Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 24, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 16, Image 16

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    ' tit;-
Odd Characters Wilh Whom Eliakira
Eastman Became Acquainted
How the Worst Boy in Town Became the
Pedagogue's Bst Friend.
wmwut ron TBE msriTca.1
OOK, Billl there
goes the new school
maRterlMyl Jest git
onto the size of his
boots, will yer?"
Such was the re
mark I overheard
the 6rst ti me I
walked down the
main street of the
small village of
Penacoskeag. It was
uttered Dy a sinall
boy, ol course, whose
strong voice .ras per
haps the only thing
he had that he could
use to show that I was welcome. How he
learned that I was the new teacher is one
of those inscrutable mysteries which a man
who is used to living in small communities
sever steks to salve. I hail arrived in Pena
coskeug on the stage at 9 o'clock the evening
before and this was the first time I hud
left the boarding house which was
to be my home for the next
three months. Xot half a dozen people in
the place had seen me aud vet I will ven
ture to say that every man, wnan and
child of a population of perhaps 250 not
only knew of my arrival but could tell
something ot my antecedents, describe my
looks and even the clothes that I wore.
Even my boots had attracted attention aud
note had been taken of their liberal propor
tions. What system is used lor the dissem
ination of news in country towns, or what
motive there is or circulating such intelli
gence at all 1 have never been able to dis
cover. The evening before I had reached the
railroad station at Mcso)iotamia and taken
the stage to Penacoskeag, 13 miles distant
The stage driver was a very jolly fellow and
on the way up he and I struck up a very
pleasant acquaintance. He had a fund bf
interesting stories and enlivened the monot
ony of the journey bv telling tbem. Occa
sionally, too, he would sing a song, not al
ways select, but invariably tunelul. To
make some return lor hit efforts to entertain
me I narrated some ot my own experiences,
which amused him greatlv. He had mis
taken me or a theological student at first,
but I dispelled that impression from lis
mind very speedily when I began to talk.
Thoughtlessly I said some things which had
better beeu left unsaid, und thereby placed
a weapon in the hands ot the driver wnich
he might have used against me had he ever
shown an inclination to create an unpleas
antness between the people of Penacoskeag
aud their schoolmaster.
There was but one other passenger, a
youth ot 17 or 18 j ears, with whom I had
abundant opportunity to become lully ac
quainted later. He was of a very lively
dispnsit on, and took his turn at laughing,
jokirg and story-tolling. Had I then known
his reputation as the worst boy in the Pen
acoskeag school, doubtless my behavior
would Lave beeu more circumspect and dig
nified. As it was, I gave mvselt complete
ly awav, and when I heard him say as I leit
the stage, '"That's the new schoolmaster,"
I realized, all too late, that I must have ap
peared to him anything but a model in
structor of youth.
But I hadn't much time to worry over
this matter, as the next morning at 8o'clock
I was to appear belore the school committee
for examination. I had never taught a vil
lage school before and the only examination
I had ever passed was at a country insti
tute where I got through without trouble.
But writing the answers to questions, in
company with classmates and school ricuds,
was a very different thing from giving oral
and off-hand replies to the interrogations of
august and solemu-visnged committee men,
as everv teacher must know.
If it was not with fear and trembling that
Iknocke at the door of Elder Hawkins,
chairman of the Penacoskeag school com
mittee, it was with a feeling so nearly akin
that it would be difficult to explain the dif
ference. I was ushered in; the elder was
there and another member of the committee
also. I felt as I should imagine a specimen
of aniraiilculiB might, when put beneath the
glass of a microscope, as the aged and wise
looking gentleman began looking me over.
In other words, I felt small.
"It's a very forrerd school we have in
Penacoskeag," began the elder. I took
courace at once. A man who pronounced
forward "forrerd" couldn't know more than
ten times as much us T did.
"You are very young looking, and your
age is ahum 19, you say; yes, you cer
tainly are young. It needs a man of more
years and experience for our school; but as
vou have been engaged for the plafe, we
stand ready to give you a trial, provided, of
course, that the committte find, upon inves
tigation, that you are in tmssession of the
requisite educational acquirements and that
your temper aud disposition are not incom
patible with that standard of character
which, in out opinion, is indispensable in
an education. Eh, Mr. Adams?"
The long sentence was addressed to me,
and the short one to the member of the com
mittee, who had hitherto beeu silent This
gentleman replied:
"Just us you say, elder."
And I may here remark that during all
my acquaintance with him, in all the nu
merous visits which Mr. Adams, in com
pany with the elder, afterward paid to the
school, those were the onh' words I ever
heard him utter. The elder did all the talk-
The Examination.
ing for the committee, and by virtue of his
position at the head of it, really was the
committee. That little speech concerning
"requisite educational acquirements and
temper and disposition not incompatible,"
was his especial pride, and, I learned from
others who had been teachers in that school,
had been used regularly at every examina
tion conducted by the committee during the
20 odd years that Elder Hawkins iiad been
n office. What test was to be applied to
satisfy the examiners as to the nature of my
temper? I felt some curiosity on this point,
but did not arrive at a salution of the ques
tion either then or at any other time.
Alter some preliminary talk regarding
the educational privileges I had enjoyed,
i t2&!W-
and my previous experience sb an instruct-
or, the elder remarked to Mr. Adams: "I
think it best to proceed with the examina
tion," and having received the stereotyped
reply, "Jnst us you say, elder," the inquisi
tion "bezan at once.
I answered the first dozen questions with
such readiness that Etder Hawkins evident
ly bejjan to fear that his reputation as a
risid and thorough examiner was at stake.
He took from his shelves a number of vol
umes and began asking from them the
hardest questions he could find therein, or
that his ingenuity could frame. Such an
ordeal I never passed through belore or
I got a good deal mixed on some ques
tions durinsr the lour hours that the examina
tion lasted, butthe impression I had made at
first wasamply sufficient to carrv methrough
success ully. As the elder laid down the
fast volume ot trie set from wMch tie had
selected his questions I began to congratulate
myself, feeling sure of securing a certificate.
The examination, however, was not yet
finished. The next qnestion wa- the most
difficult of all. Turning toward me and
looking over his spectacles, while Mr.
Adams grinned, but said nothing (he knew
what was comincr), Elder Hawkins asked:
"Do you think you can lick a strong,
ugly boy nearly as large as yourself?"
"Keallv, Elder Hawkins, I hope no oc
casion will arise when such a proceeding,
will be necessary."
"It will be necessary. Can you do it?"
"Possibly. I would not venture to ex
press an opinion until I had sized up the
boy's physical proportions."
''Could you handle the lad that came "up
with vou on the stage from Mesopotamia
last night?"
"I wouldn't like to try it"
"But vou will have to try it Kb school
master that we have had in the past five
vears ever cot through a term without div
ine "Ked Kingley a sound whipping, and
our most successrul teachers have been com
pelled to thrash him about a dozen times
apiece. He is thoroughly bad and sure to
make trouble. What will you do with
"Let me answer that question later,
please. It he attends the school he must
obey me."
"That's the talk! Tour acquirements
have been found satis'actory, and we have
no hesitancy in issuing you a certificate
eh, Mr. Adams?"
"Just as you say, elder."
When I walked upo the schoolhouse a
few minutes before 9 o'clock on the next
Monday morning I encountered Ned Kings
ley on his way to school. He wanted to
hurry by, but I stopped him, bidding him
good morning, shakiug hands, aud ex
pressing the pleasure I had in finding that
one of my pupils, at least, was not an entire
"Look a-here, teacher," began Ned. "I
suppose old Hawkins has told you about
"Elder Hawkins did mention your name,
"5Tes, I know how he mentioned it same
as he always does, confound him; I'm a
tough case, but his telling everybody so
don't make me any better, I can promise
"Look here, Ned," said I: "Let's have an
understanding. Ton are to be my oldest
scholar, and I took a liking to vou before I
knew that you were coming to school at all.
I wan: somebody of about my own age that
I can talk to, and go fishine and hunting
with on Saturdays and holidays. You
know the woods about here, I supiose?"
"Better'n I know anything in the books.
Say, can you shoot squirrels?"
"Xflcan find them. Will you go with
me next Saturday? It would be a favor to
"Yts, if you ain't ashamed to be seen in
such company as mine, after what old
Hawkins has told you."
"Suppose you allow me to forget that
Elder Hawkins ever said anything about
you? I'll acree to it if you'll" never say a
word about the stories" I told the stage
di ivcr. Is it a bargain?"
"I'm agreed. XTon'll find me square if
you give me a fair show."
"I haven't a doubt of it. Ned. And now
let's get to school. There's a hard dav's
work before me, and I wish it were over."
The first day in a village school is the
teacher's day of trial. Ou his conduct then
depends largely his success or failure for
the ensuing term. The pupils, fresh from
the relaxations ot vacation life, are restless
and hard to manage. They are in no mood
for learning lessons, and if they study at all,
tbey study the ways of the new teacher
rather than their books. I couldn't have
been more wtary if I had been working in a
sawmill than I was at the close of that first
session of the Penacoskeag school under my
charge. After I dismissed the scholars!
nsk-d Ned KingMey it he would wait and
walk hme with rue. Warned evidently by
former experiences he blurted out:
"I don't know why yer .want to talk to
me. I hain't done nothiu'."
"Nothing wrong, I'm sure. I merely
wanted your company and vour advice."
"My advice? Well, if that ain't too rich.
What can I tell you about your business?"
"A good deal, if you wilf you've been in
this school a good deal longer than I have,
and why shouldn't your opinion be valua
ble? Honetlv, nowhow do you think I
succeeded to-day?"
"You done fust rate," replied Ned, with
a heartiness that left no cnance for a sus
picion that the compliment was anything
but .genuine. For the first time in his life,
probably, tbe boy had been consulted as a
person whose opinion whs worth something.
I could see that he felc flattered.
My tactics won completely. I consulted
Ned Kingsley on all possible occasion, and
often found iu his uncouth and ill-expressed
opinions the very essence of common sense
We went fishing and hunting whenever we
could, and he b y became my fast friend.
Moreover, be took an unu-ufil interest in
his studies, and his progress, the evidence of
which was made mani est on the final ex
amination day, was a surprjse to the whole
town. Despite Elder Hawkins' predic-'
tions, I neyer found it necessary toT
"lick the boy or administer any hut the
mildest sort of reproof. The last time I
heard from Penacoskeag he who once bore
the reputation of being "the worst boy in
the whole school," stood in the very fore
most rank among the worthy and respected
citizens of his town and couuty. I honestly
believe that my, giving him "a lair show'
helped toward making him what he is.
But it Ned Kingsley gave me no trouble
daring that term ot school there was one
scholar wbo did. It was a girl rather she
had been a girl once. She had lung since
passed the "school age," but she kept on
attending the school and pretending to
study. Her main object in life was to
capture a husband. She had determined to
secure a schoolmaster, if possible. She
made my life miserable by waylaying me ou
the street, stopping to "talk to me aftr
school and becoming confidential whenever
she had hal. a chance. When New Year's
Day came around she actually had the
audacity to propose to mc I told her to
wait two years for an auswer. I did not
give her one at the expiration of that time
and 1 suppose she is waitiug vet Aside
from this episode I remember little in my
Penacoskeag experience that was -disagree-ble.
Eliaeiu Eastman.
She Sad the Audacity to Propose.
j rT I T) i D (?T T T7JQ PU A T
LLiiiui DJiLLIi 0 VTLAl.
Bow a Historic Picture Has Been
Beproduced Wilh Life Models.
Coquelin and Hading- Draw a Fat Salary
From Mrs. Vanderbilt.
rcor.RESrosuENCK or tni DrsrATcn.
EW YOttK, February
23. Has the reader
ever seen a copy oTPaul
Veronese's p ai n't t n g,
"The Marriage Ban
quet?" The picture has
been reproduced in en
gravings a'n d litho
graphs. .'lt represents
a picturesquely costumed and strikjngly
posed company at tables in a palace. In a
revival of "The Taming of the Shrew," at
one of our theaters last season, the supper
scene was an iinitationof Veronese's artistic
tableau, and this was one of the winning
features of the play. A Broadway picture
framer was to-day ornately inclosing some
duplicated photographs that at a glance
seemed to have been taken from the original
Veronese work, but a second look disclosed
the fact that it was an arrangement of New
York society beaux and belles in imitation
of "The Murriage Banquet" No less sedate
and dignified a personage than ex-Mayor
Abram S. Hewitt was inspecting the framer's
job, and your correspondent easily located
the assemblage at which the photographer
had aimed his camera. On the night ot the
recent costume ball in the Academy of De
sign, a numberof prior snppers were given
by distinguished matrons, whose guests wore
at table the costumes in which, they were
subsequently to appear at the Academy.
Mrs Abram S. Hewitt was one of these
hostesses. The dining room of tbe Hewitt
residence in Lexington avenue is very spa
ciotls, and has Italian oak carvings, a frieze
of old Venetian painting, heavily xnullioned
casements and the general aspect of a ban
quet hall in an.old Venetian palace. It oc
curred to Mrs. Hewitt that this room would
serve admirably to hold a reproduction of
"The Marriage Banquet." Therefore, she
employed Hamilton Bell, an artist, who
had provided the drawings for the men
tioned stage imitation of the paintine, and
he told her how to arrange the tables, and
imparted instruction how "the guests might
practically realizethe Veronese effect, while
at the same time indulging their personal
fancies to some extent in choice ot dresses.
The photographs, as seen to-day, show how
the design was carried out One end of the
dining room provided a background not
greatly dissimilar to the original. The ta
bles were placed across the apartment and
reaching down a little way at the sides.
Upon them were the stuffed bear's head,
two peacocks, a very pretentious silver
service, and other articles precisely as in
the original. The guests were all posed be
hind thee tables, with nobody at the other
sides. When all was ready, and each per
son present had assumed the attitude pre
scribed by Bell, the photographer was
brought in. All tbe light was turned off
and total darkness ensued.
"All ready," commanded the photogra
pher; "hold your positions steadily."
There was a flash of strong magnesium
light, by which the instantaneous camera
did Its work. Iu order to guard against the
failure of one negative, the operation was
repeated three times, and from tbe best re
sult the photographs have beeu printed.
Each or the 24 guests is to have a copy.
One looks in vain in the picture for
Abram S. Hewitt himself. He could not
be indnced to put on a fanciful costume.
But Mrs. Hewitt is seen presiding in a
beautiful court dress of velvet brocade, in
which gorgeous flowers appeared on a cream
ground. One of the Hewitt daugh
ters was arrayed in the Iioxana dress
of Adrien Lecouvreur, another was in a
King Charles court dres of pink satin as
though she might have been Nell Gwynue.
and the third graced a Louis Quinz dress of
blue and silver. The Misses Turnure,Win
throp, Hunt Post aud others with names
on the list of the 400, but not separately
known at any distance Irom town, are ar
rayed in tbe picture. So are ex-Mayor Ed
ward Cooper and a doun otl er male swells.
Mayor Hewitt interested himself a great
deal in this exploit ot fashion and amuse
ment, although he would not consent to
figure in it; aud the whole affair illustrates
the elaboration and expensiveness of fash
ionable diversion in New York.
Wht shonld the Vanderbilte consider the
cost of anything that they desire? Well, they
don't Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt gave a re
ception at her bouse on Thursday night,
and it had all tbe flowers, music and other
usual belongings. But in addition it had
some recitations by no less celebrated ex
perts than Coqnelin and Hading. Each de
livered several short things in French, and
they were occupied altogether about an
hour. For that' service Coquelin received
$500 and Hading $300. Coquelin declined
the engagement at first A principal artist
of the Theater Francaise could not descend
to the entertaining of a company at a resi
dence. If he had known that the last stage
per ormers to be employed in that way by
Mrs. Vanderbilt were negro minstrels he
might have been still more obdurate. But
at length he intimated that, even if he could
bring himself to such a thing, he would
charze not less than 2,500 iriincs for it
"Very well," said the emissary; "Mrs.
Vanderbilt will pay 5500 willingly."
The Frenchman thereupon condescended.
Madame Hading put on no airs nbout it.
She fixed her price at 1,500 francs, and ex
pressed no unwillingness to enter the Van
derbilt service. Coquelin and Hading are
not on speaking terms off the stage. 'They
have quarrelled. They went to the Van
derbilt house in separate carriages, after
having appeared together as friends iu
"Denise." They wore conventional even
ing costumes, were received like any other
guests by Mrs. Vanderbilt, mingled" awhile
with the throng, and spoke their little
pieces when called upon. Actors ot less
degree, particularly those connected with
the comic operas and the variety shows, as
well as several who devote themselves alto
gether to that sort ol work, are irequentiy
tailed upon to exercise their talents at the
private houses of the wealthy. Their fees are
liberal, but the trouble is that they are not
numerous, because the fastidious aud exact
ing employers are always in quest of nov
elty, and a Vanderbilt will not have any
thing that has already been used by an
Astor. The consequence is that many n
clever vaudeville artist, upon receiving $50
to 5100 for a half hour engagement hastily
concludes that a small ortune is within
reach. But after he has made one round of
a few households he is no longer eligible.
Mrs. Vanderbilt distineuMied herself by
bringing Coquelin and Hading to her par
lor. It is hardly conceivable that any
American actor of Coqnelin's rank would
have hired himself out in that manner.
Imagine Joseph Jefferson's reply to a call,
from the same lady, to recite selections Irom
"Bip Van Winkle" to her guests.
A TAXLT-HO coach crowned with a huge
group of fur-covered women and men, went
rattling up Fifth avenue, the other after
noon, making everything turn aside and
filling the air with notes froma long silver
horn. It was a party of society folks start
ing out to somebody's country house for a
dinner and a dance. Two boys or extremely
small size and remarkably racged attire
stood shivering on the edge of the sidewalk
gazing in awe-struck wonder at this extraor
dinary and beautiful vehicle. Just as it
tali ffjifts ?
dashed by them the smaller urchin waved
his spot of a hat at the people on top, smiled
admiringly at them, shouted at the top of
his little lungs, and then said to his com
panion: "Holy smoke. Chimmie, dems from Bar
nu m's. " Ain't oVy dnisies?"
There is just a little discouragement in
the thought that no matter how close to the
zenith o) artistic beauty our swell girls may
soar, there are atoms of humanity that
stand by the wayside and confound the
Queens of .Fashion" with the Empresses of
the Arena. It simply shows that however
brightly a new York woman may shine in
her habiliments or hcrphllauthrophy, some
one is going to mistake the gold she dis
plays for the tinsel of the showman.
The stage has an insidious fascination for
the usual New York girl. The society ele
ment of the feminine population aspires to
cover the land with additional Potters and
Langtrys, ocd the "saleslady" pictures her
self as a Russell or a Lotta. One of the
latter can get on the operatic stage with
comparative ease. She can go to a little
office on upper Broadway, and present her
self to the "manager of several comic opera
companies. He looks at her face, makes
allowance for thoglaring daylight, observes
her gait, sizes up her physical development,
and then tries her voice. She can fail in
the last credential, mid yet be engaged, if.
the others are valuable enough to offset her
lack ot vocal merit If she is accepted she
is handed over to the stage manager, and he
puts, her into the rear rank of the "happy,
nappy chorus."
A girl either gets out of the chorus at the
end ot one or two seasons or else she stays
there throughout her career. She must be
pretty and able to sing correctly or she is
hopeless. Occasionally she maybe so beau
tiful that she is paid a good salary just to
pose as an ornament of a show, and is never
given a line to speak. We have had several
big, statuesque women who were retained to
lead marches at exceflent wages because
they were fine enough looking to draw ad
ditional dollars into the theater. But just
the ordinary girl gets about $12 or 15 a
week, shouts her lie away for that, looks
perpetually happy, exhibits herseli in cold
catching attire, and her last week's salary is
used to bury her. She would scarcely care to
have us slug her woes and sufferings as
poets have those of the emaciated shirt
maker, but often her existence is qnite as
barren and miserable. . If she is light
headed and hearted she goes' about drink
ing, eating and sleepingasmuchasshemay,
and imagining it is all in a lifetime, and
is fun if she chooses to think so. She sinks
or swims, and does it all to the accompani
ment of merry muic and the perfume of the
prima donna's roses She has her pecu
liarities. She powders her nose, darkens
her eyelashes and drinks tea only when she
can'tsecure a more sparkling fluid. She is
apt to be somewhat feeble in her moral sup
port, but she is made of the same material
as all women, the same as the roval women
ot European courts and the high-bred ladies
of Murray Hill. The royal girl, the society
girl and the chorus girl are girls, and
that covers it You haven't cuarded and
taught the chorus singer, that is all the
difference. Clara Belle.
Kepntntlons Made in a Dny
Are precious scarce. Time tries the worth of a
man or a medicine. Hostetter1. Stomach Bit
ters is a SO years' growth, and like those hardy
lichens that garnish the crevices of Alaska's
rocks, it flourishes perennially. And its repu
tation has as Arm a base as the locks them
selves. No medicine Is more highly regarded
as a remedy for fever and ague, bilions re
mittent constipation, liver and kidney dis
orders, nervousness and rheumatism.
Kemovnl and Clearance Sale,
Guns, revolvers and sporting goods. We
remove April 1 to 700 Smitbfield, near
Liberty, aud meantime offer unusual bar
gains. Large lot of guns of all kinds.
Target guns, repaired guns, repaired re
volvers, swords, sabers, fencing foils, tents,
cots and stools, canvas boots, knives, razors,
ball traps, hunting coats, hunting vests. tele
scopes, spy glasses, compasses, army relics,
flintmuskets, flintpistols, boxing gloves, In
dian clubs, dumb bells, quoits, dog biscuit,
dog collars.dog medicines,muskets,carbines,
cannon, seines, nets, seine twine, gill nets,
new guns, old guns, air guns, flobert
rifles, skates, scissors at cost, powder flasks,
shot belts, caps, wads, shot,, shell, primers,
shell belts, game bags, gun cases, loading
tools, fish hooks, fish lines, rods, reels, min
nows, fish baskets, game traps and a large
lot of other goods at reduced prices. Come
and see us. Write 'or a catalogue. Open
Saturday evening till 10.
J. H. Johnston-,
Great Western Gun Works, 621 Smithfield
Half Hates to Wnsbincton, Yla Penniilvn-
nin Rnllrond,
Allowing stop off in Baltimore In order to
afford visitors to the inauguration all privi
leges and at the same time give the benefits
oi the very low rates which have been fixed
for the occasion. The Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets to
Washington on February 25, 2G, 27, 28,
March 1,2,3 and 4,from all stations on its sys
tem at n single fare for the round trip. These
tickets will admit of a stop off in Baltimore,
in either or both directions, thus enabling
the passengers by this route to visit both
cities. The return coupons of the excursion
tickets are valid for use until and including
March 7. This rate, in view of the liberal
conditions it bears, and the magnificent ser
vice which the Pennsylvania Railroad
affords, is the lowest ever offered under
similar circumstances. For information as
to the movement of regular and special
trains, and for special rates from each sta
tion, apply to ticket agent of the company.
At Gillespie & Co.'s Art Room,
For one week we will exhibit some of the
choicest specimens produced by the
Viz: Jules Breton,
Van Mark, Henner, Sadler, Perranit,
Pelonze, Tranpa, Herrmann, Hogborg and
Onr New Slock Carpels nnd Cartnlui Are
All Here nnd Open.
"We have now the largest aud finest stock
ol carpets and curtains of every erade ever
imported by any house west of New Xork.
Wholesale and retail.
Edward Groetzingek,
G27 and G29 l'eiin avenue.
GOLD and silver watches. Large assort
ment, lowest prices, at Hauch's, No. 295
Filth ave. Established in 1853. TVFSu
Clonk Deportment.
Stylish garments, exclusive designs, in im
ported long and short wraps, orearlv spring
wear. Htrous & Hacke.
Dabbs has on exhibition at Gillespie's a
portrait in oil of a lady that is attracting
ftreat attention. It is, father a new depart
ure lor Mr. Dabbs, but "will likely be a pop
ular size aud style for our wealthy art
patrons. It is an "exquisite picture, and of
a style and character that will never become
common. fsu
Cntnrrh Cored.
A clereyman, after years or suffering from
that loathsome disease, catarrh, vainly trving
every known remedy, at last found a recipe
wlilcli completely cured and saved him from
death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease
sending self-addresed stamped envelope to
Prof. J. A. Lawrence, K8 Warren st.. New York
City, will receive the recipe free ol charge.
The Finest Train In tbe World!
Via Union and Central Pacific roads. Sixty
four hours from Conncil Bluffs or Omaha to
Sau Francisco. A Pullman vcstibuled
train; steam heat, electric liiht, bath rooms,
barber shop, library and dining car a pal
ace hotel on wheels is The Qoldex Gate
Special, every Wednesday. " su
The Secretary of the Treasury yesterday
afternoon .accepted tlio following bonds: 4$
per rents, registered, SW7,3U0 at lOi; $10,000 at
109 12-100.
Tbe Welsh colliers have glTen notice thai on
March lilie will demand an advance In their
wages. It Is bxlieved that the demand will be
refused and that a strike will follow.
The Pre-tilent has pardoned George All
bright, who was convicted iu the Montgomery,
Ala., district for illicit distilling and sentenced
to 15 months in tbe Ohio Penitentiary. Tbe
convict's lamify are destitute.
About 150 of Bitting Ball's followers have
left their agency, at bunding Bock, and gone
up the Big Missouri river. It Is said that Hit
tins Bull has inspired them with hostility to
ward the whites and trouble is expected.
Tile v Hage of Reserve. Kart. a town of two
or three hundred inhabitants, sitnated in Douf-
fiban county, not far from the Nebraska State
inn. has been Quarantined bv the authorities
on account oi tni
bo smallpox epidemic that is
raging there.
Alfred A. Liscomb will start from New
York City on Monday morning to walk to
Washington, thus pa ing an election bet made
with George Clnffln, ol Philadelphia. Ir. he
fails to accomplish the feat he will .have to pay
a forfeit of StUDO,
Tho Nova Scotian bark Josle Troop, with a
cargo nf chalk and crew of 17 men, was wrecked
Friday evening at Chicamlcomico, N. C The
master and ten men were drowned. Sir were
saved. Tbe vessel and cargo are a total loan.
The vessel is broken up and strewn on the
A freight train, running from Cam
den to Jersey City, crashed into the rear of
another freight train on the Pennsylvania Bail-
mad, Just oetow Bordentown, N. Y., early yes-
terday morning. The colliding can were badly
rniug. i ue colliding can were badly
The total uamaire is estimated at
The news of the signing by the President of
the bill making four new States was received
in Minnesota with Quiet satisfaction, but a
telegram from Helena states that all Montana
13 celebrating, ana Dakota is really beside ittelf
with delight From every hamlet large enough
to hare a telegrauh offl.-e como dispatches ex
pressive of a ante of jubilation bordering on
insanity. ,
The Sheriff of Johnson county. Iowa,
seized, at the Burlington depot two carloads of
ueer, ami remnreu it. to a storenouse to await
the result of a trial. A number of search
warrants have been executed against the
saloons running in a oulet way. and. as a re-
Suit, every place In the city lias closed up and
the town is under absolute prohibition, except
as to individual supplies.
The convention of Democratlo representa
tives from the various countie9 in the State,
which met at St Louis, after a great deal ef
discussion, finally provided for a thorough or
ganization or the party by school districts
throughout the State, for the organization of
clubs in every county, and for the calling of a
State convention of club delegates for the
formation of a State League.
The extent to which the telephone has en
tered into Connecticut's social and business life
i graphically shown by the summary of tho
Sou hern New England Telephone Company's
annual report, which has just been published.
There are 2.500 circuits in tbe State. 6,9dl miles
of wire, of which 753 are cooper, and 5,719 sta
tions, 2,793 of winch are business places; 181
persons are given employment
The b'oay of Edward Boyle was found In the
ruiDS of the Park Central Hotel. Hartford,
Cunn., at S30 yesterday morning. This makes
the twenty-third victim of the disaster. The
remains were discovered in the tool room, un
der the floor of the billiard room, and were
bsdly charred. The left leg was burned com
pletely off at the thigh. Boylo was a man'-ahout
23 years of age, a vagrant, and slept wherever
shelter offered.
Dispatches from Northern Iowa state that
the cold Is very severe, the mercury ranging
from 10 to 10 below zero at different points. A
dispatch from Ishpeming, Mich., says: Tho
woi st storm of the season, and one of the must
severe ever known, is now raging over the en
tire upper peninsula. Little snow has fallen,
but the wind lias reached a velocity of 50 miles
an hour, and the temperature has ranged from
25 to 35 degrees below zero. It is now 3a degrees
below and still falling. The roads are all
blockaded and the country roads' are impass
able. About 10 o'clock Thursday night two men,
partially masked, went into the General mer
chandise store of W. P. Yuncblood. at Tovah.
Tex., and compelled two clerks and four other
men to hold up their hands. They then bound
tne arms oi me men Deninu iiieir Dacks, rilled
the safe of 2,000. marched their prisoners out
on the road about a mile from town, then
mounted their horses and fled at a brisk pace,
firing a volley from their guns as they rode off.
Sheriffs both east and west were notified and
posses are out looking for the robbers. As
usual, one of them was a big fellow, while the
other was a small man and appeared to have
but one arm.
For Wakefulness,
Hysteria, and other diseases of tie nervous
Oar Inducements Are Greater Than Ever.
Look at Tbeso Prices.
12 cans Standard Tomatoes 90c
12 cans Sugar Corn 85c
12 cans Choice Peas 80c
12 cans String Beans ... 80c
12 cans Table Peaches 1 30
12 cans Blackberries 70c
25 lbs Turkev Prunes 1 00
20 lbs French Prunes 1 00
20 lbs Good Evaporated Peaches 1 00
16 lbs Choice Evaporated Peaches 1 00
16 Ihs Choice Evaporated Apples 1 00
10 lbs Large German Plums 1 00
Gibs Fine Evaporated-Apricots 1 00
12 bottles Home Made Catsup 75c
20 lbs Boneless Cream Cod Fish 100
50 bars Good Scrubbing soap 1 00
lib Navy Chewing Tobacco 20o
25 bars Proctor & Gamble's Ivory soap 1 00
20 bars Proctor & Gamble's Lenox soap 1 00
26 liars Srhultz & Co.'s Star soap 1 00
Extra Sugar-cured Hams per lb...' 10Jc
A reduction of 25c per barrel on flour.
lbbl Patent Amber 5 60
1 bbl Ermine Amber 6 25
1 bbl White Swan (our best family). .. 6 50
1 bbl Fancy St. Louis 7 00
Choice Boasted Coflees per lb, 22c, 25c and
Goods delivered free to all parts of both
To those living out of the city will pre
pay freicht on all orders ot ?10, 515 and up
ward. Send .for catalogue.
M. E. Thompson,
S01 Market street and 69 Third avenue.
No Adrnnce in Carpets
At Edward Groetzinger's. The manufact
urers and Lastern dealers have advanced
prices considerably, but the great carpet
house of Pittsburg will maintain the same
low prices that prevailed last season.
Wholesale and retail, 627 and 629 Penn
FINE watrhes a specialtv; low prices a
certaintv, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave.
No Adrnnce In Cnrpets
At Edward Groetzinger's. The manufact
urers and E.isteru dealers have advanced
prices considerably, but the great carpet
house of Pittshurg will maintain the same
low prices that prevailed last season.
"Wholesale and retail, 627 and 029 Penn
HAVE yonr portrait finished in pastel
crayon or oil by D.ibbs, and yon will never
have the feeling that you runde the mistake
that many have made by giving theirs to
artists who have not proved their ability.
The Plnce to Bay Cnrpets and Curtains
Is at the leading house in the Weit.
Edavabd Groetzinger's,
627 und 629 Penn avenue.
For Ladles nnd Genu Reduced Prices.
On account of removal; a very large stock
to select from. James MrKee, jeweler, 13
Fifth nveuue, between Market and Liberty
street, will remove April 1 to 420 Smithfield
No Advnnce In Carpets
At Edward Groetzinger's. The manufact
urers and Eastern dealers have advanced
prices considerably, but the great carpet
house of Pittsburg will maiutain the snme
low prices that prevailed last season.
"Wholesale and retail, 627 and 629 Penn
Wnnh Good Department.
100 pieces of American challis, a hand
some assortment in designs aud colors, at
60 and 20o per yard.
anvrau Hocus & Hacke.
The Tencbery Academy Llitenn'to Inter
esting Recommendation Some Chnnre
In View Superintendent Lackey Off for
Tbe inuch-talked-ofand expected lively
meeting of the Teachers' Academy took
place yesterday alternoon at the Grant
School hall. Everyone knew that certain
measures were to be advocated for the good of
the Academy, and a large crowd was in attend
ance. Of course the proceedings were secret
but this much the public may be allowed to
Mr. J. K. Bane, on behalf of the Board of
Supervisors, recommended changes in the
method of determlniuc tbe qualification lor
admitting candidates to membership; second,
in the manner of holding sessions; third, a re
vision of tbe roll of membership. The whole
matter was referred to a committee consisting
of Profs. J. K. Bane, S. A. Andrews, A, O.
Bnrgoyne, Mrs. M. Johnston and Miss Hen
rietta Martin, who will report at the next meet
in? of the academy.
Prof. Banc made'thc remark tbatno antagon
ism existed between tbe guild and tbe 'acad
emy. Pror. stahl. Miss Mina Stelnert and Mary
Douvtherty, of. the High School, and MissMary
C. Hays, of the Mnr-e. were initiated. Miss
Lizzie McCabe, of the Normal, and Miss Fannie
D. Scott, of the Howard, were elected to mem
bership. Many or the newest members of the
academy yesterday received their certificates
of membership.
Last nieht some 23 members of the Central
Board left on the 7:10 train of the B. & O. road
for Hazelwood to do honor to Mr. R. J. Wilson,
who for the pastil yean has been a member or
the Central Board. Mr. Wilson is about to re
tire from his present position in educational
circles, and his friends thought it a good np-
Sortunity to recognize his worth in the past,
o they decided to present him with a'token of
esteem, and last night the ma jority of the mem
bers of the Central Board hied themselves
to his residence, on Sylvan avenue.and there
presented him with an elegant steel engraving,
"The Lidy or the Lake." Major Hartzell, the
oldest member ot the board, made the presenta
tion speech. Snperintendent Luckev received
the gift o behalf of .Mr. Wilson. Fine music
was furnished bv Drs. Alex, and Guy Mc
Candless. W. S. Brown, George Letsche, Ch.
Hemminhouse. Among those present were
Dr. Evans. Mr. G. T. Oliver. J. H. Wilson,
Secretary Reisfar. Superintendent Luckey. A
pleasant evening was spent
Edncntlonnl Echoes.
Mrs. M. B. Burt, assistant principal of the
Main street building. Seventeenth ward, Is ly
ing sick at her residence of typhoid fever.
The teachers are as anxious as any persons
over the early passage of 'the appropriation
ordinance, as Its delay might result In their
not getting their regular monthly salary at the
usual time.
Superintendent Ltjcket, Prof. Jackman
and Prof. S. A. Andrews leave next Saturday
night for Washington, D. C. The earlier part
of the week the lnaguration will claim their at
tention, and on the 6th, 7th and 8th thev attend
the meeting of the Department of Superin
tendents of tiie National Educational Associa
tion, which meets in Washington.
A Lady Veiled by the "Belle" Jane
Hading veiling is a la mode. To be had by
the yard 65 cents upward of dealers,
Cloak Department.
K"ew line spring jackets, all styles, colors
and size, from 3 upward.
mwpsu Huous & Hacke.
Liter complaint cured free at 1103 Car
son st, Sonthside.
E.D.W1LT 1... Lessee and Manager.
Wednesday and Saturday Matinees.
Supported by J. B. Studlev and a
Company or Prominent Players.
Monday and Thursday Evenings and Saturday
Romeo and Juliet
Tuesday and Friday Evenings,
"Wednesday Matinee,
Lady of Lyons.
"Wednesday Evening,
The Honeymoon.
Saturday Evening;
Peg Woffington.
Monday, March 4-JOsEPH MURPHY.
Matinees: Taesoax, Tlmisday & Saturday.
Fisher Bros.
M'lle. Alberta.
Luigi Del Oro.
John B. Drew.
Hamlin and Hamlin.
Estelle "Wellington.
The Evans.
Bryant and Saville.
The Newcomb Trio.
Frank O'Brien.
"Wilson and Brevarde
World -of
Miss Ada Newcomb.
Gus HilL
Conroy & Thompson.
March 4 -Lifly Clay's Gaiety Co. fc2'-22
True Irish Hearts
Tho createst of all Irish pictnresqne plays,
produced with Us original New York cast, new
elaborate scenery, mechanical effects and
New Music, New Songs, New Dances.
. Er ac'or and actress in tbe city Invited to
the Tlmrdav matinee.
March 4 Palmer's "Danites" Co. fe24-18
John W. O'Brieu .... Proprietor.
JOHN W. FiocKER .... Manager.
John W. Wallacker . .Press Agent,
.. re'k ',r February 25.
Admisaion, 10c Open from 10 J
. St. fe2I-10
Harry Williams' Academy.
Headquarters for Costumes of all descriptions,
for hire at reasonable prices.
delB-su. F. Q. REINEMAN.
B I J 0
Under the Direction of
Business Manager -
Under the Management of J. M. HILL.
Monday. March 4 "THE FUGITIVE."
The Largest and Most Complete Retail Establishment in
Western Pennsylvania.
Our Famous Low Prices Attract
Always Busy. M Dull Times Here.
Wide Awake and Up to the Times,
For This Week Better "Values than Ever. Carloads of Spring Goods
Arriving Daily for Us. We Are Keeping Up Those
10 cases more of tho3c Allen's Prints, 5c a vard.
25 cases more of tbose Miilins at 4Kc, 5c"5 6Jc, 6Jc, 7c a yard.
5 cases more of tbose Ladies' Swiss "Vets at 18c
100 dozen Men's Unfaundried Shirts, with fine Linen Bosoms, at 43c.
4 cases of Turkey Red Damask at 25c a yard, cneapat40c '
2 cases of Towels at 7c, 8c 9c lie, 14c
Now on Sale, Advance- Styles in Early Spring Shapes In Hats and
, Bonnets. -
The very best value in town on White Goods.
Remarkable bargains in Glassware.
600 dozen Nurses Aprons, extra large, 24c, 23c, 39c
Look Out for the Opening ot Our Big House Furnishing Department
Another lot of those Ladies' 4c Handkerchiefs.
New designs In Stamped Linen Goods. Splashers, Tidies. Sideboard Covers, etc
Mothers should see the cute and pretty
"Will Soon be Beady, Our
More of those Lace Curtains for this week. It's our famons low prices and exquisite de
signs that crowded our Curtain Department last week. Comeearlyif yon want the choice of
all these pretty patterns. Remember 69c a pair, 74c a pair, 9yc a pair, V. 24 a pair. $1 S9c a Dair
SI 50 a pair. SI 74 a pair, $i 99 a pair. 5J2 24 a pair. ' V ' P '
Spring Wraps, Spring Jerseys, Spring Jackets, Beaded "Wraps," Blouses,
All with our famons low prices.
See our grand line ot Hemstitched Embroidery.
See our new novelties In Rncbings and Ladies' Neckwear.
See our new styles in Ladies' Linen Collars and Cuffs.
Bee our latent novelties in Fancy Chemisettes.
See our new Torcbon Laces.
Tell "STour Friends Our Big Drygoods Department "Will be Open Soot.
All the latest novelties In Dress Trimming", Buttons, etc
AH the latest fancies in Spring Hosiery now ready for Jon.
Grand values in Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Corsets and Bustles for this week.
To All Good Housekeepers: Our Big and Attractive House Furnishing
Department "Will Soon be Open.
All the new Spring shades In Kid Gloves ready for jour inspection.
Gentlemen, pay no fancy prices.
Elegant Spring Neckwear, Correct Styles, and Our Famous LowPrioea
19c and 24c for Teck Scarfs and Four-ln-Hands.
S9c for satin-lined, elegant Tecks or Four-in-Hands. These are sold all over town at 60s
and 75c
49c for satin-lined rich and elegant designs In either Teck Scarfs or Four-ln-Hands. These
are well worth $L
See our Neckwear Window on Sixth street.
Leaders and Promoters of Popular Low Prices.
SHIPPING BY MAIL qnite a feature In this big store. All orders by mall promptly at
tended to. You'd be snrprfsed at tne hundreds or letters we gee evry day orderinthis or that
article as advertised. Yon can shop as safely by mail as by coming in person in our big store.
We hare strictly one price, aud allow no misrepresentation.
fc 42-44-40-48-50-52 Sixth Street 538-540-542 Penn Ayr
h:o"W3s this?
Only 21 of these Bedsteads now in stock.
Price of
This Bedstead,
A Hair-top Mattress,
A Bed Spring,
U 85
2 95
1 70
9 5
6 feet Z in. high. 4 feet 9 in. wide.
Carved and Veneered.
Chamber Suits, Parlor Suits,
Sideboards, Book Cases,
Hall Baoks, "Wardrobes.
B. M. GOTjIOE: & CO.
- - A. j. SHEDDBN.
1 rilllllU SrTTJATION,
H rUil 111 COMEDIAN.
75c, 50c aaid 25c.
Aprons fur the little folks. We show a. Brand su.
Big Drygoods Department
Our new Spring Carpets are In.
They're the most beautiful fabrics
that ever dazed the eye.
Ingrains at 20c, 35c, 40c, 50c.
Tapestry Brussels at 50o, 60c, 65o
and 70o.
Body Brussels at 81, 81 10,81 20'---
and 81 30. ,.
Join the Throng of Pleased Buyera '"
Listen Here's what they say: v
"Exquisite effects." "Nobby de-f!'!
signs." "A superb line." "Best c-,
values in town." "I take this one, V fi
When can you lay it"
"a -a -a - -a
"We never have been and never 4
will be undersold. r- , ;
Smithfield Street.