KIT ' T ' " 1 Kf THE- PITTSBURG -DISPATCH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21,. 1889. At " '4 SIGNIFICANT CALL - Catholic Total Abstinence Society at Work for Prohibition. A' GREAT CONVENTION TO BE HELD. Yery Eev. Father Garrigan to le Hexe and Aid in the Work. CHANCE POE DIFFERENCE IN TIEWS Eev. Reges F. Canevin, President of the Diocesan Union of the National Catholic Total Abstinence Society, has issued a cir cular calling a convention of all the local societies in the Pittsburg diocese, to be held in Lafayette Hall March 12. The convention will be attended by about 120 delegates. There are 40 societies in the diocese, and each one will be entitled to three representatives. Included in the busi ness to be transacted will be the election of delegates to the national annual conven tion of the union, to be held at Cleveland in August next. The annual reports of Presi dent Canevin and other officers will be read, the work done by the different so cieties during the past year will be re viewed, .and what is to be done during the coming year will be outlined. The convention this year will be of in usual interest in view of the fact of the submission of the CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to a vote of the people in June. It is said that between one-third and one-halt of the members throughout the State will vote for the adoption of the amendment. hue the others are total abstainers, they will not vote for the prohibitory law. A great many of the members in this city believe in indi vidual prohibition, and take the liberal Catholic view of the matter when it comes to the issue oi stopping the manufacture of liquor entirely. An effort will probably be made by some of the radical members at the convention to pass a prohibitory reso lution. Among the prominent people to be present at the convention is the Very Eev. Father Garrigan, "Vice Eector of the new Catholic University at "Washington, D. C. He will make an address on "Higher Education." Father Garrigan is well known in this city from his writings, and there will be a great desire to see and hear him. TO BE DELIGHTFULLY YABIED. In the evening of the first day of the con vention a musical and literary entertain ment will be given in the hall. A special effort will be made to secure the best talent to be obtained in the county. The Catholic temperance societies throughout the diocese are taking an active interest in temperance matters, and, if the work being done now bears any results in June, thousands o! Catholic families will vote lor the adoption of the Constitutional amendment. For the past two or three weeks Fathers Canevin, Sheedy and Mc Tiehe, of this city.have been making things smoke in this direction. Xext Sunday evening the former will speak and organize a new society at St Eyrian's Church, .But ler street. On the same evening Father .Sheedy will make an address at the Holy Cross Church, in Brownstown, and every Sunday Father McTighe is adding new members to his temperance society. On March 8 Father Sheedy goes to Vellsville, where he will make an address. Nearly every Sunday, evening they will hold meet ings at some of the different churches and organize new societies. MAKING STU0XG OBJECTIONS. Glass Manufacturers Appeal for a Redaction in Frelebt Rates. The Pittsburg glass men are objecting to the advanced rates on glass. An appeal has been sent to the Pittsburg Committee of Freight Agents, asking for a reduction. The committee is holding the matter under advisement; but it is expected they will recommend to the Central Traffic Associa tion that the classification be changed to suit the glass men. Beore the new traiff went into effect, February 18,tableware, chimnevs, tumblers, etc, were ranked in the third class. In the new classification these articles were pnt in the second class, and some varieties of glass not otherwise specified were to take rst clasb rates. The difference in the rates is material, and the glass shippers refuse to pay it. The Swedish Ladies' Concert. The Swedish ladies called at the store of H. Kleber & Bro. yesterday morning and thanked the Messrs. Kleber for the fine Opera piano furnished them at their con cert. They stated that this was the finest toned instrument they had yet seen or played upon in America. Reputations Made in a Day Are precious scarce. Time tries the worth of a man or a medicine. Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters Is a SO years' growth, and like those hardy lichens that garnish the crevices of Alaska's rocks, it flourishes perennially. And its repu tation has as firm a base as the rocks them selves. No medicine is more highly regarded as a remedy for fever and ague, bilious re mittent, constipation, liver and kidney dis orders, nervousness and rheumatism. D. & F. S. WELTY. Carpets and Wall Fnper, Wholesale sud Tte tall The Only Jobbing Honse In tbe City. To supply onr jobbing trade, we bny our carpets, wall -paper, oilcloths, mattings, window shades, lace curtains, etc., from first hands in large quantities, and at lowest prices. This enables us to offer every in ducement in our retail department. Our prices are always as low, if not lower, than any other house in the city. A full stock for spring trade at 120 Federal street and 65 and 67 Park wav, Alleghen v, Pa. D. '& F. S. Welty. Established 18G9. Ths Bny Them -Now nt the Prices, S3 00 and SIO 00. The Summer "Wraps on bargain table in the Cloak Boom about halt price. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Coin ib Verner Are offering great discounts in shoes. It will pay you-to invest now. Fifth ave. and Market st tts Black Sarah Silks, the Best Ever Sold for 75c A yard; they are 23 inches wide and easily worth 90 cents a yard; -some real good Surahs as low as 55 cents; new goods. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Removal Rale. Shoes can he bought cheaper now than ever before. Every pair of shoes is subject to a cash discount of at least 10 per cent. Many shoes below cost. tts Cain & Verner. Enit or West-Here li. Ibo Largest Slock of Ginshnra, 10 cents to 50 cents a yard; best and finest Scotch; latest colorings; newest American styles; endless assortment to choose from. Jos. HOKNE& Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Go to Pearson's on "Washington's Birth day for cab. photos. Galleries, 9C Fifth are. and 43 Federal st., Ally. Will be open all day. , 4LXTEB complaint cured free at 1102 Car ton st, Southside. Scrofula cured free of charge at 1102 Canon st, Southside, 29 DISTRICTS TOO BIG. Petitions to Court to RedlTlde Election Pre cincts Bavins; Over 250 Totes Each Wbo the Signers Are. A petition was presented to Judge Collier in the Quarter Sessions Court yesterday asking for' a division, of a number of the districts in various wards throughout the city, the number of voters having increased until they reach above 250 in each of the districts given. The State Constitution provides that, when the number of voters in a district reaches 250, tbe Quarter Sessions Court can, if it sees fit, redivide the district for the sake of convenience to voters. The following named districts, with their vote at tie November election last year, are shown: SixJi ward Second district, 263 votes; Eighth ward Third district, 251 votes: Eleventh ward Fourth district, 2S0 votes; Twelfth ward Sixth district, 292 votes; Thirteenth ward Sec ond district, 236 votes: Fourth district, 2C5 votes. Fourteenth ward First district, 300 votes: Sec ond district, 255 votes;Fourth district, 415 votes; Sixth district, 250 votes; Sixteenth ward Sec ond district, 293 votes; Third district, 2S7 votes; Fifth district, 258 votes; Seventeenth ward Third district, 286 votes; Fourth district, 261 votes; Fifth district, 279 votes; Sixth district, 250 votes, Eighteenth ward First district, 369 -votes: Nineteenth ward First district. 2S9 votes; Third district, 2G7 votes; Twentieth ward Fourth district, 265 votes; Fifth district, 2S4 votes; Twenty-first ward First district, 260 votes; Twenty-third ward First district, 313 votes; Second district, 314 votes;Twenty-fourth ward Second district. 277 votes; Twenty-seventh ward Second dis trict, 323 votes; Third district, 362 votes; Thirty first ward Second district, 355 votes. The petition states that the commission ap pointed inlSSoto redivide the districts of the city was not in a position to estimate the rapid growth in population, and suggests that, if a commission should be appointed in this case, care should be taken to so rcdistrict the wards as to render another commission and the at tendant expenses unnecessary for many years to come. The document is signed by C. I Magee, W. A. Magee, J. Presslcv Fleming, John J. McCaffrey, J. E. McCrickart and a number of others. TOO RIDICULOUSLY LOW. The Assessments oa Property In Chartlers Township to be Revised. The County Commissioners were busy yester day in raising the valuations that had been placed by the assessor on property in Chartiers township. A large number of new buildings had been erected in the township during the past year, aggregating in value some hundreds of thousands of dollars, yet the valuation for the township was less than for the preceding year. Judge Ewing. who owns property In tho township, objected strenuonsly to the low val uations on the land, and said they certainly should be raised. This township, next to WU kinsburg and Braddock, is held to be the most valuable one in the county. To-Dny's Trial List. Common Fleas Nos. 1 and 2 Argument list. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Hugh O'Donnell, John Haigcs, D. C. Tracey.'Fred Young, E. W. Jackson, J. E. Gatchell, Andrew Harcum (3), John Graff, Andrew Quiglcy et al, Charles Finger. John Kleppner (2), Charles Price et al, John Ready. Peter Young, Bridget Welsh, Rose S.ulliran. Sadie Lightner, Edward Stratton et al (2). Julius Schott, Jr., Jennie Durnin, Anton Kohler, Gotttried Meyer, Ellen McGrail, Frank Bracken. Ludwig Holhwig-August Halley, Patrick Golden, Anarew Flack, Elmer Everett (2), Fred Dennis, Hannah Clocholke, Caroline Kauffman, John Schrodel. Christ Reutz, Eph Balliatt, Isaac Newton Cochrane. MollieDutcher et al, John Sloughton, Lilch Winn, George Graff, Michael Tronzler et al, John Block, W. H. Freeborn, EllaFindley. Lines from Legal Quarters. Fob $500 for false arrest on a charge of fraud, of which he was duly acquitted, Fred Huf nagle sues Harry C. Miller. The Pittsburg National Bank of Commerce yesterday filed a suit against the Grand Lake Coal Company for 83,197 21 on notes held by the bank. Thomas Habbison, of the Southside, who has been convicted of two charges of selling liquor without license, was sentenced yester day. He was fined 550 and sent to jail for two' months and-20 days. Habbis Makes, a tailor, living at No. 46 Seventh street, was committed to Dixmont In sane Asylum yesterday by Judge Collier. An inquest on Marks' sanity was held on petition of his wife and he was adjudged a lunatic with periods of violence. The County Treasurer's force was busy yes terday paying off the election officers in the county for Tuesday's election. Tbe total paid out to tho boards was over 59.000. and the con stables will receive about 1,400. making the election cost the county nearly S11.0C0. The trial of Hush O'Donnell ("Oyster Paddy"), as accessory after the fact to the murder of Thomas Miller, was to have been commenced yesterday, but, at the request of District Attorney Porter, it was postponed until to-day. One of the Commonwealth's im portant witnesses was absent. Mrs. Anna Bubby yesterday entered suit against Messrs. McCnllough fc Smith for $5,000 damages for personal injuries, alleged to have been caused in December last by a col lision due 10 the carelessness of tho defendants' driver. C. H.Bnrry also entered Suit against the same parties for 5,000 for tbe deprivation of his wife's services. J. H. Gillespie, who was elected to Select Council from the Fifteenth ward on Tuesday, was tried before Judge Collier in the Criminal Court yesterday, on a charge of the aggravated battery of John McKeown, last July, during a quarrel. Gillespie's defense was that Mc Keown assaulted him, and that he struck Mc Keown in self defense. The jury is out A. B. Force, auditor of 'the accounts of the Pittsburg Silverware Company, which assigned to Albert Pafenback some time ago, yesterday made a report of the balance in the hands of the assignee for distribution among creditors. The claims aggregate S11.162 58. and the bal ance is S3I4 77. .After deducting the costs of the audit, etc. S4S9 10 is left for the creditors on the final distribution. Ax order was made in the United States Court yesterday for the transfer of George FolwelL alias Alexander, from the Allegheny County Jail to Tennessee. He was arrested, it will be remembered, a few days ago by United States Deputy Marshal Chambers on informa tions pending against him before the United States authorities in Tennessee. Depnty Mar shal Chambers will start for Tennessee with him to-day. AN argument was had before Jndge Stowe yesterday on a rule to quash a writ and on a demurrer filed by the defendants in the case of Umpire Decker against the National League for wages. Mr. J. S. Fergusotrasked tbe Court to grant the writ on the ground that Decker's case did not disclose enough to Identify the or ganization known as the League, but simply joined President Young and Day and Roberts as defendants. He also held that, if Decker's allegations were true, he had not laid sufficient grounds to maintain a suit. No decision was made. Don't risk anything with a stubborn cough, when a safe remedy may be had in Br. Jayne's Expectorant. Sore lungs and throats are speedily helped by it. W. W. Wattles Is offering his magnificent stock of "Worces ter,Donlton and Crown Derby porcelain at a discount of from 20 to 40 per cent and in consequence customers are multiplying daily. This is an opportunity to furnish your home with artistic wares, never before equaled, and judging from the sales of the past Week the stock will soon be gone. 30 and 32 Fifth ave., second floor. tts Removal Sale. "Shoes can he bought cheaper now than ever before. Every pair of shoes is subject to a cash discount of at least 10 per cent. Many shoes below cost. sis Cain & Yerneb. The Henrietta Salines Our specialty among fine satiues; be sure to ask for them; they're beautiful. JOS. HORKE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Cain & Verner Are offering great discounts in shoes. It will pay yon to invest now. Fifth ave. and Market st tts Tbe Henrietta Satlnes Onr specialty among fine satines; be sure to ask for them; they re beautiful. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn avenue Stores. AS TO MODEM DOUBT An Interesting Lecture Last flight by Babbi Phillipson. THE LAST OP THE WINTER SERIES. The Eighth Street Temple Crowded With Hebrew Families. EELIGI0N AND ITS ASSAILANTS Dr. Daniel Phillipson, Bahbi of the Be formed Jewish Temple at Cincinnati, de livered a lecture at the Eighth Street Tem ple, this citv, last night, to a cultured au dience of the representatives of the best Hebrew families in Pittsburg and Alle gheny. The subject of the discpurse was "Modern Doubt and Past Beliefs," and tbe speaker handled his subject in a masterly manner. The lecture was given under the auspices pf the Young Men's Hebrew As sociation, and was the third and last of a winter's course. The speaker was "intro duced by Mr. Lawrence Prank, one of the best known young Hebrews of the city, who thanked the audience for their liberal patronage to the entertainments. The lectures have been a source of instruction to the Hebrew people of the city,and it was re gretted that the one of last evening was the final one to be given this season. During the course of his remarks, Dr. Phillipson said: The last time I was here was three years ago nt the convocation ceremonies of the Jewish rabbis. I remember that I sat out there among the audience and my good friends, one of your members, Mr. Josiah Cohen, wished to bring me"out" He said he had a bashful and unmar ried young rabbi whom he wished to introduce. I have since corrected both these mistakes. I am no longer bashful and I am not, well un married. PROUD OF THE TEMPLE. I am glad to see you to-night to congratulate you upon the appearance of this temple. I also want to. congratulate the Young Men's Hebrew Association upon the good work they are doinc by their lectures, and now to my subject The first requisite of all progress is doubt This means the inquiring into of all established beliefs. If these beliefs are of a scientific char acter the result of a spirit of inquiry consti tutes scientific doubt In every department of human thought, doubt is the bridge that spans the chasm between the old and the new. Every world-redeeming thought has doubt as its foundation. Everything in every branch of thought of activity can be traced to these rest less inquiries. We should concern ourselves Tto the branch of the far-reaching subject; doubt affecting re ligious beliefs. This doubt is a necessary part of our belief. I know there are a great many good people turn away with horror and throw up their hands when the subject of religious doubt is broached. The reformatory spirit of this doubts upsets tbe old religious beliefs. It acts like the surgeon's knife; painful at the beginning, but painless in the end. It never harms the deep thinking mind. To them its action is so beneficial. In all the battles and contests with wind-mills in the past the battering-ram of doubt has and will continue to dis place them from their position, and show their many weaknesses. The world's reformers have always been moved by the spirit of modern doubt DOUBTED, DENIED AND THOUGHT. There is not a person in the civilized world to-day of any sect but will acknowledge the good Abraham did. A reformer, he doubted, denied and thought Then he believed, and preached his new doctrine until he was perse cuted and driven out The perpetual belief in Moses seeing God in tbe burning bush will be believed until the end of time. Coming nearer the time, Socrates was accused by his enemies, the Stoics, of denying God and corrupt ing the youth. The orthodox believers brought Socrates to persecution, mar tyrdom and death. Coming nearer. Mar tin Luther's doubts were posted on the church at Wittenberg. The effects are still reverberat ing through the great part of Christendom The people still suck to his teachings. All the Christian churches rest on the foundation stone of doubt and they should be the last to prevent doubt and discussion. The reformatory spirit1 has given rise to fresh and new thoughts in Judaism. Doubt began with thought on the state of the Jews. Many were leaving the ranks of religion to join Christianity. The speaker closed his address by com paring religion to a rock in the ocean. The waves of the latter wash ail tbe impurities from the face of the rock and when the sun comes out the rock reflects all the colors of the rainbow. This is true of religion and its assailants. MEETINGS. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Bolivar Coal and Coke Company will be held at No. 63 Sixth avenue, Pittsburg, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of March, 1SS9. at 11 o'clock a. M. fi.. C. ADAMS, Secretary. Pittsbubg, February 20, 1889. f e2l4l Office of The Chartiebs Valley Gas Company, Corner Wood st. and Third ave., Pittsburg. Pa.. Dro SI. 1R.W NOTICE A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of this company will be held attneomce 01 tne company on Wednesday, March 6, 1S89. at 2 o'clock p. it, to take action on tbe recommendation by tho Board of Direct ors to issue bonds to the amount of $1,000,000, secured by mortgage upon the property of the company, being for the funding of the debt of said company. F. J. TENER, Secretary. ja3-38-Th NOTICES. County Commissioners' Office, 1 Pittsbubg, February 6. 18S9. J THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to wit: Thursday, February 21, Thirteenth, Four teenth and Twentieth wards, Pittsburg. By order of County Commissioners, R. E. MERCER. GEO. Y McKEE. DANIEL McWILLIAMS. P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. fe7-19 County Commisioners' Office, t Pittsburg. Feb. 18, 1S89. ( THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL hold appeals on the following named districts as lollows, to-wiC Saturday, February 23, Baldwin and Bethel townships. Monday, February 25, Reserve, Mood, Snow den, Leet and Harniar townships. Tuesday, February 28, Richland, Elizabeth, Jeiferson and Lincoln townships. Wednesday, February 27, Crescent and Up per St Clair townships. Thursday, February 28, Patton township. By order of County Commissioners. R. E. MERCER, GEO--Y. McKEE, DANIEL McWILLIAMS. P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. fe2I-12 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FORBARGES-MISSISS1PPI River Commission, St Louis, Mo., Febru ary 8. 18S9. Proposals are asked till 12 noon February 23, 1SS9, for building and delivering at Cairo, III, or Wilson's Point La,, thirty wooden barges, in lots of six barges. Attention of bidders isinvited to the acts of Congress ap proved February 28, 18S5, and February 23, 1887, vol. 23, page 332, and vol. 24, page 114, statutes at large. -Address as above, CAPTAIN C HAS. F. POWELL, Corps of Engineers, U. B. A. fe8-92-8.9,l(Ul,20.21 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. City Tbeasuber's Office, 1 Municipal Hall, Sniithneld street NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL owners (whether residents or . non-residents of the city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, etc., must pay their license at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid on or .before first Monday in March, 18S8, will be placed in tbe hands of police officers for collection, subject to a collection fee 01 SO cents, and all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday in May, 1S89, will be sub ject to a penalty double the amount of the license, to be recovered before the proper legal authorities ot said city. The old metal plate of last year must be returned at tbe time licenses are taken out or 25 cents additional will be charged on tbe license. Kates of license; Each one-horse vehicle, f6 00: each two-horse vehicle, SIO 00; each four-horse vehicle, $12 00; each four horse back, $15 00: omnibus and timber wheels drawn bv two horses, S10 00. One extra dollar will be charged for each additional horse used in above specified vehicles. J.F.DENNISTON, f el4-70-D ' City Treasurer. Continued on Fifth, Seventh and Eighth Paget. p A.BALPH" ' BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 13H. se5-n60-TTS X3-DUplay advertisement! one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, 2b- Let, etc., ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to P; M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with TnE D1S rATcn. FITTSBUKG. THOMAS MCCAFKKKY, 35ifl Butler street. EMU. G. STUCKEY, 2h street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY CO., Wylie ave. and Fulton St. N. STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SHElliLER, 5th av. & Atwood it EOUTUSIDK. JACOB 8POHN. Ko. 2 Carson street. CHA3. SCHWAKJI, 1707 Carson strest ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEB, 59 Federal street H. J. McBRIUE, Federal and Ohio streets. FKEDH. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. IL.EGGEKS&SOX, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch- and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENBY, Western and Irwin ft ves. G. 'W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PEKKYM. QLEIM. Kebeecaand Allegheny aves. WANTED-HELP. Mnlo Heln. WANTED-A GOOD CUTTER AND TAILOK. Address CUTTEK. Dispatch office. le2l-50-MThS WANTED-BoyWITIISlSCASH SECURITY to act as news agent on tr&lnB. Apply UNION NEWS CO., Union depot. fe21-75 WANTED-SOLIC1TOK FOR REAL ESTATE for the Southside: a resident preferred. ALLESA BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. fcJO-D WANTED-A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT typewriter; state experience, where lsst employed and salary expected. BOX 918, Pitts burg P. O. fe21-92 -TTTANIED-A BOYTO LEARN THE BARBER YV trade: one with a little experience pre ferred. Call In person at 68 TWELFTH STREET, Southside. fe21-7 WANTED-A GOOD PRESSMAN: PERMA NENT situation; none but first-class and steady men need apply. Address PRESSMAN, box 54, Pittsburg. fe21-93 WANTED-BOOK CANVASSERS-NOW IS the time to make money on "Broken Fet ters," the ereat temperance book; big Induce ments. . GATELY & CO., 10 and 12 Sixth St. felit-M WANTED-AGE.NTS MAKE BIG MONEY selling McGulre's Ink; more wanted In Pittsbunr and surrounding towns. Apply by letter HUGHES CO., Banm st.,E.E.,Plttsbnrg. fc21-76 WANTED AGENTS TO SELL OUR PATENT clothes cleaner: shine removed from clothes In 10 minutes: sample by mall 25 cts. Address WALKER & CO., 96 Bedford it- Cumberland, Md. feSO-37 TITANTEI-AN ACTIVE MAN LOCATED V outside Pittsburg, salary SSO to 8100 per month, to represent In his own locality, an old N.Y. honse: references. SUPT. MFG. HOUSE, Lock Box 1610, N. Y. oc7-4S-Th WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS HAMMERSMAN on carriage and wagon axles; will pay good rices and guarantee steady employment. Ad ress at once STANDARD AXLE MFG. COM PANY, Wheeling, W. Va. fe21-6 WANTED AGENTS IN THIS CITY AND outside towns to sell Dr. O'Kecfe's pills and bitters: steadywork: can taakef.12 to S18perrcek. DR. O'KEEFE & CO., Homeopathic chemists, 34 Firth ave., Pittsburg, Pa. fe21-3 WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or mlllmen can make money In their spare time. YAMASH1RO TEA CO., SS Jackson ct, Allegheny, Pa. Ja26-86-TTS WAV1ED-KEL1ABLE LOCAL AND TRAV EL1NG salesmen; positions permanent; special Inducements now: fast selling specialties; don't delay: salary from start. BROWN BROS., Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. fe9-6i-TTS TTTANTED-IN A SOUTHERN CITY, ASTE- V KEOTYPEE for a dally newspaper: appli cant must understand how to ran a perfecting press; state wages expected, and give references. Address SOUTHERN, P. O. Box 1592, Philadel phia. fe21-80 WANTED-SALESMEN EVERYWHERE FOR onr adiustable door plates (can sell and de lvcratonce), four.styles of doorbells, metal and white enamel letters, House numbers, etc; sam ples, circulars, etc , free. NEW YORK DOOR PLATE CO., Albany, N.Y. fcl5-54-D WANTED A YOUNG MAN TVHOTS THOR OUGHLY posted In the retail clothing busi ness to go to a countrv town a short distance from the city. Inquire at RAUH BROS. & CO., 800 and 802 Liberty street Friday, Feb. 22, between 10 A. M. and 12 M. , . fe21-56 Tr ANTEU-MAN AGKK 1IB A U11GK COM TT PAN Y store about to be opened in Tenn. : large salary guaranteed, together with a liberal interest lu the business; a man now engaged in drygoods or grocery business in this city pre ferred; will bny his stock and fixtures at fnll value, andpayexpensesorhlmsclf(andfamllT) to destination: no armlication wilt ba rnnitldprprt unless proper name and address are given; state presenter former occupation.. Address Box N. 1)., Dispatch office. fe21-57 Female' Help. TTANTED TWO SALESLADIES FOR TWO YV separate places, totake charge or millinery departments. Apply to J. D. BERND&CO.. 815 and 817 Liberty st fea-87 -TJANTED- EXPERIENCED SALESLADY YV for corset and muslin underwear depart ment In a new store, opening about April 1st; only those having filled same position and compe tent to serve fine trade need anpiv; good salary to the right person. Address, wlth'f ull particulars, F. SCHOEMHAL, P. O. Box 603, city. fe21-49 Male and Female Heln. -rTTA.XTED-MALE OR FEMALE COOK FOR YV restaurant who Is willing to wait also. In quire 172 FORTY-FIFTH ST. fell-43 WANTED AT ONCE FARM HANDS, gardeners, col. waiter, cooks, chambermaids, house girls, nurses, girls for hotels and board ing houses. JlEEHAN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 545 Grant st fe20-99-D WANTED-AGENTS ON SALARY; J75 PER month and expenses paid any active man or woman to sell our goods by sample and live at home; salary paid promptly and expenses In ad vance; full particulars and sample case free; we mean just what we say. Address STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. felS-3-D WANTED SITUATIONS. -TTJANTED-SITUATION AS CUTTER. TEN YV years' experience; first-class references. Address J. C, Dispatca office. fe265 -rsrANTED-posrnoN in grocery store YV by young man 5 years' experience; speaks English and German: bestof reference. Address A. A. D Dispatch office. ' fe20-21 TTJANTED-SITUATIOK-AN A 1 SOLICITOR YV for advertising for a daily paper: German or English: latter preferred; 10 years experience. SOLICITOR, Dispatch office. fe21-78 "TTJANTED-SITUATION BY, THOROUGHLY Y V competent bookketper of 10 years experi ence In gencralaoffice work; good habits; best ref erence: married. Address to-day D. K. R., Dis patch office. fe21-72 TTTANTED-BY A PRACTICAL MAN. POSI VV TION In business house: can command large trade In Western PennsyU anla and Ohio; can furnish good credentials: will work on salary or commission. Address BUSINESS, Box if, Weaver's Old Stand, Pa. fe21-43 WANTED PARTNERS. -TJANTED-A PARTNER WITH 85.000 TO Y V take a one-third interest in a metal manu facturing business In the city now in successful running order; this we believe to be a very good opening; the business is susceptible of large ex tension: tbe new partner would be expected to take charge of tbe office department Particulars in confidence from JAS. W. DRAfE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue. . fel-56 WANTED-BOARDING. -TTASTEn-BOAKD AND ROOM IN A RE YV bl'ECTABLE German family within 20 min utes' walk of PIttsbnre postotflce, by a young man who can give best of reference. Address W. D. K.. care P. 1018. Pittsburg. fc21-64 WANTED-F JNAh CI AL. WANTED-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST rates of Interest: no delay; rents collected: prompt settlements. J. C. KEILLY, 77 Diamond st- . fel7.114 WANTED- MORTGAGES IN ANY amonnts: 4W to 6 per cent; city and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK" & CO.. W Fourth avenne. ja20-S5-HThs WAN,TiBJc:T0.,L0AN K.W0. IN AMOUNTS of p, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4, per cent free of tax; alsosmaller amounts at 5 asd 6 per cent BLACK & BAIRD. 85 Fourth avenne. se21-d26-D TT7-ANTED-TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MORT- VV GAGES; flOO and upward at 6 per cent- 500,000 at 4K per cent on residences or baslnesi property: also In adjoining conntles. S. H. BENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D 11 un uij ana suouroan propenies at 4)4, sand 6 per cent and on larms In AUeguenyand adja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned ont of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK & bON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-fll -TT7-ANTED-HOUSES TO RENT. .RENTS TO YV collect prompt returns, monthly settle ments, Itemized statements with check; Insurance and repairs attended to, thus relieving landlords of all annoyances and losses connected with the management of their property; also mortgages from (500 to any amount In keeping with location and valne of property and no delay. If title be good. J.PEBJarx,4jiGrao.tst. fewMla , WANTED FINANCIAL. TTTANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH- Vt LY settlement with Itemized statement, BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. a28-a29-D TTTANTED-MORTGAGE8 ON CITY PBOP ,',J...;!BTY' over S4,; 4X per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 92Fourth avenne. "TITANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAJi ...V. ,n nms to suit, at iH, 5 and 6 per cent, GKAEUING &. LYON, 135 Fourth ave. ap6-el-I "TITANTED-RENTS COLLECTED FROMFT- VV LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES Jfc BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Ial9-81 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-MANUFACTURER3 AND OTn ER3 seeking locations should communicate with i M. V. RICHARDS, LandAgent B. 4 O. R. R., Baltimore, Md. fe2l-8l-rrssu WANTED-SECOND-HAND ENGINE-A10X 12 or 8x10 post engine, In goud order. Ad dress, stating price. OLIVER 3ROS. & PHIL LIPS. Pittsburg. fe21-2 TU"ANTED BYPEARSON, LEADING PHO Vj TOGRAPHER. 96 Fifth avenne, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making line cabinets at ?1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: lnstan taneoua process. mhl3-L27 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CItr Residences. FOR SALE-ONLY S350-SMALL PAYMENT down, the balance same ns rent 2-sty fr. noose, 6 rooms. In good condition, on Bismarck way. near High School; Iot30x75. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond sf. fel7-H4 FOR BALE-liaO-MT. "WASHINGTON, 2 minutes irom Incline, 2-story frame of 6 rooms, hall, shutters, front and rear porches, good cellar, house newly papered, fine view of city: lot 29x82. BLACK & BA1RD. 95 Fourth ave. f 67-100-7, 9. 11. 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 25, ?7 FOR SALE-BLUFF STREET, NEAR COL LEGE, new brick honse 8 rooms, hall, bath room. Inside w. c, finished basement; ajcomplete house,. all lite Improvements; lot 23 feet 9 Inches by 133 feet. ROBERT COWARD, No. 20 Bluff street. fel7-45-EOD FOR SALE-DAYIS ST.. JUST A FEW DOORS from Wylle ave. cable line, an elegant 2 story brick dwelling of 5 rooms and attic bath, h. and c. water, a. and n. gas; perfect In every respect and price right; lot 20x90. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st fcl7-U4 TJ'ORSALE-BLUFFST.-BEST bargain in X Sixth ward : lot 23 ft 9 in. by 139 rt. front:two paved streets; new press brick dwelling of 10 rooms, vestibule, hall, slate mantels, tile hearths, stationary tubs, hot and cold water. Inside shut ter, both gases; must be sold. ALLES ft BAI LEY, 164 Fourthave. Tel. 167. fc21-63-ThS East End Residences. FOB SALE-1.6C0-ZULEMA STREET, NEAR Ward, Oakland new 5-room frame house; fas. water, etc.: payments like rent BALTEN PEBGEB 4 WILLIAMS, 151 Fourth ave. fel9-62 TT'OR SALE NEW FRAME HOUSE, 6 ROOMS. 1? hall, good cellar, n. g., pantry, slate man lels, porches: 83,000; handy to station. DENNI SON A SCHWAN, Station st and P. R. R. le2I-77 FOR SALE ON JOSEPH ST., FRAME honse, 4 rooms, hall, good cellar; lot 43vlOU; only S2.300: SoOO cash, balance to snlt. DENN1 bON & SCHWAN,. Station st. and P. R. R. fe21-77 FOR SALE-CENTER. NEAR AIKEN AVE., new house, lata style; well planned and built (10 rooms): late Improvements: Just finished. W. A. HERRON &SON3, 80 Fourth avenne. fe21-84-TTB FOR SALE -2 SMALL HOUSES AT SL600 each. In tbe East End, near Shadyslde and Roup stations and cable cars. Terms from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe2I-86 FOR SALE-ON MEYKAN AVENUE, TWO squares from cable cars, Oakland, new house Brooms, late Improvements; lot 22looft; stable on rear: price 13,700. W. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. fe20-2a-WThs FOR SALE A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL ING house, with .Mansard, on Sonth inland ave.; 12 rooms aud all conveniences; good sewer age. For terms apply to D. E. BAYARD, cor. Shady lane and Walnut st fe21-53 P lOR SALE FRAME HOUSE, NEARLY NEW; 5 rooms, finished attic porches, rood cellar. n. g., cltv water, street sewered: only S2.230; 7 minutes' from East Liberty station. DEN NISON ft SCHWAN, Station St. and P. R. R. fe21-77 FOR SALE-t3,800, WARD ST., OAKLAND-2-story and mansard frame dwelling of 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, range. Inside shut ters, electric bells, natural gas, etc.:nlcelot;very good location. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fel5-76-TTS FOR 8ALE-II8.000; ONLY 3 MINUTES' OF Shadyslde station, a desirable residence, good style: 10 rooms: late Improvements; beauti fully located; lot 70x300 ft., fronting 2 streets, on Cuter avenue. In the midst of fine residences. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe21-84-TTS FORSALE-H000 TVILI, BUY A VERY bandsome residence with bath complete; lot has SO feetlront on Mellon street, Nineteenth ward, and Is fenced. This neighborhood Is first claBS and the aboveprice very low for a specula tion or a home. MELLON BROS., East Liberty. , . fel7-123-TT8 P iOR SALE-AT A GREATLY REDUCED trlee. If sold anlck. on Fifth, near Mevran are., in me miasi ot uasuana. lot 22x1 it. to an. alley, a good brick house of 6 rooms: could be con verted Into a business house at a small cost. AT. A. HERRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. fel9-6-TWTS OR SALE-PENN AVE.. BRUSHTON STA TION, new pressed brick dwelling of 15 rooms: hard wood finish, slate mantels, with im proved fireplaces, laundry with cemented floor; exceptionally low prloed: terms to snlt; Immedi ate possession. See JNO. F, BAXTER. Agt, 512 Smitlifleld st. fe!7-53-MTh OR SALE-TWO HANDSOME BUILDING lots 48 ft. front Etyslan avenue, close to Fifth avenne; aristocratic neighborhood; within two blocks of Point Breeze Church; the price, tl,6no. Is one-half lower than any lot as well situ ated can be bought in this neighborhood. MEL LgN BROS., East Liberty. lel7-122-TT8u OR 8ALE-J3.200-JUST ONE M1N UTE FROM Fifth avenue cable cars, on a good 6treet and convenient to E. E. station a pretty frame dwell ing of 6 rooms, hall and vestibule, nat. and art. gas, water, screens for windows and doors, front yard: choice location and special bargain. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. . fe$-49-D FOR SALE-AVE CAN SELL YOU AN EAST END residence for S500 cash, and will make payments on balance like rent;4hls Is a brick dwelling situated on Sonth Hilandave.. and on line of new cable cars; has every modern con venience, and will be sold. If taken at once, very cheap. BLACK ft BAIRD. 95 Fonrth ave. fe6-52-6, 8. 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 23 FOR &ALE-H.250 WILL BUY A MEADOW street dwelling of 8 rooms, nicely arranged; halt vestlbnle, laundry in cellar, front and back porches, range, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural and artificial gas, slate mantels and nice chandeliers; this Is only 6 minutes' from Liberty station. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fc6-49-D FOR SALE AT 6,500, COR. PROPERTY, Just new, brick house, 8 rooms, besides laun dry, bath room, storage room, both kinds of gas and all tbe latest conveniences: well finished, tastefully papered; stands separate: near steam and cable cars: one of tbe best locations lu the East End. For full particulars see W. A. HER BONift SONS, 80 Fourth avenjte. fe21-83-Thrs rR SALE-HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE East End on terms to snlt purchasers. Per sons wanting to buy a house or lot should call and see DENNISON & SCHWAN, opposite East Liberty station, who are thoroughly acquainted with properties and prices, and will cheerfully drive parties wishing to buy to any part of the city from 9 A. a. to 6 v. m. ie2l-77 FOR SALE-CENTER AVE., NEAR ROUP station, handsome new Queen Anne brick dwelling, 12 rooms, reception hall, nice pantry, range, bath, laundry with stationary tubs house wired for electric lights. Inside w. c. slate roof, large porches, 13-incn walls, good sewers: lot50x ISO tect; convenient to both cable lines and P. It. it. ; one of the most desirable residences In the E. E.: price only J11.0CO: terms to Eult. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fonrth are. fe2l-97-D F'JK SALE BRICK HOUSE, JU&T FIN ISHED, late style, five large bed chambers, parlor, dining room, kitchen aud large sitting room on second floor, besides pantrv, bath room and laundry; all well finished; tile hearths and facings, hardwood mantels with cabinets, tile ves tibule, porches front, side and rear: electric bells, stone walks In front both kinds of gas. well sew ered, corner lot 40x121 feet street graded, near steam and cable cars: one of Hie best locations In the East End; 37,500, termvcrv reasonable. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel9-65-TTS TT'OR 8ALE-M250-A CHOICE OAKLAND Jj property, near cable road; handsome modern style brick dwelling of 8 rooms, halt vestibule, bath, laundry, etc : latest Improved natural gas 'range; stationary tubs In laundry: patent sani tary w. c: large bath tab: marble-top stationary washstand; an abundance of good large closets, also china and fruit closets; sliding doors. Inside shutters, polished plate glass windows: tile vesti bule, tile hearths, natural gas grates, elegant slate mantels aud hardwood cabinets; stained glass of very pretty design In vestlbnle door; chandeliers and gas fixtures: the walls and ceil ings are elaborately decorated with most beautl lul designs of modern art; nice large front and rear porches aud bay window balcony; flagstoue and cement walks; nice lawn; largo'lot: Iron lence: paved street; both natural and artificial gas. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fel5-75-TTS Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -House on Race street: contains 6 rooms, attic, hall, etc: call quick. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. fc2I-62 F OK SALE-ON CHESTNUT ST.. NEAR D Ohio, St., Allegheny, brick house 7 rooms, hall, etc.; lot 24x87 feet: price $6,500. A.D. WIL- tV C? I?f3.l A- a11lAw .V i f i.l0 l'i WCCUCIUBU, AllCUCUIt JC.I-WJ-1UO FOR SALE-ON EASY PAYMENTS. FOUR new, 6-room houses, with bathroom, w. c, natural gas;- lot 33x100, or larger, if desired: situated on line of Perrysvllle Ave. Elec tric road. Inquire of J. A. McKEE. 708 Venn ave., Penn building, room 611. Ja31-72-TT8 FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL LOTS ON NEW Brighton road. Eleventh ward, Allegheny; the late Mr. Cooper's residence property Is being surveyed and will be offered In lots In a short lime; make note of this and look out for apian. A. LEG GATE ft SON, II Federal bt, Allegheny. tel6-79 FOR SALE-BKICK DWELLING AND 2 LOTS on Arch street. Second ward, Allegheny, ad joining the parks and street cars, 8 rooms, with nail, attic, pelUr, bath. w. c, natural gas, etc.; all In excellent order: flue large side lot. Terms, etc. from JAS. W. DBAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, feli-84 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-82.600 WILL BUY BRICK HOUSE 4roomsandattlcon Juniata St., Allegheny. A. D. WILSON, 53 Federal st, Allegheny. " fe21-Sl-ThS FOR SALE CHARTIERS ST., ALLEGHENY, 2-story and mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, h. and c. water, and all other modern Improve ments: price low; lot" 20x124 to alley. J. C. REILLY 77 Diamond st. fe!7-114 TTIOR SALE-M.50O-1N MONTHLY PAY- JL' MENTS;lot 50x100; house eight rooms, Datn, Blate roof, natural gas, etc., on Eldgewood ave nue, near electric car station, hill district Alle gheny; grand chance. A. LEGGATE ft SON. 31 eoerat si., Aiiegneny. icio-. FOR SALE-BRICK HOUSE OF 7 BOOMS, halt bathroom, w. e.. Inside shutters, mar ble mantels, laundry, cemented cellar, cement pavement side entrance, both gases, etc., near park: situated In Second ward, Allegheny. Ad dress SOUTH. Dispatch-office. fe2t-4 Suburban .Residences. FOR SALE-SEVERAL NICE HOUSES AT Glenfleld. Ft. Wayne R. R., from 1,503 to SJ, 000. C. HER1N GER 4 SON , 103 Fonrth ave. fe21-73-Th8 FOR SALE AT STOOP'S STATION, P. ft L. E. It R., 14 acres of ground with house and stable for 82,000. W. A. HERRON ft SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. iel4-3-TTS FOR SALE-FINEST FRAME RESIDENCE OF 10 rooms and attic In Wllklnsbnrg. corner Coal and Franklin sts.. for J1.0CO, on terms to suit. E. D. W1NGENROTH, 100 Fourth ave. fe21-71-ThS FOR SALE-A NICE NEW HOUSE OF FOUR rooms, hall, two porches, water In the kitchen, with lot 40x150 ft., at Emsworth, Fort Wayne It R., atK.500. C. BER1NGER ft SON, 103 Fourth ave. fe2l-73-ThS FOB SALE-TWO ACRES OF LAND AT Howard Station. P. V. and U. railroad, with fine house, containing seven rooms, water In kitchen, spring-house, grapery, fruit trees, etc. This beautiful place Is located In what is common ly called Forestvllle, and only about five miles from the city, and eost only ordinary car fare. This place will be sold at a great sacrifice. If sold soon, or will rent the same reasonable. Apply soon to O. R.TOUDY, 1721 Carson street South Side. fcl9-61 FOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE SUBURBAN home, with stable and two acres or ground, nicely laid off In walks, .flower beds, shrubbery, etc.; on line of electric road, PerrysvlUe ave., Al legheny: house contains It rooms and 1 small room, fitted up with shelving suitable for storage and clothes room, also batnrpom, w. c, natural and artificial gas and city, water, thus combining the advantages of the country and all con veniences of the city. Inquire of J. A. MCKEE, 70S Penn ave., Penn bnlldlng, room 611. Ja3I-72-TTS I7AOR SALE-OR TO LET-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful suburban places In Allegheny countv; the bouse Is large, containing 15 rooms, splendidly finished, and surrounded with wide verandas; it Is completely fitted up with bath rooms, water closets and natural gas; there is a good stable and haudsomefowl house: thegrounds are very beautiful and well supplied with choice shrubbery, fruit and ornamental trees; the whole will be sold, with from 1 to 5 acres of ground, at a very moderate price. KNOXVILLE LAND IM PROVEMENT CO., 85 Knox avenne, Knoxvllle borough. Jal9-9 FOR SALE LOTS. East End. Lots. FOR SALE-BOULEVARD LOTS FACING tbe circle and parks; cheapest and best lots In the E. E. BLACK ft BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. fe4-19-4,5,7,9,lt,13,15,17,19,2t23,25.27 FOR SALE-NICE LITTLE BUILDING LOT, 26x76 ft, Lang avenue. Twenty-first ward, close to Dallas station: price only JffiOlf sold this week. MELLON BROS., East Liberty. fel7-124-MTT FOR SALE TWO CHOICE LOTS ON STAN TON avenue, near Hlland ave., each 40x100 leet to 20-foot alley ; price reduced to SJ5 per foot If sold at once. BlACK &BAIRD. 95 Fonrth ave. fe6-43-D FOR SALE-THREE ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL land on Stanton ave., near Hlland; situation unsurpassed: fine frultand shade trees: price tmd terms reasonable. Inqntre of D. C. NEGLKY, 6106 Penn ave., East End. " Jal9-12-TTS FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS, AT DALLAS STA TION, P. R. R., convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms, situation unsurpassed; price ranging lrom 8400 to 8600. In quire of D. C. NEGLEY, 6106 Penn ave.. East End. no28-y78-TT3 HnzelwoodJLots. FOR SALE-GLENWOOD, THE MOST CON VENIENT suburb or the city; only 12 min utes by the B. 4 O. :T4 trains a day each way; building lots for sale near the station at S300, S400, (MO, $600, $700, (800, $1,000, according to location and slzeorlot:term.sto subpurchasers. GEORGE C BURG WIN, Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth ave. fel-43-TTSSU Alleshcnv Xiots. FOR SALE-SEVERAL NICE LOTS ON GOOD streets. In Allegheny. C. BERING ERA SON, 103 Fourth arc. fe21-73-Tbs Suburban Ixiuu FOR SALE AT EDGEWOOD. DESIRABLE building lots, 60x150 and 100x300 ft.: cheap If sold quick. W. ir HEREON A SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. fe!4-3-Trs TTOR SALE FINE LARGE LOTS AT WIL Jj KINSBURG. 3 minutes' walk from railroad station and close to Penn avenue. 30x120 feet to a 20-foot alley: all perfectly level: no grading or filling up required; fruit trees on every lot; $50 down, balance In monthly ptyments; title per fect. Plans irom JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO.. 1.3 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. fe21-87-MThs Manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE-BUSINESS SITE-OVER 100 FEET fronting on Rlveravenue, by 215 feet In depth; two-story brick tannery covering nearly the entire lot; will be sold cheap to quick buyer. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. fe6-!9-D FOR SALE-MANUFACTURING SITE, 3Jf acres fronting 700 feet on river and rail at Butler Junction, W. P. K. R. ; 50 feet square stone building; Morgan steam hammer 14-Inch cylinder, and other machinery; office, nlceS room residence: Fine run gas connections, and on gas belt 1,200 feet deep: rare faculties for profitably manufacturing Russia sheets, tin-plate, forglngs. nails and plate glass;-ll for half its value to the most desirable manufacturers. FARRELLY ALDEN, 49 Firth ave., Pittsburg. fc21-47 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE ONE TO THREE ACRES OF choice, level and nicely located ground at Emsworth, P., Ft.W. A C. it It, jith or without Improvements: will be sold at a bargain. BLACK & liAIKD. 95 Fourth ave. f e7-90-8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 10.21, 23, 26, 23 FOR SALE-$9,C00-BEN VENUE-ELEGANT residence. $6,250, Oakland, finebrlck-resldence. $10,500, beautiful Shadyslde home, 10 rooms, large grounds. $1,500, 7 room house, Howe St.: very easy terms. &.O0O, Furbesst, fine large residence. W. W. M'NElLl. & BRO.. fc21-&3 J6C Fourth ave. FOB SALE 1 OF THE CHOICEST LOTS ON Grazier St.. 40x137; 5 minutes' from Brnshton station; 8675. 3 LOTS-On Brnshton ave., 50x130; price $300; terms to suit. 4 LOTS On Margaretta st.. 57 feet front; street sewered now and will be paved this spring free of expense to the buyer: only $35 per foot; no better location in the East End. 1 LOT 4-5x120. cor. Larimer ave. and Mayflower St.: paved and sewered; only $C5; terms to suit. 2 LOTS-On Shetland ave., 21x120 each; $1,050 for both. 2 LOTS On Larimer ave., below Shetland; price 41.000 for both. SEVERAL LARGE LOTS for sale on Penn ave. ; lots for sale on all the principal streets in the East End. Before yon buva house or lot call on DENNISON 4 SCHWAN, Station st. and P. K. R., East End. fe21-77 FOR SALE-OSBORNE ONE HOUSE AND about 4 aqres groundf will be sold for $4,500; owner going West; must be sold -this week. Also, houses and vacant lots on reasonable terms. FOR SALE-PITTSBURG-On Reed street 4 frame houses: must be sold soon. FOR SALE-BELLEVUE Houses and vacant lots on long time. Also, BELLEVUE-FINE QUEEN ANNE HOUSE. lot 50x150 feet: vestlbnle and hall, 6 rooms aud finished attic, complete in de- I tails: $1,000, terms to suit Also, several good houses and vacant lots. FOR 3ALE-WILKINSBURG-3 small houses and one large Queeu Anne residence Just completed. FORSALE-NEARLAUGHLIN STATION-FIne Queen Anne frame house, 9 rooms and cot tgcof5 rooms, -acres or ground, splendid order, fine fruit good neighborhood, fine residences surrounding, lot about 2 acres; will be sold at reasonable price and time. FOR SALE-HOMESTEAD-10 frame houses In convenient location; will be sold all to gether at low figure, if bought before March 1. Call on J. DERMITT, 407 Grant street fe20-M-WThs FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x2!, 1 Ball engine, 1 small dvnamo and 2 lamps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc. VELTE 4 MCDONALD, Penn ave., cor. Thirty-second st. Jel6-!63-TTS FOH SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery: engines from 4-horse power up. boilers, pnmps, etc.: call or write for prices. FAHEY ft PFALLER. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap24-vU)j-TTS Financial. FOB SALE-MOP.TGAGES ! MOltTGAOES from $500, $l,C0O. $1,500 and upward, bearing 6 per cent Interest approved by attorney. These mortgages arc nearly all purchase money mort gages. Au excellent Investment for anybody. Apply to O. It. TOUDY; 173 Carson street South Side. i'el9-61 Horses. Vehicles, Live Stock, etc FOR SALE CnEAP SIDE BAR BUGGY; Jones AGuthrleiriatg; can be seenatOen senllter's stable, Seventh st, at any time. D. V. DONALDSON. fel-5I-TTli8 CONSUME YOUR OWN GAKBAGB IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using the Kureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, S3 East Diamond street je5-n57-TT3 Allegheny, Pa. FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. -TTKJE SALE-1N THE C1TY-A NO. 1' BUSINESS J3 Job printing office and stationery store do ing' an excellent business. Particulars from ALEXANDER 4 LEA 313 Wood st. fe21-0-TbS EOK SALE-AN ESTABLISHED RETAIL grocery. In Allegheny, doing a large business, mostly cash; location one of the best In the city. For information address LOCK BOX156, Alleghe ny, Pa. fel6-2 FOR SALE-AN ESTABLISHED TIN AND hardware business: No. 1 location, with large jobbing trade; reasonable rent; a rare opportu nity; satislactory reason for selling. Address FLEMING 4 HAMILTO.N, Third ave. fel6-2t FOR SALE-STOKES, STORES, STORES; drug, dry goods, grocery, notion, shoe, tea, cigar and tobacco stores, bakeries, hotels-restaurants, confectioneries, boarding nooses, coal works, etc.? 100 good city business chances lor men or women. SHEPARD 4 CO.. 54 Fifth ave. ja30 F IOR SALE-RETAIL WnlTE ROCK SAND business, together with four rood dranffbt horses, young and sound: two firth wheel wagons almost new, two gravel wagons, four sets harness, one six-ton soale; a bargain for somcrperson bny Ingsoon: good reason for selling. B. C.SLOCUM, JR., 428 Carson st, S.S., orlll fc2I-55-ThSK Business) Stands. FOR SALE-BIG INVESTMENT-10 ACRES of land fronting river and underlaid with coal and fire-clay: this property Is situate at New Cumoerland, W.Va. See BLACK 4 BAIRD. 95 Fourthave. fe2-37-2.4,5,6,7,8,9,12,14,16.19,21,23 FOR SALE WISHING TO RETIRE. I OFFER my old established business stand (with or without stock): dolng$20, 000 annually: store, ware house, dwelling and stable: 3 hours from Pitts burr, on C. ft P. R. R., general store, Kensington, Col. Co , O. C. E. RICHARDS. fel3-30-KOD TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO LET-8 ROOMS ON PENN AVE., NEAR Ninth st. at $000 per year. See W. A. HER EON A SONS. 80 Fourth avenne. fel7-73-MTT rpo LET-BRICK HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS. WITH JL all modern Improvements. No. 411 WyUeave. C. BERLNGEK ft SON, 103 Fourth ave. fe21-73-TbS TO LET-HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS. ON PENN avenue, near Ninth street. Inqntre of DR. S. K. LAKE, 906 Penn ave., between 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. fe2I-70 East Ead Resiaencesu TO LET WARD ST., OAKLAND, TWO STORY, mansard, brick bouse; eight rooms. Including bath room, laundry, etc. Apply, C. F. JAHN, 519 Grant t, or on premises. fe21-l TO LET-A NEAT FRAME DWELLING, with all late Improvements, situate on Hlland avenue. East End; also small brick house situate on Farragnt street. Inquire GRAFF, HUGUS 4 CO., 632 and 634 Liberty street. fe21-74 TO LET FURNISHED HOUSE. 16 ROOMS; all late improvements: first class In all re spects: stable, carriage bouse, large yard, Stan ton, near Hlland ave.. East Ena. w. A. HER RON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fe20-23-WThS TO LET-ON FENN AVENUE, TWENTY SECOND ward. East End, that elegant resi dence of D. A. Stewart deceased; 18 rooms: alt late conveniences; large grounds, fruits, stable and carriage house, etc. W. a: HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fonrth avenne. fe20-23-wrhs TO LET-ONLY $25 PER MONTH-FREE rent to April 1; near Penn avenue cable line, 12 entlrclv new 8-room brick dwellings, on Mifliin st. near Main st. only 5 cent fare and 12 minutes' time; can go to dinner; come early and get pick of houses. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. fe!7-67 O LET-SEVERAL" NEW PRESSED-BE1CK residences,' Irving Place, Ellsworth avenue. East End. Each house contains 10 rooms, besides bath-room, pantry, lanndry. etc.. has two-storr bay windows on front and side, large front and back porches, finished thronghout in best style with every modern convenience,. Each house is situated on a lot 50x150 feet. Take train to Roup station. Inquire of THOS. H. CHAPMAN on premises. fel9-35-TTS Allrchenr Residences. TO LET-211 L ACOCK ST., ALLEGHENY. 8 rooms near Sanduskv st: $42 per month. W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel7-73-MTT TO LET-NO. 107 FAYETTE ST.. ALLE GHENY, 8 rooms, late Improvements, only $100 per year. W. A. HERRON i kkon &U.NS, se ronrtn avenue. fal9-66-rWT3 mo LET-BRICK DWELLING HOUSE OF 10 1 rooms, with large lot. No. 34 Sheffield st,. Al legheny; rent 0. C. BERINGER 4 SON, 103. J! ourin ave. lea-ms TO LET NO. 82 SHEFFIELD. ALLEGHENY, new house, 8 rooms, fine order; late Improve ments (furnished If desired). W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. fel9-66-TWTS TO LET-FURNISHED HOUSE ON RIDGE ave., Allegheny City: fine large residence, with stable: possession April t 1889. W. A. HER RON 4 SONS. 80 Fourth ave. fel9-6S-TT8 Suburban Residences. TO LET DWELLINGS OF ALL SIZES Along the Fort Wayne Railroad. C, BER INGER ft SON, 103 Fonrth ave. fc21-7J-Ths TO LET-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE-GLEN-FIELD, P., Ft W. ft a Ry.. known as Blr ney homestead, with natural gas: all conveni ences: 6 acres of ground covered with choice fruit and shade trees and shrubbery, etc.; rent only $350 per year. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fonrth ave. lel9-76 Apartments. TO LET-FRONT AND, BACK PARLOR 421 Penn ave. to let together or separate to den tist dressmaker, etc., except physician (doctor already In house); possession April 1. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fonrth ave. fe21-94 TO LET-DESIRABLE SECOND - STORY front room, suitable for a doctor or dentist on Penn avenue, between Ninth and Tenth streets, can be rented furnished or unfurnished. Address E. C, Dispatch office. fe21-45 7arms. TO LET-3 LARGE FARMS NEAR CITY; ONE on shares to right party; rent reasonable. Inquire ofMRS. JACOBY, 3708 Butler st, city. feI9-34-TTS Offices. Desk Room, itc.i TO LET-SECOND FLOOR. 510 SMITHFIELD St., one or two rooms. Inquire of A. 51. 4 J. B. MURDOCH, 510 Smjtbfleld st. fe20-15 TO LET- IN. THE McCANCE BLOCK, SmlthfleM. Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. jaS-32-D TO LET-LARGE FRONT ROOM, SECOND floor, 518 Smithfleld St., opposite City Hall and adjoining Duquesne Motel, with chairs, desk, etc. MORRIS ft FLEMING, 106 Fourth ave. do4d-6S-TT3 TO LET-A SUIT OF OFFICES (COMMUNI CATING parlors), 031 Penn avenue: all In flr6t-clas9 order. See JUSS J. LOVE, 814 Penn ave., or W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, SO Fourth ave nue. fe21-82-Tbssn TO LET SINGLE AND CONNECTING rooms in tbe Garrison buildings, cor. Wood and Water streets, and Third ave. and Wood street; also warehouse and basement No. 213 Wood St. Inquire at A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., 10 and 12 Wood st . JalS-51 TO LET-2NICECHEERFUL OFFICEROOMS; good light: desirable location; No. 1127 Lib erty ave., second floor: also, storeroom and cellar. No. 1129 Liberty ave.. directly opposite Union depot.. Inquire EXCELSIOR EXPRESS AND STANDARD CAB CO., same building. fe21-85 rpO LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. A. The Germanla Savings "Bank. 423 Wood st. having changed the Interior or its bnlldlng by adding 15 large, alrv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D Business Stands. TO LET-QUARRY OF ONE OF THE BEST kinds of stone: is located on a paved street. Address QUARRY, Dispatch offlce. fe21-52 TO LET-FINE STOREROOM. 2S7 OHIO ST., Allegheny, with plate glass front: first-class business location: at present occupied as confec tionery. Apply to J. H. AIKEN, 100 Firth ave nue. fel4-83-D alO LET-SPACE WITH POWER; ALSO, storage space (with pul'eys, shaftings, belt ings, etc.) In the Banner 31111. Main st. Alle gheny: rent moderate. W. A. HERRON 4 bONS, 80 Fourth avenue. fel9-65-TTS TO LET THAT FINE BUSINESS OR WARE HOUSE, No. 93 Water st, 3 stories, 160ft. deep to First avenue, with elevator (will divide anifrentSOft deep, fronting either on Water or First avenue). W. A. HEREON 4 SONS. 80 Fourth avenne. feI9-65-TTS TO LET THE POPULAR HOTEL KNOWN as the A bite Honse, at Perrysvllle, on the Perrysvllle plankroad, with 21 acres of land, good orchard, barn, stablings, sheds; and also frame dwelling, with large garden Joining, and every thingln first-cla'ss order: long lease Is given to tbe rlcht party. For rnrther Information call or ad dress 1 HE D AN N EK MEDICIN E CO., 242 Federal st. Allegheny City. fe2-15 Special. TO LET-BY "W. W. M'NEILL 4 BRO.. 163 Fonrth avenue. 03 Wylioavc., 7 room brick, (16. 814 Wylle ave., 7 room brick, $16. . 372 Center ave.. 7 room brick. 818. SO Fifth ave., 7 room brick, fii. Aiiegneny: 70K!rkpatrtckave 7 room brick, $28. 72 Klrkpatrlck ave.. 7 room brick. 326. fe21-89 PERSONAL. X R S O N A L-BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have one book worth 10 cents, or a library worth Sl.COO, let us know:, we will buy one as qnickly as the other. LEVI'S BOOK. STORE. Seventh Ave. Hotel bnlldlng. feffl "PERSONAL YOU WILL BEA LONGTIME" jl. uuiiu. uufc a snort uuiu niivi". u uc up sou make the best of It: see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, of 65 Fifth avenne. corner "Wood street second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing: give him a trill. Telephone 1558. lag FOUND. J7I0UND-A WATCH-THE OWNER. CAS ? have it by describing property. Apply at JONES & LAUGULLNS' STORJi-SouthsIde. tea-29 Walter J. OSBORNE. Richard barrows. BARROWS & OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street Telephone No. 813 leZ-fcH-TTSsa AUCTION KALES. BEAUTIFUL FURMSHMENT OF AIT East End residence at auction FRIDAY MORNING, February 22. at 10 ocIoci,at the) rooms No. 311 Market st Fine upright piano forte, pictures, pier mirror, mantel cabinet, elegant upholstered parlor suit, fancy chairs and rockers, bed lounge, conch, ornaments, bric-a-brac, curtain!-, shades, rugs, fine hall rack, cheval glass, folding bed, chamber suits, chiffonier, secretary, desk, bookcase, library table, marble and wood top tables, bedsteads, mattresses, comforts, blankets, springs, m reaus, washstanda. fine silver and glass ware, dishes, wardrobes, sideboard, hay, room and, stair carpets, linoleum. Goods now on exhibition. HENBY AUCTION CO.. LIM.. fc2L90 Auctioneers. . AUCTION SALE FULTON STREET property. THURSDAY, February 2L 2 o'clock P. M., on premises: 6-room brick dwell Ing.No. 143 Fulton street convenient to Wylie, Center and Fifth avenue cable cats. (Six min utes from postofflce.) Will positively be sold to highest bidder; rare chance for a home or investment SMITHSON & MOORE, Auctioners, Eisner Building, fe!7-13 Cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st r 'O.HIGHEST BIDDER AT PUBLIC SALE, L on Wednesday, February 27, at 2 o'clock, on Cltv View, near east car stables, Allegheny. 2 new bouses, 7 rooms, 2 vacant lots. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st fel9-23-TT3 LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OF if F. LUDWIG, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that letters o' administration on the estate of M. F. Ludwig; deceased, late of the Seventh ward. City of Al legheny, have been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those baving claims or demands against the same will mtke them known with out delay. J. W. LUDWIG, II Federal street, Allegheny. feU-100-Th J. B. SWEITZER, 06 Diamond street ESTATE OF 3. B. SWEITZER, DE CEASED Executrix's Notice Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of J. B. Sweitzer, late of Allegheny City, county of Allegheny, and State of Penn sylvania, deceased, have been granted to ths undersicned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay to MARY H. SWEITZER. Execu trix, 81 Beech street Allegheny. - -f e7-S3-Th . JOHN W. ECHOLS, Attorney-at-Law, 147 Fourth avenue. SOMERS BROTHERS &' CO. VS. GEORGE C. ROLL. In Court of Common Pleas No. . 2. of Allegheny county. Of April term, -1SS9, No. 24. Domestic attachment Notice is hereby given that we, John C. Brown, residing at '26 Carson street and whose place of business is in the Sheriff's office of said county; Samuel J. Fleming, residing at corner of Craig and Winthrop street and whose place of business is at No. 117 Fourth avenue, and James D. Glover, residing at North Mansfield, and whose place of busmesS-isJat No. 129 Fourth avenue, all of said county of Allegheny, have been appointed trustees of the estate of George C. Roll, and we now, therefore, hereby notify and require alt per sons indebted to said George C. Boll, or holding ' property belonging to him, to pay and deliver all such sums of money and property due ana belonging to said George C. Roll to us as said " trustees; and all creditors of said George C. -Roll are desired to present to us, as said trustees, their claims and demands. J. C. BROWN. S. J. FLEMING. Jal7-15-Th J. D. GLOVER. AMUSEMENTS. EXTRA. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, E. D. Wilt Lessee and Manager. WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, FEB. 2S, Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. MARGARET MATHER, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday matinee, . ROMEO AND JULIET. Tuesday and Friday, LEAH. Wednesday matinee, LADY OF LYONS. Wednesday evening, THE HONEYMOON. Saturday evening, PEG WOFFINGTON. Seats now on sale. t e3-5- T)IJOUfIHEATER-TC rHEATER TO-NIGHT. ERMINIE,' By tho Original Casino Company. Next week Murray & Murphy. f e2I RS. ALtfEJ.SHAW, ' UNDER AUSPICES PRESS CLUB, AT LAFAYETTE HALL, . Saturday afternoon and evening. Tickets tot sale at KLEBERS' MUSIC STORE, i f e21-93 S06 Wood street GRAND OPERA HOUSE-THE WD7E." Matinee Saturday. "THE WIFE" I The famous anccess of Netr 'THE WIFE" York. Superior Cast Scenery," "THE WIFE" I etc etc. Next week Margaret Mather. fe& HARRIS' THEATER Every Afternoon and Evening', NELSON COMBINATION. NELSON COMBINATION. Next week "True Irish Hearts." felS-10 H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY Tp-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and saturaav. AUSTIN'S AUSTRALIAN NOVELTY CO. mt.t.F- AIMEE, THE HUMAN FLY. fel7-U ' SASLNO MUSEUM Week of February 18: E WELCHES' GIGANTIC SPECIALTY COMPANY. Welches. Charles and Jennie; Baby Venus: Gleason Children. Admission, 10c Open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. felg-Il -CnU5EBFDR ALI FOR SALEaod TO LET.. 3 rooms up to 10 rooms. In the beautiful, borouzh of Knoxville. only 13 miles from city postofflce.. Beautiful homes are sold on payments the) same as rent By all means visit Knoxville before taking your house for another year. Never have there been such opportunities for people to gee homes. . -Off-Take Sonthside cars to Twelfth street and Mt Oliver Incline and Street Railway, or to Thirteenth street, and the Electric Railway, MOmLEUiWROYEMMTCO. OFFICE, 83 KNOX AVENUE, fe8-57-TTSSU KNOXVILLE BOROUGH! V OFFIOES TO let! Four or five offices on the fourth floor of tbe Renshaw Building will be let from April 1; . rooms conuccting or separate; good light, water, gas and elevator. Apply to JNO. A, RENSHAW, corner Liberty and Ninth streets. fe6D DR. F. WACKEROW VETERINARY SURGEON, Residence, -JHTas;ett street: Office. 4J First street, Alle gheny; Telephone, 3020 (Or. Czarnicky). Referring to above. 1 respectfully request my old patrons to transfer their full confidence which 1 hitherto enjoyed in such high degree, to my friend and colleague. Dr. Wackerow. fe21-79 DR. EDW. CZARNICKY. RS. HENRY RICHTER WISHES TO return thanks to tbe Twin Citv Council o. 12L Jr. O. D". A. M.:LvsIeCamDNo.2 Sons of veterans; Aiiegneny Loace no, oi, a., P. A., and tbe friends of tbe family for their kindness and for attending tbe funeral of her husband, Henry Richter. f e21-51 Tl " . . .. . -r - - - .. . 1 E. LINKENHEIMER, ARCHITECTy " 6J5 Smithfleld street, Pittsbnrp, Pa, Freihelts Frennd Building. Second floor. fe20-81-D r(EO. H.BARBOUR, "" Vj civil engineer. Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designerot ,' Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildinss, . Room 82 Eisner Building. delS-kW-D M FIFTH AYENUE.Plttaburs. i fj ''a I ov. .- ... Hi i'ts -.