KS1 Story. "The Burled Kivcr," -will be con cludeain next Sunday's Usne of The 1)is- JOAQUIR MILLER'S r atcit. It will be 101 follow ed b a powerful no olette from tlio v"' of Maurice Thompson, entitled "liio Lily of Kochon FORTY-POURTH YEAB- j. i Dr. Maharneke's Little Round Caput Rolls Into the Waste Basket. HE WAS FIRED LAST NIGHT By the Prison Investigating Board, Who Finally ; Ascertain HE DID SWEAE A LITTLE BIT Though Found Kot Guilty of Aiding to Escape, and of Cruelty, AXD GAIXS THE DOUBT OX BRIBERY The Legislators Tisit the Ten and Com pliment Warden Wright, hut They Say the 6ENATB SHOULD HATE INVESTIGATED Dr. B. B. Maharneke has been discharged from the position of hospital steward of the penitentiary. He is acquitted of aiding in escape, acquitted of cruelty, given the bene fit of the doubt in the bribery charges, and convicted only of profanity. The Legis lators say the board should not have tried the man, but a Legislative trial should have been made. The long drawn out trial, the long pend ing fate of Dr. Maharneke has been decided, and against him. Ihe Damoclcan sword has fallen, and the round head or the ex cited little Dutch doctor has rolled into the basket. The battle has been bravely fought, and the victory was most certainly won. For every question, there was an answer, for every charge a refutation, and for every Bolland an Oliver. The most searching investigation, the most sensational disclosures, and the most intensely interesting evidence of a local character ever placed before a Pittsburg public, has been rounded up with what may be termed a "nub," and the man who fought against coing into the penitentiary, and who fought fiercely against going out, wiU drop at once from his 530 a month posi tion, and from the public gaze. Where the Finding Was Made. The fate of Maharneke was at last de cided last night at a secret meeting of the Board of Inspectors, held at the residence of Mr. John S. Slagle, 223 Allegheny ave nue, Allegheny. The representatives of the press arrived at the place soon after 8 o'clock, but Mr. Slagle had requested his son to stay at home last night and watch the door for the re porters. "When they got in they received the positive information that the board was in session, but did absolutely not desire any interruption. But the young man invited the visitors into the parlor, with the re mark that they were at liberty to wait as long as they pleased. Soon after 9 o'clock Mr. Slagle, smiling most benignly upon his visitors in the parlor, entered and stated that a little more patience and everybody's curiosity would be satisfied. The Fatal Taper. It was not until 10:15 o'clock, however, that Mr. Slagle again returned, but this time he held two sheets of foolscap in his hand. Ihey contained the verdict, as fol lows: B. B. Maharneke, hospital steward of the "Western Penitentiary, having demanded an in vestigation of certain charges made against him by James McPhiUamy, a prisoner, an in vestigation was held by the Board of Inspectors of said institution on the 5th. 7th and 8th inst, and a report now made as follows: First charge Aiding and abetting in attempt to escape. The evidence offered to support the charge was uncorroborated and entirely unsatisfac tory, while upon the other hand the fact that Maharneke had reported the convalescence of McPhiUamy to the proper authorities and de sired his removal to the block as a more seenro place for the confinement of a dangerous char acter than the hospital, was corroborated by witnesses not convicts. Charge Cruelty to patients in the hospital. It Is evident from the testimony of all except one witness, who swore that he himself was the person who inflicted the cruelty, that the ex tent of Maharneke's treatment was that of occasional seventy in cases of incorrigible patients. whose continuous resistance, to orders pro duced irritation and anger in his mind. He Gets the Benefit of a. Doubt. Charce 3. Accepting and receiving money from prisoners and bribery. The principal evidence as to this charge was that of prisoner Cook Hall. The answer of Maharneke to this being that ho might, when a prisoner, have received money in small amounts from him as stated, but he positively denied doing so after his release and subse quent appointment as hospital steward. A reasonable doubt therefore exists, and we give the benefit of the doubt to the accused. Charge i. Profanity. The board are of the opinion from the evi dence that Maharneke. when excited or angered, used profane languaco while in the performance of his duties, although circum spect and correct while in tho piescnce cl official $ and visitors. After a carcrul and patient investigation by the Board of Inspectors, in which they w ere assisted by two members of the State Board of Chanties, we have arnved at tho conclusion that the accused, B. B. Maharneke, should be acquitted on charges first and second, given the benefit of a doubt in the third charge and Convicted Upon the Fonrtli. And wo further find that want of calm judg nentand prudence in the discharge of his , (duties as an officer of the prison demand his jCuscbargc, which we directed accordingly. " Geokoc A. Kelly, .t. u. keed, Jakes McCutciieos, John S. Slagle, V. F. Teijible, Board of Inspectors of Western Penitentiary. . i ALLEGHENY, February 21, 18S9. nrcnBHrc After Mr. Slagle handed the decision to the reporter, he was asked: "Was there any discussion on any ques tion in the verdict among the members of the board?" "No, the findings in each "charge were unanimous. Further than that I cannot say anything. Of course, we do not know what the members of the Board of Charities think about the matter, but they will make their own report to their authorities in proper time, and you will then hear what their opinion of the matter is. B. C. Christy, Esq., the attorney -who was present at all the meetings of the investiga tion, said last night when he was informed of the verdict: WclL I hardly know what to say about that that verdict O f course. I am entirely satisfied with the resu1!, but the different findings of the board are "ot Consistent With a Discharge If you look the matter over, you wiU find that on the to most serious charges they acquit him. and on the third, another serious one. they give him the benefit of the doubt, while on tho last, which is really of minor im portance, and has not the same weight as the others, they pronounco him guilty and dis charge bim. It is very funny. However, the main point is reached only they had a peculiar way of getting at it - Maharneke will be informed jof his dis charge by "Warden "Wright this morning, and the post of Hospital Steward, which has, since the "Little Dutch Doctor's" sus pension, been filled by a convict of the medical profession, will be for the present vacant. THEIE GEAYE ERKOB. Legislator Fow Says tho Prison Officials Should Not Have Conducted the In vestigation He Compliments Warden Wright A Tilt With SIcPhillamy. The Legislative sub-Committee on Appro priations spent a busy day yesterday. In the morning, at the Anderson Hotel, they met a delegation of women from the Ladies' Aid Society, who asked for 53,000. The balance of the morning was taken up in inspecting the Home for the Friendless, who ask for 515,000; the Home for Colored Children, needing $1,700, and the Home for Aged Colored Women. The committee was particularly pleased with the little colored children. They were bright looking, clean and behaved very nicelv. At the Scat of Wnr. Then the committee tackled the "Western Penitentiary. They peeped into every nook and corner of the institution, put sharp questions to the convicts, and the irrepressi ble Fow characterized the ancient 'watch man with his shot gun on the wall as the "last of Napoleon's guards." The entire committee, consisting of Messrs. Fow, Thompson,. Billingsby, Lemen and Marshall was present. It was understood, that as the only Democrat on the committee, Mr. Fow intended to take notes with a view to having the penitentiary investigated by the Legislature, but this he denied, as in correct. It exceeded his instructions, he said, and the committee was sent there to examine 26 lots adjacent to the walls, which have been offered to the State for 51,500 apiece. The persons who own this ground threaten to put up buildings against the waU, and this would render the prison insecure by glvinprthe convicts a better chance to es cape. Their Reasons for Coming. To look into the purchase of this property and examine the books, he said, was all the committee had to do. The books were found to be in excellent shape, and the com mittee hadn't much fault to find. Every department of the institution was visited, the boot and shoe factories, machine shop, bakery, conservatory, bailer house, hospital and women's prison. "Do you get good grub?" was an oc casional question that Mr. Thompson put to the prisoners. Invariably the reply was that they were satisfied. One bright eyed, fair-haired creature, a woman, in the "ladies' " prison, smiled sweetly at a reporter, gave him a sly wink with her left eye, as the belles do on the avenue, and left the astonished hustler in a perturbed state of ebullition in the region of his heart. "That won't do, young lady," said Mr. Fow. "This is a hopeless case. The man is married." As the committee toward the close of the day strolled down the long corridor with its tiers of cells, Warden Wright stopped be fore a door, and said: "Here isMcPhillamy, the man who made the charges against Dr. Maharneke." Convict McPhiUamy ts Hon. Fow. Mr. Fow was a little ahead of the party, but when he heard the name he stepped back. He hadn't done much talking before this, but now he commenced to question the big prisoner standing in the doorway with the vigor and dash of a Philadelphia lawyer and a Democratic leader of the House. Turning to Warden, Wright, Mr. Fow said: "So this is the man who made the charges against Doctor Maharneke?" Wright This is the man. Fow Maharneke was the doctor here.acd once a criminal, I understand. Wright Yes, he is a reformed criminal, and he was hired a month after his release. Fow to McPhiUamy How long have you been here? McPhiUamy Three years. Fow Did you ever give money to Dr. Maharneke? McPhiUamy Yes, at different times. Fow How mnch did yon give him altogether? McPhiUamy Three hundred and sixty five dollars. Fow Have you been giving him money during the three years? The Charges Repeated. McPhiUamy Only since last August. On the 30th of that month I gave him 540, and in October 525 more. Fow Did you have any money when you came here? McPhiUamy Not a cent. I was exam ined thoroughly. , Fow Did anyone visit you? McPhiUamy Yes, a party from Ohio on the 28th of last August. Fow Man or woman? McPhiUamy Woman, but she didn't give me the money. Fow Where did you get it then? McPhiUamy That's something for the prison officials to find out Fow What was the form of the money? McPhiUamy I had a one hundred dollar note and the balance in twenties. Fow How long did you have this money? McPhiUamy A good while. Fow Where did yon get it changed? McPhiUamy Here in the prison. Then Mr. Fow and the big prisoner got into a wrangle about a former' statement made. Fow declared McPhiUamy had con tradicted himself, and he wonnd up by tell ing Ihe strapping fellow behind the bars that he lied, and he didn't believe him. Tho Retort Courteous. McPhiUamy retorted that he knew what he was talking about, and that he had kept money in his cell for more than 2 years. "I don't believe it," answered Mr. Fow as he walked away. Wright, to Tow Did you get him to say where he got the money? That ia what I have been trying to find out. Fow No, he wouldn't tell me. He is too sharp for that, but I believe he is a liar. As bright as Mr. Fow is it was plain to be seen that he hadmet his match in the si lent prisoner. A Dispatch reporter who listened to the running fire of questions and the quick answers of the convict, could see no discrepancies in McPhillamy's state ments. McPhiUamy did not contradict himself, but Mr. Fow had gotten some of his answers confused. It is hardly probable that the man who stood the searching inqui sition without flinching should make a break under such circumstances. Warden Wright called tho attention of the committee to an idiotic Hungarian whose time had expired the day before. He had been sent over here, and wandered into Fulton countVj where he committed some crime. His "time had expired, and the warden didn't know what to do with him. He had asked the poor authorities of the city to take charge of him, and sent him away, but they claimed they had no juris diction over the case. While returning to the hotel Mr. Fow talked about the prison pretty freely. "Warden Wright is an honest man," he said. "His integrity cannot be questioned." Where a Grave Mistake Was Made. "A great mistake was made in the method of the investigation, however. The prisoners should not have been examined by those in authority over them, who could threaten, or even had it in their power to punish them if they so desired. "Their presence would naturally have a repressing effect on the men, and they wouldn't testify as freely as if the board had been differently composed. The work should have been conducted by a committee from the Legislature, and the prison officials should have been excluded. "The books of the penitentiary are straight and correct, but they are kept like all the books in the State institutions. A good plan would be to put the amount of the appropriation for a particular item on one page and the expenditures under this head on the next. If the appropriation was not sufficient they should not be allowed to draw from the moneys for another item, without an order from the State Treasury. This would be a simple plan, and the books could be easily ex amined at any time. As it is things arc all mixed up. Tho Money is Expended Generally, and if an appropriation for an item is not large enough they transfer the money from some other one." Representative Lemon said it was a great pity that such a man as Dr. Maharneke had ever been hired in the penitentiary. He had brought the institution into disrepute. Whether or not they actedon the princi ple of hitting a man when he is down, is not known, but nearly all the under keepers about the place expressed themselves as glad that Dr. Maharneke was not there any more. "This is a pretty mess he has got us into," said one of 'them. "We have had trouble with him ever since he came here. He was entirely too meddlesome." Warden Wright explained he had asked the State for an appropriation of 571,000 for the prison proper. He also needed 5120,000 to finish the new building, but he was given to understand that he would receive 70,000 for this purpose in the next two years. The committee also met the "representa tives of the owners of the 26 lots that adjoin the walls. They questioned them freely about the ground and the price, but no opinion was given. There is a separate bill pending in the House providing for the pur chase of the ground.and it is likely the com mittee wUl recommend it favorably. A EEENCH CABINET Formed by M. Do Courscl It Is Sold to be Anti-Boulnnjjcr The Gallant Gen eral Declares Ho is Per fectly Satisfied. PAEIS, February 2L M. de Coursel has been appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. The new Ministers will take nffice in the morning. Their declaration will be read on Saturday. At 8 o'clock this evening President Carnot signed a de cree appointing M. Tirard Premier and Minister of Commerce; M. Constans, Mini ster of the Interior; M. Bouvier, Minister of Finances; M. Threvcnot, Minister of Justice; M. Fallieres, Minister of Education; M. Fayc, Minister of Agri culture; M. Gues Guyot, Minister of Public Works; M. de Freycmet, Minister of War; Admiral Jaures, Minister of Marine. M. Goblet refused to join the new Cabinet, which is a coalition of Opportunists and Badicals. The National asserts that if the Tirard Cabinet fails, President Carnot will summon M. Ferry to form a Cabinet General Boulanger says that if President Carnot could not obtain a better Cabinet he should have resigned to prevent his being overthrown. Personally the General says he is satisfied, as the President and M. Tirard are working in the interests of the Boulang ists. Deputies Thiesse, Jacquemart, Theron, Turigny, Bourgeois, Cremoux, Goussaurges, Blatin, Douner, Barbe and Proset have openly sided with General Boulanger. The new Cabinet is decidedly anti Boulangist M. de Coursels' reign at the Berlin Embassy was marked by extreme cordiality between France and Germany. WAR TALK IN CANADA. Tho Governor General. AdTiscs His People to bo Beady to Fight. rsrrciAL teligsam to the msPATcn.i Monteeal. February 21. There must be danger iu the near future of Canadian citizens being called upon to defend their hearths, if not from soldiers of TJncle Sam, from soldiers or sailors of some other foreign invasion. The latest to give public utterances to such thoughts is the vice-regal representative of "Victoria on this side of the water, Lord Stanley, Governor General o'f Canada. At least the hints which he dropped during a speech this afternoon at the annual meeting of the Dominion Artillery Associa tion at Ottawa are generally believed here to foreshadow, at no distant day, the necessity of the Canadians to take up arms to defend their homes. Ho thought that in these days every able bodied man should be a soldier of the em pire, and in more than any other quarter of the empire at present, es pecially in this Dominion of Can ada. They knew the people were respected as they respected themselves, and that they should act accordingly. The sky at present was clear, but there were serious questions to settle, and no one knew what moment the necessity of de fense would arrive. He prayed to God, that the time would be long in coming. He thought the Imperial Gov ernment would furnish any quality of arms and ammunition, if the Canadian militia hinted that they wanted them. A SAVAGE CEIHE. Kills His Aunt and Undo nnd Beats His Betrothed. Nashville, February 2L Yesterday George Dunnaway, of Butherford county, this State, murdered his uncle, fatally shot his aunt and then cruelly beat his cousin, whom he had been conrting. The cause of his action is unknown. He is still at large. We're Not Heady to iell. Ottawa, February 21. A Conservative member of Parliament will shortly intro duce a resolution authorizing the Govern ment to purchase the Eastern States of the American Union. PITTSBURG, FRIDAY, MEE MEN ONCE MOBE. Tho Board of rardons Makes a Fa vorable Recommendation in M'CLURE AND FREYVOGLE'S CASE. The Alleged Gamblers. Will ho Eeleased in a Few Days. SLATTEEI'S PLEA TO COME Up TO-DAY. A rccahar Case of Bijamy Meets With Mercy at the Hands of the Board. McClure and Freyvogle, whose conviction for gambling in this city excited consider able comment at tho time, have been recom mended to the Governor by the Board of Pardons as fit subjects for clemency. This, presumably, ensures their release within a few days from the workhouse, where they are serving two-year terms. 1EFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCH.1 Haeeisbueg, February 21.' Walter Lyons' anticipations were realized by the favorable consideration of the cae of Will iam McClure and Frank Freyvogle by the Board of Pardons this afternoon. The board moved so slowly in this matter that Mr. Lyons had almost given up hope of a successful result The recommendation for a pardon will at once be forwarded to Gov ernor Beaver, and immediate action is ex pected, which will free the prisoners. Freyvogle and McClure were charged with being common gamblers and with keeping a gambling house'. It was alleged, although not definitely stated on the trial, that Quinn, the confidential bookkeeper of C. G. Dixon, a contractor of Allegheny, had lost several thousand dollars of his em ployer's money by gambling in the defend ant's place. Both defendants were, con victed, and, on September 1, 1888, were each fined and sentenced to two years' imprison ment in the workhouse. A SUBPBISE. The sentence was a great surprise to the defendants and their friends. McClure and Freyvogle had been out on bail after their trial, and when called to appear for sen ence expected merely to be fined, with, per haps a nominal imprisonment. Imme diately after the sentence was passed steps were taken to procure a pardon, but appar ently without effect. The prisoners and their friends had about given up all hope of success when the Board of Pardons at last took favorable action upon the application, and to-day recommended that Executive clemency be extended to the prisoners. The Board also granted a rehearing to Edward Slattery, whose counsel is expected to prove his innocence of the murder of Henry Meyer at the next meeting, by show ing that Edward Coffey committed the crime charged to him. Slattery had al ways maintained that his conviction was a result of mistaken identity. COFFEY'S CONFESSION. It is now alleged that Coffey, before he died from the effects of an assault up&n him self, after receiving the news thathis death warrant had been signed, made a statement to friends, that he, and not Slattery, was re sponsible for Henry Meyer's death. The pardon of Edward Mulhorn, of York, convicted of bigamy, was also recommended. It was shown that he had what he believed was authentic information of his first wife's death when he married the second time. Pardon recommendations were refused in the cases of Conrad Bedinger, bayhem, and James C. Brown, misdemeanof, Allegheny, and Charles Burbank, of Blairl The following gases were held under ad visement: William Cook, rolibery, Alle gheny. William Keller, undei sentence of death, Philadelphia, nnd the case of Sarah J. Wbiteling, the poisoner, Philadelphia, were held over to enable papcri to be filed. HILLIONAIEE FLOOD NO lOEE. Tho Bonanza King Dios at Last, and Leaves OnTy SIO.000,000. rSrZCTAL TELEOKAlt TO THE DISPATCH.l San Feancisco, February 21. The death of Millionaire Flood, whiih was once announced positively last October, caused no excitement here to-day. Senator Fair received a letter a few days ago, saying that his old partner didn't recognize his own wife and daughter, and that he couldn't live mora than a few weeks, as his stomach refused to retain nourishment. In fact, Mr. Flood has been dying since last fall, and only remarkable vitality prolonged his life. Flood's business influenco in this city ceased when he lost so heavily in the wheat corner, two years ago, and retired from the Nevada Bank. He and Mackay started in to corner the Liverpool market, but thev failed and retired with a losi of 512,000,000, of which Flood lost 53, 500,000. Senator Fair's help sued two bonanza millionaires from complete ruin, but the worry and humiliation brifcc Flood down, and his friends wanted hiii then to retire and go to Carlsbad, but hb refused and remained here, settling his affairs, until last May, when he deplrted for Europe, leaving his son with pojver of at torney to carry on business in his absence. With him went his wife and danghter, so that the big brown stone house on pob Hill has been deserted for nearly a year. Flood's fortune is variously estimated, but Mackay places it at 510,000,000. Ten years ago it was fully double this amount, but heavy depreciation in Comstock mining shares and wheat losses are responsible for the shrinkage. Flood's brownstone palace on Nob Hill cost 2,500,000, and is probably the finest decorated residence in the country. His country villa at Menlo Park cost nearly as much, with its 1,500 acres of park and immense conservatory of rare plants. Other valuable property in this city is Flood's block, a part of the Nevada block and the Pacific Mail dock. IVES AND STATNEE INDICTED. A New York Jury Returns Them tor Grand Larceny In the CTrst Degree. New Yokk, February 21. Judge Cow ing, in the Court of General Sessions, to day called the grand jury beforepim and delivered a special charge to them. From the nature of his remarks, although he men tioned no name, it was inferred that ho re ferred to the cases of Ives and Stajner. His remarks were on the abuse of trusts and the law regarding it He said that he had been asked to speak to them about this case by the District Attorney. . The grand jury later found indictments for grand larceny in the first degrte against Ives and Stayner. It is believed that indictments will also be found against oth ers connected with these men in the Cincin nati, Hamilton and Dayton matter. TO SHOOT BAEN BUENE tS. Farmers Get Trap Gang Ready or Their Especial Benefit. Baltimoee, February 21.' he mys terious burning of barns along the line be tween Maryland and Pennsylvan a, which commenced about the first' of th present ran, .nntinne, Tt,o fnnndw nvn rf nBmn . n ' jt.Ml, VWU..MUV0. .u. .M.uxv.d HI. IMUIUIC, ana some oi tnem nave nggea up :rap-gun on tneir nam aoore to surpris tne i; ruders. FEBRUARY 22, 1889. TOAMAKER TALKS. Ho Tells How He Caino to Knlso Cam- Paiga Funds Ho Didn't Want to Befcat Mr. Clovoland, But Was Forced To. tSFZCIAL TELEGRAM TO TUE DISPATCH.1 "Washington, February 21. A Eepub Hcan politician who will have much to do with President Harrison's administration, said to-night: "Mr. Wanamaker is not going to give you or any other newspaper correspondent an interview, but he said to me the other day: 'I don'Jdeserve any thanks for what I did. It was jnst one of the things that came to me to be done. When Quay sent for me I was surprised. He told me that the National Republican Committee needed money, and his scheme for my rais ing it. I at first declined to have anything to do with it. I had very little hope of de feating Cleveland, and still less Mrs. Cleve land, who is justly popular with the whole country, and.whom Iadmire greatly myself, and I didn't want to get on a sinking ship. He urged the matter, and told me why he felt sure of carrying the election if he had money. Even then I hesitated, and asked three weeks for consideration. He agreed, and I talked with our leading manufactur ers, men whose names are the best in the land, such men as Washbnrue, and Amos Laurence's grandson, and a dozen others I could name, men who would never have given a dollar for dishonest uses, even if I bad'been willing to ask it, and at the end of three weeks I told Quay I would under take to raise the money if he would allow us to establish a manufacturers' bureau and have a voice in the disposition of the money. " 'I don't mean that we insisted on know ing what was done with every dollar of it. I didn't want to know. What I did insist upon was that I should be able to satisfy the men who trusted me with their money that it was used for the purposes for which they subscribed it, and that guarantee Mr. Quay gave me. That is how there came to be a manufacturers' bureau. Now, people are saying that I am to be paid formy services with a seat in the Cabinet, as Jf I want pay for doing my duty, or as if I would buy office! They say that was why I went to see Mr. Harrison. I went because Mr. Harrison sent for me, and I thought it only proper to go.' " A WELCOME BEST. Washington's Birthday a Boon to Church Divorce Caso Lawyers and Wit nesses Tho Defense Trying to Undermine the Oppo sition's Testimony. rSPXCIAL TELECRAM TO THE DISFATCH.1 Columbus, O., February 21. Washing ton's birthday will intervene to give the lawyers and witnesses a rest in the Chnreh divorce case until Saturday morning. The testimony to-day has been in many respects of a startling character. The star witness for the plaintiff, Walter McCaskey, the colored hostler in the Church family, has been badly disfigured. Paul J. Evans, a colored man who was acquainted with Mc Caskey, detailed several conversations which he had with him, and said McCaskey had told him he had been drilled several times on his testimony by the attorneys for the plaintiff; that they had him go over it dapy, and one of them would cross-examine him the same as they would do in conrt; that he had told McCaskey the defendant had smart lawyers and he would likely get; into trouble unless he was careful; that Mc Caskey had said he knew the attorneys for the plaintiff were smarter than their law yers, but there would be no danger. Brans gave as his reasons tor going on the Stand and detailing this conversation, that he was a friend of McCaskey's, and that this was a white man's affair, and he did not want McCaskey to get into trouble through any influence which might be brought to bear upon him. The cross-examination was unable to shake the testi mony of Evans. Dr. Starling Loving, one of the leading physicians in the city, was examined. He was the physician in the Church family, and drew S287 for one year's services. He testified to the plaintiff's general ill-health before and alter the separation, and confirmed-all that had been said in regard to the fainting spells, but he had no means of knowing whether Colonel Church treated his family well, but from what he could see on his visits he thought he was all right. A number of other witnesses were intro duced in every case to contradict state ments made by witnesses for the plaintiff, and most of them to testify to the Colonel's reputation for chastity and his kind treat ment of his7 family. SPALDING'S MEN SEE TEE SIGHTS. They View tho Vastncss of St. Peter's and Prepare for Saturday's Game. rBV CABLE TO TILE DISPATCH. Eome, February 21. Copyright. The American baseball teams spent the day visiting the great objects of interest. They marveled at the vastness of St. Peter's, were awed by the wonders of the Vatican, but most taken by the ruins of the Coliseum. We are to have a reception to-morrow noon by the students of Ann College, who have secured a holiday for that purpose. They will attend the g'amc on Saturday in abody. It is not unlikely that they will organizea couple of nines among their number, and play the game for exercise and amusement hereafter. The audience with the Pope, which we hoped to have, now seems im probable, owing to the ill "health of His Holiness. The interest in tho clubs is increasing, and especially among the Americans and English, and our hotels are besieged by visitors, who are delighted to meet us and to show us attention. The weather is clear, but cold. We are not enamored of the Italian weather we have thus far experi enced. It is not the kind we have been used to during the past few months. Unless it warms up a little by Saturday, we cannot be expected to play up to the 'usual form, and we wish to badly. DEY0UEED BT WOLVES. Fearful Fato of Two Children Returning From School. rSFKCtAL fELEOEAJt TO THE DISFATCH.1 White EivETii, Minn., February 21. Two children of a farmer named Peterson, living near Aitkeu, while returning from sohool Wounesday afternoon, were attacked and devJared by timber solves. A few scatteredbones and shreds of clothing re maining as evidence of their fate. It was supposed at first that there were not more than two wolves in the pack, but an Indian huntewshortly after the disappearance of the children encountered ten of the fierce brutos near where tho children were de voured. He used his Winchester with such effect as td kill, eight of them outright. The forests in the northern part of Aitkcn county nave ainuya uccu imeaiuu with wolves. i C0NTEACT LAB0E MUST GO. A Bridgeport Company is Beaten in Court by tho Government. Philadelphia, February 21. The trial of the civil suit of the Government, brought to recover a 17000 penalty 'from Joseph aud John Lees, trading as James Lees & Sons, for alleged importation of con tract labor at their mills at Bridgeport, be fore Judge Bntler in the United States Dis trict Court, resulted in a verdict in favor of the Government in the amount of the pen alty sued for. Wtfytift . CAN'TELQPTOGETHEB The Two Wing3 of the Democracy Continue to Soar Separately. A CAUCUS THAT CAME TO NAUGHT. Mr. Eandall Unable to Coax His Party Friends to Agree With Ilim. THE HILLS PINION VERT OBSTINATE. If It Can't Hare Its Own Way It Won't Hare Any Other, Bit Can Help It The Democrats in the House finally agreed to let Mr. Bandall have a caucus, last evening, on tariff measures. That's all they did let him have, though. They took no action on his plan of trusting to a passage the Cowles internal revenue biU. It was thought a decided quarrel would occur. In stead, it was merely a case of agreeing to disagree. t 1SFECIAL TZLXGKAlt TO THE DISFATCS.1 "Washington, February 21. As fore cast in these dispatches last evening, Bepre sentative Bandall moved with all his might when he decided to make the break for the consideration of the Cowles bill for the abolition of the tobacco tax. His resolution to-day for the amendment Of the rules pro viding for a date for the consideration of the Cowles hill, and that at 4 o'clock of the evening of the date fixed the vote shonld be taken, was a complete surprise for the Mills contingent, and struck them all of a heap. They expected some movement for the calling up of the bill, but they did not expect it to come in that way, and not one of them could devise a plan for the im mediate obstruction of the purpose of the master parliamentarian from Pennsylvania. No one knew how far Bandall had sounded the sentiment of his party in the House on the question, and so they were all afraid to make any move whatever, lest they should meet with an immediate Waterloo. The one thing they could do safely was to call a caucus, and it was at once announced that a call for a caucus was in circulation. A few days ago, when an attempt was made to assemble a caucus for the purpose of reaching some'couclusion as to what should be done with the revenue bills, the move ment failed, as not enough members could be found who would sign the call. There was no trouble in this respect to-day, how ever, after the Bandall bombshell. A VEEY PEETTY FIGHT. It is one of the prettiest fights of the ses sion, and presents quite a pleasing diversion from the monotony of the ordinary course of the appropriation bills. It is practically a fight for the leadership of the Democratic side of the next Congress, as if Bandall can defeat, at the close of this Congress, those who have been all along the leaders of the dominant faction. Mills, the Breckiuridges and McMillin will take a back seat for some time to come. This is one great reason why so desperate a fight is being made against considering a measure which really embodies little that is not contained in the provisions relating to tobacco in the Mills bill. The result of the caucus this evening is not encouraging to Mr. Bandall", astno con clusion at all was reached, as will be seen by the following Press report 6f the pro ceedings: Mr. Cox, the caucus chairman, was ab sent, and Mr. McCreary, of Kentucky, oc cupied tho chair Sixty-three members were in attendance when the caucus met, in cluding most of the Democratic members of the Ways and Means Committee, except Chairman Mills. Speaker Carlisle was also among the absentees. THE PEOCEEDINGS OPEN. Mr. Crisp, of Georgia,opened the proceed ings by a statement of his reasons for or iginating the call for the caucus. Since the election there had been no caucus on reve nue bills, "and the majority was falling apart. It had passed the Mills bill only to have it emasculated by the Senate. His own belief was that party policy and not individual opinion should govern. If the Mills bill were further insisted on, there would bo no revenue reduction. If some thing was not done now, the Democratic party would not have another opportunity in five years. Mr. Crain offered the Bandall substitute for the Cowles bill, with the free list of the Senate hill, as an opportune measure. He estimated that it would reduce the revenue 530,000,000 on tobacco and 50,000,000 on the free list. The Senate could not go back on its own free list, and it could not afford to oppose the lepeal of the tobacco tax. Mr. Bynum offered a resolution that the caucus mandate should be binding, nnd that it should now adjourn to meet again Saturday. Mr. Barnes, of Georgia, was anxious to reach a compromise. As the Mills bill could not pass, he favored the Forney bill, and he would go further than Mr. Crain, and add all the reductions made by the Sen ate bill. A COSIEEOMISE CALLED FOE. Mr. Buckalew, of Pennsylvania, wanted a committee of five appointed to reporsime feasible proposition to the caucus Saturday night; and Mr. Outhwaite, of Ohio, took a similar position. Mr. Bandall did not believe anybody would accuse him of undue haste iu press ing the matter. He was looking ahead to the struggle that must follow in the future, and that would result in again bringing the party into power. There was no use in brooding over the past No man would make greater sacrifices than he to bring this about. The Cowles bill had been kept a month in committee, and was not taken up until all of its other work was finished. He intended to take up the bill in the House, but the caucus proposition prevented him. He was opposed to longer delay, because there would then he no opportunity to take up the hill. Mr. McMillin, of Tennessee, asked if the Speaker had not the right to exercise his discretion in recognizing a member to sus pend the rules at a liter date, if the bill should be delayed by an adjournment of the caucus. EANDALL SOUNDLY APPLAUDED. Mr. Bandall replied in the affirmative, but added that he did not propose to leaVe the matter of recognition to any man. The caucus might appoint a committee, as pro posed by Mr. Buckalew, but he would'not therefore be deterred from trying to repeal the tobarcotax. He was roundly applauded during the delivery of his speech. A long discussion followed respecting the prece dence of motions to take up revenue bills and to suspend the rules. Mr. O'Neill, of Missouri, said that he stood by the Way3 ami Means Committee, but was iu favor of the Cowles bill. The tobacco tax was a war tax and should be abolished. Mr. Cowles said he was tired of quibbling and talked plainly about the procrastina tion of the Ways and Means Committee, and how they had put him off time and again, when he begged them to report a tobacco bill one way or another. The people-did not care about what committee re ported a bill; they wanted the tobacco tax cut off and did not care how it came about. SCOTT AGAINST EANDALL. Mr. Scott, of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, earnestly de fended the Ways and Means Committee, and charged that theKandall bill was a divorce ment of the two wings of the party, aud warmly protested against a severance of the CHARMING FBESn FICT10H. tariff and revenue features of the MUIs bill, arguing that the bill represented the result of the mature deliberations of the Ways and Means Committee, and had gained votes in manufacturing centers. Mr. Crompton, of Maryland, said that it was evident that the Republicans wanted the House to adjourn without cutting off the tobacco tax. Then they would call a'special session of Congress and pass such a bill within the next 60 days. It would not be wise to allow the Democratic party to be weakened in this way. BIr. Vance, jof Connecticut, wanted the whole tobacco -tax repealed. This had al ways been his position, and now he de manded that the whole tax be abolished. Connecticut was entitled to recognition at the hands of the Democracy, and this was the feature of the repeal of the tobacco tax in which Connecticut was alone interested. ME. BANDALL'S BETUEN. Mr. Bandall insisted on consideration of the bill. He had been read out of the party twice, but had gotten back. In answer to Mr. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, he said he was endeavoring to facilitate the considera tion of the-bill to repeal the tobacco tax and he would not agree to abide by the decision of a majority of the caucus. He added that he had reason to believe that two Demo cratic members of the Committee on Bulcs would agree to report back the resolution introduced by him to-day, and tho Speaker had done all in his power to secure consid eration of the matter during this session. Mr. Mansur, of Missouri, favored the ap pointment of a committee to select from both bills the provisions which could be passed. Mr. Breckinridge, of Arkansas, thought it was not necessary to disenss a proposition to put the Senate free list upon the tobacco bill. It would be ungenerous to those hold ing his views to touch the Bandall bill. After a speech by Mr. Dougherty, of Florida, the caucus without coming to any conclnsion, adjourned. COAL TO BE SEUT TO SAMOA. The Government Lets Its Big Contract to a New York Firm. Washington, February 21. The Secre tary of the Navy has contracted with M. F. Pickering & Co., of New York, for the de livery of 2,000 tons of coal at the coaling station at Apia, Samoa, at the rate of 13 25 per ton. The coal was purchased from C. G. Barber & Co., of New York, at the rate ofSS G2 per ton. The ship Sachem, of Boston, will be used in transnorting the coal, and is expected to make the voyage in four months. The ves sel is now being laden at New York. The shipment will cost the Government alto gether abont 533,750. EEMA WINS AT LAST. Sudden and Unexpected End of the Sena torial Contest Two Kicking Legis lators Scared Into lilac Dorr's Little Speech. rsrECIAL TELZGBAX TO THE DISPATCII.l Charleston, W. Va., February 21. The election of Kenna came like a flash of lightning from a clear sky, which no one expected, not even Senator Kenna himself, until a late hour this morning. Some of his ardent supporters bad notified Delegate Dorr that unless he voted for Kenna to-day they proposed to vote for Goff, and- as it was generally believed that they meant what they said, Dorr decided to choose what he considered the least of the evils. The first baUot showed no material chmge from those of yesterday, except that Kirk, of the Union-Labor members, voted for Goff. On the second ballot President Carr followed his example, also voting for Goff. When C. P. Dorr's name was called he arose and explained thathile--he''stlU -believed, as he had from the beginning, that the election of Kenna would bo disastrous, to the party, he thought that the existing state of affairs justified him in voting for him. He said that the people of the State were confronted with the prospect of three Governors, and if the election of a United States Senator was not secured the prospect, therefore, of three United States Senators. In the face of this he believed that an election should be had at any cost, but that he believed he was right in the course he had taken from the beginning. Horr, the other Union-Labor man, voted for Governor Wilson, but when the end of the roll was reached he changed to Kenna, and secured his election. The vote stood Kenna 40, Goff 45. LEFT TUE ALTAK FOE A FIEE. An Alarm That Was Too Much for nf Re pentant Fireman. SPECIAL TJXXCEAH TO THE DISrATCH.l Louisville, Ky., February 21. An un common incident occurred at one of the churches here last night. A revival was in progress, and among those who went up to confess his sins was Henry Ostely, a young man whose life had not been noted for Christian-like deeds, He had been con nected with the fire department, and was a most energetic worker at a fire. Several members of the church were around the young sinner, giving him words of comfort and encouraging him in the step he was about to take. At that moment a fire alarm struck. The young man sprang suddenly from his kneeling posture, rushed from the house at the top of his speed, and hurried to the scene of the fire. He did not return to church. MAET ANDEBSON'S LATEST FANCY. She Will Build a Country Residence in the Hoosicr State. ISFECIAI. TELEORA1I TO TUE DISPATCH.l Louisville, Ky., February 21. Miss Mary Anderson, the actress, owns a .valua ble farm of 330 acres on the Bafayctte town ship knobs, about five miles north of New Albany, which lies on the Ohio, opposite Louisville. On the farm is a fine orchard, and a building site, from which can be had a magnificent view of the Falls City and the distant Ohio. Miss Anderson has announced, so her friends assert, that she intends erecting upon this high hill a magnificent country residence, similar in architectual style to some of the old English country houses. TWO HOLIDAYS A WEEK. Everything Comes Down bnt the Price In the Anthraclto Business. Philadelphia, February 21. The anthracite coal companies have practically determined to further restrict their output by shutting down two days each week. The Beading and the other coal companies have agreed to join it. The shut-down begins to morrow, and the mines will be closed Fri day and Saturday of each week until further notice. It was stated to-day that if this was in sufficient the coal companies would take even more radical measures. No reduction in prices will be made if it can be avoided. THE ADAMS HOLDS ITS OWN. It Will Continue to Carry Undo Sam's Cash for Awhile Longer. Washington, February 21. The com mittee appointed to consider the bids re ceived' from Adams Express Company and the United States Express Company for the transportation of Government funds, made a report to the Secretary o'f the Treasury in favor of the acceptance of the bl.l of the Adams Express Company, which holds the existing contract for this service. It is understood that the committee report that the bid submitted by the United States Company does not comprehend, the full re quirements of the service. The concluding chap ters oi'"Tho Btranso Disappearance ol jir. Constam' will appear nest Saturday.Anoiner powerful story follows it in succeeding Satur day issues. "The Penny comequlcks" every Monday morning. THREE CENTS kfr fob &, iZ& teh ' & Say a r of Pittsburg Busi ness foCj&t a Strong Op position Developed. DO THE PEOPLE CRY FOR IT? A1. Is the Question Propounded to the legislative Committee. I0STMAKES S0MEEEETL.1ENTEEMAEE8 Pleas for the Repeal of the Oleomargarine Act Argaments oa Both Sides Rn tan Introdnces a Senatorial Apportionment Bill Speaker Boyer Is a Candidate for State Treasurer Soldiers Orphans Schools to bo Investigated Syndicate Schools to be Abolished Important Labor Legislation ia Committee Favor nblo Report on Controller Morrow's Street Hill. A spirited discussion was had yesterday before the Committee on Health and Sanita tion in regard to the repeal of the oleo margarine act. Both sides of the case were well represented, many prominent Pitts burg men being present. Speaker Boyer has announced himself as a candidate for the State Treasurership. The Soldiers Orphans' Schools are to be investigated, and perhaps abolished. mtOH A STATT COEKESrONPEST.l Haeeisbueg, February 2L Colonel Victor Piolett, of Bradford comity, told the Committee on Health and Sanitation to-day that he hadn't voted for "Van Buren, and he hadn't voted for Cleveland, all because the Colonel is a believer in protection. As a believer of this kind, he asked the Health and Sanitation Committee not to destroy the protection given the farmer by the law pro hibiting the manufacture and sale of oleo-, marcarine in Pennsylvania. The Colonel admitted to 77 years of age, and that he had come a long distance for so old a man to oppose the repeal of the law. He was loaded with information which the committee could have for the asking. A few general statements, however, were aU he made, and his assertion of his political action didn't please the Democrats on the committee. NO CLA3IOR FOE OLEO. A. M. Voigt, of the Grocers' Supply and Storage Company, of Pittsburg, told the committee that until within, a couple of weeks 1,000 to 1,500 tubs of oleomargarine of 60 pounds each, were sold in Pittsburg. Prosecutions, however, had largely stopped the sale. Oleo was retailed at the same price as butter, and he knew of no clamor among the people for it. He considered that' as long as oleo was made in imitation of butter it woulu be sold as butter. Mr. Marian dAiresented petitions on which were the namespf the Mayors of .Pittsburg and Allegheny, asking for the repeal of the law. Mr. Bose, of Cambria, reinforced this, by an appeal in the interest of the working men for a repeal pf the law. C.A.Watson, W. C. Staving end Charles Mulbrenner, were on hand from Pittsburg in favor of the repeal of the law. . PHILADELPHIA rEOTESTS. Just after the committee adjourned a delegation of 35 members of the Philadel phia Produce Exchange arrived, and this afternoon another meeting of the committee' was held, at which thej; appeared in a body, several of them addressing the committee. They claimed to have along the largest re tail butter dealer of the country, and had John J. Habecker, President of the National Butter and Egg Association. ! Those present from Pittsburg iu opposi-j tion to the .repeal or the law were C. O'Don nell, ex-President of the Betail Grocers Ex change of Pittsburg; Charles Soniers, of Somers Bros. & Co.; W. J. McAlister, of McAlister Bros.; WilUam J. Yost, attorney for the anti-Oleo Asssociation, and A. M. Voigt, of the Grocers' Supply and Storage. Company. Mr. Yost, addressed the committee this afternoon on the fraudulent character of the oleo business, and stated that the only men who were here from Pittsburg asking the, repeal of the law were men who were under indictment for its violation. This brought Representative Marland to his feet in his own defense, and caUed down on him from Mr. Yost the assertion that he (Marland) had admitted he was ignorant o the provisions of the bill when he intro duced it. YOST WAXES SAECASTIC. Mr. Marland charged that log rolling and the dangerous influences of personal friend ship had been brought to bear on the com mittee, but he had too mnch confidence in the members to believe it would succeed, i Mr. Yost, for the benefit of the committee,' analyzed the petitions presented in the fore noon by Marland, and found a large num ber of names of persons against whom charges had been made of violating the law. Mr. Yost hiid ridden roughshod over Mr. Watson, who has been rather prominent as a friend of oleo. Mr. Watson exclaimed. "3Ir. Yost, yon have said a great deal about me. I can speak for myself. But you say, sir, these people are just like me. Now, sir, I don't want these gentlemen traduced." "No, no, Mr. Watson," quickly retorted Attorney Yost, with biting sarcasm, "I have not compared these gentlemen to you. I woul'dn't do such a thing." In explaining why Mayor McCallin micht have signed the petition, Mr. Yost said one of the Mayor's best friends had been convicted of selling oleo and the Mayor appeared in court the other day asking a light sentence for him, in which request Mr. Yost joined, as the gentleman promised to quit the business. SnrpsoN. A BIG DAI'S W0EK Bono by the State Senate aad House of Representatives. ITItOJl A STAFF COERESrOSDE ST. Haeeisbueg, February 21. The Senate to-day passed on second reading the Magee passenger railway bill, bills for the identi fication of habitual criminals, for the estab lishment of public morgues, punishing the unlawful wearing of badges ot the G. A. R Loyal Legion and the Union Veteran Lesion, the constitutional amendment for the classi fication of cities, and the bill making books and documents In the Insurance Bepartment legal evidence. Tho Houso passed on second readinj; the biU to compel insurance companies to pay the face value of a premium, the bill providing the houses, or additions to houses in cities of the second class, must hereafter be ot brick or stone, and tho bill repealing the act of May L A.I. lSTtf, concerning assessments for street improvements in cities other than of the flrst class. the cause assigned in a preamble being that the act is rendered null and void by reason of inability at times to discover the names of property owners. The new county bill also passed second reading, while the bill to permit Continued on Sixth JPUge. MIKTHuV n Fn .H 'it A 4, '.i 9