Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, February 23, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11
THE PITTSBURG' DISPATCH, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1889. 11 Isamo of Applicant Place Where License la Applied For. Present Residence. O'Donnell, 'William....No. 75 Perrysville avenue 2d ward, AHeEheny Bitter. P. J Jfo. 217 Federal street 12th ward. Alleeheny Rhodes, Robt. I Corner of Ohio and "West Diamond 2d ward, Alleeheny Schneider, Max! Nos. 171 and 173 Federal street 2d ward. Allegheny Smith. Joseph No. 1S9 Federal street 2d ward, Allegheny Volbrechti Fred No. S Irwin avenue 2d ward, Allegheny Third "Ward. Bayer, John No. 23 Ohio streot. 3d ward, Allctrheny Bayer! Nicholas No. 161 Madison avenue 8d ward, Alleeheny Bcilstein, William os. 261 and 263 Ohio street 3d ward, Allegheny Breitlauch.J. C No. 153 Ohio street 3d ward. Allegheny Buhl, Christian No. 275 Ohio street 3d ward. Allegheny Binder Joseph No. 143 Ohio street 3d ward, Allegheny Coppes! Henry. No. 191 Ohio street 3d ward, Allegheny Campbell, Robert No. 57 Ohio street 3d ward. Allegheny Doepke, Fred No. 11 Middle street 3d ward, Allegheny Dcinter. Joseph H...No. 57 Third street 3d ward, Allegheny Dahlmger, Gottlieb.. ..No. 121 Madison avenue 3d ward, Allegheny - Darrah, Albert C No. 60 James street 3d ward, Allegheny Diel.Amelia No. 90 East street 3d ward, Allegheny Filman. Anthony. No. 73 Ohio street 1st ward, Allegheny Golmer. Fred W. No. 45 East Diamond street 3d ward, Allegheny Gcrst, Christian Nos. 63 and 65 Cedar avenue...., 3d ward, Allegheny Geber.John No. 172 Madison avenue 3d ward, Allegheny Huckestein, Theodore.Corner East street and North avenue.. ..3d ward, Allegheny lllenbercer. Joseph.. ..No. 151 Ohio street 3d ward, Allegheny Iaeyer, Joseph No. 165 Madison avenue 3d ward, Allegheny Kunkel, John No. 123 Chestnut street 3d ward, Allegheny Krapp. Paul No. 135 Third street 3d ward, Allegheny r King, Adam No. 150 Madison avenue 3d ward, Allegheny Lehner, George No.lS5 Ohio street 3d ward, Allegheny Loebig, Peter No. 92 East street 3d ward, Allegheny Lang, Frederick No. 118 Madison avenue 3d ward, Allegheny Langlitz, Andrew No. 153 Ohio street 3d ward, Allegheny Lattncr. Lorenz No. 196 Madison aenne 3d ward, Allegheny Miller, John B No. 13 East street 3d ward, Allegheny Meyers, Henry No. 89 Second street 3d ward, Allegheny McCoy, Frank No. 49 North Diamond. Sd ward. Allegheny Ritiel, Julius No. 102 Perry street 3d ward, Allegheny Seker. William No. 5S Second street 3d ward, Allegheny Schaefer, Louis No. 77 East street 3d ward, Allegheny Stotz, John No. 17 East street 3d ward, Allegheny Schlatter, Charles No. 133 Madison avenue 3d ward, Allegheny Stehle, Mathias Nos. 43 and 45 East street 3d ward, Allegheny Ulmer, Frederick No. S6 East street 3d ward, Allegheny Wey, Emile Nos. 9 and 11 Middle street Sd ward, Allegheny Wilt! Charle6 No. 206 Federal street . 3d ward, Allegheny Fourth Ward. Burdett, William No. 2Federal street 41h ward, Allegheny Blnm, Amos No. 100 Ohio street 4th ward. Allegheny Bracken, John H No. 8 Anderson street 4th ward, Allegheny Bechtold, Egidius No. 74 Federal street 4th ward, Allegheny Brinkmann, Gottleib..No. US South Canal street 4th ward, Allegheny Baumann, David No. 60 Madison avenue 4th ward, Allegheny Boeshaus, George No. 26 Chestnut street 4th ward, Allegheny Briegel, Anton No. 31 East Diamond street 4th ward, Allegheny Burger, Thomas No. 140 South Canal street 4th ward, Allegheny Dickroger, Jane No. 73 Main street . 4th ward, Allegheny Elbourne, George No. 191 Robinson street 4th ward, Allegheny Emich, Adam No. 35S Ohio street 4th ward, Allegheny Froelich, Anna No. 31 North street 4th ward. Allegheny Fillingcr, -Joseph No. 367Xacock street 4th ward, Allegheny Fisher, Charles No. 30 Anderson street 4th ward, Allegheny Gouhart. George Corner Lacock and Sandusky streets.. ..2d ward, Allegheny Gerst, Kate Cor. East Diamond &. South Diamond sts.4th ward, Allegheny Ueideger, Jr., George-No. 53 South Diamond street 4th ward, Allegheny Uaspel, Louis No. 282 Ohio street 4th ward, Allegheny Hoag. William No. 16 Chestnut street 4th ward, Allegheny Klein, Max No.62Federal street No. 28 Beach street, Allegheny Kcnneweg, William. ...No. S52 East Ohio street 4th ward, Allegheny Knox, Hugh No. 16S Lacock street 4th ward, Allegheny Lhota, Albert No.21Chestnutstreet 4th ward, Allegheny Lynch, John No. IS Chestnut street 4th ward, Allegheny Lofink, John No. 25 Sandusky street 4th ward, Allegheny Maser, Fritz No. 210 Ohio street 4th ward, Allegheny Michel, Adam Nos. land 3 Main street 4th ward, Allegheny Mabold, John D No. 31 Federal street 4th ward, Allegheny Muller, Daniel No. 70 Federal street 4th ward, Allegheny Merker. Charles No. 1C8 Ohio street 4th ward, Allegheny Mack, William P Nos. 160, 192 and 194 Robinson street 4th ward, Allegheny Roseineir, Conrad No. 191 Ohio street 4th ward, Allegheny Roeth, Martin No. 178 Ohio street 4th ward, Allegheny Raubcr, John No. 3S Federal street 4th ward, Allegheny Snyder, John S No. 47 S. Diamond 2d ward, Allegheny Siefert, John A No. 292 Ohio street 4th ward, Allegheny Stenernagel, George. ..No. 63 Chestuut street -. 4th ward, Allegheny liSS:iS5t:::-xdFtot SlSrSiSS Kchuette, Charles No. 162 Lacock street 4th ward, Allegheny Schilling, Frank Hope street 4th ward, Allegheny Severer, George No. 24S Ohio street 4th ward, Allegheny Slapn'.ck, Joseph F....Nos. 116 and 117 S. Canal street 4th ward, Allegheny Tempelmeyer. John.. ..No. 142 South Canal street 4th ward, Allegheny JW'olfcndale.Chas. E Nos. 20 and 22 Federal street 4th ward, Allegheny Weber, Mrs. K No. 35 Chesti ut slreet 4th ward, Allegheny Touug, William NaiS South Diamond street ..4th ward, Allegheny Fifth "Ward. Blattncr, Joseph No. 212 Rebecca street 5th ward, Allegheny Braun, Win. L Nos. 74and74 Rebecca street 5th ward, Allegheny Casey, John W No. 07 Chartiers street 5th ward, Allegheny EiscnbeiNF. B No. 121 Rebecca street 5th ward, Allegheny Gavin, Mrs. Mary No. 73 Riugo avenue 9th ward, Allegheny Hohmann.Reinhard No. 75 Cuartiers street 5th ward, Allegheny Kausbeck, George No. 131 Pennsylvania avenue 5th ward, Allegheny Kohen, F. P No. 150 Beaver avenue 6th ward, Allegheny Kress, Michael No. 109 Pennsylvania avenue. 5th ward, Allegheny Kelly, Michael No. 45 Ridge avenue 5th ward, Allegheny Lamb, Patrick J No. 71 Ridge avenue 5th ward, Allegheny Mulligan, Bartholouier.Cor. Chartiers and Rebecca streets 5th ward, Allegheny Nolan. John No. 20 Miller street 5th ward, Allegheny PXeil, Johanna No. 79 Chartiers street 5th ward, Allegheny City (short, Chas. M No. 13S Beaver avenue 5th ward, Allegheny City Tarphy, James No. 95 Rebecca street 5th ward, Allegheny City Woemle, Annie Mary .No. 76 Rebecca street oth ward, Allegheny City Wilson, John No. 1S3 Beaver avenue 5th ward, Allegheny City Sixth "Ward. BechtcL Joseph No. 178 Fulton street 6th ward, Allegheny Bechtc!, Henry No. SoSBcLver avenue tth ward, Allegheny Bauer, Adam No. 371 Beaver avenue 6th ward, Allegheny Bauer, Paul No. 435 Beaver avenue 6th ward, Allegheny Bender, John No. 273 Beaver avenue 6th ward, Allegheny ' Braun, Sophia No. 326 Chartiers street 6th ward, Allegheuy Clark. Anthony No. 2J1 Bearer avenue 6th ward, Allegheny Fierle, Amand Nos. 152 and 151 Franklin street 6th ward, Allegheny Falk. Louis F No. 285 Beaver avenue 6th ward, Allegheny Fisher, Alexander No. 25 Adam street 6th ward, Allegheny Gehlbach, Sophia M...Ko. 213 Juniata street 6th ward, Allegheny Heizenroeder, Barbara. No. 155 Washington avenue 6th ward, Allegheny Heyl, Theresa No. 113 Juniata street 6th ward, Allegheny Jaukowcty. Joseph. ...Cor. Sedgwick st. and Allegheny ave....Cth ward, Allegheny Kelly, John No. 317 Beaver avenue 6th ward, Allegheny Krancber, Chas. G....No.250 Beaver avenue 6th ward, Allegheny Lober, Henry No. 158 Market street 6th ward. Allegheny Marx, Joseph No. 447 Beaver avenue 6th ward, Allegheny Mpna;lun, John No. 21S Beaver avenue 6th ward, Allegheny Schorr. John C No. 161 Juniata street : 6th ward, Allegheny Schaffnit, George......No.2S2Frauklin street bti ward, Allegheny W'iudle, John E No. 397 Beaver avenue 6th ward, Allegheny Seventh Ward. ' Bauman, John G No. 152 Spring Garden avenue 7th ward, Allegheny Dierker, Georgiana....No. 101 Spring Garden avenue 7th ward, Allegheny Deinutli, John No. 374 .Soring Garden avenue 7th ward, Allegheny Graf.FrankX Nos.22and2i Spring Garden avenue.... 7th ward, Allegheny Huckestein, P. S Nos. 57 and XI O'Hara. street 7th ward, Allegheny Hellman,Beukbard....No. 234 Madison avenue 7th ward, Allegheny Lahr, Nickolaus No. 107 Spring Garden avenue 7th ward, Allegheny Meurer, Josephini....No. 49 Spring Garden avenue 7th ward, Allegheny Slefert George No. 311 Spring Garden avenue 7th ward. Allegheny Stable, Frederick Nos. lsl and IbS Spring Garden avenue. .7th ward, Allegneny Bcbad, John No. 16 Spring Garden avenue 7th ward, Allegheny Weller, Frederick So. 1G3 Chestnut street 7th ward, Allegheny Wetzler, Elizabeth. .. .No. 10 Spring Garden avenue 7th ward, Allegheny Wagenbauser, Mich.. .No. 196 Spring Garden avenue .7th ward, Allegheny Eighth Ward. Eyles, F. A Nos. 591 and 593 Ohio street Felter.Kate No.73East Ohio street Hueskcn, Theodore. ...No. 251 River avenue 8th ward, Allegheny Krepp, Michael No. 219 Main street 8th ward, Allegheny Miller, Margarctha...,No. 10 Piue street 8th ward, Allegheny Neuber, Franz. No. 3S7 0hio street 6th ward. Allegheny Schad, George- No. 223 Main street 8th ward, Allegheny Bchwobthaler, L. B... .Cor. Bridge and Franklin 8th ward, Allegheny Ninth Ward. Brown, Josephine No. 010 Prcblcavenue 9th ward, Allegheny City Brust, Dorothea No. 97 Wilkins street Oth ward, Allegheny City Flaherty, Patrick No. 593 Preble avenue 9th ward, Allegheny City Falci, Wm No. CS1 Preble avenue Oth ward, Allegheny City Greenawald, Alexa'r..No. Preble avenue Oth w ard, Allegheny City Hartman, Charles H...No. 660 Preble avenue Otu ward, Allegheny City Jones, Thomas B No.597 Preble avenue 9th ward, Allegheny City McNally, Thomas No. SSj Preble avenue 9th ward, Allegheny City Olliffe, James No. 102 Wilkins street 9th ward, Allegheny City Sweeney, Mrs. BridgctNo. 171 Cass avenue Bth ward, Allegheny City Bnyder, Clem No. 22 Island avenue 9th ward, Allegheny City "Wehmeat, GustavcNos. 193 and 195 tass avenue 9th ward, Allegheny City Tenth Ward. Artz, Frederick ,..Saw Mill Run Valley plank road 10th ward, Allegheny City ' Born, Jacob Kaw Mill Run Valleyplank road 10th ward, Allegheny City Garucr, Joseph P No. Gl Charles street 10th ward, Allegheny City Onh,Fred A Perrysvillo plank road 10th ward, Allegheny City Eleventh Ward, Craig, James No. 615 California avenue 11th ward, Allegheny City Helmann, Sebastian.. .No. 25 McClure avenue 11th ward, Allegheny City Xiorecch. Charles No. Shady avenue 11th ward, Allegheny City Echar, Benjamin. Brighton road, near Wood's Run ave...Jlth ward, Allegheny City ..Sth-ward, Allegheny 8th ward, Allegheny Name of Applicant. Place Where License is Applied For. Present Residence. Voigt, Fred:. No. 124 McClure avenue 11th ward. Allegheny City Wolff, Frank...." New Brighton road Uth ward, Allegheny City Twelfth Ward. Hillengar, "Leopold.. ..Corner of East and Mill streets 12th ward, Allegheny City Seitz, Charles .....No. 232 East street 12th ward, Allegheny City Spath, Andreas No. 250 East street ". 12th ward, Allegheny City Thirteenth Ward. Bedel. Peter Nos. 23 and 25 Ravine street Pittsburg Hack, Joseph. Jr No.l05Lowrie street 13th ward, Allegheny City Hoelscher, Mary. No. 1 Lowrie street 13th ward, Allegheny City Koch, Charles M.....'.No. 49 Lowrie street ISth ward, Allegheny City Laurent, Martin J No. 153 Return street .....13th ward, Allegheny City BOROUGHS. Braddock, First Ward. Britt William No. 925 Main street 1st ward, Braddock Cort, T. D. andL.H No. 902 Braddock avenue 1st ward, Braddock Ellis, Alexander. No. 1112 Main street .1st ward, Braddock Frantz, Jonathan No.909 Halket 1st ward, Braddock Gordon, Luke No. 1204 Braddock avenue 1st ward, Braddock Gallagher, Daniel Nos. 1231 and 1236 Braddock avenue 1st ward, Braddock Hand, John A No. 931 Talbot avenue 1st ward, Braddock Kearney, James Corner Tenth and Halket streets 1st ward, Braddock Lloyd, Isaac Nos. 901 and 906 Braddock avenue 1st ward, Braddock Levi, Joseph No. 1122 Main street 1st ward, Braddock Murray, P. F No. 1116 Braddock avenue 1st ward, Braddock McNally, Martin.. ..'...No. Halket street 1st ward, Braddock O'Neil, Owen No. 1230 Braddock avenue 1st ward, Braddock Quirk, Michael No. 1206 Braddock avenue 1st ward, Braddock Walter, John N No. 1135 Railroad street 1st ward, Braddock Walters. Jacob No. 1212 Braddock avenue 1st ward,, Braddock Wolf, Joseph No. 124S Washington street ,1st ward, Braddock Ward, James F No. 1018 Braddock avenue 1st ward, Braddock Braddock, Second Ward. Costello, John No. 737 E.ghth street 2d ward. Braddock Cox, Thomas No. 420 Alliquippa street 2d ward, Braddock Dugan, A -Corner Braddock avenue and Verona st..2d waru, Braddock Dahlgren, Fred R No. 70S Braddock avenue 2d ward, Braddock Eduards, W. S . Nos. 317 and 319 Ninth street 2d ward, Braddock Kettcrer, William No. S56 Braddock avenue 2d ward, Braddock Kelly, E.F No. 835 Braddock avenue 2d ward, Braddock Morrow, James F No. 611 Braddock avenue .2d ward, Braddock Oskin, Zack No. 412 John street 2d ward, Braddock Quinn, James No. 313 Ninth street 2d ward. Braddock Zimmerman, Helena. ..Corner Halket street and B.iO.RK 2d ward, Braddock Third Ward, Braddock. Holmes, Samuel R No. 312 Braddock avenue 12th ward, Pittsbure Mooney, Michael Corner Broddock avenue and Fourth St.. .3d ward, Braddock Purccll, James Nos. 554 and 556 Braddock avenue 3d ward, Braddock Chartiers Borough. Adams, Joseph Corner Fourth and Chartiers streets Chartiers borough Connors, Patrick Corner Fourth avenue and Fourth st Chartiers borough Mciser, Adam Comer Fourth and Second avenues Chartiers borough O'Keefe, Michael No. Fourth avenue Chartiers borough Paul, Joseph Corner Main stieet and Chartiers R.-R... Chartiers borough Silkknitter, Moses D.. .No. Fourth avenue Chartiers borough Thomas, Morgan Corner Fourth avenue and Fifth street... Etna Borough. Ackerman, Joseph No. 89 Bridge street Etna borough Buehler, George Allegheny and Butler Plank road Etna borough Frendenreich, Martin.. No. 129 Butler Plank road Etna borough Farmerie, John C On old Butler pike Etna borough Golla, Frank No. 232 Butler street Etna borough Hieber, Frederick C... No. 233 Butler street Etna borough Nicklas, L Cor. Freeport and Butler Flank road. ...Etna borough Reedy, Joseph On Allegheny and Butler Plank road.... Etna borough Stoll, Charles Cor. Butler and Bridge streets Etna borough Green Tree Borough. Sieffert, Jacob No. Washington avenue Green Tree borough Homestead Borough, First Ward. Boyle; James No. Sixth avenue 1st ward. Homestead Bell, Theodore No. Eighth avenue 1st ward. Homestead Davis, Morris No. Fifth avenue 1st ward. Homestead Holt R No. Sixth avenue 1st ward. Homestead Jeffreys, George Cor. West street and Fourth avenue 1st ward, Homestead Lloyd, Taylor Cor. Amity street and P.,M. K..Y. R. R..lst ward. Homestead Libler, George No. Sixth avenue 1st ward, Homestead Meyer, Peter No. Eighth avenue 1st ward. Homestead O'Brien. J. W No. Sixth avenue istward, Homestead Queck. Anton L No. Eighth avenue 1st ward, Homestead Schmitt, John F Cor. Amitvand Sixth avenue Istward, Homestead Wasilerski, Vincent.. .No. Sixth avenue Istward, Homestead Homestead Borough, Second Ward, Bailey, Abraham No. .Heisel street 2d ward. Homestead Bauer, Stephen City Farm street 2d ward, Homestead Connelly, Thomas No. .Heisel street 2d ward, Homestead Duffy. Patrick Corner Heisel and Fifth avenue 2d ward, Homestead Evans, Rodger P Corner Dixon and Sixth streets 2d ward. Homestead Finch, Mrs. M No., Fourth avenue 2d ward. Homestead Furlong. W. H Coiner Heisel and P., V., C. R. R 2d ward, Homestead Gallagher, John Cor. Sixth avenue and McClure street. .2d ward. Homestead Kilburn, Thomas Cor. Heisel and P., V., C. R. R 2d ward. Homestead Lessegar, Gottlieb No. .Dixon street 2& ward, Homestead Lacey, Michael No. .Heltel street 2d ward. Homestead Lacey, Martin Corner Dickson and Fourth streets 2d ward. Homestead Lewis, David R 2d ward. Homestead Lippincott, W. L No.. Heisel street 2d ward, Homestead Mullett, James R No. , Dickson street 2d ward. Homestead Murphy, Oiven Cor. Dickson st. and P., M. K., Y. R. R..2d ward. Homestead Nau,Mrs. K No.. Dickson street 2d ward, Homestead McGinley, Charles No., Dickson street ...2d ward. Homestead O'Brien. Mrs. Elleri....No., Eighth avenue 2d ward, Homestead Rushe, John No., Eighth avenue 2d ward. Homestead Schwartz, Nicholas.... No. , Eighth avenue 2d ward. Homestead Skirball, A No., Eighth avenue 2d ward. Homestead Schmitt, Frank Corner Ann and Sixth streets 2d ward, Homestead Knoxville Borough. Follart, Ignaz. No. 1 Amanda avenue Borough of Knoxvilla Hening, Henry On Brownsville Pike Borough of Knoxvilla Mansfield Borough. Hard, Louis Corner Main and Chestnut streets Borough of Mansfield Millvale Borough, First Ward. Bennett, John No. 15 Grant avenue Borough of Millvale Lichtinger; Jacob No. Stanton avenue Borough of Millvale Scbneiderlochner,Anton.No. 45 Grant avenue Borough of Millvale Millvale Borough, Second Ward. " Krueger, John, Jr No. 61 Hooker street 2d ward Miller. Joseph Corner Plank Road and Mead alley 2d ward Reder, Mary C No. 54 Sedgwick street 2d ward Wakker, Jacob H.,....No. 34 Grant avenue 2d ward Wagner, Henry. No. 68 Lincoln avenue 2d ward Young, Samuel C...;..No. Li-coln avenue . 2d ward Millvale Borough, Third Ward. Oesterling, James W... No. Grant avenue 3d ward Mauer, Adam No. 79 Grant avenue 3d ward McKeesport, First Ward. Altmcter, George No. Ill Fifth avenue Istward Breitinger,Slargaret....No. 126 Fourth street Istward Becker, Frank. . ., Nos. 512 and 514 Market street 1st ward Butler, Daniel Berlin, James Carothers, Robert T... Carother, Samuel E.. Carver, A. J. Denny, William J Fechter, Charles... .Corner Fourth and Diamond streets 1st ward ,.No. Jerome avenue Istward .Nos. 124 and 123 Fifth avenue '. 1st ward ,.No. SOS, 310 and 312 Fitth avenue 1st ward .No. 50S Market street Istward .Nos. 21S and 250 Fifth avenue 1st ward No. 415 and 447Fou?th street Istward Hugo, Jacob No. 300 Fifth avenue. Istward Horr, Bennett No. 212 Fourth avenue 1st ward Koch. Peter No. 311 Market street Istward Kelly, William A.... ...No. 507 Walnut street .".....Istward Logan, Frank No. 203 Market street Istward " Leppig, George II Nos. 213 and 215 Fifth avenue Istward Lynch, Luke In Diamond square 1st ward Morris, Hernard Corner South Diamond and Market sts.. 1st ward Morgan. Louis N Northwest corner Diamond and Market..lst ward Nolan. Patrick No. 401 Fourth street Istward McKay. William Southwest corner Locust and Jeromo sts. 1st ward Reichenbacb, Ernest.. .Diamond Square 1st ward Spcilman, Peter Nos. 215 and 217 Market street. 1st ward Schruidr,Peter W No. 419 Market street Istward Wolf, Nicholas Nos. 101, 103 and 103 Market street Istward Weiskircher, Wm. F... Corner Jerome avenue and Locust St.. ..1st ward Winkelman, Louis No. 509Walnut street 1st ward McKeeBport, Second Ward. Busch. F. H No. 609 Market street 2d ward Ferrigan, Francis No. 1053Mirket street 2d ward Maloney, Miohael No. 1115 Walnut street ' 2d ward Steinhilber, John 2d ward Zimmerman, Barbara.. No. 1031 Walnut street 2d ward McKeesport, Thiiji Ward. Auberley.Ftuline No. 1S0S Fifth avenue extension 3d ward Beech, Georgo P. Nos. 527 and 529 Fifth avenue 3d ward ' Busch, Win. Cornel Fifth avenue and Riverton St. ...3d ward . Crosby, James No. 519 Fourth avenuo 3d ward ,. Dean, Wm No. 753 North street 3d ward Egsley, Fred Demmlcr station, on 15. &. O. R. R 31 ward '. Englert, Sebastian No. 1301 Fifth avenue 3d ward Fntchie. Edward No. 41 Center street 3d ward Hardy, David, Jr. No. 1169 Fifth street 3d ward Hausaman, Konrad.. ..No. 747 Fifth avenue 3d ward Hunter, Win. F No. 631 Fifth avenue 3d ward Hester, Catherine No. 509 Fourth avenue 3d ward Knee, Win Township road, near Demmler station. ...3d ward Hill, Dennis No. 503 Fourth avenue 3d ward Sharpsburg. Altmeyer, John No. 10U0 Main street Borough of Sharpsburg Berner, Valentine No. M4 Main street Borough of Sharpsburg Bragg, Jacob M No. 401 South Main street Borough of Sharpsburg Eshraan, Joseph No. 702 Main street Borough of Sharpsburg Joyce, John No. 605 South Main street Borough of Sharpsburg Lutz, J. J Nos. 714, 716 and 718 Main street Borough of Sharpsburg Laeng, Louis No. 1814 Main street Borough of Sharpsburg Murphy, Thos. J. Comer Clay and Tenth streets Borough of Sharpsburg Noe, Andrew No. 914 Main street Borough of Sharpsburg McBride, Patrick No. 16 Bridge street Borougn of Sharpsburg O'Donnell, Charles ....Nos. 800 and 802 Main street Borough of 8harpsburg Name of Applicant Place Where License is Applied For Present Residence. Prinz, John Corner North Canal and Clay streets.. ..Borough of Sharpsburg . Pilgram, F. C No. 311 South Main street Borough of Snarpsburg Roddingcr, John W;.No. 1303 Main street Borough of Sharpsburg Stein, Henry No. 924 Main street , .Borough of Sharpsburg Schmltchen, Nicholas..Nos. 1003 and 1010 North Canal street Borough of Sharpsburg Walser, Louis No. 313 South Main street" .'.....Borough of Sharpsburg Spring Garden Borough. Fisher, Amelia Spring Garden plank road Spring Garden borough Oesterle, George Spring Garden avenue Spring Garden borough Schriner, C. D Cor.Spring Garden rd and Wlckllneslane.Sprin; Garden borough Verona Borough, First Ward. Berg, Henry No. Railroad avenue Istward Mader, Alexander Cor. Center and East Railroad avenues... 1st ward Ritter, Daniel East Railroad avenue Istward Voltz, F. B Corner Railroad ave. and James street.... 1st ward Verona Borough, Second Ward. Elkin, Henry Corner Railroad ave. and "H." street 2d ward West Liberty Borough. Band, B Old Washington road West Liberty borough Haas, Wm '. Old Washington road West Liberty borough Trost, John Old Washington road West Liberty borough TOWNSHIPS. Baldwin. Ahlborn, August Corner Brownsville road and Marron St.. Baldwin township Eisenbart, Peter On Marysville road Baldwin township Franey, William On River road ..Baldwin township John, Gustav. Six-Mile Ferry road Baldwin township Ostermeier, John W.. Brownsville and Birmingham road Baldwin township PIstorius, Anna Corner Narrow and Joseph streets Baldwin township PlaprScrt, John At Oak station. Castle Shannon R. R.,.. Baldwin township Schaub, Wm. A On Brownsville road Baldwin township Schuetz, Peter Marysville street and Township road.. ..Baldwin township Slicker. Peter On Brownsville road Baldwin township Schmidt, Christian On Brownsville road Baldwin township Trost, Peter On Brownsville road ....Baldwin township Threnhauser, Peter On Brownsville road Baldwin township Voetsch, Gottlieb On Brownsville road Baldwin township Wagner. Sebastian.... Haberman's Run road Baldwin township Wolff, William On Beck's Run road Baldwin township Young, William On Castle Shannon Railroad Baldwin township Chartiers Township. Fahey, Thomas Chartiers and Robinson Towns'p turnp'e.Chartlers township Mogan, James Chartiers and Robinson Towns'p turnp'e.Chart!ers township McCartney, Samnel H.On Stenbenville turnpike .Chartiors township Seymour, Thomas On Chartiers and Robinson Tp. turnp'er-Chartiers township Collier Township. Storch, John. Cor. Washington ave. and First st ..".Collier township Forward Township. Scarfield, Thomas Elizabeth and West Newton road Forward township Hampton Township. Lunz, John Allegheny and Butler Plank road Hampton township Wahl, William Butler and Pittsburg Plank road Hampton township Harrison Township. I SmltnV'kenry.6"'.".'.00'- Brackenridge and Cherry street....Harrison township Felter, John No. North Canal street Harrison township Graw, Minnie .....No. Chestnut street Harrison township Huth, Conrad Head of GarQcld and Chestnut streets. .Harrison township Heyer, JohnW No. Vine street Harrison township Hengi,Roni No. West Locust street .Harrison township Hagele, Gcoree On Freeport road Harrison township Kuhnert, Gottlieb On Township road Harrison township Knhn. Isaac H On Brackenride avenue Harrison township Liebold, Herman No. North Canal street 20th ward, Pittsburg Menigat Joseph Road leading toFreoport Harrison township Wolff. Frank. Jr. Cor. Vine and Maple streets Harrison township Snyder, George Tarentumand Saxonburg road Harrison township Harmer Township. Hulings, Thomas Pittsburg and Freeport road Harmer township Shaul, Joseph A Pittsburg and Freeport road Harmer township Indiana Township. Hartz, William On Three Degree road Indiana township King. William B.. 1 1 nomas, rnuip. On Kittanning road fnd,lan? I?!???? lUUUUit KIHI1SUIJI . .Mifflin township .Mifflin townshio .North Versailles township .North Versailles township .12th ward, Allegheny Beck, Charles Boehm, Thomas... Eberle, Adam Fath, Charles Happ, Lioba Heyl, Lewis Huber, Albert Pfeiffer, Daniel.... ..Reservo township ..Reserve township ..Reservo township ..Reserve township Lower St. Clair Township. Augustine, Michael.. ..No. 49 Brownsville road .Lower St Clair township Butler, Joseph Elizabethtown Pike and Jane street Lower St Clair township Balmer, William On Beck's Run road .Lower St Clair township Fromm, John Ormsby avenue, near Ottilia street Lower St Clair township Franz, John No. 17 Brownsville road ....Lower St Olair township Goldbacb, Cath. G....No., Southern avenue Lower St Clair township Hoffman, A. W Cor. Mountain street and Ormsby ave.. ..Lower St Clair township Hampe Frederick H. .No. 94 Brownsville road Lower St Clair township Karrenbauer, Peter No. , Spring avenue Lower St Clair township Maguire, Margaret.... Pittsburg and Elizabethtown road .Lower St Clair township Mewes, Herman Cor. Brownsville roadand Carbon street. .Lower St Clair township Prim, William Cor. Ormsby avenue and School alley.. ..Lower St. Clair township Schirra, John Cor. Barkhammer and Spring avenue Lower St Clair township Schmitt, Peter Ccr. Barkhammer and Williams street. .Lower St Clair township Weinheimer, Frank.... Cor. Ormsby avenue and Mountain streetLower St Clair township Marshall Township. Riley, Frederick On Perrysville plank road 18th ward, Pittsburg Mifflin Township. Briggs, James Road leading from Coal Valley Mifflin township Coates, William J On pike leading to McKeesport ..Mifflin township Downey, Charles ......On Superior street Mifflin township Dorsey, William J The Middle Pittsburg road Mifflin township Donahoe, James Corner Hamilton and Superior streets... Mifflin township Davis, Thomas D Monongahela river road Hilton, Thomas Road leading to Brownsville Haberniann, Fred W..On township road, near Cochrano statioruMifflln township Howard, Patrick J.. ..On township road, near Cochrane station.Mifflin township Kocb, henry On Elizabethtown road Mifflin township Linn, John On road at Thompson's run Mifflin township King,i!i40trfck::::::::Coruer Superior street and township gg Steiner, John At Rlsher's station. P., V. fc C. R. R .-Mifflin township Thorp, William On old State road Mifflin township North Versailles Township. Conroy, Joseph On township road at Oak Hill .North Versailles township iroiustronm, August.. un lownsmp roau ac urinion station., Jenkner, Charles No. Jefferson street , O'Hara Township. Burkard, Anton Pittsburg and Freeport road Brendle, Magdalene... Sharpsburg and Kittanning road O'Ha'ra township Fross, Jacob On Freeport road O'Hara township House, Philip On Freeport road, near Guyasute O'Hara township Kammer.John Kittanning pike 0'Hara township Maeder, Christian Kittanning pike O'Hara township Thomas. Henry T Pine Creek road O'Hara township Zwick, Joseph Freeport road O'Hara township Ross Township. Jenny. Marcus "West View," Perrysville plank road Ross township Keating, J. F. D "West View," Perrysville plank road Ross township Keown, William "Keown's Hotel," Perrysville plank road.Koss township Schanzenbach Chrst'n."Five-Mile House," Perrysville pl'k r'd...Ro3s township Robinson Township. Hoffman, Mrs. A. M... Stenbenville pike Robinson township Reserve Township. ...On Saw Mill Valley plank road ...No. 408 East street extension , ...Troy Hill road ...Corner Main and Luclla streets . . .Comer Gegan and William road and Car ry street Reserve township ...On Saw Mill Valley plank road Reserve townshiD ...On Saw Mill Valley plank road Reserve township , . ..Cor.SawMill Valley plank road and Royal street Reservo township Rock, Conrad Royal street Reserve township Rochkemmer.Rudolph.Int. of Perrysville and Evergreen plank roads Reserve township Shaner, Adam Saw Mill Valley plank road Reserve township Sigmund, Elizabeth... .Saw Mill Valleyplank road Reserve township Tschume, Fred No. 500 East street extension Reserve township Weckel, Franz Cor. Beckertavenuoand Troy Hill road. .Reserve township Scott Township. Carraichael, James Village of Glendale Scott township Flood, Rose A Village of Glendale on Front street Scott township South Versailles Township. Davis, Wm. G Cor. ThirdandRailroad sts.,Coultersville.South Versailles township Stowe Township. Armstrong, Wm. T....No. 316 Bell avenue Stowe township Bleibel, George No. Chartiers avenue, near station ....Stowe township Bryan, Mary A OnMiddleton road Stowe township Fewer, Richard Chartiers avenue, opp. Lato Erie depot..Stowe township Grogan, James Bell avenue Stone township Genscb, Theresa Chartiers avenue Stowe township Lamb, Wm Chartiers avenue Stowe township McCarthy, Wm Bell avenue Stowe towuship Schindehutte, John. ...Bell avenue Stowe township Steedle, F. P Chartiers avenue Stowe township Saiitb, Theodore No. 5 Bell avenue Stowo township Young, Al Corner Chartiers avenue and McKco St.. Stowe township Shaler Township. Busier, Samuel On Evergreen Hamlet road , Farmerie, W. H On Allegheny and Butler Plank roads., Henery, Wm....: OuGirty'sRuu Plank road Klineschmidt, Jacob. ..On Evergreen Hamlet road Lohret, Jacob On Evergreen Hamlet road Moller, Rlcliard On Evergreen Hamlet read r..Shaler township Oblinger, Fred. On Kittanning road, near Butler road....Sbaler township Rote, George C On Allegheny and Butler Plank roads.. ..Shaler township Rosman, Frank On Evergreen Hamlet Plank road . . . . .Shaler township Sontag, Conrad On Butler Plauk road Shaler township Bchopfer, Adolph On Butler Plank road Shaler township Snoder, Jacob F Elfinwild station, on P. & V. R. R Shaler township Weithaus. George W.. Evergreen Hamlet Plank road Shaler township Union Township. Stevenson, Wm On Sawmill Run Road Union township Upper St Clair Township. Baldesberger,M.'h'L,Jr.On Pigeon Creek Public road Upper St Clair township Der, Wm On Washington pike at Bridgevllle Upper St Clair to wnshlp DAVID K. McGUNNEGLE, Clerk. Office of Clzrz op Courts, i . Pittsbueq, February 21, 1889. J ..Shaler township ..Shaler township ..Shaler township ..Shaler township .Shaler township USES .OF ALUHBU1L A Very Abundant Metallic Substance Which is Valuable FOE MANY PRACTICAL PDEPOSESl A Pittsburg Chemist Discusse3 Its Nature and Properties. PROBLEMS FOR SCIENTI3TS TO S0LTE The attention of capitalists, metallurgists and scientific men is bting attracted more and more each year to the metal aluminum and the practical uses to which it may be put. In view of this fact the following pa per upon the subject, irom the pen of James Todd, a chemist of this city, can scarcely fail to be of general interest: Since "Wohler,. in 1828, first obtained aluminum in the metallic state probably no other of the 60 odd elements has been ac corded such it large amount of attention, both by scientists and the general public. For, despite the almost insurmountable dif ficulties which surround the correct solu tion'of the (problem of cheap aluminum, there are always plenty of sanguine investi gators to plunge headlong into the thickest of the (ray; and it seems to be a well-established fact that the less they under stand of the sciences which contains the answer to these queries, the more ex travagant are their assertions. It therefore requires a very careful sifting to obtain facts from the great mass of unreliable in formation which is continually thrust upon us; as, on the one hand, we find the metal credited with all the virtues which can or cannot be ascribed to any metal, while on' the other, we find those who not only de prive it of" all these good qualities, but also freely attribute to it many bad ones. Its true value undoubtedly lie3 between the lines thus laid out, and then we must go for our facts. The result is that we find ourselves in possession of a metal of a silver white color, of about one-third the weight of iron and somewhat less than the strength of the latter, and with many of the most valuable properties known to exist in raetals, togethtr with a lack of some equally valuable ones common to some, other metals. For example, we can readily melt it, but we can not successfully cast it; we can roll and hammer It into the thinnest of sheets and foil and in this respect it shares the prop erties of the noble metals, but we cannot weld it and it is only with difficulty that we can solder it. Yet, altogether, we have a truly valuable metal and one in which many of the present difficulties will be re moved as we become better acquainted with it. At present undoubtedly its worst faults are the difiiculty of reducing it to the metal lic state and its almost uncontrollaoie affin ity for other elements, which are allied with it in nature and which form chemical comhinations with it when in the metallic state, the most notable of which are oxygen, iron and silicon. THE SIETAIi ABTJITDANT. In the combination of aluminum with oxygen we can only separate the two ele ments either by bringing the electric cur rent to our aid, or by a series of roundabout chemical processes which are invariably expensive and utisatislactory. So far the best results have been obtained by the re duction of the metal by electricity, but many good authorities believe that the re duction will yet be effscted by heat in con nection with an ordinary reducing agent. Should this ever prove to be a (act, then aluminum will take its right place as a uselul and abundant metal, in the arts and sciences; for undoubtedly some of its valua ble properties are not possessed by any other metals. There need be no lack of a supply, for about one-half of the whole earth is formed of aluminum. Among its best properties are the very unusual combination lightness, strength and its great tendency to resist oxidation. It would undoubtedly be of great advantage to have a sheathing lor our vessels that would combine more than double the strength with less than the weight of our best steel plates, and would never be attacked by either the air or sea water. But this is only a vague hope ot the future, as we cannot afford to pay 55 a pound for armor plates however good their properties may be. To the French belongs the credit of de veloping the aluminum industry, which has been successfully carried on in their country since Deville, in 1854, succeeded in obtaining this metal really pure. Kamer- ous attempts made in other countries nave, until quite recently, proved failures. Per haps the fact that Napoleon III took a great deal of interest in Deville's efforts to estab lish the industry on a commercial basis and aided him liberally, had much to do with the success of the business in France, where it has steadily increased until at the present time the French aluminum is known all over the world. It is used quite extensively in certain trades, notably in the hammering of foil, which has almost entirely taken the place of silver foil, as it is cheaper and m'-:h superior to the latter. It also forms parts of scientific instruments, where a combination of strength and lightness are requisite. But as the French methods of extracting it are of the most expensive, as a consequence the uses to which the metal can be put are much restricted. THECEEAT ADVANCES which have been made during the last few years toward producing the metal at a rea sonable price have been mainly due to the perfecting of the methods of generating elec tricity. By far the most satisfactory results have been refched by the methods which de pend upon this agent as the reducing power, aud strenuous efforts are being made to per fect the application of electricity to this use. Much has already beeu done in this line and there are good grounds to hope that much more will be accomplished ere iong. In this direction the greatest success-has been at tained by the ''Aluminum and Magnesium Fabrik," who, during the last three years, have developed the industry to such an ex tent that they now have works on the out skirts of Bremen, Germany, covering some three acres of ground and representing an outlay of about 200,000 in buildings'and machinery. They are now making more aluminum than all other manufacturers together, and are filling-contracts in En gland, Russia and Germany, which call for tons of the metal. Undoubtedly the trnevalae of aluminum is now and ever will be in-its combinations with other metals, as here we have an ele ment which, in the liquid state, has the properties of an acid and is capable as such of forming chemical combinations with the greater cumber of our metals, giving, as a result, properties which have never before been done in this manner. The most notable of these properties are the heat generated by the chemical combination of the metals, the density, uniformity and strength obtained, and the great tendency to resist oxidation, as a consequence of which the alloys are re markable for their uon-tarnishable proper tiesa virtue which cannot well be over es timated. ITS JIAXIFOLD USES. Properly introduced into castings of iron or steel we are enabled to obtain by even such mere traces as one-fortieth ot 1 per cent, when required, a considerable increase of temperature due to the chemical action ot the metals upon ?ach other, thereby giv ing a greater fluidity just when most need ed. The result of this is a casting from which the gases have been liberated and the metal m.ide much thinner just when it Is run intq the molds. There is also an absence of blowholes, together with a density cot yet obtained by any other means. The result is a notable increase in strength, uniformity and ductility. I have seen many castings jnade in this way, and where the aluminum was intelligently used, I have never seen any blowholes. . In such I castings as are used for rolls, hydraulio I work or high-grade machinery, this is cer tainly an advantage well wortn the present cost of i to a cent per pound of the cast, ings. Of course there are many castings in which it would cot do to use aluminum, as even i of a cent Is a serious increase on the present cost. Probablv the most valuable 'alloyi of aluminum are those which it forms with copper. With them we can make the best imitations of gold to be had, with a strength of over 100,000 pounds to the square inch, combined with a considerable ductility, and all this at a sufficiently low cost to allow of their being used for a great number of different articles. From their density and other. properties these alloys make a bearing metal which has never been excelled. One per cent of aluminum added to ordinary brass in creases its strength three times. There ara cumbers of other alloys which it forms, all of which have peculiar and valuable prop erties. The Signal Service Chicago Herald. 1 Chicago Coal Man Go up the street and look at the; weather signal. Office Boy Just saw it as T came back from bank. Fair and milder weather. ' "Good! That means a cold wave and blizzard. We'll mark up prices half a dol lar all round." RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAU ON AND arter November ISM. trains leave Union Sfition, Pittsborjc, as follows. Eastern btandard Time: MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New York and Chicago Limited of Full tain Ve tlbule dally at 7:15 a. m. Atlantic Express daUy for the East. 3:00a.m. Mail train, dally, except Sander, 8:55 a. m. ban day, mall. 8:40 a. in. Day express dally at SK30 a. m. Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m. Philadelphia express dally at 4:39 p. nu Eastern express dallv at 7:1a p. m. fast Line daily at 9:(JU p. m. Greensbnrsexpress5:10p. in. weekdays. Derry express 11:00 a. m week days. All th rough tnlns connect at Jersey CltrwltH boats of "Brooklyn Ani'CX" for Brooklyn. N. Y., avoiding donbie ferriage and Journey through N. Y. City. Tralu3 arrive at Union Station as follows: Mall Train, daily i..... 8tfp.m. Western Express, daily 7:43 a. m. Tactile Express, daily l:I3p. m. Chicago Limited Express, daily S:30p. m. Fast Line, dillr ll:o3p. m. SOUTKWESr fEN.- KAILWAY. For Uniontown, a:45 and 0U5a. in. and4:23p. m.. without change or cars: 1.00 p.m., connect ing at (jreensbdrjr. Trains arrire from Union town at 9:45 a. m., 12:3). 6:15 and 3:3) p. m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. From KEUEHAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City. Mail train, connecting for Blairsvllle... 6:4o-a. m. Express, for lilairsTlUe. connecting for lintler 3:15 p. m. Butler Accom S0a. m., 2:25 and 5:45 p. m bpringdate Accom 11:40 a. m. and 6:20 p. m. 1 rceport Accom 4:00, 8:15 and 10:30 p. m. On Sunday 12:50 and 9:30 p. m. North Apollo Accom 10:50 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. Allegheny Jnnctton Accommodation. connecting lor llutler 8:20 a. m. Kliirsviile Arcommod ition !I:30p.m. Trains arrive at FEDEBA L STREET STATION: Express, connecting from Butler... ...... 10:35 a. m. Mail Train 2:35 p. m. Kntler Accom 9:3 a. m., 4:40 and 7:3) p. m. Hlair3Tille Accommodation 9:52p. m. Freeport Accom. 7:40 a.m.. 1:32. 7:20andll:(X)p. m. On Sunday 10:10a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sprindale Accom 6:37a. m., and 3.02 p-m. North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and50p. m. MONONGAHELA DIVISION. Trains leave Union station. I'ltisnuj-?, as follows: For Monongahela Cltv. West Brownsville and Uniontown. 11a. m. i or Monongahela City and Vet Brownsville, 7:05 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. m. On Sunday. 1 :01 p. m. For Monongahela City. 5:49 p. m.. week davs. Dravosburg Ac. week davs, 3:20 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation. S:50a. m.. 2:00, 6:20 and 11:15 p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m. Ticket oRices Corner Fourth avenue and Try stn-et and Union station. CUAS. E.PUOH. J. K. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'I fass'r Acent. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S LINES February 10. 1839, Central Standard Time. TKA1NS DKPAKT As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d 7C3 a. m., d 12:20, d 1:00. d7:45- except Saturday. 11:20 p.m.: Toledo. 7:25 a. m., d 12:3V d 1:00 and except Ynnno-stnwn and Mies, rt 12:20 D. m.: Meadvl'-le. Eric and Ashtabula. 7:05a. m.. 12:20 p. m.: Niles and Jamestown. 3:15 p. m.: ilasslllon, 4:10p. m.; Wheelineand Bellalre. 6:10a.m.. 12:45, 3:30p.m.; Braver Falls. 4:00, 5.05 p. m., S 8:20 a. m. ; LeeU dale. o:SO in. ALLEGHENY Rochester. 6:30 a. m.: Heaver Falli, 8:1 11:09 a. m.: Enon. 3:UO p. m.: Leets dale, 10:00. 11:45 a. in.. 2.C0, 4:30, 4:45. -JO. 7:00. 9:00 p. m.; Conway. 10:30p.m.; Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a. m.: LeeUdalc S 8:30 p. m. TRAINS AKK1VE Union station from Chicago, except Monday 1:30, d 6:00, d6:35 a. m., d 7:35 p. rp.: Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d 6:35 a.m., 7:35 p. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: Youngstown and New Castle. 9:10a. m.. 1:25, 7:35. 10:15 p. in.: NUes and onniT3town. d7:"3p. m.:CIevcland. d 5:50a. m.. 2:23, 7:45 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 9.-00 a. ra.. 2:25, 7:45 p. in.: Erie and Ashtabula, 1:25. 10:15 p. m.: M-usillon. 10:00 a. ni.: Niles and Jamestown. 9:10 a. m.; Betver Falls, 7:30 a. m., 1:10 D. ni.. S 8:25 p. m.: Leetsdale, 10:10 p. m. AlUtlVE ALLt-GHENr-From Enon, 8:00 a. m.: Conway, 6:-p0: Itochester, 9:40 a. m.: Beaver Fills, 7:10a. m.. 6:40 p. m.: Leetsdale, 5:30, 6:15. 7:15 a. m.. 12.00, 1:45, 4:30. 6:30. 9:00 p. m.: Fair Oaks, S 8:53 a.m.; Leetsdale, S 6:05 p. ra.: Beaver Falls. SSr3p.m. S. Sunday only; d, daUy; other trains, except Sunday. fell BALTIMORE AND OHIO KA1LEOAD Schedulc in etlect November 29. 1368. For Washington. V. C, Baltimore and Philadelphia. ll:30a.in.andIO:20p.m. For Washington. D-C, and Baltimore, t7:T0a.ui. For Cumberland.. t7:00, "11:30 a. m.. and '10:20 p. m. For Connellsvlile, t7:C0 and "ll:JO a. m.. tl:0O. t4:00and 10:3d. m. For Uniontown. t7:0U.Tll :30 a.m.. 1:00 and 4:00 p. p. For Mt. Pleasant. t7:00 and til :30a. m,, tl:09 and 14:00 p. ra. For Washington, Pa.. 7:3H t9:30 a. m.. 3:35, t3:30 and 8:: p. m. For Wheel ing. "7:30. t9:30a.ni., 2:3 8:30 p.m. For Cin cinnati and St. Louis, "7:30a. m., 3:39p. m. For Columbns, 7Sa. m., "3:30 p. m. For Newark, 7:30, t9:30a. m., 3:35, s:30 p. m. For Chicago, 7:30, t9:3a. m.. 3:35and 3:30 p. m. Trains ar rive from l'hiladelnlna. Baltimore and Washing ton, 7:10 a. ni. am!G:30 p. in. From Columbus, o. j:4aa. Cincinnati and Chicago . m. and 9:10p.m. From Wheeling, ilS, 10:50 a. m.. t5:00. -9:10 p. m. Through sleeping cars to osallimore, Wash ington and Cincinnati. For Wheeling. Columbus and Cincinnati, 11:5S p m (Saturday only). Connellsvlile' ac at,S3;30 am. Oallv. tDallv except Sunday. JSunday only. The PlttsburgTraiisler Company will call for and check baggage irom hotels and residences upon orders lett at B. 0. Ticket office, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. W. 31. CLKMETS, CHAS. O. SCULL, (jeneral Manager. Gen. Pass. Ajt. PITTSBURG AND LaKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY Schedule In effect January 13, lsfl). Central time: P. & L. K. K. K.-DEPABT-For Cleveland, 5: 7:40 A.M.. 1:20, 1:15, iSOf. jr. For Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, 5:25 A. 51.. IflO, 90 P. M. For Buffalo. 10:20 A. ir.. 4:!5 1):20 P. 31. For Sala manca. "7:40 a. M.. 10, "9:30 r. M. For Beaver Falls, 5:25, 7:40, 10:20 A. M., 'ISP, 3:30, 4:15, 5:20, 9:30 V. M. Por Chartiers, 5:13, '5:35, 6:50, 17:0. 7:13, 8:10, 'Site, 9:25, 10:3) A. M.. 12:05, 12:15, 11:25, 1:45, 3:S0, 4:45, S:10. 6:20. '3:20, 10:30 r. M. ABiurx From Cleveland, 5:3J A. Jr.. 1KX 5:4a 3:00 P. M. From Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louts, '1:00, S:0OP. M. From Buffalo, 5:30 a. M., 1:C0, 5:40 P. M. From Salamanca, "1:00. "3.-00 V. 31. From YouDjrstown, 5:30, :10, 9:20 A. II., 1:00, 5:40, 3:00 P. it. From Beaver Falls, 5:3ft, 6:5X7:29. 9S0A.lt.. '1:0a 1A5; o:40, 'SM. T.V. From Chartiers. 5:10, 5:22, 5:30, 6:42, -e-.tO, 7:08, "7:10, S:J(. 9;20. 10:10A. M., 120 noon, 12:30, 1:li 1:35, .t:42, 4:00, 4:13, 5:00. 5:10, 5:4a. "9:12 P. 31. P., JlcK. 4 V. It. K.-DEPABT-For NewHsTen, 5:10a. M., 3:55 p. m. For West Newton. 5:15 F, M. For New llaven, 7:00 A 31., Snndays, only. ABurvx From New Haven. 9KO A. M.. 5.-05P. SI. From West Newton. 6:45, 9:09 A. M.,"3:05r. 51. Daily. Sundays only. E. HOLBKUOK, General Superintendent. A. E. CliAKK. Uenenl Passenger Agent City ticket office, 401bmlthfield street. PANHANDLE ROUTE-NOV.12. 1SS3. UNION1 station. Central Standard Time. Leave fur Cincinnati and t. Louis, d7:J0 a.m., d 8:00 and d ll:li p. m. Dennlson, 2:15 n. m. Chicane, 12.05, d 11:15 p.m. Wheeling, 7:30 a. m., 12 :0i, d:I0p. m. Stenbenville, 5:55 a. m. Washington. 5:55, 3:35 a. in., 1:5.. 3:30, 4:55 p. m. Bulger, 10:19 s. m. Bnrgettstown, Sll:33a.m.. 5:25 p. m..Manj fleld, 7:15. ll:Wa. m.. 6:30, do:35;lO:4u, p.m. Mc Donalds, di:15, d 10:00 p. m. From the West, d 1:50, d 6.00. a. m.. 3.05, d 5:3 p.m. Dennlsou. 9:35a.m. Steubenvllle, 5:05 p. m. Wheeling. 1:50, 8:45 a.m.. 3:05, 5:55 p.m. Bnrgetts town, 7:Ua. m.,S9:C5a.m. Washington, 6:50,7:50, 9:55 a. ra.. 2:35, 6:20 p. m. Man stfeld, 5:35,, 9:C0 a. m... 12:45 dfl:J and 10:00 p. a. Bulger, 1:40p.m. McDonalds. dC&a. m., d 9:00 p. ra. d daily; S Sunday only; other trains, except Sunday. PITTSBURG AND CASTLE SUASXOS B. B. Co. Winter Time Tabic. On and after October 14, lSad, until further notice, trains will run i follows on every day except Sunday, Eastern, standard time: Leaving Pittsburg 6:15 a. m., 7:15 a.m., 9:30a. m., 11:30a.m., 1:40p.m.. 3:40 p.m., 5:10 p.m. 6:30 p. m.. 9:30 p. m., 11:30 p. m. Ar lington 5:13 a. m.. 6:30 a, ra.. 8:00 a. m.. 10:20 a. m.. 1:00 p. in., 2:40 p. m 4:3) p. m 5:50 pm., 7:15 p. m.. 10:30 p. rn. Sunday trains, leaving Pittsburg 10 a. m.. 12:50 p. m.. 2:30 p. m.5:la r.m.. 9:30 p. m. Arlington 9:10 a. m., 12 m., M p. m., 4:20 p. m 6:JU m. JOHN JA11N. Snpt. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD Trains leave Union statton (Eastern Standard lime): Kittanning Ac 0:35 a. ra.: Niagara Ex., dally. 8:45 a. m.. Hulton Ac.. 10:19 a.m.; Valley Camp Ac., 12:05 p. m.; -Oil City and Dullols x preJ3,2:C0 p.m. ;llultu Ac, 3:00p.m.: KiUannlng Ac., 4.-C0p.ra.; Rraeburn x.,5aX)p.in.: juttain log Ac. 5:30 p. m.: Uraeburn Ac.,6r20p.m.: But ton Ac., 7:50 p. rn.: Buffalo Ex., dally, 8:50 p. m.: Unlton Ac. 9:4 n. m.: braeburn Ac., 11:30 p. in. Church trains Braeburn, 11:40 p. m. and S'-n p. ra. Pnllman Sleeping Cars betwei Pittsburg and Buffalo. E. H. UTLEi. U. F. A I'. A.: UA.V1L! JlCUAlttiU. Ueil. BUDt. ITTSUUKO jx.SU WTSTEltN RAU.WAY Trains (Cet'l Stan'dtlme)! Leave, j Arrtve. Batter Accommodation Day Ex. Ak'n.Tol., Cl'n, Kane Butler Accommodation, Chicago Express (dallv).. New Castle and Greenville Ex Zellenople andFoxburgAc.. isuuer Accommodation. 6:03 am 70 am 9:20 am 12:30 pra iuw pm 5:40 pra 7:10 am 7:23. pm 4:00 om 11:03 an 9:36 am 4:40 pmj 5:30 ant Turoosu coacb aad sleeper to CUlca jo daiiy, 2:10 pa 4 J v ,AaJfe& mill iniiPB jj Em&jtth. m tSi.ttvij,i