Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 24, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 15, Image 15

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i Shirley Daro Talks to Parents About
Choice of Occupation and the
"Why the lives of Many Men ancl Women
Hare Proven Failures.
rwwTixjf ros trot mspiTcu.
I "WANT to talk
as a parent with pa
rents to-day, the
young folks gone off
to their own good
times and the elders
drawing together
into that uncon
scious confession of
mistakes and anxie
ties which relieves
the soul. If there
is ever a time when
fathers and mothers
can drop care of
children and sleep an hour without know
ing where they are or what they are at, that
time ends when they enter their teens. As
the outward control slackens, the vigilance,
the provision for them must redouble, for
one must seek to do by influence what has
hitherto been done by authority. AVe must
not act so much as owners of our children,
but as friends to them, from the beginning,
and never so much as in choosing their
lines for tbem. We have no right to bring
them up to suit our own ambitions and
views, without first consultinc their
characters and fitness. "We have no
right to condemn this girl who
hates music to hours at the piano, shut
away from fresh air, because we want her
to be as fine performer as any in her circle;
no right to insist on making a scholar of
that boywhose bent runs to business and
making bargains; uo right to tear that lad
from his beloved books and send him off
"West because a good opening presents for
making monev, nor any right to decide off
hand that a girl is wasting her time draw
ing or singing, which she loves, because she
does not soon show remarkable talent at
eimer. J.ne cnuaren nave to live ineir
lives for themselves, not we for them, and
they may suffer lasting regret from some
cramped taste which might have been the
bliss of toil, or they may labor wearily life
long in uncongenial callings which drag
upon body and spirits alike.
It seems so slight a thing to parents some
times to make or mar the life that is in their
hands I knew a bright, vivacious girl of
18, daughter of a farmer not over well-to-do,
who told him if he would only buy books
for her, she had far rather work her own
way through an education than to marry
the hard-faced elderly bachelor proposed as
her bridegroom. One would have thought
the 200-acre farm might yield her 10 worth
of school books, but it was too much lor
her toiling sire, so she married the Irish
cat'le farmer and made the best of it I
knew also a family where the mother with
an exquisite voice and musical taste, had
been forbidden the piano timply because
the autocrat of the house disliked practice
herselt and hated it in anvone else. The
daughter inherited her mother's repressed
tastes in double measure, and like a fate
was forbidden to study music by the same
maiden aunt and her own father, lie could
afford $300 for a farm machine almost any
time, but not $200 for a second-hand piano.
Tears alter, when he could no more pay his
own taxes, the hrst musicians ol the coun
Scenes and Experiences In the Capi
tal of New South Wales.
A Passion for Gambling in Any Form at
tee Antipodes.
Sydney, N. S. "W., January.21, 1889.
II is not diffi
cult for a traveler
or a stranger to
word and immediate fortunes, the boys
who "hate to work in a small business,"
and had rather have starvation salaries in a
monster house thzn clerk in a village store
where they can save most of their earnings
by boarding at home. One of this sort in a
cozy home, in a college town where an edu
cation would cost nothing, is fired with a
craze, for art carpentry iiora reading Clar
ence Cook and other decorative writers,
comes to the city to study under a foreign
carver, and in three evenings, an editorial
friend or fiend, as you please to write it,
talks him in the notion that newspapers are
the only career. He throws down his chisel
for office life, to find in six weeks that he
lias to give it up on account ot dire
Fruit farming is the talk of the newspa
pers, and there are fruit farms in reach of
the city, but nothing will suit him short of
a GOO-acre farm in Virginia, the family send
him down to bunt a farm, but he comes
back as soon as trains will bring him. A
Florida orange grove invites jhim, or :a
North Carolina mountain slde,unless"a
Tennessee one proves higher. Belore he
can start, however, he take tfie ranche
fever badly, and is wild to make his fortune
in five years on the Texas border, but whips
round in favor of a course at thelnstitute of
Technology with a 510.000 salary" as mining
superintendent or bridge-builder at the end
of the vista. It is a blessing when he falls
in love violently and takes a collecting
agency to pay for carriages and theater
tickets for two. I beg to say that I do not
depend on imagination for this picture,
which can be duplicated in every town and
nearly every family.
A fealty good, kind father or mother will
be able to stand between a boy and mistakes "
like these. A few leading considerations
will make the way clear, and the first of
these is health and safety. Your blonde,
sanguine boy or girl should never under
take office life, as bookkeeper, typewriter,
firinter or reporter. The open air, ncttve
ife is the only one for the ruddy blonde,
whose deep lnngs'need twice the air common
people breathe. Such are the stuff for new i
countries, when their vitality and thechcer-
fulncss bted by it will teen them up in
hardship and adventure. Your narrow
flat-chested boy or girl should take to florists'
work, then raising or gardening near towns,
where moderate labor is sure ot pay, or else
go to shopkeeping in the new countries
where fresh air and sunshine abound. It is
foolish for a broken-down, sallow book
keeper and his thin children to go out on a
farm in Dakota where hardships arc cruel,
when the Tennessee or New Hampshire hill
region offers lovely homes, with milder
climate in the Southern State, and better
provision for comfort in the Northern one.
When art and industrial education take
their places in .our school courses, there
will be icwer mistakes in choosing voca
tions. Art loses its flavor when a boy finds
he must work as hard with his pencil as his
brother does with hammer and saw. When
the first lessons of art are common as writ
ing, every child who can draw will not feel
obliged to become an artist any more than i 9 square miles, the middle harbor has 8
all who write turn novelists. Any over- square miles and the coast line of the whole
doing in eitherline is certain to correct it- js 54 miles. The average breadth of the
self, as people feel the difference between the navigable waters is three-quarters of a mile,
work of the copyist and the touch of genins. 1 though. at some points they widen to over
And the very best way of leading young two. In the shallowest part the sound
people 10 know their own quality and that ings show 23 feet at low tide,
of art is to make it their familiar recreation, j
The singing societv should be the first or- xs ATinACTITE CITY.
ganized diversion of every town and village, 1
wnere each boy and girl should be dratted
is made, to the' great hilarity of the natives
and" the agony of "the ball players, whoso
hair is becoming bleaohed through being
forced to hear it over and over again and
The women dress in light colored gar
ments, suitable to a warm climate, and
wear an ungainly stvle of straw hat that it
is to be hoped will never reach or be
adopted in America. The crown is about
six or eight inches high and is trimmed
with a broad ribbon, which reaches within
an inch of the top. The brim is about an
inch wide.
Australia may be cursed with rabbits,
wants to observe
after he arrives in
port is "What a
beautiful harbor
you've got," and
he straightway
walks into the
good graces of the
natives, and is regarded as a man of fine
judgment. It is a greater .weakness with
the Australians than the "glorious climate"
is to Califoruians, and though the same set
fof m of praise is always taught to the stran
ger irjjudvance. the natives appear to accept
it in good faith as a newly-formed impression
and as a proper tribute to the really beauti
ful sea entrance to their city. From this it
is not to be inferred that the people are
gullible. They are so proud of its scenic
beauties and its size that they consider It
the most natural thing in the world that a
well disposed visitor should mention it at
once. But, best of all, it is worthy all the
admiration they bestow upon it.
As the steamer approaches the ohannel,
Wooloomooloo, a precipitous rock, some
300 or 400 feet high, rises with striking
abruptness in its course and seems to shut
out Jurther progress. As the vessel nears it
a gap is gradually opened and the vessel
sails in between two iutting heads about a
mile apart, and known us the North and
South Heads. The distance from the city is
about four miles, and the whole course is
bordered by pretty wooded highlands and
dotted with verdure-clothed little islands.
Little inlets cut and carve the shores. And
constantly varying picturesque and ro
mantio scenes charm the eye. The waters
of the port are deep enough for the largest
ships atloat, and vessels drawing 27 feet can
enter the Heads at low water with perfect
securitv. The outer harbor has an area of
but it seems to be fortunate to have escaped
that remarkable American product, the
tramp. That Sydney is a prosperous com
munity impresses itself on strangers from
the fact that this bedraggled specimen of
humanity and beggars are rarely seen on
the principal streets. Though they ore not
likely tn make anv effort in introduce this
.i i. ,-;n I feature of American Hie, it would not be
gain the goodwill surprisi t find them sh'ortly lncorp0rat-
oftheSydneyites. ' . th, Ampi-li-nn 'ttror" tnt their nation-
mL- . 11.1 l. I .t . ----- S
u.ne nrst uiiiig 11c , ai nurrati.
Our Country Should lead in a'Sys
tomatic Flan of Action for
An International Weather Bureau Be
coming Necessary.
into the jsinglng class as soon as they can
read. They should be taught both ballad
and part sitting, without accompaniment
or book, learning first the words by heart,
after the method of the best singers, and
then the music The singing class should
be as democratic as the public school or the
garden society.
trv pronounced that his daughter had a
roice of compass and expression, which,
trained earlier, would have made her for
tune, but then it was too late.
I hare known of so many lives of sensi
tive dutiful children blighted by parental
disregard of their natural tastes, some sent
insane for life, others who drooped and died
in uncongenial careers, and yet others who
were never half the men and women they
might have been in callings of their choice,
that it is plain parents cannot be too care
ful of the souls in their charge. We must
be their friends, unselfish enough to give up
our dearest wishes for them, if it seems safe
to give them their own way in life.
It is hard on parents.too, when the honor
able ambition and care for children re
ceives such a stroke as that which visited a
Chief Justice of the United States, when
the son he had fondly hoped would follow
In his steps, graduated from college and took
a partnership in a cracker bakery! The
6on of a college professor, descended from
the Brahmin caste of Xew England culture,
after every advantage of foreign education
and travel, returned to his native town and
set up a confectionery business, where he
distinguished himself by making a superior
kind of cough candy. But if public men
will choose wives who, admirable house
keepers and amiable women as they are, in
The drawing class may follow, being as
much of a free-and-easy in good form as the
, as much fiin in work
ing at a by-table over a set of tile patterns,
interspersing joke and criticism as at pro
gressive euchre or "playing author." Or
make it a work society where one brings his
carving, and one her sewing, a third
her drawing, and another his colors,
crude though each may be, and learn
to blend sociability with occupation. In
these circles, a child learns his level sooner
than we think, and they supply the great
want of sociability in small communities.
The young people grow tired of games, and
even the dancing class losei
its attraction, but the work society,
where something is really done, never.
A few good models and dcsignB
will send the conceit out of their heads and
they will And how much effort goes to making
a truly beautiful thing, which they may just as
well learn at home as by an expensive winter
at the Conservatory of Music or the Normal
Att School. The socitics for home study can
do far more good by corresponding with such
village clubs than by fostering the conceit of
isolated pupils, and there is always the chance
of finding help Sn unexpected quarters, from
visiting artists or people whose gifts have
never been susnected. Bred nnrkr such in.
flucnecs on speaking terms with art and handi
craft, boy or jrirl will bo likely to know what
he or she is fit for without a series of disap
pointing experiments. Shielet Dare.
Captain Kidd's Ghost Said to be ilauntics
His Hidden Treasure.
A ghost in the Bock Hill estate at Med
ford is a subject for gossip in that vicinity.
theif hearts count a good livinsr and monev- I M is Eaid to be the EPirit of Captain Kidd,
making the chief tiling in life, they must andthis belief is fonnded on an old tradi
expect the strain to appear in their chil-' tion connected with the estate. It is one of
urep. ur n iney auow tnemseives to be the numerous places where the fabled
.--.: I, ,. ...1 i.. 11.. ".. . ir, .treasure
.luuiiihiuiuiMiGiuc luaica Vk meir uoys
and girls to be formed by the first prettv
woman they meet in society, they will find
their own wishes and influence go for
naught, when it comes to the questions of
The covert smile of the smooth social
critic is more to them than the heartache or
heartbreak of the parent.
Just as truly one must be able to guide
j-oung things from running off after whims
which are not tastes, and schemes of living
put into their-heads by ill-judging advisers.
There is a deal of artistic and.adventurous
nonsense talked by story tellers and writers
for the young, and nothing wants such
rigid revision as literature of this sort It
is not always a service to a lad to put it in
liis head that his career is inpomplete with
outa course of art study, even if he is clever
with his lead pencil at grammar school. He
may not have a spark of inventive taste,
enough to combine old forms in a fresh de
sign, or a particle of the dogged persever
ence at his brush which is as necessary for
the artist as lor the house painter.
The patterns exhibited at the first schools
of design in this country are very plain
proof that there are plenty of art scholars
Jagging at their pencils who had better be
hoeing corn or driving delivery wagons.
Yet it seems to be the mission of every
Sunday school teacher and pastor and edi
tress to beat up recruits for this great and
starveling army of art. 1 recall one boy
ulio leu school and set up a fishcart, much
to the convenience of the village, and who
might have beenin a good business in three
years, but some injudicious friend tried to
raise a teste for 'something higher
in life," and I missed our fish
dealer to be told e was studying at the Free
Art School. He kept at it" one term and
found out that art was not his vocation, ap
parently, for he was home at the end of
three months, minus his easel and minus a
fish trade. Would it not have been better
to teach that boy respect for himself iq bis
trade, so that he could look forward to buy
ing knowing good pictures from the pro
ceeds of his tin counter and ice chest? A
man may have fine, true taste and keep a
fish market, where his better feeling may
lead him to eliminate the disagreeables of
trade, to his own satisfaction and that of his
As lor the adventurers in business, thev
are the material of the unsuccessful. The
boys who must go for the glory and the
fascination of rAnche life far West, in place
of the tame profit of improving old farms at
home, or lie awake several nights a week
planning for "big booms" I hate that
was bidden. Many have dug for
it, and it is said that some have strnck the
cover of the chest, bnt it had a trait of
sinking lower whenever touched.
Another theory is that the midnight visi
tor is the spirit of a 2sew Hampshire farmer
who was robbed and murdered there. The
majority of the people, however, have no
story at all, and will believe in none. The
visitor has the usual characteristics of the
famous pirate.
The capital of New South Wales is a
very handsome city, with many large and
imposing structures. The bants and busi
ness house's are mostly built of sandstone
and arc very ornate and substantial archi
tecturally. The retail stores are large and
spacious, and devote exceeding attention
and taste in the display of their wares. A
notable feature of many buildings, different
from anything in the United States, is the
Arcades. They are large courts built in
the center of large structures with passage
ways extending irom street to street. The
apartments on the ground floor are used as
stores and ranged as they in a circle round
the court, they have an estremly pretty
and inviting effect. Though having a
population of less than 200,000, the large
number of hurrying, active people seen on
the street gives one the impression of a
much larger city. This is notably the case
on a Saturday night So great is the throng
on the main streets that a line of prome
naders is formed in the middle of the
thoroughfare, and it looks, far all the world,
like some prominent street in New York on
the occasion of a big parade during an
election campaign.
The city is exceedingly attractive in the
numberof its art galleries, museums, Vbra
ries, botanical gardens, and especially in
its numerous pretty parks or public do
mains. The streets are all macadamized or
have Nicholson pavements, which makes
the driving about in the cabs a not un
pleasant experience. Next to their harbor,
the citizens seem to take the greatest pride
in their pretty suburbs. They literally en
circle the city. All these suburban towns,
or rather villages, have municipalities of
their own. The houses are extremely hand
some,and invariably have broad tcrracesbuilt
on the upper stories( a feature .also charac
teristic of the dwelling houses in thecilv.
As a rule they are gable roofed, and much
of the attractiveness is doubtless due to the
When the ball nlftvprH nrrlTfld here they
were greeted with a hurrah with longpausas
between the words. It was something like
this, the first three words being repeated
very rapidly: "Hip, hip, hipyhurrrah;
hip, hip, hip hurrah; hip, hip, hip
hurrah." When the ball tossers' turn
came they threw out their big chests, gave
the old-fashioned three cheers and wound
up with a long-drawn-out and lusty
"tiger" that made the root shake and cora
ple ely won the admiration of the natives.
In return the ball players will probably
take home the social form of the Austra
lians when inviting guests to drink. It is
"charge your glasses."
A strong and positive characteristic of
Australia is their passion for betting.
They are said to wager fabulous sums on
big sporting events, especially horse racing,
and bookmaking is said to be carried on at
every corner and in every cigar stand at
certain seasons. A man's word "goes" if
he is known, and no money is put up until
"settling" dav. Big "sweeps" are made
up, in which the. winner stands a chance of
Kuuiug u Hiuuii junune. xne purcuaac ui u
ticket in these is usually a sovereign, but
smaller ones are also organixed, and every.
body, newsboy, washerwoman, servant, girl,
laboring man and clerk have a chance to
invest'according to their means.
At the time of the running of the last
race for the Melbourne Cup, the big event
ot the season, 50,000 numbers were sold in
the big "sweeps" in Sydney, making a
total of 50,000 in the pool or "sweeps."
The main prize was 25,000. The balance
ef the pool was divided up proportionately
between the second and third horses, starters
and non-starters. There were 170 horses en
tered, and this made the number of prizes.
The number drawn with the name of a horse
draws a certain prize whether the horse is
scratched or not.
The name of the winning horse was held
by a combination, and alter the drawing
they made books against him to the extent of
10",000 at long odds. Had he lost they
would have won 5,000, but as he won they
drew 15,000 clear. This appears to be the
favorite system of betting here. It is, how
ever, against the Jaw. and the drawing usu
ally takes place on a boat that is taken out
side the channel. "
The question of Australian independence
is a matter that one hears freely discussed.
The successful struggles of the United
States against England is an epoch in his
tory that is highly extolled by Australians.
They seem to think that to it is largely due
the great measure of independence which
they enjoy. On several occasions when the
ball players wero being entertained the
speakers came out flatlooted in their expres
sion of admiration of the'United States in
the course they had pursued, and referred
to a future similar state for the Australian
colonies. Such sentiments are always loud
ly commended by enthusiastic cries of
"hear, hear 1" Even the presence of the
Governor, Lord Carrington, did not prevent
such an expression on the occasion of his re
ception to the visiting athletes. There is no
doubt that such a feeling exists among the
young, native-born Australians, but it is
not likely that anything will happen dur
ing the life of Queen Victoria, who is famil
iarly referred to as "the Queen" and "Old
At the present time Queensland is mak
ing a strong fight for her independent
rights. About a year ago a poor shoemaker
was convicted of a trifling offense and com
mitted for an unnecessarily long term of
imprisonment by a harsh judge. A petition
was signed by the citizens and presented to
the Ministers for the poor man's pardon.
They endorsed it and submitted it to the
Governor. He declined to grant it, and a
struggle followed which ended in the Gov
ernor's recall. The English Government
appointed another whom the Ministers de
clined to accept, and thev cabled to their
General at London, to tnat effect. They
demanded that one of their own citizens
should be appointed.
The matter at present rests in this state,
and the Colonial Government is being car
ried on without a Governor. There is one
thinw-thar it seems wnnlr? militate a?ainut.
absence of any considerable number of J the possible federation of the colonies, and
squatty, flat-roofed houses. Every suburb
boasts of its race track and wicketground.
Sydney is extremely poor in the matter of
adequate street conveyances. The steam , the colonies will make up their differences
",u i"" """."sj,. yi "c slu precis j ana oanK togetner in n unity of interest,
and then branch off in different directions to But it may be years before this happens, as
the suburbs, leaving the major part of the 1 most of the colonists appear-to be quite con
city untraversed. This want is in a measure tented as they are. S. Goodfeiend.
supplied by the numerous cabs and staces. I
but the former are expensive, the "oabbics" '
naving as imie conscience as ineir proto-
Prof. Ecata, of Pcrngia. is authority for
the statement that there are annually in Italy
nearly 300,000 cases of typhoid fever, of which
number S7.003 wove fatal. One-third of tho
persons in Italy who reach the age of 45 have
the fever, and in some districts more than 3 per
cent of the population die t ronr till one cause.
now sponges bore into solid limestone or
shells is as yec an unsolved problem, il. Xas
sonoft has investigated a new species of cliono
which tunnels oyster and mussel shells, and ho
believes that tne borinc or the canals and gal
leries is performed solely by the soft parts of
the sponge. Tho penetration of the prolonga
tion of tho body of the sponce jnto the shell
appears to be accomplished by the secretion of
a corruamg uquia, pronauiy an acid.
Fkom time immemorial the practice of mas
sage has been known to tho Fijians, from whom
the Samoans first, and then tne Tonpang, learned
the art. The process consists in rubbing and
kneadipg the part, the operation being
sometimes continued for hours; it stimu
lates the circulation and relieves pain, and is
commonly used in abdominal disease. The na
tive doctors have great faith in massage, and It
is always practiced by them. London Medical 1
Application for a patent on an electric
light method of instantaneous photography has
been made by two gentlemen recently. The
apparatus is designed espcciaUy for the detec
tion of burglars. It can be so arranged that a
burglar, in entering a bank, office or dwelling,
will, in his operations touch something which
will cause a flash, and result in his being photo
graphed. A number of cameras may bo placed
in a room, and a variety ol views taken simul
taneously. The tell-tale wire can be fastened
to the knob of a sare or door so that the in
truder cannot avoid touching it, thus disclosing
his identity.
In the "Mittheilnngen neber prcussicho Sta
tistik" No. 03, published in Berlin, 1SS3, we And
that In all the hospitals and public institutions
of the country during the years 1378-79, there
died from the ranks of the drinkers IB percent,
hlle from tho entire number or patients there
was only a mortality of 10 per cent in the entire
number of patients admitted. Of those afflict
ed with pneumonia, 53 per cent of the drinkers
died, whde only IS per cent of the other nnnn.
monia patients died; In typhus cases the mor
tality of drinkers was 3S per cent, while from
the entire number of typhus cases only 10 per
cent died. .London Lanoct.
types in other parts of the world, and the
stages are cumbersome, inconvenient affairs.
The trams have not an invitinir appearance.
while the "double deckers" are homely j
enough to scare a locomotive from the track. '
that is their extreme jealousy of each other.
It is extremely bitter, but it is thought by
many tnat eiiouia the occasion ever arise,
The hotels, judging by the one where the
A Strange Paradox Furnished by the Head
of nn Educated Pis.
New York Tribune.
The strange story whicn floats in from
Freeb.old.iN. J., concerning the learned pie
whose intelligence so whetted the curiosity
1 of the Freeholders that they killed him in
PlilnnA frAftvn ctnnnArl hnm n itm.1 i!.1 J
improvement ahead of them in learning I f1" to aD.aly" his ""inter," ! a chal
how to make life pleasant for travelers. It leDSe to scientists and psychologists. The
is not that the manager is not anxious to ! porcine brain cavity was empty. "Time
please, but they lack accommodations. Im
agine an American returning to his hotel at
11 ociock at nignt, nnding the entrance
closed and having to ring a night bell to
gain admittance! Inside it is lively enough,
the reason for the front door being closed
being to evade the law, which requires the
barrooms tobe closed at 11. There are no
real barrooms such as flourish all too numer
ously in the United States. They are all
hotels, no license being granted unless there
are SO beds in the house for the use of
The barmaid flourishes here. In the ho
tels they appear to be well-behaved girls,
I and io most places they resent familiarities
from strangers. They are chatty enough,
, but as it exists the" world over, those whose
personal appearance is inviting are too
busily occupied with a liberal patronage to
hare time to talk in business hours. They
know nothing of mixed drinks, and are in
no sense as desirable as the expert White
aproned young men who make drinking so
palatable and attractive in the States.
Though it is .summer here the weather is
extremely pleasant, very much like early
September weather in America. There is
no marked peculiarity in the attire of the
men to indicate that the dog days have
come. There is very little of the utterly
English about the people one meets on the
streets, and if a judgment formed in a five
days' visit is entitled to any weight, thev
are more like Americans than the "blarsted
Britishers" and eye-glassed gentlemen so
Irequently met in New York. This is not
surprising when one considers that the
Australians admire Americans inordinately
and copy them in many things. Their par
tiality in this respect may serve to bring the
great American "cocktail" to their land
before many days. They as yet know noth
ing ol it beyond what is legendary and
what has-been recently taught them by
Frank Lincoln, the clever humorist travel
ing with the Spalding Combination, who is
called on upon every possible occasion to
give bis imitation without liquors of how it
was that when the brains were out. the man
would die," observed the immortal William.
But it now appears that is, if the Freehold
story be a true one that when the brains
are' out a pig may live, and not only live,
but exhibit so many fine intellectual quali
ties as to endear himself to a wide circle of
distinguished and admiring humans.
wuai uecomes 01 an me aiscnssions
about the transformation of phosphorus into
thought, about the increasing complexity of
the brain convolutions with the progress of
iutelligence, about the correspondence be
tween cerebral organs and mental condi
tions, if a learned pig can establish his rep
utation npon an empty cranium? It is a
rovolution and nothing less; for be it ob
served that the mental eminence of the
Freehold pig was conditional upon his en
tire freedom from brains; and if a pig can
distinguish himself under these circum
stances, why not a man, or any number of
A Non Committal Frontiersman.
S A-1 ulVi
UrtLKJ v J& til or ft .-A
T. N. de Foote (to his friend, Fitzball
Kattridge) That man over there either has
been drinking, or else he's crazy.
Kattridge-AYhat Has he done?
De. Foote I just asked him what kind of
weapon he used to shoot the bear, and he
said he did it with a double-barreled sword
loaded with water. Puck.
HERE are indica
tions that the fever
for circumpolar ex
ploration is soon again
to affect the maritime
peoples of Europe.and
probably those of the
United States as well.
There is now a move-
in Norway for an expe
dition to start in the summer of 1890 in the
effort to reach the pole by the way of Franz
Josefs land,a ronte to the north polewhich,
more than any other of those essayed, com
mends itself to those learned in Arotio ex
ploration. To the students who, in
the ages to come, are to look back
on our own age, seeking to know
its motives, the spirit which leads to Arctic
and Antarctic voyages will appear as
one of the most indicative chapters in the
history of this century. In the centuries
before, the Arctic ways were sought for pur
poses of gain. Through them was suppqsed
to lie a short way to the Indies, by which
the perils ot the sea might bo reduced and
the wealth of the far east be less taxed in
the way of transportation to European mar
kets. In the nineteenth century, the ex
plorations have not been with any such in
tent, but solely to obtain knowledge with
out hope of profit commercially. The stu
dents who from afar look back upon our
time will doubtless recognize in the spirit of
Arctic discovery a feature showing the
magnitude and energy of the scientific
motive in this age.
Along with the rapid development of tha
commercial instinct in the time since our
grandfathers were born, has gone the
equally intense though less widespread de
votion to research. It is true that in every
age individual men have devoted themselves
to such inquiries and braved much danger
in their pursuit; but only in modern times
has this spirit of inquiry become so general
that it has affected the masses of our people
and led large companies of men on cam
paigns against natural dangers more serious
than any which the battlefield brings to tho
The loss of life and expenditure of money
as well as of devotion in the effort which
has been made to attain the center of the
frozen wildernesses about the poles has been
greater than that of many a war which has
louna a great place in history. There are
those who decry such adyentures, who
mourn the loss o'f life and property which
they entail, regretting that the energy and
means should not be expended in more im
mediately profitable ways. Such persons
forget that the best of all deeds for the men
who do them, and for the race which ap
plauds the doing, are those which bring no
return of an economio sort, but which serve
to affirm the valor and self-devotion of a
Our own country has earned a great name
in such works of self-devoted research. By
onr possessions in Alaska e are one of the
few States whose possessions border on the
Arctic sea. Although we have given much
of life and treasure to such explorations, it
is to ba hoped that the Norwegian expedi
tion may lie associated with one from the
United 'States. In terrestrial physics, in
meteorology, there is enough yet to be won
in that country to mako such labor profita
ble in the scientific sense.
If our Government enters again on this
path of exploration, it should be in pursu
ance of some well defined plan, which shall
be followed up lor a generation. In place
of raids for information, we should have a
well devised and determinedly ciecuted
campaign. Better than any other country
in the world.we can afford to expend money
ior sucn conquests, xne scneme ot our
Government docs not contemplate foreign
possessions, but if we are debarred by the
traditions of our ancestors from territorial
domains beyond this continent, we are free
to win the knowledge which the ends of the
earth may afford.
We have evidently came to a point in onr
system of meteorology in which the work of
the weather bureaus can no longer efficiently
be carried on without a larger measure of
co-operation between different countries
than now exists. The goal before our me
teorologists is to hnd the grounds on which
to attain to a larger, more wide-ranging pre
diction as to the forthcoming seasons. Al
though our present systems help the work
of man in many ways, even with their fore
casts of a few t ays, they should not rest un
til thev have ascertained to. the utmost the
grounds on which we can fonnd a larger
measure of prediction. If it is knowable,
we must know the conditions of our seasons
some months in advance of their coming.
Even a tolerable prophecy which would
have enabled onr people to know the char
acter of the winter which is just passing
away would be worth much m life and
money. Let us suppose that our weather
prophets could safely assure us that the next
' summer was to be hot and dry, our farmers
j could plant with reference to the foreseen
conditions. Suppose further, that in the
summer time we could know that the next
winter was to be one of extreme severity.
Our soil tillers could likewise make
ready for its coming to their vaBt
advantage. If the people of our cities
could know the demands in the wny, of
artificial heat which would be made on
their household supplies, it would be much
to their profit. Invalids could provide
themselves with safe resorts against the im
pending dangers. In fact, nearly all human
activities would derive a vast advantage
from knowing even three months in advance
what the weather had in store for them.
There is hardly any doubt that all the es
sential conditions which determine the char
acter of the next summer's weather are now
In existence, either in the conditions of tho
sun or in the reactions now going on In our
atmosphere which determine the climate.
To bring these conditions into the field
of knowledge demands a systematic
study oi terrestrial climate which
cannot be secured by any learned
institution, private or governmental,
now in existence. The end can only be ef
fected by a close accord between ail the
ftates ol the civilized world. It seems fit
hat the United States should take the lead
in the endeavor to bring about the great co
ordination in t meteorological inquiry.
Surely the field is one which promises the
most "beneficent effects from the point of
view of predictive meteorology, and it mny
have a value in the bringing about of that
accord between nations which it should be
the first object of all higher statesmanship
to further.
For some time it has been known that
dust, as ell as fine particles of commingled
water vapor and carbon, which make ud the
London logs, can be removed from the at
mosphere by means of a brush discbarge
from an -electric engine. It is now seriously
proposed to make use of this interesting
principle in removing the flour dust from
mill , in which experience snows the -explosions
are likely to occur, to the clearing
of tunnels from smoke, and even to the
diminution, if not the removal, of those
curious and destructive logs which affect
cities where bituminous coal is used in
large quantities.
Although this method of condensing dnst
and smoke is doubtless practicable on a
small scale it does not seem likely that it
can be used in an effective way to combat
the evil out of doors. Nevertheless, it is in
teresting as one of the many varied practi
cal experiments and suggestions which have
been brought before us by the marvelous
progress 01 electrical invention.
Prof. Kinnicutt of the Polytechnic Insti
tute of Worcester, Mass., has recently mode
some interesting inquiries into the origin
and nature of several cases of poisoning
brought about by the nse of milk in which
the chemical compound tyrotoxicon has
been eanerated. Tho milk came from a
herd of well conditioned Jersey cows which
supply some 40 families. The disease hap
pened in but one of these households. In
the household where the malady appeared
a portion of the milk which had been
placed in an earthen vessel was
nsed with no poisonous eflect. The poison
was evidently developed in a tin can whicli
had not been kept clean. A portion of the
fluid that adhered to tha interior of the ves
sel had probably undergone a process of de
composition which produced thopoisonous
quality. So far Prof. Kinnicutt thinks that
we Enow nothing of the chemistry in the
process which engenders.' "the' poison in the
milk. His researches, however, make it
pretty clear that the 'danger comes only
irom 01a nunc, and that all nsK or poison
may be avoided by a perfect cleanliness of
the vessels in which it is kept.
At a recent meeting of the National Geo
graphical Society in Washington. Mr. C. E.
Kennaston, a competent observer, gave an
account of "the great plain of Canada," that
vast territory extending from the eastern
face ot the Cordilleras to the region about
Hudson's bay, and northwardly from the
borders of the United States to near the Arc
tic circle. This large part of the contineut
continues to the western plains of the Missis
sippi valley northward to the Arctic Ocean.
The question as to its babitabihty is one of
very great importance to the interests of the
industrial progress of this continent as well
as to the people of the old world who seek
homes in the western world or are fed by its
grain products. The natural grain districts
of the United States are now substantially
occupied by soil tillers. It is not likely
that the grain production of this country
will hereafter increase in a, much more
rapid measure than the population grows.
It appears from the testimony of Mr.
Kennason that this area contains over
20,000,000 acres, where the conditions of soil
as well as the.character of the seasons are
fit for the growing of smaller grains. Im
probable as this latent fertility of that
high northern country may seem, the
evidence of all the observers who have
attentively studied it, seems clearly to
point to the conclusion that it is fit for
the growth of grain and that it only
awaits the ways of communication to
become the seat of a very extended agri
culture. It appears yet doubtful, however,
whether the variety .of crops winable in that
climate will be sufficiently great to permit
a permanently profitable tillage. Experi
ence with the lands or the United States is
that after a score or two of years the product
of small grains diminishes, and the farmer
can make only a fair profit by resorting to
other crops. Time alone will show whether
cattle will do well in . this region, and
whether there are other farm products than
grain to afford a proper basis for the sup
port of fanners. Pnor. N. S. Shalek.
Aa Estimate That 400,000,000 Enter the
Enrth'a Atmonphcre Dally.
J. N. Locltyer In Harper's.3
Observations of falling-stars have been
used to determine roughly the average num
ber of meteorites which attempt to pierce
the earth's atmosphere during each 2i
HE nineteenth century
is commonly believed to
be like those corpora
tions of which Coke said
"They have no soul."
It is often asserted that
we must go back into
the past to find regnant
sentiment and faith. We'
are told that the Crusa
ders, willing.even eager.
to sacrifice wealth and ease and life itself
for an idea, march down to us through "the
corridors of time" only, in the stately verse
or romantie stbry of centuries wholly un
sympathetic with and drearily remote from
our cotton and corn and roast-beef and
greenback age.
Certain thinkers never tire of character
izing this as the epoch of facts; meaning by
facts material things, investigations and
results. Few speak of It as a religions era.
"Nowadays," says Bulwer, "the staple
business of earth's majority is where, when
and bow to dine.
We seem to be chiefly occupied in taming
and harnessing the elements as draught
horses to pull our load. By a sort of common
consent, we are told, there is an ignoring ot
that future career of the soul toward which
this palpitating existence of to-day is lead
ing us, as a pathwayacross the lawn leads
up to a family mansion.
Notwithstanding these confident protes
tations, there has never been a time since
time began when religion had as firm a hold as
it now has npon the molding influences of tho
world. The church nas never before so strong,
numerically, Unanctally, inSuentially. The
divino head of the church is more thought of
and talked about than ever before. Theie are
three great tests of the hold whioh any subject
takes upon the community, vis.: Politics, lit
erature and chit-chat of tho sidewalk and fire
side. Apply these tests:
Take politics. Questions of religion enter at
this moment more laigely into the counsels of
statesmanship than any other Issues. China.
India, Japan. Turkey, are so many arenas of
triumphant Christian propagandiam. Within
two decades France 'went to war with Ger
many in the Interest of ultra-montaneism. To
day, iu Berlin, liismarck 13 largely occuDied
with religious questions as these relate to the
now Gorman Empire. Ho in Italy. The meet
ings of her Cabinet aro frequent and earnest
over issues between the Qufrinal and the Vati
canbetween King and Pope. -What is it that
keeps Ireland anchored beside England in
chronic insurrection? Religious differences.
Here in America the question ot tuoBibloin
public schools is an angry and urgent question,
iieiision. In one or another form, is convulsing
governments, upheaving dynasties and sending
its earthquake rumble "from Indus to the
Take literature. The daily press has become
a teacher of theology. Our journals cannot
give the news without talking about religion.
Every Monday morning tho sermons of the
previous Sunday are reported. And all the rest
of the week their columns teem with reports
from Mexico, Persia, Madagascar, the east coast
of Africa (where not?) of amazing religious
changes. Who ever expected to see tho day
when the daily press should supersede Union
and Andover Seminaries as schools of theology?
Siberian (or Serbian). SolvaWan (or Hungari
an) and the Indian dialects.
Within a period or ten years In lndla-tbo
gain in the native community has been: la the
Northwest Provinces, 65 per cent; in Bengal.
OTnercent; In Madras, 6 per cent; in Central '
India, 82 per cent; in Oudh, IU per cent; In
the Punjab, 135 percent, and la Bombay, ISO
per cent.
A See-nw Game. .
Over there in Europe there is a good deal '
of see-saw play. Oa one end ot the tilting
board sit the Emperors of Germany and
Austria: and the King of Italy. On the
other end sit the Russian Czar and the French
President, England's substantial Qaeen stands
by trying to find a place to sit upon, and unde
cided which end to add her weight to!
Something of the me kind is going on in
America only here the wprld, the flesh and the
devil sit on one end of the see-saw while the
Christian sits on the other. The Christian is too
often in the air. Get on and bring the right
end down!
All the magazines, ton. are disenssintr the
same class or topics. Hardly a boott comes
from the press which does not jotn more or less
loudly in the current debate. The most popu
lar and widely read novels of the day ("Ben
Hur," "Robert Elsmere." "John Ward,
Preacher."! deal exclusively with relirion. As
Dr. Schmidt, of Athens, from ob- te&JZK I '?. M!5.
BOrVfltinn, mnria rinvinn 17 ...n.. n.....l Al... . ., it ni.t.
. .. uuu uunuji .1 jcao, luuim turn. UBienuuie .Dime.
the mean hourly number of luminous
meteors visible on a clear moonless night by
one observer was 14, taking the time of ob
servation from midnight to 1 A. 21.
It has been further experimentally shown
that a large group of observers who might
include the whole horizon in their observa
tions would see about six times as many
as are visible to , one eye. 'Prof.
H. A. Newton and others have cal
culated that, making all proper cor
rections, the number which might be visible
over the whole earth would be a little
greater than 10,600 times as many as could
be seen at one place. Prom this we 'gather
not less than 20,000,000 luminous meteors
fall upon our planet daily, each of which in
a dark clear night would present us with
the well-known phenomenon of a shooting
This number, however, by no means rep
resents the total number of minute meteor
ites that enter our atmosphere, because
many entirely invisible to the naked eye are
often seen in telescopes. It has been calcu
lated that the number of. meteorites, if these
were included, would be increased at least
twenty-fold; this would give us 400,000,000
of meteorites falling in the earth's atmos
phere daily.
Different Varieties of Olives, tho Enjoyment
of Which Denotes an Acquired Taste.
The designation of "Queen" has no refer
ence to size, only the variety, they being
round the others oral iu shape. The olives
put up for. table use by the Bordeaux bot
tlers are of several different varieties. The
large Spanish olives, known as the "Queen
fl: if 1 . .1
vuvea, are tnown 10 me trade as
"Padrones Sevillas." These, by the way.are
quite a distinct variety from the other
varieties grown in Spain, known as "JMan
zanillas," which are used for making oil.the
"Gordalles," having much more meat but
less oil. The smaller olives put up in
Bordeaux are principally of French growth
and are known as "Amelleaux,"
"Verdalles" and "Lucques," the latter
called here "Crescent Olives" on
account of their shape, and are much
preferred to any other for table use. The
''Verdalles" have a stronsr. full flavor, and
are much used for sauces, to be served with
meats, while the "Amelleaux" have a little
more oil and less flavor. There is also a
fourth variety, known as "Picholies,"
similar to the "Amelleaux" in char
acter.bnt larger and longer. "Olive farcies"
are Amelleaux olives stuffed with anchovies
and capers. As a rule, the American trade
prefers the "Queen Olives" on account of
their size and fine appoarance, the smaller
size being as large as the largest of other
varieties; but in Europe the smaller olives
are quite generally preferred on account of
their navor and the finer quality of the
Take our familiar fireside discussions. Since
we are all hearing and reading constantly
about these religious questions, we are all
obliged to talk about and consider them. We
ask one another how far Darwin's theories
affect the origin of man, and whether the book
of Genesis can be maintained against the
teachings of geolojry, and what influence this
that and the other religious mot'o will have
upon the complicated chess board of the world.
Now, all this Is hopeful and inspiring. Be
causo It is with communities as with individ
uals; a period of intellectual Investigation, of
deep and prolonged thoughtfulness. always
precedes and usher in the period of feeling,
and or action under the Impulse of feeling.
Christianity has gained this much at least, that
it is now attracting the attention and challeng
ing the thought ot the world.
Don't Dawdle.
Edmund Burke once said, referring to the
American Colonies then in revolt against
England, that he did not know how to in
dict a nation. It wonld be even more diffi
cult to impeach a century. Each age has
its own individuality. Some are bad,
somo are good; but most are neither wholly
bad.nor wholly good,but,like Mohammed's cof-
nn hung between heaven and earth. Even tho
eighteenth centnry, of which Carlylo raid, 'It
blewits own brains out In the French Devolu
tion," did some noble things before it committed
suicide. It gave birth to this Republic.
The truth is that the charge of insanity can
not be brought against anya;e. as-a whole. A
writ de lunatico inquirendo will not apply.
All the same the children of an age have it
laid upon them as a sacred duty to discover and
kill out of it the characteristic evils. The
nineteenth century embodies infinite nohilitv:
but it has its foibles, its self-indulgences ot
feelings and conduct, and its gigantic iniqui
ties. It is the business of those who are now
living to right these wrongs. Each generation
should weed Its own garden. Bequeath flowers
iu tuu j mure, not wecus.
From the Garden of Thousbt,
Here is a nosegay plucked from the gar
den of thought. Character has far more to
do with determining history, than history has
with determining character.
Where Christ brings His Cross, He brings
His presence; and where Ha is none are deso
late, and there is nn room for despair. As Hs
knows His own, sn He knows how to comfort
them, using sometimes the very trrlel Itself and
straining it to a sweetness of peace unattaina
ble by those ignorant of sorrow. Elizabeth
Barrell Browning.
"Take rest, a field that has rested yield ft
beautiful crop."
And sometimes in my house of grief
For moments. I have come to stand
Where, in the sorrows on me laid.
I felt the chastening of God's hand;
Then learned I that the weakest ones
Arc kept securest from Lite's barms;
And that the tender lambs alone
Are carried in the Shcnherd's arms.
And sitting by the wayside blind.
He is the nearest to the light
Who crlctb out most earnestly,
"Lord, that I might receive my sight."
Phcebe Carjf.
In Thy book. Oh, Lord, are written all who
do what they can. though they cannot do what
they would. St. Bernard.
If you cannot frame jour circumstances in
accordance with your wishes, frame vour win
into harmony with your circumstances.
"Use What talent you possess. The woods
would De very silent if no birds sang bat those
which sing best."
To dare is great, to bear is greater. Bravery
we share with the brutes, fortitude with the
saints. Charles F. Deems.
It is impossible for that man to despair who
remembers that his Helper is omnipotent.
vtrrcm AtiyioT.
Patience iff the ballast of the sonl that will
keep it from rolling and Tumbling In the great
est storm, Bishop Hopkins.
Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness
come upon yon. Jesus.
Origin of a Phrase.
That familiar phrase in the Episcopal
burial service, "In the midst of life we are
in death," is derived from a Latin antlphon,
composed by JJotreu, a monk ot St. Gall in 911,
while watching some workmen buUding a
bridge at Martinsbrucke in peril of their lives.
A Stupid DUcnsnlon.
One of the most supid discussions imagin
able is that of the question, "Is Marriage a
Failure?" It would be just as profitable
and just as sensible to gravely debate the
question, "Is Birth a Failure?" or this. "Is Law
a Failure?" or thi. "Is Society a Failure?"
A good many people are unhappy in the mar
riage relation. True. What does that prove?
Why, simply that a good many people have
made a bad choice of a matrimonial nartner.
When men and women marry under the im
pulse or fancy or from the whim of passion,
what could bo expected? No marriage ever
was or could be a failure which was based on
mutual knowledo and respect and sanctioned
by love. But tore .alone Is not enough es
pecially that bastard love which is bom of a
glancing eye, or a week's proximity, or a
sexual desire. JIany marriages are brought
about by this humbug love:
"Ibis senior-junior, giant dwarf. Dan Cupid;
Regent of lovo-rhyraes, lord of folded arms.
The anointed sovereign of sighs and groans:
Llcgo of all loiterers and malcontents."
What, then, shall there be no more marriage?
Because there aro abuse connected wlith it,
shall wo discard matrimony? There are abuses
connected with everything human. The law9
are broken shall we therefore abolish law?
Within the borders of civilization robbery and
murder are frequent, and whole classes live in
insecurity and pauperism, shall we therefore
conclude that civilization is a failure?
Imperfection and abuse are pood reasons for
dissatisfaction, and may well inspire efforts to
ward amendment, bat not sufficient reasons for
dissolving civil society. Only fools go from bad
to worse, from civilization to anarchy.
By common consent marriage is the strongest
and most sacred tie that binds men and women
together. Let no one assail it, Andasoftenas
anyone does,
"Put in every honest hand a whip
To lash the rascal naked through the world."
A Symposium of Opinions.
TheLewiston (Mi.) ioHrnalhas issued
a symposium of opinions of the income that
may enable a prudent young man to marry.
A millionaire said not less than $1,000, a
cattle king thought 5100 was eaonu'Ii. and
ex-Postmaster General Horatio King es
timated from $100 to JU00 was the right
sum. Itev. Dr. G. W. Field, of Bangor,
one of the most prominent clergymen of the
State, believed .1 young man should not -let
prudence wait too closely ou his marry
ing; he deemed love enough to begin on.
The Klebt Tip.
A minister once announced as his test:
"The slothful man saith. There is a lion in
the way." As he paused he heard a lad in
the gallery whisper: "Shoot tho Hon." With
ready wit ho turned to tho boy and said: "Yon
have given In throe words the sum of my ser
mon, and that aU may remember I will repeat
your summary." Then turning to the congre
ration, he said: "Tho slothful man saith.
There Is a Hon In tho way." After a pause he
went on: "ily youn-' triend in the gallery
says: 'Shoot the lion.' This is the exact thine
to do. Let us pray!"
Realized Ills Mistake.
"I fouud myself getting into a bad way,"
said a prominent clergyman at a recent
gathering of ministers, "of pommelling the
saints in the prayer meeting. I would
scold them for the decline of religion, and for
the low state of spirituality In the church and
for tho coldness of the prayer meeting, in
fact, my prai er meeting utterauces had a gen
eral "Hark, from the tombs a doleful sound"
flavor about tbem. At length. I realized my
mistake, and have striven ot late to look at
things from a more cheerful point of view. In
fact, I have stopped pommelling the saint,
creatly to their relief, 1 doubt not, and much
to the advantage of the prayer meeting.
Mr. Nyo la tho West.
William (to himself) I reckon I've com
mitted this lecture to memory, but
It's awful warm work. Judge.
An Old Truth.
"Hitch your wagon to a star," says Emer
son. The Sage of Concord mean by this
quaint phrase that we should perform our
common, every-day duties from a high
motive. This will striko meaning and dignity
Into trivial things. It will wheel all the natural
and supernatural, forces on our side. It will
quadruple our power and comfort.
When only sailiug vessels crossed the
Atlantic there uas no way to work the pumps.
In case of a leak, save by hand: there was no
force in steering but that which the sailors'
arms supplied; there was no v. ay ot warming
the cabin but Dy a stove, which was comfort
less and dangerous. Kce the difference now.
Under every table and in every stateroom are
pipes from the great engine to -preserve an
equal temperature. The pumps are worked In
the same way, and the man at the wheel need
not struggle and call for kelp In a high sea, but
bus only .to open a valve, which a anild's hand
might control, and the vessel is stpcred by the.
same power which drives It forward tho giant.
Steam, Thus tho one central furce does all
these things, aud better results arc reached.
"Hitch jour wajron to a star." Act under
the impulsion of Divine Tower. What the
New England philosopher was secklne after in
this maxim, is but the old truth of Jesus and
of Paul: "Seek those things which are above."
Interesting Statistics.
There are 320,000 Indians on this conti
nent. About 200,000 are still pagans and
savages; when In their vicinity, look ont for
your scalp! Abont 100,000 hare been civ
ilized, anil many of these are Christians.
But haven't g tried (ana failed) long
enouch to civilize ,the Indians with whisky and
the rifle? Why not try the-Kiblo and the mis
sionary? The Lutheran Church in the United States
preaches the Gospel in the following languages:
German, Enplish.Bwedlsb, Norwegian, Danish,
Icelandic, Flnnih, Bohemian. Polish. French,
One hundred and twenty missionaries la
China represent 21 Protestant societies.
The Province of Quebec having granted"
property to tho value of JIOO.COO to the Jesuits ,
on an old claim, vigorous protests are being
made against it as a dangerous precedent.
The Chinese Sunday school, numbering 100
men, which is counccted with Dr. A. J. Gor
don's Clarendon street Baptist Church in Bos
ton, Mass., has voted to support three native
missionaries in China.
THK net gain of new churches in the United
States daring tha year 1SSS was 6.431: the in
crease in tho number ot ministers was 4.505,
whilo the increase in church members was 771,
Sfil. The average gain for each day of the vear
was 17 churches, 12 ministers, and 2,120 mem
The forces of Great Britain, Continental
Europe and the United States have an annual
income of $y,S9(j.r5(5, man and equip 9,550 sta
tions, support 5,4.11 missionaries, have the as
sistanco of 2,615 native helpers, and mission
chnrehe3 that have 289,971 communicants and
1,87a. 655 adherents.
Tnn statistical report, as given in the An
nual Methodist Episcopal Year Book, shows:
Annnal conferences, UO; itinerant preachers,
lLir.3: local preachers, 14,132; lay members,
2.0SG.03S; number of Sunday school scholar
2,010.181. value or church property. $S0,812,792:
value of parsonage, f-12.008,047. Total value of
church proDMty, 523,720,830.
Tnix.E is no object for which money fa mora
willingly given and more freely spent than itis
for the maintenance of tho Christian church.,
There Is room enough and to spare for all who
dcslro to tako advantage of Its ministrations, -r
The Church may adhere too rigidly to soma J
wornout methods, and it may fall to meet tba
wants of modern life in some of Its phases; hut mi
a lack or hospitality and courtesv is not one or.fi
the charge that can be brought against It. 15
J'hlladelphta Press. M
WlfATXVin may be thought of the theology
of the Salvation Army or of its peculiar raeth- -J
eds, it will not be denied that, taken all in. all, j
its Influence has been beneficial. Anything
which tends tn raise the moral average of a
creat citv to keep men and women cleanly.
sober, decent and well behaved must havo
something of zood In It; and this the Salvation, '
Army has most certainly done In many places.
It is freely admitted that in the East end of.
London its labors have caused a marked de 1
crcasom crime, and more especially in that h
brutality whicli finds its usual expression
among tne inwor oruers in ixmuon in wire
beating; and if an organization can effect a re-1
form in this particular, where all otheraeen-
cies have failed, e can well afford to nut uu
with what to us are disagreeable features of lul
methods 01 operauons. San iraneuco Chrml-A
Whek many are reading much and talkie j
more auout namoa nnu its anairs. it may bo 7
well to say that the Christian Church has been
there, and made it worth while for the nation j
to contend about tuts beautiful group ot
islands. John Williams the martyr of rro-
1n.1nza.went there nearly 60 years ago and es-j
tabllhed misxions. He returned again to find, j
bid missions flonrlahinz and making converts.!
emce nis aay ino wars ni education and the J
formation of chnrrbes ha gone on steadily
and large numbers nt the Inhabitants are
Christians bv profession nd are walking
nuriuv in timir vu'-nuiin. v;nrisiianny Ba.1!
preceded the consul and the ship of war, anill
uiuuu tiiesu u:ic i9mwis ot tne iraciuc ntpi&cee?
for the olantiuu of colonies nml th nnimiMiiu-1
of commerce. V 0 hope that jealousies amonel
Christian natlont will not mar the work of thai
men who rescued them from heathenism,--!
. ii.uhtcim't iiMrrn;..