, THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, PPJ33AY, FEBRUARY 22, 1889. i-g?z: MERE MONEY TALKS. iWealthy Men Argue With the Ways - and Heans Committee Against A-BTATE TAX ON COKrORATIONS. i Harry direr Suggests That Monopolies Should he Taxed. A SERIOUS BLOW TO CO-OPURATIOX. i Pennsylvania a Blind Giant. Bound Down by Marty D.fficnlties. A number of prominent Pittsburg manu facturers entered their rjrotest yesterday against the provision of the proposed reve nue bill taxing manufacturing corporations. H. "W. Oliver, Jr., suggested that railroad, light and fuel monopolies should be. taxed by the State, and held that the measure in controversy was a direct blow to co-operation between employers and employes. 4 rrnoM a staff connEsroxDEXT.: Harmsbubg, February 21. H. W. Oliver, Jr., who came over from Pittsburg this morning to labor with the "Ways and Means Committee of the House, sees politi cal consequences which the members of the .Legislature ought to keep before their eyes along side the economic facts, before they decide to followthe ideas of the State offi cials, as shown in their geccral revenue bill, and impose a State tax on corporations. This vitw of the question was not formally laid. before the "Ways and Means Committee to-day by the speakers, but is undoubtedly a point they have not overlooked. The "Ways and Means Committee meeting was held this afternoon in tlie hall of the House of Representatives. Chairman Gra ham sat in the chair of the Chief Clerk, with Secretary Dravo by his side. The gentlemen who appeared on behalf of the manufacturing interests, were Representa tive Bean, Cyrus E. Elder, of the Cambria Iron and Steel Company; H. "V. Oliver, Pittsburg; Mr. TViUon, of Philadelphia; Colonel I. N. Schoonmaker, of Pittsburg; ex-Auditor General Nilcs, and W. C. Quincs, of Jones & Laughlins, Pittsburg. The right for the particular provision of the bill under consideration was made by Hon. Henry Hall, of Mercer, who questioned and.crostS-qucstioned the speakers and made it plain that if the m nufacturing centers were against the bill, the rural population was by no means unanimous against it. A TKOTEST FEOSI 520,000,000. Colonel Bean simply read a protest from the manufacturers of the Schuylkill valley, representing 520,000,000 capital and 8,000 employes. Their objections to the tax on corporations are that the tax was only re pealed in 18S5, and that since that time many companies have been indtrced thereby to become corporations; that Ohio and New Jersey, competing with Pennsylvania on the.'nestand east, have no such tax; that such a tax tends to discourage co-operative companies; that there is considerable differ ence agaiust the Pennsylvania manufact urer between the wages paid here and in New England; that the imposition of the tax will tend to the lower ing of wages, and that the decrease that might be brought about in manufacturing would injure agricultural interests by de stroying markets tor agricultural products. CyrusElder,ot the Cambria Company.Sec rctary of the Philadelphia Association of Manufacturers, said it was an admitted fact that the national prosperity was largely due to the policy of discriminating in taxation in favor of the manufacturer. He thought it ought to be a serious question with Penn sylvania whether she of all others should depart from this policy. He traced the his tory of the taxation and exemption of man ufacturers, and stated that white the reve nue from corporations was $1,531,110 in 1884, the year before the repeal of 'the tax, it last year had increased to 51,814,818 from the payment of bonuses on new charters alone. Mr. Elder stated to Mr. Hall that the tax on manufacturing corporations would really decrease the revenue, as man ufacturers would not form new ones,and old ones would surrender their charters. TAX MONOPOLIES. H. W. Oliver, Jr., said that from 1878 to 18S4 manufacturing corporations decreased to less than 100, and no new charters were taken out. Allegheny county had but one. "It the bill becomes a law," he said, "it will cost me 530,000 where it now doesn't cost a cent." The bill he also declared was a direct blow at co-operation. "How will you avoid this and at the same time create revenues?" asked Representa tive Hall. t "Tax corporations having exclusive rights," answered Mr. Oliver. "Tax rail roads, water companies, gas companies, elec tric light companies and such as these. AVe meet a bitter competition from the South now and why aid it, and so destroy the pro ducing po.wer that makes this Common wealth a fat field for these monopolies. Raise your revenue from them." In answer to a question about the extent of co-operation in Allegheny county, Mr. Oliver stated he could not answer fully, but could say there was hardly a limited com pany in Pittsburg in which some working men have not other than a wage interest. The principal debate of the afternoon was between ex-Auditor General Niles, who is said to represent Baltimore and New York capitalists, and Representative Hall. Mr. Hall's questions were direct and to the point on the constitutional leatures of the case, and the replies of the ex-Auditor Gen eral were for the most part evasive or after the Yankee fashion, answering question with question. Mr. NJles best point on the constitutional argument "was that the im position of a tax on manufacturing corpora tions creates an' inequality in taxation ou subjects of the same class, something the Constitution forbrds. A BLIND GIANT. He based this on the fact that an indi vidual manufacturerand a manufacturing corporation were in all respects on the same footing in their business and in the markets where they bought and sold, and therefore to impose a State tax on the latter and nol on the former amounted to oppression. The ex-Auditor General characterized this class of legislation as unfriendly to the best in terests of the-State. He compared Penn sylvania to a blind giant, bound down by many difficulties. "But," inquired Representative Hall, "doesn't Pennsvlvania get along pretty well after all lor a blind man?" "Yes," admitted Mr. Kiles, "but your unfriendly legislation which forces peopleto get married in New Jersey, has also sent a great deal of money from Philadelphia into The same State to be invested in manufacto ries." "In other words," retorted Representative Hallj "Pennsylvania not only does well, but its prosperity spreads beyond its own borders. ' Representative Hall, before leaving Ihc ex-Auditor General, succeeded in showing by hard questioning that that gentleman had not always thought on this tax subject as he does now, and that the letter which he wrote to Governor Pattison indorsing the exemption of manufacturinij corporations, without which indorsement the Govornor would not have permitted the measure to become a law, was most unwillingly wrung from Mr. Xiles. Mr. B. Q. "Wilson, of Philadelphia, ar pued that the Constitution permitted the classification of corporations, and that under this classification manufacturing corpora tions could be made exempt from taxation. Mr. HaU replied that the Constitution would permit their classification for taxa tion, but nut for the exemption of a certain class. COKE MEN KICK. Colonel Schoonmaker devoted a brief V time to the coke companies-and corpora-! tions. Previous to 18S5 there were but four corporations in this line where now there are ten. He referred to the labor troubles of the coke region, and said his own com pany had been been chartered for the pur pose of co-operation with emploves as a so lution of the labor problem. The legisla tion under consideration, being a consider able burden on corporations, would be a blow at the happy consummation coke men desire to reach. The legislation would also be a great aid to- his competitors in "West "Virginia and elsewhere. W. C. Quinsy, of Jones & Laughlins, re ferred to the heavy indirect taxes already paid by mining-and manufacturing corpor ations" through the tax on the products transported from them. Seventy-eight per i cent of the traffic of the Pennsylvania Kail road in s Pennsylvania was from these sources, and they, therefore, paid, be ar gued, that proportion of the railroad com nanies' tax. Chicago, the rrrcat distributing point of the "West, has the advantage of wa- ter competition, ana so nas vyieveianu anu other points in Ohio. "Will you further handicap our efforts to compete with these? Our manufactories should oe fostered," lie argued; "lor each one of them makes a lo cal market." Among the Constitutional points touched on during the discussions, particularly in the verbal contest between Messrs. Niles and Hall, was the one that it wasuncon stitutional to exempt manufacturing cor porations from taxation; it was also uncon stitutional to exempt building and loan as sociations. There seemed to be little differ ence ot opinion on this point. SrsirsoN. IN THE IN AUGDRAL TRAIN. QuickTime Will Enable Fittabnrgcrs to See the Show in a Day. The Pennsylvania Railroad yesterday issued a circular to the effect that com mencing Monday, February 25, the second section of the Atlantic express, No. 20, leaving Pittsburg at 3 o'clock A. jr., will be run through to Baltimore and Washington, arriving at the former place at 1:15 r. m. and at Washington at 2:30 P. M. The train wilUbllowon its first tripPresi-dent-elect Harrison's special train, which will be known as "the first inaugural iram." The former train will be run every awning until after the inauguration cere monies. The object in putting it on was to give people in this city, who had but little time at their disposal, an opportunity to leave Pittsburg early Monday morning, get into Washington in time to see 'the inau gural parade, and arrive home again late the same night. . THE TETERAN LEGION GATHERING. Delegations From the Two Cities Jain the Others at Altoona. The annual National Encampment of the Veteran Legion begins to-day at Altoona. No. 1, of Pittsburg and Allegheny, left last night, and a number of delegations went through from Youngstown, O., Missouri and other parts of the West. Officers will be elected, and the regnlar yearly business transacted. Meters for All Who Wnnt Them. The Philadelphia Company is now occu pied with sending circulars to all the con sumers of their natural gas, informing them that they are now in a position to furnish every one who requires it with a natural gas meter, in order to give all a chance of buy ing their fuel on the fairest and most equit able basis. A Turtle Creek Gns Company A gas company has been organized in Turtle Creek with a capital stock of 5,000. The d irectors are Peter A Boli, James Gil more, JI., B. A. Jobe, A. O. Tinsman, Jo seph P. Johnston, William E. Brans and V. At Eath. THE LICENSE LIST fcjJMi in the Satueday issue of The Dispatch. Exclusive Styles India Silks $4 00 to SI "75 A yard made to our ovrnjordei when you see India silks like these, the .prices seem right enough fashion the latest in each yard and quality as tvcU. Jos.'Hor.NE & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Young maiden if you'd boast those charms That-wln a lover to one's arms. And that may never let him co, 'Twill be through SOZODONT whose powers Gives to the bieath the balm of flowers. And leaves tbe teeth as white as snow, wfsu TVnII Paper. Prices the very lowest. d John S. Roberts, 414 "Wood st. More New Ideas In India Silks. Side border effects for empire and direc toire costumes. See this largest stock of India silks, $4 00 to 45c a yard. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Our assortment of French and American satines. Anderson zephyrs, ginghams, etc, uneqnaled either in price or variety. Mwrsu Hugus & Hacke. Kid Gloves SOc a Pair SI 25 Quality. Browns, Tans, Grays 4-Buttons, Em broidered a special lot this and a great bargain. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Mrs. Shatv, the whistler, will appear at Lafayette Hall, Saturday afternoon and evening. 27-Inch India Silks at 65 Cents Still here, out of the 9G pieces a few good styles left G5 cents a vard. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Repousse Papers At John S. Eoberts, 414 "Wood st. French Wool Nnn's Veiling 50 cents a yard in black dress" goods de partment; extra value. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn avenue Stores. No ' Fictltions (TVhnt a TVord) Valaea in Oar India Silks, The H to $1 75 a yard ones' In such a large stock you find many novelties not seen elsewhere. This advantage is appre ciated by customers. Can't sell the goods if you haven't got them. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. TTnll Paper. Largest line pressed goods in the city. i John S. Eoberts, 414 Wood st New French Challles 50 cents a yard, very latest designs, colors and black and white, these are the best quality 50 cents a yard. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Go and hear Mrs. Shaw whistle at La fayette Hall, Saturday afternoon and even ing. The FnBo Corset, Our Specially, And also "Her Majesty," C. P. in fact, every "best" corset extant is here in this corset department. JOS. HOP.NE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. All silk moire Francaise at 75c, good value at 51 25 pr. yd. mwfsu Huous & Hacke. Apron Nnlnaooks Stripes and Plaids 10c, 12c, 15c, 17c, 18c, 20c and 25 cents; bargains at the prices. Jos. Horne & Co.'s. Penn Avenne Stores. OUR UMBRELLA- IN HAYTI. Fanny Protection Offered a Yankee br the Americas Club Parasol now It Com manded Universal Respect. President H. S. Paul, of the Americus Republican Club, received the following letter yesterday: Cape Haytieit. ) Republic of Hayti. February 2, 1889. J II. S. Paul, Esq., President Americas Republican Ctnb, Pittsburg, Pa.: Dear Sib At tbo urgent request of Hon. Stanislaus Oautier, United States Consul at this port, I to-day presented him-the red, white and blao umbrella of the Americus Club, which I had the pleasure of carrying up Broad way on November 3, 18S8, when acting as tho Grand Marshal of the club in that memorable parade. Mr. Gauticr was appointed United States Consul tor Northern Hayti, in the Black Re public, Dy yonr illustrious leader and patriot, President Grant, in 1870. He has been reap pointed by every President since then. Includ ing President Cleveland. I can assure you, however, that be is no Mugwump, but a Grant Republican, and that means a Republican first, last and all the time. Owing to the intense beat of the tropics and the fact that this Republic is engaged in a civil war, it seemed most proper that I should -use the Americus Club umbrella for protection against the sun's rays and the dangers of in ternecine combat. I can assure you tho pro tection which it typifies is no misnomer, and from Old Sol and Havtian bullets it secured me complete immunity. As 1 leave to-day, and as Consul Gautier is a good Republican and much interested in your club, because of your fidelity to General Grant and tiuo Republican principles, I presented him with the emblem which you all cherish, and which has been a patriotic incentive in our recent party suc cesses. .Long may the Republic of Hayti live, and long may the Americus Club live to in culcate Republican ideas. Yours truly, Geo. W. English. TRIBDTARI TO THE P. & W. Tho Annual Meeting of the Rond nnd tho New Officers Elected. Major J. B. Washington, the railroad official of this city, returned yesterday from the annual meeting of the Pittsburg, Cleve land and Toledo Railroad at Youngstown. This road, although leased to the Pitts burg and Western for a number of years, still retains its own organization, and at the meeting the following officers were elected: President, Orland Smith; Secretary and Treasurer, O. W. Kyle; Vice, H. W. Cal vin ; Auditor, J. B. Washington. The fol lowing were the directors who were elected: William McCreery, James Callery, H. W. Oliver, Jr., Johns McCleaves, C. S. Wright, ot this city; C. H. Andrews, L. "E. Cochran, of Youngstown; W. W. Peabody, Orland Smith, of Cincinnati; David Lee, of Zanes ville; E. T. Devries, of Newark, and J. H. Collins, of Columbus. GOOD NEWS TO CARRIAGE OWNERS. The Unsightly Vehicle License Plates to be Done Away With. City Treasurer Dcnniston has designed, and is now issuing, a neat new license plate for vehicles, a substitute for the unsightly big plates heretofore issued. The old fashioned plates created considerable dissat isfaction and complaint from, persons who owned buggies and carriages, and to over come this a small nickel plate about two inches long has been issued for their use. The plate for wagons has also been im proved, and a bright-colored circular design is now issued which is an ornament to an ordinary wagon. Mr. Dennistbn, in speaking of vehicle license yesterday, complained that up to date but few persons had taken out their license for '1889. In 1888 there were in this city 5,469 vehicle licenses issued. Up to date but 214 have been taken. The New York Girls, how pretty they look with the new "Belle" Jane Hading veiling, to be had of dealers by the yard at 65 cents up. r riAXOS FOR ALL TASTES At the Palace of ainslc "We can attention to the fact that at the present time we have a large variety of pianos, a selection which we think cannot be equaled elsewhere in the city, and at such low figures that no one need be with out a piano in their homes. "We represent such well-known pianos as the Hardman, Krakauer, Shoninger, Schubert and others, which are so favorably known to the people in this section. The sales of the above have been unparalleled. It will be to your ad vantage to call at our warerooms and in spect our instruments, as we know we can suit you. Our payments will be made easy, and should you have an old instrument we will take it back as part pay. A number of fine second-hand pianos on hand which we will close out at very low figures. Don't purchase elsewhere until you have called at Mellor & Hoene's Palace of Mu sic, 77 Fifth ave. New Black Wool and Silk and Wool Dress Goods To-Day. First of our spring importations. Blue black and jet black cashmeres, beautiful silk and wool Henriettas and drap d'Almas, new weaves in spring and summer weights; also, the new side-border effects. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Reward. A reward of S10 will be paid at the counting room of The Dispatch Publishing Company to the party furnishing sufficient evidence to convict the party or parties who have for some time past been guilty of steal in? papers from The Dispatch .packages going on the Pittsburg and "Western Bail road, Northern division. Oor Bis Gingham Stock 100 Feet of Coanter Spnce. Shelves piled high with the beautiful ,Scotch and American ginghams 10 cents to ou cents a yara ine greatest wasn goods stock in this country come and see it. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Blassagc Treatment. Scientific and electric ipassage applied by L MunK, ouo jrenn avenue. MTVP Tho Henrietta Sntlnes Our specialty among fine satines; be sure to ask for them; they're beautiful. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Mrs. Shatv, the celebrated whistler, at Lafayette Hall, Saturday afternoon and evening. Wash Dress Goods Calicoes to French Satines And Scotch ginghams now is the time to see this enormous display of new wash dress goods 5 cents to 50 cents a yard. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Choice patterns in English percales suit able for boys' waists just opened. mwfsu Hugus & Hacke. (LEGAL NOTICES. IN TTIE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 1, of Allegheny county. No. 846. March term, 18SS Commonwealth exreL vs Elizabeth Dean. Tho undetsigned gives notice that he has filed his final account as committee on above matter and the same will be allowed by tbe Court on Saturday, March 11, 18S9, unless cause to the contrary be shown. A. M. MAR SHALL, Committee. fefi-25-F NOTICE-AN APPLICATION WILL BE made to the Court of Common Pleas No. 1 of Allegheny county, at No. 618, March term, 18S9, on Saturday, March 2, 1S89, by J. H. Reitz, Samuel J. Reno, John A. Benton, F. Dower man and V. H. Rapp, Sl, W. C. Reitz and A C. Robertson for the charter of a corporation of the first class, under the general corporation act of 1874. The name of said intended cor poration is the Grandview,Hall Association, and the object is to erect and maintain a building containing halls and lodge rooms for public purposes. R. S. PRAZER, Solicitor. fe7-S0-r t&Display advertisements one dollar ptr square 'or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For tho accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion nest morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Toe D1S- rATCH. rrrrsBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3K9 Butlor street. E.UIL G. STUCKEY, Hth street and Penn aye. K. G.STUCKEY&CO.,TVylIeave. and Fulton St. N. STOKKLY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SHElBLER,Sthav. A Alwood St. EOUTII6IDE. JACOB SPOHN, So. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCUWAEM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, 59 Federal street. II. J. McBKIUE, Federal and Ohio streets. FKEDII. EGGEIIS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McIIENKY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. 1'EKKYM. OLEIM. Kebcccaand Allegheny ayes. WANTED HELP. Male Ilclo. -rTTANTM'--- GOOD BARBER AT 1386 SEC W -ONDave. D. W. H1GGINS. fe22-17 WANTED-DRUG CLERK; GERMAN PRE FERRED. Address OPIUM, Dispatch office. feM-69 T7ANTED-A BOY lO LEARN THE BARBER V trade. No. 82 NORl'H DIAMOND ST., Allegheny. feZMH WANTED-TWO LATHE HANDS. APPLY MILLER, FORCE & CO., Rankin station, B. & O. R, B. fe22-53 WANTED-A BOY WITH EXPERIENCE IN the barber trade. Inquire of F. J. BOR LAND, Bennett, Pa. fe22-lS "VTTANTED STEEL MOLDERS ADDRESS, V stating wages expected, G. L. L., P.O. 1)0X812, Johnstown, Pa. feZMt WANTED-2 FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS; ltiav work to the right men. Apply to A. B. CALWVELL, Washington, Pa, fe22-59 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS CARPENTER foreman; none hut an experienced inau needapply. Address L. H., Dispatch office. WANTED-A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT typewriter: state experience, where last employed and salary expected. BOX 918, Pitts burg P. O. fe!I-92 WANTEO-A GOOD PRESSMAN: PERMA NENT situation: none but first-class and steady men need apply, Address PRESSMAN, bos 514, Pittsburg. fea-93 TTTANTED-AN INTELLIGENT CATHOLIC tv man for light work; recommendations re quired: good wages: steadywork. KUNZ&CO., 62 Fourth ave., upstairs. fe22-49 WANTED-TWO MOULDMAKERS (VICE hands) in an old-established factory near Plttsbnrg: steadywork to good men. Address GLASSWORKS, Dispatch office. fc22-23 WANTED-BOOK CANVASSERS-NOW IS the time to make money on "Broken Fet ters," the great temperance book: big induce ments. E. GATELY &, CO., 10 and 12 Sixth st. fel9-58 -VTTANTED-A MAN OP GOOD ADDRESS TO T Y canvass the physicians of the city, leaving samples, etc. Address H. M., Dispatch office, giving references, where last employed, etc., etc. WANTED-A GENTS, IN THIS CIT AND outside towns to sell Dr. O'Kecfe's pills and bitters: steady work; can make J12 to SIS perweek. DR. O'KEEPEJt CO., Homeopathic Chemists, 34 filth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. fe22-55 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS HAMMERSMAN on carriage and wagon axles; will pay good rices and guarantee steady emplovment. Ad rets at once STANDARD AXLE MFG. COM PANY, Wheeling, W. Va. fe21-W -TTT-ANTED-IN A SOUTHERN CITY, ASTE- V REOTYPER for a dall v newspaper; appli cant must understand how to run a perfecting press; state wages expected, and give references. Address SOUTHERN, P. O. Box 1592, Philadel phia. fe21-80 WANTED-SALESMEN EVERYWHERE FOR onradlustable door plates (can sell and de ivcr at once), four,styles of door bells, metal and white enamel letters, house numbers, etc ; sam ples, circulars, etc , Tree. NEW YORK DOOR PLATE CO., Albany, .N. Y. fel5-54-D TITANTED-A YOUNG MAN TVHO IS THOR- V OUGHLY posted In tbe retail clothing busi ness to go to a country town a short distance from the city. Inquire at RAUH lilt OS. Jt CO., 800 and. 802 Liberty street, Friday, Feb. 22, between 10 x. M. and 12 M. fc21-56 WANTED-YOUNG MAN WITH KNOWL EDGE of bookkeeping as partner in an es tablished and growing business; present owner desirous of adding additional line of goods to bus iness; best of references given and required: capl tel desired from . 11,000 to 6,000. Adress M. G. & T Dispatch office. fc22-22 WANTED-MANAGER FOR A LARGE COM PANY store about to be opened in Tenn.; large salary guaranteed, together with a liberal interest in the business; a man now engaged In drygoods or grocery business In this city pre ferred; will buy his stock and fixtures at full value, and pay expenses orhlmself (andftmlly) to destination: no application will be considered unless proper name and address are given; state resent or former occupation. Address Box N. i., Dispatch office. fe21-57 "TrANTE3J-A PRACTICAL FOUNDRY TV foreman. One whe thoroughly under stands the amalgamation of gray Iron metals, for manufacturing chilled iron, etc., as well as the handling of a large foundry and working of men. Must be a thorough practical man. Good salary and permanent position assured to the right party. We also manufacture malleable Iron and cast steel. Would like a man who has some knowledge of this, although It Is not absolutely necessary. In answerlngtate experience, where employed, and salary required. SOUTH BEND CHILLED PLOW CO., South Bend. Ind. fe 17-40-MWF Female IIclD. -TTANTED-A GOOD TVET NURSE-STATE V terms and address; answer right away, R, V., Dispatch office. fe22-23 WANTED LADY AGENTS -CLEAR 50 weekly selling our photos of Mrs. General Harrison. HOFFMAN STUD1Q, 20 ClybouTn ave., Chicago, III. fe22-51 Male and Female ITelD. -VTTANTED AT ONCE FARM HANDS, V gardeners, col. waiter, cooks, chambermaids, house girls, nurses, girls for hotels asd board ing liouses. MEEHAN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 515 Grantst. fc20-99-D TTTANTED-AGENT3 ON SALARY 75 PER V month and expenses paid any aetlve man or woman to sell our goods by sample aad live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses in ad vance; full particulars .and sample casafree; we mean jnst what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. lel8-3-D T- TVAKTED-PARTNEUS. YTTANTED-A PARTNER WITH 5,000 TO V take a one-third Interest In a metal manu facturing business In the city now in successful running order; this we believe to be a very good opening; the business Is susceptible of large ex tension; the new partner would be expected to take charge of the office department. Particulars In confidence from JAS. TV. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenue. fe22-45-D TfANTED-IN A SUCCESSFULMANUFACT- V UU1NG firm In the city a competent busi ness man to purchase a 1-Stb interest and take the management of one of tbe departments amount of capital required 1,500: the business Isj well es tablished and hlghlyprosperous: presentmembers o.'the firm are well Known to as and are iorthy of Implicit confidence in 'every respect land are strong financially; all communications ind con ferences will be treated confidentially. JAS. TV, DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. fe22-l-S-D WANTED TIN AH CIAL. r "rrjANTKU-KENTSTO- COLLECT; JIONTH- tt LV settlement with itemized statement. BLACK A BAIRU. 95 Fourth avenue. Ja23-a29-D WANTED-TO LOAN 25,000 ON CITY PROP ERTY at 5. and 6 per cent, insumelto suit, D. P. THOMAS A CO., No. 40a Grant street. leiO-ol-EOD WANTED-MOKTOAGES ON CITI PROP ERTY, over S4.O0O; 4K per cent;no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., WFourthtvenue. mh2-a22-D -tTJANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYlO LOAN YV in sums to suit, at.4, 5 and 6 Jer cent. UKAEULNli & LYOM, 135 Fourth ave. ' ap6-ei.D -TTJANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROM1T- V LY; property managed with sadsfaction. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenu Tel. 167. , Ial9-81 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY IX BUMS from 800 to tX). 000 at iKta Bnei'er.nt a,.. cording to size and kind of mortgage: no delav if the title IS good. TV. A. HERRON ASONS, 80 Fourth ave. iei-W-TUF -TTANTED-TO LOAN $500,000. IN AMOUNTS YV of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4 per cent, free or tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue. sell-d26-D -TTTANTED-TO LOAN (200,000 MORT m r WANTED-MORTGAGES-S1, 000. C00TO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned ont of Pennsylvania. I. M. PENflOCK 4 BON, 103 Fourth avenue. apt-Hi ON uauu; iiiu ana upward at 6 rer cent: 000 at Vi per cent on residences or business roperty; also in adjoining counties. S. H. BENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. -VTT-ANTED-SECOND-HAND ENGINE A 10X 12nr Nrlniuigt univtna ll ma.u1 iivriA A 1. dress. Sr.-f.,.t,nB price. .OLIVEU BROS. & PlllL- - " -" UaftAU llUtPf LftJaJI. in Kfa uiu, fi- LIPS. Pittsburg, fe21-2 TTTANTEU - BUYEHS FOU GOLD ANB ? v silver watches, cnalns, c silverware, etc., at 1 per weel ?5. t.,ik, ?' 75 per set for cash. 130 federal st., Allegheny. SllvpP wntrlip ..halm lwb iH.mnnHa silverware, etc., at Jl per week; Ropers' knives xorcasu. dun: juisujj, 1417-lS-MWFSa WANTED-EVEHYBOllY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheyden has laid in a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that he can SCU.?' low as the lowest; remember the place. HENKY TERHEYDEN, SJObmlthfleld St. noll-MWFsn WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO . TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Plttsburp, Jnd Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at ?1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: lnstan taneons process. mhl3-kZ7 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. FOR SALE-p,5CC TWO 2-STORT FRAME houses and stable: Gangwisch st. : a bargain. Y: MCNEIL & BKO., 162 Fourth avenue. fe20-19-WFSSU FOR SAIJE-P.500-2-STORY BRICK HOUSE, "rooms: all conveniences; Dcvilllersst.; easy teJ'E?.w- w- MCNEIL &BRO., 163 Fourth ave. fe20-tS-MTWFS FOB SALE-NO. 15 SECOND AVENUE, A very desirable brick house, 11 rooms, latclm SrSIc.!?.ent" 1" flrst-class condition. W. A. ERRON & SONS, ISO Fourth avenue. fel5-70-MWF FOR SALE-e-ROOMED BRICK DWELLING, finished attic, good cellar, on Granville street, near Eleventh ward schoolhouse: lot 3x ,J2v.prtce Wax); very cheap. GEO. SCHMIDT, 158 Fourth ave. ' fel5-48-MWF OR 8ALE-f!,(0, EASY SESSION can be had at PAYMENTS, POS- onee. hrlpfc- house, h rooms, late Improvements, on Pivmouth St.: con ditions almost as easy as rent. W. A. IIERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel7-72-MTnFS FOR SALE-53.800-LOMBARD STREET, 7 roomed brick dwelling, with hall, vestibule, sliding doors between parlor and dining room, range, bath, slate mantels, etc.; lot 22x120, with frontyard. GEO. SCHMIDT, 158 Fourth ave. fei5-48-jnvF FOR SALE-ON SUCH EASY TERMS THAT the rent will almost pay for same; brick honse, 8 rooms. In good order, late Improvements, No. 1320Sycamorest.:prIce52,400: renting for$20 per mo. For particulars seo W. A. IIERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel7-74-MWF FOR SALE-FOUR SMALL HOUSES AND lots on Forty-ninth and Hatfield streets, below Butler street. Seventeenth ward, at Orphins' Court sale Saturday afternoon of this week, Feb ruary 23, at 3:30 o'clock, on the premises. Hand bills of full particulars from JAS. W DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe2M6 East End Residences. For sale -2 Small houses at ?lcoo each. In the East End, near Sbadysldeand Roup stations and cable cars. Terms from JAS. TV. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Plttsbnrg. fe21-83 FOR SALE-A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL ING house, with Mansard, on South Illland ave.; 12 rooms aud all conveniences; good sewer age. For terms apply to D. E. BAYARD, cor. Shady lane and Walnut st. fe21-53 FOR 8ALE-AN ELEGANT BRICK HOUSE OF 9 roomB In first-class condition; both gases lu this house, laundry and stationary wash tubs. w. c. etc.; lot 36 feet front, 120 feet 'In depth to a 20 foot alley; situated 320 South Illland ave., E. E. Inquire on the PREMISES. fe2I-54-TuF TT'ORJ SALE-ON CENTER AVE., .PinnT. XTXJ j- uitsirom steam cars: ritlhtrl MhAtfv- slde residence, 10 rooms, welt finished, good style, late improvements: lot 70x3u0 leet to Baum street: price low and terms reasonable. For permits to see house apply to TV. A. HEBRON & SONS, SO 1 ourth ave. fel7-72-MTurs FOR SALE-S3,20O-JUST ONE M1N UTE FROM fifth avenue cable cars, on a good street and convenient to E. E. station a pretty frame dwell ing of 6 rooms, hall and vestibule, nat. and art. gas. water, screens for windows and doors, front yard: choice location and special bargain. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. feG-49-D FOR SALE NEAR SHADYSIUE STATION A neat 2-story Irame dwelling of 5 rooms and bathroom; nice attic; range, hot and cold water, Inside w.c, inside shutters, marble mantels, cup boards, wardrobes, etc., just new and latest im provements; good lot and perfect sewerage; price only S3, 600. BLACK & BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue, f e-51-7, 9, 11, 1 3, 1 5, 18, 20. 22, 25, 27 FOR SALE-PRETTY HOME IN THE EAST End; street paved with asphalt: complete sewerage; Queen Anne frame dwelling; reception ball, range, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, 9 rooms, ptntry, furnace: fot 50x100 feet: close to P. R. R. station; price $7,500: terms, fl.ooo cash, bal ance to suit. BLACK. A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe4-13-MWT FOR S ALE- f 1,250 TV ILL BUY A MEADOW street dwelling of 8 rooms, nicely arranged; hall, vestibule, laundry In cellar, front and back porches, range, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, slate mantels and nice chandeliers; this is only 6 minutes' from Liberty station. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fe6-49-D T710R SALE-THE BEST PROPERTY IN nonev: large, commodious J Shadyside at the money; brick honse of 12 rooms; late Improvements, sta ble, carriage house, fruit and ornamental trees; lot 155x145 leet; corner Ellsworth and Aiken ave nues: price low, Just wbat the lot is worth, if sold quick. TV. A. IIERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fel7-72-MTuFS FOR SALE-10.O0-EAST END RESIDENCE property. 3 minutes from Roup station; ele gant new 2-story brick dwelling, containing 9 rooms, hall, bath. Inside shutters and w.c; hard wood mantels, tile hearths, sliding doors, etc.; front and rear porches: lot 50x170; very desirable: easy terms. SAMUEL TV. BLACK A CO.. 99 Fourth ave. fel7-2S-MWF FORSALE-IN THEEAST END-HOUSE AND lot near Illland avenue, five minutes from Liberty station; six rooms, with hall, finished attic dry cellar, natural gas, bath and w. c. ; Sorches front and rear: everything In prime or er; price W, 750; terms to suit; Immediate posses sion. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 t ourth ave nue, Pittsburg. fe22-45-D FOR 8ALE-AT 6,500, COR. PROPERTY, Just new, brick house, 8 rooms, besides laun dry, bath room, storage room, both kinds of gas and all the latest conveniences: well finished, tastefully papered; stands separate: near steam and cable cars; one of tbe best looattons In the East End. For full particulars see W. A. HER EON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe21-83-ThFS F IOR SALE-NORTH HILAND AVE.. 2-STORY double parlors. 2 stalrn ars. bath. w. c. handc. water, large pantry and closets, front, side and rear porches, natural gas, marble mantels, car riage house, good stable, room for man, with gas; large lot 65x185; well sewered, call for card of ad mission. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe22-35-D I7IOR SALE-ON NEGLEY AVENUE. NINE- TEENTH ward, subject to street improve ments, a lot 69 feet front, next to corner or Mar faretta street; handsome brlcx residence adjoin ng this: all surroundings first-class; this will be 60ld at the low price of $40 per foot front, If sold soon: all adjoining properties are selling at 575; Surcuaser wui certainly iiouoieuis money oniuis. IELLON BROS., East Liberty. fel7-121-MWF FOR SALE-DO YOU WANT TO PURCHASE a cosy 7-roomed brick residence, with bath, slate roof, marble mantels, lot 45x120, Margaretta street. Nineteenth ward, only fouf blocks of cable line, and near Nineteenth ward school? the price, 5,600, is lower than the property could be dupli cated for; it will make a handsome home: easy terms of sale; send for Drlce list of our liouses ready for April 1. MELLON BROS., East Lib erty. fel7-121-MWP TTIOR SALE-CENTER AVE., NEAR ROUP ion. handsome new Oueen Anne brick JJ station. dwelling, 12 rooms, reception ball, nice pantry, range, bath, laundry with stationary tubs, bouse wired for electric lights. Inside w. c, slate roof, large porches, 13-inch walls, good sewers: lot50x 150 teet; convenient to both cable lines and P. R. R. ; one of the most desirable residences In the E. E.; price only 11. OCO; terms to suit, BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe2l-97-D FOR SALE-fI,S0O-IF SOLD AT ONCE-ONE of the best locations In Oakland; a new modern style brick dwelling of 8 rooms, halt, vestibule, bath, two Inside w. c.'s, stationary washstand, pantry between kitchen and dining room. laundry, cemented cellar, sliding doors and Inside shutters; beautiful slate mantels and tile hearths: fine front and back porches; also, front and baclt stairs: house papered throughout in the most artistic manner: good sewerage. Iron fence, cement walks, etc. BLACK A BAIRD, 05 Fourth avenue. fe22-33-TTFS FOR SALE-ON CABLE LINE. OAKLAND Deslrable brick dwellings. Just new; parlor, dining room, kitchen, sitting room, six bedcham bers, batb, laundry, abundance of closets, all well finished: hard wood cabinet mantels, elegant gas fixtures, handsomely papered, all the very latest conveniences, even to gas lighting by electricity; street Improvements made, sidewalks paved and curbed, complete sewerage: location excellent; terms reasonable: price 6,300 to 6,600. For full Information see TV. A. HERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave. fe21-46-MWF F0K SALE-fliOOO-NEGLEY AVE. NEAR Penn; corner lot; elegant brick residence; four rooms and reception hall on 1st floor; 4 good bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor, and 4 bedrooms in attic; also laundry, large linen closet with drawers and shelves; extra w. c In basement; large front and back porches; electric bells and speaking tabes; house all wired for electric lights: slate mantels and tile and marble hearths; flag stone pavement; one minute's walk from cable cars; a delightful home In an elegant neigh borhood; this price Is with sewering, paving and curbing all paid; terms reasonable. TilOS. LIGGETT, ill Fourth ave. fe!7-6S-WFSSu T70K SALE-SHADYS1DE RESIDENCE, ON J one of the finest streets between tbe station and Fifth avenue cable cars, complete In all its appointments, with handsome grounds well laid out with walks, drives, shrubbery, lrult and shade trees: house hasa very commanding appearance; has 17 rooms, 6 large fine rooms on first floor, 6 on the second floor and 5 rooms in attic; the laundry Is complete; cellars are cemented: large furnace, wide halls, natural gas all through, ample porches, bay windows, etc.; also, stable for 3 horses: lot 105x260 feet. This Is one of the best located dwell ings In the East End, has an eastern and southern exposure, and can be bought for 30, 000. BLACK A BAIKD, 95 Fourth ave. fel-18-MWF Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-HANDSOME PARK RESIDENCE site, North ave., 21xU0 to alley, with use of 3-foot Bide entrance in addition; terras to suit, SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO,, 00 Fourth ave. IC17-27-MFB FOR SALE-M.S0O-IN MONTHLY PAY MENTS; lot 50x100; bouse eight rooms, batb, slate roof, natural gas, etc, on Rldgewood ave nue, near electric car station, hill district, Alle gheny; grand chance. A, LEU tf ATE & SON. 31 Federal t., Allegheny. fetf-79 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Alleslipnjrtesldenccs. FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION House on Kace street: contains 6 rooms, attic, hall, etc; call quick. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. fc21-a: FOR SALE-S PER CEJIT NET INVESTMENT, Franklin street, Allegheny,;! brick dwellings, 8 rooms, hall, bath, range, nat. gas. inside shut ters, etc. ; rented to good tenants; non-residence or owner reason for selling. SAMUEL W. BLACK i CO., 99 Fourth aye. fel7-27-MFS TTIOK SALE-BEAUTIFUL LOrS ON NEW X7 Brighton road. Eleventh ward, Allegheny; the late Mr. Cooper's residence property is being surveyed and will be ofiered In lots in a short time; make note of this and look out for apian. A. LEGGATL & SON, 31 Federal st., Allegheny. lclC-73 -E. FOR SALE-BRICK DWELLING AND 2 LOTS on Arch street. Second ward. Allegheny, ad iolnlng the parks and street cars, s rooms, with lall, attic cellar, bath. w. c., natural gas. etc.; all in excellent order: flue large side lot. Terms, etc.. from JAS. TV. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, ".j fc21-86 FOR SAL15 CLIFTON AVENUE, ALLE GHENY, on easy terms, a very complete little home, almost new. very attractive design, large lot, elegant location; also 30 lots, varying In Mze and value, on this and adjacent streets: all this property close to head of new Incline; city water and gas: fare to Fifth avenue only 5 cents. In quire of JOHN H. MCCREARY, 95 Fifth ave. fe20-8-MWP FOR SALE-SEVERAL CHEAP HOUSES IN Second and Tenth wards, Allegheny, monthly or quarterly payments; four brick nouses fronting nn Madison avenue 'and Voegtly street, a half block south of West Penn tracks. These houses arc constantly rented to good tenants, and should be examined at onre by parties looking for a good and safe investment. Also n very handsome and complete little house of six rooms on Chartlcrs street. Inquire or JOHN II. McCKEERY, 95 Fifth avenue. fe20-8-MWF FOB SALE - ALLEGHENY DWELLING, choice locatIon,.Thlrd ward, new three-story pressed brick, eight larce fine rooms, batb, two w. c, sliding doors, marble mantels, natural gas, hard wood front and vestibule doors, stone trim mings, stone steps; lot 24x95 with use of 4-foot side alley: two lines of. street cars; tine location for physician, or any one wanting a good home; as an investment will pay about 8 jper cent; call and see photograph. BLACK i. BAIKD, 95 Fourth ave. fe22-32-22, 23, 25, 27, mh-1, 4, 6, 8, 11. 12, 14, 16, 19 Snborhnn Residences. FOR SALE-KNOXV1LLE, RIGHT AT TER MINUS of electric road and street car line, a 2-story brick of 4 rooms, slate mantels, tile hearths, city water, nat. gas; lot 25x100; prlceonly 82,500; bargalh. BLACK So BAIUD, 95 Fourth ave. fe7-l-8,9, 12,14.16.18,20,22,26,28 T7IOR SALE-TWO ACRES OF LAND AT ard Station. P. Y. and C. railroad, with JC Howard Station, P. fine house, containing seven rooms, water in kitchen, spring-house, grapery, fruit trees, etc. Tnls beautiful place Is located in what is common ly called Forestvllle, and only about five miles Irom the city, and cost only ordinary carfare. This place will be sold at a great sacrifice, if sold soon, or will rent the same reasonable. Apply soon to O. R. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street, South Side. feu-61 FOR SALE-OR TO LET ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny connty; tbe house Is large, contaiuing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; it is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas: there Is a good stable and handsome fowl house; the grounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; thewhole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a verv moderate price. KNOXVII.LE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenue. Knoxvllle borough. a!9-9 FOU BALE LOTS. East End Lots. FOR SALE-BARTON ST. BUILDING LOTS: 40x100 ft. ; location first class; near steam and cable cars.: street paved and sewered. TV. A. HEREON & SONS, 80 Fourth aveuue. fe22-44-MWP FOR SALE-TWO CHOICE LOTS ON STAN TON avenue, near illland ave., each 40x100 teet to 20-foot alley ; price reduced to K15 per foot irsoldatonce. 11 l, ACK i BAIKD. &5 Fourth ave. ieG-49-D FOR SALE-SUITABLE FOR GABDENING Nice -acre lot, Rebecca street. Nineteenth ward, near cable line, back of Ingleslde; price 11,500. Send for list of houses. juiajLun Bitua. East Liberty. fel7-121-MWP FOR SALE VRY CHEAP, GREATLY nnder price If sold quick, desirable lot In tbe Boulevard, fast End, 50x190 It.: beautiful street, graaed and paved. TV. A. HEREON & SONS. SO Fourth avenue. felj-79-MWT F IOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! LOTSI-A small cash payment and balance monthly or annually, as desired, will buy a line building site 40x137 feet. Bank of Commerce addition. Brushton station: call or send for plan. TER, Agent, 512 Smlthflcld street, JOHN F. BAX- fel7-54-WF Farms. FOR SALE A LARGE FARM, ABOUT 250 acres, close to line of railroad, about 15 miles from the city; fine orchard, well watered; dwell ing and outbuildings; can be bought at a great bargain to settle an estate. JAS. TV. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. e22-46 IUhnufacturlne Sites. TTIOR SALE-BUSINESS SITE-OVER 100 FEET A.1 fronting on I! two-story brick: fronting on Riveravcuue. by 215 feet In depth: -storv brick tannprv eoverinir nearlv thfi entire lot; will be sold cheap to quick buyer. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fe6-49-D miscellaneous. po IOR SALE -CHOICE EAST END RESI DENCES, large or small. Call or send for new list, free. W.A. HEBRON Jt SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe6-55-MWF TTIOR SALE-EAST END BUILDING LOTS, OF U all kinds, call or sena lor printed list, free. Justissned. TV. A. HEREON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe6-5.)-MWF FOR SALE-SMALL DWELLINGS, SOSIE ON easy payments: call or send for new printed list free. TV. A HEREON A SONS. 80 Fourth fc5-55-MWF FOR SALE-CALL FOR ILLUSTRATED PL AN of lots on the boulevards; the finest lots In the East End, fronting the parks and circles, with 90-foot paved btrects, flagstone sidewalks, com plete sewerage system: close to station, surround ed by fine residences ana at remarkably low E rices; terms, only 5U0 cash, balance to suit uyer; come early, get the pick of lots and ground floor prices. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe4-l8-MWF I7OR SALE-9,O0O-BEN VENUE-ELEGANT ? residence. 6,250, Oakland, fine brick residence. 10,500, beautiful Shadyside home, 10 rooms, large grounds. 1.500, 7 room house, Howe st. : very easy terms. 6,1X0, Forbes St., fine large residence. TV. W. M'NEILL A BRO., fe21-83 162 Fourth ave. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept lu stock, from 4 to 100 b. p. : all refitted; good as new, at lowest rices? mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 1-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNU, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWF FOR SALE-28X43 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be seen In operation: price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete; capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 First ave. aul-p32-srwT I7IOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY; ' one 7)xl2-inch double engine, double drum: others large and small, with single or double friction drums; wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc: two 26x4S-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. Jal7-MWF Financial. TTIOR SALE-MORTGAGES I MORTGAGES X? from (500, 1,000, (1,500 aud upward, bearing 6 per cent Interest, approved by attorney. These mortgages are nearly all purchase money mort gages. An excellent Investment Tor anvbody. Apply to O. R. TOUDY, 1721 Carson street. South Side. re!9-61 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnalne9 enhances. FOR SALE-SALOON-NEW BUILDING. 12 rooms, Including land;bcst location In Cleve land:price.(6,000; easy terms. J, S. RICE, zr Su perior st. Cleveland, O. fe22-29 FOR SALE-AN ESTABLISHED RETAIL grocery. In Allegheny, dolnga large business, mostly cash: location one of the best In the city. For Information address LOCK BOX 156, Alleghe ny, l'a. felS-2 FOR SALE-STORES, STORES, STORES; drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea, cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels, restaur ants, confectioneries, boarding houses, coal works, etc ; 100 good city business chances for men or women. SHEl'ABD A CO., M Fifth aye. ja30 FOR SALE-AN INTEREST IN THE PLANING mill property In the East End, on Beltlcr street, near Penn avenue. In rear of Liberty Hall, to be sold at Orphans' Court sale on Saturday morning of this week. February 23, at 10:30 o'clock, on the premises. Hand bills of full particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., Agents and Auc tloneers. 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. fe22-!f LOST. T OST-SEALSKIN GLOVE-SUITABLE KE- - JU WARD for return to ROOil Kt. 31. third floor, Court House, on Saturday. fe22-56 T OST-ON TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 19, ON XJ Amberson ave. or on Firth ave, between Amberson and Wilkins aves., a double capo be longing to a child's coat, dark green, trimmed with buck astrachan. A reward will be paid for its return to the residence of D. (J. STEWART, Wllklns aye fe22-57 FOUND. FOUND-THETRUTHI-TVE SUFFERED UN TOLD agonies! Dr. Griffith's Ta-va-zon Rem edies cured us when all other means fafled. and they will curevou; try them; Mrs. G. C. Fink, Foxburg, Pa.; Mrs. Hannah John, 663 Forbes St.; Thos. Keere, Mt. Washington: D. TV. James. B. AO. It. 1C, cltv. and thousands of others: see tes timonials. GRIFFITH'S DRUlJ STORE, Third and Grant, Pittsburg: Ta-va-zon L. C Syrup, the best for coughs, colds, etc. ffifj-fa D fUNCAN 0. WHITE,- Building Contractor, 71 Diamond street, Second door above Smlthfield, PUtsburc feli-Mtwr TO LET. Cltr Rpsldencesw TO LET THE RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS or the late M. McCnllough, Jr., Forty-rourth street. Seventeenth ward, city: frame dwelling of 12 rooms with modern Improvements, stable, etc.; long lease can be had. CUSniNG & FOX. agents, 4319 Butler street. fe20-86-WFsn East End Rcsiaencen. TO LET-CORNER HOUSE, 8 ROOMS AND bathroom: large lot; convenient to Roup station and Fifth aveuue cable. 46 TVYLIE AVENUE, between 12 and 3 r. M. teSZ-CS ( TO LET Nb. 63X1 WALNUT ST., BETWEEN Shady and Illland ave.. East End: ten rooms; late Improvements; In good order. TV. A. HEB RON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe22-43-TUFSU TO LET-WARD ST.. OAKLAND, TWO STORY, mansard, brick house; eight rooms, inclndlngbnth room, laundry, etc. Apply. C. F. JAIIN, 549 Grant St., or on premises. l'ell-l TO LET-A NEAT FRAME DWELLING, with all late Improvements, sltuatconUIIand avenue. East End: also small brick house situate on Farragut street. Inquire GRAFF, HUGUS & CO., 632 and 634 Liberty street. fe21-74 TO LET-HOUSES 403 AND 405 FEDERAL ST extension, 5 rooms, all modern convenience; also; store rooms and dwellings 1G0 and 1G4 Penna. avenue, Allegheny. Inqulreorj. R.MCKEE.7CS Penn ave., Penn Building, room 611 1a31-73-MWT mO LET-ONLY f25 PER MONTH-FREE rent to April i; near Penn avenue cable line. 12 entlrelv new 8-room brick dwellings, on Mlfllln st.. near Main St.. only 5 cent rare ana 12 minutes' time; can go to dinner; enme early and get pick of honses. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. f el 7-67 TO LET-7 QUEEN ANNE BRICK DTVEL1. INGS. Just finished, at Honp station, front' lngP. It. K. ; a rooms, finished attic, bath, elegant staircase, front and rear porches, natural gas, complete sewerage, range, hot and cold water, marble-top washstands, hardwood mantels with cabinets, tile hearths, complete electric work, nice lawn, large lot: rent 60: free rent to April 1. Ask for REV.CHAPMAN HOUSES-, or call on BLACK & BAIRD, US Fourth ave. fCl5-77-15. 18, 20, 22,25, 27,28 Allegheny Residences. riTO LET-ELEGANT ALLEGHENY RESI- JL DEJ rooms, 4atc Improvements. A. IIERRON & fel7-72-MTUFS su.i , ou j ouriu avenue. rriO LET-232 WESTERN, NEAR ALLEGHENY s avenue, iiiiegueny, iu rooms, late improve ments; a desirable residence. TV A. IIERRON & su."is, ou courin avenue. fel7-72-MTUF3 TO LET-SEVERAL HOUSES 2 TO 8 ROOMS in the Second and Tenth wrfrds, Allegheny; some of them Just finished; all conveniences; right on street car line: rent from pi to 918 per month. Inquire or JOHN H. MCCREERY. 95 Fifth avenue. fe20-8-MWT TO LET-FOUR NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSES with bath. w. c, natural gas, etc.; on line of electric road, Perrysvillc ave., Allegheny: also store and dwelling 55 Chestnut st., Allegheny. Inquire of J. A. McKEE, 708 Penn ave.. Penn building, room 611. Ja31-73-uwF Suburban Residences. TO LET-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE-GLEN-FIELD, P., Ft. TV. A C. Ry.. known as Blr ney homestead, with natural gas: all convent' enees; 6 acres of ground covered with choice fruit and shade trees and shrubbery, etc.: rent only S350 peryear. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. lel-76 lrarms. TO LET OR FOR SALE-150-ACRE FARM. 5 minutes' walk from townof3Ianor,on Penna. It. R., Westmoreland co.: ISacres timber, balance cleared: house, bank bam and outbuildings, orchard, etc. CHAS. L. McCUTCHEON, 104 Fourth-ave. Jal3-30-Mwr Apartments. rpo 10 LET-CHOICE BOOMS BEN VENUE, P. R. R.. with or without board. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fc22-34-D TO LET-FRONT AND BACK PARLOR 421 Penn ave. to let together or separate to den tist, dressmaker, etc., except physician (doctor already in house); possession April 1. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe21-94 Offices, Dcik Room, tc. TO LET-SECOND FLOOR. 510 SMITUFIELD St.. one or two rooms. Inquire of A. 51. A J. B. MURDOCH, 510Smttbfieldst. fe20-15 TO LET IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smitbfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JaS-32-D TO LET-LARGE AND SMALL OFFICES ON the second and third floors of Melton's build ing, opposite City Hall. Smlthfield street; good light: reasonable rent. Inquire at T. MELLON A SON'S BANK. 512 and 514 Smlthfield street. fe!6-7-16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27 TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms In the Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and TVater streets, and Third ave. and TVood street: also warehouse and basement No. 213 TVood st. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO.. 10 and 12 Wood st, Jal8-5I TO LET-2 NICE CHEERFUL OFFICEHOOMS; good light: desirable location; No. 1127 Lib erty ave., second floor; also, storeroom and cellar. No. 1129 Liberty ave.. directly opposite Union depot. Inquire EXCELSIOR EXPRESS AND STANDARD CAB CO., same building. fe21-85 rpo LET-NETV OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. X The Gennanla Savings Bank. 423 Wood St., having changed the Interior of its building by adding 15 large, atrvand well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc.. olfer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a lino location should apply at once at tho BANK. de21-75-D TEunIneM Stand. TO LET-QUARRY OF ONE OF THE BEST kinds of stone; Is located on a paved street. Address QUARRY, Dispatch office. fe21-52 rno LET-NO. 305 MARKET ST., A DESIRA ' business house. W. A. IIER JL BLE 3-story business house. RON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel7-72-MTurs TO LET STORE AND DWELLING AT NO. 1703 Penn avenue; store and 7 dwelling rooms at (700 per year for all. TV. A. HEREON A SONS. felS-61-MWFS rpo 10 LET-IN A COUNTRY TOWN TVlTHIN 30 mile or Pittsburg, storeroom and dwell ing for merchant tailoring business. Apply at 51. OPPENilEIMERACO.'S, 713 Liberty St. fe22-60 TO-LET-FINE STOREROOM. 287 OHIO ST., Allegheny, with plate glass front: first-class business location; at present occupied as confec tionery. Apply to J. II. AIKEN', 100 Fifth ave nue. fcl4-83-D TO LET THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the TVhlte House, at Perrysvllle, on tho Perrysvillc plankroad, with 21 acres orland, good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every tMngln first-class order: long lease Is given to the right party. For further Information call or ad dress THEDANNEKMEDIC1NECO., 242Federal St.. Allegheny City. fe2-15 Miscellaneous. TO LET-OUR "TO LET" LIST, AS HERETO FORE issued from our office, is now pub lished every Wednesday and Saturday (without expense to landlords) In The Dispatch only. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 90 Fourth ave. fe22-14-MTTF TO LET A NO. 1 LANDING. 1,323 FEET ON south side of Monongahela river, at Thirty fourth street, and extending to city line; good depth of water the entire year. WM. SIcCLURG, No. 30 Carson St., Pg Pa. Telephone No.6114. feS-21 Special. TO LET-BY TV. W. M'NEILL A BRO.. 163 Fourth avenne. 808 Wylle ave., 7 room brick, (16. 814 Wylle ave., 7 rocfe brick, (16. 372 Center ave:. 7 room brick. 13. 80S Fifth ave., 7 room brick, pi Allegheny: 70 Klrkpatrlck ave., 7 room brick, (26. 72 Klrkpatrlck ave. 7 room brick. (26. fe21-89 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth (1,000, let us know: we wUl buy one as quickly as tbe other. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Ave. Hotel building. fc20 PERSON AL-YOU WILL BE A LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive, so benpand make tbe best of It; see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, of 65 Fifth avenue, corner TVood street, second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and ren.itrlue: give him a trial, telephone 1558. aj REWARDS. EEWAKD WITHDRAWN-NOTICE IS hereby given tint the reward of (300, offered bv the Borough of Wllklnsburg for Information tliat might lead to the arrest and conviction of the persons who robbed and assaulted Mr. L.K.St. Clair, Is withdrawn pursuant to resolution adopted by said Council, February 20. 1S!9. 4 a TV. SMITH, Burgsss. Attest: H. TV. BEATTY. . fe22-41 NOTICES. -TOTIOE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF L the Eureka Savings Fund and Loan As sociation will be held at tho regular meeting rooms this, FRIDAY, evening, February 22, at 8 o'clock, for the election of officers and tho transaction of snch other business as may come before the meeting. THOS. W. AISBITT.a fe22-62 COUNTY COM3IISIONEES' OFFICE. I PITTSBUBO, Fed. 18, 1889. ( THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named districts as follows, to-wit: Saturday, February 23, Baldwin and Bethel townships, and Fourteenth and Twentieth wards, Pittsburg. Monday, February 25, Reserve, Moon, Snow den, Leet and Harinar townships. Tuesday, February 28, Richland, Elizabeth, Jefferson and Lincoln townships. Wednesday, February 27, Crescent and Up per St. Clair townships. Thursday, February 2?, Fatton township. By order of County Commissioners. , . R. E. MERCEK, GEO. Y. MCKEE, DANIEL MCWILLIAMS. P. W. S1EBERT. Cleric te2l-UV v F. WACKEROW- VETER1NARY SURGEON. Residence. 2sTaggert street: Office. 4i First street, AUe- gnenv; xeiepnone. 3uaj (ur. uzarnicky). Referring to above. I respectfully request my old patrons to transfer their fnll confidence which 1 hitherto enjoyed in snch high degree, to my friend and colleague. Or. Wackerow. fe2I-79 DR. EJQW. CZARJUCKY, AUCTION SALES. BEAUTIFUL FURNI3HMENT OF A2T East End residence at auction FRIDAY MORNING, February 22. at 10 o'clock, at tho rooms No, 311 Market St. Fine upright piano forte, pictures, pier mirror, mantel cabinet, elegant upholstered parlor suit, fancy chairs and rockers, bed lounge, couch, ornaments, bric-a-brac, curtaini. shades, rags, fine halt rack, chevalglass, folding bed, chamber suits, chiffonier, secretary, desk, bookcase, library table, marble and wood top tables, bedsteads, mattresses, comforts, Dlankets, springs, bu reaus, washstands. fine silver and glass ware, dishes, wardrobes, sideboard, ball, room and stair carpets, linoleum. Goods now on exhibition. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIST.. fe21-90 Auctioneers. OFFICIAL PITTSDUHG. TO JOB PRINTERS-SEALED PrtOPO SAL8 will be received up until March 5. 18S9. at 3 o'clock P. M-. for the printing and bindinc; for the several departments of the city government for the ensuing year. Blanks for bidding and information furnished on applica tion to tho office of the City Controller. Bonds to bo furnished as required in specifications. The right to acept or reject any or all bids re served. Ji S. MORROW, Controller. fel9-33-D Department of Public TVorks, ! Pittsbukg. Pa.. Feb. 11. 1883. VTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE XT report of Viewers on tbe damages caused by tho grading of Linden street, from Penn avenue to the Pennsylvania Railroad, has been, approved by Coancils.wnich action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) davs from date. ' K Ji. BIGELOW. Chief of .Department of Public Works. fcH-40-D 4 Department of Public Wouks, i PITTSBUBO, February H, 1889. S TTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Xi reports of Viewers on the constructlou of sewers on Craig street, from Center avenue) to Fifth avenne; Aiken avenue, from Fifth avenue to the Pennsylvania Railroad, and South Twenty fourth street, from Josephine) street to the Monongahela river, have been ap proved by Councils, which action will bo final, unless an appeal Is filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIOEXOTV, Chief of Department of Public TVorks. ffrI4-I0-D City Treasurer's Office, i Municipal Hall. Smitbfield street. ( VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALLj J.T owner3 (whether residents or non-residents of the city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, etc, mnst pay their license at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid on or before first Monday in March, 1SSS, will be placed in tho bands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee of SO cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday in May, 1889, will be sub ject to a penalty double tho amount of tho license, to be recovered before the proper legal authorities ot said city. The old metal plate of last year must be returned at tbe time licenses are taken out, or 25 cents additional will be charged on the license. Rates of license: Each one-horse vehicle, $6 00: each two-horse vehicle, S10 00: each four-horse vehicle, S12 00: each four horse back, 515 00: omnibus and timber wheel3 drawn by two horses, S10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for each additional borse used, in above specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON, fell-70-D City Treasurer. AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Extra E. D. Wilt. Lessee and Manager. WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, FEB. 23y Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, MARGARET MATHER. Monday,.Tbursdayl and Saturday matinee, ROMEO AND JULIET. Tuesday and Friday, LEAH. Wednesday matinee, LADY OF LYONS. Wednesday eveninc, - THE HONEYMOON. Saturday evening, PEG WOFFINGTON. Scats now on sale. fcU-5 . TIJOU THEATER-TO-NIGHT. "ErmTnie." . By tho Original Casino Company. Next week Murray & Murphy. -r fe21 GRAND OPERA HOUSE "THE WIFE.' Matiriee Saturday. "THE WIFE" I The famous success of New 'THE WIFE" Yprk. SuperiorCast, Scenery, "THE TVIFE" I etc etc Next week Margaret Mather fe21 ARRIS' THEATER f Every Afternoon and Evening, i-THE NELSON COMBINATION. NELbON COMBINATION. Next week "True Irish Hearts." felS-10 SARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY light. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and' Satordav. AUSTIN"S AUSTHALIAN NOVELTY CO. MLLE. AIMEE, THE HU3IAN FLY. fel7-U CASINO MUSEUM Week of February 18: . THE WELCHES' GIGANTIC SPECIALTY COMPANY". Welches. Charles and Jennie;' Baby Venus: Gleason Children. Admission, 10c upen irom iu A. M. to iu p. M. ieis-ii PROPOSALS. ' "PROPOSALS FOR BARGES MISSISsl J7 1PP1 River Commission, St. Louis, Mo.. February 8, 18S9. Proposals are asked till 12 noon Feoruary 23, lS89.forbuiIdinganddeliver-' ing at Cairo, 111., or Wilson's Point, La., thirty wooden barges, in lots of six barges. Attention, of bidders is invited to the acts of Congress ap proved February 2B. 18S5, and February 23, 1S87, . vol. 23, page 332, and voL 24, cage 414. statutes at large. Address as above. CAPTAIN CHAS. F. POWELL, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. feS-92-8,9,10,11,20.21 COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. ) T Lebanon, Pa., February 13, 1889. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the Connty Com mlssioners until 12 o'clock, noon, March 13, 1889, for the erection of a Prison and Sheriff's residence. Plans and specifications may bo seen at this office between the hours of 8 A. M. and 4 P. JU until the day named. The names of the bondsmen mnst accompany), the bids. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Proposals should be addressed, "Connty Com-i mlssioners of Lebanon Connty, proposals foe Prison and Sheriff's residence. By order of DAVID R. ZELLER. GEORGE H. SPANG, A. J. MEREDITH, County Commissioners. Attest M. A. tiiiiSHST, cierK. February 13. 1889. fel653-Turs FOURTH AVENUE, Between Wood and Smithfleld. lots 120 fee deep for sale by SAMUEL TV. BLACK 4 CO, 99 Fourth ave. f ell-17-itWJ' , OFFICES TO LET. Four or five offices on the fourth floor of th Renshaw Bnilding'wlU be let from April 1; rooms connecting or separate; good light, water, gas and elevator. Apply to JNO. A. RENSHAW, corner Liberty and Ninth streets, ' fe6M-D SEWICKLEY and other P., Ft, W. fc C. R. R. dwellings and lots for sale ana rent; low prices: send tor list. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., Established 1878. 99 Fourth avenue. feH-15-MWF A EL LINKENHE1MER, ARCHITECT, 515 Smithfleld street, Pittsburg, Pa. Frelheitl Freund Building, second floor. fe2Ml.D GEO. H. BARBOUR, CITOL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designerot Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 62 Eisner Building, del2-K6-D FIFXH AYEMUJE, Pittsburc