Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 25, 1889, Image 1

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A striking story of pi.,
ratical dys in the
Gulr of Mexico, by
Maubice Thompson,
Mill be commenced in
next Sunday's
issue of TltE Diss .
rATCU. Read the
opening chapter.
General Harrison's Final Prepa
rations to Take Charge of
the White House.
It Willie theFinest Tiling of
the Kind Ever Carried
on the Road.
His Trunks Being Packed And the
House Set in Order for His
And by All Odds the Handsomest Affair
That Was Ever Been on An j
Eoad in the World. '
While President-elect Harrison has been
-making preparations to enter the "White
House, President Cleveland has been pack
ing tip to leave his last four years' home.
The very last ot the visitjng delegations
has called at the General's home in In
dianapolis, probably to the great relief of
the family. Sir. Harrison's elegant new
grip will be packed this morning and the
start'in the fine train will be made this
afternoon, unless something now unlocked
for should occnr. General Harrison's
pastor yesterday preached a sermon devoted
principally to the departure of his eminent
parishioner for his new field of labor.
INDIANATOLIS, February 24. General
Harrison rail hare the finest grip of any
man in America when he starts on the road
to-morrow. A committee of the Commercial
and Traveling Men's Republican Club, of
Chicago,brought it here to-day,and will pre
sent it to him to-morrow morning. It is a
10x14 keystone bag, of seal leather, with
gold trimmings. Besides the usual pockets
and flaps inside, it contains a cue of solid
silver toilet accessories which cost nearly
$150. The traveling men say that with a
bag like that if he doesn't catch all the
trade on the road iu his line he must be a
The last delegation to wait upon General
Harrison here was a colored one, and con
sisted principally of J. H. Smallwood, of
Springfield, Mass. The delegation present
ed resolutions, hoping that in his inaugural
address the President would say a good word
for the oppressed and down-trodden black
lie Will Iiook After Them.
General Harrison responded to the effect
that he had ever held the black race in the
highest esteem, and that if he was able to do
anything for their benefit it would be his
duty and his pleasure to do so, and so on.
The President-elect's tram is nowhere
sad has been inspected to-day by a'crowd of
curious Hoosiers. The different cars have
all been described in dispatches from Titts
burg, except the private car Iolanthe, which
got down from Chicago this morning. This
is one of the finest private cars in the coun
try, nearly, if not quite, as elegant as the
car in which the President-elect himself
will travel. It contains accommodations
for 15 persons, with two staterooms, a dining
room, a large sleeping room, a smoking
room, a kitchen, bathroom, and all the other
modern improvements.
This car has been tendered by the Pull
man Company for the accommodation of the
newspapermen who have been invited to
accompany General Harrison East These
are only representatives of the Press Asso
ciation, the correspondents of the New York.
newspapers who have been stationed here
since the election, The Dispatch corres
pondent and two or three local newspaper
men. Private Secretary Halford, Steno
grapher Tibbitt, and one or two others of
General Harrison's own party, will also ride
in this car.
No Fast lime to be Attempted.
No effort to make unusnal speed will be
made during the trip. The train will run
as the second section of the regular Eastern
express all the way to "Washington.
A good many people who have been una
ble to get upon the President-elect's train
will go upon the regular one just ahead, in
order to be as near as possible to him. Al
though it has been given out that no dem
onstrations are to be expected along the
line, it is understood that at all the Indiana
and Ohio towns, from Indianapolis to Co
lumbus, the population is getting ready to
'turn out to see as much of the President
elect as can be seen on a train going
through at 40 miles an hour. Stops will
have to be made at the largest of these sta
tions to change engines, take water, and to
avoid the inconvenience of running over
the first section of the train, which makes
many stops, so that General Harrison will
be kept bouncing out on the platform of the
car to give the people a chance to see him
every few minutes from the time he leaves
Indianapolis until it gets daik, which will
not be long before the train gets to Colum
"bus, where the regular train stops for snp
per. May Have to Make a Speech.
Quite a long stop will be necessary here,
'and it is expected that there will be a crowd
at the station, and perhaps a speech from
the President-elect. After that the run will
be made by night until Altoonais reached,
at about 7 o'clock in the morning. There
.are fewJarge towns after that through the
mountains until Harrisburg, where there
has to "be a long stop-to get the train off the
giain track and onto the Northern Central
branch to Baltimore. There are several
considerable towns between .Harrisburg and
Baltimore, and at the latter place a crowd
is expected to turn out, although the situa
tion of the station makes it nearly impossi
ble for there to be any sort of procession or
The rest of.the trip to Washington will"be
over the regular Baltimore and Potomac,
and the capital will be reached about 3
o'clock. There will be no demonstration
there if it can be avoided.
General Harrison's horses are to be sent
by express to "Washington some day this
week, in Order to be there on inauguration
day it they should be needed. There are
four of them, all bays, and three of them
matched, The carriages have been shipped
already from South Bend, where they were
General Harrison's Preacher Addresses Ills
Eminent Parishioner in a Personal
Farewell A Touching Scene
in the Indianapolis
Honse ol Wor
ship. Indianapolis, February 24. General
Harrison's last Sabbath at home before his
departure to assume the Presidency was a
notable day to the pastor and members of
his church, the First Presbyterian. The
church began to fill immediately the doors
were opened this morning, and when the
hour for beginning the services arrived not
a seat was vacant in the large temple, and
the aisles were crowded with visitors, chairs
having been brought in from the Sunday
school rooms.
General Harrison, accompanied by Mrs.
Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. McKee, were
among the early arrivals, and all eyes were
upon the distinguished party as they sought
their accustomed seats. A special musical
programme had been arraged for the occa
sion, the choir being reinforced by several
good voices, and the rendition of the anthem
at the opening was unusually effective. A
quartet then -jjave the beautiful hymn:
"Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by
Night," and Mrs. TJ. J. Hammond ren
dered the solo, "Nearer, My God to Thee."
The Bev. M. X. Haines took for his text:
"The Divine Presence," quoting from the
last clause of Actsxvii, 27, "Though He be
not far from every one of us, for in Him we
live and have our being."
From these historic words, spoken by
Paul at 'Mar's Hill, the reverend rector dis
coursed upon the ever-presence of the
divine power. At the conclusion of his
sermon proper, he spoke as follows:
Before these services close, I cannot but
bear in miad that which to-day is prominent
in the thought of usall the fact that this is
the last service prior to the departure from
among us of one who, for more than a third of
a century, has been identified with this Chris
tian church as a member and an officer. When
new members come to our communion, we bid
them welcome in the name of onr God; cer
tainly it is not unfitting, when lone-tried and
honored members go out from us for a season
to places of influence and of responsibility
otherwhere, that we should tender to them the
heartfelt assurance of our God-speed.
I am sure it would be a grief to the members
of this church were I to fail to break through
the silence that has characterized this pulpit
in its relation to the peculiar excitement of the
last eight months, and permit yon, sir, who
nave been so long and so intimately associated
with us hero in Christian life and work, to go
out without one word expressive ot our earn
est, affectionate wish and prayer.
This is not the nlace nor the time for mere
congratulation, however sincere. Our sense of
personal esteem and gratification over your
elevation to the Chief Magistracy of the nation
is to-day overshadowed by the necessity of seD
aratioa, and especially of the sense of the seri
ous, the solemn responsibilities that are to be
laid upon you responsibilities which no man
on earth is qualified to meet in his own wis
dom and strength; tor unto yon, in no small
degree, will it be given to influence, for weal
or woe, tho interests of sixty millions of
"ion go forth to meet these responsibilities
carrying with you as von well know, the un
wavering confidence as well as the warm,
personal regard of your fellow Christians. We
have learn ed to believe in you in yonr personal
integrity, in yonr tested, established Christian
character. Character is superior to achieve
ment. It is itself tho highest achievement.
Office without character is nothing. We joy
in the anticipation that yon will exhibit to the
people of this nation that crowning glory of
magistrates and sovereigns, a genuine, broad.
Christian manhood, pure in its purpose,
catholic in its spirit, undeviating in its loyalty
to duty and to God.
We remember that yon are called not only to
be an example, but a leader to the people of
this land. When Moses, who "as an organizer
and statesman stands without a peer in all
history," received hlb commission from Jehovah
as leader of the chosen nation, he was over-
wneimea by tne sense oi nis own weakness and
deficiencies. Unto him Jehovah then spake
and gave this all-sufficient assurance "Certain
ly, I will be with thee." The eternal God is
the same yesterday, to-day and forever. May
yon hear His voice speaking unto you those
very words He spake into the law-giver of
Israel, girding you fpr the coming tasks,
guarding j ou from threatening perils and en
abling you to lead this great American nation
forward to higher conditions of freedom and
In the stormy days of onr civil war we recall
that in the charge on the field of battle once
and acain you led the ranks forward and
planted the flag of our country upon the ram
parts gallantly won. Now, as the leader and
commander of three score millions of people,
we pray Almighty God to grant unto you
strength and courage and wisdom to lead these
hosts forward in the paths of jnstlce and truth,
until our standard shall be planted on the
height of a God-honoring and therefore endur
ing prosperity. We know that yon have set
before you as the "pole star of yonr public
life," to UBe your own words, "a patriotic pur
pose to promote the true glory of our country
and the highest good of our people."
We are clad in the belief that the righteous
hopes inspired by yonr words and by yonr life
among us will be justified in days to come. We
rejoice in the confident expectation that the
coming quadrennium will be marked by price
less blessings from the Father of Mercies con
ferred upon onr beloved country through your
character and administration.
I speak for all the members of this church
when 1 say that we will hold you and yours
tenderly in our hearts, and we will remember
you at the throne of Grace in our prayers, ever
beseeching that God of nations unto whom onr
fathers looked and it ere lightened, to guide
you by His counsels, to shield j ou by His provi
dence, to enrich you with heavenly wisdom,
and to make you perfect in every good work to
do His will.
Dr. Haines, during the delivery of this
farewell tribute, spoke with much feeling,
and had the rapt attention of his large audi
ence. General Harrison sat with head
slightly bowed, as though greatly affected
by the solemnity of the occasion, as also
were Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. McKee. At
the conclusion of his remarks the pastor
closed the services with this prayer:
Almighty and everlasting God, Heaven is
Thy throne and the earth Thy footstool, and
both heaven and earth are full of Thy glory.
Thou alone art the sovereign ruler of nations.
Thou givest tho kingdoms of the world to
whomsoever Thou wilt. Thon workest all
things after the counsel of Thy will. We be
seech Thee now to take unto Thy holy care Thy
servant whom Thou hast called to bo
the Chief Magistrate of this people
Endow him plenteously with the gifts
of Thy spirit. Let Thy wisdom be his guide.
Let T hine arm be his strength. Direct him in
all his counsels and actions to Thy dory and to
I then elf are of this land, that througn him
justice ana trutn ana peace mayaDouna; mat
lrom him and those associated with him in au
thority there may co out no influences to de
velop the highest interests our nation, and to
build up in a yet nobler way a Christian civili
zation that shall boa benediction to genera
tions yet unborn, and bless with Thy sovereign
regard, we pray Thee, all the members of bis
household. Keep them under the shadow of
Thy wing. Crown their lives with the blessings
of Thy providence and Thy grace. As they go
from ns, our Heavenly Father, we commit them
unto Thy care: we make this our prayer, wilt
Thou, Lord, bless and keep them. Will Thou,
Lord, make Thy face to" shine upon them and
be gracious unto them. Wilt Thon, Lord, lift
up the light of Thy countenance- unto them
and give them Peace.
And now unto Him who is able to do exceed
ing abundantly, above all that we ask or think,
be honor and glory, through Jesus Christ, for
ever and forever. Amen.
As the congregation arose from their
prayer offering many handkerchiefs were
visible, and the tolder members 'of the
church .were- particularly affected. Just
before dismissing his congregation, Dr.
Haines asked them all to rise and join in
singing, "Our Native Home," to the tune
of "America," and the. words of the hymn
were rendered with so much pathos that
hundreds of the audience were affected to
tears; and both General and Mrs. Harrison
were.visibly affected.
AS the congregation passed out all the
members of the church, and many who were
not members, flocked over to where General
and Mrs. Harrison were standing near the
side entrance and bade them good-by. The
occasion was one that called forth all the
feelings of the General andhis old associates,
and many,uf the farewells were extended in
a silent hanft-clasp.r A large crowd gathered
on the outside to get a last glimpse of the
familiar features of their distinguished
countryman. The General and Mrs. Har
rison walked up Pennsylvania avenue en
route to theirhome.stoppingonthewayatDr.
Haines' residence to say a final gpod-by to
their pastor and his family.
During the afternoon and evening many
neighbors and friends called to bid them
farewell and "God-speed." The General
will leave his home at 2:15 p. M. to-morrow,
escorted by Governor Hovey, Mayor Denny
and other distinguished citizens. When
their carriage reaches the corner ot Ohio and
Pennsylvania streets it wiil be met by an
escort of 400 or more veterans of, George H.
Thomas Post and escorted to the depot.
Preparations Which Aro Being Made for
the Removal of tho Clevelands
Bnsv Days at the White Honse
The Problem of the Poodle.
Washington, February 24. "This will
be a busy week at the White House," re
marked Steward Sinclair to-day. "It is no
easy task to get ready for moving from such
a honse as this, but when the time comes
we shall be "prepared. The White House
was clean when we came to it four years
ago, and it will be left in the same condi
tion." All President Cleveland's personal effects
are to' be sent out of the way, so that when
President Harrison and family arrive there
will be room for them and their goods.
There is, of course, comparatively little
furniture to be taken away. President
Cleveland has one or two chairs, presents
from friends, and various articles of bric-a-brac,
but, aside from these, some books,
pictures and the wearing apparel are all
that must be taken away. Nevertheless,
the work appears to be heavy. The steward
has had big boxes made and placed in a
room in the basement, and has already been
at work for three weeks, in the intervals
left by his other duties, packing the Presi
dent's goo'ds in them.
The pictures are numerous and so arc the
bofks. They are heavy andrequire careful
handling. When they have all been packed
the steward thinks the hardest of his task
will be completed. He is now busy arrang
ing .the President's private papers and
bookslor shipment None of thelipart
meuts have yet been dismantled. The wear
ing apparelwill be packed last Sf all.
The President, as well as the steward,
will be kept uncommonly busy "during the
few remaining days of his sojourn in Wash
ington. Yet he will give his public recep
tions, as usual, three times a week, but he
has announced that his time will be too
much occupied with public business to de
vote mnch time to those who call at other
times. His work will be chiefly, of course,
in examining bills sent from Congress which
he must personally investigate and under
stand preparatory to approving or" vetoing.
Yesterday 112 such bills were on hand for
examination, and the rush of the final days
ot Congress has not yet fairly begun. This
gives some idea of what the President will
have to go through in the next six days.
By Snnday night all of the President and
Mrs. Cleveland's goods will have disap
peared from the White House, yet the hus
band and wife will not take their departure
until later. The President will observe the
usual custom of welcoming his successor to
his new home. Only five people are to
leave the White Honse Mr. Cleveland,
Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs." Folsom, Colonel La
mont and Mrs. Cleveland's maid. The Presi
dent has no valet. He shaves and dresses
himself and has not felt the need of a man
to take care of his clothes. The steward
will remain, and also his subordinates, for
the present.
What will be done with the White House
pets is a matter as yet unsettled. Kay. the
big St Bernard doe, and Hector, the French
poodle, will scarcely be left behind, at any
rate. Hay is at present confined in a watch
house, and doesn't like that kind of life a
bit. His growls and barks are lond and
frequent. Hector is a big dog of his kind;
his wcieht is 60 pounds. He may stay with
the steward, for whom he has a warm attach
ment. Mrs. Cleveland has paid very little
attention to him lately.
It Withstands tho Hard Knocks of a Week
and is Yet Intact A Cbnngo Liable
to Occnr This Week Several
Newspaper Men In Lack.
Indianapolis, February 24. Kussell
Harrison arrived this evening from the
West, accompanied bv his wife and baby,
and by his father-in-law, ex-Senator Alvin
M. Saunders, of Nebraska, and Mrs. Saun
ders. The whole party came in the private
car of Manager Charles Hays, of the Wa
bash road, and were looked after by the
Manager's father, ex-Postmaster Hays, of
St. LouisA Another arrival this evening
was Colonel A. B. Norton, of Dallas, Tex.
the man who swore never to cut his hair
until Henry Clay was elected President,
and who has kept his word. The old man's
long gray hair floating about his shoulders
makes him a conspicuous figure about the
hotels to-night.
The Cabinet remains as it was first an
nounced through The Dispatch just a
week ago. It has withstood a remarkable
strain during the past seven days, but seems
sound yet, though there's no knowing what
will happen to it after it gets to Washing
ton. lhe one open place, the Navy Depart
ment, seems to be drifting East, It is most
likely to be slung in at the last, as a sort of
consolation purse to take the edge off the
raving of the hungry New York leaders.
Ex-Governor Bedfield Proctor, of Ver
mont, is also in line with the lightning, and
some friends of General Goffwant to settle
the West Virginia muddle by having Goff
put in the Cabinet, The talk of Whltelaw
Beid as among the possibilities for that
place excites no interest here. It is known
that Mr. Beid, since Blaine's calling was
made sure, has been getting ready to accept
the place of Minister to the Court of St.
James. Another editor who has been all
smiles since Blaine was all right is Field
Marshal Halstead, of Cincinnati, who is
going to Berlin.
The other example of the great American
newspaper man who might also have a first-
Continued on Sixth Page.
Strange Story of a Scheme to Freeze
Ont Senator Butan and
In Order to Prevent Any Opposition to the
Nomination of ,
r v
Ex-State Chairman Andrews Bald to bo Implicated is
,'taeflot.v .
.- r,. T , , , r i
A remarkable itojy of 'political scheming
comes from our'slafftcorrespondent at H&K
risburg this morning. It is charged that
ex-State Chairman Andrews broke faith in
order to force "Senator Butan to refuse the
nomination for State Treasurer, in order
that Boyer may be slated. This was expect
ed to open up the road for Senator Delama
ter' candidacy for Governor. It is claimed
thatif Boyer is nominated the Prohibition
ists will defeat him.
Haerisbuhg, February 24. The plam
sailing that has been promised Speaker
Boyd's candidacy for State Treasurer may
after all "be turned into a more or less tem
pestous voyage, whether to the haven of
success or the whirlpool of disaster, will he
better seen when the storm of the number of
ballots clears away and the result is set
forth in cold hard figures in the morning
papers next day, and it may appear even
A prominent Bepublican, whose name is
known through the length and breadth of
the Keystone State, predicts defeat for the
Philadelphia candidate.
"His friends," said this gentleman, "are
distinctly and decidedly the foes of the pro
hibition amendment, and they will work
hard for the liquor interest. They aim to
defeat the amendment in Philadelphia by
100,000 majority. They won't get that
much, but they will make to. hard struggle,
and whether they get enough votes in Phil
adelphia to defeat it in the State or whether
they do not, the result will be equally dis;
astrous to Mr. Bover, There are in the Re
publican party from 100,000 to 160,000 Pro
hibitionists. They have been kept in the
party by Mr. Qnay's sagacious submission
boyer's political death,
"They have formed a campaign organiza
tion, at the head of which are shrewd poli
ticians. They will see the move of Mr.
Boyer's friends, and there is no probability
that they will tamely submit to it. They
will go into the next State Convention of
the Bepublican party and insist on Boyer
being set aside, and failing in that they will
carry their opposition to the polls and pile
up a majority that will stand like a stone
wall between him and one of the fattest
offices in the whole country."
"Won't Quay be able to Bee him through?"
"Quay is not unqualifiedly pledged to
Boyer. He has simply given his consent to.
Bover being made the candidate of Senator
Delamater ana state unairman .anarews,
who are young and ambitious and want to
run things. There is a string to Mr. Quay's
indorsement of Boyer, and he maypulfit
in if he sees that, the party is likely to go to
smash through the ill-advised zeal of .Mr.
Boyer's friends." - .,,
"Then M Quay has tuns far taken no
particular interest in the contest for the
State Treasurership?"
"Don't let anyone deceive you on that
point. He interested himself very warmly
on that subject after the national election of
last fill. I am telling you something that
has heretofore been held as a State secret.
You have already, though, given the
readers of The Dispatch a hint of it, but
the whole story is an interesting one, and
the one fragment that has appeared really
gives no information oi the vital part of the
"A meeting was held in Philadelphia at
the time I speak of. Was I there? Well,
Congressman Tom Bayne, or Chairman
Andrews, or Mr. Quay himself can give you
the names of the gentlemen who were there
beside themselves, and they can confirm the
story if they desire, so can Senator Butan.
He is one of those most concerned. Mr.
Quay explained to the gathering that he
had a candidate for State Treasurer in the
person of Senator Butan. He urged Mr.
Eutan's ability and his fidelity and services,
to the party during more than a quarter of a'
century. The meeting was harmonious.
There were no objections.
"An unanimous agreement was reached
without the slightest difficulty, and State
Chairman Andrews was appointed a com
mittee of one to stop on his way home and
tell Senator Bntan of the conference, and
the action it had taken. Andrews, how
ever, had plans of his own."
"Yon don't mean to say he didn't carry
out his instructions?"
"He did that all right, but he went
further. He told Senator Butan that there
were conditions' attached to the offer to him
of the State Treasurership. These condi
tions were that Butan should bury the
hatchet which had been dug np when Dela
mater began to rattle round in tho Senate
two years ago. The hatchet, of course, was
to be buried in some secluded spot and the
locality forgotten until after Senator Dela
mater was safelyseated in the Gubernatorial
chair. After Chairman Andrews had un
folded this scheme, Senator Butan re
marked: 'Under these circumstances you
may count me out.'
"Chairman Andrewsrequested a more ex
plicit answer and Senator Butan returned:
'I mean that I refuse' to accept the State
Treasurership on any such conditions.'
"Chairman Andrews went away, and of
course it was duly reported to Senator Quay
tbat itutan retusea tne piace. nutan was
labored with then and has been labored with
frequently since, but to no purpose. He
didn't want to be reconciled to the Crawford
Senator. They didn't pull well together in
the Senate two years ago, and Bntan refused
to make another effort in that direction,
even when so gilt-edgea an inducement was
held out tohim."
"Was Senator Quay informed of the con
ditions attached to the offer ot the Treasur
ership as it reached Senator Butan?"
"He wasn't at the time, but he is now."
"And what does he think of the mat
ter?" "I haven't seen him since he was told of
"Then his, consent to the candidacy of
Boyer was given in ignorance of-the reason
for Rutan's refusal of tbe office?"
"Yes, it was all. set up between Delamater
and Andrews. They couldn't fix the thing
up with Butan, and they did what they con
sidered the next bst thing in the interestof
Delamater's ambitionto be Governor,
for State Treasurer to head off any Phila
delphia or other Eastern candidate for the
Governorship. With the State Treasury
given to the Fast, it would be easier to se
cure a concession of the "Governorship to the
West, and once conceded to the West, Dela
mater considered that he would have but
little difficulty in capturing the prize iu
spite of Montootb. in Allegheny and Stone
in Warren."
"And you think they will not carry their
point In the first instance?"
"I confess that I don't think they-wili:
FEBRUARY 25, 1889..
Furthermore, I am very much afraid, in
view of all the circumstances I have detailed
to you, that we. are on the eve of a fight
which will not .only keep Boyer out of the
State Treasury, but will put a Democrtit in
the place. T"he alliance between Boyer's
friends and the liquor men is likely to drive
the Prohibitionists out of the party If the
prohibition amendment is defeated by it.
If the amendment is carried and the Prohi
bitionists succeed in nominating one of
their own men, "the votes controlled by the
Bover and the liniinr interests in Philadel
phia may be sufficient to elect the Demo
crat." SCARED THE -S0L0NS.
An Epidemic of Scarlet Fever to Dakota
Churches, Schools and Theaters
Closed The Legislature
Will Adjourn.
' BfsMAECK, February 24. Scarlet fever,
which has been prevalent in. this city and
Mandan for some time, has now reached a
most alarming stage, and all possible pre
caution is being taken by both cities to
prevent its spread. Of the cases reported to
the Board of Health thus far but few have
recovered, and people who can af
ford it are seriously considering
the sending away of their children to some
Eastern haven of safety. The feyer pre
vailing is of the most malignant type. It is
reported that the fever has gained a far
greater headway in Mandan, and communi
cation between the towns will be restricted.
An entertainment was ordered closed by the
Mayor last night and the skating rink was
in full blast when a note from him com
manded the.proprietor to close up and dis
miss the skaters.
The dread of the disease spreading rapidly
has been so great that the citizens prevailed
upon the Mayor to close up all churches
and Sunday schools to-day. All publio
demonstrations, city schools, and places of
amusement are strictly quarantined. There
is also,talk of closing the Legislature ses
sion. One of the members is at Mandan
to-day, and on his return to-morrow it is
resolved by the other solons he will be put
through a thorough course of fumigation
whether he is willing or not, John Dillon,
the comedian, who is billed here this week,
will probably be prohibited from perform
ing. It is possible that the city will'have
to stand the loss entailed by the company
cancelling their dates.
Tho Shrewd Manner In Which Dishonest
Agents Worked Their Game.
Beading, February 24. Fraudulent
horse and mule insurance has taken tin
place of graveyard and' marriage insurance
in this section of Pennsylvania. A com
pany was started in Beading three years
ago to do a legitimate business in insuring
horses and mules, but according to the state
ment of its President, ex-Alderman Fisher,
some bad men slipped in as agents, and did
a business very like the graveyard insur
ance ghouls did a dozen years ago. Sick
horses were insured just as sick people have
been. The horses soon died, the claims were
collected, and the assessed stockholders were
swindled, not through any work or knowl
edge of the home officers of the company,
but by the unprincipled sub-agents.
The allegations are that the dishonest
agents went about to designing men wher
ever they conld be found, who owned old
or dying horses. For $10 or $20 cash the
agents insured such animals, pocketed the
money, and in a few days, when the horses
died, sent on the proofs of death, and the
stockhcJcrs had. to pay their assessments
and satisfy the fraudulent "claim.
Anthracite Collieries Shotting Down on Ac
count of Poor Business.
Philadelphia, February 24. The con
tinued dullness of the anthracite coal
trade has necessitated a further restriction
of production. Last night the Lehigh Coal
and Navigation Company shut down opera
tions at all of its eight or- nine large collier
ies in the Summit (old Lehign) region,
which throws about 6,000 hands into idle
ness. The Beading Coal and Iron Company
gave notice last week that until further ao
tice its collieries, now being operated on
three-quarters time six days a week,
will De worked only three-quarters
time but .four days a week. These
collieries, about 21 in number, when being
operated to their fall capacity, produce
about one-third of the total output of an
thracite made by the Beading Company.
All of the other collieries of that company m
the Schuylkill district have been idle since
the 1st inst.
The Mnckey Syndlcnto Buy tho Illinois and
St. Iionls Railroad.
St. Louis, February 24. The purchase
by the Mackey syndicate of the Illinois
and St Louis Bailroad, Belleville to St,
Louis, with its branches to the coal mines,
,nnd the Vencie and Carondelet leased line
became an established fact last evening.
D. W. Mackey, President of the Evans
ville,' Terre Haute, the Evansville and
Indianapolis, and the Peoria, Decatur and
Evansville, arrived in St. Louis yesterday
with G. F. Evans, Generai Manager of the
Louisville and Evansville and St. Louis,
and during the day met the Board of
Directors of the Illinois and St. Louis and
consummated the deals.
Of the terms of purchase, President
Mackey said. "We pay $125 for the pre
ferred stock, which carries the control of
the property. This represents a payment
of $1,125,000. The gap between Mt. Ver
non and Belleville will be built at once,
and we may enter St. Louis over the
Merchants bridge."
A Railroad Cashier Has Disappeared, but
f His Acconnts Are All Blsbt.
Cincinnati; February 24. Charles
Williams, the cashier of the Cincinnati,
Columbus, Cleveland' and Indianapolis and
Erie Bailroads at the Cincinnati office, has
been absent mysteriously since last Wednes
day night.
It is not known tbat he had any reason for
leaving, and although his books' are under
going an examination, nothing wrong in his
accounts has been developed. -
Edward Gonld to be Second Vice President
of the Missouri Paolflc.
St. Louis, February 24. A morning
paper says: "There is some doubt is to
whether the vacant position of Second Vice
President of the Missouri Pacific will be
filled at the coming election on March 12,
but it is said by those well informed that
Mr. Gould's son Edward who is now about
23 years old, will be elected to that position.
The Same Old mistake Produces tho Usual
Chicago, February 24. Olof Hanson
and his cousin Neils Olsen, were found
dead in Olofs room this morning.
Hanson was a machinist, Olsen a teamster.
It is supposed they came home drunk, and
after extinguishing the light, turned the
gas on again and forgot all abont it.
U iB sH 9H H sH sWM H' H iB H
In Generous Doses Donated by a Party
of Indiana White Caps to
Her Husband, Covered by Twenty Be
yolvers, Made to Dance a Jig
Other Outrages, Kesrly as Diabolical, Committed in
the Huns of Bcform.
Indiana White Caps are again at work.
The recital of their deeds in a hamlet called
Hardscrabble is enough to make the blood
boil. Defenseless women were taken from
their beds in the middle of the night and
warm tar poured over them, rubbed into
their scalps and plastered on their bodies,
and covered with feathers, while their hus
bands were obliged to stand by, under
guard, and witness their wives' sufferings,
they themselves being made to stand on the
hard-frozen ground in bare feet. Other
outrages, almost as diabolical, are also re
ported from the same part of the State.
Evansville, Ind., February 24. The
notorious White Caps have again broken
out in Southern Indiana, and their mal
treatments are more infamous than ever.
They have now taken to tarring and feather
ing defenseless women in order to purify
the morals of the towns. Hardscrabble, a
hamlet about five Toil es from Madison, in
the roughest part of Jefferson county, is the
last place visited by the midnight
raiders. The hamlet is composed of
six log cabins of various pretensions.
The inhabitants most interested iu the
visit from the midnight raiders were
Willard Davis, his wife Tillie, and a
sister of the latter, named Emeline Davis,
the divorced wife of Milo Davis, a brother
of Willard. The trio had rived in the
hollow only since December last.
Five years ago Tillie, the eldest of three
daughters of "Woolly"i George Immot, of
Eagle Hollow, married Willard Davis, who
was and is one ot the pillars of the church
at Bee Camp. Davis was then a widower
with two children. It was Tillie's first
entree into matrimony, and in spite of a
coupleofincumbrancesandall they signified,
Davis married her. though the match was
opposed by his brothers.
The latter made things so disagreeable
that Davis and his wife moved to Carroll
county, Kentucky, renting a place opposite
Brooksburg, on the Indiana side. Things
went along well for nearly four years, and
two children were born to the couple. Then
trouble began. It was caused by Tillie be
coming infatuated with William Brown, a
wealthy Kentucky farmer, who also had a
wife and two .children. Brown and Tillie
having become quite friendly, Tillie's sister
Emeline put in an appearance. She and
another wealthy Kentuckian named Jasper
N. Pulliam fell in love with each other.
The tidings of the doings of the quartet
were carried to the wives of Brown and
Pulliam, but they discredited the rumors,
and far a while tnete nusbanus were more
careful. Precaution was then, once more
thrown to the winds, and, the guilty ones be
came so bold that the neighbors took a hand
and determined to stop the carryings-on.
One morning a notice was found on the door
of the Davis honse, Yarning the women to
keep within the bounds of their own home,
and threatening dire punishment in case of
disobedience. .The notice bore the usual
signature of the White Caps. The matter
was treated as a 'joke by Brown and the
others, and the quartet increased in bold
The matter caused so much talk in the
county, however, that it reached the families
of the deserted wives, and they took a hand
in the game. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Pulliam
accused their husbands, and the scenes that
followed were tragic in the extreme. They
next visited Louisville, and painted the
town red. As soon as the facts of the case
leaked out the White Caps put their heads
together, and a bundle of switches was
found at the door by Tillie in the morning.
From that time on, the "Eegulators"
kept an eye on all that happened, with the
result that a few nights later they stoned
the Davis house, breaking all the glass and
even splitting the door. No attempt was
made to break in, but Davis was warned
that he and the-woman would be allowed a
giyen number of hours in which to leave
onse and county. The stony shower had a
bad effect on the nerves of all concerned,
and by the expiration of the time set the
Davis household was settled in a double
cabin, the fifth from the road end of Hard
It was about 1 o'clock Tuesday morning
when two watchers by a bedside of sickness
at the entrance to Hardscrabble hollow
heard the tramp of a body ot horsemen. Dr.
Lawder, of Brooksburg, who was with
his patient at the same time, saw the
men go past. Some, he says, wore
the proverbial White Caps, but the dark
ness and distance was too great for a possi
ble identification. Theyrode directly to the
Davis home. Themidnightvisitorsgrouped
themselves in two bodies. They were 20 in
number, and those who didn't wear the
white cap had their faces blackened.
One party covered with revolvers the only
window on the ground floor alongside the
door, and the others, flourishing their re
volvers, burst open the door, and before Da
vis could spring up, four White Caps had
grabbed him and iorced him to throw up his
hands. He was then hustled to the door,
and, despite his protests and plead
ings to be allowed to put on his shoes,
he was taken outside ana stood on the icy
ground in his bare feet. From the inside
could be heard the agonized screams of
Tillie, his wife, joined with those of Eddie,
a 13-year-old son of Davis by his first mar
riage. The boy was sick with measles, and
lay on his parents' bed.
When Davis had been so suddenly taken
to an ice bath, the visitors had seized the
woman and dragged her to the center of the
room, tearing her only garment into shreds.
One look to make sure of their victims and
the deviltry began. A stick a foot long, one
end made into a swab, was thrust into a
bucket containing tar warmed to the proper
consistency. One man grabbed the poor
woman's long hair and spread it out, while
another rubbed tar well into the scalp.
Half a bucketful of tar was then poured
over her bosom.
When her body was plastered with as
much tar as wonld stick, they ripped np
one of her pillows and rolled her into the
feathers. In her struggles to escape the
woman made things worse, and tbe floor
and scanty furniture were plentifully be
spattered. The sick boy was frightened
into unconsciousness.
After throwing the defiled woman from
them, the raiders demanded to know tbe
whereabouts of Emeline. Before they re
ceived an answer, and without waiting to
search the house, the White Caps rode
awayt first, howeverr warning Davis that
his wife and Emeline must be out of the
county within 24 hours, and that he, too,
must leave as soon as the sick boy could be
OF j?
moved. The penalty of disobedience was
signified by a wave of 20 revolvers.
When the raiders, "Eegulators," or what
ever else they term themselves, entered
the house the other woman, Emeline, was
asleep in the loft over Davis' bedroom.
Bealizingin an instant what the uproar
meant, the terrified woman leaped from the
pallet on which she had lain, and ran down
the stairs in the inclosed space between
the house. Fortunately, all the White
Caps were on the opposite of the house, and
she was unseen as she sped, nearly naked,
over the frozen ground to the deserted cabin
on the hill. She could hear her sister's
screams for mercy, the mercy that was re
fused. Then fear and cold had overcome
her, and when found she was nearly dead.
The next morning the entire Davis crowd
left the county.
The tarring of Mrs. Davis is not the only
White Cap visit that is causing much com
ment in Jefferson county. A few nights
ago, John C. Bladen had an experience that
he will not soon forget. Bladen moved to
the ridge, a mile from Brooksburg, about a
year ago, from Kentucky, nearly opposite
the burg. With him came his wife and a 2-year-old
boy. Soon rumors that the child
was fearfully abused reached the town, and
some persons took upon themselves to inves
The reports seemed to be well founded, and
In a few nights a notice came to Bladen.
One cold night last week Bladen was called
to his door and taken in his nightclothes up
the road. Then, after receiving a taste of
White-Caps' switches, he was made, to run
around in a circle on the frozen ground, and
to crawl and do other unpleasant things.
After kicking and switching him back to
the house he was allowed to go.
Thomas B. Bayton lives over the ridge to
the northeast of Bee Cantp. He has been
neglecting his family, ana for that reason
has been a victim of the White Caps. He
was taken from his cabin, tied to a tree and
severely whipped. The usual warning was
The Dnblla Coachman Who Eloped With
His Employer's Daughter Weds His
Sweetheart The Irate Father's
Steamer Will Arrive Too Lnte.
J30STON, February 24. The steamer
Etruria will land an irate father on these
shores too late to prevent the union of his
runaway daughter with his former coach
man. At 5 o'clock this afternoon Maud
Tighe and Henry O'Neil, whose romantic
elopement was published in this morning's
Dispatch, were united in marriage by Bev
L. B. Bates, pastor of the Seamen's Bethel.
It was a very quiet wedding. Both were
supremely happy over the successful termi
nation of their escapade. The fact that her
father was nearing this country as fast as
the steamer could bring him made the
bride a little anxious, but she didn't hesi
tate an instant in accepting as her husband
the man who had once handled her father's
The groom wasn't demonstrative, but he
couldn't conceal his joy when he heard the
minister pronounce them man and wife. He
had but little to say of the elopement. He
loved the girl with a pure, undying affec
tion, and her love for him was of the same
nature. He had cared for her wants as an
honorable man would be privileged to do
for his prospective bride, but there had been
nothing improper in their relations toward
each other. -He said they wouldn't-have
thought of the elopement had he not known
that her father would never consent to their
marriage. He considered himself worthy
of the girl's love, in spite of tha. difference
in their social standing, and as he had
courage to face the world, they had come
to this country, where they could live hap
pily among newly found friends. The
young wife said she had no regrets for what
she had done, and when asked if she was
not afraid to face her father, she laughingly
replied in the negative.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil will board with
friends in East Boston for awhile. They
will stay there until after the meeting with
tbe father, who will reach this country too
late to interfere with his daughter's love
He Swallows a Stick nnd String While
Mending a Slate.
Newark, N. J., February 24. George
Williams, the 8-year-old son of Osias Wil
liams, was buried to-day from St. Patrick's
Cathedral. He died on Thursday evening,
and a post mortem examination on Friday
showed that death resulted from a piece of
wood lodged in his intestines. Abont a week
before the boy broke his slate frame in
school, and, while trying to mend it, he put
a piece of wood, to which a string was at
tached, in his mouth. While fixing the
slate the wood and string slipped down his
The boy remained at school until the hour
of dismissal, and was not inconvenienced by
the string and wood until he started for
home, when he was taken sick and vomited.
Nausea, pains and fever followed, until his
death. The autopsy revealed the fact that
the smaller intestine had been punctured by
the wood.
An Ocean Steamer Signals for Assistance
but Disappears In a Storm.
Charleston, S. C, February 24. Cap
tain Kemble, of the steamer Iroquois, from
New York, arrived here to-day and reports:
Had heavy weather and sea all during the
trip. February 23, at 750 p. m., off South
Hatteras shoals, made out a flash light-to
the eastward, which shortly after was fol
lowed by a distress light and a prolonged
whistle, which showed the vessel to be a
steamer in distress. The Iroquois was then
brought round, headed to the northward
and slowed down. The signal was repeated,
but owing to the heavy gale, heavy sea and
a fog was unable to see the vessel or hold
communication with her. At 8 p. M. we
suddenly lost sight of the signal and the
Iroquois laboring "heavily, we kept off on
our course.
A Broken Hull Throws a Passenger Coach
Down an Embankment.
WillIamspobt, Pa., February 24. A
north bound passenger train on the Nor
thern Central Bailroad was thrown from
the track by a broken rail, near Balston,
last night. About 15 passengers were in
jured, none of them seriously. Conductor
William Dale was supposed to be fatally
One car rolled down an embankment,
turning over twice in its descent. The pas
sengers suffered intensely from the cold
during the delay caused by the accident.
Causes a 845,000 Blaze la a Wood
Working Establishment.
Chicago, February 24. A $45,000 fire
was caused by an explosion of turpentine
this morning in the three-story-and-base-ment
brick building, 63 and 65 Canal
street. One-third of the loss is on the
building, which was owned by S. B. Eich
ards. The remainder is divided among
half a dozen manufacturing firms, of which
the largest losers are Goo dell & Waters,
wood-working machinery, $16,000. All
are well insured.
One of the series of ia
surance office ro
mances, is a dnmiito
story by J. Marsdea
Suteliffe. The opes-
teg chapters win ap
pear la SEXT SATUB
Dispatch. Watch.
for 1L '
. . "J
TnrTryr;r, CENTS
or cl
nr -wz-
Arrangt ,.ents About Complete
For the Swearing In of
General Harrison. i
Who Intends to Assist at the Day ani
Hight Ceremonies.
How to Get a Peep at the Grand Parade-
Where the Line Will Form Leave Yot
Baggage at Home What It WIH Cost W
Dance With Year Best Girl If Yoss
Room Is- Not Already Engaged Take S
Bed Aloog The Carriage Tariffs A Big
Time Assured The Crowd Will be 1st
People who propose going to the Inaugu
ration can secure valuable information ia
what is appended. The crush will be great,
and extra baggage will be a useless in
cumberance. Dilitory pilgrims will need a
fat pocketbook. There will be no dead
head tickets for the ball, hence you need not
apply to your Congressman for a pass. Tha
hack and carriage tariffs are given. If you
intend to take your best girl to the dance
you can figure np the expense now.
Washington, February 24. Life I
getting to be pretty burdensome to Senator,
now. Each Senator is allowed only four)
tickets for the Senate chamber on the 4th o
March, and each Bepresentative is to have)
only two. These will not suffice for thej
members of their families, and every Sena
tor has had about 400 applications for tickets!
from residents of his State, and, in propor-i
tion to the number of their constituents, the!
Bepresentativesare equally besieged. Therej
will not be much in the Senate chamber to!
see; only the Vice President takes the oath
there, but only persons having tickets to)
the Senate chamber will be permitted to,
enter the Capitol.
The Capitol windows will give a superb
view of the inauguration of the President,
which will occur outdoors on a temporary1
platform at the east front, except those id.
the front rows. The privileged people who
get on to the inauguration platform will not
see much. The platform is large and per
fectly level, and all the people will" stand'
up, and those in the rear1 will not see any
thing. In front of the platform 15,000 or,
20,000 people will pack together and sea
more or less of Chief Justice Fuller admin
istering the oath of ofEce to General Harri
son, and they may imagine that they hear
General Harrison make his inaugural ad
Grand stands with many thousands of
seats have been erected for the convenience
of people who want to seethe procession,
but there is not one grand stand except the
pavement for people who want to see tbe
real inauguration. People who are coming;
here to the inauguration had better not
bother with trunks, ut get along with,
valises, and take them in their hands. The
baggage express companies cannot possibly
deliver trunks in time to be of use to the
owners if any considerable portion oi the
invading hosts bring their baggage in this
form. Strangers will be able to get such
information as they need in the railway
The bitter cold weather of to-day encour
ages the hope that the weather will be mild
a week from Monday. Fonr years ago tha
22d of February was the coldest day of the
season, and the 4th of March was so mild
that an overcoat was an incumbrance ia
The Committee on Public Entertainment
claims to be ready to supply several thou
sand more people with good accommodations
at reasonable prices, so that if strangers are
fleeced it will be their own fault.
Besides the official ceremony of the in
angulation, partly is the Senate chamber
and partly on the outside platform, the
grand performance a week from Monday
will consist of thejprocession, which in both
its military and civil parts, will exceed any
preceding inauguration procession, the fire
works early in the evening and the great
ball. In the number of persons marching:
the procession will exceed anything that'
has been seen in Washington since the1
grand review at the close of the war. The
fireworks ore intended to surpass those
of four years ago, which were remarkable
for their variety and beauty, and, while the
ball will be given in the same place as four
years ago, it will be much more beautiful
in its surroundings, because then the root
and floor were temporary and the hues
brick pillars hadn't been stuccoed, and all
the conveniences were extemporized. Now
the interior court of the Pension Building
has a permanent floor, and permanent ap
proaches and dressing-rooms, etc., and tha
permanent roof rises to a height of more than
150 feet above the floor. The illumination
and decorations will far surpass those oi
four years ago.
NO dead-heading.
The owner of a paper lately wrote to s)
Senator asking him for fourseats in the Sen
ate chamber on inauguration day and four
free press tickets for the ball. There are no
free press tickets for the ball. Every in
dividual, except General and Mrs. Horn
son, will have to pay o to get in.
Each ticket has a number on the upper
right-hand corner.and on the left upper cor
ner there is a finely engraved "V," looking
as though it might have been cut from &
treasury note, In addition to this ticket of
admission the purchaser gets a pretty little
ball programme, which is also a sort of in
augural directory,and a large souvenir card
with three pretty etchings,two of them being
portraits, with fac simile autographs of
Harrison and Morton.
The number of bait tickets will be lim
ited, but the precise number has not as yet
been fixed. The measure, however, will ba
according to the number of persons that the
great hall can accommodate during tha
evening, and in making this calculation it
will not be forgotten that all the ticket-
holders will not be present at the ball at any
one time; some will come early and go
early; others, as usual, will not put
in an appearance until the night
is pretty far advanced. Chairman
Britton talks about 10,000 or 12,000
tickets, bnt then again he incidentally
mentioned that in the improvised dressing
rooms there will be accommodation for 8,000
gentlemen's hats and coats, and an equal
number of ladies' wraps, which gives rise to
a supposition that a larger number ot tickets
than 12,000 will be issued. The ticket
have been on the market a week now and a
large share of them has already been sold.
Thev are to be had only from the Inaugural
Committee and a limited number of banks
and stores and offices in this city.
the bio parade;
The parade is expected to be eight mile
Continued on Sixth Page.