THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, STODAT, FEBRUARY 24, 1889." 11 r IE SUPERNATURAL i I'Strange. Cases Reported to the American Association for Psychical Research. SOME REMARKABLE DREAMS Phantasms, Presentiments and Other Mysterious Phenomena. ONE STRIKING TELEPATHIC CASE nnt-IInnd Tettlmony From Living r-Mon Extraordinary Occurrences Thnt 'Will Be Head With Inierrxl A Dend SUter Revisits n Broibcr AUfclIkeAppiiHtlon A Women ??ee n Murder and niclde ' 'While Far From the Tragedy A Doc tor Gboallj Visitor. tCOKBESPOSBESCEOrTBE DIRrATCTI.l BOSTON, February 23. HEN the English So ciety for Psychical Beseareh began to in vestigate scieniifical! v such reported "phan tasms," "presenti ments," and other so called supernatural phenomena as could be traced to first-hand witnesses, it was pre dicted that all such cases would be speedily exploded, that nothing tangible would be found, and, consequently, no result Quite the contrary proved to be true. An enor mous amount of testimony of the strongest kind was got together in a few months, sub-- stantiating the truth of occurrences, which, up to that time, no considerable body of un prejudiced people had believed. Most of those who did not absolutely reject all testi mony attributed the occurrences to "coinci dence." Many others, of course, thought "spirit phenomena" proved beyond a doubt, and. consequently, immortality established. Some of the best cases were reported iroci the United States, and within a short time after the first reports were published in En gland the American society was formed. In the last two years this society has procured enough testimony relating to different kinds of phenomena to make several large vol umes. There are what woald appear to be most undeniable proofs of ghosts, phant asms of living persons and supernatural phenomena of all kinds. The men at the bead of it. Prof. S. P. Langley, Fullcrton, Bowditcli, William James, " Newcomb, Kichard Hodgson and others have given the undertaking all the credit of a serious purpose, and an assurance that all fair and scientific methods would be em ployed, and none others. The best cases tnr h'ir nnir nnfiirmn osa ta1I nitactiul and" have always been very carefully inves- tigated bv the various committees. It might have been expected, from the prevalence qt ghost stories, that cases of this nature would have been reported in the greatest abundance, and that they could not possibly have been worth much'serious in vestigation. Results show, however, that by tar the most numerous and valuable cases relate to the subject of thought trans ference. This subject, sometimes reierred to - under the name ot "telepathy," includes all 'cases where one mind is supposed to have been influenced eonscionslv or unconsciously by another apart from tfie ordinary chan nels of sense." The society has not commit ted itself to any belief," one way or the otner, as regards this or other branches of their work, but-holds the position ot au in vestigating body. The general public has been made to assist by circulars calculated to bring out the tendency of popular belief or to secure aata mr ascertaining tne per centage ot mere cnance or coincidence: r coincidence: It 1 pie, that by tar the ly to a direct ques- has been iound, tor exam greatest majority, in reply to a direct dues- tion, deny their belief in anything super natural; but most answers to the next ques tion in order indicate that they believe suf ficiently to prefer not to spend the night in a house alleged to be hauuted. ' A GHOST STORY. Bemnrkable Story Told by F. C His Dead Sister Revisits the Earl h No Shadowy Form, but a Lifelike Appari tion. ' By special arrangement The Dispatch " is now enabled to present the raoststartling, as well as the most valuable, rases which the American society has investigated. - They are selected irom a large number which will be given in all details in the volume of proceedings to be issued by the society. The secretary, Mr. Kichard Hodg son, 5 Boylston place, Boston, is ready at all times to receive cases by letter, or other wise, and to answer any questions relating to the work of the society. Perhaps" the best case of all is as follows: Boston, January 11, 1883. Secretary American Society for Psychical Be- tcarcli, Boston, Mass.: Sin: Repljmgto the recently published re quest of jour society for actual occurrences of psychical phenomer.a.IrcspcctfullysubmIt the following remarkable occurrence, with the as Furance that the event made a more powerful fmpiessiun on my mind than the combined in cidents of iny whole life. I have never men. turned it outside of my family and a few inti mate friends, knowing well that few would believe- it, or else ascribe it to some disordered state of my mind at the time; but I well know I never was in better health or possessed a clearer head and mind than at the time it oc curred. In JS67 my only sistcr.ayoung lady of 18 years, died suddenly of cholera tn St. Louis, Mo. ily attachment for her was very strong, and the Wow a severe one to me. A year or so alter her death 1 became a commercial traveler, and it was in 1KT6. while on one of my western trips, that the event occurred. I had "drummed" the city of St Joseph. Mo., and had gone to my rom at the Pacific House to send in my orders, which were unusually large ones, so that I was in a very happy frame of mind indeed. Mythoughts, of course, were about the-e orders, knowing how pleased my house would be at my success. I had not been thinking of my late sister, or in any manner re-' fleeting nu the past. The hour was high noon, and the sun was shining cheerfully into my room. While smoking a cigar, and busily writing out my orders, I suddenly became con scious that mine one was sitting on my lei t, with one arm resting on the table. Quick as a flash I turned and distinctly saw the form of my dead .sister, and for a brief second or so looked bcr squarely In the face, and so sure was I that it was she, that I sprang forward In de light, calling ber by name, and, as I did so, the apparition Instantly vanished. 1 Naturally I was startled and dumfounded, al most doubting my senses, but the cigar in my mouth and pen in band, with the ink still moist on my letter, I satisfied myself I had not been dreaming and was wide awake. I was near enough to touch ber, had It been a physical possibility and noted ber features, expression, and details of dress, etc. BHE APPEARED AS IP ALIVE. Hefeyes looked kindly And perfectly natur al Into mine. Her skin was so life-like that I could see the glow of moisture on its sur face, and, on the whole, there was no change in ber appearance otherwise than when alive. CNowcoines the most remarkable confirma tion of my statement, which cannot be donbted by those who know what I state actually oc curred. This visitation, or whatever von mav call it. so impressed me that I took the next tram oome. ana in toe presence oi my parents and others I related what had occurred. 11 y lather, maa of rare good sense and very practical, was inclined to ridicnle me, as be taw how earnestly I believed what I stated, but Me, too, was amazed when later on I told -him of a bright red line or scratch on the right band aide of my sister's face, which I had seen dis tinctly, when I mentioned this, my mother rose trembling to her feetand nearly fainted away, and as soon as she sufficiently recovered ber self -possession, with tears streaming down Flier face, she exclaimed, that I had indeed seen 181 fciHUSHiil my sister, as no living mortal bat herself was aware of that scratch, which she had accidentally made while doing some little act of kindness after my sister's death. She said she well remembered how pained she was to think she should have, unintentionally, marred the features nf her dead daughter, and thai, unknown to all, the had carefully obliter ated all traces of the slight scratch with the aid of powder, etc, and that she had never mentioned it to a human being from that day to this. In proof, neither my lather nor any of onr family had detected It, and positively were unaware of the incident, yet 1 saw the scratch as bright as if Just made. Su strangely Impressed was my mother that even alter she had retired to rest she got up and dressed, came to me and told me sue knew at least that I bad seen my sister. A few weeks later my mother died, happy in her belief she would re join her favorite daughter in a better world. STICKS TO HIS STOKT. I submit this In all earnestness bnt request that my name should be omitted should this become public or given to the press, which you are at liberty to do should you so desire. F. G. Boston, January 14, 1SSS. Jlr. Kichard Hodgson, Secretary A. S. P. K.. lioston: Dear Sir Thanks for your favor of the ISth and circulars, all of which are at hand. Will follow your suggestion and write my father and others who were present when I ex plained the apparition, audon receipt of their replies will forward same to yon. I will add here that .there was nothing of a spiritual or ghostly nature in cither the form or dress of my sister, she appearing perfectly natural, and dressed In clothing that she usuallv wore in life, and which wa familiar to me. Prom her position at the table, I could only see her from the waist up, and tier appear ance and everything she wore are indelibly photographed in my mind. I even had time to notice the collar and little breastpin she wore, as well as the comb in her hair, after the tle then worn by young ladies. The dress had no particular association ior me or luymoiuei - no more so than others she was in the habit of wearing but to-day, while I have forcetten all of her other dresses, pins and comb- I could go to her trunk (which we have, just as she , left it) and pick out the very dres and orna ments the wore when she appeared to me, so well do I remember it. ! You are correct in 'understanding that 1 re- turned home earlier than I intended, as it had such an effect on me that I could hardly think of any other matter; in fact I abandoned a trip mat x nan uareiv comineuceu, anu unw narily would have remained on the road a month longer. I will also add that about ten days before my mother died she in all seriousness told me that if it was His will, or in her power to appear to me alter ner aeatn, sue would surei; ao so. justas my sister had uone, but I have never nau a similar experience, nut i can swear to this fact, that- notwithstanding mV life Of COII- ?.?" "";"'". T.u, ,"1""u.""J,tt ""'.,"'", both my mother and sister, and at such odd and unusual times, as to half ctmvicce me that even after their death they were exerting a more powerful influence over me than when they were on eartb, through some subtle, un known agency. ' " KOT SUPERSTITIOUS. The members of our family are all strong willed, positive and naturally of a sceptical mind, with an inclination to go Into "cause and effect" and investigate before believing; and none of us are in the least superstitious, be lieving only what we can comprehend or what seems natural. I have no doubt that many in telligent people have had a similar experience, but through fear of ridicule, or being consid ered of a morbid mind, have kept it secret. It seems natural for us to make light of these alleged visitations, or whatever they are, but no mortal man couia convince me, or anyone who has had a similar experience, that we did not see just what we know we saw, and still not be superstitious, merely being unable to account for it, 1 have often said to myself, "X wonder what the feelings of another would be, it he had, when wide awake and in his right senses, seen what I saw with wide open eyes in broad daylight T" If it was a common occurrence I am sure it would set people to thinking. I never expect to convince others, iu fact 1 don't blame them for doubting. Ilail it oc curred to another, instead of myself, I would asenbe it to some freak of memory or morbid suite of mind. Had it occurred at night, I would have doubted my own tenses, but re member, this was at noon, in broad daylight, when I was smoking, writiDg aud lull of busi ness. ne an know or are pretty wen sansuea uiuuiothiiuej a luuiK u uiougiib-iraiu- ference," and if the soul is immortal it would ! not seem unreasonable to think such a con- section might continue after death, but the learned men who are associated with you aro better able to solve such problems than tho writer, if such a thing is possible to do. F. O. A STRAKGB DREAM. A Death Foretold Ucmarkable Document ary Case A College Professor's Expe rience. In the case which follows, an extraordi nary presentiment in adream of the death of . ' . . , J.. . , . , n,entarv evidence of the strongest kind, ro'- Rojce, Chairman of the Committee ot a relative, the society has obtained docu- on t Phantasms and Presentiments, relates the case. The first of the "documentary cases" came to us, along with much other valuable material, from a professor in a Western col lege, whose name we need not give, but who is well known to Kev. Edward Everett Hale. From the latter we have the best as surances as to our correspondent's, high character. The experience in question did not happen to our correspondent himself, but to lamtly connections oi his, Irom whom he obtained for us the documentary evi dence. The narrative may be introduced bv a lew words of explanation: In the latter ' part of February. 1886, a very severe snow- I storm visited 2ew England and the British air seemed to grow white, I could see objects Provinces. It was especkllv inconvenient j about me. but it was a terrible effort of will to in the Kc-rth, and long blockades on the ' perceive anything. I then felt great and pin- Northern railways were the result. In the !ul sel?se' as iSPfatSr!,w'S t?.onestfer" d .. j..,:,:. f wj. V lot. lug, who or where! did not know. Aftera Boston Jdtertuer of Tuesday, March 2, 1 1 mtle time I knew with whom, but how I knew find a dispatch from Halifax, reporting j I cannot tell, for it seemed some time after that "the storm in Northern New Brans- ' this knowledge of personality that I saw dis wick is the worst known for manv years. I my brain, not before my eyes, a The snecial train which should hn nr ii lP. Lt'l J ,ln 5LTinE i ...bU ..V.W WH.U.UUJ WWW.. ..MlUai. i.i J 13 not likely to reach Halifax till Wednes day." "Another heavy snow storm is now raging along the entire line of the inter-' colonfal, .accompanied by a gale, of wind. I .N o American mails have been received since I last Thursday (February 25)." This item, which I have hunted up in the news of the I day, will lorm a sufficient basis lor under standing the letter which follows. A gentle man, Mr. J. x., a connection of our West ern correspondent, was at this time in New Brunswick on business for a Montreal house. Wednesdav, March 3, he wrote a letter, dated St. John, N. B., and written on the paper of the Hotel DuOerin. I have had a part of the original in my hands. The letter is addressed to his wife. A STRANGE DREAM. "I have not heard of yon for an age. The train that should have been here on Friday last has not arrived yet. I had a very strange dream on Tuesday night I have never been in Ottawa in my life, and yet I was there, in Mr. E.'s house Mrs. bL, Miss E. and the little girls were in great trouble because Mr. E. was ill. I had to go aud tell my brother (Mr. E.'s son-in-law), and, strange to say, lie was down a cojl mine. When I got down to him 1 told blm that Mr. E. was dead. But In trying to get out we could not do it. We climbed and climbed, but always fell back. I felt tired out when I awoke next morning, and I cannot account for the dream in any way." Thin death, according to our Western cor respondent, had actually occurred at New York City at midnight on Tuesday. February 23, one week before the dream. The delay of the mails, the substance of the Advertiser dispatch of March 2, and the tone of the letter itself, seem to make it very improbable, in any case that Mr. J. T. could have had any intimation of the death of Mr. E., nr any special ctuse for anxiety about him before the occurrence of the dream. As tothe'eircumstancesof Mr. E.'s death, they were as follows, according to our correspondent. Early in February, 1SS6, a gentleman. Mr. E. livipg at Ottawa, (a connection-of :uv family by marriage, and with whom I was "well ac quainted, went from home on business. He was at the time suffering from a severe cold While in New York he became worse, and was finally seized with pneumonia and taken to a private ward in one of the hospitals- iu that city. His situation became critical, and the physician in attendance, or his daughter, who was with him, telegraphed to his relatives in Ottawa. Later an improvement set in, and more favorable accounts were dispatched. Suddenly, however, and before anv of the rest of his family could reach bim,he became worse, sank rapidly, and died about midnight on the 23d of rehruary. This was on Tuesday. Ho had been uncon scious for some hour. Mr. J. T., alo connected with' Mr. E-'s lainily, but having no close con nection with liinifcil, was at the time some where in New Brunswick on business for his firm in Montreal, which had no transactions with Mr. . VERIFIED BY A LETTER. In confirmation of this account, our corre spondent has sent us a letter from his wife's mother to his wife, dated February 28, and giving an account of the facts. From the original letter we have the following copied ???' eSKi,nal tter wasseenln June. 1887, by Mr. Hodgson and myself: The events of this week have been cn.ii . chnfv rii,.. .., aM...Am fMm ftl poor Mr. E. dying there all alonel His daughter was tnere tnree noun uoiore nts aeatu.-oui ue was lnseni-IIile; she thought be returned the pressure of her band, bat it is doubtful. Yonr brother and bis wife had come in on Wednesday morning to make purchases. Then the telegram came telling of his death; they had not heard of his Illness, only of his having a cold. Of course it put other business aside, and V. had to make arrangements for the fn- neral, and everything devolved on him. Mrs. E. came in from Ottawa. I did not hear any- thing till Thursday, when B. came up to tell us it was an so hurried. Pneumonia had caused paralysis ot the heart,whlch caused his sudden death. They had telegraphed that he was very ill, and they feared the result; then, again, that he was better, and they hoped danger was past: then in a few hours that ho was gone. In less than two days be was brought to Montreal and burled so very hur ried. In addition, we have the following, written in a letter from the wife of Mr. J. T. to a member of the family. The original of this letter, also, has been In our hands: I expect J. home about the middle of next month. What a strange dream J. had i about Mr. E.s deathl He last saw him a rew days after Christmas, when thev both called to see us. I will answer vour questions about the dream as far as I can; I fortunately kept J.'s letters tellingabout his ( gabout his dream, as I thoughtit very remarKauie. or several oaya uriore. t - - - and exactly a week after, Jlr. E.'s death there were heavy snow storms In N. B., so that J. did not see a Montreal paper or hear from me in that time; 11 trains weie snowed up on the line together. This explains why he did pot hear from me. 1 will copy what he says in his letter , Then follows the extract already given.l oi weunesoay. -Marcn o, irom ot. jonn, ss.o. - t .-. .-.: -r -r m !... ... In answer to questions, Mrs. J. T. lias as- sured us in writing, first, that her husband naa nenta nothing ol Air. K. ior a longtime, and did not know where he was. and, second, that she herself heard of Mr. E.'s death on Thursday, the 25th, and aton.-e wrote to her husbandj but that he did not get this or any J further letter from her before Thursday, March 4. The coincidence is remarkable. and is excellently established. As to the , i-.Yf ' -, .l , -.i. , closeness of the coincidence, the dream either j occurred, as is possible, at the time of the death, or else, as I think likely, a (ew days later, while in any case no news or the actual death could have passed: and it was adream ot serious illness, with a sense of something mysterious ana aarc connected wnn me f matter onil in thttnrma nf 5rhimnrplnn arises that Mr. E. is dead, A TELEPATHIC CASE. How a JUnn's Illness Agitated a Lady far Awnj A Pliyilclnn Sees Phantom. Among the "telepathic" cases the follow ing is one ot the most striking. The gentle man who was the unconscious agent gave every possible aid to a careful investigation: Boston, November 16, 1SS8. Prof. Rotce Dear Sir Some years ago, perhaps eight or nine,- while in a city of Rhode Island on business, my house being then, as now, in Boston, I received news 'which was most unexpected and distressing to me, affecting me so seiiously that I retired to my room at the hotel, a large, sauare room, and threw my self upon my bed, face downward, remain ing there a long time in great mental dis tress. The acuteness of the feeling after a time abating, I left the room. I returned next day to Boston, and the day after that received a short letter from the person whose statement I inclose herewith, and dated at the town in Western New York from which her inclosed letter comes. The note begged me to tell her without delav what was the matter with me "on Friday at 2 o'clock," the very day and hour when I was affected as I have described. This lady was a somewhat familiar acquaintance and frieud, but I had not heard from her for many montln previous to this note, and 1 do not know that any thought of her had couie into my mind for a long time. I should till further add that the news which had so distressed me bad not the slightest connection with her. I wrote at once, suting that she was right as to her that she was right as to her un pressiou Jshe said in her letter that she was ure i ras in very great trouble at the time mentioned), and expressed my' surprise at the whole affair Twice since that time she has written to me, giving me some impression in regard to my ' condition or situation, both referring to cases t of illness or suffering of some kind, and both times tier impressions nave proved correct enough to be considered remarkable, vet not so exact in detail or distinctness as the first time. I feel confident that I have her original letter, but have not been able to command the time necessary to find it. I will add that tho lady has told me that her vivid impression about me was only one of 10 or 12 experiences of like sort near that time in re lation to other people, and that in every case her impression proved correct. She was re covering then from a long and nearly mortal illness, malarial fever contracted in Italy, and was for a long time in most delicate and pre carious condition. As her restoration to health progressed she tells me she. found herself less and less susceptible to Impressions of the sjrt described. Sf. P. S. The three occurrences above detailed comprise all the experiences of this sort which I have had in my life. The accompanying statement from N. reads as follows N. is a physician by pro fession, and writes from "New York State; we have not interviewed her personally: Postmarked August 16, 18S6.J Phop. Royce In the convalescence from a malarial fever, during which great Hyper esthesia of brain had obtained, but no hallucinations or false perceptions, I was sittingTilone in my room, looking out of the P; JI,y thoughts were of indiffereut i""alJS.,a",eJi 2."? "l" ?f f "JS ?. "X: iarge.square nwiu, tiiurauy in uoiei.auo. ? te person of whom 1 had been conscious lying face downward on the bed, in the throes of mental and physical anguish. I felt rather than heard sobs and grlev ng, and felt consci- ,? of,tl10 natur0 . "VetSi. ?ubectively:itt &SS3SSSi whidi listed 40 minutes intensely and thn verv slowly wore away. Let me note: ' l?irst maa not mougnt oi tne person lor some time, and there was no reminder in the I0m- . . ,k . . . , oeconu -iuc ciireiicujM jciueuiuerea with more vividness than that seen In the nor. inal way. while the contrary is true of dreams. Third The natural order of perception was reversed, i. e.. the emotion came first, the sense of a personality second, the vision or percep tion of the person third. I should be glad to have a theory given of this reverse in the natural order of perception. Respectfully, N. AS TO APPARITIONS. " A PhyIclnn' Story A Figure Revealed in n Strong Light nnd Afterward Rap Idly tfndrd Away. As far as apparitions are concerned, this case, which had two eje-witnesses, is an un usually strong one. It was reported by let ter, as follows: AXBAjrr, N. Y.. September 10, 1S88. Mr. Kichard Hodgson, 5 Boylstou Place, Boston, iluFs.: Dkak Sir I had a personal experience last week which would, I think, be of in teiest to your Committee on Apparitions, and I send it, as I understand you wish to col lect as many accounts as possible, lam not a subscriber to your society, aud would like to knowalittlomoic of its scope and alms. I have, been aware of Its existence through an advertisement which I clipped from a paper and through friends who are subscribers. I am a physician; have been iupractice about 11 years; am in excellent health; do not use in toxicants, tobacco, drugs or strong tea or coSee. Am not subject iu the least to dreams, and have never been a believer in apparitions, etc. On Monday last, September 3, lbsS, 1 went to bed about 11 P. M. atter my day's work. Had supper, a light one, about 7 P. .; made calls alter supper. My bedroom is on the second floor of a city block bouse, and I keep all my doors locked except the one leading to my Sole's room, next to mine, opening into mine by a wide sliding door, alwajs left wide open at night The following diagram will illustrate the relation of the rooms. Oil n-r- T3 I E 1 I i r . wL 1 I occupy room J, and my wife room 2. Her room has but one window, and a door .open ing only into my room. My room has three doors (all bolted at nfg'ht) and one window, JT1 . STiSS 1J bo? Sm f'the ndowa? night? shutting out early daylight. No artificial lights command the windows, and the moonlight very seldom. T nmlrMeeri and wnfc tn hed about 11. ana i soon was asleep. In the neighborhood of 4 k Tut T tvto nifilfonAd riw 'strong light In my face. I awoke and thought I saw my wife standlngatflg.3,asshe was to arise at osO to tane an early train, xiienentwas &u u.u,... and pervading that I spoke, but got no answer. t As I spoke tbe.flgure retreated to ng. 4, ana as gradually retreated to a spot at fig. a. ne noiseless shifting or the light maae me imu. it was a servant tn the hall, and the light was thrown through the kejhole as sho moveci. i That could not be, as some clothing covered the keyhole. I then thought a burglar roust oe in the room as the light settled near a, large safe in m room. Thereupon. I called loudly to my wife, and sprang to light a light. As I called her name, she suddenly awoke, and called out: "What is that bright lleht In your roomf I lit the gas and searched. (There had been no light in eltherjoom). Everything was undisturbed. My wife left on the early train. I attended tn mv wnrlr aa nsn al. At noon, when I reached f home, the servant who answers the door m I formed me that a man had been to my office to I see me about a certificate for a young lady who 1 had died suddenly that morning from a hem orrhage from the fun es. She died about lo'clock the figure I saw about 4 o'clock. There was but little resemblance between the two, as Jar as I noticed, except height and figure, The faces were not unlike, excent that the appari , J i??"?1','.. "wii tion seemed considerably older. 1 had seen ' "'"""" V"""'B!"UK UD'"'C' iVr7.i innnun ni npn lnrprnsinn in v no r"a ki. uiu iivi thongb much interested in the case, did not consider it immediately serious. She bad been in excellent health up to within two days of ber death. At first she spit a little blood, irom a strain. When she was taken with the severe hemorrhage, and choked to death, she called for help and for me. This Is the flrst experience of the kind 1 have ever had, or personally have known about. It was very clear the figure or apparition at first, but rapidly faded. My wife remarked the light before I had spoken anything except her name. When I awake I am wide awake in an instant, as I am accustomed to answer a tele phone in the hall and my office bell at night. Albant, September 27, 1883. Dear SIR On the morning of September I was suddenly awakened out of a sound sleep by my husband calling to me from an adjoin ing room. Before I answered him I was struck with the fact that, although the green shade to his window was drawn down, his room seemed flooded by a soft yellow light, while my chamber, with the window on same side as his, and with the shade drawn up, was dark. The first thingl said was, "WhatisthatlightT'' He replied he didn't know. I then got up and went into his room, which was still quite light. The light faded away in a moment or two. The shade was down all the time. When I went back to my room I saw that it was a few mo ments after 1 Very truly, KB. (wifeofW.O.S.) I Mr. Hodgson: Dear Sir: Your note of October 11 is at band. In reply I would say, In re gard to the light in my husband's room, that it seemed to me to be perhaps more in the corner between his window and my door, although it was faintly distributed through the room. When I first saw. tho light (lying in bed) it was brilliant, but I only commanded a view of the enrnorof bis room, between his window and my door. When 1 reached the door the light had begun to fade, though it seemed brighter in the doorway where I itood than elsewhere. My husband seemed greatly perplexed, and said: "How strange! I thought surely there was a woman in mv room." 1 ,eaid: "Did you think it was If" He said: "At first, of course, I thought so, but when I rubbed my eyes I saw it was not. It looked some like Mrs. B (another- patient of his not the girl who aiea mat nignt). no, nowever, saia tne figure never seemed to look directly at him, but toward the wall beyond his bed, and that the figure seemed clothed in white, or some thing very light. That was all be said, except that later, when he knew the girl was dead, aud I asked him if the figure at all resembled her, lie said: "Yes, it did look like her, only older." Respectfully, MRS. W. 0. S. October 10, 1888. The case is interesting, as being very well reported, and as leaving us in uo doubt about the. reality of this odd experience. The conditions do not make any detailed explanation of the occurrence at all plausi ble, although many possible causes tor the experience may suggest themselves to our readers. REAL CLAIRVOYANCE. Wliile Lying Sick In Bed a Woman Sees a Murder and Suicide Letters From the Lady. The next case is one of a decidedly puz zling sort, to which our attention was at tracted by the following hem from a Phila delphia newspaper, which was going the rounds of the press: A most remarkable case of clairvoyance is the aborbing topic among tho residents of South Camden, and is perplexing the wise people of that city. The case is that of Mrs. J Annie Field, of 805 Broadway, who died a few days ago, and who was a very highly respected and estimable ladv. One day while sick she made Inquiry, during a few moments of con. sciousne&s, relative to the health Of Turner Berry, a well-known business man in that lo cality, and who had been seen that morning in excellent health. An hour or two afterward a little daughter of Mr. Ber y called at the Fields' residence and said her father had been taken very ill. 0n! the following, day Mrs. Field rose up. suddenly from her stupor and, in apparently great agony of mind, declared that a well-to-do brother-in-law, residing in Pennsylvania, was away up among the Penn sylvania forests seriously 111, and his family were greatly agitated over his disappearance, and could not find him. A day or twdilater a letter came confirming this. A DEEP MYSTERY. The most mysterious case in connection with Mrs. Field's clairvoyance, however, was that i in connection with the murder of Amelia Walker by Michael Finnigan, and the tetter's j suicide. On e night of the murder Mrs. , Field suddenly sprang up In bed, after having I been in a stupor for a long time, and in terror cried out: "See that man and woman and the i carriage at the City Hall; see theconfusion: let I me get near the man; let me get-near him." The old lady was with difficulty quieted, and then she broke out again, declaring that a ter was causing them trouble. Then, in a very oM oW " ackIE rible tning was uappeniug, anu mat tne man un tne imiowing morning jur. field began to read the account of the murder to his daugh- bi6 band, and was shocked to discover tbaftho facts were identical with those their mother- imd n in her ttUDor. Twoilara later Mrit Field dleu. In answer to our inquiries we have come Into I possession of the following correspondence re lating to jars, r leia experience: IFIRST LETTER. (From the late Mrs. Field's Son-in-law.) Camden, N. J., May 1. 1SS8. Richard Hodgson: Dear Sir Yours of March 20 and April 21 were duly received. I snail endeavor to narrate the Incidents of the late illness of Mrs. Anole J. Field to which the Evening Telegraph of March 6 alluded as "munifeatation of clatrvo ant power.". Should you desire a more sstematio paper, please forward the form used in such instanct . Mrs. Annie 3. Field, xt 5i, was a woman of unusual Intelligence, possessing all the char acteristics of the pure Euglishwoman of higher birth, and no iraco of' superstition, save that found in a strict adherence to the traditions ana doctrines of the high Church of England. A STARTLING DISCOVERY. On the 15th of February Mrs. Field con tracted a cold, which culminated in pneu monia with typhoid fever. Five days later the suspicions of her physician were aroused by a marked symptom (the patient also steadily growing weaker, with tho pneumonia and fever conquered), and hn examination revealed un doubted evidence of Bright's disease suffusing tho body with Its fatal poison influencing the mind to tho extent of a tendency to reflection npon vanished possibilities. Upon tho evening of. the murder and suicide near our City Hall, Mrs. Field lay, probably in a seml-comatoie condition, though apparently wake, as her eye-t were open, with notning un usual to attract attention in her occasional remark-, when suddenly she raised herself in her bed, exclaiming:- "Help! he's killing her won't borne one go to ber assistance ?" Hhn then recited to bee daughter, m close attend ance upon her through her illness, a- long story, detailing a walk that evening upon the avenue upon which the City Hall is situated, stating that, while there, a sorrel horse, pull ing a light carriage or buggy, in which a quar relling pair of human beings were seen, passed her and shortly alter stopped. It was then the quarrel became fatally warm, as Mrs. Field at tins juncture startled her daughter with her outcry. -This Is a succinct description of this Incident, which was laughed atasa meie dream, and ac counted for by the theory that ber hearing, un naturally quickened by disease, had caught a conversation relating to the occurrence carried on In the street outside, appropriating it to her use as a personal adventure. To offset this, however, is the fact that some years previously Mrs. Field's entire left side had been paralyzed, and ber brain, eye. ear and arm of that side rendered almost useless, and at the time of this ' occurrence she was at least 11 feet from a closed window. Her daughter, a young woman of unusually quick perception, at that time thoroughly wiuo awake, and six fet (or more) closer to the windows of the room, heard noth ing in allusion to the matter in fact, nothing save the tramp of the pedestrians to and fro. AN UNyAEKISHED TALE. There was no attempt' at description, either of personage or mode of murder, bnt a plain, unvarnished tale of a supposed, stroll, aimless as coula possibly be In comparative midwinter, and the single descriptive attempt comprised in the allusion to the sorrel horse walking out of the city, via the- avenue on which the City Hall stands. Mr. Turner.Berry, of Camden, alluded to in the publication, was an acquaintance of Mrs. Field, Vho bad been in ill health for along time, though for a short while previous to this occasion had sufficiently recovered to resume his outdoor habits, and was noticed upon the street a few hours before the following: , On the morning of the City Hall tragedy, Mrs. Field, in the course of a desultory conver sation, remarked that she would like to know how Mr. Borry was "getting on," as he was "again very ill In bed," a remark which'occa sinned a smile and the assurance that she was wrong, as he had been recently seen on the Street. She Insisted', however, that he was seriously indisposed, and was .indulged in ber belief, as a mere harmless whim. Toward evening a daughter of Jlr. Berry called, by ad vice of her mother, to inquire about the con dition of Mrs. Field, informing her hostess that her father was, again critically ill. having been compelled to retire from the public -gaze that forenoon. This covers this case of "manifesta tion." I believe. My little pet dog, left alone during business hours, by reason ot my wife's (Miss Field's) at tendance upon her mother some distance away, and my absence in Philadelphia, betrayedsigns of loneliness, evinced by depression of spirits and loss of appetite, crouching in a corner of a lounge, and barely returning my salutations at night. During another conversation, at about the same time as above mentioned, Mrs. Field questioned ber daughter about her home af lairs, womanlike, auddenlv alludin? to the "poor little dog sitting in the corner," fright ened. Upon my visit that evening, after the customary inquiries, I endeavored to change the subject of thought by the sportsmanlike allusion to the invalid dog sitting In the corner of the lounge at home, and was astonished to learn that it had been "dinned" correctly, save in regard to location, although the corner of the lounge was as near as could be in the cor ner ot the room. Hoping this will prove satisfactory to you, or at least for the present, I tender you freely any service Intny power to gjve you. EMII.B G. Thattbel. For family of Mrs. Field (deceased February -si, lboo). Appended Statement. It may be necessary to add that the events de tailed occurred within a period of 24 hours, be ginning with the allusion to Mr. Berry (1), the dog (2), and the trip to Murderland (8). SECOND LETTER. Camden, N. J., May 16, 1S8S. Bear Sir If you will' send me a copy of my communication ot first, I will secure the state ment of my wife regarding correctness of con tents, over her signature. I have not preserved a copy of any paper containing an account of the " Walker-Finn egan" murder, but will try to secure ono for you if de sired. A rough calculation of the bee line distance of Mrs. Field from the scene of the murder would give at least 2,600 feet, perhaps 8,500, about eight "blocks" distant, north to east. Until you have Mrs. Traubel's version ot these occurrences at her mother's bedside, I think it advisable for me to avoid further attempt at description. You will receive. I think, full renlv to vour second. third and fourth queries embodied in yours of lltb inst.. when we receive the coov of mv last. Please do not quote me as .indorsing any form of spiritualism because of my writing replies to your favore: courtesy demanded my action, and I am, moreover, quite Interested in mystery unraveling, so much so, at least, as a plain, matter-of-lact person of no scientific knowledge can be. If successful, will send you a paper containing description of murder. E. Q. Trausel. TOTED LETTER. Camden, N. J., June 4, 1SSS. Bear Sir Demands compelling attention have prevented my replying to yours of the 23d ult. until to-day. I incloso your "typewritten" copy of communication of May 1, upon which you mil find (on back of fifth page) the state ment ot Mrs. Traubel (Miss Field) over her signature; it testifies to the correctness'of the narrative of the letter, Which will, I hope, add to your confidence. The indorsement in question has been printed above, with letter 1. It is impossible to go further into detail; the parties bo "heard and saw" aro afraid of their memories, and unwilling to add to the story, though fully able to corroborate my compilation of events, which, it Is claimed, covers the ground quite'fully. 1 am compelled to depend upon accident for a copy of a paper containing an account of the murder alluded to. It appears that the publishers destroy all papers unused a few weeks after publication (14 days, in some instances), and, as I applied six weeks after, was not supplied; March 1 May. How would It answer to request one of the papers, say the Record, to give, in its cor respondents' column, a brief account of the oc currence? This would prove the fact of the murder, without extended description. If acceptable, 1 will make the request upon advisement. No Philadelphia daily will part with a filed copy of their publication. Should further service, as indicated above, be desired, pleaso feel at liberty to demand it. Ehile O. Traubel. FOURTH LETTER. Philadelphia, Pa., June 15, 1883. Dear Mr. Hodgson I send you the story you desire. It is written hurriedly, but is ac curate. It happened, as you see, in Camden, just across from Philadelphia. Very respect fully yours, H. M. Watts. Copy of the appended statement, with ac count of the murder. At 830 o'clock on the evening of Wednesday, February 23, within a stone's throw of the City Hall of Camden, N. J., opposite Philadelphia, Michael Finnegan, a dissolute character, aged abont 35 years, shot and fatally wounded Amelia Walker, another - . , - . .. ,, !....,, .jr ..j i I wit a bullet through hisown brain. His riMth was instantaneous, but, the woman was taken to Cooner Hospital, wliero she lived until 11:17 o'clock without recovering consciousness. The murder, and suicide took place in a lonely part of the town, as the Camden City Hall is out in the suburbs. An old lady living at 438 Trenton avenue gave the alarm to the police. The police took the bodyof the munlererto the morgue and the woman to the hospital. On searching around they found a horse and bngiry which had conveyed the disreputable pair from Philadelphia to that fatal spot. Woodford Hughes, a switchman at Haddin avenue, was the only witness He saw the flash ot the pistol and heard the report. He saw a man leaning over the dashboard of the bucgy. Soon after be beard another shot, but he went ou his way. It is supposed that, after shooting bis companion, the murderer started to drive off, but, being overcome with remorse, walked back to ber body and killed himself. The murderer bad blonde hair and a sandy mustache. The wnman'was about 24, plump and good looking. The police traced them across the river, and it was Anally discovered that the brother of the murderer lived at 713 South Third street, Philadelphia. He identi fied the bodv of his brother and the woman as "Amelia." Frank Tapping, of 314 South Sixth street, Philadelphia, identified the body as that 01 Amelia waiter, wno, -wun ner nnsuana, a huckster, had lodsed at his house. Both per sons were low, disreputable and deparved. Tho story In brief is this: On Wednesday at 2 o'clock the man and woman started from McCauley's livery stable, on Griscom street, Philadelphia. They drove away, bavin? a whisky bottle with them. They crossed on the ferry boat Beverly to Camden, and finally brought up at the City Hall region at 6:30 o'clock. The murderer was a politician of a low type in the Fourth, ward, of Philadelphia. Other cases quite as puzzling are being investigated, and will be presented in these columns. It is understood that the society cannot as vet come to Any definite conclu sion, but the thousands of cases will have to be looked into before anything whatever in the nature of a law governing any class of them can he discovered. M. MV tJnder JLove'a Spell. ) "" Stricken Youth (at his idol's door) Say, Billy, is they one or two v's in lover? Life. d SI rf MllBlll ri -t , riawim s ATHLETICS ABEOAD. Blakely Hall Tells of the Athletes and Sports of Other Lands. BASEBALL OK THE ISLAND OF CUBA A famous Bull. Fighter Who Fell In love With Sara Bernhardt ENGLISH AND 1EISH BOY ATHLETES twBrrris rOB TBTC PISFATCS.l TJB A is the only conn try in or near the tropics that I h a v e e v e r visited where men take a live inter est in athletics. This does. not except Spain, for a man who sits iu ah easy chair and watches a bull fight cannot expect to be classed as an athlete. I was very much sur prised the first time I went to Cuba at the fondness for sport which the people dis played. It- was not difficult to find the cause. Every Cuban boy whose iamily can afford the expense is sent tote United States to be educated. The Cubans are a quick witted and clever race of men, and they easily imbibe whatever book knowl edge is essential to a scholastic career here. They mature much more rapidly than our boys. The result is that they have plenty of time for athletics, and they are always prominent members of the clubs in the different schools and colleges. When they go back to Cuba they keep up the fad, and the resnlt is that they have managed to infuse a liking for sport throughout the whole island. There are a half dozen or more athletic clubs of thevery first order in Havana, plenty of yachting and rowing in the harbor, and baseball has driven bull fighting to the wall. BASEBALL IK CUBA. I have seen some notable games of base ball, but never anything that approached a contest in Havana about three years ago for the championship of the Island oi. Cuba. For two years the Matanzas and Havana clubs bad struggled for the mastery, and this was to be tne decisive game. There were 20,000 people on the ball grounds, and when I drove onttheclnbs had been playing three hours and a half, and had not yet reached the third inning. They had Had four umpires and the grounds were lined with police. The excitement of the people was beyond description. Everybody on the grand stand was hoarse from violent scream ing, and when the third inning came to a close with a home run on the part of the shortstop of the Havanas, the popnlace crowded over the balustrade and almost smothered the shortstop with caresses. They began ail over again the following day under rigid police rules, and the curbing of the excitement wherever it was possible, and the game was brought to a satisfactory close. The Havanese have picked up. the slang of the American bail field. It was very odd to hear the incessant jabbering of Spanish interrupted by such phrases as "home run," "foul tip." "fair ball." "take vour base." etc, The excitement of the players was no jess iiueusc i-iiau iu&i ui me spectators, out despite all the frenzy which characterized the game it was noticeable that the Cubans played mighty good ball. If Manager Mu trie sends the New York reserves down there he will find that they will not have easy sailing by any means. The Cubans are not heavy batters, bnt they are the quickest fielders and base runners that I have ever seen. ., POPTJLAE BULL FIGHTEB3. The older love of the Cubans for bull fighting is on the wane. Undoubtedly ball fighting is still a fascinating sport for the old timers, bnt there has been such a sac cession of clowns in the ball ring during the past ten years that they have practically killed the sport. When a'great bull fighter turns up in Cuba an event which happens about once in four or five years he is lion ized to a wonderful extent for a time, but there is every indication that ball fighting as a national sport has seen its best days in Cuba. I often wonder what has become of Mazzanini, who went to Cnba from Spain and fell violently in love with Sara Bern hardt the day that he arrived in Havana. Sara and he were inseparable dur ing the stay of the French actress in Havana. Wherever the bull fighter went enormous crowds followed him. The conjunction of the French actress and the hero of the ring was almost too much for the sightseers. Mazzanini was a remarkably handsbmeman, and he won his way into the affections of the people by his amiability and good nature. He was paid $60,000 and ail his expenses for a four HCC&a I weeks tour through Cuba and Mexico. when it came to the actual business of bull fighting, however, he proved himself more or less oi a mull, 'ine bulls were so tame that they excited his derision and he ex pressed his contempt in pantomime to the populace. The populace grew sulky and refused to attend the bnll fights. 'Then Mazzanini went to Mexico, where he also expressed his contempt for the bulls and the place generally with rather tempestuous results. The people pelted him with chairs, benches and everything else that they could lay their hands on and then shot at him cas ually as he rushed ont of the ring. I saw a woman bull fighter once in Havana, but the bull she was to fight proved to be a calf. The populace conceived itself to be insulted, Senora Gloria was impris oned lor seven months, ana an tne proceeds oi me iigiife were givea uver lo cnariiy. All of this shows that it is not safe to fool with the hot Southern blood of the people of the tropics. ACTIVE FRENCHMEN. It has always been n mystery to me "why France has not produced more athletics. The French boys are quick, lively and energetic. At the public baths, and i'n some of the big schools they exhibit no end nf life and activity, but they never develop into strong men. They becin drinking coffee and absinthe and smoking cigarettes too early in their lives. The only things they really care for are riding and fencing, and they'excel in both. The Frenchmen are natural swordsmen, but they huve uo con ception whatever of the beuefits of general physical training. I remember at the Smith-Kilrain fight there were two French noblemen who had come over from Paris with Lord De Clifford to see the mutch. They were of the ordinary type of jockey-club sportsmen, fond of horses, cards and foils. They watched the two pugilists pummel each other lor a lew minutes, then yawned and went over and sat down on a stump, smoked cigarettes and talked about their friends. If any one called their attention to the pugilists they glanced at the ring politely, then shrugged, their shoulders and admitted that they could not understand it at all. A lotol Frenchmen shortly alter the fight had begun rowed over irom a neighboring village to the island in the Seine where the fight was going on. They shrugged their shoulders and went back 'at once. It bored them to look at a mill for seeing whieTi almost any man in Great Britain would have been willing to pay heavily. I have often talked with French men about sparring and kindred exercises, but their tuiuds are thoroughly made up on the subject. They believe that it is much better for a boy to cultivate his brains than his muscles, and they esteem a bit of repar tee or a notable bon mot much more highly than they do the most pcr.'cct pbysica'l development which the mind of man can conceive. STUHDY GERMANS." The Germans are, as a rule, too heavy for light exercises. Thev do not keep them selves in condition at all. It is a carious thing that people so intelligent and living in a climate which is admirable for athletic exercise, should give up all the finer and lighter forms of outdoor amusements. Run ning, cricketing, baseball, 'lacrosse and similar games, are at a very low ebb in Ger many, though there is some football. Even the sports at which the Germans claim to excel are by no means their own. They have been very proud of their skaters for a long while, an'd yet Joe Donoghue, of Newburg, has won every contest in his Ger mantour, beating the cracks without any special struggle. There are a great many men in America, who are as good as Dono ghue, too'. The curse of the German boy is beer, just as the curse of the American boy is cigarettes. The German Kaiser knew what he was talking about when he spoke on the , occasion of his birth day, urging the youth of Germany to keep more aloof from the beer gardens. There is no reason that I can see why the German athletes should not make wonderful records, for Ihave never seen a sturdier lot of men, and their determination and plnck is pro verbial. Everywhere a man goes in Ger many he, sees big.powerful and sturdy look ing men, with broad shoulders, deep chests, thick necks and sturdy legs. They all have the bnild of athletes in a certain way, but nil of them carries a hnge paunch, and all the lightness and swing is gone from his movements bv reason of this encumbrance. Beer does this. It is beer all the time, morning, noon and night. Afterevery walk ing tonr, foofbali game, bicycle race or fencing bout, everybody, principals, sec onds and spectators, adjourn to the nearest beer garden, sit down to the tibles, and drink for hours. A man of 24 or 25 yearsin Germany who has not lost bis waist is a rare sight. CLETEB IRISH BOYS. English and Irish boys are wonderfully fine fellows. I met a great many amateur athletes in Ireland, and I found them the cleverest'sort of men. There is good reason for the prominence of Irishmen jn athletic sports all over the world. They make great pugilists, plucky runners and marvelous cricketers. Indeed, they excel'in all varie ties of sports, and many of the crack ath letes in America who, by the way, are the crack athletes of the world nowadays are of Irish parentage. The love of the'people over there for sport is as natural and honest as their love for fresh air. They do not drink beer, smoke very little, ana the smooth roads of Ireland offer them a splen did opportunity lor running and walking. Before the trouble over the evictions and L the misery they entail came upon Ireland, tne people snowed their fondness for sport of all sort by trudging from one end of the country to the other for any athletic event. Many of the peasants would walk 15 or 20 miles simply to watch the horses and hounds of some notable hunt. Now they will walk SO miles to break- up a hunt u possible. The young Irish boys are good runners. Some time ago thev adopted the English style of rnnning, but I am glad to see that the American lorm which Myers exhibited over there has taken good hold. Some of the fleetest runners that I have ever seen in Ireland and England now run in the Ameri can fashion that is, with the arms hanging iree ana we neaa torwara, a good deal as an Indian runs. The conventional English style of rnnning is to throw the shoulders very far back, stick the elbows close to the sides, pump and arms up and down, keep ing time with the stride and throwing the leg very far forward. In England the ama teur athletes crop up at every possible point. Every little village has its harriers, its cricket and football teams, and there are' contests going on constantly. The boys are a straight-limbed, ruddy-liaced, clear-eyed lot of youngsters.who speak without affecta tion and are delightfully modest and un conventional. It is a wo'nderful thing to me that they develop after they are'22 or 23 years old into the stiff, awkward, surly and even insolent men that one meets so often in London. ATHLETICS IN ENOLAND. Every facility is offered the boys in gland for indulging in athletics. Tho En- most cmsty.and crabbed of village shopkeepers will contribute his share toward purchasing a cup or prize of some sort for the boys to struggle for, and it is really remarkabie to see the number ot people who turn out at. an athletic meeting in some of the large towns outside of London. ,Athletic games in many of the big manufacturing cities like Birmingham prove a thousand times more exciting and interesting to the people than a circus or a race meeting in America. They number spectators by the thousands over there,jvhere we count them by the hundreds. A crowd of 10,000 people anv where in England al an athletic meeting "is by no means unusual, though the runners may not be champions, and there may be nothing more interesting than a series of walking and running matches between men who have merely local reputations. What I have admired most about the English and Irish boys is the careful man ner in which they look after themselves They will toddle off to bed -early no matter what the attractions may be, getup betimes and take a five-mile spin, wrapped up iu owoicia uuu Heavy coau, return ana take a cold bath and sit down to breakfast, with out feeling that thev have done anything uui, ui tuc uruiuury way. vv nen tnev smoke at all it is simply to take a short p"nll at a briarwood pipe, and as a rule nothing on earth can coax an English boy into touch ing malt drinks or smoking cigarettes. They look further ahead than our own boys. The trouble in America, as far as my observation goes, aud I have been more or less associated with athletics for a number of years, seems to be that the boys and young men take up athletics merely in the way of a fad. They train themselves violently agd severely with some definite purpose in view, such as the 100-yard dash, or the "high jump, and if they fail to beat the record In the course of a year tbey abandon athletics altogether. Men are athletes in Ireland and England until they are 40 odd vears of age. That is the one advantage ot encket. by the way, over baseball, and it is the renl in ..oi tne permanent popularity of the game in urciu oriiam. a man can play cricket until he is 50 years of age, oht nobody can play baseball nowadays unless he is a well trained athlete, with .youth, strength and lots of activity to back him up. But then I bad rather see one game of ball than a thousand games of cricket. This is, as far as my own observation goes, the usual preference in America. Blakely Hall. A Disaster at the Dog. Play.. Heavy Villain Seek him, good Bruno, and when thoa hast found him, tear-r-r him limb from limb! But Swinklemeyer of the orchestra was eaUng a sandwich in the front row, and Bruno had had no dinner. Judge. Bel ietes instantly cures permanentl Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup. Price 25c a toy tie. A SOCIAL WATERLOO. Breezy Gossip on the Impending Up heaval in Washington Society. OLIYE LOGAN ON HANDSOME HEN. Jlrs. Cleveland's Plans When She leave the White House. MES. HEAESrS FAMOUS COLONIAL BALL; tCOKBISFOlTOIIfCT OF TOT DISPATCH. 1 Washington, February 20, 1889. EBCULASEUM and Pompeii were lucky in one respect they did not know the doom that was impending. Now, in Washington, the upheaval which is to occur less than & fortnight hence is pat ent to all. A certain tone of pathos mingles, therefore, with gay notes of mnsic and light phrases of courtesy. There is a positive analogy between the prCent social situation and that of the memorable ball which took place jqst be fore Waterloo, that festive occasion when all went merry as a marriage bell. On with the dance ! Let joy be unconfined I cry the leaders of the haut ton. Oa the 4th of March President and Cabinet meet their Waterloo. Until that time their wives and families seera resolved to chase the glowing hours with flying feet. HANDSOME CHAPPIES. The social event of the week haa been Mrs. Hearst's Colonial ball. Our belles can talk of nothing but of the enhanced good looks of our men in powder. Wha-. charming fellows must have been extant in Martha Washington's dav, to be surel "Would that we bad lived thenl" cry som of the more romantic. Now my own opit ion is that no men ever existed who were handsomer than those of the present gener ation. If the style of dressing to-day is less flattering than it was in olden times, so much the more reason have we to admire the good looks of our cotemporaries, who make a fine appearance indeed, albeit their wear is rough cloths instead of velvets and satins. The colonial dress 13 remarkably becom ing to women nf all ages. From the girl in her teens to the grandma, of three score there is nothing prettier than the stylo which prevailed a centnry ago. The floral decorations 01 Mrs. Hearst's Iovely ball surpassed anything which Washington has seen. There is no use to catalogue the details of the splendid array. Any mere enumeration of objects howso ever beautiful is dry reading; nevertheless let me mention one lairylike effect in green ery portieres of smilox, looped back with wreathes of roses! Can you imagine any thing more Watteanesque? Boucher, who so loved to entangle his Cu pids in garlandsof blooms, would have rev eled in the delineation of Various of our American vines, the crochet-work 01 fairies, without an excrescence in them for yards i A BAT WINDOW BOIEANCE. Have yon a.bay window? A pretty thing, but like rnany.i good looking acquaintance, not always to be relied on. I know a French lady who worked for 20 years to save money enongh to buy a certain house near Paris which she had coveted in childhood, 03 Dickens did Gadshill. She bought the house at last, and the first time she slit down in her bay window it detached Itself from the edifice and emptied the unfortu nate lady on the ground. The architecture of the present day is free-handed with its bay windows, and nowhere more so than in Washington. In the room where Mrs. Hearst's guests danced at the Colonial balUthere was a bay window whose artistic decoration was much admired. A net, like unto those used by fishers, but with silks and crewels, was stretched across a bay the vacant space was placed a rare collection of exotics. The dancers were prevented by this devica from testing the staving qualities ot the bay window, and the imprisoned flowers added a note of beauty to the animated scene. You have heard of Mrs. Cleveland's first waltz? Weber's last one is hardly more celebrated. She indulged in it because she was leaving the White Honse. Gossip never wearies in its discussion of Mrs. Cleveland's probabilities for the future. "She is coming," said the ebon naiad of the Turkish baths to me yesterday, "here to have a baff, soon i3 she leabes de Wite House." WHEN SHE DOFFS THE PURPLE. Fancy the etiquette-burdened First Lady. her sebaceous lollicles unrelieved by the action of intense beat .in a Turkish bath for four long years, counting the hours until she mav literally doff the purple and don the Turkish bnth,sheet! Like unto the winding sheet itself, the pep! urn of the tepidarium reduces all humanity to tho same level. Mrs. Cleve land and a pretty Treasury girl; the wife of a millionaire Senator's wife, and a female newspaper correspondent; are equally with out a pocketbook in the coffin, and the frigidarinm. You know that wise saying, "An un devout astronomer 13 mad." I think au unphilosophic Washingtonian is, of all persons in the world, the most likely to end his days in madness. One mut needs cul tivate the calmness of philosophy here if one does not wish to pace the halls of a lunatic asylum. On the one hand such amazing wealth; on the other, such pinched necessity! I grant that Washington ex hibits no such painful extremes as one mav see in London, where the palaces of Bel gravia and the slums of Westminster are absolutely contiguous; bat, like Mercutio's wound which, though not so deep as a well nor snwide as a church door, served its fatal purpose so the sharp contrasts of opnlence and poverty proclaim trumpet tongued in Washington the unwai ranted differentia between man and man. I saw a girl p3y S3 lor a corsage posey yesterday: another, with hunger in her eyes, stood watching her in the street as she skewered it to her left shoulder with a long pin set with pearls. THE USE OP BICHES. Political, economists are not in accord concerning the advantage to the community a t large of indulgence in luxury by the rich, Some hold that the purchase of superfluities spreads money among the poorercjasscs more effectually, more equita bly, than the mere reckless bestowal of alms; others take the contrary view. Bnt reason how they will, for or against, this way or that, forward or backward, I shall not' soon forget the sight of the girl with hunger in her eyes who stood looking at the girl who paid S3 for ber corsage posey, and attached it to her jacket with a long pearl piu. Apropos of jackets, mes tret cherts, did you know that Dame Fashion will have, none of them? By my laith as an honest chronicler, they are going out, The high shoulder pufTh'as cried to the tight jacket sleeve, "Avant, and quit my sight!" The alternative is a cape, reaching to the waist. In dress material, as yet. an un derrated and sane affair; but in furs, al ready an eccentricity, with hirrh en.inlettp and long tabs in front reaching quite to the feet. Olive Logan. inilljlf million 1P Drilres lo Bear Testimony. Henry Thome, Traveling Secretary of tho Y. M. C. A, writes from Exeter Hall Strand. London. February 2. 1KSS: I desire to bear my testimony to the value of Allcock's Porous Plasters. I have used them lor pafns in the hack and side arising from rheumatic and other causes, never with out deriving benefit from their application. They are easily applied, and very comforting. Those engaged as I am in publio work, which involves exposure to- sudden chanjea of tem perature, will donell to keep a supply of All cock's Porous Plasters In their portmanteaus." to ' i 4 BrB9ffi3