Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 26, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Recalled by Andrew G. Curtin,
- the War Governor, Who
i Says That the
Blur, Center and Clearfield Comities
Claimed for Prohibition.
The Geographical Center of the State
Home of Ttro Governor Use of Money
in Political Campaigns What Are Le
gitimate Expenditures t Accomplished
Coal Miners The Thirsty Finns' DI.
lemma Alloona's Position on the Amend
ment Railroad Employes Divided In
Sentiment A Straw Vote "Railroad Cor
porations Taking No Hand In the Fight.
Our staff correspondent finds that the
counties of Blair, Center and Clearfield are
claimed by the Prohibitionists by vari
ously estimated majorities. Ex-Governor
Curtin is interviewed on the subject, but de
clines to express a decided opinion, except
that he thinks the issue is in doubt There
is a probability that if the amendment is
interpreted to exclude the manufacture and
sale of cider, the farmers will vote against it
rrsou oub sracui. couxissioras.
- Bellefonte, February 25 Punch your
pencil through the map of Pennsyl
vania at that little dot designating the
town of Bellefonte, give the paper a gentle
push, and with perfect equipoise the parch
ment will continue to revolve as easily as
though the axis had been fixed with the
nicety of fine measurement and greased with
fairy oil. Just to what extent this equili
brium will be destroyed on June 18 by
western majorities for Constitutional amend
ment, and eastern majorities against it, the
weight of the ballot boxes alone will deter
mine, but it rather looks now as if the Pro
hihitionists had captured the geographical
center of the State too.
Center county, of which Bellefonte is the
capital, has always inclined toward reform
in everything socially, politically and mor
ally. In 1854 she gave 2,438 votes in favor
of a prohibitory law and only 1,879 votes
against it The county's prominent part in
agitation for popular education secured for
it the location of the Pennsylvania State
College. "When a man was needed to wrest
the gubernatorial scepter from the hands of
a Democrat at the outbreak of the war of
the rebellion, Center furnished him in the
person of Andrew G. Curtin, and to protect
the State from invasions the county con
sented to let him remain a second term in
the Executive Mansion.
beaver's home.
In 1873 Center adopted local optiftn law
riv 1.438 msioritv. Also in 1S86 she sent
forth the Moses who again led the Bepub
lican party in the State to victory after a
season of Democratic rule Governor James
A. Beaver.
Therefore, temperance people in Belle
fonte think, that so far as a record is con
cerned. Center county can promise much of
encouragement in this and all other move
ments lor the deliverance of the masses.
They point to the fact that there are only
about 23 licenses now allowed in.the countv,
and say that while the number of saloons in
past years has been gradually decreased,
the sentiment for prohibition has steadily
grown. Bepresentatire Holt, a Democrat
and a temperance advocate, puts the ma
jority for the amendment at 2,000. The
majority of people, however, think he is too
high, and agree on about 1,000 as the proper
,P. Grey Meek, the well-known Democrat,
however, while reminding me of these esti
mates on all sides, said that a great deal de
pends on what questions are discussed in
the campaign. He expected that if the
farming element in Center, for instance,
came to understand that the amendment
would prohibit the manufacture and sale of
hard cider they would generally vote against
it, and that might put the majority on the
other side of the tally sheet He believed,
nevertheless, that the town of Belleionte
would vote for the amendment
Ex-Governor Curtin, still hale and hearty,
was found at his home on Main street His
rugged face and robust form, although re
calling a. weather-beaten mariner, at the
same time saucily invite another decade or
two of years to give him a chance to show
which is the strongest
Tee Governor was non-committal. When
I asked him how he thought Center
county would vote he replied that
he did not participate in local
politics and hadn't the slightest idea of
even Belleionte's position on the issue.
"When I inquired about his views of the
contest in the State at large, he declared
that he was so busily engaged in literary
pursuits that he had read but little of the
current sentiment, and was incompetent to
form an intelligent estimate. 'He believed,
however, from his general knowledge of the
characteristics of Pennsylvania, and Penn
sylvania people, that the election would be
very close and the result exceedingly
doubtful. "When I suggested that his long
experience as Governor and statesman may
have left with him some reminiscences of
temperance legislation and reform move
ments that would prove interesting at this
time to the public, he could simply recall,
on the spur of the moment,
which he, as Governor, between 1861-7,
signed, and which was subsequently re
pealed; the "Buckalew bill" and the local
option laws of various periods and locali
ties. The jug law was so called because it
prohibited the sale of liquor in less than
quarts. It was found to be impracticable,
so public opinion a year or two later de
clared. In the conversation that followed the fact
happened to be mentioned that Allegheny
county had raised $5,000 for the prohibition
cause and the State Prohibition Convention
also raised nearly 57,000 at Harrisburg for
the campaign.
"I'm sorry to see money become a factor i n
this campaign," said Governor Curtin. "It's
a bad thing in politics. It would be better
if all elections, and especially this one in
June on prohibition, could be conducted
without it"
"Well, but there are legitimate expenses
to be borne," I suggested, and then, when
"the old war horse" still dissented, I re
minded him that money was raised by the
thousands at public meetings during war
times, and in the .earlier abolition excite
ment "Ah, but that was for a great and patriot
ic cause." he said. ''It was a different
thing. Tee country was then in danger, and
money was actually needed, and it was
right under those circumstances, for people
to give of their means. Ko harm could come
of the use ot the money."
The Governor has nearly completed the
manuscript of a book on his six years'
. official reminiscences oi the war. It will
$ be especially devoted to Pennsylvania's
; part in the great conflict Much secret cor-
f respondence, which passed between Gov
ernor uurun, rresiaent .Lincoln, the Secre
tary of War, spies and Generals of the
army, which has never before been made
public, will be included in the work. This
feature alone, so Mr. Curtin told me, will
form a very valuable addition to general
war history. His review of the battle of
Gettysburg will also contain new matters.
The writing has taken np the greater part
of the Governor's time for two or three
years past
Clearfield county adjoins Center on the
west It is predicted by politicians there
who are unbiased thai the major
ity in the county will be be
tween 1,000 and J, 500 in favor .of the
amendment In 1873 local option was
adopted by 480 majority. Then, however,
the conntv's total vote was only about 3,000.
Now it is'11,000.
One of the best indications of the temper
ament of the people is the fact that Senator
Betts, the successor of Hon. William A.
Wallace as Clearfield's representa
tive at Harrisburg, was one ol
the two Democrats in the Senate
who voted, for the submission reso
lution. The great industry of the county is
bituminous coal mining. The output is
now enormous, and thousands of diggers
are emnloved. These are Welsh. English.
Irish and 'Swedes. There are some Hun
garians, and a carload of inlanders ar
rived at Brisbin last week. The first thing
they did was to make a break for a saloon.
Hot being able to stake the bartender ap
preciate the mvsteries of the Finland
tongue, they demonstrated the quality of
the Finland appetite by picking up one of
the ornamental "rocK ana rye" comes oy
the mirror and trying to suck something
from its fancy neck.
However, the Welsh miners are a re
markably intelligent class. Over at Du
Bois, Mr. John Du Bois, the well-known
millionaire, told me that the Welsh miners
in that section of Clearfield county are the
in the neighborhood, many of them playing
three and four instruments, and all of them
sustaining a brass band and singing society.
In Clearfield town I am told the same char
acteristics distinguish them in the lower
part of the county, and that as a whole this
air of refinement will give the votes of
Welsh and English coal miners at least to
Constitutional amendment John M. Par
rel, one of Clearfield's representatives in the
House at Harrisburg, digs coal when at
home in Houtzdale, and he voted for the
submission resolution.
There are about 51 liquor licenses in
the whole county. One of these is in
the name of John DuBois, he- being the
real owner of the largest hotel in DuBois
City. Phillipsburg and Osceola Mills are
tbe next largest towns in Clearfield and
DuBois. Chairman B. D. Swope, of the
Bepnblican County Committee, estimates
the majority for prohibition here at from
1,000 to 1,500.
Blair county will also give a majority
of votes for the amendment Its chief
town, Altoona, now has a population of
about 28,000, with only 18 licensed bars.
The Pennsylvania Railroad car shops there
have 5,000 employes. I was told by one
of the foremen that this army of workmen
is probably about evenly divided on the
issue. In the paint shop the other day a
straw vote was taken ana prohibition got
the smallest ballot In the machine shop,
however, the amendment had a majority.
Most of the men employed in the railroad
shops are industrious, temperate and the
possessors of small bank accounts or their
own homes. There are but few foreigners
among them.
Several persons have from time to time
asked me what are the railroad corporations
going to do in tfce ejection? Will they not
Be influenced bv the immense treight traffic
which they would lose if all the breweries
and distilleries in the State are wiped out of
The car loads of supplies they haul
throughout the State for breweries and dis
tilleries number thousands in a year and
their tonnage in liquor casks is also very
great It will be generally admitted 'that
the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Phila
delphia and Beading Railroad are both
powerful when they chose to take a hand in
politics. But here in Altoona, a city which
owes its existence ana present prosperity to
the Pennsylvania Railroad, that great cor
poration has not shown the slightest move
ment to control votes. On the other hand
their employes seem to be lell free and un
trammelled to vote as they please.
Blair county adopted local option in 1873
by 1,470 majority. J. L. Plummer, Chair
man of the Bepnblican County Committee,
predicts 2,000 majority for the amendment
Businessmen themselves in Altoona will
(prove the greatest opponents of the amend
ment They are afraid the thriving city's
commercial interests and the county's mount
ain summer resorts will suffer it all licenses
are abolished. L. E. Stofiel.
A Katnralizcd American Citizen Sentenced
for Follcal Rensons An Appeal Will
bo Made to the Government to
Effect Ills Release.
Bridgeport, Conn., February 25.
Word has just been received here from Mrs.
Herman Kcmpinski confirming a recent re
port that her husband has been arrested in
Bussia and sentenced to banishment to Si
beria for treasonable utterances against the
Bussian Government and evading the mili
tary service required.
He came to this country when 17 years of
age, and in 1873 came to this city. Ten
years later he became a naturalized citizen
of the United States. He was successful in
business, and last summer returned to his
native land with his wife. Soon after his
arrival there he was arrested and thrown
into prison.
His wife has spent most of their savings
in endeavoring to procure his release, but to
no effect, and she has applied to friends in
this city for assistance. His counsel, J. B.
Klein, will lay the matter before the au
thorities in Washington in a few days.
Many Irregnlarltles, But Nevertheless it Is
Still n Model Institution.
Topeka, KAS.,February 25.-711118 after
noon the report of the Penitentiary Investi
gating Committee was presented simultane
ously in both Houses of the Legislature. It
is a document of 15 pages of printed matter
and is very interesting. The report wholly
exonerates the penitentiary officials, but
calls attention to many irregularities,
especially concerning the coal output and
the use of prison labor in the manufacture
of articles of various character for private
indiaiduals. Captain Smith (warden) is
commended for his able management ot the
institution, and the Kansas Penitentiary is
referred to as a model institution.
Ths Murderer of Paymaster McClore Made
to Weep Bitterly.
Wilkesbaeee, Febrnary.25. The mo
tion for a new trial in the case of Bed-Nosed
Mike, convicted of the murder of Paymaster
J. B. McClure on the 19th of June last, was
argued before Judge Bice this morning. A
stubborn fight was made for the defendant
by his assigned counsel, but all to no avail,
the Judge promptly overruling the motion
and pronouncing the death sentence.
After the death sentence had been pro
nounced Mike was led to the prisoners
dock in the courtroom and handcuffed. On
being taken to the prison van he wept bit
terly. Held Ills Brralb Too Lour.
GRAND Bapids, February 25. Bichard
Freeman, the 8-year-old soli of W. L. Free
man, while playing at home this morning,
in trying to see how long he could hold his
.minutes later. - ' -w - J,
Justice Green Delivers an Opinion to
Explain to the Public
By Its Previous Decision in Kelation to
the Wallace Act
And Can Stay in the Third Class at feast Until After
tbe Kcxt Census.
Justice Green, of the Supreme Court,
handed down an opinion yesterday explain
ing the decision which threatened trouble in
Allegheny City's government According
to this latest decision Allegheny can stay in
the third class until her increasing popula
tion pushes her up a peg.
rsrscur. tzlzgbjlm to thx DisriTCH.i
PniLADEDPHiA, February 25. In the
case of the city of Beading against Savage,
in which the Supreme Court recently re
versed its own decision and held the act of
May 23, 1874, regulating the affairs of cities
of the third class, to be Constitutional, Jus
tice Green this morning delivered the fol
lowing opinion:
"In the case of the appeal of the city of
Scranton School district, 113, p. 176, the
question before us was the constitutional
ity of the proviso to the fifth section of the
act of March 18, 1875. That proviso is in
these words: 'That no city of the third
class, nor any city of less population than
10,000 inhabitants, heretofore incorporated,
shall become subject to the foregoing pro
visions of this act until the same are accept
ed by an ordinance duly passed by a major
ity of the members elected to each branch
thereof voting in favor of the same, and ap
proved by the Mayor.
"In its literal terms this is a disabling
and an excluding enactment No city of
the third class, nor any city of less popula
tion than 10,000 inhabitants, previously in
corporated, could become subject to the
provisions of the act until the passage and
anoroval of an appropriate ordinance, al
though such city might have already
formally accepted the provisions of the act
of May 23, 1874, by complying with the re
quirements of the fifty-seventh section of
that act, and thereby entitled itself to a
place among the cities of the third class.
The act of 1875, therefore, . had
no application to any of these cities
in the first instance. Hence there'
was not, and there could not be, any
class of cities covered by the description
contained in the proviso until a class was
made up by individual accessions, which,
naturally, would occur, if at all, only in an
isolated and special manner. As to all
those which had been previously incor
porated, a double acceptance was made nec
essary; first, of the provisions of the act of
1874, under the fifty-seventh section of that
act, and second, of the provisions of the act
of 1875, under the proviso of the fifth sec
tion. -
"The proceedings upon acceptance under
the two acts are quite dissimilar, and, with
out a strict conformity to both, no city pre
viously incorporated could have the bene
fit of the act of 1875. Those cities which in
reality did accept both acts would thus, in
fact, become a class by themselves, and that
class could only be made up by individual
accessions from time to -time; but it might
very easily happen that only a single city,
or at most a lew, would adopt the double
acceptance made necessary by the act of
1875, and in that event "the new class
thus created would be limited to that
one or those few. This result, which
was entirely possible, made the legislation
local, and brought it into conflict with the
seventh section of the third article of the
Constitution. This is what was decided,
and all that was intended to be decided, in
the Scranton School district case.
"In the present case, the question for de
cision is upon the effect of the fifty-seventh
section of the act of May 23, 1874, P. L., P.
230. The material portion of that section is
in these words:
Any city of the third class, or any city of less
population than 10,000 inhabitants heretofore
incorporated may become subject to the pro
visions of this act governing cities of the third
class to be hereinafter incoroorated; and the
Major and Councils of snch city may effect the ,
same by an ordinance thereof duly passed by a
majority of the members elected to each branch
thereof voting in favor of the same.
"This is an enabling, and in no sense a dis
abling enactment. The act in its previous
sections had provided for the establishment
of a class of cities to be called cities of the
third class and to be thereafter incorporated.
This portion of the act had universal appli
cation over all parts of the State . and is
clearly a general law. Into this class it
was made competent for any city having the
requisite population, and also for any city
having less thai) 100,000 inhabitants, out all
of which had been previously incorporated,
to come, so as to be governed by those pro
visions of the act of 1874 which relate to
the government of cities of the
third class, by pursuing the directions of
Use a Jmk
Without . 1 Lm
Tablespoonful of Pearline
to Pail of Water
Ana you have the best and quickest means of washing and
'cleaning. Directions for easy washing on every package,
t Why is Pearline so largely imitated?
Why do these imitators invariably select names ending
in INE? Why are they compelled to peddle their
goods from house to house use deception, falsehood,
offer prizes, claim that their powders are as good as
Pearline, etc., etc.? This is why: PEARLINE" is the
best- never fails never varies has no equal and is
as harmless.as the, purest imported castile soap.. SoTd
everywhere. Millions now use ,iu r
N j J Manufactured 'only by JAMESFVLE 'New' YoiL 1
the 57th section. When the requirements
of the 57th section are complied with in any
given case, by a pre-existing city, such city
enters into the third class of cities whose
future incorporation has been provided for
and becomes a constituent part thereof.
Those that do not embrace'lhe opportunity
remain as they were before. There is no
possibility of any exercise of the powers or
privilege conferred by the 57th section
which can work affirmatively a local or
special result. Whatever is done by virtue
of this section converts that which was. or
might be, local or special, into that which is
"It is satisfactory to know that while the
case is still within our reach we are able to
correct our own error. It follows that the
judgment of the court below must be re
versed." A Trait That Is No Monopoly.
The trust reposed by tbe dyspeptic and bil
ious in Hostetters Stomach Bitters is not a
monopoly. It is shared not only by them, but
by residents of malarious localities, quondam
rheumatic sufferers whom it has relieved, and
the nervous, debilitated and infirm whom It
has DUllt up. XI trouDiea wua inacuuu ui too
kidneys you should use It. Give this medicine
the systematic trial it merits.
The Finest In tho Market.
Have you tried Mrs. Harrison's Inaugura
tion Cookies? If not ask your grocer for
them. They are delicious.
its S. S. MAEvnr & Co.
401 Bmlthfleld Street, cor. Fonrth Avenue.
Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $38,000.
Deposits of $1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent its
Bay Tonr Boys Shirt Wnlsu
Now, while stock is large. Opening new
stvles this week at Home & Ward's, 41
Fifth ave, tt
Repousse Papers
At John S. Eoberts, 414 Wood st D
Bain or Shine, Don't Delay
Bringing the children to Anfrecht's "Elite"
gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg, for the
finest crayons, pastels, large groups, cabi
net photos and fine frames, all at lowest
possible prices. Use elevator. Come early.
Try Them Now.
Don't fail to try Mrs. Harrison's Inaugura
tion cookies. Marvin's newest production.
and one of the daintiest, most delicious
cakes in existence. ' TTS
Bay Tonr Boys Shirt Waists
"Now, while stock is large. Opening new
styles this week at Horna & Ward's, 41
Fifth ave. tt
Wnll Papor.
Largest line of low priced goods in the
two cities. . John S. Roberts,
d 414 Wood st
Scrofula cured free of charge at 1102
Carson st, Sonthside.
"My system had become so poisoned with ca
tarrh that it caused me great suffering. The
tough tenacious mucous in my throat would
choke me terribly. My throat was so inflamed
that I could not swallow without great pain.
The disease also affected my head, so that
pieces of bone came from my nose, and It even
ate holes through the roof of my mouth. 1 had
ringing sounds and much pain in my ears, diz
ziness and belching ot gas from my stomach.
After trying many treatments of various kinds,
I began treatment with the physicians of
the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, at No.
22 Ninth street and am glad to state that the
above aches and pains are all cured and I am
enjoying better health than I have for years."
Neville street Sixteenth ward.
They treat catarrh, rheumatism, dyspepsia,
bronchitis, asthma, ulcers, seminal weakness,
salt rheum, kidney, blood, liver and female
A lady physician connected with tbe institute
can be consulted free of charge by ladies suf
fering from diseases peculiar to their sex. The
medicines used are positively curative, and are
so prepared as to allow the patient to use the
treatment herself, and thus avoid the unpleas
ant and humiliating treatment which most
ladles generally have to undergo.
Office hours. 10 A. it. to 4 P. n., and 6 to 8 p.
31. Sundays, 12 to i P. M. Consultation free.
Treatment by correspondence. fe25-8
Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka
Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka nose
blades ntted to other eye glasses.
Oculists prescriptions a specialty. All kind
of lenses ground and spectacles made on the
premises. 903 PENN AVENUE, PITTS.
Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia.
Almeria and Malaga Grapes,
Bananas, Florida Oranges and all kinds of
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
bDecialty Correct fitting of lenses and
frames. All styles of Spectacles and Eye-
uiasses. jcxpenenceu opticians ana oar own
factory and workmen are our inducements.
WU. K STJEREN, Optician,
f HI !i
Established 1S13. Telephone Call 1073,
Contractor and Manufacturer of
Doors, Walnscoating, Ceilings and Hard Wood
Work of every description., for building and
decorative purposes. Mantels, Cabinets and
Furniture of Special Designs. Drawings and
Estimates furnished on application. Offce and
factory, Nos. 68 and 70 Seventh Avenue, Pitts
burg. Pa. 'Hard wood lumber. nCT-nlOO-TTB
J. DIAMOND, Optician,
22 Sfcxtli Streets mttsljTirgr.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted
to every defect of sight. Field and Opera
Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers,
Thermometers, etc.
iMfes ARTIFICIAL EYES made to order,
uF5;and. warranted. Always on hand a
yfeipr large and complete stock. ja6-TTSSu
With an increased capacity and hydraullo
machinery we are prepared to furnish all work
in our line cheaper and better than by the old
methods. Repairing and general machine
work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val
ley Railroad. ' feo-o5-TTS
Nkab Wood Stbeet.
Telephone No. 1686. Xel9-jrrwrsuwk
For Church and Residences. Estimates and
Special Designs promptly.
fel&OT-TTSSu PittsbuTE, Pa.
dealers in wines, liquors and French cor
dials for family use. Sole agents far Srtn Gab
riel Wine Company, California. 10 DIAMOND
SQUARE, Pittsburg. Foreign produce a speo
alty se22-bl3K-TTS
Entire Stock Must be. Closed Out by
April I, Regardless of Cost.
Library, Hall, Vase, Piano and Banqtfkt Lamps. Dinner, Tea,
Toilet Sets. Vases, Bria-a-Brac, Mich Cut and Pressed Glassware.
dt-a.z":liO:r, &a co.
Opposite Smithfield street. 947 LIBERTY STREET.
Our superior lines qfGent Fine Calf Sewed Shoes at
$4 Ss $6 and $7 are unrivalled for quality, fit and style;
these. Shoes are made on the broad French toe, new London
cap toe, and- the genuine WJl UKENPHAST lasts. Have
smooth insoles; no tacks or threads to hurt the feet or soil the
stockings. Our shoes produce no corns or bunions.
Egyptian Glorias, gold caps, 36-inch,
1, worth $i 75.
150 dozen drab French Woven Corsets,
real value $l 35; our price,
50o Jl. PAIB.
Full lines of the celebrated Her Majes
ty's, C. P., P. D., ' Thompson's, Balls',
Dr. Warner's and the celebrated Equaline
Health at $1.
AH leading makes of Nursing, Ab
dominal and Missej' Corsets, and Ferris'
Waists for Ladies and Infants.
"A grand display of nevr Muslin Un
derwear, all made on lock-stitch machines,
which judges of these articles will appre
ciate. Well-made Corset Covers, 16c up.
Fine. Chemises', 25c up.
Skirts, with cambric flouncing, 48c up.
Night Dresses, from 48c up.
Skirt Chemises, 75c up.
Exquisite Mosquetaire Lace Mitts, in
light shades.
Mosquetaire Suede Gloves, in cream,
tan, etc.
A complete line of the Latest Novelties, comprising Persian Bands,
Shaded Galloons and Gimps, Steel Sets, Tinsel Gimps, Steel and Shaded
Bead Ornaments, Girdles, and the celebrated Direotoire 'Buttons, large
and'small ones to match.
I Rye ' Whisky of all ages.from $2 to KJ per
Burgundy, Claret, Rhine and Moselle Wines by
case or bottle. Rich Island Madeira, Old
Oporto Port and Rare Amontillado Sherry for
the sick room. Pinet, Castillon, Otard. Mar
tell and Rochelle Brandies, Holland Gins and
a full stock of Cordials. Ensllslr Pale Ale.
Brown Stout, Ginger Ale and Pure' Vinegars
for the table. All goods strictly pure and at
cheapest possible" prices. F. ANDREESSEN.
10 and 2 Ohio street. Allegheny. ' my2-TT3
Me. L. F. BURKE, Druggist.
Dear Bib-HaJftg suffered many years with
Brigbt's disease, ana trying all kinds of pre
scriptions and patent medicines, I heard of
Pratt's Aromatic Geneva Gin, and tbe first bot
tle I took gave me more relief than all the other
medicines put together. I can highly recom
mend it.
Jos. Fleming. Sole Wholesale and Retail
Agent in Pittsburg. 84 Market street. TT3
Pittsburq aku lake kkie kailkoad
COMPAMY-Schedule In effect February 24.
lsSJ, Central time:
e.&UH.H. E.-DKPABT-ror Cleveland. 5:25,
7:40 A. M.. 1.-SO, 4:15, txor. M. For Cincinnati.
Chicago and St. Louis, 6:25.1. M., 1:20, "9:30 P. M.
Vot Buffalo, 10:20 A. II.. 4:15 11:30 r. M. JTor Bala
manca, "7:40 a. m., l:a 9:30 r. u. For Beaver
falls, 5:23, 7:40. 10:2) AM '1:20, :30, 4:15, 5:20,
9:30 r. u. Cor Chartlers. 5:25, '5:35, 6:50, 17:00,
7:15, 8:40, Ite, 9.-25, 10:20 A. M., 12:05, 12:45, 11:25,
1:45, S:30, 4:45, "5:10, 5:20, '8:33, 10:30 p. K.
ABRIVX From Cleveland, 5:30 A. X.. '1:00,
5:40. s.-00 r. M. From Cincinnati, Chicago and
be Louis, 1:00, -8:00 P.M. Krom Buffalo, 5:30 a.
M., '1:00, 5:40 P. M. From Salamanca, '1:00, S.-OO
P. K. From Yonnestqwn, 5:30, 80, 8:20 A. M.,
1:00, 5:40, SKI0 P. M. From Beaver Falls, 5:50,
:50, 7:20, B:20A. X., 1:00. 1:35; 5:40, 8:00. P.M.
From Chartlers, 5:10, 5:22, 5:30, 16:42, l-JQT-JDO,
7:30, 8:30, 9;20. 10:10 A. K.j 12:00 noon, 12:30, 1:12.
1:35, n:! 4:00. 4:35, 5:00. 6:10. 5:40, "sll2P. M.
P., McK. &X. B. H DiPABT-For Mew Haven,
5:30 A..M. 3: r. IT. For West Nawton. 5:30 A. M.,
3:30 and 5:25 p. jr. For New Haven, 7:10 a. m.,
Sundays, only.
Abbivz From New Haven, KhCOA. v.. "5:05 P.
M. From WestUewton,8:15, "10:00 a. m., "5:05 p.m.
For McKeesport and Elizabeth, 5:30 A. M. 3:30,
4:05, SOS P. M.. VUO A. II.
From Elizabeth and McKeesport, 6:15 A. M..
7:30, "10:00 A. M.. OSF. M.
Daily. Sundays only. v
E. HOLBROOK, General Superintendent.
A, E. CLABK. General Passenger Agent.
City ticket office, 401 Sml thfleld street.
Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard
tune): KlttannlnsrAc 5:55 a. to.: Niagara Ex.,
dally. 8:45 a. m., Hnlton Ac. 10:10 a. m. : Valley
Camp Ac., :2:05p. m..- Oil City and DnBols Ez-
Sress,2:00 p.m. ; Haltt n Ac, 3:00p.m. : Klttannlng
c, 4:00p.m.; Braebnrn Ex., 5:00 p.m.; Klttaan
lng Ac, 5:30 p. m.; Braebnrn Ac,6:I0p.m.: Hnl
ton Ac, 7:50 p. m. : Buffalo Ex., dally,
8:50p. m.; Hnlton Ac. 9:45 n. m.: Braebnrn Ac,
11:30 p.m. Church trains Braebnrn, 12:40 p. m.
and 9:25 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Can between
Pittsburg-and Buffalo. E. H. UTLEY, tt. r. A
P. A.: TJAV1D McOAKQO. Gen-Supt.
Trains (Cet'18tandtlme) Leave. Arrive.
Butler Accommodation..
6:03 am
7:10 am
7:23 pm
4 .-00 nm
7:20 am
9 SO am
uuuer Accommoaauon
Chicago Express (dally)
Newcastle and Greenville Ex
Zellenople andFoxburgAc.
12:30 pm
11KB am
iuu pm
9:3S am
5:30 am
2:10 pm
:w pm
5:40 pm
uauer Accommoaauon...
Through coach and sleeper to Chicago dally,
. Beautiful quality plaid Nainsooks, our
own importation, at 8c, 10c, i3jc, 15c,
Fine India Linens, 10c to 38c.
Sheer, plaid and striped Nainsooks and
Lawns, in over 100 different patterns and
all this season's Ideas, from 10c to 35c' per
New Victoria Lawns, dotted and plain
Swisses, Tnckings and Tucked Lace
Yokings, India and Silk Mulls, in white
and dream.
Plain and Tucked Skirtings.
A-complete line of the popular Jane
Hading Veilings, and ready-made Veils,
45c to ?i. ,
Exquisite Chemisettes, new Crepe
Lisse Ruchings, Silk Boas, Jane Hading
Scarfs, at popular prices.
We were the first to put on sale the
now so popular Violets. The safe of
these has been phenomenal. We have
them fiom the cheapest to the finest, in
sprays or by the dozen.
r .- V
Fickle weather.
On Washington's Birthday we noticed quite a number of men
in the parade minus Overcoats. It was a balmy spring day,- full of
warmth and sunshine. The next day there was universal shivering. '
Another cold spell set in, and now, every man who owns an Over
coat, instead of hanging it in his wardrobe and deluding himself
with the idea that the winter is over, is only too glad to wear it. '
These cold spells, which may' be looked for every now and then
during the latter part of February and the stormy, month of March,
will afford us our last chance to get rid of the balance of our Over
coats. Sharp blasts from the North or West and sharp reductions
in our prices form a combination against which no man without an
Overcoat dare rebel.
We suit our action to our word!
The very best Schnabel Elysian Fur Beaver Overcoat thous
ands of them sold for $30 now $20. You'll be fortunate to get
one. fine Elysian Fur Beaver Overcoats; warm and comfortable.
We'll not carry a single one into next season. The price has been
$25. Now it's 15. They'll go at the price. Heavy and medium
. weight .Melton and Chinchilla Overcoats, as good as they are fash
ionable; former price was $18. They'll go now at S12. Remember,
these are no sham reductions; not figures printed for effect. Never
confoand our advertisements, our bona fide offers, with the sensa
tional, highly colored balderdash of certain Clothiers. Clothiers!
What a misnomer, if applied to those dealers! Mountebanks is the
proper term.
A rare offer!
In preparing for the past season's stock we determined to have
the finest, nobbiest goods that money could purchase. We bought
the best and choicest things known to the trade and sold large
quantities. We overdid and went beyond our mark, ordering too
many, and to-day we have several hundred of the finest Suits ever
made. The prices we've sold more than a thousand $Q and
$10. We've determined to close out all on hand, and at the price
they'll go. $6 for these finest and prettiest Children's Suits.
$6. S6.
Over 30 beautiful designs. Boucle effects, satin stripes, broken
plaids? small checks, etc. This is a rare opportunity to get the best
at nearly half price. Don't be tardy now!
3,000 New Windsor Caps on Sale
The craze doesn't abate!
Every young man wants a Windsor. It's cheap, warm, comfort
able. Among those we have just received you will find a profusion
of new patterns! large -and small plaids, Scotch effects, stripes,
checks and plain colors. We sell our Windsor Caps from 29c up
the best are 69c. We stand by these prices, qualities considered.
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street.
Schedules In effect November 73, 1883. Tot
W ashlngton, U. C Baltimore .and Philadelphia,
11:30 a.m. and 10:-J0 p.m. For Washington, D.C.,
and Baltimore, t7 :00 a.m. For Cnmlerland, 17:00,
"11:30 a. m.. and '10:20 p. m. For Connellsvllle.
VIM and '11:30 . m.. tliOD, tt.-OOand 'Ioaop.nu
For Unlontown,t7:OD.tll:a)a.m., 11:00 and "1:00 p.
p. For 311. Pleasant, f7:00 and tll:30 a. m,, tt:a
ana t:w p. m. ror wasnragron, ira.. uu,
t9:30a. m., "3:33. t5:30 and '3:p. m. For Wheel
injr, 10B.Wn.mj 'Z& '8:30 p.m. For Cin
cinnati and Ht. Lonli, 7:30 a. m., 8:3p. m. For
Colnmbns, IOa. m.. '8:30 p.m. For Newark,
-7:30, tt:30a. m., n-JSL. S:30 p. m. For Chicago,
"7:30, 19:30a. m "3:S5and "S:30 p. m. Trains ar
rive from Philadelphia, Baltimore and W asblnjr
ton, "7:10 a.m. and "6:50 p. m. From Columbns,
Cincinnati and Chicago, 7:45 a. m. and "9:10 p. m.
From Wheeling, -7:J 10:50 a. m., ISM, "SilO p,
m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash
Inrton ana Cincinnati.
For Wheeling. Columbus and Cincinnati, 11:55
p m (Saturday only. ConnellsTllle ac at S;30
Oally. tDalljr except Sunday. JSnndar onlr.
The Plttsbnrg Transfer Company wlU call for
and check bagiras;e Irom hotels and residences
upon orders left at li. i. O. Ticket Office, corner
Fifth avenue and Wood street.
General Manager. Gen. Fass. Art.
Febrnarr 10, 1889, Central Standard Time.
Ai follows from Union Station: For Chlcarod 7:3
a. m., d 1220, d 1:00, d 7:43. except Saturday. 11:30
p.m.: Toledo. 70& a. m., dl20, d lax) and except
Saturday. HS0 p.m.; Crestline. 5:45 a.m.: Cleve-Lind,6:10,7.-I5
a.m.. 12:35 and d 11:05 p.m.: New Cas
tle an Yonngstown, 7:05 a. m.. IS.-20, 3:4.1p.m.;
Yonnrstown and Mies, d 12:3) p. m.; Meadvllle,
Erie and Ashtabula. 7:05a. m.. 1230 p. m.: Nlles
and Jamestown, 3:15 p. m.: Masslllon, 4:10 p. m.;
Wheeling and Bellaire. 6:10a.m., 12:35, 3:33p.m.;
Beaver Falls. 4:00, 5:05 p. m., 830 a. m.: Leets
dale. 5:30 a. m. .
ALLEGHENY Eochester. ) a. si.; Beaver
Falls, 8:15, 11:00 a. m.: En on. 3:0O p. m.; Leets
dale, 10)0, 11:45 a. m.. 2:C0, 4:30, 4:45,:30, 7:00. 9:00
p. m.; Conway, 10O0 p.m.; Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a.
m.tLeetsdale, 38:30 p. m.
TBAINSAKKlVEUnlonstatlonfrom Chleasj,
nrpnt Mnnrinv liO. d 6:00. d 6:35 a. m.- d 7:35 D.
m.; Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d.B:S a.m., 7:35
S. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: lonngsiown ana
ewCistle. 9:10a. m.. 1:25.7:39. 10:15 p. m.:Mlei
and Yonnretown. d7:15p. m.; Cleveland, d 5:50a.
n-. .?-. Tfij; n- ni lire'lne: and Bcllalrc. 9:00
a. m 233, 7:15 p. m.: Erie and Aahtaboht. 135.
10:13 p. m.: Masslllon. lOaX) a. ni.: Nile and
Jamestown. 9:10 a.m.; Beaver Falls, 7:30 a. m.,
l:10p. m., S 8:3 p. m.: Leetsdale, 10:40 p. m.
ABKIVE ALLEGHENY-From Enon, 8:00 a.
m.; Conway, 6tf0; Rochester, 9:40 a.m.; Beaver
Falls. 7:10a. m.. 6:40 p. m.: Leetsdale, 5:30, 6:15,
7:45 a. m.. 12:00, 1:45, i JO, 6:30, 9:00 p. m.: Fair
Oaks, S 8:55 a. m.; Leetsdale, 8 6:05 p. m.: Beaver
Falls. 3 835 p.m.
8, Sunday only; d, dally; other trains, except
Sunday. fell
FrrrsBUKG and castle shannon r. k.
Co. WlnterTlme Table. On and after October
14, 1888, until further notice, trains will ran as
follows on everv dav except Sunday, Eastern
standard lime: Leaving Pittsburg S:ii a. m.,
7:15a.m., 9:30a. m.. 11:30a.m., 1:40 p.m., 3:40 p.m.,
5:10p.m. 6:JU p. m., vao p. m.. 11:30 p. m. Ar
lington 5:45 a. ni., 0:30 a. m.. 8:03 a. m., 1030 a.
m.. 1:00 P.m., 2:40 p. m., 430 p. m., 5:50 p. m
7:15 p. nw 10 JO p. m. Sunday trains, leaving
Pittsburg 19 a. m., 12:50 p. m., 2:30 p. m.. iat
f.m 9:33 p. m. Arlington B:W a. no., 13 m
sop. , &p. ., V Bki JAHHi Sbb
6. S.
after November 26, 18S8, trains leave Union
Station, Pittsburg, as follows. Eastern Standard
New York and Chicago Limited of Pullman Ve
tlbule dally at 7:15 a. m.
Atlantic Express dally for the East. 3:00 a.m.
Mall train, dally, except Sunday. 6:55 a.m. Sun
day; mall, 8:40 a. m.
Day express dally at 80 a. m.
Mall express daily at 1 M p. m.
Philadelphia express dally at 4 JO p.m.
Eastern express dally at 7:15 p.m.
Fast Line dally at 8:00 p. m.
Greenshurg express 5:10 p. m. week days.
Berry express 11:00 a. m. week days.
AU through trains connect at Jersey City win
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. S. Y
avoldlng double ferriage and Journey through N.
Trains arrive at Union Station as follows:
Mall Train; dally 830 p.m.
Western Express, dally. 7:46a. m.
PaclOc Express, dally 12:45 p.m.
Chicago Limited Express, dally... ..... 8:30p.m.
Fast Line, dally 11:55 p. m-
For Unlontown, s:tS and is. m. and 433 p.
m., without change of ears; LOO p. ra.. connect
ing at Greenshurg. Trains arrive front Union
town at 9:45 a. m., 1230, 6:15and830p.m.
From FEDEKAL ST. STATION. AUegheny City.
Mall train, connecting for Blalrsvllle... 6:45 a. m.
Express, for Blalrsvllle, connecting for
Butler 1:13 p.m.
Butler Accom 830 a. m, 235 and 5:45 p. m.
Sprlngdale Accom 11:40 a. m. and 630 p. m.
Freeport Accom 4:00, 8:15 and 10:30 p. m.
On Sunday ..12:50 and 9 JO p. m.
North Apollo Accom 10:50 a. m. and 5:00 p.m.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation.
connecting for Butler '..... 830 a. m.
Blalrsvllle Accommodation llJOp. m.
Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. nu
Mall Train. 2:35 p. m,
Butler Accom 935 a. m., 4:40 and 730 p.m.
Klalrsvllle Accommodation 9:52 p. zn.
Freenort Accom.7:40 a. m.. 1:32, 730andll.-00p. m.
On Sunday , 10:10 a. m. and 7:00 p. m.
Sprlngdale Accom ..6:37a. m-, and 3i02 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and 3:40 p. m.
Trains leave Union station. Pltuourg, as follows! .
For Monongahela City, West Brownsville and
Unlontown. lla. m. For Monongahela City anil
West Brownsville, 75 and lla. ro. and 4H0p. ra.
On bnndav. 1 Ml p, m. For Monongahela City, 5r
-p. in., week davs. ,
jjravosnurg Ac., week aays, j v p. m.
West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8:50a.m., 2.-0B,-630
and 11:35 p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m.
Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try
street and Union station. ,,.
General Manager. QenH Pass'rAgeab
-Hanhandle koute-nov.k. k trxios
JT station. Central Standard Time. Leave for
Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7 JO a-m., d 8:00 and
d 11:13 p. m. Dennlson. 2:45 P. m. Chicago,
J2.-OS, dUilS p.m. Wheeling. 7:39 a. In., is:B6,
6:10p.m. Steubenville, 3:55 a. m. Washington,
5:55. 8:55 a. m.. 1:5!. 3:30, 4:55 p. m. Bulger, 10:15
a. nu Bnrgettstown, Sll:33a.in 533 p. m. Mans
Held, 7:15, llsWa. m 6-30, dS33;10:4$ P-nu Mo-'
Donalds, W:1S, d 10:00 p. m. ms
From the West. 1 1:50, d 6:00; a. m., 3:0a. asM ,
p. m. Dennlsow 9:33 a.m. Steubenville, 5:05 p. nv
Wheeling, 1:50, 8:45a.m., 3.-05, 5:58 p.m. Bargetts-i
cown, ?:ida. m.,nvnxa.m. irssuuiKwn, iiiaa.
9:55 a. m 2:35, 630 p. m. ManMeld, 3:38,, 9s6;
a. nu, izHsas:aianaiu:iwp. m. cuiger, i.nup.m.
d dally; S Sunday only; other trains, excexf
ounoay. t
;t' 1