Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 26, 1889, Image 1

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    Gulf of
(will be
IPATCfi. Read the
opening chapters.
' '- ROHHnN.
The'One Response Heard to an
Oft-Repeated Question About J
General Harrison
:Great Cheering Crowds Greet
the Inaugural Party at
: Every Stop.
OSo the Speeches Are Few, Short, and
Far Between, Though Uone
the Worse.
A Detailed Account of the Trip Prom the
v tlime the President-Elect
Left Home.
General Harrison's inaugural train passed
through Pittsburg this morning' It was
somewhat behind scheduled time, bnt as all
aboard were asleep, thai probably made
little difference. The train left Indianapolis
at 3:15 yesterday -afternoon, and only the
usual stops were made. At every station
large crowds turned out to cheer the emi
nent passenger and Ms party, but the
'speeches were few and brief. The enthusi
asm everywhere was unbounded.
Columbus, O., February 25. General
Harrison left Indianapolis tor "Washington
at 3:19:15 o'clock this afternoon, amid the
cheers of as many thousand of his fellow
citizens as conld get standing room any
where within sight of the railroad station.
All the local institutions, from the public
schools to the Legislature, toot the after
noon off to help along the howl.
There was as much fun and excitement as
though a circus had come to town. All
the morning the merchants and others
along the principal streets were hanging
out banting and flags, and brushing up the
campaign pictures of General Harrison for
nse in the windows. Meridian streetnear
the station, was lined with flags and
streamers on both sides, and big flags were
Ewung across the street
Away Above Tbcm All.
Son-in-Law McKee's stars and stripes
flaunted away above the banners of all the
rest. This was not because Sir. McKee was
unduly haughty on account of having mar
ried a great man's daughter, but becausehis
store building is higher than any other in
town. One of Mr. McKee's neighbors
sewed four huge white new stars upon the
flag he hung out, and called them: "First
iruitsof Harrison's election."
The crowd began to gather upon the streets
early in the afternoon, and by 2 o'clock,
when six carriages rolled out toward Gen
eral Harrison's house, it was difficult to get
about the city. Soon afterward George H.
Thomas Post, G. A. E of which General
Harrison is a member, marched up in front
of the new Denison Hotel,, with
AH Its Banners Flying,
and drawn up in lice there, became the
center for all the enthusiasm until the car
nage came back again. All the windows
for two blocks were filled with people, and
the street was packed. The Post's brass
band and the small boys made most of the
noise, but one benevolent-looking fat man
had rigged up a small cannon on an eligible
balcony, and kept banging away with
Presidental and other kinds of salutes until
General Harrison had come and gone.
The carriages left the house at a 2:15
o'clock. General Harrison rode in the first,
with Governor Hovey ana 'William H. H.
Miller. Mayor Denny looked after the
comfort of the rest of the family, who fol
lowed in other carriages. As soon as the
first carriage was off
The Veterans Begun to Cheer
and the whole crowd joined in a chorus
made up of yells, shrieks, howls and vocif
erous expressions of anxiety as to what was
the matter with Harrison. The fat man on
the balcony nearly fell over the edge in his
enthusiasm, and then, after trying to
touch himself off instead of his cannon, had
an apoplectic fit or something of that sort,
and was heard of no more.
General Harrison bowed right and left,
and looked a little moist about the eyes as
be passed in front of the line of veterans
packed so close by the crowd that the car
riage wheels brushed their uniforms. The
police took charge here and, clearing the
way, made a regular procession of it toward
the station. Passing a side street, a block
or two further on, a body of 150 men fell
into line behind the veterans. Nobody
knew at first who they were, but they were
soon recognized as the
members of the Lrtlslatnrc,
which, in spite of its Democratic proclivi
ties, had adjourned and came in a body to
lielp get General Harrison out of town.
Senator Dresser, one of the fighting Bepub
licans, was in command, and declared that
this was the first decent thing he had been
able to get bis colleagues to do. The reso
lution to adjourn, however, was introduced
"by Senator Hayden, a Democrat.
At the station General Harrison's car
riage drove to the front entrance, and a way
being cleared by the police through the
crowd that had packed the building for
hours, he and Governor Hovey and Mr. Mil
ler got through to the train. There had
been a good deal of doubt as to just'what
way the party would get to the train, and
the crowd had surrounded the station on all
sides. At the open eud of the huge train
shed, covering a dozen tracks, a line of men
was stationed to keep people back.
A Jtuih From Every Direction.
The cheer that was set up in front of the 4
Mexico, toy
commenced in
station when" General Harrison appeared
was a signal for a rush "toward the train
tfrom every direction. The line of meniwas
swept out of the way in a -moment, and the
crowd swept over the tracks like a torrent
through a. broken dam. It rushed
in between' the trains, swirled around
the pillars, ended in among moving engines
and cars, and came up with a splash against
the Presidental train on every side at once.
They clung about the platforms of the cars
like swarming bees. Boys and ,men clam
bered np the iron pillars, and being above
the heads of the crowd, looked like bunches
of wild grapes above a dense thicket
'AH along the iron, fence separating the
tracks from the station was a fringe of
women boosted up to that insecure, foothold
by accommodating men.
Everybody Cheered and Howled
and'a band of colored men pjlyed "Bally
'Bound the Flag" upon instruments of
brass. i
General Harrison's car was the last on the
train, and standing on the rear platform he
triea to make a speech to the crowd. The
clamor of the crowd echoed back from the
great vaulted roof of the train shed filled
the place with a din that made the speech a
delusion so far as those who wete supposed
to hear it was concerned. The small part
of the mob that conld see General Harrison
cheered dutifully whenever he seemed to
stop and take breath, and everybody else
cheered at these cheers. Bo the speech, al
though unheard, was very enthusiastically
received. This is what General Harrison
What tho General Tried to Say.
My Good friends and neighbors:
I cannot trust myself ro put in words what I
feel at this time. Every kindly thought that is
in your minds, and every good wish that is in
your hearts for me, finds its responsive wish
and thought in my mind and heart for each of
you. Hove this city. It has been my own
cherished home. Twice before I have left It to
discharge puolic duties, and returned to it with
gladness, as I hope to do again. It is a city on
whose streets the pompous displays of wealth
are not seen; it Is f uU of pleasant homes, and
in these homes there is an unusual store of
contentment The memory of your favor and
kindness will abide with me, and my strong de
sire to hold your respect and confidence will
strengthen me in the discharge of my new and
Let me say farewell to all my Indiana friends.
For the public honors that have come to me. I
am their grateful debtor. They have made the
debt so large that I can never discharge it
There is a great sense of responsibility in the
discharge of high public duties. The moment
of decision is one of isolation. Bnt there is
one whose help comes even into tho quiet
chamber of judgment and to His wise and un
failing gdidance will I look for direction and
safety. My family unites with me in grateful
thanks for this cordial good-by, and with me
wish that these years of separation may be full
of peace and happiness for each of you.
An Inrolnntnry Separation.
Meantime the rush of the crowd that had
followed General Harrison's appearance
had made serions trouble for the rest of the
party. Mrs. Harrison got in all right upon
the heels of her distinguished husband, but
the McKee part of the family was involved
in the tidal wave of humanity and got lost
from General Harrison and from itself.
Mrs. McKee, with the nurse and baby,
finally managed to reach the first car of the
train, which was the newspapermen's car,
"Iolanthe." There she was recogniztd and
helped aboard the train.
In the meantime, Mr. McKee was frantic
ally searching for his wife at one end of the
station, and at the other end General Harri
son was fuming and fretting over the report
that the baby was not aboard yet, and could
not be found. It was five minutes alter the
time that the train should have started be
fore a reunion of the family was finally
effected in the President's car. A careful
search through the train showed that no
body else was being left behind, and the
train men began to threaten to start
The Indefatigable Photographer.
About this time Harris Bose, the lame
photographer, who has been taKing Harri
son's views ever since the General was nom
inated, had managed to struggle through
the crowd and had begun making frantic
efforts to get to a place from which he could
focus the Presidental car. By the aid of
friendly boosts he gbt his camera mounted
against one of the pillars and prepared to fire
it off. He fussed and fumbled with his
slides and caps, while everybody watched
him and wondered whether the camera or
the locomotive would get off first The
photographer came out ahead, and after he
had pulled the last string and slid the last
slide, he had time to climb upon a pillar,
brace his lame leg against a projection, and
wave his battered silk hat triumphantlv,
just as the engineer pulled the throttle.
The crowd cheered and General Harrison
"wondered if at last he had done with the
man who had been toting a camera after
him ever since the Chicago Convention.
Tho Train Starts Very Slowly.
The train had to move very slowly for
several blocks to avoid being pushed off the
track by the crowd that swayed against it
on ootn siaes. xnere must nave oeen from
15,000 to 20,000 people massed about the
station and alone the track for half a mile
as the train pulled out
The inauguration train has already been
fully described in The Dispatch. The
Presidental party are assigned by cars as
follows: On the" rear car, No. 120, Presi
dent Boberts' private" car, are General and
Mrs. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. McKee and
their two children, Benjamin and Mary;
Mrs. Lord, Mrs. Harrison's sister, and the
nurse, Kate. The next coach is the elegant
parlor car Maywood, upholstered in blue
plush. This car is occupied by Bussell B.
Harrison, wife and child, with nurse; Sen
ator saunaers ana wile, Hon. J. jj. Huston.
"W. H. H. Miller, Mrs. Eaton, General
Harrison's half-sister; Private Secretary
Hal ford, and Josephine, Mrs. Harrison's
In the press car are located' Private Sec
retary Halford, E. F. Tibbotts and Miss
Sander, stenographers; Mrs. F. F. TibBotts,
Charles Hedges and A. J. Halford, Asso
ciated Press; P. V. De Graw, United Press;
"W. C. McPherson, New York Tri&une;
Ernest O. Chamberlain and wife, New York
Sunand Pittsburg Dispatch; J.K. Mun
ford, New York World; W. H. Smith, Cin
cinnati Commercial Gazette; J. T. Mc
Carthy, Cincinnati Jfngutrer; Henry Oviatt,
New York Times; George Chitt, Indian
apolis Journal, and "W. 0. McKinney.
Superintendent J. F. Miller and H. B.
Deenng, Assistant General Agent, accom
pany the train as far aS Bichmond. The
train was pulled by engine 349, John Carsel,
engineer; Henry King is conductor.
Interest In the Trip Increases nt Every
Station Little Time for Speech
making and Less Qnlet to
Hear Speeches When
They Are Blade.
Columbus, February 25. At every little
station- the population turned out as the
train passed, bnt there was no stop until
Greenfield. This stop was only momentary.
At Knightstown there was a longer stop.
There is a large Soldiers Orphans' Asylum
there, and a telegram had Sisked
General Harrison to have the train stopped
long enough forthe orphans to get a glimpse
or him. He went out on the rear platform,
bowed when the erowd of 500, orphans in
cluded, cheered him, and then said that as
the stop would be but for a moment, he
could not make a speech. The. orphans
cheered and there was an awkward pause,
while everybody waited for the train, to
start.' But the trainmen were busy pouring
water on a hot box, and General Harrison's
momenta tj stop, was. elongated to several
minutes, 'during all of which he stood,
"bowing, and the orphans cheered at every
bow. -
By this time "the ''Country seemed to be
pretty well aroused to the importance of the
occasion from a, Hoosier standpoint, for at
every station the countrymen who had
driven in'with their families sat in wagons
along the track and waved hats, comforters
and all sorts of clothing as the'train bearing
"The first President we ever had from onr
State, by gum," swept by.
At Cambridge City there was a short stop
and a large crowd, but the reception at the
next station, Bichmond, was the' .biggest
thing of the day after Indianapolis. The
whole city seemea to nave gathered about
the station and along the track both ways.
There was a band and drum corps, each try
ing to drown the noise of thejHher. Several
clubs had turned out in a body, with flags
and banners; all the factories in the place
had pulled their whistles wide open. Gen
eral Harrison went out on the rear platform
again here, and tried to still the multitude
with a little speech. This is what the crowd
would have heard- him- say if it had been
My Fbiends I have so long had my home
among yon that I cannot but feel a sense of
regret In leaving the soil of Indiana. I go with
a deep sense of Inadequacy but I am sure you
will be patient with my mistakes, and that you
will all (rive me your help as citizens t cheers
and cries. "We will!" in my efforts to pro
mote the best interests of. onrpeople and the
honor of the nation we love. rCneers.1 1 thank
you for this cordial greeting. Cheers.
General Harrison Bleets Fo raker, the
Donshtr Ohio iSxccntrrc.
Columbus, O., February 25. After
Bichmond there' were stops at Greenville
and several other Ohio towns, with the
usual crowds. At Bradford Junction the
engine was changed. .At Plqua, the next
stop, Governor Foraker and Mrs. Foraker
got-aboard. The Governor paid his respects
to General and Mrs. Harrison, wished them
a safe journey through Ohio, and then went
to interview the newspapermen in their car.
He returned to -dinner in General Har
rison's car, and left the train; in-this city.
After dark the scenes -about the stations
were enlivened as the train pasted bv huge
bonfires, which threw out the crowds along
the track in silhouette. At "Woodstock a
log cabin of considerable size was illumin
ated in this way by bonfires as the train
Dinner was served in the newspaper car
and in General Harrison's car, between
TJrbanaand Columbus, the accommodations
of the two cars being enough to feed at one
time everybody on the train.
Citizens of Colnmbns Greet tho Party With
Wild Howls and Cheers.
Newark, 0., February 25. At Colum
bus the President ran into an ocean of Buck
eye enthusiasm which would have drowned
out the Hoosier sea at Indianapolis. Gov
ernor Foraker had evidently rung his fire
alarm before he set out to meet General Har
rison, for all the Foraker clubs
were out with banners and bands,
and a Foraker cannon, kept booming out
salutes from the time the headlight came in
sight until the red tail 'lights disapriearcd
in the east. When the train came to a stop
in the station, after having run for a half a
mile through a crowd of people along the
tracks, Governor Toraker and General Har
rison went out onto the rear platform.
'When there seemed to be a lull in the bowl
ine. Governor Foraker said:
The sentlcman whom you havrfCome here to
see needs no introduction from me General
Harrison, President-elect of the United States.
Great cheering.
General Harrison said:
My Fellow Citizens I thank you for tho
wonderful demonstration. In these evidences
of the good will of my friends is a sew stimu
lus as Tenter upon the duties of the great of
fice to which I have been chosen. I beg to
thank you again for your interest. Great
The biggest howling of all was when,
after General Harrison had gone back into
the car and would not come out in spite of
all the cries of the mob, one of the ladies
held up little Mary, tho youngest baby, at
the window where the crowd could see her.
Dnring the wait at Columbus, Mrs. Har
rison and Mrs. Eaton, General Harrison's
sister, made their first tour of the train,
chatting with acquaintances in the newspa
per car, and inspecting the remains of a
dinner which her critical eye decided must
have been very good, indeed.
The early night was passed in the press
car playing whist and reading magazines.
Although it is termed the newspaper car,'
there is not a newspaper to be found on it.
The Train Loses Time.
Dennxson, O., February 26. The rnni
of the inaugural train was made from Ncn(H
aris. u) uenmson in an uuur anu a nan, me
train men cewg ou minutes laic.
The Glory of Fittsburg Not Seen by tho
Presidental Party Part of llio
Journey to Washington is
Safely Completed.
President Harrison's train reached Pitts
burg this morning at 3:55, 40 minutes
behind schedule time. The blinds
were drawn and the occupants wrapped
in slumber. The reporters listened in
tently to hear Ben snore or to catch a possi
ble wail from Kid McKee, but both man and
baby slept soundly.
Nobody was stirring but Adolphus Drury,
President Boberts' faithful porter, and noth
ing under the heavens could have induced the
honest colored man to close his eves. He was
alive and taking life easy in the library of the
To prevent accidents and delays Superin
tendent Fitcairn issued an order that after
midnight the depot should be closed up and
that nobodv bnt reporters and the workmen
be allowed on the platform. Superintendent
Pitcairn expected to be at tbe depot himself to
see that everything passed oft" smoothly.
It was rumored that the big gas wells at
Jeanette would be fired for the benefit of the
party, and that Mr. Harrison would get up at
Pittsbureto prepare to see the ejent. Mr.
Sellers McKee, who owns a number of the wells,
said last evening that he didn't know anything
about it, and he thought the idea was ridicu
lous. He didn't believe Ben Harrison was fool
enough to get out of bed at that hour ip tho
morning to see jras fires when he bad orten
seen tbe same thins in Indiana.
Chief Dispatcher Culp, who works during
the day, was on hand all night to see that the
train was properly run on the Pittsburg ai
vision. The greatest precautions were taken bv the
Pennsylvania road to prevent the possibility
of accident to tbe Presidental train. Between
Dennlson and Pittsburg a man was located at
evfy switch, in all tbe deep cuts and on all the
curves. Not less than 500 men were employed
last night watchinc the road on this division
alone. What is true of this section can be said
of every division of the road from Indianapolis
to Washington. So that when President Har
rison and his party pay their fares, as they
aver theywill, they do not begin to cover tho
enormous expense incurred by the company in
their transportation.
Only tbe most faithful, most experienced and
steady engineers and conductors were selected
to handle the train. Alexander Pitcairn held
the throttle on the Pittsburg division to Al
toona. and handsome Jack Pitcairn filled tbe
Sost of conductor. From Bennison locomotive
To. 68, Bneineer Barney Bannon, did the work.
It was expected last night that Alexander
Fitcairn would run the train through .from
Pittsburg to Washington.
Enilnc Enough to Iinst for Awhile.
New Yoek, February 25. A farewell
banquet was tendered "Vice President-elect
Levi P. Morton pior to iis departure 'for
Washington "Wednesday J)y the merchant,
John F. Flummer.
r- 1 -
A Mining Town Visited by an Awful
Explosion in a Squib Factory
: i - ",. ! r-3if
Terrible Scenes Attendant'Upon the find
ing of the Bodies.
But Foreman Founl Orer 100 Feet Away, ProtaMy
Fatally Injured,
Ten girls were killed yesterday.in an ex
plosion at a squib factory near Plymouth.
The cause of the explosion is a mystery.
The rrirls were emnloved in the factorv. and
their bodies were so badly burned thTt it Is
impossible to identify any of them, except
one, whose .mother recognized her daughter
by a remnant of her clothing. The town of
Plymouth 'is draped in mourning', and
heartrending scenes are to.be witnessed
among the bereaved relatives of .the victims
of the awful disaster.
Wilkesbaeee, February 25. Another
awful disaster in this region has draped the
town of Plymouth in mourning. Shortly
after noon to-day the squib faotory of -John
B. Powell, sitnated on "Welsh Hill, a sub
urb of Plymouth, exploded. There Were
in the building at the ten' girls and the
foreman. Every one of the girls was killed
and George Beese is so terribly injured that
death is certain. The killed are;
Katie Jones, aged 20 years.
Maggie Lynch, 21 years.
Hattie Jones, lSyears.
Gladys Reese, 15 years.
MabyWaltees, 17 years.
Maggie Righabss, 17 years,1
MaEy ANN Lake, 17 years.
Ruth Powell, 20 years.
Esthee Powell (sisterbf Eutn",, 22 yeara,
Jane Ann Thojias, 14 years.
The first shock of the explosion was felt
in the" town at exactly 12:50. It created the
greatest excitement and alarm, 'and in an
instant the streets of the town were filled
with people. Business men and clerks
rushed from their stores and offices, women
and children ran out of the houses. No
one knew what had happened, and every
where the wildest excitement reigned. At
first it was believed that a terrible explosion
of gas had occurred at one of the neighbor
ing collieries.
a second extlosiost.
Suddenly another explosion swept over
the town, and then the reports had it that
the Gay lord Colliery had 'blown up. -The
colliery is not far from where the squib fac
tory was located, on "Welsh Hill, and a wild
rncli nf Ypmlfi tnnlr TilatA in tnot ilirortfinn
bat before they reached the scene the real
state of affairs was learned.
The squib factory, a large two-story frame
building, was located just behind the Cay
lord colliery, and when the crowd reached
the scene all that was visible was a blazing
mass of ruins, on which the men employed
in the mine were throwing water. It was
well known that many girls were employed
in the factory, and the first question was:
"Where are the girls?"
None of them had been seen. The
foreman, George Beese, had been found.
more than 100 feet from the ruins pf thof
building, bnrned in a terrible manner. His
clothing was almost burned or torn off. The
flesh on his head, neck, hands and arms, was
badly cnarrea. lie was unconscious and
evidently fatally hurt, and he of course
could give no account of how it happened.
Of the others in the building, nothing had
been seen, and their bodies must be under
the heap of ruins.
tekkible agonv and disteess.
"When this state of facts became known
the scene of agony and distress that fol
lowed surpasses all efforts at description.
Among that large crowd of men, women and
childrenwere many who had sisters or
daughters working in the factory, and the
fearful nature ot their feelings can be
imagined. "Women shrieked aloud and
called upon the names of the lost ones in the
ruins. Many strong men broke down and
wept, others worked like mad men to ex
tinguish the fire. Buckets, pails, even din
ner cans were brought into requisition to
carry water from the nearest houses and
from the Caylord breaker.
Some men rushed right up to the ruins,
and with naked hands tried to tear away the
burning fragments. Every moment the
crowd swelled, as the whole population of
Plymouth surged upfrom tho town below
toward the scene, which was a terrible one.
Suddenlv a cry arose "The powder maga
zine will" explodel" and with a wild rush
the crowd swept back. Thirty feet from the
blazing ruins stood a small building
sheathed with iron. In this was stored the
powder used in the factory, and at that
moment there was nearly four tons of powder
within its wall.
The heat of the flames was intense, and
had there been any wind in that direction
the magazine must have cone. As it, was,
the paint on its walls cracked and peeled
off with the heat, and everybody bore back
out of reach.
Tbe Plymouth fire department arrived,
and in a few minutes three streams of water
were playing on the magazine. After they
were turned on the blazing ruins, in 10 or
15 minutes the flames were out, and men
were rushing into the smouldering mass to
recover the bodies of the dead. They didn't
need to search long. The blackened
beams and ashes were cleared away with
the rapidity of lightning.
"Keep the women away," cried out the
firemen, for desperate mothers and sisters
were rushing into the ruins to help in
the search for their loved ones. "With firm,
but gentle hands they were held back, and
the employes of the colliery and the firemen.
keeping back the excited crowd, began sys
tematically the work of recovering the
bodies. In a few minutes the first was
reached, but it seemed impossible that that
small, shapeless mass pf blackened flesh
had but 30 minutes before been a happv,
light-hearted girl. The head was entirely
burned off, as well as the arms and nearly
all the lower limbs. Identification was ab
solutely impossible. Not a vestigeof cloth
ing was left, nor was there any other mean's
of identifying the dead.
One after another, with very little inter
mission, were ten of these ghastly remains
of humanity brought to light from under
the heap of ashes and charred timbers, and
in only one case was it possible to tell who
the victim was. The body of Hattie Jones
was recognized by her grief-stricken mother
by the remains of a pair of corsets which
still clung to the charred flesh. The other
bodies, after being in vain looked at bv
weeping relatives and friends, were carried
down to an undertaking establishment,
whers all that was possible was done to re
store the 'semblance of humanity. Before
the last body was taken away a crowd of
not less than 5,000 people had gathered
around the spot, and were 'only held back
from interfering with the searchers by a
strong cordon of men who had placed them
selves around the building.
How the explosion took place will for
ever remain a mystery, unless Foreman
Beese recovers sufficiently to speak, and
this would be little short of a miracle. The
factory was owned 'by J. "E. Ppwell, of
Plymouth. In it were made tne'sguibs
t'ofr'r? . v !. i-5'?irssrK Wiw9S'-Wlf. . " "' i - 'pBH
' ' - '4'' '-'' "THE Oneoftheserlesoffefc wM
slU'sTl''WwrW 'B ss 1 , - - ?-i 'Hm"' MvStfirV"'' y'r J.Marsden'
m m M WW I 11 ' iilJOlOljr satclifle. The open-
, , a-.-. -& 'r f' W '.'..-sW W ,.' m r ,i day's issue or The
,.. , . t '' 'ii -..,. I . , Clump Cottage, p0?fcn- Wateh t M
used by the miners to fire their blasts. They
are pieces of straw filled with powder,
mixed "with other substances, and with
touch-paper at each end. On account of
me aanger
had always been taken. The powder was
storeo in the magazine, and only enough
brought In for immediate use two or three
times a day.
, Up to'Iast Wednesday 82 girls were work
ing In. tbe factory, which was the largest in
this section, but when the order to shut
down the colliery to' half time was given,
Mr, Powell laid off nearly liis entire -force.
The ten girls who met their death, with two
others, Mary Connell and MaVy Pi Thomas,
were the only ones working to-day, and the
last two named had gone home to dinner.
From the fact that all the bodies were
found close together, it is believed thatthe
girls were jsitting'eating their dinner when
the explosion took place. The whole front
of the building was blown out by the first
explosion, and at the second the roof and
the rest of the walls fell into one heap of
ruins, which instantly took fire.
Five years ago a similar disaster took
place in Kingston, when seven girls and
boys were killed.
. i
Joseph Benloi Whose Death Sentence Was
Commuted by President Lincoln, Is
Pardoned by President Cleve
land, and 'Walks Forth
a Free Man.
Bostoit, February 25. Joseph Bent, a
murderer who wa's saved from the gallows
by President Lincoln, and committed to'
States prison for life25 years ago, walked out
a free man to-day, having been pardoned by
President Cleveland. The papers arrived
from'"Washington this morning.' His Teal
name is Joseph Bento, ,and he is a Portu
guese. .
The story of his crime is as follows: Bento
was a cook on an American whaling vessel,
and on July 4, 1864, a sailor came to him on
board ship and complained of the food.
Bento replied that it was as good' as he
could give him, whereupon the sailor
assaulted Bento, whp retaliated by throwing
hot water on him. The sailor left, but re
turned with a knife and made an attack on
.Bento, stabbing him in the side. In self
defense Bento seized a potato knife and
cut his assailant So that he died
of his injuries. Bentp was brought
to Boston, tried and ' convicted, and
sentenced to be hanged for murder.
Sergio P. Smith, a, Portuguese, who was
then living in Boston and now conducts the
Crawford House barber shop, interested
himself in Bento's case, and three days be
fore the sentence was to be executed ascer
tained that there wero extenuating circum
stances not brought out in court. He then
took steps to have the sentence commuted to
imprisonment for life. Attorney Harring
ton went to "Washington, laid the case be
fore President Lincoln, and a commutation
of sentence was granted.
Bento is now. 79 years of age, and as he
has nevr heard anything from his relatives
in Galiza, Portugal, where he was born, he
does not know that any of them are living.
He left to-day for New U.edford, where he
expects to find some of his countrymen.
But Colonel Church Didn't Think Her Too
Pretty for a Cook.
Columbus, 0., February 25. The
Church divorce trial, which has been the
sensation here for over two weeks, was re
sumed this morning. The examination of
,ihe,defendantt Colonel S. 11.' Church, was
continued m the forenoon. He denied
positively the charge of misconduct with
the servant girl, Theresa, and that he had
ever met her outside of the house. He de
scribed her as a rather good-looking, but
not unusually attractive cook, and declared
lhat the reason he had not turned her out
of doors at the request of plaintiff's counsel
was because that would have been an injus
tice to a poor, but innocent girl. "Witness
said Theresa had been working at his
mother's residence on Oak street, where she
would remain until after the trial.
Just before the adjournment Colonel
Church was asked by plaintiff's attorney,
Mr. Powell, to explain why he had lost re
spect for his father-in-law, Mr. Joyce. In
reply the witness reflected strongly upon
his father-in-law in believing what the Col
onel called perjured testimony, without
giving a chance tor explanation, and an at
tempt at applause was made by the specta
tors in the courtroom, which was suppressed
by the court officials.
It is expected that Theresa, the cook, will
be the next witness.
Tho Very Original Wedding Conducted By
the Rev. John Jasper.
Bichmond, February 25. A novel wed
ding in colored society here took place at
the church of the Eev. John Jasper, the
famous author of "De sun do move" theory.
Tne bride waited at the pulpit while the
ten virgins, with their lamps burning, went
'down the aisle to meet the groom, who stood
at the door. As they walked the lamps of
five foolish virgins went out, whereupon
thev were summarily expelled from the
building, and were forced to stand on the
pavement outside during the entire cere
This was, of course, according to pro
gramme. Then, the five wise virgins, whose
lamps were burning brightly, escorted the
groom up the aisle, where he was met by
the bride, while the choir sang, "Behold,
the Bridegroom Cometh."
She Jilted Him lor Another Man and Sealed
flor Fate.
Peoria, III., February 25. Emil Bach,
a street car driver of this city, shot and
fatally injured a girl named Anna DuBois
at Matamora, Woodford county, this morn
ing at about 2 o'clock. He-was the girl's
suitor, but she had rejected him and was to
marry a man named Schip in a few days.
This morning Bach gained entrance to her
father's house through a window, and threw
open the front door in order to clear a way
lor escape.
The girl's father was awakened and met
Bach in the hall, but the murderer pushed
the old man aside, entered the room and
shot the sleeping girl in the mouth. He
has not yet been apprehended, and the idea
gains ground that he has committed suicide
in some lonely place. The girl is yet alive,
but cannot recover.
Ilarrlsbnra's City Solicitor for 14
Succeeded by n Democrat.
Hareisbueo, February 25. Councils
this evening elected John E. Patterson,
Democrat, .City Solicitor, in place of Judge
Hargest, Bepnblican, who has held the po
sition for 14 years. An effort was made on
Saturday nieht to fill this office, but Har
vest's friends in Select Counoil refused to
attena tne joint meeting. At tne Joint ses
sion to-night no quorum, of Select Council
was present, but as Patterson received a ma
jority of the vote of both bodies, he was de
clared elected. Four .Republicans voted
with the Democrats for Patterson.
. Hartrest. who was not voted for. it is un
derstood will insist that there was no lesrai
election, and that he will hold over '
26;: 1889. ' --'.- ; - Y ! THREE GENTS I
FiGHTitiG mt sm.
John Morley Boldly Arraigns the
Cruel Coercion Policy; and
The Tory Tool is Met With Loud Cries of
Scorn and Derision.
Bat Is Interrupted hy an Kieedin;ly Foisted Query
From Dillon.
The Irish 'question came to the fore in
the House .of Commons' yesterday. Mr.
Morley openecf the ball with a general at
tack on the policy pursued by the present
Government. He referred to specific acts
of cruelty and was greeted with cheers.
Balfour, in arising to answer him, was met
by cries of "Pigott." He attempted a de
fense of the course pursued by him.
London, February 25". In the House of
Commons to-day Mr. John MorIey? in ac
cordance with the notice he had previously
given, called up the Irish question, and
proceeded to attack the position assumed by
the Government. Mr. Morley strongly con
demned.the singular lack of prudence, fore
sight and care that had been shown by the
administration in Ireland during the 'last
few months. The arrest of Father McFad
den at Gweedore, he said, was marked by
every bad quality that could accompany a
judicial act.
It .was worthy of the worst exploits of the
ruffian Judge in Scotland who, a century
ago, said: "Give me a .prisoner and I'll
find the law." Mr. Morley referred at
length to the recent arrests in Ireland, and
ridiculed the idea of arresting men for such
offenses as cheering Mr. "William O'Brien,
Eeferringto the imprisoned members of
Parliament, he urged that while their of
fenses were limited to speaking and-writing
treason, they should be treated as first-class
misdoers. Cheers.
The time was srfiftly coming when an ir
resistible appeal would ascend from the
nation, asking Her Majesty to recur to the
sense.of the people so that they might decide
the great issues now dividing the Govern
ment and the opposition. Cheers. The
opposition required the fullest explanation
regarding the employment of Irish Magis
trates, Crown solicitors and police in fram
ing the Times' case.
They demanded to know why documents
were handed to the Times for the purposes
of a plot to which it might be proved the
Government had infatuatedly become the
dupes and accessories. Cheers. Beferring
again to the case of Father McFadden, Mr.
Morley said that Balfour had admitted that
the police erred in arresting the priest. The
speaker contended that the arrests at Tralee
on the occasion of O'Brien's trial were il
legal. No Home Secretary or English Magis
trate would venture to act as though 'the
arrests were in conformity with English
law. Cheers. Mr. Balfour had sent a
doctor to Mr. O'Brien for, the sake of the
Government, anil not on the ground of
humanity. , He quoted from a speech in
which Mr. Balfour said that he did not
think he should allow Mr. O'Brien to ruin
his constitution.for the purpose of injuring
the Government.
Mr. Balfour had asserted that he (Bal
four) had no power to relax the prison rules,
but he did relax them in the cases of
Catholic clergymen for fear of wounding or
insulting the religious sentiment of the peo
ple. He urged lli. Balfour to regard the
popular sympathy with the imprisoned
members of Parliament.
Mr. Balfour, upon rising to reply, was
greeted with cries of "Pigott." This was
continued until the Speaker peremptorily
insisted upon the House coming to order.
In opening his speech, Mr. BalfSur said
that tbe opposition would have shown them
selves unworthy of their' position if they
had not taken tbe earliest opportunity to
bring forward their accusations, for rivals
of which in bitterness they might vainly
search history.
He was not surprised that Mr. Morley
had taken advantage of his position to make
charges against the Government at a time
when he knew his words would pass current
in the country because the Government
could not possibly take up his challenges.
He twitted Mr. Morley with alluding to the
Parnell Commission and ignoring the most
horrible charges of cruelty, inhumanity and
cynical savageness with which his (Bal
four's) wasteoasket had been flooded during
the recess.
Possibly it had begun to dawn upon the
minds of the opposition that they had been
duped by imaginary reports concerning the
treatment of Mr. O'Brien. Cries of "Oh,
Oh." He admitted that the prison rules
had been relaxed in the cases of priests, hut
the House knew that he bad always been
donbtful whether, in relaxing the rules, he
was not straining the crimes act The rule
regarding the cutting of' a prisoner's hair
was never relaxed except in cases of disease.
"What disease prevented my hair being
cut?" inquired Mr. Dillon, amid much
"You were in the hospital during your
imprisonment," responded Mr. Balfour.
, Mr. Balfour declared that, assuming that
prisoners under the crimes act ought to be
treated as ordinary criminals, the charges
againsi me uovernmeat were uniounaeu.
Admitting that in a certain sense offend
ers against the crimes act were political
offenders, if they were treated differently on
that account tbe same treatment ought to be
conceded to the dynamiter and the political
assassin. Mr. Balfour contended th&t the
state of Ireland was improving wherever
the plan of campaign had not penetrated.
The conspiracy cries of "Pigott," which
began in Ireland last August renewed
cries of "Pisott," showed signs ot abatintr.
The statistics of agrarian crime showed a
marvelous improvement in the condition of
the country since the crimes act was passed.
If O'Connell were still alive he would
shrink from tbe means employed by the
gentleman below the gangway to render
Government impossible. What would be
the future of Ireland when the happy day
arrived for the gentlemen opposite to con
duct instead of criticising the Government'
of Ireland?
Never in the history of the world had a
country flourished under a system so abso
lutely subversive of law and liberty. He
did not believe that the principles of the
opposition would win the. country, but he
was certain that such' principles would de
stroy the best compacted empire that was
ever put together by the wit oi man.
Mr. Balfour, who spoke in a cynical vein
throughout, was subjected to a running fire
of laughter, ironical cheers and cries of
"Pigott" and Times." In the course of
the debate Mr. Sexton indignantly protest
ed against the presence of Houston, the wit-
nessforthe Times, within the precincts of
the House. The Speaker replied that he
was ignorant of the circumstances, but
would inquire. Later Mr. Sexton received
an intimation that'Houston's name has beep
removed from the lobby list.
Will Not Attend the Inanim-A n
Svashington-NewYork Is Ge'net,0 .
Dissatisfied, bnt Still Bu ?JIS
Cabinet Dopes. &J
Hew York, February "23. It Is afl-y
nounced, as though with authority, by
those wise in the matter of the New York
political situation and the attitude ot the
several varieties of- Bepublicans in
this State, that ex-Senator Thomas C.
Piatt will not be among those who
will help to -make a Bepublican
holiday next Monday in Washington- He
will not even go to the Capital, and this is
regarded as significant when taken in con
nection with the fact that ex-Senatr
"Warner Miller and his friends are very
much disgruntled over the mention of Mil
ler's name for the Department of Agricul
ture. There will be many Bepublicans of prom
inence from New York in "Washington who
are qualified to tell General Harrison a
great deal about politics here. But their
visits are entirely without any such pur
pose, as a rule. Two exceptions, according
to the.talk at the Union League Club and the
Fifth Avenue Hotel last evening are General
Daniel E. Bntterfield and Charles Watrons.
They of all the thousands of New Yorkers
who will mace the pilgrimage are the only
ones who have been asked to come by Gen
eral .Harrison to meet him,' to dine with
him. and soon. And the conclusion is
r drawn with' no particular satisfaction bv
Piatt men, Miller men, Hiscock men, and
all that the voices of these men will be po
tent in influencing President Harrison's de
cision as to the distribution of patronage in
the Empire Stote.
The conclusion carries" with it the un
avoidable inference that Stephen B. Elkins
is to be the real power in the matter. Some
of the discontented describe the situation
sarcastically by saying that Elkins will
"assist" General Bntterfield and Mr.
Watrous, wjiile others say more plainly
that he will rnn things. With all this
there is some comfort for them all in the
conviction that they all share that New
York will in some way get a representation
In the.new Cabinet.
The tip was passed about that General
Harrison, on his arrival in Washington.will
have three vacancies in his list of advisers
the Navy Department, the Attorney Gener
alship" and the Department of Agricul
ture,, and, notwithstanding Bussell Harri
son's announcement that the. Cabinet is
completed, the belief in the chances of New
York is very strong.
Elegant Hat He Will Wear on In
angnratlon Day.
New York, February 25. Mr. Arkell,
of Judge, in a moment of desperation last
fall, bet Sir. Bussell Harrison a new hat
that his father wouldn't carry Indiana.
"Young Mr. Harrison recently reminded Mr.
Arkell pf the wager.
"What size do you wear?" Mr. Arkell
"No. 7."
"I gues3 I 'had better make it a size
"Oh, you will have a swelled head by the
4th of March."
Mr. Arkell will pay his bet to-day, when
Mr. Bussell Harrison will put on the most
gorgeonsand expensive opera hat ever made
in America. Mr. Arkell says he is pleased
to remark that the hat is a perfect fit; al
though it is only 1. The hat was con
structed under the supervision of Mr. Knox.
The silk was the product of John D. Cut
ter's mill at Patterson. Hitherto opera
hats have been made of imported stuff. The
man who put this American tile together is
Captain Jack Timmerman, a veteran of the
war, who tought for years with the Twelfth
New York.
Mrs. McFarland, whose father was killed
in the war, trimmed the hat. Artists Ham
ilton, Flohri, Gillam and Smith, of Judge,
decorated the satin-lined interior. In the
center of the top is a picture in oil of the
Judge, framed in a sun-burst with a goblet
of peach brandy poised in his right hand
about to drink the health of Harrison and.
Morton, whose pictures in little painted
frames are enwreathed in flowers and leaves
at his feet. The side of the lining is filled
with buds done in water colors. The hat
cost 5100. Mr. Harrison will wear it on
Inauguration Day, and then useit for decora
tive purposes.
His Mother Has Received Positive As
surances to That Effect.
Philadelphia, February 25. It is
not true that the health of Mr. Charles
Stewart Parnell is critically affected and
that he is likely to suffer a collapse at any
time. Mrs. Parnell the mother of the
Irish leader, "received arable message to
day which definitely sets at rest the appre
hensions of the friends of the Irish cause
aroused by the alarming news telegraphed
from London about two weeks ago. On
reading this news, Mrs. 'Parnell, knowing
that her son if he were ill and likely to
break down would conceal his condition
from her, wrote to Dr. Kenny, his physician
in unoiin, assmg mm to ten ner exactly
how he was. Dr. Kenny answered to
day. In hi3 message he said: "Never better;
writing." Mrs. Parnell was in ,this city
yesterday aud was greatly overjoyed at the
news, as was also the members of the
Municipal Council of the Irish National
League, to whom she communicated the
contents of the dispatch. Mrs. Parnell
will return to Bordentown to-day.
Sickness Affects His Mind, and He Seeks
Relief In Death.
IOWA City, February 25. Mayor John
J. Holmes, of this city, shot himself in the
head last nfght, and died this morning. Mr.
Holmes has been conspicuous in local poli
tics for some time. About three months
ago he became ill and suffered from
Earalysis, which to a slight extent affected
is brain. Yesterday evening he went down
to his barn, and not returning, search was
made by his family. He was found lying
on the floor, with a bullet in his temple.
Mayor Grant Hns Succeeded la Freeing
Broadway as a Starter.
New York, February 25. At a meeting
of the Electrical Subway Commission to
day Mayor Grant succeeded in securing the
paSsase of an order that all wires oh Broad
way should be taken down inside of 30
days, and the poles removed. The order is
accompanied by a warning that "30 days,
manma 4A A n .. ' ttnA tliaf ttlA nnlaa mn.t
means 30 days." and that the poles must
come down at the expiration of that time.
The Mayor is making a vigorous war on
overhead wires, but meets with a good deal
of opposition.
The Jnry Still Considering the Caso Against
Iotrn's Execntlve.
Des Moines, February 25. The trial
of Governor Larrabee for, criminal libel
ended this afternoon. No argument was
deemed necessary bv the Governor's attor
neys in his defense. At a. lata hour this I
evening the jury were still out.
PJye Hell?i0U3 Enthusiasts Baptized
V 1H PaiDjapO BaV
.Trmrr mnn mfiinrn imTTTJti tmrjvnni '
fVlliiillfj liijurxiiiiHuurjAinuui a
Clothed- in Kuhher Buitsi-They Dfy't&
Weather and Say
r "-'c.ij .'-'.
Elder Earmold's
Zealous little
C arista.
Flock of Faith'
"With the temperature at 12 above zero,
five enthusiastic Faith Cure converts wera
fbaptized in the chilly waters pf New York
Bay. The converts wore rubber clothes and
underwent the trying ordeal with great
courage. They stood upon the shore and
sang hymns and offered up prayers.
Jersey City, February 23. Elder W.
G. Baymond and the zealous little flock of
faith curists which he has gathered together
in Hudson county since he was deposed as
spiritual adviser of the faction led by Mr.t
Elsey, bid defiance yesterday afternoon to
the wintry blasts, bitter cold, and icy sea.
About 0 strong they assembled toward 3
o'clock at Cadmus' dock, on the Pamrapo
shore of New York bay. "Well muffled up
in comfortable garments of rather unfash
ionable cut, and thoroughly fired with the
fervor of their religions enthusiasm, they
recked little of the fact that the thermome
ter which hung outside the entrance of the
nearest dwelling registered only 12 above
zero. With a smile upon his weather-beaten
face and the breeze violently ruffling his
grizzled locks, Elder Baymond moved spryly
about shaking hands with his followers and
those whom he Recognized among the 50 or
more spectators.
"Sister Fisk has arrived," announced
Brother Benjamin Bussell.
"Praise the Lord, it's a beautiful day,"
responded the Elder, as he grasped Sister
Fisk's right hand in his and felt for his
handkerchief with his left
a very nice day;
"Praise the Lprd, it's indeed a beautiful
day," echoed the others, as they grouped
themselves about the trio. Then the little
band sang several stanzas of the hymn "To
day the Saviour Calls," after which Elder
Baymond delivered a discourse on "Bap
tism" and prayed. While the flock sang
the hymn "Salvation's Free for All."
Elder Baymond donned a pair of rubber
hoots and strode toward the shore. He
gazed for a few minutes in silence on the
ice-locked bay. Then, raising both arms
high above his head, he beckoned his fol
lowers to approach, and then crashed
through the thin ice. When he had gone
in nearly up to his breast he turned and
faced the shore.
"Praise the Lord, the channel has been
made ready!"exclaimed the elder's daughter,
Sister Goldsmith.
The members responded by singing, "6,
happy day, when Jesus washed my sins
away"" In the meantime five rubber-clad
figures joined those on the beach. The firs t
to advance and follow the elder through the
channel was Mr3. Nettie Fisk, a pleasant
faced young woman, who lives in Newark,
Wayne county, N. Yj She reached the
elder's side and smiled as she faced the
group on shore. "Without the slightest
apparent tremor she allowed the elder tc
immerse her in the icy water. As the pair
walked toward the shore the congregation,
sang, "Shall we gather at the river?"
Jessie Sherman, a pretty 16-year-oId miss
from Glens Falls, was next immersed. She
passed creditably through the ordeal, and
was followed by Mrs. Theresa Tier, of
"Union Hill, N. J., a short, dark-haired
young woman, with flashing black eyes.
GeorgeH. Vincent and his wife, Mary E.,
of Canisteo, Steuben county, were also bap
tized, Mrs. Vincent preceding her husband.
The converts found ashore ample accommo-
dations for changing their drenched attire
for dry clothing, and as fast as they dressed
they joined their friends in the services.
After leading Mr. Vincent from the water
Elder Baymond turned and faced the bay.
Extending his arm3 seaward he exhorted
his followers.
"Behold," said he, "it's a beautiful day.
Praise the Lord, for he is with us. The
flood tide is beginning to ebb, and it is car
rying tar out to see tne loads of sin which
have been washed away from those we have
baptized to-day. Let us sing 'Whiter
Than Snow.' " The members joined vigor
ously in singing the hymn, and then re
paired to Brother Benjamin Bussell's home
in Avenue E, Pamrapo. where tbey held an
experience meeting and love feast. Asa
result of the session they got-two candidates
for baptism next Sunday. The band will
meet on Friday night at Sister Holthusen's,
47 Cole street, to recruit more converts.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Direct Connection.
Baltimore, February 25. "What has
been the ambition of the Baltimore and
Ohio Bailroad Company for years, through
traffic to New York, is about to be realized.
It was officially announced to-day that on
March 10, an arrangement with the Beading
Bailroad would .go into effect whereby
through passenger trains will be run from
Washington and Baltimore to New York In
five and one-half to six hours between the
latter cities.-
It was intended in the beginning to use
the Baltimore and Ohio Twenty-fourth
street depot in the. Quaker City, and then
cross the Schuylkill and connect by means
of the Schuylkill Eastside Boad with the
Beading at Park Junction. At "West FalU
Junction it will be necessary to run into
Wayne Junction to connect with the main
line of the Beading- It is thought that the
delay in going to Vayne Junction will not
be ereater than that to which Pennsylvania
Bailroad trains are subjected in pulling
into Broad street station, but as the Balti
more and Ohio will in a short time have;
completed the direct track from Twenty
fourth street to Wayne Junction even this
delay will be obviated.
Is Likely to be Renewed by the Dissatisfied
Chicago, February 25. The Herald wiU
to-morrow print an article which goes to
show that the ereat Burlington strike, which,
was begun last February, and which was
supposed to have been settled over a month
ago, is still on, and that tbe Brotherhood U
about to take steps to force the company to
keep the agreement it made with the engi
neers and firemen at the secret conference
held last January.
At that time the Burlington officials
agreed to take back a large number of the
strikers by February I. The men declare
that this has not been done. To-day Chair
man B. H. Cavener, of the committee ap
pointed by the Bichmond Convention to
settle the 'strike, came to town, and scent
the day in conferences with the leading
spirits'of the famous strike- It is expected
that the men will soon make mjther effort
J to bring the Burlington to ferr
t' .'
i .'AirjjAt Wsrf.,.." :