u w I i . I1" file Bipfit. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY S. 1S10. Vol 41, No. 15.-nntcred t Pittsburg Post- oilce, IsovcmbcrH. 1SS7. as second-class matter. Business Office 97 and99 Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing House75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. This paper hnrins more than Double the circulation or any other in Ilio Stato outside of Philadelphia, its ndtnntnscs o an adver tising medium will bo nppnrcnt. TEK3IS OF THE DISl'ATCH. rosTAcr. rnrx nc tiie exited states. DAILY MsrATCIt, One Year ? 800 Daily DisrATCH, l'cr Quarter Daily IJiepatcii. OncMonth ,u Daily DisrATCII, Including Sunday, one jear . DAILY DisrATCII, including bunday, pet quarter IM Daily dispatch, including fcunday. ono month. 2 ECxday DisrATCII, one year. - 150 Weekly DisrATCn, one j car 15 Tue Daily DisrATCII Is delivered by carriers at 15 cents per week, or including the bundaj edition, at 20 cents per week. pittsbdrgTkriday, FER 22, issa. DB. MAHAENEKFS BEMOVAL. The Board of Trison Inspectors decided last night to dispense with Dr. Maharneke's services at the Western Penitentiary. They arrived at this conclusion after a full sur- ey of the evidence given at the inquiry re cently held. Our readers have had ample opportunity to judge of the facts in this un pleasant case for themselves, and comment upon the Inspectors' action is needless. Such an institution as the "Western Pen itentiary must always be guarded against such abuses as the Prison Inspectors have determined existed in this case. Justice, without a taint or a suspicion about it, is as necessary in the administration of a jail as in the world outside. "When by any means abuse of justice creeps in, the only remedy is a removal of the cause as quickly as pos sible. The community will doubtless feel reassured at the prompt action of the Prison Board. THEFTJTUBE OF BA2HE. A corporation in which Pittsburg capi talists are largely interested has been formed for the purpose of engaging in an industry, new to this country, on a very ex tensive scale. "Whether the expectations of the gentlemen who propose to manufacture textile fabrics from the fiber of the ramie plant will, be 'fully realized or not is a question which can only be solved by the test of time. But the iact that so many financiers of well-known business sagacity are willing to give the project encourage ment, affords the best of evidence that they expect substantial returns for their money. It is to be hoped that the venture may be a success, and that these capitalists may not only be rewarded for the risks they are tak ing, but also have the satisfaction of estab lishing a new and profitable industry which shall prove a blessing to the people gen erally. CONGRESS AS A SCHOOL. A New York Congressman is said to have told a reporter that there is no better educa tional institution in the land than the Na tional House of Representatives. A mem ber, in his opinion, is made familiar with nearly every subject within the realm of human knowledge. Atter this statement, the additional information that the Con gressman is young and'thay he failed to be re-elected, seems quite superfluous, yet it is deliberately tacked on by the interviewer. Lest parents who intend to give their sons the advantages of the best educational op portunities should be Jed by the recom mendation of this nameless young repre sentative to seek to place them in Congress instead of in Harvard, Yale or Princeton, we venture a word of warning. It is doubt less true that much may be learned in the Capitol, but a good deal of it will have to be unlearned if the seeker after knowledge desires to store his mind with facts and facts only. "Who shall decide when doc tors disagree? It must be admitted that the learned gentlemen who doctor our national laws frequently differ, not only on questions of moment, but even on such comparatively trivial topics as whether the member from Sigiswam is a habitual prevaricator, or whether the honorable gentleman from the Cahoss district ever stated in public that his opponent was a horsethief and a black guard. Prom the slowness with with useful and necessary legislation is accomplished it looks as if too many Congressmen took the same view of their position as the young man who was interviewed. But wc are in clined to think that a school in which no better discipline was maintained would soon be without patrons. If a system could be devised for educating Congressmen and electing them afterward we should heartily favor it; but we wouldn't advise any student to desert even a well-managed primary school with the expectation of learning wisdom more rapidly in "Washington. THE NEW "BEVENTJE BILL. Mr. Harry Oliver succeeded in making the sitting of the "Ways and Means Com mittee at Harrisburg yesterday more inter esting than usual. His remarks upon the equity, or rather the iniquity of the pro posal to tax manufacturing corporations, are well worth reading, and they are pre sented at length in another part of this issue. "Without going deeply into this very important matter, for the new revenue bill is necessarily of the highest importance, it is only just to say that Mr. Oliver's argu ments deserve and doubtless will receive careful consideration. The objections to the proposed tax which Mr. Oliver makes upon the grounds that it will discourage the growth of co-operation, and bear oppressively upon the working man, who has been able to acquire an inter est in the mill or factory in which he works, seem to us well taken, And these objections deserve to be weighed carefully. FEHCING IN THE BALL, The regulations for the inauguration ball are man and some of them peculiar. A neat pamphlet containing the rules has been printed tor the benefit of the floor managers and their aids. Evidently the committees who have the floor and the promenade at the ball in charge arc not very sanguine about the character of the guests. They are prepared for all kinds and conditions of men, and the rules are adjusted to fit the criminal classes as well as the cream of society. Perhaps it might be as well to announce that a man or woman who is intoxicated, or disorderly, or unclean, or a crank, may expect to be bounced summarily if he or she attends the ball. We can understand all these restrictions except the one leveled at "cranks." Crank is a large word; it covers a multitude of mortals. It is inter preted in all sorts ot ways; almost everyone calls those vhom he vaguely dislikes fHiiMfi JR'f'?nutiki'z flfr Aidijfc cranks, without knowing very clearly what he intends to convey by the term. The floor, managers at the ball have a large latitude allowed them in the right to eject cranks. It may result in the word crank receiving a closer and clearer interpretation than it has hitherto had. With a generous regard for weak women a retreat convenient to the ball room will be provided for those suffering "from faint ing fits, hysteria and other disability, where a medical man will be in attendance." Need wc say more to make it clear that a very halcyon and vociferous time is ex pected when Mr. Harribon dances at his own inauguration? THE EOYAL STATE OF HOT). To the Queen's speech few British sub jects look for information as to Government proposals; but the deliverance yesterday under that name contained at least two sug gestions of interest First the war prepara tions by the continental powers compel Her Majesty to ask for money to put the navy and the coast-defenses in better trim. Second, the Balfourian method of dealing with the national aspirations of the Irish people commend themselves so eminently to the Queen's advisers that they are to be continued. The Jemand for more ships and stronger shore-fortresses is the outcome of the scare of the naval maneuvers last summer. An attacking and a defending fleet were or ganized out of the navy; and the attacking fleet did Ivondcrs in, capturing Livgpool, Oban, Greenock and. other seaports. Of course it was all on paper; no blood was shed, no ransoms were exacted; but the British taxpayer was told an enemy could have done the actual feats just as easily, and great was, the momentary consterna tion. The Liberals did not scruple then to charge,and will now repeat, that the maneu vers were a transparent scheme to frighten Cousin John into further big expenditures. They say that war talk is fudge, and want to know who wants to invade England any how, and why? As to the other side of the Balfourian re gime in Ireland there is no lack of public information. The farce of the Parnell com mission and the spectacle of members of Parliament hunted like criminals from pub lic meetings into jails, for no greater offense than open-door discussion of Government proceedings, make a queer nineteenth cen tury picture for the contemplation of the free and enlightened British voter. A GENERAL PARALLEL. Some of the envious opposition have made the fling to the eflect that the Harrison ad ministration will be on a par with that of Rutherford B. Hayes, which the St, Louis Tost-Dispateh declares to be "the most un kindest cut of all." It really is unwise for our Democratic friends to provoke such com parisons, inasmuch as they inevitably call attention to the parallels between Hayes and Cleveland. Both, these Presidents started in with the professed intention of discarding machine politics. The professions of Mr, Cleveland were rather mere strenuous than those of Mr. Hayes; and when it came to permitting the use of official patronage to carry out political ends, the Cleveland administration went further.in that'direction than the Hayes administration. The lack of backbone was displayed in different directions, Mr. Hayes backing down when he came into collision with Congress, and Mr. Cleveland when he ran up against foreign powers of first-class size. Both left office cordially hated by the machine element of their re spective parties. The real point of departure is in the fact that both Presidents declared themselves against a second term, which declaration Mr. Hayes kept and Mr. Cleve land did not. Both Presidents must be credited with at tempts to run a clean administration free from recognized frauds. But since the Hayes administration is the favorite hetenoir of the Democratic organs it may be healthy to remind them of the striking points oi resemblance between it and the only Democratic administration of the present generation. THE DEADLY TOOTHPICK. Take a toothpick, a common sliver of white-wood, between the finger and thumb and though you examine it with the great est care you will not perceive that it has lethal qualities. Yet an autopsy upon a young New Yorker, who died suddenly the other day, revealed that his death was due to toothpicks. Several of his organs pre sented the appearance of pincushions, ex cept that wooden toothpicks took the place of pins. It must be evident to anyone who gives the matter a moment's thought, that noncofa man's organs aredesigned by nature to be a cushion for toothpicks. Dr. Ham mond wc feel sure will sustain us in this view. Probably this unhappy young man had no defined desire to convert his stomach into a lumber yard. He chewed toothpicks, however, with a persistency that has borne fatal fruit. It becomes those who, maybe, prefer toothpicks to pic as dessert to take warning by this tragedy. The single tooth pick by the cashier's desk in the res taurant, or on the tabic at home, looks harmless enough, and hitherto the principal argument against the implement Las been on purely sesthetic grounds, but the evident tendency of the habitual toothpickcr to absorb the pick in particles, if not in bulk, is dangerous to the system. Perhaps, after all, the habit of chewing toothpicks is destined to be checked and ultimately destroyed by the manifestation of its evil consequences. Nobody should regret it, for a toothpick ornaments no man's mouth, still less a woman's. The Cincinnati Commercial Gazette says: Wc do not know whether if is true that Mr. Wanamaker is going Into the Cabinet. It is pleasing to note such candor dis played at least by one newspaper in the countjy. Continued interest must be felt in Mr. Pigott, the man who supplied the Parnell letters, and who is now giving evidence in London. His frequent references yesterday to the "black bag," in which tho precious documents were hauled around, must put all London in mind of that other "black bag" which not long ago was so familiar a subject of interest. It was "Jack the Eip per" who then carried that mysterious bit of baggage; and while the "Hipper" sensa tions were at their height it was very dan gerous for anyone to appear with "a black bag" in London town. A minister; in Western New York is suing one of his parishoners for failure to pay for two funeral sermons. Probably when the delinquent dies the preacher will willingly deliver a discourse telling what he thinks of him and charge nothing for it. The following advertisement appeared in a London paper: A young lady wishes to hear of a gentleman, possessor of a cork leg, wooden arm, glass eje, 4iifr1ajaAi,ifiaisiaagiKa false teeth and a wig; view matrimony. Rea sons for these peculiarities on application. The advertiser should apply to a wax works where she would doubtless find a gen tleman possessed of all the charms she de sires, with the additional recommendation of having no brains. He would be her af finity. The editor of a cotemporary has dis covered that the Secretary of State is in no sense of the word the premier or the biggest man in the Cabinet. If Bayard be taken as an example his'argument is sound. Tnn spirits told Madame Diss Debar that she was going to marry Lawyer Marsh. The lawyer intimates that the lady was misinformed. President Cleveland was promised a second term by prophetic voices from ghostland. He didn't get it. If this thing keeps on people will soon have a well grounded suspicion that the other world, like this, is given to lying. The mantle of P. T. Barnum appears to have descended upon his Agent Extraordin ary, George Starr, who' is tickling the public with terrific telegrams from Central Africa. Even in West Virginia an election must come to an end at last, and the country will rejoice to hear that Hon. John E. Senna was elected United States Senator yester day. He is said to be the youngest member of the Senate, but he took a very long time getting there. It looks as if nobody would be able to ascertain who is in that new Cabinet until Harrison gets ready to take the key from his pocket and unlock the door. A BuriiEK county statesman wants to re establish the whipping post for the punish ment of wife-beaters. The penalty is none too severe for the crime, but it is doubtful if the Legislature will give legal sanction to White Cap methods of administering justice. Slowly but surely Englishmen are be ing forced to make the sad acknowledg ment that the London Times is not infalli ble. Peesident Caenot, of Prance, seeks in vain to get somebody to form a Cabinet for him. If he were in this country he would meet with no such difficulty, but the anxiety of the whole populace to do the work for him might lead to some embarrass ment PE02IINEKT PEOPLE PAEAGEAPHED. At his country home Mr. John Wanamaker is said to have the finest lot of rhododendrons in Pennsylvania. At Stuttgart, Germany, died a few days ago the widow of the late Karl Frederick Ludwig von Schiller, eldest son of the poet, at the age of Si In Piccadilly, London, a young dandy is taking a walk in a costumo of decided origin ality. It consisted of a 'pair of lavender trousers, patent leather shoes, and a short jacket made wholly of sealskin. Tho effect was striking. Wiien Mr. Andrew Lang made his appear ance the other day as Gilford lecturer at St. Andrew's University, he was enthusiastically greeted with tho singing of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow!" His first lecture was on "Man's Conceptions of God." Het Loo, near Utrecht, where tho King of the Netherlands lies dying, is not one of the show palaces of Europe, but resembles a pri vate gentleman's cheery and comfortable country home. It is furnished throughout with exquisite taste. The King has personally superintended tho arrangement of every pic ture, every table.chair and cabinet in the royal apartments. One of the most interesting rooms In the chateau is the dining room, which con tains many relics of tho House of Orange. The apartment is full of curiosities, and between antique silver pyxes and tall Dutch flagons in hammered silver, inlaid with gold, one sees the pocketknlf e of William the Silent, the favorite drinkjng glass of Stadtholder William "V. and a spoon used by that Stadtholder William who died William III of England. From the dining room something like a quarter of a mile of corridors lead to the Great Hall. A correspondent of the Boston Herald thus describes General Boulangcr: When I entered he was sitting at a long table covered with books and papers, but he immediately arose, camo forward with a pleasant "bon jour" and a hearty grasp of the hand, and led me to a seat It was tho first time I had seen him, and I observed with some surprise that he nas not in the least like the published portraits that are to be seen in every part of Paris. Ho has nothing of the dapper look of tho photo graDhs and engravings. His hair is not dark and nicely combed, as you see it in the "pictures in little," but it is iron gray, and stands "cropped" and erect. His beard, too, is tawny and slightly mixed with gray. In physique ho is of middle height, well filled, and neither stout nor slender. He has a stronger face and a more intellectual head than ths popnlar por traits credit him withal, and the lines in his face are distinctly marked thcro is quite a deep lino running across his forehead. His eyes are keen and gray. His coat was semi military in cut, but not in color, for, like his trousers, it was a kind of yellowy-brown. GEOYEE'S LAST G00DBI. Tho Closing Reception Given at tho Whito Ilonse Last Night. Washington, February a. The Presi dent's reception to the public, tho last of his state receptions, drew a tremendous crowd to the White House to-night Although the re ception did not begin until 9 o'clock the crowd began to gather about dusk, and shortly after 7 o'clock there were several hundred persons in the portico of tho White House, who had come early in order to secure eligible places in line. Tho gathering increased in numbers very rapidly, and it was with some difficulty that tho crowd was got in line two abreast. In the meanwhile, a great nurnberbf people who had received cards of invitation were admitted by the exit door, so that when the President and party camo down stairs and took their places in tho blue room, the public rooms and corri dors of tho Whito House were so crowded that it was nearly 10 o'clock before they wero suffi ciently clear of people to permit thoso waiting in line outside to be admitted. At 10 o'clock the crush was immense and there was a closely packed line of people ex tending from the entrance of the Whito House down the western approach to tho gateway, and abont a block or so alonz Pennsylvania avenue. The crowd seemed to be good naturedand waited with patience in tho chill atmosphcro for their opportunity to shake hands with the President or Mrs. Cleveland. Our Ball Players Abrond. From the New York World. J It is very unpleasant to learn that tho Ameri can baseball professionals now in Europe tako but little interest in the musty reminders of the past which surround them on all sides. We are told that Fogarty and Crane always strike out when historical associations aro flung toward them, that Hcaly invariably muffs a tradition and that ,Anson makes shocking errors in his dates. Tuis is distinctly unsatis factory. While our athletes of the fliamond arc adding a touch of modernity to ancient and historic precincts, they should not forget that they owe a dignified and respectful hom age to "tho dead but sceptercd sovereigns who still rule our spirits from their urns." Is It Coming to This? From the New York Sun. Sexton Williams, of St. Thomas' Church, in ono ot his garrulous moments, last week, said that very often a largo fraction of the Sunday morning collection would be found to consist of English and Canadian money. There might be shillings and there might be sovereigns. Some of this comes from foreign visitors to New York who chance to go with pew holders to tho church. Possibly but only possibly it is only a fad on tho part of some of the Anglomamacs who. may go to tho church, and who desire to indicate their English affiliations byputtingthe Victorian coins on tho collection plates. 1 s.. . - i , . - .Ji . t. .m-!.- -J ..- . .r.-V. .?W 2$ii&y-lBttJXl3&.0-,,.J -i.Jm.Li- .. .1 i,- a1- T'iT i j-rf A 1' t i Y n tiT ifirrTi -JVi iil hi TfT- aagf-'t iflHllWKIItsssssslssssrssssssssssssflsiTiilfr THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, THE TOPICAL TALKEK. A Piebald Lion What fan Infant Can Do Ilnstlero In Office A Whnt-ij-It. . The queer triangular building which lies be tween Liberty and Wood streets and Sixth ave nue ought to be considered one of tho "lions" of the City. Tho sign of tho defunct Penn Bank no longer reminds the passer-by of tho exciting days of 1SS1, but nobody who lived here then is likely to forget the corner where the crowds gathered in the memorable May oi lSSt It is curious to note the diversity of ideas which seems to exist in tho owners' ininds. About nine months or a year ago the owner of ono side of tho building decided that a new coat of whito paint was needed; and, according ly tho dingy iron was made glorious forthwith. But tho owner of the other half did not see the matter in the same light, and his part of the building was allowed to remain in its state of blackness. The piebald triangle presented a very striking appearance, till a month or so ago when tho black half was also painted white. By that time, however, the gloss had gone off tho half which had been renovated first, and now you can easily make out the dividing line of the properties by the difference in the shade of color. By the way, the trianglo will have neighbors of magnificent proportions when the Bank of Commerce and tho German Rational Bank erect their new buildings. V TriE fraternity of wprkingnewspaper men in Pittsburg is gettingHnto office in great style just now. N. E. Dorente, who has served his paper with great fidelity and zeal in the pur lieus of the courts for a good many years, has decided to accept the office of court reporter ship tendered him by Chief Justice Weir, of Idaho. At the same time h hear that Mr. Stevenson, who is sometimes irreverently called Billy, is in a fair way to exchange hts legal and journalistic labors in this city for a consulate in South America, where his well known powers as a linguist aro likely to serve him in good stead. But the majority of newspaper men will still continue to accumulate millions in a modest wayat tho old stand. V "Does tho baby walk yet?" asked a dread fully ignorant bachelor of a married man yesterday. "No," tho parent replied, "I do most of the walking!" "Does it talk?" "No, my wife attends to that!" "What does It do then?" "Has a monopoly of the squawkingi" EEAIXT It would be a kind deed if a dog fancier would visit a friend of mine. You see. a man gave this friend of mine a dog the other day. It was a very small dog a puppy in fact The puppy was alleged to be of a graceful breed of hounds. Now doubts have been cast on the little animal's description. He is developing prominent traits and facial features strongly suggestive of the bulldog. It is awfully embarrassing to have a growing pup that cannot be assigned to any breed of dogs. My friend has effected a compromise in his answers to friends who ask what tho pup 6 by calling it a bull-hound! V Once again a sunset of superb color, rich in deep carmine, shading to rose pink, that made one think of summer, and set the sparrows, tough little Philistines, twittering at vesper time. What does it mean this time? After the last sunset bathed our hills in pur ple, and turned our rivers to blood, there camo a snow storm and a biting blizzard. Tho se quence overset the old rhyme and pickled the signal officers that time. May be to-day will bo fair, and then we can paint in the legend: "A red sky at night Is the shepherd's delight!" A DEATH-BED E0MANCE. Colonel Church's First Matrimonial Ex perience a Toacblnely Sad One. Columbus, O., February 2L Speaking of the defense and the defendant in the now cele brated Church divorce case yesterday, a fact camo to the knowledge of an Evening Fost re porter which, although perhaps known gen erally among the Colonel's friends and others, will bo news to the general public, that this marriage was the second marriage of the Colonel's, but such is indeed the fact. While tho present marriage of the. Colonel's was cele brated with great pomp and splendor, bis first marriage was under far more trying, sad and solemn surroundings. It was a death-bed marriage and occurred in January, 1879. Colonel Church, then a very young man, resided in Pittsburg and was en gaged as a law student in the law department of the Panhandle Railroad Company. He bad been paying attentions to Miss Anderson, one of the most estimable ladies in the Smoky City, and as a result a deep attachment and mutual love sprung up between them. They became engaged, and while living in the happy bliss and contentment of soon having their two loving and happy souls made one, the bride-to-be became dangerously ill. , Tho young lady, realizing that death'was near, and not wishing to dio and not have tho one hope of her life, the uniting of her loving soul with that of her much-attached and ad miring lover, she sent for him and asked that she be permitted to have hei hope realized, if it be but for a day. Matters were at onco ar ranged, and in tho presence of her weeping friends, on her death-bed, sho was united in marriage to him who is now passing through the present terrible ordeal. THE G0VEEN0E IS BOSS. New Jersey's Senate Called Down by tho Supremo Conn. , Trenton, Fobruary 21 The State Supremo Court to-day decided an important question re garding the Governor's appointing power. The Governor sent to tho previous Senate nomina tions of R. Kuhl for Judge in Hunterdon county, and E. W. Crane for Prosecutor in Essex county. The Senate rejected both nomi nations. After the Senate's final adjournment tho Governor appointed the two men named. The appointments wero contested, hence tho the suit. The Court has decided that the Gov ernor has the right to make such appointments for filling vacancies such as existed. His course is justified by precedents established by other Governors, and by the fact that tho Sen ate's part in confirming a nomination is not to be taken as a controlling force, but as only con tributory. DEATHS OP A DAY. Dr. D. W. Bliss. WASHINGTON. February 21.-Dr. D. W. Bliss, who attended President Garfield during his Ill ness, died at 7:15 o'clock this morning, at his resi dence in this city. The funeral will take place bunday, and tho remains will be Interred In Wash ington. Captain Benjamin Richardson. New York; February II. Captain Benjamin Klchardson, Hie eccentric millionaire, of Harlem, who owned Washington's chariot, and used to ride through the streets in It on holidays, died yesterday at an advanced ace. lie made a good deal or money In California In 18-ia, and invested It in New York real estate, by which meins he amassed a fortune. lie was a miser and dressed cry shabbily. Dr. Francis Wharton. WASniNGTOS, February 21. Dr. Francis Whar ton, Sollcltor'of the Stato Department and author of the "Standard Dtgest of International law, " etc., died at his residence In this city about 1 o'clock this morning, aged OS years, lie has been suflcringfor sometime from partial paralysisof the larynx, ami suomiucu to me operation or tracheotomy recently, with tho result of securing comparative relief, and continued his work for tho state Department and other literary labors until a few hours before his death, having revised proolsto the last cvenlngof his unfinished "Di- Iilomatlc History of the United States in the lievo ntlonary 1'erlod." The Immediate cause of his death was heart failure. Dr. Wharton removed from Philadelphia to Washington, and entered the Government service at the invitation or Secre tary llavard. In 1883. His funeral wUl take place In this city, at S o'clock baturday, Ralph Uagnlcv. Italph llagalcy, one of the oldest businessmen in this scctton, died at his home at UndcrcllfT station, on the Tlttsburg and Western Kailroad, yesterday afternoon, after suffering a week -n 1th pneumonia. Mr. Bagalcy was an uncle of Mr.Italph llagalcy, of the Wcstinghouso Company. He was asso ciated with his brot her William in the wholesale grocery business for a number or years, and he accumulated a comfortable fortune. He retired from business about 40 years ago, and had been living on a farm at Pine Creek for 35 years. The Bagaley Bros, did an extensive business, their storerooms being located on Wood street. Before raUroads wero built In this section they on ncd a number of steamboats and did business at ail the towns along tne river between here and Cincinnati. 31r. Bagaley was married to Miss Pearson, a sis ter of Mayor Pearson, of Allegheuy,about TO years ago. He was 71 years of ace, and enjoyed perfect health until attacked .by the disease which ended in hls.dcatb. The deceased leaves four children, two sons and two daughters. Kalph. Jr., Is a stone contractor, and Richard Is employed ,at the Westlngnouse machine shops. One of his daughters Is Mrs. Ad dison liillia. The funeral will take place on Sunday. PRIDAT, FEBRUARY 22, A HAPPI MARRIAGE. The Walion-Scnlly Nuptials Celebrated Other Social Events. Tho marriage of Miss Ida Walton, daughter of Captain Joseph Walton, and Mr. James Wood Scully was celebrated last evening at the residence of Mr. Walton, on Western ave nue, Allegheny. Tho largo mansion was filled with guests and the happy couplo could not have had a merrier departure from their old into their new life. The largo reception room in which the cere mony took place, was decorated with plants and flowers. Directly opposite the door was a semi-circular collection of raro tropical plants and beautiful lilies, extending almost to the ceiling, la the center stood tho minister. whilo before him con tract in c parties knelt whilo the ceremony was being performed. The mantels in tho rooms wero banked with ferns, and a huge jar of lilies was placed in the center of each. All the decorations in this room were in green and white. In the dining rooms the floral decorations were of yellow jonquilsandadiantum. Abeau tiful floral piece was placed in tho centerof tho table, which was lighted by cut-glass candela bra, with yellow globes. The other decorations wero of a yellow shade and were furnished by Murdoch. The supper wa3 served by Caliout, the Pittsburg Club caterer. Toerge's orchestra furnished the musical selections. When the time for the ceremony arrived, the groom and his best man, Mr. Harry Spr,oul, entered the room first; Miss Nellie Walton, as maid ot honor, followed. The bride entered leaning on the arm of ber father. She wore an imported satin brocade dress, looped with orange blossoms, and carried a bunch of white violets. Iwo little children, Miss Alice a sister of tho brido, and Master Walton Cook, a nephew, brought up the rear. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. J. Leak, of the In orth Avenuo M. E. Church. While tho solemn rites wero being celebrated, a zither solo was played. It was a strange and beautiful accompaniment. The ceremony was very impressive and only the relatives and intimate friends of tho contract ing parties were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Scully left on a wedding trip and on their return they will tako up their residence at their new homo on Lincoln ave nue, Allegheny, which was constructed and lurnlshed by Captain Walton and presented to the bride. Many other beautiful and costly presents wero received. SAMPLE-DATIS. A Quiet Wedding on Federal Street, Alle gheny, Yesterday Afternoon. The wedding of Miss Clara J. Samplo to Mr. Joseph R. Davis, bookkeeper of the firm of Godfrey & Clark, this city, took place yester day afternoon at the residenco of the bride, 212 Federal street, Allegheny. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. M. Cowl, of the Union Avenue MethodisvChurch, and was witnessed by only a few of the rela tives and immediate friends of the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Davis departed on a Western trip shortly after the ceremony. Upon (their return they will make their homo in Alle gheny. . run and Music. This evening a humorous, dramatic and musi cal evening will be givep under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. of Pittsburg, in the Second Presbyterian Church, Penn avenue and Seventh street. The programme consists of several vocal quartettes by the Meigs sisters. Misses Hattie, Jennie, Edith and Florence. The songs will be interspersed by humorous talks by Mr. C, F. Underhill. A Lmvrcnccville Wedding. The marriage of Mr. J. Albert Letsche and Miss Elizabeth Wetzel, daughter of Mr. C. Wetzel, of Lawrenceville, was celebrated last evening at tbe St. Peter's Lutheran Church at 8 o'clock. Rev. Wm. Shaeffer performed the ceremony. The maid of honor was Miss Lillio Letsche, sister of the bridegroom. The brides maids were Miss Hannah Possicl and Miss Lizzie Voltz. IT. P. Sapper. The Eupper and festival given at the Seventh U. P. Church, Forty-fourth street, Lawrence ville, opened last night, and will continue to night. The common sense bazaar was in charge of Mrs. Rev. Sands and six aids. Misses Carey and McKinley had charge of tho flower booth. The Panliton Society of the candy booth, and Miss Maggie Mitchell and Miss McComb of tho children's bazaar. An Army Talk. Captain S. L. Fullwood gavo a talk in tho rooms of the Pennsylvania Railroad depart ment, Y. M. C. A., on Twenty-eighth street, last evening. The subject of bis address was Army. Talk." A large number of railroad men were present. , . Martha Wnshlncton Tea. A Martha Washington tea party will bo given at Hamilton's Music Hall by the Ladies' Aid Society of Davis Camp Ko.O, S. V. There will be seven tables, beside an ice cream booth and lemonade stand. A Nico Reception. Tbe Phil Sheridan branch E. B. A. gave a delightful reception to friends last night at Lafayette Hall. The music was furnished by tho Royal Italian Band. An Allegheny Cotillon. The Allegheny Cotillon Club gave a cotiyon at Cyclorama Hall last evening. There was a largo attendance, and a pleasant evening was spent by all. A BED SHIET AND A GHOST. They Form tho Basis of a Romantic Board Iuk IIouso Talc. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Findlay, February 2L Tho inmates of a North Main street boarding house are greatly excited over what the boarders term spiritual manifestations, growing out of the following circumstances: A stonemason by tho name of Colpitis boarded at tho house for some time, and about a month ago went to Toledo, where ho met a violent death, by having a slab fail upon him in a stoncyard. In the room in tho boarding houso in this city which bo occupied, be left a red flannel shirt when he went away. His f onner roommate thinking tho dead man would havo no further use for the garment, appropriated it, and the other night put it on for a night dress. About tho timo churchyards yawn and graves give up their dead, the board ing houso peotilo sprang from their beds in great alaim, caused by ear-piercing yells com ing from tho room occupied by the young man who bad taken possession of the dead man's shirt. Between screams he explained that be had been visited by the spirit of tbe departed stonemason, who was Tiiolentrv angry becauso his garment had been used. Of course every body laughed except tho young man, who, dis carding the spirit-haunted dress, laid down and slept peacefully tho rest of the night. The next night, however, another young man who took no stock In the story, borrowed the shirt and putting it on, went to his bedk At about the samo hour that tho previous dis turbance had startled the boarding house, tho inmates were again aroused by shrieks and screams of tbe most terrifying character, and in a moment afterward tho j oung man with tho haunted shirt in his hand, dashed down stairs as if the devil was after him, and took rcfugo under a table in the kitchen. He, too, had becri visited by the former owner of the red shirtj whose anger had been intensified by the second attempt to appropriate his intimate piece of ipparel. In the meantime, and pend ing the appearance of some ono with courage sufficient to meet the enraged spirit of the dead stonemason, the red shirt has been hung in tho garret, from whence, it is said, strange, un canny soands come nightly, and the boarding house will soon shut up shop. nw EKADF0ED ESCAPED. Tho Whisky Insurrection Leader's Flight Down the Ohio. Special Tdcgram to Tho Dispatch. Washington, Pa., February 21. David Bradford! one of the leaders of the famous whisky insurrection, was the brother of the great graAdmother of Rev. Dr. W. W. Colmery, of Oxforl, O., who is now visiting in this sec tion. Rev. Colmery has interested himself in tbe histoj-y of Bradford, subsequent to his escape frim capture and flight from the scene of the failure of tho insurrection. After leaving Washington, Bradford fled down thophio river to Cincinnati, and thence to the Spanish possessions, now Louisiana. Ho obtained t grant of land from the Spanish Government, and becamo a planter and a man of wealth) Rev. Colmery recently addressed a letter to If rs. Anna B. Miles, of New Hope, Ivy., a gnmddaugbterof Bradford, and received a letter inj reply in which Mrs. Miles says she is truly tho granddaughter of tbe David Bradford spoken or, and that her father, a lawyer, mar ried Amada Davis, the sister of Jefferson Davis. A substantial stone bouse on the the west stdo of Main street, built bv Bradford, is still standing and is occupied by John L. Gow, Esq, Bat There Arc More Blc-Hcuds Now. From the Philadelphia Press. Hatters assert that the averago American head is considerably smaller than it was SO years ago. This is strange, considering that tbe aver age American head is often so much larger to day than it was last night. 1889. SCOTT AS A EEF0RMER. The Erie Stntesmnn fallows How His Dis trict Wns Ran on Truo Civil Service Reform Principles An Undemocratic Democracy Don's Salary to be 9Iade Equal to 'Ligo's-Other Capital Notes. Washington, February 2L In speaking to a formal amendment to the postofhee appro priation bill to-day, Mr. Scott, of Pennsyl vania, said that he had a list of the Frcsidental postmasters in Pennsylvania, which he hoped the gentlemen on tbe other side who believed in civil service reform would not overlook. There were in Pennsylvania 191 Presidental postmasters. Daring the four years of the present administration the number of original appointments which had expired was 103; of resignations, 23; of suspensions, 17; of removals, 6; of deaths, 8. The number of offices which had become Frcsidental was o7. In 3 offices no changes bad been made. Id his own district there wero 17 Presidental postmasters, and during tbe present administration no changes had been made except in two cases, where charges of malfeasance in ofBco had been pre ferred. Mr, Peters, of Kansas, suggested that the district was a Republican district and that the gentleman wanted to get votes. Mr. Scott replied that that might, or might not be. He then referred to tho fact that in 18S5, between the 25th of February and the 3d of March, four Presidental postmasters in his district had been appointed and confirmed; and he hoped that gentlemen on the other side would recollect this record. Mr. Cannon, 'of Illinois, said that the funeral ceremonies had not been concluded, and not being expected to talk of the faults of the dead, he hoped the consideration of the bill would bo proceeded with. Messrs. Adams and Lawler made earnest and vigorous endeavors to increase the appropria tion for the pay of letter carriers. They pointed out that the growing city of Chicago was inadequately supplied with letter carriers, and advocated an increase in the number of trips made daily, especially in the business por tions of tbe city. Their efforts were, however, unsuccessful. Mr. Lawler also endeavored to have a proviso inserted in tbe bill forbidding the close of the Chicago mail bag repair shops, but he was again unsuccessful. Having concluded the consideration of tho bill the committee rose, and the bill was passed. t An Undemocratic Democracy. Mr. Conger, of Iowa, to-day moved to increase from 578,000 to 5128,000 the appropriation for furnishing public buildings. In speaking to this amendment Mr. Hatch, of Missouri, said that tbe parsimonious treatment which the Com mittee on Appropnations accorded to the pub lic buildlncs of tbe country was disgraceful. In his town of Hannibal tho custodian of the pub lic building had, on account of the meagerness of tbe appropriations, been compelled to go upon tho street and employ a common laborer to run the engine at $1 a day. Tho Judge hold ing court there had telegraphed to the Secre tary of the Treasury that some arrangement must be made or he would cease to hold court. He (Mr. Hatch) had telegraphed to the post master to placo a notice on the door th at it was dangerous to enter the building. Laughter and applause. Mr. Hatch continued to criti cise the Appropriations Committee, declaring that it had more nerve than anything else, and asserting that in the past it had discriminated against the rank and file of the Democratic party by decreasing salaries. Mr. Sayers, of Texas, suggested that Demo cratic officials would be willing to bold over under the next Administration under their present salaries. Mr. Hatch retorted that that might be true of Texas officials, but Democratic officials in Missouri expected to resign after the 4th of March. Mr. Randall defended the Appropriations Committee and said that it had struck against everything that looked like tbe undue expendi ture of public money. Mr. Hatch inquired whether a Democratic Secretary of the Treasury was not as competent to judge of the appropnations which should be made for furni ture as was the members of the Committee on Appropriations. Mr. Randall replied that the committee had examined into the contracts and knew that the estimates of the department could be cut down one-half, without Inconvenience to the public service. It had been shown that there had been gross extravagance in the expenditures for fur niture. Furniture had been bought fit for pal aces, rather than for the comfort of the Demo cratic administration. Laughter, After further debate the amendment was re jected. Dan to be as Well Paid as 'LIge. On motion of Mr. Scott, of Pennsylvania, to day, an amendment to the deficiency appropria tion bill was adopted appropriating $6,000 to pay Daniel Lamont, tbe President's private Secretary, the difference between his present salary and 3,000 a year, the salary which his successor will receive. A Thorough Investigation if Any. When the "Southern outrage" investigation resolution came up in the Senate to-day, on motion of Democrats the vjords "bribery" and "or other unlawful uso of money," were in serted. Mr. Gorman objected to the resolu tion, saying the forcing ot this debato was for the purpose of making an extra session neces sary. Mr. Voorhces then asked to havo added an amendment directing the committee to in quire also whether money was corruptly and unlawfully used in tbe control of the election in November, 1S8S, in any of the States; and to examine into tbe various sums of money raised for such purpose, by whom paid, by whom col lected, ana to wnom uisoursea. A Load for Two Boys. Mr. Stockbridge presented to tho Senate two immense packages of petitions in favor of the "Sunday rest law," and sent them to the clerk's desk by a couple of pages, who were almost overburdened by the load. The Shape of the Next House. Up to date alt but about 15 of tho certificates of members-elect of the next. House have been received by General Clark, the Clerk of the House. Among those lacking aro the certifi cates of two Representatives from West Vir ginia and one from Tennessee. In regard to tho caso of tho West Virginia members-elect. General Clark said that in his view the Gov ernor of the State might have issued the cer tificates any day after the election, and now tnat tue senatorial contest was over ne De lieved that tho certificates for Representatives would soon bo made out. Regarding the Tennessee case, in which the Stato Supreme Court has decided that it cannot restrain the Governor from issuing a certificate to Evans (Republican), Gex-eral Clark said it would not bo proper for him to express an opinion as to the effect of the decision, as the case might come before him for decision between two sets of certificates. Assuming that Evans will re ceive a sufficient certificate, the clerk figures that tho Republicans will have 101 and the Democrats 159 members at the organization of the next House, rot counting the West Vir ginia members. Should these two seats go to the Democrats it will leave the Republicans with a majontyof three, but the admission of the Dakota?, Washington and Montana, will increaso this majority. , Plenty of Room for All. Tho Inaugural Committeo on Public Com fort, in answer to a,largo number of inquiries from all parts of thd country, wish to stato the information to the public that their resources arc ample to enable them to provide with'pleas ant and comfortable lodgings, with board, in tho most desirable parts of the city, all who may wish to attend the Inaugural ceremonies. Tho prices range from 52 to $1 per day. While tho committee has already provided for be tween 20,000 aud 30,000 people, thero is no lack of really desirable places, and at reasonable rates. In Memory of George W. All the executive departments will be closed to-morrow (Washincton's BirthdayJ.which is a legal holiday in the Districtof Columbia, Cleveland Still in tho Veto Business. The President to-day returned toCongTess. without his approval, tho House bill to de termine the title ot settlers in the Des Moines river lands in Iowa. The President says: "One result of this legislation is consummated, and if effectual, would be to restoro to the United States a part of tbo public domain, lands which more than 25 years ago the Government expressly granted and surrendered, and repeated de cisions of the Supreme Court have judged to belong, by virtue of this action ofi tbe Govern ment, to other parties. It is by no means cer tain that this proposed legislation relating to a subject peculiarly within tho judicial function, and which attempts to disturb rights and interests thoroughly entrenched in the solemn adjudications of our courts, would bo upheld. In any event, It seems to me that it is an improper exercise of legislative power, an interference with the determinations of a co ordinate branch of the Government, an arbi trary annulment of a public grant more than 25 years ago, an attempted destruction of vested rights aud a threatened impairment of lawful contracts." They Got OfTEnsy. From tne Detroit Free l'ress.3 A Vermont school teacher rigged up a hand sled to take his scholars for a ride down hill, and after the sled had jumped two logs, run over several stumps and plunged into a ravine it was found that only soven persons were in jured, which was considered very lucky. 'METROPOLITAN MELANGE. Little Mac's Monument Ready. fXKW YOKE BUREAU SPXCIAtS.! New York, February 21. Preparations are about completed for the nnveiling of the mon ument of General George B. McCIcllan, on Decoration Bay. The shaft will be 46 feet high, at base 9 feet 6 inches square, material being granite, costing 510,000. It Is surmounted by a large ball, on which rests an eagle. The ball and eagle are 6 feet high, and the eagle is 1 feet from tip to tip of wings. a A Fireman Literally Cooked. A tug fireman, supposed to be named McCor mack, was steamed and parboiled to death last night on the tug Jewett. Bbe had been left un guarded, with her fires banked. Hither with the idea of larceny or in seeking a warm place to sleep, McCormack forced a window and crawled in over her boilers. In some way he wrenched off ono of the steam pipes, filling the narrow space "with a scaldlnz blast. It is thought that in trying to escape ho became wedged between the boiler and a partition, for his dead body was found there this morning, literally cooked. Able to Defend Himself. As Jacob Lonllard. Jr., was walking across the Second avenue bridge, on his way to bis Westchester home, last night, two men stopped him. One of them demanded money, but re ceived instead a smashing blow between the eyes that knocked him down. His companion bolted at this, and Mr. Lonllard went bis way in peace. Ho is well known as an amateur athlete, and a member of tho County Club. His only memento of the interesting adventure is a bad tear in the collar of bis coat, where one of the footpads seized him. Exciting Scenes at a Fire. This forenoon a kerosene lamp was upset in the apartments of Fred Bebrens, on tho second floor of an East Thirty-sixtn street tenement, setting fire to the house. The flames started up the stairway to tho top floor, occupied by the Cullen family. Mrs. Cull en and her son, John, were it home at the time, and found escape cut off by fire and denso smoke. Tbey were rescued by firemen, with difficulty the woman through a front window and tho son with a rope let down from tbe roof to a rear window. The loss is about $1,000. Lost Too Much to Live. John Dudley Kennedy committed suicide at the Putnam House, this afternoon, by taking poison probably prussic acid. He had been involved, it was said, in legal troubles with the banking firm of Flsk & Hatch, over the sum of $23,000. which he naidforSOO shares of Central Pacific stock. It was guaranteed that the stock would go up to SL0O. but it didn't. It fell instead, and Kennedy lost his money. He be gan legal proceedings against Fisk & Hatch, but lately, it i3 said, these proceedings were discontinued for what reason cannot at pres ent be learned. It was thi3 financial loss that led to Kennedy's ending his life to-day. A WILD WESTEEN IDEA. One of tho Proposed Features of tho Coming Inanffurnl Display. Denvee, February 21. The great West is to be represented at General Harrison's inaugura tion by a genuine cowboy brigade. "Sombreros, sbapps" and blue shirt will distinguish tbe dele gation from the boundless prairies and the foot bills of the Rockies, and if such trappings do not offset in the big Washington parade the tinsel and plumes of the( effete East there will be groaning among the politicians and business men here, who, to-day, about completed ar rangements intended to put down-easters in tho shade. The nucleus of the brigade, pro viding there is no bitch, will be 100 leading citi zens of Denver, who are about equally interest ed in politics, cattle and mining. Thomas Mc Gill is directing the movement. The programme is for the 100 Denver men, accoutered in all theparaphernaliaof cowboys, to start from here, February 26, for Washing ton, and be joined en route by other cowboys who may wish to thus hold up the glory of the West. At Kansas City tbe "Dodge City Cow boy Baod" will be attached to the brigade. Tbo band is to give concerts on tbe return trip, which may be by way of New Orleans. Most of the members of the brigade are splendid speci mens of Western manhood, all brawny six footers, who, attired in true cowboy style, decked out with revolver, knife, cartridge belt and lasso, may not perhaps succeed in carrying off first honors, but will certainly be among the most picturesque figures at the inauguration. It i intended to make it a true representation of Western life of 20 years ago. 0PEEATING IN TEE WEST. The English Syndicate Is Bnyine St. Louis and Chicago Breweries. Chicago, February 2L There is something of a stir among local brewers over a report that Mr. Luke Bishop, representative of the En glish syndicate which is buying up breweries in this country right and left, will be here soon for tbCpurpose of closing bargains for several houses here. The negotiations have been go ing on since last July. Six Chicago breweries are willing to sell at prices they have named, which would bring to this city about 8,000.000 of the syndicate's cash. Another leading brewer, presumably one of the six, said: "My advice to any brewer i3 to sell. There is no telling where prohibition may end in this country. Besides, the English have such high ideas of the profitableness of breweries, owing to fortunes like those of Bass and Guiness, that they will pay stiff prices." A dispatch from St. Louis says: It is an nounced that an English syndicate of capital ists, with a capital of S5aO0O,00O, whose Ameri can representative is ex-United States Senator Stephen W. Dorsey,- has been operating here for several days past with a view to acquiring, by purchase, some of the breweries of this city. Several owners have been approached, but so far, it seems, with little or no success. BEST WISHES FE0JI THE POPE. His Holiness Among Those Who Congratu late Georgetown University. Washington, February 2L The centennial celebration of Georgetown University was con tinued to-day, tho exercises being under tho auspices of tho Alumni Association. Gaston Memorial Hall, in which the proceedings were held, was handsomely decorated with flags, bunting and shields. Tbe following telegram from tbe Pope was read to tho assembled alumni by Father Murphy: . "Leo tho Thirteenth, send3 congratulations and best wishes to the rector, tho professors and the alumni." The University of Christiana in Sweden, also sent congratulations, and letters of a similar character wero received from Harvard College, Lehigh, Michigan, Vassar, and Rutgers Uni versities, and many other well-known institu tions of learning. No Chance for Them. From the New York World.l Judging from what we havo observed of the course of the United States Government with reference to ancient claims, however good, tho prospect of the heirs and assigns of Captain Allyn securing 25,000 principal and Interest of the cost of bringing General Lafayette over the Atlantic H years ago, is not at all promis ing. As in tho case of the French Spoilation Claims, thi3 bill for service performed has been allowed by one branch ot Congress or the other at various sessions, but never by both at the same time. Where the original creditor of a duo of this kind has disappeared from the scene he might as well take his demand along with him. HOW HE. PROPOSED. I took her little hand in mine, it quivered like a bird. And as I felt its touch divine A trembling sigh I heard. Momentous timet Should I propose? I knew not what to say; As 1 beheld my blushing Hose 1 felt my hair turn gray t ' I thought of Myron, Scott, and Moore; All. could 1 but recall A bit of their poetic lore! I once had known it all. Oh, woman. In our hours of ease," 1 blunderingly said. And then I thought my tongue would freeze And wished that I were dead. My heart was beating like a Sail, And yet my lips were dumb; The clock that hung upon a-nail Ticked louder than a drum. 1 could not see, for, strange to tell. The air seemed full f smoke. Then from my tongue the fetters fell. And then aud then I spoke. "lloieyou, dear!" I said In haste; I love you, too," she said; And then I clasped her dainty waist And kissed her lips of red. Then came a flood of poetry, I spouted yards of rhyme. And she Is going to marry me In apple-blassom time. Samuel Xlnturn Feet, in Uarptr't Batar. CURIOUS COHDENSATIOXS. An enterorislng 'teamster in Bridge port, Conn- is digging for supposed traried treasure about which he dreamed for three nights. -Joseph, Charles and Prank Klouchek, brothers, of Portland, Ore., were all born on the Fourth of July, two in Austria and one in this country. Mrs. Eyan, who lives alone on a farm near Hannibal, Mo., taing much troubled by tramps, concluded to dress up in men's clothes and has not been annoyed since. The kerosene used in Dakota freezes; solid at 7 below zero, and it is as much a part of the household work to melt tbe cake of kerosene aa it is to wash the dishes or sweep the floor. Civilization in Africa is a failure. The savages who murdered the British engineer Penrose, swallowed the chemicals used for photography found in his baggage, supposing it was rum or some other civilizing beverage. Mrs. M. R. Stanton, a Brooklyn widow, while walking last summer in the Catskills, fell over an embankment near a bridge, and blames the township authorities for it She broke no bones, but has sued for 310,000 for damage to ber beauty. New wonders are being unearthed every day, and a new and rare one has just turned up in Paris in the shape of a fine bust of Mme. de Stael by Canova. It was found in a second hand shop, where it had lain for years, sub merged under rubbish, with its value all on guessed. Mrs. John Crosby Brown, of New Tort, has presented her collection of musical instru ments to the New York Metropolitan Museum. Tbe collection contains 266 specimens, and is estimated as worth $35,000. It contains all sorts of instruments known both in ancient and modern times. The bones of nine British offices who fell at Waterloo, and were buried in the ceme tery of the Quartier Leopold at Brussels, have at last been transferred to an English ceme tery. Tbe skeletons are all finely preserved. All wero very tall men. The old tombstones were set up over the new graves. A young negro boy, only 3 years old, is being exhibited in England. He is blind, but possesses a remarkable memory. The young ster will answer 3,000 qnestions contained in a book, and any combination of .figures or names told him at the beginning of the entertain ment will be repeated at the finish. It has cost the city of New York for each lineal foot of the sea wall now in process of construction under the supervision of. the Dock Department, 51,333 33, and some of it over 2,000. In the 28 miles contemplated there are 147,810 feet, which, at the rate of say 51,400 a foot would cost that city the enormous sura of $208,978,000 The rock to which a chain was attached during the War of the Revolution to prevent vessels going up the Hudson river will nave to be removed in making excavations for tho Peekskill bridge in tbe highlands. It will be taken out entire and preserved at either West Point, Newburg. or in the rooms of the His torical Society in New York. The medical editor of a certain London paper, who advocated a vegetarian diet, baa undertaken to live for an entire month on nothing but whole meal and distilled water. This meal he grinds himself, mixes it with cold distilled water into a batter, and bakes it for an hour and a half. He allows himself one) pound of meal and two pints of water dally. Experiments are, it is stated, being1 made on thqf'russian railways with axle-boxes in which theoearing surface consists of sheets of vegetable parchment set on edge, and strongly compressed together. The lubrication of these bearings fs said to be very perfect, as, owing to tbe capillary attraction between the different sheets, the whole becomes thoroughly saturated with oil. A correspondent writing from Arizona says that at the time the law wa3 passed mak ing it an offense for Indians to appear in a city minus their tronsers. the red men accepted tho decree with their usual stoicism. They would carry their pantaloons on their arms until tbey reachedthe city limits, whereupon they would L don them, removing tbe obnoxious garments wnen tney leit tne city. Boston is shortly to have magnificent new athletic grounds. A syndicate of capital ists have purchased the land on the Cambridge side of the Back Bay. The purchase includes 1,000,000 square feet of land, and it is the in tention'of tho manacement to lav a half-mile .bicycle trace and build a grandstand, which win contain, amontr otner tnings, a parior, dressing; retiring, and bathrooms and kitchen. The unexpected discovery in one's an cestral bookshelves of a volume worth any thing between 3,000 and 1,000 must be an ex perience as rare as delightful. While clearing the library at Hopetonn House for a safe at Sotheby's, some one came npon a cony of the Mazarin or Gutenberg Bible. Lord Hopetoun did not know be had it; book collectors and experts did not know of tho existence of this copy. Preparations are being made in tho Apollo Gallery at the Louvre for exhibiting the diamonds and other cems reserved from the sale of the crown jewels. These valuable relics of the monarchal ana imperial regimes win be placed in show cases so arranged that they can be lowered into Are and burglar-proof safes fastened to the floor of tho gallery, which will be under tbe surveillance day and night of a special detail of watchmen. The original eau de cologne isniada from a recipe which, according to a writer in the Leisure Sour, has been known to only ten people since it was discovered nearly 200 years ago. Tho written copy of it is kept in a crystal goblet, under triple locks, in the room in which the essential oils are mixed. The casks in which the perfume is kept are made of cedar wood from Lebanon, which is stronger than any other and does not smell. More than 2, 000,000 bottles are sold annually, and of these 150,000 go to one houso in London. Cards, which were invented at the close of the fourteenth century, says JToles and Queries, wero originally very different from those In nse at present. In shape they were' square, and instead of suits of spades, clubs, hearts and diamomls, their marks were rabbits, Einks, roses and flowers of columbine. Tbe gured cards were very prettily devfsed. a queen riding on horseback with a rabbit beside her marked the qneen of rabbits or of clubs. A rustic-looking man. grotesquely dressed ana standing? in a stranze attitude, with a pink be side him, signified the knave of pinks or dhv monds. PICKINGS FROM FUCK. A Device Never Out of Order. Put a hole in a nickel, and see yourself lose 5 cents. Love is blind, but he has good ears. Tha intruding step at th parlor door, however faint, can always be distinguished. j That Trip to Europe. First Philadel phlan (sadly) Things seem very dull, very dull. Second I'hiladelphlan (despondentlyj Yf. Empty Is the city, Wanamaker's gone. Another sale of French crown jewels is to take to place In March. The Government pro poses keep It np so long as wealthy Americans wUl buy, even If It has to start a Jewelry factory. At the Play. Brewster (who has brought his Boston cousin to see Mrs. Potter) There she is. hhe used to be one of our great society ladles, you know. Cousin Matllde (alter watching Cleopatra for ten minutes) Yes: she acts Uke one. TJrbs in Sure. Bobby Keene (his first view of a whitewashed tree)-That's funny. Aunt Mehltable. Mrs. Green What's funny, Bobby? Hobby Keen Why. that your fence pos J sprout when you paint 'cm I Through the Telephone. HofTmanHowes Hello, Evvy, old boy! That you? Go with ma to the Turkish bath to-night.' Central (hurrying things up) B-r-r-r-r-r-r-r through yet? Everard Lafayette (with asperity) No,' we're nott We're taking a bath! Talking Business. Mr. Sullivan Mr. Ktl rain, I understand you called me a liar and several other names the other day. , Mr. KUrain Yes; I believe I did. Mr. Sul livan. Mr. HulUvan-Wcll, you daren't back it np for ?10,0CO, three-quarters of the gate receipts and the championship of the world. A Moving Tale. Conductor of Broad way Car (authoritatively motioning to a line of people) Move up, please, and give this lady a seat. (Tho lady is one of tbe numerous Individu als who invariably persist in clinging to the rear 'end of the car.) District Messenger Boy (at tbe head of the line, who has "moved np" atready oftener than he thinks consistent with bis dignity and comfort) Dls ain't no pergresslve eachre party. Udelady wants a seat, dey's one up at dls end. A BLICnrXD KOXAXCE. A fair cashier at the desk did stand. And wrote out a bill for a man near by; rie watched the pen In her snow-wblte band, And saw the amount with a great big sigh. "A fine business hand; how 1 wish 'twere nlnet' The man with the writing like Greeley's sail: "If this is a serious offer, 'tis thine:" He looked up surprised, and tumbled and fled. Ml from Fuet.