6 ' THE PITTSBTJBG. DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, ' FEBRUARY 27, ' 1889. s ' ' wm ,H TORECEIVETHE BOYS i Efforts to Have a Quiet and Harmless Reception FOE SPALDING'S TEAMS. President Kimick Expresses His Opinion on the Matter. --4 . ,' LANKON AND ASHTON MATCHED. The Australian Teams Will Wind Up on April 20. GENERAL SPOETIKG SEWS OP THE DAT As the American ball players get nearer home the talk of Riving them a "send-off" at each city they visit in this country be comes more general. A few weeks ago Pittsburg papers made public the idea of giving the boys a hearty reception when they return. After the scheme had been suggested New York and Philadelphia have practically indorsed it. The players are really to nave warm welcomes at the two places named. It had also been intended to arrange a "great welcome back" in this city, but a few days ago Mr. J. "V. Spalding wrote Mr. A. G. Pratt, ot this city, to the effect that President Al Spalding did not desire public demonstra tions in honor of the teams at the various Amer ican cities to bo visited. This request seemed to infer that by the time the teams reach New York the time for gayety will have ceased. There is considerable force in this, no doubt, and Mr. Pratt is quite aware of it. Durins yesterday and Monday, however, he has been urged to try and promote SOME KEfD OF A TTELCOME that will at once be quiet and indicative of the good and earnest wishes of Pittsburg patrons of the national game regarding the players who have represented America so well among foreigners. President Nimick was spoken to on the matter yesterday afternoon and dnring the conversation he said: "I believe with Manager Phillips, that when the players again get foot on American soil they will need much rest to get them into good condition. Personally, I think the American trip should be abandoned, not only in the in terests of the players, but also of the patrons or the League. Holding this opinion I cannot; therefore, be expected to favor the idea of banquets and demonstrative receptions." "Will the Pittsburg club assist in promoting any reception that may be agreed upon?" was asked. "Well, now 1 am not in a position to say what we'll do. All that I say is that we believe re ceptions will do the players no good." Mr. Pratt and his friends are not by any means disposed to act contrary to the wishes of President Nimick and the local club, but it is likely that a reception of a modest kind will be arrancetfc A gentleman interested in the mat ter yesterday mapped out the following pro gramme, which will probably be accepted. He said: A VEKT MODEST PROGRAMME. "When the players arrive here we can have carriages totmeet them at the depot, 'and headed by a brass band, take them to their hotel. At the latter place we can have a modest and palatable repast provided for them, which in no serfcecan do them any harm. A few invited guests can be there, and the Mayor and one or t o more prominent citizens can make a few remarks ot welcome; replies can be made by Bpaldlng, Anson, Ward and others. The carriages will then convey the players to the grounds, where a short prom enade concert can be given before the game. Now, there is nothing gay in this nor expensive. Without any reception at all the players would run round a little, :.nd, if anything, tire and weary themselves more than if, by ineir presence, iney assisted to carry out ine above programme. .We certainly must do something, but I don't by any means want to take part in anything that will have a tendency to injure or interfere with the good condition of the players." The players, judging from indications, will have a good, lively time in England. All the leading sporting papers are taking considera ble interest in the matter. The London Ref eree, which, as a rule, is much opposed to any thinglike hero-worship, sajs: "According to a circular addressed to me by a gentleman wLo, strangely enough, seeks to for ward his proteges' interests and not advertise himself, the American base bailers recently starring in Australia lay much store on friendly reception in England. Theycannot really doubt being warmly welcomed in this country, I should guess, for we always greet talent with open arms, and more particularly when such talent spreads itself in directions hitherto un explolted within our gates. Men of Chicago, also of all America which might be thought to include Chicago, but illogically does not make yourselves sure of a good time, and 'as high a one as you care to have it. You may be coming to introduce a new popu lar craze vxich will perhaps cause one or more of our fportlntr institutions to be shunted. On this score I have my fears, because lawn tennis has tauekt us that we have not room for new pastimes except at the expense of stand ards. But in sport or pastime, as In pretty nearlv all thincs except Government offices, the fittest will survive, because people will have what they like best. So, supposing that that we freeze on to baseball, and that sort of freezing induces frost in other outdoor amuse ments, all 'we can do is to thank you for intro ducing something better suited to our wants than we were able to elaborate for ourselves. We have, however, yet to see whether base ball suits us, you know." , WITHDRAWS HIS REQUESTS. President Spalding hays His Exhibition Games Will End on April 20. rSFXCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! NEW Yobk, February 28. Some time ago A. G. Spalding wrote to all of the League clnb Presidents, asking that the opening of the League championship season be delayed for a few days, until he could complete his trip. J. W. Spalding found that this would be im possible, and he wrote his brother to that ef fect. A cablegram was received from Mr. Spalding to-day, dated Florence, asking that the request for a delay in openinc the championship season be withdrawn, ft also stated that the exhibi tion games wonld be finished on April 20, in Chicago, just six months from the day they were begun. The party expects to be in Lon don on March 10. Resolts at New Orleans. Netp Obleaxs. February 26. Although the iky was cloudy to-ay this was the largest at tendance at the races. Track was in fair con dition. Flrstrace, fonr furlongs BreaVdown won in K seconds, Cleo Martin second, Maid of Orleans thtrd. Second race, fonr and one-half fnrlongs No More was left at the post. Jennie McFaxland won In 1:05, Little Em second. Eternity third. Third race, ave-cightbs ora mile Doubt won in 1:07, Electricity second. Little Bess third. Fourth race, six and one-half farlonpi Staart won In 1:26, Frltchett second, Mirth third. (sqnlrrel Hill hhootrrs. The members of the Squirrel Hill Gun Club had an Interesting practice shoot yestordayon their grounds. There were two matches ot 25 clay birds each. The range was the regular distance of the practice shoot. The first match ws won by W. J. McCrickart, who broke 21 targets. S. Shaner and C. Richardson, eacn 20, tied for second. The second match was won by F. F. Davison, who broke 23. Mr. A. G. Courtney contested, but did not do well be cause of having a strange gun. Money for Kilrain. Baltimore, February 26. Charlie Mitchell writes Kilrain to go abroad at once, as he says there is big money awaiting him. Six weeks, Mitchell thinks, will enable Kilrain to add $5,000 to his wealth, and at the same time en able him to return in ample time forhis fight with Sullivan. Kilrain lias the proposition under, consideration. The Female Bicyclists. Another six-day female bicvele race has nun. Itnenced at Philadelphia The contestants are: Jennie woods, Hattie Lewis, Helen Baldwin, Tiianfeuiuor, Hattie Brown and Luln Hart. Rlliss Snallor yesterday took a "header" and ln- Cureainer arm, compelling her to retire. Woods Sins Aewu are leading. COULDN'T AGREE. Shea's Backers Don't Satisfy Joe Ridge-or Tommy Hogan. Mr. J. Philan. of Wheeling, was in the city yesterday trying to arrange a match for a fight between Shea, of Wheeling, and either BIdge or Hogan, of this city. A backer of Ridge met Philan during the afternoon and stated definitely that Ridge would fight Shea at 117 pounds, London prize ring rules, for S200 a side, and if th6 referee could not determine the winner at the end of 20 rounds, the contestants to fight until he, the referee, could decide. Ridge's representative asked t2 expenses for his man to ficht in Wheeling, and that the re ceipt be divided between the principals. He also stated that the smallest gloves that the law will allow shall be -used. It was further added that the Shea party would be al lowed all the foregoing privileges asked if the contest took place in Braddock. In replv Mr. Philan stated that the only offer he could make was to match Shea to fight Ridge for S200 a side. Queensberry rules, and that the receipts be divided as follows: 40 per cent to the winner; 20 to the loer and 40 to a certain party or club in Wheeling who would manage the affairs. These conditions ended all negotiations, as neither the Ridge nor Hogan parties would entertain them. Last evening Mr. Philan made efforts to meet the Hogan party again, but his conditions were deemed too onesided, and nothing was done. Ridge's representative offered to match his man to fight Shea, who is 5 feet 8 Inches hish, a catch weight on Saturday next, or to-day, for 5300 a side. Ridge is onlv 5 feet 3 inches, but the offer was not accepted. ABOUT THE DUQCESNES. Manager Swreenev makes a Pointed State ment About Bis Club. Manage J. J. Sweeney, of the Dnquesne Ball Club, of the County League, called at this office last evening and made the following statement regarding reports about his club. He said: "Undoubtedly there are two or three cliques using all possible means, of an ungenerous kind, to ruin the Duquesnes. Why this shonld be so I don't know,because we have done nobody any harm. Despite the fact that we are a mem ber of the league for this year and also that we are ready to fulfill every obligation required, it was published yesterday that we are on the ragged edge,' and that we havo no financial backing. Now tbts is not gentlemanly, inas much as it will be time enough for anybody to complain when we fail to comply with require ments. The people who busy themselves in circulating such reports are no friends of the league or of baseball. What we pledge our selves to do is to produce a good team when the County League season opens and carry that team through the season. Were the for feit $100 instead of J25 we would still be in line, and depend upon it we'll have our men ready when the umpire calls play.' However, it seems that those who are trying to wreck us are the people who want to fill our place." THE LOCAL MEN WON. Hoggins and Rothn-etl Win the Interesting Rifle Contest. Messrs. J. A. JIuggins. of this city, and J. W. Rothwell, of Washington, Pa have de feated Messrs. Richardson, of Boston, and Jewell, ot Lawrence, Mass., in the big rifle match. The final of the series of three con tests was finished yesterday, and as a resnlt the two first named won with consider able to spare. The local men had given up all hopes of victory, as previous to the commence-' ment of the third contest they were 16 behind. The last effort, however, changed matters con siderably, as it placed Hnggins and Rothwell winners of the match by 39 points. Yesterdav's schooting was as follows: Roth well, 416: Hnggins, 410. maklnc a total of 826. Mr. Hoggins was very sick. The score of the Eastern men were: Richardson, 397: Jewell, 374. The grand total for each contestant for the three contests, 150 shots each, are: Hnggins, 1,251; Richardson, 1,242: RothwelL 1,211; Jewell, 1,185. It is likely the Eastern men will request another match. HE WANTS SHEEDr. O'Connor Wants Sullivan's Old Manager to Go to Australia. Sau Fbaxcisco. February 26. Aquatic cir cles, in a stir over the Gandaur-O'Connor mud dle, were further stirred up to-day by a move on O'Connor's part. The Kanuck called upon Pat Sbeedy, John L. Sullivan's old manager, and submitted a proposition to go to Australia under Bheedy's management. Sbeedy told him he could not give him an answer until after he saw the race with Gaudaur. If there was nothing crookco in that affair he would consider the Australian trip. He stipulated, however, that should they go they share the money equally. This met with O'Connor's assent. O'Connor awaits the arrival of theZealandla, expecting to learn from Ned Hanlan some ad vice relative to Australia and its scullers. It is hinted here that Joseph Rogers, the Toronto druggist who is behind O'Connor, is afraid to back his man against Searle. MATCHED AT LAST. Jack Athlon and Joe Lnnnon Agree to Fight 18 Rounds for 81.000. rSr-ECTAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCBVI New Yoek. February 26. Jack Asbton, of Providence, and Joe Lannon, of Boston, are to have a go at last. The Criterion Club, of Provi dence, has offered a purse of $1,000 tor them to ficht 18 rounds in their rooms on March 19. This fight will be by all odds the best that has taken place in a long time. Both are good men and there is bad blood between them. Sullivan has always said that Lannon could fight if any body wonld make bim do his best. Everybody knows that Asliton is a good man, and those who are behind the men say everything will be on the square. Charley Johnston, of Brooklyn, was asked to referee the fight, but he declined, and Jim Wakely is now considering the propo sition. He would be a good man for the posi tion. Armalndo and Stanley Matched. IEFZCIAL TELEQBAU TO THE DISFJLTCB.l New York. February 26. Miss Armaindo and Miss Lottie Stanley, the latter from Pitts burg, were matched here to-day to ride for the lemale bicycle Championship of the world and $1,090 a side. The race will take place in some Eastern city within three weeks. Billy O'Brien Is backing Miss Stanley, and Echs, the profes sional bicyclist, is backing Armaindo. Shooting at MassiUion. ISrZCIAL TZXEGEXM TO THE DISPATCH.! MASsrxiOX, O., February 26. A match has been made between Con C. Croy, of Canton, and George Dobson, of this city, to shoot at SO live pigeons at S50 a side at the Massilinn Gun Club range, on March 6. Herman Loefner and Lew Shauf, of this city, will shoot on the same date and place at 50 birds for. a purse of 50. Will Go for Ward. Wastiikgton, February 26. President Hewitt, of the Washington Ball Club, said to day that he had received no word from Ward In regard to his intention to play with the local slub next season. "I leave for London one week from Satur day," he said. "If I can meet the teams before they leave for home I shall then find out just how the matter stands. I do not expect to know anything definite before my arrival in England.'' End ot the Combination Sale Lexington, February 26. The sale of trottlne stock consigned in combination sales closed here to-day with the disposal of 70 head for $12,585. The weather was inclement, bnt at least 500 people witnessed the final disposition oi tue snperD aggregation oi tnese norses, tne total sales of which has amounted to nearly $500,000. Jim and Engleman, a donble team boucht by J. C. Zimmerman. Johnstown. Pa.. for $500, were the highest priced animals of to' day s collection. Evenly Matched. Scraktos-, Pa-, February 26. Charles Green, of Lancaster, England, and Tom Can non, of Cincinnati, wrestled a catch-as-catch-can match here. Cannon took the first fall in 11 minutes, and the third in 8 minutes. Green won the second after a sharp tussle of 18 min utes. Sporting Notes. Albert, of last year's Cleveland, has signed with Milwaukee. A Subscriber, Youngstown, O. Aces are high, except otherwise agreed upon by the parties concerned before throning. Jake Kilbaut refuses to meet Jack Demp seyin a public clove contest. He will fight Dempsey in private where a decision can be reached. Dick Ar.Tnrrt, the well-known horseman from Brookville, was m the city yesterday. He says there are numerous good youngsters in and about Brookville. There has been so much kicking among the baseball enthusiasts over the proposed skin diamond that Manager Rowe has decided to sod the new grounds as soon as possible. It may be necessary to play the first few games without turf. Courier. Slowly but Surely Coming to a Head in the Old Keystone. . BOTE FACTIONS ABE SILENT, But Surface Signs Are Suggestive Enough to Foreshadow Trouble. THE EEYENUE BILL AMENDED Bo as to Exempt Iron, Steel, Cotton and Woolen Makers From a 3-1I1U Tax The Republican factions of this State are drifting toward war. Chairman Andrews evades the issue, but surface signs point to the formation of a combination, which will endeavor to wrest party control from those now in power. The first move is hinted at below. An amendment to the general reve nue bill exempts iron and steel and cotton and woolen goods manufacturers from the 3-mill tax. mtOMA STAFF CORRESPONDENT. Habbisbcbq, February 26. State Chairman Andrews by this morning had - read the interview, in. The Dispatch in which he was represented as offering to Senator Rutan, on behalf of Sen ator Quay, but on conditions not prescribed by that gentleman, the Republican nomina tion for Stite Treasurerof the Common wealth. He had nothing to say in reply, and his form of response to a running fire of questions was calculated to inspire belief that in the Republican party a degree of harmony existed that must indeed be grati fying to the chiefs of the party. The State Chairman smiled blandly on the corre spondent as this information leaked out, and was delightfully solicitious concerning the latter's pulse, respiration and general condition of health. However, it is rumored that a combina tion is slowly being formed that will make a hard fight to wrest the control of the Re publican party organization from its pres ent possessors. Gentlemen who are alleged to be concerned in the matter are discreetly silent nd uncommunicative, but it is re ported that a first move will include the selection at the close of the present session of Thomas Cochran for his old place as Chief Clerk of the Senate. From thitt, if successful, the new combination will go on to greater things. A partial confirmation of the rumors may be seen in a remark made by Senator Cooper to Senator "Watres during the de bate in the Senate this afternoon on the peace arbitration resolution, championed especially by the Senator from Delaware. The resolution requested our Representa tives in Congress to take action on this mat ter, and instructed the Senators to favor it. Senator "Watres thought it wrong to do this latter and said so, when Senator Cooper, quickly rising and wearing a smile that was not all a smile and a flushed counte nance, remarked: "Occasionally it is a luxury in Pennsylvania to instruct our United States Senators." "When the yeas and nays were called on the resolution Sen ator Cooper was defeated by a vote of 16 to 18, though on a rising vote it had been car ried by 16 to 15. Simpson. Alf IMPORTANT AMENDMENT To the General Revcnne Bill to be Favorably Reported To-Day. rFROtt A STAFF CORRESPONDENT.-; Habbisbueo, February 26. The "Ways and Means Committee of the House will to morrow favorably report the general revenue bill, with an amendment proposed by Chair man Gorman to the effect that corporations, limited partnerships and joint stock associa tions, chartered or organized for the manu facturing of iron or steel, cotton or woolen goods, and engaged exclusively in such manufacture, be exempt from the 3 mill tax. In the Grangers' bill for the equalization of taxation, it was found that the tax on pleasure carriages, watches and household furniture was reimposed, and this feature was eliminated. Ex-Vice President King, of the B. & O., and Solicitor McCleaves, of the same com pany, were in the city to-day and with them were the following gentlemen from Pitts burg, who appeared before the Railroad Committee to favor the Junction Railway's eminent domain bill: Messrs. George H. Anderson, John P. Dravo and James B. Scott, representing the Chamber of Com merce; B. P. Veach, L. S. McBTallip, B. McCracken and R. S. McCague, represent ing the Grain and Plour Exchange, and R. D. Carnahan and Mr. Speer, who appeared as plain citizens. A further hearing is re quested by the B. & O. people. LEGISLATIVE EOUTINE. The Whipping Post Fins BUI I.osl No Chance In the Amendment Election. ISFECIAL TELEGRAM TO TOT DISPATCH.l Habbisbubg, February 26. Among the bills reported to the House to-day was one to punish wile beaters with public whip pings. A bill to prevent the adulteration of vinegar was read in place. The bill providing for the display of the American flag over or in public school buildings while the schools are in session was defeated yeas 73, nays 100. An effort, to change the time for holding the amendment election was defeated, and the bill passes second reading with Mr. Dravo's amendments to the election ma chinery. The bill fixing a penalty for viola tion of the act which gives preference of ap pointment or employment to soldiers and sailors passed finally. The Senate met this afternoon, but owing to the small attendance legislation was con fined almost entirely to bills on first and second reading. SOME LUCK! FELLOWS. Foster Reappointed Insurance Commis sionerMining Inspectors Selected. ISrXCIAI. TELEGRAM TO TBS DISFATOn.1 Habbisbubg, February 26. Governor Beaver this evening reappointed J. Mont gomery Forster Insurance Commissioner of the State, a position which he has held since the organization of the Pennsylvania insurance department. Mr. Forster is a Democrat, but the Camefons have alwavs taken a great interest in him, and his selec tion is due to this friendship and the (act that he has proved a very capable official. The Governor also appointed J. Sutton "Wall and S. "W. Taylor Mining Inspectors for "Western Pennsylvania; David D. John son Superintendent of the Cumberland road in Fayette county, and Samuel E. Downey a member oi the State Board of Agriculture. Minor Appropriations. rrEOM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT.! Habbisbueo, February 26. The Appro priations Committee to-day voted to give St. Paul's Home, at Loysville, Perry county. 21,000. This is to pay the difference be tween $115 and $160 tor the maintenance of each soldier's orphan in the institution dur ing a term of years when the home received the smaller sum while other institutions re ceived the greater. Thirty thousand dollars was voted tor paving and grading the streets of Harrisburg abutting on State property. The Street Bill Delayed. rrEOM A STAFF COERIEPONDINT.I Habbisbubb, February 26. Consider ation of the Pittsburg street biy on third reading was postponed to-day on motion of THE PITTSBURG. DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY Mr. Lafferty. Objections were raised to it from several quarters, and ai a fnll delega tion was not present from Allegheny county, this action was requested. SOME BILLS SIGNED. The Governor Attaches His Autograph to Nevr Laws and Resolutions. fFROM A STAFF OOBRKRPONDEKT. 1 Habbisbubg, February 26. Late this evening the Governor signed the bill fixing the compensation of witnesses in court; also, the bill authorizing action for mesne profits to be commenced in certain cases before re covery in ejectments. The Governor also signed the joint resolution to submit the Constitutional amendment abolishing the poll tax and the resolution for a joint com mittee of the legislature to investigate the Soldiers Orphans' Schools. TEBESA- PE0TE0TED. The Defense in the Chnrch Trial Comes to a Sadden Stop The Pretty Yonng Cook Not Called on to Testify. rerEcur. Teleoeam to the dispatcii.i Columbus, O., February 26. The attor neys for the plaintiff in the Church divorce case were treated to a great surprise to-day. The cross-examination of Colonel Chnrch, the defendant, had been finished, and a short recess was asked for. The crowd readjusted itself and appropriated every inch of space, expecting that Teresa Schirzinger, the cook in the Church family, and who was playing an important part in the case, would be called. All had their necks craned when the at torneys for the defense came in and Judge Nash announced that they wonld rest their case. Mrs. Church, the plaintiff, remarked in the hearing of a great many that they were bound to take care of Teresa. The attorneys for the plaintiff stated that they had not expected the case to close so soon, and were not prepared on the spur of the moment to begin their evidence in re buttal. A recess was then taken till after noon, when a large number of witnesses were called to give evidenaes on minor points,but there was nothing new brought out The McCaskey affidavit was offered, but the court refused to receive it, as it contained no new matter different from that which he had testified to on the stand. McCaskey is the hostler who claims to have seen so much about the Church residence. Mrs. Joyce, mother of the plaintiff, was on the stand, and denied some of the im portant points in the testimony of Mr. Ken nedy, of Pittsburg, who was trying to act the part of peacemaker in the rase. By the defense closing the case where they did they shut out the alleged confession and statement which the servant Teresa made to Father Eis, and also prevented the latter being brought on the stand. They also do away with the necessity ot calling the girL THE SENATE CALLED TOGETHER. President Cleveland Isaacs the TTsnat Proc lamation for an Extra Session. Washington, February 26. President Cleveland to-day issued the following procla mation: By the President of the United States of America. A proclamation: Whereas, Public interests require that the Senate should be convened at 12 o'clock on the 4th day of March next, to receive such com munications as may be made by the Execu tive. Now, therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, Presi dent of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare that an extraordinary occasion re quires the Senate of the United States to con. vene at the capitol, in the City of Washington, on the 4th day of March next, at 12 o'clock noon, of which all persons who shall at that time be entitled to act as members of that body are hereby required to take notice. Given under my hand and the seal of the United States, at Washington, the 26th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and eighty-nine, and of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirteenth. Grover Cleveland. Bv the President. Seal. X. F. Batabd. Secretary of State. ALL IDENTIFIED SAYE ONE. The Inveatlcatiou Into the Conses of the Fearful Wllkesbarre Explosion. "WrLKESBAEBE, February 2G. All the bodies of the victims of the squib factory, or the remains of them have been identi fied except one, a girl of 14 or 16 years. It is said that she was 'a stranger, and came to the factory for work. Ko one in Plymouth is missing. The Coroner's jury met to-day, and proceeded to the evidence of Foreman Beese, who was so badly injured that his life is despaired of. In his statement Beese said: During the forenoon the proprietor of the factory came in and told the girls that as they were not busy they shonld sort a lot of loose sanibs that were lying on the floor, some of which were loaded and others empty. The girls began to sort the squibs, and Miss Jones picked out what she considered the poor ones, or those that were emfltv: and threw them into the stove. One of them happened to be loaded and it exploded, the spark igniting a lot of loaded squibs lying near. The explosion followed, and the first thing I knew 1 was lying In a field outside. Beese was the only witness examined to day. Another pertinent fact was the pres ence in the building of two more kegs of powder than the borough ordinance allows. TO IMPE0TE THE P. & I. E. Tho Donble Tracking; Will bo Completed nnd tho Carves Straightened. rSPECIAL TELEQBAM TO THE DISrATCH.J Youngstown, O., February 26. To-day a special meeting of the stockholders of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bailroad was held here. It was called to con sider the advisability of increasing the capital stock to $4,000,000. A resolu tion to that effect, was adopted and it was decided to use the funds after paying off tliu indebtedness, in finishing the double track and straightening a large number of curves. Other improvements along the line will also be made. Among those "who at tended the moetinc vwere General Manager Newell, J. M. Bailey, J. G. Bo'binson, J. H. Beed and Judge Hide. The Washington Conoty OH Field, f SPECIAL TILEGBAM TO THE DISrATClLl Washington, Pa., February 26. Fergus McQuay has found an increase of oil in the stray. McGovern No. 3 has filled up 1,500 feet from the same horizon. Hart Brothers, Ellwood, shows for a small well in the Gantz; is flowing by heads. Harrison Oil Company's Bobert Knox No. 3 had 1,800 feet of oil in the hole when three bits in this afternoon. No. 5 is in the top of the stray. Ten Dollar Salt Sale. To-day and to-morrow ends up our 510 suit sale. Some of our finest men's suits in cutaways and sacks, made from the finest whipcord and diagonal, imported cheviots and cassimeres go for $10; lined with silk finished serge, cut in the latest style and really magnificent garments. Twentv-five dollars would nof be too much to ask for them, but $10 takes choice to-day. Special About 500 men's Derbv hats in all the leading styles at $1 25. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. Fired by Bobbers. tSrZCIAL TILXOKAM TO THE DISPATCH. Babnesville, O., February 26. The general merchandise store of A. C. Landers, Lamira, this county, was destroyed by fire this morning. It is supposed to have been fired by robbers. Loss, $2,500; insured for $800. ' Dress Goods Department. Plain, plaid and striped novelties at 50c per yard. Entirely new effects, invrsu Huous & Hacks. BOLD IEISH LEADERS Call the Tory Government to Account in the House of Commons. PIGOTrS AEEEST IS DEMANDED. Major Sannderson Attempts to Defend the Admistration. HE IS AT ONCE ANSWERED BY DILLOfo, Who Characterites His Speech as an Aggregation of Stale Jokes. The irrepressible Irish question again oc cupied the attention of the Souse of Com mons yesterday. Healy demanded that the Government take immediat steps to ar rest Pigott Home Secretary Matthews promised that it shouldbe done Sannderson and Dillon then sharply debated the treat ment accorded to political prisoners. The, Parnell members interrupted frequently with jubilant cheers. London, February 26. In the House of Commons this evening Mr. Healy asked whether Home Secretary Matthews had or dered tho arrest of Kichard Pigott and if not, why he allowed Pigott to escape. Mr. Matthews replied that a warrant had been issued against Pigott. Mr. Healy then asked whether the Government had taken measures to prevent Pigott's escape by tele graphing a warning to the police authorities of the various seaport towns of the King dom. Pigott, he said, was a valuable per son. Had any attempt been made to cap ture him? Mr. Matthews admitted that as yet'he had taken no steps in the matter. The knowledge of Pigott's disappearance had reached him within tbe past hour. He promisd that the Government would do their utmost to capture the fugitive. A CONSEBVATIVE PLEA. Major Sannderson (Conservative) then re sumed the debate on the address in reply to the Queen's speech. Beferring to Mr. Morley's remarks in the House last night, he charged that gentleman with ignoring the fact that crime in Ireland has lessened since the enforcement of the crimes act. The number of agrarian offenses was less now than it had ever been since the agita tion began. The Parnellites complained- that they could freely make speeches in England for which in Ireland they would be imprisoned. Quite so. Men might smoke a cigar in many places without offense, but to light it down in a mine would be criminal, as the act would endanper the lives of others. Cheers. The freedom of speech which the Parnellites wanted was not allowed because they advocated law breaking, which led to murder. Parliament had sometimes ac-" ceded to'the claims of the Parnellites, but the House had seen the unwisdom of it. A cry was now got up to attract the peo ple. Pamellite shouts of "Pigott! Pi gott 1"1 Well, Pigott had amply qualified himselt to be a member of tne first Home Eule Ministry. That cry might for a mo ment be substituted foranother "O'Brien's clothes." Laughter. The Irish mem bers ought not to make such dunces of themselves bringing down everlasting ridi cule upon their country. He could not find a reason why Parnellites should not be sent to jail, nor why, when once there, they should ever be let out. Laughter. DILXON'S BEPLY. Mr. Dillon thought Major Saunderson's performance less amusing than usual. His remarks were mere interludes in opera bouffe stale jokes, unworthy of the atten tion of the House. The question of Ireland could not be set aside by jest. He em phatically repudiated as a calumny any suggestion that he or his colleagues worked for the increase of crime. ' The decrease of crime was not due to the coercion act, but to enormons concessions got for the tenants throutrh the nlan of campaign. It was also due to the knowledge of the increased sympathy of the English people. The declarations of Mr. Gladstone and his followers had more effect in stopping crime than all the coercion acts ever passed. Cheers. Begarding the question of prison garb, they objected to wearing the livery of crime and associating with forgers and thieves. Shouts of "Hear, heart" Pos sibly, judging from recent events, certain members of the opposition did not entertain the same objection. Parnellite cheers. He proceeded to criticise Mr. Balfour's statements regarding the treatment of pris oners, contending that there were manifest contradictions in the stutements making the whole unworthy of credence. A SHABP DEBATE. Sir G..O. Trevelyan charged Mr. Balfour with causing Parnellites to he arrested in a place and manner calculated to inflict the greatest possible outrage upon "public feel ing and opinion. The Government, he de clared, were responsible for the melancholy incidents that attended the arrest of Father McFadden, and they were especially blame able for risking a repetition of such inci dents by the arrest ot Father Stephens. The speaker alio attacked Mr. Balfour on the subject of the treatment of political' pris oners. In the course of a speech in defense of the Government Mr. Edward Stanhope, who is a member of the Cabinet, asserted that wher ever the plan of campaign existed tbe amount of crime was greatest. "There is not a word of truth in that," ex claimed Mr. Dillon. Cries of "Ob, oh," greeted Mr. Dillon's remark, and Mr. Stanhope appealed to the Speaker, whereupon Mr. Dillon challenged him to prove his statement. In reply Mr. Stanhope adduced statistics showing an im provement in the condition of Ireland, which he claimed was due to the Govern ment's policy. THE WEATHER. For West Virginia and Ohio, clearing, except continued light snow or rain along the lakes; warmer, variable winds. , PrrrSBtnto, February 26. 1839. The United States Signal Service officer in this city furnishes the following. Time. Ther. Ther. Mean temp 37 Maximum temn. 44 7.-00 A. V., 10:00 A.M., 1:00 r. k 4:00 P.M.. 7:00 P.M.. 10.00 P. II.. ,....29 32 ,....41 ....44 ....42 ....41 Minimum temp..... 22 Precipitation. range -zi Trace. UlTerstSp.K., 1.7 fott, a fill of 0.1 reet In ttas ! 1 24 hoars. River Telefframs. rSPECIAL TELEGRAMS TO THE DISPATCH. 1 MobOANTOWn Elver 4 feet 6 Inches and stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 16 at 4 p. h. Wabken River frozen. Weather moderate, -with light snow. Brownsville Biver 5 feet and stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer IS'at 6 P. u. Over SO Pieces Mew Wool Dress Goods In fancy plaids and combination effects; the newest colorings and styles, $1 and upward. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. 27, ' 1889. EHE F0EGEEY FOILED. Continued from First Page. that Pigott disguised himself and fled to either Antwerp or Rotterdam. It is learned that he sent a dispatch to his housekeeper at Kingstown instructing her to bum "all the papers in the black box," and that his order was obeyed. AMEBIC! DID IT ALL. Snlllvnn and Bean Furnished the AH-Im-portnnt Evidence Carried to Par nell by a Chicago Priest Al most a Romance. London, February 26. From a gentle man high in the authority 'in the prosecu tion of the Parnell- Times case to-day, came the true story of how the conspiracy against Parnell was detected. It constitutes one of the most" romantic and extraordinary 'narra tives in the history of politics. The evi dence by which the conspiracy was exploded was sent to London from a distant point in the western portion of the United States, and without this evidence complete in de tail and invincible at every point, the Times wonld undoubtedly have won, not withstanding the spurionsness of the letters. Up to July of last year Parnell, his counsel and colleagues were wholly at sea. They surmised, conjectured, investigated clues and found each of them false. They knew the letters were forged, but the for geries were so adroit and the text of the let ters, to say nothing of their penmanship, was so like the habitual phraseology of Egan and Parnell 'that it was clear the crime had been committed by some one having access to the correspondence of both. But although the most astute detectives and the most ingenious of English solici tors were in the case, every effort to discover the forger proved futile, and Parnell and his eonndants were, if not hopeless, at least depressed and disheartened. AMERICA TO THE BESCUE. One day last July a young Irish-American priest, Bev. Maurice J. Dorney, of Chicago, accompanied by Bev. Herbert, Dunn, of the same city, sent his card into Parnell at the House of Commons. "When they met Father Dorney informed Parnell that he had a package to deliver placed in his hands the night before he sailed from New York. It contained, he said, the evi dence that would reveal the forgeries and identify the forger of the letters printed in the London Times. The circumstances under which he came to be the bearer were singular and almost accidental. He received a telegram from Alexander Sullivan, of Chicago, whose came has figured prominently dnring the trial, asking him to meet Patrick Fgan at a railway station in New .York the night be fore he was to sail for Liverpool. He did so. Egan said he had come directly from Chicago, where he had been in consultation with Mr. Sullivan, when he had requested, after they had gotten the documents and their history in form, to select a trustworthy man to carry them to Parnell. Sullivan learned that Fathers Dorney and Dunn were to take the steamer that Saturday for Liverpool, and he selected Father Dorney to bear the message. Mr. Egan was met at the station by Father Dorney, who was told the duty that had been imposed upon him. They sat up all night. HOKE THAN MILLIONS. The priest learned the whole story and was able to make it clear to Parnell. He told Parnell he had carried that package with more solicitude than if it had been millions, for if it were lost all the gold the Irish race could send to help him ia his trial could not replace it. He expressed to him the anxiety of Egan and Sullivan for the safety of the package, and when its real nature and inestimable value became ap parent to Parnell, the home rule leader was deeply affected. The depression which had been visible on his pale face for months began to soften, and during the recital of the story he yielded several times to emotion. "When the story itself was over he asked .with pain ful apprehension how many men in the United States,knew what the package con tained. Father Dorney replied that only Egan, Sullivan and himself were familiar with it, but that Patrick Ford would be taken into confidence by Egan. Parnell was delighted. He inquired, fearing some one knew who might indiscreetly tell the story to warn the Times. He was solicitous for secrecv. But he said the gentlemen named would" under stand the need ot secrecy without a re quest or a word of caution, and they were all men whose names and services msnred safety. A series of interviews followed, participated in by Dorney, Parnell, Sir Charles Kussell, Lewis and Laboucnere. eoan's discovert. The discovery that Pigott was the forger was made by Egan in Lincoln, Neb., while detectives and experts were vainly trying to find a clue in Great Britain. Egan writes that he was sorely perplexed by the forged letters, fac similes of which he got in the London Times. The signature of those at tributed to him was remarkably eood. Ex- Sressions and odd abbreviations peculiar to im were in the text. He considered as the possible forger each of several men whom the Parnellites sug gested or suspected. But none of them could have had letters from him which would have made the spurious concoctions possible. He recalled Bichard Pigott, but he had been so long dead in politics and covered with accumulated shame that Egan dismissed him from his mind. He remem bered that Pigott had been in forgeries many years before. But the idea that he might be concerned in these seemed absurd. In scrutinizing the iorged fac similes he finally discovered that one signed with his own name was written avowedly nt a certain address in Paris, and the recollection flashed upon him that Pigott was the only man to whom he had given it. Pigott had written him asking for a confidential address to which he might send important communi cations. THE IMPOBTANT KEY. This address proved the key to tbe forg eries. Egan, who is methodical in habits, had saved his correspondence for years. In stead of keeping a letter press he has been accustomed to writing on the fly leaf of a letter recording his answer to it, and then copying the answer to be sent to his cor respondent. Thus he had letter and answer together. He searched his volumes of let ters until he found Pigott's. By comparing them with the handwriting on the forged letters he saw that he had the iorgcr. He submitted letters written by Pigott to experts, together with the fac similes of tbe forged letters. They immediately detected characteristic peculiarities, which were con firmed under the microscope. Egan had Pigott's letters and the forgeries photo graphed, and started for Chicago,where he placed ait tne papers ueiore nis inena, Alexander Sullivan, who is also a solicitor. The brief was drawn up by him and Sulli van in tbe latter's office in Chicago. It related the chief incidents in Pigott's career, and. showed that he had been a forger belore. Years before, when Piggott tried to sell the Irishman, a newspaper, to Parnell and Egan, he furnished an in ventory apparently authenticated by well known Dublin accountants showing the value of tbe property of the concern. Egan proved that the inventory was false, and Pigott had forged the accountants' signa tures to it. HE IDEOED BEFOBE. . Pigott was caught in another similar transaction. In the office of Pigott's news paper was a man who contributed to the Boston Pilot. His nom de plume was Leo. After his death a relative discovered that Patrick Donahue, then editor of the Pilot, had remitted to Leo a draft which his fam ily never received, and that Pigott had opened the letter, taken the draft intended for Leo, forged his indorsement, and drawn the money. Pigott was compelled to dis gorge. These facts Egan committed in writing. He had meanwhile ascertained tbe process by which Pigott made the spurious letters. He found among his papers some letters written by him fn which entire sentences FROM PIMPLES Psoriasis 5 years, covering face, head, and entire body wlih whits scabs. Skin red, ifchy,ssnd bleeding. Hair sll gone. Spent hundreds of dollars. Pronounced Incur able. Cured by Cuticurs Remedies. My disease (psoriasis) first broke out on my left cheek, spreading across my nose, and al most covering my face. It ran into my eyes, and the physician was afraid I wonld lose my eyesight altogether. It spread all over my head, and my hair all fell out, until I was en tirely bald-headed: it then broke out on my armand shoulders, until my arms were just one sore. It covered my entire body, my face, head, and shoulders being tbe worst. Ther white scabs fell constantly from my head, shoulders, and arms; tbe skin would thicken and be red and very itchy, and would crack and bleed if scratched. After spending hun dreds of dollars, I was pronounced incurable. I heard of the Cctictjea Remedies, and after using two bottles Cuticuba Besolvent, I could see a change; and after I had taken fonr bottles, I was almost cured; and when J had used six bottles of CtmctTBA Bisolvent and one box of Cuticuba, and one. cake of Cuticuba Soap, I was enred'of the dreadful disease from which I had suffered for fire years. I thought the disease would leave a very deep scar, but the Cuticuba Remedies, cured it without any scars. I cannot express with a pen what I suffered before using tbe Cctictjka Remedies. They saved my life, ana I feel it my duty to recommend them. My hair is restored as good as ever, and so i3 my eyesight. I know of a number of different persons who have used tbe Cuticuba Reme dies, and all have received great benefit from their use. MBS. ROSA KELLY. Rockwell City, Calhoun Co., Iowa. Tbe Cuticuba Remedies have permanently cured me of dandruff and facial eruptions when all other remedies had failed, For nine months my head has been entirely free from tbe slightest signs of dandruff, and my skin is as clear as when I wa3 a boy. LOU THOMPSON, New Britain, Conn. Cuticura To cleanse the skin, scalp, and blood of hu mors blotches, eruptions, sores, scales, and crusts, whether simple, scrofulous, or con tagions, no agency in the world of medicine is so speedy, sure, and economical as the Cut icttba Remedies. Cuticuba, the great skin cure, instantly al lays the most agonizing itcbing and inflamma tion, clears the skin and scalp of every trace of disease, heals ulcers and sores, removes crusts and scales, and restores the hair. Cuticcba Soap, the greatest of skin beautiflers, is indis pensable in treating skin diseases and baby humors. It produces the whitest, clearest skin and softest hands, free from pimple, spot, or DIMPLES, black-heads, red. rough, chapped I I III and oilv skin nrevented bv nrrrirrrrnA and oily skin prevented by Cuticttba Soap. appeared that were also in forged letters. Pigott had traced these sentences carefully word for word. Then he interpolated or added other sentences or phrases completely changing the meaning of the whole letter while preserving the integrity of portions. Dates were also changed to make the criminal interpolations applicable to illegal events. Egan also found letters by Parnell which had been similarly used. Photo graphs of all these and ot Pigott's becrsrinp and blackmailing letters were inclosed with, tbe originals in the package with tbe mem oranda, recalling to Parnell all the circum stances attending the writing or reception of each. FBECIOUS LUGGAGE. This was the precious piece of luggage the young clergyman fetched to Parnell. Until it came the Times' case was as invul nerable as fraudulent. No hint of the con tents of the package ever became public un til Parnell himselt, in an interview he had with Pigott in the presence of Labonchere and Lewis, asked Pigott certain questions wnicn disclosed to tne culprit that evidence was secured convicting him ot the crime. Pigott either reported his fears to the Times or was watched by its detectives and traced into ParneU's presence. Then he had to partially confess to his employers; nnd the Attorney General and his col leagues then compelled LeCaron to'testify, and be as malignant as possible, swearing that Parnell declared to LeCaron that be favored armed revolution and that Alex ander Sullivan got him (LeCaron) into a secret revolutionary organization. This was for the purpose of breaking the force of ParneU's information about Pigott's ante cedents. But Pigott had no suspicion of the over whelming completeness ot the knowledge conveyed in the package to Parnell, and did not realize until he got into Sir Charles' clutches that no calumny could im pair the fatal effect upon him and on the Times' case of what Parnell knew. Had Egan not made the discovery, the truth of the letters could have been only denied, but their falsehood could not have been demon strated. The situation would have been a Times victory, and victory of the Times wonld be tbe ruin of Parnell, the Home Bale party and the indefinite discredit of the Liberals. AY0LUNTARY C0NPESSI0". Gcorso Aonnstns Sala Relates How Pigott Told Bis Story. Londcw, February 27. Mr. George Au gustus Sala writes to the Telegraph an ar ticle a column and a hall long describing the interview on Saturday between Pigott and Mr. Labonchere. It is written in the usual gossippy style of Mr Sala and confirms the statement that Pigott went to M. Labou chere's house voluntarily to make a confes sion, but that, apparently owing to the gnawing of his conscience, he had great dif ficulty in owning up, and took a lull ten minutes to make up his mind. . He then began, in a musing tone, a soliloquy, but by degrees his voice rose, and he became as fluent that it was rarely neces sary for him to hall or reconstruct a phrase. The copy of the confession which Mr. Lewis obtained was from the beginning to the end literally and verbally the composition of Pigotty who confessed that he forged the Parnell letters, and minutely described the manner in which they were written. Pigott said that ho alone executed the forgeries. Mr. Sala continnes: Whether he is telling the truth or another batch of lies is not for me to determine, bnt to my mind he seemed to be confessing facts, and nothing but facts. Io pressure was pnt upon bim and no leading ques tions were asked. He went on quietly and continuously to the end of bis story. I should have thought it amazing had I not had occa sion to hear many more -astounding tales. Pigott did not apuear to be overcome by shame 'and treated his actions more as incldPntal weaknesses. Both myself and Mr. Labonchere, aa ne leic, wisnea mm wei uui. ui iu The Times continues to advertise the pamphlet on "Parnellism and Crime," with the alleged iac simile letter of Mr. Parnell. THE COLLAPSE OP CALUMNY. Parnell Will Proceed With the Case, No Mntter What Happens. London, February 27. The A'eics says: We rondole with the great Plgottist party on the loss of Its leader and the consequent diffi culty of forging ahead. A more, utter and hopeless collapse has never occurred in the history of calumny. The case for tbe prosecu tion has gone to pieces at tbe first touch.' Mr. Parnell Is proved innocent by the only man they relied on to prove him guilty. Whether tho ftmes proceeds or not Mr. Parnell will claim the right to disprove the other charges. Docketed Under an Alias. A man giving his name as John Black was arrested in the Diamond this morning abont 1 o'clock, and taken to tbe Central station by Officer Bovard. A charge of dis orderly conduct was entered against Black, bnt he was released on a $30 forfeit. It is said that he a is prominent downtown saloon keeper; that he was having some words with a woman in the Diamond when Officer Bo vard came along, and that he struck Bovard. KEW ADTTItTISZaiEWTa. 7 r$gj& TO SCROFULA. Terrible Blood Poison. Suffered all a'mtaw could iufFr and live. Fiee and body eov. sred with awful sores. Used the Cuticurs $f Remedies ten weeks snd is practically cured. A remarkable ce. ..& I contracted a terrible blood-poisoning a yea; ago. I doctored with two good physicians,' neither of whom did me any good. I suffered all a man can suffer and live. Hearing of yoox Cuticuea Remedies I concluded to try them, knowing if they did me no good they could make me no worse. I have been using them, about ten weeks, and am most happy to say -that I am almost rid of the awful sores that covered my face 'and body. My face was aa bad, if not worse, than that of Miss Boyntoat j, spoken ot in your book, and I would say to any , one in the same condition, to use CtrriCOBA,. j,, and they will surely be cured. You may usa , this letter in the interests of suffering "ha ' inanity. E. W, REYNOLDS, Ashland, OhlaTttrS- i I have been troubled with scrofula saves .-,- years, which first started on the ton of my. bead, giving me infinite trouble, with constant itching, casting off pf dry scales, and a watery liqnid exuded from under the scales 1 treated it for seven years unsuccessfully, and was un able to check it until I found your Cuticuba Remedies. One box Cuticuba, ,one cako CrjTictJEA Soaf, and one bottle Cuticuka Resolvent completely cured me, my skin be." coming perfectly clear and smooth. S. J. DAVIS, Artesia, Los Angeles Co., Cat, I go Mr. Dennis Downing ten years better. I . have dug and scratched for thirty-eight years. I bad what is termed pruntis, and have suffered everything, and tried a number of doctors but got no relief. Anybody could have got S50G , had they cured me. Tho CunctntA Beme- , dies cured me. God bless the manwho in vented CunctTBA. CHENET GREEN, 51 Trowbridge street, Cambridge, Mass. . Remedies. blemish. CrmcuBA Besolvent, the new blood purifier, cleanses the blood of allimpurf-,, tics and poisonous elements, and thns removes' the cause. Hence the Cuticuba Remedies) cure every species of agonizing, humiliating,' itching, burning, scaly, and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, CUTICUBA, 60c; Soap, 23c.; Resolvent, 8L Prepared bytha POTTEB DEUO AND CHEMICAL COBPOBATION, Boston. j&-Send for "How to Cure Skin Dis eases," H pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testi- " monlals. UAlinC Soft, white, and free from chapg n H Is UO and redness by using Cuticuba Soap. wsuwk THE TRIP OYER. Continued from First Page. ly will arrive to-morrow, and will stop at the Arlington. Mr. Morton's suit will consist of a parlor, dining room and six bed rooms in the main building of the house, on' the side opposite to the quarters occupied by General Harrison. The suit is one of the finest in the house, and has been occupied, by the Grand Duke Alexis, President Bar ries, of Guatemala, Prince Napoleon and the first Japanese minister to this country. Beside these rooms, two parlors on the first floor of the Arlington will be occupied by Mr. Morton's partner, George Blis, and his family, and two other large rooms by Mrs. Morton's sister,Mrs.Street,and her husband. Chairman J. Sloat Fassett came over from New York to-day. He is so knocked out by the situation of Mr. Thomes C. Piatt that he is unable to talk about it. Some of the Amenities? About 40 o'clock Major Pruden came over from the "White House with, a noes from President Cleveland to President-elect'-" Harrison. At both -the "White House and the Arlington it was said that there was no objection to stating tho contents of the letter, but both Colonel La ment and Mr. Halford referred all who in quired each to the other. It is probable that it was simply a letter of courtesy from President Cleveland, offering to render any assistance in his power that would contrib ute to the comfort of the incoming Presi dent. General Harrison and Mrs. Harrison will call by appointment at the "White House to morrow. After dinner General Harrison and his son-in-law, Mr. McKee, went ont for a walk through the northwestern section of the city. In the evening General Harrison and the ladies of his family received a num ber of callers in the parlora of the Johnson Annex. AN ANGEL SUMMONED. One of tbe Oldest and Best Known Norses Joins the Great Itlnjorlty. , Baltimobe, February 26. -Sister Mary Ann, of the Catholic Order of Sisters of Cbarity.died to-night at Si. Agues Hospital, ofpnnemonia. She was a daughter of the" ' late Thomas McAleer, once a prominent' citizen of York, Pa., and was one of the old est and best known nurses in America. The secret of my happiness is, I have Caown my old Blacking Brush, sad bare w BEAUTIFULLY POLISHED ' WaTHOUT LABOR. WoIffsfiCMEWackini ProdacepoUihwith!rctthoodbrmh,andfliHw tc2 lart a bk4 on moi'f, cdk! tirM on ootun't afexs, TOr stick to old ways is thess days cf progress J Sold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, Drngg&s, etc. ' WOLFF & RANDOLPH. FHiUQELPlWL . xwTsap,j LONDON'S OBLEBHAT33D SURGEON DENTIST, DB. GEOBGE H. JONES, Cordially Indorses the aypJPEP-i and adds: 'Unlike bristles. It Is harmless his use, and being a most excellent polisher and,' aosorDent thoroughly Preserves tne leetn." AT ALL DRUGGISTS. a2-MWT, Halford Table Sauce. FOR. MEATS, N3H, ' SOUPS, GRAVIES; ial3-7l-srwr I AM IfiYM HAPPY! j5-&Sfcl r vtnsy ATERFROOF iflflT -,4