Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 27, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Shops andEoundliouses to be
Taken Prom the City
Over 300 Acres of Reclaimed land
Used as Transfer Yards,
A Stupendous Contract, Kept Secret
Months, Out at Last.
The tremendous changes now being made
at Walls' station by the Pennsylvania Rail
road hare, so far, been covered by that most
accommodating phrase "improvements,
only improvements;" but yesterday the se
cret leaked out
Like the gentleman who called a big
trust an "agreement," so these Pennsylva
nia Railroad improvements have covered a
multitude of sins, not sinful on account of
any wrong doing, but sinful on account of
its 6ecrecy.
Enough was learned yesterday afternoon
to show that the changes at Walls should
be looked into, and they were looked into
with this result.
The P. K. R. freight yards of the city,
the roundhouses, and even the East Liberty
stockyards are to be moved from the city
limits and located at Stewart, Mosside,
Walls and Wilmerding.
With the first tip given, the known
secrecy of the P. E. E. people made it an
almost impossibility, that the story could
be learned; but it was learned, and as fol
lows: A trip to Walls in the morning devel
oped absolutely nothing, with the exception
of what one's sight could afford, about 300
men digging, excavating, laying tracks
and leveling, but the pointer of the day was
given by the ingenuous waitress at the
hotel. "They have been working here for
six months," said she, "and I understand
they will break ground for the shops and
roundhouses in the spring.
A visit was at once made to the offices of
the contractors, Brown & Emery. The
former was just about leaving for the East,
and the latter had nothing whatever to say.
When closely pressed by questions, J. D.
Emery, a handsome black-mustached fel
low, acknowledged that they were chancing
the bed of Turtle creek and making other
improvements for the Pennsylvania Bail
road, though what these improvements
were, and to what purpose, he absolutely re
fused to say.
A two-hours' walk over the works, and a
few hours' friendly visits among the towns
people, developed the following facts that
were afterward vonched for by an official as
being correct:
From Walls station to Mosside, a dis
tance of over a mile, the bed of Turtle
creek closely hugs the Pennsylvania Bail
road along the edges of the southern hills,
while fully 300 acres of absolutely waste
lands lay to the north. These waste flat
lands have been regularly inundated when
ever Turtle creek has seen fit to go on a
boom, which was two or three times a year.
Jn order to reclaim this land, Messrs. Brown
& Emery have been given a contract to die
a new bed for the stream over one-half mile
to the north.
. The result is Eimply this: The 300 odd
' 'acress or worthless land to the north of the
present tracks will be reclaimed, and used
for yard and shop purposes.
In order to give an idea of the stupendous
work undertaken by Brown & Emery, it
maybe said that 350 med, 60 horses and
several engines have been
and they are daily increasing their forces,
yet will not be finished until some time
during the coming June, or maybe July.
That such a work as this should go on
without one whisper reaching the press of
the city can be attributed to the distance it
is away, and the secretiveness of everything
and everybody connected with the Pennsyl
vania Bailroad.
The new bed of Turtle creek, lying, as
lias been said, fully one-half mile to the
north of the present bed, is nearly two
thirds finished. One abutment has been put
in and the other will soon be in place, and
in a short while that unruly creek will be
locked within the bounds of a trench over
one mile long by 75 feet wide, with, a depth
ot'10 to 12 feet
The excavating is being done by a steam
shovel, digger, or "American devil," as it
is known in England, where half a dozen
are now being used in excavating the
famons ship canal from Liverpool to Man
chester. Each one of these machines does
the work of 125 laborers, and that one em
ployed at Walls is run by seven men and
excavates 30 square yards of ground in just
ten minutes. The cars used in the hauling
are owned by the firm, and not a minute is
lost in the unloading, as they are swung on
the "spider" system.
After the trench is dug the greatest
changes of all are to come. These 300 acres
of land are to be cleared of trees and then
filled up and graded to a height of from
three to eight feet above the present level.
The present bed of the Pennsylvania Bail
road is to be usedonlj for freights, while
the. passenger trains will run on double
tracks one-half mile to the north, along the
edge of the new Turtle creek. This will do
away witn tne double curve located there
now, beside giving the passenger trains the
utmost freedom and allowing all the Space
necessary for the freights.
Bight in the center of this tremendous
oval of reclaimed ground two immense
roundhouses are to be located, and along
with them will be built the immense repair
shops ot tne company. J.nis, oi course, will
necessitate the removal of the roundhouses
and shops at Twenty-eighth street, Thirty-
third street, and probably the shops at Tor-
rens. suthce it to say tnat everything in
that line will be moved from the city out to
And even this is not all. Although
Brown & Emery are the contractors, they
nave a man under them, J. W. Alford, a
sort of general superintendent, who is over
seeing several gangs of men employed at
various places along the line from Walls
station to over two miles toward this city.
These men are engaged in widening the
bed of the road, and v-ill put in two more
tracks before they are through.
When the" grading is finished at Walls
station, and tjie roundhouses and shops put
up, the place will present a sea of tracks, as
it is theavowed purpose of tbe Pennsylva
nia Bailroad people to make a general
transfer yard of the place and to rsmove
everything of the kind from tbe city limits.
In addition to this a splendid overhead
bridge is to be built at the west end of
Walls, extending over the railroad and
creek. This bridge will be 330 feet long
with trestles, and not including approaches,
and will be 32 feet over all. Foundations
are already being laid for 'this bridge, and
the heavy inflow of water does not inter
fere at all with the work here, or at the
seven-toot culvert, as big steam pumps are
constantly at work.
The little town of Walls has simply gone
mad with the events to come, and the
prophecy of the Supervisor of the Pennsyl
vania Bailroad has not been calculated to
allay the feeling. The little town contains
now bnt about 800 people, but he says that
in three years a population of over 8,000
will be realized. To show just how far this
feeling has extended, it can be said that a
little two by four lot at the approach of the
new bridge" was bought for $3,000, where
ordinarily it would scarcely bring 5300.
Bnt very little building has' been done so
:ar, out as soon as spring sets in
by the score. The hills on the north side of
the creek are dotted with the board houses
of the workers. The Anstrians, Swedes and
Hungarians insist upon living together,
separate from the rest, and the two Ecore
negroes employed also have houses to them
selves, As the firm makes their own cars,
wheelbarrows, tools and everything else
necessary for such a stupendous contract,
the hills" about them and the scene of opera
tions present a sight of business that would
rival any frontier or oil town in the country.
After trying in vain to elicit some facts
in regard to the contract from either Brown
or Emery, Mr. J. W. Wonders, their head
bookkeeper, was then tackled with a like
result. He had absolutely nothing to say.
Too much was known, however, to go
without a verification and a P. B. B. offi
cial in this city said last night that all the
above was true, and more too. One of the
roundhouses, he said, was to hold 200 en
gines and the other was to hold 65. Ground
would be broken as soon as possible af(er
the grading was done, for the car and repair
snops. JLn reeard to tne price oi tne con
tract, he was'ominously silent, but the fact
that no such stupendous railroad contract
has ever before been undertaken in this
county, or pushed to such rapid completion,
will show the nrice to be up in the millions,
including bridges and buildings. It is
known, huwever, that the contracts for the
buildings have not yet been let.
In addition to this big work, it has been
learned that the lands owned by the P. B.
B. above Mosside will soon be utilized in a
manner that will most certainly please East
Enders. There are probably 700 acres of
land about there owned by "the company,
and it is their announced intention to move
as soon as possible all the East Liberty stock
yards to that place. The wisdom of this
will be apparent when it is known that all
their transfers will be made at Walls, so in
all probability both -ventures will go to
gether, though a definite move may not be
made in regard to the stockyards ;unlil the
big buildings are well under way. The
Brown & Emery mentioned here as con
tractors, are the same who received last Sat
urday the contract for bnilding the big 36
inch water main, over six miles long, and
with two 5,000 feet tunnels, at Johnstown,
Pa. The firm is from Bethlehem, just out
side of Philadelphia, and seems to have un
limited resources in regard to plants and
She Felt the Spirit of a Man Abont Her
When Telling Her Story.
Alary Hornberger, the Southside woman
who claims to be haunted by a resident of
that side of the river, wanted to make an in
formation before Alderman Succop against
the gentleman alleged to be causing her the
As the woman told the story of her life
she would glare around the room. Once
she stopped suddenly, and, clapping her
bands to her ears, exclaimed:
"There he is now, 'Squire. He knows I
am talking to you about him and he is very
angry." Her voice trembled, and she
pleaded pitifully to the 'Squire to advise
her what to do to relieve her of the feelings
that have been working on her mind. The
Alderman advised the woman to see an at
Almost Fatal Encounter Between a Bnlldon;
and a Knc.
Yesterday afternoon a fight occurred be
tween a horse belonging to O. C. Taylor, a
grocer of Beaver avenue, Allegheny, and a
large bulldog at the Anderson street station
on the West Penn road. The horse was
hitched to a post when attacked by the dog,
bnt broke the hitchings and turned upon
the dog.
A long fight ensued, and both beasts were
nearly dead, when a stop was put to the en
counter by some bystanders.
Tbe horse was taken to George A. Smith's
stable on Beaver avenue, and the dog
placed in a box to be shipped away.
An Old Feddler Driven Almost to the Verse
of Manslaughter.
Joseph Hapner, an old peddler, sees no
luster in life. With ratcatchers, flypapers,
etc., he crossed the Point bridge to Carson
street. West End, yesterday afternoon, only
to be assailed and almost done up, near
Painter's Mill, by a tough old billygoat, re
inforced by bad boys who threw stones.
All cut up and bruised, he wanted Sergeant
McCurry, of the Thirty-sixth ward, to arrest
the boyi Angered at the latter's refusal
to do so without a warrant, he attacked the
officer, knocked out a tooth for him, and got
locked up.
'Squire Handel's Horses Held at Too Rich
Flgnres for Taxes.
'Squire Herman Handel was among the
kickers at the County Commissioners' office
yesterday. There were several assessments
that did not suit him in Snowden township,
bnt he had lost his right of appeal, not hav
ing been on time. He stated that the aver
age price of horses assessedin that township
was 65, while his had been put at 5200
Tbe jolly consumptive was recommended
to be philosophical and get his pay in the
advertisement the increased assessment gave
his stock.
The Loan and Life membership Funds Con
tinue to Grow.
The following subscriptions to tbe loan fund
were received by the Exposition Society yes
terday: '
E. M. Ferguson. S500; Taylor fc Dean, $100;
A. fcehaub, $50; D. R. Jones, $25, and W. H.
Kversinann, (5.
Life managers elected, on payment of $100
each W. H. Scboonmakcr, S. L. Sclioon
maker, Nathaniel Holmes, Paulson Bros., J. R.
McICee. Jr.. Otto Heeren. William Hpprpn. J.
F. Lamker, James C. Biggert, Andrew Caster,
Wier and Conrad SchlegeL
Big Tcmpcranco Sleeting on Sunday.
A union temperance meeting will be held
at the Grand Opera House Sunday evening
at 730, under the auspices of Gospel Tem
perance Union No. 1, 1. O. G. T., and other
organizations. Edward T. Murphy, John
Sobieski (a member of the royal family of
Poland and Grand Organizer of the Good
Templars;, and others will be the speakers.
Ex-Conercssmnn Sampson.
Hon. A. J. Sampson, of Denver, Col., ex
Congressman from Ohio, passed through
the city last evening on his way to Wash
ington from the West During the cam
paign he stumped in Ohio and Indiana for
Harrison, and will probably be rewarded
for his services by the President.
Pittsburg Capitalists Return From a
Visit to Their Gold Mine.
He Says There Are Fortunes in Undevel
oped Gold and Tin Fields.
If there is any gold or tin in Mexico,
Pittsburgers are determined to have it, and
a company has been formed for that pur
pose. Tbe purchase of large tracts of land
by a concern composed principally of Pitts
burg business men was published in The
Dispatch several months ago None of
the mines had been developed, and in order
to ascertain what they were worth a com
mittee was appointed to investigate. This
committee was composed of Messrs. C. Y.
Dixon, Herman Kunkle and H. A. Me
Cormick. They left the city on January 5,
and returned yesterday morning.
All of them were well pleased with the
trip to the mines, notwithstanding the fact
that they had to ride on the backs of bron
chos a distance of 90 miles. The gold mine,
they claim, is a bonanza, and the tin mine
will be a bonanza also, if a tariff is placed
on tin plate, but nothing will be done with
the field unless the manufacture of tin will
be made profitable by the passage of the
Senate tariff bill.
Mr. Dixon, one of the committee who re
turned yesterday, was seen by a Dispatch
reporter yesterday. He had very little to
say about the trip, as the first news he heard
after a two months' absence was that Me-
Clure and Freyvogle had been pardoned
and were now free men.
"If those men had been in Mexico," said
he, "they would have remained in. jail.
Personally I have nothing against
them, but the people now seem to
have the opinion that I never
lost the moneyj notwithstanding the
fact that I have the word of Cashier Steffen,
Teller Clark, my defaulting clerk, Quinn,
myself and others that I did. Are we all
liars? I did not want to see the men kept
behind the bars, bnt I do not want people
to think that I was trying to blackmail
them. I have lost about $20,000, and will
not get it back.
"But to return to our trip: We had an
elegant time. Mexico is not what it has
been represented. The people are as accom
modating, or more so, than any I ever met,
and I have traveled a great deal. They do
not hesitate a moment to ride 50 miles with a
person to show him the road. They are not
cutthroats and bandits, as claimed by some
persons who have written them up. I
would be willing to put all the money I
-possess in my pocket and ride alone into
the mountains, and would return with
every cent ot it. They are not thieves, but
the most hospitable people I ever met.
If we got wet or cold while on our journey
the natives would take us in and provide
for us. They wonld give ns their beds, and
they would sleep on the floor.
We reached our gold mine all right and
found it in operation, and the result ex
ceeded our expectation, but I do not care to
say much about it.
"There Is a silver mine near our mine,
which is owned by Maxamillian Damm, a
German, and he is realizing $350,000 a
month out of it. The product of the mine
is shipped to California by rail, but it is
hauled about 50 miles in wagons before a
railroad is reached.
"Thymines are located near Dnrango,
that is about 90 miles from the town. Alter
we visited the gold mines a member of the
party proposed that we go to the tin mines,
This was voted down very promptly, as it
wonld necessitate a ride on the back of a
broncho for several miles and a tramp up a
mountain of 4,000 feetup and the same num
ber of feet down. We were too tired for such
a trip and decided to let tbe tin mine go. If
we can make any money out of it we will
certainly develop it. In a short time, Lbe
lieve, there will be a railroad running near
the mines."
Mr. Dixon is well pleased with his trip,
and believes that the stock in the gold com
pany will advance, and, as there is none on
the market, the holders of stock will realize
Tbe Two Watchwords for Immediate Use
by tbe W. C. T. U.
According to yesterday's plans, the Al
legheny County W. C. T. U. will, within
the next fortnight, distribute 100,000 pages
of literature in behalf of Constitutional
The union will also engage an attorney to
attend the License Court in their interest,
and every effort will be nJade to influence
the court to grant as few licenses as pos
sible. Headquarters for the County W. C. T. TJ.
and Constitutional amendment literature,
and blanks for remonstrances against
licenses will be at 534 Smithfield street.
The Arbitrators In tbe Rosebnrs; BoIIdln
Will be Through To-Morrow.
The report of the board of arbitration ap
pointed to investigate the advisability of
tearing down the Eoseburg building, at the
corner of Eifth avenue and Wood street,
were to have finished their labors yesterday,
but did not do so. One of them mailed his
report to M. Ii. Malone, who is to settle the
matter, but the latter did not return it in
time. He will not be ready therefore to
make the matter public until to-morrow.
And It Appears to be Grinding the Oleo Men
' Exceedingly Fine.
The Commission Merchants' Associatiou
yesterday charged the following named re
tail men of the Allegheny Market House
with selling oleomargarine within the last
two months: Messrs. Ii. K. Vale, Joseph
Hastings, Charles E. Marshall, Richard it.
Brown and James Brady. They will have
a hearing before Alderman Carlisle next
After an Old Farmer.
Officer Robert Denniston arrested James
Cain at the Union depot last evening as a
suspicious character. The officer alleges
that Cain was following an old Washing
ton countv farmer, who was intoxicated
and had plenty of money, with the inten
tion of robbing him.
Educators to Meet at Washington.,
Superintendent G. J. Luckey, Second
Vice President of the National Edncational
Association, will go to Washington to attend
a meeting of the Department of Superin
tendence March 6, 7 and 8. President Har
rison and Senator Leland Stanford are ex
pected to speak.
Terdict of Accidental Death.
The tragic death of the late John Irwin,
of McKeesport, was. investigated by the
Coroner last evening. The inquest failed to
develop what train he was killed by, and a
verdict of accidental death was found.
A Vacant OfDce.
Owing to the removal of Alderman Miller
from the Eleventh ward, his office has be
come vacant. Constable Maneese and J. P.
Williams are applicants for appointment.
An Exhibition Given Before the Bntler
Street M. E. Sunday School A HajrU
clan's Explanation.
Superintendent Sam Hamilton, of the
Bntler Street M. , Sunday school, was in
his glory last night to think that he had
been the means of pleasing the 1,000
scholars of the school, augmented by fully
200 more friends of the scholars. Mr.
Hamilton had engaged Mr. Pray, a travel
ing magician, to -exhibit his tricks of
legerdemain to the scholars, admittance be
ing by tickets issued to the different
Prof. Pray prefaced his performance by a
speech, explaining to the scholars that
when they grow up to leave home and go
out into the world they should not believe
all they see or be carried away by mysteries
because they could not understand them, as
all were but feats obtained by peculiar dex
terity and practice. He said that the best
educated were often the easiest to deceive,
and a magician's best andience was one of
doctors, preachers, lawyers and scientific
He denounced spiritualism, mesmerism,
clairvoyance, etc.rand warned the scholars
from believing in them. In illustrating the
tricks of magicians, he spoke of Dr. Ham
mond, who hired a boy to snbmit to have
his hand burnt with hot irons by noted
New York physicians, making them think
ne was mesmerized and senseless to pain.
The Professor then rolled uji his sleeves,
borrowed Superintendent Hamilton's hand
kcrchisT and proceeded to produce eggs
from it, and performing the numerous
tricks of a magician.
Table raising with the tip: of the fingers
and whirling a stool in the same Vay were
also illustrated and explained as a humbug.
-LUB5jm-ib iiaau was aibo auoweu up.
The second part of tbe performance con
sisted in throwing balls, bells, butcher
knives, etc., in the air, balancing pipes,
chairs with a boy in on his chin, whirling
plates and washbowls on a stick and simi
lar feats of jugglery that would have made
a big attraction for a side show. ' r'-
Atthe close Superintendent Hamilton tooK
a vote of those that wished another exhibi
tion '(all hands going up), and then said:
"We will Pray, then, that he will come
The Departure of People From This City
Has Now Began.
The star of empire may now be said to
be taking its way southeastward. Last
night there were probably more people at
the Union station bonnd for the East than
there had been during any two days since
Christmas. They were all going to Wash
ington to take in the inaugural festivities,
but none of them seemed to have any special
reason for appearing on the ground so early.
At the ticket office there were over 50
tickets sold for the capital. About 20 came
in lrom tbe West on the Panhandle express
and a nnmber on the Ft. Wayne, and
Cleveland and Pittsburg roads. On the
latter train was a bride and groom who had
tickets to Washington, and it is supposed
they will celebrate part of their honeymoon
and Harrison's inanguration both at the
same time.
The couple came from the country down
the river, and the groom came nearly losing
his wife. He went to make some inquiry
about the fast line and the blushing bride
was jostled about by the baggage trucks.
When her husband came, for her she was
not in the place he left her standing, and
he could not see her in the crowd. With
his accustomed Irish gallantry Officer
Eiley rescned the yfrung lady and restored
her to the arms of her husband.
Among other celebrities seen going on the
fast line was a well-known pickpocket on
the hill. He will probably relieve several
people of their valuables betore he gets back.
The Eastern express had to be run in two
sections in order to accommodate the crowd.
Two extra sleepers and several day coaches
were put on.
A delegation of gentlemen from McKees
port will leave Saturday to attend the in
auguration. Among them will be the fol
lowing: Doctor James L. Penny, John
Stewart, Joseph Dietrich, H. Erenburgh,
Captain Stone, W. A. Short, Jacob Best
wick, Jacob Holtzman, Colonel Henry
Goodhellet, S. C. Coyle, Edward Trich,
William Ginser and Fredrick CTeutzer, E.
The By-Laws Shift the Custody of
Permanent Fond.
At the regular meeting ol the Humane
Society yesterday the following amendments
to the by-laws were offered by Erederick
Binehart, Esq., and adopted:
Tbe officers of the society shall consist of a
President, five Vice Presidents, a Secretary
and Treasurer, two Trustees, and IS persons
i three more than now) who shall constitute a
toard of Managers. The Treasurer shall have
charge of all funds belonging to the society
except Special funds and the permanent fund.
The Trustees shall have the custody and charge
of tbe permanent fund, and all investments
(including tbe Jane Holmes bequest of $3,000)
shall be made by said Trustees in accordance
with and subject to the order of the Board of
Managers. '
Agent O'Brien urged the board to author
ize him to go out on a trip to establish agen
cies of the society in this end of the State,
and it is probable he will do so in the spring.
A Supposed Professional Thief Arrested at
His Hotel.
John McCoy, of Buffalo, N. Y., was ar
rested at the Red Lion Hotel last evening
by Detective Coulson as a suspicious char
acter. The arrest was made upon the
strength of a statement of a man named
Charles Graham, who notified the police
department that McCoy had asked him to
assist in robbing one of the guests at tbe
hotel who, McCoy -said, had several hun
dred dollars.
It is thought the man is a professional
thief. He will have a hearing before
Magistrate Gripp to-day.
The Eake Erie Stockholders Ratify Their
Action in Ohio.
A meeting of the stockholders of the
Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad was held
yesterday at Youngstown. The object of
the gathering was to ratify their action in
the State of Ohio what thev had done in
Pennsylvania, viz increase t&e capital stock
S2.000.000 and the bonded debt $2,000,000.
The meeting was merely held to comply
with the law.
Mammoth Bn thing Company.
The Pittsburg Natatorium Company,
with a capital of 525,000, has been organ
ized by a party of Pittsburg business men,
with Fred Goodwyn as manager. Tne
Board of Directors consists of Messrs. C. L.
Magee, H. H. Byram, W. G. McCandless,
F. T. Torrance, W. H. Stotz.
They Are Through With tho Books.
A notice on the windows of the defunct
Farmers and Mechanics' Bank on the South
side requests the depositors to call for their
books asain, because, since the investiga
tion into the books has been closed, the bank
officials are not in want of them. ,
Ten Dollar Salt Sale.
To-day and to-morrow ends up our 510 suit
sale. Some of our finest men's suits in cut
aways and sacks, made from' the finest whip
cord and diagonal, imported cheviots and
cassimeres go for 510 ; lined with silk-finished
serge, cut in the latest style and really
magnificent garments. Twenty-five dollars
would not be too much to ask lor them, but
510 takes choice to-day. Special About
500 men's Derby hats in all the leadingstyles
at 51 25. P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Dia
mond sts., opp. the new Court House.
Adam Hershperger, of Pittsburg,
Strikes a Big 600-Pound Well
All the Tools Thrown Out of the. Hole at the
14,000-Foot Point.
"Great Scott, bnt she's a gusher! I have
known of no such pressure in all this region
in months," said a gentleman who had just
come no the Ft. Wayne Railway from
Beaver county yesterday afternoon.
"Gusher? Pressure? Do you mean to
say that you've been the subject of a femi
nine hug? Explain, please," retorted a be
wildered reporter, to the aforesaid gentle
man. "Naw, naw! Nothing of the kind. She's
a natural gas well biggest of the kind in
months j ust blew out this afternoon owned
by a Pittsburger, who has 300 acres of land
right there-ipressure 600 to 800 pounds, if
it's an ounce and it is."
Thus the gentleman (in whose veracity
the reporter had every confidence, but who
didn't care to have his name used) rattled
on, until, brought right down to a matter of
detail, he told of yesterday's big new nat
ural gas well in this manner:
"Mr. A. Hershpereer, who used to be
President of the Chautauqua Lake Ice Com
pany, of this city, hut who now has a nice
country seat of 300 acres about one mile
below Legionville and .near Economy, on
the Ft. Wayne Bailroad, brought in a
gusheron his land at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
After drilling for three orfour weeks the drill
at 11 o'clock this morning, when down
abont to the 1,400-foot mark, began to tilt
all the tools abont the well, with an ap
parent gas pressure of 25 pounds. But the
workmen kept on, and by going only a few
taps deeper, about two hours later, a pres
sure of at leastGOO, and probably 800, pound'd
I.wn. WffWUVU UF, BJ lUaklt fclllCtT it I i. fcllG UJUl
out of the well and high into the air.
"Of course, all this is very near the played
ont old Baden district; but it's an awful
pressure, no matter where it comes from, or
how long it lasts. The Citizens Company,
of Rochester, and the Ft. Pitt Company,
hold leases of all the land around there, ex
cept this 300-acre farm of Hershperger's;
bnt I guess ie wouldn't trade with them all
now. He was only drilling to get fuel for
his country residence; but he has got enough,
if it holds out, to furnish several thousand
residences and yield tolls enongh to pay for
several big farms. It was a big surprise."
It Was the Invention of a Plttsbnrger At
One Time It Wonld Have Yielded Him
Half a ItIIIlIon,In Gold.
While the fact has been announced that
a decorticator has been invented' that will
make ramie cultivation a success, it is not
generally known that its inventor
is Prof. George Gibson, of this
city. The British Government at one timet
offered 100,000 for the prodnction of such
a machine. This machine cf Prof. Gibson's
construction separates the stocks and fiber
by a succession of rollers, and when the
stuff has gone its course, the bruised stock
and fiber lie in separate piles, the fiber lying
He found much trouble to bring his in
vention into notice at the New Orleans Ex
position,and from the treatment received did
not expect recognition from the Committee
on Awards, but he not only got it, bnt the
prize as well.
Prof. Gibson spent considerable time in
Georgia superintending the erowth of a
crop of ramie, and succeeded in proving
that the soil and climate were all that could
be asked. He spent years in France manu
facturing linen, so that his knowledge of
fiber separating machinery was'of use in
his work on the decorticator.
In this connection Prof. Gibson makes a
statement one wonld not expect to hear, and
that is that the French are away behind the
United States in the manufacture of rubber
goods, and Prof. Gibson was obliged to
send to this country for packing.
Mr. E. F. Houston has been raising the
ramie under glass in his yard on Cofwell
street, and he says it mnch resembles the
elderberry bush. Mr. Houston says that
the fiber can be separated so minntely that
the ' thread can scarce be seen by
the unassisted eye and has so much the ap
pearance of silk that the two can only be
distinguished bv burning. While the
woven fabric will not wear so well as silk,
many ladies seeing them side by side,
would, without instruction, choose the
ramie, as the sheen is the prettiest.
It apnears that the Pittsburg capitalists
interested, whose names were given last
week, are confident they have a good thing,
and a good thing for them means one for
millions beside.
One Physician Who Objects to Their Alleged
Said a well-known doctor yesterday: "I
think you folks onght to call attention to
discrimination in another line than that of
trade. I believe that skilled physicians
are as much a necessity in a community as
just freight rates. Now there are hospitals
that draw money out of the
State Treasury, and yet they maintain med
ical rings. Certain physicians, good ones
no doubt, but no better than plenty of others
to be found in this city, have gotten into
these places, and they never resign except
to put another of. their clique into place, and
as to dying, they are not like to do that un
less old age claims them, as they take good
care of their health and are free from worry.
"Now, my objection lies in the facts that
these men not only are able to get more bus
iness than they are entitled to by their abil
ity, but have facilities afforded to treat their
patients at these hosnitals that an outside
physician cannot get; have opportunities to
study furnished gratis that outsiders have
not, and that finally they are sticklers for
the ethics of the profession and will not
allow their brethren at large to advertise,
while they themselves do so on every possi
ble occasion in the medical journals and
through the daily press.
"Xou can scarce glance at a paper with
out learning that some doctor belonging to
the medical staff of one of these institutions
has performed some remarkably skillful op
eration. There is no advertising in- this,
Oh, no!",
An Italian Throws a Baby in the River to
SnTe Burial Expenses.
Raphael Bonnacario, an Italian, was ar
rested yesterday afternoon for having thrown
a newly born baby into the Monongahela,
but last night he was discharged from jail
becanse an investigation of tbe case proved
that the child was dead when Bonnacario
threw it into the river. He had only dis
posed ot it in that manner because he was
too poor to have it properly burled.
Tne man is in very hnmble circum
stances. He and his family live at 110
Water street
Salvation Oil has met with a cordial
welcome. Drnggists Sell stacks of it.
Price 25c.
Gold and silver watches. Large assort
ment, lowest prices, at" Hanch's. No. 295
Fifth five. Established in 1853. "ktsu
27, 1889,
Is the manufacturers' Trust to be Nnrsed
Back Iato Ufa Again f
A meeting of a number of white lead
manufacturers from different parts of the
country was held yesterday in the parlors of
the Hotel Anderson. Among those present
were representatives from the Pennsylvania
White Lead Works, T. H. Kevin & Co.,
Armstrong & McKelvy, Fahnestock &
Co., of this citv; E. P. Eowe, of New York;
C. Pemberton, ot Philadelphia; F. W.
Rockwell, George C. Carpenter, Jr., of St.
Louis; F. Eckstein, of Cincinnati, and E. F.
Beale, of Philadelphia.
Those present at the meeting refused to
state the object of the gathering and what
the result of the meeting had been. It was
understood on the outside amon other
smaller manufacturers that the meeting had
something to do with the Lead Trust, which
was formed two years ago and almost col
lapsed about four months since. The trust
was then in a shaky condition and was being
held together by the strenuous efforts of
several of the largest firms in the
country. It was supposed yesterday's meet
ing was held to strengthen it.
The Firm Ask the Men to Work for Half
Pay for the Present.
Doyle & Co.'s flint glass factory at
Phillipsburg is closed down. Several days
ago the firm made a proposition to the men
to work at half pay and allow the other halt-
to remain standing until they were able to
pay. The men wanted a time set for the
payment of the other half, but the firm de
clined to fix any time.
Tbe matter was then referred to the gen
eral officers, and an order was issued yester
day instructing the men to strike against
the firm's proposition. . A notice has been
posted offering work to any person who de
sires employment, whether he is a union
man or not. The men, however, do not be
lieve the factory will be started uhless bet
ter arrangements are made with them.
A Boycott Placed on Limestone Quarried In
the Mahoning Valley.
There is no trouble at the quarries of
Booth & Flynn and other contractors near
Ligonier, as stated. A committee repre
senting the Mahoning Valley quarrymen
was in town yesterday and held a consulta
tion with representatives of N. T. A. 217,
K. of. L. The limestone quarrymen in the
valley al-e on a strike against a rednction in
wages. The object of the committee that
visited 217 is to induce them to refuse to
work on anv limestone furnished by scab
labor in the valley.
The district is composed of fitrnacemen,
and a great deal of limestone is used. If
the material sent out from the Mahoning
Valley is boycotted the workmen will likely
win the strike.
The Vesurins Discharged Workmen Can't
Get Back.
The tronble at the Vesuvius Iron Works
of Moorhead Bros. & Co., at Sharpsburg,
has been settled. President Weihe, of the
Amalgamated Association, went out there
yesterday' and held a conference with the
mill committee. After hearing both sides
of the case he decided that the men who
were discharged could not be reinstated
without the consent of the firm. No strike
is on, and the mill will be operated a
Galvanized Iron Pipe.
The night turn at the National Galvaniz
ing Company at McKeesport was put on last
evening. The works turned out 60 tons of
galvanized pipe yesterday.
Labor Notes.
It is said that a number of the Monongahela
river coal operators will refnse to enter the
proposed syndicate of coal men.
Superintendent Hajitlton, of the Alle
gheny parks, yesterday received a telegram
from a friend at Alamosa, CoL, stating that gas
had been struck at that place.
Incidents of a Day in Two Cities Condensed
far Ready Reading.
The VT. C. T. TJ. No. 2 will give an old folks
concert at the Poor Farm this evening.
S.B.Neff Lodge No. 225. B. of R.B.B.,
gave a reception at the Lawrenceville Turner
Hall last night.
Joseph Hartxet, a brakeman on the P. R.
B.,bad his arm crushed coupling cars yesterday,
necessitating amputation.
Rev. Mr. Hughes will deliver an address
before tho Window Glass Workers' Union on
the Southside next Friday evening.
The mortuary report for the week ending
on Saturday shows a total of 67 deaths In the
city ten of them caused by pneumonia.
A LAMP exploded in Michael Hlrley's house
on Carson, near South Twenty-seventh street,
bnt it did no other damage except smashing
tbe lamp.
The house of Mrs. B. Norman, of the Eigh
teenth Ward, burned to the ground yesterday
morning, with a loss of 600, and $300 insurance;
cause unknown.
Abkokes grip on car No. 217, Citizens'
Traction line, delayed travel for over two
hours between Eleventh and Sixteenth streets
yesterday morning.
To-mobeow evenlne the members of Liberty
Lodge No. 20, S. K. of A. O. TJ. W. will give a
musical and literary entertainment at
Vaughn's Hall, Bloomfield.
The School Board of the first ward. Alle
gheny, met last night 'and organized by electing
Major William P. Hnnker President and
Thomas C. Walte Secretary.
Jennie Linn, aged It years, of No. 813 Car
son street, died at the West Penn Hospital yes
terday, iter cieain resuuea irom ourus re
ceived at her home on Sunday.
The Fourteenth Regiment Drum Corps will
consist of 45 pieces on the inauguration trip.
This will include flute and piccolo. They have
been practicing new and good music forthe
Patrick Gallagher and James Keefe
were committed to jail for trial at court by
Magistrate Hyndman yesterday. They are
charged with impersonating a United States
Government officer.
Orders have been received from Washing
ton by Inspector Sullivan that hereafter every
sinele plato used in tfie construction of a steam
boiler must be tested. Heretofore three or
four plates out of the whole number for ono
boiler were tested.
A horse attached to one of tho wagons of
the Standard Cracker Works ran away on
Smithfield street yesterday morning, scatter
ing crackers in its course and badly frighten,
tag people. The horse was caught at the cor
ner of Diamond street.
Edward Scott, a young colored man, was
leaning against a barber pole on Federal street,
Allegheny, last eveninc, when It gave way and
broke a plate glass window Jn Delp & Bell's
store. He was arrested and his employer gave
bail for his appearance before the Mayor this
A telegram was received from Mr. R.S.
Davis yesterday stating that he and his daugh
ter Annie will arrive home this morning. Mr.
Davis has been in Japan for nine months and
his daughter for nine years, the latter as a
missionary. They are accompanied by a
Jananese lady, wife of an officer in the
Japanese army, who comes to this country
for higher education.
Klebers' Lend All Others.
The old and trusty music house of H.
Kleber & Bro. Purchasers put more faith
in their honesty and judgment than in any-,
one else's. Any instrument coming from
KRbers' store, be it a Stelnway, Conover.
Gabler or Opera piano, is accepted as good
and reliable, for the opinion of Mr. Kleber
is looked upon as final and conclusive.
Hundreds of people have made the remark,
"Oh, I wish I had called on yon first and
bought an instrument of you," and then
they beg the Klebers to take the piano or
organ which they bought elsewhere off their
hands and exchange for the superior ones at
the latter place. Klebers prices are $25 to
550 lower than those of other dealers, and
I their terms of payment are easier.
A Fanny Experience of tho Daquesns Ctsb
Caterer He Only Wanted to Go to His
.Wife's Birthday Party.
Mr. A. Sichterman, the caterer of the
Duqnesne Clnb, had a very funny ex
perience last Saturday night. His brother-in-law,
who keeps a hotel In Homestead,
had arranged a birthday party in honor of
Mr. Sichterman's wife, and of coarse the
Duquesne Club caterer was invited to be
He went to the Union depot to catch the
train for Homestead at 6:30 o'clock. But
when he got to the station, tbe Homestead
train just steamed out of the depot,
and the next train was not going un
til 11:30 o'clock.
The party, however, was to commence at
8 o'clock and Mr. Sichterman had to be
there. So, upon making inquiries of a con
ductor, he was told to take a train to Swiss
vale, where a boatman might be induced to
row him across tbe river and Homestead
could thus be reached very easily.
The gentleman got to Swissvaie all right,
but he could not indnce any man to row
him over on account of the ice in the
Alter a great deal of thinking and con
jecture, a buggy was hired and Mr. Sichter
man reached Braddock. Here he hoped he
would be able to walk across the railroad
bridge, but the man on watch there said
that he would not allow him to cross, evA
if he paid him $10.
But time sped, and Mr. S. had to get to
the party. So the club man took another
conveyance that brought him as far as
Saltsburg, where he hoped to cross the river
in a ferryboat. But again disappointment
upset his calculations. The boatman could
not get close enough to the bank on account
of the ice in the high water.
Mr. Sichterman was now standing on the
bank of the Monongahela. Looking across,
he could discern the hotel where the party
was held, all lit up in the glare of festivity;
but still he conld not get there.
Soat last he returned to Pittsburg on a
Baltimore and Ohio train, and then went to
Homestead at 11:30, arriving at the party
long after midnight. Ever since that day
Mr. Sichterman is mad when anybody
speaks abont Homestead.
How a Torklsb Bather Got Away With Aw
other Man's Watch.
Dr, Wells, the owner of the Turkish bath
ing establishment on Wood street was look
ing last evening for a man who got away
with another man's gold watch and chain at
the bathrooms yesterday afternoon.
The man registered at the place as T. M.
Morgan, a traveling man stopping at the
Monongahela House. He was nicely
dressed, and after taking his bath went into
the office and asked for "his box." The lat
ter was supposed to contain his valuables,
which are left by the bathers in the office
for safekeeping." The attendant in the office
was not the one that was there when Mor
gan came in. and handed over the "box"
asked for by him. After he had disappeared
the real owner of the "box" appeared, and
the supposed trick was discovered.
At last accounts Morgan is still with the
watch. There was no such person at the
Monongahela House.
81 75 Napoleon Kid Gloves at 81 25 a Fair
Brief announcement It means you save
SO cents a pair and at the same time get
a real good kid glove.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Cloak Department.
Stylish garments, exclusive designs, in im
ported long and short wraps, for early spring
wear. Hugus & Hacke.
Brocaded Striped Satins
In all the new spring shades; very effective
for combination dresses, at 51 25 a yard.
Jos. House & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Repousse Papers
At John S. Roberts, 414 Wood st
James H. Aikek & Co.'s spring dis
play 'of neckwear. See the latest. 100
Fifth ave.
Cash paid for old gold and silver at
Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. wrsn
of approaching disease.
Tickling throats develop into coughs.
I Coughs lead to the ereat enemy consumption.
A stitch in tiros often saves life itself.
T. T. T.
109 Federal Street,
Delicious table fruit; also a full line of
California and Delaware fresh fruits In extra
syrun. tins and class.
syrup, una ana yg. BENSHAW & CO..
ja26-ws Family Grocers.
imported in one pound porcelain pots; also
es, marmalade and preserved fruits, war
ranted pure, in glass jars, for sale by the case
or retail. JNO. A. RENSHAW ACC
Jaae-ws Liberty and Ninth sw.
IS f .,
1 W.
In English, French and Germaa
Woolen Drezs Goods, by the yard or la
single patterns, Including the veryf
new shades and most fashionable
weaves. Note the prices at which wa
sell these fine novelties:
Black and White Dress Fabrics, in a
beautiful assortment of new designs.
French all-wool Cashmeres, spring
colorings 10-Inch. 50c; 46-inch, 73c, $1
and f 1 25 a yard, over 500 pieces now on
tbe shelves, and more coming.
New extra wide English Serge Sulfr
ings at 2 ayarC; also French Sergei
Suitings and Annure Cloths in fins
New French Broadeloths, spring
f -
Stylish American-mads Woolen Dresr
Goods, plaid and strips combinations,
50c a yard.
50-inch Plain all-wool Suitings at 60c
Oar Immense stock of Ginghams and
Satines, finest foreign and best Amerl-
can makes. Ask to see the beautiful1 "
"Henrietta" Satines. finest ciade. Pop
ular prices on all Wash Dress Good&i
the largest stock in the country.
Special bargain sale of fine Kid
Gloves Alexandre, Napoleon Kid
Gloves, i buttons, at 51 23 a pair (n 75
"" " T
regular price), grays, tans and browns.
Alexandre, Suede Kid Gloves Jl a pair ' ji
(SI 75 usual price). By all means visit ,
the Glove Department as once. ,."'
New Dress Trimmings and Buttons ' x.
latest novelties In the new dress
shades. ':
Mors new styles in stock tt, $1 7&,
and SI 50 Cashmere and' Chens color "
ings. Our stock includes all qualities, -' ,
45c, 55c, 65c (27 inches wide), 7Sc,"fli- ' '
51 25 to Ha yard. " '
Embroideries, Laces, Whits Goods.
These stocks now complete with latest 3t.
and newest effects and at taking prices.
Final sals ot all Winter Wraps thi-i
week in our Cloak Room. Corns ia;:
now. Prices low. A general cIearanejLt.
..V. .. I- ivi I- TT7I.--