Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 25, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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7 -
2be Pennycomequicks
Written for THE
Chapters I. xs"ll. '" Sidebottom. whose
matter, name w I'ennvcomeqnict. and her ton
r'antAin IVnnvcoinequlcL. who naa taken the
SS?Ly iSucw resUt.1SR t?"'-
Eiduinc wtb and means. W Itu ambitious no
? onVind cxtnranl taste, ri.e finds it difficult
to live on the XMO annually. hlch is her Income.
Both she ana her son are reckonlns; upon the pos
fible fortune that may be theirs op the death of a
wealthT rclatne. Jeremiah Pennycomequlck
hair-brotuer to Mrs. Ssldebottoml, whom they
have lust entertained at dinner, hut who Is dis
gusted 1th tbelr overdone professions of interest
fn his welfare. Living with nlm is a niece, balotne
Cusworth, one of two sisters, the elder one bavin c
lelt his fool lu luiiij a rnucL loauuiaciurcr.
Mr. lvnnvcomequlcfc gradually becomes drawn
toward the fatherless balomc, and something of a
tenderer feeling springs within his breast. A
casual joke from Captain PennTcomequick. with
reference to Salome and himself reveals to him
his heart, and, as he meets her in his own home
after the bidebottom banquet, he dare not meet
her eyes.
CH aktees III. axd IV. Jeremiah Pennycomc
iulct, unable to declare his lore for his niece,
leaves his liou-e at midnight, for a "composing
draught or fresh night air." As he walksbythe
side of the canal he is alarmed by news conveyed
' by a man on horseback, who told him to "Ctet
back, u Holroyd Keservolrhad burst." The
old man enters the hut of the locksman on the
embankment, the only shelter from certain death,
which seems at hand.
Chattebs V. AND VI In his perilous position
Jeremiah encounters the full force and volume of
the flood, wnlch bears down all obstacles, pianos,
pigs, a woman's corpse with a dead child in her
arms, eyemhlng impelled against the tottering
walls of the hut. He is lolned by another terrified
man, anxious to t& e his life but rtgrctting in a
hair-maniacal way that he had lost his bullock,
which he might have sold the day before. Jere
miah wraps round his half-naked form his own
overcoat. As the hut slowly but surely crumbles
away, Jeremiah reaches a tree top to which he
dings.. Uls rellow suflerer declines to leave the
hut, and as the tree passes Jeremiah sees the hut
dissolve like a lump of sugar In boiling ater and
CHAPTEK VIL Taking Possession.
The valley of the Keld for many miles above
and below Mergatroyd presented a piteous
spectacle when day dawned. The water bad
abated, bnt was drained away. The fields were
still submerged. Factories stood as stranded
bulla amid shallow lagoons, and were inac
cessible, their fires extinguished, their mechan
ism arrested, their stores spoiled. The houses
in the "folds" were deserted, or were being
cleared of their inhabitants. From the
windows of some of these booses men and wo
men were leaning and shouting for help. They
had been caught by the water, whieh
invaded the lower story, locally called
the "ha'ase," when asleep in the bed
rooms overhead, and now, hungry,
and cold and imprisoned, they clamored for
release. Boats were scarce. Such as had been
possessed by manufacturers and others had
been keptbythe nvcr.and these bad been broken
from their moorings and carried away. Rafts
were extemponred out of doors and planks;
and as the water was shallow and still in the
folds, they served better then keels. One old
woman had got into a "peggy' tub and
launched herself in it, to get stranded in the
midst of a wide expanse of water, and from
her vessel she screamed to be helped, and dared
not venture to move lest sit! should upset her
tub and be shot out.
Not many lives, apparently, had been lost in
the parish of Mergatroyd. Mr. Pennycome
quickwas missing, and the man at the locks
with his wife had not been seen, and their
cottage was still inaccessible. But great mis
chief had been wrought by the water. Not
only had the stores in the mills been damaged,
and the machinery injured by water and grit
getting into it, and boilers exploded by the
shock, but also because the swirl of the tor
rent had disturbed the sub-soil of gravel and
undermined the walls. Fissures formed with
explosions like the reports of guns; one chim
ney that had leaned before was now so inclined
and overbalanced that its fall was inevitable
and was hourly expected.
for the enlightenment of the uninitiated it will
be as well to describe a Fold. About some mills
ire yards, and the inclosing walls of these yards
form the backs of cottages facing inward on the
mill, which are occupied by operativesworking in
the factory.
The Trade of the Past Week Devoid
of Striking Features.
Overstocked With Stuff, and Sellers at the
Mercy of Buyers.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch.
Saturday. February 23, 1S89. J
The trade features of the week show noth
ing marked. Certainly there have appeared
no indications of a revival. The week
winding np with a holiday and the tightest
weather of the season, has made a record for
business transactions, if anything worse
than the few quiet weeks which preceded it
In the line of cereals, receipts have been
larger than for a month past, and sales
lighter at the Grain Exchange on call. Opera
tors in grain and hay who speak cheerfully of
the situation are few. .Trade gives fewsigns of
life. Sellers are at the mercy of buyers -on ac
count of the over-dose of stuff. Oats appear to
he the weakest factor'of cereal markets, and
good milling wheat the strongest. While all
else has been gravitating toward lower prices
the past week, wheat and flour tend upward.
There has been a more active movement in
fancy patent flour the past week than at any
time since the collapse of the wheat corner in
the fall. Produce dealers report an improve
ment for February over January in the egg and
butter trade.
Views of a Jobber.
A leading jobber in these lines said to-day
that his 6ales were larger for Thursday and
Friday than for any two days this month.
There is an unlooked-for quietness in cheese.
With a stock unusually light and the time
fully here when the ante-Lenten activity should
set in. jobbers have been disappointed over the
quietness which still prevails. Said a repre
sentative of the principal jobbing firm of the
city: our trade was never as gooa as an iasi
summer and falL November was one of the,
best months we ever had. December showed
a falling off but our sales were 5,000 and up
ward, more than the average for that month
of the year.
January showed a fall below the average as
December was axve it, and tbe present month
has done little better. 1 aklng the two closing
months of tbe old year with their great activity,
and they have been almost o2set by the two
opening months of this vcar."
"How do you account for recent quietness in
the cheese trade?" was asked
"It is not easy to account for these extreme
fluctuations in demand for such a staple ar
ticle as cheese. In my view, the bad country
roads has had not a little to do with light de
mand. The country and village stores have
been visited much less than in ordinary winters
by the farmer. He has not been getting satis
factory prices for his products because of the
great abundance of everything. Having little
extra cash, and roads being wretched every
where, the farmer has stayed more at home
than usual and lived on his own products, to
the loss of tradesmen."
Frullsnnd Vegetables.
In the line of fruits and vegetables tbe trade
situation has not materially changed from a
week ago. Some dealers report a better de
mand and firmer prices for choice apnles,as
those which were stocked up for the winter
have for the most part either rotted or been
pushed ou to markets at nominal prices. The
loss by rot has been equal to one third, and
when it is taken into consideration that apples
bring no better prices than at the time of in
gathering of fruits, it is plain that they have
have not been a good commodity for the specu
lator this season. Some who entered heavily
. In this line said to-day to The Dispatch rep
resentative that tbev would only be too glad to
come out even, but had little hopes of doing so.
At a Liberty street commission bouse the
writer was permitted a dav or two ago to have
bis first sight of Westphalia hams. This
article of commerce has been Introduced for
the first time this winter in any considerable
quantity to the Pittsburg pnblic The West-
I) alia ham is used in its raw state as chipped
eef in some of our fancv restaurants, and
sells at 26e per pound. The one jobber who
bandies it reports that a good trade has sprung
np in the past few months.
A Monster Smokehouse.
Is connection with this new article of com
merce, we, append a characteristic cote from.
All the gas jets fed from tbe main that de
scended into the valley were extinguished, and
it was apparent that the rush of water had
ploughed np the ground to tbe depths of the
main, and had ruptured it. Walls that bad
run across the direction of the stream had
been thrown over; the communication between
the two sides of the valley was interrupted. It
was uncertain whether the bridge was still In
existence. The railway had been overflowed,
and tbe traffic stopped. The canal banks and
locks had suffered so severely that it would be
useless for the barges for many months.
Tidings arrived during the day from the up
per portion of the valley, and it appeared tha
the destruction of life and property had been
greatest where the wave burst out from be
tween the confining hills, before it had -space
in which to spread, and in spreading to dis
tribute its force. Heartrending accounts came
in, some true, some exaggerated, some false,
but all believed.
That night of terror aud ruin did not see the
roll of death made up. Such catastrophes hare
far-reaching effects. The wet, the exposure,
the shock, were sure to produce after-sickness
and sncceedlng mortality.
With ready hospitality, the parsonage, the
inns, the bouses of the well-to-do, were thrown
open to receive those temporarily homeless, and
food, warmth and clothing were forced upon
them. But such as were received felt that they
could not protract their stay and burden un
duly their hosts, and insisted on returning pre
maturely to their sodden houses, there to con
tract rheumatic fevers and inflammations.
Twenty years ago. the author of this story
wrote an account of such a disaster in a novel,
the first on which he essayed his pen. Time
has rolled away, and, like the flood, has buried
much; and among tbe things it has swept off
and sunk in oblivion is that book. Probably
not a dozen copies of it exist. He may now be
permitted to repeat what was there written,
when the impression produced by the cata
clasm was fresh and vivid; and let not the rare
possessor of the lost novel charge him with
plagiarism if he repeats something of his
former description. '
Near the spot where the Keld left the hills
had stood a pnblic house called the "Horse
and Jockey." The full violence of the descend
ing wave fell on it and effaced it utterly. The
innkeeper's body was never found: the child's
cradle, with the child in it, had gone down the
stream, kept from overbalancing bythe kitchen
cat, and so escaped destruction. The beer
casks floated ashore some miles down, were
never claimed, and were tapped and drunk dry
by some roughs. The sign of Horse and Jockey
came to land 0 miles away, unhurt; it was the
most worthless article the bouse had possessed.
About a mile and a half above Mergatroyd was
a row of new cottages, lately erected on money
borrowed from a building society. They were
of staring red brick, with sandstone heads to
doors and windows; the flood carried away
three out of the f our.
In the first lived a respectable wool-picker
with wife and children, all Wesleyans. He and
his wife and child were sn ept from life in a
moment, and supplied the preacher at their
Chanel with a topic for bis next Sunday's dis
course. In the second lived a widow, who sold
"spice." that is to say, sweets, together with
sundry articles in the grocery line; a mighty
woman, rotund and red, with a laugh and a
joke tor everyone; a useful woman to mothers
in their troubles, and to children with
tbe toothache, whooping cough and
other maladies. Black bottle and pep
permint drops. Mother Bunch's syrup,
soothing powders, porous plasters, em
brocations, and heal-alls various, and of
various degrees of mischlevousness, were her
specifics, and when tbe doses were nasty her
lemon-drops and sugar-candy were freely given
to cleanse the mouth of the taste of medicine.
Now, she was gODO down the river, her lolli
pops dissolved, her medicines dispersed. Away
she had gone, floundering and spluttering, till
Carlyle's "Life of Frederick the Great" con
cerning Westphalia, as it was a couple of cen
turies ago. Carlyle quotes from an old-time
book of travels:
'No inns there except of the naturally sav
age sort. A man is very happy if he finds
clean straw to sleep on. Ho must be content
to have the cons, swine and poultry for his
fellow-lodgers, and to go in at the same pas
sage that tbe smoke comes out at, for there's
no other vent for it but tbe door, which makes
foreigners commonly say that the people of
Westphalia enter their houses by the chimney.
This is the reason why their beef and hams are
so finely prepared and ripened, for the fire
place being backward, the smoke must spread
over all the house before it gets to the door,
which makes everything within of a russet or
sable color, not excepting the hands and faces
of the meaner sort."
MayWhcul Lower nnd July Higher Corn
Stendy and Unchanged Oats Easier
Hay Products Firm, With
Prices Moving Upward.
Chicago Wheat ruled quiet There was a
noticeable lack of outside orders, and local
trading was also of a restricted character. The
market opened up! stronger and prices were
llKc higher than the closing figures Thurs
day, influenced by the change to severe cold
weather, but the advance was met with pretty
fair offerings, under which the market became
weak, and after numerous small fluctuations
gradually touched a lower point with each re
action, until a decline of IKc was scored on the
top prices of tbo day, and closed about c
lower for May than the closing figures Thurs
day and iic higher for July. There was noth
ing specially m outside news to influence the
in corn were chiefly confined to
room operators. Tbe market opened at Thurs
day's closing figures and gradually declined
Jic reacted Hic and ruled steady, closing
about the same as Thursday.
Oats were dull and easier. Prices for May
receded VMMp and closed quiet
A quiet ana firm feeling prevailed in hog
products and prices averaged higher in the
leading articles. Prices were advanced early
in the day owing to fair iuying on the part of
"thorts," but the improvement was not sup
ported and about the middle of the session the
advance was lost Later, prices rallied to the
outside, but settled back-again to medium fig
ures and closed quiet ,
Tbe leading futures ranrrea as follows:
Wheat-No. 2 March, SI 0SK1 0S 1 06'
m WBj
R3&ic: May. 35
OATS No. 2, March, 25J&
May, 25i2ic;
j tine. -'ic.
Mess Pork, per bbl. March, $11 17K;Mav,
S1132KI1 40112!V:ll 32H; June, til 40
11 32K&11 4a
Lard, per 100 lis March, $6 806 7
6 T7H: Mav. -So 90g6 92i6 S56 90; June,
6 Wiim 856 906 85.
Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. March. $5 90
5 82Vr5 90; May, 58 056 1086 006 0 June,
S6 07J6 15g6 07KS6 12.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
firm and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat
SI 06(81 06c: No. S spring wheat S097c
No. 2 red, (I 061 0& No. 2 corn, 34J4c;
No. 2 oats, 25Jc. No. 2 rye, 48Jic; No. 2 barley,
nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 56. Mess pork,
per barrel, 11 15U 20. Lard, per 100 lbs.
87o677. Short ribs sides (loose). So 85
5 95; drv salted shoulders (boxed). So 25537U;
short clear sides (boxed), $6 126 25.
Sngarx, cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour,
16,000 barrels; wheat 60,000 bushels: com, 190,
000 bnsheH: oats. 1GL000 bushels; rye. 6,000 bush
els: barley, 106,000 bushels. Bhipments-Flour,
17,000, barrels; wheat 46.000 bushels; corn, 282,
000 bushels: oats, 161,000 bushels; rye, 6,000
bushels; barley, 69.000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs
steady at 13c
New York Flour strong and quiet Wheat
Spot firmer with a fair milling demand;
options H&Kic higher and firmer. Barley quiet
at75Sic Corn Spot firmer and moderately
active; options Kic lower. Oats Spot dull
and steady; options neglected. Hay steady and
quiet; shipping, 6570c; gbod to choice, 80c
Coffee Options opened firm at 1520 points up;
closed steady at 1520 points above Thursday;
sales, 46.0U0 bags, including February, at 16.25c;
March. 16.4016.45c: April. 16.3516.40c; Mav.
16.35igl6.45c; June, 16.5016.60c; Jnlv, 16.55
16.60c; August 16.7016.76c; September, 16.85
16.95c; October. ia8517Jj()c; November, 16.90c;
December, 16.9017.00c:'pot Rio stronger
and quiet: fair cargoes, 17Kc Sugar
Raw strong; fair refining, 413-16c; centri
fugals, 96 test, 5 9-16c; refined steady and quiet
.Molasses Foieign firm; New Orleans dull,
flice steady and quiet; domestic, 43iG&c;
Japan, iic Cottonseed oil steadier: crude,
prime, 40c; yellow, 45c" Tallow quiet and
steady; city, Eic Rosin qpiet and firm;
: . way, si iukssi iyaeii w;4(r$i w;
, SI U6ffll UoMBl WJSK1 U4M.
-No. 2. March. gi34Kc: April. SSH
her lungs were filled with the fluid she invol
untarily imbibed, and then she sank and was
caught among some sunken treesnags, and her
body was afterward recovered among them.
In tbe third cottage resided a musical shoe
maker, a man with one love, and that the love
of his bass viol. A wiry, solemn man, greatly
in request at all concerts, able to conduct a
band, or take almost any instrument himself,
but loving best a vioL
Now, he was gone, and grit had been washed
into the sacred case of the cherished instru
ment ruined along with its master.
In the last cottage of tbe row lived a drunk
en, good-for-nothing fellow, who did odd jobs
of work; a fellow who had driven his own wife
with her bairns from the bouse, and lived with
another woman, as intemperate as himself, and
with a mouth as foul as his own. This house
and those jrithin were spared.
"We'll, now," said an elder to tbe preacher,
after the sermon at Providence Chapel next
Sunday, "Ah did think thou wer't boun' to
justify the ways o' Providence."
"So 1 would if I could," answered the
preacher, "but they b'aint justifiable."
Where the folds and fields were not too deep
in water, lads waded, collecting various articles
that had drifted no one knew whence. Some
oranges lodged in a corner were greedily se
cured and sucked. One man ran about dis
playing a laced lady's boot at the end of a
walking-stick, which boot bad been carried
into his kitchen, and was useless unless he
could discover the fellow. There was much
merriment in spite of disaster. Yorkshire folk
must laugh whatever happens, and jokes were
bandied to and fro between those who rowed
or waded and those who were prisoners in their
npper chambers.
The pariahs of society were alive to their op
portunities, and were descending the stream,
claiming everything of value that was found as
being their own lost property. In many cases
their claims were allowed; in others tbo finder
of some article, rather than surrender it to a
man whom he suspected, would cast it back
into the water and bid Urn go further to recov
er it
A higher type of pariah started subscriptions
for the sufferers, and took many a toll on the
sums accumulated for the purpose of relieving
the distress.
What had become of Mr. Pennycomequlck?
That was the question in every mouth In Mer
gatroyd. Salome knew that be bad left the
bouse just after midnight to take a walk by the
canal, and the watchman had seen him a little
later on tbe ton-path. Since then he had not
been seen at all. It was probable that hearing
the alarm signals, 'be might have taken refuge
somewhere: but where J That depended on
wherohe was when the alarm was given. If he
had ascended the canal he might have made
his way Into Mitchell's mill; that was a hope
soon dispelled, for news came that be had not
been seen there. If he had descended the
canal it was inconceivable that be could have
escaped, as there was no place of refuge to
which he could have flown.
Mrs. Sidebottom had not a shadow of doubt
that Jeremiah was dead. Not dead! Fiddle
sticks! Of course he was dead. Sho acted on
this conviction. She moved into her half
brother's house. It would not do, she argued,
to leave it unprotected to be pillaged by those
Cusworths. A death demoralized a house. It
was like the fall of a General, all order, re
spect for property, sense of duty, ceased.
Lambert should remain at home, where he had
his comforts, his own room, and his clothes.
There was no necessity for his moving.
"Besides," said Mrs. Sidebottom. "I could
never trust a man, especially with women.
Talk of men as lords of creationl Why, they
are wheedled and humbugged by women with
the greatest facility. If Lambert were here,
the Cusworths, the maids, would sack the
house under his nose, and he perceive nothing.
I know how it was when I was newly married.
Then, if anything went wrong among my do
mestics I sent Sidebottom down the kitchen
stairs to them. He returned crestfallen and
penitent convinced that he had wrongfully ac
cused them, and that he was himself, in some
obscure manner, to blame."
Mrs. Sidebottom gave orders that her broth
er's room should be made ready for her.
"Uncle Jeremiah's room, mother!" ex
claimed Lambert, in astonishment
"Of course," answered she. "I am not going
to leave that un watched; why, that Is the focus
and center of everything. What do I care if
they steal tbo sugar, and pull some of the
strained, common to good, SI 031 12& Tur
pentine steady. Eggs firmer;-W6Stern, 14
15Hc; receipts, 5,655 packges. Pork firm; old
mess, 12 00; new mess, 12 50S12 75; extra
prime, 512 OOg-12 25. Cutmeats quiet; pickled
shoulders, 5Sc;do hams, 910c Mid
dles firm; short clear, S6 40. Lard stronger and
dull: sales western steam, S7 iOj citv. $6 80;
March, S7 19: April, 7 19; Mav. 7 20; June,
57 21; July, S7 28; August, 7 25: September,
7 28. Bntter weak and ouiet; Western dairy,
1320c; do creamery, 16G29c; Elgins, 3031c
Cheese qniet and easy; -Western, 10$llc
St. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged.
Wheat better. Cold weather and advances at
all other points caused higher opening, but
there was more for sale than was wanted, and
the price cased off at once: subsequently the
feeling was unsettled and trading light, weak
ening again late, but closing i4c above
Thursday: No.2 red cash,97)c asked: May.99Kc
1 OCJc closing at 99c; July, SG57e, clos
ing at 86yc: August closing at 95c nom
inal. Corn firm: No. 2 mixed, cash, 27c;
March. 27Kc, closing at 27Jic; April, 29J4C:
May, 8030-Xc closing at 30j(c asked; June.
SIVic; July, 3--e; August, 33c closing at 32Jc
bid. Oats quiet; No. 2 cash, 25c; May, 27J
2c Rye. 42c bid. Barley Nothing doing.
Flaxseed, 1 50. Provisions firmer.
Ciscetnati Flour easv. Wheat weaker;
No.2red, 97c; receipts, 1,500 bushels; shipments,
500bu-hels. jCorn barely steady: No. 2 mixed.
33c Oats easy; No. 2 mixed, 23c Rye quiet;
No. 2, 53c Fork quiet at 11 50. Lard stronger
at 6 65. Bulkmeats and bacon stronger. But
ter steady. Eggs, supply abnndant at HKc.
Cheese steady. Sugar firm and quiet
Milwaukee Flour unchanged Wheat
easy: cash, 95c; May, 97c; July, 95c Corn
dull; No. S, 2930c Oats dull; No. 2 white,
27K2SKc Barley dull: No. 2, 57Kc Rye
dull; No. 1, 45c Provisions firm. Pork,
11 i'H- Lard, 6 SO. Cheese unchanged; Ched
dars, 10c
Philadelphia Flour firm, .but quiet
Wheat firm; options closed c higher. Corn
steady. Oats Carlots steady.
Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady.
Eggs firm at 1414Kc Coffee strong, Rio fair
Toledo Cloversced steady and firm; cash,
February and March, $4 85.
Nothing New In the Local Situation, Bnt
Everybody Hopeful.
Business the past week may he described
in a general way as dull and inactive. The
occurrence of a holiday materially affected
the volume of transactions, and had a bear
ish aspect upon the speculative markets.
Petroleum developed considerable strength,
the close showing a gain of ljc from the
previous Saturday. There were no special
features in stocks, which finished dull and
bullish. The demand for bank shares for
investment was unprecedented in the his
tory of the Exchange. This indicates a
large amount of idle capital. Bdsiness at
the banks was featureless. Money was
abnndant at 56 per cent, according to the
collateral. Pig iron was a trifle steadier,
but other descriptions were unchanged.
Beal estate was active, the demand being
largely ior unimproved lots and small
houses. There was a fair inquiry for West
End and Southside properties. The retail
trade was of the usual large proportions.
The movement in local monetary circles Sat
urday was characterized by! considerable ac
tivity. This was due mainly to the bolidayre
suiting in a doubling up of checking and de
positing. The same cause worked an improve
ment in the Clearing House report Only a
limited amount of paper was offered for dis
count and it was accepted at 6 per cent A
few of tho banks were willing to make a con
cession on primo collateral. TUo Clearing
House report for the day and week, with com
parisons, shows the following changes:
ExchanRCs P, 480, 653 99
Balances 492.878 70
Exchanges for the week 11,133,261 92
n-,innr-p fnrthe week 2.200.478 21
Exchangee, dally average - 2.226,652 39'
Exchanges last wees iz,zss.:c3 27
Balances last week 2,160.34 06
Exchanges, dally avenge ,048,204 88
Mining Stocks. ,
New Yoek, February 23.-Mining stocks
closed: Amador, 150; Belcher. 340; Best fc
Belcher. 4S5: Bodie. 150; Caledonia, B. H., 275;
Crown Point 630; Consolidated California and
Virginia. 812; Deadwood, T.. 150: Eureka Con
smid.ited. 200: El Cristo, 150; Gould & Curry,
235; Halo & Norcross. 400; Homestake, 1200;
Iron Silver, 325; Mutual, 145: Ophir, 675; Sierra
Nevada. 320; Silver King, 105; Santiago, 325;
Small Hope', 105; Sullivan, 140; Union Consoli
dated, 825; Yellow Jacket 440.
French plums out of the bag in the store
closet? I must sit at my post keep my hand on
the strong box and the bureau."
"But suppose Uncle Jeremiah were to return?-
"Ho won't return. He cannot He is
"But the body has not been recovered."
"Nor will it be; it has been washed down into
the ocean."
"Rather yon than I sleep In his room," said
After a slight hesitation Mrs. Sidebottom
said, in a low, confiding tone, "I have found his
keys. He left them In his dress coat pocket
Now you see the necessity there is for me to be
on the spot I must have a search for the will."
Then she drew a long breath, and said, "Now,
Lamb, there Is some chance of my heart's de
fiSre being accomplished. You will be able to'
drop one of your n's."
"Drop what, mother?"
"Drop one of the n's In the spelling of your
name. I have never liked the double n in
Pennycomequlck. It will seem more dis
tinguished to spell the name with one n."
The captain yawned and walked to the door.
"That is all one to me. I don't suppose that
ono n will bring me more money than two. By
the way, havo you written to Philip?"
"Philip!" echoed Mrs. Sidebottom. "Of
course not This is no concern of his. If he
grumbles, we can say that we hoped against
hope, and did not like to summon him till we
were sure poor Jeremiah was no more. No,
Lamb, we do not want Philip here, and if he
comes he will find nothing to his advantage.
Jeremiah very properly would not forgive his
father, and he set us all an example, for in this
nineteenth century we are all too disposed to
leniency. I shall certainly not write to Philip."
"I beg your pardon," said Salome, who at
this juncture appeared at the door. "Were
you mentioning Mr. Philip Pennycomequlck?"
"Yes, I was," answered Mrs. Sidebottom,
Salome stood in the doorway, pale, with dark
hollows about her eyes, and looking worn and
harassed. She had been up and about all the
night and following day.
"Were you speaking about sending for Mr.
Philip Pennycomequlck?" she asked.
"We were mentioning him; hardly yet con--sidering
about sending for him," said Mrs.
"Because," said Salome, "I have telegraphed
for him. I thought he ought to be here."
CHAPTER VHL In One Compartment.
In a second-class carriage on the Midland
line sat a gentleman and a lady opposite each
other. He was a tall man, and was dressed in
a dark suit with a black tie. His face bad that
set controlled look which denotes self restraint
and reserve. The lips were thin and closed,
and the cast of the features was stern. The
eyes, large and hazel, were the only apparently
expressive features he possessed. There is
nothing that so radically distinguishes those
who belong to the upper and cultured classes
from such as move in the lower walks of life as
this restraint of tbe facial muscles. It is not
the roughness of the hand that marks off the
manual worker from the man who walks
in the primrose path of ease, but the cast
of face, and that is due in the latter to
tbe constant inexorable enforcement of
self-control. In the complexity of social life
it is not tolerable that the face should be the
index of the mind. Social intercourse demands
disguise, forbids frankness, which it resents as
brusquerie, and the child from infancy is
taught to acquire a mastery over expression.
As the delicate hand artificer has to obtain
complete control over every nerve of his hand,
so as to make no slurs and. shakes, so also has
the man admitted into the social guild to hold
every muscle of his face in rigid discipline.
This is specially the case with the priest and
tbe lawyer and the doctor.' Conceive what a
hitch wonld ensue in conversation should the
lady of tbe house allow a visitor to discern in
the countenance that she was unwelcome, or
for a man of taste to allow bis contempt to
transpire when shown by an amateur his
artistic failures, or for the host to wince when
an incautious guest has exposed the family
skeleton! It is said that the late Lady Bea
consfield endured her finger to be jammed
in the carriage door without wince or cry,
and continued listening, or pretending to
listen, to her husband's conversation while
driving to the house. All members of the cul
Zero Weather Brings a Quiet Close to
a Slow Week's Trade.
ko Sign op revival in pkoduce.
Week's Receipts of Grain and Hay Tteavy
and Sales Light.
SATURDAY, February 23, 1S89. $
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
With the mercury close to zero, on one of the
uniformly quiet days of the week, little is to be
reported in produce lines. The week has fur
nished no indications of the long looked for re
vival of trade. Eggs are off 1c from prices of
last week. Large quantities have been coming
in from the Southwest At St Louis, carload
lots are sold for 10c. While 'not up to the
standard of nearby eggs, large receipts from
tbe far West have brought a drop. The
stock of cheese Is reported light at all
commercial centers at home and abroad, but
demand continues light, contrary to uniform
experience before the Lenten season. But
ter remains as it was a week ago, within
creasing firmness of a choice article from the
country. The butterino light has served to
strengthen prices of country butter.
Buttek Creamery, Elgin, 3334c; Ohio do,
2628c; fresh dairy packed, 2023c; country
rolls, 1822c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter,
Beans Choice medium, $2 002 10: choice
peas. $2 052 15.
Beeswax 2325c $1 & for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand rehned, 16 E07 0; common,
J3 504 00; crab cider, $8 000860 ? barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012o gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c;
New York, fall make, 12K13c; Limburger,
lliUy:c: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1313Kc
Cried Peas SI 451 50 $1 bushel; split do,
. Egss 15c dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, SI O0Sl 50 $ barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c fl lb: cranberries, SS 00
33 barrel
si: Si 40S2 oO per bushel.
Feathers Extra live geese.
do. 4045c; mixed lots, SO35c f? lb.
Honey New Crop, 16pi7c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes. 3540c $ bushel; $2 60
2 75 for Southern sweets; 3 253 50 for Jer
sey sweets.
PoumrY Live chickens, 6575c fl pair;
dressed chickens, 1315c 1 pound; turkeys, 13
15c dressed 33 pound; ducks, live, 8085c ?!
pair; dressed, lB14c jfl pound; geese, lOtgllc
per pound.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 &s to bushel, S6 9
bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $6 25;
clover, Alsike, JS 50; clover, white, t9 00; timo
thy, choice. 45 lbs, SI 85; blue grass, extra clean,
14 lbs, SI 00: blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs. 31 20;
orchard grass, 14 lbs, 2 00; red top, 14 lbs, SI 00;
millet, 50 fts, SI 2; German millet 50 Bs, 52 00;
Hungarian grass, 48 Bs, $2 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered,
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $3 00
4 00 1 box; common lemons, $2 75 $1
box; Messina oranges, S2 503 50 Jl box;
Florida oranges, $3 003 50 1 box; Jamaica
oranges, fancv. So 005 60 $ case; Malaga
grapes, $5 5007 00 f? keg; bananas, S2 50
firsts: SI o02 00, good seconds, bunch;
cocoanuts, S4 004 50 fl hundred; new figs, 12
14c fi pound; dates, 6$Gc W pound.
Vegetables Celery. 40a0c doz. bunches;
cabbages, S3004 00 J? WO; onions, 60c bushel;
Spanish onions, 7590c $ crate; turnips, SO
40c per bushel.
Green coffee has advanced c in New Yoik
the past two days. As it has for some time
been relatively higher than package coffee, an
advance in the latter cannot be far away.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2021KC;
choice Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio,
17K18K old Government Java, 26c; Mara
caibo, 2122c; Mocha. 3031c; Santos. 18J
22c; Caracas coffee, 1921c; peaberry, Rio,
2021c; Laguayra, 2021Jc.
Roasted (in paDcrs) Standard brands,22c;
high grades, Z43826Jc; old Government Java,
bulk, 31032; Maracalbo. 2627c: Santos, 21K
22Kc; peaberry, 25c: choice Rio, 24c; primo
Rio, 21Kc; good Rio, 21c; ordinary, 20c
tured classes are simply,tralned to smile and
not change color, to listen, perhaps to side.
when pinched and crushed and trodden on and
in torture. Would a priest be endured in his
parish if he did not receive every Insult with a
smile, or a barrister gain his cause if he suffered
his face to proclaim his, belief in its justice, or
a doctor keep his patients if his countenance
revealed what he thought of their complaints ?
If we turn over the Holbein collection of por
traits of tho Count of Henry VHL we see
among princes and nobles the same faces that
we find now in farmhouses and factories. The
Wars of the Roses had dissolved all restraints,
and men of the first Tudor reigns were the un
disciplined children of an age of domestic an
archy. But it was otherwise later. The por
traits of Van Dyck and Lely show us gentlemen
and ladies of perfect dignity and self-restraint
What is also remarkable is that each age in
tho past seems to have had its typical cast of
countenance and form of expression. The
cavaliers of Charles I have their special char
acteristics that distinguish them as much from
the conrtiers of Elizabeth as from those of
Chailes IL With Queen Anne another phase
of portraiture set in, because the faces were
different and again in the Hanoverian period
how unlike were the gentlemen of the Regency
from those of the first GeorgesI Difference in
dress does not explain this difference of face.
The men and women in each epoch had their
distinct mode of thought fashion in morals and
manners, and the face accommodated itself to
And at the present day that which cleaves
class from class is the mode of thought in each,
the rule of association that governs intercourse
in their several planes; and these affect the
character of facejn each, so that tho classes
aro distinguished by their countenances as they
were by ages in the past
When collier Jack calls bargee Jim a black
guard, Jim replies witlfa curse on the collier's
eyes, which he damns to perdition. But If col
lier Jack says the same thing to gentleman
Percy, the latter raises his hat bows, 'and
passes on.
Education, if complete, does not merely
sharpen the intellect and refine the manners,
but it gives such a complete polish that affronts
do not dint or adhere; they glide off instead,
leaving no perceptible trace of impact To the
outward appearance, Christianity and culture
produce an identical result but only fn out
ward appearance, for the former teaches the
control of tbe emotions, whereas the latter
merely forbids tbelr expression.
The face of the gentleman who sat opposite
this lady in the carriage was an intelligent,
even clever face, but was somewhat hard. He
looked at his companion once when he entered
tbe carriage, hesitating whether to enter.'and
then glanced round to see whether there was
another passenger in the compartment before
he took a seat There was at the time an elder
ly gentleman in the carriage, and this decided
him to set his valise and rugs on the seat and
finally to take his place in the corner. If he
had not seen that elderly man, with the repug
nance single gentlemen so generally entertain
against being shut in with'a lady unattended,
especially if young and pretty, he would have
gone elsewhere. Where the carcase is there
will the vultures gather.- This is inevitable;
but no sane dromedary will voluntarily cast
himself into a cage with vultures.
The old gentleman left after a couple of
stages, and then, for the rest of the journey,
these two were inclosed together. As the man
left Philip looked ont after him, with intent
to descend, remove his baggage and enter tbe
next compartment before or behind; bnt saw
that one was full of sailor boys romping, and
the other with a family that numbered among
it a wailing baby. He therefore drew back,
with discontent at heart, and all his quills
ready to bristle at the smallest attempt of the
lady to draw bim into conversation.
The train was hardly in movement before
that attempt was made.
"You are quite welcome to use my f ootwarm
er," she said.
"Thank you, my feet are not cold," was the
ungracious reply.
"I have had it changed twice since I left
town," she pursued, "so that it is quite hot
The porters have been remarkably civil, and
the guard looks in occasionally to see that I am
"In expectation of a tip," thought the gentle
man, but he said nothing. .
"The French are believed to be the politest
people in the world," continued the lady, not
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c:
cassia. 89c: pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 testTc:
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight 150, 9c; water white.
lOJic; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, Hc;
royaline, 14c.
Syrups Corn syrups, 2325c; choice sugar
syrup. S338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
stnetly prime, 3335c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 60c; choice, 48; me
dium, 45; mixed, 4042c.
SODA Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bl-carb in
5c; bl-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, fun weight, 10c; stearlne,
per set 8c; parafflne, U12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77c; choice, 6?i
7c: prime, 6Ji6Kc; Louisiana, 606K&
Srarch Pearl, 2cj cornstarch, 567c;
gloss starch, 57c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S3 65: Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers.
S2 50: Muscatels. S2 25; California Muscatels,
S2 35; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia,
7J47c; sultana. 7jc: currant, new, 45c;
Turkey prunes, new, 4f4Jc: French prunes,
8X13c; Salonica prunes, In 2-ft packages, 8Cc,
cocoanuts, per 10O.S6 00; almonds, Lan., per lb;
29c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts,iap.,
12K15c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12&
16c: new dates, 5g6c; Brazil nuts, 10c;
pecans, ll15c; citron, per &. 2122c: lemon
peel, per lb. 1314c: orange peel, 12c.
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per B. 8 c.;
apples, evaporated, 63S7c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 15lbc; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 1213$C; cherries, pitted. 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424kc; blackberries, 7Sc: buckle-
perries, iuaizc
Sugars Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, 73c: granu
lated,7c;confectioners' A,6c; standard A,6Jc;
soft whites, 66Jfc; yellow, choice, 6662c;
yellow, good, b66Jc; yellow, fair, 6c; yel
low, dark. 5c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1.200), S4-75; me
diums, half bids (600), $2 85.
Salt-No, 1 ft bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, f bbl, SI 05:
dairy, a bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ja bbl, SI 20;
Higgin's Eureka, 4 bu sack, 82 SO; Higgin's Eu
reka, 16-14 & pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, $1550
1 CO; 2d?, SI 3001 35: extra peaches, $1 851 0;
pie peaches. 90c; finest corn, $1 S0&1 60; Hfd.
Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cl 00; lima
beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c: string dodo, 75
85c; marrowfat peas, SI 1001 15; soaked peas,
7075c: pineapples, SI 401 0; Bahama do,
2 7o; damson plums, 95c; green gages, SI 25;
eggplums.S2 00;Callfornia pears. S250;dogreen
gages. $2 00; do egg plums, S2 00; extra white
cherries, S2 90; red cherries, 2Bs, 90c: raspber
ries, $1 151 40; strawberries. SI 10; goose
berries, SI 2"1 30: tomatoes, 9295c; salmon,
LB, SI 762 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash,
2-fi cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2B.S, SI 251 50;
corn beef, 2-B cans, SI 75: 14-ft cans, Hi 50;
baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 B, SI 7o
1 cu; macKerei, J-n cans, Droned, si ou; sardines,
mustard. $4 00: sardines, spiced. SI 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel,
836 fl bbl; extra No. 1 do, mess, $40;
extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No.
1 do, messed, 836; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24.
Codfish Whole pollock, ic $! B; do medium
George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c; boneless bake,
in strips, 6c: do George's cod in block', 6K
7c Herring Round shore, 85 60 W bbl; spilt
87: lake S3 25 f) 100-B half bbl. White fish, $7 R
100-& half bbl. Lake front, 85 60 $ half bbl.
Finnan hadders, 10c B. Iceland halibut 13c
?1 ft.
Buckwheat Flour 2Jg2Jc per pound.
Oatmeal $6 306 60 fi bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6860c
gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour ncjl Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 29 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne
and Chicago, 1 car of wheat, 8 of hay. 5 of oats,
2 of corn, 3 of barley, 1 of middlings, 2 of Hour.
By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 2 cars
of e. corn, 2 of flour, 2 of oats, 1 of bran.
Sales on call, 1 car sample w. w. bran, $14 75
spot regular; 1 car upland prairie bay, 9 60, B.
& 0. The long continued dullness of oats
has culminated in a drop as will be
seen oy our quotations. The signs of
strength in cereal markets are very few.
Supplies of everything appear to be far be
yond demands. For the week, receipts were
216 cars against 194 last week,192 and 185 for the
two previous weeks.
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, $1 08
1 09; No. 3 red. OScgSl 04.
Corn No. 2 yellow, ear, 3SS9c: high mixed
ear, 36Q37c; No. 1 yellow, shelled. 8940c
No. 2 yellow, shelled, 37M3oc; high mixed,
shelled. 8637c; mixed, shelled. 3536c:
OATS No.2 white. 3232Kc: extra No. 3, 30K
31c;No.3white,29K30c;No. 2 mixed, 28
Rye No. 1 Western. 6061c: No. 2, 6556o.
Barley No.l Canada, 0095c;No.2Canada,
8385cjNo.3Canada,7880c; No. 2 Western.
757Se; No. 3 Western, 6570c Lake Shore, 75
Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents 86 60,
yet discouraged, "but I must say that the Ec
glish railway porter is far in advance of tbe
French one. On a foreign line you are treated
as a vagabond, on the English as a guest"
Still be said nothing. The lady cast an almost
appealing glance at him. She had traveled a
long way for a great many hours, and was weary
of her own company. She longed for a little
"I cannot read in the train," she said plain
tively, "it makes me giddy, and I started yes
terday from home."
"In-deed," said he In dislocated syllables. He
quite understood that a hint had been con
veyed to him, but he was an armadillo against
The pretty young lady had not opened the
conversation, if that can he called conversation
which is only one-sided, without having ob
served the young man's face and satisfied her
self that there was no more impropriety in her
talking to one of so staid an air than if he had
been a clergyman.
"What a bear this man is," she thought
He on his side said to himself, "A forward
missie! I wish I were in a smoking carriage,
though I detest the smell of tobacco."
Pretty uncommonly pretty the little lady
was, with perfectly made clothes. The fit of
the gown and tho style of the bonnet proclaimed
French make. iShe had lovely golden-red hair,
large brown eyes, and a face of transparent
clearness, with two somewhat hectic fire spots
in her cheeks. Her charming little mouth was
now quivering with pitiful vexation.
A quarter of an hour elapsed without another
word being spoken, and the gentleman was sat
isfied that his companion had accepted the re
buff he had administered, when she broke forth
again with a remark.
"Oh, sir! excuse my seeming rudeness, but
you have been reading the newspaper, and I
am on pins and needles to hear the news from
France. It is true that I have just crosseld the
Channel from that dear and suffering but
heroic country. I am, however, very Ignorant
of tho news. Unfortunately our journals are
not implicitly to be relied on. Tbe French are
such a patriotic people that they cannot bring
themselves to write and print a word that tells
of humiliation and loss to their country. It is
very natural, very noble but inconvenient
That superb Faldherbe I do trust he has suc
ceeded in crushing the enemy."
"He has been utterly routed."
"Oh, dear! Oh, dearl" the little lady was
plunged into real distress. "This news was
kept from me. That was why I was hurried
away. I wanted to bring my nieces with me,
tbe Demoiselles Labarte, but they clung to
their mother and would not leave her. It was
magnificent" Then, after a sigh, "Now,
surely England will intervene."
The gentleman shook his head.
"It is cruel. Surely one sister shonld fly to
the assistance of the other."
"The English nation is sister to the German."
"Oh, how can you say so? William the
Conqueror came from France."
"From Normandy, which was not at the
time and for long after 'considered a part of
Then the gentleman, feeling he had been in
veigled into saying more than he intended,
looked out of the window.
Presently be heard a sob. The girl was cry
ing. He took no notice of her trouble. He
had made np his mind that she was a coquette,
and he was steeled against her various tricks
to attract attention and enlist sympathy. He
wonld neither smile when she laughed nor drop
his mouth when she wept His lips closed
somewhat tighter, and his brows contracted
slightly. He had noticed throughout the jour
ney the petty attemptsmade By this girl to draw
notice to herself the shifting of her shawls,
the opening and shutting of her valise, the
plaintive sighs, the tapping of the lmnatient
feet on the footwarmer. Though he had stu
diously kept his eyes turned from her, nothing
she had done had escaped him, and all went to
confirm the prejudice with which he was In
clined to regard her from the moment of his
entering the, carriage. He rose from his place
and moved to the further end of the compart
ment "I beg yonr pardon,', said tho young lady, "I
trust I have not disturbed you. You must ex
cuse me. lam unhappy."
"Quite so, and I would not for the world tres
pass on your grief."
"I have a husband fighting under the Tri
couleur, and I am very anxious about him."
The gentleman made a slight acknowledg
6675; springpatents,S8 757 00; fancy straight,
winter and spring. So 756 00; clear winter,
$5 255 50. straight XXXX bakers', S5 005 25.
Rye flour, S4 00.
MlLLFEEDi-Middllngs, fine white, $18 00
20 00 p ton! brown middlings, SH &015 00;
winter wheat bran, 814 7515 25; chop feed.
$15 00018 oa
HAY-Baled timothy, choice, $15 0015 25;
No. 1 do. S14 2514 60; No. 2 do, $12 C013 00;
loose from wagon, $18 0020 00: No. 1 upland
prairie, 89 7510 00; No. 2, $8 008 50; packing
do, $6 507 00.
STRAW-Oats. $8 008 25; wheat and rye
straw, 87 007 25.
Sugar-cured hams, large, lOJc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured hams, small,
lie; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders. Sc: sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams,
8c;sugar-cured dried beef fiats, 8c; sugar
cured dried ueef sets,9c:ugar-cured dned beef
rounds, lie: bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear
sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8c: dry salt
shoulders. 6c; dry sa clear sides, TJJc. Mess
pork, heavy, 814 00; mess pork, family, $14 50;
Iard Refined in tierces. 7c; half barrels, Tlic;
fcO-B tubs,7c;20-& piils, 7Jc: 60-B tin cans,
iyec; S-B tin pails, TJc; 5-& tin parlls, 7Jc;
10-B tin pails, 7Jc. Smoked sausage, long, 5c;
large, 5c. Fresh pork link". 9c. Pigs feet, half
barrels, S3 75; quarter barrels, $1 75.
Dressed Bleat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 Bs,
5Q5Kc; 600 to 650 Bs, 66c; 700 to 750 Bs, 6
7c. Sheep, 7c 1 B. Lambs, 8c f! fi.
By Telegraph.
KANSAS CiTY-Cattle-Recelpts, 1,414 head:
shipments, 1,001 head: market active to extent
of supply and strong at 10c higher on beef,
steers and cows; stockers and feeding steers
steady: good to choice comfed, 84 O04 25:
common to medium, 82 803 90: stockers and
feeding steers, $1 252 75. Hogs Receipts,
6,651 head; shipments, none; market opened
strong and 610c higher, closing with advance
lot: good to choice. 84 404 6a Sheep Re
ceipts, 1,795 head; shipments, 746 head: market
steady; good to choice muttons, 84 251 60;
common to medium, 82 &03 90.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 400 head; ship
ments, 1,300 head; market steady; choice
heaw native steers, S3 70f?4 30; fair to good do,
$2 90S3 76; stockers and feeders, fair to good,
SI 853 00: rangerscorn-f ed. $2 803 40: grass
fed. 81 752 80. Hogs Receipts. 2,800 head;
shipments. 3.000 head; market stronger; choice
heavy and butchers' selections, $4 4o4 60;
packing, medium to prime. 84 404 65; light
grades, ordinary to best, $4 &04 65. Sheep
Receipts, 600 bead; shipments 700 head; mar
ket strong; fair to choice, S3 005 25.
Chicago Cattle-Recelpts, 10.000 head; ship
ments, none; market steady; steers. $3 004 GO;
cows, balls and mixed, 81 7502 70; stockers,
S3 00; natives. 83 104 00. Hogs Receipts.
13.500 head; shipments, none; market strong
and 5c bigber; heavy packing and shipping,
84 604 60: light, 84 855 10; mixed. 81 504 55;
skip, 83 104 25. Sheep-Receipts, LOOOheadj
shipments, none: market steady; natives,
prime, $4 12)4 40; western, 84 75; lambs, 84 00
6 60.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 2,000 bead
throngh: CO bead sale; market steady; good.
$3 254 U). Sheep and lambs Receipts, 400
head through: 1.460 head sale; mnrKet excited
and 1020c higher; good sheep. 84 75g5 25; good
lambs, 85 8506 50. Hogs Receipts, 300 head
through; 1.050 bead sale: market excited and
1020c bigber; mediums, 84 84; Yorkers, 85 10
Cincinnati Hogs in light supply and
firmer; common and light 83 754 65; packing
and butchers. 84 5504 75. Receipts, 3,580 head;
shipments, 1,320 head.
Drygoods Mnrket.
New York, February 23. There was a fair
trade with tbe jobbing houses to-day and an
Improved business with agents' orders by mall
and through personal selections, taking more
prints, ginghams and staple cottons than for
some time past A decidedly more confident
tone pervaded the market and an era of ac
tivity is felt to ba near. Good sales of woolen
goods were made to local buyers. Prices in all
directions were steady to firm.
Movements of Specie.
New York, February 23. The exports of
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
ment with his head, which said unmistakably
that he invited no further confidences.
This she accepted, and turned her face to
look out of the opposite window.
At that moment the brake was put on, and
sent a thrill through the carriage. Presently
the train stopped. The face of the guard ap
peared at the window, and the little lady at
once lowered tbe glass.
"How are you getting on, miss?"
.'Very well,! thank you: but you iSnst not call
memiss;Iamamarried woman. I have left
my husbaud In France fighting like a lion, and
I am sent away because the Prussians are rob
bing and burning and murdering wherever
they go. I know a lady near Nogent from
whose chateau they carried off. an ormulu
clock." How unnecessary it was for her to en
ter into these details to the guard, thought the
gentleman. He could not understand how a
poor little heart full of trouble would long to
pour itself ont; how that certain natures can
no more exist without sympathy than can
plants without water.
"Don't you think, guard, that the English
Government ought to interfere?"
"Well, ma'am, that depends on how it would
affect traffic on the Midland. 'Where are yon
going, if I may ask?"
"There has been a flood, and the embankment
of the railway has been washed away. For a
day there has not been any passing over the
lines, and now we are ordered to go along un
common leisurely."
"But oh! guard, there Is, I trust, no danger."
"No, ma'am, none in the least; Til take care
that you come by no hurt The worst that-can
happen is that we shall be delayed, and -perhaps
not be able to proceed the whole way in
the same train. But rely on me, ma'am, I'll see
to you."
"Ob, guard, would you f onld you mind? I
havo here a little bottle of nice Saint Julien,
and I have not been able to touch it myself.
Would you mind taking'it? Also, here here,
under the bottle."
She slipped some money into his hand.
The guard's red face beamed broad and be
nignant He slipped the money into his waist
coat pocket the bottle he stowed away else
where: then thrnsting his head inside, he said
confidentially: "Never fear. I'll maka it all
right for you, ma'am."
When the lady, who was none other than
Janet the twin sister of Salome, mentioned
Mergatroyd as her destination, the eyebrows
of her fellow passenger were slightly lifted.
He was looking out of the opposite window to
that at which she conversed with the guard.
Now be knew that he would not be rid of his
companion for the rest of the journey, for he
also was on his way to Mergatroyd. There was
but a single subject of comfort to him, that the
distance to Mergatroyd was no longer great
and the time taken over it in spite of the hint
of the guard, which he discounted, could not
be great either.
The short November day had, closed in; and
the remainder of tbe journey wonld be taken
in the park. Tbe lamps bad not yet been
lighted in the carriage To the- west he could
see throngh the window the brown light of the
set day, the last rays of a wintry sun arrested
by factory smoke. The gentleman was uneasy.
If the dromedary will not voluntarily enter the
cage of the vulture, he will not remain in it in
darkness with her without tremors.
"When do you think, sir. that I shall reach
Mergatroyd?" asked tbe young lady.
"That is a question impossible for me to an
swer," replied the gentleman. "As you heard
from your friend," he emphasized this word
and threw sarcasm into his expression, "the
guard, there are conditions, about which I
know nothing, which will Interfere with the
punctuality of the train."
Then he fumbled in his pocket, drew forth
an orange-colored envelope, from this took a
scrap of pink paper, and by the expiring even
ing light read the telegraphic message in large
pencil marks.
"Your uncle lost Come at once. Salome."
Salome! who was Salome?
He replaced the paper in the envelope, which
was addressed Philip Pennycomequlck, care
Messrs. Pinch & Squeeze, Solicitors, Notting
ham. The message was a brief one too brief to he
intelligible. .
Lost how was Mr. Jeremiah Pennycome
qulck lost?
When the train drew up at a small station
the young man returned to the down side, by
specie from the port of New York last week
amounted to 81,137,408, of which 8812,893 was
in gold, and 8544,515 in silver. Of the total
exports,85118u3in gold and S534,215in silverwent
to Europe, and $301,0X0 in gold and $10,300 silver
to South America. The imports of snecinfnr
tbo week amounted to 8)9,551. of which $45,- J
wo waa iusuver ana f,iio goiu.
Metal Market.
New York Copper quiet; lake, February,
$16 75. Lead quiet and firm; domestic, 83 70.
Tin dull; Straits. 821 35.
Wlilslty markets
Finished gqods are quoted at 81 03, with a
fair demand.
Wool Market.
St. Louis Wool quiet and unchanged.
Bilious Headache,
Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, Constipation, Dizziness
Positively cured by
The People's Favorite Liver Pills.
They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and
their effect is lasting; the fact is they have no
equal. Small dose; tig results. Sugar coated
and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c.
at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared
by an old apothecary. Five bottles 8L
The HOP PILL CO., New London, CL
Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped.
rougn, red sion sou ana ciear. ioanaajc.
On mortgages on improved real estate in sums
of $1,000 and upward. AppW at
f e4-22-D No. 124 Fourth avenue.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings tbii week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
Dressed Beef, Mutton, Pork,
Hams, Breakfast Bacon,
Pork Bologna
And all other varieties of Sausage of the finest
quality; at very moderate prices, received dally
from their immense cooling rooms at Chicago.
FidelityTitle & Trust Companyf
CAT'ITJLL, - - - $500,000
Insures titles to real estate, and acts in all
fiduciary capacities. Temporary offices,
tne lady, let down the glass and called tna
guard. iffl
"HereJ what did yon say about tho fioodT I :j
have seen it mentioned in the -paper, but I did . 1f-i
not understand that it bad been at ilerga- &
troyd." 6
"It has been In the Keld valley." jg
"And Mergatroyd Is in that valleyf" " ,
'Where else would you have it, lirl" "J
"But according to mj paper the great vam y
age was done at Holme bridge." -
"Well, so it was; the Holme bridge Is abovs '
Philip Pennycomequlck drew up the glass j
again. Now be understood. Ha-had never
been to M ergatroyd in his life, and knew noth
ing about its situation. He bad skimmed tho
account of the flood in his paper, but had given
most of his attention to the narratlva of tho
war in France. It had not occurred to him to
connect tbe "loss" of his uncle with the inun
dation. He had supposed tbe word "loss" was
an euphemism for "going off his head." Elderly
gentlemen do not get lost in England, least of
all in one of its most densely populated dls
tricts, as if they were In tha backwoods or
prairies of America.
But, who sent him the telegram? He had no
relative of the name of Salome. His aunt,
Mrs. Sidebottom, who was now a resident, U
he knew, at Mergatroyd, was named Louisa,
and she was the person who, he supposed,
would have wired to bim if anything serious
had occurred requiring his presence.
His companion was going to Mergatroyd, and
Improbably knew people there. If he asked her
wnemer sue was aware ox a person ox un pe
culiar Christian name of Salome at that placo
it was possible she might inform him- But ho
was too reserved and proud to ask. He would
I not afford this flighty piece of goods an ezcusa
ior opening conversation witn mm. in nan aa
hour he would be at his destination, and would
then have his perplexity cleared.
The train proceeded leisurely. Philip's feet
were now very cold, and he would have been
grateful for the warmer, but could not now ask
permission to use what he had formerly re
As the train proceeded the engine whistled.
There were men working on th line: at in
tervals coal fires were blazing and smoking in
braziers. The train further slackened speed.
Philip Pennycomequlck could see that there)
was much water covering tbe country. Tho
train had now entered the Valley of the Keld,
and was ascending it.
What a nuisance it would be were he stopped,
and obliged to tarry for some hours till tea
road was repaired, tarry in cold and darkness,
without a lamp in his carriage, caged in with
that pretty, coquettish, dangerous minx, and
with no third party present to serve as his pro
The train came to a standstill. The young
lady was uneasy. She lowered the glass and
leaned out: and looked along tbe line at tha
flaming fires, the half-illumined navvies, tha
steam trailing away and mingling with tha
smoke, tbe fog that gathered over the Lnun
dated fields. A raw wind blew in at the open,
Then up came the guard, sharply turned ther
handle and threw open the door. "Everyone!
get out. Tbe train can go no further."
All the passengers were obliged to descend,
dragging with them their rugs and bags, their.
cloaks, umbrellas, novels, buns and oranges
all the piles of impedimenta 'with which trav-i
elers encumber themselves on a journey, trust-,
Ing to the prompt assistance of mercenary
But on this night, away from any station,
there were no porters. Tbe descent from tha
carriage was difficult and dangerous. It was
like clambering down a ladder of which soma
of tbe rungs were broken. It was rendered
doubly difficult by the darkness in which it
had to be effected, and the difficulty was quad
rupled by the passengers having to scramble)
down burdened with their effects. Itwasnofi
accordingly performed in silence, but with
screams from women who lost their footing,
and curses and abuses launched against tha
Midland from the men.
Mr. Philip was obliged by common humanity
to assist the young lady out of the carriage,
and, to collect and help to carry her manifold
goods; for the civil guard was too deeply en
gaged to attend to her. He bad received his
fee, and was, therefore, naturally lavishing hU
attentions on others, in an expectant mood.
Mr. Philip Pennycomequick somewhat un
graciously advised the companion forced on
his protection to follow him. He engaged to
see her across the dangerous piece of road and
return for those, of her wraps and parcels
which he and she were together unable to
transport to the train awaiting them beyond
the faulty portion of the line.
The walk was most uncomfortable. It was
properly not a walk but a continuous stumble.
To step in the dark from sleeper to sleeper was
not easy, and the flickerof the coal fires dazzled
and confused rather than assisted the sight.
The wind, moreover, carried the dense smoka
in volumes across tbe line, suddenly envelop
ing and half stifling, but wholly blinding for
tbe moment the unhappy, bewildered noun
derers who passed throngh it. In front glared
the two red light3 of an engine that waited
with carriages to receive the dislodged passen
"You must take my arm," said Mr. Philip
to his companion. "This is really dreadful.
One old lady has, I believe, dislocated her
ankle. I hope she will make a claim on tha
'"On, dear. And Salome! what will she sa jf
"Yes my sister, my twin sister."
When Philip Pennycomequlck did finally
reach his destination, it was with a mind that
prejudged Salome, and was prejudiced against
f To be continued next 3Iondaji'
Chartiers Creamery Co,
Warehouse and General Offloes,
Telephone 1426L Blssell Block.
Factories throughout Western
For prices see market quotations,' 19
Wholesale exclusively.
i.t:.: "'M
'No. 410 Smithfield SU,
CAPITAL. . . - . 8200,000 08.
JOHN F, STEEL. Cashier.
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Oil bought and sold on margin. deZT-21-Iwu