Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 24, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    RBF " ' '' "' THE PITTSBURGH DISPATCH; v-SUl!n3AT"EBKTJART1889. -"" ' ' ' TpVV "r" ' " . ' -'W ; 5 "
Tho Building Association of the Fu
ture to Insure Life and
i . -. . . . . . . x H
tborlzea these corporations to insure tba lires . ineffectual Drotest. is still abroad if DOSsi- NEW ADYERTISEMEKTH. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MEW ADVERTISEMENTS.- .',-;- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -J. '
of tbeso Investors, and in case of tneir death to '.. ,. il: , ' AiV,n,, " - . , ' -' "" "T3B
apnlvtue insurance money to the liauidation ble, more rapacious than erer. And now, , . V
nronoses that alter iyiuk uuriuuut nearly IWO aecaues. ma - . ji , , m, - . . 4 . .B
t (T ttt r " nnoTni! uniirixu Pinnr hvb&vk ihs
a o : 406 and 408 Wood St. Jsllr'HPi ItSw JR
mi irn tut New Goods! New Goods! ' : 1 J I
. -w-a t an.wji v r iiHSr
The East Adopting the Plan and the Leg
islation on the Subject.
iwumiar fob the msrxTcn.1
In a crcvious chapter in The Dispatch
on "How to Get Alone" I indicated in a
general and desultory fashion some of the
.. various "ways and means" by which
building associations might be improved.
Such associations are both a protest against
the insecurity Sf savings banks and a sub
stitute for them, combining greater safety
and economy in their methods and results.
But with all the advantages of these asso
ciations, and no one admits them more
freely than I do, they are not without some
very material drawbacks, and my purpose
in these observations is to induce the build
ing associations of to-day to hold fast,"
in the words of the Apostle, "to that which
is good," and improve as far as possible
on the past. I start out with this proposi
tion, that these associations arc susceptible
of improvement. I can easily recall in
stances in the earlier days of some of these
associations in Pittsburg where the di
rectors purchased large tracts of land and
sold the same to the associations which they
were apparently "directing," thus intro
ducing the Jay Gould Construction Com
pany methods into what ought to be purely
mutual beneficial associations. Time and
experience have educated the stockholders
of these associations, and such speculations
would hardlv be permitted at this day.
One fact became apparent in the early
days of these associations. They were fair
weather concerns. Like the light-draught
shallops ot Columbus, they were not de
signed to stand a heavy sea. They were
not constructed to meet storms or panics, or
conditions in which the member lor lack of
regular work was
ra-ABw: TO TAY
his regular dues. If he was a non-borrower,
of course, he could withdraw when the
"dark clouds gathered," but if he had bor
rowed and paid say, one-half or one-third
on this humble home, it was a very
different thing. When the borrowing
member failed to pay his dues the
association ' had to protect itself.
When it became a question whether
the association should lose orthc delinquent
member, it soon became evident that this
mutual association was almost as stony
hearted as banks or other corporations, and
exercised its foreclosure rights as a matter
of self preservation.
It was apparent that such associations as
generally operated at present, were adapted
to flush times. They do not thrive when
their member.? are out of work, and thus
the strength of the chain is no stronger than
its weakest link. But lack of employment
is not the only test of these associations.
Suppose the borrower and "home builder"
gets sick or dies. "What then? The case
at this juncture islike that of theoldsalt who
fcU overboard. The spectators on the dock
suggested.one a rope,another a plank, while
the "salt" elevated his head lor a moment
to remark that "something had to be done
d quick." If somebody does not step
into the unfortunate's shoes as a "due
payer," the "something" that ensues
pretty quickly is something that Bounds
very much like the word foreclosure. The
association looks out for No. 1, and the
member goes to the wall.
All this is preliminary to the observa
tion that associations ot this kind, which
have to take the times good and bad as
they come, should be adapted, so far &s hu
man prudence can do it, to protect its mem
bers in good as well as bad times. There is
probably no effectual remedy to protect a
defaulting member against his own default.
The association musthave "dues," forwith
out "dues" it must cease operations.
In the East some attempts have been
made in real estate associations to lessen
the hardships of a member's default in this
way. Part of the agreement is that if the
member, from any cause, becomes embar
rassed and unable to meet his payments,
then instead of being sold out by the shcrin
and the accumulations of years, perhaps,
swept away, and to prevent arbitrary legal
proceedings and the undervaluation of
property caused by a forced sale, the entire
accumulation that may have been originally
intended as purchase money will be drawn
upon, and applied as rent until such accu
mulation becomes exhausted, when the
property will revert to the company or socie
ty without loss or expense to either party.
lint even this plan, though just to both
parties, is not without some drawbacks.
What, then, is the true remedy? Obvi
ously a combination of the life insurance
with the building association features. The
building association of to-day very properly
insists on a fire insurance policy to protect
what? Its mortgase investment. But the
member without a life insurance policy his
no certainty of protection lor his invest
ment in case of death or sickness. The as
sociation protects its interests by insurance.
Why should not the member "protect his
interests in the same way ? Is there any
fair answer to this, but one ?
In the East the tendency is strongly in
inis airection, ana wnere omidlng associa
tions fail o adopt it, the trust companies
have taken their place and much of their
membership. The building and life insur
ance features are combined generally with
these provisions:
If the borrower finds that his income is
inadequate to meet his payments he has the
option of changing from a shorter to a
longer period, thus making his payments
lighter and overcoming what under other
arrangements lead to foreclosure of mort
gage. If, on the other hand, an increased in
come justifies him in making larger pay
ments, ne can shorten the period originally
agreed upon and complete his contract in a
less number ot years, thus saving big inter
est Or he may terminate the contract at any
time by paying the present worth on a 4 per
cent basis af all the deferred annual install
ments. Orlin case of death the mortgage is can
celed, the property reverting to the borrower's
heirs in fee simple.
Take an ordinary illustration of its op
eration: A person aged say 30 wishes to
buy only a 52,000 home. He makes a cash
payment under this system of $323 64, and
at the end of a month thereafter begins and
continues his monthly payments as follows:
Age, 30. Eo. of monthly payments, 132.
ot the mortcace. The scheme
title insurance companies shal
persons as may desire them homes, and whose
lives the insurance companies will itsure, also
the real estate, taking as security a mortgage
upon the property as well as the insurance) thus
JPayable by JTonthly Installments.
The purchaser is to pay a monthly install
ment covering the interest on the money in!
vested, the premium upon the life insurance
policy and a small advance npon tho principal
of the purchase. In case of the death of the
purchaser the insurance money will be suffi
cient to discharge the mortgage and thus leave
the home unincumbered to the family of the
deceased. In case of a forfeiture of payment
the property sold is taken by the title insur
ance company under the terms of tho mort
gage, and the purchaser loses the amount of
premiums advanced on the life insurance and
the interest on the mortgage.
Is it not a little singular that this com
bination of house building and insurance,
.which now finds such favor in the East,
was tried in Pittsburg about 16 vears ago
bv the well known millionaire, Ralph Baga-
ley, and met with such a cool reception that
Ralph dropped the experiment right there
and went on making his millions in switch
signals and engines, etc, while the work-.
ingman and home builder continued to
blow his "surplus" into the old-fashioned
building association or "savings banks,"
which do not "save."
JNlr. Bairalev's plan combined novelty.
philanthropy and business in this way:
He owned several hundred acres at Wild
wood Park, near the terminus of Lincoln
avenue, and just over the city line. His
venture was a plea for better sanitary con
ditions, lower taxes, personal comfort, and
more rational eniovment than the average
clerk or artisan could procure in the city.
Large lots were laid out on a park plan and
11 handsome dwellings, ranging in price
from $750 for a handsome three-room Swiss
cottage on lot 40x100, to the more preten
tious $3,000 11 or 12-roomed villa, with two
"broad acres." The hand money for the
Swiss cottage was but 5100, and the balance
was payable in rent at 510 per month. A
hand payment of 5500 secured the larger
cottage, "and the balance was payable in
rent at 535 per month. The buildings were
erected on the latest approved plans,
aesthetic in style, the material and work
manship being far superior to that of or
dinary contract houses.
A hall for concerts and public gatherings
was one of the features of the "infant col
ony," and many inducements were offered
the "better elenient" to select a rural home
at a moderate figure. The landscape was
inviting. The "dsep tangled wildwood"
was there in all its riotous beauty, and the
main thoroughfare was, if I remember
aright, as picturesquely beautiful as the
hedge lanes in the rural districts of "merrie
There was no provision forsaloons or pool
rooms, or such social adjuncts as are fonnd
in larger commnnities, but the publio hali
opened up opportunities lor the discussion
of grave affairs of state. Shanty life and
the ways of the slums were to be unknown
Everything was on a highly moral and
aesthetic plane, so much so that Phil
Knox, of Knox & Reed, jocosely remarked
to the projector that "the essential qualifi
cations for a resident in the "colony"
seemed to be membership in the Episcopal
unurcn ana ability to play the cornet.
The ground plan and environment seemed
to contemplate an ideal American commu
nity, where all the virtues and graces might
thrive, and the Sheriff and the Taxgather
might starve. And the financial induce
ments were not the least attractive feature.
A comparison between Wildwood and the
East End was made, thus:
At tlie East End,
ineffectual protest, is still abroad, if possi
ble, more rapacious than ever. Ana now,
after lying dormant nearly two decades, the
Bagaley germ springs up again through the
stony soii of experience and promises to be
one of the wisest, most practical and most
beneficent features of the "Building Asso
ciation of the Future."
Boss Township, February 19. '89-
Men's Salts, Not Law Suits.
This week we start our trade with a $10
suit sale. On Monday and Tuesday about
000'men's fine tailor-made suits in cheviots,
cassimeres, whipcords and diagonals go for
510. A 510 bill takes choice of. these suits
(nicely assorted as to patterns) on Monday
and Tuesday only, and you'll find it's the
best investment in a suit of clothes you ever
made. Some of them sold as high as 530,
none lower than 522. It's to your own in
terest to see these goods whether you buv or
not, and we'll be glad to show them to yon.
P. C. C. C, corner Grant and Diamond
streets, opposite the new Court House.
Blnrrlaco Ucemea Granted Teiterday,
Name. Kcsldenee.
(Victor JUtthcjs McDonald
(Marie Thereaa CastUe McDonald
Andrew Zelgler..
JEva Schneider....
(William Carroll. Jr., McKeesport
(uenevau. x'lummcr aicaecspon
(Michael ASalllvan .'. Pittsburg
l'lummcr , McKeesport
KateUllrov. Pittsburg
( Karl Kose. Alleghcnv
AY Uhclmlna Zolkc Allegheny
( Thomas Moorliouse Pittsburg
( Ellen Downing Pittsburg
J Edward Grandee Pittsburg
i Anna Koselorc Pittsburg
(John V,'. Hand Pittsburg
.Naomle II. Kdgers Pittsburg
(ThoniasJI. Walton,... Pittsburg
(Annie Madden Pittsburg
(Gottlieb Moll Allegheny
( Kate Mahr. Allegheny
5 James M. Karnes Pittsburg
J Emma A. McBrldc Pittsburg
( Adam Ncckermann Pittsburg
I Maria Moelter Pittsburg
(Adam Lauer Allegheny
1 Henrietta Wclte Allegheny
(James Dean... Washington county
I Jteuecca rnco wasmngton county
5 John A. bhafer Moon township
; Martha Fisher Pittsburg
( William Malcy Pittsburg
(Mary Kodgcrs Pittsburg
(Thomas ti alia jr her Pittsburg
J Ellen Ercwald Pittsbnrg
JAlphonsclambermont Crelgbton station
(Marie Iloulanger Crelghton station
Our Assortment is Always Complete.
P. C.
DAVIS SAMPLE On Thursday, February
a, y Rev. William M. Cowl, Jos. R. Davis
and Miss Clara J. Sample, both of Alle
Thursday evening, February 21, 18S9, W. J.
Wadswokth and Sophbe E. Wiederhold
were united in marriazo by Rev. J. L. Fulton,
pastor of tho Second Presbyterian Church,
Allegheny City, Pa.
To CO months' rent at $10 $2,400
To water tax, five years 75
By profit and loss J2.475
At Wildtvood.
To cash payment on purchase ;.$ 800
To 60 monthly payments at 1,200
To CO months' average interestat$4 240
To CO months' average taxes at?125 75
To 60 months' average life ins. at S2 50. . . . 150
To 60 months' average fire ins. atfiOc 30
To profit and loss 6
By house and lot 52,000
Thus the cost of renting a house
of seven rooms at the East End for a term
of five years, including water tax, was
52,475. Cost of a similar house, same
period, at Wildwood, NOTHING, and a
surplus of 5. In other words, an actual
saving of 52,480 in favor of Wildwood.
The Life and Fire -features and payments
were to be incorporated in an agreement as
Agreement made this day of
A. D. 18 , between Ralph Bagaley. of
Pittsburg, Pa., and
Witxesseth Said Ralph Bagalej hereby
bargains and sells to said heirs
and assipns, Lot No in the plan of "Wild-
wood Park," Penn Township, Allegheny
county. Pa. (no street in said plan to be opened
beyond the lot hereby sold), and, for himself,
his executors, administrators and assigus doth
hereby agree npon the payment of the purchase
money, to deliver to Baid
heirs or assigns, a deed in fee simple, clear of
uii incumurance?, xor me same.
do hereby agree for
executors, administrators and assigns, to pay
to said Ralph Bagaley, his executors, adminis
trators and asslcns, the sum of.
dollars, payable t on the figcing of this
agreement, receipt acknowledged; and on tho
first day of each month hereafter, !..v
on account of principal, and lawful interest on
the balance unpaid,until the whole sum is paid;
also, at the same dates, to pay in like monthly
payments. S on account of Lire Insur
ance, payable in case of death, first to said
Ralph Bagaley, as his interest may appear; and
the sum of S each month in like man
ner on account of Life Insurance, and further
to pay all taxes and assessments on the prem
ises. Witness our bands and seals
1st Yr. 2dYr. UYr. -(thYr. 6th Yr. 6th Yr.
3 TO ib 80 3 81 3) S4 19 80 ?18 70
7th Yr. EthTr. SthYr. 10th Yr. 11th Yr.
17 50 116 31 $15 08 134 112 34
Aggregate of monthly payments $2,432 18
Marginal payments 323 61
Total payments ?2,7K 80
What was the result? I was present at
the "formal opening," and well remember
with what relish the toiler enjoyed the
free ride to the grounds, and the free lunch in
the public hall, and his gushing admiration
for the shrubbery that Shenstone might
have envied, but when it came to buying a
villa five miles from a "sample room," there
might have been heard expressions of,
"Where will we get our beer?" "When
does the last train leave Pittsburg?" "This
spring water is rather soft in summertime,"
and so on, and so on, and the result was
that the eloquence of Auctioneer Drape
wasted its fragrance on the desert air," and
the curtain was rolled down on this Arca
dian picture, with the Drapish remark, that
"if anybody wanted further information
about the ground or buildings it can be had
at my office."
The Tax Vandal, against which these
suburban experiments were a more or less
ANDERSON On Saturday, February 23, at
11:45 a. jr., Nellie B. Anderson, wife of A
A Anderson, and twin daughter of Thomas
McKerahan. (
Nellie has gone to her joys above.
From sorrow, sin and pain.
Accepted through a Savior's lore,
Forever there to reign.
Funeral from her late residence, No. 10 Main
street, Allegheny, on Monday, February 25, at
2 o'clock r. m. Friends of the family are re
spectfully invited to attend.
BIRD Suddenly, at Homestead, on Satur
day, February 23, 1889, at 8 A. M Emanuel
Bird, aged 45 years 1 month 26 days. Brother-in-law
of George Snyder, of Tarentuin, Pa.
Funeral services at his late residence. Third
avenue, Homestead, Monday, at 11 a. m.,
thence to station of P., V. & C. R. R., and
leave on 1 p. m. train for Nineteenth street sta
tion, where carriages will await the arrival.
Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
BARO Suddenly, on Friday at 11:20 p. St.,
Annie S., wife of Edward Baro, in her 39th
Funeral will take place from her late resi
dence, 325 Ella street, Bloomfield. on Monday
morning at 8:30. Services at St. Joseph's
Church at 9 o'clock, Friends of the family are
respectfully invited to attend. 2
DORAN-On Friday. February 22. 1SS9. at
4:15 a. v.. Michael Doran, beloved husband
of .Mary Green, aged 36 years.
Funeral from his late residence, 574 Forbes
street, on Sunday, February 24, at 2 o'clock p.
sr. Friends of tho family respectfully invited.
MAYHEW On Saturday, February 23, 18S9,
Johnson Mayhew, aged 73 years.
Funeral from the residence ot his daughter,
Barbara Mayhew, No. 403 S outhMain street,
Sharpsburg, on Monday, the 25th, at 2 o'clock
p. sl 2
MCDONALD On Thursday, February 21,
18S9, at 12 JL, John McDonald, aged Si years.
Funeral from his late residence, Butler
street, Eighteenth ward, on Sunday at 1:30 P.
m. Friends of the family aro respectfully in
vited to attend,
McDONOUGH on Saturday, February 23,
1SS9, at 12:30 p. M., John, youngest son ot Ed
ward and Elizabeth AlcDonough, aged 1
year and 11 months.
Funeral from parents' rcsidenco Thirty-Btth
and Leech street to-day at 3:30 p. M. Friends
of the family aro respectfully invited to at
tend. VANKIRK On Saturday morning, Febru
ary 23, 18S9, Doeotha Mckee, daughter of
Will h. and Elizabeth V. Van Kirk aged 4
Fnneral services at the residence of her
parents, Forbes street, Oakland, on Monday
morning at 10 o'clock. Interment private at
Allegheny Cemetery. 2
ZIMMER On Saturday. Febrnary 23, 1SS9.
at S A. St., LOUIS Zijuieii, aged GS years 7
months. v
Funeral from his late residence, 128 Pennsyl
vania avenue, Allegheny, on Monday, at 3 "p.
u. Friends of the family are respectfully in
vited to attend.
Misses' Sflrii Eeel Button Boot,
The best school Shoe which
has ever presented itself
is $i
saved on the pur-;
every pair of this
the regular price
All widths from
AA to D.
mi Ti a
Tins PriGe OdIv
430-436 MARKET ST.
Braddock House, 916 Main St,
And see Our New Stores
which are receiving the
finishing touches from
the workmen. Also
look through
And kindly bear it in mind
when you intend purchasing.
Tailors Clotliiers anfl Hatters,
161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny.
We shall
open Monday, Febrnary
a new Jine of Baskets.
Ronnd Waste Baskets, 25c
Square Wasto Baskets, assorted colors, 50c
to SI 19.
Lunch Baskets, SO different styles, 10c to SI.
Market Baskets, 25c to 81.
Flower Baskets. 25c to 79c.
Shopping Baskets. 42c to 09c
Clothes Baskets. 43c, 69c, 99c
Clothes Hamper. 60c to SI 25.
Knife Baskets, 15c to 93c
Another lot of Decorated-front Wall Pock
et', V) to SI 25. '
60 n.w stvl'i SxlO Frames. 25e, 50c, SI, SI 23.
Elegant Cabinet Frames, 25o to SI 25.
Look at OUR BARGAINS in Glassware!
119 dozen Bonded Goblets, only 5c each.
89 dozen Engraved Goblets, only 75c per doz.
Oral Dishes, assorted, only 5c each.
Ficklc.Castor, only 10c.
Ccleiy Glasses, only 15c to 25c
Fruit Bowls, with covers, only 25c
Ruby Pitchers worth 25c, only 15c
Amber Pitchers, only 10c
It a by Pitchers sold everywhere for 75c
only 39c
Another lot of Homo Series NoTels only 8c
50 f tyles Baby Carriages from $5 to S25.
20-inch Gloria Silk Umbrellas onlv SI 25.
Just receired. a new lot of Crockery Ware
Wooden Ware, Tinware, which we are selling
at one-balf the price it is sold for elsewhere.
Fairy Land Has Been Brought
to Pittsburg. ,
Near Wheeling, W. Va
A school of more than national reputation,
offers exceptional advantages for thorough ed
ucation of young ladies in all departments. Li.
brary of 6,000 volumes. Fine philosophical,
chemical and astronomical apparatus.
Musical department specially noted. Corps
of piano teachers trained bya leading professor
irom conservatory oi Htutgart. vocal culture
according to the method of the old Italian mas-
Tea, Dinner
Toilet Sets,
No. 6 Seventh Stbeet.
Telephone 1153.
Undertakers and Embalmcrs and Livery Btables.
No. 512 Grant street, near fifth avenue.
At the old stand line carriages for shopping or
parties or opera at the most reasonable prices.
'Xeleshone 2M. OC3K1S-WSU
Average monthly payment 8 IS 43
Payments for longer or shorter periods
follow the same ratio that governs the
monthly payments. These organizations
have grown so rapidly in Philadelphia that
Senator Stewart, in response to a very gen
eral demand, has formulated a hill which
he presented in the Legislature last week
providing for a legal combination of these
home building and life insurance concerns,
and the Press of that city says of the bill:
To Insure Boph Life pnd Title.
No hill as yet presented to the Legislature
will prove more Interesting than the ono intro
duced yesterday by Mr. Stewart, providing that
title insurance companies may hold and dis
pose of real estate for the purpose of Insuring
homes. This bill Is intended to enable the title
companies not only to sell to people of limited
means homes, somewhat after the fashion of
the building and loan associations, but nan-
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is carefully prepared from Sarsaparilla, Dan
delion, Mandrake, Dock, Pipsissewa, Juniper
Berries, and other well-known and valuable
vegetable remedies, by a peculiar combination,
proportion and process, giving to Hood's Sarsa
parilla curative power not possessed by other
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best blood purifier. It cures Scrofula,
Bait Rheum, Boils, Pimples, all linmors, Dys
pepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indiges
tion, General Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism,
Kidney and Liver complaints, overcomes that
tired feeling, creates an appetite, strengthens
the nerves, and builds up the whole system.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Has met peculiar and unparalleled success at
home. Such is its popularity in Lowell, Mass.,
whero It Is made, that whole neighborhoods aro
taking it at the same timc,and Lowell druggists
sell more of Hood's Sarsaparilla than of all
other sarsaparlllas or blood purifiers. It is
sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared
only by U. I. HOOD & CO- Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
Johx L. Tkexlee. Paul Baueb.
Undertakers and Embalmers, Livery and Sale
Stable. No. S78 and 3S0 Beaver ave. Branch
office, 079 Preble ave., Allegheny City.
Telephone 3416. auS-tt2-2lThSu
Which are- now arriving in
York by incoming steamers.
Lamps, Art Pottery,
Cut Glass,
Bronzes, Clocks,
and Gas Fixtures,
Location unsurpassed for beauty and health.
Ten acres of pleasure grounds. Board excel
lent. For catalogues and references to patrons In
all the principal cities, address
se9-q76-su THE DIRECTRESS.
The Largest and Most Com
plete Stock in the Two Cities.
Bands, Shirts, Pinning Skirts, Flannel and
Cambric Skirts (something new in this toe).
Slips. Dresses, Sacques, Shawls,Bootees:Cloaks
and Caps, Crib Blankets, Spreads and Afghans.
A fine line, principally our own make.
At Moderate Prices.
"We guarantee our styles as new,
work as fine (if not finer) and prices
lower than Eastern houses.
Children's Muslin Dtawers, well-made and
good shapes, sizes 1 and 2, 10c; size 3, 15c: size
4, 18c: size 5, 20c: size 6. 23c; size 7, 25c: size 8,
28c; size 9, 30c; size 10, 33c; size 11, 33c; size 12,
33e; size 13, 40c; size 14, 43c. .
Special values in Ladies', Misses'
and Children's Muslin
Bet. Seventh and Eighth Sts.
.:. KEECH'S .:.
After a mysterious absence of two weeks one of our buyers has re
turned and explains his prolonged trip by a gorgeous display of fairy
like goods that, to quote his own expression: "Come straight from fairy
land." Dainty articles fashioned by the deft fingers of elfin beauties.
Articles so delicate and lovely in design, so extremely reasonable in
prices, that we are charmed by the surprise and are going to give our
friends an equal share of it. Looking at them in admiration, one can
almost fancy the imaginary little sprites at work. We are going to treat
the public to a peep into this wonderland by a grand window display,
the design to be taken from the original fairy palace, where our buyer
was kept captive. His release could only be obtained under the ransom
of a large purchase of their wares (fairies not included) and knowing
the sensation it would create in the matter-of-fact world of commerce,
he willingly purchased the entire stock- We wish to impress every one
with the real beauty and value of these goods and we don't want them
to miss our beautiful window display, which will convey an idea of how
magnificent our miniature fairy land is that we
have arranged in our
New Maimmotb EstaMisbment
2,000 fancy Fairy Candles, to be sold at 5c each, worth from 25c to 50c
Thousands of Fairy Candles at 7c each.
Fancy colored decorated Fairy Candles at 10c each; originally sold at
from 25c to $1.
Fairy Hanging Lamps, with glass shades, at 25c each.
Fairy Candle Sticks, in nickel, brass and burnished brass, with magic
match safe combined, at 25c, 35c and 50c each.
Fairy Candle Sticks of roses and forget-me-nots at 50c, 60c and 65c
Fairy Lamps, brass base, fully equipped with fairy candles and glass
shades, at 60c each.
Fairy Lamps, brass base, fancy decorated china and opalescent shades,
at 75 c each.
Fairy Swing'ng Lamps, handsomely finished and fitted complete, at $1 75
Fairy Swinging Lamps, with beautiful brass base, opalescent prisms, at
$3 50, worth $8.
One lot of handsome Fairy Lamps, with prisms, antique globes and
bowls, at 2 75.
Aladdin Magic Fairy Lamps at $1 25 each.
Floral Fairy Lamp Shades (tulips and roses) fitted complete at 25c and
35c each. One of- the very prettiest things imaginable.
Floral Fairy Candle Extinguishers at 25c and 35c each.
Beautifully decorated paper Fairy Lamp Shades at 5c, 7c and 10c each.
A full line of fancy colored Satin Fairy Lamp Shades at 25c each.
Handsome opalescent and decorated china Fairy Bobeches at 10c, 15c
and 25c each; worth double the money.
JK?"One attractive and beautiful feature of our Fairy Land display
is the exhibition of the Liberty Bell, decorated with beautiful prisms.
New Department Stores,
504-506-508 Market Street, Pittsburg, Pa.
LampiGIass & China Co.
935 Penn Avenue:
To purge the bowels does not make them
regular but learcs them in worse condition
than before. The" liver is the seat of trouble,
must act on it. Tutt's Liver Pills act directly
on that organ, causing a free flow of bUe,
without which, the bowels aro always consti
pated. Price, 25c.
Sold Everywhere..
Office, 41 Mubkay street, 'New York.
.Owing to the property that
we occupy now having to be
sold, we are forced to dispose
of all our goods before April
next. Now is your time to
buy. All goods marked in
plain figures. No old styles.
No shoddy goods. One visit
will repay you.
17 Federal St., AW y, Boyle Block.
Those who contemplate buying
Furniture would do well to call on
us to examine our new spring
goods, arriving every day. The
finest goods that we ever have
N. B. Odd pieces and Fancy
Chairs, left from the holidays, sold
at liberal discounts.
n 1 a
v, V.UWU uUUUilU.
630 Smithfield Street, .
JU in BAN GST Come and see the LATOSOA.
Something entirely new. Also a large assort
ment of gray switches. At MISS MARIE
LANDERS' Artiste, No. 25 Fifth avcHugus fc
Hacke building, upstairs.
Take Sperber's elevator. felO-WSu
Rich Cut Glass
Just think of six vast floors of new spring styles in Furniture, Carpets
and all sorts of House .burnishing Goods! A veritable exposi
tion of anything and everything that'll furnish a
man's house and clothe his family.
Magnificent New Parlor Suites
in the most gorgeous and artistic designs ever produced in this country.
Description can't convey an idea of these goods.
.. They must be seen.
Handsome New Bedroom Suites,
some very unique, exclusive and original makes have been received and
are now on exhibition. They're fine enough for the
palace of the banker, and cheap enough
for the home of the mechanic.
Gigantic Stock of New Carpets,
If you enjoy a pretty sight see Keech's exhibition of new spring styles
iniCarpets: There are all the latest designs of Moquettes, Body and
Tapestry Brussels, Velvets; Ingrains, Oil Cloths Linoleums,
Cocoa and Jap Mattings, as well as a complete assortment
of, fine domestic and Oriental Rugs. Prices are 'as
tonishingly low; Brussels ranging from 50c up and
Ingrains commence as low as 25c.
Curtains and Window Shades,
in every conceivable design and every reliable make. In Lace Curtains
we show all the latest novelties in Irish Point, Cluny and Notting
ham, while our price's are positively from ,15 to 20 per cent
lower than at any other house in the city none excepted.
Goods Sold for Cash or on Credit.
Jll in sirnss
As an actress has been rivaled by that of the veils that bear her name.
We show, undoubtedly, the finest variety in this city, plain and dotted,
narrow and wide borders. "BELLE" JANE HADING VEILS, from
45c to Si 25. Black and Cream. New JANE HADING SCARFS, com
bining Veil and Scarf,
Drapery Nets, newest patterns and lowest prices in the city. This
will be a remarkable
We have every variety of Chantilly, Spanish, Point de Gene Esprit
and whatever the French may be pleased to call their new and fashion
able creations. We have them in all widths and full variety of patterns.
Piano Lamps,
817 Liberty street.
923 and 925 Penn Ave.,
Store Open Every Saturday Night till 10 o'olook.
40 and 45 inches wide, nice goods, choice patterns, from $1 per yard up.
Our Flouncings, at J5i 38 and $2, are not only the newest patterns, but
reserved especially for our sales by the importer, and are not obtainable
elsewhere. New importations of
all widths, from the showy and cheap goods to the finest and daintiest
patterns. The craze in New York for wearing violets
and we show the largest variety in the city of Violets in bunches, Violets
in sprays and Violets in Montures.
Imported, Perfect-Fitting and Half Price,
are the features of a lot of 180 dozen French Woven.Corsets. drab onlv.
Sold heretofore at $1 25 and offered by us, during the coming Week, at j
59c. Come early for this greatest of all Corset bargains, or send U3
your orders by mail A grand line of new
In our spacious, well-lighted Cloak Rooms. Some very pretty new styles
at $3 50, $5, $6, $7 50 and $8 75, worth 50 per cent more.
All winter Underwear and Gloves at about half price, as we must '
make room for spring goods now daily arriving.
510, 512, 514 MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVE.
In our Market
P. S. Observe the display of Muslin Underwear
street window. New styles of spring Straw Hats.