Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 24, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    J-W? rw-
Parnell's Friends as Well as Enemies
Unable to Recover From
Tories Knocked All of a Heap, And the
Home Eiders Yerj Happy, but
The Grand Old M" Eetnrns to Enjland Eren Grander
Than When He Lett.
The Pigott fiasco ia the Timet case
against Parnell has knocked the Tories silly.
It is stated that should a general election
occur in England to-day the home rule peo
ple would sweep the platter clean. The
profits of the late Thunderer have been
greatly reduced. Parnell's friends seem as
much dazed as his enemies b'y the sudden
ness of the blow which has befallen the
prosecutors in the case before the com
LoxDOjf, February 23. Copyright
The comical state of mental depression
which just now characterizes the Tory ranks
is highly gratifying to the good. From the
beginning the Tory confidence in the al
leged Parnell letters has been unbounded,
ior Tories don't reason very much. They
simply said to themselves: "The Times
wouldn't go in for this sort of thing unless
it was sure that Irishmen are all born bad,
and naturally sympathize with murder
from very instinct. "The Times will first
show how bad Irishmen, and particularly
patriotic Irishmen, are, and will wind up
by proving Parnell to be unusually bad,
by pinning to his name forever the author
ship of those letters."
But things have gone wrong. The Times,
it seems, has even more easily been beguiled
than its average reader. This grand scheme
for wiping out the Irish party looked well
through Tory glasses, but now it proves
that the Times and its case, with the Tory
hopes, all rested on the shoulders of Mr.
Pigott, and this gentleman, while a willing
perjurer, is but a weak-kneed Atlas, not up
to the weight required of him.
The Times and the Tories have come
down in a heap together, and haven't yet
recovered their breath. Such an utter col
lapse hasn't been heard of. for many a year,
and even Parnell's supporters, confident as
they were of his eventual triumph, hardly
realize yet the importance of their victory,
and of the blow which the Government has
received with such unexpected suddenness.
The average Tory gentleman, so eager a
few weeks ago to prove by argument the
genuineness of the Parnell forgeries, wishes
now to be left alone. Occasionally one can
be found to declare in manly fashion his
disgust that an institution like the Times
should have been capable of trying to ruin
the character even of a political opponent
on such miserable testimony. But the av
erage reply of a Tory, when asked his opin
ion, is that he has not been following the
Parnell Commission very closely of late.
One of the happiest men at the trial has
been Labouchere, who, with his thin voice,
is fond of making a resume of the aspects of
the case and of the Times' stupidity, thus:
"You see, these people "Walters and the
rest seem to have started out on the sup
position that when a man forges a document
he makes it as unlike the real as possible.
So they thought their moderately clumsy
forgeries very good property."
George Lewis deserves, perhaps, most of
the credit for the able working up of the
Parnellite side of the case. He has worked
night and day, and is credited in the pro
fession with having eclipsed his own deeds
and all the other solicitors in the case. It
is probable he will go into the witness box
and swear that Pigott admitted to him that
he (Pigott) personally forged the letters.
There is some speculation as to the ultim
ate fate of Mr. Pigott, purveyor of the
forgeries. The only question of real inter
est seems to be, will he run away before the
commission meets on Tuesday, or will he
wait until Sir Charles Russell, having fin
ished with him, shall have him arrested for
perjury? The latter course seems most
probable,for being at his own request under
police protection, and also at someone else's
request (probably Hannen's), under the
supervision of Scotland Yard, he would
have to deceive three pairs of eyes in order
to get away. There will be no difficulty
about giving him a satisfactory term oi
haul labor, for the immunity extended by
the law creating the commission to those
who may be recalled to testify doesn't
extend to perjurers. ,
That the Government must suffer greatly
as a result of this fiasco is apparent. There
is a great revulsion of feeling among fair
minded Englishmen, and it is more than
ever certain that the result of a general elec
tion now would be to bundle the Tories and
Unionists out of power together.
The Times will be punished, as it richly
deserves. In the first place, it will be com
pelled to abandon for some time the role of
Thunderer and of Counselor and Guide to
the British nation. In a financial way, the
blow is a very heavy one. First and last,
the forgery publishing business, which has
failed so miserably, will cost the Times at
least 100,000, and the suits -which Parnell
is bringing in Ireland and Scotland may, if
persisted in, cost as much more. The state
ment is going about that Mr. Walters will
pay all this money out of his own pocket,
even should he have to sell bis estate. Bear
wood, to prevent the Times stockholders
suffering through his stupidity and that of
Buckle, Macdonald & Co., his assistants.
This statement, however, hasn't a very
genuine ring about it.
Young "Walters, who owns one-sixteenth
of the Timet, has received about 16 divi
dends for this year. The usual profit, an
nually divided among the Times owners,
is upwards of 90,000. The leelings of the
Times owners, who have lost all that and
got only Pigott in return, can be quite
easily imagined.
Outside ot the Times jorgery case, the
good home rule cause is going on well all
around. There has been an election, and,
as usual, a Gladstonian victory in East
Perthshire. Not only did home rule -win,
but with 500 more votes than the successful
candidate had in 1880.
The Grand Old Man has come home cheer
ier, ruddier, straighter, and .in all ways
much grander than when he went away,
which is a good sign for Ireland, and the
home rule members, Irish and English,
with many of whom I talked on the open
ing day of Parliament, have come back to
business full of fight, and -will not be slow
to impress on the people the character oi
the men and government who bolster up
their cause with forgery, and from sheer
lack of brains fall so flat.
Nearly All the Pnpera Think the Prosecu
tor's Cue Is Knocked Oat.
London, .February 23. The Pall Mall
Gazette, which on the 16lh said, in com
menting on the proceedings ot the Parnell
'commission that if Pigott was the Apostle
Paul, his solitary word might suffice to sus
tain the charges made by the Times against
the Parnellite members of the House of
Commons, in its issue to-day says:
Ficott has not bocn an Apostlo Paul. The
dismay In Downing street must be only a de
cree less than that which prevails In the Times
office. There is not a Tory today who is not
feeling heartsick at the evidence ot the wit
ness on whose veracity and unimpeachable repu
tation the li nusl case absolutely depends.
The Gazette points out that even the
Unionist papers, the Telegraph and the
Chronicle, admit that the Times' case has
collapsed, the Chronicle even stating that
every one expected that Sir Charles Bussell
would apply to the Court for Pigott's com
mittal or detention. Continuing, the Ga
zette says:
If the conviction has now slowly filtered into
the minds of Mr. Walter and his star! that they
have been cruelly hoaxed by an ingenious ana
resourceful blackmailer, the only coarse open
to them is to publicly own that they have been
deceived, and withdraw their allegations, offer
the handsomest apology, and pay the costs
they have forced upan the men whom they
traduced on Pigott's authority.
The Star, Mr. T. P. O'Connor's paper,
commenting on Pigott's evidence, says:
The connection between the limes and the
Gorernment Is twofold. The Government
created first the commission, and second the
lime case. If Attorney General Webster had
not been enabled to play the parts of prose
cutor, judge and framer of the indictment.
there could have been no tribunal at all. If
he had not assured Lord Salisbury that the let
ters would be proved to be genuine, the comis
sion would not have been created, and the
Unionists would never have suffered such a
blow as by their own piteous admissions awaits
them. The Government chose the game, load
ed the dice, selected its partners, and arranged
the rules of the game, and it must pay up now.
The price is the dissolution of Parliament. We
want to know what the country thinks of Pig
ott. The Globe and St. James'
no allusions to the subject.
Gazette make
The Eulr FlntnttflT In the Celebrated Divorce
Case Greatly Affected Tho Defend- '
nnt on the Stand He Denies
Columbus, O., February 23. The
Church divorce trial was this evening ad
journed to Monday morning, with Colonel
Church, the defendant, on the stand. His
direct examination has not yet been com
pleted. Before the defendant was called,
C. D. Firestone was examined to show Col
onel Church had used "cuss words" on one
occasion, when he failed to secure an elec
tion as delegate to the Chicago Conven
tion. "Walter S. Church, a brother of the de
fendant, who resides at Pittsburg, was the
next witness. He had visited his brother
about once every i wo months, and was there
Saturday night and Sunday before the sep
aration. He had observed that his brother
was always a kind and affectionate husband.
He had never seen the child, Ruth, pun
ished by his brother. During his last visit
at his brother's home, he thought Mrs.
Church did not take the same interest in
her husband that sherformerly had.
The next witness was Arthur P. Ken
nedy, an attorney of Pittsburg, a friend of
the defendant for the past 17 years, and was
"best man" at the wedding. He has visited
Mr. and Mrs. Church frequently since the
marriage. He had never seen Colonel
Church. quarrel with anyone. Speaking of
the husband and wife, Mr. Kennedy said
they always seemed to be affectionate, and
there seemed to be a great deal of happiness
The cross-examination turned to the mat
ter of the witness' visit to the Joyce resi
dence. Mr. Kennedy said that the" first in
formation he had of any differences between
the husband and wife was the day after the
separation occurred. On that day he re
ceived a telegram from the Colonel, asking
him to come to Columbus immediately, as
he had business ot importance lor him. The
Colonel met him at Newark, and went to
the Joyce home to see Mrs. Church, as the
agent of his friend, for a particular purpose.
The defendant had admitted to witness that
he called his wife a : fooL
Colonel Church took the stand about 3 p.
M. He said when his wife was away they
wrote letters to each other almost every day.
A bundle of letters were handed plaintiff,
which he identified as those which he had
written to his wife while she was in Florida
and Atlantic City. They were offered as
evidence, and after one or two of them had
been read, Mrs. Church was greatly affected,
and had to be taken from the room. There
were eight of the letters, and those portions
referring to his wife direct were couched in
the most endearing terms.
The Colonel repeated his statement as to
the expenditure of 513,000 for household cx
pensesduring their married life, and entered
a general denial of all charges of cruelty and
infidelity made by the plaintiff.
Postmaster General Dickinson GlTes Ont
Some Interesting; Figures.
"Washington, February 23. In re
sponse to a resolution offered by Senator
Chace, Postmaster General Dickinson to
day sent to Congress a statement showing
the number of changes of railway postal
clerks from January 1, 1885, to December
31, 1SS8, with the reasons therefor. The
statement is as follows:
By death, 129; by voluntary resignation,
1,927; by lemoval or involuntary resigna
tion, 1,975; divided as follows: For physi
cal or mental incapacity, 118; for ineffici
ency in discharge of duty, 426; for official
misconduct, 2G3; for personal misconduct,
313; for improper character or habits, 47;
for political causes (partisanship), 729; for
all other causes, C5; lor no cause assigned,
There were on the rolls on December 31,
last, 1,553 railway postal clerks who were in
the service on March 5, 1885.
The ricmlng and God" Fight Before
Lcslalntlve Committee.
Charleston, "W. Va., February 23.
The Legislative committee appointed to ex
amine into and report on the matter of con
test between Fleming and Goff for the Gov
ernorship organized this morning by elect
ing "W. it. Kce chairman. The returns for
Governor 'Here turned over by Speaker
"Woods, duly sealed, with the statement that
the certificates in the package were just as
received by him. The committee then ad
journed to meet in this city on April 10, or
at the call of the chairman.
A.Day if Eulogies.
"Washington, February 23. Filibust
ering prevented the serious consideration of
business in the House to-day, until the ap
pointed hour wasTeached at which eulogies
were made on the late IJepresentative James
N. Burnes, of Missouri, when a number of
members spoke and Congress adjourned out
of respect for Mr. Burnes' memory.
Our New Stock Carpets nnd Cnrtalns Are
All Here and Open.
"We have now theiargest and finest stock
of carpets and curtains of every grade ever
imported bv any house west ot New York.
"Wholesale and retail.
Edtvabd Gboetzingeb,
627 and C29 Penn avenue.
Men's gntts, Not Law Salts.
This week we start our trade with a $10
suit sale. On Monday and Tuesday about 500
men's fine tailor-made suits in cheviots,
cassimeres, whipcords and diagonals go for
$10. A $10 bill takes choice of these suits
(nicely assorted as to patterns) on Monday
and Tuesday only, and you'll find it's the
best investment in a suit of clothes you ever
made. Some of them sold as high as $30,
none lower than $22. It's to yourown interest
to see those goods whether you buy or not,
and we'll be glad to show them to you.
P. C. C. 0., cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. new Court House.
Dn. O'Keefe's headache pills, 25 cents.
Good as gold. 31 Fifth ave.
The Virginia Senator Vigorously
Eepels His Colleague's Scathing
He is Speedily Answered ly Hoar, Who
Hakes the Assertion That
It Will be One of Blood and Horror If the Present Eas
tern is Not Changed.
Yesterday in the Senate was devoted to
the consideration of election outrages. Sena
tor Daniels made a speech five hours in
length defending the course of the Southern
States. He asserted that whatever crimes
were committed in that section were mainly
the work of the negroes. Senator Hoar
made a forcible reply to these assertions. .
"Washington, February 23. The Sen
ate to-day resumed consideration of the
resolution as to alleged election outrages,
and Mr. Daniels spoke in opposition to the
resolution. Having alluded to the Demo
cratic charges of bribery in New York dur
ing the recent election, of the purchase of
voters in Indiana "in blocks of five," and
of the colonization of aliens in "West Vir
ginia, as well as to the contrary charges
made by the Republicans, he asked -what a
pandemonium, what a terrible suspense,
what a paralysis of business would have
followed had not State rights exercised
their conservative and healine sway.
General Harrison's title of President, he
said, which had been sealed and delivered
to him, was not given to him by a nation,
or by a majority of its people, but by sover
eign States which had commissioned him as
their Chief Magistrate. State rights, he
said, had held the ladder for General Har
rison to ascend the Presidental chair; had
given Senators their prerogatives; and had
lifted the Republican party out of the
Slough of Despond, and over the Hill of
Difficulty, and broueht it within sight of
the goal of its desires.
It was an old axiom that the traveler
must praise the bridge which carried him
over tne stream, and now that the States
rights bridge had carried the Republican
party safely over the turbulent stream of
conflict, it was time for that party to con
fess that, after all, it was a pretty good
bridge. He had been amazed and astound
ed when he read Mr. Hoar's resolution,
gravely requiring the Senate to enter into
an inquiry of the election of members of
the House of Representatives.
If anything more un-American or more
in conflict with. the spirit of the American
Constitution could have been suggested, he
was at a loss to conjecture what the thing
was. The resolution was revolutionary, as
it indicated a tendency n the part of the
Senate to usurp the functions of the House
of Representatives. It was a resolution to
impeach the character of a sovereign State
a resolution which sought to undermine
one of the pillars of the Federal Govern
ment, and to obliterate from the national
flat: one of its glittering stars.
No evidence had been reported to the
Senate in support of the resolution nothing
had been presented but anonymous letters
and petitions of defeated candidates for
office in Louisiana. The Senator from New
Hampshire, in order to prejudice the judg
ment of the Senate, and poison the minds
ol the Northern people, had had those
letters and petitions filed in his speech.
The post bag of anonymous letters, he
said, had been emptied on the Senate floor
by the Senator from New Hampshire, and
then another post bag of old and new news
paper scraps nad been emptied on it. He
would like to know if the Senate of the
United States was going to do (in the exer
cise of a somewhat judicial function) what
no court would do and what no fair man
would do.
If there was any Bepublican Senator
listening to him who was ready to speak for
the Committee on Privileges and Elections,
he would like to know from him whether
those newspaper scraps and those anony
mous letters, and those petitions from de
feated candidates for office, were the basis
on which that committee had predicated its
indictment of Louisiana? If they were not
the rocks on which the committee had built
its edifice he begged leave, most respectful
ly, to inquire on what the committee did
base it.
He did not wonder that there was not a
Bepublican Senator to answer the question.
He (Mr. Daniels), had some newspaper ex
tracts which he would send to tne clerk to
have read not as proof of anything, but as
straws floating on the great wave of public
opinion. It would be seen from them that
all the criminals south of Mason and
Dixon's line were not those whose skin was
of the same complexion as that of Bepub
lican Senators.
The clerk proceeded to read newspaper
extracts descriptive of a negro riot in Nor
folk, Va., of the shooting of a policeman by
a negro in Charlottsville and and of another
murder by a negro on the Roanoke and Tar
rivers. 'The clerk was reading an account
of the latter murder when (Mr. Daniels
yielding for that purpose) .Mr. Harris
moved an adjournment. The vote was
taken by yeas and nays, and there were
yeas 12, navs 22.
Mr. Daniels dispensed with the further
reading of the newspaper extracts, saying
that he would embody them in the report of
his speech. He repeated the question, Mr.
Hoar being now in his seat, which he had
nsked before, as to what facts had been re
ported to the Committee on Privilege's and
Flections that raised the doubt whether or
not Louisiana was in possession of a Bepub
lican form of government.
Mr. Hoar said there was abundant con
stitutional authority for the proposed in
vestigation. Ajs to the specter of States
rights, sought to be called up; there was no
such question in the resolution. "What was
assailed was not local self-government.
It was government, generally, which the
Senator from Virginia and his associates
were trying to break down in this country.
That Senator had asked what facts were de
pended upon in bringing forward the propo
position. Did not that Senator know that
within six weeks a man, who was contesting
a seat in the other House", had been shot
down while he was making his contest? Did
he not know the history ot political offenses
all over certain States in the South? Gen
eral Sheridan had declared some years since
that more Republicans had been murdered
for their political opinions in the State of
Louisiana alone than had fallen in battle
on both sides in the Mexican "War.
Mr. Hoar went on to comment on the
smallness of Congressional Totes in the
Sonthern States, and gave figures to show
that, while, two years ago the vote lor dele
gate in disfranchised Dakota was over 110,
000, the aggregate votes of 23 Congressional
districts in the South were onlv 93,000. It
seemed ta him that, in those 'facts alone,
there was reason enough to make the pro
posed inquiry.
He quoted from Senator Morgan's article
in the Forum under the heading, "Shall
Negro Majorities Bule?"andasked what that
question meant. There was no such thing,
he said, as "negro" in the view of constitu
tional rights; and the question meant
nothing more nor less than "Shall majori
ties rule?" He denied that there was any
thing sectional in his proposition, or that it
meant an attack upon the State of Louisi
ana. If the charges were true, that State
was lying helpless and bound at the feet of
a band of conspirators.
The charges were not that Louisiana had
been done wrong, but that Lonisiana was
Buffering wrong. In further commenting
upon Mr. Morgan's magazine article Mr.
Hoar eulogized Southern gentlemen for
their bravery, intelligence, constancy and
otbergood qualities, out he warned them
that within the lifetime of some who lis
tened to him there would be 50,000,000 ne
groes dwelling in the Southern States, and
that, if the methods reported were persisted
in, the white people of the South were sow
ing a seed from which was to come a har
vest of horror and blood to which tho French
revolution, or that of St. Domingo, was
light in comparison.
The people of the North were anxious to
aid the South ia every possible way if the
South would only receive that help and not
spurn it.
Mr. Daniels criticised Mr. Hoar's speech
as having contained no response to the Ques
tion asked him. As the Senator from Mas
sachusetts had proclaimed that his resolution
was non-sectional, he should ask him, ere
the resolution was voted upon, to insert a
provision to have that condition of things
in Ohio inquired into regarding the treat
ment of -colored children in connection with
the school question.
At this point of his speech (after having
spoken nearly five hours) Mr. Daniels
yielded for a motion to go into executive
session. That motion, however, was not
pressed, and after a notice that resolutions
as to the death of Representative Burns, of
Missouri, would be called up at 3
o'clock on Monday, the Senate adjourned.
Particulars of tho Sarins Train Robbery
In California A Car Overturned by
Dynamite Searching for the
Bold Operators.
Delano, Cal., February 23. Coroner
Buckrass lo-day held an inquest over the
body of Charles F. Cabert, fhe young man
killed in the train robbery near Pixley,
Cal., last evening. He was a native of
"West Virginia, aged 20 years, arid was in
stantly killed. Testimony given by P. T.
Bolger, engineer, and C. J. Alder, fireman,
showed that when leaving Pixley two
masked men boarded the engine with shot
guns and ordered the engineer to pull out
They fired a shot when two miles out and
ordered the engineer to slow down.
The engineer and firemen were taken back
by the robbers to the express car, and a
bomb was thrown under the car. The ex
plosion nearly turned the car over. The
messenger came out when ordered. One of
the robbers entered the car, while the other
held the fireman, engineer and messenger
under cover. Meanwhile Brakeman Gabert
came up on one side of the car and Bentley
came up on the other side of the car to see
cause of the delay. "When they were ap
proaching one robber exclaimed "Stop,"
and fired. Brakeman Gabert received
a heavy load ot buckshot in the heart and
head, killing him instantly.
The robbers then reached under the car
and fired at the other party. Bentley was
struck by several shot in the abdomen and
right arm. The robbers then marched the
three men upon the engine and backed
away into the darkness. It was thought
that the affair was not the work of pro
fessionals, as it was needlessly murderous.
The robbers secured only $100. Armed par
ties are scouring the country in search of
the robbers.
Men's Suits, Not Italy Salts.
This week we start our trade with a $10
suit sale. On Monday and Tuesday about 500
men's fine tailor-made suits in cheviots,
cassimeres, whipcords and diagonals go for
$10. A $10 bill takes choice of these suits
(nicely assorted as to patterns) on Monday
and Tuesday only, and you'll find it's the
best investment in a suit of clothes you ever
made. Some of them sold as high as $30,
none lower than $22. It's to your own interest
to see these,goods whether you buy or not,
and we'll be glad to show them to you.
P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
opp. new Court House.
He Fell In Love With Bis Wife.
They had not been on very good terms for
some time, all on account of the wife at
tempting to remodel and clean his wearing
apparel which was always done in an im
proper manner. Dickson, the tailor, 65
Fifth avenue, corner "Wood street, second
floor, came to the rescue, and love suddenly
returned like a summer dream. Telephone
Tho Elite Gallery, ,
516 Market street, Pittsburg, is the only
first class gallery in the two cities making
cabinet photos of young or old for $1 per
dozen. Come early and soon; bring the
children. Use elevator.
Cash paid for old gold and
Hauch's, No. 293 Fifth ave.
silver at
Dr. O'KEErE's liver pills, 25 cents.
Good as gold. 34 Fifth ave.
Absolutely Purer
This powder never varies. A marvel ot pnr
ity, strength and wholesomeness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kin us, and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitude of
ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate now
ders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING
POWDEB CO., 106 AVall Sk,SN. Y. r
The Justly Celebrated
Is the finest ELGIN BUTTER that
comes to this market
TJnoqualed in flavor.
Rich and palatable.
Free from all impurities and for
eign substanoea Every tub -warranted
fresh and sweet.
First Am aiulSmitlificUlSt.
P fBoW'lKSKJ) .
auction" sale
Japanese Goods.
The largest and most complete selec
tion in the country. Every article must
be sold by April 1.
Bale beginning Tuesday, February
26, from 9:30 to 12 M. and from 2 to 5
p. m., daily, and on Saturday evenings
from 7 to 10. I
Goods purchased will be delivered to
any part of the two cities. If desired,
the purchaser can pay on delivery of
the goods.
J. A. ROBINSON, Auctioneer.
J. DIAMOND, Optician,
33 Sixth Stroot, Pittsburg.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted
to every defect of sight. Field and Opera
Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers,
Thermometers, etc
ARTIFICIAL EYES made to order.
grand warranted. Always on hand a
large and complete stock. jaB-TTSSu
A fine, large crayon portrait S3 60: see them
before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, S2 and
52 50 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY.
Is Open Every Evening Until 8 O'Olock (Saturdays
Until 10 O'Olock). This for the Conve
nience of the Working Classes.
"We are to-dav, as ever, the most reliable house in the city. "We sell goods at lowest
prices; we show tne finest goods; we have the finest stock in Pittsburg; we treat everyone
alike, and we make honesty the foundation of all our dealings.
"We sell either for cash or credit, and we offer special inducements to newly married
Suppose you are not quite prepared to buy now, all you have to do is to come to our
store, choose out what pleases you, pay a small deposit on your purchase, and we put
away until you order the delivery of the goods. No doubt about it, we are the lowest
priced and most reliable house in Pittsburg. All our spring goods have arrived, and
early buyers have the advantage of choosing from the very best goods in the city.
J5 iMuiBBBflBM
r bb';'H
dians west of
captured all
more effectual
man, living or
ii mrjmw.mma ww;-"'
Domld MoKsy. the white people in 1876, and this simple Indian
medicine has accomplished more cures than any similar medicine known
tocivilization. The
first used it to eradicate tho Poisonous Blood Taints contracted from the
white adventurers. It cures
All druggists keep it. It has been imitated and counterfeited.
The genuine has tho name blown in tho bottle and a cut of the greatest
Indian Scout,
y Donald McKay, -on White Wrapper, Red Letters.
m m
Is the Success and General Prosperity of Any
Business House. v
It is evident, then, from our general prosperous condition, that something more i
regular carrying of goods in stock has had the effect of our success iu business. '.
the r
pie appreciate good goods at proper figures.
quality and lessen the cost of onr merchandise
our customers will testifv. On the top rung of the ladder with all the latest styles of ART
FURNITURE. Second to none in our selection of CARPETS and other floor coverings.
Have the finest line of Lace, Chenille and Turcoman CURTAINS, for the price, in Pitts
burg. A few more REMNANTS ot Tapestry and Body Brussels, in small room sizes, at
remarkably LOW PRICES.
OUR 520 BEDROOM SUITS of three pieces, in Antique, for spare rooms, is just
the thing. The nicest line of $40, $50, 560 and S75 Solid. Walnut, Tennessee Marble Top
Bedroom Suits in the city, to select from.
We are not outdone by any Art House in Pittsbursr for the choice selection of
Paintings, Autotypes, Photo-Gravures and Steel Engrayings; very nice goods at very
low prices. Everything in our large and commodious warerooms sold either for CASH
Sole Agents for the Davis "New High Arm" Sewing Machine,
Passenger Elevator.
24, 1889.
Nothing, only wo are making extensive al
terations and improvements to satisfy the
demands of onr rapidly Increasing business.
Overcoats and Suite at half price.
Boys' Clothing at half price.
Winter Hats and Caps at half price.
Furnishing Goods jat half price.
Ladies' Cloaks and Wraps at half
Nothing spared. Nothing re
served. Everything at killed
Comer Diamond and Smitlilil Streets,
The Most Complete
Stock in the city.
We also manufacture this
wonderful combination
Easy Choir.
No. 3 SIXTH ST..
Neak "Wood Street.
Telephone No. ISA. fe23-psnwk
DI1IIIU U1DIT P&lnlesslr cured la IO to SO
rlUffl nADII Dare. Sanitarium or Borne
Treatment. Trial Free. No Core. No Pay.
The Buiun Bimzot Cc La Fayette. Ind.
He is the man with tHe greatest and best record of
any man in his class. He served the U. S. Govern
ment twenty-two and a half years, as
; In 186G ho conquered the largesfc savage tribe of In-
the Eockies; in 1873 he killed and
of the hostile Modocs, accomplishing
service for the Government than any
dead. He introduced Ka-ton-ka to
Onr aim has alwavs been to increase the
to the consumer, a fact that very many oi
Saturday TJntil 10 o'clock-
, fe2i-wirsa
Our receiving room is the busiest place in the city at present.
It's a regular bee hive of industry. It's the channel through which
all new goods must pass before landing in our salesrooms. Here
every one of the scores of boxes, bales and bundles of spring goods
now daily' received by us is unpacked, its contents examined, and,
if approved, marked and placed in stock. A number of men are
thus kept busy.
Evidences of the approaching spring season now meet your eye
in every department of our store. New things from far off lands
ideas from England, Germany and France as well as from our own
free America are here in profusion. There is something to interest
every lady or miss, man or boy. And, yet, what we now show is
but a small part of our gigantic new spring stock.
In our Custom Tailoring Department our new spring stock of
fine Imported and Domestic Woolens is nearly all in. Even now it
is the finest and largest collection of suitings and trouserings ever
shown in this city. It's a stock that is bound to capture the most
fastidious society men of both cities. An idea of its beauty, ele
gance and extent may be formed by a look at our window
display. Our work, too, is first-class, and all gentlemen leav
ing their measures now will get their clothes within the shortest
possible time.
Things in our Cloak Department are assuming a very spring
like appearance. There are our own importations of Ladies' beaded
Spring Wraps in Silk, Grenadine and Lace, fresh from the work
shops of Paris and Berlin; they are the richest and most tasteful
garments ever seen in any Pittsburg store; then there are our beau
tiful beaded shoulder capes, our silk waists, our handsome display
of Ladies' mourning garments (quite a specialty with us), and, right
across the aisle you find counter after counter of Ladies' and
Misses' tailor-made spring Jackets, and rack after rack of spring
long garments. With what ease and pleasure you can make your
selection from so grand a stock.
In this same Cloak Department, too, you see a most elegant
and extensive assortment of new spring styles in Children's Dresses
and Infants' Slips and Capes. Every fashionable hue and shade,
every stylish color and pattern is included in this grand showing.
White Dresses, beautifully embroidered, from the cheapest to the
very finest Mothers, if you enjoy a beautiful sight, then come in
and take a look at these little garments. We have also received and
just placed on sale an excellent line of Misses' spring long garments.
Many exclusive novelties among them.
Our Hat Department, always first in introducing the new styles
of headgear to the gentlemen of Pittsburg, is now radiant with quite
a number of early spring styles. Of Derbys we have Miller's new
spring shape, Youman's new spring shape, and the latest "Little
English" Hat; we have placed them in stock at $i 98 and $2 50.
After awhile the so-called tony Hatters will "introduce" the same
goods for $3 and $4. The same may be said of our new Broadway
and Knox shape Silk Hats. As soon as the other "leading" houses
will get them (about two weeks from now), watch what they will sell
them for. It'll be a cool 50 per cent above our prices.
Our Shoe buyers, who are now "doing" the New York and New
England Shoe towns, are sending us big shipments of new spring
goods daily. Everything is bought in large quantities, and paid for
in spot cash. The special terms wc are thus accorded by the man
ufacturers enable us in turn to undersell every shoe house in this
city. This accounts for the phenomenally large shoe trade we have
built up within a comparatively few years. This argument is beyond
contradiction. Depend upon it, you virtually ignore your own inte
rest in buying your shoes outside of Kaufmanns'. "It's never too
late to.mend;" if you've never bought your Shoes from us, do so
Other new arrivals at our store are several hundred of Spring
Overcoats. Gentlemen, wishing to dress in the acme of style at
small expense, should see these truly gorgeous garments. Our grand -display
of spring Neckwear, too, must not be forgotten. "A more
brilliant array of silk scarfs and four-in-hands was never seen any-j.
where. Make your selections now, gentlemen, and get the cream )
of our stock- - c.
Amid all this excitement and activity attending the arrival of a
new spring styles the balance of oar winter stock comes in for & 4
large share of attention. Our counters must be cleared of what'
still remains upon them from the fall and winter seasons. Toa'c;-. '
complish our end we have split prices in half. If elegant Suits,
Overcoats or Pantaloons at 50c on the dollar are an i'nducement'tof'i
you then be sure and buy this week. jt.
v i.