i,-r W" V wl '- ' rS'rx-T7C ;-rTk ' . . v .?- THE' PITTSBURG- r DISPATCH,--' SUNDAY? PEBRTTARYr"24; -"1689; ' -to ,V'i & I I ije Bt&m. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY S, 1SJ6. Vol. 41, No. 17. -Entered at Pittsburg Post teBice, November 11. 1SS7, at second-class matter. Business Office 07 andG9 Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Tliis paper bavins more than Double the circulation of nny other In Ilio State outside of Philadelphia, it advantages as an adver tising medium will be apparent. TEU1US OF TIIE DISPATCH. rOETACI FTiEI IX THE CKITED STATES. DAK.V DisrATCII, One Tear. f 800 'DAILY DisrATCII, 1'er Quarter 200 Daily DisrATcn. One Month B Daily DurATCH, Including Bandar, one rear DAILY DISl'ATCU. Including Sunday, per quarter. 250 Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one month. - SO El'xday DisrATCII, one year. - 150 Weekly Dispatch, one year 1 23 The Daily DisrATCU Is delivered by carriers at 15ccnts per week, or including thebundaycdltloaj at 20 cents per week. Voluntary contributors should keep copies of articles. If compensation is desired the price expected must be named. The courtesy of re turning rejected manuscripts mil be extended when stamps for that purpose are enclosed, but the Editor of Tile Dispatch mil under no circumstances be responsible for the care of un solicited manuscripts. PITTSBURG, SUNDAY, FEa 21, 1SS9. A MOST RIDICULOUS FIASCO. Beyond any comparison, the utter failure of the Tory government and of the London Times to make good their charges against the Home Rulers, is the most instructive thing which has occurred in British politics since Mr. Gladstone went out and the Tories went into power. For months the charges were rung on the newspapers and in Parlia ment on the allegations that Parnell and his associates were knowing accomplices of assassins. Solemn denials were treated with scornful incredulity. Insults were heaped on the Parnellites, and throughout the whole painful exhibition the pretense was kept up of complete proof in possession of the Times. So far did the Government give its official sanction to this course that its Attorney General, Sir Itichard "Webster, undertook the defense of the Times before the courts, and later the prosecution of the charges before the Royal Commission. Now, when put to the test, these scanda lous complaints are found to rest upon noth ing more tangible than the professed infer ences of a few disreputable persons, who need not be further described than as pro fessional "informers," whose own ante cedents, confessed on the stand, destroy the force of anything they might say; and who admitted being moved either by money or even b7 meaner considerations to appear be fore the Commission. ' The worst break-down of all was of course in the case of Pigott, who was held in re serve to swear to the authenticity of the Parnell letters who in fact started the row and whose evidence turned out to be most conclusive that no sort of dependence could be placed on him or in his narrative. It must be remembered that four-fifths of the newspapers of England have been either Tory or Liberal-Unionist The unhappy majority will have an unpleasant time sus taining their party in its treatment of Par nell, and of the whole Irish question. The victory is a great one for the Gladstonians. It must be utterly mortifying to their opponents. THE CLASS IDEA. A striking illustration of the idea of put ting class interests above the public welfare, was furnished in New York the other day by the presentation to the Mayor of a me morial from COO linemen who were opposed to putting the electric wires underground for fear they wo uldlose their employment. It is, of course, doubtful, if the interests of the linemen inspired the memorial. It was the hand of the linemen; but the voice was the voice of the electric corporations. But take the professed view. A measure lor the protection oflife, to make the streets safe and to enable work At fires to be done must be halted for fear that six hundred linemen may lose employment The possi bility that other worK may be furnished the linemen, does not appear to be taken into consideration. The same logic was brought to bear against the introduction of railroads in England because it would destroy the stage lines and road taverns. A more recent form of it is the declaration that a new trunk line with unwatered stock' must not be built because it would promptly knock the hydraulic element out of the old lines. All this is the idea that class interests can be put above the public welfare. It is time for legislation to put a severe quietus on that delusion. As a step in that direction it is a pleasure to notice that New York has at last a Mayor who believes that when the law directs the wires to be put underground, it means what it says. HOW CAN IT BE DONE! 2he far from valuable record which has been made by the New York State Board of Arbitration and Mediation in connection with the New York street railway strikes, produces a rather different effect on the New Tork Press than upon most others. That wide-awake cotemporary thinks that it points out the necessity of having this board "empowered to enforce its functions," and of having arbitration made compul sory. If the Press can indicate the methods by which arbitration can be enforced upon both parties equally, it will make a valua ble addition to the literature of the subject. Its present view seems to be that it can be done by requiring street railways to run their cars, strike or no strike, of course with adequate police protection. But as this is what their charters require already, the ad ditional fact that such companies constitute but a fraction of the interests to be affected by compulsory arbitration, renders that view of little value in connection with the theory of giving an official board the right to fix wages. It is plain that an arbitration, the verdict of which would be binding on one party, and not on another, would be equal to no arbitration at all. It is conceivable that a law might be framed requiring manufac turers and corporations to accept the verdict of a State Board of Arbitration; but how could such a law be passed to enforce the verdict on the workingmen, against their wills? if the Press can devise such a meas ure, then.it will devolve upon it to explain in what respect, the involuntary service of. the workingmen forced upon them at wages to which they have not agreed, would differ from the involuntary servitude forbidden by the Fifteenth amendment to the United States Constitution. The development of individual inde pendence and character is one of the strong est arguments against the theories which would have the State fix the price of bread, meat, light and fuel, if not of clothing and houses, by controlling the avenues of enter prise which furnish these necessaries of life. The same principle appears in its strongest light when we sdfe how individual liberties are involved in any idea of fixing the scale of wages by official verdict and en forcing that verdict on bothides alike, by legal process. " Wc can discuss the new problems of the age a long time without finding any bet ter principles by which to settle them, than the principles on which this Government was founded. A BUI WITH TWO ASPECTS. In commenting heretofore on the grade crossing bill that is pending at Harrisburg, The Dispatch recommended strongly that whatever legislation was made should apply to the whole State, not merely to cities like Philadelphia, Pittsburg or Allegheny. Here was a measure breathing from every "whereas" and "be it enacted" a purely pro bono publico spirit Its primary pur pose was to prevent the destruction oflife at grade crossings by doing away with them. "Why should not the life of the hus bandman be as sacred as that of the dweller in cities? Is not the locomotive as fatal when it dashes across country roads as when it moves at lower speed in more thickly peopled places? It was at least a curious oversight to limit the provisions, if public safety were the only object Bnt the claim is made that a deeper in tent lies behind the bill. The purpose is said to be quite as much to prevent new railroads getting into large cities as to save life. New roads are prohibited by one of its provisions from crossing at grade any street laid out whether opened or traveled, or not, in Pittsburg for instance. The rail road of the future must either jump over or dip under each thoroughfare marked on the map. Considering that streets are now lo cated in every direction through our suburbs, and that the great differences may exist between the levels of streets but a few hundred feet away from one another, it is easy to imagine what a picturesque marvel of engineering the road of the future would present This matured view of the situation seems to have occurred to the Grain and Flour Exchange, of Pittsburg, yesterday, which met and resolved that the omission to in clude the whole State is "fair ground for presumption that the true object of the bill is to prevent new railroads from gaining an entrance to cities of the first and second class." The Exchange also points out that the act would destroy the system of switches now an essential to the conduct of business at many of our mercantile and manufactur ing houses. It is painful to think that another stroke of corporate shrewdness in maintaining a monopoly should be disguised under the philanthropic pretext of saving human life. But without going the length of assuming so sinister a purpose, we feel bound to ob serve that, whether by mistake or design, the bill, if it became a law, might operate just as the Exchange points out Under the circumstances it shonld be set aside, and either give way to a substitute which shall have no such implications, or allow the whole matter to rest in the jurisdiction of the several cities each one of which, after all, probably best knows its own needs. THE QUESTION OF HONESTY. ThcstatementinthecorrespondenceofTHE Dispatch the other day, that the soldiers orphans' schools were certain of discontin uance, by the transfer of the pupils to the State normal schools, is satisfactory intelli gence, if the management of the schools can not be materially improved. But it is a de cided non sequitur, if based on the logic credited to a leading politician, that the management of Senator "Wright's syndicate is perfectly honest; but that since the news papers have got alter it there is nothing for it to do but quit. Newspapers have got some power, but they have not the power to drive out a perfectly honest and proper in strumentality of conducting public business. Too many forms of defiant dishonesty have maintained their existence against the pro tests of the press, for that view to be ac cepted. "Without charging anvpersonal dishonesty upon the members of the syndicate, it has been amply proved that the methods and foundation of this plan of caring for the orphans are not consistent with the rules of strict public conscientious. .The mere fact that large profits are made out of these schools, establishes that point The State does not appropriate so great a, sum to the support of the orphans that large sums of money can be made by those in charge of the schools, without depriving the public wards of something to which they are enti tled. How the morfey is made, has been shown by investigation. Bread and molasses as a diet for growing children in the winter season, is a very good illustration of the process by which the money intended to give these children hearty food, good quar ters, warm clothing and a fair education, is converted into profits for the contractors. Back of all these is the principle that an institution for the purpose of public charity cannot be turned into a money-making ma chine, without an infraction of public hon esty. The funds appiopriated for the sup port of the orphans should be sacred to that purpose. The orphans' schools will natur ally expire by limitation in the near future; but with reference to future State charities, it is well to remember that if anyone is permitted to make them a lever of private gain, it is an abuse in its inception, and is certain to produce scandal and suffering. SACKED TO PUGILISTS. In some parts of this continent the "sacred concert" is a great Sabbatarian institution. Sometimes the sacred concert is served without beer; occasionally the beer is served without the sacred concert The absence of music, and especially sacred music, does not impair the title, though most of the providers of this class of enter tainment are of the opinion that the pres ence of a brass band or a steam orchestra tends to increase the sale of beer. Where the sacred concert is dry, there is usually at least Borne semi-sacred work on the pro gramme. To offset this concession, how ever, there is usually some extravagant ex pression of secularity in 'the way of a bur lesque actress or the like. But to Newark belongs the honor of origi nating an entirely new form of sacred con cert. Beer and music had no part in it, but whisky probably had. The "singers" were professional pugilists, and an audience of Bports furnished an appropriate accompani ment When the musical crash of skin gloves was at its height, and the prominent features of the pugilists were being reduced to a dull level, the chief of Newark's police with a band of sacrilegious officers broke in upon the sacred concert ana arrested all present l It will be seen by this that originality commands little respect in New Jersey, and probably the Newarkers will have to be satisfied with the old style sacred concert, organized on the basis- of- two quarter kegs of beer to every bar of secular music played. ALBANrS PEIZE SWINDLE. "When a taxpayer in New York State wants a little excitement he can always command it by footing up what the Capitol at Albany has already cost The mildest man cannot but feel a little irritated at the amount of unconscionable rascality that huge job has concealed. At present the State Legislature is trying to find out who was responsible for substituting papier mache for oak in the construction of the Assembly chamber's ceiling. The New York taxpayers are beginning to think that it would have been just as well to have allowed the Assemblymen to be corrected by hundreds Of tons of stone ceiling falling on their heads. The legislat ors are conducting the search for the con tractor who put in the paper ceiling with the greatest possible care not to find him or his accomplices. The Committee of In quiry has a Chairman who diligently rules out of order all questions that seem likely to elicit information. He told one member who wished to investigate in earnest, the other day that he intended to rule all his questions out of order whatever they might be. A majority of the commit tee itself is suspected, on pretty good grounds, to be hunting for arguments to prove that after all paper is better than wood for a ceiling. But the ceiling question is rapidly disap pearing behind the immediate need for an inquiry into the behavior of the committee. The House will investigate the committee, whitewash them, and the taxpayers will be asked to look in at another hole in the Cap itol peep-show and see howbadly some more millions are needed to keep the whole build ing from falling apart PABTISAN ABUSE. It is rather surprising to find this asser tion hurled at the public with all the force of capital letters, by the New York Herald: "Only Washington, of the outgoing Presi dents, was subject to as much virnlent abuse, both personal and political, as Mr. Cleveland, and yet "Washington is very well spoken of now." It would be well for the author of this declaration to study the news paper literature of past administrations. Arthur was vituperated as much as Cleveland was, and resembled him, too, in being the object of some very uncomplimentary epi--thets from members of his own party". Pres ident Hayes received more-virulent abuse, and the bitterness is kept up alter he has been in private life nearly ten years. The violence of the attacks upon General Grant far surpassed anything that has been said of Cleveland; and it should be instrnctive to remember that nothing said about the retir ing President has been half so violent as the terms "gorilla," "buffoon" and "tyrant" with which the Democratic press assailed the greatest and best of modern Presidents. Mr. Cleveland has been the object of some unjustifiable attacks, but it is an encour aging sign, that the virulence and vulgarity of these partisan attacks is by no means remarkable among those of the past twenty five years. The admission of new States, requiring the addition of four stars to all the official flags, is almost as great a stroke of business for the flag manufacturers as the bill requir ing the flag to be displayed on all the schoolhouses. Anothee coal trust is created in the news columns of our esteemed cotemporaries. When our river coal men can shut off the Kanawha mines, and control all the coal fields of Kentucky, West "Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania, they may be able to form a combination that will affect prices. But what the combination may try to do is to control the rate of wages for mining; and if, as reported by a city paper, they intend to reduce it to a basis of lc per bushel in the first pool, it will be a lesson on the relation of such concerns to labor, which our labor friends who have been favoring combina tions should lay to heart. As a fact the syndicate hopes to establish this margin above the mining rate, which they can do when they shut off outside competition and not before. Perhaps Bismarck is sending that fleet of four iron-clads to Samoa to find out whether onr coal station is called Pago Pago or Pango-Pango. No smaller expedi tion is likely to make that discovery. It is understood that Mr. Estee is going to have a place in the Cabinet or know the reason why. The Pacific railroads are -under the impression that they ran the Chi cago convention, and after it was over the Western delegates went straight to Indian apolis and wanted to be recognized. If tHey are left out in the cold now, they wish to inquire what is the use of setting up con ventions and beating Gresham. If Pennsylvania shonld adopt the Con stitutional amendment the remark of the Governor of North .Carolina to the Gover nor of South Carolina wonld be exceedingly applicable throughout the State. Inspectob Gkeee's report on the Mc Alisterville school elaborately indorses that institution with the careful reservation that the inspector does not know anything about the food furnished there. As the food is one of the most important matters, the re port seems to suggest that among other vital reforms in connection with the school, it would be well for inspectors to inspect. General Bossee, who was famous 'for his parting certain races in the Shenandoah Valley 25 years ago, is trying to retain that fame by showing what a fool he still is. The vitality of Henry M. Stanley con tinues to rise superior to the many attacks upon it Day before yesterday he was killed by the correspondents, and yesterday he was going to march on Khartoum and clean out the False Prophet One report is about as valuable as the other, the total worth of both put together being repre sented by zero. Zero weather has been a scarce article in Pittsburg for two or three seasons, which makes it all the more trying to have it jurhp upon us as it did yesterday morning. Germany asserts, through the columns of the Cologne Gazette, that "the policy of Germany was bringing peace to Samoa." If Germany will remember the famous say ing of similar tenor, that "the Empire is peace," it may conclude that the phraseol ogy of false pretenses does not pay. , Seceetaey Bayard's foreign policy for the past three months has made an equal display of white feather and white wash. The discovery of thelllinois Central road that it is bound by its charter limitations strikes the railway organs at large as a pe culiarity audacious contradiction of the ac cepted corporate theory that, the only Jaw which corporations may obey is the law of combination. THE ,T0PICAL TALKER. A Veneering of Righteousness The Accent on (ho Dye A Law Aealnst Overcrowd Inff Needed A Society Device. TnEY were showing a clergyman through the composing room of a newspaper which prides itself on possessing aroUgious tone, and strange to say the good man recognized m one of the compositors a member of his congregation. "I am glad to know you work on a religious paper," said the mmtster to the compositor who was busy sticking type. "Yes, this is a of a religious paperl" re- pliea the compositor. "I've just set & prize fight in leaded brevier, and now I'm setting a sermon in solid nonpareil!" And when it was explained to the clergyman that the pugilistic meeting had been given the greatest possible prominence in type while the sermon had been accorded the least he was exceeding sorrowful. . Wires the Johnstown accommodation, west bound, stopped at Stiaoyside on Friday morn ing the cars wero crowded almost to suffoca tion; people were glad to get standing room In the baggage car and on the platform and steps .of the cars. The train was crowded with men who were going to participate in the parades, and men, women and children who wanted to see the marchers. Well, on the Shadyside station platform were many more who wanted to get to town and among them a large number of ladies. A brakeman very sensibly advised the ladies to wait for the next train, but one of them re plied:' "Oh, if we had to hang on the steps we'd go on this train," and this seemed to be the sentiment of all the women, for they man aged to clamber upon the train. Passengers on that train assert that there was considerable danger in the overcrowding of the cars, and in swinging around the corner at Two Mile Bun at a high speed there was great alarm among the passengers. The public itself is principally to blamofor the overcrowd ing in this case, for there was really no neces sity for everybody to make for town upon this particular train. There were plenty more trains after it and I am informed they were not over crowded. The woman who said she would go to town on that train if she had to hang on to the steps very fairly represents the majority of both sexes in this country. The shameful over crowding of street and railway cars is peculiar to America. In Europe the capacity of rail road and street vehicles is fixed bylaw, and transportation companies are forbidden, on pain of fine, to carry more than the car's legal complement. Some such law is very badly needed here. , . "Did you over know of a person dying from a headache, doctor?" asked a nervous young woman of fashion of her pnysician. "No," replied he with a glance at the inquir er's wealth of too golden hair," but I havo known people to get headaches from dyeing." V That extremely brilliant sunset on Thurs day evening preceded a blizzard, as did a simi lar heavenly illumination which occurred two or three weeks ago. It would be very Interest ing to know whether there is any connection, not merely accidental, between the crimson snnset and the blizzard. If one could feel sure every time the sun paints the sky crimson at setting in winter time that a period of ex treme frigidity is at hand it would be very con venient l Three commercial men you might call them drummers had you the mind to were spending the evening together in a hotel room of no great size. They discuss ed many things, did these three, whom we may name Brown, Smith and Robinson, from prohibition, with punctuations of whisky from a flask, to the latest comic opera, with incidental puffs of strong cigar smoke. Robinson, however, out-talked his compan ions: talked all around them, and talked of all sorts of things. Everything the others said re minded Robinson of something he had heard, seen or done. He told stories of great length and microscopical point. This loquacity made Smith and Brown slightly weary. The smoko of three cigars constantly in action made the air heavy, and the whisky made the drinkers rather hot. "Open the transom, will you Brown," said Smith at last. 'That reminds me of ' began Robinson. 'What reminds you? " asked Smith angrily. "Why opening the transom,',' replied Robin son with a look of surprise. ' "Brown, please shut the transom," said Smith decisively. . "Why Old you give your husband that letter to mail, he'll be sure to forget it?" said a nice old lady to her daughter yesterday. "That's why I gave it to him. It is an invita tion to that dreadful Mrs. Blank. I'vo got to send her an invitation for my reception, but I don't want her to come." V I would not be surprised if the atom of con versation reported abovecontains some expla nation of the mysterious failnre of so many invitations to mako a safe passage of the mails. As was noted the other day, there is a ten dency observable in thelatestfashions,and those promised for the spring, in ladies' bonnets and hats to become lower. How universal is the bop among men that the lofty theater hat, which has mado countless thousands mourn, will never arise again! Hefbujuj Johns. PE0MINENT PEOPLE PARAGRAPHED. Mrs. Ole Bull is having a charming new houso built for her at Cambridge, Mass. The Chinese Minister and suit arrived at Washington yesterday morning, from Havana, by the fast mail train on the Atlantic coast line. Mb. Irving said lately of Miss Terry's Lady Macbeth that "she had dusted away the cob webs of a hundred years that had accumulated upon the part," "We are all Socialists at heart," the Prince of Wales is reported to have said to a states man of the old school the other day. The court dress reform is said to emanate from the Prince, who when at Vienna "was much struck with the dignity and propriety of the dresses of the ladies." A plucky and successful young man is M. Antoine, of the Theater Libre, Paris. "When he started that venture, two years ago. his only capital was the $30 a month he was earning as a clerk in a gas company's office. His first two performances were free to all comers. Now his theater is one of the most profitable in Paris. MrS. Cleveland and George W. Childs, of Philadelphia, yesterday acted as sponsors at the christening of the infant daughter of Mrs. and Senor Pedroso, attache of the Spanish Legation at Washington. A large number of prominent people were present. The child re ceived the name of Elisa Macalester Maria Genouena de Pedroso. Miss Fabian, a devoted little English wo man, passed through New York recently on her way to the Sandwich Islands, where she is going as a volunteer nurse to the leper colony atMolokai. She knows that she can never come back to her friends, but sho fcltthatduty called her to that terrible spot and"Sho fol lowed its call with perfeetxheerfulness. The North British Mail imparts this very valuable information: Affianced young ladies in the United States have originated a novel method of announcing their betrothal. They send their friends a photograph of their left hand, with the engagement ring prominently displayed. Some girls present theirflance with a copy of the hand elaborately framed in ivory and silver. Kraszewskl. the Polish author and patriot, who was imprisoned for years in a German fortress, has just died in Italy. He left to his family 82,000 rubles, a valuable collection of paintings, a library of 42,000 volumes, and a largo number of valuable manuscripts. The Imperial Library of St. Petersburg has en tered into negotiation with the heirs for the purchase of these manuscripts, many of which relate to Russia. Dead Men Are Toted Sometimes. From the Oil City Blizzard. 1 It is of little practical benefit to a candidate to send confidence circular appeals through the postofflce to people who are dead, bnt it shows his friendliness and good wilt One Bismarck Silenced. From the New York World.1 The United States Government finds it hard J to checkmate Prince Bismarck, but we have successfully taken in Bismarck, Dak, STEEETS WITHOUT HORSES, Whnt nn English Paper Thinks of the Self Impelled Carriages. The London Standard, commenting upon the new electric omnibus which has been running for the last week or two in the great metropo lis, says: One hardly cares to see the abundant dangers of the streets of London increased by the addition of a number of heavy machines, running at the rate of eight or ten miles an hour. However perfect the mechanical ar rangements might be, if 13 difficult to suppose that the vehicles can be guided with the instan taneousness and precision with which a horse can be pulled up, or turned, by his driver, from the high seat of a hansom or the box of an om nibus, and, indeed, it Is not easy to imagine the condition of the Strand or Regent street when pervaded by self-impelled car riages, moving with the sneed of a fire-engine. The danger to pedestrians rashly attempting to cross the road (aspedestrians always will do) in irom ox one oi these machines wouia De con siderable, and the task of driving a fresh or nervous horse through a London thoroughfare would be -even more formidable than it is at present But, no doubt in time, if electric vehicles were found to succeed, horses would almost disappear from the streets. From the sanitary point of view, this might be an ad vantage; from the sentimental one, it would be very much the reverse. A city which had lost the life and picturesqueness given to it by the animal traffic of the roadways would be rather a depressing place. There would be something mournful, andalmost funereal. In the sight of long files of cars moving along noiselessly and mechanically, impelled by some underground or invisible force. All would be regular, auto matic, and gloomy. It would be the railway as compared with the old mall coach;and the rail way shorn of that sense of swiftness and irre. sisuble power which does so much to restore to us something of the romance of which in so many ways It has deprived us. THE NAPHTHA HABIT. How tho Fames of tho Sinn" Beget Gorgeous Visions of Splendor. Boston, February 23. The latest female vice is intoxication by naphtha. It is not drunk. The fumes of it are simply inhaled, inducing, so the inebriates say, a particularly agreeable exhilaration. Not even hasheesh, It is understood, begets more fascinating dreams or more gorgeous visions of splendor. The girls in the rubber factories, of which there are a great number in Boston and its neighbor hood, are greatly addicted to this novel form of drunkenness. In such establishments naphtha is used in enormous quantities to cleanse the rubber, being kept in big boilers closed against the air. To the valves of these boilers the young women employes readily ob tain access and breathe the exhalations there from, some unlucky accident having betrajed io a cuance experimenter tneaDominaDie secret. The notion is said to have been brought originally from Germany by immigrant labor ers in petticoats. Now the manufacturers pro pose to put a stop to the evil by keeping the valves carefully locked. An overdose of nantha fumes brings on hys terical convulsions and other unpleasant symp toms. The habit, long followed, causes a swell ing of the face and other parts of the body, with dropsy to follow, and sometimes epilepsy. On the whole, it is difficult to know which of these new fangled vices for woman to recommend. There is ether drinking, laughing gas. ana tea eating, besides the naptha. The conscientious pursuit of any one of them will surely lead to the lunatic asylum. You pays your money as one might remark and you takes your choice. REAM FOR THE IKiUGURAL. Telegraph Stations to bo'Locatcd AH Along tho Line of March. Special Telecram to the Dispatch. Washington, February 23. All day long at tho headquarters of the Inaugural Committee Adjutant General Hastings and members of the committee pored over maps of the city as though planning a battle, designating finally the positions of the various divisions of the monster procession of the 4th of March. A new feature is a thorough organization of telegraph stations to bo scattered along tho line of march, from which information can ba given any moment if there occurs an obstruc tion to the progress of the procession or break in the ranks. The headquarters of this service will be at the Capital, in a house thrown up for the occasion, and in charge of Captain Harrington. At each of these stations will be messenger boys and mounted policemen, and tho moment orders are received from head quarters they will be carried post-haste to the omcer to wnom tney are airecteu. General Hastings, Governor Beaver's Chief of Staff, to-day appointed, to take charge of the telegraph station near the grandstand. Colonel Thad K. Sailer, Chief Clerk of the Bureau of Ordnance of the War Department, who is with all the newspaper correspondents, as well as everybody else, one of the most popular of the department officials. It will bo his special providence to prevent the breaking up and straggling of the procession after it reaches and passes the grandstand, as it did to alaige extent four years ago. to the disar rangement of everything, and almost resulting in a fight between two Pennsylvania regiments. ESSICK'S INTENTION SUCCESSFUL. nc Believes it Will Knock Oat Telephones If Nothinc Else. .New York, February 23. Forseveralmonths past experiments have been made between this city, Philadelphia and Pittsburg with a new printing telegraph called "Essick's Type writing Telegraph." Tho latest experiments made on a line 740 miles in length, in all kinds of weather and under unfavorable conditions, are claimed to have been very satisfactory, and as demonstrating the perfect feasibility of the system. The transmitting instrument 'is worked like a keyboard, and requires no special training on the part of the operator. The matter transmitted is received at the op posite terminal and at way stations automat ically on strips of paper three or f our inches wide, in plain print. The operations of this telegraph havo been witnessed-by leading journalists with much in terest, as it promises advantages for newspaper work. The inventor claims that it will largely supersede the telephone. Tho present speed is about 35 words per minute, with a possibility of 0 words. t A CURIOUS COINCIDENCE. A Jndeo Who Decided Against BIcylos Is Soon Knocked Down by One. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Indianapolis, February 23. Just before the Judges of tho Indiana Supreme Court separated on last Thursday to go to dinner, they agreed on a decision offsetting tho rights of bicycle riders to the use of sidewalks. Three minutes later a reckless bicycle rider ran into Judges Coffey and Berkshire, and knocked the former flat upon the stone side walk in front of the State House, injuring him so seriously that bo has not been able sinco to give attention to judicial duties. The decision that had been agreed upon just before the accident was made public to-day, and is of an extraordinary nature. In it the Court holds that a person who "rudely and recklessly" rides a bicycle against a man stand ing on a sidewalk is responsible for damages for assault and battery, and that bicycles havo no moro right on sidewalks than any other vehicles. TO PREACH PROHIBITION. Ex-Mnstef Workman Rankin Engaged to Lecture nt Stcclton. rVBOM A STAFF COmiESrOHIlENT.l HAKMsncno, February 23. Ex-Master Workman Rankin, of D. A. No. 3, K. of L., is highly appreciated in Dauphin county. The ladies of the W, C. T. U. at Steelton have se cured him for seven consecutive nights, com mencing Friday. March 1, to present tho bene fits of the prohibition amendment to the peo ple of that place. The great steel works there employs 3,000 men. For n Change. From the Boston Herald, l ' , The Portsmouth burglar who broke into the smallpox hospital up there the other night will now proceed to break out. DEATHS OP A DAY. Sister Mnry Cccilln Smith. lULTiiioitE, February 23. Sister ilary Cecilia Smith died Thursday at tbe Convent of the Visita tion, this city, In the 81st year ofher age. Sbcwas the widow or General. Ferslfer h: Snath, of tile United States Army, who was a distinguished officer in the Mexican War. Jl was a native of Philadelphia, aud died In Kansas City In IS58, while on his way to take command orthe Utah ex pedition 'of that year. Henry McShane. Haltimore, February 23. Henry McShane, the widely-known bell founder or this city, died this morning at his residence, at Mount Washington, of heart failure, aged 62 years. Tho McShane fonndry Is celebrated for the pnrlty of tone or bells produced, and of late years orders have been received trom nearly every country in the world. JUarllu A. Howell. NEWBBtrNSWiCK,Tf.J February 23. Ex-Mayor Martin A. Howell, one of tho wealthiest business men in the city, died this morning after a short 111-' ness. Ho was born In 1804. CAPITAL GOSSIP. - " The Royal Magnificence of This Great Re public A Crash at the President' Re ccptlon Both Jndgo nod District At torney Played Poker. Special Telegram to Tho Dispatch. Washington, D. C, February 2a Contrast the advent of the first Republican President at the National Capital with that of the first Republican President after the brief, uneasy Democratic dream of four years. They are the two Presidents who have come out of the West one from Illinois and the other from Indiana. Lincoln came as the humblest priv ate individual might come, as any ordinary passenger of a railway carriage might come, and so unostentatiously that even.his watchful enemies could not follow his movements. Har rison comes in the magnificent private car of a railroad king, with such finish and furnishing as one would hardly find In the old royal pal aces of tho East. Lincoln had one room at Willard's Hotel, a plain ordinary room, in which I have often sat without feeling that it was too fine, even for a lowly Bohemian like myself. Harrison will occupy a splendid sulte-of rooms in a detached and exelnrtert nnrtlon of the Ar lington, which are given only to persons of royal blood, kings and queens of the footlights, money magnates, such as tho Brazilian Em peror, the Prince of Wales, tho Marquise de Caux, otherwise Adellni PattI, Boulanger, Chamberlain, and a host of Lords, Dukes and so forth. It is to be newly furnished for this occasion at an expense of thousands of dollars, with richest rugs and draperies of the Orient and the rarest woods of San Domingo. magnificence of n Repnblic. Somebody at my elbow reading the descrip tion of this car and these apartments complains that this is a departure from the simplicity of the fathers, with which allegation I heartily disagree, for I am convinced that if Washing ton and Adams lived in this day they wonld have courted all the magnificence available in tho way of private cars and magnificent apartments, for they were firm believers in the theory that rulers should be exclusive and awe the people by their lofty bearing and superior manner of living. This statement may sur prise some who read it, but it can be found in black and white in the early records. It was even seriously discussed whether there should be such a performance as popular receptions, and the negative of the proposition had for its supporters many of the most distinguished public men of the time. When one witnesses the insane rush of these receptions by persons who are moved by mere curiosity, one is led to regret that tho fathers of the Republic did not put their feet down upon this practice so vigor ously as to prevent forever the possibility of men and women making fools of themselves as they do in -great numbers almost every week unless the weather be exceedingly fonl. But, really, the use of this magnifi cence in the indnction of a President into office is a good thing. It sets a good example to the poor, and comparatively poor, people of the country. Thevare learninc that under a scientific system of production and distribution it would be possible for all men to ride in mag nificent railway and other carriages and to oc cupy rooms luxuriously furnished, and I am glad to accept all approaches to royal magnifi cence in our democratic country as the har bingers of things to be for everyone. The Jqdgo Played Poker. Representative Littleton Wilde Moore, com monly called "Lit" by.the boys, member from the Eighth district of Texas, is certainly dis tinguished in a way that cannot be claimed by any other Congiessman who has ever graced the Hall of Representatives. A few years ago ho was a Judge in his county, but that fact did not prevent him from being human and part of the jolly Judge's human nature was never to refuse a band at poker. At that time the laws of Texas, or at least that part of it were very strict in opposition to gambllne, and, strange as it may seem, it fre quently happened that the officers of the law invaded private rooms and brought devotees of the great American game to book, though they were friends and merely playing a "little harm less social game of penny ante," While Moore was Judge he was caught in the act. His dere liction was presented to his own grand jury then in session: and the jury promptly found a true bill against the Jndge for gambling. I am sorry not to conclude the yarn by describ ing the trial of tho Judge with himself upon the bench, but biographical truth demands that I record the lamentable fact that the in dictment was pigeon-holed by a District At torney, who himself knew the value of ace high or a pair of deuces with a big bank account be hind them. A Mntter of Locality. Mlssourians, withont regard to party, speak in terms of the highest praise of John Willock Noble, of St. Louis, who is said to be tho choice of President Harrison for Secretary of the In terior. His ability and gentility are vouched for. In fact, for some of tho rank and file of the Republicans the reports are too compli mentary to the aristocratic characteristics of the gentleman. "Well, If he is so fino haired as that," said one of this class, "I hope he won't get the place. We don't want any dudes in tbi3 administra tion." "Well," said a Missonrian, "Noble is not a dnde, but he belongs to the silk-stocking ele ment. There are two classes of Republicans in Missouri, th e silk-stockings and the hoodlums, and Noble belongs to the former." "Oh, well, he's aa right, then," said tho ob jector to dudes; "a Missouri silk-stocking would be Washington hoodlum." Palmer in thp Cnblncr. Though little has been said of Senator Palmer of late in connection with the Cabinet, lam. privatelymformed by very good authority that that gentleman can have a position in the po litical household of President Harrison ff he will accept it. I earnestly hope he will be the Chief of the Department of Agriculture, and organize that promoted bureau into a sensible arm of the Government, for the promotion of the interests of the farming and stock breeding world. As heretofore conducted the bureau hasbeecrmalnly a burlesque of the practical,and it requires some one enthusiastic in the work and understanding what is wanted to take hold of it and give it at least the importance that is now attached to the Departments of State, Army and Navy. I know of no man better quaiinea now in pudiic mo ior mis wore man Senator Palmer is. and echo a hODe of a vast number of people who love the soil and its as sociations that he will bo found in this place soon after the 4tb of March. E. W. L. MRS. LESLIE HAS SOLD OUT. All Her Weekly Pnblicntions Have Been Transferred la XV. J. ArkcII. Cahajohakie, N. Y., February 23. Mrs. Frank Leslie has sold to W. J. Arkell, of Judge, her weekly illustrated papers, both Enelisfc and German, the transfers to be made May L Mrs. Leslie will retain and personally direct her other publications. Mr. Arkell refuses to state the price paid. He says the policy of the weekly will remain the same aggressive and independent. The present force will be retained and new skill added. Mr. Arkell said be had been negotiating with these papers since 1883. Where Executive Ability Failed. From the Indianapolis Journal.1. An Atchison woman, with a'family of girls, reared them up with tbe fixed determination that not one of them should ever marry a Mis sonrian, a Democrat or a man named John, and the very first one to go married all three. Hotter Walt Till They Foot the BUI. From Texas Sifting!.! Don't let's bo in a hnrry about annexing Canada. Montreal is going to spend W.000,000 in harbor improvements, which will save us -that much money if we can only wait. Just So. From the Lawrence (Mass.) American. . ThMbct is, the newspapers have outgrown the oSFlaw of libel, and there is need of a change. The Legislature will do well to look to thq subject. A LEGAL SECRET. 'Twlxt two dull legal leaves It lies, An old unfinished valentine; "If you love tne as I love j on" That's all one tender, time-dimmed line. Ko, not quite all, for here's the date, "Feb. fourteenth, seventeen ninety-three;" And Just above is faintly traced. In faded ink, 'To Dorothy." p dusty tome! you've guarded well The secret of this billet doux; You're near a century older since Some love-lorn lawyer trusted you. Was It the longed-for client's knock. When he this single line had traced, That made him start In sudden shame And hide his rhyme with guilty haste? "Ifroa love me asI love you" I wonder If she did or no; I wonder if she was false or true, This "Dorothy" pflong ago. Ab. welll it cannot matter now. And yet, above earth's busy stir, Perhaps, who knows, somewhere, somehow, She still loves him as helove3 her. Jennie P. BUD in Life. ., . SOLDIER LEGISLATORS. Some Gay and Pathetic Stories Told by and of tbe Old Warriors. rrBOX A STAFF CORBXSrOXDEKT.J Haebisbubg, February 23. In the absence of the Legislature, soldier stories were one of the special orders of the day. There is a large number of soldiers in the House, but the dis cussion was confined to a few. One of the few was Captain Clay, of Elk county, and this good story was told about him: It was after the war had ended, and Captain Clay was stationed in a Virginia town as Pro vost MarshaL The orders bad gone out that the Confederates might wtar their uniforms, but they were to remove from them all military buttons and insignia of rank and were not per mitted to carry side arms. One day Captain Clay sat in front of his of fice, when Confederate General Rosser rode by, on bis collar the gold stars of his rank, and his uniform covered with buttons of gilt. As he passed,he took occasion to curse the Yan kees and show.his contempt for the North gen erally. The rebel officer halted at a hotel near by and went in. Clay called an orderly and told him to take a squad of men, go up to tbe hotel and tell the rebel General to remove his stars and all the Confederate buttons on his uniform. The orderly carried out his orders, and returned to Clay with the information that the General had refused to comply with his request. "All right" said Clay.. Toward evening rebel General Rosser came out of tbe hotel, mounted his horse and rode toward Clay's headquarters. As he neared them tbe Captain sent his orderly out to halt him. Rosser hadn't bargained for this. "What do you mean, sab?" he asked. "General," said Captain Clay, "yon received my request, and knew that under the terms of surrender you had no right to wear yonr in signia of tbe rank and the Confederate button on your uniform?" "Yes. sab." "And you refused to -comply. The first duty of a soldier is to obey orders. This you also know." Rosser was abashed. He didn't say a word. Then Captatn Clay told his orderly to cut the stars and buttons from the General's uniform, and right there in the road the orderly took out his knife, and one by one removed the stars and buttons, Clay looking on com placently. When tho rebel General rode away It was with a 'saddened heart. He had learned a lesson. To day be la a famous railroad man ager, and Friday night he made a speech abus ing Sherman. Captain Clay ought to get after him again. Another fine soldier on the Democratic side of the House is Captain Skinner, of Fulton county. One of his 'comrades said tbe gallant Captain had pawned his watch, as though it were an everyday occurrence, to buy tobacco for his men. A gentleman who was at the Erie Encamp ment said that when the encampment was dis cussing where to hold the next meeting, an old Potter county veteran arose and started off on a speech favoring Williamsport. His voice wa3 shrill and be did not make himself very plainly understood, which made some of tbe boys tired, and there were cries for bim to "cut it short." At this the old veteran straightened up, paused a moment, and then in a voice that cut dike a knife, he said: "Comrades, I am Post Commander of a post named after my son, who was killed while fighting under his father." No need for further appeal to tbe gallant men who wore the blue. Eyes filled with tears, voices were hushed and the veteran was given respectful hearing. Simpson. GOSSIP OP GREAT GOTHAM. Might Have Been Suicide. SKW TOBK BUREAU SPECIALS. New Yobk, February 23. Thomas Sehultz, a middle-aged man living in Brooklyn, reported to the police this morning that his wife bad committed suicide during the night. An inves tigation was ordered, and it was found that the woman's death was caused by a pistol shot, and that tho conple had quarreled during the night. Sehultz was detained to wait the ver dict of tbe Coroner's jury nnn-7 Hill's Pavilion Raided. Early this morning the police raided Harry Hill's "Pavilion'' at Flushing. L. I., while a cock fight was in progress, and arrested 15 par ticipants. Berry Wall's Unpnid Tailor's BUI. In a suit tor a small tailor's bill to-day, the attorneys for the tradesman moved that E. Berry Wall, once tbe prince of the dudes, be held in contempt. The young man's lawyers pleaded that his failure to appear and answer was duo to the death of his brother in Cali fornia. He was given further delay with 30 added costs. Turn About Fair Play. Mr. Alfred A. Liscomb will start to walk from this city to Washington next Monday morning, inpayment of an election bet made with George Griffith, of Philadelphia. Griffith walked from his home here to sec Mayor Grant inaugurated, and now the Democrat is to pay his penalty. Actor Iieverson Blast Support HI Wife. Arthur Leverson, the actor who was arrested on the complaint of his wife, Kate, for aban donment and failing to support her, was before Justice Duffy at Jefferson Market Court, to day. Leverson agreed to pay his wifo $10 a week pending the divorce proceedings he has instituted against her, and was discharged. A HOG DIES OP GRIEF. He Refused to Eat After Ills Master Died and Starved to Death. Philadelphia. February 23. The em ployes or the gas works and the dwellers in the vicinity of Twenty-first and Bainbrldge streets are in mourning for the loss of ''Prince," a well-known canlno who died early yesterday morning.' He was the property of William Harrison, of No. 2043 Bainbridge street, and for 23 years an employe of the gas works, who died on Friday last. "Prince," upon the death of his master, became inconsolable and refused to eat. Since the day of Mr. Harrison's death he ate but ono meal and went around the house moaning pit cously. He was 8 years old. He was a cross between a Skye and a Scotch terrier and was an unusually large shaggy dog for theireed. "Prince" was noted for his intelligence, and always accompanied his master to work. He grew weaker and weaker day by day from the time of his master's death nntil he finally suc cumbed to sorrow and exhaustion, absolutely starving himself to death through grief at the loss he had sustained. "Prince" was noted in bis lifetime for his loving disposition. BALLAD OP THE BLIZZARD. The Weather Done Up, Figuratively and Literally, ia Poetic Guise. The Associated Press, that usually staid chronicler of passing events, last night sent out the following effusion on tbe weather in tbe Northwest. It will be noticed that as the poem proceeds it becomes more and more stac cato, and it is believed that at the end of the last line the wrath of tho blizzard overtook the poet, freezing him so suddenly that he broke off as he was turning the crank of his poetry machine: ST. PAUL, February's. The people of the Northwest, in furs and woolens muffled. Are experiencing the coldest weather, with feel ings all unruffled. The mercury this morning here was 23 below. While other towns were freezing with 52 below. Minnesota felt the latter with tbe former at St. Paul, And the Ice King grew the fatter at the shivering or all. Baseball was abandoned and croquet was laid away: The "cranks" were grave and saddened, and the picnickers were not gay. The Signal Service folks reported the cold wave 2,000mlle3wlde; From Missouri it cavorted past the Arctic's frozen tide. At Grand Forks In Dakota and Daluth, Minn., it was 40 degrees below. It was without doubt a very cold day in Dakota, where was badly drifted snow. For a time this blockade all the trains had delayed for a short time. But some vigorous hustling and very live bustling brought trains on time. To-nlghl it is no colder, Althoughprophets grown bolder Said it would be. A warm spot In Montana . Gave promise to very many that warmer It will be. CDRIODS COHDESSATIOKS. The morphine craze is growing. A Portland, Me., manufacturer has made and sold 25i000 hypodermic needles since 1888. The "postofficetj Mineral ;Point, Col., 12,000 feet above the sea level, is the highest postofflce in the country. But the postmaster says his salary is about the lowest A bHl has been presented to the Pros, stan Parliament for extending and improving the railway system of the monarchy at an esti mated total cost of nearly 157,000,000 marks. An enterprising editor in Nebraska, wanting to boom the matrimonial market of fers to send his paper free for six months to every couple getting married in the county. Guns are now being made so powerful that the objects which their missiles are in tended to trike will be out of sight. Conse quently the guns can only be directed by the A Georgia couple, believing in the say ing that a fruit cake improves with age, kept tneir wedding cake until last week, when, with their children, they ate it. The cake was IS ye ars old. W. Von der Wettern, a Baltimore sportsman, has a collection of deer horns that are valued at 310,000. The finest specimen is from a black-tailed deer killed in Colorado. It has 15 prongs. In Stockholm they have not yet feff ished honoring Jenny Lind. A new street has' just been called after her, and a sculptor has recently finished a statue representing her in the costume of Norma. Six workmen of the late Thomas B. Peddle, Newark's millionaire, acted as his pall bearers, aid over 200 of his employes attended the funeral. All tbe public offices in the city ,wcre closed a portion of the day. The clergyman in an English town, having published the bans of matrimony be tween two persons, was followed by the clerk, reading the hymn beginning with these words: "Mistaken souls, who dream of heaven." A great live eagle has been seen on the ice on the North river, near One Hundred and Eighth street. New Yonr. for the last two or three days, and many hunting parties have been formed to capture it. As yet they have been unsuccessful. A Brewer (Jle.) woman, while hanging out her wasb, discovered what appeared to be a patch in the hem of a skirt, and, investigat ing, found it to be a $5 bill, which she had long before sewed into the hem for safe keeping and forgotten. About 100 jears ago a man named Droz made a very curious clock. Upon the tqp sat a negro, a shepherd and a dog. When the clock struck the negro played six tunes upon a flute, and the dog moved toward him, as though glad to see him. A burglar in Wheeling who awoke one of the sleepers in a house he was ransacking, wasn't unnerved in tho least by the query, "Who's there?"' He replied, "Never mind, you've been dreaming," and then continued his search for valuables. A cyclone lifted a vessel out of the water at Disston City, Fla., carried it some dis tance, and then dropping the craft, drove its mast so far into the sand that the stick conldn't weU bo drawn, and therefoie was cut oil in order to release the boat. A Scotchman, in the picturesque and airy costume of the Highlands, boarded a train at Lyons the other day bound for Nice. Two French ladies were in the carriage, and the moment the Highland laddie made his appear ance they were terrified, and rushed on the platform yelling for help. The Chinese Times says: Some time ago tbe imperial armory at Peking, called the Wu Pi-yuan, received instructions to prepare for the use of His Majesty's marriage 260 pairs of boots. These boots have since been com pleted, and on the 9th instant they were packed in boxes and conveyed to the managing depart ment of the imperial household. At weddings among Germans in the Southern colonies 150 years ago, the grooms men attended in their beautifully embroidered white aprons. Their duty was to protect the bride from having her slipper stolen from her foot. If anyone succeeded in capturing it, the groomsman paid a bottle of wine for the loss, as the bride s dancing depended upon it. Paper doors are said to be great im provements over wooden ones. They are formed of two thick paper boards,stamped and molded into panels and glazed together with glue and potash and then rolled through heavy rollers. After being covered with a waterproof coating and one that is fireproof, they are painted, varnished and hung in their usual way. t The Prussian War Minister has just published in two volumes a history of the colors of the Prussian army from 1807. It appears that In tbe campaign of ISO! and 1S6U, 99 stand ards were pierced by balls. In the campaign of 1870 the number of regimental colors pierced was 151. The flag of the Seventh Regiment of Infantry was hit by 23 balls in the single battle of Mars-ia-Tour. In the entire Franco-Prussian war 33 Prussian standard bearers were killed while holding their colors. The process of imparting to wood some of the special characteristics of metal has be come of considerable industrial value in Ger many; the wood surface, by this treatment, becoming so bard and smooth as to be suscep tible of a 'high polish, and, on being subjected to a burnisher of glass or porcelain, the appear ance of the wood is in every respect that of polished metal, having, in fact, the semblance of a polished mirror, but with this peculiar and advantageous difference, namely, that, un like metal, it is unattested by moisture. One of the most remarkable engineer ing feats appears to have been achieved in China, in the face of extraordinary physical difficulties, namely, the successful stretching of a steel wire cable of seven strands across tbe river Lunann, this feat having been accom pilshed by the Danish engineer, Delinde, as sisted only by unskilled native labor. The cable extends between two points, at a distance of nearly 4,700 feet apart, the height of the first support being about 450 feet above the present level of the river, and the second about 740 feet. Tho cable rn question is said to be the longest In the world, with a single exception, namely, the cable across the Kistna, measuring some o,070 feet.. There are also two cables across tbe Ganges, of 2,900 and 2,830 feet, re spectively. CLIPPED BITS OF WIT. A Social Veteran. Ted What did Giles mean by saying Miss Lovelorn bad a war record? Ned That she had been in many engagements, I suppose. Sew York Evening Bun. Appreciation. Bjones There's not much, encouragement to be good In this world. Merritt We never thine so until we are caught doing bad. Sew Yofk Evening San. An Impossibility. "Perkins is trying to be a Cynic, I understand." "Oh, yes; but he'll never succeed so long as he regards himself as perfect-" Pue. "What is the future of Irelandl" ex claimed the Senator, in earnest tones. "Ireland." said the new school ma'am, calmly, "has no future; It is a noun." Boston Beacon. A gentleman addressing the scholars of a large school observed among the decorations about the room an American flag, and said: "Children, can any ot you tell me why that flag was hung there?" "To hide the dirt." quickly responded one sharp boy who had assisted In mak ing the preparations for the occasion. Christian Advocate. A Sad Pleasantry. Emigrant I'm great ly discouraged. As soon as my relations here found I had no money they would "have nothing to dowlth me. Solitary Friend You won't mind that In a few days, ouraine over In the steerage, you see, and you are not yet used to people giving you a, wide berth. Sew York Evening San. Satisfaction Wanted. Magistrate (to Mrs. Con Kelly) Yon claim, Mrs. Kelly, thai Mrs. O'Toollhan gave you that bruised and black ened face? Mrs. Con Kelly-She did, yer honor; or I'm. not Irish born. Magistrate And what you want is damages? Mrs. Keby-Naw, sir: I want satisfaction. I have damages enough. Jlarper't Magazine. tfSCLE SA3f O THE EAGLE. The eagle's been a settin' round a holdin' flags and things. Ornamenting silver dollars with a qucerish pair of wings, Andalookln kinder sleepy, butef heshouldiee a cause, , Yew wiUsee his eyes a blazln'and bc's'sotthe same old claws. Albany Journal. "What do you feed your while rabbit, Tommy?" inquired Mr. Blldus, who had called to talk politics with Tommy's father. "The stubs of papa's cigars." was the reply. "Why, doesn't tobacco mako the rabbit sick?" "Who said anything about tobaccoj I gness you never smoked one of papa's cigars." Just then Tommy's father appeared, "Have a cigar. Blldus," he said, cordially. "X never keep any but the best and you can depend on these." '"Thank you," said Blldus, feebly, "bat I promised my doctor this morning to stop smok ing. Vm threatened with paralysis, you know." Chicago Sews. ll , L'ins&M&::i