Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 28, 1889, Image 1

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    jmBBP thk
A striking
GnU of Mexico, by,
Matteice Thoxpson,
will be Commenced la
issus of The Dis
patch. Bead the
opening chapters.
fstretches Its Drear Vista Before
Harrison, Who is.Even Crit
icised Because
She dodged the crowds,
Popular Merest at Wash
ington Centering in
: : Mrs. Cleveland.
Enges Around the President-Elect,
, - While He Vainly Seeks to
I ' Best at His Hotel.
, 'Given by the Eetiring Executive to His
' "? Successor to the Greatest Office
In the World.
Tbe Arlington Swarms With Caller John
Sherman One of the Notables Ladies
Caddie the Babies Campaign Mary In
Clover Poor Llge Sized Up by News
paper Row He Issues an Order
That Pleases the Boys New Yorkcri
Trying to Wipe Off Piatt and Miller's
Names From Harrison's Cabinet Slate
A Pleasant Prestdental Dinner Pointers
for Office Seekers.
Washington is to-day the vortex of the
political whirlpool. The President-elect
managed to elnde the populace, hut the
seekers after Cabinet offices fonnd him and
made it Terr lively for him. President
Cleveland entertained 1 General Harrison
and his wife at a quiet little family dinner,
after holding a crowded reception. Mrs.
Cleveland has lost none of her prestige, but
has yet hosts of devoted friends and ad
mirers. Below is given a complete resume
of the numerous interesting incidents of
the day at the capital.
'' Washington, February 27. Mr. Har
rison has found out before he has become
I'resident that big as the office is tb.e man
who fills it cannot do at he pleases. It seems
absurd that he should be abused for such a
little thing as dodging the crowd at the de
pot and coming into "Washington by the
back stairs, eo to speak, but that is what has
befallen him. By supper time last night,
when the whole town knew that he had left
the cars at the outskirts and gone to his
hotel by way of the Division, there was lit
erally a howl of criticism and discontent.
No one could escape hearing it It was
heard in the shop, echoed in the streets
and re-echoed in all the hotels. Along one
of the side streets all the correspondents of
all the principal newspapers of the country
hire together in little offices, like the law
yers along Xassau street. From all these
offices came the same note of angry criti
cism, more important than any other, be
cause it was likely to be sounded whererer
newspapers are printed, and so it proved,
for as the newspapers have kept coming in
from other cities dnring the day, it is seen
that they report local chagrin in head
lines, editorials and dispatches.
A Bad Beginning. .
Few persona think ot it,but it is precisely
what happened on the other side of the
political fence four years ago. Mr. Cleve
land came to town in precisely the same
way, and while all "Washington was angry
regardless of politics, the Bepublican news
papers hailed the event as a bad beginning
rt -
and a great mistake and all the rest Even
this afternoon the Washington papers are
still disturbed about the matter,though they
bow declare that Han iron is not personally
to blame for the slight Somebody named
Colonel Britton, who had charge of things,
is getting a heap of fame as the butt of all
the abuse.
There is much less interest in Mr. Harri
. y son and his family than one would suppose.
: "Whatever the reason may be, he seems to
have fallen flat on the community. It may
be on account of the prolonged and bitter
hostility of the Republican Senators who
11 the air with their talk against him, or it
may be that Mr. Harrison has lived long in
"Washington and lacks the quality of novel
ty that makes a populace rush to see a new
man, but whatever it is, the fact remains.
The "Washington pnblic is much more keen
ly interested in three other things than in
the new President
Popular Interest In Mrs. Cleveland.
Those three things are the inaugural pro
cession, the fight for Cabinet places and the
gossip about the outgoing administration.
Mrs. Cleveland is interesting beyond any
one and everything else, apparently. So
- much is all this the fact that it was possiblr
, for Mr. Harrison to go out and walk the
streets for an hour yesterday without the
fact becoming known until it was printed
- this afternoon, ii hours after the event took
4 place. .
-Already the preparations for the grand
parade on Monday have transformed the
town. .Pennsylvania avenue has become a
' i, huge carpenter shop along which men are
. putting up the biggest reviewing stands
that any Sew Yorker ever saw. They ire
' ajfoumerous as pl&ce hunters at Harrison's
headquarters. There is one on every little
public square asd triangle. In their en-
. tirety they can only be measured by the
acre. ' They start above a man's head and
rise beyond the height of three-story bnild-
iDrs..'.Even the Government has caught the
fever for building them, and has surrounded!
bbK M. "&.. - -.im-ii..- ? fe'.j 1 1 - -, r ,y-T ,r-. -Vir'rrr r iiinMJ1Wifr1liiir NftstnirfiNF" -ii a'ak-fa v- ,A.,aahjUx.i-; u.,
story cl pi.
days "tnthe
the Treasury building with inclined angles
of new lumber burdened with benches.. To
such an extent has the craze for milching
the public seised the people that the pro
prietors of the finest stores are putting up
heavy scaffolding of timber to sell out by
the yard on inauguration day. ,
Beds at a Premium.
Those who have not adopted this method
of scooping in the dollar afloat are trying to
sell their windows at from $6 to 815 a win
dow. The evening newspapers contain as
many columns of notices of windows to let
as the morning newspapers contain columns
of the names of organizations that are to
turn out in the great jamboree procession.
It is utterly impossible to get a bed in any
hotel for next Sunday or Monday. The
committee in charge of the affair is sprink
ling the Great "West with circulars and
newspaper paragraphs to the effect that
there is room for the world and its satellites,
but when theJblks come they will find that
whatever room there is must be got in
private houses. Let the experience of one
of the men in the retinue of General Har
rison serve as an example of what this
means. He came here with his wife and
baby and maid. A friend engaged quarters
for him. He finds that they consist of one
room with a curtain drawn across the
middle. He pays (10 a day on one side of
the curtain for his wife and baby and him
self, and ti a day on the other side of the
curtain for his maid.
Four hundred special policemen were
sworn in to-day. The work on the great
ballroom in the Pension building was at
last completed,andtheMarshal's programme
of the parade was made public It is
said that the procession will be the biggest
overseen here. Men here fromBufFalo, Cleve
land, Trenton, Syracuse and places of that
size all over the Bast report that it appears
to them that. every Bepublican in those
cities is going to come here.
Likely to be Broken, Owing; to the Terrible
Pressnre Being Brought to Bear on
General Harrison New
Yorkers Hustling.
The news-makers and the news-getters are
all crowded together at General Harrison's
hotel, the Arlington. Very appropriately
the General is quartered only two blocks
from the "White House, but that is twice as
ar away from it as the severe box of red
brick that Mr. Blaine has leased for 12
years. But it is to Mr. Harrison's quarters
that everybody has gone to-day, even Mr.
Blaine himself. In fact, the President dis
tinguished the day by sending a messenger
there to invite his successor to enjoy with
him that dinner of this evening, of which it
has since, been said that the three ladies did
all the talking and the men all the think
ing. To a Jfew Yorker the Arlington Hotel
has a home-like air. You couldn't throw
an apple into one of the windows without
hitting a New Yorker. To sit down on one of
the settees for half an hour is Jd see as many
Metropolitans as there are in the Hoffman
House cafe to-night First and foremost is
William "Windom, who was called a New
Yorker until he stood for a Cabinet place,
though since then he has become once again
a Minnesota man. There h the Piatt con
tingent, led by shrewd Senator J. Sloat
Fassett, and General John A. Knapp, ex
Sehator Lo Sessions and the perpetual John
1. Davenport. Moving apart from these are
a lot of what may be called amateur politi
cians, such as Franklin Woodruff, Granville
P. Hawes, A B. Whitney, John H. Hall,
Eliott F. Shepard, J. Sever Page and John
F. Plnmmer.
The Vice President Arrives.
The most eminent of all the New York
City men, the incoming Vice President, was
also in the house, having arrived here in
the evening, but he didn't appear on Uje
main floor of the hotel. Of course the next
Cabinet was the absorbing topic. The gist
of the best information to be had in that
hotel to-night is that General Harrison is
himself certain only of the following future
members: Messrs. Blaine, Windom, Noble,
Wanamaker and Partner W. H. H. Miller.
He is said to regard even one of these as
subject to removal from the list
That is his jiartner, Miller,
who is understood to be slated
conditionally upon the possibility of re
moval should circumstances require it
There is no reason to suppose that the dis
position of these candidates in Mr. Harri
son's slate has yet been altered. That is,
Blaine for Secretary of State, "Windom for
the Treasury, Noble for the Interior, Wan
namaker for the Postoffice, and Miller for
Attorney General. Since Mr. Harrison
reached here this slate has been subjected
to fierce heat. The opposition to Windom
is strenuous. The ambition of the Pacific
Coast to have a distinctly Pacific Coast man
in Noble's place is intense. The general is
not to be envied, unless it be for having so
little time leit in which this fever can be
kept up.
Hot Fighting for Cabinet Positions.
If New York State's position interests
General Harrison as much as it docs half
the men he sees, his mind must be intensely
ocenpied with the Empire State. The
struggle assumes a new phase now that the
scene of battle has been shifted to Wash
ington. It now appears that a raft of men
are striving to widen the breach between
Piatt and Miller until it is big enough for
them to crowd in an outsider between the
two great figures. Colonel Elliott F. Shep
ard is in hopes he will be the outsider. Mr.
Hawes is said to be for Whitelaw Beid, and
is thought to have the assistance ot Mr.
William Walter Phelps toward the same
end. John F. Plummer is about the only
Warner Miller man among the amateurs.
The "effort to distort the rivalry between
Milfer and Piatt into absurd proportions is
so evident and so earnest that one begins to
hear talk of effort to bring the two great
leaders together on a friendly basis from
which they may be able to agree upon a
New Yorker satisfactory to both. It's even
said that this meeting for harmony is already
arranged, but this is probably not so.
Cleveland Preparing to Flit, While tho Pub
lic Prepare Ills Successor's Welcome.
The noise of the blows of the workmen's
hammers sound through the 'walls, of the
President's mansion with tragic distinctness
all day long. To hear them makes one
think of a condemned man in prison hearing
the workmen making preparations for his
end. To the public one king is the same as
another, and those, who have come to sec
Harrjson inaugurated are killing time
by puttingouttheir hands for Mr. Cleveland
to shake those hands that buried him with
Bepublican ballots But while the crowds
pour into the Bast room which is always
open to everybody, while ti.ey stroll in and
thinkof Mr. Cleveland as the most power
ful officer on earth, he and his famuy are
just beyond one thin wall thinking of a
private life in another city, and going from
room to room pointing out their private
property to workmen who are to pack it up
and carry it away. Here is a rug a lady
friend sent to Mrs. Cleveland and here are
a pair of vases, and there is a picture, and
there are two closetsfnl of summer clothing.
The President's bulky little library of
I. . . .. ..... . .. . .
dooks oi reierence, Degun wnen ne was
Mayor, trebled in Albany, and then trebled
again in the White House; the white ma
hogany chair he ordered and paid for, and
has sat in four years behind the great desk
that Queen Victoria gave to all the Presl-,
dents; the Contents of the drawers and
closets, all this is being bundled up without
sifting or sorting and sent away, a load at a
time, to New York. Beyond signing or re
fusing to sign the few bilU that Congress
will squeeze out between now and Monday
noon( his duties as President are done. The
Jiosition is vastly more interesting to the
ittle Hoosier gentleman a block away in the
Arlington than to the big New York lawyer.
Beantlfn! Ttlrs. Cleveland the Object of the
Admiration and Sympathy of All
. Democratic and Bepubli
can Ladles.
Every other day it is the duty of the man
who happens to be President to leave what
ever he is doing, no matter how important,
and climb down stairs preoisely at 1:30
o'clock. Mr. Cleveland has always made
this performance precede bis luncheon. He
comes down by the family stairway behind
the big screen of glass that Mr. Arthur had
put up between the people and the privacy
of domestic life, and that has made liv
ing in the "White House endurable. The
President is seen by no one buthis servants.
He turns toward the great doors of the East
Boom, and they are at this moment flung
open by an attendant With the habitual
curiosity of an actor who peeps at the
audience through a slit in the curtain be
fore it rises, the President raises his head
and sweeps the great parlor with his glance.
It is said that Ned Harrigan can count the
number of dollars' In the box office every
night within a few dollars ten minutes after
he is on the Stage. Just so President Cleve
land can throw a glance over the East Boom
and tell to a minute ho long he will be
kept from his luncheon and how tired his
right arm will be from shaking the hands of
the dear people.
Wanted to See Mrs. Cleveland.
To-day the room was crowded. There
were so many persons in the huge parlor
that their umbrellas formed a frieze of
double thickness all around the great lobby
of the front entrance. It was pouringjiown
rain and slush out of doors, and the White
House steamed and smelled ot rubber
waterproofs. Two-thirds of the visitors
were women, and all were discussing one
subject; that was the reception by invita
tion yesterday, at which some women shed
tears. To listen to tbe chatter would make
one believe that at the eight of the beauti
ful lady of the White House who was
so soon to depart, half of the women melted,
even Mrs. Folsom taking tbe contagion. and
raining a few gentle pearls of grief upon
the bodice of past friends. Mrs. Cleveland
was pictured in all this talk, as, she has al
ways been, and always will -be pictured,
like a heroine who is always sweet ana
proper. "She bore up bravely, and smiled
through it all" was what all the gossippers
said of her.
The simple truth about the whole affair is
that two or three Washington women, good
friends of the Cleveland's and good Demo
crats, were not able for their efforts to pre
vent this ieellng from moistening their
eyes. Three is the outside, and these did
not really cry. They only came near doing
Tired of Pomp.
"Mrs. Cleveland was the furthest of all
from crying," said a close friend of hers,
"for she looks forward with Intense longing
to the rest she is soon to have-in .New York.
Lile in the Whife House" to One in her
position is not at all like life in a bower of
roses. She scarcely has five minutes that
she can call her own. To be sure, there are
regular hours lor her duties, but at the same
time the White House is constantly be
sieged by persons who must not be slighted
or disappointed, and who have no regard
for or knowledge of the rules that govern
ordinary callers."
The President was at his best when the
big crowd saw him as the doors were flung
apart, though his glance showed him that
his luncheon would be stone cold and bis
armore by tbe time he had done shaking
hands. He was smiling and in so little of a
hurry that he frequently detained those
who interested him, while he talked or lis
tened to them.
It was noticeable that the women were
the ones who voiced the griel of the Dem
ocracy at the turn of fate, nearly all who
said anything said they were sorry he was
not going to be there next time they came.
The men fell into the rut of saying some
thing about his looking so well, though no
one mentioned just how it was to
be supposed he was going to
look, or why he should not look
well. The.Chief Magistrate's eyes twinkled
now and then as he replied that it work was
healthy he certainly ought to feel well. It
was 2i30 o'clock when the last shake had
been given to the big hand of the masses,
and Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Folsom came
from the parlor to walk into the private
dining room with the hungry President.
The Newspaper Row Boys Pity Dan's
Socccssor His Path Will Not bo
a Bosy One A Pen '
The new private secretary, Halford, has
by this time made the acquaintance of all
the Washington correspondents. It was
curious and interesting to see them as they
came In and were introduced, all weighing
him, studying his appearance, his manners,
and his worths. He is a slender man of me
dium neignc, wun a tnin mustacne, ana a
habitual expression that is both firm and
kindly. He is distinctly an indoor man.
His complexion, low voice, retiring man
ners and uneasiness in a crowd all denote a
long familiarity with desk work. He might
be taken for a pedagogue, a bank cashier,
an editor, or a student He dresses very
quietly, wears glasses, and has a prim way
of carrying himself, and a hesitating way of
speaking. He is extremely sensitive.
The newspaper men cere speak of him as
a man to be pitied. All private secretaries
are alike in this respect They are'the
buffer between the President and the public.
They take all the blows from both sides.
Halford brings many qualities that will
make the position chato him, notably the
qualities of diffidence, sensitiveness and
inability to distribute his work. He will
try to do U all himself. Colonel Lamont
got all he wanted of the place in four
years. It is not likely to take as long to
satisfy Colonel Halford.
By way of completing his introduction to
the press, he has posted notices that he will
see the newspaper men half an hour in the
morning and half an hour at night The
result of this arrangement will be that they
will see him the rest of the time.
Private Secretary Halford and Stenog
raphers Tibbitts and Miss Sanger were
kept ,at work in the office room down
stairs all day attending to the
bushel of correspondence which had accumu
lated in the Postoffice here, and which Gen
eral Harrison is anxious to get as nearly
cleared up as possible before he goes to
the White House. Beside this Mr, Hal
ford had to nurse a severe headache which
he had acquired during the trip from In
dianapolis. Mr. Hal lord declared when
the day was done that being President
was not what it was cracked
up to be. During the day Dan Lamont
sent in an invitation for Mr, Halford to
come over and see him during the evening,
which Mr.- Halford accepted with alacrity
ana manes.
Prospective . Secretary of tho Trensnry
WIndora Walts Upen tho President
A Discussion ns' to the 'Sup
pression of Vice. ,"
The storm of sleet, snOw and rain that
made life in Washington a burden for
everybody else to-day was a, means of
blessed relief to the new arrivals from
Indianapolis, who aire stopping in an annex
of the Arlington Hotel, pending the com
pletioa of arrangements for the transfer to
the White House.
The Harrisons slept late after their long,
night upon the sleeping cars, and break
fasted at what was for them an unusually
late hour. Long before the meal was over
cards began to come up from' a stream of
callers, and if it had been a pleasant day
the hotel would have been swamped com
pletely. Even as it was the family were not
at all lonely. The calls were, almost with
ont exception, of a social nature, Mr.
Windom being the only one who stayed
longer than a few minutes or had anything
like a private conference with the President
elect Tbe Secretary of the Treasury.
Mr. Windom called before noon, almost
immediately after his arrival from Balti
more where he had 'had a conference with
Steve Elkins and Henry C. Davis the night
before. He , was with General Harrison
about 20 minutes, and afterward sat about
the hotel office and gossiped with men he
knew for a half hour.
Elliot F. Shepard, who arrived wHh his
family from New York about that time, re
ceived most of the attention of the prospect
ive Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Shep
ard's conference with Mr. Windom was a
long one, and to the 'imagination of the
laokers-on an important one; but there is
reason to believe that it extended no further
than a discussion of the powers and duties
of the Secretary of the Treasury in the mat
ter of the suppression of vice.
They Fear for His Dignity.
After his talk with Mr. Shepard, Mr.
Windom strolled out into the rain, took a
cab and disappeared for tbe day. He was
said to be stopping at the house of a friend.
His Conduct in gossiping abont in the hotel
office after his conference with the President-elect,
outraged the ideas of the old
sticklers for the proprieties. They say that
men in Mr. Windom's place, orrathennMr.
Windom's alleged place for none of them
will admit yet that Mr. "windom is really
going to be in the Cabinet have always
heretofore been more dignified and circum
spect than to appear to he working up a
boom for themselves among the hotel loung
ers, which is what they say Mr. "Windom
seemed to be doing to-day. '
There was no other Cabinet timber among
the callers upon General Harrison, except
Mr. Blaine, who called with Mrs. Blaine
ano stayed only five minutes, and Partner
Miller, who went ont and in occasionally,
and seemed to have a great deal upon his
mind. x
John Sherman ft Noted Visitor Mrs. Quay
Leaves a Card Tho Ladles Drop
In Without Formality
Busy Timet.
A large proportion of the day's callers
were Senators and Bepresentatives or their
wives. Senator Edmunds called in person,
and so did Senators Allison, Wilson,
Palmer,, Jones, Stewart, Stanford,
Spooner, Hoar and Hawley. Mrs.
Ingalls'did the honors for the President of
the Senate. Mr." Justice Gray came accom-'
panicd by ex-Attorney General Devins, 6f
Massachusetts. Mrs. Quay left cards for
herself and her husband, but the man of the
mailed hand did not appear himself.
Almost the most noticed call of the day
was that of John Sherman. He sent in
his card early in the morning from
the hotel office, vand waited about
for some time until an answer came.
His call was not a long one.
Mrs. "W. W. Dudley left cards for herself
and her distinguished husband, and Mrs.
Steve Elkins did likewise for Mr. Elkins.
At 5 o'clock the whole Indiana delegation
to Congress paid their respects, and brought
word that tne Illinois allegation would
come around at 10 o'clock to-morrow morn
ing. No Formalities.
The reception all day was, on the part of
the ladies, as informal as those in the little
parlors at Indianapolis. A large proportion
of the ladies who called had met Mrs. Harri
son and her daughter before, and
they were made at home at once.
Most of the time Mrs. Harrison,
Mrs. Bussell Harrison, Mrs. McKee and
Mrs. Lord were in the parlor together,
while General Harrison passed in and out
during the intervals between his little pri
vate talks with the gentlemen who called.
Quite often the callers who were upon
terms of intimacy with the family, and once
in awhile perfect strangers, would ask to see
the children, and Mr. McKee, who had to
put in most of his day in keeping the little
ones amused in the nursery upstairs, would
bring them down and help Mrs. McKee pass
them aronnd to be fondled and admired
as specimens of what they can produce
out in Indiana. Little Mary, called "The
Campaign Baby," because she was born
during the noise and bustle of the cam
paign, took it as a matter of course, and be
sides being as good as could be while she
was being exhibited, allowed herself to be
taken upstairs again without the least
Mrs. Kussell Harrison was also called
upon often to show her baby to friends
of the family, until she had to leave to dress
for a reception arranged for the Harrison
ladies by Mrs. Captain Burke, an old friend
of the family. The other ladies sent
their regrets on account of the time. All
of the ladies by turn had to spend several
hours of thedarin thtfhands of two dress
makers, who had come over from New
York to try on inauguration gowns that
hare been made in that city.
A Reld Boomer.
Granville P. Hawes was a guest o f Gen
eral Harrison at luncheon, and extended
the remarks that he began last week at
Indianapolis, the gist of which was that
if the President wanted to find a
really satisfactory New Yorker for the
Cabinet he needn't look further than
the Tribune building and the private office
of the editor-in-chiefof that paper. There
were a great many gifts sent in during the
day, principally of flowers. This finest
basket of flowers yet received came from C.
Spofford,of the Biggs House, where General
and Mrs. Harrison stopped when thev pre
viously lived in "Washington. A gift, that
was probably not meant to be so significant
as it seems was a treatise upon etiquette
at Washington, which was delivered
by the-compiler in person. The Diplomatic
Corps was represented among tbe callers to
day by Ye Ha Yung, the Corean Charge
d' Affaires, and. by Minister Preston, of
SIIss Sanger tho Cnstodlaa of tho Cabinet
Secret She Knows Bow to Hold
Her Tongue and She
Does It, Too.
It is an interesting fact that in spite of
the large number of persons who profess to
have "Inside information," or to Be.
"very close" to the President
elect, the only person besides Gen
eral, Harrison who really does know
much about the Cabinet is a woman, Miss
Banger; This .young lady, who was stenog-
Contimed'on "Sixth Page.
3 "
FEBRUARY 28, 1889.
The Soldiers' Orphan Schools Dlutt Close
Jane 1-fitcAIIstervtlle Most Hustle
Schemes to Care for tbe
Little Ones.
' rraOu A staff cOERSsr6irojrr.3
HAimaBnEO. February 27. The Sol
diers' Orphan Investigating Committee, at
a meeting 'held to-night, decided against
the continnhficfi of the syndicate bevond the
tWriod at which its present contracts expire;
Rthat the syndicate schools at Mount Joy,
Mercer, Chester and McAlisterville must
cease, that atMcAllsterville as soon as
possible. There was a general discussion as
to what disposition should be made of the
1,800 children who would be in the- schools
on June 1 next, and a unanimous decision
was reached that there must be an early end
of the present system, which General Gobin
compared, as. earned out in some of the in
stitutions, to the chain gang of the Southern
That gentleman offered a resolution,
which was adopted, looking to the tabula
tion ot a statement by counties of the num
ber of children in the schools, which shall
be forwarded to the Grand Army postsof
the respective, counties, asking them to in
quire: First, whether these children have
parents or guardians who are capable of
taking care of them Without assistance from
tbe State. Second, whether the parents are
capable of taking care of them with assist
ance from the State, but not to exceed the
amount now paid by the State for their care
in the schools. Third, whether, in the
Judgment ot fie posts (confidentially com-
municatea ), tne parents or guaraians are
proper authorities to have the care and
custody of the children under the circum
stances, and tnat tbe posts report to tnis
committee as speedily as possible.
The Graud Army Committee will hold a
meeting by itself soon, and a week from
Saturday the Legislative and Grand Army
committees will hold a joint meeting at tbe
Grand Army headquarters in Philadelphia.
Republican Office-Holders Bravely Declare
Themselves Since Harrison' Election.
"WASarSGTOlT, February 27. The Penn
sylvania Bepublican Association, composed
of those persons of that political faith from
Pennsylvania,in and out oi the departments
fn "Washington, has not been in a flourishing
condition since the adveqt of a Democratic
administration. Previous to the election of
Cleveland it numbered about 150 members.
Soon after that event it was diffiodltto get'
more than 15 or 20 members out to the meet
ings. Those who were in the departments
were for the most part afraid to show their
colors, aud the association has been kept in
working order by only a few of the bravest,
with others who were outside of the public
service. ItJsonlyontheeveof the roair
gnration of Harrison that a new enthusiasm
has been infused into the members, and
names are now being rapidly added to the
list ,
This evening the largest meeting that has
been held for four years assembled in Grand
Army Hall and was addressed by Bepresen
tatives Brumm, Atkinson, Bayne, Dalzell
and others, in brief but ringing speeches,
calculated to put fresh life into the organi
zation. Letters regretting their inability
to attend were received from Senator Quay,
General Hartranft and Governor Beaver.
Canada.' Is Thinking of Sending; Back
United States Criminals.
JJouse fo-day Dr. Weldon explained pro
visions of his extradition bill, which en
larges the list of extraditable offenses. The
dregs of Mexico and the United States, he
said, are settling down in Canada, owing to
bergeographicai position. This is the re
sult of a narrow international arrangement
with the United States, The extradition
treaty really covers only seven offenses.
Within 40 or 60 years a great increase of
crime has taken place. The Ambassadors
of both countries are not alive to the neces
sity of abolishing the antiquated Ashbnrton
It is within the power of the Canadian
Parliament to set in motion machinery
which will drive out the criminals who are
enjoying an asylum. He wanted the Gov
ernment to be vested with power to hand
over all these offenders to countries having
no extradition treaty with England, as
aflecting Canada.
Loud Talking and a Blow Struck Intheln
, diaua Legislature.
Indianapolis, February 27. Another
row occurred in the Indiana House of Bep
resentatives to-day. During a debate on a
prohibition amendment to the Constitntion,
Mr. "Willard, the Democratic leader, called
Mr. Stanley, a Bepublican, a liar. Mr.
Lincbj sitting opposite Willard, called the
attention of the Speaker to the use of un
parliamentary language, when "Willard de
nied that he had used the offensive words
attributed to him by Mr. Iiinch. In reply
ing Linen called Willard a liar and struck
Excitement and confusion followed, and
for a time it looked as though there wonld
be a general fight It was finally decided
to defer action in tbe matter until to-morrow.
Mr. Linch apologized to the House,
but the apology was not accepted.
The Canadian- Premier is to Havo Lord
Sackvillc. West's Place.
Ottawa, Out., February 27. There is
a report in circulation that Sir John Mao
donald, Premier of Canada, has been of
fered the post of British Ambassador to the
United States. Several Conservative mem
bers in his confidence express surprise that
the news of the offer leaked oht, but do not
doubt its correctness.
The British Government, it is stated, has
begun to realize the necessity of sending to
"Washington a representative well informed
on North American affairs. If Sir John
accepts bis alleged offer. Sir Charles Tut-
ter will probably assume the leadership or
ice Asominion trovernmeni.
Sllchlgnn Prohibitionists Denonnce All Laws
Regulating the Liquor Truffle
Lansing, February 27. The Prohibi
tion State Convention for the nomination of
a Justice of the Supreme Court and Begents
of the University met bere this morning.
Tbe sentiment of the delegates is clearly
against local option. The resolutions de
clare unalterable opposition to any law
which .legalizes the traffic in intoxicating
beverages in any portion of the State or
nation, by whatever name such law may be
known, and also demands a secret ballot
and an honest count.
A Damage Suit for Big Money Brought
Against the Standard In Youngstown.
Youngstown, February 27. To-day
suit was brought against the Standard Oil
Company here by Mrs. Martha E. Dunn,
for her minor child, to recover 530,000 dam
ages. In her petition she alleges that her
former husband, James B. McKinley, was
killed at Franklin, Pp., in the defendant's
railroad yard because ot the carelessness of
anemploye in allowing acar to runj -down
upuu ii i in, .-
L .s.-Sk,;te';ca3,feK.. . jJt
v? ' T? v '21 T9$s
An Awful Case of Hydrophobia Re
ported From Rural Ohio.
And During s Paroxysm Bites Off Two of
His Fingers.
And the Doctora Who Have Closely Watched the Cass
. ire Panled.
An unusual case of hydrophobia is re
ported from Ohio. Anil-year old lad who
was bitten years ago is dying in terrible
agony. He barks and bites like a dog, aud
during a protracted paroxysm yesterday bit
of! two of his fingers. The case is an inter
esting one from a scientific point of view.
rsrxciAL rcLzanxu to rax dispatcii.1
Woosteb, O.j February 27. Miltoii
township, this county, has a case of hydro
phobia. The victim is David Barkey, the
11-year-old son of Jacob Barkey, a well
known and well-to-do farmer of that town
ship. About two weeks ago the boy became
ill with a sort of paralysis of his entire
muscular system. A physician was called
and diagnosed the case as one of muscular
The boy's condition became more alarm
ing and developed Into a case of hydropho
bia, and to-day he lies bound to a bed and
undergoes horrible paroxysms. He begins
to pant like a dog, rolls ont his tongue,
froths at the mouth, barks and growls and
attempts to bite. He frequently displays
freaks of cunning by pretending not to
notice his attendants until a favorable op
portunity presents itself when he fries to
snap or bite them, and as the paroxysm
progresseslhe becomes more savage and pil
lows and pieces of cloth are placed in his
mouth. These he holds tightly between his
teeth until the paroxysm passes off, when he
falls into a partial paralytic state and re
mains in that condition until Seized With an
other paroxysm. The paroxysms generally
last abont 20 minutes.
An awful change came over the Unfortu
nate la3 to-day. In tbe morning it was no
ticed that the paroxysms had -become less
frequent, and the family entertained hopes
that he would recover. He alio ate better
than he did several days ago. These signs
Were only the forerunner of unlooked-for
agony, however. Late to-day young Barkey
was seized with horrible convulsions. The
paroxysm continued for an hour and a half,
during which his writhings were awful to
behold. He managed to get one of his
hands in his mouth and bit off two Angers.
This paroxysm was the most severe yet ex
perienced, and death is beginning to fasten
its grip on him. The physicians in attend
ance state that'death will ensue as soon as
the poison of the rabies overcomes the seda
tives and medicines administered.
Several theories are advanced as to how
the boy became afflicted with hydrophobia.
One is that he was bitten on the lip by the
family dog eight years ago. The dog, as
far as known, was well at that time, but
two years later he was seized with occasional
spasms, which continued to grow more fre-
quent until he was killed about 18 monthiLp.loyed as indexers and the committee re-
Another theory is that voung Barkev was
bitten by a neighbor's dog last fall. This
dog was examined, pronounced healthy, and
killed a day oso ago. No other probable
causes for the boy's condition have been
His physicians -attribute the infection as
coming from the first dog, but not from the
bite of eight years ago, as it is not generally
admitted by tbe profession that an animal
can transmit hydrophobia before the stage
of inenbation, when the rabic poison be
comes infections. The physicians theory is
that probably the dog licked the hand or
some other part of the boy's body after be
ing afflicted with spasms. It is said that
there are two kinds of rabies, the "dumb,"
or "paralytic," and the "street" rabies.
From all accounts the first, dog had the
former variety, and although he could not
bite during paroxysms, he might transmit
the infection to a sore after orbetween his
Hundreds of persons are calling at the
Barkey home to see the boy, and the
case will'be closely watched by the medical
For the Sleeting of the National League
of Bepublican Clubs.
Baltimobe, February' 27. The hotels
are rapidly filling up with delegates to the
convention of the National League of Be
publican Clubs, which is to meet at noon
to-morrow at Ford's Opera House. Secre
tary Humphreys has opened headquarters
at the Carrolton Hotel, where delegates are
registered as fast as they arrive. Each
State is entitled to nine delegates, and a
full attendance is expected. A meeting of
the Executive Committee was held to
night, at which the business to be done by
the convention was discussed. Several Con
stitutional amendments are to be adoDted
and plans are to be perfected for solidifying-
tne organization so as to insure enective
and uniform work.
The local clubs have made extensive ar
rangements for tbe entertainment of the
visitors, and most of the club houses will
hold continuous receptions. Delegations
have arrived' from New York, New Jersey,
Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ohio,
Bhode Island and Indiana, and every in
coming train is helping to swell the crowds
that throng the various hotels.
Refuse to Work, and Yell and Howl In
Their Cells.
Boston, February 27. About 100 of the
prisoners at the House of Correction refused
to go to work this morning and they are
now locked up in their cells in the big
prison. All of the solitary confinement
cells are filled, and the belligerent prisoners
will be-kepton an allowance of eight oupces
of bread and a mug of water a dav until
they succumb. Twenty-four police' officers
are still stationed at the bastile, and that
number will remain there until all the
trouble is settled.
At intervals during the morning hours
the troublesome gang set up a howl, and at'
the same time all of them took hold of their
'cell doors and shook them until tbe walls
of the old prison fairly shook. All the rest
of the men are working to-day as usual.
Harrison's Law Partner Will be the Next
s Attorney General.
Toledo, February 27. A private letter
from "W. H. H. Miller, of Indianapolis,
Harrison's law partner, was received by
Probate Judge Joseph W. Cnmmings to
day, in which Miller said that he had ac
cepted the position of Attorney General in
Harrison's Cabinet
Mr. -MUler was principal of the public
schools a't Perrysburg, this county, at the
breaking out of the war, whichposition he
resigned to nter the army. ,
Tv .3H
:; Mystery. ;
. I
Mrs. Church tfays Blie Would Not Live With
the Colonel Again Under Any Clr
ennutnnces Teresa, the
Cook, Teitifles.
Coltjmbtjs, February 27. Judge Pngh,
who is hearing the Church divorce case, in
formed the attorneys on both sides that they
Wonld have to close the case by to-morrow
evening, as he could give nfr longer time
than that to the hearing.
Among the witnesses recalled was Mrs.
Church, who was questioned by the Judge
as fo whether she thought in case the charge
Of infidelity were disproved that she could
live with her husband again. She made
quite a speech to the Judge, in the course of
which she. stated that she would' rather be
taken to a graveyard at once; that she would
not live with him again if she had no
friends whatever,-and had to depend upon
her own efforts for a living. She stated she
had not testified to the worst features of the
case so far as the conduct of her husband
was concerned, and she did not care to give
the evidence in open court In order that
she might be accommodated the Judge, the
witness and-the attorneys on both sides re
tired to a side room, where she gave the tes
timony. After both sides had gotten through, Judge
Pugh created a sensation by stating that he
had heard about ail he wanted to about the
case, with the exception of the cook, Teresa,
and he ordered one of the bailiffs to pro
ceed to the Church residence and bring in
the girl. Teresa Schirzinger is a tall, spare
girl. She was nervous and embarrassed on
the stand, with her former mistress staring
her in the face. She was questioned by the
Judge, and denied in their order all the
charges and evidence which had been pro
duced relating to tbe connection between
herself and Colonel Church. She admitted
making the statement to Father Els, which
has been published, but is not in evidence,
and said that she made it under coercion,
and that there" was nothing in it, but she
was told by Eis that she would be ruined, as
well as her family, unless she signed the
To be Hurried Up so That the Veteran Can
Read It Before He Dies.
"Washington, Tebruary 27. The
Special Honse Committee appointed to in
vestigate representative Grosvenor's charge
that improper matter (roll of honor of the
Anderson Cavalry) had been inserted into
the official records of the rebellion, has pre
sented its report to the House. The findings
are that the matter complained of was not
official and its insertion in the rebellion re
cords1 was improper, as it had no other
foundation than Its appearance in a news
paper. The "War Eecords Office was, how
ever, misled by the official character given
to the paper by the Adjutant General's cer
tificate on the packet The committee con
cludes that General Gazelle, in charge of
the War Becords Office, was responsible for
its publication only as he adopted the official
certificate of the Adjutant 'General and is
fairly exonerated from blame.
The committee says there is n loud and
continued call from all sections, North and
South alike,for the completion oi this work.
It seems that those who fought in the war,
should be allowed to see the official account
of their services. Comparatively few will
have that privilege unless the publication is
greatly expedited. :
The essential thing for expediting this
work is an increased force of clerks em-
commends an annual appropriation of SI 00..
000 for four vears to enable the Secretary of
War to employ a sufficient number to ar
range for the publication of 13 volumes an
Southern Democrats Plead In fain for Its
Earl v' Consideration.
Washington. February 27. The Mills
faction now expect to be able to prevent the
consideration of the Cowles bill without
filibustering by keeping up debate on the
numerous conference reports which will
come in between now and the close of the
week. Notwithstanding the efforts of dele
gations and influential letters and resolu
tions of public meetings, and notwithstand
ing the signature of a petition by over 50
Southern Democrats requesting the Speaker
to recognize Mr. Eandall to move the con
sideration of the measure, the Mills faction
The Republicans are not particular which
way the battle goes. They will vote with
Randall if the bill is considered, but they
are chiefly anxious to arouse Southern senti
ment on the question, that the Bepublican
party may get the credit in the next Con
gress of 'doing mora for the South than
Southern Democrats wonld do.
A Desperate Straggle la the Open Court
Room at Indianapolis,
Indianapolis, February 27. During
the trial of a case in the Circuit Court here
to-day there was a desperate fight for pos
session of a child. On Tuesday Mrs. LiUie
Crumerine instituted habeas corpus pro
ceedings for the custody of a 6-year-old
daughter, who had been placed by the court
under the care of a couple named Hart. In
court yesterday she attempted forcibly to
take the child, but was prevented.
While the girl was being led from the
court room this morning the mother rushed
toward, and several friends joined in assist
ing her. Frank Bobbinson, the brother of
the woman, had charge of the child at the
time, and while the little one clung to him
he fought those who were trying to gain
possession of her. He finally drew a re
volver and was about to shoot when the
Sheriff and several deputies rushed into the
crowd apd stopped the fight The woman
and several of the participants in the row
were arrested.
One Detective Secures a Gang of Thirty
One Inside of Three Days.
rsrxciAZ. teleobaii to thz dispatch.i
Citaeleston, W. Va., February 27.
Detective W. G. Baldwin, ot this city, has
been engaged for a few weeks1 past in an
effort to arrest a band of moonshiners who
have been operating along the line of the
New Biver Bailroad extension, in Mercer
and McDowell conntles. After collecting
all the evidence he wanted he started on
Friday with a posse of men, and in three
days captured 31 members of the gang, all
of 'whom are now in the jails of the two
Too Modest to Have His Picture Hung In
the Capitol.
Augusta, Me., February 27. Hon.
Henry Lord, President of the Maine Senate,
to-day received the following telegram from
James G. Blaine, in Washington:
I have this moment read Mr. Bontelle's letter
suggesting that the Legislature pruviJe a
portrait of myself to be placed among portraits
of ex-Speakers of the national House of Bep
resentatives. Though well intended by Mr.
Bontelle, J regret that the request was made,
and hope that neither the Senate nor House
will take any action whatever in tbe matter.
It would be altogether distasteful to me to
have such apiopositloa submitted to the Legislature,
j-n4!ft -SbbbssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwI
jr dBBsBssaVBssBBBassS
" ' t .:iSOIralsMBvsK)
One of the serleof ia'.
saranee oiaee .ro-,,
masses, Ba drawrttff "
story br J- Marsdear -Sntdiffe.
Tie ope'
ini chapters will ap
4R, 41 "tch. watcn
V .
The Times Conspirators Humbly.
Acknowledge-Their Over
whelming Defeat
The Plot Will he Prohed and Big
Damages Demanded.
Sullivan and Egan Tell the Story of tho
Discovery of the Forcer Tbe Letter on
Which the Trends Were Based Bfadet
Public Tho Leogae President; Gives AH
of the Credit to Egnn Home Kals iat
Sure to Follow the Revelations A Gen
erat Election is All That Is Desired
Father Borney a Patriotic Messenger.
Pigott has supplemented his confession by
a further statement from Paris, whithef hs
has fled. The times has grudgingly ac
knowledged its fatal error. Parnell's coun
sel, however, state their determination to
press tha case until every detail of the ces
spiracy Is dlscovere'd. Every member ac
cused by the Times will bring suit lb civil
and criminal HbeL Eganhas madepttblio
the letters on which the forgeries were based,
including a number which have already
been cabled to The Dispatch. Sullivan
tells the story of the discovery of the plot,
London, February 27. Copyright
The little commission court this morn
ing looked unusually gloomy,, and
the Countenances of the leading men
in the court were in keeping there
with The Times people might have
been gathered together to hear read the last
will and testament of a- dear friend, so
mournfully did they look, and Sir Charles
Bussell and the Irish party were far from
Mr. Webster's nnhappiness arpse froa
the consciousness thai after having ions
posed before the world from the dizzy height
to which the Times folks are accustomed to
soar when they have done anything big, he
was abont to undergo the humiliation of
climbing down in the face of all men. Rus
sell's disgust was as deep and sincere as that
of an ardent sportsman who had patiently
stalked big game, only to see it trot away
ont nf range just as tha stalker glanced
along the leveled, barrel.
Attorney General "Webster lost no time in .
informing the Court of the receipt of a let
ter from Pigott, dated with isalorsimn
lated audacity irom a hotel in Paris which
he was wont to honor with his patronage
daring his visits to the French Capital ia
search of pornographic novelties
The Times people just now have very un-
easy consciences, for although the letter
was addressed to one of their own trusted
lawyers, they had been afraid to open it,
and they handed it intact to their Lord
ships. President Hannen broke the seal,
glanced at the contents, smiled broadly, and
passed the letter on to the clerk of the com
mission to read aloud. Then the Presi
dent's smile was explained and justified.
Pigott, from a place of supposed safety,
had added insult to the injury already
heaped on his old friends and confederates
by forwarding them the confession written
in Labouchere's house on Saturday, and in
dignantly returned by Mr. Parnell on Mon
day. The substance was announced in court
yesterday, bnt the full text was interesting
as being perhaps the nearest approach to
the truth of which Perjurer Pigott was ca
pable. Then the unwilling Webster did penance.
To guard against the very remote possibility
that, on the spur of the moment, he might
give expression of genuine regret.or say some
thing generous of the men whom his em
ployers have for years so infamously tra
duced, he had carefully written his speech,
and read from a manuscript which lay os
the desk before him.
Instead of a frank, full apology to tha
Irish members, Webster's statement
amounted to little more than a grudging ad
mission that the Times had made a mistake;
that they had been deceived, and he almost
suggested that tfiey were really persons de
serving of commiseration. Bussell, who
had been listening with contracted brows,
immediately jumped to his feet indignantly,
protested against the mannerand substance
of his learned friend's statement, and, r.mld
the approving murmurs ot those aronnd
him, reiterated his intention to probe the
conspiracy to its foulest depths.
Then, with patient eloquence, which
brought tears into many eyes, he appealed
to their lordships forthwith to exercise their
statutory powers to make an interim report,
and thus give relief, particularly to one
man, who had so long suffered grievous, un
merited wrong. Parnell's name was not
mentioned, but everybody knew to whom
the eloquent lawyer alluded.
Sympathetic faces beamed npon the Irish
leader as he slowly made his way to the
witness box, and, turning his pale, grave
countenance to the judges, gave formal de-
nials of the forgeries technically necessary
to enable the commissioners to make the re
port Which shall set a seal to his triumph
ant exoneration.
Another dispatch says : The Times baa
withdrawn Its advertisement of "Parnell
ism and Crime" and "O'Donnell vs
Walter." Applicants for the pamphlets are
informed that they are out of print A reso
lution has been reached that all the Irish
members charged by the Times in a formal
accusation should sue the editor, manager
and DroDrietor for both criminal and civil
libel, and summonses will also be called out .
for criminal conspiracy. A great effort will
be made to have the whole costs put on the
Timm on1 iF 4laA ..Knn. AM mv.n an.
ike a fair show the bankruptcy and -,
ruin ot tne paper is certain.
In the House of Commons to-day St, .
Hon. Henry Matthews, Secretary ot State
for Home Affairs, stated that the authori
ties were taking steps to secure the extradi
tion of Pigott from Paris. Mr. Matthews
also said he had no information regarding'
Houston which at pretint would justify hiss.
in preventing Houston from leaving the'
couuuy. .,
The commission will not meet afeala'uHti'
Friday. Attorney General Websftr asked
Continued oh Sixth Fugs,
;.v sjsHsbbsbI