Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 25, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Dr. Talroge Takes His Text From
David's Somber Psalm.
Reasons for the Good Suffering, AYhile the
Wicked Trosper.
. Brooklyn, February 24. The audience
that crowded the immense auditorium of the
Brooklyn Tabernacle and the adjoining
lecture room and parlors to-day united in
Sun of my soul, Thou Sartor dear.
It is not night if Thou be near.
Dr. Talmage preached on the subject:
"Dark Sayings on a Harp." Text, xlix
Psalm of David, verse 4: "I will open my
dark sayings on a harp."
The world iS full of the inexplicable, the
, impassable, the unfathomable, the insnr-
mountablc. "We cannot go three steps in
any direction without coming up against a
hard wall of mystery, riddles, paradoxes,
" profundities, labyrinths, problems that we
cannot solve, hieroglyphics that we cannot
decipher, anagrams we cannot spell out,
sphinxes that will not speak. For that
reason, David in my text proposed to take
up some of these somber and dark things
and try to set them to sweet music: "I will
open my datk sayings on a harp."
' So I look upon society and find people in un
happy conjunction of circumstances and they
do not know what it means and they have a
right to ask, why is this? and why is that? and
I think I will be doing a good work by trying to
explain some of these strange things and make
yon more content with your lot, and I shall
only be answering Questions that have often
been asked me. or that we have all asked our
selves, while I try to set these mysteries to
music and open my dark sayings on a harp.
Interrogation tho first: Why does God take
out of this world those who are usefal and
whom we cannot spare and leave alive and in
good health so many who are only a nuisance
or a positive injury to the world? I thought I
would begin with the very toughest of all the
seeming inscrutables. Many of the most use
ful men and women die at SO or 40 years of
cge, while you often find useless people alive at
60 and TO and eO. John Careless wrote to Brad
ford, who was soon to be put to death, saying:
"Why doth God suffer me and such other cater
pillars to live that can do nothing but consume
the alms of the church, and take away so many
worthy workmen in the Lord's Mneyard?"
Similar questions are often asked.
Here are two meu. The one is a noble char
acter and a Christian man; he chooses for life
Time companion one who has been tenderly
reared, and she is worthy of him and he is
worthy ot her; as merchant, or farmer, or pro
fessional man, or mechanic, or artist, he toils to
educate and rear his children; he is succeeding,
but he has not yet established for his family a
I nil competency; he seems absolutely indispen
sable to that household, but one day before he
has paid off the mortgage on his bonse he is
coming home througli a strong northeast w ind
and a chill strikes through nim, and four days
of pneumonia end his earthly career, and the
vile and children go into a struggle for shelter
and food. His next-door neighbor is a man
who, though strong and well, lets his wife sup
port him; he is round at the grocery store or
some xeneral loahng place in the evenings
while his wife sews; his boys are imitating his
example, and lounge and swagger and swear;
all the use that man is in that bouse is to rave
because the coffee is cold when he comes to a
late breakfast, or to say cutting things about
his wife's looks when he furnishes nothing for
her wardrobe. The best thing that could hap
Ten to that family would bo that man's funeral;
out he declines to die; he lives on and on and
on. So we have all noticed that many of tho
useful are early cut off while the parasites of
.. society have great vital tenacity.
I take up this dark saying on my harp and
give three or four thrums on the string in the
way of surmising and hopeful guess. Perhaps
the useful man was taken ont of the world, be
cause he and his family were so constructed
that they could not have endured some great
prosperity that might have been just ahead,
and they altogether might have gone down
in the vortex of worldliness which every year
swallows up 10,000 households. And so be went
while ho was humble and consecrated, and
they were by the severities of life kept close to
Christ and fitted for usefulness here and high
seats in heaven: and when they meet at last be
fore the throne, they will acknowledge that
though the furnace was hot, it purified them,
and prepared them for an eternal career or
glory and reward for which no other kind of
life could have fitted them.
On the other hand, the useless man lived on
to 60, or 60, or TO years, because all the ease he
ever can have he must have in this world, and
you ought not, therefore, begrudge him his
earthly longevity. In all the ages there has not
a single loaier ever enterea ncaven. There is
. no place there for him to hang around. Not in
the temples, fur they are full of the most vig
orous, alert and rapturous worship. Not on the
river bank, for that is the place where the con-
Suerors recline. Not in the gates, because
lere are multitudes entering, and we are told
that at each of the 12 gates, there is an angel,
and that celestial guard would not allow the
place to be blocked np with idlers. If the good
and useful go early, rejoice for them that they
have so soon got through with human life,
which at best is a struggle. And if the useless
and the bad stay, rejoice that they may be out
in the world's fresh air a good many years be
fore their final incarceration.
Interrogation the second: Why do so many
good people have so much trouble: Bickness,
bankruptcy, persecution, tho three black
vultures sometimes putting their fierce beaks
into one set of jangled nerves? I think now of
of a good friend I once had. He was a conse
crated Christian man, an elder in the church,
and as polished a Christian gentleman as ever
walked Broadway. First his general health
gave out and he hobbled around on a cane, an
old man at 40. After a while paralysis struck
him. Having by poor health been compelled
suddenly to quit business, be lost what prop
erty ho had. Then his beautiful daughter
died. Then a son became hopelessly demented.
Another son, splendid of mind and command
ing of presence, revived that he would take
care of his father's household, bat under the
swoop of yellow fever at Fernandma, Fla., he
suddenly expired. So you know good men and
women who have had enough troubles, you
think, to crush 50 people. No worldly philoso
phy could take such a trouble and set it to
music, or play it on violin or flute or dulcimer
or sackbut, bnt I daro to open that dark
saying on a gospel harp.
You wonder that very consecrated people
have trouble? Did you ever know any very
consecrated man or woman who had not had
great trouble? Never. It was through their
, troubles sanctified that tney were made very
good. If you find anywhere in this city a man
who has now and always has had perfect
health, and never lost a child, and has always
been popular, and never had business struggle
or misfortune, who is distinguished for good
ness, pull your wire for a district messenger
and send me word, and I will drop everything
and go right away to look at him. There never
has been a man like that, and never will be.
Who are those arrogant, self-conceited crea
tures who move about without sympathy for
others and who think more of a St. Bernard
dog, or an Alderncy cow, or a Southdown
sheep, or a Berkshire nig than of a man? They
never had any trouble or the trouble was never
Who aro those men who listen with moist eye
as you tell them of suffering, and who have a
pathos in their voice and a kindness in their
manner and an excuse or an alleviation for
those gone astray? They are the men who
have graduated at the Boyal Academy of
Trouble, and they have the diploma written in
wrinkles on their own countenances. My! mji
What heartaches they had! What tears they
have w eptl What injustice they have suffered!
The mightiest influcnce,for purification and
salvation is" trouble. No diamond fit for a
crown until it is cut No wheat fit for bread
until it is ground. There are only three things
that can break off a chain a hammer, a file or
a fire; and trouole is all three of them. The
greatest writers, orators and reformers get
much of their force from trouble. What
ppve to Washington Irving that ex
quisite tenderness and pathos which
will make his books favorites while the En
glish language continues to be written and
spoken ? An early heartbreak that he never
once mentioned; and when, SO years after the
death of Matilda Hoffman, who was to have
been his bride, her father picked up a piece of
embroidery and said: This is a piece of poor
Matilda's workmanship," Washington Irving
sauk from -hilarity into silence and walked
away. Out of that lifetime grief the great
author dipped his pen's mightiest reinforce
ment. "Calvin's Institutes of .Religion," than
which a more, wonderful book was never writ
ten by human hand, was begun by the author
at 25 years of age, because ol the persecution
by Francis, King of France. Faraday toiled
for all time on a salary of 80 a year and can
dles. As every brick of the wall of Babylon
was stamped with the letter N, standing for
Nebuchadnezzar, so every part of the temple
ot Christian achievement is stamped with
the letter T, standing for trouble.
When in olden time a man was to be honored
with knighthood, he was struck with the flat
of the sword. But those who have come to the
honor of knighthood in the kingdom of God
were first struck not with the flat of the sword
but with the keen edge of the ctmeter. To
bnild his magnificence of character, Paul could
not have spared one lash, one prison, one ston
ing, one anathema, one poisonous viper from
the hand, one shipwreck What is true of in
dividuals is true of nations. The horrors of
the American revolution gave this country this
side of the Mississippi river to .independence,
and the conflict between England and Franco
gave the most of this country west of
the Mississippi to the United States. France
owned it, but Napoleon, fearing that En
gland would take it, practically made a
present to the United States for he re
ceived only 515.000,000 of Louisiana, Mis
souri, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska. Iowa,
Minnesota, Colorado, Dakota, Montana, Wyom
ing and the Indian Territory. Out of the firo
of the American revolution came this country
cast of the Mississippi, out of the European
war came that west of the Mississippi river.
The British empire rose to its present over
towering grandeur through gunpowderplot,
and Guy Fawkes' conspiracy, and North
ampton insurrection, and Walter Balcigh's be
heading, and Bacon's briberv, and Cromwell s
dissolution of Parliament, and the battles of
Edgo Hill, and Grantham, and Newberry, and
Marston Moor, and Naseby, and Dunbar, and
Sedgemoor, and execution of Charles the First,
and London plague, and London fire, and
London insurrection, and Ryehouse plot, and
the vicissitudes ot centuries.
So the earth itself, before it could become
appropriate and beautiful residence for the hu
man family had, according to geology, to bo
washed by universal deluge, and scorched ana
made incandescent by universal fires, and
pounded by sledge-hammer of icebergs, and
wrencned oy earinquajces mat spin couuucuis,
and shaken by volcanoes that tossed mountains,
and passed through the catastrophes of
thousands of years before Paradise became
possible, aud tho groves could shake out their
green banners and the first garden pour its
carnage of color between the Gihon and the
Hiddekel. Trouble a good thing for the rocks,
a good thing for nations, as well as a good
ming lor individuals, so wnen you jjuni
against me with a sharp interrogation point
I open the dark saying on a harp and. though
I can neither play an organ,uor cornet,norhaut
boy, nOr bugle, norclarionet, I have taken some
lessons on the gospel harp, and if you would
like to hear me I will play you these: "All
things work together tor good to those who
love God." Now no chastening for the present
seemeth to be joyous, but grievous; neverthe
less afterward it yieldeth all possible fruits of
righteousness unto them which are exercised
thereby." "Weeping may endure for a night,
but joy cometh in the morning." What a
sweet thing is a harp, and I wonder not that in
Wales, the country of my ancestors, the harp
has become the national instrument, and that
they have festivals where great prizes are of
fered in tho competition between harp and
harp; or that weird Sebastian Erard was much
of his time bent over this chorded and vibrating
triangle, and was not satisfied until he had
given it a compass of six octaves from E to E
with all the semi-tones, or that when King
Saul was demented the son of Jesse came be
fore him and putting his fingers among .the
charmed strings of the harp played the devil
out of the crazed monarch, or that in heaven
there shall be harpers harping with their harps.
So yon will not blame me for opening the dark
saying on the gospel harp. ,
Yourharps, jetremblinjr saints,
Down lrom the willows take;
Loud to the praise oflove divine
Bid every every string awake!
Interrelation third: Why did a good God
let sin and trouble come into the world when
He might have kept them out? My reply is. He
had a good reason. He had reasons that He has
never given us. He had reasons which He
could no more make us understand in our finite
state than the father starting ont on somegreat
and elaborate enterprise could make the 2-year-old
child in its armed chair comprehend it.
One was -to demonstrate what grandeur of char
acter may be achieved on earth by conquering
evil. Had there been no evil to conquer and
no trouble to console, then this universe would
never have known an Abraham or a Moses or a
Joshua or an Ezekicl or a Paul or a Christ or a
Washington or a John Milton or a John How
ard, and
which have been gained by the consecrated
spirits of all ages wonld never have been
gained. Had there been no battle there would
have been no victory. Nine-tenths of the
anthems of heaven would never have been
sung. Heaven could never have been a
thousandth part of the heaven that it is. I
will not say that 1 am glad that sin and sorrow
did enter, but I do say that I am glad that after
God has given all his reasons to an assembled
universe be will be more honored than if sin
and sorrow had never entered, and that the un.
fallen celestials will be outdone and will put
down their trumpets to listen and it
will be in heaven when those who
have conquered sin and sorrow shall
enter, as it would be in a small singing sehool
on earth if Thalberg and Gottschalk and
Wagner and Beethoven and Rheinberger and
Schumann should all at once enter. The im
mortals that have been chanting ten thousand
years before the throne will say, as they close
their librettos: "Oh, if we could only sing like
that!" But God will say to those who havn
never fallen and consequently have not been
redeemed: "You must be silent now; you have
not the qualifications for this anthem," so they
sit with closed lips and folded hands and sinners
saved by grace take up the harmony, for the
Bible says "no man could learn thal'songbut
the hundred and forty and four thousand
which were redeemed from the earth."
A great prima donna, who can now do any
thing with her voice, told me that when she
first started in music her teacher in Berlin told
her she could be a good singer, but a certain
note sho could never reach. "And then," she
said, "I wentWwork and studied and prac
ticed for years until 1 did reach it" But the
song of the sinner redeemed, the Bible says,
the exalted harmonists who have never sinned
could not reach and never will reach. Would
you like to hear me in a very poor way play a
snatch of tnat tune? I can give onlv one bar
of the music on this gospel harp: "Unto Him
that hathloved us and washed us from onr sins
in His own blood and hath made us kim-s.ind
priests unto God and the Lamb, to Him be
pwij uu uuwiuiuu mciw auu cei, sullen.
But before leaving this interrogatory. Why
God let sin come into the world? let me say
that great battles seem to be nothing but suf
rering and outrage at the time of their occur
rence, yet after they have been a long while
East we can see that it was better for them to
ave been fought, namely, Salamis, Inkerman,
Toulouse, Arbella, Agincourt Trafalgar,
Blenheim, Lexington, Sedan. So now that the
great battles against sin and suffering are
come on we can see mostly that which is de.
plorable. But twenty thousand years from
now, standing in glory, we shall appreciate that
heaven is better off than if the battle of this
world' sin and suffering had never been pro
Bat now I come nearer home and put a dark
saying on the gospel harp, a style of questien
that is asked a milium times every year. In
terrogation the fourth: Why do I have it so
hard while others have it so easy? or, why do I
have so much difficulty in getting a livelihood
while others go around with a full portcmon
naie? or, why must I wear these .plain clothes
while others have to push hard to get their
wardrobes closed, so crowded are they with
brilliant attire? or, why should I have to work
so hard while others have S65 holidays every
year? They are all practically one question. I
answer them by saying, it Is because the Lord
has his favorites and he puts extra discipline
upon you, and extra trial, because he has for
you extra glory, extra enthronement and extra
felicities. That is no guess of mine, but a
divine say-so: "Whom the Lord loveth he
"Well, says one, "I would rather have a lit
tle less in heaven and a little more here. Dis
count my heavenly robe 10 per cent and let me
now put it on, a fur lined overcoat; put me in a
less gorgeous room of the house of many man
sions and let me have a honse here in a better
No, no; God is not going to rob heaven, which
is to be your residence for nine hundred quad
rillion of years, to fix up your earthlv abode,
which you will occupy at most for less than a
century, and where you may perhaps only stay
ten years longer, or only one jear, or perhaps a
month more. Now you had better cheerfully
let God have his way, for. ou see. He has been
taking care of folks Ur near 7,000 years, and
knows how to do it, and can see what is best
for you better than you can yourself. Don't
think you are too insignificant to bo divinely
cared for. It was said that Diana, the goddess
could not be present to keep her temple at
Ephesus from burning because sho was attend
ing upon the birth of Him wbo was to be Alex
ander the Great But I tell you that your God
and my God is so great in small things as well
as large things that he conld attend the cradle
of a babe and at the same time the burning of
a world.
And God will make it all right with you, and
there is ono song that you will sing every hour
your first ten years in heaven, and the refrain
ofthatUong will be: "lam so glad God did
not let Vne have it my own way." Your case
will all tie fixed np in heaven, and there win be
such af reversal of conditions that we can
hardly find each other for some time. Borne of
us wbo bfeve lived in first rate homes here and
in first rate neighborhoods will be found, be
cause of our lukewarmness of earthly service,
living on one of the back streets of the celes
tial cltv. and clear down at the end of it at No.
US, or 809, or 15US, while some who had unat
tractive earthly abodes, and a cramped one at
that will. In the heavenly city, be in a house
right by the imperial fountain, or on the
heights overlooking the River of Life, the
chariots of salvation halting at your door whilo
those visit you who are more than conquerors,
and those who are kings and queens unto God
forever. You, my brother, and you, my sister,
who have it so hard here will have it so fine
and grand there that vou will hardly know
yourself and will feel disposed to dispute your
own identity, and the first time I see you there
I wiircry out: "Didn't I tell you so when you
sat down there imtbe Brooklyn Tabernacle and
looked incredulous because you thought
it too good to be truer And you
will answer: "You were right the half
was not told me!" So this morning I
open your dark Saying of despondency and
complaint on my gospel harp and give you just
ono bar of music, for 1 do not pretend to bo
much of a player. "The Lamb which is in the
midst of the throne shall lead them to living
fountains of water, and God shall wipe away
all tears from their eyes." Bnt I must confess
I am a little perplexed how some of you good
Christians are going to get through the gate,
because there will bs so many there to greet
you, and they wiU all want to shake hands at
once and will all want the first kiss. They will
have heard that you are coming, and they will
all press around to welcome you and will want
you to say whether you know them after being
so long parted. v
Amid the tussle and romp of reunion 1'tell
you whose hand of welcome yon had better
first clasp and whose cheek is entitled to the
first kiss. It is the hand and the cheek of Him
without whom you would never have cot the re
at all, the Lord Jesus, the darling of tho skies,
as He cries ont"I have loved thee with an ever
lasting love and the fires could not burn it and
the floods could not drown it" Then you, my
dear people, having no more use for my poor
harp on which I used to open your dark say
ings and whose chords sometimes snapped, de
spoiling tho symphony, you will take down your
own harps from tho willows that grbw by the
eternal water courses and play together those
celestial airs, some of the names of which are
entitled, "The King in His Beauty," "The
Land That Was Far Off," "Jerusalem, the Gul
den," "Homo Again," "The Grand March of
God" '-The Life Everlasting." And as the
is forever lifted it will be as though all the ora
torios that were ever heard had been rolled
into one, and "Israel in Egypt" and ''Je'phtha's
Daughter," and Beethoven's "Overture in C,"
and Bitter's first sonata in D minor, and the
"Creation" and the "Messiah" had been blown
from the lips of one trumpet, or been invoked
by the sweep of one bow, or had dropped from
the vibrating chords of one harp.
Bnt here I must slow up lest in trying to
solve mysteries 1 add to the mystery that we
have already wondeied at; namely, why
preachers should keep on after all the hearers
are tired? So I gather up into one great arm
ful all the whys and hows and wherefores of
your life and mine, which we have not had
time or the ability to answer, and write on
them the words "adjourned to eternity." I re
joice that we do not understand all things
now, for if wo did, what would we learn in
heaven? If we knew it all down hero in tho
freshman and sophomore class, what would be
the use of our going np to stand amid the
juniors and the seniors? If we could put down
one leg of the compass and with the other
sweep a circle clear around all the Inscrn tables,
if wo could lift our little steelyards and weigh
the throne of the Omnipotent if we could with
onr seven-day clock measure eternity, what
would be left for heavenly revelation? So I
move that we cheerfully adjourn what is now
bevond our comprehension, and, as according
to Bollin, the historian, Alexander tho Great
having obtained the gold casket, in which
Darius had kept his raro perfume', used that
aromatic casket thereafter to keep his favorite
copy of Homer in, and called the book, there
fore, tho "edition of tho casket," and at night
he put the casket and his sword under his pil
low, so I put this day into the perfumed casket
of your richest affections and hopes this prom
ise, worth more than anything Homer ever
wrote or sword ever conquered: "What I do
thou knowest not now, but thou Shalt know
hereafter," and that I call the "edition ce
lestial." ANGET at the legislature.
Cincinnati People Are Anxions to Extend a
Railroad Lease
Cincinnati, February 24. The feeling
here against tho lower House of the Gen
eral Assembly for refusing to submit to
the people the question of whether
the lease of the Cincinnati Southern
Railroad shall be extended is strong.
Hr. Matthew Thomas, a business man, an
plied to the city solicitor under the law,
asking that officer to sue for an order of in
junction restraining the payment of com
pensation to the "so-called" trustees of tho
Cincinnati southern .Railway Company, to
enjoin the performance of the covenant
of the existing lease of the Cincinnati
Southern Railway, so far as they recognize
the trust as existing after the date of the
lease, and to institute proceedings to re
cover back the incomes paid to said "so
called" trustees since the execution of the
City Solicitor Theodore Horstman replied
to-day that this question has never been
properly before any court, and has not been
passed upon, and in conclusion he adds:
I deem it important that if a suit of the
character indicated, affecting such important
city interests, is to be brought the law depart
ment of the city sbonld keep control of the
management of such legislation, rather than
an individual. I will therefore bring the suit
as soon as I can prepare the petition.
An Enormous Casting Mndo-for n United
States Cruiser.
San Francisco. Februarv 24. The Inst
of the largo castings for the hull of the
United btates cruiser ban ifrancisco, now
being constructed at theTTnion Iron Works,
was made at the Pacific Boiling Hills this
afternoon. The casting is of steel, and is
the port strut for the port shaft of the
The charge of metal in the furnace was
20,uuu pounus, anu me strut will weign
about 16,000 pounds. About 12 hours' heat
ing in the furnace,at a temperature of 4,000
degrees, were required to bring the metal to
the necessary condition, for casting.
Lenders of Ono Faction Arrested, Charged
With Murder.
St. Louis, February 24. A special from
Ozark says: Two members of the anti-Ferry
faction of the Stone county feud, Frank and
"William Ambrose were brought to the
Ozark jail for safe keeping, charged with
the murder of A. C. Garrett, on December
1, 1887.
The Ambrose brothers were indicted by
the grand jury of Stone county last week",
and are said to have been the leaders of the
anti-Ferry deadly family war which pre
vailed on the Missouri and Arkansas border
about a year ago.
"Used Up,"
"Tired Out," "No Energy," and simi
lar expressions, whenever heard, indi
cate a lack of vital force, which, if not
remedied in time, may lead to com
plete physical and nervous prostration.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best medi
cine to vitalize the blood, build up tho
tissues, and make the weak strong.
"For nearly three months I was con
fined to the house, pne of the most
celebrated physicians of Philadelphia
failed to discover the cause of my
trouble or afford relief. I continued in
a bad tvay until about a month ago
when I began to take Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla. It acted like a charm. I have
gained flesh and strength and feel ever
so much better. Shall continue using
the Sarsaparilla until completely cured."
John V. Craven, Salem, N. J.
"I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla to be an
admirable remedy for the cure of blood
diseases. I prescribe it, and it does the
work every time." E. L. Pater, M. D.,
Manhattan, Kansas.
. Be sure and ask for
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Dr. J. O. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mass,
Price fl; six bottles, ?5. Worth $5 a bottle.
A Bis Consignment of Ann JbrHlmReaches
New York.
New Yoek, February 24. Jimines,
Hanstedt & Co., the accredited agents of
Hlppolyte's cause, in Northern Haytl, re
ceived lyesterday a consignment of 128
cases of arms and ten cases of mitrailleuses
from Antwerp, by the Noordland. Mr.
Haustedt said they came on commission,
and he did not know yet where they were
going, but Minister Preston shook his head
and smiled.
The steamship Clarlbel sailed to-day for
Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, Aux Cayes and other
Legitimists ports. Among her passengers
was Mrs. Contreras, who is followine her
husband to Port-au-Prince. General Con
treras, Minister Preston says, is probably
in Port-au-Prince by this time. He is going
to lead a campaign against Hippolyte.
Consul Julia says he will present to
Judge Benedict to-morrow the official au
thorization of the Dominion Government
for him to purchase the steamship Madrid
for San Domingo's account
The Dutch steamer Prius Willem is due
to-morrow with important advices from
Thebe is nothing so good for a fresh cut,
a bruise or a scald, as Salvation Oil. 25 cts.
The New Star Shirt WnlsU Are Selling,
All the newest patterns and new shapes in
collars bring the boys.
Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Wash Good Department
An unequaJed variety to select from in
French and American satines. Many ex
clusive -designs. HrGUS & HACKE.
Alexandre Snede Kid Gloves 91 00,
51 75 the usual price these will sell fast
new goods. Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Cloak Depnrtmcnt.
Stylish garments, exclusive designs, in im
ported long and short wraps, for early spring
wear. HtJQTs & Hacke.
Wall Taper.
Largest line pressed goods in the city.
d John S. Roberts, 414 "Wood st.
Invalids call at 1102 Carson st. and be
cured free of charge.
Wnll Paper.
Prices the very lowest.
d John S. Roberts, 414 Wood st.
Wash Goods Department.
100 pieces of American challis, a hand
some assortment in designs and colors, at
6)c and 20c per yard.
mwfsu Htrous & Hacke.
Napoleon Kid Gloves $1 25, 81 75 Quality.
Come for these to-day new goods.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
ruary 23, 1S89, M. W. Martin to G. C.
Schaibeb, both of Allegheny, by Hev. B. F.
BARO-Suddcnly, on Friday at 11:20 P. 3L,
Annie a, wife of Edward Baro, in her 39th
Funeral will take placo from her late resi
dence, S23 Ella street, Bloomfield. on Monday
morning at 820. Services at St Joseph's
Church at 9 o'clock. Friends of tho family aro
respectfully invited to attend. 2
CYPHERS At her late residence, 115 Lam
bert street East End, on Saturday, February
23, 1889, at 10:50 r. IT., Saeau E., wife of
John Cyphers and daughter of Mary A. Bor
land, aged 45 years.
Funeral services on Tuesday. February 28,
at 1 P. ac, from residence. Friends' of family
respectfully invited to attend. 2
HALL On February 20. at her residence In
the city of New York, MartiiaA, wife of
Philander D. Hall, and daughter of Robert
McElhinny, deceased, late of this city.
Friends and relatives are invited to attend
funeral services at St Andrew's Church, on
Monday mornem!, February 23, at 10 o'clock.
Interment private.
LINN On Sunday. February 24, 1889, at 1220
A. Jr., Philapenia Linn, aped 74 years.
Funeral services at her daughter's (Mrs.
Hooks) residence, No. 82 Laurel alley, Alle
gheny, on Tuesday, February 26, 18S9, at 2 p.
M. Friends of the family aro respectfully In
vited to attend. Interment private at a later
hour. 2
MAYHEW-On Saturday, February 23, 1889.
Johnson Mayhew, aged 73 years.
Funeral from the residence ot his daughter,
Barbara Mayhew, No. 403 S outhMain street
Sharpsburg, on Monday, the 23th, at 2 o'clock
p.m. 2
McKNIGHT-On February 14, 1889, at Banta
Barbara, Cab. Kobert McKnight. son of the
late Robert McKnight, aged 27 yeats.
Funeral services at his late residence, West
ern avenue, Allegheny, on Tuesday after
noon at 2 o'clock. Interment private.
NEE-On Snnday, February 24,1889, THOMAS
Nee, in his 49th year.
Funeral from his late residence. 421 Fourth
street McKeesport, on Tuesday mornino at
830. Services at St Peter's Church at 9 a.m.
Friends of the family are invited to attend.
BAY Suddenly, on Friday evening, February
22, at 6 o'clock," Nancy Given, wite of John
Funeral services at her late residence. No. 270
Sandusky street Allegheny, on Monday at 2
p. M. Interment private.
SMITH On Saturday. February 23, 1889, at
11 o'clock p. m., Martha, relict of the late
Matthew Smith.
Funeral from residence of her nephew, M.
Munson, Glenwood Park Hotel, Second ave
nue, Twenty-third ward, on Monday morn
ing at 7 o'clock. Interment at Klttanning, Pa ,
on 8:4b A. M., train.
SAMON On Sunday, February 24, 18S9, at i
A. m., George, youngest child of Bernard aud
Margaret Samon, agedl month and 11 days. .
Funeral to-day from parents' residence,
Thirty-fourth and LIgoriicr streets, at 3 p. si.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend.
(Sharon and Greenville, Fa., papers please
copy. .
VANKIRK On Saturday morning. Febru
ary 23, 1689, Dorotha McKee, daughter of
Will L. and Elizabeth V. Van Kirk; aged 4
Funeral services at the residence of her
parents, Forbes street, Oakland, on Monday
morning at 10 o'cWck. Interment private at
Allegheny Cemetery, 2
ZIMMER On Saturday, February 23, 1889,
at 8 A. M., Louis Zimmee, aged 63 years 7
months and 21 days.
Funeral from his late residence, 27 Ward
street or the rear of 12S Pennsylvania avenue,
Allegheny, on Monday, at 3 r. m. Friends of
the family are respectfully invited to attend.
(Successors to Meyer, Arnold & Co., Llm.)
Office and residence, 1134 Penn avenue. Tel.
ephone connection. mylO-h53-KWT
John L. Trexxer. Paul Bauer.
Undertakers and Embalmers, Livery and Sale
Stable.' No. 378 and 380 Beaver ave. Branch
office, 679 Preble ave., Allegheny City.
Telephone 3416. au8-t62-HThsn
Get our illustrated 66-page spring catalogue
of Seeds, Trees, Plants, Flowers aud Garden
Telephone 239. 508 Smithfield ST.
A. M. d J". B, MURDOCH,
Telephone CX
Assets - . !9,071,69o 33.
Insurance Co. of North America
Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM Ii
JONES, 61 Fourth avenue. JaaXJ-D
We will occupy the entire building, and will
carry as nice a stock of goods as can be found
anywhere. Don't forget our newnumber,
Formerly occupied byKomblum, the Optician.
For Ladies, in all grades, from 25c to SI 25.
Misses and Boys, from 20c to 75c. For Men,
from 23c to 75c a pair. Every pair warranted
to give satisfaction. Samples sent by mail if
is now rapidly filling up with new
spring goods. Every day one or
more carloads of Furniture, Car
pets, Curtains, Housefurnishing
Goods, etc, are being received and
placed in stock. The most note
worthy new arrivals are the mag'
nificent Parlor Furniture, the hand
somest, quaintest and most artistic
goods ever exhibited in this city;
also a number of most elegant and
tasteful Bedroom Suites. In our
grand Carpet room (the most spa
cious one in Pittsburg) we show
many novelties in choice Brussels
from 50c up, Ingrains from 25c up,
Lace Curtains from $1 up to $20,
Turkoman Curtains from 5 to $25.
There is, in fact, no end of new
and interesting things. Come and
923 and 925 Penn Ave,,
Near Ninth Street.
Open Saturdays till 10 P. M. f e22-MWE
Men's Furnishing Goods.
A full and complete line of E. & W. and
C. & U. brands Collars and Cuffs.
Neckwear Our Specialty;
Cleaning. Dyeing and Laundry 'Offices at
above location. Lace Curtains laundried equal
to new. 8el9-y49-MWT
A fine, large crayon portrait S3 GO; see them
before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, S2 aud
S2 60perdoxen. PROMPT DELIVERY.
nDCCPPfinnC RKin OIIITIMPC Still to behaa, those double-width Tricots, 12Jc, 15c, 20a and 25c: never sold anywhere for less than double tha money.
Uiltoo uUULJO MRU OUMIHUO Desirable lines of Plain. Mixed. Striped and Plaid Imported Suitines, suitable for earlysprinjr wear. 30c. 37Ke andSOc.
jnst half their intrinsic value. In this connection, see the new spring styles of Dress Fabrics, opening daily, 2jc, 37e, SOfi and 75c, in Cluster Plaids, Stripes, Mixtures and
F.ancy "Weaves.
Cll lC-e er nnelnaIed values in Gros .Grains, Ehadames, Merveilleaux and Eademir at ?1 a yard. Our special make of Gros Grains, from 75c to 51 50, are worth
0Lllw""50o a yard more than prices asked.
riDETOC PIMPUAMC Hundreds of styles American Ginghams 12e. Scotch Ginghams and Zephyrs, 20c, 25c, 35c and 40c. Satines, American productions, 10c,
UilUuO uinUFIMIllo" "1214c and 15c. French Satines, 25c, 30c and 37Jc, beantifnl in style and fabric. See the new Percales and wealth of White Goods and
Embroideries of all kinds, embracing Hamburg, Swiss and Nainsook Edgings, All-overs and Embroidered Skirtings.
Mil CI 1M IIUnCDllflTM D ..The most complete, stock ever shown in this market and the lowest prices. Chemises, Drawers, Night Dresses, Skirls and Const
ITiUoLin UnUt fi W t All Covers-in fact everything in this line for Misses and Infants.
I IN CM nCDADTMC NT,.-k0ln''nens' Oc, 25c and np. Bleached and Cream Damasks, 37c, 50c and 0c, are special values. Full 8-4 wide double Damasks
Llllt.il UHi H0 I Ifll-ll I at 75c, 87c, 1 and fl 25, are beauties. Cloths and Napkins in nets. Towels and Napkins at low prices.
I fl PC P!IDTfllrt?C"'A'ttractve bargains, 75c, 51, SI 25, SI 50 and up. Special attention called to onr Cnrtains from $2 to $8 a pair in new designs and grand
LnliL uUniHlfllO values. Curtain Poles all kinds. Window Shades and Shade Cloths, all colors, at low prices.
PJ nil nftfiHA has been thronged the Dist week with easier buvers.
uLUMlV riUU III prices of all to
portionately low, Newmarkets and Baglans,
slaughter prices. Made up Suits and Dresses
and Trimmings at the same low figures.
Write for samples. Orders
. 165,
lii'iiiiil Elli
Commences on Our First Floor
To-Day. One of the Pret
tiest Displays Ever
Seen in Pittsburg.
1,000 Fairy Candles, to be sold at 5c each,
worth from 25c to 50c
Thousands of Fairy Candles at 7c each.
Fancy colored decorated Fairy candles at
10c each; originally sold at from 25c to $L
Fairy Hanging Lamps, with glass shades,
at 25c each.
Fairy Candle Sticks, in nickel, brass and
burnisned brass, with, magic match safe
combined, at 25c, 35c and 50c each.
Fairy Candle Sticks of roses and forget-me-nots
at 50c, 60 and 65c each.
Fairy Lamps, brass base, fully equipped
with fairy candles and glass shades, at 60c
Fairy Lamps, brass base, fancy decorated
china and opalescent shades, at 75c-each.
Fairy Swinging Lamps, handsomely fin
ished and fitted complete, $1 75 each.
Fairy Swinging Lamps, with beautiful
brass base, opalescent prisms, at 53 50,
worth $8.
One lot of handsome Fairy Lamps, with
prisms, antique globes and bowls, at 52 75.
Aladdin Magic Fairy Lamps at$l 25
Floral Fairy Lamp Shades (tulips and
roses) fitted complete, at 25c and 35c each.
One of.the very prettiest things imaginable.
Floral Fairy Candle Extinguishers at 25o
and 35c each.
Beautifully decorated paper Fairy Lamp
Shades at 5p, 7o and 10c each.
A full line ot fancy colored Satin Fairy
Lamp shades at 25o each.
Handsome opalescent and decorated china
Fairy Bobeches at 10c, 15c and 25c each;
worm aouoie uo money.
Fleishman & Co.'s
504,505 and 508 Market st,
"This Trade Mark is on Our Windows."
Refltting of Seal Sacques, etc., at a 25 PEK
CENT REDUCTION, In order to keep our
hands busy In our fur factory.
Remember a few of those special bargains In
NEW SEAL GARMENTS still hold good, viz.:
Genuine Seal Jacket 9 75
Genuine Seal Wrap SO
Genuine Seal Sacnue, 38 inches deep 125
N. B. The remainder of our stock of small
Furs at a corresponding reduction to close out.
JZLLl X -LNI -A. Hartford. Conn.
Assets, January 1, 1SS7 31,5651.833 50
OQ Fourth avenue, Pittsburg
ial5$9-HF a
accomplish this end in the shortest time.
prices just half. Seal Plush Coats, Jackets
for Ladies and Misses clearing at lower prices
FaiMii m
Get a pair of those heavy Wool White Blankets, $3, down
forts all reduced 60c np.
will have our prompt and best
And we mean to keep it up. No
city before. Wond,erful bargains in
Towels, Table Linens, Napkins, Crashes, Scrims,
Crazy Cloth, Dotted Swisses, embroidered and
scalloped edges, for sash curtains. Drapery Silks,
new and novel designs. Raw Silk Table Covers,
Silk Chair Scarfs, Lambrequins, Portieres, etc.
In a few days our big Dry Goods and House Furnishing
Departments will open.
Nos. 42-1446-48-50-32 Sixth
after MoTember 28, 13S& trains leave Union
Station, Pittsburg, ai follows. Eastern Standard
New York and Chicago Limited or Jfttflman Ves
tibule dally at 7:U . m.
Atlantic Express daUy for the East, 3:00 a.m.
Stall train, daily, except Snnday, 8:53 a.m. Saa
dar, mail, 8:40 a.m.
Day express dally at 8:00 a. m.
Mall express daily at 1:00 p. m.
Philadelphia express dally at 4:39 p. m.
Eastern ex Dress daUy at 7: IS p. m.
Fast Line dally at 9:00 p. m.
Greenjbnr? express 5:10 p. in. week days.
Derry express 11:00 a. m. week days.
All through trains connect at Jersey City with
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. N. Y
aToidlng doable ferriage and Journey through N.
Y. City.
Trains arrive at Union Station as follows:
Hail Train, dally 8:Mp. m.
Western Express, dally 7:43a. m.
Paclflc Express, dally 12:p. m.
Chlcaro Limited Express, dally 8:30p.m.
Fast Line, daUy A.. HiSSp.in.
For Unlontown, diss and oU5a. m. and 4:23 p.
m., without change of cars; 1.09 p. m connect
ing at Grcensbnrp. Trains arrive from Union
town at 9:43 a. m.r UtX, 6:Uand8.-3)n.m.
Trom FEUEBAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City.
1UU train, connecting for UlalrsrlUe... mi a. m.
Express, for Blairsvlilc, connecting for
Bntler 3USp. to.
Butler Accom 3:3) a. m.. 23and 5:45 p. m.
Springdale Aecom 11:40 a. m. and 620 p. m.
Freeport Accom 1:C0, 8:15 and 10:30 p. m.
On Snnday 12:S0and 0:30 p. m.
.norm &pauoACCom.....iuut. m. ana &:uup. m.
Allegheny Jnnctlon Accommodation
connecting for Butler 8:29 a. m.
Blalrsrllle Accommodation 11:30p.m.
Express, connecting from Butler 10:33 a.m.
Mall Train 2:35 p. m.
Butler Accom. r. 9:15 a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. m.
Blalrsvllle Accommodation -9:52 p.m.
Freeport Accom. 7:40 a.m.. 1:32. 7:20 and U:0u p. m.
On Snnday 10:10a. m. and 7:00 p.m.
Springdale Accom 6:37a. m and 3:02 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8:49 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Trains leave Dnlnn station. Fltuonrg, asfoUows:
For Monongrahela Cltv, West Brownsville and
tlnlontown. 11 a. m. For Monongaheia City and
West BrownsvUle, 7:05 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
On Snnday, 1:01 p. m. For Monongaheia City, 5:43
p. m., week davs.
JJravosburg Ac, week days, SiSt p. m.
West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8:50a.m., 2:00,
620 and 11:33 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p. m.
Ticket offices Corner Fonrth avenue and Try
street and Union station.
General Manager. Gcn'IPass'r Agent.
February 10, 1881, Central Standard Time.
As follows from Union Station: KorClilcaco.d ItSi
a. m., d 12:20, d 1:00. d7:45. except Saturday. 1120
g.m.: Toledo, 7:25 a. m., d 12:20, d 1:00 and except
aturday. 1120 p. m.; Crestline. 5:45 a. m.; Cieve
l.ind,6:lq, 7:25a.m., 12:35 and dllrfB p.m.: Newcas
tle and Xoungstown, 7:05 a. m.. 1220, 3:45 p. m.;
YoungstownandNUcs, d 12:20 p. m.; Meadvi'.le,
Erie and Ashtabula. 7:05 a. m., 1220 p. m. : Nlles
and Jamestown, 3:45 p. m.: MassUlon, 4:10 p. m.;
Wheeling and Bellairc. 6:10a. m., 12M3, 3:30 p. m.;
Beaver Falls, 4:00, 5:05 p. m., S820 a. m.; Leets
dale. 5:39 a.m.
ALLEGHENY-Kocbester. 6:30 a. m.; Beaver
Fails, 8:15, 11:00 a. m. : Enon, 3:00 p. m.; Leets
dale. 10:00, 11:45 a. m., 2:C0, 4:30, 4:43, 5:30, 7:00. 9:00
p. m.; Conway. 10:30 p.m.; Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a.
m.: Leetsdale, S 8:30 p. ra.
TRAINS AltlUVE Union station from Chicago,
except Monday 1:50, d6:00, d6:35 a. m., d 7:35 p.
ra. ; Toledo, except Monday ISO, d 6:35 a. m., 7:35
S. m. , Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: Youngstown and
ew Castle, 9:10a. m., 123, 7:35. 10:15 p. m.; Mies'
and Yonnzstown, d 7:35 p. m.; Cleveland, d 5:50a.
m.. 2: 7:45 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 9:00
a. m 225, 7:45 p. m.: Erie and Ashtabula, 125.
10:15 p. m.: MassUlon, 10:00 a. ni.; Nlles and
Jamestown. 9:10 a.m.; Beaver Falls, 7:30 a, m.,
1:10 p. m., 3825 p. m.: Leetsdale. 10:40 p. m.
m.: Conway, 6:59; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.: Beaver
Fills, 7:10 a jm., 6:40 p. m.: Leetsdale, 5:30, 6:15,
7:45 a. m.. 12:00, 1:45, 4:30, 6:30, 9:00 p. m.: Fair
Oaks, S 8:55 a. m.; Leetsdale, S 6:05 p. n.: Beaver
Falls. S 825 p.m.
a, Sunday only; d, dally; other trains, except
Sunday. fell
Co. Winter Time Table. On and after October
14, 1888, until further notice, trains will run as
follows on every day except Sunday, Eastern
standard time: Leaving Plttsburg-6:15 a. m.,
7:15 a.m., 9:30a. m., 11:30a.m., 1:49p.m., 3:40 p.m.,
5:10 p.m. 6:30 p. m.. 9:30 p.m., 11:30p.m. Ar
lington 5:45 a. m., 6:30 a. m., 8:00 a. m.. 10:3 a.
m., 1:00 p. m., 2:40 p. m., 4:20 p. m., 5:50 p. m..
7:15 p. m., 10:30 p. m. Sunday trains, leaving
Pittsburg 10 a. m 12:50 p. ra., 2:30 p. m., 5:10
f.m., 9:30 p. m. Arlington 9U0 a. m., 13 m
:S0p, m., 420 p. m., 6:30 . m.
X. station. Central Standard Time. Leave for
Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7:30 a.m., d 8:00 and
a u:u p. m. uenmson, z:u p. m. cnicago,
!:43 p. m.
ng, 5:30 a.
K- . TV
12:05, dl
.16. UU, UU. U. U.. ITUCCUSi f.UU JUt, 1 .U
p. m. Wheeling,
m., 12:05,
6:10 p. m. steubenville. iaa a. m. Washington.
5:55, 8:35 a. m 1:51, 3:30, 4:55 p. m. Bulger, 10:13
a.m. Burgettstown,SH:35a.m.. 525 p, m. Mans
field, 7:15, 11:00a. m.,.6:30. d 8:35; 10:40, p.m. Mc
Donalds, d 4:15, d 10:C0p. m.
From the West, d 1:50, 1C:00, a. m., 3:05, d3:53
p.m. UennlsoL. 9:35 a.m. Steubenville, 5:05 p. m.
Wheeling, 1:50, 8:45 a.m., 3.05. 5:53 p.m. Burgetts
town, 7:15a. m.,S9:05a.m. Washington, 6:55,7:50,
9:55 a. m.. 225, 620 p. m. Mansfield, 525,, 9:00
a. m.. 12:43 d 620 and 10:00 p.m. Bulger, 1:40p.m.
McDonalds, asaoa. m., a 9:00 p. m. I
d dally; S Sunday only; other trains, except 1
23, '89.
We still have 500 Cloth Garments we must dispose of, and have made decisive cats in tha
Witness the Cloth Jackets at SI and SI 50. were sold earlier for $4 and S3. Finer eoods nro-
and Mantles at extremely low prices.
than ever before offered in this market.
from (5, and see the finest Saxony Wool
such values have ever been seen in this "
Street. 538-540-542 Penn iie.
Schedule in eliect November 29, 1388- For
Washington, V. C. Baltimore and Philadelphia.
11:30 a.m. and 'lO-JO p.m. For T ashlngton, D.C.,
and Baltimore, t7MOa.in. For Cumberland. 17:00,
'11:30 a. m.. and "10:20 p. m. For Connellsvllle,
t7:00 and 11:30 a. m.. tl.-OO, t4Kand IO:20p. m.
For Unlontown. n.-OO. t JO a.m.. tl:00aud 4i00 p.
p. For 31t. Pleasant. VM and 111:30 a. m,, tl.-OJ
and t4:00 p. m. For Washington, Pa.. 7:3a,
W:30a. m., ".TS, 15:30 and 3:30p. m. Far Wheel
ing. 7:30. t9:30a.m.. 3:33, 'iisop.m. ForCln
clnnatl and St. Louis, "7:30a. m.. 8:30p. m. For
Columbus, 7:30 a. m., "8:30 p.m. For Newark,
7:3( 19:39 a. in,, "3:35, "8:30 p. m. For Chicago,
7:30t J9:3)a. mi, 3:35 and "8:30 p. m. Trains ar
rive npm Philadelphia, Baltimore and n ashing
ton. '.10 a.m. and "6:50 p. m. From Columbus,
Cincinnati and Chicago. 7:43 a. m. and "3:10 p. m.
From Wheeling, "7 :4iT 10:50 a. m.. t3d "9:10 p,
m. Through sleeping ears to Baltimore, Wash-,
lngton and Cincinnati.
For Wheeling, Columbus and Cincinnati, 11:51
p m (Saturday only). Connellsvllle ac at S3;30
"Dallv. tDallyexcept Sunday. SSnnday only.
The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage lrom hotels and residences
npon orders lett at B.&O. Ticket Office, corner
Fifth avenue and Wood street.
General Manager. Gen. Pass. Art.
PrrrsHUitu and lake ekie kailkoad
COMPANY Schedule in effect February 24,
ls9. Central time:
P. & L. E. K. E.-DEFAnT-For Cleveland, 523,
7:40 a. M.. '120, 4:15, "9:30r. M. For Cincinnati,
Chicago and bt. Louis. 523 A. M., '120, "9:30 P. H
For Buffalo. 10:20 A. M 4:15 "9:30 P. 31. For Sala
manca. "7:40 a. M.. "120, "9:30 p. M. For Beaver
Falls, 5:25, 7:40, 10:20 A. M., "120, 3:30, 4:15, 520,
9:30 P. M. For Chariiera, 525, "5:35, 6:50, 17:00,
7:15, 8:49, 9aj, 9-JS, 1020 A. M., 12:05, 12:45, 1125,
1:45, 3:30, 4:45, "5:10. 520, SrfO, 10:30 F. Jf.
Abrivte From Cleveland, 3:30 A. X.. '1:00;
5:40, "8:00 p. M. From Cincinnati, Chicago and
St. Louis, 1.-C0, "3:00 P. 3T. From Buffalo. 5:30 A.
M., 1:00, 3:40 P.M. From Salamanca, 1MB, "SK
P. jr. From Youngstown. 5130, "6:50, 920 A. M.,
1:00, 5:40, "8:00 P. 31. From Beaver Falls, 5:30,
6:50, 7:20, 920 A. r., 1:00. 1:35: 5:40. 3:00. P.St.
From Chartiers. 5:10, 6:22, 5:30. 16:42, t:S0, 7:08,
7:30, 8:30, 920. 10:10 A. Jt., 120 noon, 122a 1:12.
125, 3:42. 4:00. 4:33, 5:00. 6:10. 3:40. liP. M.
P.. JIcK. Jt Y. K. B.DXPABT For New Haven,
5:30 a. M.."3:M P. M. For West Newton. 5:30 A. ax..
3:30 and 525 p. M. For New Haven, 7:10 A. K.,
Sundays, only.
TAKRIVE-From New Haven, 10:00 A. K.. "5:05 P.
M. From West Newton,6:15, 10:COA. M., '5:05 r. 31.
For McKeesport and Elizabeth, 3:30 A. If . 3:30,
4:05, 525 P. Jt.. 17:10 A. 31.
From Elizabeth and McKeesport, 6:15 A. 3C.,
7:30. 10:C0A. sr.. 3:0Sr. 3L
Oally. ISnndays only.
E. HOLBKOOK, General Superintendent.
A. E. CLARK. General Passenger Agent,
City ticket office, 401 binlthfleld street.
Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard
time): Klttanning Ac. 6:55 a. in.: Niagara Ex..
dally. 8:45 a. m.. Uulton Ac. 10:10 a. m.; Valley
Camp Ac, 12:05 p: m.; OU City and DnBols Ex
press, 2:00 p.m. ; Hulttn Ac, 3:00p.m. : Klttanning;
Ac, 4.-00 p.m.; Braebnrn Ex., San p. m.; Klttann
ing Ae.,529 p.m.; Braeburn Ac, 6:20p.m.: Hul
ton Ac, 7:50 p. m.; Buffalo Ex., daUy,
SMp. m.i Hulton Ac. 9:43 n. m.: Braeburn Ac,
11:30 p. m. Church trains Braeburn, 12:40 p. m.
and 9:33 p. ra. Pullman Sleeping Cars between
Pittsburg and Buffalo. E. H. UTLEi. G. F. Si
P. A.;' DAV11J MCUABGO. Gen. Sunt.
a urains luei'i aian-aiimeu ieae. i Arrive.
Butler Accommodation
Day Ex. Ak'n,Tol.. Cl'D, Kane
Butler .Accommodation
Chicago Express (dally)
New Castle and Greenville Ex
Zelienople and Foxburg Ac.
6:00 am
720 am
920 am
7:10 am
723 pm
4:00 Dm
1220 pm
11:05 am
i:au pm
4:40 pm
926 am
5:30 ant
2:10 pm
jinuer Accommoaaiion,
Through coach and sleeper to Chicago dally.
a:j pm
Where do you get that nobby
Hat? I purchased it at the store
that always have the newest and,
latest shapes at the lowest possible
figures, and that is at
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patents.
131 Fifth avenne.abova SmithHeld, next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
Surveyor, Draughtsman and Deslcnerof.
Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings,
Room 62 Eisner Bnildin?,
de!2-k66-D M FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsnnrg.
All our Misses and Children's Garments at
The remainder of Fur Muffs, Boas, Collars
Blankets at $5 a pair, down from $7 60. Com