contem plated. A nnmber of capitalists in this city, Philadelphia and Wheeling are consider ing the advisability-of starting np a lead coated nail industry in the latter city. 'For some time past A L. Bonnafin, of the Aiax Lead Coating Company, at Phila delphia, has been making frequent trips be-, tween Philadelphia aud Wheeling, and' generally stopping over in this city. He has interested a number of capitalists in the scheme, and proposes to form a company with a capital stock of 5500,000. Mr. Bonnafin is now in Wheeling looking after the scheme, and will probably be in this city within a few days. The process of coating the nails is a substitute for galvan ized iron nails. The name of the company will be the Lead Coated Nail Manufactur ing Company. One scheme is to manufacture their own nails and coat them with lead, while an other is to bny their nails from some of the Wheeling concerns. Those favoring the latter scheme say it would not be advisable to manufacture nails on account of the de pressed condition of the market AN UNGBATEFDL TKAMP. He Attacks the Woman Who Offered Him Food-His Arrest Effected. Caspar Wehner will have a hearing before Magistrate Brokaw on next Monday for as saulting a woman named Armitage, of Beltzhoover borough. The man came to her house and asked for something to eat, and, when Mrs. Armitage handed if rtoTiim, he attempted to attack her, but he was re pelled by the husband, who came into the room at the time. "Wehner was given over to the police. He is said to have two accomplices. TWO NATDEAL GAS EXPLOSIONS. A House Collapsed on the Sonthside, nnd Others at Tarentnm. The house of Michael Murray, a puddler, on the hillside at Fortieth street, Southside, was wrecked yesterday morning by a natural gas explosion. The family, however, mirac ulously escaped with but a few 'burns and bruises. Another explosion occurred at Tarentum last night, damaging several houses and in juring several persons, among them Mrs. Joel Smith, probably fatally. IEOif MEN PLEASED. New Pig Iron Rates From the Valleys Xo Eastern Points. At the meeting of the Youngstown com mittee ol freight agents at Cleveland yes terday the following pig iron rates from the Mahoning and Shenango valleys to Eastern points were made: Boston, 54 20; New York, 53 20; Albany, 52 70; Rochester, 51 95; Utica, 52 60. The rates on limestone, from the valleys were also equalised. ; The Next Proprietor. Colonel Scott will be inaugurated with Ben Harrison next Monday; one will be come President of the United States, the other will take charge of the Albemarle hotel. Colonel Scott is an old proprietor of hDstelries 'and understands the business well. The Albemarle should thrive under his .management Stood the Test. Allcock'8 Porous Plasters have successfully stood the test of over 30 years' use by the pub lic; their virtues have never been equaled by the unscrupulous imitators who have sought to trade upon the reputation of Allcock's bv making plasters with boles in them, and claim ing them to be 'just as good as Allcock's." Allcock's Porous Plasters stand to-day In dorsed by not only the highest medical author ities, bnt by millions of grateful patients who have proved their efficacy as a, household remedy. Th Only a Jew More. Wc have about 90 more of those fine tailor-made men's suits at 56 00. They come in stripes, plaids and broken checks and would easily sell for $15. Six dollars is our price for them today. Extra 1,000 pair of men's English worsted pants at $1 25, worth $3 00. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond streets, opp. the new Court House. Try Them Now. Don't fail to try Mrs. Harrison's Inauguration-cookies, Marvin's newest production, and one of the daintiest, most delicious cakes in existence. its Llnernstn-Wnlton At John S. Roberts', 414 Wood st Walt Paper. Largest line of low priced goods in the two cities. Jpnir S. Robebts, 414 Wood st. Scrofula cured free of charge at 1102 Carson st, Southside. BUSINESS CHANGES. "VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT L. i T. Yoder. E. "C. Weaver, C. W. Costello and J. C. Patch have associated themselves to gether as copartners under tee firm name and style of Yoder, Weaver, Costello & Co., for the purpose of carrying on the business of manu facturing confectionery and dealing in crack ers, cigars, etc., at Nos. 136, 188, 140 Third ave., City of .Plttsbnrr. The above firm succeeds L. g4SaS8S! Febrnaryl8,lfeel WPW THE- PITTSBUBQ- DlSPATOH,' THURSDAY, KEBRIPAIIY- . X3-Display cuJverttoementt one dollar psr tquare for one imeriUnu Classified adverttie ments on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, lb Let, eta, ten cents per tine for each inser tion, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BBANCH OFFICES. For 'tha accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at thefollowing places, where Want, For Sale,. To Let, and other transient advertisements.'will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be. prepaid except where advertisers already have acconnts with The dis patch. PITTSBUBQ. THOMAS MCCAFFRKY, SK9 Butler street. EMU, 6. STOCKET, Slth street and Penn ave. E. J. STDCKEY &CO WyUe'ave. and Fnlton it. N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenne Market House. EAST. END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn' avenne. OAKLAND. McALLISTEB & SHZ1ULEH, Sth av. & Atwood St. sotJTnsnjE. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson Btreet. CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street; , ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 9 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and' Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED-HELP; Male HelD. w ANTED-A BUTCHER TO TEND SHOP. COK.OFV1K1SA1I1HV HJiBTtli. IeZS-57 XTTANTED-DRUG CLERK; THKEEOR FOUR TV years' experience. Address AL01N, Dis patch office.' fe28-S4 T7-ANTED-GOOD bahbeb,ohaboywho VV has had 2 or 3 yearst experience. Apply 2132 CARSON ST. fc28-14 WAN TED-FIRST-CLASS WHITE BARBER; rood wares and steady work. S. 1). VA3 BINDER, Grove City, Mercer co., Pa. fe2S-93 WANTED-A' MAN, A GOOD MILKER, AT InRhsm's dairy. Inquire at FIRST TOLL GATE, New Brighton road, Allegheny City. Pa. WANTED A SINGLE MAN TO SCRUB and make himself useful about a house. In quire at WEST PENN HOSPITAL, Twenty-eighth st. fe28-73 TsTANTED-15 JOURNEYMEN PAINTERS: VV Pittsburg Union prices paid: none bnt union men "need apply. Apply JEANNETTE, Pa. fe23-10O WANTED-A FIKST-CLASS BABBER; NO Sunday wort, and will pay good wages to a rood man. EDWARD CORNELL, Box 702. Oil taty. , Pa. fe28-7 WANTED-BRIGHT, ACTIVE BOY, ABOUT 15 years of aze, to work lit Insurance office.' Address, in own handwriting, INSURANCE. Dis patch office. feS$-70 VITANTED-TWO GOOD TAILORS AT ONCE, YY one to work in store and other to take work home. Apply S. J. TOPPING, merchant tailor, 17 Anderson Bt., Allegheny. fe2S-97 WANTED - GLASS- ENGBAVERS - GOOD and steady employment guaranteed. Apply at once or address WILLIAM EIESLING. 1219 Tenth ave., Beaver Falls, Pa. fe27-33 -TTTANTED-BOOK CANVASSERS FOR OUR YY great prohibition work; a bonanza for this snrlne; write for our extra inducements. E, GATELY & CO., 10 snd 12 Sixth 6. fe36-78 Tfr A NTEDEXPERIENCED MAN TO CARE YY ior horses; single preferred;none need apply unless well recommended and not afraid to work. Inquire JOHN L. 110 ORE, Hazelwood. city. fe2S-72 WANTED-ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPEB FOB furniture department: none but those of experience and good references as to character need apply. O. SlcCLlNTOCK., & CO., 33 Fifth avenne. fe2S-SS m-ANTED-A MAN OF TEMPERATE HAB YY ITS located outside of Pittsburg, to repre sent an old house In bis section: salary to begin, 70 per month; refereaces. GEN. MANAGER, Lock box 1610, N. Y. oc7-4S-Th WANTED PHYSICIAN OR DRUGGIST who can give a part or the whole of his time to calling on the doctors of this city In the Inter ests of a manufacturing arm; no selling. Address 8. O., Dispatch office. fe23-S3 T7-ANTED-AGENT8 IN THIS CITY AND V V outside towns to sell Dr. O'Keefe's Ellis and bitters: steady work; can make S12to J18 perweek. DR. O'KEEFK A- CO., Homeopathic Chemists, 34 Fifth avc.PIttsburg. Pa. fe28-3 w AN'TED-KELIABLELOCAL AND TRAV ELING salesmen;' nositlons nermanent: special Inducements now: fast selling specialties; don't delay: salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurserymen, Rochester; N. Y. fe9-&)-TTfl WANTED-YOUNG MAN WITH KNOWL I EDGE of bookkeeping as partner in an es tablished and growing business; present owner deslrons of adding additional line of goods to bus lnessbest of references given and required; capl tel desired from HO0O to (8,000. AdressM. G. & T.. Dispatch office. feffl-22 Female HelD. WANTED -EXPERIENCED LAUNDRY girls at CRESCENT STEAM LAUNDRY, cor. Chestnut and Gibbon sts.. city. fe28-9S ntale and Female HelD. -TT7-ANTED-ATONCE, A BAKER, COLORED. TT coy, isrm nanas, coots, cnamcermaias, house, pantry and kitchen girls, child's nurse. 20 girls for hotels. MEEHAN'B, MS Grant St. feiS-D TITAN TED-COOKS, DINING ROOM GIRLS, V V chambermaids, house girls, German girls; also situation for a sober, reliable man as watch man or barkeeper. MRS. THOMPSON, 60S Grant St. fe28-S6 -TTrANTED-LrVE MEN AND WOMEN TO VY engage in an easy, paying business at home: can work daytime or evening and make 50c to S2 per hour; sure thing: sample and complete Instructions sent free. Address WORLD SUP PLY CO., Rutland,. Vt. fe25-l WANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY; 75 PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at nome; salary paia prompiiy ana expenses in aa vance; full particuli liars anu i I sample case free, we mean Just what we say. Address 8TANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. fels-3-D WANTED-SITCATIONS. TTTANTED A POSITION IN AN OFFICE BY YV ayoungman: best of references given. Ad dress?. W., 62Besaca St., Allegheny. fe28-74 WANTED-SITUATION BY A MILLER, widely experienced, temperate and respon sible. Address MILLER, P.O.Box 838, Pittsburg. reS-85 -VTTANTED-A POSITION AS STENOGRA YV PHER and typewriter by a young man having good references. Address BOX So, New Castle, Pa. fe2S-S2 TTTANTED-S1TUATION AS FLORIST OR TO VV take charge of greenhouse, nursery or fruit farm; good references. Address C J., 350S Mad ison avenue, Allegheny. le26-44 TTTANTED-SITUATIONS-BY TWO YOUNG VY men or good character, willing to do any kind of work; can give references. Address WORKMES. Dispatch office. fc27-4 WANTED-PARINEttS. TKTANTED-A PARTNER WITH A CAPITAL Y V of 12, 000 to invest in a first-class specialty. Address IKON & STEEL, Dispatch office. 1&.7-JS TTJANTED-A PARTNER: $6,000 WILL BUY A V V hair Interest in one or the largest and best established and. paying businesses of its kind In Western Pennsylvania, located in heart or busi ness center in Pittsburg; trade the most rettned and elegant; business strictly cash; the price Is nothing compared to business done and profits re ceived therefrom: only those w are willing to become helpmates and mean strictly business need apply tor particulars to CASH BUS., Dispatch office. fe26-87. WANTED-ROOMS. UpUSES. TITAN IE D-A SECOND-STOKY FRONT YV room, furnished, with board, in private famllyi everything strictly first class: references exchanged. Address C.,T. M.. Dispatch office. , i fe28-69 TTANTED-FUBNISHED HOUSE, OR PART, YY or several nicely furnished rooms for house Keeping; cleanliness and care of furniture guar anteed; references. Address .P. O. BOX 9-n, Plttsbnrr. fe27-7 WANTED FINANCIAL, WANTKD-RENTS TO "COLLECT; MONTH LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK BAIRD, 05 Fourth avenue. aM-aS-D WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over M.OOO; 4K ucr cent; no taxi HENRY A. WEAVER CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mb2-a22-D WANTED-KENTS COLLECTED PROMPT LY; property managed with satisfaction." ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. aitf-01 TTT ANTE D - MORTGAGES IN ANY Y V amounts: )i to 6 per cent; city and country: no delay. SAjilUEL W. BLACK & CO.. $9 .Fourth avenne. t Ja20-55-MThs WANTED-TO LOAN S500,D0O. IN AMOUNTS of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4J$per cent. free oftax; alsosmaller amounts at 5 an a o per cent. iUiAUA. BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. ie2l-d2S-D WANTED-TO LOAN J200.000 ON MORT GAGES: ?100 and upward at S per cent; (900,000 at 4M per cent on-residences or business property: also In adjoining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D TTJANTED-MOKTGAQES-I1.C0O, OOOTO LOAN VY on city and suburban properties at 4& Sand (percent, and on larms In; Allegheny and aaja- ItMSS Fourth avenue) W-iiV WANTED-FINANCIAL. TfrANTED-MOHTGAGES-ilONEYTO LOAN VV In sums-to suit, at 4K,S and. S per cent. GRAEBING A LYON, 1SS Fourth ave. apS-el-D TAT ANTED-TO LOAN 125,000 ON CITY PROP VV ERTY at S and S per cent. In sums to suit. D. P. THOMAS & CO.. Ho. 403 Grant street. lelO-31-EOD WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. T4TANTED-A GOOD SECOND-HAND NO. 2 VV Remington typewriter. Address A. B. D., Dispatch office. fe27-14 WANTED-MANUFACTURER3 AND OTH ERS seeking locations should communicate with M. V. RICHARDS, Land.Agent, B. & O. B. R., Baltimore, ild. fe2l-81-TT8sn TATATTED-C0NTHACT3.F0B CLEAR LAKE , V V Ice at lowest price, and shipments In car lots during season as wanted. Address GAGER ACQ., Sandusky, O. feZ7-174 WANTED-I HAVE FOR RENT OR LEASE A lot 24x120 feet on Braddock ave. ; central location for business; terms reasonable. Address BOX 220, Braddock, Pa. fe2S-54-MTh WANTEU-rUBLIO TO KNOW TnE ELITE GALLERY. 516 Market street, Pittsburg, will make cabinets fortlU) per d and show proofs, until May 1: so' come early; .bring the little ones; use elevator. feiS-9 w ANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOHRAFHF.R. 98 Fifth avenne. Plttsburir. and 43 Federal street, Allegheny,- ererybodyto know that be Is making flue cabinets at 1 0 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous orocess. mhl3-k27 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CItv Residences. TTIOR SALE-CHEAP. IF DISPOSED OF SOON. X- Ho. 15 Second avenne, a very'deslrable new House, li rooms: lot 20x80 ft. W. A. HERRON buns, so Fourth avenue. fe2S-7S-MWThP FRSALE-WEBSTER AVE, NEAR GRAN VILLE St., 2-story and mansard brick of 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, etc.; lot 20x127, to Keat lng's, alley: will be sold cheap. BALTEN SPEBGEK & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. fe27-29 FOR SALE-(99)-U PER CENT NET INVEST MENT, Eighth ward, city; 8 mlnntes' walk from Court House; 2-story mansard brick dwell ing. 8 rooms, gas, water, etc: price, $2,350: easy terms: owner must sell. SAilUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe26-79-TT East End Residence. t FOR SALE-CENTER, .NEAR AIKEN AVE,, new house, late style; well planned and built (10 rooms): late Improvements; Just finished. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. " fe21-8J-TTS FOR SALE-StOOO WILL BUY A NICE HOME In the East End, and near the cable and rail road, 6 rooms, batb, natural gas and large lot; terms reasonable; call at office and see photo. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe288-TTS' TTOR SALE- 2-STORY FRAME SLATE ROOF, j.- uweiung in &asi iu, near siauon; cny water and gas, bath and all conveniences; tile hearth In parlor; natural gas; HOOO; payments to suit In quire MORRIS & FLEMING, 108 Fourth avenue. fe2S-3S-TTS FOR SALE-AT fS,0O IF SOLD IN THE NEXT few days, at Oakland, fronting Firth avenue, (excellent business location), lot 22x127 ft., paved alley In rear-good brick dwelling, 6 rooms, (easily converted Into a store) : terms reasonable. W. A. HERRON i, SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe27-4S FOR SALE-tlS.000: ONLY 8 MINUTES' OF Shadyslde station, a desirable residence, good style; 10 rooms: late Improvements; beauti fully located; lot 70x300 ft., fronting 2 streets, on, Cuter avenue, in the midst of fine residences. W. A. HEBKON i, SONS, 80 fourth avenue. fe21-84-rrs FORSALE-THE LATEST STYLE HOUSE, S rooms, with bath; large pantries, porches and an extra fine finish throughout, with a lot 50x110 feet, on- Mellon St., 4 squares from Cable line and Roup station; price, HOOO, and terms to suit. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., East Lib erty. fe27-44-ThS FOR S A LE-S3, MO-JUST ONE M1N UTE FROM Fifth avenue cable cars, on a good street and convenient to E. E. station a pretty frame dwell ing of 6 rooms, hall and vestibule, nat. and art. gas, water, screens for windows and doors, front yard; choice location and special bargain. BLACK Ss BAIRD, 95 Tourth avenue. feS-49-D FOR SALE-WK CAN SELL YOU AN EAST END residence for SSOOcaih, and will make payments on balance like rent; this Is a brick dwelling situated on South Hlland ave,, and on line of new cable cars; has every modern con venience, and will be sold. If taken at once, very cheap. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. f eS-52-6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 28, 2S FOB SALE-84,250 WILL BUY A MEADOW street dwelling of 8 rooms, nicely arranged; hall, vestibule, laundry In cellar, front and back porches,. range, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, slate mantels and nice chandeliers: this is only 8 minutes' from Liberty station.- BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenne. fe6-49-D F station, handsome new Queen Anne brick. dwelling, 12 rooms, reception hall, nice pantry. range, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, house tin s s-In wirea ior eieciric lignn , Inside w. c, slate roof. large porches, 13-tnch walls, good sewersLlot50x 150 feet: convenient to both cable lines andP.R R. ; one of the most desirable residences In the E. E.; price only tlLOCOj terms to suit. BLACK ft BAIRD..S5 Fourth ave. , , fe2I-97-D FOR 8ALE-J8.H-IF SOLD AT ONCE-ONE 'of the best locations In Oakland; a new modern style brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, two Inside w. c.'s, stationary wasbstand, pantry between kitchen and dining room, laundry, cemented cellar, sliding doors and inside shutters; beautifnl slate mantels and tile hearths: fine front and back porches; also, front and back stairs: house papered throughout In the most artistic manner: good sewerage. Iron fence, cement walks, etc. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fe22-33-Tn,s Hnzelivood Residences. T71I 'ORSALE-5,000-HAZELWOOD, B. O. K. JD R. elegant new Queen Anne style frame dwelling, 7 largo rooms and 3 attic rooms, hall, hath, hot and' cold water, sliding doors, inside shutters, nat. gas, slate mantels, etc.;' lot 49x303 ic; oniv i minutes' waic irom juanon station, SAMUfiL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe26-3B-TT T710B SALE-GLENWOOD, JHE MOST CON JP VENIENT suburb or the city; only 12 min utes by the B. & O. : 24 trains a day each way; building lots for sale near the station at (300, f ICO, 1500, KOO, poo, fSOO, 11,000, according to location and she oflot: terms to suit purchasers. GEORGE C BURGWIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave. fel-43-TTS6u Allegheny Residences. TJiOB SALE-ONLY 2,CO0-BRICK HOUSE; 5 A' rooms and attic; water and sewers: on La- cock St.. near Federal st. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal st., Allegheny, IC-UO-TIIB TTIOR HALE-ON WESTERN AVE.. NEAlt Jj Fulton St., house 10 rooms; modern Improve ments; lot 29x125; price 17,500. D. 1LHUN, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. fciS-66-ThS FOB 8ALE-ON CEDAR AVE:. ALLEGHENY CITY, brick house of 12 rooms; lot 20x19311., with stable; price low and terms easy. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. ' fe26-92 FOR SALE-12,750 (FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY), buys 5-room brick ou paved street near P. V. cars, Second ward, Allegheny; a bargain. BAL TENSPERGEB A WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. fea-S2 FOR SALE-ON EASY PAYMENTS, FOUR new, 6-room bouses, 'with bathroom, w. c natural and artificial gas; lot 33x100. or larger. If desired: situated on line of Perrysvllle Ave. Elec tric road, inquire of J. A. McKEE. 708 Penn are., Penn building, room 611. Ja31-72-iT8 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-I12.000-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE of Mrs. Eliza A. Cooper, West End avenue. New Brighton road: lot 90x160; brick double house, 12 rooms and attics. A. LEG GATE SON, 31 Federal st., Allegheny. fe28-l FOR SALE KNOXV1LLE, K1CJHT AT TER MINUS of electric road and street car line, a 2-story brick of 4 rooms, slate mantels, tile hearths, city water, nat. gas; lot 25x100; prlceonly S2, 500; bargain. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe7-l-8,9,12,14.16,18,20,22,28,23 FOR SALE-CHEAP, AND ON VERY EASY terms, new 5-room frame dwelling (good style); ball, porches, water and both gases, at WestBellevue. P., Ft. W. &C. R. R.;a lovely home. BALTENSPEKGER & WILLIAMS, 1& xuuxtu avenue. 162o-t2 i TTIORSALE-Ji ACRE OF GROUND 1IEA1ITT. JD FOLLY located at Evergreen Hamlet, wltli s-roomea irame aweiung consc. cellar under same, good water, large lot of fruit trees on samfc: can be bought cheap. 'Inquire fori month on the premises,. W. S. MARSHALL, or of W. A. YOUNG. 54 Grant ave., MUlvale borough, Pa. fe22-l9-Thsu FOR SAL15-TWO ACRES OF LAND AT Howard Station. P. V. and C. railroad,' with fine house, containing seven rooms, water In kitchen, spring-house, grapery, fruit trees, etc. Tnis beautiful place Is located In what Is common ly called Forestvllle, and only about 'five miles' Jroin the city, and cost only ordinary? car fare. This place will be sold at a great sacrifice. If sold soon, or will rent the same reasonable. Apply boou vu u.s.iuuiii, i(2i uarson street, smiin Side. fe!9-61 FOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE $UBURBAN home, with stable and two acres or ground, nicely laid off in walks, flowerbeds, shrubbery, etc.: on line of elitrln rnrr ifirvWvm v a I. - legheny: bouse contains 11 rooms and 1 small room, fitted up with shelving sultablefor stdrage and clothes room, also bathroom, w.tc., natural nnn ttVffflM1 fra anil mIIw m. (I.i.Um.I.1.11.. ...... ... ......... ftwJ um i.i.j novel, uiu, i;uiuuiuiii& the- advantages of the country and' all con veniences of the city. Jn quire of J. A. McKEE, TOSPennave,, Penn building, roomCll. . Ja31-72-TTS FOR SALE-OB TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny county; the house Is large, .containing 15 rooms,' splendidly finished, and surrounded with' wide .verandas; it Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsome fowl bouse: the grounds arc very beautiful and well supplied with Choice shrubbery, rrult and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from I to 5 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KN OX VILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenne. Kiioxvllle borough. Jal9-9 T70RSALE-AHOMEIN THE COUNTRY AT1 X Bellevue, Neville station, new frame house of 8 rooms and mansard; hall In center,-upstairs ,and down: front building 40x19, hack 40x20, front porch 36x7Ji. side porch 40x5J4:hot and coldwater. bath. .fine santtaryw. c, stand, etc: natural and Illuminating gas: flnogss fixtures and newel It.: house Is grained throughout, slate mantels and stone hearths In every room: well supplied with psntrlesjand closets: lot 20x230, with stable, feed house, cnlcken house and other rooms, all under one roofilarge and small fruits ot all kinds Inst in bearing: For terms and price inquire at 32 WEST vr t iti'-11" O0OT w AuegnenyjieaungLO' ?-' r , i ja - - 28,' 188.9. u FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Snbnrban Residences. F OR SALE BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN, dwelling with 3K acres land: one minute from Edgewood station, IV R. R-: 10 rooms, halls, porches, water, natural gas, carriage house, good stable, fruit and shade trees In abundance: price (16,000, one-third cash, balance to snlt purchaser. E. D. W1NGENROTH. 100 Fourth ave. fe26-51-TT FOR SALE-LOTS. East End liora. P IOR SALE-SPECIAL BARGAIN-LOTS ON Linden ave., fc. 1, rociauit.: onry$ a ii-j traded: street sewered and pared. BLACK lots graded A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe23-83-ThS F OR SALE2 CHOICE. BUILDING LOTS' ON Wood street, each 80x550. Villa Placn plan. Brushton station. Secure.plan from JOHN h. BAXTER, Agent, 612 Smlthfield St. re24-63-MThS P IOR SALE-TWO CHOICE LOTS ON STAN TON avenue, near Hlland ave.. each 40x100 teet to 20-foot alley ; price reduced to B per foot lfsoldatonce. BijAUK &BA11U, 95 i our in ave. fc6-49-D FOR SALE-THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton ave., near Hlland; situation unsurpassed.' fine fruit and shade trees: price and terms reasonable. Inqnlre, of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. " Jal9-12-rrs F lOK SALE-CHOICE LOTS, AT DALLAS STA TION, P. R. It., convenient to steam and ,trar! rhran and on easv terms, situation street cars: cheai and on easy terms, situation nnsnrnassed: nrice ranging from WOO to 1600. In- NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. no2S-y78-TT3 FOR BALE-CHEAPER THAN RENT-FOUR large building lots, only 2 squares from Boule vard place and Torrens station and near cable line; you can make your own terms and we will help you to build: price 8550: come and see us or write for list. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., East Liberty. fe27-4t-Ths Alleghcnv Lots. FOR SALE-(99)-PARK RESIDENCE SITES; one or more lots 21x80 on North ave. ; fine op portunity to acquire choice building sites without Saying for valueless old buildings; terms to suit. AS1ITEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. fe26-63-TT3 Suburban Lots. -T7I0K SALE-ONE TO THREE ACRES OF J choice, level and nicely located ground at Kmsworth. P.. Ft.W.& EU K. it., wim orwuuoui Improvements; will be sold at a bargain. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe7-99-8, 9, 12,14,16, 19.21, 23, 26, 28 Mnnnfnctnring Sites. FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING STrE-THE property bounded by Rebecca and Sturgeon streets and South and Allegheny avenues. Alle- f;heny City; streets all paved and sewered; large ronclad building; with lot of machinery, etc.; good faculties tor snipping eitner in car-ioaas or less. rorp. TIRE, 412 Gl For particulars Inquire of D. R. McIN- rant st., Pittsburg. re24-6i Farms. FOR SALE-CHEAP-FARM 70 ACRES, GOOD 7-room house, barn, orchard, etc., .4 miles from Rochester; price 3,000; also 50 acres, house, barn, fruit, etc., level land, 5inlles from Rochester, for 82,000; 120 acres level land, 6-room bouse, barn, orchards, etc., adjoining Beaver; mnst sell; price S100 per acre. Send for big farm and exchange list. N. F. HURST, Real Estate Agent, Rochester, Pa. fe2J-l-ITS FOR SALE-FARM: ATA BARGAIN-DAIRY and truck tarm, 60 acres. Including line two story dwelling, 8 rooms, stable and sprlngbouse; 8 acres In orchard, apples, pears, cherries, quinces, grapes, etc.; well and spring water soft; one-half the property Is rich bottom land: the whole underlaid with 9-foot vein of coal; situated on Plum Creek Branch,-A. V. R. H., one mile from Verona, Allegheny county; convenient to Pitts burg; this is a splendid property, and will be sold cheap on easy terms. Inquire MORRIS k FLEM ING, 106 Fourth ave. fe26-33-TT8 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-SHOE STORE, WITH OR WITH OUT stock; price reasonable. For full par ticulars, address Mrs. AGNES HORN, 72 Southern ave., Mount Oliver, Pa. fe2S-57 FOR SALE-1N THE C1TY-A NO. 1 BUSINESS Job printing office and stationery store do ing an excellent business. Particulars from ALEXANDER & LEK, 313 Wood St. fe2t-0-ThS FOB SALE-J1.000 WILL PURCHASE A HALF Interest in an established printing business: none but a good office man need apply. STUAUB & juuHiua, corner w ooa street ana j.uira ayenue, Pittsburg. fe28-76 FOR SALE-STORES, STORES, STORES; drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea, cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, ' confectioneries, boarding houses, coal works, etc. ; 100 good city business chances ior men or women. SREPARD A CO., 64 Fifth ave. Ja30 ' Business Stands. FOB SALE-BUSINESS SITE-OVER 100 FEET fronting on Klveravenue, by 215 feet In depth; two-story brick tannery covering nearly the entire lot; will be sold cheap to quick buyer. BL ACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. feU-lD FOR SALE-FIFTH AVENUE, OAKLAND, between Meyran ave; and Atwood St., a first class business location; lot 22x127 ft. ; a good brick, house of 6 rooms: a bargain Is offered If sold at once. AV. A. HEREON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe24-103-MTT F OR SALE-$3,500-VALUABLE BUSINESS lot on Beaver avenue. Allegheny, near car staoies; uweiuugnow on premises,, wnicn coma be remodeled; no better opening In the two cities for a bakery. STRAUB A MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. fe28-76 FOR SALE-0)"-WABEHOUSE PROPERTY on Church ave., near Sandusky st., Alle gheny, frontage of 40 feet on the railroad and 80 feetlndenth: fine location for business reaulrlnr a railroad siding; we have sold three of these properties In this block within a year. SAMUEL v. . BLACK A CO.. 99 Fourth ave. fe26-69-TT FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. T710RSALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, !' usaiiengi meat choDnere Ball engine, 1 smill dynamo and 2 lamps and lers, reuueriug iteiues, etc. v.ca.LXjdE MCDONALD, Tenn ave., cor. Thirty-second St. J616-I63-TTS FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery; engines from 4-horse power up, bollersl pumps, etc.; call or write for prices. FAHEY ft PFALLER. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap24-vK,S-TTS Financial. TTIOR SALE-MORTGAGES I MORTGAGES JD fromfjOO, ir.OOO, SLSOOand upward, bearing 8 per cent interest, approved by attorney. These mortgages are nearly all purchase money mort gages. An excellent Investment for anybody. Apply too. B.TOUDY.J721 Carson street South Side. feI9-61 PERSONAL. PERSONA L-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have, one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth iLOOCvlet ns know: we will buy one as quickly' as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 PiERSf)NAL-YOU WILL BEA LONGTIME ,dcsd. but a short time alive, so benpand make tlie best of It; see tbat vour wearing apparel always hooks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tallor.for 65 Fifth avenue, corner Wood street, secondBoor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing: give him a trlal.Telenhonel558. lag NOTICES. N TICE TO BOSS BAKERS OF-PITTS; 3URG. AUechenvand surro undine towns. that the employment bureau of the National Bayers Union So. 27,has removed from Jeffer sonHall, Allecn'eny; to corner of Fifth avenue and Smlthfield street, Pittsburg. ntranco on tilth avenne, opposite Kanf- ranns'. e25-HThS COMMITTEE. CO'TJNTY COMMISIONEES' OFFICE, I I llllODUAU, J.-CU. 1U, HW. , PHB COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold anneals on the following: named istrlcts aa follows, to-wlt: Thursdav. February 2?. Patton township. By order of County Commissioners. R. B. MERCER, GEO. Y. McKEE, DANIEL McWILLIAMS. P. W. S1EBERT. Clerk. fe21-14 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR MINERAL OIL.-JEF-FKRSON VILLE. Ind., February 7, 1889. Healed proposals. In triplicate; subject to usual conditions, will be receivedhere until 11 o'clock A.Sf, (central standard time), SATURDAY, March 9. 18S9. and then opened, for furnishing at this Depot 100,000 gallons of Mineral Oil, of 135 flash test, in cases ot two 'five-gallon cans each. Proposals for delivery of the oil at other points will be consideted. The Government re serves the right to reject any or all nropos ils. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production, conditions of quality and price (in cluding in the price of foreijn productions the duty thereon) being equal, and such preference will be given to articles of American produc tion produced on tbe.Pacific coast to extent of tho consumption required by the public service there. AH information furnished on applica tion to this office. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "proposals for Mineral Oil," and addressed to undersigned. HENRY C. HODGES, Assistant Quartermaster Gen eral. U. S.Army, Depot Quartermaster. ,fe8-54-8.8,10,11.27,2S MEETINGS. -VTOTICE-A. O. U.. W. MEMBERS OF i .General Custer Lodge No. 118, are re- aucstea to assexnoie ac meir nair on luuxur AY, February 23, aU o'clock, to attend.' the funeral oi onr late Brother R. J. Fleming. Members of sister lodges arc cordially invited. By order, W. H. MUHL, M. VV. Attest: THOS. SIMPSON, Recorder. fe27-43 OEFICEOF ( The Chabtiebs "Valley, Gas Company, I Corner Wood st. and third ave., f Pn-rsBUBO, Pa.. Dec 31, 18S8.J XT OTICE A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE 11 stockholders Of this company will bo held ax the office ot the company on Wednesday, March 8,1880. at 2 o'clock p.m., to take action onl the recommendation by the Board of Direct ors, to issue bonds to; the amount of $1,000,000, secured by mortgage upon the property of the company, being for the funding of the debt ot, saia company, x. i, tstasia, oewewrjr. ' . ,TO LET. CItv Residence. mo LET-8-ROOM DWELLING, NO. 4115 JL Bntler St., City; rent $30 per month. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent. 62 Fourth ave. fc27-0 TO LET-NO. 179 THIBD AVE., 10 ROOMS: . late Improvements: first class order: f7S per month. W. A. HEREON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fc28-7T TO LET-10-EOOM HOUSE. COR. CHAUNCEY and Wylle avenne: rent $33 33 per month; large lot. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't., 62 Fourth ave. ' fe27-S0 TO LET-10-ROOM DWELLING AND STABLE ou Fourth avenne. near Smlthfield st. ut portion, of It is well adapted for offices, and the remainder for boarders and lodgers. C H. LOVE. 93. Fourth avenue. fc2S-C6-rr TO LET-BRICK DWELLING HOUSE OF 6 rooms. No. 366 Webster avenue, near Devll ller street, Keren th ward: rent only 114 per month. Apply to ARCHIBALD WALLACE; No. 971 Lib erty St., upstairs. fe23-78 TO LET TWO HOUSES ON FRANCES ST., between Wylle and Center aves., of 7 rooms and hall; flted for natural gas; hot and cold water. Inside w.c aud batb. front and back porch: rent 20 per month. Inqnlre or ffn. M. JOHNSTON, on premises. fe2S-61 East End Residences. TO LET-NO. 5604 ELLSWORTH AVENCE flne new bouse, 8 rooms, late Improvements: location first class: 2 squares of Roup station. W. A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. fe28-77 TO LET-NEAR FIFTH AVENUE CABLE line and Roup station, several good houses from 20 up to S45 per month. Call or send for list free. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe23-77 TO LET-7 QUEEN ANNE BRICK DWELL INGS, Just finished, at Roup station, front ing P. R. R.: 8 rooms, finished attic, batb, elegant staircase, front and rear porches, natural gas, complete sewerage, range, hot and cold water, marble-top wasbstands, hardwood mantels with cabinets, tile hearths, complete electric work; nice lawn, largelot: rent K0: free rent to April 1- Ask for REY.CHAPMAN HOUSES-,or call on BLACK A BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. f el5-77-lS, 18, 20, 22, 23, 27, 2S Allegheny Residences. T7OB SALE-ONLY 81,000-HOUSE 2 ROOMS; A.' lot 23U03 leet: on Asnton sw a, D.WILSON, 53 Federal st., Allegheny. iea-eo TO LET NO. 103 FAYETTE ST., ALLE GHENY good house, 8 rooms, besides batb, range, washhouse, etc.; f400 per year. W. A. HEREON SO NS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe2S-77 TO LET-NO. 82 8HEFFIELD ST., ALLE GHENY, very desirable new brick bouse 8 rooms: late improvements: possession at once If desired. W. A. HERRON A SONS; 80 Fourth ave. fe2l-104-3twih Tr LET-HANl)SOME RESIDENCE, 10 rooms, with over an acre or ground, on Linden avenne, electric road, bill district, Alle gheny; beantlful outlook. A. LEGGATE A SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. feS-1 TO LET-ALLEGHENY HOU3ES-83 SHEF FIELD street, 7 rooms,- 830; 3 Frazlerst., 6 room;, 823; 313 Sanduskvst., Brooms, (25: Harri son St., 6 rooms, K0; Vlllls St., Nunnery Hill, 6 rooms, 115. A. LEGGATE A SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. fe23-l TO LET-TEN-ROOM DWELLING" HOUSE, No. 35 Washington St., Allegheny; heating and artificial gas, hot and cold water, with bath room, and one square ftom the parks: rent 850 per month. Inquire of S. ARNOLD. 160 Fourth are., or 14 Union ave., Allegheny City. fe28-58 Snbnrban Residences. mOLET-AT INGBAM-TWO SMALLH0USE3 X 4andzroomseacn, witn 4 acres 01, ground; rent 112 per month. ueo. ouiiNaioi, Agent, 62-Fourth ave. fe27-50 TO LET AT INGRAM -SEVEN-ROOM frame house, with ten acres of ground; plenty or fruit trees; rent 825 00 per month. GEO. JOHN STON, Ag't., 62 Fourth ave. fe27-50 mo LET-AT IN GRAM-SIX-ROOM FRAME L h house, surrounded by stfade trees, abont 10 minutes' from station: rent 1 15 per month. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, 62 Fourth ave. fe27-) ApanmenlJ. mO LET-FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. JL with board, to gentlemen only. Apply at S9 . Appl fe28-62' ARCH ST., Allegheny. :-ThSU Offices, Deik Room, &c T IO LET-SEVERAL VERY FINE OFFICES. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. fe27-50 a 10 LET-SECOND FLOOR.' 510 SMITHFIKLD . st., one or two rooms. Inquire of A. M. A J. B. MURDOCH, 510 Smlthfield St. fe27-9 TO LET-SUIT OF OFFICES ON SECOND floor No. 114 Fourth avenue, adjoining the Dollar Bank: rent low. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. te2S-77 TO LET IN THE McCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal Btreet; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JaS-32-D T IO LET LABGE FRONT ROOM, SECOND floor, 518 Smlthfield St., opposite City Hall and adjoinlni lng Dnquesne Hotel, with, cna Dnquesne Hotel, with, chairs, uesa, etc, ave. MORRIS A FLEMING, 10s Fourth de4d-63-TT8 TO LET-THIRD FLOOR OF DIAMOND National Bank building, cor. Fifth ave. and Liberty St.; this large and well-lighted room fronts on Fifth ave., Liberty and Union sts. ; use of elevator. GEO. JOHNSTON, Ag't, 62 Fourth ave. fe27-50 TO LET -SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms in the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave. and Wood 6treet; also warehouse and basement No. 213 Wood St. Inqnlre at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st, JalS-51 mO LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. a -xne uermania savings nana. a wooasc. having changed the Interior or Its building by addlngl3 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc. snees. elevator, etc.. offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-l Buslnens Stands. mO LET-BUSINESS STAND ON 8M1TH- 1 FIELD street best location In the city: a cesslble by all car lines, FIELD STREET. Apply to 619 SJ1ITU-fe24-29 TO LET-BRICK STOREROOM. WITH 8 living rooms. No. 114 Frankstown avenue, with small tenement house In rear: 130 per month. MELLON BROS., 6343 Station Bt., E. Liberty. fe23-25-ThSU TO LET-FINE STOREROOM, 287 OHIO ST., Allegheny, with plate glass front: first-class business location; at present occupied as confec tionery. Apply to J. H. AIKEN, 100 Fifth ave nue. fe!4-83-D Special. T IO LET-OUR 'TO LET" LIST, AS HERETO- VIIRD! fsenorf tmyn nnr nffiM ts now nnb- llshed every Wednesday and Saturday (without expense to landlords) in The Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave, fe22-14-MTTT LEGAL. NOTICES. ESTATE OF M. F. LUDWIG, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of M. F. Ludwicr, deceased, late of the Seventh ward, City of Al legheny, have been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claim or demands' against the same will make them known with out delay. J. W. LUDWIG, 14 Federal street. Allegheny. fel4-10O-Th J. R SWEITZER. 96 Diamond street T7STATE OF J. B. SWEITZER, DE J2i CEASED Executrix's Notice Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of J. B-Sweitzer, late of Allegheny City, connty.of Allegheny, and State of Penn sylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to' make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make tbem known with out delay to MARY H. SWEITZER, Execu trix, 81 Beech street, Allegheny. f e7-83-Th IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, for the Western district of ennsylvania, Bovard, Rose 4 Company! Vn s .., . and others r0, ?Z? xelm J VS JOOV. The steamboat Mayflower. J i" " Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed commissioner to report a schedule for the distribution of the fund realized from the sale of said steamboat, and that he will act under said appointment at the clerk's office of t aid conrt, at Pittsburg, Pa., on THURSDAY, March H, 1889. at 2 o'clock P. H. 8. C. McCANDLESS, Commissioner. fe27-100-D Vf OTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN X application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on THURSDAY, March 21, 1889, by Allen Marthens, Frank Wilcox, Edwin E. Little, Walter D. Uptegraft and Charles C. Wolfe, under the general corporation act of 1874, and its supplements, for the charter ot an intended corporation, to be called the Turtle Creek Valley Electric Light Company, tho purpose of which is to supply light and heat by means of electricity to the public at and within the townships of North Versailles, Patton, Braddock and Wilklns, in the connty of Alle gheny, and State of Pennsylvania, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefitsand privileges of said corpora tion act and its supplements. DAiaELL, SCOTT & GORDON. fe2S-80-Th Solicitors. e. A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 seventh avenne, Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone 1344. se5-n60-TTS GEO. H. BARBOUR. CIVIL ENGINEER. Surveyor, Draughtsman and Deslgnerot Bridges Roof 9 and Mill Buildings, I Room 62 Eisner Bulldlne. " de!2-k66-D 64 FIFT AVENUE. Pittsburg. ,1 E, L1NKENHEIMER, : ' architect; 545 Smlthfield street Pi'ttsburflr. Pa. Frefhelts I Freuad Building,' moad floor, UWi.-a AUCTION' SALES. k UCTION SALE AT McCOY'S STABLE, Dnquesne way, near PoIntbrldge-onFRXDAY, , juarcn i, ai 1x1 a. ji., iub luiiuniut described stock; 15 HEAD OF MULES; From 14 hands high upward, and 4 years old ' npwara. au guaranteed ana wen utu&c. Also, a herd of Short; .Horn Durham Cattle, "i Of the Rose ot Sharon family, One bull, 3 years old. One bull, 2 years old. Two bulls, 1 year old. Two cows and 3 heifers. All good colon, and for Individual merit can" not be surpassed, and in good breeding- condi-. tion. Also, two fine welt-bred colts,whose ped gree will be given day of sale. The above con signmentls from Joe W. Savage, Ironton. O. Will be sold to the highest bidder Np postpone ment on account of weather, f e27-22 J. A- McKELVY, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE AT 3U MARKET ST, FRI DAY MORNING.Marcn I, commeneingat 10 o'clock. Fine mahoeany, walnut, oak and cherry chamber suits, folding beds, wardrobes, dressers, washstands. bed lounges, cupboards, desks, bedsteads, chiffoniers, bookcases, secre taries, cheval and pier mirrors, center and ex tension tables, sideboards, hall racks, chairs,' rockers, 1 square grand piano forte, upright Eiano, fancy rockers, easy chairs, fine pictures, ronzes and ornaments, lace curtains, stair pads, 'brussels, ingrain and rag carpet, Ih noleum, rugs, clocks, decorated toilet ware, lamps, glassware, drygoods, notions, tea,' stoves, .trunks, easel, wraps, harness, bedding, HENRY AUCTION CO.. LLM.. fe5S-02 Auctioneers. BYORDSROF THE CITY PROPERTY Committee of the city of Allegheny, I will expose at public sale on the premises, oa TUESDAY, March 6, 1889, at 10 o'clock a; m, building l6t cor. of Anderson and Lacocksts.. Fourth ward. Allegheny, on which Is erected a s. two-story brick building, better known as tho oiaiOiumDia engine nouse. inis property is nsed as a business property at present. Terms made known at safe. Particulars from A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer aud Real Estate) Agent. 413 Grant. Pittsbnrg. fe2647' RESORTS. Atlantic City. THE ROYAL- ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Always open. Appointments first-classt steam heat, sun galleries, eta fe22-30 W. H. REYNOLDS. . THE ELDREDGE, NO. 18 SOUTH CARO LINAavetme, within three minutes' walk to depot or beacb. Large cheerful rooms, ex cellent table. Terms moderate. MRS. E. J. ELDREDGE, Proprietress. f ell-3-D ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-HOTELS, ' Boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or tor sale by L G. ADAMS & CO, Real Estate Agents, Real Estate and Law Building, Atlantic City, N.J. felt-6-D THE WINDSOR ATLANTIC CITY. ExcellentlocatIon;unobstructed ocean views; Cuisine and appointments of the best. Steam heat throughout the hotel. G. WATERS. W. E. COCHRAN.Chlet Clerk. fel7-rrssu ON ,THE BEACH. Atlantic CrrY, N. J- HADDON HALL- fe!6-54 EDWIN LIPPLNCOTT. THE CHALFONTE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. fel6D E. ROBERTS & SONS. . .9 HOT SPRINGS, N. O. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. Flrst-elass in every particular. Steam heil. Open Fires. Porches Inclosed in glass. Superb Location. Ideal Climate far the debilitated. Baths In Marble Pools. Finest in America; Waters unexcelled anywhere in euritive power or luxury. G. K. LANSING, (Lata of Aster House, N. Y.) Manager. felS-oO-D 'AMUSEMENTS. RAND OPERA HOUSE EXTRA! B. D. Wilt. Lessee and Manager. Week Commencing Monday, March t. Matt' nees Wednesday and Saturday. Tha,. . Distinguished. Irish Comedian, MR. JOSEPH MURPHY.1 Monday and Tuesday Nights, KERRY GOW. Wednesday Matinee, Wednesday and Thur day Niehts. THE DONAGH. Friday Night, Saturday Matinee and Nighty SHAUNRHUE. fe2S-ll GRAND OPKRA HOUSE MARGARET MATHER, Supported by J. E. Studley. Toniaht ROMEO AND JULIET. Week March 4-JOSEPH MURPHY. feK. B UOU THEATER- MURRAY & MURPHY. "OUR IRISH VISITORS." Next week-'The Fugitive." HARRIS THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening, . . TRUE IRISH HEART& March -Palmer's "Danites" Co. fe3i-19-B TJaRRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. GUS HILL'S WORLD OF NOVELTIES. The Golden Boom. fe2i-21 "CASINO MUSEUM Week of February 25 Welches, Charles and Jennie: Millie Antoinette. George Derlous. Ad- " miral Dot and others. Admission, lUc. Ones from 10 A. M. until 10 P. ar. lea-a) PIMM HAMRIDM COMPANY.: Incorporated under act of April 29, 1S7L CAPITAL STOCK $25,009 In 250 shares of the par value of $100 each. DIRECTORS. ' MR.C.L.MAGEE. MR.H.H.BYRAM. MR. W. G. McCANDLESS, MR. F. T. TORRANCE, MR. TV. H. STOTZ. OVER HALF CAPITAL- STOCK ALREADY TAKEN. The attention of those wishing for a good in vestment is called to this enterprise. The Stock Subscription Book is now open and the names of the subscribers therein include many of Pittsburg's shrewdest, most successfnl and most prominent business men. Early applies tion In order to secure stock is necessary and should be made to the undersigned, who will . give fullest particulars relative to the project FRED GOODWIN. Secretory. Temporary offices: 123 Fifth avenne. city. fe2Wl -HOUSESF OR ALL&- FORSALEandTOLET. 3 rooms np to 10 rooms. In the beautiful y borouen. 01 Knoxvuie, omy lft miles irom city , postofflce. Beautifnl homes are sold on payments' the) same as rent. Byall means visit Knoxville before taking your house for another year. Never have there been such oppcrtnnitles for people to get homes.' 49-Take Southside cars to Twelfth street, and ML Oliver Incline and Street Railway, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. MmiELMlIPiVIira. OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, fe8-57-TTflSu. KNOXVILLE BOROUGH. M CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE -INy j stoves ana ranges wnue using tne same ferj" cooking, or any other purpose, by usteg tba -Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cr-" -'-' cular, containing full information, call oa or' ', address , ' . JAMES ANDERSON, 63 East Diamond street, Je5-n5T-TT3 , Allegheny. Pa. WalterJ.osborse. Richard B&BBOwa. BARROWS & OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, . WDJaaead street. - Telephone No. 813 .' -' - - MsrMfTMN - , , S -1 T. 'AiJi-- ' ")-t -.t 7 AS A W yfify ; " - . ' ' -i - - c 1 ' " - L- HlsyjtMj(ijsjJj .. . -, -.. j'.asi'i'j .t-i-Aj.