Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 25, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Jf en "Who Feign Sickness to
Get the Hospital's Care.
After Discovery That the Shammer's
Froth Was Soap Snds.
And Brings to life With Alacrity & Man
Who Feisrns Death.
People who are connected with public in
stitutions in positions of authority have
some queer experiences at times with per
sons whose ideas of propriety are somewhat
hazy, or worse yet, who are out-and-out
beats. Especially is this true of institu
tions of a wholly or partially charitable
nature, which the cranks and beats of all
kinds seem to consider their lawful prey.
In conversation with Superintendent Cowan,
of the West Penn Hospital, recently, these
experiences were mentioned, and that gen
tleman told the reporter of some that had
come under his own observation.
"One I particularly remember," said Mr.
Cowan, "happened not so very long ago.
One afternoon we got a call to go to the B.
& O. depot and get a fireman. I supposed
there had been a wreck, and that the man,
being a fireman, was probably badly hurt
So, the driver being away, Dr. Scott and
myself got into the ambulance and made a
rapid run. "When we cot to the depot we
searched all around for the wounded man,
and could find nothing of him. At last a
iellow who was walking up and down the
platform, accosted us and said:
x guess i am tne person you are loosing
"I said 'Why, what is the matter with
"I have lost my appetite," was the un
concerned, laconic reply.
"I didn't say anythinc; I couldn't have
aid anything if I had wanted to. We
loaded him up, though, and brought him
out. The only satisfaction I got out of it
was the fact that it tost him $30 to recover
bis appetite.
"'On another occasion we received a call
and came clear down into the city, only to
find that our patient was a drunken woman.
"One night we got a call from a police
station in the East End, to come and get a
Xnan there who was very sick. "We went,
and brought him back to the hospital. The
doctors could find nothing particularly
wrong with him. He was put to bed, how
ever, the physicians having decided to make
& diagnosis of his case the next morning.
Horning came; the patient got up and ate a
hearty breakfast, bade us 'Good morning
and walked out. That was the last we saw
of him.
"We have to be constantly on the alert to
avoid being victimized by beats. "We have
bad so much experience with them, though,
that if we get the least intimation that
everything is not just right, we can soon de
tect and expose them. A case we had not
long ago will illustrate the point One day
a man from one of the iron mills came here,
groaning and writhing as if in great agony.
He was put to bed, and we tried to find out
bis trouble. To all our questions he would
reply with moans and yells of intensest
agony. One of the staff physicians, who hap
pened to be present, suspected that
and determined to test the matter and called
for an electric battery. The current was
applied to different parts of his body, and
his contortions were something wonderful.
Pinally he feigned death, held his breath
for half a minute and fell back upon the
bed. The current was applied again, and
immediately restored him to the liveliest
kind of life. The doctor went away, giving
instructions that, if he got no better, he
should be given a shock every half hour.
He recovered immediately and we let him
go in short order.
"One of the most peculiar cases that has
ever come under my observation here was
that of a man who counterfeited epilepsy.
He was found at one of the depots in ap
parently the worst kind of an epileptic fit.
He wasbrought to the hospital and was
here for lour or five days. At about a
certain hour each day he would have one
of these fits. Upon such occasions he
would writhe and froth at the mouth, and
was truly a terrible sight to behold. It
looked like a genuine case. The way we
cot an inkling that he was shamming was
by someone suddenly flashing a light in his
face durine the time he was in one of these
fits. He shrank from the1 sudden glare a
thing which he would not have done had
iis epilepsy been genuine and we imme
diately suspected him of being not
altocether right.
"To test the matter, the next day, about
the time for his 'fit,' we put him in a room
with a stupid-looking fellow, and instructed
the latter to watch him closely. The
shamming tellow had his 'fit' as usual, and
the fellow we had set to watch him in
formed us that he had slipped a piece of
soap in his mouth, and so created the froth.
"The next day, when he had his 'fit, one
f the physicians put his finger in the fel
low's mouth and pulled out a piece of soap.
Of course, we dismissed him at once; bnt,
before he went, he told one of the attend
ants that he had been in hospitals in
nearly every large city in the country,
and his counterfeit of epilepsy had
never been detected before. His plan
was to go from one city to another, stealing
rides or getting along the best way he could,
and when he reached a favorable place, to
fall in a fit on.the street, when, of course, be
would be sent to a hospital, where he re
mained, often several weeks at a time, until
be got tired, and left for some other point.
In this manner he had visited, nearly every
city in the country, the greater part of the
time without a cent in his pocket.
"There is another side to it all, though,
where the better part of human nature crops
out, and those who come here show genuine
appreciation of what is done tor them. One
incident will suffice to illustrate what I
mean. Three years, I think it was, ago,
'Fritz Emmet was brought here for treat
ment. During bis stay he became
greatly interested in the institution, and
went away ninth pleased. He told some
one connected with the hospital that be
would give a benefit for it, and, if the ben
efit realized $1,000 or more, the hospital
should have it all. and if not, he would
make up the difference and cive the $1,000
to the institution, anvway. He did give the
benefit in Philadelphia shortly afterward,
and sent a draft for the amount, $1,017, to
the board for the benefit of the hospital. It
is a pleasure to get hold of a person like
that once in a while, not so much for the
sake of money as for the satisfaction of hav
ing your efforts appreciated."
A Sonthnlde Gas Explosion.
"While the connections of the new gas line
at the American Iron "Works of Jones &
liaughlins were being made yesterday in
Brownstown, one of the pipes burst and an
explosion was caused which burned the gas
office belonging to the new line. A damage
sf $50 was done by the flames.
Over $1,000 Worth of Cloth Stolen From a
Sbarpsbnrg Establishment Another
btore Itobbcd Over in Allegheny.
Over 51,000 woith of cloth was stolen early
yesterday morning from the branch store of
Charles JUapfer, the merchant tailor, on
Canal street, Sharpsburg. The thieves ob
tained entrance from the rear after boring a
large hole in the door. Only the most val
uable goods in the store were taken, which
led to the supposition that the robbery had
been planned several days before.
During the past few days several men
have been in the store pricing suits and al
ways insisted on having them made of the
best material. After discovering what
racks the finest goods were on they would
leave, promising to call on Monday and
leave their measure.
Constable "Williams, of Sharpsburg, and
Detective Eichenlaub, of Allegheny, made
a careful Investigation yesterday. The toll
keeper at the bridge said that no one had
crossed the bridge between the hours of 12
and 4 o'clock Several of the men who had
Ericed goods and not purchased were seen,
ut they are above suspicion and so clue to
the perpetrators of the robbery was ob
tained. William Movie, a furniture dealer at 66
Federal street," Allegheny, was robbed of
$117 on Saturday by a clever scheme worked
by three men. About 5 o'clock in the even
ing, when there was no person in the store
but the proprietor, two men, who had been
in before, pricing furniture, entered and
said they had concluded to take a bedroom
set in the front of the (tore.
They went to examine it, when an argu
ment arose about the price and continued for
about ten minutes, when the men departed
without makinc a purchase. "When Mr.
Hoyle went into the office he found that the
money drawer had been broken open and
all it contained, $117, was missing. The
thief, evidently a confederate of the two
bogus customers, had entered by a rear door
ana committed the theft while Mr. Moyle
was trying to sell the bedroom set. He is
unable to give an accurate description of
the men.
A Musical Triple Quartet Those
Bold, Clever Escapes.
A most interesting diversion in the rou
tine religous service at the jail, occurred
yesterday, in the singing of a magnificent
triple quartet. The gentlemen were taken
from chnrch choirs all over the city, and
the delighted prisoners never beard such
music between those perfectly-built acoustic
stone walls.
The choir was composed of Dr. "W. T.
English, J. J. Miller, G. A. Miller. J. G.
McCanqless, Charles Pedrick, of Philadel
phia, George P. Lctsche, J. O. Home,
Charles M. Miller, Mr. E.lstmm and Bobert
Bebb, with A. E. McCandless at the organ.
The little prisoner, Doran, who made
such a clever and bold escape .Friday by
climbing the immense walls, clinging onlv
to a lightning rod, has not been captured.
Neither has the man Baker, who calmly
walked out with a lot of visitors on Cen
tennial day. The latter had but ten days
left to serve, and, if he is recaptured at any
time, he will be given eight months, the
penalty being just double the original sen
tence. Another escape, that was not exactly a
jail escape, occurred in the case of Miss
Richards, who was being walked to the
'Squire's office. Being naturally a sensi
tive ladv, she thought her custodian was not
navinc her prope'r attention, and got mad
and walked ofE Thus, in every case, it will
be seen that in the pure boldness of the at
tempt lay the only hope and assurance of
An Actual Occurrence In a School at Clifton
Springs, New York.
Teacher to class In geography, at Clifton
Springs, X. Y.) What causes the smoke and
soot in the atmosphere of Pittsburg?
A Little Scholar The use of soft coal in the
manufacture ot class, iron and steel.
Alleged Teacher No. It is caused by the
large number of oil refineries there.
This is a sad reflection, not so much upon
the city of Pittsburg, as upon the teacher
of Clifton. A grain of comfort, however,
lies in the fact that the bright scholar came
from Ohio and will go back there, while the
teacher will go on and demonstrate how not
to teach It would be interesting to know
just what that teacher's idea of an oil re
finery is, and it would be interesting to
know just what are ber ideas of this city, if
she has any. It would also be interesting
to take that little boy by the hand and show
him he once wastight, but now is wronj.
The teacher probably thinks the beautiful
Italian skies are caused by the painter's
brush; the nurora borealis by a bonfire, and
moonlight by two lovers' glance. She prob
ably thinks the sun do move; thatBelva
Lockwood wears trousers; that prohibition
prohibits; that the earth is flat; that gravi
tation is a myth; that Ben Hill is President,
and that Adam ate a sour apple and got the
stomach ache. In fact, that woman prob
ably believes she's living.
Several Person Injured in a Row and
Four Arrests Made.
Lerky avenue, although ordinarily a
quiet little thoroughfare, was the liveliest
in lower Allegheny on Saturday night and
yesterday morning. About 2 o'clock the
police in that end of town were notified
that a murder had been committed, and at
once proceeded to investigate. They fonnd
a man lying 'in the street with a hole in
bis head. The wound was not dangerous,
and the injured man said he had received
it at a wedding.
The officers proceeded to the house,
where a number of people were celebrating
a wedding, and arrested four men, Michael
Morris, George Honkhursb and Joseph
and Andrew Steireck. A sister of the latter
saro Morris had struck heron the head. The
prisoners all received workhouse sentences,
except Andrew Steireck, who was dis
A Young Gloss Worker in Great Dancer of
Contraction Lock- Jaw.
Jean Le Temps, of 1906 Harkums alley,
Southside, is suffering from a very severe
case of acute blood poisoning.
The young man is only 22 years of age
and lives with his parents. He is a glass
worker in Phillips' glass bonse, and, about
a week ago, was unfortunate enough to in
jure bis wrist by a glass roll falling upon
it. But the young man did pot pay any at
tention to the wound until a few days ago,
when bis arm and band suddenly began to
swell very considerably.
A physician was then called in, who,
upon an examination, found that Jean was
suffering from acute blood poisoning. He
was much better yesterday, but there is still
great danger that the injured man may be a
victim of tetanus, or lock-jaw.
The Birmingham Tarn Vereln Indulges In
Gymnastic Exercises.
The Birmingham Turners had a gala day
yesterday afternoon in the shape of an ex
hibition of gymnastic exercises.
The members of the Allentown Turn
"Verein had been invited to participate in
the exercises. Prof. F. Egger, gymnastic
teacher of the Birmingham society, was in
command of the entire turners, and the
young men made a very excellent showing.
A large number of visitors were present
to watch the entertainment, and the per
formance was enjoyed by all. ,
Emeralds Debating Prohibition at
Their Meeting on Sunday.
The German Military Addressed by John
E. Joos Against It
The proposed Constitutional prohibitory
amendment was discussed before the mem
bers of Branch No. 43 of the Emerald Bene
ficial Association at their -hall, corner of
Butler and Forty-seventh streets, yesterday
afternoon. The occasion was the regular
monthly entertainment of the branch, and
the matter was discussed in joint debate by
a number of the members of the association.
There was a large attendance of members
of the branch and others when the meeting
was called to order by President J. B. Mc
Cally, of the Pitbburg postoffice. The
opening address was made by Mr. John
Maley who set forth the advantages of the
organization. He was followed by John
Nichols who sang "The Cottage by the
Sea.', James T. Smith recited "Washing
ton's Birthday," which was followed
by the debate. The subject was:
Resolved, That it is to the best interest of
the people of Pennsylvania that tho prohibitory
amendment be adopted.
The affirmative side was taken by "William
Sodders and James Kirk, and. the negative
side was represented bv Messrs. McCally
and 'Nichols. Mr. Kirk was the first
speaker. In his argument he said:
I know that it is a hard thing to legislate
against tho appetites and passions of men; bnt
it can be done, if the voters consider how much
of a benefit the passage of the act would be.
There are millions of reasons why the amend
ment should pass. The other side will tell you
of the thousands i
yearly from the manufacture of liquors in this
State; but not one word will they say about
the misery and degradation arising from its
use. I have seen it stated that there are $900,
000,000 invested in the liquor business in the
United States. If this money was taken and
put intosomo other business, there would be
20 men employed where there is one man em
ployed now.
You can take a trip all over this glorious
Commonwealth, and can) carcely find a single
town of any size that hasn't its jail, reforma
tory, almshouse, etc Over nine-tenths of the
inmates are there, directly or indirectly,
through the use of alcohol.
Beiore the prohibitory laws were passed in
Iowa, that State was one of the most lawless
and violent in the Union. Go into it now. and
I can say it without fear of contradiction, that
over two-thirds of the jails in the different
counties of Iowa are literally empty; not a soul
in them. If that isn't one of the best reasons
in the world for prohibition of the liquor
traffic, I wonld like to know what is. God's
pnre water was made before man knew how to
mix the ingredients of whisky, and it is a good
In the whisky we now drink you cannot find
5 per cent of corn or rye. When a man talks
about the farmers not being able to dispose of
their corn and rye he is naj talking sense. It
would take only one barrel of good whisky to
make ten'barrels of the stuff dished up in bar
rooms now. The report of the Commissioner
of Labor says that out of 800,000 divorce cases
SO per cent of them were the result of alcoholic
President McCally likewise defended his
side of the case in an able argument He
said the prohibition of the liquor traffic
would be the means of throwing millions of
dollars out of a legitimate business. He
said the men in the business would be de
prived of the means of making an honest
living by a few fanatics and men who can
not control their passions.
He quoted the number of arrests made
per 1,000 inhabitants in prohibition and
anti-prohibition States. In Augusta, Me.,
there were 50 to each 1,000 persons, and in
Covington, Ky., there were only 6. This
did not look as if prohibition "was a success
where it had been tried. He said that in
"Westminster Square in Augusta, there
were 130. club rooms, and the only thing
necessary to get in and to get drunk was a
key. He was told of one official of the city
who had so many keys that he could not
carry them all upon his ring.
He told how the prohibitory law worked
in Kittanning. Upon one occasion while
on a visit to that place, he got the "stomach
ache," and, eoing into a drugstore, stated
his complaint. Showing the druggist 51,
he received a quart of the rankest whisky
he ever tastea. He did not need any pre
scription to get it.
Mr. McCally said the trouble was there
were not enough of fanatics in the city. If
there were, it would be better for the people.
He said the last strike between capital and
labor were indirectly the resnlt of the
strikers using liquor. He says be didn't
think God made- whisky to bathe in, as
some men suppose. If the liquor signs did
not stare men in the face on the streets, the
temptation would be removed.
Mr. Nichols replied the law was against
the spirit of the Constitution. The Chinese
were forbidden the use of liqor, and they
took to opium. This dwarfed their minds
and stunted their growth. He said the
consumption of beer caused a man's
stomach to enlarge, and thus prevented bis
taking the other kind of consumption.
The Constitutional Amendment tbe Bardea
of the Sons" Last KIgbt.
The number ot persons who wanted to at
tend the meeting of the Gospel Temperance
Union last night is an indication of the in
terest felt in the liquor question at this
time. University Hall, where the meetings
are held, was crowded before the exercises
were opened, and it is estimated that in the
course of the evening as many persons were
turned away as secured admission. The
Union is considering the feasibility of se
curing the Grand Opera House for Sunday
nights until June 18. The hall now used is
entirely too small, and better accommoda
tions must be obtained.
The meeting last night was led by Captain
J. K. Barbour. Speeches w ere made by W.
J. Cooke, John A. Martin, Br. H. Bullen,
John Shriver, "Worthy Chief Templar A. H.
Leslie, of the Good Templars, Charles Rob
inson, of Michigan, and John W.Moreland.
Dr. Bullen was one of the delegates to the
Harrisburg convention, and after the meet
ing there had ended visited a number of
towns in the eastern part of the State, where
he addressed meetings. He returned yes
terday morning. In his speech last night
he described his trie He said that the
meetings were both large and enthusiastic,
and that the people generally seemed more
deeply interested in the prohibition amend
ment than is the case in Allegheny county.
Moorhead Hall was well filled last night
when the "W. C. T. U. No. 2 held its regular
weekly meeting. Mrs. M. J. Allen pre
sided, and was assisted during tbe meeting
by Captain Spohn, Alexander Cooper, Jacob
t.... ...I & T ii.:. rr.i,.,v-i
Beese and E. L. Grier. Constitutional
amendment was the burden of all the
speeches, but temperance reform was not
forgotten, and a number of pledge-signers
were secured.
Golden Circle Division, Sons of Temper
ance, held a Constitutional amendment
meeting, yesterday afternoon, in their hall,
corner ot Grant street and Second avenue,
which was well attended. Speeches in favor
of tbe amendment were made by A. M.
Brown, John W. Moreland, Alexander
Cooper, Charles F. Kallenbergerand others.
The Subject of a Lcctnro Given Last Night
by Rev. Fnther Sheedr.
'Key. Father Morgan S. Sheedy, of St.
Mary of Mercy's Catholic Church, ad
diessed tbe bongregation of the Holy Cross
Church, in Brownstown, last night, on the
question of reigning intemperance.
The reverend gentleman spoke for over an
hour, and touched the drunkard up in a
very graphic manner. He drew lessons of
Christianity and morality from every phase
of the question, proving temperance to be
the fundamental principle of success with
every good citizen and Christian.
After the lecture a' large number of the
congregation signed the pledge.
The Well-Known Priest Delivers One of
His Characteristic Addresses He
Wonld Not Touch the Amendment.
Ker. Father Eegis Canevin organized a
new branch of the Catholic Total Abstin
ence Union at St. "Syrian's Church, Butler
street, near "Fifty-second, last evening.
About 100 people took the pledge and be
came members of the society. Prior to the
organization of the society Father Canevin
delivered one of bis characteristic temperance
lectures, and, among other things, said:
There Is no other vice that takes possession
of a man that so reverses the right order God
Almighty ordained should reign in man as the
vice of intemperance. He may be blinded to
the rights of his neighbors and acknowledging
no one but himself. You may take the impure
man who panders to the vilest and lowest
degradation of passion, through every mire,
and you will have a man who drinks.
Theisln of drunkenness takes away his mind,
all control of his manhood and his intelligence
and freedom. Take away these powers and you
no longer have the man, but the brute. No sin
robs him of all these powers as the sin of in
temperance. Man has the power of intelli
gence, power of knowing, light of understand
ing, power of loving and has the power of free
dom. He was the image of God and was like
God in these things. Man having a free will
he was supposed to be in the likeness of God.
Where is the image or God in the drunkard?
The man who has Yielded to excess in drinking
until the image has deserted him. He does not
deserve the name of God. There is no slavery
so complete and abject as the slavery of a
drunkard Just as the food assimilates with
the bone and flesh of our body and becomes
part of ourselves, the sin of the drunkard en
ters into the soul of a man and becomes part of
himself. It gets into the blood and rohshim of
his habitual will. There is so much ot his brain
eaten away that he cannot form astrong, stead
fast resolution to overcome the habit.
How frequently we meet with good, strong
hearted, intelligent men with bright minds,
who say to us, "It's no use; I know I'm dis
gracing my family; yet, although I know I'm on
the way to eternal min, the habit of drunken
ness is so strong that I cannot give it up." We
know lots of such cases. They go to mass and
the sacraments, and it is the same old story
every two or three months, they get intoxicated
and find drunkards' graves.
It is among laboring men that intemperance
reaps its harvest There is a great conflict
now going on between capital and labor. The
laborer's capital Is his health, strength, inge
nuity, trade, skill, etc. Whatever goes to im
pair his capital is injurious to him. This is
the greatest evil that intemperance produces
among tne wage woricers oi mo country, in
temperance is the cause of nearly all the crime
afflicting society.
There are families in this county who for the
past 60 years have not advanced nor risen In the
intelligent or social scale. Nine cases out of
ten can be traced to the neighboring saloon.
The son follows his father from the house to
the saloon, from the saloon to the jails and
then,perchance,a felon's or a drunkard's crave.
There is a movement now sweeping over the
State with which this society has nothing
whatever to do. The church leaves politics
with the world of politicians, and deals with all
such questions with the means left by Jesns
Christ: the grace of God, throngh the sacra,
ment of the church. "We leave the matter to
be settled by each one individually as Catholics
and Christians, supposing you to have the wel
fare of society at heart. Do as you consider
best in the temperance question.
John E. Joos Received Enthusiastically in
Opposing Prohibition Ilis Address In
St. George's Hall.
Mr. John E. Joos made a rousing anti
prohibition speech yesterday afternoon at a
secret meeting of the Geiman Military As
sociation in St, George's Hall, Penn ave
nue. There were over -100 people in the
hall when Mr. Joos entered, and he was re
ceived in a very'enthusiastic manner. After
the assembly bad been called to order and
the speaker bad been introduced, he said:
Gentlemen, the introduction on the part of
tbe Chairman, I think, was quite unnecessary,
because I believe that I am already pretty well
known here by everybody. Well, we have
again arrived at a crisis in this State, where the
principles of man's rights over personal liber
ties, are again attacked, and, as on former oc
casions, I feel again that I ought to stand up
for the principles of evory liberty-loving citi
zen and arouse everybody to a sense of his
duty. This time it is prohibition which is
staring us blandly in the face; a law to prohibit
you from drinking what you want; a law to
dictate to you that henceforth you must in
dulge in nothing weaker than coffee or stronger
than lemon squash!
Such a proceeding I call simply an outrage.
But yet it has been: projected, and it will be
done again, and in this State, unless every
citizen stands up on June 18, and casts his vote
against the Constitutional amendment.
Now what prohibition will do for yon can be
best illustrated by what it has done in tho
States where it has already been introduced.
Go to Kansas and Iowa, and you
will there find that it has pro
duced an army of hypocrites, such as the
world has never known before; people who will
shine before tbe world as good, sober. Chris
tian people, but who in tbe dead of night, or
behind a cellar door, swill liquor by the pint.
How have tbe industries, the manufactures and
the trades suffered under the regime of prohi
bition? They are all at a standstill; andso they
will be until the pernicious law is again abol
ished. It is said that drink fills the penitentiaries of
our country. I say no! and statistics prove that
I am right. In the Eastern penitentiaries nine
tenths of the criminals are people who have
been more or less abstainers.
Mr. Joos spoke for nearly an hour and
the audience was evidently 'pleased with
his arguments, because they not only ex
Dressed their appreciation by freauent arv
plause, but at the close of the meeting a
tain "William Heck, binding every member
of the association to do his utmost to down
the prohibition vote when it comes before
the people on June 18.
A Lady Resetted by Firemen From a Burn
ing Bnlldlng in Braddock.
Braddock is becoming notorious for its
Sunday fires. Another one occurred at 2
o'clock yesterday morning on Sixth street,
and the residence owned and occupied by
Mr. John Slim and his two sisters was bad
ly damaged. One of the sisters, who was
a'sleep in the front room in the upper story,
had to escape through the window and de
scend by means of a ladder put up by the
The cold blasts made the unfortunate oc
cupants shiver as they were driven out at
the dead of night. The damage to building
and furniture is $600, and is covered by in
Money That Was Loaned Will Result In
a Costly Case in Court.
Henry Seitz and Walter Bissell had a
hearing before Magistrate McKenna yester
day morning, on charges of larceny pre-
icrreu uy xajuis xaiguiw xisseii was 3IS0
I?;?,,., "",C ,.JS m ..nf ,,fT
"cuter claimed he loaned SO cents to the de
charged with pointing hrearms
fendants. On his demanding its return they
refused, and, be says, threatened to shoot
him. Both of the defendants were held for
1 Tiro Small Fires.
A gas jet set fire to a small outbuilding
at the American Iron Works yesterday aft
ernoon causing an alarm from box 1S7 at 2
o'clock. The loss will not exceed $50. A
blaze on the second floor of Murphy & Die
hold's planing mill on Wabash avenue,
West End, about 8 o'clock last evening,
caused an alarm from box 113. The loss
will reach $25. It is believed the fire was
caused by rats gnawing at a box of matches.
A Bill Robbery.
Thieves entered tjie cigar store of John
Patterson, on Forbes street, near Magee
street, yesterday morning, by prying open
the back windows. They carried off about
15 worth of tobacco and cigars, and the
change in the money drawer.
The Grievance Committee of Engi
neers on the ft Wayne Boad
Grand Master Workman "ffhea.tQ.ri Meets
Conductors From Four Btates.
A general meeting oflhe middle division
of the Kai'way Conductors' Association
was held at 102 Fourth avenue yesterday,
About ISO representatives from the States
of Nw Tork, Ohio, Virginia and Pennsyl
vania were present. The entire day was
taken upwlth the business transacted. The
majority of the visiting conductors regis
tered at the St. Charles Hotel.
Grand Master "Wheaton, of Grand Rapids,
was present and addressed the order. He
congratulated the conductors on the growth
of the organization, and reviewed some of
the "Western troubles of last year. .
"When the Grand Master was seen in the
evening at the Seventh AVvenue Hotel he
said: "The meeting to-day was intended
more for social purposes than anything else,
though some business was transacted. I am
in the habit of visiting tne large cities, and
the conductors usually congregate to fur
nish me facts about their branches as well
as to hear from me on the order in general.
From here I will go to Philadelphia.
"Some of the laws and by-laws regulat
ing the insurance feature of the organiza
tion were changed to-day, and
in the constitution were made, but what was
done does not concern the outside world.
The order is secret in its operations, and I
am not at liberty to betray its proceedings.
"We have grown wonderfully since the
association was formed, a few years ago.
"We now number 14,000 members. One of
our fundamental principles is never to
strike, and we always submit ourgrievances
to arbitration. My. experience has been
that strikes do not pay, and one never hears
of conductors resorting to such a measure to
train a point. When the 'Q' strikers asked
us to join them we refused. "We kept aloof
from that fight. The next annual meeting
will be held in Denver. I want to say for
the order, that as a body the railroads in
variably treat us with consideration. "We
seldom have any trouble in arbitrating our
"At present the outlook for conductors is
encouraging. There are no signs of trouble
anywhere. Since the Pennsylvania Com
pany fixed up the wages of the men a year
ago, the conductors on this system have
been satisfied."
The Grievance Committee of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers on the Penn
sylvania Company's lines held their annual
meeting in the old Dispatch building on
Fifth avenue yesterday afternoon.
The committee is composed of eight mem
bers, one to represent each division of the
Ft. "Wayne, the Cleveland and Pittsburg,
tbe Ashtabula, and the Ohio and North
western branches. The annual report was
One of the committee, Mr. Bex, talked to
a reporter at the St. Charles Hotel yester
day. Among other things he said: "The
engineers have no complaints to make.
They are perfectly satisfied with the wages
the Pennsylvania Company pays them. The
men are highly pleased with General Man
ager McCrea. I don't ,believe there is an
other general manager in the country so
well liked. "Whenever the engineers have
any grievances to relate he is always willing
to listen to them and do the square thing by
them. Since their difficulties were settled
a year ago by the present committee we
have had no trouble on any of the di
visions. '
"During the progress of the 'Q. strike
last year we were partially involved for
about five weeks; but after that we didn't
think it was necessary to strike to help out
the 'Q.' men. "We will meet this afternoon
to elect officers for the ensuing year. There
is nothing in the annual report of any in
terest to the public." .
The present officers of the Grievance
Committee were re-elected. Mr. Dougherty
will be the Chairman for another year.
They Want Yanks to Know That They Can't
be Bought for Money.
Commercial Agent Taylor, of the Chica
go, Minneapolis and St. Paul road, is a
Canadian, and he frequently visits his
Canuck friends across the border. He re
turned a few days ago from one of his trips,
and he gives the annexation issue a very
black eye.
"I don't believe the Canadians will ever
consent to be annexed to the United States,"
he said yesterday. "The agitation of the
question does no good. The proposition to
buy Canada has made the Canucks very
angry. They resent such an idea as an in
sult. They declare that England couldn't
sell them, and rather than submit they
would fight.
"Tbe Canadiaus claim that they have a
better Government than they could have in
the United States. They are practically
left to themselves to make their own laws.
England seldom interferes. The Canadians
also feel that at present they have the
English army and navy to support them if
they ever got into trouble. I was surprised
to learn what a big item this is to many of
the people. They asked me: 'What can the
United States give us in return?' and I re
plied: 'An army of 20,000 men and a few
"I am not at all in favor of annexation. I
think both countries should stand alone.
When united the Government would be
come too cumbersome, and the interests of
the d mer en t sections would be too vaned to
admit any stability in the Constitution."
He and His Family Narrowly Escnpe From
Their Burning Home.
Fire visited the residence of W.J. Thomp
son, of Bellevue, yesterday morning at S
o'clock, and before anything could be saved
the structure was in ashes. Just what was
the cause, Mr. Thompson did not know, but
it is supposed natnral gas flues did it.
The family narrowly escaped in their night
clothes, but were taken in by the neighbors
and kindly taken care of and clothed.
Mr. Thompson is a well-known broker in
the Oil Exchange. He held an insnrance
for 522,000 on the house and furniture, but
could not definitely state his loss. Had
there been a heavy wind blowing it would
doubtless have resulted in a serious confla
gration for Bellevue
A Brick Setter's Head bqaeezed With Frob-
ably Fatal Severity.
John Heiser, a setter at De Lance'sbrick
yard, on the Southside, was badly injured
last Saturday by getting bis head between
the post and one of the revolving arms at
the brick machine. He sustained a very
serious scalp wound, and Dr. Scott, who at
tended Heiser, expressed grave doubts as to
the young man's recovery.
A CInb Room's Furniture Destroyed.
About 6 o'clock yesterday morning the
furniture and carpet in the second-story
front room of the bouse No. 164 Lacock
street, Allegheny, caught fire from the
grate. An alarm was turned in from box
82 and the fire was extinguished with a loss
of $100. The room was occupied by the
Eagle Fishing Club.,
Arrangements for the Washington Celebra
tionLegends of'Tronblo for tho Father
of Ills Country.
The "Washington Inaugural Centennial
Committee will meet this evening in the
Grain and Flour Exchange on Liberty
The Invitation Committee has secured
General Adam E. King, of Baltimore, to
deliver one of the addresses at the evening
mass meeting. General King served in the
Army of the Potomac, and is conceded to
be one of Baltimpre's foremost orators. He
has spoken in Pittsburg once or twice; is an
intimate friend of Thomas M. Gazzam, for
merly of this city, but now a member of the
Philadelphia bar. An effort is being made
to get either General Nathan Goff, of "West
Virginia, or Congressman "Wise, of Vir
ginia, as the other speaker lor the evening.
Ex-Chief Justice Agnew, Hon. Harry
"White and Major E. A. Montooth .will be
asked to make ten-minute speeches. Prof.
B.W. King is preparing a poem especially
suited to the occasion, and the music will
probably be furnished by the Toerge
Orchestra and the Alpine Quartet.
The names of several business men in the
city, independent of any organization, have
been added to the General Committee, and
very general desire is being manifested by
them to make this a digmhed, patriotic
demonstration. It is particularly fitting
that the citizens of Pittsburg and vicinity
should celebrate this event, as within the
borders of Allegheny county took place
some of the most important and pivotal
events in the history of the American peo
ple. Three times the hand of fate was
raised against the Father of His Country
once on Pine creek, in December; 1753, when
the treacherous savage fired at him with in
tent to kill; again when Washington was
nearly drowned by being thrown from bis
little raft amid the floating ice in the Alle
gheny river, and almost frozen to death on
Wainright's Island, and again at Braddock's
defeat, where he was the special mark for
the shots of Indian chiefs, and had his
clothes torn to pieces and bis horse shot
from under him by the bullets of the
In the morning of the 30th of April the
doors of the churches will be thrown open
and the wise statesmanship and patriotism
will be eulogized by the ministers of Pitts
burg and Allegheny. In the afternoon the
school children will meet and engage in a
festival ot patriotic songs.
The affair is being thoroughly advertised
throughout the western part of the State,
and it is expected that the demonstration
will attract several thousands of strangers
to the city.
What President Babe Says of a Musical
Union Meeting.
The Board of Directors of the Musicians'
Mutual Protective Union met yesterday
afternoon at the office of the Secretary on
Fifth avenue. The board was in session
from 2 o'clock until 6, and after they ad
journed President Buhe wasasked what bad
been done. He replied, "Nothing at all."
He afterward said that four new members
bad been elected and one applicant rejected,
bnt refused to say who the unsuccessful
candidate was or why he had been rejected.
He had nothing to say about the members
of the Great Western Band who played with
non-union men on the Southside, further
than that the matter was unsettled.
In regard to the case of Prof. Weiss, who
was reported to have engaged five non
unionmen last week, President Buhe first
disclaimed any knowledgeof the affair. He
then said he had received a letter from Mr.
Weiss asking if the union could furnish
him five players. Mr. Buhe replied that
he could, bnt claims that Mr. Weiss did not
come after the musicians. He denied that
the matter bad been considered at yester
day's meeting.
The principal matter that was discusled
was the scale of prices, which will probably
be raised during the coming summer.
A Southside Girl Perhaps Fatally Burned
While at Flay.
Jennie Lang, an 11-yearold daughter of
Frederick Lang, was probably fatally
burned at ber home, 814 Carson street,
Southside, yesterday morning about 10
b'clock. The little girl got up on a chair to
get a doll from the mantel, when her clothes
caught ure from the grate. Her clothes
were burned almost entirely from her and
ber arms and breast were burned almost to
crisp. Mr. Lang had his hands badly
burned in the attempt to extinguish the
Dr. Brewster and Dr. Burleigh were
called and made an examination ot the lit
tle girl's burns, dressed them and had her
sent to the West Penn Hospital.
It Will be Held at Rock Folnt Daring the
Coming Summer.
The proposition of Local Union No. 51,
f the American Flint Glass Workers'
Union, to hold a grand reunion of flints
this summer will be carried out. About 30
delegates, representing all the local unions
in this section, were present at a meeting
held at Odd Fellows Hall, Southside.
Some of the delegates wanted a grove
where they could have liquid refreshments,
and when it was found that none could be
found in this State, Bock Point was decid
ed npon as the place for the reunion. The
time was not fixed, but it will likely occur
soon after the summer shutdown.
O ulcers, Directors and House Committee for
Another Year.
,At a meeting of the Concordia Club, held
yesterday, the following officers were elected
to serve for the ensuing year:
President, E. Wertheimer: Vice President,
Enoch Ranh; Treasurer, P. Hamburger; Corre
sponding Secretary, A. Hananer; Recording
Secretary, C. Zeugsmitb, Sr.; Directors, Josiah
Cohen, B. Forst, Samuel Frank, C. Zeugsmith,
Jr., L. Kaufmann; House Committee, Joseph
Stadfeld; Morris Wertheimer, S. Gallinger.L
E. Wormscr, Joseph Kaufmann.
The National Tabe Works Has Leased Some
More Gas Wells.
The National Tube Works, of McKees
port, has leased the gas field of the Duff
Bros, at Murraysville for the purpose of
making the supply to their plant more per
manent. The Duff Bros, own weight gas
wells in the best part of the Murraysville
The product of these wells was formerly
controlled by the Philadelphia Company,
whose lease ran out last month.
The New Pastor Installed.
Bev. F. S. Farrand, the new pastor of the
Southside Presbyterian Church, was in
stalled last night. The audience was larger
on this occasion than it has been for a long
time. Bev. Mr. Pattison, of the Sixth Pres
byterian Church, preached the sermon,
Prof. Eyles, of the Western Theological
Seminary, made the address to the pastor,
and the Bev. Mr. Plummer spoke to the
He Interrnpted a Fair.
Joseph Mauk entered the Bohemian
Church, on Main street, Allegheny, late
Saturday night and attempted to assume
the management of the fair which is being
held there. He-was ejected, but returned
with a bottle of whisky and insisted on
drinking it. An officer led him out. and
yesterday morning he swelled the Alle
gheny City treasury to the extent of $5 and
Baebt's Tbicophebous,. the most re
liable preparation for restoring and beauti
fying the hair. " M
An Immense Crowd From Pittsburg Will
See Ben Make His Debnt Clubs That
Will Stick to the Cars.
As the time for the inauguration ap
proaches the crowd that will go to Wash
ington from Pittsburg next Saturday night
grows larger. Division Passenger Agent
Smith, of the B. & O. road, is deluged with
piles oi letters and telegrams from people
asking for rates and sleeping quarters. He
is one of the hard-worked passenger men
who will give thanks with sincerity when
the rush is over and the inauguration has
become history.
Yesterday Mr. Smith gave a reporter
some idea of what the road will carry.
There will be not less than six sections of
the regular night express over the Balti
more and Ohio to Washington next Satur
day night. This number of sections will be
required to accommodate the public at
large, outside ot the special trains.arranged
for private parties. Most of the people
will leave Saturday evening.
The Americas Club will occupy from
seven to eight sleepers and a combined car.
This club has already purchased 150 drab
overcoats for the occasion, and they propose
to travel in style. They will start at 1020
in the evening. The East End Lincoln Clnb
will occupy three sleepers, and will start at
1120 the same evening. Mr. Lawrence
Offner, with a party of retail merchants and
salesmen, has contracted for one car. Mr.
F. H. Olnhausner and a crowd of South
side politicians will occupy another. Mr.
J. O. Templeton and party from Washing
ton have chartered a third, and 35 citizens
of Union town have taken a fourth coach.
There will be a special train of nine cars
from the Lake Shore transferred to the
Baltimore and Ohio, and the Pittsburg and
Western road will run their special cars
over the Junction road and attach them to
Baltimore and Ohio trains. The city officials
of Cleveland and a good number of promi
nent citizens of Allegheny will occupy a
special train.
.Mr. Smith estimates that not less than 30
Pullman cars chartered for the trip will go
oyer his road out of Pittsburg. About 100
carloads will come from Chicago and the
Northwest. Special parlor cars will be run
on the morning trains on Saturday and
Sunday, to accommodate those who will
leave at that time.
Among-those who will occupy a special
car provided by Percy F. Smith, of the
Pennsylvania Grocer, are W. K. GiUespie
and wife, P. C. Shoeneck, Jr., L. H. Voigt
and wife, Joseph Weisbrod, W.M. Leather
man and wife, S. S. Marvin and two sons,
M. L. Meyers and wife, Alexander Mur
dock and wife and others. All these trains
will be run next Saturday evening.
The military organizations will leave at
tbe same time on the Pennsylvania road for
There will also be large parties from New
Brighton and Koch ester that have chartered
cars on the Baltimore and Ohio.
Murray and Murphy will come in to-day
from Washington over this road, and
Nelson's Combination Company will go to
A Prominent Aileghenian While Drunk
Tries to Blow Oat His Brains.
A prominent Allegheny citizen attempted
to commit suicide aboutmidnight Saturday,
but was prevented by Officer Williams who
arrested him. The man was almost crazed
by drink when he went into Beilstein's
saloon on Ohio street, Allegheny, and de
manded liquor, but was refused. He then
announoed that he intended to kill himself,
and, throwing off bis coat, sprang behind
the bar, where be attempted to secure a re
volver. Mr. Beilstein asd several persons in the
saloon seized the man, and an officer was
summoned who sent him to the lockup in
the patrol wagon.
Yesterday morning, when he appeared be
fore the Mayor, be was perfectly sober, and
bis name was erased from the docket and
"John .Smith" substituted. The prisoner
was discharged.
Oar All-Wool Blanket Bargains 83 50
and $5 00,
Made by old-fashioned, country mill pro
cess, wear and wash best i pounds, pure
wool. $3 50, a great bargain quantity
limited. Jos. Hoeke & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Silk Department.
Bicb novelties in Armureand surah silks.
Plaids and stripes plain to match at SI and
51 25 a yard. Huous & Hacke.
Liver complaint cured free at 1102 Car
son st, Southside.
At John S. Boberts. 414 Wood st D
of approaching disease.
Tickling throats develop into coughs.
Coughs lead to the great enemy consumption.
A stitch in time often saves life itself.
rr is
T. T. T.
109 Federal Street,
j ' &
In English, French and Germsa
Woolen Dress Goods, by the yard or In
single patterns, including tbe very
new shades and most fashionable
weaves. Note the prices at which wo
sell these fine novelties:
Black and White Dress Fabrics, In a
beautiful assortment of new designs.
French all-wool Cashmeres, spring
colorings 40-ineb, 50c; 46-inch, 73c, $1
and SI 25 a yard, over GOO pieces now on
the shelves, and more coming.
New extra wide English Serge Suit,
lags at $3 aVaffd; also French Serge
Suitings and Armure Cloths in fine)
New French Broadcloths, spris
Stylish American-made Woolen Dress
Goods, plaid and strips combinations,
Coca yard.
50-Inch Plain all-wool Suitings at S0&
Our immense, stock of Ginghams and
Satines, finest foreign and best Ameri
can makes.-Ask to see the beautiful -Jx
"Henrietta" Satines. finest made. Pop.
ular prices on an Wash Dress Goods
the largest stock in the country.
tjpeclal bargain, sals of fine Kid
Gloves Alexandre, Napoleon Kid
Gloves, 4 buttons, at JI 25 a pair ( 1 73
regular price), grays, tans and browns.
Alexandre, Suede Kid Gloves St a pals
($175 usual price). By all means visit
tbe Glove Department as once.
New Dress Trimmings and Buttons
latest novelties: in the new area
More new styles in stock C &
and SI SO Cashoere and Chena color
fngs. Our stock Includes allquilUiea,
45c, 55c, 65c (27 inches wide), 75c, t
Jl 25 to U a yard.
Embroideries, LanM. White Goods,
These stocks now complete with lates(
and newest effects andVat taking prices.
Final sale ot all Winter Wraps thia
week in our Cloak -Room. Coma ia
bow. Prices low. Anenteral clearance
to be made In everrthlns In Winter"'
Goods. I