Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 27, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Vol. 44, Io. 20. Entered at Pittsburg Post
office, oveinberH, 1887, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and99 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Average circulation of the daily edition of
The Dispatch for six months ending Febru
Copies per Issue.
Average circulation of the Sunday edition
of The Dispatch for February. 1SS9,
Copies per issue.
DAILY DisrATCH, One Tear. I 8 00
DAILY DISPATCH, Per Quarter 200
Daily Dispatch, Oncilonth "
Daily Dispatch, Including bunday, one
year K
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, per
quarter IS0
Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one
month. M
Epsday Dispatch, oneyear. -.. 150
Weekly Dispatch, one year 125
THE Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at
IS cents per week, or including the Sunday edition,
at 20 cents per week.
The climax of the Tory and Times fiasco
was capped in London yesterday by the an
nouncement of the flight and confession of
Pigott, the mainstay of the conspiracy to
ruin the Home Rule leaders.
Anything more dramatically effective in
showing to the world the animns and stu
pidity that lay behind the attacks on Par
ncll could scarcely be conceived. The only
possible question of interest that remains in
the case now is -whether the Timet and the
Tory Cabinet could have been so dense, so
little capable of deliberating on a serious
matter, and so reckless in their proceedings,
as to put their confidence in men sucS as
lie Caron, Houston and Pigott, or that it
could be possible they knowingly used such
tools and took part in their plot.
Already intimations are made that there
has actually been a tremendous conspiracy
behind the whole business, and threats are
heard of developments that will be even
more astounding than the remarkable ones
which have already taken place. Still, we
scarcely think it possible that the Times,
stupid, foolish and vindictive though it
showed itself to be, could willingly have
plotted what Mr. Gladstone eloquently de
scribes as the "vast fabric of iniquity"
which has now tottered utterly, to the great
humiliation and damage of the "Thunder
er." It is more likely far that its intense
and bitter prejudices against the Home
Bulers made it an easy dupe of the unscru
pulous adventurers who took its money and
plied it with false information. This is
bad enough. The other supposition, of
course, would imply things infinitely worse.
The true theory, no doubt, is that the Times,
willing to believe anything bad of the
Home Rulers, relied upon Houston and
Pigott; and that the Tory Cabinet blindly
relied on the Times.
Probably the outside world is sometimes
' tired of hearing of the misgovernment of
Ireland. The English public dread the
subject. But when it is reflected that Ire
. , land has been governed in such a spirit and
by such men and through such means as
have been employed to get up and sustain
this Royal Commission to try Parnell, who
will say that it is much wonder the people
pray for home rule or any sort of .rule that
is different from what they get?
Colonel Lamont has introduced a novelty
in politics by refusing the back pay" which
Congress obligingly voted to cover the whole
of his expiring term. He does bo on the
ground that he accepted a position, the sal
ary of which was fixed by law and he does
not wish to take more than the stipulated
sum. This is rather good reasoning, but it
is by no means certain that it will increase
the Private Secretary's popularity among
the statesmen. It presents a contrast, you
know; and the theory has been promulgated
that since the Constitution says that public
officials "shall receive" such compensation
as Congress may fix, they would be violating
the Constitution not to take it. It is cer
tainly contrary to the unwritten law of the
politicians, and is likely to get Colonel La
mont classed among the impracticable Mug
wumps. But what he loses among the poli
ticians he will gain among the people.
The bill directing the American flag to
be displayed above all schoolhouses in
the State was beaten in the House
of Bepresentatives yesterday. It was
a harmless bit of buncombe; but a
good deal more time has been wasted over
it than it was worth. "When we reflect that
court houses, city halls, postoffices and cus
tom houses display the national ensign only
ou important occasions, and. some of them
not even then, the anxiety to get it on all
the ward and district schools suggests the
interest of the flag manufacturers at the ex
pense of the school funds.
It is well to cultivate the spirit of patriot
ism. The flag presentations made by the
O. U. A. 3L last year constituted a very
good -effort in that direction as a spontaneous
educational effort. But this thing of legis
lating patriotism into the youthful breast
by act of Assembly is rather weak.
Let the legislators set the example of
patriotism by forswearing jobs for private
benefit and legislating purely in the inter
est of the whole people. That will do more
in the way of teaching patriotism than wav
ing the flag can ever do.
The fact that a Kew York jury has at
last indicted Ives and Stayner for their
swindling operations in connection with
the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton
Railroad is generally received as a vindica
tion of the public honesty. It is so to a
certain extent, and yet it presents a rather
. marked contrast with the immunity granted
to men who have adopted almost the same
methods and are ruling powers in rail
way finance to-day.
There is no doubt that Ives and Stayner
deserve the indictment and will deserve the
conviction which stares them in the face.'
They issued about 515,000,000 of fraudulent
securities on that road for which the corpora
tion received no return, and converted the
proceeds to their own use. This is nothing
but stealing on the wholesale plan, and
whoever does it ought to be punished as a
thief. But it is not a pleasant commentary
on our system of justice if the men who do
that sort of thing successfully and retain
the money with its power, arc left un
V touched, while those who fail in it, or lose
i'the ill-gotten wealth in other speculations
- fiare punished,
Now it so happens that Ives and Stayner.
through their reckless operations, have -none
I of the money left, which they plundered,
auu id is uiso luc case kuai- ihu BJguai ex
amples of the same sort of operations have
been in the courts recently, in which the man
ipulators, backed with their spoils, came
off scot free. In one of them, touching the
Gould manipulations of the Union and Kan
sas Pacific consolidation, the scale of issu
ing fiat securities was double that of Ives
and Stayner; and the men who did it were
accorded the remarkable privilege of send
ing their lawyers into the grand juryioom
to argue against their indictment with sig
nal success. In the other the total issue of
bogus values was not as large, being about
7,000,000 in the famous Hocking Valley
case; but the men who made the money
and kept it, came out of the fight with flying
"Wholesale thievery should be punished,
whether it is successful or not; but it is far
from a thorough vindication of the princi
ples of law when the unsuccessful thieves
are punished and the successful ones are
made the ruling powers of the land.
An article in a city cotemporary re
counts the details of the plan for raising the
streets in Allegheny above the track, and
very elearly shows not only the advantage
ous grades which can be made by putting
the streets over the tracks, but the other
reasons which make that far preferable to
the plan of putting the tracks above the
streets. It also gives the engineer's estimate
of the cost at 1,151,000, of which the fad
ing items are 406,000 for filling in streets;
513,000 for raising buildings and smaller
amounts, required for the plan of making
solid ground at the new level.
But why spend a million dollars in filling
in, and raising buildings, when a less sum
will probably give Allegheny what she
wants to much better advantage. The lower,
part of Allegheny need not be filled up as
useless. It can be retained for factories and
warehouses and the present streets left for
subways, to be used for teaming to and from
these warehouses and the depots. Leaving
the old ground at or below the level of the
railway tracks all this territory making it
the basement, so to speak, of the Northside,
it would be extremely eligible for the re
ceipt and shipment of freight. Allegheny'
should, if it utilizes the idea, try to give all
competing roads a chance to reach this dis
trict which could be made the entrepot for
a vast business. The upper region traversed
by viaducts or elevated ways for the ordi
nary street traffic would be above the tracks
and at the same time in close juxtaposition
to the shipping depots.
"We do not believe that these viaducts
would cost as much as the 900,000 estimate
for raising the streets solidly; but if it did,
the worth of the new arrangement would be
twice as great. It is worth while to get out
of the old rut in considering new ideas.
Among the other remarkable curiosities
of the "West Virginia campaign, is the per
sistent vitality of Senator Henna. It is a
fact that the "West Virginia Senator, has
been politically laid out for burial by the
correspondents every day for many months.
He was supposed to be a dead duck last
year; but he bobbed up this year as full ot
life as ever. Every day during the contest
the crisis was reported which finally re
tired Kenna, but the obstinate Senator kept
right along and last Friday placed the
Senatorial persimmon in his pocket. It is
quite inconsiderate of Kenna to totally dis
arrange the programmes of the political
gnostics by walking right through their
plans into the next Senatorial term. After
this no reliance can be placed on Kenna and
the "West Virginia correspondents at the
same time.
If a man were to walk into a building in
this city and wantonly explode a dynamite
cartridge, thereby destroying property and
endangering life, nobody would laugh and
speak of it as a playful act. Rnt let a stu
dent in one of our colleges do precisely the
same thing and it is excused or palliated ou
the ground that the lawless act took place
inside the collegiate limits. The playful
deeds of certain students at the Wesleyan
College the other day are examples in point.
Because they threw dynamite about inside
the college fence and the damage was con
fined to college property and their fellow
students, the faculty assume to be entirely
competent to judge the criminals and appor
tion the penalties.
This tendency toward common ruffianism,
very generally noted of late in some of the
colleges, can only be met properly with the
remedies applied to similar offenses in the
community at large. The police should be
called in to arrest the playful students,
charges according to the common law should
be preferred against them before a magis
trate, and then let jnstice take her course as
if the offenders had been the sons of poor
men sinning in like measure in the gutter.
No distinction ought to be made between
offenders in college and offenders out of
college. But the students themselves, and
very often the faculties, have agreed that
such a distinction should be set up.
It is peculiarly inappropriate and danger
ous in a country enjoying the blessings of a
Republican form of government, that any
class of criminals, be they clad in broad
cloth or fustian, should be accorded immu
nity in the commission of acts of a reckless
and illegal character. It is quite certain
that students would be less "playful" if a
few of them were to be given lodgings iu
the penitentiary, like other hoodlums.
The declaration of Sir John A. MacDon
ald that it would be humiliating and de
grading for the Canadian Parliament to
visit this country as guests of .the United
States shows a remarkable theory of public
honor on the part of the Canadian premier.
It has been tolerably clear that Sir John is
not unalterably opposed to the practice of
letting members of the Legislature accept
solid favors from a corporation interested in
legislation, like the Canadian Pacific; but
for them to be the guests of a neighboring
and friendly Government would be "de
grading." According to that, Sir John's
way of honoring a foreigner of official rank
would be to kick him out.
There is much more point and wit in the
resolution introduced in the Canadian Par
liament the other day, for the purchase by
Canada of part of the New England States.
This is a retort courteous, in kind, for the
supposed intimations that the United States
can buy Canada, like an. occupied tract of
agricultural land. Perhaps there may be
more policy in the proposition than even
the author dreamed of. The fact that such
a transfer would tarn over to Canada not
only Maine and New Hampshire, but Mr.
Blaine, Senators Prye, Hale, Blair and
Chandler, and Congressmen Tom Reed,
Milliken and Boutelle, may induce
this country to take the chances of
selling- the whole job lot to our
Northern neighbors, and alter they have got
in the habit of trading, it would be safe to
count on the newly-acquired Canadian
statesmen getting bold of the Government
and-selling themselves back, with the rest
of Canada thrown in as a makeweight.
The new works on the line ofUhe Penn
sylvania Railroad, near "Walls', by which
Turtle creek is to be made to flow where it
will do the least harm, and new freight
yards, round houses and stock yards estab
lished, is a recognition by the Pennsylvania
Railroad of the importance of its Pittsburg
traffic. There is no doubt that the improve
ments will add materially to the facilities
of the great corporation. One of the great
est booms will be the reported transfer of
the incubus of the stock yards from East
Liberty to Stewart's station, with the con
version of their present site to first-class
residence property. -
Of course, since the House of Repre
sentatives has more real business than it
can possibly get through with in its remain
ing six days, it had to spend yesterday in
fighting over sectional issues.
Mr. Cleveland's administration was
destined to follow the precedent ot its pre
decessors in one point at least. Mr.
Arthur's Commissioner of Patents managed
to slip in a decision for the Bell Telephone
the last thing before he went out of office,
and Mr. Cleveland's Commissioner has done
the same thing, by a decision given out last
week. The way in which the big corpora
tions manage to get. in their work on the
home stretch is not very clear, but it is
intimated that the officials who oblige them
just before retiring to private life are not in
any danger of the poorhouse.
The information that the Monongahela
coal pool will not be formed indicates the
sober second conclusion of the coal oper
ators that it will not pay them to turn their
business over to other mining districts.
The report that the Australian people
are delighted with a professional American
humorist of the name of Lincoln, and that
they will not let him return to this country
is calculated to make the people of the
United States very friendly to the Austra
lians. As long as they maintain the state
of mind which prevents the professional
humorist from coming back to us, there will
be a warm feeling of gratitude in this
country toward the land of kangaroos and
The deliberate decision of the House of
Representatives is that this thing of re
ducing the revenue is not what it was
cracked up to be at the beginning of the
Fiftieth Congress.
Afteb all the fuss, it is no more than
fair to recognize that General Harrison
went from his home to "Washington with
about as little ostentation, as any President
for a generation. Indeed, it is difficult to
see how he could have done it any more
quietly and with better taste, in view of the
determination of the public and press to
make as much of the trip as possible.
Pigott exhibits one point of superiority
to Le Caron. He had good sense or per
ception of his own character sufficient to
make him run away. it
The predictions of the Eastern press are
that the apple crop is going to be short this
year. Considering the mournful pictures
drawn of the hardships of the farmer who
cannot make up his surplus apples into
cider, if prohibition is enacted, this looks
like a direct dispensation ot the crop liar
to prevent the farmer from having any sur
plus apples.
The flag buncombe business being over,
the Legislature might now give a little at
tention to the business of the people.
The feeling with which the Californians
mourn the departure of the late Mr. Plood,
are emphasized when they look over their
mining stocks and reflect that the shares
which he sold to them for 900 each are now
worth about 5.
Pigott has disappeared, but the wreck
of the Times campaign against Parnell is
still there to serve as a warning.
Mb. Gould heartily and naturally in
dorses the "agreement among gentlemen."
It is the regular method of securing a final
success for his policy of forcing water into
the investments of the nation and making it
stay there.
M.ZOLA has faith in General Boulanger's
ultimate success in French politics.
Albany finds a topic for much chat in the
Lieutenant Governor's $3,000 dog and its silver
Join? C. Kxetn-, the correspondent, is ill In
San Francisco a sort of sequel to his attack
of Samoan fever. He has had numerous offers
to lecture and exhibit in dimo museums, but
he has declined them all. He expects to visit
New York within a fortnight.
The Duke of Dino has been plunging heavily
at Monte Carlo. He went there not long ago
with a few francs in his pocket. Luck was in
his favor, and he made 500,000 francs. He is
now dropping this, by degrees, in the soup
tureen from which he grabbed it.
A ratiier mixed household is that of the
Ameer of Afghanistan. He has fire legal
wives. Number One is a grandniece of his grand
lather. Number Two is notable chiefly for her
weight 300 or 400 pounds. Number Three
used to be handmaid to Number Two, and is
the mother of the designated heir to the throne.
Number Four is a daughter of the Dost. She
is queen of the harem, and rules Her husband
in all domestic affairs. Number Five's biog
raphy is yet unwritten.
According to the Heicharueiger of Berlin,
the late Crown Prince Rudolf was "the dearly
loved fnend" of the present German Emperor.
A few months ago these dear friends were in
converse with each other. Rudolf talked of
literature and science. William yawned, and
then said, insolently, "Oh, I don't understand
any of that. Such dry stuff is unworthy of a
prince." "There is," replied Rudolf, "onlyone
thing unworthy of a prince, and that is to
aspire to the throne while his father is yet
Hadji Hassein Khotjxi Khan, Persian
Ambassador at Washington, has been greatly
misrepresented by the newspapers. Not only
does he understand and speak English, but be
is well acquainted with French. He lived in
Paris a long time. The stories which "have
crept into print regarding him have given him
great amusement. The report that he could
not understand English has led to many curi
ous incidents. People who thought that all he
comprehended was Persian have criticised his
personal appearance to his very face. Having
an Oriental command of his countenance he
never smiles during such ordeals.
The Ball Flayers' Bad Taste.
Prom the Chicago XJews.1
The Chicago baseball players who are travel
ing aronnd the world and disfiguring countless
score cards with bunches of errors made in
every known language have displayed ex
tremely had taste in failing to respect tha old
adage: "See Naples and die."
The Sunnr Clime of Pakotn.
From the Chicago News. J
When the Legislatures of the two Dakotas
get to enacting laws for those States they are
likely to make it a penal offense lor any person
to own a thermometer.
FMl Welch Threw Jokes nt Donth A Little
Light Gossip of the Day.
In the death of Philip H. Welch, the country
hat lost one of its most original and entertain
ing humorists. His name is not as well known
to most people as his jests were, for be did not
sign all he wrote. Only a small number of his
friends are aware that his latter years, and
those in which the best work of his life has been
done, were shadowed by the dread specter of
cancer. Three or four years ago he was told
by the greatest cancer specialist in New York
City that his case was incurable, and that he
must not expect to live more than a few years
at most.
Yet he kept cheerfully at bis tasks, writing
continuously of the brighter side of life, com
pounding food for laughter, throwing jokes
Into death's face, and never allowing the pain
incidental to the advance of the disease con
quer his will. His wife, of whom those who
knew her speak in glowing terms, aided him
in his determination to keep his doom out of
mind. She is also a literary laborer, and the
evidences of the assistance she gave her hus
band are most prominent in that delightful
portfolio of sketches of society, which, in con
junction with Charles Jay Taylor, he gave us
under the title of the "The Tailormade Girl."
Mb. Welch submitted to several operations,
but the cancer continued to eat Its way into the
tongue, and the end came on Sunday last.
Until a day or so before his death his mind was
actively employed. When ho could write no
longer he dictated the creatures of his humor
ous fancy to his wife. It may be said that he
died with a joke on his lips.
Only last week a very amusing description of
a man in doubt over transferring his homefrom
Harlem to Brooklyn appeared In JPuck. It was
gayer and more daring in its humor than most
of Mr. Welch's work. Nobody would have
guessed it was written by a man who was dying
and who knew he was dying.
Such triumph of mind over matter, of 'the
incorruptible "soul over the corruptible body
are by no means rare In the lives of literary
To judge from the various newspaper reports
anent Mrs." Frank Leslie's sale of her weekly to
"W. J. Arkell, proprietor of Judge, the estima.
ble authoress and publisher has given rather
contradictory 1 easons for getting rid of the
most important of her publications. To one
roporter she said that the Weekly being in
some sense a newspaper could he run better by
a man, able, as she expressed it, "to touch el
bows with the world," and that she felt unequal
to the task because she was a woman.
In another Interview Mrs. Leslie said that tho
height of her ambition was to own and edit a
great dally newspaper. It will tie recognized
that these statements do not agree. But per
haps Mrs. Leslie doesn't know herself what she
is going to do; so much is possible to a woman
of beauty, brains and a big bank account.
Not all the bad weather in the world is con
centrated at Pittsburg. A correspondent writes
from London that a delicious mixture of win
ter weather has been their experience lately.
One day a heavy snow storm raged all day, and
the London streets were temporarily made Im
passable by eight Inches to two feet of snow.
The next aay the mercury rose and rain came
lashing down, converting the snow, with the
magic London only knows, into a sort of black
soup that made pedestrians long for stilts.
A gentleman requests mo' to ask some of
Pittsburg's elder inhabitants to settle the date
of the transfer of President Harrison's body
from the Congressional Cemetery at Washing
ton, where it was temporarily interred after his
death, to its final resting place at North Bend.
My correspondent assures me that he Is pretty
positivo that he saw the coffin containing
President Harrison's body carried down to the
steamer at the Monongahela wharf some time in
1841 the year of Harrison's death or very
early in 1842.
The biographical records, as far as can now
be learned, seem to agree that the reinterment
took place several years later.
Business and Traffic Suspended Methods
Used to Clear tho Streets",
London had a yery severe snow snow storm
on last Monday week. For a time -business
wass brought to a standstill and vehicular
traffic was suspended. The London Times says:
"The task of clearing the London streets of
the snow accumulation was set about by the
various vestries and local authorities soon after
midnight, and was carried on throughout the
day. In this way employment was found for
thousands of persons in want of work, and the
traffic, though greatly impeded for a time, was
ultimately conducted with less difficulty and
delay. The asphalt; In particular, was danger
ous to horses, whose sufferings and struggles it
was painful to see. The sun broke through
the clouds at fitful interval, and thus hastened
the process of melting and evaporation. In
the Strand water from the hydrants was freely
used In dissolving the snow, which was then
swept in a liquid state down the sewers."
Ho Refines tho Proposed Increase of
$1,500 n. Year In His Salary.
Washington, February 26. During the
consideration of the deficiency appropriation
bill to-day, by the House, in committee of the
whole, Mr. Sayers, of Texas, read a letter
which Mr. Scott, of Pennsylvania, had received
from Colonel Lamont, stating that when he ac
cepted the position of Private Secretary to the
President ho had a full knowledge of the pay
attached to It. He preferred not to be the
beneficiary of the Executive legislation, and
he, therefore, asked that the committee recede
from its amendment appropriating $6,000 for
his benefit.
Mr. Sayers asked leave to strike out the
amendment, but Mr. Hayes, of Iowa, objected,
but the bill, when passed shortly after, had tho
Lamont amendment eliminated.
Measures In Behalf of Both In tho Illinois
Springfield, III., February 26. In the
House to-day a bill was passed providing that
when an employe sues an employer for wages,
if judgment is obtained, the employer shall pay
thoclaimanCs reasonable attorney's fees and
costs. j.
In the Senate bill was Introduced provid
ing for local liqnor license option bv counties
and wards. The bill is modeled after the Mich
igan law, witb modifications to remedy the de
fects which caused that law to be declared un
constitutional. Oar New States. .
From the New York Sun.!
The four new States will bring an area about
equal to that of Maine, New Hampshire, Ver
mont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecti
cut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia,
Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana combined. It is
an area three times as great as the British
Islands, more than three times as great as Italy,
more than 150,000 square miles in excess of
Germany. A very thriving area It all is, too,
which will soon add to the census wondrous
figures of products and population as well as
of acres.
Tho tilne That Separates.
From tho New York Herald.
Sir Richard Cartwright, the Liberal leader
of Canada, declares that there is only an imag
inary line between the Dominion and the
United States. From the standpoint of a few
distinguished Americans now living in Mon
treal, that line Is the most solid reality in the
Tho Internal Revenuo Increase.
Washington, February 26. The collections
of internal revenue for tho first seven months
of the fiscal year ending January SO. 1S89, ag
gregated $74,202,596, an increase 0132,661,201, as
compared with the collections for the corres
ponding period of last year.
Mrs. William L. Mnrcy.
NSW YObb:, February 25. Mrs. William L.
llarcy, widow of the Secretary of State, dledSun
day In Paris, aged 88 yean.
Colonel George W. Frlcdtoy.
Lafayette, Ixd February 26 Colonel George
W. Frledley, General Sollcltorof the Louisville,
New Albany and Chlca go Hallway, dropped dead
at Bloomlngton at 12 o'clock to-day. He was
Chairman of the Republican State Central Com
mittee in 1878, and one of the ablest and best-'
known railroad lawyers In the West, His home
was In this city.
The DonegalEvIctlons An Appeal to Kins
men In Amerlea-
The following letter will be read with inter
est by all Irishmen and friends of Ireland:
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
On behalf 01 the victims of Irish landlordism in
Donegal, we consider it our duty at the present
time to lay before oar kinsmen in other lands a
brief statement of the position In which we have
been placed. The atrocities perpetrated In the
first week of the New Year by the landlords of
Donegal have already evoked a heartfelt burst of
Indignation throughout Ireland, England and
Scotland; and the extreme hardships which have
been Inflicted upon, our suffering people force us
to appeal to yon for that moral and material sup
port which the liberty-loving people of America
have never failed to extend to Irishmen In the
o.Tbe tenants who were being evicted from the
homes which they and their fathers' hands had
built, offered such a sturdy and courageous re
sistance to the forces of the "Crowbar Brigade"
as to call forth the admiration of every lover of
home and heroism. For this "crime" (as our
moralizing tyrants call It) upward of 40 Donegal
men hare been placed under arrest and will almost
certainly receive long and savage sentences.
Nearly all ot them are bread-winners, and the
duty will therefore devolve npon ns of sustaining
their families nntU the release- of the
prisoners, which Is not likely to occur
until they have completed a term of Im
prisonment of at least 12 months with
hard labor. We will require to raeetthe expenses
connected with the defense In the 40 cases, and the
duty Is also cast upon us of aiding In the support of
the evicted families until such times as the land
lords may see their way to yield to the dictates of
humanity, right and Jnstice. All this will prove
an enormous strain npon us; and to aid us In the
struggle the patriotic and beloved Archbishop of
Cashel, Most Rev. Dr. Croke, has forwarded the
princely donation of 50 to aid us In the struggle.
Our own good bishop, Most Bev. Dr. O'DonnclI,
has also acted with characteristic promptitude
and generosity.
With every confidence that you will not turn a
deaf ear to our appeal, we ask that you will
kindly endeavor to organize a collection In your
district. We only seek a little from all, and your
practical aid will help us Immensely In the strug
gle which we are determined to maintain In the
Irish Highlands till vlrtnrr' rmiin nnr effort-
In places where such a collection may not be
practicable, we will bo glad to receive even a
trifle direct from the kindly donors; and we assure
yon that our humble prayers, and those of our
sorely tried and long-suffering people will ascend
to heaven for all who extend to us a helping hand
in this, our hour of need.
As we expect dally to be again placed under
arrest, we would be glad if remittances were
made to Bev. P. Kelly. 1 P., Dunfanaghy,
County Donegal; Bev. J. J. Doherty, the Sem
inary, Lctterkenny; Mr. Jeremiah MacVeagh, St.
Mary's Aall, Belfast; or to Mr. Edward Hughes,
J. P. College Square, Belfast; who have kindly
consented to receive and transmit any subscrip
tions that may be fowarded to them.
Your faithful servants,
James MacFadden, P. P.,
Gweedore, County Donegal.
Daniel Stephens, C.C.,
- Falcarragh, County Donegal.
P. S. Since the foregoing was written Father
MacFadden has again been arrested, and the re
arrest or Father Stephens In also-expected.
Falcabbah, County Donegal. February 5.
The Act Brawn Up by a Convention of News
paper Publishers.
HAEBiSBTmoTebruary 28. About 50 Penn
sylvania newspaper publishers and editors met'
here thl3 afternoon and adopted the following
law on libel, to be presented to the Legislature:
Section 1 No action for libel shall be
brought or maintained unless the plaintiff
shall, before bringing suit, request the defend
ant to publish a retraction of the libel and
allow to the defendant a reasonable time in
which to publish such retraction, and to make
such amends as are reasonable and possible
under the circumstances of the case, and proof
of the publication of any retraction or correc
tions shall be admissible in evidence under the
general issue on the question ot the good
faith ot the defendant, and in mitigation and
reduction of damages. Proof of the failure or
neglect of the plaintiff to comply with the pro
visions of this section may be given in evi
dence under the general issue In bar of tho
Section 2 Ii shall not be lawful for any at
torney at law to bring or conduct any action of
libel for a contingent fee or any understand
ing, express or implied, that he is to receivo
any portion or all of the damages received as
compensation for his services, nor shall any at
torney at law advance any money or incur any
liability for the purpose of defraying the ex
penses of the plaintiff in such action.
Section 3 No action of libel, civil or crimi
nal, shall be brought unless the plaintiff or
prosecutor shall first give security for the pay
ment of costs, provided that in casetheplaintin
or prosecutor shall, by petition to the Court of
Common Pleas or Quarter Sessions of the
proper county, declare that he is unable to pro
vide such security, the court may, upon being
satisfied that said plaintiff or prosecutor has
proper cause for action, allow him to bring
suit without giving security.
England's Share of the Tonnage Some
Significant Figures.
Before dealing with the shipbuilding figures
and features of last year, says the Consular Re
port, it is perhaps worth while noticing the
leaps and bounds by which Great Britain is dis
tancing all competitors for the carrying trade
of the world. Ten years ago 67.5 per cent of
the total trade of the United Kingdom was car
ried in British bottoms; by the end of the de
cade the percentage had advanced to 70.6 per
cent. At the beginning of 1878 the British flag
covered 43.1 per cent of the ocean trade of the
United States; the percentage has advanced to
60,7 per cent. Luring the same decade the pro
portion of the total trade of foreign powers
covered in British bottoms has likewise ad
vanced as follows: That of Italy from 30.9 per
cent to 48.4 per cent; that of France from 39.4
per cent to 41.7 per cent; that of Holland from
50.7 per cent to 5L9 per cent, and a similar in
crease In fayor of British tonnage has taken
place as- regards other countries.
A Case Involving $1,500,000 in the West
-Virginia Supreme Conrt.
Special Telegram to The Dispatch.
CnAELESTON, W. VA., February 26-The
case of the Fidelity Insurance Trust and
Deposit Company, of Philadelphia, against the
Shenandoah Railroad Company, involving
about $1,500,000, has been decided by the
Supreme Court of Appeals of this State in
favor of the appellant, the Central Improve
ment Company. The decrees of the civil court
of Jefferson county were reversed, and tho
cause remanded. The court holds that the
agreement of April. 1878, between the railroad
company and the Central Improvement Com
pany is valid, and its specific performance
enforcable against the railroad company, and
that the Fidelity Company had legal notice.
The counsel in the case were Hon. D. B.
Lucas and McDonald and Moore for the Cen
tral Improvement Company, and John C.
Bullitt, of Philadelphia; Judge Robertson, of
Virginia, and Caldwell, of Wheeling, for the
Fidelity Company.
The Washington Aqueduct Tunnel Job Poor
In Every Particular.
Washington-, February 26. The special
Congressional Committee on the Washington
aqueduct tunnel has reported that there Is not
ten continuous feet of solid work in the tunnel;
that a number of sub-inspectors have been Il
legally paid under fictitious names, and that
while Major Lydecker and Lieutenant Town
send cannot be held guilty of corrupt prac
tices, they have been careless to an extent that
cannot he easily condoned.
The committee recommends an appropria
tion of 810,000 for a survey for a 'new surface
An Appropriation to Pnrcliase Three of
Them Agi ced To. '
Washington, February 28. The Senate to
day resumed consideration of the army appro
priation bill. Mr. Stewart offered an amend
ment, which was agreed to, appropriating $187.
600 for the purchase of three pneumatic dyna
mite guns, 15-inch caliber, with the necessary
machinery, ammunition and carriages, to be
placed and mounted for use on the Pacific
The item of (20,000 for officers' quarters at
Columbus, O., was, on motion of Mr. Allison,
The New microbe.
From the Xew Tork World.
The new microbe of diphtheria discovered In
France is said to be light-gray in color and to
have rounded extremities. This description is
rather "vague, but anybody meeting a germ
bearing the above characteristics will" kindly
hand it over to the Board of Health.
27,- 1889.
The Cost of Glory Oleo In Politics Humors
of the Law The Amendment Election
Will Come Oil In June.
Harrisbttbg, February 28. Representative
Burdick, of "McKean, cast a pitying glance at
the group around hlrn and remarked: ''Look
at these fellows; they've all been neglecting
their business, every man of them. There's 0
lot of things they could all do up home to make
money. But they all made up their minds'
to go gunning for glory, and here
they are. Some friends, of course, requested
the use of their names at the primaries because
they were leading citizens, and just to keep the
country -from going to tho dogs, as
it threatened to do, they unwillingly, but patri
otically, consented. Then some other fellow
who had friends was brought out. That made
it lively, don't you see. and when there was
competition for the place, why these fellows
had to hustle round and accumulate an ex
pense account In going about from one place to
another to see people. And then they
had to get other people to go
around for them, and that also swelled
the expense account. (Why of course you did;
I know you all.) Then when they get the
nomination they weren't going to let any Dem
ocrat beat them. They were going to got there,
you know, if their business never made another
cent for them, and when it came to keeping
brass bands and other things moving money
was no object. Nowthev are putting In alarge
amount of time wondering whether the game
was worth the powder and shot, and they wish
they hadn't done it Cost? Why I know a
Democrat who spent 3,000 legitimately and
wasn't elected. I suppose these fellows here
will tell you he got off better than be deserved
when he got left,"
"How do you like it yourself, now thatyou're
"Mel I'm not saying a word."
Why Poms Feel Sore.
Some of the 'Democrats are still feeling a
trifle sore because Colonel Victor Piolett aired
his political faith before the Committee on
Health and Sanitation last week. "Wouldn't
it be just a little funny .to carry oleomargarine
into politics? Of course it would. That's
what the Colonel was trying to do, however,
and he thought he was deep, dark and guileful
in making the attempt. But the old gentle
man's honesty Is too deep seated for his guile
ful effort to more than shade the surface, and
the Republican members of the committee
were mightily amused, while the Democrats
became very angry. One of them, who is
strongly in favor of leaving the law just the
way it stands, is very strongly tempted to vote
to repeal It now, just because Colonel Piolett
cast slurs on Cleveland and his Johnnies."
A New Reform Measure.
Representative MacDonald, of Lackawanna,
is in favor of a reform measure of importance,
and hopes to see it go through this model
Legislature. "You see," he said, "the way the
thing stands now a man may be wounded In one
county, and, if he goes off into another county
and dies, the fellow who did the business for
him must be tried in the latter place. And if
he is convicted heis hanged there, and the coun
ty where the trial and hanging occur must
stand the expense. I know of a case where a
murderer was acquitted just because his smart
lawyer told the jury it was rank injustice to
saddle the expense of the trial and hanging on
a county that wasn't in any way interested in
the case except to pay the bill. This made the
taxpayers on the jury mad, and the man went
free. Of course all the witnesses in such a case
must be brought from the county where the
crime is committed at great inconvenience to
themselves. It isn't right, anyhow, and it
ought to be fixed."
Fanny Things in Law.
"There are some funny things in law, and
lawyers meet with some funny cases once in
a while," said Representative Kelly, of Lacka
wanna. "A man who is somewhat distinguished
in criminal annals as an expert pickpocket
once asked a friend of mine to take his case for
" 'Where's your money?' inquired my friend.
"1 haven't got any,' was tho reply, 'but if
you'll promise to do the business for me I'll go
out and get a watch for you in about Ave min
utes.'" He Called the Turn.
There has been talk that some of the temper
ance people were anxious to change the date
for holding the prohibition election from June
18 to some date in August, but Captain Dravo,
who has charge of the measure in the House,
says there will be no change. The matter has
been thoroughly considered and the joint cau
cus was all but unanimous on the date. The
The bill will pass the House, and the Captain
doesn't think the Senate will amend it in any
way. Simpson-.
Pat to a Base Use.
New Yoke, February 26. A local dealer dis
plays In a Broadway window a fac simile of tho
bustle he sent to Mrs. Harrison, which will be
worn at tho inauguration, together with all the
correspondence necessary to make the adver
tisement telling.
Sorry She Suicided.
Mrs. Amelia Terry quarreled with her hus
band last night in their Brooklyn home. He
didn't come home from business in time to go
to a concert with her. After the row he went
out and she took a large dose of rough on rats.
Then she changed her mind about wanting to
die, and sent her little daughter for mustard,
to be used as an emetic. The antidote was in
effectual and the woman died in great agony.
Wondering About Demented.
It is now claimed that Raubischeck, the
etcher, who was thought to have committed
suicide, is wandering about the city in a de
mented condition. Two or three persons pre
tend to have identified the picture of the artist
as that of a man who applied to them for work
of any kind.
Kerr Slay Soon be Tried.
There appears to be a good prospect that
Kerr, the boodlcr, will be tried here in the city.
Three new jurors were received to-day, making
eight In all now In the box.
Tho Morphine Habit Too Mncb. for Her.
Mrs. Catherine Storck was found dead in her
bed last night at her home on Fifty-second
street. It is supposed she died from the effects
of au overdose of morphine. She had con
tracted the morphine habit in trying to cure in
somnia. Deceased was a widow, who came
here from Chicago recently to livo with her
mother. She leaves one small child.
To Offlce Seekers.
from the Chicago Mewi. J
Republicans, who iu your crania
Possess an office-seeking mania.
And hope to pleasant things you're fated
When Benny gets inaugurated.
You're chance is good if you've been slated
By Mr. Quay, of Pennsylvania.
A Western journal alludes to "Mrs. Ame
lia Rivers, author of The Virginians.' "
The editor of the London Times is said to
havo spoken of Grover Ingails, Esq., retiring
Vice President of Dakota.
Ms. Cleveland is known to the readers of
a South American newspaper as General
Clevelandos, Governor of Washington.
A farmer up in Vermont, having heard
much about tho magnates of Wall street, is
very anxious to meet Russell Gould and Jay
We believe it was an Australian paper that
announced the election of General ex-President
Grant to the Mayoralty of New York
The rumor that the Duke of Westminster
informed Mr. Russell Lowell that he had long
admired the poetry of his brother James Is
without foundation.
When the Queen of Spain asked Perry Bel
mont If he thought Mr. Oliver Wendell Blaine
would appoint Levi P.Harrison to a Cabinet
office, Mr. Belmont fell in a swoon with
The worst specimen of the fame that over
takes a man who is helpless to ward it ofl
comes to light in the case of an Englishman
who is said to have congratulated Mark Twain
upon the exquisite humor in his Burdatte col-.
A Royal Arcanum Entertainment Which b
a Great Success.
The fourth annual reception and entertain
ment of Darling Council Np. 888, Royal Ar
canum, was held In Cyclorama Hall last even
ing. The programme in the early part of the
evening was lively and entertaining. Gernert
fc Guenthcr's Orchestra was present and fur
nished the concert and dancing music. The
Alpine Quartet sang some of their choice se
lections, and were repeatedly recalled. Mr.
John A. Strouse's solo " was excellent. Allot
the members were in good voice.
Charles V. Lewis gave some of his dialect
specialties. A trio consisting of Messrs. John
Gernert, violin; C. F. Cooper, 'cello, and
Charles Gernert. piano, played a selection. Mr.
Gernert's violin solo was a musical treat.
Miss Kittie Fullerton is rapidly becoming a
favorite elocutionist, and her recitations last
evening will only add to her reputation. Her
rendition of "Monnale Musk," with the con
cluding graceful dance. Is very taking. Miss
Mamie Jones pathetically related the misfor
tunes of an Inventor's wife.
S. U. Trent, Esq., made a short and pleas
ant address on "Our Order." His remarks
were both witty and wise. At the conclusion
of the entertainment dancing was the favorite
pastime until an early hour this morning.
An Interesting Variety Entertainment at
Central Turner Ball.
The members of the Pattern Mdfters' Pro
tective and Beneficial Association afforded
their guests at Central Turner Hall a very in
teresting entertainment last night that will not
be forgotten by most of the visitors for some
time to come.
The first part of the programme contained a
dramatic production of the "Argonauts of '49,"
executed by a first-class amateur company.
The play has its scene in the gold diggings of
California, and the life of the people in the
diggings was very well portrayed by the ama
teur actors. The drama is replete with stirring
incidents, and the attention of the audience
was Undivided throughout the performance.
The Manchester Quintet contributed also
very largely to the entertainment by rendering
a number of very fine songs.
At the conclusion ot the dramatic part of the
amusement the party indulged in dancinguntil
2 o'clock this morning, the tttelzner Orchestra
furnishing the music.
Entertains a Select Audience With Elocu
tionary Renditions.
Madame Ida Serven, a well-known elocution
ary lady, appeared last evening in University
Hall, on Sixth street, before a select audience
to read some of the choicest gems from Long
fellow and other poets.
From the works of the great American bard
she rendered "The Lover's Errand," "King
Robert of Sicily," and "OldiSt, David's at
Radnor." The lady also sang "The Bridge."
by Longfellow: "The Day Is Done," byBalfe,
and at the termination of her large and varied
programme, a lullaby, "Creep Into Bed, My
The audience appreciated Madame Serven's
efforts. She will give two more entertain
ments here this week, Thursday and Friday
evenings. v
A Wllklnsburg Concert.
The Wilkinsburg Musical Club, assisted by
the Philharmonic Society, gave a concert last
night in the public school hall. A very select
grogramme of some of the best and most popu
ir musical gems was rendered In a very ex
cellent manner. Some of the best-known local
talent was represented. Mr. G. R. Broadberry
acted a3 director of the entertainment.
An Evening Reception.
The Nordeck Club, of the West End, will
give one of their pleasant receptions at the
West End Rink this evening. Dancing will be
tho chief amusement from 8 to 2 o'clock. About
100 invitations have been issued.
The Monongahela Club.
The Monongahela Club- gave their fifth and
last cotillon of the season in the parlors of the
Monongahela House last' evening. About 25
couples were present. A banquet was served
by Caterer Wallace.
A Strange Notion That Prevails Among tho
Asiatic Peoples.
A stkajtecj notion prevails in the East regard
ing the value of human bodies as foundations
for public buildings. The belief Is not con
fined either to race, creed or locality.
When the last mail left, says the London and
China Telegraph, an idea had got abroad
among the coolie population that a number ot
heads was required in laying tho foundations
of some Government works at Singapore; and
so there was a general fear of venturing ont
after nightfall, lest the adventurer should be
pounced on and decapitated. One might have
thought the ways of the Singapore Government
were better understood. That such ideas
should get abroad about the requirements of
Government, even in China or Annam, is curi
ous enough: but the British Government of
the Straits above all others! Yet there it is:
the natives had got it into their heads that the
Government stood in need of 960 human heads
to insure the safe completion of certain public
works, and that 430 of the number were stil
A vebt similarpanicoccurredatShanghaiin
connection with the building of the Cathedral.
The idea got abroad that the Municipal Coun
cil wanted a certain number of human bodies
to bury beneath the foundation of that edifice;
and a general dread of venturing out after
nightfall especially of getting past the Cathe
dral compound prevailed for weeks, with all
kinds of variations and details. A similar
notion was said to be at the bottom of the riots
which broke out last antumn at Sauh For-,
eigners the missionaries for choice were ac
cused of wanting children for some mysteri
ous purpose; and the mob seized and decapi
tated in the public streets nine Korean officials
wno were saia to nave ueen parties to Kid
naping victims to supply the want, This,
however, seems more akin to the curious desire
for infantile victims which was charged
against missionaries in the famous Honan
proclamation that preceded the Tientsin mas
sacre. Sometimes children's brains are wanted
for medicine; sometimes their eyes are wanted
to compound material for photography.
A case came to us, however, last autumn,
from Calcutta, which is so exactly on all fours
with this latest manifestation that it would
almost seem the idea had traveled like an epi
demic and broke ont afresh in a congenial
atmosphere. Four villageis of the Dinagepore
district were convicted last September of caus
ing the death of two Cabulis and Injuring a
third, for the precise reason that they had been
kidnaping children to be sacrificed in con
nection with the building of a railway bridge
over the Mahanuddi. A rumor had got abroad
that such proceedings were in contemplation,
and when these cabulis came to trade with the
villagers they were denounced as kidnapers
and mobbed. Two were killed outright, their
bodies being flung into the river; while the
third, after being severely handled, escaped by
hiding himself.
Qnoen Victoria Grants Her. a Civil List
Pension of 100 a Year.
From the Newcastle (Eng.) Chronicle.!
The very numerous readers of Mr. Proctor's
works will be pleased to hear that his widow,
who is now in Florida, has been Informed by
telegram that her Majesty, acting ou the
recommendation of Mr. "W. H. Smith, in pur
suance of a memorial signed by many men of
science and others, has been graciously pleased
to grant a civil list pension of 100 a
year to Mr. Proctor's widow. Among
the signatures to the memorial were
the names of the Duke of Argyll, the
Earl of Crawford, Lord Grimthrope, Prof.
Tjrndall. Prof. Huxley, Sir John Lubbock, Sir
Henrv Roscoe, Sir L. McCllntock, 8ir Robert
Ball, Prof. Plazzl Smythe, Dr. Copeland, Cot
onel Tupman, Colonel Hcrscliel, Dr. Huggins,
Messrs. Clements Markham. Grant Allen, War
ren de la Rue and many others.
Tho Colored People Want an Equal Chance
for minor Appointments.
Baltuiobe, February 26. A number of
prominent colored men from Maryland, Vir
ginia and the District of Columbia, met In this
city to-day and issued a call for a conference
of colored Republicans to be held In Washing
ton March 15. They hope to have representa
tives from every Southern State, and say the
object of the conference is to urge upon the
incoming administration tho necessity for the
adoption of a conservative policy in the treat
ment of the race problem.
Tho signers of the call say they will not insist
on the appointment of colored men to im
portant omces,but will urge that they be recog
nized as citizens and be placed on an equal
footing with white applicants for minor ap
pointments under the Government.
Damascus has 150,000 inhabltanta and
neither gas nor street cars. "
Women have got 65 per cent of , the 329-
000 divorces granted In theUnlted States la the
past 20 years.
In Paso del Norte, Mexico, they have
inaugurated a series of Sunday bull fights to
raise money with which to purchase a town
Dentists in Cedar "Falls, lows, are like
ly to have an opportunity to go fisbteg. An
Indian "doctor" visited the town, and during s
few days' stay extracted nearly 1,000 teeth.
The results just published of the census
taken on December 1, 1888, show the popula
tion of Switzerland at that time to have been
2.931,057, an increase of mors than 100,060 since
A California paper remarks that it's
likely, if Santa Cruz gets a new jail, "the pres
ent practice of the prisoners climbing out and
going down town to find the Sheriff when they
want him will probably be discontinued.
A dog at Fosters' Meadows, L.-L, after
being absent from home five days, was found
with another dog; which was almost frozen to
death, on the step of his master's home. Ha
had dragged the dog from some unknown place
and saved its life. v
The meanest man in the world is nosed
Brown, and be lives at Moberly, Mo. He sold
bis neighbor Jones a half interest in a cow and ,
then refused to divido the milk, maintaining
that Jones owned the front half of the cow.
The cow recently hooked Brown, and now he
is suing Jones for damages.
A gentleman was arrested in New York
a day or two ago for assault. His defense was
that he had merely defended himself from an
assailant who had threatened to kick a lung
out of him. "As I ain't got but one lung." ha
further explained. I ups and hits him In the
rib." On this showing the rib-hitter very
properly was discharged.
"Memory hoops" are the latest fad in
Kansas City. A memory hoop is about 10
inches la diameter and will hold from 30 to 40
bows or knots. And the thing for the male
friends of a young lady to do is to give her a
handsome piece of colored silk, which she ties
on the hoop. The girl who covers the most
hoops In this way is considered the reigning
Dr. J. M. Edmunds, in a paper in a
dental monthly, advocates the Implanting
metalic roots in the jaw, and the building of
artificial teeth upon them. He believes that
this method opens new possibilities for den
tistry. By planting two metalic capsules in
the rear ot the jaw and two in the forward
portion, he thinks it practical to lay a founda
tion for a complete set of permanent teeth.
The United States pays S90O-.00O a year
for its -weather service. Great Britain 80,000,
Germany $56,000. Russia (65,000, Austria 510,000,
Switzerland 6,000, France $60,000. And, though
no European nation attempts to do as much as
we do, or takes general observations more than
once a day, the percentage of verification of
predictions is rising there, which is hardly
the case in this country. Our weather service,
with its great cost and thorough organization,
ought to be the best In the world.
The small legacies which "William
Parker, of Keokuk, Iowa, left to his seven
children have just been explained by the large
bequests he made to another family of eight
children he had in another county. How he
carried on his dual life so long without de
tection puzzles both sets of children. Among
other eccentricities he once changed from a 53-a-week
boarding house to a 82 50 one: he would
walk 20 miles to save! carfare, and at the age of
76 he began courting the girls.
Elias Hafsas, of St. Paul, went to an
asylum after a severe illness, thinking he
might be a little crazy. The doctors thought
so, too, and kept him until his saussage busi
ness was ruined and his wife took up with an
other butcher, whom his little daughter was
taught to call "papa." When at last he con'
vinced the doctors he was not crazy any more
be tried to straighten the domestic tangle with
a re volver, and no w he is in(a fair way of going
back teUbe asylum, while all the others con
cerned are happy.
The following are the latest statistics
concerning Niagara Falls: The outline of tha
American Falls is about 1,000 feet, and the
height about 165 feet. The descent in the
, feet to the half mile. The outline of tha
Horseshoe Fall is about 2,000 feet, the height
about 158 feet, and the descent in the rapid
above about 55 feet to three-quarters of a
mile. The volume of water passing over both
falls 13 about 15,000,000 cubic feet per minute, or
about one cubic mile per week, or 64 cubic
miles per year.
A short time ago H- Herman, of New
York City, sent an agent to Scottsburg, IniL,
to purchase a large white oak tree, which
measured 27 feet in circumference. He paid
S75 for it, and at once set to work to get out as
large a board as possible. The tree was ripped
up by means of a crosscut saw, and Friday a
board 10 inches thick, S feet 2K inches wide at
butt, and 5 feet wide at top, and 32 feet long
was hauled to the depot and loaded on a flat
car. It required two yoke of oxen and eight
horses a whole day to move it ono IK miles on
a broad tread wagon. The board will be shipped
to New York.
At Tientsin, China, two neighbors, who
had been on the most intimate terms, had a lit
tle spat, and afterward one of them, Mrs.
Wang, threatened to commit suicide. The Shih
J?ao which has the curious story, tells of what
followed in thl3 manner: Mrs. Feng, upon
hearing of this threat, and fearing lest sha
should be helplessly implicatedr should her ene
my carry her threat into execution, resolved at
once to take time by the forelock and steal a
march upon her enemy by taking her own life,
and thus turn the tables upon her. She ac
cordingly threw herself into a deep ditch with
the Intention of drowning herself. Fortu
nately a countryman who was passing by res
cued her, and, taking her back to her home, at
tempted to affect a reconciliation, with but
partially successful results.
In the lire of the poet, the work of tha
winter is often followed by a spring ldyL
Itisn't always safe to trust maxims.
Practice doesn't make a physician perfect.
Some persons kick at the salaries they
get. Ballet girls havetto kick before the get
The man who "swears off" is gloomy for a
while, bat It Isn't long before he begins to mll
Why is the optimist so glum?
Why Is It the reformer frets?
The girls Insist on chewing gum.
The boys on smoking cigarettes.
"The rich have few" trials," says a writer.
This Is true. And they won't hare them if they
can help It. When the cashier of a bank, for In
stance, makes himself suddenly rich, he goes to
Canada to avoid trials.
Love's blind during courtship and thus ha
should be
In marriage, and quarrels would cease;
Tor after the honeymoon's past lie can see '
A great deal too much for his peace.
A Gentle Hint. "If you don't want me
to know where you've been, Harry, when you
come home this way, " said a wife to her late and -somewhat
demoralized husband, "you haa better
run upstairs when you are coming to bed."
"Why sho, 'm deari"
"Because by running upstairs you will lose
your breath."
"Oh, woman, in our hours of ease j
Uncertain, coy and hard to please 1
And vanaDie as tne snaae ',
By the light, quivering aspen made,,
"When a new hat to deck your brow ,
You want, or sealskin Jacket, how jg
Attentive to our wants art thou I -,$
True Felioitr. "You are late, George,
dear; It is past 12 o'clock," ssld the wife sh9
helped her husband off with his overcoat.""
"Yesh, darling, 1 was-hte-detalied at "Jj?
"Oh, never mind any apologies, dear;Tl know
something important must have detained you, or
you would have been home earlier. ' ' .J
As you pass up the street, ffiL,
Thinking perhaps 'of the bills you are pwligi
Each friend that you meet sSBRS
Halts and salutes you wltn: "wen, arejyoa
"Coin where?" too demand, .-JB
And the answer that's given by each ana by all
Is: "Going! Uoodlandl -"Hwi
Why gqlng of course to th Inaueuralbsn,
A. large crop oi ics u uccu awreu,,
But the iceman wm say uy sua oy
The winter was open and so- ' ft
The price will next summer be hlgM
When the winter Is cold from ttefaU
To the spring, and thick Is the Ice,":
Tls harder to cut than when. It is thla
And this, too. Increases the price.,.,
. . .... ,
SO UK8 Ii nuvroYcr wn will,
Still played Is tha annual game:
The crop may ba large or be small.-
The public Is sktaned all tfee same
Jilt Horn tut MoHen Si
' - HjnBHK
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