Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 24, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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The German Government Will
Try to Avoid All Trouble
in Samoa Unless
The Eight to Punish Mataafa is Still
Insisted Upon, However.
Bismarck Believes That Boulauger Will
EvcntoallT Asoumo ilie Reins ofl'owcr
Socialists Are Making; Trouble for the
Berlin Authorities BIc Gans to Use in
Civilizing Africa The New Cabinet
Issnes no Address to the Senate and
Chnmber of Deputies A Prospect for
Boast Missionary in Zanzibar.
At a diplomatic dinner Prince Bismarck
expressed the wish to avoid all colonial
troubles. He said that imprudent consuls
had violated their instructions, and that
they did not know how to treat natives.
The idea of annexing Samoa is treated with
ridicule, but it is asserted that Mataafa
must be punished. The Emperor is both
ered by ear trouble once more. The new
French Cabinet has issued an address.
Berlin, February 23. Diplomatic and'
ministerial dinners are now the order of the
day, and are eagerly discussed as affording
indications of personal and international
relations. Prince Bismarck yesterday gave
a dinner to the members of the Lower House
of the Prussian Diet, and during the serving
of coffee complained of the heavy labors
created for him by what he termed the "So
called Colonies."
Heas'erted the blame for no Email por
tion of his difficulties to the action of col
onial officials, who, he said, frequently
acted without a requisite knowledge of the
circumstances, and especially did not know
"how to treat natives. It was impossible,
the Chancellor said, to allow the rival dis
putes to introduce any discordant clement
in Germany's relations with the great
friendly powers, as the slightest disturbance
of the harmony prevailing between the Im
perial Government and foreign States might
have most prejudicial effects upon German
commercial and business relations.
Bismarck is said to have been greatly an
noyed at the Consul's proposals to annex
Samoa, and the Fosstcidle Zeitung't ques
tion as to what would be thought of a Con
sul who telegraphed a proposal to annex
Zurcbe or Luxemburg is believed to be
identical with the opinion ot the Chan
cellor. In explanation of the reported ordering of
a German t-quadron to Samoa the National
Zeitung observes that the impending pun
ishment of Mataala will have no effect upon
Germany's relations with England and
America, the right of Germany to intervene
in the matter not being contested in any
quarter. The report must, however, be re
ceived with reserve. The squadron is pro
visioned for Port Said in order, probably,
to be in readiness to proceed to East Africa
or to xi ait the development of affairs.
It may at least be assumed that the
squadron will only go to Samoa in theevent
of the American Government proving exact
ing and unreasonable. Prince Bismarck's
desire to avoid colonial troubles is due in a
large measure to the uncertainty of Euro
pe m politics, epecially those of France.
The Tirard Cabinet is regarded as simply a
short respite belore the inevitable struggle.
The North German Gazette and other
'leading German papers predict its over
throw within a few weeks, and the appre
hension existing in the financial world is re
vealed in the expression by the National
Zeitung of the hope that the Paris exhibi
tion will be the first consideration, so that
so new crisis will occur until alter the gen
eral elections. Prince Bismarck's opinion,
that the crisis will result in the accession to
power oi General Boulanger. is well known
and there are tew persons who do not regard
his triumph as a near probability.
The dinner of the French Embassy has
been fixed tor April 6. It is stated that
both the Emperor and Empress will be
among the gue-ds. All the Ministers and
Chieis of the Military and Civil Cabinets
have been invited to be present at the din
ner to be given by Prince Bismarck on
Monday to meet the Emperor. The event is
much commented on, as intended to dispel
the idea that a divergence of views exists
between the Emperor and the Chancellor.
The rumor that Prince Bismarck had ad
vised the Emperor to replace Count Yon
"VValdcrre as Aid de Camp by another officer
is declared to be entirely without founda
The Emperor is far from being free from
painful earaches. The recent changes in
the weather have given him much trouble.
He is obliged sometimes to have recourse to
morphia in order to obtain a lew hours of
sleep. This makes no difference, however,
in his activity. He will honor by his
presence Count von SchellendorPs farewell
dinner as Minister ot War, on the 27th
inst It is now concluded that General
Stahan will succeed Count Ton Schellendorf,
General Wittich replacing General Stahan
in command of the Second Division of the
Infantry of the Guard, and Connt Wedel
succeeding to the Adjutant Generalship.
The Peters Emin relief expedition will
consist of 100 Somali soldiers and 500 car
riers, who are now being engaged at Zanzi
bar and along the coast. The force will be
well organized and led bv eight Germans.
Several young German officers in search of
African adventure have obtained the Em
peror's permission to accompany the ex
pedition. .
The armory of the expedition includes
Winchester, muzzle-loading Bemington and
Snider rifles for the natives, and specially
designed elephant rifles for the sporting
members. The success of the venture is
much doubted here. Even if the expedi
tion penetrates far beyond the coast, it is
not expected that it wjll ever reach
The police find the utmost difficulty in
preventing the entry into the country ot So
cialist literature printed abroad. During
the past week numerous domiciliary searches
have been made upon chieis of the Socialist
party, and the searchers have discovered
quantities of pamphlets ready for distribu
tion, intended to influence voters in favorof
the Socialist propaganda.
The rumors of trouble on the Afghan
frontier temporarily depressed the Bourse,
but the firm attitude of the French finan
ciers redeemed the situation. The efforts of
the Berlin banks to obtain the Italian loan,
though very persistent, Jailed of effect, and
French intriguers are accused of addition
ally pushing up Bussian securities and try
ing to frustrate every operation which Italy
attempts with German and English firms.
An onti slavery society is being formed
is Alsace-Lorraine under the Presidency of
Deputy Guerder. Tfie first meeting, it is
expected, will be held in April.
The Kerr French Cabinet Makes an Ontllne
of Its Poller.
Pabis, February 23. The ministerial
declaration was read in the Senate and
Chamber of Deputies to-day. It says:
In response to the President's appeal we have
not hid from ourselves the difficulties of the
hour, and we are sustained by the thought that
you will not refuse to co-operate with men
presenting themselves to you determined to
accomplish the duty required by the situation.
Our great tasks will be to secure the adoption
of the budget of 1890, and to assure by a broad,
tolerant and wise policy the success of the ex
hibition which will show in industrious and
pacific France all people's industry and work.
We hope you will satisfactorily conclude
other important measures, such as the military
laws, the discussion of which has commenced.
We consider that the Government's principal
duty is to prepare for all Republicans, and all
Frenchmen loving order and liberty, a ground
for common energetic and decisive action with
the view to defend and strengthen the rule of
Feace, justice,aud progress, which France, in
ounding tho republic, desired to give itself.
The success of odr policy depends upon our
firnmesss and vigilance, on which you may
While deciding to cover with our responsibil
ity, oflicials devoted to their duties we shall
severely Judge faults and shortcomings. We
consider it our Imperative duty to resolutely
take all the measures necessary to maintain or
der and respect for the Republic, by
counteracting, or. if necessary repressing fac
tional enterprises.
To Make tbe United States Back Down, la
tbe Samoan Affair.
Berlin, February 23. It may interest
Americans to know that the movement of
German ships in the direction of Samoa is
universally looked upon by Englishmen as
intended to frighten America into giving
wav in that direction, and the future is
looked forward to with some anxietv.
The announcement at the "War Office that
the "United States will send two military at
taches over here with the next Minister h
also exciting interest, and, of course, no dif
ficulty is found in showing that this is in
dicative of a desire to get ready to meet
Bismarck at his own game.
It "Mill Require 40,000,000 Francs to
Slake It Effective.
Home, February 23. At a sitting of the
Budget Committee to-day Signor Bicotti,
late Minister of "War, declared that if Italy
desired to maintain her military strength it
would be necessary to 'increase the "War
Budget by 40,000,000 francs. If the country
were unable to bear the expense it would be
better to be content with ten army corps in
stead of 12, and to effect a better organiza
tion. The speech caused a sensation.. It is be
lieved in parliamentary circles that the op
ponents of Prime Minister Crispi will ad
here to Signor Bicotti's views.
for tbe Safety of the missionaries
Captnred by Insurgent.
Zanzibar, February 23. Much anxiety
is lelt here regarding the fate of the mission
aries' who were recently captured by the in
surgents. No news has been received from
them since they were taken prisoners. The
British steamer Cutch has arrived here.
She has been engaged as a tender to the
German squadron.
The flag captain of the German fleet is in
poor healtn, and has started for Germany
on sick leave. A strict surveillance of the
Zanzibar and Pemba waters will shortly be
Ilenry George In England.
London, February 23. Henry George
will have a great reception when he visits
this country this spring. A number of
meetings have been arranged at which he
will speak, and an influential committee is
devoting itself to making him a campaign
The Czar to Visit Berlin.
Berlin, February 23. It is believed
that the Bussian Emperor will come to
Berlin in March. The Empress, though
not suffering so severely from the shock of
the Borkidia disaster, will probably not be
well enough to accompany her husband.
Stevens Has Arrived at Znnzlbar.
Zanzibar, February 23. Mr. Stevens,
who is going on a tour into the interior of
Africa in the interests of tbe New York
ForM, has arrived "here.
An Brlr to a Throne Insane
Berlin, February 23. Prince Rupert,
the eldest son of Prince Ludwig, of Bavaria,
the heir to the Bavarian tb-one, is insane.
A Compromlse'EfTected Between tbe Blral
Camp and Post Systems.
Chicago, February 23. The consolida
tion of the rival post system and camp sys
tem of the Sons of Veterans was completed
here to-day. It was done at a conference
between Colonel A. L. Conger, of Ohio;
Corporal Tanner, of New York; General
Thomas Bennett, of Indiana; Colonel John
Burst, of Illinois, and Colonel George M.
Devlin, of Michigan, representing the
Grand Army of the Bepublic; George W.
Marks, of Brooklyn, Commander in Chief
of tbe post system, and (i. B. Abbott, of
Chicago, Commander in Chief of the camp
system. The Grand Army men acted as ar
bitrators. In the harmonizing or compromise of the
differences between the two opposing junior
organizations, it was decided the new
bodv shall be known as the camp system,
shall use the fraternal title "comrade," in
place of "brother," and that the titles of
officers shall conform to the usage of the
Grand Army ot Republic, except that
camps may organize a frill corps, which,
when armed and equipped, may employ
strict military titles.
The other details are left to the two com
manders in chief of the consolidating bodies,
excepting that it is provided tije members'
hip badge and charter ofthecamp system
shall be used, and the insignia and rank of
the post system.
Oscar Neebe Promises to Reveal
. Secrets of the Anarchists.
Chicago, February 23. Louis W. H.
Neebe returned from Joliet to-day, where
he went to call on his brother Oscar, the
Anarchist. Prior to going, Mr. Neebe had
a talk with Judge Gary, who presided at
tho Anarchist trial, on the subject of a peti
tion for the prisoner's pardon.
He was told that when Oscar had made
him a full statement regarding the forma
tion, workings and plans of the.Anarchistic
groups, including the Lehr and Wehr
Verein, bow he became marshal of an
armed body marching on the Board of
Trade; how he lost or injured his fingers in
experiments with dynamite; what steps he
and others took in the consummation
of their proposed social revolu
tions; when he exposed all the
plans and schemes of the . defense
during the progress of the trial, and then
expressed regret and contrition, then the
Judge would be in a position to say what he
would do on the question of signing a peti
tion for pardon.
A statement of the requirements was laid I
uctuic vsmi, auu uc agiccu tu luiuii mem.
The prison authorities have lurnished him
pen, ink and paper tor this purpose, and
the statement is probably being written
A Zero Wedding.
Alderman Saccop, of the Southside, per
formed the ceremony last sight that made
Edward Graudle and Anna Paslove mas
and wife. .
Civil Service Reformers Say He Is n' Keeper
of Promises They Also Think
Cleveland Did Well Under
the Clrcnmstances.
Baltimore, February 23. One of the
largest gatherings of civil service reformers
ever held met to-day in this city under the
auspices of the Civil Service Beform Asso
ciation of Maryland, whose organization
sent a call for the conference in December
last, George William Curtis, President of
the National Association, sent a letter of re
gret at not being able to attend. At the
afternoon session, which was presided over
by Judge Foulk, of Indiana, resolutions
were passed expressing the confidence ot the
association in President-elect Harrison and
his professions of friendship for the princi
ples of civil service reform.
In the evening Mr. Bichard H. Dana,
editor of the Civil Service Record, sought
to show by statistics that the percentage of
removals during President Cleveland's term
of office has been greater than under any
administration since 1860, but claimed that
Mr. Cleveland wa3 favorable to reform, and
would live in history as one who made civil
service reform a good second to party ex
pediency. He believed that Mr. Cleveland
saw the evils of the spoils svstem and tried
to avoid them, but evidently considered the
idea of civil service reformers as being too
theoretical, and said that the friends of re
form would now be satisfied with the prog
ress that had been made had they not been
led to expect so much at the beginning.
Judge W. D. Foulk quoted from the
platform of the Republicans and from Mr.
Harrison's letter of acceptance, argued from
them that civil service reform would, under
the Bepnblican administration be extended
to all branches of public service within the
rules, and reform principles to all places not
included in the law. He claimed that the
fundamental promises of tho Bepnblican
party had become accomplished facts, and
from that record he believed that their
promise in regard to civil service reform
will be kept In conclusion, he said: "As
it is with the party, so it is with the President-elect.
He is'a keeper of promises, and
we may feel sure that worthy men will fill
the offices and that progress will be made in
the cause of reform."
The Board of Pardons Thinks That FrcT
Togle and MeClnre Have Been Suffi
ciently Punished The Prison
era Win the Eqnltr Salt
Entered Against
Habrisburg, February 23. In its rea
sons for recommending the extension of
Executive clemency to William McClure
and Frank Freyvogle, the Board of Pardons
says that up to the time they were con
victed of keeping a gambling house
they were alleged to have been
men of good character, which "proposition
seems to be amply sustained byendorsement
of the best citizens." Mention is also
made of the fact that when the Department
of Public Safety in Pittsburg, notified all
gamblers to close their places, the defend
ants were out of the business in which they
had been engaged.
After quoting the language of the attor
ney for the prisoners, in which he says the
court committed the grevious error of im
posing a double sentence, the Board says:
Whether this proposition of counsel be well
grounded or not, circumstances connected with
the case appear upon the record which would
teem to justify the exercise of unusual se
venty in lirposing the sentence upon these de
fendants. lo prosecutions were attempted in
other cases of precisely like character, the city
authorities being content with the closing of
these disreputable houses. A compliance with
the order to close, absolved people of
this character from further interference
by the authorities. When prosecuted the de
fendants were not conducting a gambling
house, but had quietly coiiplied with tbe order
of the Department of Public Safety. Under
all the circumstances, therefore, and consider
ing that these defendants were ainongthe best
in cbaratter among men of that class, tbe
question presents 'tself: Have they not been
sufficiently punished, they having already
served abont six months of the sentence im
posed on tbemf
The reasons close thus:
The board therefore being convinced that the
punishment already suffered by tbe defendants
Is sufficient under all tbe facts in tbe case, and
believing that tbe best sentiment of Pittsburg
is veiy largely in favor of the exercise of clem
ency, and failing to observe any evidence ap
plying to these defendants that did not apply
with eaual force to others who received a
sentence of only a few dais or at most a very
few months uavo decided to reconmend them
for the exercise of executive clemency.
The Pardoned Gamblers' Equity Case, and
Their Release.
. Henry A. Davis, Esq., master in the
equity suit of C G. Dixon against Frey
vogle and McClure, to recover for large sums
gambled away by Dixon's bookkeeper,
Quinn, at their faro bank, filed his official
report with the Prothonotary yesterday, dis
missing the exceptions ot counsel for plain
tiff. They had failed to argue for or sub
stantiate their exceptions to his finding
within the time specified, and so he over
ruled the exceptions. This leaves his find
ing and report for the defendants, subject
only to the approval of the Court.
It had been expected tbatFreyvogle and
McClure, who had been serving a workhouse
term of a year for gambling (independent of
this equity case) would be released yester
day upon their recently granted pardon.
But Governor Beaver did not get back from
Washington to Harrisburg until last night,
and so the official order for their release
can't arrive before to-morrow.
That Soutbslder Tarns His White Cap Let
ters Over to tho Police.
B. Crass, manager of the Singer Sewing
Machine Agency on the Southside, is con
id erably exercised over the receipt of the
"White Cap" letters which have been sent
him. About two weeks ago he received one,
notifying him to leave the city. Yesterday
he received the following:
Pittsburg Branch White Caps, j
February 22, 1SS9.
Me. Crass Having failed to comply with
the notice sent you two weeks ago, you are
hereby notified to leave tbe Southside imme
diately. If you fail this time you will certainly
be dealt with according to the custom of thn
White Caps. By order of the
The first letter was received on St. Valen
tine's Day, and as it was not adorned by
the skull and crossbones, Mr. Crass took the
matter asajokejbnt the letter received
yesterday was ornamented with the skull
and bones. Both letters were turned over
the police, and an endeavor is being made
to discover the author.
One of the Little Features of a Blizzard
Late In Winter.
LOCKPORT, N.Y., February 23. A howl
ing blizzard has prcvailed-throughout West
ern New York all day. The thermometer
dropped below zero last night, and
to-day the heavy gale, with fine
snow, was like sand, and fully
as heavy. It has drifted in some places from
10 to 15 ieet deep. Trains are from 5 to 7
hours late. Passenger train No. 9 was stalled
between Murray and Holley for three hours.
Five engines pulled her out. The drifts
were over the car windows. Several
men started to walk to Murray, and suffered
intensely from the cold. As fast as one was
stuck in a dtift the others would form a line
and pull him out. Some hot drinks were
sent over by the farmers, and the passengers
The wind has subsided, and the trains are
moving. 'The Borne, Watertown and Og
densburg has abandoned its western divis
ion entirely.
To Be Assessed on the Capital Stock
of Manufacturing Concerns
Governor Beaver . Wants to Break
son's Record on
Mosey Host Be Baked or Charitable Institutions
Will Suffer.
Many arguments are being produced for
and against the proposed 3-mill tax on the
capital stock of manufacturing corporations.
The friends of the latter claim that the tax
will m'ilitate. dgainst the prosperity of the
State. Senator Kutan says the tax would
not be necessary if the Governor was not
trying to make a record as a debt-lifter. If
the tax is not enforced the appropriations
for charitable institutions will have to be
greatly reduced or entirely canceled.
Harrisburg, February 23. The ques
tion of a 3-mill tax on manufacturing cor
porations threatens to become the big one
before the present session of the Legisla--tnre.
Between the equities of the case and
the constitutional requirements the mem
bers are all at sea. They prefer not to lay
this additional burden on a certain clas of
manufacturing institutions, but they want
to frame a bill that will pass the ordeal of
the Supreme Court's penetrating wisdom,
should it ever get that far. Besides they
realize that there are political consequences
in a State like Pennsylvania that may be
very unpleasant for aspiring gentlemen.am
bitious to linger long in the public arena as
politicians and statesmen.
The manufacturers who were here the
other day did not forget to mention this
feature of the case to the members they
came in contact with, and made it apparent
that tho framers of the bill were not left out
of their thoughts in the same connection.
The ethics ot such arguments may readily
be called in question, but it is an undoubt
ed fact that their practical effect is likely to
be greater than the other arguments that
may be brought forward.
Of course no one anticipates that in the
event of the Legislature deciding to tax
manufacturing corporations the latter will
throw tne state imo uie uauus m me
Democracy. That might be a very heroic
course, but it would be impolitic and dirert
ly in the line of a suicidal policy. The
Bepublican party has been the especial
friend and champion of the manu
facturer, and he has never been permitted to
forget the fact when sinews of war have been
needed. Neither has he, as a whole, neg
lected on very many occasions to make it
understood that he is the friend of the Be
publican party. Each knows that it would
be entirely too bad " for friends to fall out
over this matter, and so the manufacturer
on his side probably intends to be under
stood as merely having a knife up his sleeve
for the individual who deserts him in this
There are good arguments to be used on
cither side of the question. The gentlemen
interested in manufacturing corporations
say that a tax levied on them, and not on
the individual manufacturer, handicaps
them, and is in the line of a direct bonus to
niUl, glVlUU U11U U UlSLlUUb ttliU UCV1UCU ttU-
vantage over them. This is the disadvant
age it places him under in his own State,
and it also handicaps him in competition
with the manufacturers of Ohio and New
Mr. Oliver's arguments,. that the whole
State tax should be levied on corpora
tions having exclusive rights, is one
that meets with much favor here, but
even some of these are now striving
in the courts to be recognized as manu
facturing corporations. And the State
officers say that the term, manufacturing
corporations may be made to cover so much
ground that "it is a difficult matter to tell
now where the limit may be placed. A gas
corporation manufactures gas, an electric
light company manufactures electricity, if
the parties financially interested are per
mitted to decide the matter, and a fruit pre
serving' and pickling company, holding a
charter, wants it understood that it, too, is
engaged in manufacturing. The dividing
line is becoming as indistinct and far away,
say the State officials,' that the only thing
we can do is to wipe it out altogether and,
tax the stock of all corporations if we de
sire stability of the State revenues. The
amount of revenue the State will gain now
by taxing the stock of manufacturing cor
porations is $500,000 and it is needed badly.
"Unless we get it from this source we must
get it from some other."
.Ex-Speaker Graham, Chairman of the
Ways and Means Committee, said to your
correspondent recently: ''It is true that the
State needs the money that will come from
this tax. and if the State does nof get it
from this source it will be necesstry to find
some new subject of taxation or increase the
tax on some subject already taxed. It is a
very grave question in my mind, however,
whether the State would not lose vastly
more than it would gain by levying the tax
proposed. We see little tofrns everywhere
paying a bonus of $5,000, $10,000 or $20,000
to manufacturers to have them locate their
works or factories in those especial locali
ties, and it seems to me that what is a good
thing for one ol those towns must be a
good thing for the State. In Western
Pennsylvania we see towns over the line in
the Ohio natural gas territory offering our
own manufacturers great inducements in
addition to the exemption from this tax.
Would'nt the imposition of the tax be
likely, then, to drive them over the line?
Conditions verv similar exist on the eastern
Hon. Henry Hall, of Mercer, who ably
represented the rural sentiment of his sec
tion on the subject, thinks $500,000 a year
a verv small sum for the manufacturing
corporations to pay to the State. His col
league, Hon. James Fruit, Of Sharon, who
represents a manufacturing constituency,
takes the opposite sideof the question and
ablv champions' the right of the manufac
turing corporations to exemption.
The taxation of one manufacturer and the
exemption of another he considers a species
oi legislation that certainly comes under the
constitutional prohibition of inequality in
taxation. Mr. Fruit does not think tbe fact
that one is a chartered concern and the
other not 'chartered should enter into
consideration of the subject at all. The
corporation, he says, cannot buy mure
cheaply or sell its products for more money
than can the private manufacturer, and
therefore it is particularly unjust fo place
an especial weight upon its productive ef
forts. He doesn't think the Constitution
contemplated anything so unjust.
The Allegheny county delegation will
stand firmly against the tax, according to
reports All the members of it, however,
have not been here this week to express
Senator Kutan, who keens a close watch
on the sentiment of both branches of the
Legislature,. S.id to-day that if a vote were
takenmow on tbe exemption of manufactur
ing corporations from the capital tax, it
would be carried by a large majority. Just
to what extent sentiment may change is a
matter on which the Senator does not like
to hazard an opinion.
"One powerful lever that will move the
Legislature to vote for the tax," he said, "is
the statement reported from the Governor
that if the manufacturers are exempted the
charitable institutions of the (State must
safer. I hare not talked with Governor
Beaver myself, but I am informed that this
is the position he takes.
"The tax on manufacturing corporations
would bring about $500,000 into the State
Treasury. This amount is badly needed,
according to all accounts, and if it does not
come in the charitable institutions, for
which the State if in the habit of appropri
ating money, will have to try to get along
without it. Our Allegheny county people
won't like this. ' We have'quite a number
of good institutions for which the State ap
propriates money."
"Is there no other way, Senator, than by
finding some new subject of taxation or in
creasing taxes on something already taxed
that this necessary money can be raised ?"
"I think myself that there is. The Con
stitution only requires the State to pay $250,
000 per year into the sinking fond to pay
the State debt. There is no special need to
provide for the debt any faster than the
constitutional requirement. The money
only accumulates in the State banks, be
cause the owners of bonds refuse to sell
them even at a good premium. Oar debt is
only a small one, and no one is clamoring
for its payment. We might stop providing
for it so fast, and then we would have
plenty of money for our charitable institu
tions. The Governor is anxious to make a
better record than Pattison on the payment
of the State debt."
"But can't the Legislature make a law
covering the point?"
"We might do it with a two-thirds ma
jority." Simpson.
Three Men Killed and Others Injured In a
Kallrond Accident A Misplaced
Switch and the Deadly
Stove to Blame.
Bangor, Me., February 23. A bad
wreck occurred on a branch of the tfaine
Central road, near Boyd's, this morning.
Mail Clerk Caleb Parmer, of Bangor, ar
rived here on the evening train from St.
Johns. He was on the mail car in the rail
road accident and received some severe
bruises. He tells the story of the accident
as follows:
When the train reached Boyd's Mill, tbe
scene oi tne accjaent, ne was sitting on a
table in the front of the car. When the
shock came, the cars went over in a heap,
rolling over several times. The train con
sisted of engine, mail car, baggage car,
Pullman, smoker and three passenger cars.
The first five left the track, buttheother three
kept on running upon a side track.
The mail car, baggage, Pullman, and
smoker caught fire like a flash, being en
tirely consumed within 15 minutes. The
train had been running at full speed, and a
misplaced switch cansed the derailment.
Palmer, with two other clerks, Mudgett and
Campbell, were held like a vise by the tim
bers of the shattered car, the former with
part of a letter rack over his legs, and Mudg
ett under the stove. Campbell's back was
broken. The dense smoke from the Darning
cars and steam from the engine boiler hunt?
over the mail car.
All shouted'for help. Mudgett cried to
Palmer that he was being burned, and bade
him goodby. Palmer thrust one arm up
through an opening and was seen by Con
ductor Chase, who attempted to pull him
out, but was unable to do so. Three others
joined him and finally succeeded in remov
ing him ia a bruised condition. They were
unable to reach Mudgett and Campbell be
fore they burned to death. H.irry Good
win, fireman, was killed, and Julius Angel,
engineer, was cut severely, but none of the
passengers" were hurt. The injured were
taken to Kingman, where their wants were
attended to. All cars were equipped with
Sewall heaters, but the fire caught from the
stove used in the mail car.
A Portion of the Panama Canal Employe
Receive Their Pay.
Panama, February 15. Much excite
ment was occasioned on the 11th inst.
among the canal company's employes when
it becamo.known that the company was
about to pay off all those who ranked as
classes, or in other words, held special
privileges owing to the circumstances
under which they joined the company, or
through their havingbeen promoted for long
service. A general service order, signed by
Director-General Jacquier, stated that it
was only done after having perused the
statements presented by a number of officers'
classes to the French consul, and a letter of
the consul on the snbject, as also the report
presented by the Chief of the Secriatariat and
the Judical Department.
The sum appropriated for the paying off
of these men was $48(J,000, of which $150,000
was paid to employes on the line of the
work, and of which M. Jacquier, Director
General, received $20,000. Both the action
of the French consul in urging this extra
ordinary proceeding upon M. Jacquier, and
the letter's yielding thereto more especial
ly as he is so much a gainer thereby have
been very much criticised here.
They Fall of Conviction Before an Alder
man, bat Fall Oat.
John Schott and Elizabeth Ackermin,
who have figured so prominently in tbe
Southside elopement case, appeared before
Alderman Hartman last evening for a hear
ing on a charge preferred against them by
Henry Ackerman. Tbe evidence was not
sufficient to hold the defendants, and Alder
man Hartman dismissed the case.
Mrs. Schott went home with her husband,
but Mrs. Ackerman refused to go home with
Mr. Ackerman. , The case against Mrs.
Ackerman for surety of the peace on oath
of Mrs. Schott was compromised. ,
Dora Graff, Mrs. Ackerman's sister, has
made anvin formation before Alderman Tate
charging Mrs. Schott and Minnie Moore,
Mr. Ackerman's sister, with disorderly con
duct, alleging that, after the first suit -was
instituted, the defendants went to her house
and raised a disturbance and abused her.
A hearing will "be held on Tuesday.
O'Donovan Ronsn Hart by Roosevelt's He
rnial of His Political Influence.
Baltimore, February 23. At the con
ference of civil service reformers this even
ing, Mr. Theodore Boosevelt said that when
he was a candidate for the Mayoralty of
New York City, he was approached by
O'Donovan Bossa, who offered Mr. Boose
velt bis influence in the election for
$250. When the offer yras declined Mr.
Bossa informed him that he had supposed
Boosevelt was running to be elected in
stead of for bis health, as Mr. Boosevelt
had found to be the case.
It Will Contain a Southern Man and Have a
Southern Policy.
Omaha, Neb., February 23. Eussell
Harrison said in an interview here to-day,
when asked what Thurston's chances were
for a position in the Cabinet:
I never talk on the subject of tbe Cabinet.
That is my f ather's affair. I can tell you, bow
ever, that the Cabinet has been decided upon.
It was difficult to select a Cabinet from so
much good material, but it has been done. Tbe
South will be represented, and tho Southern
policy of the administration will be such as has
been indicated by my father's letter to several
Southern men on the subject.
The Mew China Store.
Manv people are under the impression
that all Japanese goods are cheap. We
can demonstrate to your satisfaction that
they produce really artistic goods in Japan.
We have a dinner set yon ought to see, and
which, if it does not eventually grace the
table of one of our Pittsburg millionaires,
ougb to find a resting place in some pnblie
exhibition. We open on Monday, and you
can then judge for yourselves.
French Kendbick & Co.,
The China Store, opposite City Hall.
24 1889.
Senator Blackburn in the Heroic
EoIof Marc Antony, While
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Winds Up
With the Laughable
The Kentnduan's Emery Questioned, and a Duel is
Not Expected.
Senators Blackburn and Chandler are not
friends any more. The latter gentleman ob
jected to his ears being used as handles by
which his head could be bumped against the
wall by his fellow Senator. What makes
the offense greater in Senator Chandler's
opinion is that he gave no .excuse for the
assault beyond calling his honorable friend
a "Kentucky slave.driver," which, as every
one knows, is perfectly parliamentary and
Pickwickian. Nevertheless, a duel is not
Washington, February 23. There is a
remarkable disagreement to-day among eye
witnesses of the ruction last evening be
tween Senators Blackburn and Chandler as
to whether the former really did take hold
of one ear of the latter, and swing him
around by that member for half a minute or
so just to punctuate the Kentucky epithets
he was hurling at him.
The basis of the sensational story was
quietly given out to a few Democratio news
papermen by Senator Faulkner, of West
Virginia, who is yet somewhat fresh in the
Senate and therefore not imbued with that
reverence for Senatorial dignity that would
prevent iim from transmitting a good news
paper story to correspondents of his own
political faith. Senator Faulkner declares
that he did not give out the story as it ap
pears here and there in the newspapers.
There was a wordy encounter. There were
bad names called. Chandler told Black
burn that no slavedriver conld bulldoze him
and then Blackbnrn rnshed at the Senator
from New Hampshire and proceeded to ex
haust the entire vocabulary of vicious epi
thets upon him.
The mooted question is whether Black
burn really did take hold of Chandler's ear.
Mr. Chandler's ears are decidedly conspic
uous, and it is possible that they offered an
irresistible hold for the brawny Kentuc
ian's hand just for a moment But if so,
there is no sign of the grip to-day, and if
either of Chandler's ears were touched it
must have been with a hand as tender as a
It was amusing to everybpdy but Chand
ler to note tbe curious glances that were
cast toward that gentleman's ears by all who
passed him, but most especially by the in
quisitive page boysjall of whom apparently
had read the account of the affair as it was
published in a morning paper. Notwith
standing the freedom of these ears from
scratches or contusions there are reasons (or
the belief that one of them was for a brief
moment in the grasp of the, "Kentucky
slave driver."
All day to-day Senator Faulkner busied
himself among the Senators who were pres
ent in the room of the Committee on Indian
Affairs where the row occurred, all on ac
count of a reiusal of Chandler to give
Blackburn. names of persons on whose evi
dence a report containing a severe criticism
oC the Interior Department was forwarded.
He held long and earnest but fruitless con
versations with Chandler and his colleague,
Senator Blair, who some time ago almost
dared Blackburn to meet him on the histori
cal field of Bladensburg. That there was
something more serious than a mere war of
words is pretty evident from the serious
movements of tbe parties most interested.
BLACKBUEN'S bbaveht.
Whatever the truth mar be, the incident
has served to recall all of the old stories in
regard to lack of bravery Senator Blackburn
his exhibited at Various times in his career.
Kentuckians who are in the city do not
point with pride to his record in this re
spect, but are rather inclined 'to assert that
it was in keeping with his prowess that be
would attack: a little mite ot a man like
Chandler. In the opinion of these Ken
tuckians the long-range battle recently in
dulged in between Blackburn and Judge
Bucker, of Colorado, ended unfavorably to
Blackburn. A similar discussion between
him and General Burbridge, of Kentucky, a
few years ago, arising out of the charges
made against the Blackburn family of hav
ing attempted to sow the seeds of the plague
in large cities of the North during the war,
concluded with a complete backdown on
the part of Blackburn.
"Blackburn has had any number of op
portunities to fight," said a citizen of Louis
ville to the correspondent of The Dis
patch this -afternoon, "and somehow he
has crawled out of all of them without a
meeting on the field of honor. I don't think
yon will find a Kentuckian who will say
that Joe will fight. Years ago Ed Marshall,
a cousin of the famous Tom Marshall, of our
State, and quite his equal in eloquence, en
gaged in a campaign against Blackburn
and lampooned him in the most unmerciful
and insulting manner.
JOE wok't fight.
In one of his speeches he gave an elaborate
dissertation dh tne destructive properties of
the jaw ot tne ass, citing, ot course, the
noted instance from the Scriptures, as well
as from other ancient history, and drew the
conclusion that the efficient qualities of this
weapon explained why his opponent never
dared to employ any other. About that
time the greenback fallacy was abroad, and
Blackburn went at great length into the
question of finance on the stump. Marshall,
in referring to this, said that Blackburn's
speeches on finance put him in mind of a
swan swimming on the bosom of a fathom
less lake. He floated along gracefully and
stately, drawing about two inches of water,
wholly unconscious ot the immeasureable
depths beneath him. Another of the oppo
nents of Blackburn at another time was a
noted and eloquent attorney named Owens.
He was quite the equal of Marshall, and
perfectly fearless. He said everything he
could devise to provoke Blackburn, simply
to test his courage, but Joe took it all with
out a protest which could be made a ground
for a challenge. Oh, we all know that Joe
will not fight, and if Chaudler wants to get
tbe best of him all he has to do is to send
him a challenge. You can depend on it,
Joe would get out of it in some way without
a meeting."
Blackburn was only visible on the floor
of the Senate for a few minutes this morn
ing, and could not be tound again during
the day. It is stated this evening that all
attempts to patch up a peace between the
belligerents have failed. Of course they
will not fight They will merely not speak
as they pass.
A New Man to Take Gould's Place In the
Missouri Pacific.
Chicago, February 23. It leaked out to-day
that W. H. Newman. Third Vice President of
the Missouri Pacific Railroad, has tendered his
resignation to take effect April L No reason is
given for Mr. Newman's retirement but when
considered in connection with tbe resignation
of Second Vice President A. L. Hopkins and
the changes that are promised in tbe Board of
Directors, it seems to lend color to tho
rumor that a complete reorganization uf the
Missouri Pacific Company is about to occur.
It has recently been reported that S. H. Clark,
Vice President and General Manager, would
retire from the service of the company very
soon, but this is now believed to be a mistake.
On the contrary, those who profess to know
something of the relations existing between
Mr. Clark and Jay Gould venture the opinion
that tho former will be mado President of the
company. Gonld retiring. It i3 understood
that Mr. Newman, on his retirement from the
Missouri Pacific, intends to abandon the rail
road business permanently.
Th n-b T' fTTlnB Investigated by the
Wasleyan Faculty The Parties ImpU-
cuieitiMuy Be Arrested Two
Men Confess.
New Havejt, FebruarHo3- President
Van Vleck, with Profs. Wnson, Crawford
and Conn, the committee appointed by the
Wesleyan faculty to investigate the recent
dynamite explosions, have after a hard
day's work succeeded in getting at the
bottom facts. The hearing was secret and
each member of the freshman class was
called in and snbjected to a severe examina
tion. It is learned that two of the men con
fessed, implicating six or eight others. The
faculty refuses so give out any information.
From other sources it is learned that the
men who confessed are W. H. Hall and
Bobert F. Smith. The names of the others
are H. S. Eooksby, Nelson C. Hubbard, C.
H. Pierse, W. M. Douglas, E. M. Grant, F.
J. Lamblyn and H. P. Queal. It seems that
the party had planned to usher in Washing
ton's Birthday by tiring a salute with a can
non, and afterward to return to the college
ground and throw the bombs into the entries
of tbe various dormitories. One bomb was
given to Booksby to explode in Observatory
Hall, another to Smith to explode in North
College, while a third was sent to Hnbbard,
the man injured.
It seems that Hubbard, wishing to back
out of the scheme, invited several upper
class men to spend the evening with him,
and that alter they left his room a bomb was
handed to him, with instructions to explode
it when he heard the reports "of the others.
It is supposed that he became excited, and
in some way the bomb exploded in his hand
before he conld throw it
President Van YIeck has conferred with
States Attorney Elmer with reference to a
criminal prosecution of everyone implicated
in the affair. Should Hubbard's injuries
prove fatal it will undoubtedly be very
serious matter for the young rioters. It was
also developed that the dynamite was ob
tained in New York City from the father of
one of the young men implicated. It was
sent to Middletown by express, three of
them being used and three others hid for
future use.
A Foil List of Select ConncIImen, School
Directors, Assessors and Constables
Chosea Allecheny's Quota Also.
As a result of tbe Beturning Board's fin
ished labors yesterday, the following named
gentlemen were declared duly elected from
the 36 wards of this city, named in consecu
tive order:
Select Council Messrs. M. Cavanangh, Jas.
Getty. John Dorle, George H. Treuscb. John
O'Neil, James L. Williams, George Wilson,
JobnS. Lambie. T. M. Brophy. B. J. Haslett,
H. P. Ford. Thomas E. Perry, T. H. Miller. J.
M. Anderson. J. H. Gillespie. B. K. Warren,
Wnilam C. McKlnley, M. C. Dwyer, S. D.
Warmcastle. A.F. Keatting, James Fitzsim
mons, T. A. Gillespie. C. Evans. E. H. Mathews,
H. Rohrkaste, Daniel Braun, D. P. Evans,
George N. Monroe, John Berry, J P. McCo. d.
W. W. Nesbi it. J obn Paul. John Murphy, John
Collins, A. C. Robertson, Evan Jones.
School Directors (consecutively in pairs
and tnos except where singly stated between
semicolons) John J. Maloney and Bernard Mc
Ginnis, R. J. Hemingray and S. M. Benbam, G.
Diehl and Theo. Havekotte, C. S. Shaw and J.
C. Burger, P. Barrett. T. Crowley and D. J.
McLaughlin (short term), David Sltzler and
Hugh Adams,!!. G. Miller and Theodore Doer
mnger, George Booth and T. R. Roach; Peter
P. Seibert: Charles Dugan and John Cooney,
J. H. Voskamp, D. J. Evans and J. F. Slagle:
J. J. Green; J. N. McMillan and a B. Waugh
tcr, Wi liam Holmes and William McElroy,
Dr. J. J. McGrew and L. O. Frazler, H. M.
M;ers,George W.Given (longtenn) and Charles
Stewart (short term). George Garrison, Charles
North, D. Huoliban, John Kummer. B. H. Pea
body, A. A. Gettys. C. 8. Gray, Thomas D.
Davis, Joseph A. Tisen. A. H. Edwards (long
term) and E. J. McLaughlin (short
term); Casper Haley (long term), F. B.
Laughlin and Ch.irle- Bradley (short term),
James Berry and W. H. Craig. C. Sode and U.
H. Stolcnbacb, F. Eglcsdorf and C. B. Dietz,
A. Wallace and C. F. Spinneweber. W. E.
Hamilton; Cbarles Zimmers and A. J. Locke,
H. W. Sellers and B. S. Barker, Cbarles Mazill
and N. M. Garland. O. S. Hershman and Wm.
Boehmer, John Smith, P. W. Jovce (long term)
and C. Gallagher (short term); Jamei Madden,
John Collins (long term) and John Shaugh
ncssy and A. Reenter (short term), O. H. Mc
Murray and W. P. Linhart, A. G. Btreib and
M. W. Keefer.
Assessors (likewise named consecutively)
Albert Conwell, Joseph Wilson, James A.
McKee, Michael Coakley, J. L. Hamilton,
William Schummer, James D. Brooks, Joseph
Kranse, Dennis Lyncb, J. P. Will Ison, James Mc
Mjuus Andrew Marshall, Geo. WiIon. Georse
Horn, Andrew Wilson, H. Smith, Owen Keliber,
David Walker. William Sprague, J. AMcMinn,
Randall Morton, John Grant, James Austin,
Henry Fisher, D. Baldwin, Michael Bodgers,
J.E. Flynn, Fred. Figer. Georgo W. Silk,
Joseph G. Hoag, Andrew Engle. S. Golden,
James Cradduck. William Bond, N. Ballentine.
Constables Peter C-mt, Charles E. Porter,
John J. Sweeney, P. Mclnerney, J. B. Carney,
P. J. Clare. Nathan Gibbons, P. M. Con
nelly. Bobert McLaughlin. William Maneese.
John Cramer, Michael Bohe, John G.
Jones, Thomas Packer, m T. Bowden,
M. H. England, John Rod:ers. John Borland,
Wm.Suter, H.B. Sulley, Wm. J. Ambre, J.
E. Hickey, Alex. Wier, Richard Butler, H. H.
Weeden, T.H.Martin, Jas. Sheran, Lindsay
Davis, T. M. King, Alfred Ter y, Chas. Pirol,
Michael Connelly, H. Buente, A. Feel
In the Twenty-fourth ward the count,ffor
school directors showed that the three Be
publican candidates were elected, but as the
ballots did not specify which were to be the
long and short term directors so that the
judges ordered the ballot boxes to be
brought in, and they will be opened and
the votes counted. It is thought that this
count will change the thing very considej
ably, and-the Democratic candidates be de
clared elected. The candidates in the ward
were: John Murphy. Sylvester Daily, Sr.,
Martin Scberf, HughMcCollough, H. Cole
man and Thomas Phelson. The votes will
be counted to-morrow.
A Fall List of Those Who Will Act for the
Northnidc People.
The report handed down by the same Be
turning Board, for Allegheny, is as follows:
Select Councils (one to each ward consecu
tively) Arthur Kenuedy, H. C. Lowe, E.
Wertlieimer, William M. Kennedy, J. H. Lind
sey, R. II. Gilleford, C. H. Mueblbrunner,
George Schad, M. Harnian, Fred. Euncb. John
K. Hendricks. Morns janstem, jonn r. uoer.
Common Coumcil First, John T. McAuley,
Charles W. Neeb, W. J. Patton, H. G. Watson;
Second. W. A Cruiluhank, W. J.
McDonald, Frank Curry, T. A. Parke, Simon
Druinm, James Hunter, John McKirby, James
A. Bell, H. H. Bu,cnte; Third, William
Swindell. J. G. Ebbert, T. C. Harbison, B. F.
Bynd. B. 8. Thompson. T. Strnpke, Sr., C. W.
Simon. H. Htockman; Fourth. William Bader,
J. W. Stacev, N. H. Stauffer, P.
Walter. Jr., John Vogler, H. C. Robinson,
G. A. Koeblor: Fitth. Adam Ammon, G. I.
Rudolph, C. W. Dahlmyer, C. W.Lightheld. J.
R. Wolf ; Sixth, J. M. McGeary, C. Hteffen, Jr.,
E. A. Knox, William Thomas, F. Stemmler, L.
'rasber; Seventh, G. J. Schondlemyer, F. L.
Ober: Eighth. A. C. Qroetzmyer, A. W. Jack
son; Ninth, D. L. Graham, A. Smith: Tenth,
A. Hunter, C. Detzel; Eleventh, R. Millard, J.
R.Stavton; Twelfth, J. B. Smith, J. Kaiser;
Thirteenth, C. Kuppert, George J. Lappey.
School Directors (In consecntive pairs) A
J. Gibson and W. P. Hunter; W. A. Ford and
T. McMullen; George Lysle, Jr., and H. Al
brecbt; H. Kennedy and G. M. Shlllito; John
Krepps and T. R. Herd; J. H. Cochran and W.
Venning; H. Lenz and William Zoller; H. W.
Minnemyer and S. Dewald; Oscar Lindsey and
W. W. Davis, F. McComb and L. C. Wynkoop;
O. B. Nixon and E. S. Day; Wm.fl. Wagner
and Theo. Myler: J. Carleton and P. J.Kunkle.
Assessors E. Johnson, C. W. Smith, R. Mar
shall, & F. McClelland, D. P. Johnson. J. G.
Harper.M. Younginger, P. Wilhelm, J. J. Grif
fln, Cuarles Tunora, P. Newhart, W. C. Bea, J.
J. Knoellinger.
Constables D. Holmes, P. WRynd, J. Z.
Brown, Edward Powell, C. R. Wilson, D. S.
McKnight J. F. Zimmerman, George Cheat
ham, Bartley Marree, John Wockley, John
Merriman, Robert Hughey, F. Relsman.
Eleventh ward Alderman, Jacob Bupp.
Orders Issued for Their Arrest While They
Are Confined In Jail.
New York, February 23. Inspector
Byrnes this morning received a warrant
signed by Recorder Smythe for the arrest of
Henry S. Ives and George H. Stayner on an
indictment for grand larceny id the first
degree found by tbe grand jury.
The Inspector detailed Detective Yon
Gerichten to serve the warrant on the
Warden of Ludlow Street Jail as the de
tainer, with instructions that if the million
aire defendants should be able at any time
to secure bail in the civil suits on which
they are now held, they are to be turned
over to Inspector Byrnes.
By Confederates for Bis Attack Upon
General W. T. Sherman.
For Yeterans of the Lost Cansa-to M
Established at Austin.
Belli; Bespoadei to by the Soldiers of Both 5ortk
and South.
At a meeting of New York citizens to aid
the National Confederate Soldiers' Horn
at Austin, Tex., General Bosser received a
pretty severe roasting for his remarks on
General W. T. Sherman at a recent ban
quet in Baltimore. Bosser was declared ia
be no gentleman, and his courage was im
pugned. The people of the country, re
gardless of sections, are asked to contribute- -to
the home for the victims of the "Lost
Ne"W York, February 23. The New
York Citizens' Committee to aid the Na
tional Confederate Soldiers' Home at Aus
tin, Tex., met again at the Fifth Avenue
Hotel to-night. Letters were read from
Carl Schurz, General Roger A. Pryor
and General Sherman. It was moved
that subscription lists be placed in proper
hands, and General Jardine moved that the
newspapers of this city be asked to take
hold of the matter, receive contributions,
and print lists of contributors, as many
who could not afford to give large amounts
could and would give in that way. He also
suggested urgent appeals to the churches
and theaters.
Colonel Tom Ochiltree expressed disap
probation of the remarks which Genera
Bosser made concerning General W. T.
Sherman on Friday night at a Confederate
soldiers' banquet at Baltimore.
Major Stewart spoke sarcastically about
Bosser's remark that a Southern gentleman
was good to . whip a Yankee any
day. Major Stewart said he had good rea
sons to doubt tbe truth of the assertion, and
did not think Bosser ever had much reason
to know whether a Confederate could wtip
a Yankee or not.
easily captubed.
Secretary Downing mentioned that ha
happenedto know that Bosser was' taken,
prisoner by a single Union soldier during
the war. There were some men in the South
who were more wind than fight, and dis
played themselves on every occasion; the
wine, he said, was probably bad, or he had
too much of it.
Colonel Matthew Clark, of Virginia, who
is a member of the Society of the Army and
Navy of the Confederate States in the
South, which gave the banquet, said that
had he been there he would have denounced
the language of Bosser, and he did not
doubt that the 300 ex-Confederates there as
sembled hung their heads with shame as
their guest uttered such sentiment.
Major Stewart said that be had very
much wanted an invitation to be present at
the Southern Society banquet, and bad
asked for one as representative of the causa
of the home, but bad not received it,
and that since he had been in the North he
had had more Union soldiers extend tbe
hand of fellowshipand help him than he had
Confederates. He also said that if the
Southern Society could get along without
him that he was mighty certain that he
could get along without tbem, and he did
not care who knew it.
The following appeal was issued:
To the Public:
For over two years the John B. Hood Camp,
Confederate Veterans, of Austin, Tex with,
tbe help of tbe citizens of that State, have
maintained a home in that city for the desti
tute and disabled veterans of the "Loss
Cause." The home consists of an old
frame house and a tent, with 18 acres
ot land. The people of Texas have
contributed over S1,CC0 to buy and maintain
tbe home, and are still contributing: Tbe need
is great. Many applications for admision are
on file, bnt cannot be considered, as the home
is full. Money is needed to erect buildings and
to provide means to provide for the old crippled
soldiers who are obliged to seek shelter there.
The camp now calls on theNorth forasslttance.
That noble body of Union veterans, the John
A Andrew Fo3t 15. G. A. B., of Boston, first
responded by calling on the people of that city
for funds to help their late adversaries, but
now friends and fellow citizens. In tbe per
formance of a sacred duty in earing for their
destitute and disabled comrades. Boston re
sponded liberally. Her noble women hare
organized a permanent society, and are as
work making bedding and clothing and raiilne
monev for these noor old cripples of tbe dead
Confederacy. New York, ever forward in
works ofpatriotisru and charity, most do her
share. We call upon our patriotic men and
noblewomen for aid. confident that the re
sponse will be such that It will swell the wave
of patriotism now sweeping over the land that
shall make this a Union of hearts as ot States.
General Grant said, just before bis death: "X
feel that we are on the eve of a new era, when
there is to be great harmony between the Fed
eral and Confederate."
General Sherman said but a few days ago,
"Any means that will relieve the wants ot the
Confederate soldier made prematurely old by
tbe vicissitudes of a war he could not prevent,
meets my sympathy and I wish you success."
Gen. Franz Ziegel says: "I am sincerely in
accordance with such steps as may be token
for the maintenance of the National Confeder-i
ate Soldiers' Home and will do my part to
wards it"
"Contributions maybe sent to Hon.Cbaun
cey M. Depew, Grand Central depot, New
"Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou
Shalt find It after many days."
Henry A. Barnum, Chairman: Channcey M.
Depew, Treasurer; Oliver Downing. Secretary:
Edward Jardine. M. T. MacMahone. Roger.
A. Pryor. John A. Cockrell, Charles A.
Dana, John B. Paxton, William McEntee,
J. Armory Knox. J. C. Calhoun, Peter E.
Bohene. Hugh J. Grant John H. Inman, Theo
dore Feldstein. J. H. Decosta, S. Cal
houn Smith, E. B. Loring, A. II. Davies,
John W. Jacobus, Eugene L. Levy, E.
W. Baylor, Walter L. McCorkle, Mathew
Clark, George L. Kilmer, J. Armstrong. Fred
D. Grant, Frederick 8. Gibbs, H. C. Falrman,
James B. Mix, Andrew J. Packard, David T.
Wright, J. K. Overton. C. C. Ketcbnm, Lovell
Pnrdy. James Frazer, John A. Wyeth, Citlzeaa
Uncle Snm's Little Joker. '
From tbe Philadelphia Kecord.
The proposition to give more artistic value to.
our coinage is well enough; but what could b
more artistic than the precision with which
tbe great American nickel fits the readily re
sponsive slot?
For Watern'Fcnn
tykania, West Titiv
ginia and OAfo.oirT'
warmer, variabU
PrrrSBTiRO. February 28. lsss.
The United States Blgnal Berries officer ia'
this city furnishes the following.
TiTnn- Thn-'.
7.-0OA. f 3.
10.-00 A. X S
1.-09F. X .8
4:00 r.M .8
7:03 P. M 4
8.-03P. M .
Mnvlmnm tmi. -A
Minimum temp...'.. 2 '
"-, .....a.. .... a
Precipitation. Co
. KTeratsr.ic., 5,8 fbet, afaUof 1,1 feet la tti
tutu hours.