THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH,, SUNDAY, -PEBRTTAKY 24, ' 1889. xSi 'J?ii. A'NEWFEEELlfiRART e Carnegie Gift to Braddock to be ft. Utilized Tnis Week'. ... . . W SKETCH OP THE KICE EDIFICE yTHat Cost Its Generous Donor in the Heign ; torhood of $100,000. ALL EEADI ON THE LDICATOE TLA3J ' JIht handsome new Carnegie Free Library, injBraddock, of which an excellent sketch is published herewith, will be opened to the . public as soon as the "tabbing" is done probably this week. There will be no special service of dedication. The citizens of Braddock have much to be grateful for in tbis gift from Mr. Carnegie, as in this elegant building they can, without cost, obtain works that will enlighten them on almost any subject. The first in stallment of books, about 1,200 wilumes, arrJTed January 15, and and the remainder have since come to hand. All the best illustrated papers on the Con tinent, such as Puck, Judge, Life and the Graphic, will be kept on file for the lovers of this kind of literature. Harper's, and in fact all the best edited magazines in this country and Europe have been subscribed for. The management has secured printed regulations, and everything in connection with the library will be carried out system atically. It will be open to all residents of Brad dock. and to every workman at the Edgar Thomson Steel "Works, no matter his station in life may be. Any person desiring to become a member will only be required to make application to any of the officers. TEEY LITTLE RED TArE. He will then be furnished with an admis sion ticket, then all that remains to be done to become a member in good standing will be to present the same to the librarian, when THE COMPLETED AND OCCUPIED CARNEGIE LIBRARY. the applicant will be supplied with a card of membership. The directors have decided to adopt the "Indicator System," and they now have one in course ol construction at the steel works. It took some time to finish it, as there are 5,000 small blocks of wood in connection with it, and these had all to be carved out by hand. The volumes will all be arranged in al phabetical order in the catalogue, and any person desiring to find any book will only have to look at the indicator to find whether it is in or out. The letters and figures on the face of the indicatorwillbe made to cor respond with the letters and figures on the catalogue. The Welsbach incandescent system for lighting the interior has been adopted. It has been decided that the library shall be opeii fir admission from 10 o'clock in the morning until the same hour at night. The library building stands out promi nently on Burton street, one of the prettiest and most centrally located thoroughfares in the borough; is within a stone's throwof the Pennsylvania Railroad depot, and not over S00 yards trom the Baltimore and Ohio. In 1886 ilr. Andrew Carnegie conceived the idea o! furnishing the workingmen of his big mill with such a place for the edu cation of the mind. He purchased aplot of ground with 150 leet iront on liurton street, extending back along Parker avenue 190 feet (from the Parker heirs), the sum paid, it is said, being $5,000. He then donated 50,000 for the completion of a building. This snm is ONLY ABOUT ONE-HALF of what the building really cost, however. The structure is of solid rough-faced stone from Ohio quarries, three stories high, and of the Romanesque style of architecture. It surrounded by Deautiful walks and a road way. The main entrance, which is on Burton street, is surmounted by a heavy stone arch, above which the stone work is carried up to ,a Romanesque gable. On each side are the entrances to the store of the Carnegie Co-operative Association, which occupies the en tire first floor. These entrances are in the form of round bay windows, and run npinto a tapering roof In the gable of the center is a bust of Mr. Carnegie, and immediately.nnderit is carved "Carnegie Library." Just under this and extending entirely across the front is a carved stone frieze five feet high. The side elevation on Parker street is much the same as the front, excepting that there is only one entrance. The root is of iron throughout; also the rafters and beams. The beams -and girders were all turned out Carnegie's Homestead mill, and are very heavy structures, the btams all being 12 anch. The building probably contains 1,000 tons of iron. The structure is 100 feet square. The side and rear walls' are of fire brick of immense thickness. No wood was used except for finishings and floors. The nrst lioor, as stated above, is devoted o storerooms. The floor space is 61x8G feet. the office of the store is in the center, im mediately behind the wide stairway, which (rinds from the main entrance to tbe Horary ibove. A CHARMING READING ROOM. At the right of the staircase, fronting on Burton street, is the reading room, large enough to accommodate several dozen read ers comfortably. Next comes the office of the librarian, immediately over the main entrance, and the entire Parker street front is the library proper, with innumerable al coves and snug little retreats between the immense bookcases. The library room is 86 feet long by 30 ieet wide, and contains cases for over 6,000 volumes. To the left of the library and back of the reading room is the lecture hall, one of the principal features of the bnilding. It is furnished with a good stage, is fitted cnt handsomely and has a gallery. Its t gating capacity is about 300. The building is heated by steam, and these facilities are complete. "There are ten registers on the first floor. "The entire bnilding is finished in carved hard wood, and is considered one of the neatest and prettiest structures in Western Pennsylvania. The architect who prepared the plans, was Mr. James T. Steen. The officers of the library are: President, James Gailty; Vice President, "W. J. Vance; Secretary, John A. Lapsley; Treasurer, V. B- Balsinger; Directors, Thomas McDonald, Tf. A, McDevitt, TV. E. Edwards, W. IL. C Jones (son of the Captain), Professor C. D. Coffey (Principal of the North Brad dock schools), Professor Edwin Grostmyer, Principal ot the borough schools, and County Superintendent -of Schools Samuel Hamilton; Librarian, Miss Hose Phillips, of Pittsburg. C0RA0P0LIS CONGEALED. its Gas Supply FIpe Breaks, Cutting O fl Fuel on a Zero Day. If not in sackcloth and ashes, Coraopolis was again wrapped in smoke yesterday. The Australian system of voting gave re sults on Tuesday which were generally satis factory, and people had almost forgotten any slight rasping of temper occasioned, and had settled down into the ordinary grooves of happiness, when, as if to remind them of the ills of flesh and mortality, the gas main that brings their fuel from Neville Island gave way in the river bed, and. on .the cold est morning of 1889, they awoke shivering to find water frozen even in their cooking ranges. There was great hustling to get coal and put grates and stoves in shape to burn it. Fortunately most of the people had a small supply on hand, sufficient to tide them over yesterday; but there was unusual economy exhibited, and, for the first time in its ex istence, the village discovered the hardship of being short of gas, A large force of men was put to work on the raging river and the main was raised, and it was thought the gas would be turned on again last evening. GEA1N MEN'S PEOTEST. They Do Not AVnnt the Railroad Grade Crossing Bill to Pass. The Pittsburg Grain and Flour Exchange, at its meeting ytsterday, adoped resolutions protesting against the bill now pending in the Legislature to regulate grade crossings by railroads. The resolutions are to the effect that the granting of a franchise to cross streets should be left entirely with the local authorities. The heavy to mage of this city requires side tracks to the different places of lading which would be affected by the bilL If the railroad companies had to build tracks over head it would have a tendency to drive them out o the citv. B. F. Veach, L.S. McKallip and K. S. McCague, of the Exchange, will go to Har risburg to-morrow to advocate the passage of the bill in relation to giving railroads the right of eminent domain. TOO MUCH LIQUOR. John O'Mnllcy Pnys n Fine for Drunkenness, Gets Drunk Again nnd Breaks a Leg. John O'Malley, who boards at 87 Bobin son street, Allegheny, fell down a flight of stairs at Burdett's saloon, corner of Federal street and River avenne, Allegheny, last evening and broke his leg. He was taken to the Allegheny General Hospital in the patrol wagon. This was the second ride he has had in the wagon in less than 21 hours. The first time he was arrested for drunkenness and disorderly condnct. Mayor Pearson im posed a fine ot 55 and costs yesterday morn ing, which was paid, and the man con tinued on a spree, which resulted in an ac cident WWfc IBAKlttff r-UWREl Si AXt4 BANANA CAKE. Three-quarters cup of butter, two cups of white sngar, one enp sweet milk, three eggs (whites a,nd yolks beaten separately), or the whites only of six eggs, three cups of flour, having in it one measure "Banner" Baking Powder. Bake in jelly-cake pans, three laj ers; crash six ripe bananas and spread them over each layer, except the top one, which should be iced with the following boiled ieing: Take two and a half cups granulated sugar, half cup water, boil three minutes, when cool, add the whites of three eggs, slightly beaten. There is no baking powder comparable to the old reliable Banner Baking Powder, which has been used in many of our very best families for nearly a quarter century. Amateur bakers and even qnite small chil dren bake delightful cakes with it. Order a ponnd can with the Banner Becipe Book from your grocer. If he cannot snpply the boDk, send your address to B. B. Powder Co., P. O. Box 215, Pittsburg, Pa., and we will mail it free, Knights Templar Cbnlns and Secret Society Emblems At greatly reduced prices. "Will remove April 1 from No. 13 Fifth avenne to 420 Smitnacld st J as. hckee, Jeweler. Cash paid for old gold and Hanch's, No. 295 Filth ave. silver at WFSU Dr. O'Keefe's cold or catarrh pills, 25 cents. Good as gold. 31 Filth ave. NOTICES. County Commisioxees' Office, i PrrrsBUBO, Feb. 18, 18S9. ( THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL bold appeals on the following named districts as follows, to-wifc Monday, February 25, Reserve, Moon, Snow den, Leet and Harmar townships. Tuesday, February 26, Richland, Elizabeth, Jefferson and Lincoln townships. AA'ednesday, February 27, Crescent and Up per St Clair townships. Thursday, February 28, Fatton township. By order of Connty Commissioners. R. E. MERCEK, GEO. Y. McKEE, DANIEL McAVILLMAMa P. AY. B1EBERT, Cleric. Xe2M4 ,& Mill If villi a 8ty " mil a? A3" Display advertisement one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, lb e(, etc, ten -cents per line or each inser tion, and none taken or less thanfity cenU. THE' PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The Dis- rATCn. rrrrsBUKo. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3&a Butler street. EMIL O. 8TUCKEY, S4th street and Penn are. E. G.STUCKEY&CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton it. X. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. . EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. NCALLISTEB & SHEIBLER, 5th av. At wood St. 60UTHSIDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. S Carson street. , CHAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHER, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. FREDH. EGBERS. 172 Ohio street. F. IL EGGER3 & SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and lrwlnaves. U. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. OLE1M. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED HE LP. Dlnlo Hcln. -T7-ANTED COMPETENT DRUG CLERK, VY one that speaks German. Address GEN N A, Dispatch office. fcM-St WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED PACKER; one who can handle glassware and crockery. FLEISHMAN & CO. fe24-M TTTANTED - PIPE COVERER, EXPERI V LNCED: accustomed to sectional and cement work. P. O. BOX 459, city. fe24-93 WANTED-COMPETEM ASSISTANT FOR academy; English and mathematics. Ad dress PRINCIPAL, 63 Arch st, Allegheny. fe23-S9 WANTED-TRAVEL1NG SALESMEN WELL acquainted with the surrounding dry (roods trade. Address DRY GOODS, Dispatch oHce. 2 t4-01 -TTTANTED-FIRST-CLAbS STEEL MOLDERS W by CHICAGO CRUCIBLE STEEL CAbT IJ COMPANY', 156 Lake street, Chicago. Steady employment. fc24-S2 WANTED-A FEW GOOD LIGHTNING ROD agentf: will pav good commission to right parties. GEO. R. KRESS & CO., 149 and 151 Forbes ave., city. fe23-ls0 WANTED-SALESMEN FOR THE WHOLE SLE and retail trade. Send 25 cents for sanipWnrt terms to NEW ENGLAND SUPPLY Co , Walllngford, Conn. fe2H13-Ru TTTAN TED-THREE STRICTLY TEilPERATE r non-union, green stnd moldcrs. steady work and rood wares Address I, BKIGGS, fe24-130 391 Kcnnard St., Cleveland, O. WANTED-TWO MOULDMAKERS (VICE bands) In an old-established factory near Pittsburg: steady work to good men. Address GLASSWORKS, Dispatch office. le22-2& WANTED -COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER for wholesale business: must give bond; one who spfifcs German preferred. Address B EER BUSIN ESS. Dispatch office. fu24-43 -TTTANTLD A MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO VV canvass the physicians of the city, leaving samples, etc. Address H. M., Dispatch office, giving references, where last employed, etc., etc. fe22-48 WANTED-A FEW MORE ROD RIPPERS and wire drawers at wire mill. Rankin station. Pa., on B. )tO. and P., McK. A Y. R. )(., outside city limits. Apply to SUPERIN TENDENT. fe23-74 '-TTTANTED-FRINTER IX) TAKE CHARGE TV 01 country aauy; miuaie-ageo man pre ferred: must be union printer, competent, sober and furnish reference. Address TRIBUNE, Beaver Falls, Pa. fe23-76 -TTANTED-AN INTELLIGENT CATHOLIC VV having some business ability for light work; references indispensable; good pay. J. V. SHEEHAN, McCance block, cor. bmlthfleld and Seventh ave.. room 3. fc24-44 "TTTANTED SALESMEN; AGENTS: GAS V V burners that light themselves; a grand suc cess: everybody buys them; I0 dally easily made: 5 prize medals: secure territory. MATCHLESS CO., 132 Reade St., N. Y. fel7-38-Fn -TTT ANTED AN ARCHITECTURAL VV draughtsman who has had two to three years' experience; employment steady; state length of experience and wages wanted. Address G. F., Dispatch office. fe24-41 WAN1ED MACHINISTS ONE FIRST CLA3S man, capable of taking charge of tool room, and several good fitters on Heavy work. LEWIS FOUNDRY A MACHINE CO., Limited, Tenth street. South Side. fe24-G7 TJANTED-AGENTS IN THIS CUT AND V V outslae towns to sell Dr. O'Keefe's pills and bitters; steady work; can make 812 to 9)8 per week. DR. O'KEEFEft CO., Homeopathic Chemists. 31 Fifth ave., 1'ittsbarg, Pa. fe24-105 -TTTANTED -A FIRST-CLASS 5IAN TO V V travel and appoint agents In Pennsylvania. Liberal salary to the right man. Also local agents wanted in every county. Write for particulars. WM. H1MROD. Gen. Agt., Lake Shore Masonic Relief Ass'n, Erie, Pa. fe24-112-Su WANTED-YOUNG MAN FROM 16 TO 18 years of ace to keep books, correspond, collect rcnts,etc. ior real estate office; one having experience, can talk German and operate type writer preferred. Call Monday at 8 A. JI. THOS. McCAf FRE1. 3509 Butler st. fc24-107 TTJANTED-A FIRST-CLASS SALESJIAN V V one who understands furniture and carpets; must be soberand Industrious and bring refer ence: wages (18 per week. Also, first-class carpet upnuisterer: must Dring reierence; wages S15 per week. Apply at 1-iuiiJiaufiU'e, cor. Tenth st. and Penn ave fe24-43 WANTED-YOUKG MAN WITH KNOWL EDGE of bookkeeping as partner In an es tablished and growing business; present owner desirous of adding additional line of goods to bus iness: best of references given and required: capi tel desired from S1.000 to (6,000. AdressM. G. & T Dispatch office. fe22-22 . Female Hcln. XITANTED-AN EXPERIENCED MILLINER VV with references. Address MRS. S.. Dis patch office. fc24-9Q TTTANTED-A GOOD GIKL FOR GENERAL VV housework: small family. Inquire at 213 CENTER AVENUE, city. fe24-3 WANTED EXPERIEN CED BOOK AND pamphlet folders: none but experienced ut, WUV CAIICt ICIItCU FOLDER, Dispatch fe24-80 lauies uceu apuiy. auuicas office. WANTED-NURSE GIRL FOR CHILD OF 3 years old; none without good recommenda tions need apply; call Monday afternoon between 2 and 3 o'clock. ROOM1, 97 Fourth ave., city. fcT4-B WANTED-TWO YOUNG WOMEN OF GOOD address; those who have had experience in canvassing preferred; something new: light and easy to sell. Call after 10 o'clock, 547 LIBERTY SI'., Room No. 3. fe24-79 Olalo nnd Female HcId. TTTANTED-A FEW LADIES 'OR GENTLE V V MEN to learn Ivory type painting; work light and easy and highly profitable, and can be done at home: can oe learned In one hour. PHOTO PORTRAIT PAINTING CO., 36 Federal st., Allegheny. fe24-93 WANTED-AGENTS, MEN OR WOMEN, TO sell Missouri steam Washer to families: ar guments in Its ravor numerous and convincing: sales made without difficulty; profits large; sent on two weeks' trial, to be returned at my expense if not satisfactory; write ror Illustrated circular and terms. J. 'HOBTH 54 Beekman, N. Y. no25-w80-EU WANTED SITUATIONS. TTTANTED-A POSITION AS STENOURAPH- VV ER and typewriter by a young man having good references. Address BOX 65, New Castle, Pa. fe24-l23 "ITJANTED-SITUATION-BY A MILLER: 10 V V years' experience: competent, soberand In dustrious; first-class references. Address FLOUR, P. O. Box 89S. Pittsburg. fe24-69 TTTANTED A SITUATION BY A REGIS VV TERED pharmacist as regular or relief clerk, speaks and writes German: single. Address beroreMarcht "ALUM," Dispatch ofllce. fe24-49 WANTED A POSITION BY REGISTERED drug clerk; can furnish good refcjgkcc; have experience In wholesale and retail; cJciitry preferred. Address OPU. 37 Anderson st: Alle gheny, Pa. fe24-69 WANTED-SITUATION AS ENGINEER, either locomotive or stationary: can splice all kinds of ropes and general repairing: refer ence If desired. Address, for two days, STEAM, Dispatch office. fe24-40 TTTANTED- -SITUATION-BY A MARRIED son. cxrjerlenced in crocerr hns- W man and son. lness: could take charge or store; would take In terest In business as part salary. Address, for two days. T, Central Hotel, city. fe24-15 WANTED ROOMS. UOUSES. TTTANTED-TO RENT-NEWLY FURNISHED VV hall for lodge purposes, complete In all de tails, with electric lights and steam heat; one to five years' lease: over Third National Bank, cor. AVoodand Virgin alley. Inquire COMMITI'EE, 910 1'enn ave. feZS-sT WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED -RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES BAILEY, J64 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. tal-81 TJANTED-TO LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE I V over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at 4H per cent; no tax: we will also loan money on improved farms in Alle gheny, .Beaver, Fayette. Washington and West moreland counties; any marketable security taken for loans of any amount BLACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth ave. es-a9-su 'J WANTED FINAN CIAI WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY AT AM, 5 AND 6 per cent free of tax. W. C. STEWART; 114 Fourth ave. taHW-SU WANTKD-HOUSE TO RENT, PROPERTY to sell, to loan saoney. W. J. O. FLOYD, 8313 Penn ave. fe24-93 WANTED-TO LOAN $25,000 ON CITY PROP ERTY at 5 and 6 per cent. In sums to suit. r D. P. THOMAS & CO., No. 40 Grant street. ielOI-EOD WANTED-5Q,000 TO ENTER AN ENTER PRISE In this city;-will pay 20 per cent a year and no risk; no one hut those meaning busi ness need apply; will call on you In private any time. Address P. A. G Dispatch office. fe23-16 -rfTANTED-MORTGAGES-Jl, 000, COOTO LOAN VV on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand G per cent, and on larros In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned out or Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON, 103 Fourth avenue. p7-fll WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-YOUTO KNOW THAT W. J. X FLOYD can rent your, sell your property, or loan you money. 3313 PEN NAVE. fcS-lOO WANTED-MANUFAUTURERS AND OTH ERS seeking locations should communicate with M. V. RICHARDS, LandJj.Agent.-B. & O. It. It.. Baltimore, Md. fe21-81-TTSSu WANTED-10O.O0O PEOPLE TO ATTEND TO the crockery, glassand tinware auction sale, at NO. 128 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny City, bale afternoons and evenings. ie24-52 WANTED - BUYERS FOR GOLD AND silver watches, chains, clocks, diamonds, silverware, etc., at SI per week; Rogers' knives ana iorxs 91 a per set ior casn. JOHN MITSCH, 130 Federal St., Allegheny. Iel7-lS-MWFSU WANTED-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terhcyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 530 bmlthfleld st. noll-MWFSu WANTED-BV PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 96 Fifth avenue, Pltttburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be Is making fine cabinets at ?1 SO per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous Drocess. mhl3-L27 FOR SALEIMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residence. T70R SALE-f2.800-BP.ICK OF 6 ROOMS IN U eooa ren: (rood repair, on Orerhlllst.; terms easy. W. a STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. ftf se25-6 17IOR SALE-RKO-TWO 2-STORY FRAME 1 houses and stable: Gangwlsch st. : a bargain. W. W. McN EIL & BRO., 162 Fourth avenue. fc20-19-WFSSu T7il OR SALE-S1.500-SUBSTANTIA L FRAME X? of S rooms, with large lot, near Center avc.: terms easy. W. O. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fe24-6 IJiOR SALE-S3,000-SUBSTANT1AL BRICK Jl1 7-room house, vestibule, hall, bath, all con- venlences: street. W. fe24-6 nicoiv panerea: located on uavis J. ST.EW. fART, 114 Fourth ave. F( IOK SALE-S7.509-SUBSTANTIAL BRICK of 8 rooms: nicely nanered: in rood renalr: has all conveniences: finest netKhborhnod on Cen ter ave.; terms easy. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fe24- mOR SALE-S3.800- NEW BRICK OF 7 ROOMS; JP has all conveniences; siac entrance: iot24X IM to pa ed alley: renn ave.. near Fortieth st. : terms easy. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fe24-8 FOR SA I.E-NOS.-.20 AND S2 ELLA ST., NEW double frame dwelling or 6 rooms In each; lot 26x85ft.:rentsfor?343,onlye.850: SOOcash; bal ance to suit: positive bargain. THOS. MCCAF FREY. 3509 Butler st. fe24-97-WSSu FOR SALE-FIFTH AVENUE RESIDENCE near Jnmonvtlle street, a new pressed brick house, 8 rooms, bath room, electric Dell. w. c 's, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, cement cellar, laundry and all the latest Improve ments; lot 22x120 to Ann street. Call or address No. 620 FIFTH AVENUE. fe24-17 FOR SALE NO. 3926 HOWLEY AVE., LOT 20 xlOfl: new frame dwelling- hall, "vestibule. 8 rooms, bath, cemented laundry. Inside w. c , folding parlor doors, ulatc mantels, inlde shut ters, etc: nat. and irt. gis. newly painted and nanered. 2-storv frame stable In rear: will be sold at a big sacrifice; possession April 1; JL5C0 cash; balance to suit. laua. jicuaifkev. i9 j'.ut- ler st. fe24-97-WSSU Fast End Residences. FOR SALE-J7.500-NEW BRICK, 10 ROOMS; all conveniences; located In snadyslde in an excellent neighborhood, near Fifth ave.: terms easy. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fe24-6 FOR 8ALE-A300-NEW-FRAME, 8 ROOMS, porches, vestibule, hall: all conveniences; lot 60X100: located In Shadyside, near cable cars. W.C STEWART. 114 Fourth ave fe24-6 FOR SALE-S6.S00-NEW AND SUBSTANTIAL dwelllnsr house of 11 rooms, has nil conven iences; lot 36x100 feet; located on Oakland avenue. Oakland. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fe24-6 FOR SALE-J2.300-NICE5-ROOMED HOUSE Gas and water, back and front porch, with desirable lot, near Park Avenue Church, Twenty first ward. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. E. fe23-21 FOR SALE-?17,500-SUBSTANTIAL BRICK of I2rooms;havlLg all conveniences: lot 65x 175 feet: located on one of the finest paved avenues In East Liberty. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. " fcU-6 FOR SALE-J2.200 CASH WILL BUY A NEW frame dwelling of 6 rooms In Eighteenth ward; 3 minutes' walk to Butler street cable line; must act quickly on this. FRANK P. HOW LEY, 3S19 Butler t. fe24-72 FOR SALE A.TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL ING house, with Mansard, on South inland A. inu uouse, witn juansaru, on aoutn 1111 ave.; 12 rooms and all conveniences; good sc age. For terms apply to D. E. BAYAKD, Shady lane and Walnut st fe: ood sewer- cor. Shady lane and Walnut st fe21-53 FOR SALE-3,80O-A NEW BRICK DWELL ING, press brick front, of 8 rooms and kitch en; lot 20x110: on paved street; 3 minutes' walk from Butler st. cable line; a bargain. FRANK P. HOWLEY, 3819 Bntler st. fe24-72 ORSALE-A LARGE VARIETY OF DWELL INGS In East End. ranging from (1,500 to 13,000: now Is your time to call and make a choice of your homes before renting. W. S. PATTER SON, 6326 Station St., E. E. fe24-?r FORSALE-P.400-A NEW FRAME DWELL ING ofS rooms and finished attic; lot 20x110 to an alley: on paved street; (150 cash, balance on monthly payments: close to Butler st cable line. FRANK P. HOWLEY, 3819 Butler st. fe24-72 IJMJK SALE-(15,000 WILL PURCHASE A modern two-story and mansard brick resi dence, with lotS0x26o feet, on Penn ave., near Wlneblddle street; stable on premises. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third ave.. I'lttsbnig. fe24-70 FOR SALE-?6,500 WILL PURCHASE AN elegant residence, corner lot, on one of the best streets In the East End; this property Is bound to rapidly Increase In valne. STlfAUK MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third-avenue. Pittsburg. re24-70 TTIOR SALE-I10.000-NEW BRICK QUEEN a. iiuucunviituKuiitfivuuj iiaa an conven lences; lot 53x150 feet; located on anavedavenuo lu a well Improved neighborhood; nothing better for the money in the rjftt l-'nrt v V V. uimm.,i ..,.:.:c r" - -. ... v, oii,iTAni, uiruunuarenae. fe24-0 FOR SALE-J30,00O-ACTUALLY WORTH f35,C00. modern and substantial dwelling of 12 large rooms, hiving all conveniences: lot lllx 412 feet: this property Is desirably located in Shadyside, on a paved avenue, having good 6ew erage. AV. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. re24-6 FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE OF 10 large rooms, bath, large porches, trees, vines and every improvement with lot 120 feet front; one square from Penn avenue eahle line on Negley avenue: price 86,700; sublect to street lm- Erovements. MELLON BROS, 6349 Station St., E. iberty. fe23-27-Tusu FOR SALE-JIOOO CASH, BALANCE 11,000 per year, will buy a new pressed brick dwell ing at Brushton station; reception hall and 4 rooms first floor. 5 rooms on second and 5 rooms In attic; hardwood stairway, slate mantels, with Im proved fireplaces; laundry, with cemented floor: lot 75x140 to 25-foot alley, with perfect sewerage; house now open for Inspection; Immediate posses sion: exceptionally low price. See JOHN F. BAXTER, Agt, 51 Smlthfield street? fe24-64-WS"u TjIOR SALE-J14,00O-NEGLEY AVE. NEAR JL; Penn; corner lot; elegant bilcfc residence: four rooms and reception hall on 1st floor; 4 good bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor, and 4 bedrooms In attic: also laundry, large linen closet with drawers and shelves; extra w. c in basement; large front and back porches; electric bells and speaking tubes; house all wired fot electric lights: slate mantels and tile and marble hearths; flag stone pavement; one minute's walk from cable cars; a delightful home In an elegant neigh borhood; this price Is with sewering, paving and turuniK an paia; terms reasonable. THOS, LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fel7-6!-wrssu FOR SALE-ELEGANT BRICK RESIDENCE, near bhadyslde; 10 large rooms, veryflnere ccptlon ball. fineit art glass windows, 3 hardwood mantels and 4 slate mantels, cabinets with plate glass mirrors on all. finest electric work all over ouse, burglar alarms In floors, antique oak graining on all first floor, walnut finish on second .and third, pantry, bathroom, cedar closets, stor ?re room, large; shady porches, tile vestibule, tile hearths and facings, elegant chandeliers and finely papered; completed about 6 mo.: very large iui; umjr pari, casn; mis is a sacriuee; nut win hi sold for 112.600. Apply to W. PATTEKSON, H9toao station St., is. ICIIU AHeahcny Residences. FOR AI SALE - NO. 8 ANDERSON STREET, yuicKueuj l "i; Dusiuess properly; 3 story brick house org rooms, at a bargain. & RAN KIN, 67 fourth ave. LASHELL fe24-58 FSr2VET:0?-oA MKW V" BUBbTAN ... TIAL brick of 9 rooms; elegantly finished thrnnirhniit? lnrjitirl near nlre .. u.....j . AllegEeny. w7c7sTEWAET, 'lU Fourth Z ". ' fe24-6 FOB SALE-S5,000 WILL BUY A TWO-STORY brick residence on Monterey St., Allegheny I0,1-2110 rc&t0 J Vvc3 SU? STRAUB &kM0& HIS, corner Wood stand Third avenue, Pittsburg; fe24-70 FOR SALE-I1500WILL PURCHASE NO. 7 Perry St., Allegheny; house brick with mod ern improvements, side entrance, etc. STRAUB MORRIS, corner Wood st. an? Third avenuef Pittsburg. fe24-70 TTiORSALE-H 600 WILL PURCHASE A MOD JU ERN pressed brick dwelling of eight rooms. located on a good street in Second ward. Allel crhenv. BTRAUB 4 MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third avenue, Pittsburg. fe24-70 FOR SALE-6,fo0 WILL BUY TWO-STORY brick dwelling. No: 195 Jackson St., Alle- irhonv hnma wall Anlehnii ...,41 i . gben statei T' bS?l7&1 iln,!.s,n?.1.aJld- cheap at' price and Third avenue, Pittsburg, w, . k...&wu vivuuia turner wooa st. ieZ4-70 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Allegheny Residence. FOB 8ALE-A NUMBER OF DWELL1NGSLO CATED on Rldseave., Lincoln ave.. North ave. and other good streets In Allegheny. Parties desiring topurchase will find It to their Interest to see W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. before UUjriUK. IC24-0 Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-AT CORAOPOLIS. P. A L. E. R. R.. houses, largeandsmalUalsoslargenum- ber or desirable building lots. LASHELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. fe24-53 TrlORSALE AT nilHAOPOT.lH. 1 . 1.. K. H. A?. R., new house, 4 rooms and kitchen; 50x150 leet; also house of 3 rooms lot 25x150 feet; price lor both. 1 1,600. LASHELL & RANKIN, 67 x ounn ave, fe24-58 TTIOR SALE-SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE jl- properties at Ingram station, so minutes' ride from the citv. on Panbanale Railroad: prices. x3?tJ!h(SO0 t8-5"0. W.00O, 812,000, etc STRAUB ; MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue. Pittsburg. fW4-70 TTIOR 8ALE-S3.500-FRAME DWELLING AT J? West Bellevue: hard wood finish, high ceil ings, natural gas, porches back and front; trult trees In fuir bearing: stable on premises. BTRAUB & MORRIS, comer Wood St. and 'Third avenne, Pittsburg. fe21-70 FOR SALE-RESIDENCES AND BUILDING lots in Morgintownf W. Va. ; also farms near Moreantown; we have a railroad, tbe State Uni versity, natural gas, and will have slack water this year. Write for descriptive list to T. W. AN DERSON, Morgantown, W. Va. fe24-7-MWTSu FOR SALE-JA230 WILL PURCHASE 1 FRAME house of six rooms, 1 frame house of three rooms, l stable nd other outbuildings, with lot 41x174 feet: situated at West Bellevue, In good lo cation; this Is very cheap, fa TRAUB A MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg, P fe34-70 ORSALE-K ACRE OF GROUND BEAUTI- i LILLY located at Evergreen Hamlet, with 6-roomed frame dwelling house, cellar under same, good water, larce lot of fruit trees on same: can bet upught cheap. Inquire fori month on the ses. W. M. MAPSflAI.J. nr of W. A. DUNG. 54 Grant ave., Mfllvale borough, Pa. feZ2-19-Thsu FOR SALE-K3.60O-BELLEVUE, LINCOLN ave., a two-story frame dwelling of 7 rooms; natural gas, water lu kitchen, front and back porches, bay window, cemented cellar, perfectly dry; ot 40x175 ft.; this property Is one of the Seat locatlonsln Bellevue; terms to suit. Inquire of J. W.IIROWN, Dentist, S0O Penn ave., Pitts burg, Pa., orF. D. TRIPP, Bellevue. Pa. fe23-92-wrsn FOR SALE THE HANDSOME COUNTRY residence of Hon. E. H. Stowe, at Edgeworth, Pittsburg Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway; It is large and has alf the modern Improvements; beautiful grounds, well planted with fruit, shade, shrubbery, etc.; In fact, is one of the most de lightful properties in the Sewlckley valley, and will be sold low and on terms to suit if applied for soon: can give Immediate possession. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. fe24-14 TTOR SALE TWO ACRES OF LAND AT Howard Mtatlnn- P- V- nml f T rAltrnnrl viith fine house, containing seven rooms, water In kitchen. snrln?-lmnfie. crrnnrrv. frnlt trpp pin. rp..i.. --.i:". . 7 ---:-.- .---"--- ' - '" ueauiiiui piace is located in wnat is common' ly called Forestvllle, and only about five miles from the city, and cost only ordinary car fare. This place will be sold at a great sacrifice. If sold soon, or will rent the same reasonable. Apply soon to O. K. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street, South Side. fel9-61 FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE HOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny county: the house Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; It Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsomefowl house: the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, rrult and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a ...:.... ucrn,e Plce .iwA.vii(ijE, jjaau iiU' rnvv jucax CO. borongb. 85 Knox avenue, Knoxvllle jaiiMf FOR SALE-LOTS. East End Lota. FOR SALE-A NUMBER OF THE CHOICEST lots In the East End; will pay you to Bee us before buying. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fe24-6 FOR SALE-$5.200 WILL PURCHASE ONE OF the finest corner lots on Boulevard place. East End; Iot68x200. STRAUB iMORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue. Pittsburg. fe24-70 FOR SALE-ONE LOT IN THE MIDST OF A business location, only 2 minutes' walk from Home wood station; lot 24x100; price only (650; a bargain and will sell soon. MELLON BROS., 6311 Station St., East Liberty. fe23-23-TUSSu FOR SALE ONE OF THE FINEST LOTS ON Fifth avenue, near Slmilyslde; It Is about 130 feet front by 266 feet deep: will sell as a whole or divide; will sell low and on terms to suit. U. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth avenue. fe!4-14 FOR SALE LOTS AT EMSWORTH, CON VENIENT to station; one of the finest loca tions on the Fort Wayne road; large, beautiful lots at low prices: call and see plan. J. It. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. fe23-96 T710R SALE-IS. 500-LOT 82x175 FEET. LOCAT. X? ED In one of the finest avenues in Shadvslde, southern exoosure: adloinlnz D roperty is held at J10O a front foot; this Is certainly a bargain, O. SfEWART, il4 Fourth ave. fe24-6 F IOK SALE-A CHEAP LOT-ONLY H30-TWO sauarcs from Boulevard place. Torrens sta tion, lot 81 ft front corner Hasttnirs and Rey nolds streets, a btrgaln and will sell quickly. MELLON UHOS., 63to Station st., E. E. . fea-23-Tussu F IOR S ALE-TWENTY-FIVE BUILDI1 G LOTS in Nineteenth ward: ave minutes' walk from Citizens' cable line: S-cent fare to city; price (275; small cash paymtBt balance to suit purchaser; call early and take first pick. STRAUB & MOR RIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pitts burg. le24-70 FOR 8ALE-(2,500-THAT SPLENDID BUILD ING site. 33x173 rcet (more ground If wanted) located In Shadyside on ltebecca street adjoin ing the handsome residence of Samuel Hamilton. Esq.. well elevated, splendid view, eastern ex posure, convenient to cable cars and station; terms very easy. AV. C STEWART, 114 Fourth terms very easy. ave. fe24-6 rinzelwood Lots. FOR SALE GLENWOOD, THE MOST CON VENIENT suburb of the city; only 12 min utes by the B. 40.: 24 trains a day each way; building lots for sale near the station at $300, fm 00, S60O, POO, fSOO, (1,000, according to location and size of lot: terms to suit purchasers. GEORGE C BURG WIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave. fel-43-TTSSu Allegheny Lots. FOB SALE-LARGE LOT Oa NORTH AVE NUE, Allegheny City, fronting the parks. C. U. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. fe24-14 FOR SALE-LOT-ONE OF THE FINEST residence sites in Allegheny, size 40x125 ft., Osgood ave. near Linden ave. Address POST OFFICE BOX 675. Pittsbnrg. fe23-34 FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN, IF SOLD SOON. 4 of the finest lots on the ferrysvllle road, near Charles street tollgate. Apply to owner. J. F. URBEN, cor. Franklin and Fulton sts., Alle gheny, Pa. ' fe24-27 FOll SALE-&OCO-LOT 38 FEET FKONT ON Taggartst by 120 feet to Irwrm ave., Second ward, Allegheny, adjoining Incline plane; good for business and dwellings combined. A. LEU OATE & bON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. fe23-22 FOR SALE-414, 600 CASH WILL PURCHASE A block of exceptionally desirable lots situated at corner of two of the best residence streets iu Allegheny: size 173x123 feet. STRAUB & MOR RIS, corner Wood street and Third avenne. Pitts burg. fe24-70 Knbnrbnn Lots. FOR SALE-LOT 100x150 FEET, SITUATED on main road, within two minutes1 walk of station, at Sheridan, Fa.: price SI, 100. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third ave nue, Pittsburg. - fe24-70 FORSALE-$3,000 WILL PURCHASE AN IN TEREST In a paying glass business, with trood salaried position, to man competent to take charge of office: owner selling on acconnt of ill health. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. feH-70 Forms. FOR SALE-FARMS NEAR MORGANTOWN, W. Va.;allklmls, sizes and prices; see no tice In this Issue of residences and building lots for sale in Morgantown. Write for descriptive list to T. W. ANJJlCRSON, Morgantown, W. Va. fe24-7-MWFSu FOR SALE-CHEAP-OR WILL TRADE FOR city property-r23 acres, honse of 5 rooms, barn and otber outbuildings, orchard and vine yard; will also sell stock and Implements; this arm Is one mile from station. Address CHARLES MEACHEK, Stoops Ferry P.'O., Allegheny co.. Pa. feS-33-WSU FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE-FOB IM PROVED city property, a farm of 41 acres; house of 6 rooms, wash bouse, spring house, large birn, sheds, orchard, etc.; situated in Moon township, Allegheny county, Pa., 11 miles from citv and 3 miles from Coraopolis station, P. & L. E.Tt. K. LASHELL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. fe24-58 nianufncturine Sites. F( IOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE-THE property bounded by Rebecca and Sturgeon streets and South and Allegheny avenues. Alle gheny City; streets all paved and sewered: large ironclad building, with lot of machinery, etc.; f;ood facilities for snlpplnc either In car-loads or ess. For particulars inquire of V. R. MCIN TIRE, 412 Grant St., Pittsburg. feH-61 miscellaneous. IOR SALE-A LADY WISHES TO GO OUT of business on account of a vountr daughter. Woe ouldsell nicely furnished flat in nulet locality: (1,000. Will give limited time on a portion of the amount. Those who do not mean business will please not answer. Address H 8, care of LORD & THOMAS, Cblcaco. 111. fe 24-123. E IOR SALE-9,0O0-BEN VENUE-ELEGANT resilience. 250. Oakland, fine brick residence. 10,500, beautiful Shadyside home, 10 rooms, largegrounds. , 7 room house, Howe st. ; very easy terms. 8,000, Forbes St., fine large residence. W. W. M'NEILL A BRO., 162 Fourth nve. fe21-88 FOUND. F edle. 'OUND-THE TRUTH! "WE SUFFERED UN TOLD iconics! Dr.Griffith's Ta-va-zon rem its cured ua vhpn nil nthpr tnpjmn h&tl Tailed. Mrs. ev. i.ot L.ike, Mrs. wm. u. cover, Youngs town, O.: Mrs, Hannah John, 663 Forbes St., city; JohnS. Fahey, Tallapoosa, ua.; Thomas Brown, Southslde; Michael Hlnes, 121 Wylle ave., and thousands of others. We Invite the worst cases from whatever cause. Bee testimonials at GRIF FITH'S PHARMACY, Third and Grant, Pitts burg, Pa. fe24-12n FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Chances. T7IORI BALK-PATENT RIGHT OF WASHING X1 machine: a good chance for right parties. GEO. R. KRESS CO., 149 and 151 Forbes ave., city. fe23-ar FOR SALE A GROCERY STORE IN A FINE location and doing a good business: must ho Bold soon. Inquire of H. O, HORENBERGHER, Hazelwood station. len-ss "I7U)R HAT.rc-HAT.OON NEW BUILDING. 12 JD rooms. Including Ianatbest location In Cleve' land:prlce. 3,000: easy terms J.S. RICE, 23ft Su- penur si. ueTeiana, u, rea-si TTTIOR SALE DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY j.' stork; stock or arygooas, munnery, trim mines, showcases, etc good will of businesses- tabllshed 1863: a sroodnavlnir store: wisn to retire. Apply at store, 103 WYLIE AVENUE. IC21-03 XT' OB SALE-STORES. STORES. STORES; JL' arug. ary goods, grocery, notion, snoe, tea. clear and tobacco stores, bakeries-hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, hoarding houses, coal works, etc. ; 100 good city business chances for men or women. SHEPARD A CO., 54 Fifth ave. Ja30 TTIOR SALE-GROCERY AND FEED, STORE, X" Tnirty-nrstwara: grocery store, iiaieiwooa: grocery store. Carson St.: grocery store and DUl ulldlng. Carson St.: gristmill at Geneva. Fay ette co.: many other chances, all long established and In prosperous condition. JAMES GODFREY, 103 Fourth avenue. fe24-4 Business Stands. FOR SALE-240X270 FEET, ON DUQUE3NE way, corner of Fifth st. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fe24-6 FOR 8ALE-S3O.00O-SUBSTANTIAL PIECE OF property located corner of an a ley on one of the best business streets In Pittsburg: will rent for 12,250; lot 2-lxISO leet: particulars to principals only. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. fe24-6 F OR SALE-SIO0.0CO-THE LARGEST AND best located niece of nronerrv suitable for retail trade In Pittsburg; owner has been holding for SH0,(X, but will take the above price ir sold at once; particulars to principals only. W.C. STEWART, lMEourth ave. fe24-6 FOR SALE-SEVERAL PIECES OF PROP ERTY on Fourth ave ; also a number of pieces on Penn ave., Smlthfleld St., and other good streets: will take pleasure In giving full par ticulars ana showing surveys to parties desiring to purchase. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. . fe24-6 FOR w! SALE-STORE PROPERTY-PARTY will sell at low price of SS.000: occupancy Anrll 1. 1fWr n flnp hrlek store ami dwelling, wit! n frame tenement in rear: lot 20x100, Frankstowu avenue, ainetecnm waru. ciose to station, in quire ofMELLON BROS., 6349 Station St.. E.- E. re2MB-TuSu F1 OR SALE-OR RENT-A THREE-STORY frame hotel, containing 22 rooms. 2 oorches lull length of building, near depot at Falls City: would make a Ann summer resort; also storeroom 21x50 ft., with three warehouses attached. Ad dress JOSEPH WILLIAMS, Ohio Pyle, F.iyette CO., Pa. fe23-93-Su FOR SALE-MACHINE SHOPS-CONSISTING of machine, boiler, blacksmith and wood shonsand foundry: acomDlete first-class manu facturing plant, with tools and patterns, fully equipped lor the employment of 100 to 150 men: tbe works are now In operation with somo 40 to 50 men; all buildings arc of brick with slate roofs, have a river frontage, with railroad switch: gas and water on the premises; fuel is cheap, and the location for health and pleasant surroundings Is unsurpassed. The owner, desiring to retire from business, will sell at an extremely low Drlceon easy long-time payments; no casn aown requirea: aym a grand opportunity to anyone with some capital to engage in mannlacturlng: to the right party" a part of the working capital would be subscribed, De suDscriDeu. Address JOHN rossession given oy April next. COOPER. Mt. Vernon. O. felO-18-SSu FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. machinery and metals. F OR SALE-ONE PUNCH MACHINE. GEO. R. KRESS & CO., 149 and 151 Forbes St. city. fe23-80 FOR HALE-TWO HIGH-ARMED DAVIS sewing machines: never been used. GEO. R. ring ma & CO., KRESS 149 and 151 Forbes ave., C,7e e23-80 FOR SALE-WE HAVE FOR SALE A LARGE lot of No. 1 second-hand engines and boilers, all sizes, from 2 h. p. up, taken In exchange for new; we got them cheap and they will go cheap: also new engines and boilers, every size and stylcat rock bottom prices. HARME'SMACHINE DEPOT, 97 First ave. fe3-y77sn Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. See, FOR SALE-BAY TEAM DRIVING MARES; young, han'dsome and speedy. 2C. B.. Dis patch office. fe24-32 FOR SALE-A FEW DRIVING AND DRAFT horses, second-hand bu cities ana one surrev wagon. GEO. R. KRESS & CO., 149 and 151 Forbes ave., city. fe28-80 T7H)R SALE WAGONS, NEARLY NEW, ONE JU heavy and the other light; suitable for de- llvery purposes: cheap, FIELD ST. Apply to 619 SJIITH- fe24-30 Financial. TJOR SALE-MORTGAGES I MORTGAGES V fromSoOO, Jl.CCO, 1,500 and upward, bearing 6 per cent Interest approved by attorney. These mortgages are nearly all purchase money mort gages. An excellent Investment for anybody. Apply to O. B. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street' South Side. fel9-61 miscellaneous. FOR SALE -ONE BILLIARD AND TWO pool tables, size 4x8; will be sold singly or as a whole, Address P. O. BOX 1013, Washington, Pa. ie2i-2 FOR SALE-SHOW CASES, CHEAP: ONE 6 feet long 3 ft. high: two 4 feet long 15 inches high. Apply to J. P. URBEN, cor. Franklin and Fulton st,. Allegheny, Pa. fe24-26 . TO LET. Citv Residences. TO LET-A BRICK HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, hall, bath, both gases; good cellar: 428 Web ster ave., cor. Trent St., near Penn incline or Center ave. cars. AV. J. PRENTICE, 1C09 Liberty ave. Ie24-12 TO LET-THAT NEARLY NEW TWO-STORY brick and Mansard roof. No. 84 Locust street city: 8 rooms, bath, natural and artificial gas; modern Improvements. WM. L. SMITH. 935 Penn avenue. fe24-3J-TFSn Tr LET-BRICK DWELLING HOUSE OF S rooms. No. 366 Webster avenue, near Devil- ller street, Eleventh ward; rent onlySMpermonth. Apply to ARCHIBALD AVALLAUE, No. 971 Llb- crty st., upstairs. resws mo LET-THE RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS JL of tbe late M. McCnllougb, Jr., Forty-rourtb street. Seventeenth ward, city: frame dwelling of 12 rooms with modern Improvements, stable, etc. ; long lease can be had. CUSHING & FOX, agents, 4319 Butler street. - feffl-ss-wrsu ' East End Residences.. TO LT-No. 6200 WALNUT ST.. BETWEEN Shady and HUand ave.. East End: ten rooms; late Improvements: In good order. W. A. HEB RON bONS, 80 Fourth avenne. fe23-43-rnrsu TO LET-BRICK STOREROOM. WITH C living rooms. No. 114 Frankstown avennrf wlfh smalftenement house In rear: 530 per month. MELLON BROS., 6349 Station St., E. Liberty. re23-25-ThSU Allegheny Residences. TO, LET-10-BOOM HOUSE, LARGE BAKE OVEN, etc, grounds, stable, etc., on Fer rysvllle plank road, near the terminus of the electric road; a good opening for the right man. C. H. LoVE, 93 Fourth ave. fe23-10 Suburban Residences. mO LET-25 HOUSES AT SEWICKLEY: ALL sizes and prices: also some good property for sale. Inquire of GEORGE F. RUDIS1LL, Ileal Estate Agent, Sewlckley, Pa. re21-9-Mimu TO LET-IN SEWICKLEY, THE FURNISHED brick residence of James Adair, on Broad St., one square from station; Immediate pos session. Address P.O. BOX 27, Sewlckley. fe21-8 Aonrtmenis. TO LET-FURNISHED ROOM, WITH BATH ROOM, hot and cold water, both gases and everything first-class. 426 PENN AVE. ft2I-94 a 10 LET-FROM APRIL 1, ONE PARLOR . -and other desirable rooms, with or without board, at 917 Penn avenue. Inquire or address 73 PAGE ST., Allegheny, fe24-M TO LET ELEGANT NEW FURNISHED rooms, for gents only, in the large new Dunain? onvne corner oi uia avenne ana uoyu si, References required Inquire on the premises. r. hckmu. ie24-m TO LET-FRONT AND BACK PARLOR 421 Penn ave. to let together or separate to den tist, dressmaker, etc., except physician (doctor already In house); possession April 1. BLACK & BA1RD, 05 Fourth ave. fe21-94 TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS 4-room flats, one C and S-room dwelling houses, 2 Liberty street storerooms. Ion corner of Penn and Third, and on Ferry street. Inquire of S. M USOBAVE. 44 Fourth street. fe24-S5-MWT8a Offices, Dcik Room. ifcc. TO LET-A SUIT OF OFFICES (COMMUNI CATING parlors), 931 Penn avenue: all In first-class order. See MISS J. LOVE, 814 Penn ave., or W. A. IILRRON & SONS, SO Fourth ave nue. fe21-S2-Ihssu TO LET -SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms in the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third a e. and Wood street; also warehouse and basement No. 211 Wood st. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood St. jalS-31 ndscellancouA. TO LET-CARRIAGE AND STALL ROOM IN a llrst-class finely appointed private stable, centrally located In Allegheny. For terms and Earticnlars Inquire LIGGET'S LIVERY STA LE, No. IS3 Sandusky St., Allegheny. fc24-66 TO LET-A NO. 1 LANDING. 1,323 FEET ON south side of Monongahela river, at Thirty fourth street, and extending to city line; good depth or water the entire year. WM. MCCLURG, No. 3400 Carson sL, Pg Pa. Telephone N0.6U4. fe2-21 Special. TO LET-BY W. W. M'NEILL BRO.. 162 Fourth avenue.,. 808 Wylle ave., 7 room brick, (IS. 814 Wylle ave., 7 room brick, lis. 372 Center ave.. 7 room brick, S18. SOS Fifth ave., 7" room brick, ii. Allegheny: 70 Ktrkpatrtck ave., 7 room brick, KB. 72 KJrkpatrlck ave., 7 room brick, 8. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WITHOUT .:. A .:. PRECEDENT WITHOUT A PARALLEL WITHOUT A PEER ST-AJSTDS QAAfrr4A$A$4V-fr GUSKY'S G-BEAT Red Letter ClearingSale No doubt thousands of you remember and with pleasure and sat isfaction our great and wonderful Red Letter Clearing Sale of a year ago to-day and you will of" course remember what a grand and phenom enal sale it was. Well, this sale is one that will outdo our previous efforts and attract the attention of every economical and cautious buyer in the city. And, for why? WE'RE BOUND TO CLEAR OUR STORE of the major portion of our goods'. Don't you know that our spring goods are pouring in rapidly, case after case being hourly dumped at our delivery doors, besides which we have in contemplation alterations in various parts of our store, and before the carpenters, painters, calci rriiners and other workers take possession of the portions we intend al tering we have heaps of goods to dispo'se of. Be it a Suit, an Overcoat, a Pair of Pants, any kind of Furnish nishing Goods or Footwear You May Want, you cannot lay your hands on an article or garment but what is a bar gain. You can positively buy goods for less rr oney than other dealers in this city paid for them. Comparisons are absolutely impossible. The frantic attempts of the little fellows to duplicate our bargains cause us and our thousands of patrons no end of amusement. It would be just as easy to dam up the Ohio river with a sugar loaf. The Goods We Offer and the Bargains We Give Are Nourishing to Domestic Economy, and Will Put Two-Fold .'. Sunshine in Many a Home. .'. Now's the time to buy either for present or future want, so don't hesitate, but come right in and phoose what you like. If you only come to look you're as welcome as though you came to buy. Don't confound, this Bona Fide sale with the bogus ones just now so freely advertised all over the town. You know us of old, and are fully aware that we value" our business name too highly to lend ourselves to any "fake" business. When you come you'll find our reduced prices marked plainly in red, while the original figures remain in black. Remember, In Every Department We've Made Great Reductions. -oo- GUSKY'S to u:t. Bnslncu stands. TO LET-BUSINESS STAND; BEST LOCA TION In the city; accessible by all car lines. Apply to 619 SM1THF1ELD ST. fe24-31 TO LEI-BRICK STORE AND DWELLINO, Main street, Mansfield: splendid opening for drygoods or tin store, as both are needed: eas; Immediate possession. Inquire C. H. LOVE. 93 Fourth avenue, or ROBERT H. BROWfl. Mans field. . fe24-14 TO LET THE .POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the White Honse, at rerrysvllle, on the .Perrysvilleplankxoad, with 21 acres of land, good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large gardeirjolnlng, and every thlngln nrst-clarss order: long lease Is given to the right party. For further Information rail or ad dress THE DAN N ER MEDICLN E CO., 242 Federal St.. Allegheny City. fe2-15 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-AGENTS. IF YOU MEAN BUSI NESS and want a honsebold necessity, easily sold and curried, let as know. MAURUDEK& CO., 30 North Seventh St., Philadelphia. Penn. feZ4-114 PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth tLOOO. let us know: we will buy one as quickly as tbe other. LEVI'S BOOK. STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. feSO PERSONAL-ARRIVED-MME. REED, OF San Francisco, trance medium, will reveal every hidden mystery in life, tells full name of callers, brings separated together, gives advice on business, speculations and love affairs: under stands the sclenceof Hindoo magic; ladles or gents about to start In business will do well to consult this gifted ladv; everything confidential: letters with stamps answered; fee (1 and upward: hours from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M stritl. Parlors, 513 PENN AVE., opposite JenklnsT wlioloale honse. fe24-25 LOST. LOST-A DOG-BKEED. FOX AND GREY HOUND, with collar: no name on it. If found return to ISO FOURTH AVE., and receive liberal reward. feU-81 LOST-ON FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 22. on Federal St., Allegheny, $30. A liberal reward will be given by retnrnlng to 130 TAU GART ST., Allegheny. fe24-13 LOST-VALUABLE GOLD BBACELET-IN Pittsbnrg or on train between Pittsburg and Altoona, February 12: a liberal reward will be given for Its return to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Al toona, ra. le-iia LOST-ON FRIDAY MORNING. BETWEEN East Liberty station and Mansfield, pair sold spectacles marked Semple on one tip and Graham on other; valued as family heirloom. Please re turn o J. M. SCUOONMAKER COKE CO., 13) Water st fei4-83 RESOKTS. Atlantic City. THE ROYAL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Always open. Appointments first-class: steam heat, sun galleries, etc. fe22-S0 W. H. REYNOLDS. rE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. Ou tho beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. Steam heat, electric bells. Will open Febru ary 9, 1889. . jal3-7Z-M wrsu BUCK & McCLELLAN. THE WINDSOR ATLANTIC CITY. Excellent location; unobstructed ocean views; cuisine and appointments of the best. Steam heat throughout the hoteL G. WATERS. W. E. COCHRAN.Chief Clerk. fel7-TTSSu ON THE BEACH. Atlantic City, , N. J HADDON felfrM EDWIN LIPPLNCOTT. OLD POINT COMFORT, VIRGINIA. HYGEIA HOTEL. 100 yards from FortMonroe; open all tho year, accommodates 1,000 guests; aamirable location; delightful climate; thrilling historic surround ings. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric and HOT SEA baths, the latter especially beneficial in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous Artillery School Band. Glass-inclosed verandas. Average temperature for winter 43. Absolutely frpfi frnm malarla All thlno pnnjtiriprf.i4 thu 'most comforatable and delightful resort at which to spend the winter months in the United States. Send for descriptive pamphlet. no27-ylO-Tursu F. N. PIKE, Manager. 100 HINTS yOR PASSENGERS EUROPE. TO A pretty little book containing them pre sented free on application In person or by P. C MAX SHAMBERG t CO, Representatives of the Nord Deutscher Lloyd, an Smlthfleld st, Pittsburg, Pa. fel2-91-wsn 00000040000 -x- GlilD BARGAIN STORE, 300 io 400 Market street, fe21-TTSSa nTJEETISGSs. MASONIC NOTICE-THE AIEAU3EKS OP Hailman Lodge No. 321, F. and A. SL, and brethren of the craft are invited to meet at the lodge room. Liberty Hall bnilding. East End, This Dat at 1:43 o'clock p. m. to attend the funeral of Brother OB1N JENKS. By order the W.M. W. J. DIEHL, Secretary. fe3Hl AUCTION SALES. AT AUCTION PIANO. FURNITURE, carpets and household goods at tbe lata residence of Thos. Palmer, deceased, No. 19, Church avenue. Allegheny, WEDNESDAY ilOBNING. FEB. 27, AT 10 O'CLOCK. Parlor furniture upholstered in reps, rosewood" piano forte, lace curtains, cornices, chamber; furniture, bureaus, bedsteads, washstands, wardrobes, beds and bedding, dining tabled chairs, delfware, kitchen utensils, laundry fnr-j nishments, brussels carpets on halls and stairs, hull TCLCkfl. 6tC 1 Sale positive, by order of the administrator. J noase open ai ocioce on the morning oil in sale. . ( the sale. HENRY AUCTION"CO..LIM., ' Auctioneers. ) fe24.78 A UCTION SALE OF NEW AND SECV. J. OND-HAND carpets. Una furniture, bed. ding, stoves, decorated dinner, tea and toilet suites, pictures, curtains, two pianofortes,! clocks, bronzes, eta, at the rooms. No. 311 Mar ket street, TUESDAY MORNING, February 28, At 10 o'clock, sharp. Parlor, chamber, library, office and dining room furniture, hall racks, dishes, silverware, glassware, rugs: leather, cane, pa'tent and wood seat chairs and rockers; ladies' newmarketa, two sets harness, tinware, tea, notions, coal vases, stoves, linoleum, bedding, mirrors, fur trimming, lamps, eta, etc. Goods now on exhi bition. HENRY AUCTION CO.. Mf fe24-77 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE AT THE RESIDENCE of J. D. Huffman. 312 Lowell street, near Mavflower, East End, THURSDAY, February 28, 1889. at 10 o'clock A.M. Fine Sohmer up right piano, elegant parlor suit, chamber suits in walnut and antique oak. dining room set. in cluding oak sideboard, moquette, brussels, nail and stair carpets, rugs, 12 pain of lace curtains, 2 pairs of portiers, stove and complete kitchen outfit. These articles have been in use but one year, and must be sold. fe2448.wsn J. A. ROBINBON. Anct. BEBFDR ALL- 4 i FOESALEandTOLET. 3 rooms up to 10 rooms. In the beautiful borough of Knoxvllle. only 1 miles from city postoffice. Beautiful homes are sold on payments 'ths same as rent. By all means visit Knoivilla before taking your bouse for another year. Never have, there been such oppcrtunitiesfor people to get homes. .05-Take Sonthside cars to Twelfth street; and ML Oliver Incline and Street Railway, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, fe&67-TTSSa KNOXVILLE BOROUGH. Walter J. Osborne. Richard harrows; BARROWS & OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 80 Diamond street. Telephone No. 8U seS-k56-TTSsu FRED SHIEDEL, STAINED AM ORNAMENTAL GLASS, For Church and Residences. Estimates and Special Designs promptly. NO. 7 MARKET STREET, felB-99-rrsan Pittsburg; Pa. P O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of PaLnf 131 Fifth avenue.above Smithfleld,nextLeadaf office. (No delay.) Established 30 years, selS-hW i h ? t 'i