1 J? . V" THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, " MONDAY, ' ' FEBRUARY' 25, 1889. :f I DUTTHERUN H. 0. Price ie Town and Ex plains Some Matters , BELATED TO BOOKMAKERS. A .Denver Young Man Wants Some Pittsburg Poolsellers. ME. CONANT LOSES HOPE OF WARD. Interesting Gossip About the Local Clnb . and Players. ' GENERAL SPOBTIKG KEWS OP THE DAT Harry O. Price, the genial bookmaker and poolseller, formerly of this city, ar rived here yesterday from Cleveland on a brief visit to his numerous friends. Pew, if any men, are better known in and about than Harry Price, and certainly nobody has done more for the advancement of honest sport Besides these good qualities he is always well informed on sporting affairs generally and horse racing particularly. last evening he said some interesting things about the bookmakers and race track asso ciations. During a long conversation on the matter be pointed out where there has been an important public misunderstanding regarding the bookmakers and the; Eastern Track Association. He said: The popular idea seems to be that the track associations, or jockey clubs, passed a resolu tion prohibitingall bookmaiers,members of the alliance or any association, from making books on tracks controlled by these clubs. This is A MISTAKES' IDEA, because nothing of the kind was ever intended. "What was and what is meant is that the book making privileges of any track will not be leased to the alliance or any association as a body. This, however, does not prevent indi vidual members of any organization from leas ing individual privileges. The truth is Aings are practically the same as they havetieen heretofore. Last year the Bookmakers' Alliance, as an organization, leased the privileges at Baltimore and Washington and lost more than I1S.OO0. The alliance, therefore, docs not want to lease any more privileges entirely. 1 "The entire trouble, if such I can call it, be gan at Jerome Park last year, and that track lost heavily by it. The Jerome authorities decided to have nothing but poolselling and Paris mutualsat their spring meeting. Asa result they were losers to the extcilt of about $56,000. Coney Island also tried to do without the bookmakers, and for one day did do so, bnt the bookies were invited back the next day, and at lower terms than they (the bookmakers) had previously ottered. Altogether there is no trouble whatever now between the the book makers and the tracks. I am a member of the association, and will have a book next year as usual. The association is a protection to the public because it has a reserve fund of MO, 000, thleh can be used to make good the deficits of any of Its members. This fact shows conolu sively that neither the tracks nor the public would desire to see our association broken up." TIKED OP WINTEE BOOKS. Regarding the approaching big handicap Mr. Price said: "It is much too soon to begin to figure on probable winners yet; in fact, there is no book open yet. I h ave an idea that there will only be about one winter book, viz, that o J ZiOvcll & Co. Cridge & Co. may have one, but I doubt it. Phil Dajy told me definitely that he won't. "Winter books have not been a suc cess, and there is a growing desire among book makers to keep clear of them." Speaking of the prospect of running races, Mr. Price spoke with considerable hope and confidence. He said: "If the pool-selling amendment bill of this State becomes law I ex- Fsct to see some good running meetings at hiladelphia. There may also be running meetings here, and 1 don't see why there shouldn't be. Running horses are becoming more numerous every year aDd much higher priced than they used to be. This certainly means that there will be more tracks and more races. There is a strong feeling in favor of runners developing throughout Pennsylvania, and these facts lead me to believe that we will have running meetings in this state." Mr. Price wil'. remain here four or five days and will return to Cleveland. He experts to go Bast during the latter part of next month. KELLY FAVORS WARD. Mike Writes Mr. Billings Recommending the Purchase of Johnny. Mike Kelly is now enthusiastic to have Johnny Ward among the beaneaters this year. Mike has written the following letter to Treas urer Billings on the matter: "New Yoek, February 20. "Deae Me. BniETGS I see ;by a cable gram in to-day's paper that Ward says he wants to co me to Boston. I am very glad. We must h ave him. He is a great player and captain. I should like to play for him, as we are the best of friends. "If you will send me across I know I can fix it with him and gethim. If I don't get him I will pay half the expense of the trip, but that wouldn't be much. We can get Ward, and we must have him for short. Day will have to let him go, because he promised him he would, and Ward wants to play in Boston. "Very truly, M. J. Keixt." Regarding the above letter Mr. Billings, dur ing an interview with a Sporting Life repre sentative, said: 'Of course you are going to send Mike across." I ventured, when I had read the let ter. "What an idea; but when will Spalding's party reach London? Is there any way I can find outr "Only through the cables in the daily papers. Are yon going over to meet Ward7"v 'io,no. I only want to know when he will re in London, bnt that Ward matter ain't set tled yet. I believe we can get him. Conant is working around. He didn't want Wardat first, but he is for him now." "Yes, but Ward is sold to "Washington, and you certainly don't intend to interfere with President Hewitt's dealf "I shouldn't think of interfering, but I don't take any stock in that deal, because I don't be lieve Ward is worth the money to the "Wash ingtons that he will cost them. I don't doubt "Walter Hewitt can afford to throwaway $17,000 if he wants to, but it seems to me that wouldn't be good business for Washington." It is positively stated by a Boston authority that President J. B. Day, of the New York club, originated tne idea of Ward going to Boston. It is further stated that Day yet de sires to see Ward in the Boston team. PITTSBURGERS Df DEMAND. A Wealthy Man From Denver Wants Local Poolsellers. It seems as if the poolselling prospects of Denver are exceedingly encouraging. During the last few days a young man named Glocker has been here trying to induce one or two Pitts burgers to join him in opening extensive rooms in Denver this spring. Mr. Glocker has a con siderable amount of money, which be has saved on a ranch not far from Denver. He has be come enthusiastic about the runners, and is willing to furnish money to fix np a big estab lishment in Denver if one or two practical men from this city will co-operate with him. Of coarse Mr. docker's idea is to start his rooms as rivals to those projected by John Loomis, of this city. The former has made efforts to se cure the services of Mr. Loomis, bnt the latter, as has been stated, is already engaged. Mr. Loomis left the city for St. Louis yester day to seen if a room can be opened there. If it can the St. Louis business will be run as a branch of the Denver establishment that Mr. Loomis intends to open. LOCAL BALL GOSSIP. Manager Phillips Thinks That Gay Living: May Injure paldlng'a Teams. ManagerPhillips is of the opinion that the Chi cago ball players will be a long time in getting into condition after they come home. Horace thinks that the gay and banqueting life en QFjoyed for months by the players will unfit them ' for good work for a long time to come. He also figures out that Chicago, when the cham pionship season starts, will probably have to play about 40 of the first bO games awav from home, because this is the year when the West ern clubs will have to go East for the first big series. Mr. Phillips also spoke of John M. Ward's reference to managers who desire their players from" Spalding's teams as soon as possible. . "Ward's reference in this respect.'' said S Jiorace, "is somewhat undignified. He is only J a player himself and he probably cannot un derstand the anxiety of managers to hae their teams in the best possible condition." Kind words of encouragement continue to reach the local club officials regarding yonng Alleu, the new shortstop. Yesterday Ed Mor ris said that every Tri-State League player that he meets speaks in the highest terms of Allen's abilities and his gentlemanly conduct. Mr. Smith, of Wheeling, also told Manager Phil lips on Saturday evening that Allen is one of the finest young players that he (Smith) has seen. CONANT NOT CONFIDENT. He Thinks That Day Will Not Allow Boston to Have Ward. ISrrCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH Boston, February 34. The Boston triumvers have given up the struggle to" obtain possession of Ward, and are casting about for a shortstop who can keep pace with the remaining cham pionship trotters in the team. Director Conant was found yesterday on Columbus avenue, within sight of the airy towers of the grand stand that cost such a fabulous amount, and that has been such a good "ad" for the Boston clnb. He seemed to be calculating how much purchase money could be appropriated with out injuring the financial success of the com ing season. "Mr. Conant, do you share the confident feel ing of your partner, Mr. Billings, that the Boston club will be able to secure the great shortstop, John Montgomery Ward!" asked the reporter. "No." was the answer, "I do not I do not believe for one instant that John B. Day is going to allow Ward to play in Boston. He thinks that we are strong enough already. He docs cot want to give us a team that would be practically invincible, as we would be if we signed Ward. I do not think that there would be the least difficulty in our winning the pen nant if wcgot Ward, Of course. I would like to see Ward play in Boston for many reasons, but I am afraid that it will be no go. The only loophole I can see is that New York will take Wise and let us have Ward, we to pay a bonus in addition; but I do not think Day would con sent to even this. I believe that he would pre fer to put Hatfield at short, and be a little weaker himself, than to allow us to have such a player as Ward." "Mr. Billipgs doesn't think that the Wash ington club will pay such an amount as $12,000 forward. How do vou regard the matter?" "While I do not believe that the venture will be one that will be at all profitable for the Washington management, I believe that they want Ward budly enough to pay the amount that has been agreed upon for him. He is a great player, bnt I don't think he is worth any such figure. We wouldn't pay $12,000 for him." "How about the fate of MorrillT" "We will bo able to tell more about that presently. Wo do not know ourselves what disposition will be made of him." The nigb-Friced Trotter. Versailles. Kt., February 24. J. H. Clark has placed his $51,000 stallion. Bell Boy, in the 1 hands of Macey Bros., of this place, nd the fa mous stallion arrived in Versailles this after noon. He will make the season atMacey's stables at $500. Every horseman in the Blue Gras®ion was anxious to have Bell Boy in his stud, and many offered to handle him free. IheMaceysare handling a number of trotters for Mr. Clark. Will Take No Chances. Chicago, February 21. Jacob Schaefer. the billiardist, said to-day that be will not cover the forfeit which George Slosson has posted in the office of the Spirit of the Timet, New York. Schaefer explains that he is not will ing to reduce his chances of winning by play ing a short game. The Skating Championship. St. Paul. Mdtn., February 24 The race for the ten-mile skating championship between Axel Paulsen and Fritz Luhr, both of Norway, was won to-day by Paulsen. On the Move Rome, February 24. The American base ball players have gone to Florence. Sporting Notes. Stjtceiffe is now ready to sign with Cleve land. Billy Sunday will go to Hot Springs next week. Sam Babeeet is still for sale. Sam's stock must certainly have taken a fall. Getzeijt says he won't sign with any club until the Bowe and "White trouble is settled. Grjs Land, who caught for the Ean Claire club last season, has been signed by the St. Louis club. In case of another riot at Pittsburg it wonld not be necessary to call out the rcllitia. Just trot out the Pittsburg baseball team. There are enough of tbem to repel an ordinary out break Hustling Horace has signed 20 men, and is looking for more. Enquirer. Jake Kiebatn will not grant Jack Dempsey a meeting. Gus Tuthill wants to take the Baf timorean out on a sparring tour. Kilrain is re ported to have received a letter from a Bos tonian who claims he heard Sullivan say that if he (Sullivan) did not mend more rapidly be tween now and April than he has for the last few weeks, h3 would not meet Kilrain. Jake needn't be alarmed. Btene will leave Brooklyn for the West on Saturday, March 2, or the following day at the latest, and will go direct to Altoona, where he expects to secure George Smith's signature to a Brooklyn contract for 1889. The contract will be a pretty still one from all appearances, and the wayward shortstop will have to play steady ball next season if he expects to see the treasurer regularly. Clark will also be signed before Mr. Byrne's return, which will be right after the Columbus meeting. "Pat" Tebeats, the young gentleman from the West, who will play third base for the Clevelands this season, will have an excellent opportunity to distinguish himself and become popular with the local baseball patrons. In the palmiest days of Cleveland's best club, third base was the weakest spot among the infielders. It has always seemed to be the position that gave the local management the most difficulty to fill, and all manner of experiments have been tried with varied success. Cleveland Leader. CLIMBING UP. Pittsburg Now in Seventh Place in the List of Clearing Houses. Boston, February 24. The following table, compiled by the Pott, shows the ex changes of the principal Clearing Houses in the United States lor the week ending February 23, 1889, with rates per cent of increase or decrease, as compared with the amounts for the corresponding week in 1888: Inc. Dec New York S5C5,70S,-307 25.2 .... ItOSton tl.lM.264 17.0 .... Philadelphia 58,062,167 1X3 .... Chicago 51.949,000 6.7 St. Loots 15.744,617 .... 5.8 ban Francisco 13,061,83) .... 0.1 l'ittsbure 11.133,262 8.3 .... Baltimore .- 9.664,235 .... 11.0 Cincinnati 9,210,900 9.6 New Orleans. 8,870.207 .... 12.8 Kansas Citv. 7,891,796 3.2 Louisville 5,777,018 24.9 Frovidence. 4,364.300 4.6 .Milwaukee 4.SS3.608 22.3 .... Detroit. 3,351,502 .... 6.5 St,laul 2.812,195 .... 2-1 Omaha 2.591,674 4.1 Minneapolis 2,607,049 .... 4.5 Denver 2,733,290 26.8 Cleveland 3,158,877 12.2 .... Memphis. 2.934,683 20.6 .... Columbus 2,101,313 6.6 .... Indianapolis 1.610,289 ,... 0.6 Hartford 1,454.963 .... 6.4 J'eorla 1,430,S35 14.9 .... St. Joseph 1.158,614 4.3 .... Richmond 2,089,992 13.8 Galveston 1.16n,427 60.2 Dnlnttl 1.870,033 100.0 Los Angeles 664,800 .... 50.5 -ew Haven. 857,481 .... 17.4 .Norfolk 778,265 .... 2.6 Wichita 597,495 .... 17.1 l'onlana 785,382 3.1 Springfield 949.314 .... 0.9 Worcester. 852,013 3.9 .... Lowell 665,439 13.7 Syracuse 6SS.333 15.8 .... UrandUaplds 477,875 .... 3.0 TopeKa. 293,959 24.2 .... Tscoma 300,524 Sloax City. 365.494 Total f587,890,305 rsl Outside New York..... 322,091.998 9.7 'Not Included In totals; no Clearing Bouse last year. A MTST END CHURCH. The Dlnin Street M. E. Edifice to be Dedi cated in n Few Weeks. The handsome new M. E. Church on South Main street is almost ready for occu pancy. The lecture room is being used, but the big auditorium is not yet finished. The dedication of the church will take place on Sunday, March 24. Special services will be held during the day and evening. A selected musical programme has been prepared tor the occasion. Eev. H. Beacom, the pastor, will have charge of the exer cises. Block Goods Department. See the bargains we are offering in black cashmere, 46 inches wide, at 6Cfe and 65c per yard. Only one case of each price. JtWTSU " Hugus & Hacee, PATBIOTIC PABNELL Is Now Eecognized as a Devoted, Sa gacious, Loyal Statesman and TEE GREATEST HYING IRISHMAN. Walsh and Egan are Also Praised Highly for Their Courage. PBINCE BISJIAECK' STILL L0YES US. Socialists Becoming Very Turbulent ani Demonstra tire in Paris. ParnelPs devotion to the cause of Ireland, and the calm, unflinching manner in which he bore calumny and persecution is evoking the admiration of England. Bismarck asserts tnat he has a profound respect for the United States, and would do nothing that wonld hurt our feelings. Considerable in terest attaches to the other foreign news. LONDON, February 25. "With reference to the developments before the Parnell Commission, the Daily News says it is hard to be silent upon the single topic of which everybody is thinking and speaking. Referring to Mr. Gladstone's 'recent remark that a vast fabri cation of iniquity was about to be exploded, the News says: "Profound respect for the Judges prevents our dotting Mr. Gladstone's i's, and crossing his t's." Regarding Mr. Parnell, the News says: "If he clears his character, Englishmen will remember the patient dignity, gentle forbearance and unflinching courage with which the greatest living Irishman has borne himself "under a storm of calumny which wonld have broken many a brave spirit. He will forever rank among the most devoted, sagacious, loyal and unselfish statesmen that ever steered a country through storm and peril to honor and safety. Nor will the names of "Walsh and Egan go without their due meed of praise." GERMAN AND SAMOA. The Teutonic Press Take "Widely Different Views of the Qneation. Berlin, February 24. The Berlin Posl reprints an article from the Weser Zeitung on the Samoan question, and remarks that in many respects the views therein taken are correct The article in question rejects the supposition that the Government came to terms with America owing to Germany's position in regard to Prance, and says: " Neither under the present nos) under any other circumstances would Germany have risked a rupture with America for such a baga telle. The Samoan White Book shows that wherever the actions of German officials were repudiated it was because the officials acted contrary to international law. The press criti cisms evoked by the White Book were almost entirely directed against the excess of zeal dis played by the German agents, who appeared to be lacking in the statesmanlike discretion necessary in dealing witn tne situation. The Samoan reports show an endeavor to make German annexation or protection appear nec essary. After asserting that the conflict of De cember 18 might have been avoided had the German Consul taken more literally his in structions, which were that he should not intervene, but in the event of Tamasese's inability to hold his ground he should sup port negotiations between Tamasese and Mataafa, the TTeser Zeitung continues: Whether Mataafa's people were led by an American or not is of no consequence, as the American Government cannot well be made responsible for the action of individuals. The German Consul, however, by his action, un doubtedly burdens his Government with such a responsibility. The contrast between the at titude of the Consul and of the Government is shown by. the White Book; and therefore is easily explained. The Cologne Gazette, violently attacking the Freisinnige press, repeats thevdemand for the punishment or extradition of the American, Klein, as a common criminal. The North German Gazette publishes a map of TJpolu, one of the Samoan Islands, a study of-which, it declares, leaves no doubt of the preponderance of German in terests in Samoa. BISMAECK IS FRIENDLY. He Repudiates .tli o Idea of a Conflict With the United States. LONDOH", February 25. The Times' Berlin correspondent says: At the dinner given by Prince Bismarck to the members of the lower House of the Prussian Diet on Friday, the Chancellor said he regarded it as an utter impossibility that the Samoan situation should have the effect of interrupting those friendly rela tions between Germany and America which had existed for a century. The geographical situation of Samoa and the imperfection of telegraphic communication rendered it im possible for him to be responsible for all the acts of German agents in the Pacific, bnt the parties in the dispute were ani mated by the best spirit, and no donbt Ger many's commercial interests wonld not ma terially suffer. TURBULENT PRANCE. Socialistic Workmen Holding Demonstra tions Are Dispersed by Gendarmes. Paeis, February 24. The Socialists made fruitless attempts to hold a meeting in the Place Hotel De Ville to-day. Small groups that gathered were dispersed bygen darmes. A few Socialists who offered re sistance were arrested. Orderly meetings were held to-day at Bordeaux, Lyons, Bou baix and Marseilles. At a meeting at Nantes, agitators shouted "Vive la Bevolu tion Sociale." Gendarmes dispersed the meeting and arrested a number of those present. Late last night the workingmen's delegates issned a manifesto calling upon workingmen to refrain from attempting to hold a demonstration to-day, and thus avoid a massacre. NO CHANCE FOR A FIGHT. Russia Repudiates AtchinoflT'a Claim for Official Support. St. Petebsbubg, February 24. The Official Messenger, in a long article, repu diates Atchinofi's claim to the official sup port of Bussia, and absolves France from any blame for the affair at Sngallo, where the members of Atchinofi's expedition were made prisoners by a French cruiser. The incident, the Official Messenger says, will not affect the relations between France and Bussia, Atchinoff having disregarded the conditions under which France is will ing to allow the settlement of Bussians in French territory. Investigating an American Conant LONDON", February 24. A dispatch from Tangier says: "It is expected that Mr. Strobcl, the Secretary of the American Le gation at Madrid, will come here to in quire into the charges against the Amer ican Consul with reference to the Benasula, Little Foreigners. DAKTE, the murderer and robber, has been guillotined at Hamburg. He was impenitent to the end. Advices have 'been received from Massowah to the effect that the occupation of Saberguma by Italy is only temporary. The Radical Congress at Brussels yesterday supported military education, but demanded the abolition of the conscript law, A DISPATCH from Calcutta says that prepa rations are being made to extend the Russian railway from Charajui to Chamiab. The expulsion of M. Filion, the corresponds ent of Davas News Agency, of Paris, from Austria, was due to a communication concern ing the late Crown Prince Rudolf, A DIG AT THE CABINET. General Bonlanser Ridicules the Last Ministerial Declaration. Paeis, February 24. The newspapers, with the exception of the Radical organs, give a cordial reception to the Cabinet's declaration. General Bonlanger likens the Ministerial declaration to the last meaningless words of a dying man. He ridicules the idea of ex ceptional measures against him, because he says anything he does is legal and open. The selection of Spuller, he declared, made the Ministry more than ever to his liking. He might now fold his arms and the Ministry would make his success sure. FATHER STEPHENS REARRESTED For Advising the Olpher Tenants Not to Pay Their Rents. Dtjblix, February 24. Father Stephens, after conducting, mass at Falcarragh to-day, was arrested while driving to Gweedore. Jle advised the Olphert tenants not to pay their rents. The police who made the ar rest were accompanied by troops. Father Stephens was only recently released from prison. PERPETUAL EXILE Is tho Punishment of Countess Lnrlsh for Her Connection With Prince Rndolf. Munich, February 24. It is reported that Prince Luitpold, the Eegent of Bavaria, has condemned Countess Larish, the daugh ter of Duke Lois of Bavaria, to perpetual exile for the prominent part she played in the events which led to the death of the Archduke Budolf, the Crown Prince of Austria. PIGOTrs PLIGHT. DIoro Ammunition to bo Used Against Him In His Cross-Exnmlnation. London, February 24. It is believed that additional documents have been sent from Dublin to London to be used in the further cross-examination of Pigott. Dayis will repudiate the alleged interview with Pigott, two French students proving that Davis ejected Pigott. DYNAMITE EIENDS Who Robbed a Sonthern Pacific Train Got but Little Booty A Scene of Wild Excitement in the Pull man Cars. Los Angeles, February 24. As re gards the robbery on the Southern Pacific south-bound train by masked men, high waymen near Pixley Friday evening, United States Deputy Marshal Thomas Hayes states the men hung about Pixley several hours before the train ar rived. They were armed with shotguns, and gave out that they were going ont rab bit hunting. The station agent noticed them closely, for the reason that one of them was well dressed and his clothing was highly scented with perfumery. Kelly, messenger for "Wells, Fargo & Co., says there was something less than $300 in the safe at the time of the robbery. The amount was small, owing to the money order system now in use. He opened the door and let the robbers in only because the latter threatened to kill the engineer and fireman, whom they also forced to beg the messenger to open the door. Kelly says there was only two robbers, but Baggage Master Lehn says there were, five at least. They wore dark masks, and had flour sacks to carry off the plunder. Kelly says the robbers were undoubtedly novices. Detect ive Smith, of the Southern Pacific, left here last evening for Pixlev. The description of the robbers has been obtained, and he thinks they will soon be caught. When it became known that the train was in the hands of highwaymen, a scene of wild confusion ensued in the Pullman 'sleepers. A porter locked both doors, while the in mates of the car hastily hid their valuables in places they hoped would escape detec tion. One man threw a diamond ring in a spittoon, and the idea proving catching, cuspidors were rapidly converted into safe deposit boxes. The party then pre pared for an attack. Two revolvers com prised the ordinance and the owners were stationed at each door. The second Pull man car was equally barred. The people in the regular coaches were unable to lock the doors, and were in the very worst of bad di lemmas, and when one, more weak-kneed than his companions, crawled under his seat, others took the cue and there was gen eral and systematic diving under benches. WOMAN'S WEAK WAY Suffices to Break Up a SIce(ng at Which Their Hnsbnndi and Fathers Were About to Enroll Them- selves as Anarchists. Chicago, February 24. German work ing men who live in and adjoining Maple wood met in the village Opera House this afternoon and organized a branch of the Arbeiter Bund. An attempt was made last Wednesday evening to organize the branch, but when a couple of hundred Anarchists had assembled a great uproar was raised by an interruption of a score or more women, the wives and daughters of some of them, who declared that the meeting should not be held. They implored the men to leave the hall and begged them not to endanger their necks by becoming Anarchists. They re called the fate of Spies, Parsons, Engel and Fischer, and even threatened to call in the police to break up the meeting. They raised such a clamor that everyone was glad to get out into the silence of the night. The meet ing did not go on, and such was the alarm spread in the neighborhood by the German housewives who have been reading the newspapers, that when another meeting was called for to-day, instead of 200 Germans to sign the roll, there were only about 75. The Bund was organized by Secretary Mosler, of the central body. Carl Starke was made President, and a man named Ap pel, Secretary. It was determined to organ lze a Sunday school for the instruction of the members in the tenets of anarchy. . Ar rangements will also be made for celebrat ing the one hundredth anniversary of the fall of the Bastille, July 14.. An agitator named Friedel related bis experience the night of the Haymarket riot, and other speakers denounced the new Lake Shore drive that has been projected and the build ing of the Auditorium. They were fresh examples of wasteful expenditure by aristo crats mad with wealth. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Darin Two Cities Condensed for Rendr Reading. - Colonel M. S. BaxlVt closed his series of lectures in the .Methodist Church at Braddock last night. A number of persons were con verted. Lorns Baltisperqeb, a little 10-year-old boy of 2201 Carey Alley, had a bad fall on Sat urday evening and broke his arm very se verely. The accident occurred on the corner of Carson and South Twenty-second streets. Thomas Andrews, who lives on Bluff street, was on his way to church yesterday morning, and. when near the corner of Marion street, slipped on some ice on the pavement, tailing and cutting a deep gash on his head. While thawing frozen water in a pipe at his house, No. 18 Anderson street, Allegheny, yes terday morning. Mr. Scott set fire to the sink. A still alarm was sent to the Columbia engine honse and 'the blaze was extinguished. The loss is trifling. On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday after noons and evenings of this week there will be a series of elocutionary lectures for matinees, and readings for the evening entertainments, given by Madam Ida Serven, of the New York School of Acting. SheTeads from Longfellow, Tennyson and thie humbler poets, and the en tertainments win be given in University Hall Ijon Sixth street THE MTMAL SHOW. Continued from First Page. long. The different organizations,civic and military, that will take part in it are ex pected to number not less than 50,000 men. Already places have been assigned to 40,000 and quartersiave been engaged for their accommodation while they remain in the city. Of these-ebout one-third are military and two-thirds are civic. The Grand Mar shal of the parade will be General James A. Beaver, of Pennsylvania, with General Hastings as Chief of staff. The Pennsyl vania National Guard will be 8,000 strong in the procession, and will have a division all to itself. There will be 'six divisions in the parade. First United States troops and National Guard of the District of Columbia. Second National Guard of Pennsylvania. i njra aii otner military organizations. Fourth G. A. B. and other veteran or ganizations. Fifth and Sixth Civic organizations. The rendezvous for the parade will be on the streets and avenues immediately east of the Capitol grounds. The Presi dent will be escorted to the Capitol before inauguration, as well as from the Capitol after he has taken the oath. On the way to the Capitol the escort will con sist of only a single division. About 11 o'clock, or perhaps a little earlier, on the 4th of March President Cleveland will send the White House carriage over to the Arlington Hotel for Mr. Harrison. When the carriage returns to the White House Mr. Cleveland will get in beside Mr. Harrison and will sit on the right-band side of the back scat. The front seat will be occupied by a couple of Sena tors who will be delegated by the United States Senate to conduct the outgoing and the incoming Presidents to the Capitol. Having escorted the Presidental, carriage to the Senate end of the Capitol, the escort, consisting of the United States troops and the National Guard of the District of Co lumbia, will take np its position at the southeast corner of the Capitol grounds-and after the inauguration will march westward, escorting the outgoing and the incoming Presidents again, as the first division of the great inaugural parade from the Capitol to the Executive Mansion. THE OUT AND THE IN. When Mr. Cleveland and President Har rison get into their carriage again and start at the head of the procession westward to ward the Executive Mansion, President Harrison will occupy the right of the seat and'Mr. Cleveland will occupy the left, the reverse of the order in which they rode from the Executive Mansion.to the capitol. Having reviewed the procession from the stand in front of theAVhite House.President Harrison arfd Mr. Cleveland will enter the Executive Mansion, where they will take luncheon together. This is a part of the pro gramme which is never omitted. Whether Mr. Cleveland or President Harrisou is the host on that occasion is a question which the casuists have not yet determined, and until the question has been authoritatively settled it may serve the purpose to regard that ceremonial luncheon in the light of a "Dutch treat." It is. the last point at which the old Administration and the new meet. After the luncheon the outgoing President leaves the White 'House behind him and starts for home, and the new Presi dent is left for the first time in possession of the official residence of the Chief Executive of the United States. The inauguration ball will begin at 8 o'clock and last till probably 2 or 3 in the morning. Usually the President and his friends reach the ballroom about 9:30 o'clock. The President may join in the dance if he has a mind to, but as a general thing he is kept too busy, in talking and making new acquaintances, to devote any time to dancing. He may stay all night if he feels like it or he may retreat for home as soon as he begins to feel tired. The 55 ball ticket will admit to any part of the building. Yon may go on the floor among the dancers, or you may climb up to one of the galleries which run around the hall and play the part of a mere spectator. Supper will be served on the ground floor. CAEEIAGE ARRANGEMENTS. The arrangements for the management of carriages at the inaugural ball are excellent. The committee on carriages will have all the hacks of Washington as completely un der its control as if it, owned them. They will be allowed two or three times their regular fare, but the scale of charges has been fixed by arrangement between the cab owners and the committee, and beyond the scale no avaricious cabman will be allowed to go. Here is the scale of charges from residence to ballroom and back again: Herdic cab, S3; coupe, SJ; hansom cab, S3;two horse conveyances, according to agreement, but not to exceed S10. There are several thousand young men, who are either already in the city of Wash ington or will be on the 4th of March, who are now engaged in figuring on the expense of taking their "best girls" to the inaugural ball. "What will it cost? If the young man has plenty of money he will of course own a dress suit, which, according to the ball ticket, is required." A first-class carriage will cost 10; tickets, for two, S10; suppers, $2; $1 for hat checks, and heaven only knows what for flowers. The young man who wants to send his girl a dozen jack roses for her. corsage will have to pay about 10 for them. Indeed, he will be lucky if he can get them for that amount. A great many other young men will take their girls to the ball for less money. Some of tbem have no dress suits, but there are a half dozen tailors in the city who have im ported from Hew York several hnndred dress suits, which will be rented at $5 each for the inaugural ball. The economical young man can ride to the ball with his girl in a hansom cab. which is really not so bad, for 53, and a few'have been known to travel bv the plebeian horse car. With most of the "Washington girls it will be a case of "any way to get there." BOARD AND LODGING. Chairman Britton expects a much larger influx of people to Washington this time than came to witness any previous inaugu ration. Not less than half a million of people will come here to swell the ranks of the quarter of a million who live here. The Committee on Public Comfort has done an immense amount of work in engaging board and lodging for all who have applied. It has secured pretty nearly all the rooms in almost all the hotels in town and has or ganized the boarding houses and private private residences of Washington into one large lodging for the accommodation of the strangers. So far arrangements have been made at prices that are very moderate and fair, but anything like the same arrange ments it would be utterly impossible to make to-day. . Whatever is left anywhere in town in the way Of lodging is now wOrth many times the regular rate. Generally s'peaking, there is nothing left in the hotels at any price, and the boarding house keepers and those who are williug to turn their homes into boarding houses for the occasion are schem? ing to put anywhere from half a dozen to a dozen people in a single room, and charge them from ?5 to 510 per head per diem, while they themselves will be satisfied for the time to sleep on" the roof or anywhere else. The wise ones who have been prudent enough to engage apartments through the agency of the Inauguration Committee are playing in luck. "Washington may be able to furnish meals to all comers on Inauguration day, but it is pretty certain that Washington will not be able to furnish beds to' all, and the outlook is that a considerable number of patriotic wayfarers will be compelled to spendjnau guration uight in the open air. Business will be brisk, prices will be high and ser vice will be scanty. The spirit of the time maV be succintly and accurately expressed in- the notice which will be hung up in every Washington barroom daring inaugu ration week, "No Mixed Drinks." While the crowd remains there will be no time for putting on frills. A Church Destroyed by Fire. rSFXCTAX. TXLZQBAU TO TBS DI8PATCIM Altoona, February 24.-The Bethel Church of God, Boaring Springs, was to tally destroyed by fire this .morning. LosV 58,000. A defective flue was the cause. Two aweuiDEa were also destroyed. DUDLEY MUST ANSWEB. The Charge Against Him to be Poshed Jndgc Claypool Will Resign, the Botter to Prosecute the Case A Precedent With a Vengeance. rSFECUX TXLIGttAM TO TIIE DISPATCH. 1 Indianapolis, February 24. Judge ClaypXol, Acting District Attorney, started for 'Washington to-night It cannot be as certained whether, he took the Dudley warrant with him or not, bnt it is cer tain that the warrant hasn't been can celled, and that it will be served, either by Judge Claypool or. a deputy marshal, within a short time. Judge Claypool's own explanation of his trip is that he is going to settle accounts with the Govern ment. He does not add, but it is a fact, that he will then hand in an immediate and peremptory resig nation, but 'this does not mean that he is to -drop the election cases. He has been em ployed by the. Democratic State Committee to assist in the prosecution of those cases, and will give the matter his most vigorous attention. He prefers such a place to that of district attorney, because it will leave him free to attack Jndge Woods as he pleases. The feeling between Claypool and Judge Woods has been bitter ever since Judge Woods delivered his second charge in the Dudley case, and Claypool chales under the restraints which his place as Acting District Attorney im poses upon him. One explanation of this action of the pros ecuting authorities in swearing out the war rant for Dudley before Commissioner Van Buren is that two years ago, when Coy and Bernhamer were arrested on similar warrants Commissioner Van Buren refnsed to allow them to waive examination, and made them go to an examination at once. It is thought that a preliminary examination before the Commissioner-may bring out matters that will strengthen the case against Dudley for the grand jury. 'AM ODDin OP POLITICS. Tho Singular Manner in Which Some Slen Hold onto Good. Things. rSr-ECIAL TELEGHAJI TO THE DISFATCH.l Washington, February 24. Six and a half working days remain for the Fiftieth Congress, not including next Lord's day, on which it is not to be supposed the Senate will labor, no matter what the winked House may do. This is decidedly discouraging for about 450 nominees of President Cleve land, who have been hanging on by the eye lids, hoping for confirmation previous to the official demise of their patron. It is plain now that the Senate will take action on very few of these nominations, which range from United States District Judges and con suls down to country postmasters. It ap pears to be probable, however, that some who least deserve confirmation may get there by a mysterious process of favoritism which nobody but a Senator can explain. For instance, there is Commissioner Webb, of the District, who is nominated to succeed himself. In the face of flagrant charges against the Commissioners, in cluding Mr. Webb, and in the face of plainly proven charges that a cousin of Commissioner Wheatly had been given op portunity to feather his nest very comfort ably by acting as. an entirely superfluous go-between in the purchase of school build ing sites, the Commissioners have been whitewashed by a committee of the House, and a committee of the Senate has reported favorably to the confirmation of Webb as his own successor. Possibly because Webb was appointed as a Bepnblican the Senators desire to confirm him, and possibly because hejias exceeded the Democratic Commissioners in his eagerness to dismiss Republicans from office and fill their places with Democrats, all but one Democrat of the House Com mittee which investigated the board voted with the Republicans to give the Commis sioners a character. HOW THEY DIFFERED. Congressmen Like Presidents With Prompt Business methods An Ex-Itoprcsentn-tlve's Instructive Chat. "Some Presidents of the United States have made great mistakes by being too so ciable," said an observing gentleman at the Monongahela House yesterday, who has served more than one term in the National House. "I hope Harrison will not be that kind of a man." Then he continued: That was the one grievance public men had against Garfield. He was a great conversa tionalist, and consumed a deal of his and your own time in useless talk. He tried to be too pleasant, and instead of transacting business promptly I have seen him often keep a man for a half hour, when there was no necessity for it, while a crowd of impatient ones waited outside to see him. I have frequently" waited to see him, and often stopped longer than I intended to hear him talk. It was a great pleasure to me and I appreciated it. but at the same time I knew there were a number of others anxious to see the President on important business. "When Arthur became President I noticed the difference between the two men. Arthur was exceedingly polite, bnt he acted in such a manner that when your business was finished ho expected you to leave at once, and give somebody olse a chance. He had all the methods of a good clerk, and public men liked his promptness. Of course, out of business hours, he could be very sociable. I never met Mr. Cleveland, but 1 am told by Congressmen that he doesn't waste much time in idle words. He is a good listener, talks to the point, and when through with you looks about with the air of a man who is ready to 00.11 for the next. I hope Mr. Harrison will be this kind of a man. If be is he will save him self and others lots of worriment. A COLD WALK IS 0FP. The Democrat Who Lost on Cleveland Gets $500 Not to Pay His Bet. ISPECIAI. TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 New Yoke, February 24. Alfred Lis comb, the 56-year-old printer who was to have started'on his tramp for -Washington to-day, because he had bet on Cleveland, has given up the trip. It wasn't his fault, though, he savs, as he has been, ready to jump right in, all along. It was in the contract, though, that George T. Griffith, the Philadelphia, who won the bet, should accompany Lis comb in a carriage on his walk, but he didn't like the idea of freezing in a coach in this kind of weather, and wanted to call it off, Mr. Liscomb says. "We held a conference at the Hoffman House," Mr. Liscomb said to-night, "at noon to-day, and Griffithsaid he wouldgive me 500 and call it off. I accepted his offer." It is getting expensive for Griffith, who, according to Mr. Liscomb, lost on Governor Hill's election and forfeited 51,000 rather than walk to Albany. A Summer Hotel In Ashes. . Meadville, February 24. The Korine aut House, at Conneant Lake, was de stroyed, with contents,, at 4 o'clock this morning. Loss estimated at 53,500, partly covered by insurance. A Bright Writer Gone. New Yoek, February 24". Philip H. Welsh, on of the brightest of the humorous writers on the New York press, died in Brooklyn of cancer of the tongue. He was a contributor to Puck, Judge and the Epoch. A Policeman Suicides. Milwaukee, February 24. Policeman Louis Sohlie shot and killed himself at his home this morning. He had been unwell and was temporarily insane, although able to attend to his dnties the day before. They Bagged 600 Dacks. Onancock, Va.. February 21 During the recent stormy weather sea birds of all kinds were driven ashore in great numbers along the coast of Accomac. The men in the life-saving station on Smith's Island killed more than SOU uucus ana Brant in a lev noun,, INS AND OUTS. Continued from First Page. class mission, that of Vienna, will proba bly refuse the office, and remain in humble but haughty private life, to attend his po litical flocks and herds in Hoosierdom. Colonel New isn't saying much, but there is excellent authority tor the statement that he will not accept anything from the next administration. Colonel New, as he con templates the relations of himself to the President-elect, reviews the old adage and remarks to himself, that it's a good deal easier to build up than to pull down. Some remark has been caused by the fact that Colonel New will not accompany Gen eral Harrison East, although Chairman Huston has been invited to go along. This is really most significant. However, there has" been nothing like a break between the President-elect and his friend New, and nothing of the sort is likely. Colonel New thinks the Cabinet, as, now made up, is an idiotic piece of amateur political handi work, but he isn't going to exhibit any po litical jdiocy on his own account by quar reling with the administration. LIKELIHOOD OP AJJ EXTEA SESSION. The Republican' Narrow Margin of a Ma jority Pressing Ir. tSFXCIAI. TELEGBAM TO THE PISPATCIM "Washington, February 24. For the past week or two there has been a slump in the conviction that there would.be an extra session as a consequence of the passage of the Territorial bill, this bill a law, it was not thought the Republicans would be so anxious for a reformation of the tariff as to ask an extra session for that purpose, even though the Cowle3 bill might fail. Leav ing the tariff question wholly aside, how ever, there is still left an almost universal eagerness for and belief in the wisdom of an extra session, to be called as soon as pos sible, solely for the purpose of setting at rest the agony in regard to the organization of the House, if for no other reason. Of course the Senate would have to meet as well, and once in blast there would be a lot of things presenting themselves as excellent to be put out of the way before the conven ing of the regular session. The anxiety touching the question of or ganization has increased within the last few days, on account of information that the certificates for the two .West Virginia dis tricts yet in dispute would almost surely be given to the Democratic candidates. This would leave the Republicans with a major ity of only 3, providing Evans is counted from the Chattanooga district of Tennessee; but if Bates, the Democrat, be recognized by the Clerk of the House, and Laird, of Nebraska, or any other Bepublican be una ble to attend, there would be a tie and nei ther side would be able to effect an organi zation. It is not thought that the Clerk of the House would dare to engage in so revolu tionary a triek as to refuse to call the name of Evans, whose right to the representation of his district has been declared by the high est court of his State; but for fear the situa tion may grow even more grave than it is, and to have the agony over, there is yet a fairly unanimous sentiment in support of the extra session. CHESTNUTS $5 EACH. The Price PhlladclpUIans Most Fay for Ut tering White-Horse Jokes From the Philadelphia Ledger. A courageous red-headed girl of this city, growing tired of being associated with "the white horse" by callow young men every time she makes her appearance on the street, will have the sympathy and applause of other red-haired girls for her pluck in de fending herself against the offensive prac tice that obtains in most large cities. 'Miss Hannah Hartnett is a handsome young woman, whose wealth of auburn hair has subjected her to almost daily annoyance and insult. Whenever she appeared on the street young men who loiter on the street corners and in front of public places make offensive inquiries about "white horse." Miss Hart nett determined to ascertain whether red haired girls had the same immunity against annoyance and insult as girls not adorned with red hair. Accordingly she lodged a complaint against four youngmen who made inquiry about the. white horse as she was passing, and this morning each of the of fenders was fined 55 by a police justice. THE ELECTKIC GIEL. How the Arrival of tho Magnetic Statesman From Maine Affects Her. Sew York Spanish Faper.J , "In the mysterious angle of a parlor an adorable young girl was seated apart with a youth. It was in the house of Mr. Whit ney. There was music, with flowers, and the atmosphere kindled by the fire of many hearts. There was no doubt that the pair were a pair of lovers. She, an enchantress, with celestial eyes, was absorbed in listen ing to him, a slight youth, saying very sweet things. Of a sudden Mr. Blaine was announced, and the graceful girl, as moved by an electric spring, rose and left her com panion with a word half spoken 1 "No sooner does Mr. Blaine enter a parlor than the ladies turn from their gallants to contemplate him, even to hear him say a word. Whether through love or through bate, the fact is that the famous Bepubli can champion now constitutes' in Washing ton society the chief object of curiosity and the one topic of conversation." A Sunday Morning Fire. Charleston", W. Va., February 24. Fire destroyed- the business block opposite the Court House early this morning. The block was owned by Goshen & Tate and oc cupied by, Joseph Ballard, clothing, and A. C. Ocutt, general merchandise. Each party was insured. Total loss over 510, 000. A Jewelry Hani. St. Paitl, February 24. A special from Aberdeen, Dak.,, says: Narragang & Co.'s jewelry store was burglarized last night, 52.000 worth of solid and plated ware being taken. HOW TO SAVE LIFE. "What is a cough ? It is an irritation of the throat and I ungs. What causes ItT Conges tion. Stop the congestion, the irritation ceases and the cough is cured. But how to stop tho congestion ! Ah, there is just where physicians have always been puzzled. But It must bo checked, or pnenmonia, quick consumption or some terrible pulmonary disease will follow. Some doctors give cod liver oil, others cough syrups, but the most advanced prescribe stim ulants. Nature must be assisted. Pure whis key will do it. See what physicians say: Prof. Austin Flint, or Bellevue (New York) College, says: "The judicious use of alcoholic stimulants is one oi the striking characteristics of progress in the practice of medicine during the last half century." Professor Henry A-Mott, of New York, says: "The purity or Duffy's Pnro Malt Whiskey (as simple analytical tests will readily convince a physician or an expert) should certainly re com mend it to the highest publicfavor." Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is a certain cure and preventive of congestion and should be keptin every family. It is sold by all druggists and dealers. Be sure and secure the genuine. K 'R. MAR H. WOODBURY' KILLERS. Used and prescribed by physicians. Pnt up and prepared by an o'u and reputable physi cian. Used for nearly two-score years by tens of thousands of sufferers from THE HORRORS OF INDIGESTION THE TERRORS OF DYSPEPSIA, And never, no, never, known io fail to cure soeedilr. Each tablet Is stamped D. K. , Use them as directed and you will be O. K. Mailed anywhere for Zo or 60 cents. DOOLITTLE & SMITH. Selling Agents, 34 1 and 28 Tremont St., Boston, Mts. For Sals by Geo. A. Kelly & Co., Pittsburg. nolB-MT WEATBES For Western Penn syhania and West Tir ginia, light local snows, warmer, variable winds. PrrrSBTTEG. February 24, 1889.- The United States Signal Berrica officer h this city furnishes the f ollowins. Time. Tber. 7:00 a. ir.. 10:00 a. X.... 1:00 P. it.... 4:00 P.M.... 7:00 P. St.... I Tbr Mean temp i.. 10 Maximum taan 2D .."3 .. 7 ..14 ..IS ..19 Minimum temp...., I Kan?i . 21 Precipitation 00' 10:00 P. It., ...17 Hirer at 5 p. ir.. Lfi fet. . rit r t i r.. tM Usi;i noon. Uelaw zero. Biver Telegrams. ISrZCIAL TELIGKAMS TO THX DISFATCH.1 " ' Wabesx-Biver frozen about 5 inohe Snow. "Weather clear and verjtcold. Bbowisvti.le River 6 feet and falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 22 at 4 p. jr. MOP.GASTOWN River 4 feet 10 inches and falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 23s as p. it. , J Tlio secret of my happiness fa, I havo thrown any n dd BteMngBnisb,aiidhaTt , ATERPH09F BEAUTIFULLY POLISHED WITHOUT LABOR. Weill's Produce a poliEh without tha oil brush, tsiSia tftlxa vtUlaiamekmma?t,aiuiamm xomm't that. Why stick to old ways in theso days of progrea ? ' Bold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, Draggists, eta. WOLFF & RAHDOiPH. Philadelphia Jtwrsu FORTY MILLIONS of Artificial Teeth Manufactured in this country alone last year show the need of the which has proved itself to bea Perfect Polisher, Cleanser and Preservative, withontthe Irrita tion of the Gums, and Scratching of the Enamel known to be caused by bristles. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. KWV Halford Table Sauce. ( FOR MEATS. FISH, SOUPS, GRAVIES EtCr - al3-71-MWr MEDICA1. DOCTOR WHITTIER 930 l'ENN AViiNUE. PlTTSBUKU. P.- As old residents know ana back riles of Pita, burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. Front jonbleper3on3 NQ p yftj MCDnllC and mental diseases, physical l"Ln VVJUO decay, nervous debility, laclc of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, Self-distrust,bashfulnes3, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for businesisociety and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN s'tateTeruM blotches, falling hair, bona pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month, throa& ulcers, old sores, are cm 3d for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIDIMADV kidney and bladder derange Unllinri I ments,weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and othas painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and res.1 cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience) insures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sensa principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It here. Office hours 9 x. v. to 8 p. M. Sunday, lOATlttolP.M. only. DK. WHITTIEK, 83 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. feS-fi-Dsuw CUKE GUARANTEED HEAIjTH,BN ERQY and strength secured by using Am oranda "Wafers. These wafers are the only relt ahln safe remedy for the permanent cure of lm potency, no matter how long standing,seperma torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless, harassing dreams, premature decay of vital power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for Sit six boxes is the complete treatment, and with, everv purchase of six boxes at one time wo will give'a written guarantee to refund tha money if the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma nent cure. Prepared only by the B08T01 MEDICAJj rNTSITUTE, For sale only by JOSEPH FLEJ1ING.. 81 Market street, Pitts burg. Pa.. P. O. box 37 aplO-k56otWT3a DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, 908 PESK AVE. PITTSBURGH, PA All forms of Delicate and Cora plicated Diseases reaulrinc Cos- FiCKXTiALand ScrEXTincMedl cation are treated at this Dispensary with a suc cess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is the oldest and most experienced SPECIAL. )st in the city. Special attention given to IfeXT- ous Debility from excessive r mtal exertion, la-, discretions of youth, &c, causing physical and mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc. j also Cancers, Old Sores, I its, Plies, Rhenmatlsrx, and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Crhv ary Organs, &c Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours 9 to 4 andl to 8 p.m. 1 Sundays 2 to pjn. only. Call at office or adores KXAKR.M.D., JLR .C .P.S.. or EJXake.iLD. sel-i3HrwTwk Gray's Specific 3Iedicine. TRADE MARK Tub Great TRADE MARK XiULiaU XfcJUJl- EDT.Annnfall lnjc core for Seminal Weak ness, bperma torrhea, ini po tency, and alt diseases tna& follow as a se ntience of Self- Abuse: as loss BIFDRE TAIWa.Univir5ai LiV- ftFrFB TAK1H8.' ltude. Pain In the ISacK, Dimness of Vision. Pre mature Old Abo and many other diseaw thatleid to Insanity or Consumption and a Prematorar Grave. JS-fullnartlcularsln our pamphlet, which wa -t Mm AWV desire to send free by mall to every one. .aania' Bpccmc Jleaiclne 15 sold oyau aruKjcisuaini package, or six packages for $ or wi, IU 9JSWk niu l be sent frmm oy ' mail on the receipt of the money, by addresslna: TWRIllfAY MKl.II'INECO.. HnEalo. V. " On account of counterfeits, we have adopted tha Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine. sold In Plttsbnrg by 3. B. HOLLAND, corner BmlthCeld and Liberty utreets. mh?2-ka WEAK sufferfap (Vdih Mm h fecta of ToetBfei r&2j -J-vTL afn T wi U MnH aV T<lAblA T&UA rorn, fanj aevw; mBVB Uimiauuvu , . -"r.--7"-"tS Myee-eattE 'PF&OWLER, Moodus, Caj A-Q09-C1CDSUWK vjy ' T0-DAI'S HAPPY! Sl BSBHBKcKanBBBmna , SfjilEBIaGking IP dMSNg. ' ffias-v-B '-"V V