pa;.,irj"'f"""hs WwfWWWfm - THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. PAGES 9 TO 16. fVf"! ""V "i I ' .' ' SECOHD PART. : r KEEP OFF THE GRASS. China's Great Wall Built to Prevent Unpleasant Visitations. -t " .! CHLNESE flAEOON ALBASCHID. Elide Tehicles Used for Transportation by the Celestials. -SHE CHINESE TVHEELBAEEOW IACHT rCOBB&SFOXSEXCX OF THE CISFATCILl PEKING, December SO, 1S88. The sev enth prince, or the father of the Emperor of China, has had to move put of his ancestral mansioa, and it was to-day sold to the Gov ernment for a little over $100,000. It jQnsi" VKI-i- ' will be used as a temple, and the reason for the selling is that no Chinese subject can live In a house in which an Emperor was born. The boy Emperor now outranks his father, and the relations becween tne two ore very curious. The Empress Kegent nnu this seventh prince still hold great in fluence in the Government, and the Em press Regent will probably still hare her place behind a gauze screen whenever the Emperor gives an audience. The present imperial family of China is stronger than usual. The Prince Kung. who was regent in connection with the last boy Emperor, is living at Peking, and the fiith prince, Kung's brother, is said to be a man of weight. The filth prince is the Haroun of Alraschid of the family. He delights in go ing about incognito, and many Innny stories are told of his practical jokes. One is as to a cart driver. The prince met the driver when he was in disguire, and asked for a ride. A CniXESE JOKER. The man looked at his poor clothes and asked him to jump in. He t3id so and di rected the driver to take him to Prince Kung's residence. The driver stopped vheu he came into the ttreet of the great prince and ssid he feared to go farthei : as me great Jvung was n0l a Kiuu..iraru man. and if he trespassed on his territory he would certainly get the bamboo across his hare legs, and he might lose his head. The ragged noble urged him onward and, to his surprise, stopped him at Kuug's door. Here Section and J'lan of the TfalL a great retime came out to meet him, and the man learned that he had been entertain ing the imperial prince. He had been talking very treely during the ride as to what the people thought of the emperor, Prince Kung and filth prince, and he feared that his tongue would lose him his head. The prince dismissed him and the next day sent him a lot of monev and a new hone and cart. This seventh prince, as the father of the emperor, is now the mightiest man in China and all the celestial world goes down on its knees to him. Be rides about Peking occasionally, and is by no means a bad-looking Chinaman. He is well made and inclined to fatness, wears the brightest of imperial silks and sports, at times, a hat for all the world like an in verted dishpan. His pony is a fine, white .Mongolian griffin and he goes -about the city with a retinue of servants and soldiers. I have just returned from a trip to the Chinese wail, and I have seen enongh to say that there is no doubt of its existence and its greatness. Built 1,700 years before America was discovered, when our ancestors, naif naked and altogether savage, wandered throughout France, Germany and England, when Borne was in the height of her repub lican form of government, and when the Roman empire had not yet began to be these massive towers still crown the parapets, and the 1,600 miles of wall still stand KEEP OFF THE GRASS.? ' Jt is a two days ride by donkey from Peking, and one goes through the northern edge of the great plain of Chinaand meets it in the great chain of mountains which separates China from Mongolia and Man churia. Manchuria and Mongolia lie di rectly north of China. They are both sub ject to and are governed by China, and they equal in size about one-half the whole terri tory of the United States. Above them lies Siberia, and south of their western edge is TJiibet-and Hi, which are also Chinese coun tries as to government. All are sparsely settled, and Mongolia has less than two peo ple to the square mile, while its whole popu lation is not greater than the city of New York. Manchuria has 12,000,000 of people, but both countries are far more savage than the Chinese.and the Mongolians live largely in tents. The trade of all these people, how ever, comes north from Peking and passes over the monntains and through the great wall at the gate which I visited. The wall was built originally to keep them out, but they hare swarmed through in hordes again and again, and it is a Manchurian Emperor that now sits upon the Chinese throne." "What a wonderful structure it is. It would extend more than half across Amer ica and it must have consumed years in building it. As 1 6tood upon its ramparts I could see it climbing the mountains and going down the valleys as far as my eyes could reach. It did not diminish in strength nor size at the various points I visited and its masonry would have been good work for the American builders of to-dav." It is Emperor1 Father and attendant. about 25 feet high and at the top it is so wide that two carriages could drive abreast along it and the hubs of xine would 'It myw, m i towiffiSiit r y i' i u V -s -, - I l1 ilk HM 1Uf not touch those of the other. Its exterior walls are of blue brick of 6uch a size that they look like massive stones, and these are filled iu with earth and paved with brick at the top. The grass and the moss hag now grown over the top of this great wall. Ko archers now gnard'it, and it stands amid the, snowy mountains a monument of the almond-eyed men, who thus, 2,000 years f MPfsought to protect their homes and ' those of their descendants for all time to & or Mtoa Vn nnu ftan (.. .i.. Via ,in,..n4a Vh W w w - M MfVU M 14J t J AMAilJV Ua VAAriHiUta I 'W va.w nm . I 1 1 MfVM frU M.Uf.k9 of this structure and not be impressed with the greatness of the Chinese nation. A GRAND MONUMENT It is a greater monument than the pyra mids of Egypt built by selfish kings for royal tombs, and its purpose was nobler. It is a monument also ot the great truth that wflile man dies, his work remains, and that the lives bottled up here 20 centuries ago exist to-day as does the band that carved the Venus di Medici, the pen thpt wrote Shakespeare and the JEneid, and in an humbler, though no less effective way, the muscle that dug out the marble from the mines, of which the builder and achitects constructed the mighty cathedral of Milan. This wall is right in the mountains. There are no villages to speak of near it, and the surroundings are the picture of desolation. The mad to it, which was once a Dived highway, is now a mountain path filled with boulders and puddles, and it is .impossible to get through with anything else than mule litters, camels or donkeys. We passpd camels by the hundreds and our mule litter and two donkevs, which made up the outfit of the party, had often to stand aside lor herds of black Chinese hogs and droves of lat-tailrd sheep which were being driven from the wild pasture lands of Mon golia down to Peking. Ponies and horses can no more travel this road than they can the passes of the Andes, and the mule litter, in which my wile rode, is a lair sample of Chinese interior travel. It was a cloth-covered box about five feet long and four hisrh, swung between two of the raw est, mangiest mules I have ever seen. It was hung upon -shafts, and these mules, one in trout and two behind, carried it in single file up the hills and through the mud. In passing through one of the villages they slipped and the whole outfit came to the srround. The muleteer was a Mohamme dan, as are many of these north Chinamen. He W3S as stubborn as his mules and he de cidedly objected when I proposed putting two people into the litter during a rain. We carried our own cook and beddiug with Mule Litter. us and slept at Chinese inns on dirty ledges of brick heated lrom beneath by flues. ' l"nnr a 1 a4 aha nltAn 4 a 4a a 4 fr wl n w n fi,. Mnct:f. iif (!,. i,nmnm r Chinese hotel. The inns were much the , x jud those of pjlestine jn the d f th r ne.storv brick MiniMim rn m,,n n'nrt !n which droves of hogs and camels slept The doors of the building all opened into the court and half of them were open at the front and were assigned to the donkeys and mules of the travelers. These brayed the livelong night and their munching of straw could e distinctly heard through the walls separating them irom us. EUDE VEHICLES. 1 paid some calls yesterday in company with Colonel Denby,"our Minister to Peking. We went in the Minister's Chinese cart, E receded by his mafoo or groom on horse ack. The Chinese cart is the only carriage known in Peking outside of the elephant carts, on which the Emperor goes out to sacrifice at the temple of heaven. It is the .rudest, cruclistand most unbending vehicle I have ever met with. It has no springs, and its heavy wheels hump and jolt on a level road, to say nothing of the torture they produce on these streets of Peking which are a continuous series of ruts, holes and mud ponds. There is no window to the cart, save a piece oi glass about one loot squareset into its side, and its covering is , made of blue cloth stretched over a frame, Kpjf1 fc-yc-prf m?z?n,'2irj'-j-?H?ryl- uiaKu-K it a cio as a can. -ine oea oi uus that he has done the best he could, aud tiiat cart is level with the shafts, and the rich I someuay when the summons comes to lav Ounamanorthe noble Chinawoman sits in , aside i,fs loud-smeliing lantern and make it, with crossed legs, flat on the floor. There , ilis ast run, he will leave his dear ones pro is not room for more than one person in a viaed for perhaps 1 6nght to add that dur cart and if the grand Pekingese dame has a ing an these vears of Jerrj.s pr0Spety, the maid with her the servant must sit on the , road has also managed to teei itbc Twoll from shafts beside the driver the door. I mention it because it is so rare It was on such carts that the hundreds of i for the conductor and the road to make Manchu maidens, who were brought to he ffloneyat the same time. 1 knew a con palace from all parts of iNorth China that . ductoron the Union Pacific Railroad some they might be looked over as prospective in-1 vcars ag0 who nsed to make a reat d j f and it is in such carts that all of Ihe travel ,.';' . -"i"" t"""i "" u,c"i ing of North China, outside of donkey, pony and cmielback and mule litter "is done. It is the only vehicle that will stand the ruts and ditchesof Chinese public roads. These are everywhere bad and the state ment in the geographies that China has more than 20.000 imperial roads; conveys no idea to the American mind of the highways of this great empire. Many of the streets of the Chinese part of the city of Peking are Chincte Cart too narrow for these carts, and there are many cities in the empire where neither four-footed beasts nor carts are to be found. Here in Peking the easiest method ofmoving from one part of the city to the other is by means of donkeys which, not larger than good-sized Newfoundland dogs, can go any where. A CHINESE PORTERS. The great part of the carting of the city and all of the d ravage is done by men. "Wheelbarrows are the drays, and these are pushed and pulled by stalwart, half-naked men. They carry sometimes as much as a ton, and I have seen three men andone don key harnessed to nc of them. One man. naked to the waist, held the shafts or the barrow, aided by a wide band of camel's wool rope, which stretched from them across his shoulders, and two others walked in front harnessed to the barrow by like bands across their chests, and stooping over and straining every muscle as the pulled at the load. The donkey was also harnessed to the front of the barrow and he walked be tween the men. The load they carried "was made up of a large number of "boxes labeled with the name of one of the leading agents of the Standard Oil Companv of the United Slates. Ciiina uses a great deal of Ameri can kerosene, and I see this coal oil every where throughout North China. I xnese uuinese wneeibarrows'are entirely ainerent irora ours, xne wneei is as big around as the front wheel of a buggy, and it comes tip through the center of the bed of the barrow instead of being in front of it, as in America. The load is put on each side ot the wheel, and there is a sort of framework which runs up from the bed and keeps the load off the wneel. The handles of the bar row are very long, aud the front part of the bed ends in two sharp points. In some parts of China, such as Shaughai, the wheelbar row is the cab and street car of the Chinese, and each barrow is expected to carry two I passengers. 1 have seen two pretty Chinese maidens being pushed along the road in this way, and at Tientsin you find the streets often blocked with these wheelbarrows load ed with coal, stone, wool, cloth and a thou sand andone things which are used in one form or another by the Chinese. , Fkank G. Carpenieb. Jgt I fci't a rr I2 t nnnt.MHn I ME, THE WANDERER. He Writes About a Few TJiinks He Has Thought TJp. LIKES ON THE POMPOUS P0ETEE. How -Cleveland Lost Totes and Was Downed by a Reporter. THE ALPHABET OP THE BAGGAGE MAN nrnrrrax roa tits dispatch.: EVERY thinkful stndent has doubt- . , less noticed that when he enters the office or autograph depart ment of an American inn a lithe and alert male person seizes his valise or traveling" bag with much earn estness. He then conveys it to some sequestered spot and docs not again return. He is the porter of the hotel or inn. He may be a swollen and t purse-proud porter with silver in his hair and also in his sock. I speak of the porter and his humble lot in order to show the average American boy who may read these lines that humor is cot the only thing in America which yields large dividends on a very small capital. To be a porter does not require great genius or education or intellectual versatility, and yet, well attended to, the business is re munerative in the extreme and often yields excellent returns. It shows that any Amer ican boy who does faithfully and well the work assigned to him may become well-to-do and prosperous. Last week I shook hands with a conductor on the Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, who is the President of a bank. There is a general impression in the public mind that conductors all die poor, but here is "Jerry," as everybody calls him, a man 45years of ago perhaps, with a long head of whiskers, and the pleas ant position of President of the Irish-American Bank. HOW HE IS SOOTHED. As he thoughtfully slams the doors from car to car, collecting fare on children who are no longer young, and whose parents seek to conceal them under the seats, or as he goes from passenger to passenger, sticking The Daily Struggle. i.nhitiIl.uir.;niu. -.,:n. i.. ...j otherwise taking advantage of peonle, he is sustained and soothed by the blessed thought money, out ne did not invest it usely. and so to-day is not the President of a bank. He made a great deal of money in one way or another while on his run, but the man with whom he was wont to play poker in the evening is now the President of the bank. The conductor is in the puree. HOW OKOVE LOST VOTES. It was here in Minneapolis that Mr. Cleve land was injudicious. He and bis wife were pained to read the following conversation in the paper on the day after their visit to the Flour City. "Yes, I lie the town pretty well, but the peeple, some of 'em are too blamed fresh," "Do you think so, Grover. I thought they were very nice, indeed, and still I think I like St. Paul the best It is so old and respectable." "Oh, yes, respectabilityis good enongh in its place, but it can be overdone. I like "Washington where respectability is not made ( "But are you not enjoying yourself here, honey?" "No, I am not. To tell you the truth, I am verv unhappy. I'm so scared for fear that I'll say something about the place that will be used against me by the St Paul folks that I almost wish I was dead, and everybody wants to show me the new bridge and the water works, and speak of 'our ureat and phenomenal growth,' and show me the I population statistics, and the schoolhouse and the Washburn residence, and Doe Ames and Ole Porgerson, ana the sawmill and the boom, and then walk me up in the thir teenth story of a flour mill and pour corn meal down my back and show me the won derful growth or the city debt, andthe sew erage, and the West Hotel, and the glorious ozone and things here, that it makes me tired. And I have to look happy and shake hands and say it knocks St Paul silly, while I don't think so at all, and I wish I could do something beside be President for a couple of weeks and quit lying almost en tirely, except when I went a-fishinB." "But do you think the people here are very cprdial, dawling?" OEEATXESS LOST SIGHT OP. "Yes, they're too cordial for me alto gether. Instead of talking about the won derful bit I have made as a President, and calling attention to ray remarkable admin istration, they talk abont the flour out Eut and the electric plant and other crops ere. and allude feelingly to 'number one hard' and chintz bugs and other flora and fana of this country which, to be honest with you, I do not and never did give a dam lor." . "Grover! I" "Well, I beg your pardon, dear, and I oughtn't to speak that way before you, but if you knew how much better I led now you would not speak so harshly to me. It is, indeed, hard to be ever gay and joyous before the great masses who, as a general thing, do not know enough to pound sand, but who are still vested with the divine right of suffrage, and so must be treated gently, and loved and smiled at till it makes me ache." Mr. Cleveland was greatly annoyed by the publication of this conversation, and could not understand it until this fall, when a Minneapolis man told him that the pale, haughty coachman who drove the Presi dental carriage was a reporfpr. He could handle a team with one hand and remember things with the other. And so I say that, as a President, we can- r f j -.I PITTSBURG, SUNDAY, not be too careful what we say. I hope that the little boys and girls who read this and who may .hereafter become Presidents or wives of Presidents, will bear this in mind, and always have a kind word for one and all, whether they feel that way or not. LINES ON THE PORTER. But I started out to speak of porters and not reporters. I carry with me this year a small, sorrel bag, weighing a little over 20 ounces. It contains a slight bottle of horse medicine ana a powder rag. Sometimes it also contains a costly robe de nuit, when I do not forget and leave said robe in the sleeping car or hotel. 1 am not overdraw ing this matter, however, when I say hon estly that the shrill cry of fire at night in most any hotel in the United States now, would bring to the fire escape from one to six employes of said hotel wearing these ?"7f8fn" !"""? rw""" ""'" ' isuauje uuuiQcuiaicu uu Wvw. This little traveling bag, which is not larjrorthnn !i man's hand, is rndclv pulled out of mv erap as I enter the inn, and it nas cost me -y to get it uact. u from The Listening Reporter. the porter. Besides, I have paid $8 35 for new handles to replace those that have been torn off in a frantic scuffle between the porter and myself lo see which would get away with it" Yesterday I was talking with a reformed lecturer about this peculiarity ot the por ters. He said he used to lecture a great deal at moderate prices throughout the country, and alter ten years of earnest toil he was enabled to retire with a rich experi ence and $9 in money. He lectured on phrenology and took his meals with the chairman of the lecture committee. In Ouray, Col., the baggageman allowed his trunk to fall from a great height and so the lid was knocked off and the bust which the professor used in his lecture was bued. He therefore had to borrow a bald headed man to act as bust for him in the evening. After the close of the lecture the profes sor found that the bust had stolen the gross receipts from his coat tail pocket while he was lectur ing. The only iin- probable feature about this story is tne im plication that a bald-headed man would j commit a crime. t But still he did not become soured. He pressed on and lectured to the gentle jani- ! tors of the land in piercing tones. He was always kind toevery one, even when peo ple criticised his lecture and went away be fore he got through. He forgave them and paid his bills just the same as he did when people liked him. THE PROFESSOR'S EEVENGE. Once a newspaper man who had done him a great wrong and said that "the lecture was decayed and that the professor would endear himself to every one if he would some night at his hotel, instead of blowing out the gas and turning off his brains, as he usually did, just turn off the gas and blow out his brains." But the professor did not go to his office and blow holes in his viscera. He spoke kindly to him al ways, and once when the two met in a barber shop, and it was doubtlul. which was "next" as they came in from oppo site ends of the room, the professor gently yielded the chair to the man who had done him the great wrong, and while the barber was shav ing him 11 tons of ceiling peeled off and fell on the editor who had been so cruel and so rude, and when they gathered tip the debris a day or two afterward, it was almost im possible to tell which was ceiling and which was remains. So it is alwavs best to deal gently with the erring, especially if you think it will be fatal to them. The reformed lecturer also spoke of a dis covery he made, which I bad never heard of before. He began, during the closing years of his tour, to notice mysterious marks on his trunk, made with chalk generally and so during his leisure hours he investigated them and their cause antl effect. He found they were the symbols that of thelndependent Order ov Porters ana Baggage Bursters. He discovered that it was a species of language bv which one porter informed the next, without the expense of telegraphing, what style of a man owned the trunk and the prospects for touching him, might say. THE BAGGAGE ALPHABET. The professor gave me a few of these signs irom an old note book, together with his own interpretation after years of close study. I reprodnce them in this letter be cause I know they will interest the reader' as they did me. The trunk, if handled gently and then carefully, unstrapped in.the owner's room, so as to open comfortably .without busting the wall or" giving the owner vertigo when opens it is good tor a quarter. This piece of baggage bore Hie mystic sign of the target shown above. This is a good, kind- hearted man generally, but will sometimes es cape. Better not let him have his hand bag gage till he puts up. This bore the sign of the crescent. This trunk belongs to a woman who may pos sibly thank you if you handle the baggage geniiy, ana wm weep if you knock the lid off. Kind words can never'die. (N. B. Nyether can the pro cure groceries.) A posey was the sign used on this iron-bound article. This trunk belongs to a traveling man who weighs 211 pounds. If yon have no re spect for the blamed old fire-proof safe itself, please respect it tor its gentle own er's sake. He can not bear to have his trunk harshly treated, a n d h e might so far forget himself as to kill you. It is better to be alive and poor than it is to be wealthv and dead. It is better todoakindactfor a fellow being thnn it js to leave a desirable widow for some one 11 S 0j$w I R I'm ' f ft 1 1 J ( L J FEBRUARY 24, 1889. else to marry. A clenched fist was the warn ing on this piece. If vou will knock the top off this trunk you will discover the clothing of a mean man. In case you cannot knock the lid en tirely off, burst it open a little so that the great, restless, seething traveling public can see how many hotel napkins and towels and cakes of soap be has stolen. The bald headed man and his bair are soon parted. A ghastly sign saved this trunk. Tiiis is the trunk of a young girl and contains the poor but honest garb she wore when she ran away irom home. Also the gay clothes she nougnt ana paid foratterward with gentle memories of her mother and the baby prayers she said, before a wick ed ambition had poisoned her sim ple heart Tbey are the gaudy gar ments and flashy trappings for which she exchanged her honest laugh and her bright and beautiful youth. " ' i j i ii I Handle gently the poor little trunk as yon would touch her sad little history, for her father is in the second-class coach, weeping softly into his poor coarse red handkerchief, and she herself is going home on the tame train in her cheap little coffin in the baggage car to meet her.sorrowful mother, who will go up into the garret many rainy afternoons to cry over this poor little trunk in the days to come, and no one will know about it It will be a secret known only to her sorrowing heart and God. -Ctt.Uf HEAD TO THE NORTH, Why We Shonld Sleep Willi Qar Bodies I.yinfr North and Sonth. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Scientific investigation proves that there, is the best possible idundation for the belief that we should sleep with our bodies lying north and south. Each hutnan system has magnetic poles, one positive and one nega tive. It is true that some persons have the positive pole in the head and the negative pole in the feet, and others the reverse. In order that the person sleeping should be in perfect harmony with the magnetic phenom ena of the earth, the head, if it possess the positive pole, should lie to the south, or, if the feet possess the positive pole, the head should lie to the north. The positive pole should always lie oppo site to the magnetic center of the continent and thus main tain a magnetic equilibrium. The positive pole of the person draws one way, but the magnetic pole of the earth draws the other way and forces the blood to ward the feet, affects the iron in the system, tones up the nerves and makes sleep refresh ing and invigorating. But if a person sleep the wrong way and fails to become magnetically in sympathy with the earth, he will theu probably be too magnetic and will have a fever result ing lrom the magnetic forces working too fat, or he will not be magnetic enough and the great strain will cause a feeling of lassi tude, sleep will not be refreshing and in the morning he will have no more energy than there is in a cake of soap. Some persons may scoff at these ideas, but the greatest scientific men of the world have studied the subject 0J.TMEALJ1AKES. A Xcw Wny to Serve This Wholesome Cerenl That Is Not Generally Known. New York San.3 Our dealers in oatmeal report an enor mous increase in the consumption of that wholesome cereal within the past few years. Oatmeal porridge is used for breakfast every morning in the families of tens of thousands of wealthy people. As an arti cle of diet, taken with good rich milk, it is savory, nourishing, healthful, and cheap. Some folks prefer the Scotch oatmeal, and others the Irish, but the American is con sidered by many to be the best of all. All the consumers of the grain in the' United States are not aware 'that it maybe nsed otherwise than in the shape of porridge. In Scotland, oatmeal cakes arc greatly favored by the common people. The cakes are thin, laid in a pan over a hot fire, and baked till they are hard or crisp, if not brown. They may be eaten hot or cold, and, when spread with fresh butter, are about as good as most other things. Those who de sire to make them should take a lesson from a Scotch housewife. SKULLS IN TI1EIR POCKETS. Two Ex-Confedcratc Who Cnrry Around Fragments of Their Own Heads. Atlanta Constitution. Two ex-Confederates who applied for allowance under the maimed soldier act yesterday showed strongproof that they were badly hurt during thenar. About 2 o'clock Mr. Lucius Maxwell walked in and taking from his pocket an old Confederate passport slowly unwound it and laid before Colonel Tip Harrison six pieces of his skull. Mr. Maxwell was a member of the Forty-second Georgia Regiment, and received a terrible wonud in the head in one of the battles around Atlanta in July, 18C4. About 4 o'clock Mr. Josephus Biden came in and took from his pockethook a piece of his own skull which he has. preserved all these years. Mr. Biden was a member of the Thirty-fourth Georgia Begiment, and was shot in the top of his head at the battle of Jonesboro. To this day these unfortunate veterans still suffer from" the effects of their dangerous head wounds, and have never been able to do steady work since they were received. It is hardly necessary to add that the .applications of both were promptly allowed. DO WE LIVE liOKGKS? The Average Duration of American Life Being Gradually Increased. Boston Globe.2 There is good reason to believe that the average American of this last quarter of the nineteenth century is longer lived than his ancestors of the last century. The most casual reader cannot fail to have been struck with frequent netices in the daily press of men and women who have lived well on into the nineties, and promise well to become centenarians. The best medical opinion of the day is, that the average dur ation of human life is not only being made longer, by reason of the improved diet and better sanitary conditions of these latter days, but that it is capable of being still further lengthened by still greater improve ments in our ways and means of living. The Lttn' Inconsistency. 1'lilladelphlaKecord. Mr. Noodle Wall, it do beat all how the laws work, one upsettin' another right along. Frfend Wha's wrong now? "Wall, there ain't much that'isn't wrong. Here I've been makln' a good livin' as a juryman for years and years all because I don't read the papers an' ain't no 'pinions, ye know." "You can't read." "No; never learned. Wall now I sot great store on that there son o' mine, an' wanted to bring him up fet a juryman, too, but hang me ef tbey ain't talkiu' 'bout laws ter make eyeij boy go ter school. Where's the jurymen goin' ter come from in the next generation. That's wot beats me." TE BURIED RIVER A Romance TOBITTETf POK JOAQUIN SYNOPSIS OF PRECEDING CHAPTERS. The story opens with a resume of the history of the mysterious Buried River, flowing be neath the Rocky Mountains and deep down In tbe bowels of the earth, the bed of which Is paved with virgin gold. John Gray, the son of an American army chaplain killed in battle, goes to Homo to stndy painting. There he meets a wealthy American who is dying of con sumption, and who wishes his portrait painted beforg-he dies. Gray paints tbe picture, re ceiving in payment gold dust. The dying man confides to tboartist that he has discovered tbe Buried River, and tnat it is tbe source of bis wealth. Before be can Impart tbe secret of its locatlon.beyond tbe fact that it is in California, he dies. After an unavailing search among Spanish records for further information. Gray starts for California to continue bis search. At Jit. Diablo be takes possession ot a ruined hat, and there he meets Farla, tbe daughter of tbe owner of the land. The girl, who believes he is a surveyor wbo is seeking to dispossess her father, warns him to leavo or he will be killed. They argue tbe question for some time, wben tbe girl discovers tbatsho already loves tbe artist. Gray is introduced to Farla's sister Sanello, who has an aristocratic lover. The artist, tbe girls and their father sail down San Francisco Bay. Farla unaccountably refuses to Return with tbe party. When tbe others reach borne they find that Sanello's lover has deserted her. Gray discovers tbe location of the haunted well, which is nelieved to connect with the Buried River. He investigates the weli, and makes a startling discovery. Farla, who bad landed on a rock in tbe bay, climbs up to a height from wbich she cannot retrace her steps. Her distress becomes known and men-of-war and other vossHs go to her relief, but are unable to assist Farla finally makes a rope of her clothing and her hair, and lowers herself down. Tho rope is not long enongh by 50 feet. Farla drops tbat distance Into the sea, and is rescued by her father. CHAPTEP. XII. THH DEATH OF SANELLO. Though the excitement of her sister's THE MA2f WAS ON HIS peril and rescue had been too much for Sa nello, it would seem as if Farla were the one that should have been made ill. But not so. She seemed older, that was all: she seemed to be at least ten years older now, and went about her strange ways and pre scribed walks of life with a sobered and earnest step. But Sanello was ill. She was pensive, silent, more than sad. Her illness seemed to be an illness of soul as well as of body. But John Gray saw little of her now. And if he saw but little of her, he saw nothing at all of Farla. They seemed to be drilting far, far apart now, and that, too, just as he began1 to know the strength, and the deep mystery of her soul. Heretofore he had seen only the strength and beauty of her body. He had stood serenelv above the temptations of these. But now after what had passed, he came slowly, certainly to know something of her matchless truth and glory. And this made him shy; this made him avoid her. And she, seeing how he avoided her, responded in kind. No ! Do not ask me to stop and give the. reason, if reason there is. I have only time to hastily set down the facts: the effect Find the cause for yourself. The season wore away; and the elbows of the artist's coat with it; in a figurative sense at least. The mystery of the Buried Biver remained as deeply buried as ever. The enterprise, the light, was surely fading out of the man's life. He was miserable; almost indifferent now to the one great pur pose of his existence. One afternoon late in the season, as the artist climbed up the hill to his cabin after a long and hard walk from the town away down in the valley, he saw Farla standing by the path, evidently waiting for him. Her old nervousness was on her. Without knowing it she was tearing the thorny thistle heads, and her hands were bleeding. "Mr. Gray, I want' you to come to our house. Come now, at once. Sanello is ill. 'Kello is so sick, Mr. Gray, that we are afraid she will die. Father has gone for the priest Come, come and help us if you please." The man's hat was in bis hand. He walked hastily at her side; an empty hand sought hers and held it as they walkedon and entered the stoutly built door. It is safe to say that she did not know that he. took her hand. It is also safe to say that he would not have touched it at any other time. The dying sister lay moaning and uncon scious. The poor mother was dumb with misery. The little children stood in groups about the large room in silent awe. A stranger was coming. A stranger that had never set foot over that broad door sill before was not far off. He was surely coining straight for that house. It was Death. The children seemed to know this, and were awed to continual silence. "It teems to me that something dreadful is going to happen," said Farla to her com panion, as they stood close by the dying girl. "I hope not, Farla," said the man softly. "You don't know all, Mr. John Gray," she went on. "I must tell you. 'You know Swain went away." "Yes." "Andohl if he had never come," mur mured Farla. "And now I must tell-you-r-they were secretly married." "Then Swain should be sent for, and be at her side," said the man firmly. "That is it You see, Hello told mother; and mother was afraid to tell father, till after Swain was gone to the Sandwich Islands; and now we don't where he fs." As they spoke the father came in with uncovered head; the good priest, red-laced and pauting, close at his side. "The doctor has gone away," moaned tbe of California. THE -BT- XISIA.TCir TUTTTJait. f mother,' "and says he can do no good any more. The priest put out his hand above the troubled old head before him, but could not comfort her,, or quiet her moaning. The dying girl gasped, started, half arose in bed, and throwing out her half-robed arms in a wild, eager way, wailed 'ont, "I want I I want my my little baby." And then she gathered in heremptyarms, and so looking steadfastly ahead, and half smiling, as it she saw what her hungry heart so much desired, she sank back dead. "Father, father shrive her, bless her, save her soul," piteously wailed the mother. The bended, holy man laid his two hands on the" still head, and silently praving, of fered all the consolation his lips could utter. The mother seemed comforted a little at last, and standing by the side of her dead she put back the heavy mass of hair from the poor, sweet face, and then kissed it tenderly. Then, looking up at the priest she said: "We forgive her for keeping the secret from us; God will forgive her for marrying without letting us know; and surely you knew what was best and what was Tight" The good father began to look at her as she went on: "And it was so good in von to come so lar; so good in you to come up the steep mountain. But I did so want you who married her to bless her." "Bull I did not marry her.- I did not perform the ceremony." Back in a darkened corner, for night was falling, you could have heard the teeth of a giant gnnd together like millstones. Two huge hands clenched till hlood ran down. "You did not marry her? .And she was not married then!" shrieked the mother. John Gray stepped a little forward, and, looking the holy man calmly in the face, said in a soft, earnest voice: "ather, you have forgotten. .Do you not remember, I was there? You did marry them; did you not?" The good man, the -brave, good man, un derstood: "Yes, I remember now. I married them." KJfEES, iBTJT NOT TO TEAY". The priest said this solemnly, firmly; then bowed his head and prayed. And tbe angel that bore at that instant a poor, wearv soul into heaven paused a little as it passed in by the way of the recording angel and rested there for a space to hear what the good priest said of the soul he had borne away. And when the holy man said: "Yes, I married them," one long and snow white wing of the angel reached ont, and on and o'er the spotless page that stood against the name of that priest. And it lay there till .the recording angel had forgotten to write down the lie that he had uttered. CHAPTER XIH. "WHO KILLED SWAEf? John Gray went out from the presence of the dead, alone and in silence, with un covered head held low. Little bad life ever been to him at best. Life had begun, for him, with death. He now felt that it must end with him as it had begun. No, he had not loved this girl, this angel now; not really loved her. But it looked to him now as if the sun had gone down, and would never, never rise up any more. The flowers had heen gathered from his path. The stars had all fallen put of heaven, and blackness was in their places. That night as he sat and sat, and still sat, in the solitude of his cabin, even when the white finger of God came pointing sharp through a chink in the wall irom out the golden doors of dawn, he could continually hear a strongman moaning in a dark corner. He could hear the wild passionate appeal of the wretched mother to the priest. And Farla? And tbe little group of children in tbat awful silence and darkness about their dead? He lifted up bis head with the rising sun, and, reproaching himself for his selfishrais ery, he resolved, it possible, to be of some better use in the world than he had yet been. N What were all the buried rivers to him now with their beds paved with gold ? His heart was not down in the deeps, of the earth now. His religions nature, and his early -rclfgious training, too. came to help him'now. And so his thoughts were not down in the earth but up in that vague and indescribable somewhere which 'men call heaven. The singular and isolated man who had set his teeth so terribly and clenched his fists so firmly that night, chose to bury his dead in silence, and almost in secrecy. It would seem that he hollowed the grave and laid his lost child away with his own hands somewhere. It may be that Farla and he dfd it together. For the next day after her death Mr. Gray walked up toward the house, where he heard a sound as of nailing of boards. But when Farla and her lather, who at that moment chanced to be looking his way, saw him coming, they closed the door. He went up to the strong gate, but finding that also firmly fastened, he stood still tor a little time, and then went back home. It might have been months after, it seemed years to Gray, that Farla came to the cabin door, and hastily and excitedly looked in where the artist, weary and deso late, was trying to paint a picture of the dead girl from memory. "Swain! Swain has come back," she hissed, and was gone. It is said that the murderer cannot keep always away from the seen? of his crime, bnt wjll sometime return, even though it be in his sleep. Two days alter Farla had hastily put her bead id at the cabin door, and as hastily passed on, the artist saw one, two, threo men searching up and down and scouring the hills and canons, as if for something lost Oa the third day tbe coroner came to im panel a jury down on a grassy bench of the mountain by a little trout stream, where Swain the summer be;ore had been so fond of fishing. The dead had been found. The rich man's . . . . . .-i' son from San Francisco had been foundry lying dead in the grass, ail in a heap,?.' as if he bad been pitched there; as'- if he had been Shaken as a dog shakes a drabble-bellied cat, and then throws it far aside in the grass. Robbers? Murderers? Thieves? The papers were crowded with accounts of the dreadful crime. He was a good young man ot great promise, the papers said; bnt too fearless of danger. And now he had fallen a victim to bis own courage and his romantic love of nature. The desperate outlaws that hung about the savage haunts of Mount Diablo had robbed and murdered him. But the Coroner fonnd the costly diamond still on his finger. His watch," too, was fonnd close by in the grass. And. strangest of all, his well-filled purse was still in his pocket! Farla was not to be seen anywhere abont all this time; neither was her father. True, little groups of children dotted the door-yard and looked curiously out now and then, as men went and came up and down the green hills, and round and about the little groves of graceful redwoods, but that was all. The great stout gate was as firmly closed as if the white bull was still the terror of the hills. According to the Coroner's report col umns in length, but which I mutt compress into a paragraph the ju'y found cruel finger-parks on the young man's throat The distinct marks of three fingers about the throat, more as if the rope of a hangman had made them! The thumb of the dead man's murderer had almost buried itself opposite the three red bars across the throat. The man's back was found to have been broken! John Gray had taken intense interest in all the proceedings. He was on the ground along with the Coroner and his men from the first; nervous, anxioui. He wore a painter's blouse. Up and down the front of this blouse rap a row of bright gilt buttons. He kept rolling one of these over and over, and round about, between his thumb and finger. In this nervous wav he had worked it Innu It was nearly readv to fall. He was still twisting it abont 6etween his thumb and finger when the surgeon announced that the dead man's back had been broken. Then he jerked more nervously at the button than ever. It came loose from the blouse, slipped from his fingers and fell to the ground. CHAETEP. XIV. JOH2T GRAT KT MASTACLES. The Coroner and the Coroner's jury no longer trampled the pleasant grass down by the sparkling trout stream. The ceremoni ous old humbug had taken up bis dead, and left the sweet landscape to the squirrel and the piping quail. But somehow tbe strange men did not melt away as had been ex pected. On the contrary, strange men came and went, up and down and round about continually. A great reward had been offered for the murderer, dead or alive, by the dead man's father, the millionaire. Silvia and his daughter kept all this time on the island. One day a hunter came to thecabin where Gray was still patiently painting the dead girl's picture. He seemed to be very much, of a hunter; too much of a hunter in fact A genuine hunter carries but lightjweights here. And then he Hood his gun in the corner, muzzle down; a most dangerous thing to dp, aud most unlike a hunter. Gray smiled faintly as he saw all this, but with that innate gentleness of the true gen tleman he seemed to take no notice at all, hut quietly reached the man his three legged stool, and went on with his work. His back was to the stranger as he wrought. This seemed to annoy the self important intruder, and he left the little seat more than once, and tried in vain to get a front view of the artist by pretending to desire a better look atthe work in hand. How Gray "did despise this average repre sentative of that most despicable class known as detectives; those pitiful, miserable man hunters, whose only real place of suc cess is in the dime novel! He kept his back to the detective .'or a long time. At last the conceited fellow seemed to hit on a splendid idea. Taking up a small pebble from the mos3 tbat lay scattered about the doorway, he cried out: "Is not this gold? Come here quick to the door and see!" Quietly and slowly the artist laid, aside his brush; quietly and 'slowly he stepped back into the corner, where stood a little wash basin, and at last quietly and slowly came in the door and stood in the lull light before this brilliant detective. A glance up and down that row of but tons. "The same! And one of them gonel Good! Good! The reward is onrs!" In his eagerness to be off, he could hardly wait to take himselt away decently. "The picture alone is a dead give awayl To sav nothing of the button: iealonsv: jealousy! That's why the fool uidnt take the loot. Why, I knowed it was this fellow from the first!" And chuckling thus to him self the great detective was gone. John Gray again took up his brush, and by sunset the beautilul bit of painting was on its way to tbe dead girl's mother. He did not enter, but stood the picture over inside the gate where wcregathered the children. Their glad surprise, their little clasped brown hands, their wonderful eyes wide open, the group of sweet faces all focused close up to the sweet picture in the redwood frame which he had fashioned with his own band; all this his reward wai nothing: everything! As he turned back with a Terr sad and vet light heart he saw even "more than ever before passing up and down and round about His cabin, as noted before, stood in a sort of amphitheater of hills high up here on this crown ot hills, with the little dense copse where the grasses were, and the lilies grew for the center. Near the depression, overhanging it almost, toward a precipice of shelving rocks, the trail passed under loose rocks. It now seemed to him as if his cabin was literally surrounded by armed men. This little circle of hills was certain- ly set thick with men men who seemed to be not noticing him; and yet clearly were noticing nothing else. As the artist entered his cabin he sighed, and be smiled also. What a continual contradiction is man, even . in the same breath. "I must make it certain," he said firmly, as he turned about in his doorway, and saw as the twilight faded away the armed men grow graanally nearer. Then taking his brush, he wrote in red and indelible letters back behind the door on the smooth surface of one of the redwood logs: "Hand to hand. Man to man! Equal and : : armed only with nature's arms we met. tie r : diet), for ho deserved to die. J. O." : - i i .... "There! Farla and her old father shall -hold three heights, and keep their little flock in hand together. There's two of them; only one of me; only half a one of me now." He pitched the brush in a corner. No mora torever. His lip curled scornfully as he heard the cautious tread of the girdle of men that was slowly tightening around the i cabin in thedarkness without His thoughts went back to the old battlefield, and he stood once more by the side of his dying lather. He felt that death was not far off, and it ,, made him stronger now, in this trying hour, i to know how indifferent had heen his father at the approach of death caring only to be snrely in tbe path ot duty in the end. He laid some fins splints and knots on the hearthstone, aud there was a cheerful J blaze. Closer and closer came the clumsy feet without Then there was a dull thud, a j thrust! One! two! threel four! five! ten! At' ,' last ten glittering gun barrels were thrust i through tbe port holes, and four men came i crowding in through (he door by the light j of the pleasant lire The wonderful de- 1 tective headed the fo-tr. Gray looked at him a moment and then, ''i pointing quietly ctbe guns, said: " i "If those guharc loaded you are putting .kJ yourself in grat peril." ' , j The detective dodged, and called oat to Is a A 1 - 3 Smet m "" '"' - - --i BHlBaci.r'.ii . ,.-wT -?TCTVty,'a31IMlKMwa;lilMiBSjyiBHM