I 4 I ,-;-' FIRST PARI rOETT-FOUBTH TEA I Aiorau, Yawns for Perjurer Pigott," the Confessed Blackmailer and Author of the FORGED PARNELL LETTERS. A Searching Cross - Examin- ation Utterly Bouts Him, and in Despair HE ADiTITS HE IS GUILTY. The Witness Appeals to the Judges for Protection, hut is Sternly Kehuked. EXC1TIKG SCENES IS THE COURT. President Hannen Orders a Scotland lard Detective to PreTent Pigott's Escape. PAENELL'S VINDICATION IS ASSUEED The London Times' persecution of Par nell is defeated by its own witness Pigott. That versatile gentleman has confessed, un willingly, to be sure, and with some reserva tions, that he forged the Parnell letters, and ihat he is a perjurer and blackmailer. President Hannen was afraid that Mr. Pigott might want "to visit some of his mysterious friends in France, therefore specially detailed a detective to see that Pigott was made so comfortable in London that he would not desire to leave until the Commission is through with him. IBT CABLE TO THE DISrATCH.3 London, February 22. Copyrights Perjurer Pigott spent six more agonizing hours on the rack to-day, aud when the Court rose at 4 o'clock, Inquisitor Bussell had not done with him. Very pale, nerv ous, and dejected was Richard Pigott when he entered the box, and long before he left it he had reached the state at which a scoundrel brought to bay either loses his wits entirely or becomes utterly reckless. Kb one was able to say with certainty'what was Pigott's condition when the Court rose. Probably his condition, like his answers, was mixed. Bussell hadn't been on Lis feet five min utes when lie got Pigott into such a tangle over his second letter to Archbishop "Walsh that the witness turned his scared face to . the judges and asked to be allowed to ex plain. Russell was only too delighted, and Pigott proceeded to mumble a statement, in the course of which he practically admitted that all the letters to His Grace were full of lies, written when he realized that he might be called to prove what he had told Hous ton, and in hopes that Parnell would give him money to escape from the country. Pigott Proven a Liar. In reply to Busscll's bland inquiry whether he would like to say anything more, Pigott unwisely told an untruth, of which there was a live man actually in court ready to prove that he had. He said he had written a letter to Houston strongly remonstrating against the Times publish ing the forged letter. Manager McDonald, utterly sick and heartsore, has ceased to haunt the court, but Houston was in his usual place. He took a solemn farewell of his faith days ago, and has since done nothing but sit and glare at Pigott As soon as he heard the latest lie he jumped to his feet as though a boot to assault Ananias, but, thinking better of it, contented himself with crying out that he never received such a letter, and resumed his seat, pale, panting and almost weeping at this crowning outrage on his feelings. Deeply hurt, too, was the pure-souled Picott at Russell's suggestion that he had written lies; but his subsequent admission that he bad indulged in gross exaggerations, devoid of truth, somehow robbed his denial of .its value, and afforded justification for the laughter which rippled through the court. He Lied to the Archbishop. Other letters passed between the witness and Archbishop Walsh were produced and read. They completed Pigott's discomfi ture, proving, as they did, that while as suring His Grace of his absolute innocence of complicity in the conspiracy against the Irish members, he was actually going to aud from Paris, meeting his mystery men, taking his oaths and buying his bundles of forged documents. The reading of the Pigott-Egan corre spondence,cabled you several days ago, and the cross-examination thereon, created lots of fun. Russell's merciless fire of banter ing, yet searching questions completely de moralized Pigott, and the quill "pen which lie held in his shaking hand rattted like a Morse telegraph key on the shelf of the witness box, upon which he leaned for support. "Who," asked Russell, "were the myste rious strangers who made an offer of 500? "Were they tall or short, dark or fair? Did they wear masks, or were their faces black ened? Did they sneak with a brogue? Did you stand the drinks and ask them to call again?'' Hit Tongue In Paralyzed. Pigott, pawing at his face, mumbled out negatives or affirmatives quite irrespective (of the nature of the questions, and not in frequently gazed at his tormentor with an open mouth whence no sound issued, al though his tongue seemed to wag. Close questioning followed on the start ling similarity of spelling and phraseology in tbe forged letter and in genuine letters, and letters admittedly written by Pigott, and ere long the world was let into the se cret of the forger's methods, and given pret ty clearly to understand that the forger was Pigott The scene ended with a despairing appeal by Pigott, an appeal to the Judges, and (he dignified and significant rebuke of the appellant by President Hannen, which left no doubt of what the opinion formed by their lordships was. The afternoon was spent in an exposure of some of Pigott's blackmailing attempts; of how he obtained money from Chief Secre tary Forster's private purse on the plea of poverty and persecution; of Forster's sym pathizing letters, and many similar acts of kindness, rewarded finallv by an attempt to extort money by infamous threats. Pigott hadn't dreamed that these damning letters were still in existence, and . the effect was, therefore, crushing. A Detective on His Track. As the hand of the clock slowly traveled round for the hour for adjournment the ex citement rose to painful intensity, for scarce ly a soul present doubted that the Court would order the arrest of the self-confessed perjurer and blackmailer. But they were disappointed of the denouement At 4 o'clock the Judges rose, gathered up their robes, and, with dignified bows to the coun sel, stalked solemnly out. The perturbed Pigott had evidently had the same feeling, and shrunk from every stranger as he passed out of the court into the quiet corridor, where he had to remain until the crowd waiting outside to cheer Parnell had dispersed in deep disgust at being deprived of its joyously planned pleasure of hooting the perjurer. It was toward 5 o'clock when Picott, closely followed by two constables in plain clothes, who have been charged with his safe guarding since the commencement of the Commission, left by the side door. Had he not been too fright ened and worried to notice anything, he would have observed another man in plain clothes, following at a discreet distance. It was a Scotland Yard detective, who, by the direction of President Hannen, as an addi tional precaution against probable attempted flight, had been ordered to shadow Picott until the reassembling of court on next Tuesday. In sober truth, Richard Pigott's checkered and disreputable career is fast nearing its appropriate ending in the felon's cell. PEBJUEER PIGOTT Succumbs Under tbe Pointed Qnestlons Fnt to Htm, nnd Confesses Tbat lie I a Ltnr, n. Blackmailer nnd a Forper. tBT ASSOCIATED TKESS.: London, February 22. The courtroom was crowded again this morning when the Parnell Commission reassembled. The cross-examination of Richard Pigott was continued. He admitted writing a let ter to Archbishop "Walsh, which Sir Charles Russell produced in court and which con tained a statement that the documentary and personal evidence to be produced before the commission could be rendered harmless by an exposure of the means by which it had been obtained. At the suggestion of Presiding Justice Hannen Archbishop Walsh's letter to Pigott, part of which was read yesterday, was read in extenso. The Archbishop re ferred to the fact that there had been svste- matio lying concerning the Nationalist cause. The witness now admitted receiving this letter. He said that when he wrote to the Archbishop he was in very distressed cir cumstances, owing to having received no money from Mr. Houston. Witness' other work had been neglected and lost He Wanted to Lcaro tlie Country. He therefore wrote to Archbishop 'Walsh, hoping that he would submit the matter to the Parnellite members of the House of Commons, and induce them to provide wit ness with means with which to leave the country, in return for the information wit ness should give. Witness was startled and surprised when the letters appeared in the Times, and considered it a breach of faith. He wrote to Houston, strongly protesting against their publication. Sir Charles - Russell demanded that this letter be produced. Houston here said he had forgotten re ceiving it. On being further pressed Pigott volun tarily exclaimed: "I may say at once that the statements I made to Archbishop Walsh were unfounded." This statement produced a sensation. Sir Charles Russell then said to the wit ness: "You deliberately wrote lies?" "Witness replied, "Well, exaggerations." Sir Charles Russell Did the exaggera tions have no truth? Witness Very little. Laughter. I forget what I meant when I wrote to Arch bishop Walsh that the charges were a mixture of what I believed to be true and untrue. Fnll of Information. Continuing, witness said he knew that criminal proceedings were projected when he wrote saying that he could nullify them by exposing the discreditable means by which it was sought to institute the pro ceedings. He could not say what the pro ceedings were to be taken for. He imagined that they were for complicity in the Phoenix Park murders, but there was no foundation for the statement "Witness again wrote to Archbishop "Walsh on May 1, offering to fnrnish further information. In reply to this letter the Archbishop said: "I understand you are anxious to make a statement to assist the victims of fraud and slander by exposing the fraud and slander. I cannot refuse to accept such a statement miry. I accept yonr aisur ance that you took no part in the publica tion." Witness said he forgot writing .the state ment. Sir Charles Russell read a letter dated May 5 to Archbishop Walsh, in which Pigott offered to make a personal written statement Witness admitted making the statement to Archbishop Walsh between May 5 and May 7. He had written to Archbishop Walsh recently, but denied that he had .done so in order to again obtain the written statement. Creatine a Sensation. Sir Charles Russell read a letter from Archbishop Walsh to Pigott, bearing date of May 7, in which the Archbishop said he assumed that Pigott either knew the author of the fraud or knew what measures had been taken toprocure fraudulent evidence. The writer said he did not wish to know the name of the gentleman who was at the bot tom of the matter. Sir Charles Russell pressed the witnesi, who reluctantly admitted that he had Houston in mind when he wrote. In reply to a question by Presiding Jus tice Hannen witness said he was not sure thaHie received the letter. Sir Charles Russell quoted from a letter written by Picott to Archbishop Walsh on May 12. " Witness said he could not say what the latest proposition mentioned in the letter meant He only remembered making one proposition, namely, that he had 'shown compromising letters. His opinion having been asked as to the genuineness of the letters, he had stated that the letters cred ited to Mr. Parnell were rather doubtful. This statement created a sensation in tbe courtroom. Knew They Wero Forsrrlc. Witness further testified that he would not swear that he had not told Archbishop Walsh that the letters were forgeries. Laughter. He doubted the authenticity of the letters because he did not know the handwriting of the bodies of them. He believed he told Archbishop Walsh that he thought the Egan letters were genuine, but would not swear that he did. lie was not sure whether Mr. Houston ever expressed doubts as to the cenuinencss of the letters. It was not owing to Mr. Houston's doubts that witness offered to rcobtain the money. Sir Charles Russell read from a letter to Archbishop Walsh from Pigott, in which he said: "I trust Your Grace will do me the justice to believe that I am not the fabri cator of the letters, as is falsely alleged." Sir Charles asked, "Who was the fabri cator?" Witness replied that he did not know. Sir Charles Did you believe there was f fabrication? Witness No. This answer caused laughter. Mr. Wemyss Reid produced a letter from Picott to the late William F. Forster, then Chief Secretary for Ireland, dated June 2, 1881, in which he offered Mr. Forster papers which he said would break up the League for 1,500 or 1,000. Ilnd to Have Sloner. Witness said that the issue of the Jrtsft man, the paper printed by Pigott, depended upon his receiving this sum, as his creditors were pressing him. Mr. Forster on June 5 refused to accept this offer. At presiding Justice Hannen's suggestion Sir Charles Rnssell agreed to read selections from the letters instead of the whole of them. Witness continued that he had been in straits since 18S1. and had anxiously turned to every quarter for money. Sir Charles Russell produced a batch of letters written bv Pigott to Mr. Fgan, in cluding one witten on February "23. 1881, in which the writer asked Mr. Egan to give him an address at which he could write to Mr. Parnell, with whom he wished to com municate on a matter of vital importance. Pigott said he had forgotten the letter, but admitted that he must have written it He had not the slightest idea as to what the im portant matter relerred to was. On being hard pressed and after fencing he admitted that he must have received an answer, but had forgotten whether or not it directed him to write under cover to Madame Ruyer, 99 Avenue de Villiers, Paris. A Sclf-Confessed Villain. Sir Charles Russell read from a letter from Pigott to Mr. Egan, written on Feb ruary 27, in which it was stated that he (Pigott) had received an anonymous letter from two-gentlemen who would call upon and submit to Pigott a proposal greatly to his advantage. They came, bnt declined to give their names. They had an interview lasting two hours, during which they asked him to publish . a statement which was an outrageous libel about the spending of tbe league funds, and which was to be so con structed that the publication would do much harm. He added that-he was badly in wantof 500, btjt would-be satisfied with 300 in'additiou tothe2200 already sent in consideration of his paper. Pigott con cluded the letter by saying: "Bad as I am, I can truly say "that I have always been true to those who trusted me." Laugh ter. Witness said Ecan did not send the money. Langhter. On March 9 Pigott wrote to Mr. Egan giving an outline of the statement referred to. He also stated in the letter that Mr. Ecan would see that if he (Pigott) pub lished the statement he would get o00,and that whatever the consequences might be he would be compelled to accept the offer unless Mr. Egan assisted him. On March 11 Egan replied that he regarded the letter as a threat and declined to pav anything even if he could. Witness said fie received a letter from Egan on June 18, 1831, in re lation to the sale of the Irishman. Some Fecnlinr Coincidences. Sir Charles Russell read Egan's draft of a letter written on the fly leaf of Pigott's letter. The phrasing of the firs't 08 words was identical with the Times' version of Egan's letter of J one IS, 1881, but the date in the text of the Times'.version were changed to June 12 and Juuc 15. The witness admitted that the similarity was remarkable. Sir Charles pressed the witness regarding seTeral similar resemblances in the phras ing of letters Egan had written to Pigott and letters Pigott had supplied Houston. Tiie witness admitted that assuming Sir Charles' copies to be correct, which he wfluld not admit, the coincidences were striking. The copies, he said, might have been forged. If they were not the coinci dence could be got over because manv men were in tbe habit of using the same phrases. If he wanted to forge a document having a genuine letter to imitate would assist him. He could. not say how he would use the oricinal, because he had nevertried. Pigott admitted that he misspelled the word "hesitancy" in the witness box yester day. He believed that the knowledge that the letter of January 9, 18h2, similarly mis spelled the word had influenced his mind. IIo Had a Itnd Spell. This letter did not come into his possession until the summer ot 1880, so he could not ac count for the misspelling of "hesitancy" in his own letters prior to that After Parnell had declined to employ him on the staff of the Irishman, he asked a priest named Meagher to intercede with Parnell. Sir Charles Russell produced the witness letters to Meagher and pointed out further resemblances to the 1 tmes' letters. He then asked the witness if he was not ashamed of himself. Picott replied hotly, "Under the circum stances, no." It is scandalous that I should be thus questioned. I did not forge the let ters. If I did I should not be here." Mr. Reid produced letters written by Pig ott to Mr. Forster; in which Picott asked a loan. After much writing, in which Pigott pleaded poverty, Mr. Forster sent him 100 as a private loan. Some time later, as a matter of personal sympatliy, Mr. Forster loaned Pigott 50 to enable him to go to America. Pigott did not go, however, but renewed his applications for money until Mr. Forster granted him an interview. Sir Charles Russell produced letter after letter, including Pigott's demand for a loan of 200 to enable him to go to Australia, until the witness became dazed aud forgot everything. The commission then adjourned. AX INCURABLE TRANCE. Mrs. Alllionse Acnln Drops Soundly Asleep, Almont Without Wnininff. ISrrCIAL TELEGIIA1! TO TUE DISPATCU.1 Attica, N.Y., February 22. Mrs. Emma Althouse is again asleep, and this trance will undoubtedly be her last She was un able, before entering into it, to warn her at tendants, and for several days could not move nor partake of nourishment Be ore goitip to sleep she tried to com municate "ith her sister by motioning her, eyes, Gut the effort was unsuccessful. Her relatives are much alarmed. . TIMING TO EANDALL Many Democrats Think Him the Proper Leader for Kext Congress. A SIGNIFICANT CHANGE OP HEART Tired of Their Failures Under Mills, They Clioosa His Successor. PE03I ONE EXTREME TO THE OTHER, Tbe Pennsylranian Knocks Onfiho Texan in Taeir Flrst Kocsnnter. A decided tidal wave in' the direction of "Mr. "Randall seems to have set in. By manv this is attributed to the results of the late elections. Be that as it mayrhe undoubt edly knocked out Mills in a round or two yesterday, and although he did not gain all he wished, fie made several points, and the encounter was anything but a "draw," such as is now so fashionable in pugilistic affairs. rFFKCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! "WASHINGTON, February 22. No single half day during the life of the Forty-ninth Congress furnished proceedings of deeper interest than that of this afternoon. Tho failure of the Democratic caucus last night, to reach any agreement in regard to the Cowles bill proved that if Randall did not actually have the majority of the House in his grasp, he had at least disorganized the opposition to such an extent that it could not come to any harmonious conclusion. Early this morning came tho meeting of the Committee on Rules, and here Randall speedily accomplished a vicfory. The com mittee unanimously agreed to report the resolution for sessions to begin at 10 o'clock in the morning, and the resolutions for the pensioning ot Mrs. Sheridan and the re tirement of General Rosecrans. The resolution which provided for the consideration of the Cowles bill was adopted by the vote of the Republican members of tlie committee and that of Mr. Randall him self, the other Democratic members vigor ously opposing the proposition to report the resolution. FIRST BLOOD FOB RANDALL. Though Mr. Mills had voted for report ing the resolution for sessions beginning nt 10 o'clock, he decided to antagonize action on this measure and test the temper of the House by an attempt to gain consideration of his rcsolutiou declaring the Senate sub stitute to the Mills bill to, be unconstitu tional. This was promptly knocked out by a vote of 143 to 88, 25 Democrats voting with Randall against the consideration of the resolution. Of the Pennsylvania Dem ocrats, Scott, Maish and Bnckalew voted with Mills, and Lynch, Sowden and Hall voted with Randall. Ermentrout was paired on questious relating to considera tion of the Cowles bill with Hutton, of Missouri, but would have voted with Ran dall otherwise. Of those voting with Ran dall to-day, Ermentrout, Lynch and Hall voted (or the Mills bill, But the result" of the elections and the temper of their con stituents have led to a change of heart This was iirst blood for Randall with a vengeance, and the meek, almost crushed appearance of Mills, Scott, the Breckin ridges and McMillin, from ihat time hence forth, was decidedly pitiable. FLURRY NUMBER TWO. - Following this came the flurry over the pension bill for Mrs. Sheridan, bnt after a slight attempt at obstruction on the part of Kilgore, ot Texas, that question was settled by a compromise preposition from Harry Bingham, reducing the amount of the pension trom $3,500 to 2,500 per year. The resolution lor'the retirement of Rose crans had to run the-gauntlet of bitter op position from such Republicans as Struble, of Iowa; Cheadle, of Indiana, and Bontelle, of Maine, who fought it because of the bit ter opposition the bill for the retirement of Gratit received at the hands of Rosecrans in 1885; but such were the vigorous speeches made by Republicans in favor of the propo sition that "Old Rosy" was triumphantly placed on the retired list, so far as this action could contribute to that result From the sound of the voices it appeared that about 20 members voted agains't retirement, but who they belonced to no one could say, as the opponents of the bill did not care to call for a division or for the yeas and naysr MILLS LETS DOWN EAST. .This somewhat excitinc episode ended, Randall laid Deibre the House his resolution for the consideration of the Cowles bill, but accompanied it with the statement that he did not desire to press it to'nn immediate vote. as he thought that possibly a little delay might enable him and Mills to come to ai) acreement r.s to the time to be occupied in discussion of the bill. To let himself down easy, Mills appeared to not be so violently opposed to tbe bill as to the proposition to cut off debate in three or four lionrs, and it is possible that at last, when the filibusters give in, they will compromise upon the gilt of a little more time for debate. Theresolu tion will be called up to-morrow, and then it will be known whether the Mills faction intends to obstruct all legislation to theend of the session for the purpose of defeating this bill. All afternoon Scott, Mills & Co. talked frcelyto all comers as to the course they would take in regard to the resolution". They were all agreed that it must be ob strocted to the "bitter end." They were aware that a large majority of the House was in favor of the passage of tho bill, and therefore thev were determined to never allow the bill to reach consideration. 3IAY COME BOWK WITIIOTTT ASHOT. . Mr. Scott declared to the correspondent of The Dispatch that he would filibuster against tbe adoption of the resolution to the last moment, but Mills and Breckin ridge were les positive, and there was that in their manner which indicated that they might take the course jof Davy Crockett's coon, and rorae down giacetuily, without any expenditure oi ammunition. Everybody recognizes the fact that Ran dall has control of the House in tin's matter by a tremendous majority, and that the op position can only accomplish its purpose'by a course that will not only bring it iuto dis repute in the North, but also with a vast majority of the people of the South. There is a remarkable lack of cohesion even among the Southern members who are not particularly iavorahle to this 'method of geltinc at a repeal of the tobacco tax. The plain truth is that they are tired nnd sick of the burlesque of leadership that has marked every movement of the majority of the House since Mills came to the position of leader in the line of promotion. TURNING TO KANDALL. Southern members. Southern correspond ents and Southern officials of the depart ments are. thoroughly disgusted with the leadership of the Texan, and they are turn irig to Randall as the only man who can give force and character to the Democratic side, which will be in the minority in the nextt Concress. If it were put to vote this evening among tlie Sonthern members, who should be the leader of their party in Con gress, Randall or Mills, Randall would have a three-fourths majority. This is not only due to disgust with the imbecile leadership of Milis, but in a great measure, also, to the result cf the election. THE BURIED RIVER, $& MorjJ, it concluded in the Sund.iu issue oTna Dispatch. A'cil week the opening chapters of "The lAXy of Hochon," by Maui ice "Thompson, will appear. - . GOING EOR DUDLEY. A Warrant Sworn Oar far tbo Colonel's Arrest He Mast March Back to Indianapolis New Informa tion Against Him. rSFECIAL TELEOKAJI TO TUB DISPATCH.! Indianapolis, February 22. A war rant has been issued for the arrest of W. W. Dudley, Treasurer of the Republican National Committee, and Judge Solomon Claypool, Acting United States District Attorney, will start for Washington to morrow to serve it The warrant was issued yesterday afternoon by United States Com missioner Van Bureu, upon an affidavit charging Colonel Dudley with having written the famous "blocksjof-five" letter. It was supposed that the precautions taken to prevent information of the issue of the warrant from going any further were per fect, but within two hours afterward Attor ney General "Michener, through some un known channel, heard of the news and sent a telegram to Colonel Dudley, saying: "Commissioner "Van Buren has just issued a warrant for the arrest of 2io.'-3. He' had better come to Indianapolis at once, surren der himself and give bail." "No. 3" was the cipher term used by tho Republican National Committee for" Colonel Dudley's name. It was supposed that when the grand jury failed to find an indictment against Colonel Dudley the matter was ended, but the prose cuting officers here were determined not to let the matter end in that way,.and have be gun the present proceedings through the process known as "laying of information," icu is lmenaeu to ao away witn tlie ne cessity for any indictment "It is a process very rarely Tiscd, and never except under some extraordinary circumstances which are believed to warrant the abandonment of the ordinary processes for bringing criminals to justice. It was a good deal heard ot during the famous Star route trials in 'Washington. This is the first regular warrant that ha3 been issued for Colonel Dndlcv. During the excitement of the few days before elec tion one was sworn out before Commissioner Van Buren, but before any attempt had been made to execute it, it was canceled. It is alleged that the prosecuting officers base their present course upon the discovery of new evidence. It is understood that thi3 has been obtained from persons under in dictment for election offenses who, in con sideration oi immunity for themselves, have agreed to swear that the offenses which they are charged were committed in accord since with the instructions giveu by Colonel Dudley in his famous letter. THEY PEEL LlSULTED. Bnttertvortli's Proposed Free Hide Not Wanted by tbe Canadian. rPPECIAI.TELEr.ItAM TO TIIE DISrATCIt.j Ottawa, February 22. Congressman Butterworth has offered a terrible insult to the members of the Dominion Parliament by suggesting a free trip for them throuch the United States at the expense of the neighboring republic. Sir John Macdonald Bays it would be most humiliating and de grading for Parliament to entertain such a proposition for one moment They would not offer themselves as the animals of a menagerie, to be trucked, Barnum-like, through the United States. Should ,any of the members of Parliament who accepted the free ride declare themselves in favor of annexation, their change of heart would be attribnted to the influences of the' trip and the entreaties of Mr. Butterworth and others wboresupporjuig him in the scheme. Sir John thinks some other project will have to be put on foot if the United States is anxious to obtain Ganada. The members of the Dominion Parliament will scarcely be induced to sell their birthright for a mess of pottage. Another prominent member of Parlia ment said he thought it consummate cheek on Mr. B utter worth's part to endeavor to buy up the Parliament of the Dominion with a free ride through the United States. He said it was an insult to every member of the House, and should be resented by everv member who is possessed of the least parti cle of common sense. FIFTY THOUSAND SHORT. Tlint Is the Amount tlie Pickawny County Treasurer Made Ayaj With. rsrECIAL TELEGKAM TO THE PISPATCH.l Columbus, February 22. The bonds men of James M. Lane, the absconding Treasurer of Pickaway county, were in the city this evening, and got an attachment for $1,000 whicli they heard he had in the Na tional Bxchance Bank in.this city. They failed to find the money. They report that Lane's defalcation will amount to about $46,000. Tuesday of this week ho paid the SUte Treasury $8,000 in settlement, hence he is square with the State. He could have taken over $100,000 with him, but did not do so. It is believed that he did not intend to leave the State or he would have taken more of the money. His actions are peculiar. The shortage was not discovered till vesterday, when the Commissioners f declared the otnee vacant Lane lias been a p.itron of the bucket shops, and being short at the time when he had to advance money to the township Treasurers and others he became frightened, and it is believed is afraid to go back and is hiding. He has about 500 acres in the county and his bondsmen will not lose much, if any thing. KILLED BY SLANDER'S VILE TONGUE. A Wronged and Faithful Wife Ends an Un bearable Life. IFriECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DIirATClI.l Denvke, Col., February22. A sad case came to light here to-day. For several weeks past slanderous stories have been in circulation regarding a Mrs. Nellie Cirr. It was not until Tuesday of the present week tbat her husband heard of them, and when he did be immediately turned his young wife out of doors, notwithstanding her nu merous protestations of .innocence. Late last night she took a room at a prominent hotel and this morning her dead body was found by a chamaoruiaid. The unfortunate woman had taken poison during the night Among her possessions was found a. couple ot the most touching let ters addressed lo her husband aud two baby boys. The former again protests her inno cence of the charges made by the scandal mongers, and the latter is filled with a mother's love for her children and anxiety for their welfare. N0TJiLb OUT OF POCKET. Tho Stenmslilp Compnnles Adopt a Flan to Prevent Ijois by Klsks. ' SrEClAI. TELEGKAM TO THE blSPATCn.l Krvr York, February 22. Collector Magonc has ordered 5 Arabs and 18 Arme nians who have befn detained ut Castle Garden to be sent back to Amsterdam as paupers. The largest sum of money in the possession of any of them was flO, which was owned by one of the Armenians, who says he came to this country for the purpose of studying medicine. One of the Arabs had only ?3. In the. possession of each of the men is a receipt acknowledging the payment of 55 francs over and above hU passage money, This paper makes it clear that some doubt existed in the minds of the steamship com pany as to the willingness of the authorities here to receive the strangers, nnd;ihat they adopted this plan to protect themselves in case they were "compelled to .carry them bck. " . . HAKRISON WILL PAT. The President-Elect Informs " pe Bailroad Company That He is OPPOSED TO BIDING" FOE NOTHING. The Applications for Office Are Packed for the Trip, Bat Are NOT INSUREH AGAINST ACCIDENTS Government Secret Serrico Hen Will Gaud the Person of tbe General. The arrangements for the inaugural trip to Washington from Indianapolis are about completed. General Harrison and family are putting the finishing touches to the necessary packing preparations. The Presi dentelect has informed the railroad that he will pay for the transportation of his party. There will be a farewell demonstration in his honor. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Indianapolis, February 22. The rail road officials supposed that when their tender of a special train to General Harrison for the trip to Washington was accepted, it meant that the President-elect and his party were to be the guests of the company. General Harrison won't have it that way, however, and has insisted upon paying the usual fare for himself and his partv. AH that he will accept from the railroad people is the use of the special cars. Chief Bell, of the United States Secret Service, and several of his men, are in this city, having come here to look after the pre liminary arrangements for the trip of the President-elect to Washington. It has'been usual for a long time for the secret service men to look after the safety of Presidents upon such trips. The men at present here besides Chief Bell, are Colonel Abbott, of Cleveland, Captain Bauer, ot Louisville, and Major Carter, who has his headquarters here. Others are to come, and the whole party will be on duty until the President is inaugurated. THE GUARD OP HONOR. Other men who are coming to town in an ticipation of the Presidental trip Fast are veterans of the Seventieth Indiana, General Harrison's regiment, who will be his per sonal escort on inauguration day. There will be about 150 of them and they are com ing from all parts of the country between Los Angeles, Cal., and Providence, R. I. One of tbe dresses that will grace the Presidental receptions at Washington after Mrs. Harrison gets in charge, had a narrow escape from serving a baser purpose a few nights ago. It was one of those that have been made by a drycoods firm here, aud was being sent to Mrs. Harrison in charge of an errand boy. It was dusk, and when near General Harrison's house one of the foot pads that are so thick about Indianapolis now set upon the lad and attempted to take away the bundle. The little fellow com bined a little fichting with a good deal of running and yelling and frightened the fel low off. Mayor Frank Magowan, of Trenton, with his wife, were about.the only visitors from out of the city to-day. The Mayor is a red hot Republican ot positive ideas" as to the value, otboodle anar-hard work in a hot campaign, but he" didn't talk 'Cabinet or an jthing else bigger than the Trenton post office to the President-elect. He had merely stopped over here on a business trip. CALLERS SCARCE. There were scarcely any other callers at the Harrison bonse to-day, the sight-seeing element having been frightened an ay by Private'Secretary Halford's vigorous de clarations that the President must be let alone. Inside the house everybody has been busy putting away things that are not likely to be wanted until the family re turns, and packing into chests and trunks the other things that are to be taken to Washington. The applications for office are already stowed away and ready for ship ment General Harrison will not take oat anv accident insurance upon them. Mayor Denny is going to make a little splurge over the departure of his city's most distinguished citizen in spite of General Harrison's objections. It .has been ar ranced that when General Harrison leaves his home at 2:15 o'clock next Monday af ternoon a committee headed by Governor Hovey and Mayor Denny, will take charge of him and escort him as far as the New Deuison Hotel, where tlie Seventieth Regi ment veterans will be waiting. By these and such other citizens as care to join the procession, he will be escorted to the station, where he will make a little speech of farewell to the assembled multi tude. He has been allowed to have his own way as to oneeature of the affair. There will be no handshaking. ON A SOLID BASIS. Johns nopkino University All Right Finan cially, With Good Prospects. ISr-ECIAt. TELFORASC TO THE DLSPTCH.J Baltimore, February 22. Ever since the passing of the Baltimore -nnd Ohio dividend it has been an open secret that Johns HopkinsJUni versify has had no source of revenue. In his address to-day, at the "Washington's birthday celebration, Presi dent Gilman, for the first time since the opening of the Johns Hopkins, alluded to its financial condition. He explained how the capital trom which the institution derived its support was invested in Bal timore and Ohio stock, which though now yielding nothing, would in time be sure to again pay a dividend. The fnture of the university was therelore assured. It was at the present only that they had to look. From this income until now received, the trustees had not only built the buildings, but had also saved considerable money. It was with this surplus that the university was now being supported. Sometime ago some friends of the uni versity determined to raise an emergency fund "of 5100,000, and ot this $50,000 had already been definitely subscribed. The remainder would soon be con tributed. With this fund and the surplus, the university could continue for at lease three years without contracting, borrowing or begging. The students cheered this announcement to the echo. LEAPED FROM A TRAIN. The Impulsive Act of a Pittsburg Lady on the Lake Shore lioad. ISrECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCJM Erie. February 22. Miss Mary Dono van, of Pittsburg, leaped from a Lake Shore train to-day and received what are likely to be fatal injuries. She was suddenly aroused trom her sleep when the traiu was coining into Erie, and sprinting to'her feet, seized her baggage and rushcdlrora the car before the brakeman could seize her. She was hurled headlong from the train and rolled like a ball in frightful proximity to the rails. When picked up there were no signs of life about her. She regained consciousness this evening and gave her name. She was en route from Boston to Pittsburg. She is now in the Hamot Hospital. fil IVF I firTAN closes some of the ULI Vu UUUHIl plans to be carried out bv Mrs. Cleveland when she leaves the White Iouse and also describes a grand society event in Washington. 8eeto-morroiDTs Dispatch. A VfittY APT .bE:5fi " " "" -,r Ives & Stayner's Confidential Clerw tbe rw tb Sonp With Ills Employers Indlcttd for Iiarceny Arrested and . More to Follow. ISFZCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCn.j' New YOKic.'February 22. Edward Wil son Woodruff, of Newark, the clerk of Henry S. Ives & Co., whom Ives and Stay ner made Secretary and Treasurer of the Cincinnati. Hamilton and Davton road.asa preliminary to emptying theroad's treasury, was arrested on Thursday nigbt at his home in Newark, and locked up in police head quarters there. The warrant stated that Woodruff had been indicted, like Ives and Stavner. for lnreenv in the first dprep. Young Woodruff was first brought to the attention of the public about four years ago, when'Ives and he. with Newarker named White, who has since been a clerk in Ives & Co.'s office, got an inkling that only; aDout euu shares ot tne JUutual Union iel ecraph stock was on the market, and that half of these were' in unknown hand3. White and Woodruff worked a scheme from Newark" to rake all the brokers they could reach, and they began sending in orders for the stock. The orders were taken, and when it was found they could not be de livered a sensation was created in the Stock Exchange, but on the followinc day the board declared the transactions off. At that time Woodruff was young in the business, but he showed a shrewdness worthy of the company he kept Frank R. Lawrence, the general counsel for the- Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayion Railroad, said yesterday: Woodruff is indicted frr grand larcenv. the same offense that Ills nrlncinaM committed. While Ives and Stayner had control of tbe. were robbing it, he was a rlerk in the employ ol Ives & Co. At tho same time ho was Secre tary and Treasurer of tbe company. His signature as such was necessary on all the stocks and bonds which they isned, and be was the custodian or tbe company's duplicate seal, which was kept in tbe New York office ot Ives & Co.. where it would be handv. I don't know whether vou are lawver enonirh to annrp- ciate Just what an ontrace it was for them to even have duplicate seals. The seal of a cor poration is a part of its signature, and it can no more have two seals than it can have two presidents. "Will any other arrests follow?" "I think so: in fact, I am pretfv sure of it" " Ives and Stayner will be taken to the General Sessions on Monday to plead, and then it will be determined whether or not they shall exchange Ludlow street jail for the Tombs. PHIL AKMOUE WHISTLES. He Says Ho Isn't Afraid of HI New Turentened Competition. rSPECIAI. TELEOHAJI TO THE D1SPATCH.1 Chicago, February 22. A telegram wss received here last night announcing the rise of a formidable rival to the "Bis Four" beef combination of Chicago and Kansas City, of which P. D. Armour is at the head. It is said that the new syndicate represents 52o,000,000. and bears the name of the American Meat Company. The organizer and President, as statetf.in'THK Dispatch several davs ago, is J. R. Flagler, President of the Cotton Oil Trust The company pro poses, it is said, to dispense with tbe middle men in the sale of their meats, and,to give to consumers the benefit of the middle men's profits. Mr. Armour said to-day: I don't know much about the nndertaklntr, bnt I believe it to be a quite likely thins. Iliavo had several hints that, sneb a scheme was afoot. Mr Information tallies with the dispatch. The organizers are the "promi nent men in the cottonseed nil trnir, Mr. -J. H. FlaglerjMr. Morse, Mr. Stephen W. Dorsey of whom yon nave doubtless beard Mr. N.'K. Fairbaak, and other". I hear tbat the company holds itschartertindor tbe laws of Xew Mexico, and ha'a vast tract of land, lots of beef, and all that However formidable the rival may bo, or seems to be, we will continuo to do business at the old stand, a continuance of former patronage beinc solicited. We will still supply beef for a few days, at least A WESTERX CATTLE SCHEME. Tlie Big Stock Rnhen are Forming a Very Extensive Combination. Kansas City, February 22. Represent atives of the stock-raising industry from nearly every State and Territory West of the Mississippi river, and from Illinois and Kentucky, practically completed a work of vital importance to cattlemen after a three days session, bor a long time the cattle men have thought they were losing money through a combine between the commission men and tbe large packing honses, which resulted in the sale of their cattle at ridicu lously low prices. The scheme of forming an immense com mission company, composed of the stock raisers themselves, has been broached, and a month or so ago a meeting was held here, attended by leading cattle men of the West, for the purpose of taking the opening steps preparatory to such action. But little was accomplished at the first meeting, and an adjournment was taken until February 20, when the meeting again convened in this citv. To-day the vrork was practically finished, and the meeting adjourned until Monday, March 4. when'the election of officers of the new commission company will take place. Some idea of the magnitude of the move-, nient may be had from the fact that mem bers of the organization now have 163,000 head of stock ready to bring to market THE GREATEST GAS WELL AGAIN. This Time tbe Bis Gusher Is Located at I.nncn&cr. O. Lancaster. O., February 22. The gas well owned by Theodore Mithoff was drilled seven feet further into the gas rock this af ternoon, and surprised everyone by more than doubling its capacity. In an attempt to measure it 'the mer cury was blown out of a gauge placed in the 5-inch opening. As near as can be ascertained the flow is be tween 15,000,000 and 20.000,000 cubic feet per day. An excited multitude has thronged to the well all day. The drillers, Messrs. Strctton and Kee, pronounce it the greatest well in the coun try. It it hoped that it may be packed and controlled by Sunday night, when it will be lighted for exhibition. The well is located in the heart of the city, and acci dental ignition would cause wide de struction of property. ANOTHER' SOUTHERN LYNCHING. A Negro Taken From n Train at the Polot of Hie PiMol. Port Gibson, Miss., February 22. A squad of men from Yicksburg came here last night This morning they boarded a soutb-bound train and flourishing their pistols, took Wesley Thomas, colored, from deputy sheriffs who were con veying him to Xalchez for safe keeping. After getting possession of the prisoner, the squad started with him in the direction ot'Vicksburg, and, it is understood, lynched him on the edge of Big Black swnmps. Thomas had attacked a yonng lady in Vicks burg last Wednesday evening. NOBLE iS NOT CERTAIN. Ho Thinks That lie Will Go on Practicing Lawns Usual. Keokuk, February 22. General John Noble, of St. Louis, who is here on business, was asked to-day, "What can vou tell about your appointment?" "Well," was the answer, "a great many people think there is something in it, but there is nothing definite. President Harri son invited me to call on him, and I called, but I am likely to go on practicing law the same as usual.' THROUGH THE HEART Crashed a Ballet That Ended a Young Chicago Druggist's life. ANOTHER MYSTERY TO UNRAVEL. 2Ir. -Clark Was a Handsome Fellow Who Made Love to Married Women. HE HAD ATEU5KF0L OF THEIEIETT1E3 -' Bnt Only One lot or Them Is Beliered tu Contain a Cfew to Ills Murder. Chicago is suffering from an epidemic of murder and suicide. Since the 1st of the month there have been 13 murders and 17 suicides. Six of the former crimes wera directly traceable to woman's influence. The last of this class occurred late Thurs day night A young druggist with a pen chant for making love to married women was found dying in his store, with a bullet through his heart There is no clue to ha murderer. rSFECIAI. TELEGHAM TO THIS DISPATCH. I Ceicaco, February 22. A woman stood in the doorway of C F. Clark's drugstore, at Harrison street and Hermitage avenue, when the two sons of George L. Yinne, who lives over the store, returned home at 10:40 o'clock last night Twenty minutes later the boys heard apistolshotand looked outof the window. They saw two men, one of whom wore a silk hat, run hurriedly down Her mitage avenue.. The boys dressed as quick ly as possible, and with their father entered the store. Tbe gas was burning full heaoT, and a broken showcase showed that there had been a struggle. The front door was closed, but not locked. Druggist Clark was lying on the floor at the end of the prescription cases. His arms were outstretched, and blood was running from a. wound in his side. He had been shot through the heart. The ball lodged in his back. He gasped -once or .twice after the Yinne boys reached him. ana then died. Old man Yinne said that he heard loud voices in the store before the shot was fired, and distinguished Clark's voice yelling: "Help!" "Murder!" Druggist Clark was 25 years old. He slept in his store. When morning came Police Captain O'Donnell took charge of the store, while detectives were sent in every direction to find the two mysterious men whom the boys had seen running away from the store after the shot was fired. TUE TWO MEN INNOCENT. About noon two men surrendered them selves to the officers. They said that they were standing near the store when the shot was fired, and that they ran away through, frigh(. They were not arrested. Then the police began to search the dead drnggist'3 room. They opened a little trunk and found it filled with lave letters from a half a dozen women, all of whom, it is said, are married. The missives to which the police attached the most importance were signed "Lettie." One read: ' Sweetheart: Come over by 1 p. Hr or get killed. I will sec you this afternoon, rain or shine. -,LErnr. Another one" read: Mr. Clark: Are you goine away, sure, or aro J'ou t oollngl I want to know, for I may take it nto my head to send you a present next week, and if I should die don't you think you would like to know of it? I am feeling better, bui far from well. 'Tis Impos sible for me to get out and so yon see I won't have a chance to sav good-bve unless I can get you over here. I don't thipk it will be Ionic now. 'TIs all I can do to keep nc 'Tis bess for me that I die. It males me feel as If I was doomed to die. and all for what ? I will tell you: Because I mado a fool of myself for a man that has no heart or feeling. Ynn kno what I am going thrnnzh every day. and you laugh at it and tbink'tis fun. Be careful, my swiet Iorer.that it don't come home to vou. As vou said ona time to me, my heart is dead. It makes littla difference to me if I lire or not Good-bve. Lettis. HER HUSBAND'S PET JTAilE. In some of the notes the writer mentions the "Governor" and the "head of the firm." These terms are supposed to refer to her hus band. In one letter she signs herself "Bats," and asks Clark to meet her in the park. Another letter reads: Dear Mr. Clark I will be more than pleased to accompany you, for I really think I need a little recreation, for this nineteenth grandchild is too much for my constitution. I am feeling verysick; little too much excite ment I guess. The letter was signed "Lillie." There were other notes from other women, all of which referred to appointments and intrigues. In a package which was held together by a rubber band were found many photos ot a stout, dark-complexioned woman. Druggist Frank Pyatt, at Madison and. Throop streets, recognized the photograph " as that of a Mrs. Smith, a married woman, who lived across the street from Pyatt's store. Clark used to work for Pyatt, but his love affairs becoming oflensiva to his employer, he was summarily discharged. Druggist Pyatt said to-day that Clark was invariably out late af night, and that women were constantly calling oa him at the store. The mysterious Lettie. or Lillie. in soma of her letters referred to a Mrs. Webster, at 4G5 West Madison street but when the police called at her home, Mrs. Webster said she never knew a woman of the name of Lettie. another theort advanced. The officers continued to work on tha theory that Draegist Clark had been killed by a woman, until late this evening, when Edward Mapes, who lives on Hermitage avenue, called at the Twelfth street station, and said that he saw fonrmen entertbestora together, and that five minutes later ha heard a pistol. Mapes claims that he then saw the four men rush from the store, ona of them holding a revolver. As there isno evidence that a robbery was contemplated, the police believe that the druggist was either killed by one of tha many women whom he courted, or that he was shot down by a wronged husband, who. was accompanied by friends. Tha dead .man was good looking, and of splendid physique. He wa3 not possessed of much wealth, there being a mortgage of $600 on his stock. Less than $100 was found in the place. Since the first of the month there have been six murders in this city in which women have figured. There have been 13 murders in all, and 17 suicide. A DJSTINGD1SHED C0ETEGE. The Shermans Will Attend tha Funeral of Their Sister. EEW York, February 22. The remains of General Sherman's sister, Mrs. Frances Beecher Sherman Moulton, were taken to-night to the 6 o'clock train at the Grand Central depot n route to Cin cinnati. The funeral party were General W. T. Sherman. Senator John Sherman, J. Sherman Moulton, son of the deceased, and his sisters, Mrs. Kockwell and Mrs. Pro basco. of Glendale. The burial will be from a Glendale church Sunday and the in terment in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cin cinnati. GAIL HAMILT0N,o?fDnifpA: talks like a philosopher to the silk-clad ladles tchd sit at Velmonico's tables and chatter about starving working women. '4 if it t 4 i 1 I ?tf
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