THE- PITTSBTJRG- DISPATCH, -TUESDXY, - EEBRUAB-Yaae,3 1889.1 of wy MAYOR HIT By Chief Brown, Who Says He Jfisstates the Tracts. . A GBEAT EOSE EXHIBITION In Which the Chief Yells Eureka ' With the Effect of a Climax. HARKING AM TWAINtNS DASCES, And All on Account of That Eeccnt Be Downed Masked BalT. EQuTBREL HILL ELECTRIC 10AD 0. K. The election being over, proceedings in Councils "were so dull at the opening yester jlsy that the chambers most of the time had much to remind one of opium joints at 7 o'clock A. M. The matter that attracted most attention was the appropriation bill. Host people craned their necks as the clock showed a quarter past convening time, and Mr. Ferguson predicted that his throat would be rasped, as he thought it would come in at the last moment and must be swallowed without trimming, bat it didn't come. At 2:25 a quorum was short by four members, but two minutes' sharp scratching got them. Ihe first' thing that roused attention in Select Council was a report from Chief of Department ofJublic Safety Brown, giving the information asked regarding the pur chase of hose during last year. The report characterise&.someofthe statements of the Mayor as Incorrect, as inspection will show: Pittsburg, February 21, 18S9. To tbe President and Members of Select Council: Gejttlemex In answer to your resolution of February 11, 1889, in reference to the hose. I beg leave to say that during tbe year 1SSS this department purchased 6,000 feet of three-inch hose. This was purchased on April 20. 1SS8, in compliance with advertisement and proposals made therefor by the Department of Awards, at which time there were but two bids, that of tbe Eureka Hose Company for three-inch circular seamless multiple rubber-lined cotton hose, made of the best Gulf cotton, three inches in diameter, with standard fire depart ment couplings attached. The bid of the said Eureka Hose Company was $1 10 per foot. A CHANCE TO JUDGE. At the same time the Department of Awards received a bid from H. L. Childs & Co. for and on behalf of the Baker Fabric Fire Hose Com pany, of tbe city of New York, their bid being $1 20 per foot. The original samples are here with submitted to your honorable body. I also hereto attach and make part of this re port a detailed statement of the number of feet of hose now owned by the department per company, showinc the number of feet in good, fair and worn out condition. The usual cuarantee' of the Eureka Hose Company Is for a term of five years. That of the Baker Hose Company, H. L. Childs & Co., agents, being for a term of SS months. The hose purchased for the department dur ing my term has given, so far, perfect satis faction An actual test demonstrated that the 3-inch hose would throw 40 percent more water than the 2-mch hose; that the strain upon the machinery is much less; and it is my desire, as hose may be needed from time to time in the future, to equip the bureau with 3-inch hose instead of 2K-inch. I would respectfully ask your personal examination of the two samples submitted. Tbe Eureka hose is submitted without the rubber nlngsoas. to show the construction, etc. TbU' the Baker has tbe rubber lining inserted. I further desire to state that the statement made by His Honor, the Mayor, in a recent communication to your honorable bodies in re lation to the fire hose, is, so far as the depart ment is concerned, a misstatement of facts. The exact amount of money expended for hose during the year 18SS was $6,600, as appears of record in the Controller's office. For what may have been done by the Board of Fire Commissioners previous to my admin istration I am in no way responsible; but I pre sume, from the character and standing of the gentlemen constituting the Fire Commission, the money at their disposal was judiciously ex pended. Respectfully yours. J. O. Brown, Chief of the Department ot Public Saiety. DOTV3T TO DETAILS. Pittsburg, February 23, 18S9. To J. O. Brown, Esq., 'Chief of Department or Public Safety: Dear Bnt I herewith attach statement of hose per company, showinc number of feet and condition thereof, a recapitulation of which is as follows: feet. In good condition.,. 16,100 In fair condition.'. 7,400 In worn-out condition 10,750 ,0 Tbe territorial extent of the city of Pitts burg being something like 29 square miles, water plugs in many parts of the city being a great distance apart, it is often necessary at fires to use more than 1,000 feet. In order to secure sufficient water there should be at least 2,400 feet of rood hose in every engine house in the city. This would re quire 40,800 feet of hose. Very respectfully submitted, E. De IiAssrs, Chief Clerk Bureau of Fire. BOSS FZB COUP ANT. No. of Co. : I 1,000 3,000 3,000 1,000 700 1,700 4,700 3,900 2,300 2,200 2,450 2,650 2.300 1.950 2,450 2,800 2,330 2,500 2,450 2,000 2,000 200 MO 500 700 650 1,700 X 4 s 7 1,300 1,250 40 150 400 1,000 2,000 LS60 1,930 1,000 400 2,050 10.. 11.. II.. 1J.. 14.. S00 750 100 Z.O50 1.400 1,500 2,430 15. IS. ;ooo 2,000 17 .. Homewood race track .... Center ave. reserve In Thlrty-flm ward In Twenty-seventh ward. Total 2,000 SIX) sou 700 650 ftlOOl 7,400llO,750;-H,50 The report also includes a tabulated state ment of the work done by Engine Company 2o. 2, showing that the" company was in service 903 hours and 43 minutes; and a tatement showing that irom 1878 to 1888 company No. 2 had burst 92 sections of hose. , Dr. Evans called attention to the fact that the report was deficient in that, while stating that the Eureka guaranteed its hose for five years, Council was informed that from 6,000 to 10,000 feet were bought each year, bnt nothing was said as to what be came of an evident accumulation, or loss, or something else. TBE COMMISSION JLND ITS HEIR. Mr. Robertson defended Mr. Brown and bis report, stating that he was not obliged to go beyond the life of bis department Mr. Evans The Chief is the legal heir of tbe Fire Commission. I know by 10 or 12 years' experience that we have been buying tbe amount of hose I stated, and I would like to know what has become of it. lam curious to know, and so are others, what be comes of hose guaranteed for five years, and I think the Chief ought to learn irom Chief Evans on the subject. The report was received and filed, and no probing suggestions were entertained, A vast amount of street opening and other ordinances were put through finally in bundles, and then there was. an awaken ing caused by the ordinance' lo regulate balls, masked balls, Yellow Dog and Mark Twain Eod and Gun Club socials, etc It required that the Department of Public Safety have three days' time to enable it to judge of the character of such entertain ments and that all balls pay a fee of 525 for each 24 hours of their' existence, fine and imprisonment to follow infractions. Sir. McKee raised the point that a corpo ration could not be imprisoned, and that the ordinance to be effective must make the parties representing the corporation fineable and imprisonable, and he offered an amend ment to that effect. Mr. Lambie further offered to amend M r. McKee that $25 fee should be charged for masked and but 55 for other balls. Mr. Skelton wanted an ordinance that would not permit masked balls at all. He wanted to avoid even the appearance of evil. He was opposed to .all bails, as officers could not be depended on to do their duty. He denounced the license provision as blood money. City officials were in attend ance at the Mark Twain Eod and Gun Club ball lending their sanction. Mr. Robertson interrupted tosay that Mr. Skelton stopped short of the logical conclu sion and wanted to know why he allowed license of any kind, and Mr. Skelton said that he would not if he had the power. Mr. Bobertson concluded by offering .an amend ment that the provision should not applyNto purely social affairs. ONE SEASON FOE IT. Dr. Evans thought the ordinance a good thing, but he could not understand why the police could not have suppressed the disor der at the M. T. K. & G. ball. Mr. Sullivan came back with the argu ment of like priest, like people. He under stood that the conduct of city officials at the ball in question was fully as disgraceful as that of other people present. He would have no masked balls at all. The organiza tion in question could pay $500 license as easily as some poor young men could pay f5 for innocent relaxation ot this Kind. Mr. Kobertson defended the ordinance on the ground that it placed responsibility for such things on a department thai could be reached. Mr. McKee's amendment was defeated by a vote of 11 to 11, so that it left the Stand ard Oil Companv liable to imprisonment it if held a ball without a license and refused to pav its fine. Mr. Lambie pressed bis amendment and' ucmanueu me ayes anu noes, buyiuy, 11c wanted to know who were and who were not in favor or morality. This raised quite an animated protest,' as Mr. Sullivan coupled houses of ill-fame in connection, and both Mr. Skelton and Mr. Getty took exceptions, though not exactly assigning the same rea sons. Mr. Lambie's amendment was de feated, 15 to 11. Mr. Bobertson next offered an amendment that the ordinance should not apply to private or charity balls, the authority designated to be the judge of the character of the entertainment proposed. Mr. Lambie offered an amendment to the amendment to exclude masked balls. The amendment prevailed, 15 to 12, Mr. Sullivan voting lor it. Mr. Frew next came in with an amend ment to strike out everything relative to masked balls, and also to strike out the provision requiring a license of $25, leaving the matter simply under the control of the Board of Public Safety. This brought out Mr. Getty .in full strength. In the first place, he gave the city officials a bill of moral health, and said politicians were obliged to attend such balls or get left. They will go to church or to the masked ball to get votes. Said he: "I would have been there if I deemed it necessary in my canvass. In well-regulated families daughters do not ask to be allowed to go to balls where they will be marked and twained (contaminated). AS TO POLICE SUPERVISION. Dr. Evans held there should be police su pervision of public balls and people who want them should pay for it, and Mr. Hollands and several other people assured him that at present they were required to do so. Mr. Bobertson moved an amendment to the amendment making the fee $5 instead of $25, but his amendment was voted down. Mr. Getty came to the fore again and told what good times he and the other old boys had in their youth when they took their sweethearts to masked balls 20 and 25 years ago, and demanded that the youth of the present day should be allowed equal privi leges with their progenitors. Mr. Frew finally called for the ayes and noes on his amendment, and it prevailed, 17 to 10, amid an expiring kick fromMr. Skel ton. At this juncture a motion was carried to adjourn, and as the oidinance now stands it simply gives the Board of Public Safety control, and thus places the responsibility, should it pass. A special meeting of Select Council is called for to-morrow afternoon to clear the desks of last year's business. The financial report of the Department of Public Safety for the month of January was presented and adopted: Police Bureau Expended, $29,736 68: balance in appropriation February 1. $18,580 78. Fire Bureau Expended, 28,453 24; balance In ap propriation, $11,104 65. Bureau of Electricity Expended, $1,218 19: balance in appropriation, $1 SO. Bureau of Health Expended, $5,553 32; balance in appropriation, S735 S3. Buildimr In spectorExpended, $681 74: balance, $321 74. Bureau of Plumbing Expended, $397 SO; bal ance, $627 2a General office Expended,$900 91; balance, $17 50. General appropriation Ex pended, $66,604 84; balance in appropriation. $3LSS 15. In Common Council on the call of the wards Mr. Binder presented an ordinance for relocating Industry street This was the only paper presented and was the one thousand one hundredth that has been con sidered in Common Council during the present term. On consideration of the ordinance giving the East End Electric Light Company right to erect poles and string wires, Mr. Fereu son raised the point that Councils could not give the right to erect Doles on the side walks, but the ordinance was passed by a vote of 24 yeas to Mr. Ferguson's no. ANOTHER ENGINE HOUSE. Mr. Bigham called up the ordinance for the purchase of a lot in the Thirty-second ward for an engine bouse, not to cost more than $2,200. President Halliday (Mr. Big bam in the chair) moved to amend by pro viding that the lot shall be at or near the line of tbe Thirty-fifth ward. The amend ment was agreed to and the ordinance was laid over for printing. Mr. "Wightman called up the ordinance giving the Squirrel Hill Bailroad the right ot way, ana motrea to amend by providing that the road shall start from'Forbes and Boqnet streets instead of Fifth avenue and Boquet street, and shall be completed in 12 months instead of 18 months. The amend ments were agreed to, and the ordinance went over for printing. Mr. Magee presented petitions from a number of business men, asking for the re peal of the business tax. Referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Magee, from the special Committee on Legislation, returned the Stewart grade crossing bill, now pending at Harrisburg, with amendments, which provide that in stead of the city and railroads dividing equally the cost ot making crossings not at crade, the cost shall be divided by three disinterested persons, when such crossings are at streets already opened, or at streets which have been plotted at grade. ' Mr. Bigham moved to postpone until the hill could be printed for the use of Councils, which motion prevailed. Mr. Wightman called up the Squirrel Hill Bailroad ordinance, and, after recon sidering the provision which changed the time of completion from 18 months to 12 months, the ordinance was passed finally. Colgate Si Co.'a Demulcent Shaving Sonp Contains ingredients for cooling the skin and softening the beard never before successfully used. Try Them Now. Don't fail to try Mrs. Harrison's Inaugu ration cookies, Marvin's newest production, and one of tbe daintiest, most delicious cakes in existence. tts Secnro Yonr SlccpIng-Car Aecominodntlons for tbe Inauguration Via Baltimor and Ohio Bailroad at office, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pitts burg, Pa, BMEO PAPERS GONE. A Startling Situation in the Penney Case' for False Arrest WHERE DID THE DOCUMENTS GO? The Suit Called for Trial in Court This Horning. SHOT TOWER AflAIN, AND COUBTLETS. That Murdoch (10,000 bunco case and its attendant litigation never will 'down, it seems. It has yielded several sensational developments; and now it produces an other. The .suit of Dr. Penney, who, thoughtarrested as a conspirator to the Mur doch robbery, was clearly acquitted, is to be called in court this morning. It is an action against Mr. Murdoch and Detectives Perkins, Anderson and Todd, for $30,000 damages for false arrest. The papers in the case are deemed very important Yesterday Attorney Price, for Dr. Penney, applied to the Clerk of Courts for the orig inal information, warrant and commitment under which the doctor was thrown Into jail. Clerk Long searched for them, but reported that these papers were not to be found anions bis archives. The prosecution was referred to Alderman Cassidy as likely to be in possession of these legal documents, so essential in convincing a jury just how the al leged false arrest was made. But Br. Penney says the Magistrate has not got and could not get these papers from court without giving his receipt therefor. They were legal records in the trials of the Barnett and Penney cases in Criminal Court, and nobody but those directly interested in these or attendant trials could legitimately have access to them. ' This loss was kept very quiet yesterday, but it may be again heard from again before the trial is ended. To-Daj's Trial List. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs John IT.Haiges, D. C. Tracey. Fred Young. E.W. Jackson, J. E. Gatchell, John Schrodel, An drew Harcum (3), John Traf t, Andrew Qulgley et al, Charles Finger, Charles Price et at Peter Young, Bridget Welsh, Rose Sullivan. Sadie Ltghtner, Julius Schott, Jr., Jennie Dur nin, Anton Kohler, James L. Waddle, G. Shortman. Fritz Wlnkelf oos, Gottfried Meyer, Andrew Flack. Ellen McGrael, August Hoi ley, PatrickGoldcn, Frederick Dennis, Hannah ClockholkcCaroline Kauffman,Mark Wishart, Christ Rente, Eph Ballitte, 11 N. Cochrane. John Stoughton, George Graft et al, Michael Trunzler etaL W. H. Freeborn, Ella Findley. Common Pleas No. 1 Hern, executor, vs Hern; Gardner vs Ferguson; Rea & Co. vs Gourley et al; Penny vs Anderson et al; Hunts man & Co. vs Wilson; livers, administrator, vs Smith & Co.; Trussel lk Co. vs. Republic Iron Works; Kopper vs. Oliver & Roberts Wire Company; Glockner vs Nam et al; Scbaefer vs Naur et al: Leubbe & Bro. vs. Grasser et al (2): Linhart, Bald 4 Co. vs. Boyle; Lupton & Co. vs Ewart & Co. Common Pleas No. 2 Koenig or King vs Chartiers Valley Gas Company; Corcoran vs Chess, Cook 4 Co.; Zimmerman vsNuttall et aL Llnes'from Legnl Quarters. This Crawford Bawmilf and Lumber Com pany yesterday entered suit against H. W. Ahlers & Co. for 1,007 81 for lumber sold to the latter. An inventory and appraisement of the per sonal estate of Caroline Blumer, late of this citv. was filed yesterday. The estate is valued at $151,789 65. On motion of Messrs. Knox & Reed yester day S. E. Moore and L. C. Phipps were ap pointed trustees to bold certain mortgages and bonds in trust for Carnegie, Fhipps & Co. John Kleppneb, a Penn avenue saloon keeper, was tried in the Criminal Court yester day for selling liquor on Sunday and sellinc to a man of known intemperate habits. ,Tne jury is out The suit of Nicholas Koenig and Henry Flath, executors of John Koenig, deceased, against she Chartiers Valley Gas Company, for damacea for arirht of way taken throuch the property" belonging to Koenig's estate, is on trial before Judge Ewing. An inquisition on the sanity of Martha Neely, of Coraopolis, was held yesterday by Judge Stowe, on petition of W. C. Neely, her brother. Miss Neely is 6U years of age, and she was declared a lunatic, having been de mented for over 40 years. She has no estate. Alexander Callow was yesterday ap pointed assistant stenographer of Common Pleas, No. 1, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of George B Llppincott. Tbe appoint ment takes effect March 1. Mr. Callow is lit present in tho law office of Messrs. Dalzell, Scott & Gordon. An old gentleman named Hull, who resides in Lawrenceville and who is serving as a juror m tho Common Pleas Court, while coming down the main stairway at the Court House yesterday afternoon, slipped andfell and struck his head on the stone floor. An ugly gash was cut above his eye. from which there was a copious flow of blood. An old suit was tried before Judge Slagle yesterday. Mrs. Elizabeth Weaver sued her son-in-law, Adam Schueler, to recover wages as housekeeper. She stated that upon the death oi her daughter (Schueler's wife) she went to live with bchneler and kept house for him. When she asked for pay he refused, and suit was brought. A verdict was rendered In favor of Mrs. Weaver for $154 60. The "shot tower" case against William G. Price & Co., the foundrymen, is not yet con cluded. Another suit in the matter was en tered yesterday by Mrs. Elizabeth Grantz against tbe firm. Mrs. Grantz claims $20,000 damages for the injury she sustained by lead poisoning resulting from tbe particles of arse nic that permeated tbe atmosphere from the shot tower. The first suit was brought byber husband, George Grantz, who, in the second trial ot the case, after having taken it to the Supreme Court, received a verdict for JTCKJ damages. Merit, Like Mnrdcr, Will Out. Why is it that all the leading actors and actresses while in Pittsburg have Dr. Charles Scott attend to their' teeth? The answer is very plain. His fillings are beautiful works ot art, and they never come out. To those who have not seen his fine work, we would say, visit his offices at 634 Fenn avenue, opposite Horne'B, and you will be convinced. His rooms are always crowded with patients, and in conversation with several, we discovered that they had had their teeth filled by other dentists, who bear good reputations, and the fillings came oat. and not until Dr. Scott did their work had they received any permanent satis faction. The China Store. If we may judge from the. expressions of approval and delight we hare heard on all sides, our store is already a success. If you have not yet been to see us, don't fail to do so at once. We have much to show you, and you will go away just as delighted as our other friends. We have not time to tell you of half the pretty things we have, but when you call will make time to talk to you. Fbench, Kendeick & Co., Opposite City Hall. The Famous Cable Line. Everybody is buying Cable Line cakes. They are splendid. You should try them. Your grocer keeps them. xrs Boys' Shirt Wnlst Opening This week. All the newest things ready at Home & Ward's, 41 Fifth ave. tt Wall Paper. Prices the very lowest. d John S. Eobebts, 414 Wood st. DIEETTNGb. PlTTSBCKG AND LAKE EBIE ) Eailboad Company, J January 24, lssffc ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT a regular meeting of the directors of the Pittsburg "and Lake Erie Railroad Com pany, held January 22, 18S9, it was unanimously resolved that a special meet ing of the stockholders of said company be held at the office of said companv in the citv of Youngstown, State of Ohio, on FEBRUARY 20, 18S9, at 10 o'clock A.K., to consider tbe advisa bility of increasing the capital stock of said company to $4000,000, and also to consider the advisability of increasing the bonded debt of said company from 32,000,000 to $4,000,000, and issuing the bonds of tbe company, secured by a second mortrare. therefor. JOHN G. ROB- .INSON, Secretary. ia24-38-Tu xyVlsplay advertitancntt one dollar par iguare for-one insertion. Classified advertise mentt on this page such as Wanted, Ibr Sale, lb Let, eta, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with TBI MS- riTCa. prrrsBUEG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY", 3S09 Butler atreet. EillL G. STUCKET, S4th street and Tenn ave. E. G. BTUCKEYiCO., Wylleave. and Knit on St. M. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST XJTD. 1. Vf. WALLACE, 6121 Perm avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTElt & 8HE1BLER, 5th ar. & AtWOOd St. sotrrnsiDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAB. BCHWABM, 1707 Csrson strest. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAFECHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIUE, Federal and Ohio streets. FEED H. EGGEK3. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SOU, Ohio and Chestnut tts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENEY, Western and Irwin avej. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEBEY M. QLEIM. Behecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED-HELP. lisle Belo: w ANTED-UPHOLSTEBEESt AT A. EDL1S A vw.. an jjioenj at. leo-oo -TTTANTED-COACHMAN FOE LIVEEY. AP YV PLY T. B. MOBELAND. 6H Penn ave. fcO-81 WANTED-A BABBEB;MUSTBEASTEADY man. Apply to WM. MYEB3, 4606 Liberty avenue. fe26-72 -TUTANTED-IO AGENTS-SALAEY 115 PEK VV week or commission. Call at once, P1TTS BtJBG BROMIDE CO., 31 Smlthfield St. fcM-SI WANTEU-A BOY TO LEAEN THE B AEBEB trade: one with experience preferred. Call at P. J. BOYLAN, 27 Grant avo.f Bennett. fe26-93 WANTED-A SALESMAN AND MANAGEP. for a new carpet department starting. Address CABPET DEPABTMENT, Dispatch office. . fcfc-75 WANTED-SEVERAL AGENTS IN ALLE GHENY county. For particulars apply room No. 5, 1036 PENN ATE., second floor, from 9 A. M. tol2M. fe26-&3 TTrANTED-BOOK CANVASSEE3 FOE OTJK VV great prohibition work; a bonanza for this spring; write for our extra inducements. E. GATELY & CO., 10 and 12 Sixth st. fe2ff-73 WANTED -A TBAVELING SALESMAN; one that Is well acquainted with the sur rounding dry goods trade: call with reference at D. EOSENTHAL'S, 37 Wylle ave., city. fe26-85 WANTED-A FIBST-CLASS BBEAD AND cake baker; must be steady man. EOBT. MOEEOW & CO., Woodland avenue and McDon ald street, Eleventh ward, Allegheny. fe26-41 ANTED-ASMABT YOUNG MAN HAV- ING a knowledge or bookkeeping and stenography. Address, giving age, experience and reference to H. D. T., Dispatch office. fe26-43 WANTED-A FEW MOEE KOD BIPPEBS and wire drawers at wire mill, Kankln station, l'a., on B. & O. and P., McK. & Y-B. K.. outalde city limits. Apply to SUPEEIN TENDENT. fe23-74 WANTED-MEN OF ABILITY AND GOOD address to Interview tbe merchants of Alle gheny county on a matter In which they are Inter ested. For particulars inquire at room 604, HAM ILTON BUILDING. feO-52 WANTED-AGENT JfOE PITTSBUBG, FOE entirely new cUbs of advertising signs; good commission or salary: references required. Address VAN EPPS & POULSEN, 162 W. Fifth St., Cincinnati, O. fe2S-36 WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: girts with goods: coke workers, miners or mlllmen can mskemoney in their spare tlme.c'AMASHlKO TEA CO., 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. Ja2S-85-TTS VTTANTED-AGENTS IN THIS CITY AND V outside towns to sell Dr. O'Keefe's pills and hitters; steady work; can make S12 to SIS per week. DE. O'KEEFEi CO., Homeopathic Chemists, 31 Fifth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. fe26-84 WANTED-BEL1ABLELOCAL AND TBAV ELING salesmen; positions permanent; special Inducements now: last selling specialties; don't delay; salary from start. BBO WN BEOS., Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. feMO-TTR -TTTANTED-YOUNG MAN WITH KNOWL VV EDGE of bookkeeping as partner In an es tablished and growlng.busiuess; present owner desirous of adding additional line of goods to bus iness: best of references given and required: capi tel desired from (4,000 to 6,000, AdressM. G. & T.. Dispatch office. fe22-22 Fcmnlo HelD. WANTED-A GOOD DINING 'BOOM GIBL at restaurant. NO. 156.FIFTH AYE., 1'ltts burg. , 1CS6-94 -YTTANTED-ONE GOOD, EXPEEIENCED YY dining room girl at BOLEY'S HOTEL, tl to 33 Diamond, city. feK-85 WANTED-A GOOD, EELIABLE GIBL FOE general housework: small family and good wages; referenees required. Call or address 6816 PEN N AVEN UE. f e26-99 Ulnle and Female IIcId. WANTED-LIVE MEN AND WOMEN TO engage in an easy, paying business at home: can work daytime or evening and mate EOc to (2 per hour; sure thing: sample and complete Instructions sent free. Address WORLD SUP PLY CO., Eutland, Vt. fe25-l WANTED-AT ONCE-COL. BOY, FARM hands, nursery governess, cooks, house and chamber maids, dining room and kitchen Slrls. storeroom girl; experienced nurse girl. lEEHAN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 545 Grant st. -1 fe25-9-D -TTTANTED-AGENTS ON SALABY; S75 PEE V month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses In ad vance; mil particulars and sample case free, we mean "lust what we say. Address STANDARD 8ILVEKWAKECO., Boston, Mass. felS-3-D WANTED-SITPATIOKS. TTANTED-BY AN EXPEEIENCED LADY, VV who can give and exchange references. & situation as housekeeper. Address C. 11.. Dis patch office. fe26-S4 TTJANTED-SITUATION AS FLOBIST OETO V take charge of greenhouse, nursery or fruit farm; good references. Address C J., 350,'j Mad ison avenue, Allegheny. le26-44 -TSTANTED-SITUATION BY YOUNG MAN 20 T years of age, who Is willing to work. In wholesale or retail grocery; reference given. Ad dress GBOCEEY, Dispatch office, fe26-42 WANTED-A SITUATION AS SALESMAN or manager; book and stationery bust-, ness preferred: full experience: can command good trade. Address U., care of Geo. B. Splane, Fifth avenne and Smllhfleld. fe26-34 WANTED-PARTNERS. TT7"ANTED-A PABTNEB: KOOWILL BUY A V V half interest In one of the largest and best established and: paying businesses of Its kind In Western Pennsylvania, located In heart of busi ness center in Pittsburg; trade the most refined and elegant; business strictly cash; the price is nothing compared to busraess done and profits re ceived therefrom; only tbose who are willing to become helpmates and mean strictly business need apply lor particulars to CASH BUS., Dispatch office. fe2W7. WANTED-ROOJIS. HOUSES. -rrrANTED-TO BENT-HOUSE ABOUT FIVE VV rooms; natural gas: for family of two, In city. Oakland, or near suburbs; state lowest rent. Address M. T., Dispatch office. fe2G-33 -TTTANTED-TO RENT-NEWLY FURNISHED V V hall for lodge purposes, complete In all de tails, with electric lights and steam heat; one to five years' lease; over Third National Bank, cor, Wood and Virgin alley. Inquire COMMITTEE, 910 Penn ave. feO-60 WANTED BOARDERS AND LODGERS. -T-fANTED OCCUPANTS FOR PARLOUS T V facing park, with or without board. Apply at No. M MONTGOMERY. AYE., Allegheny. fe26-73 WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED-MOETGAGE3 ON CITY PROP ERTY, over JROOO; 4K per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVJJB&CO., 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D TTrANTEI,-KES,TS COLLECTED PBOM1T- VV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. lalWl WANTED-TO LOAN S500,C0O. IN AMOUNTS of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on H percent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at S and 8 per cent. BLACK; BAIKD, 85 Fourth avenue. se21-d2s-D WANTED-TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MORT GAGES; (100 and upward at 6 per cent; (500,000 at 4M per cent on residences or business nroDerl taiso in aujoi-iing counties. 8. H. PBEN CH, VIA Fourth avenue. 0C31-e84-D rrjANTED-MOKTGAGES-Jl, 000, 000TO LOAN VV on city and suburban properties at 4K Sand E per cent, and on larms In. Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania..!. M. PENNOCK 4 SON, 103 XUUUU BVGUUCt RP7-I41 -TTTAhTED-HOUSES TO BENT, BENTS TO VV collect, prompt returns, monthly settle ments, itemized statements with check; insurance and repairs attended to. thus relieving landlords of all annoyances and losses connected with the management of their property: also mortgages irom loco to any amount in Keeping with location and value or property and no delay, if title be good. J.DEaMliT,)7Grantit, fta-33-rrs WANTED-FINANCIAL. TTTANTED-BENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- VV LY settlement with Itemized statement.. BLACK & BAIBD, Fourth avenue. sS-a2D-D WANTED-MOBTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4K, & and I per cent. QBAEBING &XYON, 1 Fourth ave. ap6-e:-P TTANTED-TO LOAN 155,000 ON CITY PBOP VV EKTY at 5 and 6 per cent. In sums to suit. D. P. THOMAS & CO.'. No. 40S Grant street. ielO-51-EOD i WANTED-ansOELLANEOUS. WANTED GOOD FIBE-PEOOF SAFE; must be about 16x31x46 Inside. Address, giv ing price, BOX 465, P. O., Pittsburg, Pa. felS-fcl WANTED-MANUFACTUBEE3 AND OTH EES seeking locations should communicate with M. V. EICHAEDs, LandlAgent, B. ft O. B. B., Baltimore, Md. fe21-81-TTBSU "YTTANIED PUPILS TO LEAKN TO MAKE V V crayons at Oc a lesson. Inquire for partic ulars of L. 1). BEST, Artist, at Elite Gallery, S16 Market St., Pitts. Choose your own subject. f C25-21 XITANTED-BY PEAKSON, LEADING PHO VV TOUKAPHEE, 96 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he ls.maklng fine cabinets at 160 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan-, taneons process. ' mhl3-k27 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. FOE SALE-I2.500-2-8TOBY BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms: all conveniences; Devllllers St.; easy terms, w. W. MCNEIL ft BRO., 162 Fourth are. re20-18-MIWTB FOE SALE-(W)-ll PEE CENT NET INVEST MENT, Eighth ward, city; 8 minutes' walk from Court House; 2-story mansard brick dwell ing. S rooms, gas, water, etc: price, S2.3S0; easy terms; owner must sell. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe26-79-TT Eoat End Residence. FOB 8ALE-CENTEB, NEAR AIKEN AVE., new house, late style; well planned and built (10 rooms): late improvements; Just finished. W. A. HEREON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe21-84-TTS FORSALE-ATWO-STOBYBB1CK DWELL IN G house, with Mansard, on South Hlland ave.; 12 rooms and all conveniences; good sewer age. For terms apply to D. E. BATARD. cor. Shady lane and Walput it. re21-53 FOR SALE-AT 112,000, IF SOLD BY MABCH 1 a desirable South Hlland avenue property; new house, 9 rooms, complete to the smallest de tails; large lot: terms reasonable. TV. A. HEE BON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe26-31 FOE SALE-S4.000 WILL BUY A NICE HOME in the East End, and near the cable and rail road, 6 rooms, bath, natural gas and large lot; terms reasonable; call at office and see photo. BLACK ft BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. fe26-S8-TT8 FOE8ALE-2-STOEYFBAME SLATE EOOF dwelling in East End. near station; City water auu&aa, uaiu auu au conveniences; tueneannin pauor; natural gas; SLOX); payments to suit. 1U' quire aiumtia & Xli , 106 Fourth avenue.. fe26-3S-I0D FOB SALE-118,000; ONLY 3 MINUTES' OF bhsdyside station, a desirable residence, good style; 10 rooms; late Improvements; beauti fully located; lot 70xJ00 ft., fronting 2 streets, on Cuter avenue, in the midst of line residences. Vf. A. HEBBON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. re21-84-TTS front; one square from Penn avenue cable line on Negley avenue: price 88,700: sublect to street im provements. MELLON BEOS, 8349 Station St., E. Liberty. . fe23-27-Tusu FOR SALE-S3,aXWU3T ONE MIN UTE FROM t lfth avenue cable cars; on a good street and convenient to E. E. statlon-a pretty frame dwell ing of 6 rooms, ball and vestibule, nat. and art. gas, water, screens for windows and doors, front yard-choice location and special bargain. BLACK ft BAIBD, 95 Fourth avenue. feC-49-D FOR SALE-WK CAN SELL YOU AN EAST END residence for 8500 cash, and wlU make payments on balance like rent; this Is a brick dwelling situated on Sonth Hlland ave., and on line of new cable cars; has every modern con venience, and will be sold, If taken at once, very cheap. BLACK ft BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. fe6-52-8,8,9,12,H,16,19,21,23,28,28 OE SALE-S4,250 WILL BUY A MEADOW street dwelling of 8 rooms, nicely arranged; hall vestibule, laundry in cellar, front and back porches, range, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural ajd artificial gas, slate mantels and nice chandelleTs; this Is only 6 minutes' from Liberty station. BLACK ft BALED, 93 Fourth avenue. fc6-49-D FOR SALE-CENTER AVE, NEAR ROUP station, handsome new Queen Anne brick dwelling, 12 rooms, reception hall, nice pantry, range, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, house wired for electric lights, lnsido w, c slate roof, large porches, 13-lncn walls, good sewers: lotSOx 150 feet; convenient to both cable lines and P. E. E. ; one of the most desirable residences In the E. E.; price only (11.000; terms to suit. BLACK ft BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. fe21-97-D FOR SALE-t5.600-IF SOLD AT ONCE-ONE of the best locations In Oakland; a new modern style brick dwelling of 8 rooms, halL, vestibule, bath, two inside w. c.'s, stationary washetand, pantry between kitchen and dining room, laundry, cemented cellar, sliding doors and Inside shutters; beautiful slate mantels and tile hearths: fine front and back porches; also, front and back stairs: bouse papered throughout in the most artistic manner: good sewerage, iron fence, cement walks, etc BLACK ft JlAlED. 95 Fourth avenue. fe22-33-TTFB Allesheny Residences. FOR SALE-ON CEDAR AVE., ALLEGHENY CITY, brick house ori2rooms; lot 20x155 ft., with stable; price low and terms easy. W. A. HEBBON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe26-92 FOE SALE-fi750 (FOE A FEW DAYS ONLY), buys 5-room brick on paved street near P. V. ears. Second ward. Allegheny; a bargain. liAL TENSPEBGER& WILLIAMS, lMFonrthave. fe23-82 FOR SALE-ON EASY PAYMENTS, FOUR new, 6-room bouses, with bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas; lot 38x100. or larger. If desired: situated on line of Perrvsvllle Ave. Elec tric road. Inquire or J. A. JIcKEE, 708 Penn ave., Penn building, room 611. Ja31-72-rrs Suburban Residence. F IOB SALE AT 1NGBAM STATION. NICE 5 roomed house and laree lot. elecantlv situ ated; terms easy. Address HOUSE, Dispatch office. fe28-76 FOE SALE-KNOXVILLE, EIGHT AT TEE MINUS of electric road and street car line, a 2-story brick of 4 rooms, slate mantels, tile hearths, city water, nat. -gas; lot 25x100; prlceonly (2,500; bargain. BLACK ft BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. fe7-l-8,9,12,14.16,S,20,22,26,2S F OB SALE-CHEAP, AND ON VEBY EASY terms, new 5-room frame dwelllne (rood stvlel: halL rjorcbes. water and both rases., at WestBellevue. P., Ft. w. AC. B. B.: a loiely home. BALTENSPEBGEB ft WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth avenue. fe2S-S2 FOR SALE-AN ELEGANT BBICK HOUSE OF 9 rooms in first-class condition; both gaits in this house, laundry and stationary wash tubs. w. c, etc. ; lot 36 feet front, 120 feet In depth to a 20 foot alley: sltimtrrt XI) South Hlland are., E. E. Inquire on the PREMISES. fezi-M-Tur F OE SALE-SUBUBBAN EESIDENCE brlck bouse of 9 rooms and finished attic bathroom, natural eas. w. c. ranee heater, etc.: 7i acres of excellent land, fruit and shade trees; convenient to the city on line of It. It. ALEX A.N DEE ft LEE, 313 Wood st. fe23-B6-TuS FOE SALE BEAUTIFUL SUBUEBAN dwelling with 3!j acres land: one minute from Edgcn,iod station. P. B. It.: 10 rooms, halls, porches, water, natural gas, carriage-bouse, good stable, lrult and shade trees In abundance: price 16,000, one-third cash, balance to suit purchaser. E. D. W1NGEN ROTH. 100 Fourth ave. fe36-5l-TT FOE SALE-TWO ACRES OF LAND AT Howard Station, P. V. and O. railroad, with fine house, containing seven rooms, water 'In kitchen, spring-house, grapery, fruit trees, etc. This beautiful place is located In what Is common ly called ForestvUle. and only about five miles Irom the city, and cost only ordinary car fare. This place will bo sold at a great sacrifice. If sold soon, or will rent tbe same reasonable. Apply soon to O. E.TOUDY, 1721 Carson street, South Side. fel9-61 FOR SALE-VEEY DESIEABLE SUBURBAN Romp, with Atahln and two aprps nf prnnnrt. I nicely laid off In walks, flowerbeds, shrubbery, etc.; on line of electric road, Pcrrysvllle ave., Al legheny: house contains 11 rooms and 1 small room, fitted up with shelving suitable for storage and clothes room, also bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas and city water, thus combining the advantages of tbe country and all con veniences of the city. Inquire of J. A. MCKEE, 70S Penn ave., Penn building, room 611. Ja31-72-TTS FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny county; the house Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there is a gopd stable and Imndsomefowl house: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from lto 5 acres of ground, at a ery moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND 1M PKOVEMKAT CO., 85 Knox avenue, Knoxvllle borough. Jal9-9 FOR SALE-LOTS. Farms. FOR SALE-CHEAP-FARM 70 ACHES, GOOD 7-room house, barn,, orchard, etc., 4 miles from Rochester; prjee 83.000; also 50 acres, bouse, barn, lrult etc., level land, 5ralleJfrom Rochester, for 82,000; ia) acres level land, 6-room bouse, barn. Orchards, etc., adjoining Beaver; must sell; price 1100 per acre. Send for big farm and exchange list N. F. HURST, Real Estate Agent Rochester, Pa. fez3-l-TTS F OR SALE-FARM; ATA BARGAIN-DAIRY and truck larm. 60 acres. Including fine two. iiury aweuing, s rooms, siauie ana springnocse; i acres In orchard, apples, pears, cherries, jnlnccs, grapes, etc.; well and spring water soft; ene-balf the property is rich bottom land: tbe whole underlaid with 9-foot vein of coal; situated on Plum Creek Branch, A. V. R. H,, one mile from Verona, Allegheny county; convenient to Pitts burg; this Is a splendid property, and will be sold heap on easy terms. Inquire MORRIS ft FLEM ING, 106 Fourth ave. fe26-33-EOD Ulnnufnclnrlng Sites. FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE-THE property bounded by Rebecca and Sturgeon trcets and South and Allegheny avenues, Alle :heny City; streets all paved and sewered: large ronclad building, with lot or machinery, etc; :ood faculties for snipping either in car-loads or ess. For particulars inquire of V, B. MCIN- :ire, 112 Grant it.. Pittsburg. torn FOR BALE-LOTS. Cast End Lota. ' Y E SALE TWO CHOICE LOTS ON STAN TON avenue, near Hlland ave.. each 40x100 leet to 20-foot alley; price reduced to 133 per foot If sold at once. BlACK ftBAIED, 95 Fourth ave. fet-49-D FOB BALE-ONE LOT IN THE MIDST OF A business location, only 2 minutes' walk from Homewood station; lot 24x100; price only (650; a bargain and will sell soon. MELLON BEOS., 639Btat!on St., East Liberty. fe23-23-TUSSa FOR SALE-THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton ave., near Hlland; situation unsurpassed: fine fruit and shade trees: price and terms reasonable. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave.. East End. Jal9-12-TTS FOR SALE-A CHEAP LOT-ONLY 8450-10 squares from Boulevard place, Torrens sta tion. Tot 81 ft. front, corner Hastings and Rey nolds streets, a bargain and will sell quickly. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. fe23-23-TuSSU FORSALE-CHOICELOTS. AT DALLAS STA TION, P. E. It., convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms, situation unsurpassed: price ranging tram 100to600. In quire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave.. East End. no28-y78-TT3 TTWJB SALE-LOTS'. LOTSI-FEANKSTOWN JD ave., Brusbton station: Bank or Commerce addition plan: no lot less than 40x140 feet to 20 foot alley; terms, 810 down and. 10 a month; cheapestlots In the market. Secure plan from JOHN F. BAX1EB, Agent, 512 Bmlthfield st. fe24-65-Tur Hnzelwood Lots. FOEHALE-83,000-HAZELWOOD, B. ft O. E. K. elegant new Queen Anne .style frame dwelling, 7 large rooms and 3 attic rooms, hall, bath, hot and cold water, sliding doors, inside shutters, nat. gas, slate mantels, etc.; lot 49x303 ft.; onlv 2 minutes' walk from Marlon station. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe26-30-TT FOB SALE-GLENWOOD, THE MOST CON VENIENT suburb or tho city; only 12 min utes by the B. ft O.; 21 trains a day each way; building lots for sale near the station at 8300, 8400, 1500, 8000, 87O0, 8KM, 1,000, according to location and size of lot; terms to suit purchasers. GEOBGE U. BUBGWIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave. fel-43-TTSSu Aneebenv Lota. F IOR SALE-82,000-LOT 33 FflET FRONT ON Taggartst. byl20fecttolrwnnave., Second ward, Allegheny, adjoining incline plane; good for business and dwellings combined. A. LEG GATE ft SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. fe23-22 FOR SALE-(99)-PARK RESIDENCE SITES; one or more lots 21x80 on North ave. ; fine op portunity to acquire choice building sites without Saying for valueless old buildings; terms to suit. AMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth ave. fe:B-63rTTS Suburban Lots. FOE SALE-ONE TO THREE ACHES OF choice, level and nicely located ground at Emsworth, P., Ft.W.&C. R. It, with or without Improvements; will be sold at a bargain. BLACK ft BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. fe7-99-8. 9. 12.14.16. 19.21, 23, 26, 23 POR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOE SALE-A GROCERY STORE IN A FINE location and doings good business: must be sold soon. Inquire of H. 0. HORENBERGHER, Hazelwood station.' fe24-28 FOR SALE-SALOON-NEW BUILDING. 12 rooms, including land;best location In Cleve land;prlce.36,000: easy terms. J. S. RICE, 236 Su perior st. Cleveland. O. , fe22-29 FOE SALE-A CIGAE STOEE WITH CON TENTS In a good situated place In Allegheny City; the proprietor moves away from the city. Inquire at 195 OHIO STREET, Allegheny City. fe26-45 FOR SALE-A RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS (an old-established stand), with good paying trade; oncof the best thoroughfares In Allegheny: stock and fixtures worth about 83,000: business about 130,000. J AS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. ., fe26-97 FOE SALE-STORES, STORES, STORES; drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea, cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, boarding houses, coal works, etc. ; 100 good city business chances for men or women. SHEPABD ft CO., H Fifth ave. Ja30 Business Stands. FOE SALE-BUSINESS SITE-OVER 100 FEET fronting on Rlveravenue, by 215 feet In depth; two-story brick tannery covering nearly the entire lot; will be sold cheap to quick buyer. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fe6-49-D FOR SALE-A COZY HOTEL IN ALLEGHEN Y containing 20 rooms, 40 regular boarders: sit uated on a good business street and in a good lo cality; this Is a rare opportunity for a live man. Apply to VT. H. WALTER, 419 Smlthfleld st. fe28-62 FOR SALE-FIFTH AVENUE, OAKLAND, between Meyran ave. and Atwood st, a nrst class business location; lot 22x127 ft. ; a good brick house of 6 rooms: a bargain Is offered If sold at once. W. A. HEREON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe24-103-MTT -pOR SALE-STORE PROPERTY-PAETY JD will sell at low price of $6,000; occupancy April 1. 1839; a fine brick store and dwelling, with frame tenement In rear; lot 20x100, Frankstown avenue. Nineteenth ward, close to station. In quire of MELLON BROS., 6349 Station st, E. E, fe24-92-TuSu FOR SALE-(99-WABEHOUSE PBOPEBTY on Church ave., near Sandusky st, Alle gheny, frontage of 40 feet on the railroad and 80 feet in depth: fine location for business requiring a railroad siding; we have sold three of these properties in this block within a year. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 90 Fourth ave. fe26-69-IT FOE SALE SMALL MANUFACTUEING property in AUegbeny, near Ohio st, front ing on two streets, laree bulldlne with engine, holler, shafting, etc. , all In good order; excellent pla:e for a laundry or light manufacturing busi ness. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., VS Fourth ate., Pittsburg. " fe23-12-TuS N. Y., at railroad station: 55 bedrooms, parlors and sitting room, large dining room, billiard room and tables, commodious kitchen, cloak rooms, barbershop, office and barroom; also a furnished cottage of 10 rooms adjoining hotel, icehouse and cooling room: large barn for livery purposes and all necessary outbuildings; over 4 acres of ground tastefully laid out with ornamental and shade trees, spacious lawn, etc., etc.; everything In per fect order and In condition to continue the busi ness In its usual prosperous state: the most profit able hotel stand on the lake: a rare cnance for tbe right man: can be bought at an Immense bargain: satisfactory reasons for selling. Fuller particu lars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 1ZS Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe23-12-Tug FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE 2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 13x22.. 1 Ball engine. 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and meatchoppers, rendering kettles, etc VELTEft MCDONALD, Penn ave., cor. Thirty-second st. Jel6-I63-ITS FOR 8ALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery; engines from 4-horse power up, boUers. flumps, etc. : call or write for prices. FAHETT ft PFALLEB, Kaber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap24-v35)-rr3 Financial. FOR SALE-MORTGAGES 1 MORTGAGES from S500, ?1,000, 1,500 and upward, bearing 6 per cent Interest approved by attorney. These mortgages are nearly all purchase money mort gages. An excellent Investment for anvbody. Apply to O. R. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street South Side. Iel9-61 Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, &c FOR SALE REGISTERED ENGLISH JlAS TIFF dog, Htaonths old. Address BOX 662, Mononpahela City. fe26-32 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library wcrth 11,000, let us know: we will bny one as quickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE; Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 PERSON AL-YOU WILL BE A LONGTIME dead, bnt a short time alive, so be up and make the best of It; see that vour wearing apparel always looks, neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, of 65 Tilth avenue, corner Wood street second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing: give him a trial. Telephone 1558. las LOST. LOST-IN NEWELL'S RESTAURANT, 101 Fifth ave, on Friday, -February 22, a slWer headed ebony cane, with naroeenzraved In full on the head; reward If left at NEWELL'S, 101 Fifth ave. " fe26-29 LOST-ON FRIDAY, A PAIR OF NEW UOLD framed glasses in an old Kornblum case; suitable reward ir left at CASHIER'S DESK in Pittsburg P. O., or COVERT'S drugstore, cor. Forty-torth and Butler sts. fe6-46 LOST -MONDAY MORNING, A LADY'S gold watch, between Ridge avenric, Alleghe ny, and Fifth avenue, Pittsburg; reward will be paid If left with J. 0. GK0GAN, Jeweler, 441 Mar ket street cor. Fifth avenue. feX-J9 AMUSEMENTS. riRAJf 1) OPERA HOU8E VJ Every Evenlnp Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. MARGARET MATHER, Supported by J. B. Stndley. To-nieht "Leah." Week March 4-JOSEPH MURPHY. fe28 HARRIS' THEATER Evcry Afternoon and Everting, TRUEIRISH HEARTS. March 4 Palmer's "Danites" Co. fe24-19-D DIJOU THEATER-TO-NIGHT t MURRAY & MURPHY. "OUR IRISH VISITORS." Next week 'The Fugitive." JjARRY ViILLIAMS' academy- To-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. GU8 HILL'S WORLD OP NOVELTIES. The Golden Boom. fe21-21 pASINOMUSE'IM- Week of February 25 Welches, Charles and Jennie; Millie Antoinette, George Derions. Ad miral Dot and others.' Admission, 10c Open from 10 A. if. until 10 p. u, U2m TO LET. City Residences. TO LET-BRICK HOUSE OF8 BOOMS, HALL, bath, both gases; good cellar; 423 Webster ave., cor. Trent sC, near Penn incline orcenter ave. cars. w. j.rKENTICE, 1003 Liberty ve. Ie28-49 rXIO LET-THAT NEABLY NEW TWO-STORY JCs, brick and Mansard roof. No. 84 Locust street city; 8 rooms, bath, natural and artificial gas; modern improvements. WM. L. SMITH. 935penn avenue. fe24-39-TFSU TO LET-HOUSE OF 10 BOOMS AND BATH, on Penn ave., near Ninth st:wUl rent to two families for light housekeeping. If so re quired. Inquire of DR. LAKE, 908 fena ave., be tween 9 and 4. fe26-90 TO LET-BRICK DWELLING HOUSE.OF 8 rooms. No. 366 Webster avenue, near Devll ller street Eleventh ward :rent onlyJH per month. Apply to ARCHIBALD WALLACE; No. 971 Lib erty st, upstairs. fe23-73 East End Residences. TO LET-No. 6200 WALNUT ST.. BETWEEN Shady and Hlland ave.. East End; ten rooms; late Improvements; in good order. W. A. HEB RON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. fe22-0-TUTSu rTIO LET-WARD ST., OAKLAND. TW L STORY, mansard, brick house; eight rooms. Including bathroom, laundry, etc Apply to C. F. JAHN, M9 Grant St., or on premises. fe287 TO LET-BBICK HOUSE 8 BOOMS. SIDE lot bath, w. c, both gasses; near Fifth ave. cable cars. BOOM 14, Schmidt 4 Friday building. Fifth ave., between 10 x. M ., and 1 r. it. fe28-98 fTW LET - SHADYSIDE DWELLINGS - ON 1 Howe, near Aiken avenue 8 rooms, (35 per mo.; also No. 713 Aiken, near Ellsworth avenue, 7 rooms, $30 per mo.: also on CLaybum St., 6 rooms and attic J00 per mo. : all have late Improvements and are desirable new houses. W. A. HEBRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ayenue. fe24-101 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-2-STOEY BBICK DWELLING: 6 rooms; gas, grates, newly papered; Third ward. Allegheny. Inquire 24 POPLAR STBEET. fe26-60 TO LET-IN ALLEGHENY. NEAE THE parks and street cars new modern brick house of 9 rooms: a first-class house in every re spect. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood St. fe23-86-Tus TO LET-ON BIDWELL STBEET, ALLE GHEN Y-Iarge, modern brick honse of 12 rooms; all latest Improvements; brick stable and carriage house. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood street. fe23-86-Tus TO LET-ON KIEKPATBICK AVENUE, A1A LEGHENY, 1 square from street cars, two brick houses of 6 rooms each; both gases, bath rooms, finished attics, halls, etc.; rental, 826 per month; water rent paid. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 wood St. fe23-86-TuS Suburban Residences. TO LET-AT EVEEGBEEN, TWO HOUSES OF 10 and 12 rooms, with three and four acres of ground: Immediate possession. ALEXANDER LEE, 313 Wood St. fe23-86-TuS TO LET-A SUBUEBAN EE3IDEN CE-BE1CK house of 9 .rooms and 2 finished attic rooms, bathroom, natural gas. etc. ; VA acres land, shade and fruit trees, etc. ALEXANDER 4 LEE. 313 Wood st. fe23-86-TuS Apartments. TO LET-CHOICE BOOMS BEN VENUE, P. E. B., with or without board. BLACK 4 BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. fe22-34-D T iO LET-ONE FLOOR OF NICE APART MENTS, suitable for light housekeeping, to small famUy only. Apply to J. G. MORROW, Shoe Store, 2S9 Ohio st, Allegheny. fe26-65 Offices, Desk Room, ifcc. TO LET-LARGE TRONT ROOM, SECOND floor. 518 Smlthfleld St., opposite City Hall and adjoining Dnquesne Hotel, with chairs, desk, etc. MORRIS 4 FLEMING, 106 Fourth ave. de4d-63-TTS TO LET-IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfleld, Liberty ami Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. " JaS-32-D JTIO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING JL rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave. and Wood street; also warehouse and basement No. 213 Wood st. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st JalS-M mO LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. JL The Germanla Savings Bank, 423 Wood st, having changed the Interior of Its building by adding 15 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a flno location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D Business Stands. TO LET-BUSINESS' STAND ON SMITH FIELD street; best location in the city; ac cessible by all car lines. Apply to 619 SMITH FIELD STBEET. fe24-29 TO LET-FINE STOREROOM, 287 OHIO ST., Allegheny, with plate glass front: first-class business location; at present occupied as confec tionery. Apply to J. H. AIKEN, 100 Fifth ave nue. fel4-83-D TO LET-A FIRST-CLASS EUROPEAN STYLE dining haU for meals only, will find the best location with prosoect of certain success. In the city of Canton, O. Address A. B., Canton, Ohio. . fe26-37 TO LET-10-ROOMDWELLtNG AND STABLE on Fourth avenne. near Smlthfleld st. ;a portion of It Is well adapted for offices, and the remainder for boarders and lodgers. C U. LOVE, 93 Fourth avenue. fe26-66-TT TO LET-THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the 'White House, at Perrysvllle, on the PerrysvlUe plankroad, with 21 acres of land, good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every tblngln first-class order: long lease Is given to the right party. For further Information call or ad dress THEDANNER MEDICINE CO., 242Federal st.. Allegheny City. fe2-l5 Special. T O LET-OUR "TO LET" LIST, A3 HERETO FOEE Issued from our office, is now nub- Ushed every Wednesday and Saturday (without expense to landlords) In The Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. fe22-14-MTTF OFFICIALP1TTSBURG. TO JOB PRINTERS-SEALED PROPO SALS will be received up until March 5, 1889, at 3 o'clock P.- Jr.. for the printing and binding for the several departments of the city government for the ensuing year. Blanks for bidding and information furnished on applica tion to tbe office of the City Controller. Bonds to be furnished as required In specifications. The right to accept or reject any or all bids re served. E. S. MORROW, ControUer. fel9-33-D AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR the vacation of part of Thirty-second street Fifteenth ward. Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That, that part of Thirty-second street which lies be tween Spruce alley and tbe Allegheny river, being situate in Fifteenth ward of said city, be from and after tbe passage of this ordinance vacated and closed. fe28-64 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE vacation of an unnamed alley laid ont in the plan of subdivision of the Landwehr property, Twentieth ward. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, that the unnamed alley, 20 feet in width, located in plan of subdivision of the Landwehr property, by John R. Banm and E. H. Meyers, executors of tbe estate of H. B. Landwehr, deceased, situate between Shakespeare street and Hawkeye street, and running from Landwehr street to a 40-foot street in said plan, shall be. and the same is. hereby vacated, and said plan, so far as it relates to said alley, declared void, f e26-6J Crrr Treastjbeb's Office, Municipal Hall, Smlthfleld street ( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL owners (whether residents or non-rest-dents of tbe city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, etc., must pay their license at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid on or before first Monday in March, I8SS, will be placed In the bands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee ot 50 cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday in May, 1889, will bo snbi ject to a penalty double the amount of the license, to be recovered before tbe proper legal authorities ot said city. The old metal plate of last year must be returned at tbe time licenses are taken out, or 23 cents additional will he charged on the license. Rates of license: Each onevhorse vehicle, J8 00: each two-horse vehicle, f 10 00: each four-horse vehicle, $12 00; each four horse back, $15 00: omnibus and timber wheels drawn by two horses, $10 00. One extra dollar will bo charged for each additional horse used In above specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON, fell-70-D City Treasurer. LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS X of Allegheny county. No. 21, of Jnno ses sion?, 18, in ro petition of tbe trustees of tbe Presbyterian Cbnrcb, of Tar en turn. Notice Is hereby given tbat in pursuance of a decree of the Court in the aDove stated case, and of the provisions of the act of Assembly of 12th May, Is the Intention of said trustees to re move the remains of the dead from the burial ground of said cbnrch on Monday. 1st April, 18S9. feEMl-TU Law offices CHARLES T. McKENNA, 1 Fifth avenue. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE-LETTERS of administration cum testamento annezo on tbe estate of tbe late Thomas E. Pollard, of the city of Pittsburg, deceased, baying been granted to the undersigned, all parties in debted will make Immediate payment and those having claims will present tbe same dnly probated without delay, at office and ware house, corner of Penn avenne and Eleventh street. Pittsburg. MRS. M. E. POLLARD, fco-96-TU Administratrix C. T. A. "Walter j. usborse. Richard harrows. BARROWS & OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, SO Diamond street Telephone No. 6X1. 2-k53nsaa AUCTION SALES. DT ALEXANDER & LEE EXECUTRIX'8 J5 sale, house and lot No. 86 Webster street Second ward, Allegheny, TUESDAY.MARCH 19, 1889, at 2 o'clock P. M. By virtue of power under will of Mary Ann long, deceased, I will offer at public safe on the premises. No. 86 Webster street, Allegheny, TUESDAY, 3IARCH 19. 1889. at 2 o'clock P. JL, all that cer tain lot or piece of ground, situate n the Sec ond ward of the City of Allegheny, County of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded, and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning on tbe easterly side of Webster street at a point 20 feet sonth from Benton alley; thence east wardly and parallel with said Benton alley 50 feet; thence southwardly and parallel with said Webster street 20 feet; thence westwardly and parallel with said Benton alley 60 feet to Web ster street; thence northwardly along said Web ster street 20 feet to place of beginning, having: thereon erected a 2-story brickhouse of tf rooms, cellar, kitchen and finished attic Terms, one fourth cash; balance In three equal annual payments, secured by tight bona and rnort gags on the premises with set fa. clause. SARAH CABLE, Executrix. ALEXANDER & LEE, Auctioneers, 313 Wood street, Pittsburg. Geo. D. Riddle, Attorney. 118 Diamond street. fe26d5-26-ma9-16 AT AUCTION -PIANO. FURNITURE, carpets and household goods at' the late residence of Thos. Palmer, deceased, No. 18 Church avenue. Allegheny, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 27, AT 10 O'CLOCK. Parlor furniture upholstered in reps, rosewood piano forte, lace curtains, cornices, chamber furniture, bureaus, bedsteads, washstands, wardrobes, beds and bedding, dining table, chairs, dellware, kitchen utensils, laundry fnr nishments, brussels carpets on halls and stairs, hall racks, eta Sale positive, by order of the administrator. Honse open at 8 o'clock on the morning ot the sale. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LDI.. fe2i-78 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF NEW AND SEC OND-HAND carpets, fine furniture, bed ding, stoves, decorated dinner, tea and toilet suites, pictures, curtains, two pianofortes, clocks, bronzes, eta, at the rooms, No. 311 Mar Vgt strcpr TUESDAY MORNING, February 28, At 10 o'clock, sharp. Parlor, chamber, library, office and dining room furniture, ball racks, dishes, silverware, glassware, rugs: leather, cane, patent and wood seat chairs and rockers; ladies' newmarkets, two sets harness, tinware, tea, notions, coal vases, stoves, linoleum, bedding, mirrors, fur trimming, lamps, etc., etc. Goods now on exb bitiou. HENRY AUCTION CO., L1M.. fe21-77 Auctioneers. BY ORDER OF THE CITY PROPERTY Committee of the city of Allegheny, I will expose at public sale on the premises, on TUESDAY, March 6, 1889, at 10 o'clock a. m building lot cor. of Anderson and Lacock sts.. Fourth ward. Allegheny, on which Is erected a two-story brick building, better known as tha old Colombia engine house. This property is! used as a business property at present. Terms made known at sale. Particulars from A. J. PENTECOST, Auctioneer and Real Estata Aeent, 413 Grant, Pittsburg f e2S47 BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION NOTICE THE PAN HANDLE Coal Company has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All parties! having claims against said firm will present the same to John M. Andrews. AU accounts dne said firm will be collected by Duncan ds King's Collecting Agency. JOHN M.ANDREWS. A.J.6CHULTE. In retiring from the Panhandle Coal Com' pany 1 would recommend to friends aiid patrons my lata partner, Mr. J(n M. Andrews, who will continue the business at the old stand. -Respectfully yours, A.J.SCHULTE. Having purchased the interest of my forme: partner, Mr. A. J. Schulte,I would respectfully ask for a continuance of patronage extended to the Panhandle Coal Company. Very re spectfullv yours. JOHN M.ANDREWS. 72 Sandusky st ? Alleghzxt City, February 25, 1889. fe26-80-TUSl NOTICES. COTJUTY COJJinSIOJTEBS- OFFICE. I PrrrsBUBG. Feb. 18. 1889. ( THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named districts as follows, to-wit: Tuesday, February 28, Richland, Elixabeth, Jefferson and Lincoln townships. Wednesday, February 27, Crescent and Up. per St. Clair townships. Thursday, February 2?, Patton township. By order of County Commissioners. R. E. MERCER, GEO. Y. McKEE, DANIEL McWILLIAMS. V. W. B1EBERT. Clerk. f e21-U , DIVIDENDS. Tuna Oil Company, 67 Foukth AVEyra, PrrrSBTTBG. February 23, 1889. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THB Tuna Oil Company have this dav declared an extra dividend of TEN (10) PER CENT payable on and after the 27th inst at the office of tbe company, No. B7 Fourth avenue. GEO. W. COCHRAN, fe24-55 Secretary-Treasurer. PROPOSALS. T)ROPOSALS FOR MINERAL OTL. JEF. Y FERSONVILLE. Ind., February 7, 1889. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to usual conditions, will be received here until II o'clock; . A.3L (central standard time), SATURDAY, March 9. 1889, and then opened, for furnishing at this Depot 100,000 gallons of Mineral Oil, of ISS3 flash test, in cases of two flve-gallon cansT eacb. Proposals for delivery of the oil at other points will be considered. The Government re serves the right to reject any or all proposals. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production, conditions of quality and price (In. eluding In the price of foreign productions tha dnty thereon) being equal, and such pref erenca will be given to articles df American prodntx tion prodnced on the Pacific coast to extent oS' the consumption required by tbe public service, there. All information furnished on appllca tion to this office. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "proposals for Mineral Oil," and addressed to undersigned. HENRY C. HODGES, Assistant Quartermaster Gen eral. V. S. Army. Depot Quartermaster. fe84-8,9.10,U.27.23 . -fflUBESFDR ALL& FORSALEandTOIZr. 3 rooms up to 10 rooms. In the beautiful borough of Knoxvllle, only 1 miles from city. postoffice. Beautiful homes are sold on payments tha same as rent. By all means visit Knoxvllle before taking yonr house for another year. Never hava there been such opportunities for people to geft homes. 49-Take Southside cars to Twelfth street;1 and ML Oliver Incline and Street Railway, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway.' MfflBMIIROlfflm 1 t OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, fe8-57.rrasu KNOXVILLE BOROUGH. OFFICES TO LET. Four or five offices on the fourth floor of the Rensliaw Bnilding will be let from Prtll' rooms connecting or separate; good light, water, gas and elevator. Apply to JNO. A. RENSHAW, corner Liberty and Ninth streets, fc6-8-D , i r EO. H. BARBOUR. XX CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Deslgnerof Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 62 Eisner Building, del2-k66-D 64 FIFTH AVENU&PittabuTg. A. E. UNKENHElMER, ARCHITECT, 613 Smlthfleld street, Pittsburg, Pa. Freihelt Freund Building, second floor. fe2Ml-D CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using tha Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full Information, call on ot address JAMES ANDERSON, S3 East Diamond street, Je5-n57.TT3 Allegheny, Pa. c. A. RALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, u oeventn avenue, n.. v ,,,. Pittsburg. Pa. Teljphoae-ljy. 5-bkct. X t 4 r 4 3 1 - 1 : $ j&iifcgli. ' A- -' UuhYt&x?M.-;..A-tL.. wJtf-u-y' ....5tifii&. , ..A!L;jl-.4fflE(fti.j mA "Lib Jti.. ;;Ji.,jitiiia5idiL-SiS.1'1.--?u ?HiWi