Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 28, 1889, Page 2, Image 2
:i fSBS? " '"'" ' ' " ",:' " ' '" ' ' "' ' CTe PITTSBURG 'ilSPATOH,' THUBSDg TEBBUlBY ' UJ8, 1889. I I A i , . . . . . . ! ' ' ' ' I f BE IS RICHNESS Interviews With Pittsburg's Miners of Mexican Tin. SANGUINE FOR'THE STUFF. Dnrango Ore May Knock the Tin Plate Tariff Topic Ont. WEALTH OP ORMUS AND THE IKD To be Outdone at Less Than the Price o a Sons:, in Mexico, PALING THE GLOW OP MOXTEZUMA GOLD Mention has been made in The Dis patch of the Pittsburg and Mexican Tin Mining Company, bought out by Mr. J. Lt. "Williams, of Durango, Mexico, and Mr. George H. Thurston, of this city. Mr. "Williams is one of the original locators of the fan mine and largely interested in it and other mining enterprises, and Mr. Thurston is the Secretary of the company. FranKW. Smith, Esq., tells some inter esting facts in connection with the history of this mine and tin mining in general. He Etatei that one time Mr. Thurston was de puted to gather information on the subject of tin mines in Durango. The first thing lie did was to consult Anpleton's Encyclo pedia, and there he found reference to a deserted tin mine. This was slightly worked half a century ago, or thereabouts; but one day Indians swooped down on the camp, and Then they departed the buzzards took what the savages had left and the mine was, in a measure, forgotten. The knowledge derived from the encyclopedia gave consid erable impetus to the project Mr. Smith states that four assays have been made of the ore; one in New York,4 two in Durango and one in Pittsburg, and' they yielded from 35 to SO per cent of tin. This, he says, is not pretended to be the run of the mine, but is enough to show the ore to be TOFABAIXEI.ED IS BTCHXXSS, the richest hitherto found being in the island of Malacca, worked by the Dutch and from which place "straits" tin is pro cured, while the mines in Cornwall, En gland, yield but seven-eighths of 1 per cent, and yet pay largely for working. Mr. "Williams said: "After a careful investigation of the min ing laws of Mexico, and, five visits to that country in the past year, seven months of which were spent in the State of Dnrango and other sections, the object being to ex amine mines with the view of their being worked profitably and without interference, it is my opinion that capital can be invested in Mexico better than in many portions of our country. The Government of Mex ico of to-day must not be judged br those of the past Instead of interference, they are now doing, and propose doing, all that is possible to assist foreign capital in developing the mines of Mexico. They have recently en acted laws on this subject. They have taken off all tariff duties on machinery lor work ins mines, and removed all taxes except a 2 per cent tax on money expended. There are no real or personal taxes; in fact no other tax whatever. The law is made and passed, and cannot be repealed for SO years. MEXICANS VEKT MODEST. "I have fonnd the officials always ready to give all the assistance possible to actnal mining investments, and the people quiet and inoffensive, only wanting to work, and, of course, to be paid promptly for their la bor. I have made investments for my asso ciates in three different silver properties, and am also interested in the tin property of the Pittsburg and Mexican Tin Mining Company. "I have visited the mine in question four different times. There are, without doubt, large bodies of tin ore on the property. During the time I was in Mexico a develop ment of the deposit of tin ore on the prop erty in question was made by a corps of workmen sent from Pittsburg, and a shaft sunk to the depth of 45 feet, showing a true fissure vein of from six to eight feet between walls, a vein of very fine ore of from 15 to to 18 inches wide on the foot wall, increas ing in width as depth was attained. Sam ples of this assayed from 40 to 50 per cent metallic tin, and the main body of ore will undoubtedly give a practica "result of 10 per cent of all the matter of the vein. I found this the condition of the mine on my second visit Being at that time accom panied by an expert in smelting, for per sonal satisfaction I concluded to try'my hand at smelting some of the ore. "The exploring party having built a crude furnace, and there being charcoal at hand, we obtained some of the ore from the vein, charged and fired the furnace at 4 o'clock in the morning, and by 11 o'clock were run ning tin. Our experiment showed there was metallic tin in large quantities in the ore, and demonstrated the fluxes to be used. Samples of the tin so obtained are now in Pittsburg. The mine has been put in the condition required by the Mexican law, and possession and title given." A2TOTHEB EJTEETTETT. Mr. Thurston said: "We have organized a company and are going to work in a prac tical manner to open up the mine. The first thing we propose is to go down in the shaft from 100 to 200 feet, and run such levels along the vein as may seem best, with a view of exposing the greatest possible body of ore before expending any money for smelter or other machinery. This will necessitate the expenditure of but $1,000 or $5,000, and will at the same time enable us to take out a large tonnage of ore ready for the smelter. "After we have sunk our shafts and run our levels we shall then erect our smelters and other machinery. "We know we have a ' large deposit, pr rather vein, of tin ore. A peculiarity of this ore is that the veins are vertical and continue to great depths. "We are not carried oil our feet, so to speak, with our prospect, but are going to work in a very sedate, methodical way to take out the ore and produce the metallic tin. We do sot look upon the mine as a speculative property, but a legitimate, methodical busi ness, requiring but few weeks to get in shape to produce our tin as systematically as a blast furnace does iron. "There is no tariff on metallic tin.nor does the Government propose to place one. A tariff is proposed on tin plate, which is com posed of nine-tenths iron. Of course, if tin Iate is made in the "United States, it will e the better for us as producers of metallic tin; but our working of the mine in noway depends on a tariff on tin plate,nor is it neces sary to a practical and profitable result" Prom what the projectors say. tin ore does not give the trouble in smelting that gold does, but is run out of a furnace ranch as pig iron from a blast furnace. Mr. Smith states that there is plenty of wood in the vicinity of the mine, so that charcoal can be cheaply obtained. Ti the Fashion. "W. S. Hoare and W. A. Corstorphine (servant), London, England," is the way in whih an Englishman registers at the Dnquesne Hotel, THEY SEEM TO READ. Foreigners Who Bnstle to Become Citizen Before Being Barred Some of Their Peculiarities. While it may be true, and doubtless Is, that Enrope vomits a vast amount of her scum upon our shores, it must be conceded that many of her emigrants, though possi bly infected with anarchistic notions, are not ignorant, and Mr. W. T. Lindsay, who has lately been paying attention to the appearance and con versation of people who file declaration of intention to become citizens, states that they average well. Almost all can write their names and do it well, and they seem to be fully alive to the importance of taking a hand in self-government, and to have some unusual stimulus to action. What is the cause? Some say it is for the purpose of voting against the prohibitory amendment to be submitted next June; and, though the unusual number taking out final papers, at a time when there is no election pending, gives this assertion a color of plausibility,iit does not cover the ground, as the final ceremonies are scant compared with the number of new declarationjsts, who would not be able to vote at that time. The real reason seems more likely to be found in the recent introduction of legisla tive measures adverse to foreigners in Con gress and in our State Legislature. In Congress a bill was introduced which, if enacted, would require all foreigners who wish to become citizens to be able to read and write. There seems to be some di versity of opinion as to whether or not the . abilitv to read and write English is re quired, or merely the language of the ap plicant But what is supposed to be the main spring of ihe movement is the proposition in the Legislature to require contractors to pay a protective, or at least semi-protective tariff on all unnaturalized labor employed in this State. If foreigners are not able to read our language, they at least know how to keep posted, and know enough to flee from the wrath to come, and even the more or less despised Chinese or Hun is knocking at the doors of the Nat uralization Courts, though not so nerv ously as the German. Italian names are quite frequent, as also those of Poles. It was stated some weeks ago that Englishmen were getting naturalized much more numer ously than formerly, and they were said to be doing so in order to lessen the strength of the Irish vote, but the rush of this class seems to be over, and of late German and Continental names generally are more nu merous. Nor are these foreigners slow politicians. They are not at all like the Polacks of Chicago, driven to the polls in gangs when naturalized, for on Tuesday a man ran for office in this city who has not yet celebrated the second birthday of his citizenship. Last February there were 28 persons who filed in the Prothonotary's office their inten tion to become citizens. In only a little over half of this month, 329 declarations were filed in that office. In the Clerk of Courts' office at the same time there were 150 declarations filed; in the United States District Court there were 91, and in tbe United States Circuit Conrt six, making in all 576 in 19J days, or three an hour during work hours. The latter court does not get get its share on account of the door of the District Commissioners' office being the first one reached. AN OLD PITTSBURGER DEAD. Dr. Francia GIrard, a Well-Known Veteri narian, Dies of Oplnm. The following information came by Asso ciated Press from Philadelphia late last night, and its subject will be of interest to many of the older residents of Pittsburg and vicinity : "Dr. Francis Girard, aged 53 years, a well-known veterinary surgeon of this city, died this morning from the effects of a heavy dose of opium. His family dis credited the theory of suicide. They say the doctor had been addicted to the opium habit for years, and think1 that by.mistake he took an unusually large dose which proved fatal. "He was arrested on Monday, charged by a live stock insurance company with sub ornation of perjury in inducing a friend to make affidavit to a false valuation of a horse which he had insured with the com pany. It is thought by some that his arrest preyed upon his mind, and that he took the drug this morning with suicidal intent "Dr. Girard came to this country from France when 18 years old, and fora time re sided in Louisville. Later he moved to Pittsburg, and after the war came to Phila delphia, where he lived ever since. He was the father of two sons and two daughters, all of whom are grown. The doctor was well connected." THE 'SQUIRE SPEAKS. Saying Constitutional Amendment Will be Lout br 35,000 Totes. ."I think the Constitutional amendment will be defeated on June 18 by abont 35,000 votes. Kow, you mark my words and see." That was the remark made by 'Squire Ammon yesterday afternoon, as he sat in his office on Wood street, and he supple mented these words by saying: "The omission of the compensatory clause will prompt a very large number of :voters to pin their ballots against the measure. This majority of votesVill come from tbe counties of Philadelphia, Berkshire, JJau phin, Cambria, Erie and Allegheny. The rest of the connties will be about evenly divided. I formed that opinion some time ago, and when I was in Harrisburg a few days ago I had it confirmed by men who are in a position to know pretty well how the ball rolls." A HOME FOR WIDOWS. No Action Yet Taken With Regard to Odd Fellows' Institution. A large meeting of delegates from different lodges of Odd Fellows on the the the Northside was held yesterday afternoon, in the hall on East Diamond street The object of the meeting was to secure funds for the erection of a home in Allegheny for the widows of members. The matter was discussed at length, but action was postponed until the next meeting. Artists for tbe May Festival. Carl Beter has daily rehearsals with the chorus who are to sing at the May festival, and Mr. Locke is in New York making ar rangements who are to sing at the concert The artists so far secured are: Lillie Leh man, Herman Foerster, Emma Juch, Rose Linde, Jules Perrotti, Paul Kalisch, Wm. Lavine, Wm. Ludwig, Emil Fischer, Adele Ans der Obe, F. Lichtenberg. Victor Her bert and Anton Seidle, with his orchestra of 90 performers. BETTER CONNECTIONS. The F. & W. Road Expect to Ran Thronsh Trains Over tbe B. ifc O. President James Callery, of the Pittsburg and Western road, went to Washington last night Mr. Callery said that as soon as the Western division of the road is completed through trains will be transferred over the Junction road and run to New York with out change over tbe Baltimore and Ohio. Tbe freight now is transferred, and Presi dent Callery hopes to soon see the passenger trains handled in the same manner. To Debate on the Amendment. The Democratic Legion, of Lawrenceville, will debate at Patterson's Hall, on Monday night, on "Is Constitntional Amendment a Good Measure." Messrs. Harne and Mc Clelland will take the affirmative and Messrs. Grundy and Miller the s.egs'tive. ALL OUT OK. STRIKE. Pnddlers at the Republic Iron TVorks Lay ITovra Their Tools BECAUSE .ONE WAS DISCHARGED. The Firm Refuses to Take Him Back Again on Any Consideration. S00 MEN AFFECTED BI.THE TROUBLE This morning all the departments in the Republic Iron Works, on the Southside, are to be idle, for the reason that every workman will "be on strike. There are about 800 employes in the works,and most oi them have large families to support The strike has been caused by the dis charge of Francis Carroll, a puddle boss, who is a member of Tubal Cain Lodge, Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. The story of Ihe origin of the trouble was told to a Dispatch reporter last night by one of the -employes of the works in about the following manner: Carroll is a prominent' politician in the Twenty-fifth ward, and a strong supporter of Burke, who ran for an office in the last election. On the evening before the election Carroll asked the furnace boss whether HE COU1D GET OFF. He. was answered affirmatively, it is alleged, because it was thought that a man might be found to take Carroll's place for that day. The next morning, however, there was no substitute on hand to take Carroll's place, and he was sent for. The first time ha did not come; but, it is alleged, when somebody was sent to his home the second time, he re sponded and went to the works. However, when he arrived at the place the niill boss told him he was not wanted any more at tbe mill, neither on that day nor any other day. Carroll then made complaint to his lodge, and a committee, waited upon the firm yes terday morning, but the proprietors refused to reinstate him. The answer they are al leged to have given to the committee was stated by the man last night to have been: TEET DETEEMINED ABOUT JT. "We will sooner see the cogs rust on the wheels of the entire works than take that man back." The consequence was that all the pnddlers became embittered and left the mill yester day morning, refusing to work again unless Carroll is put back in his place. On account of the puddlers being idle all the rest of the works, it is contended, will have to be shut down, and they are not ex pected to start up agafn before next week, even if the trouble should be settled to-day or to-morrow. But it is not thonght likely that such will be the case, because the parties on both sides are determined to have their own way. A meeting of the Amalgamated men will be held at headquarters to-day to discuss the matter, and President Weibe will prob ably be asked to interfere and bring the trouble to a satisfactory settlement THE BRICK MAKERS SCALE. It Will be Presented to the Manufacturers In n Few Days. The wage scale of the"brick makers of this city will be presented to the manufacturers in a few days, and will in all probability be signed by them without any trouble. At the meeting of L. A. 2946, of which all the brick makers are members, last Monday evening, the scale was completed, and is as follows: Burners, 53 per day; settlers, 52 50; molders, 52 50; machine men. or "strikers off," 52 60; wheelers, 52; laborers, 51 75 per day. All others are to be tha same as last year. James Hooper, of the Brickmakers' As sembly and ex-Worthy Foreman of D. A. !No. 3, said yesterday in regard to the scafe: We do not anticipate any trouble about sign ing tbe scale as it now stands. There is no use asking for any advance as we know the manu facturers cannot afford to pay it at present Prices of hnck are too low. but I think tbey will advance this summer. The cause of the depressions the market is due to the fact of so many manufacturers in the business. In order to get orders tbey have to cut each other's prices and in consequence hurt them selves. Some of them are now selling certain grades of brick as low as $6 per thousand. When they touch this figure there is no money in the business. They admit that it is our or ganization that keeps prices from going to pieces. They have to pay tbe wages and cannot go under S3. If they do they will lose money. A SEWER PIPE TRUST. Manufacturers In This Country Meet and Form a Combination. The sewer pipe manufacturers have formed a trust, the object being to prevent foreign competition. Yesterday afternoon twenty-four men, representing the leading sewer pipe concerns in the country, met in the office of the Globe Company, in tbe Germania 'Bank building, and discussed trade. It was stated that large quantities of foreign-made pipe were being shipped to this country, and in order to prevent this a trust, or rather combination, was formed. Theodore Bhodes, of Columbus, was elected President and F. H. Hendricks, of this city, "was chosen Secretary. At the close of the meeting one of the members said: "We do not propose to ad vance prices, but have merely entered into a combination to protect ourselves against foreign manufacturers. If tbe rules we have adopted are kept, foreign dealers cannot do business in this country, and most of our competition comes from England and Scot land. We can make all .the sewer pipe needed in this country and will continue to do so." HEAYI ARMOR PLATES. Two Large Ones Turned Ont bt Carnegie's Homestead Mill. Carnegie, Phipps & Co. are shipping to the ship yards of Cramp & Sons, at Phila delphia, some of the largest armor plate ever made in this country. They have just turned out of their Homestead mill two plates which weighed in the aggregate nearlv 19,000 pounds. They were 124 inches long By 90 inches in width and 3 inches thick. They weighed 120 pounds to the' square foot, and their weight was 9,300 pounds each. The plates have been sent to Philadel phia and will be put on one of the new Gov ernment cruisers. ' NEW CARRIE FURNACE. ' The Additional Stack May be Completed Within b. Few Weeks. The new blast furnace of the Carrie Fur nace Company at Keating station, on the rBaltimore and Ohio Railroad, is nearing cuuijjicuuu. xi win prooaoiy oe nnisnea in a few weeks and will give employment to between 75 and 100 more men. The new furnace will have all the modern improve ments. Falnters Quit Work. The house painters employed by Samuel Kutz, who has a contract from the Western Land Improvement Company at Jeannette, went out on a strike yesterdav. They were receiving 52 25 a day and demanded 52 60, which was refused. The men are forming a branch of the Brotherhood of Painters at that place, and expect the support of that organization. Citizens' Traction Grievances. Assembly No. 2126, E. of L., will Hold its regular meeting 'to-night, and it is ex pected the extra Citizens' Traction men will present their complaints. v THE ARBITRATORS DlSAGfiEE. Tha Old B.&D, Building's Fate Left With M.I Malone ns Umpire Probably It is Coming; Down. Mr. M.JL. Malone, the umpire in the arbi tration board appointed to investigators to tbe advisability of ordering the razing of the Roseburg bnilding, at the corner of .Fifth avenue and Wood street, will probably make his report to-day. " His decision will probably be to the effect that the "building is unsafe, and must comedown.. The report willbe' made to J". O. Brown, Chief of the Department of Public Safety, and the question will be settled finally. The owner of the bnilding has agreed to abide by their decision, and, even if he wished to, it is not likely that he could have any recourse to law. If Mr. Malone says the bnilding must come down, there will be no alternative but to dismantle it. If the owner does not do so thejCity Engi neer will be instructed to proceed to tear it down in the name of the city and by the authority of the Department of Public Safety. Mr. Malone was seen at his residence last evening and asked what his decision would be. He refused to say, as he had not fully made up his mind. He said: I did not receive the opinions of Mr. Natcher and Mr. Balph, the arbitrators, until late in the afternoon of yesterday, and! could not do any thing with the reports then. To-day I was called as a witness in court and did not have a moment's time to examine the reports. I know the public is awaiting tho report of the Arbi tration Board, bnt we are doing our best to have it ready as soon as possible. If I had my mind made up it would be discourteous to pub lish the report until it was first submitted to Chief Brown for his perusal. While 1 know what tbe report of the arbitra tors are, it would not do for me to decide one way or the other before carefully weighing each point Both reports are similar in regard to the facts. The details are not tbe same, and both Mr. Natcher and Mr. Balph look at tbe matter from different points of observation. If one of them thinks the bnilding is safe, and' the other thinks it is not then I will have to de cide who is right Both men are expect builders, and it will be a delicate matter to say which one is wrong. While the building may be a little unsafe the question to be determined is, is it a menace to human life and property? We should not condemn any man's building and order it torn down unless it is absolutely neces sary. No, I cannotsay whether the arbitrators think the building should come down or not. I have already stated that the building is out of iplumb as much as three inches. Whether or not this is dangerous and necessitates tho destruction of tho building I am not prepared to say. Early in the afternoon it was learned by a Dispatch reporter that the arbitrators had disagreed 'in their opinions as to whether the bnilding should come down or not Each was supposed not to know what the other was doing, but they found out nevertheless. Both state in their reports that the building is away out of plumb, but one does not think this is sufficient to war- "rant the destruction of the building. Mr. Balph s opinion ' is to the effect that the building must come down, while Mr. Natcher thinks it should not Both of the gentlemen give good reasons for their opin ions, and the umpire will hare to decide which one is in the right. . NEW STEEL PLANTS. Jacob Reese Interested In Several to be Bniltln Alabama. Jacob Beese, of this city, is interested in the establishment of one or two first-class basic steel plants in Alabama. One of them is to be located at Sheffield, and will be equipped with the largest and completest plate mill in the world. It will have a ca pacity of rolling the heaviest plates re quired in modern shipbuilding at a less cost than they can be delivered in the Delaware shipyards. Mr. Beese claims that steel bottomed mer chant ships arc now in demand, and the mill could be kept running constantly. The mill will also turn out beams, girders, channels, angles and the structural shapes. Mr. Beese claims that as soon as a ship yard is established in the South all the ma terial used for the construction of steel bot tomed vessels can be built and delivered in the yard cheaper than they can be sent to the eastern yards. A TAMABLE DOG STOLEN. It Is an English Setter, Whose Mother Was Stolen a. Yenr Ago. A valuable English setter, belonging to Mr. Ed. Pfeil, of 1927 Carson street, was stolen out of a stable early yesterday morn ing, and the thief had not been caught last night. The facts were given to the police, and they are hunting for the abductor of the animal. A peculiarity of the case is that the dog's mother was also stolen from Mr. Pfeil about a year ago; but he found out afterward who had her, and the man returned her. Charged With Stealing Lnmber. Thirty-six informations have been made against residents of the Seventh ward, Al legheny, for -stealing lumber from Hemp hill's planing mill, on Spring Garden ave nue. One of the defendants is not 7 years of age. Mayor Pearson will hear the case to-morrow afternoon. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day in Two Cities Condensed forKendr Reading. GE27EBAX Charles L. FrrzHuaH returned from Europe yesterday. , Nicola. Josef Saadic, the second Arabian ever naturalized here, was duly sworn in yes terday. The alarm from box 152 last night was caused by a chimney fire at 2221 Sarah street, Southside. J. E. Fbeman, an employe,at the Lucy fur nace, had his face and arms badly burned yes terday by a splash of metal. ; L. G. Mosses, of Pasture street,, fractured his right arm and broke his instep falling from a foot bridge yesterday morning. The trains from tbe East were delayed by a freight wreck yesterday on the Philadelphia division of the Pennsylvania road. Edwakd Relino, ot Thirty-third street, had his foot crushed yesterday by a piece of iron fencing he was unloading falling on.lt Lucy Johnson accused her husband yester day of striking ben. on the head with a poker. He was sent to jail in default of ball. Austin Smith, of Thirty-sixth street, had his foot crashed by-a rail at the Black Diamond Steel Works last night, necessitating amputa tion. The members of Zeno Lodge, A. O. O. P., will hold a grand reception and ball In Odd Fellows' Hall, South 'Eighteenth street, to signt John EOAlf, son. ot Mrs. Tom Egan, for. merly of Pittsburg, died of typhoid pneumonia at his home in Weston, W. Va., last evening at 7 o'clock. Wllue McKenna and Harry Estland, two boys, were locked up in the Eleventh ward police station last night for throwing stones at persons on Clin street Detective Coulson caught a man named Albright fishing shoes ont of a store window at Canrtton's shoe house yesterday during a sale, and arrested him. A chimney jtike In a house occupied by Mrs. Nightengale, of Ann street, Allegheny, caused an-alarm from box 71 yesterday after noon. Nq damage was done. The Allegheny Poor Board inspected the City Home yesterday and found everything in good shape. A concert was given to the in mates last evening under the auspices of the W. U T. U. The Washineton Infantry, of this city, will go on the fast line in two special cars, to the inauguration, starting Saturday at 9 p. m., and accompanied by the Midget Band. Headquar ters in Washington" will be at 4$s Maine avenue. ( Ueoboe E. Hemfhhl has made an In formation in AJJef;beny, charging the largest number of persons ever known in Allegheny on one Information, 32, with carrying off boards, hrfrVi. Ate. frnm m nld dismantle vntll mm Spnns Garden avenue. Whole families, down' P to babies, are mentioned. 'Y J FLED WITH A MEND. Pretty, Yiyacions and Blonde Ida Patterson Elopes With v THE HOSMER OP A DINKEY ENGINE The Irate Father and Brother .Looking; for Him With a CM. THE! MAT HAYE GONE TO LITTLE WASH. A tale of acquaintance and friendship, and love and elopement, was wafted from the quiet, pretty little town of Castle Shan non last night that embodies every point of a popular novel, except perhaps the final interesting denouement. Pretty, lively, bright and blonde Ida Pat terson has eloped with Bob Fergus, and the girl's father is looking for his daughter with open arms, and for Fergus with a club. The girl, Idella D. Patterson, is the 18-year-old daughter of Mr. E. A. A. Patter son, the well-known Master Car Builder of tbe Castle Shannon road. Bobert D. Fergus, the present possessor of the pretty blonde, is the engineer of a little dinky engine in the yards of Oliver Bros. & Phillies ' Fifteenth street mills. The story of the elopement was told last night by Mr. Patterson, who was found on the Southside. He is a handsome but rather severe looking man, with hair slightly tinged with gray, and evidently felt the loss of his daughter keenly. "yes," said he "my daughter Ida left home this morning at 8 o'clock, and my in valid wife is almost wild over the affair, and is going into -one convulsion after an other. HOTV IT All, HAPPENED. "The story is this: Fergus is a medium sized fellow of about' 27 years of age, and while not at all smart, he is a steady work man when he has work, but he doesn' earn enough to keep himself, let alone my daugh-. ter. "About five months ago he came to my bouse and asked for board, and we took him, as he seemed quiet enough. He had known my daughter for two or three years previous to this, but never paid her any at ention, and never took heranywhere, and it was like a thunderbolt to me to learn she had left us. "My wife, however, had a keen woman's insight into such matters, and she spoke to me a few weeks ago about Bob paying at tentions to Ida. I went to her at once and asked if she were engaged to him. She de nied this, but acknowledged that he had spoken to her of marriage. I told her it would be foolish for her to leave a good home for a poor man like that, but she gave no answer. We asked Fergus to get an other boarding house, and he said he would. "Well, I left home for my work at 7 o'clock as usual, and Ida never said goodby or gave the slightest hint she intended going. Mr wife, who has been an invalid for years, did not rise until 9 o'clock, when she found Ida was not in the house. She thought nothing of it, however, imagining she had gone to a neighbor's or for milk, as she frequently did. Having occasion to go into her room, she was horrified on finding all of her clothes gone. Her trunk was also open, and her clothes taken out of that with all ot her jewelry. Of course sbe knew then Ida had eloped with Fergus, and she sent for me, but I haven't been able to find the slightest trace of them alj day. NO SEASONS POB FLYING. "What sticks me," continued Mr. Patter son, "is the fact of their rnnning away when they had no reason to run. Fergus is a very 'ordinary fellow, not one-half as bright or stylishas my daughter, and the difference in their appearance cannot fail to attract attention. He has made all this trouble in such a sneaking way as to utterly forfeit my respect He never came to me like a man and said he loved Ida, nor did his actions ever show it Everything he has done has been so mean and underhanded that I will never forgive him, and he had better, keep out of my way. - "He is nearly ten years older than Ida, and has evidently been influencing her all this time, but if she comes to me and says she has done wrong and is sorry, I will gladly take her back; but as to Fergus, I will heartily kick him out of the door. I have a son just turned 21 who has simply lost his head, and it will be hard lines for Fergus if the two meet." "Do you think they are married?" "There is the trouble. She is only 18, and looks younger, and no one in Pennsylvania will dare marry them, and I really believe the young fellow hasn't money enough to take them out of the State, while she has clothes and jewelry enough, she has no money either. Then any clergyman could see they are rnnning away, as they are so unsuited to each other. I rather think they have gone to Little Washington, as Fergus has a father and nncle there. Wherever they are I will find them, if possible. "What a ridiculous thing it was," be continued, almost smiling in spite of his trouble. ' 'They hadn't the slightest excuse for running away. I am not nearly so stern as I look, but I was a soldier all through the war, and somehow have never managed to drop my stern ideas of discipline. How ever, I never played the stern parent to the' girl. NO LOVE AND LOCKSMITH IN THIS. "I never locked her up, never threatened her and never tried to keep them apart, for really I had not the faintest idea they were in love with each other. What a silly thing it is then for her to fly from a kind home when no restrictions .whatever had been thrown abont them. - If he had come to me like an honest man I would have told them to wait until he conld earn enongh to sup port her, but now I don't know what the re sult will be. "I really think the fellow imagines, after we learn of the marriage, we will be recon ciled to him, and that they will come home, all will be forgiven and we will liye to gether comfortable and happy in the same house. He has made 'a big mistake. My wife, in spite of her mother's love for her girl, will not have Fergus in the house. My son will simply thrash him if he meets him, and, old and respeci'able as I am, I think I will help him do it The man's character is good enough, but he isn't able to support even himself." The above is Mr. Patterson's story, as told'by himself, thoncrh he was in snch great trouble, and so a'fiected by tbe probable fate of his pretty young daughter, that it could only be learned by sharp questioning until the whole story was finally drawn ont He was in the city last evening, closely watch ing the outgoing trains, but in vain. The officers were notified to be on the lookout, and the authorities at Little Washington were telegraphed to watch for the love-lorn pair, but no answer had been received and no news in regard to them had been learned up until midnight. Mrs. Patterson is said to be in a critical condition on account of the grief caused by her daughter's be havior. A Stranger, and Taken In. John Cannon is a stranger, and a pe culiarly unfortunate man. Last November he had his leg broken in this city. One month ago he was "held up"'for $26, and Johnny Camp is -under $500 bail for the charge. Yesterday afternoon Cannon was on Old avenue, when Bill Buck, a big colored man, tried to grab his watch. Can non Tan ana Buck after him, but Officer Miller stopped the race by capturing the colored man. Secendlndla Silk Bale Begins To-Day. SI 25 Quality Shanghai printed Indias. only 76c, better than any value we know of. , dOKHOBNES'UO.'S , - gjXie& Ayenuo Stores.'. . OFFICERS AND CHANGES. The Grand Lodge, A. O. U. W., Election Abolition of German Lodges. At the morning cession of tbe Grand Lodge of the A. O. U. W. yesterday.the G. M..W. announced that the following named officers had been elected: G. M. W., W. R. Ford; G. O.. Sheridan Gor ton: J. M. McNalr, Grand Recorder; O. Kj Gardner, Grand Receiver; Grand Guide, Alex. Hildebrond: G. L G., James Warr; G. O. G., A. G. Carroll; E. S. Matron, Grand Trustee; S. A. Kline, C. M. Bousb, Joseph Smith. Representa tives to the Supreme Lodge. Dr. Brinton having died during the time that the elections were being conducted, and George Maloney having received the votes polled, the question was raised as to whether, under the law, a new election must not be held, and the G. M.W. ruled the point well taken, whereupon George Maloney was nominated and unanimonsly elected. At the afternoon session there was adopted a resolution of respect on the death of Supreme Receiver Joseph H. Linhard, of MeadviUe, which occurred last Snnday. The time' and place for the next meeting of the Grand Lodge were fixed for Williams port on the fourth Tuesday of February, 1890. Grand Past Master Workman Joseph Petrie installed the following named Grand Lodge officers, who will serve during- the ensuing year: P. G. M. W Alfred Frank Curtis. Philadel phia: G. M. W., William R. Ford, Pittsburg; G. F George Maloney. Franklin; G. O., Sheri dan Gordon, Smetbport: Gr. Recorder, J. M. MclN air. Pittsburg; G. Receiver, O. K. Gar dener, Pittsburg; G. Guide, Alex. Hildebrand, Greenville: G. I. W., J. W. Orr, Martinsbnrg; G. O. W., A. G. Carroll, Warren; Representa tives to Supremo Lodge, Joseph C. Smitb, Philadelphia: Silas A. Kline, Greensburg; C. M.Boush, Meadrille: G. Trustee, 8.8. Morrow, Pittsburg; G. M. E., Dr. J. C. Dunn, Pittsburg. There has been a great deal of discussion as to the action of the Supreme Lodge on the question of doing away with German lodges in the order. The Supreme Lodge discourages the organization of lodges work ing in foreign languages. It is expected to finish the work of the Grand Lodge and to adjourn finally to-day. MOKROWS PET BIIL. It Is In Tronblci at Harrlsbnrg, bnt Mast Stand on Its Merits. Controller Morrow was hastily'summoned to Harrisburg by Representative Lafferty, who asked him to go down with his amend ments, and try to make a satisfactory bill out of the famous new street bill. Lafferty said considerable opposition was made to the bill on account of its unconsti tutionality, bnt Controller Morrow said that was nonsense, as it had been approved by the best lawyers at the Pittsburg bar, and he had no amendments to offer, bnt would let the bill stand on its merits. E. M. Bigelow reiterates his objection to a certain portion of tbe bill, as it will close up half the streets in the East End if passed and enforced. The general idea is the bill will be killed. LIQUOR MEN WILL FIGHT. They Are Organizing All Over the State to Down Prohibition. In the crowd going to Washington last night was Mr. Straub, the brewer. He is not'at all diseonraged with the outlook for the liquor men. He said: I would have the Prohibitionists understand that we are not going into this fight with hands down. We have been organizing, and propose to do some effective work. It is our Intention to look out for number one. At present tbere are a number of people who say they will vote for prohibition that on sec ond thought would never think of doing it We are counting on a big reaction, and it is bound to come. It is said that if prohibition comes, we will not be compensated; that there are no existing laws that will allow it; well, I guess it isn't hard to have such laws passed If we want them; but there is no danger. We are not afraid of the Prohibitionists. AN INDEPENDENT CLUB. The Yonng Voters of the Sixth Ward to Form an Organization. About 75 young voters of the Sixth ward met last evening and formed and independ ent club. 4 Another meeting will be held to-morrow night at the office of Ott Brothers, on Boyd's Hill, to complete the organization and elect permanent officers. The club will be of a political nature, and rooms in which the members Will spend the evenings will be fitted up, probably on Fifth avenue. SCULLY SICK IN PHILADELPHIA. The Ex-Priest, Ex-Pastor Said to be a Vic tim of Brain Fever. At a meeting of the Messiah Baptist con gregation last night a small clipping was read from a Philadelphia paper, stating that their pastor, Rev. F. R. Scully, was in that city, sick with brain fever, bnt would probably return to Pittsburg shortly. To Itepnve Peno Avenue. At a special meeting of Select Council, the action of Common Council in fixing Boquet and Forbes street as the starting point for the Squirrel Hill Railroad, was concurred in. The most important ordinance passed was that providing for the repaving of Penn avenue from Fifth avenne to the city limits. Dlarr Hornberger Disorderly. Mary Hornberger, the Southside woman, who claims to be hannted, was charged with disorderly conduct yesterday before Alder man Gripp by Peter Keitz, of South Twelfth street. He says the woman is a great annoyance to him. A Very Aged Traveler. An 88-year-old woman, who gave her name as Mary Walters, called at the South side Police station last night and asked for a night's lodging. She said she came from Reisville to find her daughter, who lives somewhere in Allegheny. They Prowled Around Tod Long. The Southside police arrested three men last night for suspiciously prowling aronnd the stores along Carson street They gave their names as Frank Ace, William Cham bers and William Blessman. Restaurateurs Protest. The restaurants say that the proposed cheap eating house of the Hang's Sons' Society of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, will hurt their business instead of the saloon, and are protesting loudly; Second India Silk Sale Begins To-Day. $1 25 quality Shanghai printed Indias, only 75 cents, better than any value we know of. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. Only a Few More. We have about 90 more of, those fine tailor-made men's suits at $6 00. They come in stripes, plaids and broken checks and would easily sell for $15. Six dollars is our price for them to-day. Extra 1,000 pair of men's English worsted pants at $1 25, worth $3 00. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond streets, opp. the new Court Honse. Secure Your Sleeping Car Accommodations at Once For the inauguration, via the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at ticket office, corner Fifth avenne and Wood street Second India Silk Sa1e,Beg!nsTo-Day. SI 25 quality Shanghai printed Indias, only 76c, oettn tfian any value we know of. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s, Penn Avenue Stores. Secure Tour Sleeping Car Accommodations nt Once For "the inauguration, via the Baltimore and Ohio, Railroad; at ticket office, corner A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. 'An Old Man from Nebraska With n. Gem and Some Prescriptions. v Yesterday afternoon' a tall man, with a long, flowing beard, and dressed in heavy, stoat clothes went Into the office of the De partment of Charities and applied for trans portation to Huntingdon, this State. He said his name was Edward Gill and his age 74 years. He had been on a farm in Clay county, Nebraska, since-the rebellion, and worked it with his brother whom he left there. Ha has a sister in Huntingdon, as well as other friends and relatives there, and wanted to get to that place to spend the rest of his life. His money gave out, and he had to apply on the road for assistance. A ticket was given him as far as Johns town. After he had received the ticket he ex hibited a small, clear stone or pebble, which, he stated, was a diamond in the rough. He said he had found it in a cannon on his brother's farm, and on taking it to a jeweler in Chicago he told him it might be worth, when cut, $10,000. The jeweler told him, however, that, if he-was offered $800 for it, he had better take it. The traveler next voluntarily gave the employes of the office a prescription for diphtheria. He said that he was in Cedar county, Iowa, when a small town was vis ited by an epidemic of that disease. The doctors were completely baffled in their at tempt to stop it, and he made known his cure, which was simple and within the reach oTall. His formula was atablespoon ful of gun powder, and copperas f about the size of a pea) in a pint and a half of luke warm water; let it dissolve, and use as a gargle. He said his prescription had been freely used, and he cured the entire town. He followed this up with a remedy for rheumatism, which was a half gill of cider vinegar in hot water, as hot as it could be sipped, and he guaranteed it to cure the most pronounced case, as he spoke from ex perience. The old man l was full of queer things, and entertained his auditors for half an hour. A Baby Found Yesterday. Hughey Fargen, the Soho ferryman yes terday fonnd a baby in a box at ihe foot of South Twenty-second street, and is anxious to find out whose baby it is. Second India Silk Sale Begins To-Day. $1 25 quality Shanghai printed Indias, only 75 cents, better than any value we know of. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s 1 Penn Avenue Stores. Only a Few More. We have about 00 more of those fine tailor-made men's suits at . $6 00. They come in stripes, plaids and broken checks and would easily sell for $15. Six dollars is our price for them to-day. Extra 1,000 pair of men's English worsted pants at SI 25, worth S3 00. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond streets, opp. the new Court House. Second India Silk Sale Begins To-Day. SI 25 quality Shanghai printed Indias, only 75 cents, better than any value we know of. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. The Finest In the Marker. Have you tried Mrs. Harrison's Inaugura tion cookies? If not, ask your grocer for them. They are delicious. tts S. S. Marvin & Co. New The Scotch, Iiace or Open Work Ginghams. In delicate pinks and blues; 'also, the plaid open work .designs every novelty in ginghams is to be seen here. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenne Stores. Wall Paper. line hand printed goods in the John S. Roberts, 414 Wood st Largest city. Onr Second Special Sale of India Silks, A bargain lot again real Shanghai printed India silks, 27 and 28 inches wide, 75 cents a yard be sure to come at once these wonld be cheap at $1 25. Jos. Hobnb& Co.'s .Penn avenne Stores. Bay Yonr Boys Shirt Waists Now, while stock is large. Opening new styles this week at Home & Ward's, 41" Fifth ave. " tt Second India Silk Sale Begins To-Day. SI 25 quality Shanghai printed Indias, only 75 cents, better than any value we know or. Jos. hobne & co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Mothers give Angostura Bitters to their children to stop colic and looseness of the bowels. Onr Way of Advertising Onr Silk Depart ment. Every one who gets one of these India silks at 75 cents will know she never got such a bargain before. Jos. Hobne & Co. '3 Penn Avenue Stores. Litee complaint enred free at 1102 Car son st-, Southside. Once More Special India Silk Sale. $1 25, 27-inch printed. India silks only 75 cents a yard. Customers who were not in time for the first lot can now get one of these, if they come quick. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. SPRING IMPORTATIONS COMING IN DAIiY. French and Scotch Ginghams, Ander son's Plaids, advanced styles in French Satines, advanced designs in India Silks,complete lines of Foreign and Do mestic Wash Fapncs ready for spring sewing. LACE AND EMBROIDERY. Shipments on sale at low prices for first-class goods. Special prices on 21 and 45-inch Flonncings. Spring Invoices of - MTJSIIN UNDERWEAR That needs no commendation to any buyer who has used it, coming from makers who aim at perfection, yet meet the market in price. The following departments In daily receipt of new and desirable effects: TRIMMINGS, BRAIDS, BUTTONS, KID AND FABRIC GLOVES, PLAIN AND FANCY HOSIERY, NECKWEAR AND CORSETS. Second floor for Cloaks, Suits and Shawls, Children and Misses' Suits. B1BER i EASTDN, 605 AND W7 MARKET ST. 4-. ! ' - iM: tesS-xTSsa '-ft ' GOING IN DE0TBS.I -.-fii The Large Throngs Are ComfflenelegTsiT Move on Washington. ' The trend of travel these days is toward Washington, It is surprising howawoy people are going there already. The through trains on the Baltimore and "Ohio and the Pennsylvania roads are crowded with people from the West en route to sea Ben inaugurated. On both roads extra cars. are added to the daily trains. On the Pennsylvania read yesterday there were two sections of the early express, four sections of the. day ex press, two sections of the eastern, and last night the fast line east was loaded down with Pittsburgers for Baltimore, where they have secured quarters daring the inaugur ation. The Cowboy CInb, 100 members", of Den ver, is expected to reach Pittsburg on Friday. A number of Western clubs are on theway, and for the next few days tha Union depot wiU be crowded with the gay and lively out for a holiday. By your permission, Poet Bill, 'JWhat fools these mortals be" is not too hoary to be quoted on snch occasions. -" : A TOBT FOR A SHILLING. T& The Restaurant Man Flaed Crlmlnnl Knlta Against Margarine Men. " Shilling, the restaraateurot 536 Smitbfield "' street, was yesterday given a hearing before -Alderman Carlisle, charged by Captain Wishart with selling: cigars on Sunday. Shilling said he only gave a toby to every man who bought a 25-cent meal, bnt he was fined $25 and costs. Warrants were sworn -out yesterday against Joseph Hastings, C.F.Marshall, James Brady and L. K. Vail, who will be prosecuted In criminal suits for selling oleo margarine. They have already paid fines in a civil action. Running on Half Time. Carnegie, Phipps & Co.'s Thirty-third street mill and the Carbon Iron Company men are working on half time from lack of orders. It is thought, though, that busi ness will pick up when the new administra tion gets in working trim. ' JOB. HORNED Ql'ar. PENN AVENUE" STORES. i , NEW GOODS' -IN THE- CLOAK ROOM. aNEW GOODSr CLOAK ROOM. Ulsters, Raglans and Jackets Black Jackets in Stockinette and Diagonal. Cloths, $5 to ICO. These are well made and fit beautifully; New Dress Goods more of theaj, each day. Over 600 pieces of new all-. wool French Cashmeres, 50c, 65c to "I, si 25, choice new shades. New fancy J .... . . . . . . . tL comoination styles mpiaids and stripes, A GOcayard. New plain Suiting Cloths, n&- rwr. 40c and 50c; 50 Inches wide, extra qual ity, at 75c Foreign Dress Goods Our own ha portatlons now coming in Too to S3 a yard; certainly tho largest stock to be seen; colorings alt of tbe newest, and a i,i. -?&- fcuntifnl line. of Black and White ..fyi ---Wi' JiMruvwu. . Large stock of Black Wool Drea Goods, In plain and fancy weaves. r Visit the enormous stock of Gins-". hams and Satines. 10c to 60c a yard, i Every newest and best style and maxaj is shown here. Special Kid Glove Bargains jtetsl week. JDB. HQRNE I EBja PENN AVENUE STORES -i" Ki.&. W1 " flr 3 Nplkl' .' " . im? &-' V- . JXL,L& 3 V '.-. - -k. rjmr -Wmv ssn-as r .-X -. V '3&rM fcikT,rf v "fV ?J,i3 ii'ws .. M'iji ; j-K? fiVTS s rv-A. firz -r,T sffiKXhffe M&PKi&i'astLittBsiS