I- ALL READ! FOR BEH President Roberts' Car Taken to Indianapolis BY THE TRUSTED PORTER. Kow for tlie Fast Run to Washing ton in a Splendid Coach SUPPLIED "WITH EVERY COMFORT. A Famous Cook Tells His Experiences With Other Presidents, GARFIELD, AETHUE AND CLEYULAND. Through the kindness of Adolphus Drury, the porter in charge, the reporters last night had the pleasure of inspecting the interior of the car that will be occupied by General Harrison and his party in their trip from Indianapolis to Washington. It is the private car of President Boberts, and has been completely refitted on the in side and painted on the outside at the Altoona shops. Like all the private cars of the Pennsylvania officials, its exterior is plain enough and the interior is not gorgeous, but comfortable and luxurious. "This is not a flashy car, you see," said Porter Drury. "It is intended for President Boberts, and he uses it constantly. It lacks nothing, however, to make a man feel happy and at home." The car is divided up into four apart ments in the following order, a kitchen, dining room, stateroom and library. It is provided with nine beds, including the one in the stateroom. It is supplied with easy chairs, tables, writing desks and the para phernalia of the kitchen is perfect. The car is finished in hard wood, and the carvings are intricate and costly. THE FUEIOTUBE is all new and of the finest plush. The entrains and window blinds are of the same material finished in old gold. Here and there scattered through the car are magnifi cent, silver-mounted gasoline chandeliers. The wasbstands are covered with mottled' marble from Georgia, and there is hot and cold water in abundance. The stateroom is rather small, but is furnished very nicely. The short aisles at the ends of the car are wide and spacious. Even the observation platform is larger than utual, and the floor is made cf hard, oiled wood. If there is anything in fact that this car lacks, it is be cause money will not buy it. He must be a fastidious man indeed who could find fault with the arrangement and the fittings in the interior. The books in the library, unfortunately, are not the choicest, but if Mr. Harrison is anxious to find out the secrets of the Penn sylvania road he is at liberty to do so. The collection abounds in reports of the com pany, and there is a sprinkling ot law vol umes among the tomes. Just in front of the writing desk is a large, round mirror so arranged that Ben can contemplate his vis age at pleasure. The car started for Indianapolis at 12 o'clock last night, and will reach the Hoosier capital about 11 to-day. Porter Drury said that the train would start for Washington at 12:30 p. M. on Monday, and, HE WAS SOBHT TO SAT, it would pass through Pittsburg at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning. The train will consist of the car described, a Pullman roach and a combination car. President Huberts" car will be occupied by Mr. Har rison and family, including Mr. and Mrs. McKee and the immortal kid. The Pullman car will be used by the bal ance of the party, and the porters. Adol phus Drury, as head porter and cook, will be assisted bv Fred Bichardson and John Garnett. Drury has been with President Roberts for years, and is an adept in the culinary art. "I don't know what kind of a man Mr. Harrison is," he said last night," but I am prepared to cook him whatever he wants. The larder is well stocked, but if we need anything extra, we can get it in Indianapolis. This is a famous car. It was built in 1880, and since then I have carried all the Presidents from Garfield down. Garfield went to "Washing ton on this car, and we took his body back to Cleveland when he died. I have often made trips with Arthur and Cleveland. This is the coach Mrs. Cleveland used in making the tlip lrom New York to "Wash ington when she got married. I have the greatest regard for the reporters, but on that occasion I was instructed to keep mum. I remember how persistent the boys were to get the news without avail. FKASK ABOUT FBANKIE. "I think Mrs. Cleveland is the sweetest lady I ever saw. She always treated me very nicely, and was easily "pleased. She 6eemed to appreciate everything you could do for her. "Of the Presidents I have been with on trips on this car, I fonnd Mr. Arthur the most sociable. He liked to talk and joke, and was every inch a gentleman.. He was naturally polite and condescending in bis manners! He nearly always used this car when he went to New York. Once there was nobody else io the coach but Mr. Ar thur and myself. He had a large package of his own photographs, which he was ex amining. Putting his autograph on one he gave it to me. This is the kind of a man Arthur was. "Garfield was silenton a train. It seemed to me he took advantage of such occasion to do some thinking. Mr. Cleveland is very good-natured. He is kind in his ways and never complains. It strikes me he is a man with a large soul and broad sympathies." Mr. Drury told his story while in bed, and the reporters stood over him, listening and questioning. Another porter with a lighted candle showed the hustlers the inte rior of the car. "Verily, they were polished colored gentlemen, so different from the average porter. Drury is a handsome fel low, and in features resembles Phil Sher idan. THAT BOILER EXPL0SI0S. The Inspectors Looking for One of the Flogs From the Boiler. The local Steamboat Inspectors are still working on the cause of the boiler explo sion on the towboat Two Brothers some few weeks ago. They are searching in the river for a plug from one of the sheets in the flue of the boiler. Two cf the plugs have been recovered but the third may never be found. The plugs are made ot fusible metal which will melt under a certain degree of heat caused by low water in the boiler. The plugs wnich nave been found are in perfect condition and were not melted. The Silver Brick. silver tbrick which was sent Tirro t be sorabrthbenefitof the Willey build ing disaster sufferers will be auctioned off in the Chamber & Commerce to-morrow af ternoon at.3:30 o'clock. A Kkatlnr Excursion. A skating excursion is the latest. On Tuesday a large party of young men and their best girls will leave for Spring Lake, where they will spend two days enjoying the winter sport. The "vV ? lYIGi.IKS AND HIS WEATHER. Tbe False Prophet Bits it Once, and Be comes Bold Says It Will be Warmer in July-Tearful Result in St. Vincent. Wiggins weather wrestlers grinned with ghoulish glee yesterday, and for once they could say, "I told you so," witbont being convicted of perjury, aiding prisoners to es cape or wrfting the Parnell letters. Thev had said it would be cold, and be hold it was cold. The confiding man who didn't read the weather bulletin, and scorned to look at the storm flag Friday evening, went out to his East End home wrapped in a spring over coat and a sense of warmth with a summery thermometer at 50 above zero. Yesterday morning he crawled weakly into a cable car, and tried to look comforta ble, and as if he weren't cold at all, an.l as if he were used to wearing a sealskin cap with a spring overcoat with the thermome ter hanging around the ragged edge of zero. He gave the snap dead away, however, when, in response to a tender inquiry on his health, he replied with dignity: "Do, I be dot gold. I dink dis id bleasant warb wedder." A gleam of sunshine is thrown over the cold weather when it is known that there are other people even worse off than Pittstrargers. Though the gauge went below zero last night, in this city, at Buffalo it touched some where about 10 below, while at St. Vincent, North Pole, America, the population is fondly thinking of a warmer hereafter, and trying to get up a pleasant glow with a thermometer at 50 below zero with the strongest man in town under it to hold it up. To give an idea as to how cold 50 below is, it can be truthfully said that an unwary young man who put his arms around a buudle ot furs comprising his best girl, was obliged to have a bonfire built around him before they could be unlocked and thawed out This fact is being suppressed up there for fear it should become epidemic and the city run out of fuel. Wiggins Stewart says it will be warmer Monday, but thunder, Monday isn't 10-day. He also says it will be warmer in July. METER SAW A EAILE0AD TEA1X. A Whole Family that 'mis Utterly Obllvous to the Outer World. "Do you see that long, lank girl with the pink calico dress and blue knit jacket, standing over there?" said a station agent in a country town not far from Pittsburg, to a Dispatch reporter the other day. "Pretty tall? Yes, she's about 33 and this is the first time she ever saw a train of cars. Talk about enlightenment, how's that? "I know the whole family. They live over here in the country, about sever miles. I went over there to get some butter the other day, and I swear I thought I had been transferred back to colonial times. Bare floors, rafters all bare, home-made linen on the table, home-made towels, home made dresses on the girls, home-made cheese and ham and eggs for dinner; every thing home-made; even the old gentleman wore a vest of home-spun. "One of the girls, nearly 23, has never seen the cars nearer than a mile, and never was in a city. And yet they are intelligent and contented to live within their gates, utterly oblivious to the great world outside, and eat, work and sleep in the same way that their father and father's father had before them. Great world, isn't it?" DOWfi ON CALIFORNIA. Mr. Iiorillard Gtrci the State of the Golden Gace a Blast. Jacob Lorillard. a brother of Pierre iioril lard, the tobacconist, passed through the city lait night bound for New York. "I am not in the tobacco business," he said, "but I have just come from California. I was not at all pleased with the country, and I think it is a very much overrated State. I saw men there foolish enough to buy land miles from water, and the only way it can be improved and cultivated is by the most costly irrigation. I traveled all over the State, and I didn't see a thing in boasted California that struck my fancy." He laughed when asked if Kyrle Bellew, the reformed sea cook and actor, wan still after the biood of bis big brother, Pierre. He replied that Pierre never paid any at tention to him or his threats. Bellew was not the kind of a man that his brother no ticed. SPOILED BY THE BLIZZARD. An Allegheny Temperance Meeting That Was Not Well Attended. Ii. F. Cole, the lecturer of the Grand Lodge ot Pennsylvania, of the Independent Order of Good Templars, was to have deliv ered a lecture in the North Avenue M. E. Church, Allegheny, last evening. The meet ing was held under the auspices of the West Manchester Lodge. The blizzard prevented a large attendance, and Mr. Cole only de livered a short address. The order he repre sents is the largest temperance organization in the world. He said he was not engaged in the work of organization at present, but was devoting his time to the Constitutional amendment. He has been in the State only three weeks and would not venture an opinion on the result of the June election, but said the feeling in favor of the amendment is grow ing every day. Mr. Cole will deliver a lecture in Mc Keesport this afternoon. lESTERDAI'S FIRES. The Extrrrao Cold v Weather and Defective Fines the Cause. Owing to the extreme cold weather yester day there weie a number of fires. The first was in the forenoon, when box 217 was pulled for a blaze on the roof of William Young',3 house, No 6021 Penn avenue. The damage was slight. About 2 o'clock an alarm was sent in from box 238 for a slight fire in the roof of the old American House in the East End. The roof was badly damaged. The house is an old landmark, being partly bnilt of logs. The roof of a frame bouse at 230 Renfrew street also caught fire from a detective flue. This caused the alarm from box 252. i Alarm 113, last night, at 10:30, was caused by a slight fire from a stove pipe in Philip Beiman's shoe shop, Wabash avenue, Thirty-sixth ward. Roped He Was In tbe Lockup. Three residents of Washington, Pa., called at the Central station yesterday after noon and inquired about Charles Wolfe, who had come with thera on Friday to see the parades, but who had gotten lost from them. When told that he had not been ar rested, tbey started to make a tour of the hospitals, learing he had met with an acci dent. Parents' Alleged Cruelly. Agent Dean, of the Anti-Cruelty Society, has made information against Chris and Lena Phillips, of Lawrenceville, charging them with cruelty to their 3-year-old child. It is alleged that they placed a rope around the child's neck and tied it to a chair. They, it is stated, aUo neglected to provide it with sufficient nourishment. Forty New Ordinances. Forty ordinances will be presented to Councils to-morrow for the improvement of different streets in the city. The cost of the work will be about $500,000. This will have to be paid for by the people living near the improved streets. A Crystal Wedding. Cards are out for the crystal wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ferree, of Arch street, Allegheny. It will be held on February 26 at their home. NEW CAST-STEEL GM Jacob Reese, the Inventor, Will Ex periment by a New Process. A GOVERNMENT TEST IS WANTED. Fine Steel to be Poured Around a Rolled and Hammered Core. A LARGE STEEL COMPANY INTERESTED Jacob Beese, the well-known inventor of this city, is about to make an experiment with a cast steel gun by an entirely new process. If the experiment is a success, he has made an arrangement with one of the largest steel mills of the country, and they will go into the gun business on a large scale. The new gun will be cast around an ingot 24 inches in diameter. The ingot will be 40 inches in diameter first, and will be ham mered down nearly one-half. The core will be placed in the center of the gun mold, and the steel poured in around it. The molten steel will be welded to the hot core which is to be encircled by the molten steel. After cooling the gun will be placed on (a lathe anda hole bored in the 24-inch-core. The inventor claims there can be no flaws in the bore of the gun, and therefore is not lia ble to burst. He also claims the metal will not be porous, as it will be the finest steel made. Mr. Beese just returned from Washington yesterday, and in speaking of the matter said: MUST HAVE BETTER GUNS. "While in Washington I found that army and navy officers were still discussing what is the best method of making heavy guns. The question seems to be settled that we must have better guns and better armor plates than we now have. It is feared that the built-up system now favored by the Government will prove an expensive fail ure, because the expansion and contraction of the separate parts in a built-un gun will be different, according to the difference in temperature, and thus the parts placed un der extra strains will be ruptured. It is held that it is practically impossible to make a cast steel gun free from poros ity, and still have it endure concussion without fatigue. "I have made arrangements with the Penn sylvania Steel Company to manufacture my compound ordnance, and a gun will be made for a Government test at an early day. PEOCESS OF CASTING. "The Beese gun is made by a different process from all others. In the manufacture of this gnn, having a 20-inch bore, an ingot 40 inches in diameter is cast, and, after be ing reheated, is rolled and hammered down to 24 inches in diameter and ot sufficient length. This 24-inch core is then heated, the scale suraped off and placed in the center of tbe gnn mold. Molten cast steel is then poured into the mold until the latter is filled. This molten steel is welded to' the hot, solid core by what is known as the teeming weld. It is so thoroughly united that it cannot be separated. "When the gun so cast is cooled it is taken to the lathe and a 20-inch hole is bored in the 24-inch core, thus leaving a wall of hammered or rolled steel 2 inches thick all around the bore, which is welded to the body of the gun by an inseperable union. "There can be no flaws in the bore of such a gun. for the reason that the rolled or ham mered core walls will be as free from poros ity and as fine in texture as razor steel. We hope to produce not only the most service able, by all odds, but the cheapetgun ever made. It is very gratifying to me to .know that a firm having such great facili ties and unlimited means as the Pennsylva nia Steel Company have this gun in charge. I feel assured that important results will oe attained. If the experiment is a success the facilities of the company will enable them to make 100 tons in guns per day." TWO FAMILIES HOMELESS. A Couple of New Dwellings on Nntancrr ' Bill Damaged by Fire. Two Allegheny families were rendered homeless yesterdayand but for the energetic J work of the fire department, many others would have been tnrned out in the cold. Two new frame houses, at the foot of War ner street, on Nunnery Hill, were badly damaged by fire about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Edward Boyd, the owner and occupant of one, built a fire in his cellar to tbw the water in the pipes. The fire burned higher than he expected and ran up the partition dividing his house from the one adjoining, occupied by Kobert Hill. Before the fire was discovered both buildings were filled with smoke and the flames had reached the roof. An alarm was turned in from box 214, but it was impossible to draw the engines up the steep icy road, and two hose carriages were taken up. The fire was a hard one to reach, as there was a blaze on every floor. One house is three stories high in front and four stories in the rear. The other is two stories in front and three glories in the rear. Most oi the furniture was taken from the burning buildings, and after three hours' work the fire was extinguished. 1 A number of small frame houses in the neighborhood wonld have been swept away but for the prompt action of the firemen. Mr. Bovd's loss will amount to $500, and Mr. Hill estimates his loss at $800. A NEW CORPORATION Mr. Westinafaonsc Has Organized the Ore Redaction Company. In addition to the many corporations of which Mr. George Westinghouse, Jr., is the President and the leading spirit, another company has been started by him, to be known as the Ore Beduction Company, of Pittsburg. Mr. Lemuel T. Bannister, of the Fuel Gas and Electric Engineering Company, and Mr. Samuel T. Willman are the officers of the concern. The capital stock Nof the com pany amounts to 30,000, divided into 600 shares at $50 per share. The silent Partner. A dramatic and social reception will be given by the Pattern Makers' Protective and Beneficial Association at Turner Hall, Forbes street, on Tuesday evening. The "Argonauts of '49" and the "Silent Part ner" dramas will be given during the even ing by a carefully selected company. The Stelzner orchestra will furnish the music for dancing. Delayed Trains. The Panhandle express and the limited were late last evening. The high winds and cold weather delayed the train from the West,and a freight wreck at Johnstown held the limited. About five cars were smashed at that place, but no one was injured. Out in the Cold. Michael Echison, a boy 13 years old, came to the Fourteenth ward station last evening, and wanted to be locked up, say ing that his mother, who lived at the Four Mile Bun, would not let him stay at home, and abused him. He was accommodated. It Was n Case of Heart Disease. The body of a man at the morgue, found near Elrod station, on the B,. & O. B. B. last Friday, was identified last night as that of Timothy Feehan, better known as Teddy Finn, the cause of death being heart disease. THE" PITTSBUKG DISPATCH RAILROAD AGENTS HERE. The. Third Annual Meeting; of the Assoela tion Held Yesterday Now Officers and Delegates Elected. The third annual meeting of the Pennsyl vania Division of the Bailway Agents' As sociation was held yesterday afternoon and last night in the parlors of the Hotel Ander son. Vice President Campbell presided. The meeting was opened with prayer by W. K. Brown, of the Y. M. C. A. At the afternoon session the reports of the different officers were read, and showed the organization to be in a healthy condition, both financially and numerically. The re ports of the standing committees were also read. C. W. Bassett, J. L. Kerr and J. B. McKenna were elected honorary members. The evening session was called to order at 7:30 o'clock by Vice President Campbell, of Kane, Pa. On motion, it was agreed that Pittsburg, Butler, Foxburg, Kane, New Castle, Erie and Oil City be designated as headquarters for the different subordinate divisions of Pennsylvania. The following named officers were then elected: President, T. J.' Campbell. Kane, Pa.; First Vice President, A. M. North. Sharpsvllle, Pa., Second Vice President, P. Colligan, New Cas tle, Pa.: Third Vice President, W. Cowood, Pittsburg, Pa.; Fourth Vice President, W. 8. McGearv, Foxburg, Pa.; Secretary. James Aiken, Allegheny, Pa.; Treasurer, A. H. Bailey, Sheffield, Pa. The following named gentlemen were chosen delegates to the grand -convention, to be held in Kansas City ou the second Tues day in June, 1889: J. T. Campbell, James Aiken, A. Cline, A. M. North, P. Colligan, C. V. Wood, W. S. McGeary, W. C. Had ley, H. J. Creighton and A. B. Crouch. A resolution of thanks to the proprietor of the Hotel Anderson and the different pas senger agents for courtesies extended was adopted, and the meeting adjourned to as semble again in February, 1890, at the same place. The meeting was very largely at tended by railroad agents from all over the State. THE AWFUL GRIP BROKE. Twenty Cable Cars Stuck at tho Loop, Foot of Fifth Avenue A Mad Crowd An Italian merchant's Boom. As car No. 13 of the Fifth Avenue Trac tion Company's line was whirring around the loop at the foot of Fifth avenue last night, and was just making the last degree in the circle, the grip broke and the car stopped short. Soon a crowd gathered, and the peanut man on the corner smiled, thawed out his left lung and prepared for business. Just as the crowd began to grow, car No, 14 came down the hill and tried the loop, with the same hard luck. And then, as the minutes wore away, the cars and people rolled into the point of delay until 20 cars and over 200 people had gathered around the gripmen, blowing their thumbs, advis ing the gripmen how to fix things to run, and "praying backwards,' as a "newsy" termed it, lor the good of the traction com pany. One belated merchant was heard to mut ter: "Do you know, this confounded thing is getting to be a regular cabal line. They're always breaking the grips on the cars; hut the conductor's grip on the nickels that roll into the coffers of the company never ceases to be the same." After a half hour's wait, and a raid by the big crowd on the nearest heaters, the head conductor called, '.'All aboard." and the 20 cars started, one after another, up the hill, and the crowd departed, leaving the peanut man with his tongue loose and his pores sweating from exertion of the lungs. AN OFFICER'S QUESTION. Two Lnwrencevillo Stores Entered by Thieves Early in the Evening. William Connor's tobacco store and Lew. Fuchs' meat shop, opposite one another on Forty-seventh near Plumer street, were en tered by thieves on Friday '"rening and a quantity of tobacco and cigars taken, in the former store and some meat and money in the latter. The doors were onened with keys. There are no clues to the robbers, which occurred before 11 o'clbck in the evening. The officer on the beat requested a reporter to ask in the paper: "Where were the police when the robberies oc curred?" He alone can answer the ques tion. There have been several robberies in this nart of the city' lately and there is, in all probability, an organized band of robbers in existence. A COLLEGIATE PERFORMANCE To be Given In Public by Students of the Catholic College. The students of the Holy Ghost College are going to give a matinee performance and dramatic entertainment at the Grand Opera House on Tuesday afternoqp. The pro gramme. wiU include "William Tell." by Sheridan Knowles, and a farce, "D'ye Know Me Now?" It is expected that a large nnmber of friends will attend the per formance. The performance is to be under the man agement of Bev. Father Fitzgibbon, of the college. ROTTEN VEGETABLES. Instead of Using Them for Fertilizing Pur poses, Sales Are" Alleged. Before Alderman Porter yesterday Mrs. John Hoppe charged John Fredericks with selling decayed vegetables. She said the defendant carried on a lucrative business by buying bad vegetables, etc., from gro cers upon the pretense oi using such for fertilizing purposes. Instead of doing this, she claims, he sells them. Destroyed tbe House. Frederick W. Bhom entered a charge of malicious mischief yesterday against Henry Hammerly, Jr., William Swearer, James Ashton, William Schmidt and Michael Nolan before Alderman Doughty. It is alleged the boys visited Bobm's house, on Thirty-eighth street, broke down .the door and defaced the walls and ceilings of the rooms in his absence. -Caps and Pokers for Two. John Hardy, living on Cabot way, was arrested by Officer Guenther, last night, while engaged in a family row. It was claimed that Hardy struck his mother on the head -with a cup, while Hardy asserted that he bad been struck with a poker by one of his brothers. He was lodged in the Twenty-eighth ward station. Their Mnrrlnge a Failure. Thomas Green and his wife drew up sep aration papers in Alderman Porter's office last evening, Mrs. Green had sued her husband on the charge of assault and bat tery. She could not substantiate the charge, and the case was dismissed. The alderman then advised them to separate. The Old Man May Live Through It. Mr. James De Beck, tbe old man injured in the collision on the Citizens' Traction line on Friday afternoon, is now resting easier, and, it is said, may ultimately re cover. Dr. B. M. Hah ha. Eye, ear, nose "and throat diseases exclusively. Office. 718 Penn street, Pittsburg, Pa. s&su Men's Suits, Not Law Suits. This week we start our trade with. a $10 suit sale. On Monday and Tuesday about 500 men's fine tailor-made suits in cheviots, cassimeres, whipcords and diagonals go for $10. A ?10-bill takes choice of these suits (nicely assorted as to patterns) on Monday and Tuesday only, and you'll find it's the best investment in a suit of clothes you ever made. Some ot them sold as high as $30, none lower than $22. It's to your own in terest to see these goods-whether you buy or not, and we'll be glad to show them to you. P. O. C. C, corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite new Court House. SUNDAY,' FEBRUARY ' HOWSHAWHISTLED A Splendid Audience Goes to 'Wei Come the Musical Company of THE FAMOUS WHISTLING WOMAN. Mrs. Shaw Delights Everybody, Including' Her Former Hubby. SOME INNOVATIONS THAT CAUGHT ON. There was a large and evidently clever audience in Lafayette Hall last night to greet the famous whistling prima donna, Mrs. Alice Shaw, with her concert company. She was brought here by the Press Clnb, and as all of their attractions have been of a uniform high order, so' the audience has always presented the uniform appearance of well-dressed, interested and bright people. Of those who were there, however, prob ably not half a dozen knew there was a little drama being enacted not down on the bills, a little side show that was not advertised. The large gentleman in the front row of the balcony; the large gentleman with white side whiskers and florid face, in fact, the large gentleman who looked the perfect type oi a hale and hearty English landlord was the divorced husband of Mrs. Shaw, and he had eome to see her for the first time since the sad event. He was as nervous as a girl. A" LITTLE NATURAL VANITY. He laughed and joked with a companion, though now and then, in spite of his as sumed carelessness, a hand would occasion ally wander up to primp his white hair, or more neatly to adjust his side-whiskers. He held an opera-glass in his hand, and how he did polish that glass up, and adjust the fo cus, the more perfectly to see the handsome Mrs. Shaw, that used to have been. After Mr. F. V. Downey pleased the audience with a tarantelle, Miss Ollie Tor bett, ajieautiful blonde vision in white, with the base of a sweet violin comfortably tucked under her.chin, delighted all by her clever melodious playing, and especially by the unlooked for vim with which she handled the bow; then, too. she had a master accompanist. The young lady also had such pleased welcoming smile every time she was called be i ore the curtain that canght her hearers at once, and assured them the pleasure was certainly mutual. Gustave Thalberg, in a most beautiful tenor, sang "Les Bomaux," and in response to a hearty encore, gave "Forever Thine." Z Now this was eitherlthe purestflirony of fate or circumstance, or it was premeditated, Wrt martaF TvrTiitlt 4lin afTant- rem a tTia coma and Mr. Shaw's face turned from a florid to a crimson, for the wife, who was not forever his, was to appear next. Mrs. Alice Shaw, tall, stately, magnifi cent, une ot tnose large, and probably English women, who look their best dressed as she was. A very low necked dress, sleeveless waist and a handsome black silk beaded dress with train. Everybody but one man applauded the splendid, famous creature, and all listened carefully for the first notes oi the unique concert, and had tshe dared to essay the tune of "Oh whistle and I'll come to you my love," every man in the audience would have crawled up over the footlights. JUST HOW SHE LOOKED. There was a momentary, hesitating puck ering of the red lips, just as if she were going to kiss some lucky other fellow, and then, in place of the usual soul-searching smack, there pealed forth a thrill of most delightful melody. She glanced but once at the man from whom she had procured a divorce, and then it was a glance suggestive of flatirons and broken dishes, while he, on .the contrary, held the glasses so long to his eyes it must have made his arm, if not his heart, ache, and when she struck the andante piano regret plainly struggled. witn aumiration in nis tace. .However, ne evidently solaced himself with the adage, "A whistling woman and a crowing hen," etc., and really sat the evening out like a major. As to Mrs. Shaw's,whistling, well, it was guggestiveof everything airy aud fairy. There was the trilling of the canary, the golden tones of the blackbird' and robin, and the shivering, silvery splendid melody of the English lark, though it might seem funny to associate all this with a very womanly woman who weighs 200 if she weighs a ponnd. Another unique point in the programme was Miss Edith Pond's musical reading. She was a superbly costumed woman in yel low jlowered silk and purple train. Her readings were rather an innovation, and if she had known her audience, and how shy they are of innovations, she would not have attempted what she did. However she did attempt it, and won. Her readings were accompanied on the piano,and the sympathy, between her tones and the instrument was at times so perfect that even a cold Pittsburg audience warmed up, and the brave girl was rewarded by ap plause and hearty recalls that were both flattering and sincere. Ills Collar Bone Broken. Jacob Geese, an old man who resnes in the Fifteenth ward, had bis collar one broken by falling downstairs yesterday afternoon. Dr. Clark attended him. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day in Two Cities Condensed far Ready Reading. The regul.r meetings of both branches of City Council will be held to-morrow. Mb. K. Solomon leaves this evening for the East on a business trip of several weeks' dura tion. Wnt-BED a Bailey, of Connecticut, will Sve one of his lectures in the Buena Vista ethodist Church Tuesday evening. Rev. A. W. Mann, general missionary, will hold services for deaf-mutes in the chapel of Trinity Church to-day, at 11 A. M. and 3 r. St. Thomas McCail, a laborer at "the Pitts burg Tube Works, had two of his fingers taken off while loading a car of pipe yesterday morn ing. United States Commissioner McCand less yesterday held Martin Begley, another Butler county counterfeiter, in the sum of $1,000 for a hearing. At a recent meeting of the New York Medi cal Association, in that city, Dr C.C. Wiler, tne well-known PittsDurg specialist, was elected an active member. Since the water has subsided the sunken boats and barges of Horner & Boberts and Lysle & Co. can be plainly seen near Lock No. L An effort"will be made to save tho coal. Jacqb Wolff, an alleged insane man. was found wandering along the New Brighion road in his bare feet yesterday morning and was taken to the lockup. The man resides in Bellevue. A 6-yeah-oi.d son of Jacob Geyer.of tho Elev enth ward, Allegheny, wandered away from home on Saturday morning and was found in Lawrenceville late In the evening and returned to bis "parents. Bessie McGbaw, a former resident of Lawrenceville, was sent to jail yesterday for stealing articles of clothing at balls. She was arrested at Brady's Bend after a hurried flight from Saltsburg. City Assessoe Hetzel, of Allegheny, says there are 5,018 taxables in tbe Second ward, Al legheny, which entitles that ward to nine Common Councilmen, statements to the con trary notwithstanding. Most of the right of way through the Southside has been secured by the P., V. & C road. An extra track will be built in the spring to take the freight from tbe Ft. Wayne and Panhandle around the city. A handsome young lady was arreSted early yesterday morning on Beaver avenue, Alle gheny, for drunkenness. At the hearing she claimed she bad been drugged by a companion at a ball and was allowed to go home. Gospel Temperance Union No. 1 will hold its regular meeting in University Hall. Sixth street, this evening, commencing at 7:30 o'clock. Captain Barbour will conduct the meeting. Ad dresses will be delivered by prominent workers. 1889. CRAZED BY DE1NK. An Old Soldier Who Fought the War Over Again In the Lockup Shackled, Hand and Foot, Vet Violent. An old soldier, crazed with drink, kept a dozen Allegheny policemen busy last even ing. He had boarded a Manchester street car, and insisted on eating all the passengers aboard. The conductor put him off the car, when he fell and cnt a gash on the back of bis head. He was in a dazed condition for several minutes, dnring which time Kounds men Johnston and Wilson took him to the lockup. Here he recovered sufficiently to upset several policemen and endeavored to bite every hand or foot that came near hts month. He was shackled hand and foot, and even then it required the combined strength of. three policemen to prevent him from dash ing his brains out on the stone floor. The prisoner then began to bite his own hands, and inflicted several ugly wounds be fore he could again be placed under control. He imagined he was in the army, and called to invisible companions to follow him and save the country. Then he cursed and swore at the rebels, and the oaths used would have made a pirate on the high seas wild with envy. There was nothing on his person that would lead to his identity. He carried a photograph evidently talfen about 2? years ago in Indiana, Pa., that resembled htm somewhat. He was attired in the uniform of an orderly sergeant. The patrol wagon was called and the man was taken to the Allegheny General Hos pital. During his rambling remarks he repeatedly mentioned Latrobe, and it is be lieved he is a resident of that town. THE TRADES COUNCIL A Committee Reports In Favor of High License, Against Prohibition. The Trades Council met last night. Thomas Nevin, of Bricklayers Union No. 2 presented his credentials and was admitted. John Flannery presented his resignation as a member of the Executive Board and ot the Legislative Committee. They were ac cepted. O.-T. Carlin was elected to the Executive Board and J. M. Kelly to the Legislative Committee. The Executive Board reported in favor of a high license law, but against prohibition. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That we believe prohibition would be very injurious to the industrial interests of labor. A circular was read and copies of it sent to all labor organizations. It is to the effect that all organizations are invited to co-operate with the Conncil by sending delegates to the meetings. All political discussions will be tabooed and the new Council will profit by the experience of the old Trades As sembly. ' Letters were read from "United States Sen ator Quay and Congressman Bayne to the effect that they would urge the appointment of a man in sympathy with the Typograph ical Union, to the office of Public Printer. The Furniture Workers' Union made a further subscription ot $4 25 for the Wood street accident sufferers. A STE1KE INEVITABLE. The Connellsville Cokers to Quit Work Sud denly In the Near Future. The Knights of Labor held their conven tion at Scottdale yesterday, and the region was well represented. J. M. Dayton, of Ton's station, was elected Chairman and Kjloyd M: Parker Secretary. The conven ion and its actions are a mystery, and noth ing could De obtained tor publication. The delegates were reticent and would not talk on the plans laid out, but from the ap pearances, however, no strike will be an n unced at present, although there is no doubt one is contemplated. When it takes Elace it will be general, and no notice will e given. If the operators find their works idle some morning in the near futnre they will then know that the trap has been sprung and something has dropped. Competing With Railroad Coal Men. Some of the river coal operators are com peting with the railroad operators, notwith standing statements made by the latter that they could not do so. The railroad coal men had $3 80 per ton for furnishing coal to the Vincennes (Ind.) Gas Company, but Ad dison Lysle gobbled up the contract at $3 38 per ton. He will ship by water to Cincinnati and by rail from that point to Vincennes. That New Coal Syndicate. The plans for the proposed coal combina tion have not yet been formulated, but will likely be operated on tbe same principle as the defunct coke syndicate. Each-member will sell their product to the syndicate. The prices proposed for coal above the min ing rate per 100 bushels are as follows: First pool, 51 70; second pool, $1 50; third pool, 51; fourth pool, 80 cents. Labor Notes. The Hampton miners have joined the Mi ners' National Progressive Union. The friends of James Campbell, of the Win dow Glass Workers' Association, want him to be a candidate for the position of Commis sioner of Labor. The Examining Board of the Seventh bitu minous district have announced the following numbers of successful candidates for mining bosses: Nos. 3, 23, 33, 37, 40, 49, 68. THE! STOLE SASH AND SHUTTERS. An Allegheny Carpenter Shop Badly Gutted by Thieves. Detective John Glenn, of Allegheny, yes terday arrested six men and boyswho are charged by Contractor Hemphill with larceny. Mr. Hemphill's carpenter shop, on Spring Garden avenue, was damaged by fire several weeks ago, and since that time some persons have been carrying off window sash, shutters, flooring, etc. An information was made against six per sons, who are charged with the theft. They are Phillip and Henry Gristner, Michael Kaiser, John Maul, Sr., John Maul, Jr. and Wm. Maul. The prisoners gave bail for their appearance at a hearing before Mayor Pearson next Wednesday. . A Dead Fnmily. Five dead bodies, consisting of fatherjt mother and three children, passed through the city last night en route from Tennessee to Tarrytown. They were the remains of the Sarver lamily, and the first one died in 1849. The deaths of the others occurred at different times since then. Cat the End of Bis Nose OfT. A man named Owen Mullen slipped on the pavement last night and fell against the glass front door of Bnhe's saloon, Car son and South Sixth streets, Southside, a piece of the glass cutting the end ot his nose off. Both Legs Crashed. Nick Wensick had his legs crushed by a steel rail (ailing on them while he was load ing a wagon, at the Black Diamond Steel Works yesterday. He was taken to the West Penn Hospital. His injuries are not fatal. - , A Wrong Sort Of Pointer. Jacob Michaels was arrested in Mel horn's plumbing shop, on Mt. Oliver, yes terday, where he had terrorized a nnmber of boys by pointing a revolver at them. Tlie New China Store. Hitherto we have only been able to tell you what we were intending to do. We are now ready to peribrm all we have promised. Come in and see us when we open on Mon day, or any other day, and we will give you a cordial welcome. Fbenoh Kendbick & Co., The China Store, opposite City Hall. THE CASE HOPELESS. A Man With a Shiny Pate Need Never Expect a New Growth of Hair, ACCORDING TO DE. DUNN'S SAT. The Care of the Hair and Nails the Subject of a Lecture. DE. W. T. EXGL1SH TALKS ON THE BLOOD The attendance at the school of anatomy was quite large yesterday. The lectures were interesting, particularly that of Dr. Dunn on the hair, which is often the pride of man and the lack of it the cause of an abundance of bad jokes and patent medi cines. Dr. J. C. Dunn spoke, about as follows; on the subject of the"Hair and Nails." Hairs are long, cylindrical bodies situated in depressions on the body. There are three kinds of hair on the body: That which is situ ated on the bead,whlcb is long, tbe short thick hair which form the eyebrows, and the fine hair found on other parts of the body. A hair is formed of the root and shaft, which tapers to a point. The hair is formed over-lapping scales which can only be disintegrated bv stroner alkalies. The color of the hair is due to pigment cells found in these scales. The hair grows faster in summer in than winter,and in youth than old age. There are about 10,000 to the square Inch on our heads, or about 120,000 In all. The hair is elastic and can bear a great weight without breaking. Very few of the hairs on our bodies come out straight, but at an angle. When the hair foliclo is in a healthy condi tion the skin Is slightly roughened, but when tbe foliclo is injured no power on earth can make hair grow again: so when you see men with smooth, shining bald heads, there is "ho hope of hair ever again growing on that head. The hair is liable to disease like any other part of the body. The most common is the over growth of hair. This is very annoying to women. The disease Is often due to great mental troubles. Among insane women the growth of the hair on the face is very marked. MUST GET AT THE EOOT. Many methods are taken to relieve the vic tims. If the hair is cut, it will only grow in again; if pulled out by forceps, it will again return, as the root of the hair is not destroyed, and caustics cannot be used without disfiguring the skin. The latest and most successful method is by electricity. The hair is diseased in an opposite manner, that is, by falling out, This is prevalent in old age. When the scalp becomes bald from advancing age it is ntterly useless to make any application with a hope of tbe hair being renewed. When it occurs in early life and is due to illness or a nervous shock, it is very possible to have the hair re newed. Another manner in which the hair falls out is over a limited area or spot, perhaps only tbe size of a half dollar. This may increase in size or others may appear. This U due to a nervous shock. In these cases the hair generally re appears after a time. As we now know some oi tne causes ot tne overgrowth or hair, ad vantage is taken of this fact; and the hair is treated to some irritating stimulant. Another change in tbe hair is tbe loss of color. This is due to air bubbles getting be neath the cuticle of the hair, a disease, or to a tendency of the family to grow gray while young. It is often the case where the hair does not fall out after an attack of typhoid fever it grows gray. The scalp is liable to several diseases.wbich interfere with the growth and luster of the hair. The hair is naturally oily. Another disease of the scalp in mild form is eczema. This causes an itching of the bead and dander. Another disease which interferes materially with tbe hair is ringworm. It may be cured rapidly, but if it remains for any length of time it becomes a serious matter, and requires long continued and careful treatment to destroy tbe parasite. One word to tbe ladies. There is no disease of the scalp where the hair need be cnt off. AS TO HAIE WASHES. As to the care of hair and of washing, dress ing, combing and the use of hair washes, I wish to make a few remarks. It is not in jurious to wash the hair with warm water and soap, as some say. The hair will be dry, but if bay rum be applied after the washing, the skin will contract and the hair will soon become oily. The white of one or two. eggs, thoroughly rubbed into the scalp, will cleanse the hair as thoroughly as soap and water. As to combing, some advise us not to use a fine comb. If you press the comb down firmly on the scalp, you will scratch the scalp ana produce irritation and finally disease. I prefer tbe wire brush to a tine comb, but ) ou must use the same precautions here as you do witha fine tooth comb, and not pre-s too firmly. There is not enough time snent upon tbe hair. If you want to have a fine bead ot hair you must spend time upon it. In regard to use of apolications to the scalp, only tbe simplest should be used. A favorite application to the balrand face Is glycerine in some form or other. The tendency qf this drug is to harden the face and hair, and is in no way useful. In regard to the nails. I will say tbey come under the same applications as tbe hair. You mar grind the end of your nails as much as Jrou want, but if you wish to have smooth, pol shed nails do not scrape them with the knives found in a manicure set. Polish them with some soft material as chamois skin. THE BLOOD CIRCULATION'. Dr. English spoke upon the circulation of the blood. In his address he first de scribed the system of tubes, called arteries and veins, by which the blood is carried from the heart to the various parts of the body. He said there were three principal divisions of the circulating apparatus, namely the arteries, veins and capillaries. The heart is divided into four parts, and by its actions regulates tbe supply of blood. The most important rule to be noticed in the circulation is that the arteries carry the blood from the heart and the veins to the heart. Continuing, the speaker described the material composition of the tubes. When an artery is torn, as by crushing, the internal coats will roll up as the end of a quill will sometimes roll when torn. Thus a hemor rhage caused by crushing is never. very serious. Physicians take advantage of this fact, and wnen an artery is cut by some rbarp instrument they twist the end with a pair of forceps and by this method they check the loss of blood. The various functions of tbe blood were de scribed. The circulation is interfered with in various ways,and by our clothing in particular. Very often motherwiil not have the child ren's stockings of a sufficient length, and a part of their bodv will he exposed, and tbe blood will be chilled. Ladies allow their arms and neck to be exposed. Tifrht lacins is anutner fault. .Not only are ladies the victims of their habit, but also men. Ihe binding of tbe body where there is the least resistance, just below the rib?, cannot but diminish the supply of blood in tbe extremities. French tailors are adopting the style of loose clothing for gentle men, but at present tight 'clothing Is much used. Tlii3 is common with a class of men who above all others sbonld wear loose cloth ins: tbat is, the military. I do not think I ever tried on a more uncomfortable uniform. The tailors try to bring out the lines of the body, and in doing so sacrifice the wearer's com fort. The lecture was a very exhaustive one on this interesting subject; but it was so tech nical it is impossible to accord the space necessary to give more than a general idea of its trendy At tbe Homeopathic. Dr. Maxwell, of Trinity Church, will conduct the services at the Homeopathic Hospital this afternoon. The surpliced choir boys will be in attendance. The Chicago and Denver Express Is a new train that is now running daily between Chicago and Denver via tbe Chica go and Northwestern and Union Pacific Hallways. It leaves Chicago daily al 530 P. M., and coaches, free reclining chair cars and Palace Sleepers run through, arriving at Council Bluffs and Omaha at convenient hours the next morning, and at Denver early the second morning. Meals en route over the Northwestern are served in dining cars. California passengers leaving Chica go by this train Tuesday evenings connect at Conncil Bluffs with the famous "Golden Gate Special," which reaches San Francisco Friday at 7:45 P. ar... making the time be tween Chicago and San Francisco only three days, the quickest time ever made between Chicago and California by trains run on regular schedule. Tickets, time tables and full information can be obtained at auy coupon ticket office, or by addressing E. P. Wilson, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. New upright pianos for rent. E. G. Hats & Co., 75 Fifth aye. MARSHELX, THE CASH GKOCZK, ,. . Will Save, Yon Money. How is your appetite? Is it a little large thaayourpocketbook? It is not pleasant to make your appetite smaller. I will make your pocketbook larger I will save you 20 per cent on your grocery bill. I have some of the greatest bargains you ever heard of. Dried peaches, 6 lbs 25c; California evaporated peaches, 3 lbs 23c; California egg plums, 3 lbs 25c; California prunes, 3 lbs 25c. Everyone knows what California peaches are. The California prunes are raisen-cured, sweet and finer than any French prunes ever grown. The egg plums are well named. They are monsters," and when cooked have a delicious syrup. The goods are all first-class. The lowest prices ever heard of in can goods. Can corn, 60 cents per dozen: can tomatoes, 85 cents per dozen; can black berries, 65 cents per dozen. I can give you bargains in everything. Bargains in tea, flour and the whole line of groceries. Send for weekly price list and order by mail. Orders amounting to 510, without counting sugar, packed and shipped free of charge to any point within 200 miles. Mabshell, 79 and 81 Ohio st.,cor.Saadusky,Allegheny. E. a. HATS ib CO.'fi CLEARANCE SALE. Special Offer For Ten Days On Pianos audi Organs. As we are going to put down a sew floor, and make other improvements in our ware rooms, we must sell some of our stock to' clear the floors, and will make the following unusual offer: One Hardmann upright'piano, 1i octaves, full size, slightly used, $150. One Decker Bros, upright, 1 octaves, $175. One Bans upright, nearly new, $175. One Decker & Barnes square, lull size, $150. One Hintz & Schmidt square, full size, top molding, four round corners, $85. One Burdett organ (piano case), three lull setseeds, $65. One Wilcox & Whifjf organ, $65. Six organs, different makes, $25 each. Six square pianos, old style, $25 each. Also we offer a large discount on new pianos and organs of following makes: Mathushek, Hazelton, Lindeman, Lester and New England pianos; Wilcox & White organs. We ask visitors to look at our new uprights, 7 octaves, of Boston make, for $175, including stool and cover. E. G. Hats & Co., 75 Fifth aye. Positive Fact. The people of to-day are seldom canght by chaff. Good honest values for their money is what is wanted, and where can you find this but at the reliable. Busy Bee Hive, where the aim of the firm is to give their patrons the best for the least money? You can now buy homemade comforts from 39c up; blankets, 50c up; white spreads, 39o up; scarlet wool underwear for men, 35c to $1; la'dies', 69c; child's 12Jc up. Ladies' new markets, $2 50, were $7; jackets, $1 up; bucle jerseys, 50c; calico wrapDere,50c to $1; cashmere wrappers, $2 50 up; our $1 kid gloves, 50c: girls' winter dresses, Gretchen coats, plush bonnets, infants' cloaks, slips, etc., at astonishing low prices fine corsets at reduced prices tim week, tnclnding P. D., L. C, C. B., Dr. Warner's, Ball's, Madame Warren's and Foy's. Louis Bogaliner's Busy -Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty. Sovereigns of Industry cards reo ognized. Men's Suits, Not Law Suits. This week we start our trade with & $10 suit sale. On Monday and Tuesday about 500 men's fine tailor-made suits in cheviots, cassimeres, whipcords and diagon lis go for $10. A $10 bill takes choice of tuese suits (nicely assorted as to patterns) on Monday and Tuesday only, and you'll find it's tbe best investment in a suit of clothes you ever fou ever as $30, own in- l buy or i i to you. in ind sts., made, some ot them sold as mgii as $30, none lower than $s;. it s to vour own ; terest to see these goods whether you I not, and we'll be glad to show them t P. C. C. C, cor. Grant and Diamond ; opp. new Court House. SPRING. 1SS9. Our Kerr Stock Carpets and Curtains Ars All Here and Open. We have now the largest and finest stock of carpets and curtains of every grade ever imported by any house west of New York. wholesale and retail. Edward Groetzhtgeb, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Silk Department. Bich novelties in Armureand surah silks. Plaids and stripes plain to match at $1 and $1 25 a yard. flUOUS as UJlCKB. -1 arwFSu Eewt upright pianos for rent. E. G. Hats & Co., 75 Fifth ave. ? )i. The PInee to Boy Carpets and Curtains " Is at tbe leading house in the West. Edward Geoetzijtgee's, i: 627 and 629. Penn avenue. Invalids call at 1102 Carson st. and ba c cured free of charge. E. G. Hats & Co. rent new upright, pianos at reasonable prices. Dress Goods Department. Plain, plaid and striped novelties at 50o per yard. Entirely new effects. anvTsn Hugus & Hacke. E. G. Hats & Co. rent new upright pianos at reasonable prices. - Add 20 drops of Angostura Bitters to every glass of impure water you drink. SPRING IMPORTATIONS COMING IN DAILY. French and Scotch Ginghams, Ander- : son's Plaids, advanced styles in French. , Satines, advanced designs in India 't Silks,compIete Hues of Foreign and Do- i mesticWash Fabrics ready for spring sewing. ' LACE AND EMBROIDERY. Shipments on sale at low prices for first-class goods. Special prices on 27- and 45-inch Flouncings. Spring Invoices of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR mat neeas no commenaauoa io any jm buyer who has used it, coming fronVa makers who aim at perfection, yet meet Jgf the market in price. $$& The following departments tn cUri receipt of new and desirable effects:'! TRIMMINGS, BRAIDS, BUTTONS,! KID AND FABRIC GLOVES,'; .PLAIN AND FANCY HOSIERY.! TT J?i Second floor for Cloaks, Suits audi Shawls, Children and Misses' Bai&3 BIBER i EASTDl H AND 607 MARKET St feSS-TTSSU