tfi THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SATURDAY, PEBRUART 23, 1889. 3 r V ME ISAU6DRAL PARADE. .The Konto to bo rollowcd A. Forecast or tlio Monster Tarnoat In Washington, jtlnrcb 4. Captain John Campbell, of the Depart ment of Internal Affairs in jiarrisourff, nas been intrusted to lay out and make a map of the route which is to be followed by the parade on next inaugural day at "Washing ton. He completed his task a few days ago, and the route to be followed runs in this direc tion: The parade will form In front of the Capitol and start f roin First street, E. From there the column will march in front of the Capitol, turn around the right wins and then go up Pennsyl vania avenue. The Treasury huildinc will be passed at Fifteenth street, then it will continue and pass the White House along Pennsylvania avenue as far as Washington Circle. At that place a countermarch will ba made and the pa rade will now co alonfr K street to Mount V er non square, wherceveryhodywill be dismissed. The route is 6 miles long, anu the parade win tae in me nnest streets ui uio mpiiui City. - IS HARP LUCK. The Potmtown Siecl Works nave Shut N Down to Wnit lor Orders. George J. Humbert, of the Pottstown Steel Works, and Colonel Houston, of the Thurlow Steel Works, where the Thurlow gun was made, are at the Duquesne. Colo nel Houston lost his brother through death a few days ago and he was feeling some what depressed. Mr. Humbert said that they use the Clapp-Griffith process in their works. They had to shut down recently because they had no orders. He reported the steel trade as exceedingly dull in the East, and he was surprised to find so many mills in operation in Pittsburg. THE SEW CH0I11 Of Emmanuel Chnrch All Ready to bo In dueled In Lent. The new choir of Emmanuel P. E. Church, of Allegheny, will for the first time take part in the services with the be ginning of Xcnt. Bishop Whitehead is ex pected to lormally induct the choir, and as the action of the church in regard to ritual worship has caused widespread comment, the rector, Key. Marion Byllesby, will preach on this- subject next Sunday, in order to explain the position of his parish. The Ladies' Aid Society of this chnrch are managing a "Sick Diet Kitchen,'"and ere doing valuable work by its aid. Delayed by n Wreck. The limited was delayed last night more than an hour by a freight wreck near Hunt ingdon. -A. broken axle was the cause of the trouble, and ten cars were smashed. Sam Small and Family. Sam Small, wife and baby registered at the Seventh Avenue Hotel yesterday. Mrs. Small and the baby remained over, but Sam went to "Wellsville to lecture last night. KESTATJUAI.TS HUSHED. Herzbercer's Serve Over TOO Meals. ITo better proof of the great number of strangers in town yesterday could be af forded, than the scenes in the restaurants and hotels. These were constantly crowded, and in some the volume of business done equaled that of the Centennial days. From early morn until late at nisht the waiters vere on their feet, and when a reporter dropped in at Herzberger's restaurant. 974 liberty street, last night, the proprietor said, with a broad smile of satisfaction: "I am glad that we are through for to-day. We have served over 700 meals and have almost exhausted our sUDDlies." This eoes to show how the strangers flocked to Pittsburg yes terday. Kew Sprinc Styles Sow Ready 1SS9. .We are,.pleased to .announce large arrivals of new goods fresh from manufacturers. Tour attention is invited to a choice, com plete and carefully selected assortment of the newest and most charming effects in parlor and chamber suits, dining room, hall and library furniture, single pieces, miscel laneous furniture and house decorations of many kinds. In every department we o3er unparalleled inducements to buyers in the war of high class goods of quality beyond question, and to these we add unlimited variety in all new novelties, and by which we shall demonstrate that the cheapest as well as the choicest stock is that of the Iforthside Fur. Co., 8, 10, 14 and 1C Ohio street, Allegheny City. Removal Sale. Shoes can be bought cheaper now than ever before. Every pair of shoes is subject to a cash discount of at least 10 per cent. Many shoes below cost. tts Cain- & Teener. Repousse Papers At John S. Egberts, 414 Wood st. NOTICES. COUNTT COJISirSIOXEBS' OFFICE. I Pittsburg. Feb. is, 1S89. ( THE COUTT COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named districts as follows, to-wit Saturday, February 23, Baldwin and Bethel townships, and Fourteenth and Twentieth wards, Pittsburg. Monday, February 25, Reserve, Moon, Snow den, Leet and Harmar townships. Tuesday, February 2G, Richland, Elizabeth, Jefferson and Lincoln townships. Wednesday, February 27, Crescent and Up per St. Clair townships. Thursday, February 2S, Fatten township. By order of County Commissioners. R. E. MERCER. GEO. Y. McKEE, DANIEL McWILLIAMS. P. W. S1EBERT. Clerk. fe21-14 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. ri0 JOB PRINTERS-SEALED PROPO J. SALS will be received up until March 5, 1SS9, at 3 o'clock F. 2C for tbo printing and binding for the several departments of the city povernment for the ensuing year. Blanks for bidding and information furnished on applica tion to the office of the City Controller. Bonds to be furnished as required in specifications. The right to accept or reject any or all bids re served. E. S. MORROW, Controller. fel333-D Department of Public Works, l PrrrsBUKG. Pa Feb. K 18S9. J VTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE L report of Viewers on the damages caused by the grading of Linden street, from Penn avenue to the Pennsylvania Railroad, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Com mon Pieas within ten (10) davs from date. E. M. B1GELOW, Chief of .Department of Public Works. teH-40-s Department of Public Works, Pittsburg. February 14, 1SS9. -TOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JL renorts of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Craig street, from Center avenue to Fifth avenue; Aiken avenue, from Fifth avenue to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and South Twenty fourth street, from Josephine street to the Monongahela river, have been ap proved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. B1GELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. leH40-j Crnr Treasurer's Office, i Municipal Hall, Sniitbfield street i "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL .Li owners (whether residents or non-rcsi-dents of the city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, etti, must pay their license at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid on or before first Monday in March, 18SS, will be placed in the hands of police officers for i collection, subject to a collection fee ol GO cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday in May, 1889, will be sub ject to a penalty double the amount of the license, to be recovered before the proper legal authorities ot said city. The old metal plate of last year must be returned at the time licenses are taken out, or 25 cents additional will be charged on the license. Rates of license: Each one-horse vehicle, S6 00: each two-horse vehicle, HO 00: each four-horse vehicle, S12 00: each lour horse hack, $15 00: omnibus and timber wheels indrawn by two horses, $10 00. One extra dollar vkH1 be charged for each additional horse used ": .In above specified vehicles. J.F.DENNISTON. r'.v m. f ui-TO-S Cltv Tmainrar. JtS'Dlsplay advertisement one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise' tnents on this page such as VTanled, For Sale, To Let, eit, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRAXCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, whore Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tue DIS PATCH. rrrrsBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3US Butler street. KMIL G. STUCKEY. 24th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., Wyllc ave. and Fulton st. X. STOKELY, Fifth Avenne Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 121 l'cnn avenne. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER SHElBLEK,5thav. AAtwood St. SOUTH SIDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. 3, KAERCIIER, 59 Federal street. II. J. McBRIDE, Federal and Olilo streets. FRED II. EGGERS. 171 Ohio street. F. IL EGGERS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. TIIOIIASMCIIENEY, Western and Irwin arcs. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY it. GLEtM. Rebecca and Allegheny ares. WANTED-IIELP. Dlnlc Ilcln. WANTEH-A GOOD CUTTER AND TAILOR. Address CUTTER. Dispatch office. le2I-50-MThs TTTANTED - LAUNDRY DRIVElt - MUST y have a trade In Allegheny; also, 2 solicitors. Address A. D., Dispatch office. fe23-23 WANTEl-COJU'LTENT ASSISTANT FOR acaderav: English and mathematics. Ad dress PRINCIPAL, 69 Arch St., Allegheny. fc-89 WANTED-A FEW GOOD LIGHTNING ROD agents: will pay good commission to right partie. GEO. R. KRESS & CO., 119 and 151 Forbes ave., city. ft-Sl-W WANTED-TWO MOULDWAKERS (VICE hands) In an old-established ractory near Pittsburg; steady work to good men. Address GLASSWORKS, Dispatch office. le22-23 -VTTANTED A YOONG MAN TO MAKE himself nsefnlarounda class and qucens ware packing room, with a slight knowledge or packing. EMPIRE, Dispatch office. fe23-17 WANTED -YOUNG, ENERGETIC MANA GER bv a large New York house; salary tl,8 0and office expenses: must have 1,500: refer ences. BUSINESS 110X12, Station D, N. Y. fe23-20-D WANTED-BOOK CANVASSERS NOW IS the lime to make money on Broken Fet ters," the great temperance book; big Induce ments. . GATELY CO., 10 and 12 Sixth st. fel9-53 -VTTANTED-A MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO canvass the physicians or the city, leaving samples, etc Address H. 51., Dispatch office, giving references where last employed, etc, etc fe22-4S WANTED-A FEW MORE ROD KIPPERS and wire drawers at wire mill, Rankin station. Ta., on B. Jt O. and P.. 5IcK. & Y. R. ., outside city limits. Apply tobOPERlN TENDENT. fc23-74 WANTED-PR1NTER TO TAKE CHARGE ol country dally; middle-aged man pre ferred; must be union printer, competent, sober and furnish reference. Address TRIBUNE, Beaver Falls, Pa. fe23-76 WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or mlllincn can makemoney In their spare time. YAMASH1KO TEA CO.. 83 Jackson st., Allegheny, 1'a. Ja26-S6-TTS TSTAN-IED-KELIABLE LOCAL AND TRAV- VV EL1NG salesmen positions permanent: fast selling specialties: special Inducements now: don't delav; sslarv from start. Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. TTA'NTED-SALESMK:NT to tELL TO BUSI V NESS men an article they all use; big profits to active men: no humbug: reference re quired. Address with stamp Inclosed for par ticulars, THE EUREKA MFG. CO., Wheeling, W. Va. fc23-lC0-S WANTED-YOUNG 51AN WITH KNOWL EDGE of bookkeeping as partner in an es tablished and growing business: present owner desirous of adding additional line of goods to bus iness: best of references given and required; capl l el desired from 81.100 to J6,0O0. AdrcssM. G. & T.. Dispatch office. te2Z-VS -VXrANTED-AGENTS FOR OUR NEW PAT- V KNT flre-pToof safes: size 28x18x18 Inches; welght-600 lbs. : retail price 835: other sues In pro portion; highest award (silver medal) Centennial Exposition: rare chance; permanent business; our prices lowest: we are not in the safe pool; ex clusive territory given. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cin cinnati, O. felo-ws Female IIclD. WANTED-A GIRL TO RUN DAVIS SEW ING machine. Inquire PITTSBURG "WATERPROOF CO., -CO Liberty st. fe23-8 Male nnd I'emalo Ileln. TTT-ANTED AT ONCE FARM HANDS, TV gardeners, col. waiter, cooks, chambermaids, house girls, nurses, girls for hotels and board ing TiouseJS. JIEEhAN'S EMPLOY51E.NT AGENCY, 45 Grant st. Ieava9-D -TXJANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY; f75 PER V month and expenses paid any acm e man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars and sample case free: we mean lust what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, ilass. felS-3-D WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED-BT YOUNG MAN WITH THOR OUGH knowledge of bookkeeping and con siderable experience position In office; best of reference. Address C M., Dispatch office. fe23-93 YFAXTED-PAR.TNER.S. TTrAJiTEU-A. PARTNER WITH S5.000 TO YV take a one-third Interest In a metal manu facturing business in the city now In successful running order; this we believe to be a very good opening; the business Is susceptible of large ex tension; the new partner would be expected to take charge of the office department. Particulars In confidence from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue. fe22-4j-D -TTTANTED IN A SUCCESSFULMAN UFACT Y UK1NG firm in the city a competent busi ness man to purchase a l-5th Interest and take the management of one of the departments: amount of capital required $15,000: the business is well es tablished and highly prosperous: present members o.' the firm arc veil known to us and are worthy of Implicit confidence in every respect and 'arc strong financially; all communications and con ferences will be treated confidentially. JAS. W. DRAPE &CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe22-4"i-D WANTEU-KOOMS. HOU&ES. WANTED-TO RENT NEWLY FURNISHED hall for lodge purposes, complete in all de tails, with electric lights and steam beat; one to five years1 lease; over Third National Rank. cor. Wood and Virgin alley. Inquire COMMITTEE, 810 Penn ave. fels-si WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED-KENTS TO COLLECT IN ALL parts of both cities; established 18K1. W. A. HEKRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fel-49-WS WANTED-MOKTGAGLS-SUMS FROM $000 to 500,000 to loan at 4,f, 5 and 6 per cent. JAS. VT. DRAPE Co., 129 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg. fe23-13-MWS -rnr anted- 51oktgages in any V amounts: 4K to 6 per cent: city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 83 Fourth avenue. ja20-55-KThs -TTJANTED-MORTOAGES ON .PITTSBURG, V A llegheny or suburban Improved real estate In large or small amounts at lowest rates. ALEX AN DEK & LEE, 313 Wood St. fc23-8S-MWS WANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY amount: lowest rates of interest and com mission. PITTSBURG CO., LIM.. Real E6tate and Insnrance, 138 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, I'a. fe7-87-ws -TTJANTED-MORTGAGES IN LAHGE OK V 6mall amounts on Improved cltr or Alle gheny county property. 5ICCUNE & COULTER, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 95 Fourth ave. . fe23-7 -TITANTED-TO LOAN M00,000. IN AMOUNTS V of 3,000 and upwardon city and suburban property, on per cent, free of tax: also smaller amounUat5and6perccnt, BLACK & BAIRD, S5 Fourth avenue se2l-d26-D -TT7-ANTKD-TO LOAN 200,000 ON 310KT V GAGES; JIM and upward at 6. per cent; $SO0,000at 4 per cent ou residences or business property: also in adjoining counties. S. IL FKEN CH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D -YTrANTED-fXLOOO TO ENTER AN" ENTER- PRISE in this city; will pay 20 per cent year and no risk; no one but those meaning busi ness need apply; will call on yon in private any time. Address i A. U., Dispatch office. feSt-16 WANTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS to collect: we give special attention to man agement cf properties: iteinlred accounts, month ly settlements. PITTSBURG COMPANY, LIM.; Seal Estate t.ud Insurance, 133 Fifth ave. fe"-87-ws 7rTTANTED-JIOKTGAGES-l,000,r.00TOLOAN V on city and suburban properties at 4, 5 and t per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. l'ENNOCK & SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 TTJANTED-HOUSES TO RENT, RENTS TO TT collect, prompt returns, monthly settle ments. Itemized statements with check; Insurance nadrepatrs attended to, thus relieving landlords or all annoyances and losses connected with the mtnagement of their property; also mortgages from SMO to any .amount In keeping with location and value of property and no delay, ir title be good. J. DEIliUTIV 407 Grant su feU-W-Tlis WANTED FINANCIAL. -TTTANTKD-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & BAIRD. M Fourth avenue. a2S-a29-D TTT-ANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN V in sums to suit, at H, 6 and 6 per cent. GRAEB1NU LYON, 135 Fourthave. apS-el-D WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over 84.000; 4 per cent; no tax. HENRY A. .WEAVER Jt CO., te Fourth avenue. mli2-a22-r tal8-61 -TT7-ANTED-TO BUY SOJIE GUARANTEE V Western mortgages: state rate of Interest and time, and In what Western State. Address L. C. L Dispatch office. fe23-15 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TTrANTED-SECOND-HAND ENGINE-X IOx V 12 or 8x19 post engine, in go.,d order. Ad dress, stating price. OLIVER BROS. & PHIL LIPS. Pittsburg. 1C21-2 WANTED-JIANUFACTUREKS AND OTH ERS seeking locations should communicate with M. V. RICHARDS, LandjAgent, B. & O. R. R., Baltimore, 51d. fe21-SI-TTSSu TTTANTED-TO INSURE YOUR DWELLING VV or household furniture against fire in re liable companies at lowest rates, PITTSBURG CO., LIMITKD. REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE, 1SS Filth avenue. Ja2-32-B WANTED-BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 96 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be Is making fine cabinets at fl SO per dozen: photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhl3-k27 -TTTANTED-IF YOU WANT TO .KNOW HOW V to write a good business nand, write a bus iness letter, add a column of figures rapidly, make out an ordinary account, write" a receipt, write a promissory note, reckon the discount on it for days, months aud years, and get a general knowl edge of bookkeeping, penmanship nnd arithmetic, attend the College or Commerce, OT Fourth ave. W. W. MCCLELLAND. Prill. no20-slOO-Tnf FOR SALE iaiPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residence. T7IOR SALE-?2.5(i0 TWO 2-STORY FRAME X honses and stable: Gangwlsch St.: a bargain. W. W. 5ICN EIL & BRO., 1(2 Fourth avenue. fe20-19-WFSSn 17OK SALE-J2.500-2-STORY BRICK HOUSE, ? "rooms: all conveniences: DevllIIers St.: easy terms. W. W. MCNEIL & BRO., 102 Fourth ave. fe20-18-MTWrs FOR SALE -r, COO, EASY 1'AYiIENTS. POS SESSION can be had at once, brick house, 6 rooms, late Improvements, on Plymouth st.: con ditions almost as easy as rent. W. A. HERHON Jt SONS, SO Fourth avenue. fel7-72-MTnrs FOR SALE-f2.250-.MT. "WASHINGTON, 2 minutes from Incline. 2-story frame of 6 rooms, hajl. shutters, front nnd rear porches, good cellar, house newly papered, fine view of city: lot 29x82. BLACK & BAIRD. SoFoflrthave. le7-HO-7, a, I L 13, 15. 19. 21. 23, 25, 27 I7I0U SAUE BLUFF STREET. NEAR COL- LEGE, new brick house 8 rooms, hall, bath room, lusidew. c, finished basement; acomplcta house, all late Improvements: lot 23 feet 9 Inches by 133 feet. ROBERT COWARD, No. 20 Bluff street. fe!7--EOD Y OR SALE CORNER WYLIE AVENUE AND fitmmpl xllev. Thirteenth ward. A neat 2-story brick dwelling of 5 rooms and finished attic: lotSOxhOreet: low price and easy terms. In quire at GERMAN1A SAVINGS BANK. 423 Wood street. deS-193-ws FOKSALE-BLUKFST.-BEST BARGAIN IN Sixth ward: lot 23 ft. 9 In. bv 139 it. front:two paved streets! rew press brick dwelling of 10 rooms, vestibule, hall, slate mantels, tile hearths, stationary tubs, hot and cold water. Inside shut ters, both gases: must be sold. ALLES ,t BAI LEY, 164 Fourthatc lei. 167. fe2l-63-Ths T7I0R SALE-FOUR SMALL HOUSES AND Jj lots on Forty-ninth and Hatfield streets, below Butler street, etentcentl ward, at Orphans' -Court sale Saturday afternoon of this week, Feb ruary 23. at 3:30 o'clock, on the premises. Hand bills of fnll particulars from JAS. W DRAPE CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe22-48 I7!OKSALE-AT1,750-MONTHLYFAY.MENTS a good brick dwelling of grooms, with bath, w. c, halt and drv cellar, and nice lot: side en trance, etc., near Wvlie aud Center avenues: 10 minutes from Court "House: will sell on easy pay ments: KM Jo ?500 down and balance monthly or quarterly. JAS. W. DRArK & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pltt6bnrg. fe23-ll-D East End Residences. FOR SALE-SHADYSIDE, BETWEEN AM BERSON and Aiken avenues, and between 1. R. R. and Fifth ave. caDle line, elegant resi dence, 9 rooms, best finish; all latest conveniences and Improvements: sewer connections; large lot: choice location. HENRY A. BREED, 516 -Market street. fe23-97 TTTOUSALE-ON CENTER AVE., THREE JIIN J? UTES rrom steam cars: a delightful Shady side residence, 10 rooms, well finished, good style, late Improvements: lot 70x3u0 fee t to Banm street: price low and terms reasonable. For permits to see house apply to W. A. HEREON & SONS. M Fourth ave. fcl7-72-jiruFS FOR SALE A.V EXCELLENT INVESTMENT, near Swissrale station. 3 double houses. 4 rooms and finished attic each side, with lots 50 by about 100. and 3 double liouifeA,' 4-,rooms and finished attic each wide, wlth'lnts BOxlOO, will be sold very low. MCCUNE i'COULTER. Agents, US Fourth ave. fe23-7 FOR SALE-J3, 200 JUST ONE 51IN UTE FROJI Fifth avenue cable cars; on a good street and convenient to E. E. station a pretty frame dwell ing of 6 rooms, hall and vestibule, nat. and art. gas, water, screeus for windows and doors, front yard; choice location and special bargain. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. feG-49-D TTWR SALE-(09) $500 CASH, H.500-OAKL AND JL7 balance like rent for a substantial two story and mansard brick dwelling, containing 8 rooms, halL bath, laundry, insldo shutters and w. c, slate mantels, natural gas. etc.: conven ient to Fifth ave. cable line; a bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave fe22-S3 FOR SALE-WE CAN SELL YOU AN EAST END residence for K00 cash, and will make payments on balance like rent: this is a brick dwelling situated on South ililand ave.. and on line of new cable cars; has every modern con vcnienqp&ihd will be sold., if taken at once, very cheap. J.ACK & BAIRD. 93 Fourth ave. "I 166-52-6,8.9,12,14,16,19,21,23,26,23 E OR SALE AT SHADYS1DE CORNER LOT and nice residence, with hall lu center and rooms on either side, natural gas, etc, and double corner lot about 60 leettront; nice propertvand in good order; convenient to Shadvsldc and'tloun stations and scliooihouse: price. -Jjii COO. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe22-ll-D FOR SALE-M.25J WILL BUY A MEADOW street dwelling of 8 rooms, nlcelyarrangcd; halt, vestibule, laundry In cellar, lrontand back porches, range, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, slate mantels and nice chandeliers; this Is only n minutes' from Liberty station. BLACK & BAlRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fe6-49-D FOR SALE-THE BEST PROPERTY IN Shadyslde at the money: large, commodious brick house of 12 rooms; late Improvements, sta ble, carriage house, fruit and ornamental trees; lot I55xl45lect: corner Ellsworth and Aiken ave nues: price low.Just what the lot Is worth, if sold quick. W. A. HEREON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fel"-72-MTuFS FOKSALE-IN THEEASTEND-HOUSE AND lot near inland avenue, five minutes irom Liberty station; six rooms, with hall, finished attic dry cellar, natural gas, bath and w. c. ; porches front and rear; everything In prime or der; price H750; terms to suit; Immediate posses sion. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 13 lourth ave nue, Pittsburg. fc22-45-D FOR SALE-AT $6,500, COR. PROPERTY, Just new, brick house. 8 rooms, besides laun dry, bath room, storage room, both kinds of gas and all the latest convculences: well finished, tastefully papered; stands separate: near steam and cable cars; one of the best locations in the Esst End. For full particulars 6ee W. A. HER HON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe21-S3-Thrs FOE SALE NORTH HILAND AVE.. 2-STORY and mansard frame dwelling 10 rooms, double parlors, 2 stairways, bath, w. c. hand c. water, large pantry and closets, front, side and rear porches, natural gas, marble mantels, car riage house, good stable, room for man. with gas; large lot 65x185: well sewered; call for card of ad mission. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe22-35-p TTIOK SALE-FIFTH AVE., E. E., NEAR HI Jt? LAND ave., substantial 2-storv frame dwell ing, containing 9 rooms, reception hall, inside shutters and w. c. slate and marble mantels, laundry, etc; the woodwork and finish through out the entire first floor Is solid walnut, very nice ly finished: lot Is on corner, 84x110 feet to an alley; must be sold at once: price low. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. fcl-23-MWS FOR SALE-CENTER AVE, NEAR ROUP station, handsome new Queen Anne brick dwelling, 12 rooms, reception hall, nice pantry, range, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, bouse wired for electric lights. Inside w. c. slate roof, large porches, 13-inch walls, good sewers: lot50i 150 feet; convenient to both cable lines and P. 11. It. ; one or ttie most desirable residences in the E. E.: price only $11,000; terms to suit. BLACK & BAIRD, 85 Fourth ave. fe2i-97-D ITIOR SALE-fS.500-lF SOLD AT ONCE-ONE 1 of the best locations in Oakland; a new modern style brick dwelling or 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, two inside w. c 's, stationary washstand, pantry between kitchen and dining room, laundry, cemented cellar, sliding doors and inside shutters: beautifnl slate mantels aud Tile hearths: fine front and back porches; also, front and back stairs: house papered throughout n the roost artistic manner: good sewerage, iron fence, cement waits, etc. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue fe22-33-TTTS FOR SALE-14,000-NEGLEV AVE. NEAR Penn; corner lot; elegant brick residence: four rooms and reception hall on 1st floor; 4 good bedrooms and hath on 2nd floor, and 4 bedrooms in attic: also laundry, large linen closet whh drawers and shelves; extra w. c In basement: large front and back porches; electric bells and speaking tubes: house all wired for electric lights: slate mantels and tile and marble hearths; nag stone pavement; uue uuuuie's wais: jroin cable cars: a delightful home In an elegant neigh borhood; this price Is with sewering, paving nnd en rhino. all pam; terms reasonable. THUS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. fel7--WTSSU FOR SALE-BRICK nOUSE, JUST FIN ISHED, late style, five large bed chambers, parlor, dining room, kitchen ana large sitting room on second floor, besides pantry, b'ath room and laundry; all well finished; tile hearths and facings, hardwood mantels wlthcablnets. tile ves tibule, porches front, side and rear; electric bells, stone walks in front, both kinds of gas, well sew ered, corner lot -40x121 feet, jtrcet graded, near steam and cable cars: one ol the best locations in the East End; $7,500, terms very reasonable. W. A. HEKRON & SONS, 80 Fourihavenue. ' fel9-65-TTS -- FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Enat End Residences. TT'OR SALF-1N" THE EAST END-FRAME J?i houses of 5, and7 rooms: large lots and good neighborhood at 11,800. p.500. fi750, 53.200 and SI 500. ALEXANDER LEE, 313 Wood St. fe23-S7 FOR SALE CENTER, NEAR AIKEN AVE., new house, Tate style; well planned and built (10 rooms): late improvements: Just finished. "W. A. HERRON. & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe21-84-TTS 3J10K SALE SOUTH HILAND AVENUE, 1 very desirable residence 8 rooms: all con veniences: lot 37KX1W to alley: stable and sewer connections. HENRY A. BREED, 516 Market St. re23-97 FOR BALE 2 SMALL HOUSES AT JLGOO each, in the East End, near Sbadysldeand Roup statious and cable can. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe2l-86 F OK SALE ON MEYRAN AVENUE, TWO cnii,R,frnmr,hll MM. ftall.tnd. UUW llOUSO Grooms, late Improvements; lot 22V100 ft.; stable on rear; price 3,700. W. A. HERRON Jt SONS. ou rourui avu. u-r-" -" I7IOR SALE-A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL- ING house, with Mansard, on South inland nvc.;12 rooms and all conveniences; good sewer age. For terms apply to D. E. BAYARD, cor. Shady lane and Walnut st. fe21-o3 OR SALE-18.0tlO: ONLY- 3 MINUTES' OF Shadysldc station, a desirable residence, good Btvlc; 10 rooms: lat? improvements: beauti fully located: lot 70x500 ft., fronting 2 streets, on. Cuter avenue, in the midst of fine residences. . A. HERRON i. SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fc2l-31-TTS FOR SALE-HOC" WILL BUY A VERY handsome residence with bath complete; lot has 50 feet trout on xMellon stieet. Nineteenth ward, and Is fenced. This neighborhood Is first class and the above price very low for a specula tion or a home. 51ELLON BROS., East Liberty. fel7-123-TTS TTIOB SALE-AT A GREATLY REDUCED pricc if Sold quick, on Fifth, near Jleyran ave.. In the midst of Oakland, lot 22x127 ft. to an alley, a good brlrk house orii rooms: could he con Verted into a business house at a small cost, n . A. HKRRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. feI9-6S-TVT8 FOR SALE-A NEAT 6-ROOM HOUSE, WITH good lot, lu the East End; natnralgas, mar ble mantels, porches, hall and cellar: good well water: price only 83.100: S5r0 down, balance In monthly payments; Immediate possession. JAS, W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., I'lttsbnrgj fc23-ll-D AIlfffhrnfRcftldcncefu FOR SALE-52.800 WILL BUY BRICK HOUSE 4 rooms and attic ou JunUtast.. Allegheny. A. D. WILSON. 55Federal St., Allegheny. fe21-61-Ths F .' House on Race street: contains 6 rooms, attic. fcalL etc: call quick. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St.. Allegheny. ft'21-62 FOR SALE-ON CHESTNUT ST., NEAR Ohio St., Allegheny, brick house 7 rooms, hall, etc. : lot 24x87 feet : price $6, 00. A. 1). Wl L SON, 55 Federal St., Alleghcuv. fe2.-61-ThS FOR SALE-HANDSOME PARK RESIDENCE site, NortUAve, 21 X ISO to alley, with use of 3-foot side entrance In addition: terms to suit SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO,, 89 Fourth ave. feI7-27-MFS FOR SALE-IN THE SIXTH WARD, ALLE GHENY, one square from streetcar", frame house ol six rooms; lot 20x132 feet: stable, etc: price only $3,000. ALEXANDER & LI'.E. 313 Wood street. 1C23-87 FOR SALE-8 PER CENT NET' INVESTMENT, Franklin street, Allegheny,:! brick dwellings, 8 rooms, hall, bath, range, nat. gas. inside shut ters, etc.; rented to good tenants: non-residence or owner reason for selling. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. fel7-27-MFS FOR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS, FOUR new, 6-room honses, with bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas: lot 33x100. or larger. If desired: situated on line of Pcrrvsvllle Ave. Elec tric road. Inquire of J. A. MuKEE. 7iw Penn ave., Penn bnilding. room 611. Ja31-72-TTS F IOR SALE-llRICK DWELLING AND 2 LOTS on Arch street, second ward. Allegheny, ad joining the parks and street cars, 8 rooms, with nail, attic cellar, bath. w. c, natural gas. etc.; all in excellent order: flue large side lot. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 ourth avenue Pittsburg, fe21-86 FOR SALE -ALLEGHENY DWELLING, choice location, Third ward, new three-story pressed brick, eight lar?e fine rooms, bath, two w. c, sliding doors, marble mantels, natural gas, hard wood front and vestibule doors, stone trim mings, stone steps: lot 24x95 with usg of 4-foot side alley: two lines of street, cars; fine location for physician, or any one wanting a good home; as an investment will pay about 8 per cent; call and see photograph. BLACK & BAIRD, 93 Fourth ave. fe22-32i22, 23, 25, 27, mh-1, 4, 6, 8, IL 12, 14, 16, 19 Suburban Residence. FOR SALE SEVERAL NICE HOUSES AT Ulenfielri. Ft. Wayne It. J!., from 81,500 to $3,000. O. BERINGEK & SON, 103 Fourth ave. fe2l-73-ThS FOR SALE-AT STOOP'S STATION, 1'. & L. E. R. R., 14 acres of ground with house and stable for 82,000. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. le!4-3-TT8 FOR SALE FINEST FRAME RESIDENCE OF 10 rooms and attic In Wilkmsburg, cornea. Coal and Franklin sts., for 1,500. on terms to suit. E. D. WINGENROTH, 100 Fourth ave tt21-71-ThS FOR SALE A NICE NEW HOUSE OF FOUR rooms, ball, two porches, water in the kitchen, with lot 40x100 ft., at Emsworth, Fort Wayne R. R., at ?2,500. C. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. fe21-?3-ihS FOR SALE-IN WILKINSBURG, NEAR station, on one of the principal streets, anew frame house with all modt-ro lmcroiements, bath room, w. c, hot and cold water, etc, and com plete sewerage. McCUNE & COULTER, Acts., 98 Fourth aye. fe23-7 F OR SALE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE brick bouse of 9 rooms and finished attic Damroom, natural gas, w. c, range, neater, eic; 1H acres of excellent land, fruit and shade trees; convenient to the cltv on line of It. R. ALEX AN DER & LEE, 313 Wood st. fe23-S6-Tus FOR SALE-GOOD SUBURBAN DWELLING and large lot, 180x400 feet, fruit and shade trees and shrubbery, etc., etc.. at Uazelwood, B. &O. K. It.; price only 87,000, on long easy terms of payment: Immediate possession; very great bar gain. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. fc23-ll-D T710R SALE-IN SElVICKLEY, HOUSE AND Jj large lot, at a rare bargain; 9 room with bath, hot and cold water, w. c, natural gas, mar ble mantels, dry cellar, porch, hall, etc; all In excellent order; fine, large lot. stable and carriage-house, etc and price only 85,500; very cheap; best value In the place: only 3 minutes from rail way station. Particulars irom JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, fe23-ll-D FOR SALE-TWO ACRES OF LAND AT Howard station, P. V. and C. railroad, with fine house containing seven rooms, water in kitchen, spring-house, grapery, fruit trees, etc. This bcautlltil pace Is located lnvwhat is common ly called Forcstvllle, and only about five miles iroin the city, and cost ouly ordinary car fare. Tills place will be sold at a great sacrifice, if sold soon, or will rent the same reasonable. Apply soon to O. R.TOUDY, 1721 Carsou street. South, Side. rel9-61 FOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE SUBURBAN home, with stable and two acres of ground, nicelv laid on" in walks, flower beds, shrubbery, etc.; on line of electric road, Perrysville ave., Al legheny: house contains 11 rooms and 1 small room, fitted up with shelving suitable for storage and clothes room, also bathroom, w. c, natural and artificial gas and rlty water, thus combining the advantages of the country and all con veniences of the city. Inquire of J. A. McKEE, 70S Penu ave, Penu building, room 611. ja31-72-rrs FOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE HOST beantitul suburban places lu Allegheny countv; the house is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and sunounded with wldo verandas; it is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets arid natural gas: there is a good stable and handsomefow 1 house: the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choico shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees: the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue. Knoxville borough. jalO-9 TOR SALE-LOTS. Subnrbnn Lot. FOR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD, DESIRABLE building lots, 60x150 and 1(1x300 ft.; cheap ir sold quick. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Icl4-3-TTS F OR SALTS-ONE TO THREE ACRES OF choice, level and nlcclv located irrnnnd at Emsworth, P., Ft.AV. & C. R. K., with or without improvements: will be sold at a bargain. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. ,. fe7-99-8, 9, 12,14,18,19.21,23, 26,23 FOR SALE FINE LARGE LOTS AT W1L KINSBtJKG,'3minutcs'walk from railroad station and close to Penn avenne. 30x13) feet to a 20-foot alley; all perfectly level: no grading or lining up tequlrod: fruit trees on every lot; (50 down, balance in monthlv payments: title per fect. Plans trom JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.' L9 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. fe2J-87-MihS Miscellaneous. ITiOK SALFACOO-BEN VENUE-ELEGANT residence, 86,259, Oakland, fine brick residence. jio.500, beautifnl Shadysldc home, 10 rooms, large grounds. H500, 7 room house, Howe st.; very easy terms. 8,000, Forbes St., fine large residence W. W. M'NEILL & HR0 fe21-83 162 Fourth ave. FORSALE-OSBORNE-ONE HOUSE AND about 4 acres ground; will be sold for 84,500; owner going West; must be sold this week. Also, houses and vacant lots on reasonable terms. FOR SALE-PITTSBUKG-On Reed street, 4 frimc houses: must be sold soon. FOR SALE-BELLEVUE-liouses and vacant lots on long time Also, 15ELLKVUE-FI E QUEEN ANNE HOUSE, lot 50x150 feet: vestlhule and hall, 6 rooms and finished attic, complete In de tails: HOOb. terms to suit. Also, several good houses and vacant lots. FOR SALE-WILKINSBURG-5 small honses and one large Quccu Anne residence Ju6t . completed. FORSALE-NEARLAUGHLIN STATION-Flnc Queen Anne Irame house, 9 rooms and cot tage of 5 rooms, 2 acres of ground, splendid order, fine fruit, good neighborhood, fine residences surrounding, lot about 2 acres; will be sold at reasonable price ana time. FOR SALE-HOMESTKAD-10 frame houses in convenient location: wilUbe sold all to gether -at low figure, ir bought before March 1. Call oh J, DERMITT, 407 Grant street. Xe20-8I-WTh8 FOR SALE-LOTS. Enat End Lota. FOR SALE-BOULEVARD LOTS FACING the circle and parks; cheapest and best lots In the E. E. RLACK Jt BAUtD. 95 Fourth ave. fe4-19-4, 5,7,9, 11,13. 15, 17,19,21, 23, 25, 27 TTWR SALE-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS, D nearWllklnsburg, Edeowood and Swlssvale stations, P. R. K. : low prices and easy terms. McCUN E & COULTER, Agents. 98 Fourth ave. fei!-7 TCTOR SALE-TWO CHOICE LOTS ON STAN S TON avenue, near Hiland ave., each 40x100 leet to 20-foot alley; price reduced to SB per root If sold at once. Bl,ACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. leG-49-D I7OR SALE THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton ave, near inland: situation unsurpassed: fine rrult aud shade trees: price nnd terms reasonable. Inquire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6108 Penn ave. East End. Jal9-12-TTS FOR SALE ONE LOT IN ME MIDST OF A business location, only 2 minutes' walk from Homcwood station: lot 24x100; price only t50: a bargain and will sell soon. MELLON BROS., 6319 atatlon st., East Liberty. fe2n-23-Tussa FOR SALK-LOTS AT EMSWORTH. CON VENIENT to station; one of the finest loca tions On the Fort W.ayne road; large, beautiful lots at low prices: call and see plan. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. fe23-9S ITIOR SALE-A "CHEAP LOT-ONLY 8430 TWO . squares from Boulevard place, Torrcns stn tion, lpt 81 ft. front, corner Hastings and Rey nolds" streets, a bargain and will sell quickly. MELLON 1SROS., 6349 Station St., . E. fe23-23-TuSSU FOR SALE-4 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON Bennett street, each 40x135 feet to 24-foot alley. Bank of Commerce addition plan, Brushton sta tion: act quickly aud secure this rare bargain. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512SmlthfleId St. fel7-55-TUSSu FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS. ATDALLAS STA TION. P. R. R., convenient to steam and streetcars: cheap and on easy terms, situation unsurpassed: price ranging lrom 8400 to 8600. In quire or D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave. East End. no2S-y78-TT3 ITnzcl wood Lots. IJIOR SALE-FINE BUILDING LOTS AT HA. ZELWOOD, B. & O. K. R., Twentv-third ward: trains run to station in 10 to 12 minutes; price S150 to NOO: terms made to suit purchasers, b. McCRICKAKT, new No. 1010 Penu avenue no4-h9-W3 FOR SALE-GLENWOOD, THE MOST CON VENIENT suburb of the city: only 12 min utes by the B. &0.: 24 trains a day cacli way; hulldiiig lots for sale near the station at S3C0, 8400, $300, 8000. 8700. fSOO, ti;00O, according to location anil slzeoriotttcrmstosnltpurehasers. GEORGE C. BURGW1N, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave. fel-43-rrssii Alleshenv Lots. FOR SALE-SEVERAL NICE LOTS ON GOOD streets. In Allegheny. C. BERINGER A-SON, 103 Fourth ave. ie2l-73-Ths I7OB SALE-LOT-ONE OF THE FINEST ? residence slf" s In Allegheny, size 40x125 ft., Osgood ave. near Linden ave. Address POST OFFICE BOX 675. Pittsburg. fe23-31 FOR SALE-S2.0C0-LOT 3S FEET FRONT ON Taggartst. by 120 feet to Irwnn ave.. Second ard, Allegheny, adjoining Incline plane; good for business and dwellings combined. A. LEG GATE& SON, 31 Federal st., Allegheny. fe23-22 Fnrms. FOR SALE-82 ACRES. N EAR WILK1NSBUUG station, P. R. R.: would make an excellent Plan of lots. McCUNE & COULTER, Agent", 93 Fourth ave. fe23-7 F' OR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR IMPROVED cltvorsiibiirhn nronP-rtv Hipnn if dlsnosed of nt once very desirable Kansas land. W. A. HERKON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. felS-53-13, FOR SALE-A GOOD SMALL FAR.M: 31 acres, with line orchard, plenty of water, dwelling of 9 rooms, outbuildings, etc., etc.: price onlv 83,000: would tako a small city property in part pajment. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fc23-ll-D FOR SALE A LARGE FARM. ABOUT 250 acres, close to line of railroad, about 15 miles from the city; fine orchard, well watered; dwell ing and outbuildings; can be bought at a great bargain to settle an estate. JAS. W. DRAPE Jt CO. v120 Fourth ae., Pittsburg. Ie22-I6 FOR SALE-CHEAT-FARM 70 ACRES, GOOD 7-room house, harn, orchard, etc., 4 miles from Rochester; price S3. 000; also 50 acres, house, barn.rrnlt, etc., level land, Smiles from Rochester, for 82,000: 120 acres level land, 6-room house, barn, orchards etc, adjoining Beaver; must sell: price 8100 per acre. Send for big farm and exchange list. N. F. HURST, Real Estate Agent, Rochester, Pa. fe23-l IHnnnfncliirlnc Site. FOR SALE BUSINESS SITE-OVER 100 FEET fronting on River avenue, by 215 leet In depth; two-story brick tannery covering nearly the entire lot; will bo sold cheap to quick buyer. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fc6-49-D FOR SALE BPSIXES9. BUalneMA f?uanrc. TTIORI SALE PATENT RIGHT OF "WASHING J machine: a good chance for right parties. GEO. K. KRESS & CO,, 149 and 151 Forbes ave, 'dry.- fc23-ao FOR SALE-SALOON-NEW BUILDING. 1! rooms. Including landtbest location In Cleve,000: easy terms. J. S. RICE, 23G Su perior st. Cleveland, O. fe22-29 FOR SALE-IN TnE CITT-A NO. 1 BUSINESS Job printing oflice and stationery store do ing an excellent business. Particulars from ALEXANDER & LEi 313 Wood st. fe21-C0-ThS FOR SALE-BIG INVESTMENT 10 ACRES of land fronting river and underlaid with coal and fire-clay: this property Is situate at New Cumnerland, W. Va. See BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. fc2-37-2. 4,5,6, 7,8,9,12,14,16.19,21,23 FOR SALE-A GOOD DRUGSTORE IN A RAP IDLY growing manufacturing town on line or railroad: population over 3,000 and Increasing: a splendid opening. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe23-ll-D FOR SALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED BOOT and shoe store, lu a country town, on line of railroad: present owner has made a small fortune; satisfactory reasons Tor selling. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. fe23-ll-D FOR SALE-ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A woolen mill and broom factory In one of the best towns In Western Pennsylvania; the only business of the kind lu county: lully equipped ana doing well. JAS. W. DRAI-1 E 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue 1'itisDurg. fc23-Il-D F OR SAL E STORES. ' STOKES, STORES; drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe. tea. cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries,hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, botrdlng houses, coal works, etc.; 100 good city business chauces lor men or women. SHEPARD & CO., 54 Filth ave. Ja30 FOR SALE-A GENTS' FURNISHING AND clothing business in a growing town, on line of two railroads, about 50 miles from Pittsburg; stock is in good condition: business prosperous; satisfactory reasons for selling. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 128 Fourth avenue. Pitts burg. 'fe23-ll-r FOE SALE RETAIL WHITE ROCK SAND business, together with lour good draught horses, voung and sound: two fifth wheel wagons almost new, two gravel wagons, four sets harness, one six -ton scale; a bargain for some person buy ing soon: good reason for selling. B. C. SLOCUM. JR., 48 Carson St., S. S., or 1113. fc2I-55-ThS3I FOR SALE AN INTEREST IN TnE PLANING mill property Jn the East End, on Beltler street, near Penn avenne. in rear of Liberty Hall, to be sold nt Orphans' Conrt sale on Saturday morning of.this week, February 23, at 10:30 o'clock, on the premises. Hand bills of full particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auc tioneers, 129 Fourth aenue, Pittsburg. fe22-4S FOR SALE-HOUSE FURNISHING BUSI NESS At a, bargain; a complete stock of house furnishing goods with counters, casing, safe, desk and everything ready to open business: also complete set,tlnner's tools, benches, etc. and stock tin plate: rare chance for a person desiring to start In the house furnishing and tinware busi ness; price about $2,500. Address H. F. 11., Dispatch oflice. fi4M-Sl BuslnesM Staud. FOR SALE-3 SQUARES FROM COURT House near cabin line, large S-story brick residence: would alter and suit well for business stand: lot 20x96 to an alley. HENRY A. IiRF.ED, 518 Market street. fc23-97 Ft . 1 iOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN. GRANT ST. property, business property, brick dwelling of 8 rooms ami sttre; lot 20X85 ft.: also other down town business properties. ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave Tel. 167. f9-43-TWS FOR SALE-WISHING TO KETIRE, I OFFER my old established business stand (with or without stock): dolng20,000 annually; store ware house dwelling and stable: 3 hours from Pitts burg, one. &P. K. R.. general store, Kensington, Col. Co., O. C. E. KICHARDS. fel3-30-KOD' ITIOR SALE - SMALL MANUFACTURING property ia Allegheny, near Ohio st., front ing on two streets: iarirt; building with engine, boiler, shafting, etc. , all in good order; excellent pla;e for a laundry or light manufaetnrlng busi ness. Terms from JAS. W. JJKAPK & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg.. fe23-12-Tns FOR SALE-THE CHAUTAUQUA HOTEL property, with complete outfit and" entire furnuhment,bcad of Lake Chautauqua, Mayvlllc, N. Y at railroad station: 55 bedrooms, parlors and sitting room, large dining room, billiard room and tables, commodious kitchen,- cloak rooms, barbershop, oflice aud barroom; also a furnished cottage of 10 rooms adjoining hotel, icehouse and cooling room: large barn ror livery purposes and all necessary outBuUdings; over 4 acres of ground tastefully laid out with ornamental and shade trees, spacious lawn, ete.ttc; everything In per fect order and in condition to continue the bus! ncss in Its usual prosperous state; the most profit able hotel stand on the lake: a rare cnance lor the right man; can be bought at an immense bargain: satisfactory reasons lor selling. Fuller particu lars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe23-12-Tus FOR SALE-MACHINE SHOPS-CONSISTING of machine, boiler, blacksmith and wood shops and foundry: a complete first-class manu facturing plant, with tools and. patterns, fully equipped for the. employment of ICOto 150 men: the works are now in opcvtlon with some 40 to 50 men; all buildings are or brick with slate roofs, have a river frontage, with railroad switch; gas and water on the premises; fuel Is cheap, and the location for health and pleasant surroundings Is unsurpassed. The owner, desiring to retire IVom business, will sell at an extremely low price on easy long-time payments; no cash down required; a grand opportunity to anyone with some capital to engage in maiintacturlng: to the right party a part ofthe working capital would be subscribed. Possession given by April next. Address JOHN COOPER, Mt. Vernon, O. felO-18-SSU FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS machinery anu Itletnls. F IOR SALE-ONE PUNCH MACHINE. GEO. R. KRESS & CO., 149 and 151 Foroeast.. city. fe23-80 FOR SALE-TWO HIGH-ARMED DAVIS sewing machines: never been used. GEO. K, KRESS & CO., 149 and 151 Forbes ave., city. fe23-80 TnORSALE 2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES. 18x22. JD 1 Ball engine 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and meatchoppers, rendering fcettlps, etc VELXE& MCDONALD, Penn ave., cor. Thirty-second st. Jel6-I63-rTs FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery: engines from 4-horse power up. boilers, pumps, etc.: call or write Tor prices. 1'AUEY A PFALLER. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap2f-v85)f-rr3 Hones. Vehicles. Live Stock, ifcc. FOR SALE-5-YEAIt-OLD BAY MARE, lo hands high, weighs 1,100 lbs. Apply 17a GRANT AVE., Allegheny. ie23-29 FOR SALE-A FEW DRIVING AND DRAFT horses, second-hand buggies ana one surrey wagon. GEO. R. KRESS & CO., 149 and 151 Forbes ave, city. feit-SO FOR SALE-CHEAP SIDE BAR BUGGY; Jones & Guthrie make: can be seen at Gen senllter's stable, Seventh St., at any time. D. V. DONALDSON. fel9-54-TIbS Flnnnclal. FOR SALE-MORTGAGES 1 MORTGAGES from fSOO, 11,000, $'.500 and upward, bearing percent Interest, approved by attorney. These mortgages are nearly all purchase, money mort gages. An excellent Investment for anybody. Apply to O. R. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street. South Side. rels-61 TO LET. City Residence. TO LET -BRICK HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS. "WITH all modern Improvements, No. 411 Wvlie ave. C BERINGER A SON, Ki3 Fourth ave. fe21-73-ThS TO LEI A BRICK HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, hall, bath, both gases: good cellar; 428 Web sterave, cor. Trent6t.. near Penn incline or Cen ter ave.' cars. W. J. PRENTICE, 1009 Liberty aye. fe23-5 TO LET-BRICK DWELLING HOUSE OF rooms. No. 366 Webster avenue, near Devll ller street. Eleventh ward: rent only I4 per month. Apply to ARCHIBALD WALLACE, No. 971 Lib erty St., upstairs. fe23-78 Ent End ReaiaeDcr. TO LET-FURNISHED HOUSE. 18 ROOMS; all late Improvements; first class in all re spects: stable, carriage house, large yard, Stan ton, near Hlland ave.. East End. W. A. HEK RON & SON S, SO Fourth avenue fe20-2S-WThs TO LET-ON PENN AVENUE, TWENTY SECOND ward. East End, that elegant resi dence orD. A. Stewart, deceased; 13 rooms: all late conveniences; large grounds, fruits, stable and carriage house, etc. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue fe20-23-wThs TO LET-ONLY ?25 PER -MONTH-FREE rent to April 1; near Penn avenue cable line 12 entirely new 8-room brick dwellings, on .Mifflin St.. near Main St.. only 5 cent fare and 12 minutes' time: can go to dinner; come early and get pick of houses. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fcl7-67 TO LET-SEVERAL NEW PRESSED-BRICK residences. Irving Place Ellsworth avenue. East End. Each house contains 10 rooms, besides bath-room, pantry, laundry, etc.. has two-story bay windows on front antf side, large front and back porches, finished throughout in best stylo with every modern convenience. Each house Is situated on a lot 50x150 feet. Take train to Roup station. Inquire of 'XHOS. H. CHAP.MAN ou premises. fel9-3S-TTS Alleahcny Residences. TOLET-AN8-ROOMED HOUSE. CENTRAL LY located, ncarparks; all modern conveni ences. Address MAHONING, Allegheny City, l'a. fc23-0t TO LET NO. 107 FAYETTE ST., ALLE GHENY, 8 rooms, late Improvements, only 8400 per year. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe!9-6fi-TWT3 TO LET-BRICK DWELLING HOUSE OF 10 rooms, with large lot, No. 34 Sheffield st., Al legheny: rent, 8450. C. BERINGER & SON, 103 Fourthave. fe21-73-Ths TO LET NO.214 LACOCK ST., ALLEGHENY, 8 rooms, late improvements. 42 per month; near Sanduskv st. W.A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth avenne. fe23-41-MWS TO LET-ELEGANT ALLEGHENY RESI DENCE on Stockton ave: late style: 12 rooms, late Improvements. W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel7-72-MTurs O LET-232 WESTERN, NEAR ALLEGHENY avenue Allegheny, lo rooms, late Improve ments ; a desirable residence. W. A. HERRON SONS, SO Fourth aveuue. fel-72-MTuF3 O LET-NO. 82 SHEFFIELD. ALLEGHENY, new house, 8 rooms, fine order: late improve ments (furnished ir desired). W. A. HEKRON & bONS, 80 Fourth avenue. feI9-6C-TWTS TO LET-FURNISHED nOUSE ON KIDOE ave, Allegheny City: fine large residence, with stable: possession April 1. 1839. W. A. HER RON SONS. 80 Fourthave. ,fe9-63-TTS O LET IN ALL-EGHENY. NEAR THE parks and street-cars new modern brick house of 9 rooms: atlrst-ctass honse in every re spect. ALEXANDER & LEE, 313 Wood at. fe23-S6-TuS TO LET ON BIDWELL STREET, ALLE GHENY" large, modern brick house of 12 rooms; all latest Improvements; brick stable anil carriage house ALEXANDER LEE. 313 Wood street. fe23-86-Tus TO LET-ON WINDSOR ST.. ALLEGHENY, brick house of 6 rooms and finished attic hall, cellar, etc: lsqr. from street cars; 820 per month, water rent paid. ALEXANDER ft LEE, 313 Wood St. fe23-8C-Tus TO LET-10-ROOM HOUSE, LARGE BAKE OVEN, etc., grounds, stable, etc, on Per rysville plank road, near the terminus of tho electric road; a good opening for the right man. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. fc23-10 TO LEI'-ON KIKKPATR1CK AVENUE, AL LEGHENY, 1 square from street cars, two brick houses of C rooms each; both gases, bath rooms, finished attics, halls, etc.: rental, 826 per month; waterrent paid. ALEXANDERS LEE, 313 Wood St. fc23-3-TUS Apartments. TO LET-CHOICE ROOMS BEN VENUE. P. IL R., with or without board. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe22-34-D TO LET FRONT AND BACK PARLOR 421 Penn ave. to let together or separate to den tist, dressmaker, etc, except physician (doctor already in house); possession April 1. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave " fe2I-94 Business Stands. TO LET QUARRY OF ONE OF THE BEST kinds of stone; is located on a paved street. Address QUARRY Dispatch office. fe21-52 TO LET NO. 305 MARKET ST., A DESIRA-BLE3-story business house. W. A. HER RON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel7-72-MTuFS T IO LET-IN A COUNTRY TOWN WITHIN 20 miles of Pittsburg, storeroom and dwell ing ior merchant tailoring Dusiness. Appiy ai ai. OPPENHEIMER & CO.'S, 713 Liberty St. fe22-60 O LET-STOKE AND DWELLING-ONE OF the best grocery stands In the city on Fifth, nt mouth of Wllklns avenne, at 833 per month. W. A. HERKON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe2i-H-Mvsg O LET-FINE STOREROOM, 287 OHIO ST., Allegheny, with plate glass front: first-class business location: at present occupied as confec tionery. Apply to J. H.AIKEN, 100 Firth ave nue. fel4-S3-r W LET-SPACE WITn POWER; also, . storage space (with pulleys, shaftings, belt ings, etc.) In the Banner 51111, Main st,, Alle gheny: rent moderate. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, SO Fojrth avenue. fel9-63-TT8 TO LET-THAT FINE BUSINESS OR WARE HOUSE, No. 9.1 Water st, 3 stories 169 rt. deep to First avenue with elevator (will divide and rent 80 ft. deep, fronting either on Water or First avenue). W. A. HEKRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. fel9-65-TTS TO LET-BRICK HOUSE, LAP.GE STORE and 5 rooms: has been occupied for 5 years as a tin aqd hardware store: first-class location tor furniture hardware or tlnstore: all modern con veniences; rent reasonable. Inquire F. BRUGGE MAN, car. Thirty-fourth st. and l'cnn ave.. city. feltWMVFS TO LET-FOUR LARGE, WELL-LIGHTED rooms, with power (about 8.000 square feet), lor heavy or light manufacturing, in building know as the Chas. B. Head bolt works. Grant aenue. Allegheny. Inquire on the premises or MR. FRED ESHELMAN, Manager or the Alle gheny Wood Carving Co. JaiJ-IS-Mws TO LET-THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the White House at Perrysville on the Perrysville plankroad, with 21 acres of land, good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every thlngln iirst-cla'ss order: long lease is given to the right party. For fnrther information call or ad dress THE DAN NEK MEDICINE CO., 242Federal St.. Allegheny City." fe2-15 MUcellnneons. TO LET-A NO. 1 LANDING, I,SB FEET ON south side of Monongahela river, at Thirty fourth street, and extending to city line; good depth or water the entire vear. WM. McCLURO, No. 34C0 Carson St., Vg Pa. Telephone No.6114. feJ2-2l Special. To let-by 'W. w. M'neill & bbo.. 152 Fourth avenue. 8C8 Wylle ave., 7 room brick, (16. 814 Wyllc ave, 7 room brick, 815. 372 Center ave.. 7 room brick, 818. 805 Firth ave, 7 room brick, pL ' Allegheny: 70Kirkpatrlck ave., 7 room brick, $26. 72 Klrkpatrlck ave, 7 room brick, fl. fe21-S9 TO LET-BY BLACK Jt BAIRD, 93 FOURTH avenue, dwellings, stores and offices In Pitts burg. Allegheny, Oakland, East End, Sonthslde and in all parts ol suburbs; our 'To Let" lists ate Issued every Wednesday and Saturday or each week. For revised copies of these lists call upon any of the following named: C. F. Nourse, No. 190 Center ave J. 51. Blackburn. No. 383 Fl th are. J. P. Urben, Franklin and Fulton sts. Emll G. Stucky & Co., Wylle ave. and Ful ton st. A. H.Wilson, Penn and Frankstownave George E. Foster, cor. Washington ave. and Fremont st. Jacob Spohn, No. 2 Carson St. M. Blackburn. No. 3313 Penn ave Peter Walter, Jr., No. 64 Chestnut St. Chane3 Schwarm, No. 1707 Carson St. E. Holden A Co.. 63 Federal st. !. J. F. Caldwell, Manhattan and Rebecca sts. Louis H. Vogel. Webster ave cor. Roberts st Ja264-WS , A TO LET. Suburban Residences. , T IO LET -DWELLINGS OF ALL SIZES Alonir the Fort wavne Itauroaa. c nt.n- 1NGER & SON, 103 Fourthave. fe21-73Th3 TO LET-AT EVERGREEN, TWO HO USES OF 10 and 12 rooms, with three and four acres of ground: Immediate possession. ALEXANDER -LEE, 313 Wood st. , fe23-86-Tu3 TO LET-A SUBURBAN RESIDENCE-BRICK house or 9 rooms and2tlnUhed attlcroom", bathroom, natural gas; etc.: 7acre3 land, shad and fruit trees, etc ALEXANDER 4 LEE. 313 Wood st. fe23-86-Tu8 TO LET-SUBURBAN RESIDESCE-GLEN-K1ELD. P., Ft. W. Jt C. Ry.. known as tur ner homestead, with natural gasr all conveni ences; 6 acres of ground covered with choice fruit and shade trees and shrubbery, ete.: rent only 330 per year, BLACK Jt BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Hel5-76 Farms. TO LET 3 LARGE FARMS NEAR CITY; ONE on shares lo right nartv; rent reasonable. Inquire of J1K3. JACOBY, 37u8 Butler St., city. fel9-34-TT3 O LET-A FAR31 OF 60 ACRES-WITH dwelling, outbuildings; below Sewlcklev; P.. Ft. W. Jt C. K. R.: rent 8159. JAS. W. DRAPE Jt CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fc23-ll-D TO LET A NICE FARM. ABOUT 60 ACRES: dwelling, outbulldings,larze orchard, water; 10 miles from the cltv: 1 mile from railroad; rent 8360. JAS. W. DRAPE Jt CO, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe23-ll-D ORlccs. Desk Room, ifcc rpO LET-SECOND FLOOR. 510 SMITHFIELD JL St.. one or two rooms. Inquire of A. 51. Jt JVB. MURDOCH. 510 Smlthfleld st. fe20-13 TO LET- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfleld. Idberty and Seventh avenue well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street: passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JaS-32-D O LET LARGE FRONT ROOM. SECOND floor, 518 Smlthfleld St., opposite City Hail and adjoining Duquesne IlotcL with chairs, desk, etc. MORRIS Jt FLEMING, 106 Fourth ave. de4d-63-TTS TO LE7T-A SUIT OF OFFICES (COMMUNI CATING parlors). 931 Penn avenue: all In first-class order. See 3IIS3 J. LOVE, 814 Penn ave, or W. A HERRON Jt SONS, 60 Fonrth ave nue ' fe21-82-ThsSu TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave. and Wood street: also warehouse and basement No. 213 Wood st. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood St. JalS-51 rpO LET NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. X The Germanta Sivlngs Bank. 423 Wood St., having changed the Interior or Its building by adding 15 large, alrv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., ofierthu same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-1F YOU have One book worth 10 cents, or a library worth 81,000, let us know: we will buy one as quickly a3 the other. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fe20 PERSONAL YOU WILL BE A LONGTIJ1E dead, but a short time alive so benpand make the beskof It: see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, tho Tailor, or 65 Fifth avenue corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing: give him a trial.'! elephone 15i3. Ia8 LOST. T OST A LARGE FOCKETBOOK C1INTA1N XJ ING a sum of money, between Suspension bridge and Western nnd Grant aves. The finder will be llbcrallv rewarded by returning same to PITTSBURG ELECTRIC CO., 213 Wood St. fc23-90 AUCTION SALES. q 'O HIGHEST BIDDER AT PUBLIC SALE, JL on Wednesday, February 27, at 2 o'clock, on City View, near east car stables, Allegheny. 2 new houses. 7 rooms, 2 vacant lots. A. J. PENTECOST, 113 Grant St. fel9-23-TTS ELECTIONS. OFFICE ALLEGHENY BRIDGE CO., PlTTSBnno. February 1. 1SS9. ELECTION-AN ELECTION "FOR PRESI DENT, Managers and officers of "tho company for erectin; a bridge over the Alle gheny river opposite Pittsburgh in the county of Allegheny" will be held at the Tollhouse at the south end of the bridge on MONDAY, MARCH 4, next, at 2 o'clock p. M. fe2-S6-s W. ROSEBURG. Treasurer. LEGAL NOTICES. J. M. FRIEDMAN, Solicitor. No. 410 Grant street, Pittsburg. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on the 13th day of March A. D. 18S9,, by Jacob Loebipr. J. J. Egli. Carl TroetscnaL Carl Wilkewitz, Ernest Conrad, GustavKuhl, Henry Bauer and others, under the act of Assembly entitled an "act to pro vide lor the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29. 1874. and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called The German 'Workinemen Publishing Company of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania," tho character and object of which U the transaction or a printing and publishing business and the establishment of a German daily newspaper lor public circulation, devoted to the interests and welfare of the workingmen ot all classes: and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and the supplements thereto. fclS-SO-3 A3IUSE3IENTS. TIJOU THEATER-AT 2 O'CLOCK i LAST "E RM I N I E ," MATINEE. Next week Murray & Murphy. fe23 O RAND OPERA HOUSE "THE WIFE." VJT Matinee Saturday. "THE WIFE" Tho famous success of New "THE WIFE" "THE WIFE" York. Superior Cast, Scenery, etc. etc Next week Margaret Mather. fe21 HARRIS THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening, THE NELSON COMBINATION. NELSON COMBINATION. Next week "True Irish Hearts." I clS-10 H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-nigbt. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and saiurciav. AUSTIN'S AUSTRALIAN NOVELTY CO. MLLE. AIMEE, THE HUMAN FLY. fc-17-11 CASINO MUSEUM Week of Febmary 18: THE WELCHES' GIGANTIC SPECIALTY COMPANY. Welches. Charles and Jennie; Baby Venus; Gleason Children. Admission, 10c Open from 10 A. 5T. to 10 p. M. fel8-ll HDUSESJDR ALI k FOR SALElmd TO LET. 3 rooms tip to 10 rooms. In the beautiful boroueh of Knoxville. only 1J miles from city postofflce . Beautiful homes are sold on payments the same as rent. By all means visit Knoxville before taking your house for another year. Never have there been such oppcrtunitles for people to get homes. .43-Take Southsido cars to Twelfth street, and ML Oliver Incline and Street Railway, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway. OFFICE, 85 KNOX AVENUE, fe87-rrssu KNOXVILLE BOROUGH. "OFFICES TO LET. Four or five offices on tho fourth floor of the Rcnsliaw Building will be let from April 1; rooms connecting or separate; good light, water, gas and elevator. Apply to JNO. A RENSHAW, corner Liberty and Ninth streets. fet8-D CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using tha Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, 53 East Diamond street, je5-n57-TT!r Allegheny. Pa. A. E. L1NKENHEIMER, ARCHITECT, 515 Smlthfleld street. Pittsburg, Pa. Freiheits Freund Building, second floor. Ie20-81-D c, A. BALPH, BUILDING. CONTRACTOR. 41 seventh avenue, ' Pittsmrrg, Pa. Telephone 13H. , seS-nfiOm NEW ADVERTTSEMEXT8. (99) TO LET This 'Rent List" is published only in the "Pittsburg Dispatch" Wednesday and Saturday, without expense to landlords, by SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., t 99 Fourth Avenue; Real Estate Agents. Established 187S. Renting and Collecting a Specialty. STORE KOOMS, ETC. Third Ave, 143, opp. U. S. P. O. store E. 20i, ptato glass windows, cellar. S5C mo. Fourth Ave, 152. 3 sty, 10 K., ?l,400jT. Arch St. 161. Allegheny. 2 sty, store. 6K.. BO mo. Ninth St. 11. store It, 2 l: , cellar. $25 mo. Sixth St, 24. elegant large store room, on 2d floor. sky light in center, lare windows front ana rear, giving abundance or light, handsoma stairway from the front: S300 yr. Liberty ave., near 8th, 2nd floor, 20x110, elevator. SLOOOyr. Grant St, IR 2 sty. store, $3). Grant St., 113. 2 sty, 6K., -mo. West Carson St.. S. .. 716. store. S K., SE mo. Liberty Ave. 9C7, cellar, 20x120, S15mo. Lowry and Clark. A.C. store. Xt40. 7 K.. S3S1 yr. Lowry St., A. C. store, 20X40. 7 R.. S360yr. estern Ave, 2S7 rear, 2 K.. !Sx20 ea., SIX yr. Eagle and Cooper sts, store, 4 JS.. cellar, f mo. Second ave., near soho, 3 acres; IL K. siding; riverfront: sheds, offices, etc $I,20Oyr. Wood St.. 204 and 20S. 2d floor wareroom, 30x90. with: offices and elevator. SI,(xX)yr. Sixth St. and Liberty, basement, good light, gases, SlOOyr. , Linton near Orerhlll, stable and 2 R,, $12 mo. OFFICES. Fifth ave. Jt "Wood St.; offices, single and lnsntta In tho new S story "Eisner Building;" Firtn ave. entrance: Crane elevator, steam heat. I janitor services, etc.; floor plans can be seen at this office. Tenu Bnilding," Penn ave.. near Seventh st., offices, single or In suite In the elegant new i story building. 2 Crane elevators, heat and janitor services: rents exceptlonaUy low. floor plans can be seen at this office. Fourth ave., B9, 2d floor front, 2 elegant large of fices, modem front windows, both gases, mar ble mantels, folding doors; excellent place for Insurance office. $750 yr. Fonrth ave., W, 2d floor rear, 3 rooms, water, nat. and art. gas, inside w. c. 350 per year. Fourth ave., 152, 3 sty. 10 1:. !1. 100 yr. l'enn ave., 5CS. 1st floor, 2 K. fjoo yr. Fourth ave., 152, 2 1. lt floor. S3uO yr. Wood St., 201-201!. 1st floor. 1 K. if BO yr. Penn ave., 1012, 2nd floor, 1 office. 100 yr. Penn ave., 1012, 2nd floor rear, 1 office. floOyr. WaterSt.. 143, front office. 2d floor. 15y20. ?17i yr. Water St., H3, front office, 2d floor, 15 ft. sq. PITTSBTJKG DWELLINGS. Townsend.30, 2-sty., 10 K, near cable, all modern. Imp. nice yard, STjOO yr. Firth ave. 36. lu li. fine residence, mod. Imp., flnelr finished, large yard, 3700 yr. Tustla 430,'i. 2-sty., 6 K. and attic. SJS mo. Filth ave.. 573, new2-story brick dwelling, stons " trimmings. 8 rooms, hall, bath, w. c, laun dry, nat. and art. gas. etc., foooyr. Fourth ave., 152, 3-sty. 10 It. modern imp.. $1,400 yr. ; or will rent exclusive of parlors. fe720 yr. Wylle ave., 123, 12 K. i at. gas and water free, $60 mo. Forbes St.. Sl,2-sty. 7. K., mod. Imp.. WOO yr. Filth ave., 4712. shadyslde, 2-sty, 11 R. $0 mo. Townsend St., 42, 2-sty. 7 IL, mod. Imp, S28 mo. Marlon and Anu sts., 2-sty, 7 It. $25uio. Thirty-third st- near Webster ave., 2-sty, 5B., (lomo. Anu bet. Jomonville & Seneca 4 new 2-sty, 4B. each., mod. imp., 815 mo. - - Liberty ave. 47r. 2-sty, 8 K., mod. Imp., ?20mo. Liberty ave., 4717, 2-sty, 8 K., mod. Imp., 0ino. Liberty ave., 474-5, 2-sty, 8 K., mod. Imp., &0mo. Liberty ave., 4741, JJ-sty, s K., mod. Imp., 20 mo. Second ave., 17. 5IL. piuo. Bedrord ave., 2. 2-sty, 6 It. A attic. S240 yr. .Decatur St., 1st floor, 3K., nat. gas and w. free. $21 mo. Decatur st., lstfloor, SB., nat. g3j and w. free, S15 mo. Eldgest. near 33d, 7E., ?!3mo. itldgest. near 33d. SK., mo. Lawn st. near Forbea,22-sty. 5 R. ea., SU mo. a. 4742 Oorday st.. Bloomfietd. 4 K., 811 mo. I74S Corday St.. Bloomiield, 4 K., 11 mo. Camp and Merron. 4 K. and basement, ill 50 mo. Solar st., Soho, 2 K., basement, 95 mo. Foward aye, 22d wd, 2-sty., 3 K., M mo. Center ave.. 218, 2-sty., s R., 9.B W mo. Townsend st., 4i, 2-sty SK.,2ajino. seventh ave., 41, A R., 2d floor, lao yr. Linton, near overhUl, a R. and stable, 12 mo. ALLEGHENY DWELLINGS. Fayette st., 74, 2-sty., 7R., mod. Imp., 90O yr. Washington ave.. 174. new--ty h It unu--i Irwin ave.. 8. J-sty.,-9R., 35 mo. Arch St.. 1G1. 2-sty,. C R.. store, 330 mo. Locust St., 31, 2-st v., 7 R., mod. Imp.. S30 mo. Veto St., 8, 3R.. Jlumo. Observatory ave., 2-sty.', 10K.,mod. imp:,?40oyr. Lowry and Clark., store It., ceilar,7 R., ifii yr. Lowry, Troy Mill, store, 7 R., tSCOyr. Ellsworth, a. near Irwin, new 3-sty.. GR., 20mo. Ellsworth, 7, near lrwln. new 3-sty.. 8 U., S20 mo, Madison ave.. 92, 3 R., mod. Imp.. 20 mo. Gallagher, SO, 2-sty 6 R., mod. imp., ?15 mo. Gallagher. 57, i-sty.. 6 R.. mod. Imp., S15 mo. Laurel alley, 4 B. and attic, 316 mo. Spring mil, 10 acres vineyard and4R., $C00yr. aupenorsta., 1 acre ground. 10R. house, $325 yr. Madison ave., 243, second floor, 2 R., f) mo. EAST END DWELLINGS. Fifth ave.. 3605. lo K.. mod. imp., line residence, large yard, STCOyr.fon cable line. Fifth ave., cor. Emerson, 2-sty.,10K, mod. imp., delightful home. 1730 yr.; on cable line. Frankstownave.. 41X 2-sty.'SR., S40Uyr. Neville st.. 1st from Fifth ave., a R., large lot. fruit and shade trees, 8300 yr. Firth ave., 4712. 2-sty., 11 R., mod. Imp., 850 mo. Arch St., 117. 3 R., mo. Realty and Jackson sts., new, 2-stv., 5K.,K50yr, Near Jackson Beatty opp. Hilaudav, 4" houses same as above. 200 yr. ea. Grazier St., 7006, near Dallas sta., 5 R., $20 mo. 'Race st. Edgewood, near station, 5R., 13 mo. Mignonette st.. S631, 2 sty., 4 R..S25 mo. Mignonette St., 5631, 2-sty., 4 K., 25. mo. SOUTHSIDK DWXLLINGS. Josephine St.. 1906. 4 R.. good vard.. SIS mo. "McLean are.,,SR.,318 West Carson St., 716, store R.and 5 R., $35 mo mo. mo. B.40.E. IL DWELLINGS. Glenwood, 2nd av., 2-story mansion 15 P.., 4acrel ofgronnd. city water, etc., SLOOU. Glenwood, Kenova St., 2-sty., 6 K.. S21. Glenwood. Ulslr St.. 2-sty., 5 K.. SIS. Forward av., 22 wd., 2-sty., 3 K., SS mo. P., FT. W. C. B.B. DWELLINGS. Superior Sts.. 10 K., fruit, etc., l3Syr. Laurel Sta., 5 R. bouse, near station. S22S jt. "Laurel Sta., 6 It. house, near station, S27a yr. Laurel Sta., 4 E. honse, near station, f 132 yr. Sewlckley, Thorn St., 8 K., formerly occupied by A. Baldwin. fBino. Same, with carpets, blinds now in house, 15. Scwlckley, Frederick av., near Ferry, 7 K., for merly occupied by M. L. Klchardsou, 6 mo. Sewletley, l'a.. Broad stu, 1 square from station, completely furnished, 10-room brick house, bath, w. c, etc.. SCO per mo. Sewlcklev, foot or Broad st 2-sty, 8 K.. now oo cupled by YV. A. Hemmlck, y mo. ' Sewickley, Frederick ave., near Little L, for-, mcrly occupied by Mr. Weaver, S rooms, base ment kitchen, glSmo. Immediate possession, ' LAHDLORDS! In order to secure the benefits of this method of reaching tenants, without ex pneto you, please have a memoran dum of jour houses at our office by 4 P. M. each Tuesday and Friday. SAMUEL W. BLACK k CD. 99 FOURTH AVENUE. Established 1878. 7?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers