Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 24, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 13, Image 13

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    TP ATH? fV Tfftf WEttlT
O.J.IX1AJ- Ul iiXAJ M "--.".
, .
Nothing Kew in the Local Situation,
imt Everybody Hopeful.
rittstrarj: Oil Men Tate a Strong Stand
Against the Pending Tax Bill.
Business the past week may "be described
in a general way as dull and inactive. The
occurrence of a holiday materially affected
the volume of transactions, and had a bear
ish aspect upon the speculative markets.
Petroleum developed considerable strength,
the close showing a gain of ljc from the
previous Saturday. There were no special
features in stocks, which finished dull and
bullish. The demand for bank shares for
investment was unprecedented in the his
tory of the Exchange. This indicates
large amount of idle capital. JAisiness at
the banks was featureless. Money was
abundant at 5G per cent, according to the
collateral. Tig iron was a trifle steadier,
but other descriptions were unchanged.
lteal estate was active, the demand being
largely tor unimproved lots and small
houses. There was a fair Inquiry for West
End and Soutliside properties. The retail
trade was ot the usual large proportions.
A meeting of oil operators and dealers was
held at 12 o'clock yesterday at the Petroleum,
Stock and Metal Exchange, to take action on
the bill to tax oil and gas leases, which Is now
before the State Legislature. "Xhero was a
large attendance, and the views expressed
were decidedly hostile to the measure on the
ground, principally, that it is in the nature of a
double tax, is special legislation, and that Its
adoption would be a blow at capital and labor.
There were no speeches. George O. Morgan
offered the following, which was unanimously J
TTlIEBCAS, A bill to tax leases of real estate for j
oil anil cti purposes hns been Introduced In toe I
btate senate of l'emiMlvaula: and, J
Whereas. We rccard such proposed legislation !
object lonatile for the following reasons: First. I
That double taxation Is unjust lu principle, and
railing and Ijuruenine In pracure. tecono,
U hat the proposed legislation is In
i the nature of
special legislation, and against the spirit Ir not
the letter of tlic Constitution Third. That the
tendenev of legislation of this character is to im
pede and discourage the development of the
natural resources or the Commonwealth, and Is
allfce a blow at capital and labor; therefore, be It
ItesoUed, Ity the Pitti-burg t'etroleum. btock
and Metal Exchange, that we arc unanimously
apposed to the passage of said bill, and earnestly t
auu respecliuiiy l cqucct t tie "nators and Kepre
sentathesof Western 1'Cdusrlvanla to use their
lotes and Influence Tor them-fcat of said bill.
The above will be transmitted to the'Western
Pennsylvania Legislative delegation, who will
be coached by a number of influential oil men
who will go to Hamsburg at the proper time
for that purpose.
The scheme for the training of mechanics
appi oved by the Master Builders' Exchanee of
Philadelphia, possesses some features which
may be of interest to Pittsburg builders. It
provides for the education of boys in a mccan
ical trade school until they nave obtained a
cer ificate of proficiency and a service for a
term ot practice with an employer, this term to
be at least one year less than the usual term of
apprenticeship by virtue of the holding of a
.certificate ot proficiency granted by a mechan
ical trade school. Tho completion of the edu
cation of the mechanic is to be acknowledged
on the part of tl.e employer by the granting of
a certificate from the association of builders,
retting forth thatthc holder haspasscd through
the prescribed course at tbo trade school and
the term of practice with an employ er, and is
entitled to be received by all builders as a
journeyman. It is believed this system will in
time afford a substitute in part for the old
form of apprenticeship, and be of advantage to
both the youn men and their employers.
"Frame bouses will, before tho present gen
eration of people passes away, becomo luxuries
which only opulent citizens can afford," re
marked a leading Pitt3burg builder yester
day." "The statement is interesting. What are
yonr reasons for thinking so?
year, i can rcmcmDcr when two or three of
The counties in Western Pennsjlvanialfumished
a full supply to Pittsburg and the surrounding
country. We get very little from there now.
Our main supply for the past few years has
come from Michigan. But at the present rate
of production that territory will soon be ex
hausted. Waste and use together are rapidly
exhausting the timber supply, rendering build
ing lumber not only dear but hard to get"
"What will follow the exhaustion of tho
Michigan ficldr' (
"It would be hard to say. I suppose we j
will have to look to Oregon and Washington
Territory, and posibly Alaska, for supplies.
There are vaFt tracts of virgin timber of tho '
best quality there, hut the cost of transporta
tion to Pittsburs would bo enormous. This
urintrs me back to the ongnal proposition, that
frame houses will, in a comparatively few ,
j ears, be so costly as to be out of the reach of
people of moderate means."
The most important real estate transactions
of the week was the sale of the Glockner prop
erty on Sixth street, near Penn avenue, which
was consummated on Thursday. The lot is 36 '
feet front by 110 deep. The building is sub- I
fctantial and well adapted to business. It is oc-
enpied by Bing and Hannach, liquors and gen- I
tlemcn's furnishings respectively. The price ,
paid was 519,000, which, considering the press
ing demand for business houses in that local
ity, is considered remarkably cheap. From
opinions expresea by several businessmen
1,800 a front foot would not hive been an un
reasonable valuation.
Stocks Close Bullish, Indicating JIoio Mm
nnd Illshcr Pricec
The stock market yesterday was rather un
satisfactory to both bujers and sellers, the re
sult being that dullness was a prominent fea
ture, except for gas and tractions. The total
sales were 510 shares. Pittsburg Traction was
strong and in good demand. Central was barely
steady and Citizens' a trifle weaker. Gas
stocks were described as steady to weak. Lit
Noria displayed moro strcneth than on any
other day of the week.
j ..i ni .. - .. i j ? .. l.
E&kTbut tnev we e bcld'abveXe S of
brokers. The market closed bullish, indicating
a reaction from the lethargy of the past few
Dill. Ailed
AlIephenvNat. Hank
.BankornttBtmrg 74
Commercial National Bank 9G
Citizens' National Hank 61
Diamond Nations! Uank 15S
Kxclunge Nat. Itanlc 81 'f
Jlr.t Nat. Hank, 169
ourth National Bank KS
Freehold Bank 52
Fidelity Title and Trust Co 110
German Savings and Deposit
Iron Citv National Uank dl
Iron and Glass DolIirSavIncsBank....l30
Keystone JIant of llttsburg
M&Minic Bank M
il. nud M. Nat Jiank GOtf
Metropolitan Nat. Bank 92
Odd Fellow' bavlnRS Bank... 6.1
Pittsburg BanK forbxvinps 210
People's National Ban!. of PUUburs.-ltt
Ueruian National Bank 141
Real hstate Loan and Trust Company.. 72
German American Insurance Co
Allegheny tias Co. (Ilium.)
I'ittsburg ts Co. (Ilium.)
Allegheny Heating Co
Chartiers Valley Gas Co
. su ....
: su
. eo' 62S
,11 ....
. m ....
. s;
: i
. 41 42
UX 23
ivnniylvama Uas u
Philadelphia Co X74
wueeimx uas ;o
Columbia (111 Co. ........ ...
citizens' Traction
1'ittauure Traction
Central Traction
N. V. A Cleveland (jas Coal Co....,
La. Norla Mining Co
Mlrerton Mining Co
"Westluirliouse JJectric
Union fawltch and Msrual ComDoar.
Vertrnghonte Airbrake Co i:i
One membership went at $550. Othersales
were: 180 shares Philadelphia Gas at S7& 10
Central Traction at 25, 00 Pittsburg Traction
it -IV, 25 Wheeling Clas at 29, and 101) La Noria
George B. Hill fc Co. sold 200 Pittsburg Trac
tion at 43. They report this stock firm with a
good demand.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 100,313 shares. Including: Atchison,
6,075; Delaware. Lackawanna and Western,
2,000; Eric, 6,410; Lake Shore, 8,125; Louisville
i jerred, 32 ojO; Oregon Transcontinental. 5,0:
Kcadlne:. 3.0J0: St; Panl. 12.700; Union Pacific
,oxV tv vbicu uiuuu,o,uu.
The Holiday Causes More Activity In Check
ins and Depositing.
The movement in local monetary circles yes
terday was characterized by considerable ac-
' tlvitv. This was dne mainly to the holiday, re-
t sultinc In a doubline up of checkin;
and de-
positing. The same cause worked an improve
ment in the Clearing House report. Only a
limited amount of paper was offered for dis
count, and It was accepted at 6 per cent. A
few of the banks were willing tn make a con
cession on prime collateral. The Clearing
House report, for the day and Week, with com
parisons, shows the following changes:
n-ccuances P3?! ?!
Italiiires 492.8TS .0
Kiclianses for the week
lialaneesrorthe week.
KxcliaUKCS, dally a cragc
Exchanges last week
Balances last week....
T". nliiiirva ilnilr arerftire ..
, 11.133,261 C
, 2.200.476 31
, 2.Z&G52 S
. 12, asS. 23 27
, 2,160.34 W
.liouej on I.HII a. Aew luik iniciuoj iuicu
.nv with no loans, closine offered at 2. Prime
mercantile paper. tf?6. Sterling exchange dnll
but steady at HH for bOdays andSHfcSJi tor
"The weekly statement of the Jvew lork
banks. Issued yesterdav, show the following
a , changes: Reserve, decrease, SL5du,)0: Joans,
increase, saai..J; specie, aecrease. soia,iuvj
legal tenders, decrease, SSK',600; deposits, in
crease, $211,100: circulation, increase, $1,000.
The banks now hold $15,710,150 in excess of the
25 per cent rule.
Government Bonds.
Closing quotations in New York furnished
The Dispatch by Robinson Bro.. Wood
street. Local dealers chargo a commission of
an eighth on small lots:
U.S. 45. rcg lWSsiaiOSH
U. b. 41. coups 109 (i?109J4
.U. b. 4S. reg 12Si(SS1.3
u. s. 4s,isor, coups , iocxi2a
Currency, C per cent. 1895 reg 120
Currency. C per cent. 1895 reg. lHH
i Curreuey, li per cent, 1597 reg 125 t
Currency, per cent, loss reg. 128S
currency, o percent, itjiirc-K ma
New Yokk CTcarings to-day. $lb,327,145;
balanrcs 6,187,920. For the w oek Cliarings,
S561,70S,SsO; nalances, Sr.7.958.
Boston Clearincs to-ilay, ?17.219,6i3; bal
ances $L75l,25i Tor tho week Clearings, SS1
10I.SW; balances. S8,9o2.1ffi.
BAI.TIMOKE Clearings, 1,733,811; balances.
Philadelpuia Clearings to-day, $11,036,
223: balances. 1,7,91J. For the week Clear
incs, KS,b02,C77; balances. SS,515,19L
OiHCAGo Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, Jll.121,000.
Oil Flnclsattons Confined to n Narrow
Rnugo Scalpers in Clover.
Except for a short time after the opening the
oil market yesterday was comparatively tame.
Some large blocks were dumped In New York,
while there was good buying in OH City. The
trading here was more ot a general than special
character. It was. In short, a regular see-saw
market, affording the scalpers abundant oppor
tunity to make quick turns and fair profits.
Tho highest point reached was 9 and the
lowest 90. The feeling was moderately firm
at the close.
A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, 90J& calls, 92 to
'Hie foUowmg ttDie, corrected by De Witt 1)11
worlh, broter In petroleum, etc, comer Fifth
avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc.:
Time. t Kid. Ask.t Time. Bid.
' pcned j JWI Jt illtis r. m...
5;;;,, jp) l Jjrj, J;;;
10:43 A. M.
11:01) A. M.
91), I Closed ...
Opeueit. W-ic:
aiKhcat, siSic: lowest. soc:
ciosea, 'Jit.
Drily run:
Dally (Moments..,.
Aviraec ehtpmcnis
Dallv chartert
A verasrc charters .. .
81.7W t
........ ..-mow
Prospective Bayers Tarnins Their Attention
to Comparatively New Territory.
Property of all kinds, improved and unim
proved, in city or suburbs, was in demand
yesterday. This furnishes all needed proof that
values are not likely to recede, but. on the con
trary, will steadily grow firmer, for a break in
the price of anything, with everybody wanting
it, would be an anomaly in business. The East
End, as usual, had the call, but in view of the
lower prices asked on the Southsido and In the
West End. a crcat many prospective buyers
made special inquiries concerning properties
in those localities.
Rend B. Cole A: Co.. 131 Fnnrth aT-nnin. snlrt
for Alex. Si. Neeper, Esq., No. 82 Colwoll
street, city, being a two-story brick house with
lot xw, xor a price approximating Jiuw.
Ewlug&Bycrs sold forMrs.lt S. Ewing to
William bumner a two-story frame house of
six rooms ana nail, witn lot -Jjiw, on Asuton
avenue. Eleventh ward, Allegheny, for 51,500.
John F.Baxter sold to J. W. Hensemann lot '
No. S3, Bank of Commerce addition. Brushton
station, frontage of 55 feet on Grazier street by
1S5 to a 24-foot alley, for 8700.
James W. Drape fc Co. sold a small house and
large lot at Crafton, near railroad station, at
82,000. They also placed a mortgage of $20,000
on a business property In the city at ii per
cent: also one of $8,000 on an E.ist End "resi
dence property at 5 per cent: also two of S5.000
vnMu uit euuuiiuu duu .uujvecsiiurL piuperucb
at t per cent
Semuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenne,
soldfoi John O. Petty two lots on Iowa street.
Thirteenth ward, for $3,250 cash. The above
firm reports quite an inquiry for unimproved
property in this section o the city on account
of the Wylie avenue cable road.
Stronc nt Both Ends and Weak In the
Middle Early Losses Recovered
The Active List Higher-Rail
rond Bonds Dull.
New YoiiE, February 23. The stock market
to-day was strong at both ends and v. eak in tho
middle, with the result of making, except in a
few stocks, but slight final changes, which,
however, were generally in the direction of
higher figures. Tho strong tone noticeable at
the close on, Thursday continued atthe opening
lite mnrnlni null tllft first, snlfift dinn-nrl n
vances over Thursday's final prices of from
to l per cent, wun . orinero i acme prcierred,
Northern Pacific preferred.
Union Pacific and Atchison showingthe largest
advances. There was good buying for London
account of a few of its specialties, but the pro-;
fecslonals were selllne and after the first do
lessionau were selling an a alter ine nrstdc-
manu was saineo iue oeara 0'utoham-
vt I i-i !1 , .VViM. ?S iiV; """"
theirpecial points ot attack. The latter was
forced off 1 per cent, but the losses in i the
rest of the list vera confined to fractional '
aoiounw only, our.ui urcicircu ueing iue ,
i weakest fiock in ine recuiar use.
I Burlington and Oregon Navigation were the
strone snots in the earlv tradinc but Manhat
tan developed the most marked strength after
11 o dock and rose over a point, followed by
Big Four. The i lowest prices were reached in I
the last hour, but the pressure was relieved
from the list and buying to cover set In. which
brought almost everything up to and beyond
last Thursday's figures, The market cioseil
quiet but firm to strong. The active list is
almost invariably higher this evening, though
the advances are confined to fractional
amounts except in Manhattan, which V-X per
cent. Big Four 1J. and Union Pacific I per
cent, bt. Paul preferred, however, lost
Tho dullness In the share list was also shown
in the railroad bond market to-day, the sales
of all issues reaching only 8506,000, out of which
Erie seconds contributed $136,000 nd the Cairo
and Fulton firsts 3100,000, wh.ile 'the number of
issues traded in underwent marked decrease.
There was a firm tone, but the changes in quo
tations were for the smallest fractions, and im
portant advances are few in number and no de
clines ot note whatever were made. Beyond
the animation In the issues mentioned, there
was no feature to the trading; TheEalesof
bonds for tliveek aggregated y.302,Q00,against
$10.629,000 f or tho last week, which, however,
contained six business days.
The following table snows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Erehanr-o
Corrected dailj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney fc Stephenson, members of New York
btock Exchange, 57 Fourth a venue:
open- High- X.ow.
lng. S3
in?. csu
. am
Am. Ootton Oil KM
Alch.. Top. 4- H. .... BM
Canadian Pacific i
Canada Southern ti
Central orNeirJereey. S6S
Chcs.SDcaVe Ohio
C, llur. &Qulney.....l0lH
CJ Mil. i. bt. l'aul... 63
c, aiu.lst. p., pr.... sss
C, itockl. P 97
c, bt. L. & ntts
c, st i.. ritu. pr.. 20
c, tit. p., at ai SK
u, t)t.r.,M.0., pf- -H
a A Xorthwcstern....l(7
Ci- Northwestern, pf. ,...
Col. i- Hocking Val
Del., L. A W WA
Del. Hudson ....
row icon
111 him
E.T., Va. &Oa 8f
K.T.,Va. AOa.. lstpf ..
.. . C9tf
s Wi wl
53 M Mlj
tan MX H
90 SO 89K
13 IVi 131
71lJ 71H 71
E)3J ISy 29J
63 6S esw
7J'i 73 73H
ASK 49 43
j;i mi jj'J
17 y.h.
52 52 SIS
kh k em
2S Uri 23s
Sll, SI 59
33J4 S Zi
53 Z71( SIS
W4 47 47
199 103 199
tOV Ki M.f
91U S2Ji' 92
.... . .. van
634 63 BZH
Mil 64)4 05
1SS 13 1S
K. T., viuui. :apr. ..
I loa
cstern.. 1S
l.aKi; r.nei west- pi., as
l,akii Shore & M. S.....IM5.
I Louisville S: Nashville. CDJX
j .Michigan Ontral i 00
Missouri Pacific 71k
a. y.. I., e. s. z
N.Y., UK.AW.pref 6S
2. Tu, C &bt. I.
, Is.T:., C A St. L. nf.. 7JV
, H.Y., C. iSt.l,. Id pf ...
.N. Y A N. E SVf
1 111. Y- I)- V 17l2
' MorfolkA Western.... 171a
Norfolk A Western, pf K
Northern l'aclflc
Northern l'aclflc prcf. Mhf
Ohloi Mississippi... . 21',
Oregon Improvement. 53
Oregon Transcon S3
l'acillc ilall 38
l"eo. Dec. A Kvans
Phlladel. & Heading.. )
Pullman Palace Car...lC8
Richmond A W. P. T.. MV
bt-I'aulADuluth .
be l'aul A Dulutli pf.. 82V
bu 1., -Minn. A-Alan
M.L.&an Fran
bt. li. A San Fran pf.. em
bt. I.. A ban I'.lst pr.
Texas l'aclflc
Unlonl'aclllc..... CIV
Waliash IVi
Wabash preferred
wiern Union
Wheeling & L. E..
A Dull and Fluctnntlnc Market the Fcatnro
of tho Day.
Bostos, February 23. Call loans 2X4 per
cent; time paper S5J per cent Govern
ment bonds weak at 10S108H for 4s and 12SJ5
129 for 4s. with 6s ranging 4120013 At to
day's two-hours' session of the Stock Exchange
the undeitone of the market was strong for
Western roads, Mexicans and Coppers, with
bonds and the rest of tho stocks decidedly
weak and heavy. Tho tono at the close was
dull and generally strong at concessions from
toe uest prices oi ice morning.
Atch. AToc..lst7. 119
A. AT. Landr't7s.llt
Atch. ATop. K. K... 53
Boston A Afbany...211i
Boston A Maine. IB)
C li. A (J. ItCtf
Clnn. ban. A Cleve. 5
Eastern R. It SI
Eastern K. It- Rs 125)4
Flint A I'ereM 29
Did Colony. !.I70
WIs.Central.com... Wft,
s. Central pC... 38
,llouezJl'gCo.(new) 3!.'
uaiumct A iiccia.....o3
Franciln ,
Osceola ,
Pewablc (new)..,
. r
. MJi
.' l"
. 5
.' 7
. 7,
. 2IM
FHnt.M'prp VL. rtTA. MU
I K.C.bt.J.AC.B.76.122 . Kelt Telephone.
' aicxicanixn.com.. niiosi-on i.anu.,
aU C lstilort. hds. 70S i Water Power.
-N. V. ANcwCng... 474 'Tamarack
N. Y.ANewKni 7s.l27XlSan Diego
May Wheat Lower nnd Jnly Higher Corn
Sternly nnd Unchanged Oal Easier
Hay I Prodacts Firm, With
Prices Jlovlnc TJpvrnril.
Chicago Wheat ruled quiet. There was a
noticeable lack of outside orders, and local
trading was also of a restricted character. The
market opened up stronger and prices were
Wliic lusher than the closing figures Thurs
day, influenced by the change to severe cold
weather, but the advanco was met with pretty
fair offerings, under which the market became
weak, and after numerous small fluctuations
gradually touched a lower point with each re-
action, until a decline of ljc was scored on the
ton nrices of tho dav. and closed about V.c
lower for May than the closine: figuies Thurs
day and yc higher for July. There was noth
ing specially in outside news to influence the
Transactions in corn were chiefly confined to
room operators. The market openeaatThurs-
The market opened at Thurs
dav 's closine fienres and gradually declined
lf. rracttwl l-fffr3n -irtrl rnln.fl steailv. closing
I auout the same as Thursday.
j Oats were dull and easier. Prices for May
receded jhc ana ciosea quiet.
A Quiet ana firm feclinc prevailed in hog
products and prices averaged higher in the
leading articles. Prices were advanced early
in the day owing to fair buying on the part of
'shorts ''hiicthn imnrnvpmnt was not gun-
, ported and about the middle of the session tho
advance was lost. Later, prices rallied to the
outside, but settled back again to medium fig
ures ana ciosea quiet.
The leading lutures raneed as rollows:
WnKAT-No. 2 March, SI 081 0!Sfl OO'C
&1 06: May, SI 10K1 10?11 WM&1 V&
J ul v, a 06K1 051 W?ifiil 0l.
Corn No. 2. -March. 3131fec; April, 35J4
35!4c;May, SiiiQSSVtMXGSdii
Oats-No. 2, March, 2; May, STgSTc;
June, 27c.
Mess Pobk, per bbl. March. $111 Mav,
Sll 3JKH S11 2SH 32f; June, til 40
XI iLSillilL -JO.
Lakd, per 100 its. March. S6 SOgG 77
fl T7W? Mir. ? nnflld "I'lfliR K.V?.i IKI- .lnno
0 DihgC 8-jgG 90S8 95.
Suobt Rms, per 100 lbs. March. S5 00
B SOida W: May. S6 (WHO 100 00QG 07W; June,
$6 OTJStTG logO 07KQ6 12
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
firm and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat
SI OGaiOGc; No. 3 spring wheat 9097c
No. 2 red, SI 0G1 0; No. 2 corn, SlKe;
No. 2 oats, 25c. No. 2 r e, 43c; No. 2 barley,
nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 66. Mess pork,
per barrel, Sll 15U 20. Lard, per 100 lbs.
t67oG77 Short ribs sides (loose). So 85
5 IC: drv salted shoulders (boxcdl. S525a537U:
fchort clear sides (boxed), $6 12K66 25W. I
i Sugars, cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour.
16.000 barrels: wheat 50.000 bushels: corn. 190-
000 bushels: oats. 101,000 bushels: rye. G.O00 bush
els: barley, 10G.000 bushels. Shipments Flour,
17,000, barrels; trtieat 46.000 bushel3; com, CSJ,
000 bushels: oats. 161.000 bushels; rye, 6.000
bushels; barley, 09.000 bushels.
On tho Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was steady and unchanged. Eggs
steady at 13c.
Description of n Novel Machine In Operation
in Enslnnd.
An electric coal-cutting machine, which is in
operation in the North of England, is thus de
scribed: The machine consists of a frame trav
eling on wheels, carrying a specially designed
electric motor, driving a shaft which carries
the cutter attached by bolts to a coupling. This
cutter consists of a bar carrying a series of
star-shaped cutters, specially formed. Tho
whole motor, and the shaft carrying the cutter
bar, cin be rotated in a horizontal plane, for
tbo purpose of bringing the cutter in and out
of the coal. The cutter is revolved by tho
electric motor at about 600 revolutions per
minute, and the motor develops 6 to 9 Actual
horse-nower. according to the hardness of the
! the worm wheel till tho cutter has swept
through a right angle.and Is then 3 feet 0 inches
deep in the coal. It is then drawn alone: the
face by a winch undercutting or overcutting
the coal to that depth. Tho form of tho cutter
i, tin. failing .-.oai.'ajt in thu nifino t h mt... i-
DT , falllns coal, as in this place the cutter is
always against the solid coal, and has never
, been known to bo stopped when running by
falling coal.
The speed of cutting varies with the seam,
Tliese cutters have actually effected 45 vards
i per hour. Including all stoppages to nut np I
props.etc., ana in actual cutting time 30 yards I
bave been cut in 36 minutes In hard dirt with
, pyrite3nr Ironstone lamps. The advantages of !
tno ruacmne are ouvious. Tiiecuttins can be
carried on in auy seam or dirt, thus savinc: coal,
Only about four inches of coal Is removed. The
cuai is wetiuvi .ihu m taijrr piecea a. smaller
length of face is reauired for a triven ontnnt of
im Thus rAdnplnf. nup-Trnrtr at Tlia nnn...
js brought from a djuaino at the top by two
tMn cables, whose position can be altered In a
fow minutes, as they can be rolled up and run
out and hung on hooks like a piece of cord.
The cost of coal cutting by hand 1b estimated
at about four or Bye times more per yard than
what it costs by the machine, and the difference
in the percentage of smaU in favor of the ma
chine is 10 per cent.
Condition of tho Market at the East Liberty
Stock Yard.
Tuesday. February 23, 1SS9. J
CattTK Receipts, 9S0 head: shipments,
1820 head: market steady at unchanged prices,
46 cars of cattle shipped to York to-day.
HoGS-Receipts, 2.CO0 head; shipments. 2,300
head; market active; medium Philadelpblas,
tl'loQli 85: heavy hogs, $1 5004 65; pigs and
Yorkers, $1 90S4 95. Kight cars of hogs
shipped to New York to day.
tsuEKr receipts, i,ouu iieau: snipments,cW
head; market firm at unchanged prices.
Tho Place to Buy Cnrpcts nnd Cnrtalni
Is at the leading house in the West
Edward Gkoetzinoee's,
627 and 629 Penn ayenue.
De. O'Keefe's cough pills, 25 cents.
Good as gold. 34 Filth ave.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla .
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
Sister Sno' lleraite of Charitable nnd He
Ilgioai News.
Among the interesting mission fields for
Christian work Italy, with its teeming thou
sands, holds a first place." After the Franco
Prussian "War the bayonets of France were
withdrawn from Rome to protect their home
lnterets.and Victor Emmanuel took possession
of tho capital and the results have been that
there has been religious liberty In France ever
Tho native Christians, who were forced to
find hiding places or to be plunged Into dun
geons or driven Into banishment, could now
come forth to tho enjoyment of religions lib
erty. This resulted in the establishment of a
free church in Italy among the native Chris
tians, who had gained their knowledge of the
Christian religion through the Bibles that had
been secretly smuggled into the country by
Christian travelers. Little b3nds of Bible
readers were silently formed In various parts
of the country, and after tho war referred to
the hidden Christians came to the front and
formed the Native Church or Free Church of
Italy. x
It is for this work In Italy that the American
Angelini Society has been formed. Its head- j
quarters in this country are in New York. Its
representative and Honorary President, Sig
nora A. L. Angelini, Mrs. Angelini, was with f
the auxiliary societies of Pittsburg and Alle-
fheny this Week, speaking Tuesday night in tho
'ourth U. P. Church, Allegheny, and Thursday .
night in tho First Presbyterian Church, Pitts-
burg. Mrs. Angelini, late ot Naples Italy, has I
given her entire life to this work. She speaks
with tho heart and brings to her listeners the
eloquence of earnestness and mature feeling.
Her life is a romantic one. Born in this
country, at an early ago losing her father, ner
mother was persuaded, by one who had given
n.MnnM !... tlA. I.l.w. fH .t.A rtUllrl nf1 1111.
evidence that hpr Intnrpst. In tho child Was till
usual, and desiring to serve the family and
adopt the winning rliild, consent was at last
given bv the mother. The lady departed for
Italy taking with 'her tho child for whom sho
seemed to have a marked affection. But she was
no sooner in foreign lands than she began
to abuse and mistreat tho child. Attention was
soon attracted toward the woman and child
and the American Minister was informed of
the treatment the child was receiving. He im
mediately took charge of the little girl. Sho
was educated in the best schools of the coun
try. At an early age she took a marked inter
est in the causo oC the Italian people At 17
she married a native of Italy and their causo
has been a common ono ever since tho further
establishment of the free church, of Italy and
the elevation of tho people.
The meetings held in Pittsburg and Alle
gheny this week were addressed by Mrs. Luigl
Angelini, giving an account of the work done
by the free Christian Churches and mission
schools of Italy. After this reports from the
Secretary followed, showing the work done by
the Angelini Society of Pittsburg and Alle
gheny. The Allegheny Society supports a mis
sion school in Naplei Pittsburg is engaged in
the same work.
Mrs. Angelini returns to her work In Naples
in June.
News of the Week.
TriE ladies of the St. James' Catholic Church,
Sewickley, served their annual supper at
Choial Hall Thursday evening.
Amcsical and literary entertainment by
the celebrated Peak Sisters was held In Park
Avenue Presbyterian Church, East- End, on
Thursday evening.
TnE Shady Avenue Baptist Church held an
entertainment on Thursday of this week. The
Minion Bands of the church contributed
largely to the entertainment.
A bazaar was held Friday in tho Shadyside
Chapel. The afternoon was devoted to the
I fSMK5LfSfc.?-.Y5eJfilSfS? '
' rvj-. ............. UUvU.UUUUUJ -...
a. he domestic Taming iscnool, Jiast r;na, is
progressing finely under the Instruction of i
l ES, tmc, , iV . nTfnt
1 JJ.t?Mii??'i.Iit.isii.,cS0? p,ac? t0i8.cn.df.
any thins in tho line of cakes or dessertc. if you
getinanurryathome,orln a flurry with the
At the meeting of tho Woman's Club this
week, the election of a delegate to reproscnt
club, at the celebration of the Sorosis,
Women's Club, of New York, In March next,
was the special matter of Interest. Itisthought
that Mrs. C L Wade (Bossie Bramble) will be
kue ueiegaie.
There is a project on hand for consldcrinc
the plan of building a home, for tho widows I
and orphans of the order of Odd Fellows. Al- I
leghenyhas been selected as the site for the
uew home. The branch of the order known as
tho Daughters of Rebecca, arc greatly inter
ested in the success of the plan.
The progress of that penny church at
Homewood will be watched with keen interest.
j This is a Methodist Church, and the plan is
certainly a novel one. This organization starts
out with a capital stock of (20.6S1 55, divided
into 1,889 shares, the par value to be $10 95. At
every meeting of the society, which occurs
every two weeks, the bhares will be made pay
able at a rate ot 1 cent per day. The society
will be regularly organized, will have its Presi
dent and Board ot Directors.
A good work for some of tho King's Sons or
Daughters, might be the establishing of ono or
two coffee stands for the benefit of the news
boys or workmen, where a cup of
hot coffee could be furnished for 1
cent or a cup of beef soup for
1 cent We append a bill of fare of one of
these coffee stauds: Half a pint of coffee with
milk and sugar and one slice of bread. 1 cent;
beef soup with vegetables and one slice of
bread, 1 cent; pork and beans, 1 cent; fish cakes,
1 cent; sandwiches, 1 cent
It has finally been decided what is best to do
with the 55,000 which was the result of tho sev
eral entertainments held in Old City Hall dur
ing December last In view of the fact that
the female wards are so crowded at West Penn,
a wing will be erected sufficiently wide to ac
commodate 12 bells and to contain a medical
department as well. The partitions between
the old and the new will not bo taken down un
til the new is entirely completed for the occu
pancy of patients. There is sreat necessity for
a children's hospital, and the lady managers
have decided that some of the private rooms
must be utilized for that purpose.
THE day nutsery entertainment for the bene
fit of the little orphans was certainly the event
of the week In charity circles. The entertain
ment was held in Old City Hall and most
i liberally patronized,
To say just how itlooked
one must palut the picture In vivid colors, but
at least it was picturesque with its booths that
were bowers of beauty, and in most instances,
beauty's bowers with youthful and smiling
faces that placed before you all manner of
; zszznz. s .rr
confections, and the beautiful tables
that occupied tho left hand side and upper end
ot the room groaned with the substantial that
were indeed appetizing to the hungry who
came to be fed. The canned fruit stand came
in for its share of attention and likewise the
modest Quaker ladies whose quaint dress gave
a piquancy and charm in tho midst of the
wealth and glow of color, and formed a bappv
contrast to their next neighbors, who rivaled
the flowers they sold. In freshness and sweet
ness. The ice cream booth was unique both in
form and management. It addedmuch to the
beauty or the room .with Its snowy
roof and hung with glittering icicles,
The ladles In waiting were very be-
i witcmns in uieir lute ureenwav costumes.
i The fancy booth had its share of attention.
Many fancy articles were on display from
which one was at liberty to select the useful
or ornamental. The peanqt maidens were
vivacious and charming ir. their jaunty gowns.
The lemonade stand, ahvays popular, was so to
an unusual degree at the entertainment possi
bly for the reason that its next door neighbor
was the candy booth doling out candy in every
varicty)f sweetness. The special feature of
the ovenln.fr was the dance of the "Highland
Fling," bv little Miss Gertrude E. and Master
Perry C. Kiefer, dressed In Rob Roy costumes.
The young ladies of St. Agnes' Guild also de
lighted tbe audience with a drill both after
noon and evening. Many of the ladles in
charge of the booths wore charming and be
coming costumes. .
A Washington Celebration to bo Repeated
by the Hancock School.
On Friday afternoon next the pupils of
room No. 8 of the Hancock school, on "Web
ster avenue, uill,tjive a repetition of their
Washington Birthday entertainment in the
school hall. The day before yesterday the
pupils gare a sort of impromptu entertain
ment, at which one of the Directors hap
pened to be accidentally present. Ho
thought that the performance was so good
that he requested a repetition of the enter
tainment, to which all the Directors and
parents of the pupils would be invited to be
Miss Nellie' Kelly, the teacher under
whose tutorship tbe pupils have become so
proficient in the dramatio art, decided to
grant the request and the performance will
be repeated. After tbe rendition of the
play of "The "Revolution and: the Thirteen
Colonies,1' and a number of historical reci
tations the manuscript work of the children
will be exhibited.
Miss Mary McElroy, the principal of the
school, and Miss. Kelly are working hard
for the success of the entertainment.
Dr. Blngnmau'ti Asaollnut Goes to the Work
house and l lined CJtlier Sinners Fun
bfaed, Pro Kntn.
John K. f?cott, who was convicted of un
lawfully cutting and wounding Dr. tl F.
Biogaman, and recommended to the extreme
mercy ot the Court, was taken before Judges
Collier and Slagle. yesterday for senteuce.
Judco Collier said: "Mr. Scott, I conld fine
you f 1,000 and send you three years to the peni
tentiary, but' I will regard'the' recommedation
of the jury and fine you S300 and send you one
year to tho workhouse."
The other sentences imposed yesterday were:
Thomas Carson, misdemeanor, $100 and costs.
Richard McEIavey, illegal liquor selling, J500
fine and three months to jail.
Henry Moehring, larceny, one year to the
Thomas Lemon, illegal liquor selling, $500
fine and three months to jail.
In the case of Frank Ebley, convicted of
selling liquor without license, sentence was
suspended during good behavior, upon the pay
ment of the costs.
In the case of P. M. Connolly, constable of
the Ninth ward, who was acquitted of tho
charge of misdemeanor id office in not return
ing illegal liquor sellers in his ward, and the
costs in which case w ere placed upon Inspector
McAleese, the prosecutor. Judge Collier made
an order sotting aside the finding of the jury
as to the costs. He gave tho reason that the
prosecutor was the police inspector.
Tho Snlt of Fenny Against tbo Murdoch
Bunko Detective Also Others.
Common Pleas No. 1 Allegheny Valley
i Railroad Company vs Dickey ct altWeavervs
' CU--1. ... .Tlt1. CT. ... m tl.-lit.
ScHullcr: Warren vs Ulrich; Stewart vs Harbi
son eta); Hern, executor, vs Hern; Gardner vs
Ferguson; Rea & Co. vs Gourley ot al; Penny
vs Anderson et al; Shoenbash vs Finger; Marks
vs Carson et al; Huntzman t Co. v Wilson;
Myers, administrator, vs Smith S Co.; Glockner
vs Nauz et al: Scuaeier vs Nauz et al.
Common Pleas No. 2 Koenig or King vs
Chartiers Valley Gas Company: Corcoran vs
Chess, Cook & Co.; Zimmerman vsNuttall ctal;
Commonwealth vs Neely.
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs John
M. Haiges, D. C. Tracey. Fred Young. E. W.
Jackson, J. E. Gatchcll. Andrew H.ircum (3),
John Traft, Andrew ijuigley et al. Charles
Finger. John Ivlcppner (2), Charles Price et al,,
John Ready. Peter Young, Bridgot Welsh,
Rose Sullivan. Sadie iightner, Edward Strat
ton et al (2), Julius Schatt, Jr.. Jennie Dur
nin, Anton Kohlcr. Gotttned Meyer, Ellen
McGrael. August Hallev. Patrick Golden.
Andrew Flacfc, Elmer Everett (2), Fred Dennis,
Fritz Winglefoos, Hannah Clocliolke, Caroline
Kauifman, John Hchrodel, Christ Itentz, Eph
Balliatt, Isaac Newton Cochrane, Mollie
Butcher et al, John Stonghton, Liiio Minn,
George Gratf, Michael Trunrler et al, John
Block, W. H. Freeborn, Ella Findley, G. Short
man, James Waddle.
Lines from Legnl Quarter.
As order of court was made yesterday ap
proving the American Surety Company as
surety on bonds.
The report of H. B. Herron, Esq., as Com
missioner in the case of Augnsta Reiner, luna
tic, was approved yesterday, and Ferdinand
and Henry Reiberwcre appointed guardians of
her person and estate.
C. P. Hilljiax, ot Allegheny, yesterday en
tered suit against the Pennsylvania Company,
operating the Ft. Wayno Railroad, to recover
$10,000 damages for tho death of his daughter,
Ella May Hillnian. The child was struck by a
train and instantly killed near Woods' Ren
station, on January 10.
Mks. Axgelike Yates yesterday entered
suit against the Citizens' Traction Company
to recover $15,000 for the death of her husband,
who, It will be remembered, was struck by one
of tho company's cable cars at the corner of
-d ....jc....i, .. ?.,,,. .
o and'received lniuries which resulted In his
, E. E. COTTOif. Esq., was appointed Commis
sioner yesterday to take testimony in the suit
of Anthony Fillman against 'Rose Hall. Fill
man was the bondsman of Miss Hall In an ordi
nance suit against her, and she gave him a
judgment noto for 52,000 to secure him. The
i suit is now brought on the note to recover the
full amount ,
Tne charter for the Union Bridge Company
was filed in the Recorder's office, yestei day.
The Company is formed for the purpose of
erecting a bridge over the Allegheny river
sear James street, Verona. The capital stock
is $10,000 divided into 200 shares at S50 per
share. The directors are Harry S. Paul, W.
A. Tomllnson and George H. Moore.
De. W. F. Barclay yesterday filed a peti
tion in the Orphans' Court for the removal of
of James Lippincott as executor of tho estate
of his brother, George B. Lippincott. who died
last October. Dr. Barclay claims that S32G is
due him from the estate for medical services
rendered the deceased, and that the executor's
erroneous record would deprive him of his
In- the suit of John K. Musgrave against the
Chartiers Valley Vjlas Company, tbo gas com
pany yesterday filed its answer to tho rule to
show causo why an attachment should not he
issued against them for contempt for failing to
comply with a decree of court The suit was
brought by Musgrave against the company to
compel It to bury its gasplpes, which cross
Musgrave's farm in Plum and Patton town
ships, deeper in the ground. Musgrave asked
for an attachment against the company tor
contempt of court; claiming that they did not
comply with the court's decree as to certain
places. The gas company, In Its answer, holds
that the places referred to were not designated
in the order of oourt; consequently there was
no contempt.
Tbo School Board of Stcrrct Township and
Edcewood Citizens nt Odds.
Three residents of Edgcwood and the
Board of School Directors of Sterret town
ship are now having a lively war; but it is
expected that tho white-wineed dove of
peace will soon hover over their unmntilated
remains, and that peace, like a river, will
carry their white-winged barks to the shore
of perfect satisfaction.
The board has purchased a two-acre plot
of ground on the main street of the village,
on which it proposes to erect a new school
house. The neighbors will be three wealthy men
who have fine honses and grounds, one on
each side and one directly opposite the pro
posed building. When they heard of the
purchase of the lots for school purposes
they arose in all their might and kicked.
They objected long and violently, but fruit
lessly. One of the men offered to buy the
lot at an increased price; but the school
board said they were not specula
tors. They could not sell, tor if
they purchased another lot the other
neighbors could serve an injunction
restraining them from building, as, in the
members' opinions, they would not have
purchased the best site, as the law requires;
but in the latter case would have purchased
the second best site. Thus the matter rests.
The board has also purchased ground at
Brushton for a sehoolhouse. The sito is
bounded on three sides by streets and on the
fourth side by an alley. They will also
erect a building on this plat.
And So tho Court Blutt Select Two Men Out
pf Four for Supervisors.
A petition was filed in the Quarter Ses
sions Court yesterday asking for the ap
pointment of Henry Chappel as Supervisor
of Union township. It was stated that, at
Tuesday's election, Chappel and John
Adamson each received 77 votes, making a
tie. There were two to elect and four can
didates running, one of whtTm was elected,
with Adnmson and Chappel a tie for second
place. The fourth candidate received the
least vote, and was defeated. In conse
quence of the tie a vacancy was loft, and
tbe court is asked to appoint Chappel.
A similar petition was presented from
Sterrett township, where C. W. McMinn
and J. W. Hare bad a tie vote for Super
visor. In this case the appointment of Me
Minnas asked. The grounds for the re
quest are that ono voter in voting for Mc
Minn had two ballots folded together,which
caused his vote to be rejected. Had it not
been for this error McMinn wonld have
been elected by a majority of 1.
The court ordered that ten days' notice be
given to Adamson and Hare and to the'peo
ple of the townships, by posting up notices
of the petition.
F. G. Eeikeman, manufacturer of re-
falia and lodge supplies for all societies,
'lags and banners a specialty, at low rate's,
su m Sixth Street.
The "Hens" were numerously represented J
in tne jr. u. u. A. AL paraae.
General A. L. Pearson, who was elected
National Commander of the Union Veteran
Legion, Is a Past Archon of Monongahela Con
clave, of this city.
i-JobnA.Mowen, of Brooklyn. N. Y., Past
Archon of Duquesne Conclave, of this city, was
in thi3 city lat week. Mr. Mowen Is a Past
Grand Master Workman of tho A. O. V. Wof
Friendship Conclave of this city, will have
more voting power than any other conclave in
the order at the Supremo Conclave. Repre
sentative J oscpli A. Langtltt, Esq., Chairman
of Laws; S.V. Trent, Esq., and Representative
at Large Sam I. Osmond, each have a voice and
a voto.
J. IC Moorhoad Conclave No. 82 had a very
interesting meeting on Monday evening last,
many visitors from other conclaves being pros-,
enr. viz., Pittsburg, No. SO: Monongahela. 1-19:
Cap Sheaf, 159: Northsidc, S5, and the Dejrree
COrps ot tne Heptasopbs Association. Three
candidates were initiated.. At S0 tho. doors
were thrown open and many visitors were ad
mitted. Refreshments and coffeo were served.
Speeches and vocal and Instrumental music
were in order. The lirst anniversary of this
conclave will be -celebrated at the Forbes
street Turner Hall Thursday evening, Febru
ary 23, by a grand concert aud reception.
Last Monday night Supremo Organizer
Samuel L Osmond, assisted by Supreme
Afchon S. A. Will, Esq., Captain Charles ?L
Falrman, C. A. Smiley, Frank P. BIythe.
Charles Zergsmith. Jr., and others instituted
Friendship Conrlaie No. 3 in Hamilton's
Music Hall with 160 members. The following
officers wore rhosen and installed: Past
Arclions, Samuel I. Osmond, S. U. Trent,
Esq., George PI Williams and M. Haller; Sit
tintr Pat Archon, .f. A. Langfltt, Esq.; Archon,
C. li. Cornelius. Eq.; Provost, V. V. Chap
lin: Prelate. J. Harfy Homer: Inspector,
Georgo 8. Houshton; Secrerary, Thomas -Mc-MuVray:
Financier, R. S. Voorhees; Treasurer.
O. P. Letsche; Warder, C. J. Cassity: Sentinel,
H. W. Kennedy: Trustees. Samuel Hamilton.
Owen Jones and John Rowan; Medical Ex
aminers, Drs. George T. McCord, Henry I.
Fulton, C. C. Wiley. W. U Simpson, C. F.
BIn'gaman, Williain D. King. H. S. Phillips.
Knlshts of Pythias.
The twenty-fifth anniversary of the order,
which took jilico last Tuesday, was generally
observed in the two cities. A parade in the
afternoon by the uniform divisions, with ad
dresses, balls, banquets and entertainments at
the various public halls in tho evening made it
a day to bo remembered. At Lafayette Hall
the exercises consisted of addresses by Rev. E.
It. Donahoo, Rev. Brother I. C. Morgan, of
Conncllsville.and Brother J. S. Cram, M. D.. of
Philadelphia; some tine music by the Manches
ter Quartet; solos by Ml3S E. Harris, Miss Mc
Clure and Mr. W. B. Lochcart; instrumental
music bv the Mandolin trio; elocution by Miss
A. Cook, Miss E. Harris, Mr. Jas. F. Calla
han and others.
Southside Lodze No. 15S, K. of P., cele
brated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the ot
ucr last Tuesday evening bv giving ft grand en
tertainment and danco at Odd Fellows' Hall,
Southside. Messrs. P. Roberts, H. Taudte, J.
and L. Rosser and Thomas Wallace: Misses L.
Loomis, S. and M. Turner. Jennie Brooks and
Clara L. Dawes tendered their services in quar
tets, trios.duets, songs and declamations, which
were very well received. Miss Estella Cready
accompanied them on the plauo. The piaifo
solo by Miss Clara L. Dawes gave great satis
faction, and on her rendering tho declamation
of "The Medley" she was presented with a
very handsome basket of flowers amid tremen
dous applause. Daucing continued until 2
o'clock to music by the British-American
r. a. 3f. x
The different commantlcries will shortly go
to Oreensburg to participate In a grand parade
at that place.
Lincoln Commandery No. 4, ofBellevue,
presented O. J. Hoover, Vice Commander of
tho commandery, with a handsome gold sword
as a token of their esteem and for favors done
in tho past The presentation speech was
made by A. D. Evans in a very lmprcssi e man
ner. The members of tbo visiting commanderies
were loud in their praise of the manner in
which the Pittsburs commanderies treated
them while their guest. Dinner and supper
were served at the St. Charles Hotel, that be
ing the headquarters of all visiting command
ones. Nothing was left undone to make it
pleasant for all.
a. o. k. nr. c.
Mr. W.J. Lynch, who was killed by an
engine on the P., Melt. & Y. B R., was a mem
ber of Egremont Castle No. 108, A. O. K. M. C.
He was crossing the track at Bessemer to go
aboard the steamer Twlight, on which he had
secured a position on Tuesday last, and was
struck bv tho cuginc. After futile efforts to
communicate with bis friends the members of
his castle proceeded on Thursday to the Mc
Keesnort cemetery and buried the remains.
after the manner of the solemn ritual of the
K. C. E.
Vonus Castle No. 291. IC G. E., at the meet
ing Friday evening conferred the Crusaders'
degree upon 11 candidates, elected 4 new mem
bers and rccoived 17 propositions for member
ship. Venus Castle will attend the Liberty Street
M. E. Church in a body on Sunday morning,
March 3. at lOiM o'clock, to hear the pastor.
Rev. M. D. Llchliter, preach on the aims,
objects and principles of the order.
Royal Arcnnnin.
Darling Council No. 888 will hold Its fourth
anniversary on Tuesday, February 20, at Cyclo
rama Hall. The Qernert ana Quenther
orchestra, Alpine Quartet and others will take
S art in the entertainment, after which -will be
Dnujtbter of St. Georce.
Pride of Allegheny City Lodge No. li will
hold a mite social at O. A. R. Hall, West Dia
mor.d street on Thursday, March 7. Members
of sister lodges arc cordially Invited. .
Branch No. S3 had three applications at
their last meeting.
-Mechanics' Lodge No. 9, 1. 0. 0. F., last
eveninc celebrated the twenty-first anniversary
ot its reorganization. Charles M. Hooten,
Chairman of tbe evening, made a short address
which was followed by P. D. D. G. M. Jas. B.
Willtama In a short addresi on the aims ami
objects of the order, and by P. D. D. G. M,
James Purnell on the history of tbe lodge.
This was followed by a recitation by Miss An
nie Ilenry; songs by the little Mundell sisters;
Frank II. Yeager, on tho guitar; recitation by
Miss Belle Henry; song and organ accompani
ment, by tbe Brisbin sisters; after which fol
lowed refreshments and a good social time in
The Moot Conrt, for Lnck of Sustenance,
Nenrlnc tho Subseqnent.
The MootCourt,maugurated with so much
of a display by tbe budding Blackstones, is
already waning away into the sere and yel
low leaf.
This will be no surprise to lawyers, for
althoush there was court, and judge, and
prosecutor and defendant, and jury and
witness, still there was something lacking,
an indefinable something wanting, an air
of what's the-matter-anyway all around.
This indefinable want however, can be
supplied with one word, boodle, plain, hard,
earthly cash. There is no money in it,
hence its untimely decay. No witness fees,
no jury salary, and last and greatest, no re
tainers for the able lawyers on eitheride,
hence, "hiepueri jacerunt," until they are
admitted to the bar, when in all probability
they will continue to jacerunt.
The boys are now paying especial atten
tion to their Law Students' Association, and
no doubt, will combine in it all that could
have been found in the Moot Court, with the
additional profit accruing from companion
ship and lectures by abler and older mem
bers of the bar.
The Prince of Wales Makes a Very Awkward
"The Prince of Wales," says the London
Tattler, "once made a frantic effort to take
to the tricycle. This was in the days when
the size of his waist troubled him and his
digestive organs refuaid to act properly.
Dr. Richardson, who is an indefatigable
cyclist, was consulted, and wittily sug
gested that the Prince might obtain some
mitigation of his woe if he took to wheels.
The Prince made his initial effort toward
reducing his obesity and gaining fame as an
expert rider in the grounds at Sandringham.
Several flower beds were cut up, and the
Prince himself nearly suffered a similar in
dignity, for in going down a sloping path
one alternoon he lost control of the steering
gear, and the machine swerved into a melon
Irame. A dozen bands instantly rescued
our future king from his awkward predica
ment, bnt he never ventured ont again
without having an attendant bandy in case
of emergency.
L Collection of MmaM Hats for
too CraciiH.
Address communications for Uxis department
to E. R. CHAJJBOUKX.rfurfjIon,. Maine.
The walks in a certain garden were laid
out in the form of n maltese cross. I'our
persons started out at noon for a walk from
the house, which stood in the center. Each
person walked around a different triangle,
the mother at the rate of two miles an hour,
the daughter at th'erateof three miles an
hour, the rather at the rate of four miles an
hour and the son at the rate of five miles an
It wa3 agreed that they go in to dinner
whenever all four should meet for the third
time at the house. The distance aroundeach
triangle was one-third of a mile. At what
time did they go in to dinner?
J. H. i'EZArDin.
Who can tell us aii about
AV'hat so many wonld find ont?
Of what many wnuld-bo wise
Think that thoy conld Bell advise. .
"Make it this wayf hear them shout.
They can tell without a doubt
What material to bring.
How to form this latent th'lug.
"O, what folly!" others cry,
" 'Ti a 'prentice hand you try.
It must take tho fdrmive shape
To a goodly figure make."
Bnt a master mind directs,
Silently his stock selects.
And the structure we shall see
While we muse what "caj. it be?"
(Eight-letter words.)
1. To retire. 2. The ancient name of Africa.
3. Solitude. J. A kind of fish. 5. A river of
India. . A member of the hlsh class of peo
ple in England. 7. Inserting the shoot of one
troe into the stock of another. 8. Obscure
light. 9. A town of Sardinia. 10. A town of
Priinals, a great English General.
Finals, a great American General.
Where happy children romp the green (1)
In times of peace I'm found,
Yet at tbe mast in arms I'm seen (2)
' '.Mid battle's fiercest sound:
And on the land where cannon roar
I hold the deadly ball (3).-
And many a vessel seeks the shore
On me again to call (4).
Apain 'mid bu3y haunts I'm found
Where rings tbe hammer's peal (5).
Or fiery fnrnace burns the ground (U),
Or swings tho burnished steel (7);
Or where the mine its treasure heaps (S),
Or forests yield supply (0),
Or sentry round me vigil keeps (10)
In prison where I lie.
About the stable oft I'm found (11),
Again at pilaco door (12);
1 reach the specious earth around
Repeated o cr and o'er (13);
And with tho silent dead remain
When earthly friends forsake (14),
Or in Orion's Milning train
A golden trio make (15).
A triangle havinir three acute angles sup
ported by elongated sides: a circle minus a
slight arc; two right angles formed by a per
pendicular and a horizontal; a line; an acute
angle; a plumb; a horizontal bisected by a per
pendicular forming two rectangles: and an
acute ancle supported by an upright, will pre
sent a term apulicable to the mental state of
the solver of this problem. Carl Giiey.
First 3 a fish whose appearance we hail;
Second we do when we cut olt Its tail?
Whole Is a fruit in the East Indies lound.
And named for tbo man who tint brought it
around. Howrrr T.
AVhat farrier's instrument Is the best accom
paniment for our dally bread?
Happy thought.
The letter M 1 did see,
Htandlng on a key,
Jf stands for mystery.
And the key unlocked It for me;
Soon Darwin's old grand-daddy
Was all I could see.
479 The tongue. (James III.; 4, 3, 9
1. H e(art)heavy. 2. C fa(no)i,1!caI. 3.
Dislc(oiir)tjesy. i. Dis(tin)gnisheU. 5.
Et(hcr)pjal. 0. D!sh(ear)teu.7. TJng(rat)c-
inL 8. uiiaerinunjujing. v. uini)ijer. iu.
Superhi(ten)dent. 11. Exc(la)mation. 12.
Initials of inmost words. Another Title.
483-1. Do(w)n. 2. Fa-t(l)ent.
N. y HAPPYI jftk
E y V A b h
455 Price, rice. Ice. etc.
4501 (double you, double yew).
n A
Savages Imbibe Photographic ChemlcnU
and Die From tho Effects.
The savages who murdered the British
engineer Penrose iu East Africa made the
fatal mistake of supposing that all liquids
carried by white travelers are beverages.
"While rummaging fn the baggage of their
victim they found some chemicals used by
him in photography. They thought they (
lud found tbe white man's favorite tipple, '
and lost no time sampling it. The specta-1
tors say that everybody who imbibed died I
in great agony, and that the rest of the com- )
ni im ity took to the woods, convinced that
witches were uncommonly active and ma-,
lignanf that day. i
This ii about the effect and average trade '
rum haS on its African devotees, though 1
the tragical results follow too slowly to pro- '
RlQA, Mich.
Gests I now write '
to let yon know that
I havo been using yonr I
BtruDocK Blood Brr- '
tecs, and also to tell
you what they have
done for me. I have been troubled with djs-
pepsia for years. I commenced the uso of
your Burdock Blood Bitters and they have
brought me out all rijht. The use of threo
bottles conferred the great benefit for which I
feel profoundly grateful. I will never be
without It.
dnce a panic. A few lordly natives, how;
everv have gone through a course ,of ednca
'tion in civilized drinks, and Sir. Gleernp
was greatly astonished a while ago when
King Mirambo, in Central Africa, produced
a bottle of champagne for his entertainment.
Zha secret cf myhiTpinesi fa.Ibaro tSrcua
jay old BlaeiinsBnrJh, aad haro
PrcdacoapclfclnrftlKctflio eld brash, andfi3Sfa
irftf tea a treefi ci DunV, and tivrte on eonen'v ftloes.
Why stick to old wzjs fa tbese dayj cf proesesf J
Sold by Shoo Stores, Grcceis, Draffiists, eta.
On Grain, Provisions, Stocks and
Petroleum, on and after February
25, 1889, in our new offices, Corner
Fourth and Wood Street, over
Tradesman's Bank.
A.W. Woods & Co.
ItUOKl.IO r'l.lAM'lAL
Oil bought and sold on margin. de7-21-psn
. . - iii m
Han Francisco, Philadelphia or Boston Ex
changes. Loans made at Iowiates of interest
Established 1S7H J-Veekly Circular" FREE.
a. R. CH13HOLM & CO., 61 Broadway, N. Y.
As old residents Know and back hies of Pitt
bur papers proye, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician In the city, deyotius
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
lIDUC and mental diseases, physical
IN' LriVUUO decay, nervoas debility, lacls
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self-distrast,ba3hfnlnes3,
dullness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, lav
poyerished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ncss, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
rutins the person for businesssociaty and mar
riage, permanently, safely and priyately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tonjrae, mouth, throat:
nipon. old sores, are cured i
ior we, ana Diooa
ed fromtha s-ratnm.
poisons thoroughly eradicated fromtha system.
IiniMADV Itidney and bladder deranm.
kidney and bladder derange
Unilinn I 1 ments, weak back, grayel, ca
tarrhal discharges, infiammation and other
painfufrsymptoms reccjye searching treatment;
prompt relief and rel cures.
Dr. whittler'slife-lons; extensive experience
mzures scientific and reliable treatment on.
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients it a distance as carefully treated as Lt
here. Office hours 9 a. if. to 8 p.m. Sunday,
10JLU.tolP.lf.only. DR. WHITTIER, 8
Penn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. leS-tt-csuw
EUOY and strength secured by using Am
orandi Wafers. These wafers aro the only rell
able safo remedy for tho permanent cure of lm
potency, no matter how long Btanding,seperma
torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless,
harassing dreams, premature decay of vital
power, nervous debility, nervo and heart dis
ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting
of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for$l;
six boxes is the completo treatment, and with.
everv purchase of six boxes at one time we will
give "a written guarantoo to refund the money
if the wafers ao not beneflt or affect a perma.
rent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON
MKDIOAIi CiTSITTJTE. For sala only by
JOSEPH FLEMING.. SI Market street. Pitta,
burg; Pa.. P. O. box S7 apie-ki6onvTSu
AScknthlcand Standard Popular Medial TrsatlH oa
theErroraof Youth, Premature Dedlne.Nervon
and Pfiyjlcal UeMUty . Impurities 01 me moou, -
Kesnltingtrom Folly, Vice, Ignorance. Eieetsesoc
OvurMr.-iHrtTi. tfjwrotlnff and nnfittlns the victim
for Work, Business, the Marr'ed or Social Relation-
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this gnat
work. It contains 30O pages, royal Svo. Beautiful 1
bfninnsi embojsed, fall gilt. Price, only fl.JO by j
mall, post-paid, concealed In plain wrapper. Illns
trativo Proapechu Free, If you apply now. Tm j
distinguished author, Wra. II. Parker, M. D., te
from the National Medical A8oolatlon '
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS ana
of Aieistant Physicians taay bo consulted, eoafl-.
dcntially, by mail or la person, at the office ot ,
No. 4 Bnlflnch St., ltoston. Jllasfi., to whom til j
srden for books or letters for advice should fr '
directed oa above. J-
For men! Checks tho worst cases In tare
aays, anu enre in nve aays. rrice SI IWL at
J25-3-TTSSU 412 Market street
1 Wf TO ff prinF m
I w aapIv f!ntf Inaft
. . . .' ' ' . rA7 Li i.r :"s : ri: -
mannooa f etc. i i wnu a tuiuumb uvauyv inuwi
containing full particular for horn tare, fxv ofL;
I Tilt sena a vA
PROF. F. c. FOWLER, Moodusi Conn, ,
SA a Tin ffl D vw
' vr Mir if
! WoiffsMMEWacBng
. ttmm&mmswftm
Mxafflbw&mmrMm ,
WjSjrA7JffM,tt,.t,nramie 1 mtmm