12 THE PiTTSBTJRQ- ' DISPATCH; SUNDAY, imRtTARY '24, 1889. - mf" The following budget of interesting ques tions concerning etiquette are answered by Mrs. M. E. "V. Sherwood: "Suburb" asks: "Finding it impossible toobtain sufficient time to call upon a friend, and wishing to send a card, how should it De sent, by mail or by messenger?" A card sent by mail is equally respectful as one sent by messenger. THE LADT OK HORSEBACK. "Header" asks on which tide of ihe lady he should ride; also, how to help her on her horse. jj To help a lady on put the clasped hands trader her foot while she'eatcbes the horn of the sad tile. Lilt her as she jumps. Bide on her right hand. THE CONTCDEXTIAL LADY. "T. K." asks: "How can I teach the average Arccrican woman (not tho well-bred one) to keep her hands off roe? If they ore glad to see ine they catch hold of me. If they tell ine any thine funay or surprising they end with a jrrap of m arm or shoulder. If they have a confidence they Lee) hold of me tho whole time. What shall I do to avoid It without git ing offense?"' This evidently comes from a foreigner. It would ho impossible to answer it except to say that it is always much more polite not to touch the person. Indiscriminate kissing among women is to be avoided. BOWIXO TO A HCSBAXD. T. It." asks: "If a lady calls on me without her husband's card and I return it without meeting her husband, shall I bow nhen I meet him in the street?" 'o. prubablyHiot as be might not know who you u ere. MET IX THE SCHOOL. "George U A." says: "A gentleman meets some jonng ladies in a school or class of in struction, music, painting and shorthand, where ail parties are pupils. Would it be rroper for him.af tor the acquaintance has con tinued about a mouth, to ask permission to call on one of the lailics,ortoask her to accompany him to the theater?" It is quite proper for him to ask leave to call, but he should not as tu take bertothe theater without her mother or some older friend. THE 3IA1D or IIONOC Marion Jlcredith" tsk: "Miss Eusilda wishes Mis Leila as her maid of honor at her wedding. How should she ask her? By calling on her and asking the favor person ally THE WOBS "FEIESD." "What erms should be used if lady friend and gentleman friend arc objectionable?'' Siniply friend. A GENTLEMAN'S AK3I. "A Constant Reader." A lady may take the arm of a gentleman, but for a gentleman to take the arm of a lady m ould be very familiar, vulgar and objectionable walking down Fifth avenue. To 'Chestnut Hill" we simply answer no. TIIE WEDDING TOUE. "E. B. M." sa j s: "A young man expected to be married in afew weeks. The wedding takes place in the parlors of the bride's pa rents in the presence of the near relatives of both fami lies. Immediately after the wedding breakfast the newly married couple leave on their tour." THE CItOOJi'S DRESS. "What should the groom wear ?"' Answer Prince Albert frock coat, colored necktie, dark gray or rcarl-colored trousers, pearl-colored gloves. THE KING., "The wedding service is not to Tine?" induce the Wc know ring. of jno wedding service without a AN EMERALD IlINO. "Wonld an emerald ring be appropriate?" So. Emeralds are unlucky according to Will iam Black's novel of Three Feathers." BRACELETS AS rEESENTS. - "In making a present should one or a pair of bracelets be given?" That ucp.nds on your generosity. One brace let is, if handsome enough. . DECEPTIONS AND YOUNG MEN. "Young Girt" asks: "Will you kindly inform me if. when invited to an evening reception, I can take an escort without consulting the host ess previously? Also, when paying reception calls mnst escort go with me?" Ho. A young girl should never take a young man to a house without permission from the hostess; nor should she go about with one to pay visits. LETTERS TO MTNISTERS. A reader asks: How shall a lady present a business letter of introduction to a gentleman abroad and how should a letter be presented to a Minister in foreign lands? Call at the legation. leave your letter, card and address. If your business letter is a letter of credit drive to the bankers. REGRETS. "L., Norristown," asks: "Can acceptances and regrets be engraved, leaving space for the name?" We have never seen it done. YOUR CARD TO THE SERVANT. "Rachel Dean." Send up yonr card, as, if the servant dues not know you. she will make a mistake in the name, frequently. THEN WEAR A PRINCE ALBERT COAT. "Suebe." A groom who starts immediately on his wedding tour should be married in a Prince Albert coat and dark trousers, giving himself time to slip on a traveling coat if he wishes. PRECEDE THE LADY. Country" asks if a gentleman precedes a lady through a crowd ? 1 es, of course. Also: "Should not people have a footman at a party to open the front door, especially If there he intricate locks? Of coarse they should. THE SEAT OF HONOR, "Globe Reader." When a gentleman and lady take a friend to the theater they generally give her the seat between them. As for a clergyman's titles it would be better to say, Ilev. John Smith, D. D. RETURN THE CALL. "Uncertainty" asks: "I have a friend visit, ing me, ana her friends when calling upon her have left cards for me. Most of tneinare un known to me. Should I return their calls? Certainly. "Chlcopee Falls." That 1b a question which must be left to your own sense ot politeness. "Inquirer." It is never a gentleman's duty to escort ladies home unless the hostess should ask him to do so. LEAVE YOUR CARD "Stranger in the City" asks: "Does an invita tion to a tea call for an acknowledgment?" No; go or leave a card. Street costume. CALLS. "What are the proper hours for ladies to make their calls on each other? Between 2SU and 6 o'clock. AT THE AFTEENOON TEA. "A Country Girl" says: 4,I have an invitation to a tea next week, in the evening, from 8 to 10. Should I dress as for an arternoon tea?" "o. Dress in evening dress, and do not leave a card. Call next day and leave a card. The hours alter the whole thing. "Richard Hare." A gentleman is always in full dress In the evening, for any entertain ment. NO PERMISSION NEEDED. . Lillian asks: "If at an evening parry a gentle man wishes to dance with a lady, is it necessa ry for him first to obtain permission from her chaperon?" Jo, not if he has been properly presented to her by her mother or chaperon. USE A BLACK EDGED CARD. "Debutante" asks: "When a family recently thrown into mourning receive cards from their society acquaintances bow should they send re grets?'' By enclosing a black-edged card in a mourn ing envelope and sending it by mail. PARTIKO COUPLTUENTS. "What does 'P. P. a mean in a card sent by raa.il?" she further asks. Simply that your friend is going away and "pays parting compliments." WAIT A TEAR. "When is it proper for a person in mourning to return calls?" S- . After a year of seclusion and monrnim. CARDS AT WEDDESQS. ' "When a widow sends out invitations for a daughter-' marriage, and the groom is not a resident of the same city provided It be a church wedding would it be proper to in close a card, as "Mrs. Stanley Buren, 70 Eighth avenue?" Of course it would bv proper hud necessary if wedding presents aro to be sent, that the ad dress be given. A BKIDEMAID'S deties. "Harrietto Howardson" asks; -'What the duties of bridemaids are, and where they stand at a parlor wedding." Their duties are to look pretty and form part of a piocossion. They stand iu a parlor, cither sido of tho bride, during the reception. Ono does not hare a maid of honor and Lridemaids. Tho maid of honor supersedes tho brldemaids. NOT NECESSAEY. She asks furthermore: "If in case I am compelled to omit sending invitations to nil my friends, must I send cards with'Athomer"' Jfo, that is not necessary. Announcement cards sent by Barents are now considered equivalent to invitations. INVITE TUB FIANCE. ' "E. M. C." asks: "In sending an invitation to a wedding to a young lady who is engaged, is it proper to omit her nance, ho being ao- iiiianuea wim ine lamuyr' No; we should not. THE HCSBAND, TOO.' . "In sending an invitation to a lady is it proper to omit her husband?" No: decidedlj not. This would be the greatest of insults. If, the husband is invited and does not chooso to go, the lady can go without him, or the engaired'girl can go witn-; out her fiance, but both gentlemen should be asked. USE MB. A reader asks if "Mr." should bo affixed to a visiting card. Yes; it is better form. Many young gentlemen write asking for the etiquette necessarily observed if tnoy take jouug ladies to the theater alone. Etiquette does not cover such cases. No young lady should go to the theater alone with a gcutle man, or to supper with him alternant, if sbo wishes to be amenable to the rules of society; a friend, a chaDcron,is absolutely indispensable. If twojoung people, lellow students, fellow workers, fellow ar.isans, choose to go about with each other, it may Lo all right, but it is not etiquette; nor is it possible to answer these questions, which in their very beginning throw away what is the primal rule in good society, that young ladies aro to be protected by some older person in going away from home. Social Events. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Anderson, of Hazelwood avenue, entertained a company of friends Fri day evening. The Young Men's Catholic Club of Perrys ville, assisted by a few of the enterprising ycung ladies of.' tho congregation, gave an en tertainment at Lotz's Hall, Perrysville, Wednesday, for;tho benefit of their church. It was a giaud success. A surprise party was tendered Miss Lizzie Ripperger by her sister Annie and Miss Dono van. Supper was partaken of at 12 o'clock, and dancing lasted until the early hours of tho morning. Music was furnished by the Royal American Orchestra. A soap bubble riarty was given this week by the E. F. M. Club in hopor of the Martha Washington Circle of Allegheny, at the resi dence of Miss Ramsey, of Bedford avenue. The ladies or the former were attired in pink cos tumes. Tho visitors were each presented with a pipe as w ell as prizes for blowing the largest bubbles. On Sunday last a concert was given for the benefit of the Hebrew poor of Pittsburg, under the auspices of the Revs. A. Bernstein andM. A. Alter. The opening address was made by Josiah Cohen, Esq., followed by Rev. Bernstein, M. A. Alter, Max Aramovitz and little Rav Bernstein. Uernert and Guenther furnished excellent music Captain Edward Merrlman, of Allegheny, gave a musical and euchre to a number of his friends on Wednesday evening. Among thosa present were tho Misses Stranb, Stephens, Roney, Stuinbrenner; Messrs. Wright. Hill, Reeves and Vandcrslico, of Philadelphia; Stcinhrenner and Mernmxn, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Steinbrenner and Captain and Mrs. Jlernruan. A pleasant surprise party was given on Fri day evening in honor of Miss A. Dannon, of the Routhside. Among those present were Misses D. Johnston, .M. Koester, J. Ifewmeyer. K. Klages, U Heck. M. Donnan. L. Klages, L. and G. Hershey. Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Dolce of Brighton Place, Allegheny, gave a birthday party in honor of their daughter, Margery. Among the little ladles present vere: Misses Sadie Vanasdale, Mary Leech, Hazel Harnacke, Bessie Gallireatb, Mary Rose, Nannie Crozier. Dot McKay, Erba Reed, Kathleen Paddcn, Ray Rose, Sue Eby; Masters Chailic Kibler, Joe Grove, John bhoemaker and Bnce Frank. The Werthefmcr residence, on North avenue, Allegheny, was brilliantly lighted up last Wed nesday night, in honor of their guest. Dr. David Phillipson, of Cincinnati. The Y. M. H. A. Mas present ma body, also the Rev. Dr. L. Mayer. Josiah Cohen. Joseph Stadtfeld, and many others. A very nice banquet was served, and some first-class speeches were made, tho speed-makers consisting of Messrs. Cohen, Stadtfeld and Adolpk. Tho company broke up Among tho many pleasant social events lately was the reception given by Mrs. Harry and Miss Cora Lorie, of Allegheny. The follow ing guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Langntt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shook, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Watkiu Jones, Misses JiauU Weaver, Jessie Hughes, Emma, Hirsch. of Sewicklcy; Annie Woods, Emma Spraguc, Mane Jones Baker, Will Rock, Frank Shook, Jesse McGeary, Will Lowe, Thompson, Rodgcrs and others. Tho Episcopal Church, of BraddocK, gave a highly Successful concert at the Lytic Opera House on last Tuesday evening. The pro gramme included some excellent talent, nota bly a scene from "Leah the Forsaken," by Miss Fannie Fairley and Prof. Byron iing. Tho latter recited several selections. The singing of the Alpine quartet and the playing of theHaydeu quintet wai very good. .Miss Belle Fauset and Mr. H. L. Ringwalt also took part. A very pleasant party of friends assembled sft the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Reed. No. 31 Arch Etreet, Allegheny, Friday evening, the occasion being tho sixty-third birthday of Mr. Reed's mother. Those present were John A. Reed, Miss May F. Reed, Clar ence W. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. OIlio Blackburn, Mrs. Lizzie Brovns. Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Reed, Mrs. J. II Kentner, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Dunlap, Mr. A. G. Reed, Mrs.Julia A. Reed. Jliss Ellen B. Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Reed. A party of friends surprised Miss Ida Kol becker at her residence,. Eighth street, Wed nesday evening. After an enjoyable musical nrogrammo a luncheon was served, and the rest of the evening was spent in dancing. Among those present were: The Misses Tillie and Lizzie White. Monte Crawford, Mary Fisher, Gertie Highland, Laura Boycc, Maud Hamilton, Mrs. W. A. Studt, Mrs. W J. Smith, Messrs. James White, Louis Scott, Otto Frommcr. Joseph Kay, Joe White, Denny Lyons, Alf Borland and others. The birthday party given in honor of Master Freddie Haas, Jr., on Friday evening, at bis parents' residence, McKee's Rocks, was quite an enjoyable affair. Among those present were: Mtssess Mattie Getty, Jennie Getty, Mollio Frazier, Annie Frazier. Mariam Mc Gimss, Jennie Snellen, Birdie Sproul, Bcrtba Sprnll, Amanda Rollison, Annie Rollison, Sis sic roultney, Annie Ponltney: Masters Archie Getrv, Willie Frazier. Willie McGinis, George McGiniss, Fred Kramer and many others. One of the pleasant events of the week was a progressive euchre party held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Naser. Forty-first and Butler streets, Tuesday evening. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Naser. Mr. and Sirs. William Brand. Mr. and Mrs. George Kane, Misses A. Buts, Carrie Patterson, F. Portzel, Maggie Fass, Katis Nnlton, Mallie Naser, Maggie Naser, Carrie Naser. Messrs. Daub, Charles Rote. G. A. Fetzer, Nockerman, Henry Foss. Edward Morgenroth, G. J. Schin dclmjcr. The first prize was taken by Miss A. Buts and Mr. Henry Foss; the "booby"' by Miss C. Naser and Mr. C Rote. Mr. and Mrs. Joim N. Harlett. of Ward street, Oakland, entertained friends to the number of SO couples last Wednesday evening in honor of the Misses Jennie and Nellie Mc Glynn, of Gcrmantown, Philadelphia. The evening was delightfully spent, the host and hostess being ably assisted by their two charm ing gnest in making all present enjoy them selves. Sheriff McCandlcss and Messrs. George Letsche ana Charles Hemingray ren dered a number of vocal selections during the evening in an inimitable manner. Mrs. R. M. Sands and Miss Dollie liussell furnished the instrumental portion of the entertainment. One of the enjoyable events of the week .was a delightful birthday party given by Miss Annie Sellinu, of Fulton street. Among those pres ent were Misses Minnie Kauf, ,Maad Shan non, Lyda Martin, Mary Bovard, May Morrow, Lizzie Scllinn, Carrie Reed, Monnie SorTel, Katie Scllinn. Stella Snowdcn, Lena Ailmans, Sadie Fov, Tellie Hannan, Bella McGill, Mame Carlev, Flora Dietrich, Tellie Sellinn, Messrs. William Scott, William Fox. Gpo. Graham, Chas. Slagle. John Wilson, Chas. Tressell. Geo. Adelman, Frank Rapp, Alex. McLaughlin, Jim Kim, William Price, John O'DonnPlL William Moore, John Rodgcrs, William Speily, and many others. One of the pleasant receptions of the season was that given by the A La Mode Social at Brooks' Academy on Tuesday evening. Messrs. George Gothigan, William Stewart, Charlos Foster, Harry Gripp, Gcorgo Reis and Joseph O'Brien comprise the members ot this social. Amongtboso present were Misses Carrie Ros siter, Mollio Neely, Carrie' Stewart, Kate Taylor, Myra Burke, Breakiron, Dunn, Bryant, McKee. Grommes, Grove and Kennedy: Messrs. Frank Stewart, George Bauers, Ed Jones, Dan Iangdou. Rob Adair, Harry Cochran, Harry Hawk, Howard, Trautman, Ad Hell, Cliff Jones. Dewitt Wilt, Ross Hetzel, Bert Clial fant, McCoinbs, Lyons and Duncau. There was a very pjcasant evening pary at the room of tho Union Cornet Band, of the West End, on Thursday evening. Quite a number of young folks were present and an enjoyable time was had by all. Dancing, sing ing and the playing of games wcro the leading features of the evening's fun. Following aro the names of thoso present; The Misses Mary Carrol, Rosie Diebold, LvdH Barr. Katie Flinu, Annie Kerrigan, Marv Kinney, Marv A. Mc Cabe, Kate and Ellie Durkln, Marv McKeofcr, Winnie and Julia Flinn, Cora and Edith Gall. Lizzie Foley. Clara Foran, Katie Crow; Masters Joseph Hcldenrich, James McDermotvDaniel McCabe, D. McKeefer, John Keenan. Tom V... Tt P.t..i,ln n T7.....U.I1 UTIIhn Watch John Ryan, L. Buckley, Tom O'Toole.,, Trinity Hall, at Washington, had quite a grand hall Thursday evening, given by the Rector and cadets. Tho hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens, arms of the schools and handsome banners. The music was from Wheeling, and was furnished by Kilmeyer. TJie caterer also-was from Wheeling. L. C Dursr, and the refreshments were served in tlegant style. The arms of the school were nsed to decorate the spacious building. .About 200 guests ere present from Pittsburg, Wheel ing, Umontown, Stcubeuvillc, Crafton and Hazelwood. Among those present were: Mrs. Wheat, of Wheeling: Mrs. Hazlett, Mrs. James A. Henderson, of Pittsbuig; Mrs. Tntuan, Misses Bell, of Uniontomi; Reed, Wood, Sweeney, jr. Johnston. Kennan, Schmidt, Hartje, Mueller, Montgomery, Best, Mc Cullough; Messrs. Hartjpe, Trcadway, Ander son, Best. McKennan, J. A. Henderson.'Boylc. Mueller, Dalley, Montgomery, Allison, Day and many others. Wcddluc Bells. At the residenco of the bride, 212 Federal street, Allegheny, on Thursday afternoon, February 2L Mr. Joseph it Davis and Miss Clara J. Sam plo were united in the bonds of matrimony by Rev. W. M. Cowl, in tho pres ence of the immediate members of both fami lies. After the ceremony tho young couple de parted on a Western trip. PcrsonnI Gossip. The wife of Captain B. E. Axons left last night on an extended tour East. Miss Clara Ziegler. of Forbes street. Is the guest of her brother, Harry A. Ziegler, of Free port. Mr. Wm. Scmple left Wednesday evening for a two weeks' trip to Boston and other Eastern cltiesf Mr. Alex J. Henderson, Clarence Heintz and Harry Walnwright aro spending a few days home from Trinity Hall. Mrs. John S. Spiegel, after a month's visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semplo, left for Detroit Friday morning. Owing to the prolonged absence of Mrs. Phipps, of Irwin avenue, Allegheny, the Satur day "At Homes" announced for March will be postponed until April. Mrs. Wm. Semple. Jr., and Master E. C. Sem ple left lor Philadelphia, Thursday evening, where thev will spend two weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Diehl, of Marble Terrace. Mr. B. N. Jacobs left yesterday evening to at tend the convention of the Grand Lodge order "Kasher Shel Bazel," which convenes to morrow at Philadelphia. Mr. Jacobs will renew old acquaintances in New York before return ing. The following are recent arrivals at the Ho tel Royal. Atlantic Citv: Mr. and Mrs. J. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. 'J. H. Henrv, Chas. Henrv, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Benj. MeCord, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. R. Bailev, Mr. and Mrs. George Farrell, Mr. nd Mrs. Jos. It Long, all of Pitts burg; J. It Brown, Jr., E. M. Mitchell and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ross, of Allegheny; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Fithian and Miss FIthian, of Wheeling, W. Va. BELLETDE BREVITIES. J. D. Rhivers went East last week on busi ness. H H. Derbln has been quite ill the past week. Charles Bingham has returned home from Philadelphia. Mrs. L. C. Brown has been away, attending her sister, who is quite ilk Add Mcintosh contemplates a visit to Louisville, Ky., in the near future. Charles Baers passed around the cigars last week, it's a girl baby, this time. MRS. Lewis McIntyre returned home last week after a five days' absence, visiting friends. A. H. Neal, who sustained severo injuries by falling down the steps of Trinity church, is improving. Will Stotz, manage of the gents' furnish ing goods department at Gusky's, went to New York last Sunday. James Wilson, who cut Burt Starr across the face with a blacksmith's paring knife, is supposed to be insane. The injured boy will be marked for life. Nile R. Moore and William Martin, our new Borough Councilman, will, no doubt, help give the place a few more needed improve ments. At least, it is to be hoped that they will. George "W. Wjods was quietly married last Wednesday to Miss Maud McKelvey, of Alle gheny, formerly of Altoona. Tho happy couple will go to housekeeping hero with the well wishes of many friends. TnE Bcllevue and Davis Island Dam Rail road has collapsed, and just what will be the outcome of the little road no one knows. It is to be hoped some enterprising parties will tako bold of the matter, and, if properly managed, no doubt, will be a paying investment. The Ladies' Aid Society of tho Episcopal Church of the Epiphany gave a grand supper at the handsome residence of John McClurg Fri day evening. The entertainment was very in teresting, especially tho singing of the little ones. The Bellevne Legion of Select Knights were also present, but the young lady who stated thoy wero coming for "bread and cheese and kisses," and she would do the kissing, failed to perform that duty, and was only con spicuous for her absence. HEPTASOPIIS' MEETING. Arrnngenienii Seine Made for the Conclave at Richmond. S. A. "Will, Supreme Archou of the Im proved Order of Heptasopbs, yesterday made the preliminary arrangements for the transportation of the delegates from this vicinity to the regular biennial meeting of the order to be held at Richmond, Va. The session will begin Tuesday, April 16, and will last four or five days. There will be about 250 delegates present from all parts of the country. About 25 of them will go from this city. Among the business to be transacted is the election of officers ot the order. Mr. Will is the present national head of the organization, snd is serving his fourth year. The other Supreme Conclave officers from Allegheny county are S. TJ. Trent, of this city, who is a member of the Committee on Law and Appeals, and S. Zi..SIcQoldin, of McKeesport, who is the Supreme "Warder. The last biennial meeting "was held in Harrisburg. There are about 14,000 members in the order. Carpets and Curtain Are Groetzingcr's specialties. Every grade of both lines for spring now open at 627 and 029 Penn avenue. Removal "Sale Savo SO Per Cent on Dlu .. monds and Watches, Jewelry, clocks, etc. Avery complete stock to select from. "WiH remove Apririlrom 13 Fifth avenue to 420 Smithfield st. Jas. McKee, Jeweler. Wash Goods Department. All the choice novelties in Anderson and American zephyrs, Etoile du nord, etc. mwfsu Hugos & Hacke. Carpets and Cnrtaini Are Groetzinger's specialties. Every grade of both lines lor spring now open at 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Carpels nnd Cartnlna Are Groetzinger's specialties. Every grade of both lines lor spring now open at 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Dr. O'Kxefe's dyspepsia pills, 25 cent. Good as gold. 34 Fifth ave. rr. , - fi r"i RTJnTT TtTAT, Murray and Murphy Grand Opera Hocsi.. Margaret Mather academy op Mcsic. - Uus Hill's Novelties Harris' Theater.. Truo Irish Hearti" CASINO MUSEUM.... Curiosities, etc. The above are tho theatrical attractions for this week. This Week's Attractions. Murray and Murphy will be the cards at the Bijou next week, beginning to-morrow even ing, with usual matinee. These gentlemen are the loaders In Irish comedy. Their play, "Our Irish Visitors," has been seenln Pittsburg, and thousands have laughed at it. It is a rollicking comedy, full of lively incidents, and lit up at every point with the rare good humor of the light-hearted Hibernian. There is repartee of the wittiest kind and lots of singing and danc ing. The dramatic value of the piece is over shadowed by the abundance of fun which it buasts, and Murray and Murphy are, of course, the central figures. It is said that their com pany is stiouger than any they have yet had. The specialties are new and original, and thoy arestre.vn through the comedy in delightful profusion. The team is under tho management of J. M. Hill, and this fact alono is a guarantee of the excellence of the comedians and of the character of their entertainments. One of the best actresses upon our stage to day, Margaret Mather, will appear in a series of legitimate drama at tho Grand Opera House this week. Pittsburg has always shown large appreciation of her genius, and doubtless will do so on this occasion. Her company contains J. B. Studley and other actors of recognized ability. The repertoire is as follows: Monday and Thursday evenings and Saturday matinee, "Romeo and Juliet;" Tuesday ana Friday even ings, "Lean;" Wednesday matinee, "Lady of Lyons:" Wednesday evening, "The Honey moon;" Saturday evening, "Peg Wofflngton." In Gns Hill's World of Novelties is found an array of talent that will attract great au diences to Harry Williams' Academy this week. The organization IS one of the strong est of its kind before the public, and includes some of Pittsburg's favorites in the art of fun making, specialty acting, etc All the acts are new and bright, and many of the specialty per formances aro utterly unique. "True Irish Hearts" is the Irish play which the McCarty and McCall Company will give at Harris' Theater next week. The play and cast have been highly commended else where, and they are likely to please Pitts burgers. . The Casino Museum has a little army of nov elties of various sorts behind its doors this week. The Museum did a great business on Washington's Birthday. KcIioch of the Stage. Mrs. Potter made money in "Cleopatra," but Mrs. Langtry lost in "Macbeth," says Joe Howard. Colonel W. E. Sinn, manager of the Brook lyn Park Theater, and Congressman Felix Campbell are to build a new theater in Brook lyn, which is to cost $500,000. Yachting? experts pronounce the new yacht scene in "The Stowaway" to be the most accu rate representation of a vessel that was ever shown on a stage. It was the creation of the eminent scenic artist, Richard Marston. Arrangements havo been made by which Mme. Patti will mako i her positively last fare well tour of America next season, giving SO performances of grand opera in the United States, Canada and Mexico, beginning in New York on Decembers, ISStf, and appearing hero in "Juliet" or "Lakme." Another distinguished player, a woman, says the Dramatic Jltrror, upon being compli mented and told that she mnst havo imagined herself really to be the character she was personating, replied: "Not the least bit in the world." "But you wept; I saw the tears." "True, but it was not the character that made me weep; It was the sound of my voice, the realism, of my accent" xiiEKE is a story aoout to tne enect that a "country cousin," who had intended to see "Faust Up to Date." a Burlesque runnmirat the Strand Theater, London, strayed recently, by accident, into the Lvcenm, where Irving is playing "Hamlet." After the "show" was over he was asked what he thought of it, and all he could say was that "These Scotch sub jects don't seem to lend themselves well to burlesque." The opera which. Mr. George Cockle, tho English musician, has composed on the sub ject of "The Lady of Lyons" will not, of course, be the first which has been founded on Bulwer Lytton's drama. Musicians and ama teurs have not yet forgotten tho "Pauline" of Mr. F. H. Cowen, in which there was so much good writing, and in which our old friend Claude figured as a barytone (represented by Mr. Stantley). . Mrs. Lanotey has'decided to accept the of fer made her by a London manager to appear there next season in a spectacular production of "Henry VIII." Her present season will end abont May 4. but she will not go abroad until August Mrs. Langtry has also received offers from Australia and St. Petersburg for seasons in her entire repertoire, and it is not unlikely that she w ill make a tour of the world after her season in England. Manager Harris, having secured the ele gant Hennepin Avenuo Opera House in Min neapolis, which was completed only six months ago, and which is reported to bo one of the finest theatres in the West, can now boast of four firt class houses, all of which will bo in the field next season. The theater mentioned, the Academy of Music, Baltimore, the Bijou Theater, Washington, and Harris' Theater, Louisville, are the houses in question, and they will be filled with first class attractions oniy. Mr. Wilson Barrett is well pleased with the reception given to his revival of "Hamlet" both by the public and by the critics of Lon don, England. The former has nightly filled tho Princess. On Jtwo occasions those members of theComedle Fraucaise who were lately in London, came to see the performance, and one of them, who had plavcd Laertes In tho latest revival of "Hamlet"' in Pans, presented Mr. Barrett with his photograph in the character, inscribing on it the graceful words: "From tho little Laertes of Franco to the great Hamlet of England." Benjamen, the autograph dealer, says that Bernhardt, Terry and Langtry's letters fetch tho highest prices nowadays. A Patti auto graph is worth 3 and a Potter note tl 10. A good specimen of Lilllo Lehman's handwriting can be had for the price of 20 beers, while tho signature of Charlotte Cushman brings as much as 10. Mario Jansen, who is a lazy writer, is among the rarestautographs of comic opera favorites, with the exception of one who cannot write at all. The autograph of the greatest queen of comic opera is absolutely worthless, either on a contract a note, or on a letter. Within a short time Pauline Hall, Lena Merville, Vcrno a Jarbean and Isabclle Urqu hart havo been interviewed on the subject of tfghtf. Miles. Bonfantl, 'Cappelinl, Paris and Cornalba have given interviewers their opinion on the weight of ballet skirts. Kate Castleton Flora Walsh and Georgie Parker have signed printedartlcles on soubrette underwear. .Rose Coghlan has discussed whether marriage ig a failure. Georgie Cayvan has discoursed on real tears and stage tears, and Mary Anderson has given a piece of her mind, in print on so ciety actresses who dars to go on boards after taking ten lessons in elocution. It has been an open secret, says the Mirror, for the past week or two that somewhat strained relations have existed between David Henderson, the manager" of the Chicago Opera House,' and Alfred Thompson, the author, cos tumer and general director of the burlesques wbicn have been the summer attraction at that house. The new burlesque for next summer will bo that' of "Barbe Bleu," and negotiations have been begun with Richard Barker, the En glish manager, who staged the "Yoeman of tho Guard" at the Casino, to put the burlesque on in Chicago. As Mr. Thompson has a three years' contract with Mr. Henderson, it is not likely that the affair will end without litiga tion, though there is talk of a compromise. Mr. Mansfield has again changed his abode, our Enalish correspondent writes. He arrived at Bournemouth last week, and will re main there for another ten days. His health is A6w IJOTi greatly Improved. Meanwhile the preparations for "Richard IIL" go on a raervellle. The scenery, costumes, armor; etc., aro all well under way. The completo 'cast is cot yet s,ct tled. but wc may say that Mis CameronciU be Lady Anne, Miss Mary Rorko tho Sliiabeth and Mr.Luigi Lablacho the Richmond. In connection with this revival a great hue and cry is being raised about Cibber. As a matter of fact, no one knows what ilr. Mansfield will or will not do. He has drawn upon tho best versions, made his own book and taken only such liberties with the test and, scenes as aro necessary to make a good actiogplay. LenaMerville and Ro3e Coghlan have property in "Vonkcrs. Madeline Lucette has a villa at New Rochelle. Nellie McHenry has property iu a half-dozen towns in the North wast, beside her pretty villa in the Navcsink Highlands in the Jerseys. Maggie Mitchell owns land in Long Branch and New York. Lolta owns outright more than S300,C00 north of property on M inbattan Island and a J180,(XX) mortgage on the biggest hat manufactory in America. Kate Castletort- looks over her own acres from Castle Castleton, near Oakland, Cal., and Annie Summcryille looks as if she owned the earth. Langtrv has a cattle ranch, and so has Modjeska. Emelia Summerville hn-i a few lntft npjir Watf hiter. and hones soon to gefthe whole couniv. Mary Anderson owns a great deal of real es'tatc, and sees that the rents are paid. Lole Fuller says she owns an orange grovo in Florida, and Annie Perkins a rice field. So most of our actresses build other than castles in the air. B. P. O. E. Notes. There are 114 lodges of Elks in the United States. Cincinnati Lodge No. 0 is arranging for a monster benefit. The Elks' annual ball, at Denver Theater, on the 7tb, was a great success. Brother Lee ought to call the last social session committee together. Brothers Murray and Murphy will be with us at this communication. Cincinnati Lodge No. 5 reports that they will bo up in full f ei ce at the reunion. Brother Lemon was busy this week attend ing tho Western Penitentiary Investigation. Brothers Fuher and Gazzole spent a very pleasant day in the country last Sunday. Brother Nugent, Jn advance of Mnrray and Murphy, has been in the city the past week. Brother Geo. June, of Indianapolis Lodge, savs be will be in Pittsburg, and ready for the fray. Brother Wallace was seen on the street last v, oek. He is recovering from his recent sickness. Brother James Piatt looked his best in tho American Mechanics' parade ou Friday afternoon. . , Brother Hsiner and Stophlett, both of Pittsburg Lodge, are confined to their homes with sickness. CLEVELAND LODGE NO. 18, B. P. O. ElkS, will benefit on next Thursday afternoon at the Star Theater. New Castle Lodge No. 69 wonld like to install Franklin Lodge if the District Deputy wouia notiiy tuem. Brother Winteenttz. of New Castle Lodge, was in the city on last Friday, also Brother Williams, of Youngstown Lodge. Colonel Adam Kurtis, Treasurer of Erie Lodge No. 67, was tendered a banquet and re ception at tho Elks' Hall on February if. ALL mombers who have not as yet turned in their tickets from the benefit should do so by next Tuesday, when the committee meets. Brothers Illenberger, McAllister and Wamserweroin Youngstown last week and were entertained by members of Youngstown Lodge. Brother Louis Hartitan, of Cleveland Lodge No. 18, was in the city last week on a business trip. Ho is negotiating for the White Elephant Theater in that city. THE Executive Committee of Pittsburg Lodge No. 11 met Thursday to fix a date for the reunion to bo held here; and now that the stait is made the different committees should meet regularly. THESE committees on reunion will meet for organization on Wednesday evening, 27th inst, at 7:30 o'clock, at the office of John J. O'Reilly, rooms 20 and 21 Schmidt & Friday building: Finance Committee Levi DoWolfe, Matthias Weiss, John Wamser, James W. Piatt, George Reineman, Quincy A. Robinson. J. J. O'Reilly, C. E. Swartwood, Thomas McRwaine, Joseph Illenberger, A. A. Heiner, E. Z. Walnwright W. H. Porter, Joseph Bihlman, F. J. Breuning, James F. Galvln, George J. Schmidt, Charles Breuning, George Mclntyre, Harry Alden, F. H. Carle, J. P. MeCord and Dr. H. B. Orr. Printing Committee George A. Madden. John N. Hazlett Stephen Hornet, James F. Moore, W. H. Watson and Sheldon C. Freeman. ADDITIONAL ART NOTES. The portrait in oil of a lady, three quarter figure, now on exhibition at Gillespie's, is by Dabbs, and proves that whatever style of pic ture Mr. Dabbs undertakes he is sure to excel. It Is commonly supposed that there is little in common between the Terpslchorean art and the art of the docorator, hut the former has recently been pressed into the service of tho latter in New York. It is said that the costume ball held under the auspices of the Society of Decorative Art at the rooms of the water Color Society, yielded tho sum of $4,900, from which amount only some slight incidental ex penses will have to be deducted, leaving quite a snug sum to go into the society's treasury. A sir all collection of paintings by some of the most famous artists whose work have ever been brought to this city will hang in the Gil lespie gallery during the present week. There are no works in this collection by any artists but tlose whose names staiftt high on tho roll of fame, and its exhibition here will afford many persons an opportunity to examino pic tures of a character not often seen outsido of certain favored localities. Among painters who possess a world-wide reputation, and who are represented by works in this collection, mention may be made of a fewtof the most fa mous, whose names will be faraHliar to most of our readers. Tb. Rousseau is represented by a picture called "The Dawn," a companion to the one in the Morgan Bale called "Twilighti" Jules Breton, by one entitled "8t. John's Eve:" VanMarqne.'by one called "La Pas toral." A number of works bv such men as Pcrrault, Corot, Sckachlnger, Henrier, J. G. Vibert, Saddler and others of equal ability will bo sure to arrest the attention of tho visi tor to the gallery. The "Corot" of this collec tion is a splendid little work, formerly ownM by Mr. Secret on, and like the work bv J. G. Viberr, the author of tho famous "Mission ary's 8tory," and that by Henner, who painted the "Fabiola," which is so well known from re productions, the name of the artist U sufficient to convey an idea of the character of the work by its mere mention. FOB A K0JIINAL SUM. The Grnnd Lake Coal Company's Property Bought In by tho Creditors. The boats and property of the Grand Lake Coal Company, along the river in Pittsburg, were sold yesterday by the Sheriff. All the property was purchased by Isaac S. Van Voorhis, Esq., for a nominal sum for the benefit of the creditors. The Sheriff's sale merely divests the title of the owners.- The Sam Miller was bought for 5600, and the J. S. Mercer and Blackmore for $100 apiece, subject to the debts.t One loaded coalbaat was bought for $100, and two load ed boats at Monongahela Citv were pur-' chased by J. F. Jones for $1,250. Two empty boats at Gumbert & Bney'sand two more at Bobbin's boat yard, one being load ed, were sold in the afternoon, but it is not known who bought them. NEW TIME TABLE. The Femickey Dlnkes Changes to Sail the Bellevernan Road. A new time table, going Into effect to day on the Femickey road, has been ar ranged to accommodate the McKeesport and Bellevernon road. The train from West Newton will arrive at 7:15 A. M.; from Elizabeth at 8:30 a. M.; New Haven accommodations at 11:30 a. ji. and 6:05 P. M. Trains will leave for New Haven at 650 A. M. and 450 r. m.; for Elizabeth at 5:05 p. M., and West Newton at -C5 r. M. Nearly all the trains will make connections with the McKeesport andBellevernon road, and some of the trains will run through to Elizabeth without.change. Fine watch repairing; lowest prices, at Hauch's, No. 295 filth ave. wrsu SCBOrcriiA cured free of charge at 1102 Carson st, Soutbside. Silk Department. A 24-inch black gros-grain silk, our regu lar $1 CO quality, we offer this week only at $1 10 per yard. Huous & Hacke. - Mwrsu . AMONG THE MILITARY. InancnrnT Orders for tho Fourteenth Notes Ticked Up nt the Armories. ' The following order has been issned: Headquarters KouRrassTn bbgimest, ) Second Brigade. National o hard or Finn- SYLVANIA. riMabnnr.Pa.. February 18S. ) Order No. J. for tho purpose or participating in the Inauguration or Benjamin Harrison, Pres ident, this regiment will assemble at Central Ar mory, I'itisburr. Satsrday, March Sid. IhSO. at 8 o'clock r. M., cqulnrcd In heavy marching ordor and with tlirecdjjs cooked rations. II. ComDanlcj Incited nntslrts of Plttahnrir will take trains m follows: Company O at Uakdaie, at 4:10 o'clock v. m., central time; Company -h. at Mauilield, at 4SO o'clock r. M., central tunc; Company I at Ell7abeth. at 5:43 o'clock r. M city time; Company F will Join regiment en route st M?5 L!ScTyr' t 7ii o'clock p. St., city time. III. Field nnd staff officers will appear in parade at Washington mounted, equipped with reenla tion (rauntleu. leKglns. haversacks and blankets, to be drawn rrom Quartermaster It C Patterson before leaving Pltuhurg. IV. The regiment will embark on train V. It. It. at Luton depot, fullowing Eastern express at 7:15 o'clock p. it. sharp. Transportation will not be furnished to, nor persons allowed on the train who are not member:, of tho regiment and fully equipped in regulation uniform and accoutre ments. V. Company commanders and drum major will report strength. of their commands in form or morning reports to the adjutant immediately upon leaving Plttsbure. These must correspond accurately with amount or transportation re quired. VI. Chaplain Latshaw McUuIre and Quarter master It C. Patterson will precede the regi ment, leaving on Thursday evening, and arrange the quarters for the occupancy or the regiment upon its arrival In Washington. VII. Further orders for participation in par ade and return or regiment wUlbepuhllshed upon .arrival in Washington. By order of Col. P. D. Percbnient. J Alius h ItoBn, Adjutant. Notional Guard Notes. Captain Alfred E. Htjnt, of Battery B, is in Washington, getting things in shape for tho boys' arrival next Sunday. Mastek Jaxes C. Read, of this city, has been designated as a candidate for admission to the West Point Military Academy. Ax invitation has been oxtended to several of the regular army and navy officers in this city to accompany the Eighteenth Regiment to Washington next week. Major JosErn T. Speek, formerly of the Eighteenth Regiment, has mAle arrangements for an extended trip to Europe. He sails May 4 and expects to be gone a year. Special Orders No. 6 from Division Head quarters announces the discharge of Captain Joseph E. Valentine, or Company C, Second Regiment by reason of resignation. Adtctant General axline, of tho Ohio National Guard, was in the city during the week. He expects to tako about 3.C00 men to Washington for the inauguration parade. Captain A. J. Logan, of this city, has been appointed an aid on tho staff of Governor Beaver for the inanpnral narade. He has de cided to remain with his regiment however. A meeting of the Board of Control of the Fourteenth Regiment will be held to-morrow evening for the purpose of completing arrange ments for tho trip next week. A. full attend ance is requested. GeoegeR. Russell, of Boston, a member of tho Massachusetts Volunteers, recently "made S9 points on the standard American tar got, at 200 yards. It is the highest record eer made with the national arm at that distance off hand. Most of the city companies in the two local regiments have been inspected during the past two weeks, and as a rule havo shown up pretty welt In several cases there was a considerable absence of State property in the shape of knao sacks and canteens. The new Minneapolis armory, lately erected, 13 said to he a fearful and wonderful piece of architecture, and a glorious monument to the contractor that built it The walls vary several feet In height and the roof has a sag in it like the back of a horse. Compant A, of the Fifth Infantry Cali fornia National Guard will pass through the city this week to attend the inauguration at Washington. They propose to give an exhibi tion of fancy drilling ilnrini- thn narari and their expenses for the trip will be S,500, raised uy Buuauiipuuu. AN election for captain in Company A,Eight eentb, will be held to-morrow evening at the barracks, on Penn avenne. The election will be conducted by Major J. C. Kay, and the new officers will bo: Captain. Charles Roessing; First Lieutenant F. H. Mattcrn, and Second Lieutenant J- R- Tracey. Colonel W. H. Bloosieb, of the Seventy fourth New York Regiment who was recently tried by court martial for conduct unbecoming a gentleman and officer and making false parade returns, has been found guilty of the charges and sentenced to be cashiered from the State service. There were 22 specifications to the charges and he was guilty of them alt THE staff officers of tho Eighteenth Regi ment received during the week the new regula tion sabers and white gauntlet?, which they re cently adopted at a meeting held for that pur pose. The sabers are of extra quality, with whito shark-skin grips. The stockinet pants add top boots will not be completed in time for the Inaugural trip, but will be ready for use in New York, should the regiment decide to go. ' Two-thirds of the Sergeant Majors throughout the State habitually use the officer's sword attached to the belt by a sling, either through ignorance or desiro to make a bigger display. A recent note in a military journal states that the proper sword for Sergeant Majors is exactly the same as those worn by the other non-commissioned staff officers, and that tho sling and bright scabbard business aoe&n't go m tne regular service. The Washington Infantry has completed final arrangements for tho trip to Washington. The company will go in two special cars and take a brass band of 15 pieces. The f nil com pany will go, 62 men and three officers It is ex pected to leave here on Saturday evening next and leave "Washington on Tuesday evening March 5. The quarters engaged in Washing, ion are at Nft.4& Maine avenue, two blocks from the P. R.R. depot The armory will be onen'everv night this week. A special metelner will bo held next Tuesday evening. Forty eight men drilled last Friday night The commandants of regiments in the in augural parade next week, should by all means pay attention to one point, and that is the equalization of their companies. Those who have seen photographs of the turn out in Phila delphia last fall, will remember the ragged appearance many of the legiments made, on account of the failure to equalize. Whileit is probablva little hard on a Captain who has worked hard and taken 60 good men with him to bo compelled to share them with a smaller company, yet the appearance of the regiment is so much at stake that personal feelings should be overlooked. . Next Wednesday will be a red-letter day for the officers of the Tenth Regiment They will assemble at Little Washington for the purpose of re-electing Colonel Alex. L. Hawkins as their commandant for five years more. Colonel Hawkins entered the Tenth Regiment a3 Cap tain of Company II in 1ST7, and has served as commandant of the regiment for the past ten years. His record in tho late war was a brill iant one, having enlisted as a private In the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry in 1S62. Btead ily rising to the capacity of Captain, and being mustered out in January. 1S0G. The election will be conducted by Colonel Norman M. Smith, of this city. Batteut B is ordered to assemble at City Hall on Suiithtleld street at 7:30 next Sunday evening to proceed to Washington. Men must appear in full regulation uniform and monnted and non-commissioned officers will appear with top boots and buckskin gauntlets. The Battery will laevo Washington toretnrn on Tuesday night, March 5. Special transportation will be given to men wishing to return the night of March 4. The baggage car, together with four gondolas, carrying the guns and carriages, will leave on Tuesdav morning. February 28. The cost of the trip will be 82 60 for each man in the sleeping-car, and $3 00 per man for rations while away, the amount being payable at once to Lieutenant It C. KimmeL SPRIKG. 18S9. Oar New Stock Carpets nnd Curtains Are All Here nnd Open. "We have now the largest and finest stock of carpets and curtains of every grade ever imported by any house west of New xjrk. "Wholesale and retail. EDWABD GKOETZrXGEK, 627 and C20 Penn avenue. " Wash Goods Department An uneqnaled variety to select from in French and American" satines. Many ex clusive designs. Huaus & Hacke. MWFSU The Pittsburg Beef Co., Agents for Swift's Chicago dressed beef, sold at wholesale during the week ending February 23, 138 carcasses of beef; average, weight per carcass, 638 pounds; average price, 5.63 cents per pound. DE. cents. O'Keefe's , rheumatism pills Good as gold'. 34 Fifth ave. 25 Fine watch repairing; lowest prices, at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. wrsu Military order o. .he Loyal Legion. This order is composed exclusively of officers who served in the "War of the Re bellion and their male heirs. The members are designated as companions. The Mili tary Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States was instituted in Philadel phia, April 15, 1865, the day Abraham. Lin coln died. According lo the constitution of. the order there can be but one commandery iu each State. At present there- are 18 of these, the last one having been instituted at Indianapolis, Ind., last December. President-elect Harrison was a member of the Ohio Commandery, but he was transferred to the Indiana Commandery as a charter member. Ex-President Entb erfordB. Hayes is Commander in Chief. The headquarters of the Commandery in Chief are at No. 139 South Seventh street Philadelphia, of which Colonel John P. Nicholson Js Grand Recorder. He is also recorder of the Penn sylvania Commandery. This commandery has the largest number ot members, having over fourteen hundred. A roster of the entire membership is being prepared and will soon be issued. The roster for Pennsylvania, issued in 18a7, is a handsome volume of nearly two hun dred pages, and contains the record of each member while in the army. The first one from this vicinity to become a member was thu late General J. B. Sweitier. Following him, and in the order of their elec tion, thoso named below became members: Richard Coulter, Grecnsbnrg; John T. Dennis ton, George B. Edwards, deceased; Dr. James King, deceased; Charles L. Fitzhugh; Joseph F. Dennlstun, A. P. Davis. J. F. Slagle, George McLaughlin, Edward Jay Allen, William Mc Conway.John Caldwell, Levi Bird Dun. Will iam G. McCandless, Matthew Stanley Quay, Beaver, William McClelland, Will iam J. Moor head, James H. Murdock; B. F. Jennings, Thomas Williams, Jr., George W.Dean, Joseph A. Phillips, D. C. Phillips, Henry H. King, James M. Schoonmaker, Jas. Collord, Alfred Hicks, Leechburg; William R. Jones, Braddock: J. E. Schwartz, David M. Watt, Henry A. Breed, W. S. Foster, Thomas Howe Childs, Henry S. Sweitzer, Samuel BelL Jr. Messrs. Childs, Sweitzer and Bell derive their membership through their fathers. Colonel James H. Childs was killed at An tietam September 17, 1SGU, before the organiza tion of the order. The son derives his member ship from the service of his father. Mr, Sweitzer is a member, succeeding to his father, as well as on account of the batter's service. Mr. Bell is a member of the second class, his father being allye. In addition to the forego ing are Harry D. Campbell, of the California Commandery; H. B. DuBarry. of the Pennsyl vania Company of tho Ohio Commandery, and George W. McKee. Commandant of tha Alie. gheny Arsenal, of. the New York Commandery. John H. Shocnberger.formerly of this city.now of Now York, is a member of the third class, a kind of honorary membership, permissible under the rules. Tho members resident in this vicinity held their first social at the Duquesne Hotel on Fri day evening last Washington's Birthday. Covers were laid for 22. Judge Slagle acted as toastmaster at the banquet which wa3 a very enjovable affair, consisting ot short addresses, old army songs and war reminiscences. The Banquet Committee consisted of Edward J. Allen. Chairman: James Collord, John T. Denniston, William G. McCandless ami James M. Schoonmaker. Tho officers ot the local association are J. F. Slagle, President: William It Jones, Vice President and William Mc Clelland. Secretary. The next meeting will be held the closing part of next Apnt It Was a Grand Success. The Martha Washington Tea Party, held Friday evening last in Hamilton's Art Cham ber by the Ladles' Aid Society Ub. 1, auxiliary to Davis Camp, Sons of Veterans, was a grand social, artistic and financial success. The young ladies who served the visitors were at their best and made a very favorable impression on the large number of patrons, who included many prominent people In social and Grand Army circles. The tables were removed about 11 P. IT. and an entertainment followed, which was well directed by L. H. R. Foulk, consisting of an address by Colonel Thomas G. Sample, a violin solo by Miss Mamie Sawyer, a recitation by Mis Caddie Whito and a solo by Miss Irene Sample. Dancing was then in order, which continued until 2 a. Jr. Much of the credit of this successful and brilliant affair is due to Mrs. Colonel W. L. Foulk, President of tho Society, who was ably assisted by the differ ent committees. Mrs. Major A. P. Davis rep resented Martha Washington, and she per sonated the character with dignity and grace. The ladies, through the columns of The Dis patch, desire to return their sincere thanks to the many merchants and others for their lib eral donations, among whom were S. S. Marvin t Co., S. Hamilton, Demmler Brothers,Georgo K. Stevenson & Co., William Haslage & Son. William-Traveer, F.&J.Helnz, B. A. Elliott and William P. Greer. Grand Army Whisperings. THE veterans are more than 1,000,000 strong. Indiana has over 4,000 members of theWom an's Relief Corps. The first duty of tha nation is to the men who saved its life. OHIO claims to be the banner State of the W. R.C. She has 234 corps. One of the duties of the G. A. It is to Incul cate patriotism, and teach strict obedience to the constituted authorities of the land. Comrade James Thoiipson, of Philadel phia, is the President-elect of the One Hun dred and Sixth Pennsylvania Veteran Asso ciation. Fort nearly two days the Union prisoners of war in Castle Morgan, at Cahawba, Alabama, stood kneedeep in cold water during the month of March. lb Commander-in-Chief Warner, will secure a place in the line of march for all G. A. R. posts attending the inauguration services of Comrade Harrison. Comrade Peter Carlin, of the West End, is receiving congratulations of tbe "boys" uppn the marriaco of his accomnilshed daughter Mary, last week, to Jeremiah Shehan. Yonkers, N. Y., is to have a soldiers' monu ment consisting of a column and statue, to be erected in some public place in the city yet to be selected. It will cost not less than M,O0U Comrade W. J. Davis, of Pobt3,the only veteran in company u, oi mo eighteenth Regi ment, will be present at the inaugural cere monies of Comrade Benjamin Harrison, President-elect Comrade Benjamin Harrison was the first member of tbe G. A. R. elected to the Presidency of tbe United States. Grant Hayes and Garfield were members, but not until after their inauguration. Arlington is the largest of the 82 military cemeteries established throughout tho Unitod States by tho Government Tho graves of over 16,000 soldiers of the last war are in its lnclos ures. The estate comprises 1.160 acres. Colonel J. C. Hull Post Xo. 137 will make a fraternal visit to Post 3 to-morrow evening. Commander Askin requests the comrades of 157 to assemble at Municipal Hall, in full uni form, not later than 7:43 on Monday night Business of considerable importance to all members ot Andrew Carncgio Camp No. 162, Sons of Veterans, will be np for discussion at tho meeting next Tuesday evening. Every member should be present promptly at the opening. THE G. A. R. in .New York City, Brooklyn and neighboring towns will hold a grand recep tion on April 30 next In honor of Commander-in-Chief. Major William Warner. Shultzer's Harlem River Park has been hired for the occasion. The last Vermont Encampment was much the largest ever held by that department In the future encampments will have to be held in ono of the three largest cities In the Btate, since no other could furnish sufficient accom modations. General Lucius Fairchild Is suggested by the Wisconsin comrades for Commissioner of Pensions. Thousands and thousands of veterans well know how honest and true the Past Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic is. The members of Col. R. G. Shaw, Poit No. 200 (colored;, aro busily engaged making prep arations for a grand concert to bo held In the Fifth Avenue Market House, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, March 13 and 14. It should be well patronized. The Ladies' Aid Society No. 21. auxiliary to Major J. F. Slagle Camp lio. 119, Sous of Vet erans, will hold an apron and necktie social next Thursday evening at Penn Incline Halt, f which promises to be a grand affair. Music by tho Mozart Orchestra. ' J It is a statistical fact that the War of the Re- hellion was fought and the victory won by tho boys of this country. The average age of the I men composing the Union armies "was a I rac- uoa over m yeare, uuu iuoy hwu wo um. aw diers on God's footstool. C03ieades having in charge petitions and indorsements favoring- the selection of Com rade If, IT. BengoSigh as the next Pension Agent in this city.are requested to forward the same to Comrada O. S. ilcllwatne. City Treas urer's office, Pittsburg, at once. The report of tho representatives of Post 137 to the Department Encampment at Erie, was read last Thursday night before that Post by Comrade H. H. Bengough. It was a lull and detailed report of the proceedings of the En campment and was listened to attentively by tho comrades present, who manifested great in terestrin the matter. Colonel John R. Oitbslee, an active and popular member of Post No. 4, Latrobe Pa Is a candidate for Sheriff of Westmoreland county. Comrade Onrsler procured 51 tomb stones for deceased comrades, secured the ad mitance of 20 orphans in the Soldiers' Orphan Schools and obtained places in the Soldiers Home for hve worthy veterans. The fourteenth annual concert and recep tion of the original Grand Army Band, held as the Coliseum last Wednesday evening, was in keeping witn former entertainments a grand ' artistic and social success. The Committee of 'Arrangements deserve the highest credit namely, Charles H. Hart Chairman; L. B. Evans, Charles W. Caston, William Leach and Rudolph Raab. Post 123, of Allegheny, with its usual enter prise, promptly tendered Department Com mander Thomas J. Stewart tha services of tha post as his escort to the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic to be held at Milwaukee next August A reply has been received by Post Commander Sample, accept ing the escort in most flattering language. At least 150 members of the post will go, accom panied by 30 to 40 pieces of the Grand Army Band. The fair of Post 236 opened very auspiciously at Salisbury Hall, Southsido Market House, on the evening of Washington's Birthday. Tho comrades anticipate a successful time to its finish, in abont four week. A Cordial invitation is extended to all G. A. It posts and camps of the Sons of Veterans, wbicn will be admitted free In a body. Their visit will bo duly adver tised if notification is sent to Commander J. E. Johnson, No. 41 Amanda street Knoxvillo borough. Pittsburg. ME3. Cargo, the delegate from Colonel W. H. Moody Circle, Ladles of the O.A. R.,to Erie, found, on visiting the Soldiers' Home, a means of making some of tho old boys more comfortable, and reported the same at the last meeting. The result was that yesterday an extra largo rubbsr air cushion was expressed to Carlins Wait formerly of the One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, who is suffering from paralysis, and a "bee" will bo held shortly to make cushions for the chairs of a number of other veterans, which will make their seats less like a stool of repentance. AN INVASION OF CATS. A Feline Army Turned Looso In a Town on tho "Ulsilsslppi. , ""When I was living in a steamboat town on the Mississippi," remarked an old man in a barber's shop a few days ago, "there Was a fellow who put up a very neat job on the inhabitants,against whom he must have had some terrible grudge. He came into the town one day and distributed handbills right and left, taking; special pains to put as many of them as possible into the hands of farmers who had come is to sell their grain. "That was before the railroads came to take business away from the river towns, some of which had an immense trade. The place I was in had 5.000 or 6,000 inhabitants and was the shipping port for all the grain raised for miles around, as well as the place where the farmers obtained all their sup plies. The last time I was there it had dwindled to a village of 2,000 and perhaps by this time it has no existence at all, even on the map. "These bills that were so freely scattered about stated that the advertiser had a con tract with a certain steamboat company for furnishing a large number of cats to destroy the rats and mice that were very numerous about the warehouses at different landings along the river. He therefore offered ?3ior each full-grown torn cat, J2 for each healthy female puss and 50 cents a head for kittens old enough to get their own living. All tha cats were to be delivered at a certain place in the town on a Thursday evening the night that a particular boat was due. "Well, that Thursday alternoon came and the streets of the town were just crowded with people. They came in wagons, on foot and on horseback, 'and every person carried a sack, some of them several. It reminded me of the old riddle abont St Ives. Each wife had seven sacks. Each sack had seven sacks. Each cat bad seven kits Kits, cats, sacks and wives. How many wero going to St Ivesr "By evening between 3,000 and 4,000 cats had been brought into that defenseless city. They were left in and about a vacant build ing near the landing. 'The man who was to purchase the cats was nowhere in sight Tha country people were making inquiries for him everywhere. A crowd of boys attracted by the cater-wauiing, went to the old build ing and began amusing themselves by un tying the bags and letting out the cats. Of course the cats began fighting and raised a noise like 10,000 demons. Suddenly a stampede occurred and the animals rushed pell niell into the crowd, crawling over peo ple, jumping and fighting, and climbing walls and roofs in a mad race for liberty. The bovs took after the cats, and the men joined in, determined to rid the town of the leline invaders. The next morning there were a good many stray cats seen about in back yards, and a good many dead ones lying in the streets and alleys. One boatman said he counted over 400 dead cats in the river. The man who perpetrated the joke was never seen in the place again, luckily for him." "Do you expect anybody to believe this yarn?" asked a man oi about the first speaker's age. "Has anybody been asked to believe it?" was the rejoinder. And even the barber was silent and the only sound audible was the click, click of the tonsorial shears echoing through the shop. The Tlaco to Bay Carpets and Curtains Is at the leading house in the West Edward Groetzixgeb's, 027 and G7J Penn avenue. 1289 Yards Ladies' Cloth, 29c Pure wool, any color a seller S3 Inch. 45-inch Embroideries, 37c. The bargains in these goods astonish an who see them. They are not more than half price. 5,000yds. Lonsdale Mus!in,7c Attend the Sheeting Sale. One piece or an? length you wish at this Muslin Bargain Sale. T, M, LATIMER'S, 93 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. 93 fe24-su HONEY DEW! TOR CHAPPED HANDS, UPS AND FACET Dries quickly; la not sticky nor greasy; makes rongh skin soft, smooth and velvety, and does not smart the skin. N. a HONEY DEW makes face powder adhere to the skin and rsmieTait.in visible. . . . SoldbyalldrugsliWi ,S Price Sfc cent. a is 1 Kef use all substituteaAiii Trade Mart. Qss7-ClMgl;- ink-