Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 24, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 14, Image 14

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Who Stick to the Mother Tongue and
Detest the Queen's English.
The Eonsh Connemara Coast and the
Alystic Isles of Saints.
rcownesroxDExcE or the dispatch.!
Clogumobe, Ireland, February 11.
F T E E having
traversed wild and
winsome Coune.
mora and reached
the Atlantic at ro
mantic Clilden, the
tourist usually pro
ceeds north by the
excellent coast
road. A glimpse
of the Irish Quak
ers at Letterirack,
a few davs' stroll
at Kylcmore (great -wood) lake and pass, a
sight of the lamous Puss 01 Salruek, a view
ot th unique scenery of the Killerics, and
possibly a tnp to the coast of Clew Bar,
may be had. But my immediate destination
was the weird islands of An an; and I found
that, to reach them without returning across
Connemara to Galway, a most wild, rugged
and entertaining foot journey through the
almost unknown regions of Connn'ught.with
here and there enjoyment ol wondrous coast
scenery and always the deeper enjoyment of
Etudiesof the quaintest, rudest and most
hospitable people in the world, were to be
my good fortune.
All the population of Connemara are bi
lingual. The ancient Celtic language is
here preserved with the greatest pride; and
it is universally spoken in all home, social
and even business relations, among the
peasantry. English, with a startling brogue,
is the language of the schools; a necessary,
though bitterly resented "divarsion." The
younger members of the peasantry are well
enough got along with; but some of the old,
old lolk will not tolerate it, at least in a
stranger's presence. Many amusing experi
ences of this kind were had.
After traveling through the extremely
veil cultivated country behind Bunowen
Bay and Slyne Head, the extremest out
reacliintr of the Connemara cliffs into the
Atlantic, and the most westerly land in
Europe, I applied for and hospitably re
ceived a night's housing with a. peasant
farmer in the charming lake region between
Toombeola and Bouudstone Bay. The mo
ment the old grandam ol the household set
eyes on me and heard my English-spoken
words rhe snapped her thin lips together
and climbed into the lolt. Pretty soon the
old grandfather, returning Irom "the moun
tains with an armful o. dead branches, also
heard the same uud climbed up after her.
Ve could hear them up there under the
rasters cooing in their own tongue overtheir
escape like a pair or ancient doves. My
host and his family, much perturbed by
their apparent disrespect, climbed after
them one by one, and argued, protested,
threatened. By and by the brave old pair
clitulxrd down again, stern, silent, awlul.
"Dou't be degradin' av us, avicks;" plead
ed the Lost ol the obdurate pair.
"Hut, tut! an' yer better in the far-coun-try
words than the prayst himscl', so ye
are!" lollowed his good wife indignantly.
"Heugh!" and then a vnllev in Celtic
would be the resonse to all t&eir pacifica
tory or delusive attempts.
They b.iwed, ducked, pulled their fore
locks, grimaced, salaamed, and set about at
piling the peat upon the fire, preparing the
repast, and in all kindly offices ol entertain
ment but no ingenuity seemed capable of
tempting the stern old souls into admission
of consciousnsss ol a language that had no
business in Connemara. But after supper I
trapped them.
No peasant in Ireland will accept com
pensation for entertainment. But these
simple folk do prize your stories, tales, or
accounts ol the to them wondrons activities
of the marvelous outside world; and it is
easy to sec w hat a charm the old bocou(,hs,
or vagrant beggars and story-tellers,
once brought to the humble firesides of
Erin. I sang to them "The Irish Har
paree" and "The Harp and the Shamrock
ol Old Ireland," the best I could, which
was good enough to give rapturous delight
here; but I could not yet unloosen the old
couple's tongue in English. Then as I
told them of America, aud the younger brood
prewrettive, their eyes glistening with em
ulative hope to some day reach that earthly
Aiden, they almost fell into captivity of
protest. For the two old bodies' boues were
very old bones and must soon be laid in
Irish soil, where they longed to have their
kin remain near. At lust I stirred them
wildly with some dreadlul lairy tales I had
heard in County Tyrone, ami getting the
hero of one, a lamous drinker, hanging in
the devil's clutches over a bottomless pit of
"rignt poteen piteously appealing to the
"dark one" to let him drop, into the "swate
dew," I suddenly asked the old dame if the
poor tortured soul was wrong to thus cry
out. Her tyrupathy lor the bedeviled
drunkard overcame her antipathy to the
hated English. With much fire she snorted:
"Divil a ha'pwortbl divil a ha'pworth,
the poor cravthurl" while the old man vali
antly sustained her in a little outburst of
hit own of, "Thrue for ve. The poor crav
thurl Sure it's no sin if ye can't help it!"
An interesting custom of the peasantry
which I have Irequeutly observed in differ
ent parts ol Ireland, recalls quite a similar
one on the part ol the peasantry of Cuba.
Oiten in the latter country, alter remaining
through the night at the 'cabin of a sturdy
fuajiro, or uioutero, at your departure, the
ead of the household and olteu his entire
family will insist on accompanying you on
your journey lor miles, and, finally when
you insist upon parting, the swarthy group
will stand there in the sun among the
tropic flowers and birds, waving kindly
adioi a ter ynu, and Irequeutlr repeating,
xenx viagei leux viagei jjios Je a corn
panel" On many occasions when taking
lay departure froin Irish cabins where I
have passed the night, us when I parted
from uiv Iriends behind Bnnnnen Ba the
old dame in the loft sleeping peaceiully
'after her bitter ebullition agaiiit the hated
English tongue the lather and eldest son
would set orth with me. Each would in
sist upon -carrying some one of my belong
ings, such as my lunch wallet, rubber
poncho, or my stout thorn stick.
Then the way would be made sad by pro
testations of how little they had been able
to do in the matter of entertainment, or
flowery with grotesque legends of the neigh
borhood. Their warnings against this pit
fall or that, this sordid inhabitant or that
one, one shebeen or another, and above all
that I "kape an aisy eye on the murtheriu'
conshtabulary," were full of the truest
friendliness and concern. And finally at
parting, what handshaking was there over
and over; what raisings of the voice to the
shrill and pathetic in torrents of friendly
oratory; what "Luck c "'d yezl" and
"God's blessing on yezl" (just as with the
sunny Cuban's "Happy journeyl God keep
you company!" only teudeier aud truer
here in Ireland); until one must be very
fiintr indeed who does nut feel a sottening
hrlll Iron) heart to eje, dimming the land
scape tor an instant, when you turn and ale
alone upon your pleasant way.
From Slyne Head to Cloghmore, opposite
ithe Arran "island, the entire southwestern
fCotulo Connamira is a series of Imvk, I
Bounds and bights, filled with
... i .?
enchanting I
island, and reaching astounding distances
into the land. Between each bay the land
protrudes in long and lo'ty granitic ridges.
I wiih innumerable noble promontories at
their sides and points, interspersed with
nest-like circling coves aud pleasant slopes;
and here nine-tenths 01 the rude folk ot all
Continmara dwell. In the eutire distance
from Clifden to Galway, the actual coast
line being upward of 200 miles in length,
there is not a village of 500 inhabitants.
Though all may have their little patch of
ground lor tilling, they are all fishermen;
and every boat that scurries over the waters
of the bays, or rocks idly with the tide in
the lifeless coves, has its owner or part own
er in the mountain and valley districts
near. As it is to-day, so it has been here in
this changeless region for 20, aud perhaps
30, centuries.
The eutire coast line and its innumerable
islands are dotted with shrines, sanctuaries
and antiquities, teti ring to the existence
or an atniot prehistoric people, irom whom
through centuries upon centuries of exist
ence, practically unknown to the world at
large, and even to the people of Ireland
itselt, these strange and almost as unnoticed
lojk ot to-day ore descended. At as near
time as but 50 years ago, the entire popula
tion ot this coast were unacquainted with
the nature aud uses ol money. Tithes were,
paid by them and their rude and few wants
supplied through the barter of hides, fish'
and the sea weeds of the shore. There is
little difference now. Aside from the
trifling agriculture of the more inland dis
tricts, the most primitive manner of fish
ing, the gathering ot Liver, or "sloken," as
the natives call it, hunting "dillisk," or
dulse, tor food, and preparing kelp ashes
tor use in the manulacttire of glass, are the
only means of sustenance. When these
fail, as they often da, there are famine and
woe in Connamara.
In no country have I looked upon so sur
passing a landward view. Facing the south,
across the peaks ol noble promontories a
tiny speck upon the sky's horizon shows
where the mystic "Isles of S tints," the
lamine-breeding islands of Arran. The
sea between is bare of all save fishers' sails.
To the east and west are countless islands,
and bay atter bay with intervening heads,
until in the distance, huge purple clifis
merge into black forbidden lines. Yon are
at the peak of a lolty mountain, breast-deep
in heather; and have spread belore you
every iorm of life and scene, to discover any
one of which artists will travel half way
around the earth.
While wandering among the cliffs of
Eoundstone, and watching maneuvers of
strange sea fowl which Infest the coast, I
was witness to a little incident quite extra
ordinary in itseli; and particularly note
worthy from the proof one development of
it gavp to the remarkable similarity in ex
pression and simile among ignorant Irish
peasantry of to-day to that employed by the
most poetic bards of ancient Erin! Coming
upon a village shaugran, or vagrant, who
bad just stooped over the water's edge, and
tied with an o-ier thong a dead herring to a
floating board, which, in its turn, was held
fast to the shaugrau's grip by a rope of
twisted grass, I made bold to inquire the
meaning of this singular appliance.
"Whisht a bjtl" he lacouically replied,
"Fath I'll show ye more pow'ruor powdher
n balll"
And he did it, too. Among the sea-fowl
wheeling about the crags were a number of
gaunets the "solan goose" of "the coastwise
peasantry which, in millions home in the
Skerries, off the Irish southwest coast. Their
presence' here bodes "a plentiful season" to
come. Scarcely had we screened ourselves
behind a projecting rock, when one of these
great birds, atter several semi-circular
sweeps at an immense height above, dashed
downward like a white aerolite through the
air. An instant before it reached the her
ring, the shaugran gave the apparatus and
its bait a sharp jerk. A tremendous flutter
and splash followed. The gaunet hud the
herring in its gullet. Bnt the shaugran
had the "solan goose," whose neck was dis
located, in his hands. With a shrug, aud
relapsing into Celtic, the vagrant introspec
tivelyund deprecatingly remarked upon his
"Eoin Bic Baile!" (Birds of little good).
In the Dinnsenchas these very words are
found. The 'Eoin Baile" were the "Four
Kisses" of Aengus, King of theTuatha De
Danann, transformed into "birds that haunt
ed the youth of Erinn" viz: "the kisses of
lust, shame, sin and sorrow." I gave my
vagrant friend a whole shilling for his exhi
bition of waterside crait; but could not but
remember that it is a Ions way from the
Tuatha De Danann to this wild Connamara
lad, who had never in his whole life set eyes
upon a book. Edgar L. Wakeman.
Beautiful EncrnYini? Free.
"Will They Consent?" is a magnifi
cent engraving, 19x21 inches. It is an
exact copy of &n original painting by Kwall,
which was sold for 5,000.
This elegant engraving represents a young
lady standing in a beautiiul room, sur
rounded by all that is luxurious, near a
half-open door, while the young man, her
lover, is seen in an adjoining room asking
the consent of her parents lor their daughter
in marriage. It must be seen to be appre
ciated. This costly engraving will be given awav
free, to every person purchasing a small
box of Wax Starch.
This starch is something entirely new,and
is without a doubt the greatest starch in
vention of the nineteenth century (at least
everybody says so that has used it). It
supersedes everything -heretofore used or
known to science in the laundry art. Un
like any other starch, as it is made with
pure white wax. It is the first and onlv
starch in the world that makes ironing
easy and restores old summer dresses and
skirts to their natural whiteness, and im
parts to linen a beautiiul and lasting finish
as when new.
Try it and be convinced of the whole
Ask for Wax Starch and obtain this
engraving free.
The Wax Starch Co.,
Keokuk, Iowa.
Young maiden if jouM boast those charms
That win a lover to one's arms.
And that nia never let ltlui go,
Twill be through SOZODONT whose powers
Gives to the bieath the halm of flowers.
And leaves the teeth as white as snow. WTSu
I TTILL remove my place of business to
the corner ol Smithfield street and Seventh
avenue, Bisscll block, on or about March 1.
Previous to removal I will close out my
present stock at reduced prices.
Walter Anderson,
Jlerchnnt Tailor,
Cor. Wood street and Sixth avenue.
Bu Pittsburg.
Black Goods Department.
See the bargains we are offering in black
cashmere. 40 inches wide, at GOc and 65c per
yard. Ouly one case of each price.
mwfsu Hucus & Hacks.
Carpels and Cnrtalm
Are Groetzinger's specialties. Everv grade
or both lines for spring now open at t$27 and
029 Penn avenue.
Dabbs, the well known photographer;
has more orders for portraits thau usual at
this time ol year, and it shows that his ex
perience and talent are appreciated
Gold and silver-head canes and um
brellas, fine artificial flowers and plants;
lowest prices at Hauch's, No. 295 filth sve.
Black Goods Drpartment.
Elegant novelties in spring and summer
fabrics, etamines, grenadines, heruanni,
serges, etc, just opened this week.
iiwrsu Hocus & Hacks.
Ko" Adrance In Cnrpets
Ac Edward Groetzinger's. The manufact
urers and Eastern dealers have advanced
prices considerably, but the great carpet
house of Pittsburg will maintain the same
low prices that prevailed last season.
Wholesale and retail, 627 and 629 Penn
The Tavern and Its Lore Quaintly
Described by Joel Benton.
The Mottoes, Traditions and Frequenters of
' Famous Inns.
rwBrrrxN ron tiii Nsr-ATCn.i
OW spurs tho latod
traveler apace
To gain the timely inn.
There are no haunts
where human fellow
ship abouuds around
7 7 1 IIIVU UIU1C IUW .av
f.7t?t;.?tf.?TC.rVA-.?ios associations clus
ter than at the inn or tavern. Here have
been housed the best wits and most noted
men; and here, on public occasions, in the
country, the whole neighborhood often as
sembles. The rooms are still pointed out to
you which rioted men have occupied, for the
commonest inn boasts of its old-time celeb
rities, and the boniface in charge will tell
you, if you quiz him, how they acted and
what they said. Th'ough the Astor House
does not now have the overwhelming promi
nence it had a generation and more ago, it is
still remembered that Webster, Clay and
Seward once habitually stopped there, and,
tor that matter, dozens of others ot high
prominence in public lite.
With the modern revolntion in public
travel aud the immensity of the modern
hostelry, it is somewhat doubtful if the once
familiar and easy genialty that used to
mark the old inn and taverns is not passing
away. A country tavern near which I am
writing has .not lost the tradition which .in
forms us that John Quincy Adams once
stopped there; but how long will the im
meuse metropolitan caravansary note such
an event, where presidents', generals' and
governors' names are scrawled daily upon
its voluminous and rapidly filled register.
It almost needs the old-time stage and
turnpike by which journpying was a leis
urely matter, and the era when tavern
guests were a small company, to develop
the best experience the tavern can give.
What blisslul times there must have teen
at the Tabard Inn, Southwark, when the
Canterbury pilgrims set out! What rollick
ing talk at the Mermaid Tavern with Ben
Jonson and his hearty boon companions;
and how genial must have been the group
at the Wayside Inn in Sudbury, asLongfel
low's genius has imagined it.
But these old taverns and the long suc
cession of them have gone out The old
time type is no more. In the country vil
lage, as in the metropolis except, perhaps,
in a few far back places and In the South
the once cozy inn where guests loitered and
talked gossip is gone. Its successor is now a
hotel, at which guests do not get ac
quainted, but merely touch and go. What
queer names they used to have for the old
time hostelry! In England they still sur
vive somewhat, but here I think there are
very few lelt. The old Elephant Tavern in
Putnam County, N. Y. the locality where
the circus anu show were hrst introduced
held its own to a late date. It was fre
quented bv showmen, and the elephant over
the door has lasted longer than any old
time sign I know of.
A hundred and seventy years ago someone
wrote of the queer tavern signs in England:
I'm amused at the signs
As I pass through the town,
To see the old mixture
A Magpie and Crown:
The Whale and the Crow,
The Rizor and Hen,
TheLegani! Seven htars,
The Axe and the Bottle,
The Tun and the Lute,
The Eagle and Child,
The Shovel and Boat. ft
But this "odd mixture" was never mean
ingless, though it would probably be diffi
cult now to tell the connection of many of
thein as, for instance, the .Razor aud the
Hen. The Tun and the Lute evidently had
reference to a combination of wine and
music, and so was an appropriate symbol of
hotel jollity. It is said the sign of the Leg
and Seven" Stars "was merely an ortho
graphical deviation from the League and
Seven Stars, or seven united provinces."
In Beloe's Anecdotes of this literature a
writer says: "I remember many years ago
passing through a court in Eossmary lane,
where I observed an ancient sign over the
door of an ale house which was called the
Four Alls. There was a figure of a king
and on a label, 'I rule all;' the figure of a
priest, motto, 'I pray for all;' a soldier, 'I
fight tor all,' and a yeoman, 'I pay for all.'
About two years ago I passed through the
same thoroughfare and looking up for my
curious sign I was amazed to see a painted
board occupy its place, with the words in
scribed: 'The Four Awls. "
It is said that a checker board was once a
common tavern sign, and it may be traced
back as far as the davs of Pompeii. The
game of checkers is also called draughts,
aud a wag once said, when an explanation of
this sign was called for, that it ought not to
be thought strange that draughts were ad
vertised at an inn. In one ot the Boxburghe
Ballads the odd names ol London hostelries
which were best known in the reign ot
Charles IL, are humorously given, and I
copy below a tew stanzas from it :
The gentrie went to the "King's Head,"
The nobles unto the "Crowne."
The knightes went to the 'Golden Fleece,"
Aud the ploughmen to the "Clowne."
The clergie will dine at the "Mitre,"
The vintners at the "Three Tunncs,"
The UKurers to "The Devil" will goe,
And the friars to "The Munnes."
The ladyes will dine at "The Feathers."
"Tne Globe" no eaptalne will scorn e.
The h.mituien will goe to "The Greyhound'
And some townesmen to "The Horn."
Other names mentioned in it were the
Dolphin, the Horse, tlieCherry Tree, the Ax,
the Three Cups and the Flagon. The Goat
and Compasses was a queer tavern name,
which is borrowed from the saying that
''God encompasses us." The numerous
Bear taverns got their name from the old
time vulgar pleasure of bear-baiting, which
existed in England down to 1835, when it
was prohibited by legal enactment. When
the Puritans opposed this rude sport it was
said or them that they did it not so much
for pity of the bear as Tor their dislike of
anything that gave people enjoyment. At
one of the Bear taverns an illiterate, beer
selling boniface at Harrowgate wrote over
his door:
.. ..... ..................... .....
Bear Sold Herei
which provoked much comment. When a
traveler referred to the sign in Theodore
Hook's presence Hook wittily said: "He
spells the word quite correctly if he means
to apprise us that the article is of his own
Bruin." Pepys speaks in his diary of
"The Bear at the Bridge-Foot," which re
tained a celebrity for centuries, aud ns long
ago as 1C91 a rhymester alludes thus to its
We came to the Bear, which we soon under
stood Was the first house id Southwark built after
the flood.
One of the reasons why conspicuous signs
and images were nsed or public houses was
to enable that large number ol the public
who "could not read or write to find them
easily, and the Inshion originated, too, be
lore streets were numbered as they are now.
On the imprints of old books, for ease ot
direction to the bookstore, the almost ill
variable reference was found running ns
follows: "At the Sign of the Mermaid,"
"At the Prince's Arms," "At the Blue
Anchor," etc., as the case might be. For
t'iii'Wit. vmJt-i'i'
. i B i 1 1
those who conld read, the wise or witty
legend was displayed on the taverner's sign.
At a public styge house yon might find this
posted over the door:
Stop, brave boy. and quench your thirst;.
II ynu won't drink, your horses must.
which was much better in reason than in
A witty host, who must have been an un
common wag, once hung up this, to all ap
pearance, astouudingly liberal offer:
What do you think.
I'll feed you fornotblngand give yon a drink.
When his customers came in to claim the
promise, and had been well entertained, he
undeceived them by saying that they bad
not put in theproper punctuation in read
ing it. The annoucement really was just
the reverse of what it was taken for, as
will be seen below, with the stops correctly
What! Do yon think
I'll feed you for uothlngand give yon a drinkr
And thev all found out very soon that be
would not do anything of the sort.
On the Bull Inn at Buckland was this
The Bull is time, so fear him not,
All the while you pay your shot.
When money's gone and credit's bad.
It's that w Inch makes the Bull run mad.
At the Beehive Tavern you would often
read something like this:
Within this hive we're all alive:
Good liquor makes us funny.
If ou are dr, step in and try
Ihe flavor oC our honey.
It is said that Dean Swiit stopped once
at an inn bearing the sign ot the Three
Crosses, but was pestered severely oy lack
of decent attention on the part of the land
lady. Belore he went, and after she had
said she "couldn't leave" her "regular cus
tomers to wait on such as he," took a dia
mond and wrote on a pane of glass in one
of the windows:
There hang three crosses at thy door,
Hang up thy if e, and she'll make four.
The following is from the Fox Tavern in
Behold the Fox, near Handler Stocks,
Pray catch htm when ou can.
For they seil here good ale and beer.
I have heard of one sign which named the
chief potables to be found attheinn. and then
added, as a postscript:
Pve made this board a trifle wider
To let you know I keep good cyder.
In a subsequent article I will offer, with a
few signs still more curious, some further
consideration ou the subject.
Joel Bentoit.
Hints for
Bonsehnld Decoration Scraps
From the Studios.
There was a time, and not so very long
ago either, when it was) considered as due
both to the laws of order and art that all
articles for household use or ornament
should be arranged in pairs, and an article
not having a counterpart in close proximity
and occupying a like position with regard to
surrounding objects was regarded as being as
forlorn as a bird without a mate. In those days
everybody who could afford it secured, it pos
sible, a dwelling with a hallway in the center,
and they placed a pair of ornamental
vases an the front porch, one on each
side of the door. The same principle was ob
served and made to prevail throughout all the
interior decoration, it was held to be essential
to the proper furnishmeut of a parlor or drawing-room
that it should have a center table and
a certain number of straight-back chairs. On
the mantelpiece was usually placed au orna
mental clock, and to cheer the loneliness there
appeared on either side the inevitable vases.
In fact, this methodof homeadoinment formed
a rule which was rarely ever deviated from;
any iibject, tue nature ol which necessitated
its pretence singly, was sure to be flanked by
others capable of being Introduced In pairs.
One of the most common and at the same
time most objectionable examples of this pe
culiar taste was shown in thu custom which
prevailed of deeorating the parlor walls with
indifferently executed portraits of members of
the family. The principal wall of a room was
usuall) selected for a' croup of these, frequently
anything but attractive objects, and the most
important in respect of size was placed exactly
in the center, uhile above, below and on
either sido wero ranged the smaller
ones, or those less expensively framed,
lor be it remarked that in this de
scription of art the frame is of much greater
importance than the picture. Foimality in
decoration was then the order of the day, noth
ing was left to accident and any appearance of
chance arrangement was considered something
it was deslrablo to avoid. Now all this is
changed, and in place of seeking to attain this
formality every effort is made to lessen, and de
stroy it. There are few specimens of recent
architecture where opportunity has been af
forded for th; display of taste and judgment
that do not bear evidence of a leaning toward
freedom and variety of design.
Among the largest and most elegant and
coolly mansions of the wealthier classes the
desiro to vary the architectural character of
their dwellings, by using different features of
construction on eitner sine ot tue entrance, is
very marked, while in the smaller and less im
posing edifices there is ample proof of an effort
to sec ure variety, even at the sacrif.ee of every
desirable feature, and tho result is often de
plorable rather than commendable, being
neither beautiful nor striking, but only pecu
liar. Tlics-e. however, are but instances in
which an object in itself sensible and reason
able has been followed blindly and irrationally,
and without even the most remote conception
of the end to be attained. There aieuiany
dwellings' of moderate cost which are
models of architectural design, and these
might easily be more if those who erect them
would use a little intelligence and first consider
whether or no the various features wnich they
proposed introducing would accord with each
other and form a harmonious whole. In the
interior furnishment of 'dwellings far better
taste is displaeil, and this is mainly due to the
fact here is afforded an opportunity for changes
and alteration-; that which is done to-day may,
if not satisfactory, be done over again next
week or next month, at any rate in the not
very distant future, and so the knowledge
necessary to success is gained by experience.
It is time to dispense with the old time for
mality and primness the unieasonable insist
ence upon having everything both Bides alike.
Bo far as the arrangement of movable objects
is concerned the methoJ of placing as many
things as possible in pairs and in a fixed posi
tion in relation to a given point savors too
mu 'ii oi tue laetmamcai to De artistic, and too
much of formality and rule to ever afford the
greatest degree of pleasure to the eye and the
In Window nnd Mndio.
Trr: catalogue of tho exhibition of the
American Water Color Society contains a pen
drawing of "A Bit of the Seine," a sketch by
H. S. btevenson, mado during his recent visit
to ranee.
Ms. Jomn J. Hammer, has quito a number
of water color sketches shoning ruins and ex
cavations at Pompeii on exhibition at Bovd's.
Having been painted on the spot, a consider
able degree of historical interest attaches to
them aside from their merit from au artistic
"AFTEROONon the Delaware,"' an original
etching by Thomas R. Manley, is a very clever
and pleasing little wort, good in composition,
simple in effect and careful in drawing. The
Bcene is picturesque and fult of repose, show
ing a stream with wooded banks, and the only
sign of life being some boats floating upon its
placid surface.
Soain time ago the arttots of this city neaily
unanimously agreed upon Saturday afternonn
as the time when they would be mot pleased
to receive visitors at their studios, and the iact
was publicly announced, but has since been, to
some extent, lost sight of. Artists are very
much like the lest o mankind, and, while usu
ally glaa to see their friends or those who come
on business, there is no disputing the fact that
the casual visitor. Idl sittiniorstandingabout
them.inevitablv interferes with the prosecution
of any serious work. Anyone interested in art
will find a visito the studios both pleasant
and profitable, and If they are careful to pre-
buj. Micui-ci,nu,Bui:ii times as vue urwsts aro
at leisure they can feel sure of a m elcome.
It is often urged that artists "should some
times paint subjects of local interest and char
acteristic of the vicinitv.in which they reside.
This demand for scenes of home life is not
without reason, and those who respond to it
will find the valuo of their work greatly en
hanced. Not in I requeutly it is left to those who
are on the outside of the charmed circle of
professional artists to point out the direction
in which there is a fair field .or their efforts.
The Picture of a bnrnincr oil well which Mi. w
H. Gang has shown in Mayer's window mav be
instanced as bearing evidence of the truth of
this statement. This painting shows the burn
ing of the Wm. Guckert well No. 1, on the
Gailbacb farm, Glade run, Butler county, Pa.,
whhh burned for over five days after being
struck. Mr. Gang is possessed of considerable
artis ic talenf, and his work fairly presents the
character of the scene, the burning nil itli its
volume of dense black smoke and the landscape
effect of a frosty morning. Ilia subject Itself
is a good one and makes a pleasant little pic
ture, akide from the interest which it otherwise
In the South Discussed From a
Kortherner's Point of View.
Sot Always Eight, Even From a Political
tWEirmr for tiie dispatch.!
HE people of the
North cannot under
stand the gravity of
the Southern political
problem without a
knowledge of Southern
conditions. Where the
heavy preponderance
of the white race gives
no canse to fear that the negroes will gain
the upper hand, it is very easy to say that
the majority must rule. But in the South
where the voting majority consists of a mass
of ignorance a majority of people as be
nighted as any on Greenland' icy mount
ains, or India's coral strand, the matter be
comes very different.
To secure a parallel case in Pennsylvania
that could be appreciated, the 80,000 Re
publican majority in the Keystone State
would have to be colored "men 70 per cent
of whom could neither read nor write; who
live mainly in cabins that would hardly
serve for stables in the North; who are con
tent, as would appear, to wake and sleep, to
eat hog and hominy, to live so unfettered by
care, or thought for the morrow, as the
beasts of the field; to be satisfied and happy
with a bare animal existence for which they
strive with as little thought beyond as the
ox harnessed to the plow alive only to
hunger and the goad.
Twenty-five years of freedom have done
,1 ittle for the negroes in 'the mass, so far as
we can see. A lew, comparatively speak
ing, have been developed by education ry
the struggle for maintenance by for
tunate surroundings, but the great mass are
no more fitted tor intelligent use of the fran
chise thrust upon them by unscrupulous
politicians than the denizens of Congo or
The few have shown a capacity in the
race lor improvement,lor progress and civil
ization, but the vast minority know as little
of the rights of man, the interests ot moral
ity, the demands of civilization or the pro
gress ot the world outside of their little
sphere as their ancestors in Africa.
It is hardly possible lor the people of the
North to comprehend that such a mass of
dark ignorance, dense superstition, want of
civilized comprehension still exists, notwith
standing the inonev they have poured ont
like water to the Freedmen's Aid Societies,
and the contributions that every sewing
society has sent, and the missionaries and
teachers that have been toiling all these
years for their enlightenment. But if they
could sec the farms and the houses that some
of these Hatter are buying tor themselves,
and how solidly they are establishing them
selves here in body and estate in the snnny
South on their beggary missionary salaries
a little breath of suspicion as to where some
of the money goes might perchance arise in
the inner recesses of their Christain minds.
But with all the wealth of the North that
has been lavished in their behalf, with
freedmen's aid schools, itee schools estab
lished by the State, Sunday schools, well
endowed universities with tree scholarships
for their benefit, the fact remains that the
away-back districts of Pennsylvania, offin
the forests, up on the mountains miles away
from a railroad, can present no such set of
as the great mass of the negroes in the
Snnth. With all the forces of enlighten-
ment at work in their behalf, the great mass
ot the colored people are found in the ranks
of illiteracy. Upon such material the
carpet-baggers work, the politicians play,
and the missionaries of ilormondom find an
easy prey. In the hands of such voters, the
interest of the State nnfl the progress of the
people rest.according to the letterlot the law
if the white people recognized their right to
IUIC, us u ujHjuruy.
If, for instance," the city of Pittshnrg were
dominated by its black citizens through
sheer force of numbers, regardless of;intelli
gence which could control its offices from
highest to lowest, which could administer
its affairs financially and execute its laws
in accordance with race interests and
prejudices regardless of all else, some idea
of the state of afiairs South may be ob
tained, with due.allowance for the "fact that
the colored race in Pennsylvania is ages
ahead of the. blacks of South Carolinu.
Would the white people of Pennsylvania
endure such domination? Would the con
science of the Quaker State induce its in
telligent classes to eive such illiterate class
full swing? Would the sense of justice,
the dcerence of majorities, the human
nature of the white men of Pennsylvania
submit to the rule of a race led on by men
intent ouly on self-aggrandizement and per
sonal ends, and inspired by race antagon
isms and prejudices. We trow not. Much
as the brethren of the North love 'liberty
aud prate of equality, they would no more,
as human nature goes, stand such domina
tion of ignorance, superstition and heathen
ism than their brothers down in Dixie. So
when they loudly talk of the suppression of
the Republican votes of the South it would
be well to put themselves in the place of
the white citizens of the cotton country,
and give play to charity.
This race problem which is in every
body's mouth down here which lurnishes
an occasional text for every pulpit and a
theme for every political "stump is cer
tainly a most difficult one, and one, too,
which the South should be left to solve as
best it may. It is very easy in the North
to flippantly affirm that the majority must
rule, but when one comes South and takes
the measure of that majority, and contem
plates its make-up, the question assumes a
very different aspect. When the sovereigns
ol the country, ns made so by the Constitu
tion, come under consideration as living in
shanties that in the North would hardly be
considered fit toshelter a mule in a condi
tion of dirt, shittlessness and immorality
that seem to inane an incapacity lor decent
civilization, and when it is considered that
these are made the tools of tricky poli
ticians to further the ends of rapacity and
selfishness, it is little wonder that the intel
ligent minority take measures to nullify
the powers of this great mass of illiterate
"It is easy to aver that the Constitution
must be respected, that the law must be
enforced, that the blackmanmust.be pro
tected in his right of supremacy in the South,
aud all that sort of thing, but when white
men, either North or South, snbmit to be
sat down upon by 70 per cent of illiteracy,
it must be evident that the resources of
hook and crook are wholly exhausted.
White men, either North or South, would no
more stand African supremacy thau would
the people of Cali.orma "submit to be held
subject to the Chinese. Whatever the
negroes may become in the future, through
the forces ot education and civilization, it
is manifestly true that by a large majority
they arc unfitted to exercise the privilege of
the suffrage at present
Host of them show no ambition to rise, to
better themselves, to acquire property. They
live us men ii.ucra iiveu, irom nana to
month. With enough bacon and hominy
to satisfy hunger, with a shanty to shelter
them, nnd a little money occasionally to
gladden their souls with the cup that cheers
and lightens the soul of man, they are there
withal content. They are as jolly, irre
sponsible and happy-go-lucky as thongh
they had a mint of money to draw from, and
a whole health board to look after them
:m I
.physically. They work through the week
spend their money freely on nnconiidered
trifles, lay in a little brown jng on'Satur
days, and enjoy their Sunday at chqrch
where they can "jine" in the singing at the
top of their lungi, and giye full vent to
their emotions by shouts and songs of -rejoicing.
In the church the brethren conduct
in all things. "It is mighty onproper for
the sistern to put theirselves on the public
notice." The brethren fill 'all the offices in
the church, dispose of all moneys and con
tribution.!, and keep the sisters under Draper
Tne sisters take great comfort out of their
church, nevertheless. They are all on the
look beyond, where heaven holds all the
comfort and rest they long for, but never
obtain here on earth. They always get re
ligion and hysterics together, and the more
ol the latter the more sure it is that as one
of them says "the conversion hez struck
in." There is but little of the home life, as
considered in the North.
The women usually work ont at cooks,
chambermaids, laundresses, or in the cotton
fieids, and are at home only at night, and
the children "grow," as did Topsv. Wages
are paid to tneiaoorers by a little money
and rations of meat and" meal, and they
rarely make both ends meet, but are deep in
debt most of the time.
It is often asserted that unscrupulous em
ployers take advantage of their innocence
and ignorance, and inability to understand
that two and two make lour, to swindle
them in such lashion that they can never
get out of debt. This is the more easily be
lieved when we remember the sorry taies of
thp poor miners of Pennsylvania who com
plain of like impositions and cheating in
the way ol weight and wagons and "pluck
me" stores, and such matters incident to
their employment.
From what we have seen of them we do
not think the colored brethren personally
care a cent about suffrage, aud would trade
off a vote any time lor a quarter. Those
who have been educated are, of.course, dif
ferent, and appreciate the benefits oi
civilization, but as regards the great
mass, it they were not drummed
up by the politicians, who desire to
use them, they would not bother their heads
about votinjr, and when they do, they do not
know what it is all about. The election of
Harrison made a pretty big noise through
out the country, but some of the colored
hwlh,an Tiaea fl nnf 1" . nw wl .. Unmrnn ia
nor to what office he was elected. And for
that matter incredible as it may seem, some
of the white lols feminine ot course did
not know who was running against Cleve
land nntil his defeat was assured.
Those of the colored brethren, however,
who do know of Harrison, have built high
hopes on his election. They seem to think
that his administration means big things for
them in the line of offices. They have great
ideas of being provided for and having soft
sits arranged tor them. It does not seem to
occur to most of them that they are to take
care of themselves and that if" a man wants
anything he has got to push for it himself.
Tbey have an idea that their timebas come,
and that the offices are to be divided around
among the Republicans, while every Demo
crat is to be fired out that the plums are to
drop ripe and luscious into their hands.
How Harrison will cut up the cake so as
to make it go round and satisfy the souls of
the hungry, remains to be seen. But it
does not require much of a prophet to fore
tell that there will be niuci. weening and
wailing and gnashing of teeth before the
administration gets comfortably settled in
its shoes. Solid South or not, Harrison can
hardly afford in these days of peace and
amity to ignore the intelligent classes of the
South and to foment the antagonism be
tween the races by bestowing the offices
upon the'negroes regardless of the represen
tatives of the South in Congress.
Education will do much eventually. As
war memories die out, and the Emancipa
tion Proclamation, like the Declaration of
Independence, becomes an old story, the
black people will likely have learned, as
everybody else, that their advance in life
depends upon their own energy, enterprise
and exertions. They will have learned to
discriminate between parties and to choose
that which will best advance their interests.
But it will take long years to leaven the
lump, so that its constituents will be gov
erned by reason and common sense, rather
than Dy buncomoe ana political napaooafe.
And while they are learning, the white
folks will be learning also. They will be
seeking to adapt themselves to changed con
ditions, rather than by inventing ways and
means to evade and make null and void the
nnpleasant fact of negro majorities.
Among enlightened nations the evil most
deplored by the church is the decay of faith.
But no apprehensions need be lelt in any
way as to the negroes of the South. , They
have faith far beyond the common in the
supernatural, and this faith is firmly and
nnshakenly backed up by the absurdest
superstitions. They have a fixed belief in
the evil eye, in witches, in charms and in
cantations. With a bit of alligator skin
around the ankle, they have no fear of
snakes. In bare feet they will penetrate
swamp, and jungle, and brake, and briar,
knowing with all faith that it will carry
them through in safety. That Merced v
Ann has the evil eyeis a fixed article of
tattn in those who naovr her, ana tney pay
her unlimited respect nnd deluge her with
presents to avert her power to work them ill
to ward away any desire she may have to
break up their love affairs, to incite hatred
to make marriage a failure.
"I can't cook no mo-ah in a house with
out a cat," said a very fine cook to her mas
ter, who abhorred cats but appreciated 'good
cooking. "They ain't no luck wha-ah'thay
aiu't no cat in the kitchen." As a cook her
services were invaluable, so the dislike to
cats was waived for the sake of good cook
ing. Things went on then finely nntil the
cat became a decided drain on the family
income by eating the choicest things on the
sly and by despoiling the larder in the most
unscrupulous and despicable manner. By
mysterious means the cat disappeared, and
then Lucy Louisa found Bhe" could in no
wise live where there was no cat, and that
none ot the delicious dishes for winch she
was famous could be expected "without no
cat." There is no reasoning with supersti
tion. With tho ignorant no argument
avails. Superstition makes a man a fool,
and though a fool were braved in a mortar,
he is a fool still. The task' that lies before
the South in eradicating superstition and
substituting reason, intelligence and com
mon sense is tremendous. A century of
education will not suffice, as the history of
the world shows. Bessie Bbasible.
IiOre's Lone Embrace.
She Goodness me, Fred, how in the
world am I to get back to the house ? It
didn't look at all like snow when we came
out. Life.
Taking a. Base Adynntage.
b "" ! '
ImSL &"-
The Power of Book and Candle to Ex
orcise Our Jivil Spirits.
Beading as an Opportunity for Entering
Good Society.
twamm ron tub dispahti.1
HE Christian religion
is an everyday re
ligion. It is quite as
true .on Monday as it
is on Sunday, and
touches ns just as
closely on the one day
as on the other. Yqu
cannot lock it np be
hind the doors of an
empty church. Neither the parson nor the
sexton carries the key to it.
"Take heed what ve hear." I do not un
derstand that to refer only to the hearing of
religious trnth. It applies to any kind of
speech. Listen, our Lord says, bnt .take
beed how. and to what. This concerns ns
every hour of every day.
It is true that religion has to do with an
other world, and with a life to come, but no
less trne that its province lies a great deal
more in the concerns of this li e and this,
world. It is true that the religious teacher
must speak "as a dying man to dying
men," but truer still that the religions
teacher ought to speak as a living man to
men who are alive, and about the things
with which our lives are full. It is signifi
cant that when St. John saw the vision of
the blessed future he beheld, coming down
from God out of heaven, not hoiy sep
nlchre, an abode ol the dead; not a holy
temple, se apart for prayer and worship,
but a holy city, the symbol of the sanctifica-
tion of labor, ot love, of
We are ouly beginning to realize how far
reaching the Christian religion is. We are
only learning the alphabet of the language
in which Christ taught men that whether
we eat, or drink, orjwhatever homeliest
thing we do, we may do all to the glory of
See how Christ's caution about hearing
touches such seemingly secular,literary,and
not particularly religious themes, as books
and reading.
The words apply equally well to reading
as to hearing. Beading and hearing are
but different ways of doing the same thing.
The thing to be done is to get a fact or a
truth into the mind. It matters not at all
whether the fact or the truth enters through
the ear or the eye. It is true that the cau
tion of our Lord was directed against wrong
hearing; but this was partly because He
was Himself at that moment speaking; and
partly, no doubt, because most of tbo learn
ing of that day came through the ear. "Faith
cometh," St. Paul said,"by hearing." But
it is the same, whether we hear or read.
And as it is our lot to live in a reading
rather than in a listening age, lam sure that
we do not depart from the Mjster's mean
ing, but do rather, on the contrary, bring it
closer borne to us, when we understand Him
to say to ns, who live in this century ol
steam and type: "If any mau have eyes to
read, let bim read; but take heed what ve
The words suggest two questions: Why
to read? and
"We ought to read, then, if we are to set
down reasons for reading; because we havi
eyes and a mind. God gave ns eyes and u
mind to use. Those significant parablesofth
talents and of the pounds touch not only
all that we have, but all that we are.
We are nnder obligations to use for God's
glory all that He has given ns in trust,
whether money, or strength, or time, or
eyes, or lips, or understanding. If we do
notmakegood nse of all the powers with
which God has gifted us and to make good
use of them is what is meant by using them
"to tho glory of God" we are unprofitable
and untrustworthy servants. We are intel
lectual or spiritual defaulters. He who
gave us eyes, meant that we should see, aud
see all that we can. He who gave us a mind
meant that we should strengthen and de- f
velop our mind, and make it a treasury for
wise and good thoughts. The question
at the Day of Judgment will be this,
in some shape: How have yon nsed
what I gave yon? What have you done
with your hands? Where have yon gone
with your feet? What have you seen with
your eyesj uu. nave you reamed ana I .Bowser ana tieorge Haven irutnam mem
meditated and planned and resolved with I bers of the Executive Committee. It was
your mind? Some people go through life resolved to establish also a permanent bn
as some visitors go through Westminster Ab- I reaa at Chicago.
Baby bad with Eczema, Hair Gone, Scalp Cov
ered with Eruptions. Physicians fail.
Cured by the Cuticura Remedies. Hair
Restored. 'Not a pimple on him now.
I cannot say enough In praise of theCun
ctjea Remedies. My boy, when one year ot
age. was so had with eczema that he lost all of
bis hair. His scalp was covered with ernptfons,
which the doctor said was scald head, and that
bis hair would never grow again. Despairing
of a care from physicians I began the nse of
the CCTICDnA Rkmedies, and, I am happy to
say, with the most perfect snecesa. His hair Is
now splendid, and there Is not a pimple on bim.
I recommend the Cdticura Remedies to
mothers as the most speedy, economical, and
sure cure for all skin diseases of Infants and
children, and feel that every mother who ha3
an afflicted child will thank me for so doing.
Mrs. M. E. WOODSUJI, Norway, Me.
I am truly thankfnl there Is sucb a medicine
as Ae Cuticcba Remedies. 1 have two little
bovs.who have been afflicted with eczema and
scald bead, which finally settled In their eyes.
I tried several good doctors and plenty of medi
cines, without relief. I procured a bottle of
your Cctjcttba RESOLVENT and a box of
CtrncrcitA and commenced using them, and
am happy to say that before tbe first bottle
was used their eyes were nearly well, and when
the second bottle was half used they were en
tirely cured.
Mrs. SUSAN M. DOBSON, MlUord, Mo.
I am a farmer, sixty-one years of age, and
have suffered from babyhood with what I
heard commonly called "honeycomb eczema"
on my hands. A few months ago I purchased
from my druggists, Messrs. Sanders &. Lesesne,
your Cuticuba Remedies, and used them ac
cording to directions. A cure was speedily and
thoroughly effected, and I make thts statement
that others likewise affected maybe benefited.
Georgetown, Tex.
Reference: Messrs. Sanders & Lesesne,
Druggists, sa
CrmcuHA, the great skin cure, instantly al
lays the most agonizing Itching, burning and
inflammation, clears the skin and scalp of crusts
and scales and restores the hair. CCTICCKA
Soap, tbe greatest of skin beantitters, Is Indis
pensable in treating skin diseases and baby
humors. It produces the whitest, clearest skin
and softest bauds, free from pimple, spot, or
blemish. Cuticura Resolvent, the new
blood purifier, cleanses the blood of impurities
and poisonous elements, and thus removes tbe
cause. Hence the Cuticura Remedies
cure every species of torturing, humiliating.
DIMPLES, blackheads, chapped, rough, red
I Iffl and oilv skin, nrevented bv Cuticura
and oily skin, prevented by Cuticura
bey, ignorant, bored, thoughtless,- looking
about with-blank eyes; inspiration, beauty,,
things interesting and things helpful, closo-
beside them, all unheeded. A guide in tha
Mammoth Cave' told me that he once took a
blind man through those black corridors.
Very likelv he saw as much as some other
visitors. Every company of beholders has
some blind men in it.
It is the inevitable duty ot everybody who
has eyes to see. It makes a difference both
in this world and the next whether you nse
your eyes or not; whether you improve
your mind or not; whether you read silly
books or good books It is a duty to read.
You ought to read, because God, who has
given you eyes and a mind, wants you to
It is strange that there should be people
who do not care to read. For think what
reading is". It is an entrance into the best
society in the world. Take a book into
your hand and vou hold a wand more potent
than was ever wielded by magician, where
by you may summon at your will the wisest
spirits of all time to teach yon, the most
charming romancers to tell you stories, the
most graceful poets to recite their verses.
Heroes will narrate their feats of bravery;
travelers will describe their sights and ad
ventures in strange lands. The wit, the
wisdom, the fancy, the philosophy, the
achievement, the hope, of all lands and
times lie'open to you. You may go any
where, buying no tickets, bothered with no
baggage; yon ned not be imprisoned ia
sleeping-cars. Yon may out-wander tha
Wandefine Jew. You may live in any
land or in any century, as yon please.
the King, the statesman, the philosopher,
the saint, the elect of the world without
embarrasment and without reserve. A book
is like the magic cloak in the Arabian
story; yon have but to spread it open, and
wish to be somewhere, and there immedi
ately you are.
And books will not only transport yon
into new scenes, and bring ynu into the
best company, bnt they will rid you some
times ot that most uncomfortable com
panion, yourself. In the old days they ex
orcised evil spirits by the ban of bell, book
and candle. What the bell was for, I know
not. We can dispense with that. Give ns
a book and a candle, and. a way 'we'll scatter
the haunting spirits which weary and de
press us.
Life, the men of science tell ns, is har
mony with environment. Be makes the
most of life who has the widest environ
ment, and is in most thorough accord with
it. But books widen out the horizon of
life almost to infinity. Yoa cannot make
the most of life, you cannot get either the
most profit or the most pleasure out of it
without books. He that hath eyes to read,
let him read.
But here comes in the Lord's caution:
Take heed what ye read. What shall we
There is a good re for eating, into which
all the prescriptions of physicians are con
densed: eat what agrees with you. What
ever makes you strong, keeps your head
clear nnd your pulse steady, keeps yoa
well choose that
This is also one rnle for reading. Head
what agrees with you. Bead whatever
makes your intellectual and spiritual na
ture strong and well. Bead whatever makes
you grow.
The analogy between food for the mind
and food for the body is a suggestive one.
Some books are nothing but intellectual
sweetmeats. They are very pleasant, and
they have a right and useful place, if they
are set down on the mental menu just where
tney belong in the last course. Tbey are
harm ul only when they take the place of
more nutritious f.ire. Some people's read
ing is like a series of breakfasts, dinners
and suppers, all of ice cream and French
Some books are like the provisions which
Lieutenant Harlow and his associates in the
Thetis t found in the larders of the Greely
narty, in the ice pantry of camD starvation
narrow strips of boot-leg, waiting to be
tewed with moss into something which
hey tried to imagine to be soup. TbereKjust
about as much good in some books, as there
was strength in that starvation souo.
It is a good plan tor us to review occasion
ally the books which we are reading, and
place them according to food analogies, and
see just what ourmental bill of fare amounts
Jo how much good meat and wholesome
bread, and how much French candy and
starvation soup. Gkoeoe Hodges.
They Will Establish Bureaus at New York
and Chicago.
Chicago, February 23. The committee
of nine appointed by the recent tariff re
form convention has selected New York as
the headquarters of the national organiza
tion, elected David S. Wells President,and
appointed Everett P. Wheeler. B. E.
iSowKerand Ueorge Haven
Eczema in its worst s'agas. A raw sore from
hiad to feet. Hair gone. Doctors and
hospitals fail. Tried everything. Cured
by the Cuticura Remedies for S6.
I am cured of a loathsome disease, eczema,
In its worst stage. I tried different doctors
and been through tbe hospital, but all to no
purpose. The disease covered my whole body
from the top of my head to tbe soles of my
feet. Aly hair all came out, leaving me a com
plete raw sore. After trying everything; I
beard of your CtrncUBA Remedies, and after
using three bottles of Ccticuea Resolvent.
with drncrjRA and CuncirKA Soap, 1 find
myself cured at the cost of about S& I would
not be without the Cuticuea Remedies in
my bonse. as I find them usef ul hi many cases.
and I think they are the only skin and blood
ISAAC H. GERMAN, Wurtsboro, N. Y.
Two years ago I was attacked with eczema.
I cannot tell you what I suffered. I dare not
shave: I had always shaved before. I was the
most forlorn spectacle you ever saw. Charles
Kennedy, of this place, showed me your pam
phlet on skin diseases, and among them I found
the description suitable to my case. I bought
tbe CcmcURA Remedies, and took them ac
cording to directions, and soon found myself
improving. I took seven bottles, with the Ct
ticcba and Soap, and the result is a perma
nent cure. I thought I would wait and see If
it would come back, but it bas proved all you
said it would do. I feel like thanking you, but
words cannot do it; so I will say, God bless yoa
and yours. THOS. L. GRAY,
Leavertown, Morgan Co., O.
I have suffered greatly with eczema or salt
rheum for four years, with sores all over my
body. I procured three bottles Cuticcba Re
solvent, one box of Ccticuka, and a cake of
Cuticuba Soap, and tbey bave healed my
sores entirely. I think it tbe best medicine I
have ever used, and I feel very thankful to you
for the good it has done me.
Klrkland, Carleton Co, N. B. V
itching, burning, scaly, and pimply diseases .'ot v '
the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair? "
and all humors, blotchec, eruptions, sorfes.
scales, and crusts, whether simple, scrof ulousj i
or contagious, when physicians and all other; V
remedies fail. ' j'5
Sold everywhere. Price, CUTICURA, E0c.
8oap, 25c; Resolvent, $L Prepared by the " l'
Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, 4
-es-Send for "How to Cure Skin Dis- .
eases," H pages. 0 illustrations, and 100 testi
monials. ,
RARV'CSkln and Scalp preserved sad
DMD I O beautified by Ccxicusa boajt.
ADSoiuieiy pure.